Sexual Health for Men
Metabolism Makeover

Eating Foods at Boost Energy
Hope and Healing for PTSD

Holistic Approach to Eye Health

Mark Hyman on Remaining Healthy as We Age
e Soul of Summer
Sexual Health for Men
Metabolism Makeover
Eating Foods at Boost Energy
Hope and Healing for PTSD
Holistic Approach to Eye Health
Mark Hyman on Remaining Healthy as We Age
e Soul of Summer
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June marks the start of summer—a favorite season of mine. The weather is warm, the days are long, nature is flourishing and our communities are alive with all sorts of great happenings including an abundance of farmers markets.
I love supporting local farms and getting to know the farmers that I’m giving thanks to for growing and producing my food. Plus, the energy at a farmers market is great, too—friendly, engaging and in sync with my passion for feeding my family nutritious meals. I am very grateful to live in a region with so many farmers markets where I can buy fresh, locally grown and produced nourishing eats. Be sure to check out our list of area farmers markets, on page 47, and our Foodie Guide, on page 39.
Our June edition is all about healthy lifestyle choices. I believe the key ingredients to having it all include solid sleep, regular exercise, less stress, daily gratitude, a loving circle, community connection of some sort and good nutrition. What we choose to eat really does matter—be it for sexual health, brain health, vision health or our mental health.
I love reading and learning and then tweaking my diet, especially as I age. This month’s Wise Words interview, on page 40, features Mark Hyman—a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, bestselling author, speaker, educator and advocate in the field of functional medicine. I ordered his latest book, Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life, and relished reading it. One of his discoveries is the nutritional value of goat milk. Apparently, it offers many benefits. After reading his book, I felt compelled to give it a try. So, I inquired on a local social media page what farms have goat milk in Hudson Valley and found two nearby. I bought it, like it and do plan on incorporating it into my nutritional arsenal for aging gracefully. I also ordered his cookbook and will be trying out some new recipes this summer.
I believe making positive, healthy shifts in life at any age can make a huge difference in the quality of our lives and I am absolutely passionate about living with more joy. For me, this means I am happy, healthy, loved and surrounded by others that positively fuel me and share my passion for life.
So, dive into this dynamic edition chock full of great articles; upcoming events, workshops and other happenings; and other wonderful ways to bring more joy into your life. I forgot to mention, I started taking group Pilates/barre classes for improving my core strength, balance and muscle tone. I must say, it feels so good to breathe, engage and strengthen.
Enjoy! And to all the fathers out there, have a happy Father’s Day.
P.S. Visit our website for even more articles, events and online offers.
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Tried every diet plan?
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Marcelle Pick, OB GYN, NP
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Dr. Lorraine Maita, the Hormone Harmonizer and Detoxifier, can help you have boundless energy, stable moods, a lean body, sharp, clear mind and balance your hormones so you can feel like yourself again and even better.
If you need support in getting your life back, apply for a free clarity call to see if we are the right fit at foundations-program.
The Feel Good Again Institute (formerly
The Healing Collective NY and Cozy Coven are hosting a June Strawberry Moon Faire, featuring psychics and vendors, from noon to 4 p.m. on June 4 in honor of the strawberry moon—June’s full moon. The rain-or-shine, indoor/outdoor event will take place in and around the perimeter of the beautiful Healing Collective space in White Plains.
“Join us for a magical day of celebration, community and conscious connection,” says Alyse Faith Shyne, owner of the Healing Collective. “It will be a fun and high-energy event. Readings and a variety of unique products will be available to purchase. You won’t go hungry either; dessert vendors and a food truck will be selling fresh, handmade goodies.”
Cost: Free admission and parking. Location: The Healing Collective NY, 267 Central Ave., White Plains, NY. For more information, visit
Medical, a practice in Hopewell Junction that provides a holistic approach to healing by utilizing various methods of energy treatments without the need for pharmaceuticals or nutritional supplements, is now offering blood energy treatment (BET).
“BET is a new modality for achieving deep and long-lasting healing,” explains owner Laurie Mallis, M.D., Lac. “When you are ill, the cells in your body develop a positive charge causing them to not function effectively. BET puts healing energy directly into the blood by changing the positive charge to a negative charge. This process energizes the red and white blood cells, which allows them to work more efficiently.”
Mallis explains that the benefits of BET are improved oxygenation; activated white blood cells capable of attacking and removing viruses, bacteria and parasites; decreased inflammation; and an increase in the ability of the immune system to maintain long-term health and well-being.
Location: SearchLight Medical, 2424 Rte. 52, Ste. 1A, Hopewell Junction, NY. For more information, call 845.592.4310, email or visit See ad, page 14.
“I want YOU to Feel Good Again”
Empowered by Nature owner Lorraine Hughes is offering a Fire Element Workshop at Dutchess Yoga from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on July 8. This workshop teaches participants how to integrate the element of fire within their lives, and the season of summer, as viewed through the lens of Daoism and Chinese medicine, is one of fire.
“When we align ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally in sync with natural rhythms of seasonal change, balance and peace will ensue,” explains Hughes, a registered herbalist who practices Chinese and Western herbal medicine and nutrition and offers reflexology, reiki, acupoint, aromatherapy and qigong.
The afternoon will consist of a presentation about dietary and lifestyle choices and the placement of specific essential oils will be embraced during this workshop—all specific to the fire element. Additionally, participants will experience qigong, which is to connect through breath and mindful movement.
This event is one of Hughes’ five element workshop series entitled Wu Xing – the five phases. “Each season affects the next season as well as human health,” adds Hughes. “Navigating through each season with this ‘knowing’ enables us to discern better choices, not only pertaining to a season, but through all the seasons of our lives.”
Cost: $40, includes an informative handout. Those attending are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle and a yoga mat. The workshop is open to everyone at all levels of physical capacity. Location: Dutchess Yoga, 1820 New Hackensack Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. For more information, call 845.416.4598, email or visit
Helps Reduce Oxidative Stress and Toxins*
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Amenia Yoga – a Place for Wellness will host a Full Moon Gong Bath event from 4 to 6 p.m. on June 3, led by Rose Petruzzi. Attendees should wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, if they have one.
“This is your chance to experience the healing vibrations of the gong,” says Sarah Wallace, studio owner. “Our body has a vibrational frequency for optimum health, but our lifestyle, stress or illnesses can get us out of tune. Gong vibrations tune our vibrations and bring them back in balance to promote healing. These healing vibrations reach deep in your core to restore and rejuvenate body, mind and soul.”
Sound has been used as healing therapy throughout the ages. Scientific studies back all the claims of sound healing benefits. “Gong vibrations, in particular, reduce stress, pain and mood swings and promote relaxation, improve concentration and sleep, plus you’ll get a healthy boost to your immune system,” adds Wallace. “Immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of the gong on this June full moon.”
Cost: $30, includes gong bath and tea. Location: Amenia Yoga, 18 Old North Rd., Amenia, NY. For more information, email info@ To preregister (required), visit
The Pilates and Barre Studio—a new fitness boutique studio in Pawling featuring an intimate group class structure and private sessions for both Pilates and barre—is now open. Owner Gemma Carioscia welcomes the community to visit and join in for a class. “I am excited to offer classes in this great space,” she says.
“Everything you need for class is at the studio: mats, weights and all the equipment necessary for a great workout,” notes Carioscia. Both Pilates and barre are full-body, low-impact movements. Classes focus on increasing muscular endurance, improving balance, posture and overall health. The studio’s mission is to provide quality instruction and a challenging workout in a comfortable space.
For a free first group barre class, use code FIRSTFREE. Location: The Pilates and Barre Studio, the Atrium building, 198 Rte. 22, Pawling, NY. For more information, call 845-285-9404, email or visit
LetIt Shine’s two outdoor markets—Cortlandt Fresh Market and Sunday Market on the River with Yoga—are set to open at the beginning of June. The Cortlandt Fresh Market, located at 3 Memorial Drive, just outside the train station, in the town of Cortlandt—which is in Croton—will be held every Thursday afternoon from 4 to 8 p.m., June through August. The Sunday Market, located at 45 Riverview Avenue, in Verplanck, runs every week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October with PranaMoon Yoga at 10 a.m.
“Both markets give you fresh food and free family fun while supporting the projects and programs of Let It Shine,” says Kacey Morabito Grean, director of the nonprofit that “gathers love and gives it away” through its food pantry and by working behind the scenes to connect women to the things and services they need. “Community groups can have a free booth at either market,” she adds.
The Sunday Market is now in its fourth season, while Cortlandt Fresh Market is new this season to reach the busy commuters as they head home.
Food vendors, please email For more information, call 914.323.8343 or visit
NuSpecies, a natural health company that makes their own brand of plant-based nutritional supplements, has a raw and liquid formula designed specifically for men’s health and sexual wellness.
The Men’s Health supplement contains North American elk antler velvet, ginseng root, cayenne pepper, saw palmetto berry and damiana leaf. “Together, these ingredients support a healthy immune system, energy, healthy blood circulation and support the delivery of oxygen to the genital area,” explains Executive Vice President Jillian Pelliccio. The velvet is harvested by domestic elk farmers in the spring after the elk have naturally shed the velvet from their antlers, which makes it an effective and safe hormonal support.
“When it comes to men’s health goals, there are many factors to consider to ensure you’re seeking out the right solution,” observes Pelliccio. “We discourage focusing on symptoms or seeking out remedies. If you want results and you want them to last, then you need to think about what your body needs to take care of itself. NuSpecies’ formulas are designed to work with your body, not for it.”
Location: NuSpecies, 592 NY-22, Ste. GA, Pawling, NY. For more information, call 1.866.261.8886 or visit See ad, page 17.
Call: 845.743.3488
Lilac Soul Yoga, in LaGrangeville, is offering two free yoga classes—one at 9:30 a.m. and another at 11:15 a.m.—on June 17 in celebration of Juneteenth and Father’s Day. These will be adult, alllevels classes with props and modifications for attendees.
Studio owner Toni Caravello (“Prema Toni”) shares, “Yoga is about freedom and healing from the mental, emotional and physical things that bind us in the negative, so it seems fitting to offer a free yoga celebration and also honor fathers—all while giving back to the community.”
Those interested should sign up for one class only since space is limited and Caravello adds, “Please only register if you know you will attend or unregister as soon as you know you can't make it.”
Lilac Soul Yoga is a boutique yoga studio in a quiet setting that offers affordable, accessible and adaptable classes. The studio caters to all body types and first-time students, as well as those recovering from injuries or illnesses. In addition to classes in many styles and levels, they offer weekend workshops, mini-retreats and other events.
Location: Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville, NY. For more information, call 845.234.8886 or email To register (required), visit
White Lotus Grace is now offering unique online healing workshop experiences.
Founder Gigi Oppenheimer has partnered with Klatch, an interactive online workshop forum, joining their holistic wellness facilitators as an intuitive healing and spiritual transformation specialist.
“Klatch offers a dynamic learning opportunity where the substance of the live workshops is more hands on and participatory than talk-filled teaching,” explains Oppenheimer. “This is a great fit for healing, which by nature needs to be experiential.”
Oppenheimer guides such transformative experiences in a variety of live workshops on Klatch. They utilize her clairvoyant empathic abilities to create and connect the content personally with the individuals participating. Workshop topics are focused on healing self-doubt, developing inner trust and growing Godconscious self-confidence.
“The workshops draw wisdom from the spiritual knowledge of the Vedas, Krishna bhakti yoga and other devotional traditions and apply it with contemplative practices that gently and powerfully support deeply personal integration and transformation,” says Oppenheimer. “When applicable for the individuals, movement, meditation, music, dance, energy healing and/or more are included.”
Cost: $25-$75, depending on length. For more information about the online workshops, visit For interest in similar workshops held in person at White Lotus Grace, in Millbrook, NY, contact Oppenheimer at 845.677.3517 or See ad, page 29.
Hudson Valley (GHV) will celebrate the season opening of the newly renovated Science Barge—a floating environmental education center showcasing sustainable urban agriculture and clean energy technologies— with a grand opening to be held on the barge from noon to 5 p.m. on June 3. The free event will feature raffle prizes, giveaways, games, guided tours, music, food and vendors.
“The Science Barge is a valuable resource for the community and an excellent opportunity to learn about sustainable urban agriculture and clean energy technologies,” says Brigitte Griswold, executive director of GHV, an environmental justice nonprofit that works with communities to improve climate resilience and adaptation, promote sustainability education and nurture the next generation of environmental leaders. Educational programs conducted on the barge promote sustainability and social justice, and teach local residents how to be more climate resilient, how to stay safe during extreme weather and how to use alternative growing techniques to grow food in a built environment. The barge has undergone an extensive renovation and improvements to accommodate student-led research by converting a shipping container onboard into a science lab and office space.
Location: Science Barge, 99 Dock St., Yonkers, NY. For more information, call 914.375.2151, email or visit
Please note the following updates to misprinted information from the May 2023 edition. We apologize for the errors. The website for Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic is
The Mount Kisco Farmers Market is now open on Sundays from 10am-2pm through October 29. To contact Hilda Demirjian Laser and Skin Care Center, visit The website for Bernadette Bloom, energy healer and teacher, is
Beginning at 11 a.m. on July 10 and continuing through August 3 via Zoom, Purple Lotus Zen will be offering a weekly Reiki Circle (Mondays), Tarot & Tea (Tuesdays) and Women’s Healing Circle (Thursdays) with Michelle B. Whitney, reiki practitioner, psychic and owner of Catalyst of Enlightenment.
“Everyone young and old can benefit from energy healing,” shares Whitney. “These weekly programs are offered via Zoom so as to allow participants to join from the comfort of their own home or while on vacation. There is no experience necessary.”
Whitney notes, “Those with past and present traumas, illnesses, diseases, preor post-operations and anyone receiving physical therapy will benefit from Reiki Circle.” Women’s Healing Circle, which is for women only, begins with an oracle card pull to assist with the area/topic needed to focus on during the healing circle. The group will then be led through a breathing exercise, visual meditation and instruction of hand placements for energy healing. “Tarot & Tea is great for those new or curious about having a card reading,” she adds.
Cost: $15 per class; package price available for those booking three or more classes. For more information, call 914.513.8398, email or visit
Offering holistic treatments that uncover and eventually release any deep-root causes of your illness no matter how long you may have been ill.
Medical Acupuncture
Mei Zen Acupuncture
• Reiki
AcuGraph Qi Analysis
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• ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy
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“I believe there is a better way to deliver health care to my patients by blending the best of Eastern and Western philosophies. We work with you so you can finally heal and feel better than you have in a long time.”
Laurie R. Mallis, MD LAcWork: The World Peace Sanctuary, headquarters of May Peace Prevail on Earth International and home of the Peace Pole Project, in Wassaic, New York.
Proudest achievement: Without thinking, the answer is my daughters.
Expectations for the future: Open dialogue among people and nations—peace on Earth.
Green Chimneys will feature more than 100 birds of prey, along with falconers from across New York and Connecticut, at their Birds of Prey Day, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 4. Visitors will have a chance to get “up close and personal” with majestic eagles, hawks, owls and falcons and learn from top wildlife experts. High points will include free-flying raptors, live animal demonstrations and the release of a rehabilitated bird. The day includes activities for all ages, plus food trucks, vendors and live music.
Launched nearly three decades ago as a fundraiser to build Green Chimneys’ first aviary, Birds of Prey Day has grown into a full-day educational program and community day honoring wildlife. Few schools can call themselves home to 300 domesticated farm animals and wildlife, including 50 birds of prey, but Green Chimneys offers a unique model in education and treatment for children facing a wide range of social-emotional and mental health issues.
Cost: Adults, $15; kids and seniors, $5; family pass, $35; free for military with ID and scouts in uniform.
Location: Green Chimneys, 400 Doansburg Rd., Brewster, NY. For more information, call 845.279.2995, email or visit event/birds-prey-day/. See ad, page 12.
Local or global causes supported: The Peace Pole Project International and Rotary International.
Favorite thing about Natural Awakenings: Everything! I collect the monthly editions and use them as references or simply enjoy rereading the articles! I’ve sent them to family and friends who do not live in the area, as well. Natural Awakenings is coherent, well organized, beautifully laid out and very informative. You do a nice job of incorporating a variety of fresh, relatable subjects and graphics.
Where I pick up my Natural Awakenings: Magazines are delivered to the Sanctuary each month.
Most frequented healthy food spots: Most meals are homecooked from produce and such purchased from Brookby Farm, in Dover Plains, and McEnroe Farm, in Millerton, as well as in the organic section of local, small grocery stores in Kent and Salisbury, Connecticut.
How I support my community: By purchasing local and participating in community events, donations, etc.
Favorite inspirational quote: I have many, especially from Rumi, including: “Sit, be still, and listen.” “Patience is the key to joy.” “Grace comes to forgive and then forgive again.”
What am I doing to be the change I want to see in the world: My work affords me the opportunity to “be” self-aware and aligned with my thoughts and feelings. I am aware of how my actions show up in my work and reflect back in the way others respond to me. So, it is a beautiful thing.
Do you love reading Natural Awakenings? Let us know! We welcome you to email our publisher Dana Boulanger at and introduce yourself. Maybe you will be our next featured reader!
In March, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) released updated statistics on the rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which has been steadily on the rise. One in 36 children was diagnosed with autism by age 8 in 2020, or about 2.8 percent of children, up from one in 44 children in 2018, and one in 150 children in 2000 when the CDC first established the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network to track ASD prevalence in this country.
Autism was 3.8 times as prevalent among boys (4 percent) as girls (1 percent), and for the first time among 8-year-old children, the prevalence was slightly lower among white children than other racial and ethnic groups, which is a reversal of racial and ethnic differences observed in the past. The CDC partially attributes these patterns to improved screening, awareness and access to services.
The report included communities in 11 states that participate in the CDC Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. Children included in this report were born in 2012 and lived in surveillance areas during 2020. ASD prevalence varied from state to state, with Maryland having the lowest and California the highest observed rates.
We have been conditioned to believe that eight glasses of water are required each day, but new research published in Science found that daily water needs vary based on numerous factors. Researchers studied 5,604 people aged 8 to 96 from 23 countries, measuring their water turnover—the amount of water lost and replaced each day. They found that for most healthy adults, drinking eight cups of water a day is unnecessary because water needs vary depending on age, sex, body size, physical activity level, athletic status, pregnancy, socioeconomic status and environmental characteristics such as latitude, altitude, air temperature and humidity. People that lived in less developed countries had higher water turnover than people from developed countries. While hydration should be prioritized, most people that pay attention to their bodies and drink when thirsty are likely drinking enough water.
A new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine determined that vitamin D deficiency increases mortality risk. The findings were based on a survey of the vitamin D levels and genetic data of more than 300,000 people aged 37 to 73 that participated in the UK Biobank, a large-scale cohort study that began in 2006. Almost 19,000 deaths from all causes, as well as from specific causes such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory illnesses, were recorded through 2020.
Researchers discovered that the risk of death decreased steeply with increasing concentrations of vitamin D, until reaching 50 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). The odds of death from all causes were estimated to increase by 25 percent for participants with vitamin D levels of 25 nmol/L, compared to those with 50 nmol/L.
While I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “prevention is better than cure,” I’ve spent the last 25 years experiencing it in my personal and professional life. Many NuSpecies male customers have successfully eradicated the known signs that threaten the development of prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), a sign of prostate cancer includes urine frequency or urgency, enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction. If your urologist diagnoses you with any of these symptoms, you could already have cancer cells in your prostate.
Don’t wait for a prostate cancer diagnosis to fight. Any symptom means you could be at high risk for developing prostate cancer. Prostatectomy and/or radiation do not work for everyone and come with serious consequences. They can minimize or completely destroy your quality of life with your significant other. It’s the number one regret of all NuSpecies male customers who live with any level of castration. You have the power now to choose to win the battle over the symptom(s) by making the right lifestyle changes in order to avoid a war later with cancer.
Many NuSpecies male customers have made the life-threatening error of not taking the symptoms seriously. Most believe that their doctors’ treatments for the symptoms will prevent cancer from occurring or lower their PSA levels. They move on with their lives completely depending on this treatment and assume their urologist is making sure they don’t develop prostate cancer. Wrong!
According to the ACS, cancer arises from mutated genes—meaning the biochemical structure of your DNA and genes has changed from mutation to malignancy. These changes have many causes including viruses or hormones in a state of imbalance.
Prostate diseases can worsen by hormonal imbalances where estrogen and/or testosterone causes mutated cells to multiply out
of control. Standard urology treatments aren’t addressing these root causes.
If you’re a man with a prostate issue, you must seek help to address the root causes. You must also keep your immune system strong. A normal white blood cell count doesn’t necessarily mean a strong enough immune system. Some NuSpecies male customers with prostate cancer have a perfect blood test report and PSA levels below 4, which is considered normal.
The ACS also reports that if you are a man of African ancestry in the Northern Hemisphere, you have a higher risk of prostate cancer, especially if you already have a family history of the disease. You must start screening for prostate cancer once your PSA is above 1, definitely above 2.
With early detection and taking the right action, you can live better and longer.
NuSpecies' vitamins, minerals and nutritional formulas, consisting of liquid, raw, plant ingredients, give your body the tools it needs to defend and repair itself. Scan the code to take a look at our men's health product line.
Aston Farquharson, President and CEO
I’ve been granted 7 patents in the U.S. and globally, all in physics and technologies. I then invented NuSpecies’ nutritional formulas after my father’s death from prostate cancer and my mother’s death from the complications of diabetes. NuSpecies’ formulas have since helped thousands of our clients to live better and longer lives. We look forward to helping you, too.
The aroma of tasty treats sizzling on an outdoor grill evokes memories of laughter among family and friends, picnic tables brimming with colorful foods and the joy of running barefoot in the grass. This year, consider adding a few eco-friendly upgrades to America’s favorite summer tradition.
The biggest environmental impact from outdoor grilling comes from the fuel source. Here is a handy comparison of the options.
n Charcoal briquettes are little chunks of carbon made by baking wood byproducts, sawdust and other additives. Charcoal burns inefficiently and produces caustic smoke before and after the useful
temperature for cooking. To reduce the carbon footprint, consider sustainably sourced bamboo or coconut shells to flame up the barbie.
n Gas grills burn fossil fuels like propane or natural gas. On the other hand, they produce fewer carbon emissions than charcoal, heat more quickly and can be turned off immediately.
n Electric grills may seem more eco-friendly for backyard cookouts, but most electricity is derived from fossil fuels. If the home runs on renewable energy, electric wins. Otherwise, gas grills have a smaller carbon footprint.
n Infrared is the latest in barbecue technology. These pricey outdoor grills can reach high temperatures quickly, use less fuel and cook foods evenly. Because they use electric or gas heating elements that radiate infrared waves to the food, they generally run for less time than other grills. One drawback is that their high temperatures can easily overcook or burn foods, especially ingredients that don’t need high temperatures, like fish, vegetables and other seafood.
Regardless of the fuel source, it is important to keep the grill free of grease and food particles to prevent more smoke. When the grill is still warm, clean the grates with a wire brush. If grates are already cool, scrub with baking soda and water.
Burgers and ribs may be synonymous with traditional cookouts, but the modern barbecue menu isn’t all about meat. Recipes abound for grilled veggies and fruits that lend a delicious smoky and caramelized flavor to these nutritious foods. Embrace the appeal of slightly charred corn on the cob, browned portobello mushrooms and grill-marked pineapple. If meat-free burgers won’t please the crowd, look for certified organic, grass-fed and locally raised meats.
Peak Life Holistics Healing and Wellness Center, in Somers, New York, now offers NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Brain Training for all ages—including children. This safe and highly effective technology helps to regulate the nervous system while providing relief for a wide range of conditions including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, OCD, addictions, eating disorders, ADHD, ADD, PTSD, learning disorders, autism and sleep issues, as well as neurological, cognitive and emotional issues—without risky or dangerous side effects.
Owner and Holistic Health Coach, Greg Ribaudo, initially sought neurofeedback to help his 12-year-old son that was experiencing severe panic attacks after a traumatic incident. “Despite many years of traditional talk therapy and EMDR, the root cause and frequent panic attacks remained unresolved and increasingly debilitating,” he recalls. “The situation was heightened with the fear of COVID-19, and the only solutions offered were prescription drugs.”
Determined to find an alternative, Ribaudo discovered NeurOptimal
Neurofeedback Brain Training and decided to give it a try. After two to three sessions per week for a month, remarkable and dramatic improvements were evident.
“It was like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. The anxiety and panic attacks completely vanished and never returned,” he explains. “His happiness levels increased, he was more confident and relaxed, and he never again needed to leave school due to random panic attacks.”
Awed by these results, Ribaudo incorporated NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Brain Training into the Peak Life Healing and Wellness Center offerings. Since then, he has witnessed countless client success stories and transformations similar to his son’s. “These sessions provide long-lasting healing relief for a wide range of issues, as well as helping to optimize overall mental and emotional well-being,” asserts Ribaudo.
According to Ribaudo, NeurOptimal neurofeedback sessions are effortless, relaxing and pain-free. “The client wears sensors placed with conductive paste on each side of the head and clipped to each ear which measures brain electrical activity while listening to a relaxing sound meditation,” he explains. “Mathematical algorithms then process the brain’s patterns of activity and provide instantaneous feedback like a mirror to the brain via music. The brain notices dysfunctional patterns and can then choose to selfcorrect or develop new pathways of being. NeurOptimal neurofeedback is helpful for almost any sort of neurological issue but is also for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. It’s like a mental operating system defrag and upgrade. Sessions last 33 minutes, during which most people enjoy a brief cat nap while listening to relaxing meditation music.”
In addition to NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Brain Training, Peak Life Holistics offers a comprehensive range of advanced healing and bio-optimization technologies including Red Light Therapy (RLT), PEMF, Exercise with Oxygen training, infrared saunas, detox foot baths, biofeedback, emotional and trauma healing, breathwork and holistic health coaching.
“These powerful tools can guide and assist anyone seeking to transform their mental, emotional and physical health,” says Ribaudo. “To spread awareness and knowledge about our innovative wellness solutions, we are hosting a free Community Wellness Day. We invite you to join us on Saturday, June 17, for a free neurofeedback or Red Light Therapy session.”
Location: 13 Edgewood Dr., Somers, NY. For more information, call 914.301.3393 or visit See ad, page 2.
Statistics show that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental/ brain health problem that affects up to 13 million people in the United States. The month of June has been designated PTSD Awareness Month across the nation. According to the National Center for PTSD, 5 to 7 percent of the U.S. population has PTSD in any given year. This means if you’re dealing with PTSD or PTSD-like symptoms, you’re not alone.
PTSD is more common after certain types of traumatic events such as combat or sexual assault; however, anyone can develop PTSD at any age from a variety of reasons—including sports injuries, long-term emotional abuse situations, and witnessing an accident or violent crime. “You didn’t even have to be there,” asserts integrative nutritionist Karen Mayo, author of Mindful Eating: Thirty Days to A Whole New You. “Someone you know could have been involved in an abusive relationship, involved in a car crash, being in a negative environment day in and day out, which, in turn, traumatized you.”
Symptoms can include anxiety, nightmares, paranoia, disassociation, hypervigilance, insomnia, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, avoidance of places or people that are reminders of a traumatic event, and more. While these symptoms may sound daunting to manage, there are many action steps we can take to provide much-needed healing—and most of all, hope.
Mayo, the lead nutritionist at the re-
nowned Amen Clinics, in New York City, has seen firsthand how nutrition, targeted supplementation and lifestyle changes play a critical role in healing PTSD and PTSDrelated symptoms.
“ The first thing I want to stress is there’s absolutely no shame in having PTSD,” affirms Mayo, who explains that PTSD symptoms can be linked to overactivity in three main areas of the brain. “This includes the deep limbic area, basal ganglia and pre-frontal cortex. So, any symptoms and behaviors that are being presented are because of faulty biological processes occurring in the brain— not because you did anything wrong.”
Mayo finds this news to be encouraging, because it means those suffering with PTSD have the power to nourish and heal those parts of their brain. “You realize that PTSD is treatable and that you don’t have to navigate through life this way anymore, so you get inspired to take action,” she says.
Mayo shares that there are numerous action steps we can take to feel empowered.
“You can start at home with whole food nutrition and supplements, and not believing the automatic negative thoughts that come into your mind. Your brain is always listening, so feed it good thoughts!” She also recommends ordering a bloodwork panel to improve your state of nutrition.
“Many people struggling with mental health conditions find significant relief from boosting their intake of vitamin D, B vitamins and magnesium. Getting your blood tested can help you discover where
you might have some nutritional deficiencies that can be easily corrected.”
Those wanting to deep dive into the workings of the brain and learn more about helpful PTSD supplement suggestions can read the book Change Your Brain Change Your Life, by Dr. Daniel Amen. Mayo also notes that Amen Clinics have a comprehensive approach to brain health, including Brain SPECT imaging and a team of practitioners ready to help. Beneficial lifestyle changes include building a strong social network, engaging in healthy creative outlets, breathwork and meditation, regular exercise, along with daily devotional practice. “Never feel bad asking for help,” says Mayo. “Navigating PTSD often requires a team effort so it’s a good idea to expand your network of healing resources. There are so many beneficial healing modalities that can help guide you back to a healthier mind state. The road may be long, and you may need to take a few detours, but there is always hope.”
The following modalities have been proven to help those suffering with PTSD. For more information, reach out directly to each business listed.
Karen Mayo, CSN., CPT., CFN., CHt., is in White Plains, NY. She can be reached at 914.589.1833 and at Amen Clinics, 228 West 45th St., NYC. She is available to speak on brain health and how to have a better brain.
Christine Pellegrino, M.S., L.Ac, founder and lead acupuncturist at Pellegrino Healing Center (PHC) has been working with PTSD patients for years. “Research shows that acupuncture can relieve PTSD symptoms by helping the autonomic nervous system and prefrontal as well as limbic brain structures,” she says, adding that there is a multitude of other helpful services and gifted practitioners at the Center that can help support those with PTSD.
Drawing from her own experience with PTSD after a serious injury last year, Pellegrino encourages others to reach out
for help. “There is hope, and surrounding myself with a loving community, along with the experienced, compassionate team of practitioners at PHC was integral to my own healing journey,” she affirms.
Pellegrino Healing Center is located at 4307 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY. For more information, call 845.233.5672. They will host a Community Acupuncture Clinic for PTSD & Stress Relief (June 9) and a Group Sound Bath for PTSD & Stress (June 18). Visit this issue’s Calendar of Events for more details. See ad, page 25.
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue provides ethical, equine-assisted programs that benefit those with PTSD by lowering blood pressure, stress and tension while increasing beta endorphins. “If there is a traumatic event during any part of a person’s life, the building blocks of the brain are affected,” says owner DeannaMancuso “Typically, this shows up as the person acting from their limbic system, or easily described as fight or flight.”
“Equine-assisted therapy is not a riding program,” explains Mancuso. “It takes place on the ground using a team approach of horsesandprofessionalstohelpyousucceed.”
“Mybestadviceistotrydifferentmodalities andfindwhatworksforyou.Be patientwith yourself, there isn’t a timeline,” she affirms. “You can getthroughthis;Ibelieveinyou.”
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue is located at 2699 Rte. 22, Dover Plains, NY For more information, call 845.877.0685 or visit
Micah and Katie Saccomanno, cofounders of Rise
Above Floatation, are passionate about floatation therapy, which has proven to be highly beneficial in reducing
the symptoms associated with PTSD.
“Float sessions induce a state of relaxation and heightened interoceptive awareness in people with high anxiety sensitivity such as those suffering from PTSD,” explains Micah. “In multiple studies, it shows a marked reduction of blood pressure in the cardiovascular system almost immediately. Floating de-sensitizes the nervous system allowing the floater to experience a tranquil state of being.”
“ The power of the float session is in the fact that the floater has no choice but to be aware of their breath and the present moment,” adds Katie.
Rise Above Floatation is located at 111 East Main St., Mount Kisco, NY. For more information, call 914.241.1900 or visit
Coach and trainer
Brett Cotter, founder of Stress Is Gone, shares that his method helps individuals release the emotional energy stored in the traumatic memory that is fueling their PTSD reactions. “As we do this in our coaching programs and retreats, the frequency and intensity of everyday stress is greatly diminished,” he confirms. “The Stress Is Gone Academy supplies the aftercare services that our clients have access to 24/7.”
Cotter shares that the way we can be of best service to ourselves is by putting ourselves first. “This problem is not your fault,” he assures. “But it’s your responsibility to deal with it. Play an active role in taking your life back. Get excited to use the right tools for lasting relief. All the answers you’ll ever need exist inside you. Put yourself first and you will begin to access them.”
For more information, call 833.867.3529 or visit Join Cotter for a five-day trauma recovery retreat, Overcome Trauma, Tension & Anxiety, from June 11 through June 16 at The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies educational retreat center, Rhinebeck, NY. See ad, back cover.
“Yoga is a wonderful therapy to complement the healing of PTSD due to its ability to work on calming the nervous system,” shares Kathy Daigneault, founder of TULA Yoga for Wellness. “Yoga has more than just movement on the mat to teach us. One way we practice yoga off the mat is through kindness (ahimsa). How we treat others and how we treat ourselves. So—be kind to yourself.”
According to Daigneault, a healing yoga practice helps us to create space for movement, breathing and mindfulness to let go of stress, calm the mind and build present moment awareness. “The more we teach ourselves to be present, we create space to let go of what is behind us, not anticipate what is in front of us and find comfort in the present moment,” she affirms.
TULA Yoga for Wellness is located at 22 Sutton Pl., Brewster, NY. For more information, call 914.806.3286 or visit
Look for this article at WakeUpNaturally. com for a web-exclusive look at the bloodwork panel recommended by Karen Mayo. Visit to learn more.
Additional PTSD Resources
Amen Clinics
Back2Health Yoga
Lorraine Hughes
Lynn Parodneck, M.D. 914.525.6536;
Michael Rosenbaum, ACHT, MP 914.589.3601;
Peak Life Holistics
Quantum Healing & Wellness
Yoga In The Adirondacks
Humans are naturally tribal. We all have an innate need to be part of something bigger than ourselves. When we gather in community, it’s important for us to be seen and valued for who we are. Unfortunately for most men, being seen for who they are hasn’t always felt safe as our culture has historically prized toxic masculine traits over what men really need—which is the permission to be authen-
Support Connection, Inc.
Robin Perlmutter and Marlene Stager, Support Connection Peer Counselors
40 Triangle Center, Ste. 100, Yorktown Heights, NY
914.962.6402 •
tic, vulnerable and express their true feelings. More and more men across the globe are awakening to the soul medicine of being in brotherhood. There are record numbers of men’s groups and conscious healing circles being held regularly where men can meet and support one another through the highs and lows of life. Research shows that men who gather in healthy brotherhood become more emotionally and spiritually
healthier. The effects are far-reaching, from becoming a better spouse, father, brother, son and friend, to feeling empowered in the workplace and experiencing an overall increased quality of life.
Below are a few local in-person and virtual groups offering men an opportunity to connect, find support and experience mutual understanding. For more information, contact the groups directly.
This group is an open discussion for men that have lost a spouse or partner to breast, ovarian or other gynecological cancer. For more details and to register, visit open-discussions/#grieve-ongoing.
Men’s Group: For Men Only, Let’s Talk
Support Connection, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides free, confidential support services and programs to people affected by breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. Founded in 1996, Support Connection is based in Yorktown Heights, New York, but they also help people across the country through their toll-free services and virtual programs.
Men’s Group: It’s Okay to Grieve, Let’s Talk
Where: Meets virtually via Zoom; register and find schedule at
When: 7-8 p.m. on Tuesdays, quarterly
Where: Meets virtually via Zoom; register and find schedule at
When: 7-8 p.m. on Tuesdays, quarterly This group is an open discussion for men with a spouse or partner living with breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. For more details and to register, visit open-discussions/#men-only.
Gabrielle Semel, founder and CEO
26 E. Main St., Ste. 2, Pawling, NY 845.661.8664 •
This nonprofit organization offers a full schedule of weekly group classes—yoga, Pilates, and tai chi—all offered on a sliding fee scale or pay what you can model. Their wellness programs benefit the underserved aspects of our community and also feature monthly wellness workshops and free community-building men’s and women’s circles.
Men’s Group: Monthly Men’s Circle
When: Gatherings are held each month at 6:30 p.m. on the Friday evening closest to the new moon.
Upcoming dates: June 16, July 14, Aug. 18, Sept.15.
Where: Meets in-person at Pawling Yoga & Wellness
This circle is a place where men can gather as brothers and provide support for those that desire to act on their individual and shared responsibility for the future of humankind by initiating and supporting other men on a path of emotional maturity, spiritual awareness, while deepening community. All who identify as male are welcome. This is a free program, however contributions to support the nonprofit's mission are encouraged.
John Cardo, owner
1014B Main St., Peekskill, NY 914.737.3460 •
Persephone’s Pearl is a center for spiritual development and shop dedicated to helping people connect to divinity in their own special way, while helping them to live their best, most authentic life.
Men’s Group: Divine Masculine Brotherhood
When: 6-7 p.m., every first Monday of the month
Where: Meets in-person at Persephone’s Pearl
This group is for any man seeking to make authentic connections with other spiritual practitioners, while cultivating real balance in their life and spiritual practice. The group’s mission is to help men understand that they can have a connection to both the divine feminine and the divine masculine.
Nuranisa Rae, co-founder and director 6 Warburton Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, NY •
NUR Space is a community space re-imagined. The NUR team is eager to gather people together around ideas of conscious health, wellness, birth and postpartum.
Men’s Group: Circle of Dads
When: 8 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month
Upcoming dates: June 1, 15; July 6, 20; Aug. 3
Where: Held virtually; pre-register at
This free group is intended to build community among new fathers in Westchester. Circle of Dads comes together to be authentic with the support of other men that get what it means to be up at 2 a.m. holding a feverish infant. Celebrate fatherhood wins, compare blow-out stories and sit in good company. Dads-to-be are also welcome.
For more information, reach out to the groups directly at the contact information provided.
For men, sexual health is a key, but often overlooked, component of overall wellness. A man in optimal physical shape is able to fully enjoy and participate in sexual activity with an active libido and the ability to sustain an erection. Poor sexual health can lead to depression, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and other troublesome symptoms and conditions.
Fortunately, male sexual function is better understood medically than ever before, and it is more common for men to talk with their doctors and other professionals about topics that seemed taboo not that long ago. New technology is making it easier to diagnose and treat common
problems, and it is widely understood that physical, neurological, hormonal, interpersonal and mental factors all play into sexual wellness. By taking a proactive and holistic approach to their overall wellness, men can enjoy a robust sex drive and performance long into their later years.
Eric Plasker, a licensed chiropractor and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, attests that sexual health does not have to decline with age, and men can proactively counter that myth with mindful lifestyle choices.
“If you’re aging in a healthy manner, your libido does not have to decline. By taking
part in activities you find fulfilling and nurturing your mind, body and spirit, your sexual energy can stay naturally high,” Plasker explains.
He recommends that people take an energy inventory to assess which activities and lifestyle choices are serving them. “Make a list of all the things you do that help you gain energy and those that drain your energy. This includes the food you eat, hobbies, habits, even people you spend time with. Then see how you can turn the drainers into gainers. For example, if driving in traffic makes you angry, put on relaxing music and do deep breathing exercises to shift yourself into a more positive state. These shifts will make you
more energetic, stronger, more passionate and present with your partners, and you’ll have more energy to be sexual and loving,” he says.
Sexual health depends on a healthy nervous system, and maintaining a balanced flow of hormones and neurotransmitters is essential for proper neurological function. According to Plasker, disease, inactivity and inflammation—especially in the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints—can cause a communication breakdown.
“Blockages in the nervous system flow can cause disruption to the sexual organs and lead to a compromised libido,” he explains. “Chiropractic adjustments, combined with regular exercise, will help raise cortisol, reduce stress and open up these pathways in the body. I recommend that patients find an activity they enjoy, such as swimming or tennis, so it becomes an enjoyable part of their routine,” Plasker says.
According to Tracy Gapin, a board-certified urologist in Sarasota, Florida, strong
sexual health and desire is a window to overall health. He helps patients reach their sexual potential with a combination of science-based medicine and holistic practices. “The body is one connected system, and great sexual function is an indication that your body is optimized,” he advises.
While testosterone is widely known to affect sex drive, Gapin looks at the interplay of a variety of other hormones, too. Hormone optimization, testosterone therapy and peptide therapy, which utilizes the body’s own amino acids to increase hormone levels, are non-invasive outpatient tools that men can use to analyze and optimize their sex drive.
“The body produces over 50 hormones, which all contribute to regulating biological processes,” he explains. “Low testosterone can lead to weight gain, anxiety, erectile dysfunction and other serious health issues, including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Men want to optimize their thyroid and DHT [dihydrotestosterone] levels, both of which can lower the sex
drive when compromised. Vitamin D helps regulate the gut, which controls the health of the entire body. Neurotransmitters, which help release feel-good endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine, are made in the gut and can affect depression, anxiety and other issues that lower libido.”
Gapin stresses that it is more important to think about “optimal” levels of hormones instead of “normal” ranges and encourages patients to move beyond the basic blood tests to assess their health. “Besides sex drive, testosterone also affects cardiovascular health, muscle and bone strength, fat mass, cognitive health and even longevity, so it’s important to be aware of your own levels,” he says. “Every man is different, and the range in which you feel and perform your best is what’s right for you. With medical advice constantly changing, it can be a challenge to keep track of all the recommended tests. DNA testing, epigenetic age assessments, advanced lipid panels, inflammation markers and thyroid testing can all give insight to how the body is functioning as a whole.”
According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. It is, in fact, the most common cancer among American men. Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About six cases in 10 are diagnosed in men that are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40. Gapin asserts that preventative and proactive lifestyle choices can drastically
reduce the risk. “New, non-invasive MRI treatments are making it easier to detect and diagnose cancer earlier by highlighting suspicious areas in the prostate and targeting them for biopsy,” he explains, adding that men diagnosed with prostate cancer have a number of treatment options.
“Traditionally, patients would have the prostate removed and undergo radiation. However, these procedures come with a list of disturbing side effects. A newer, FDAapproved treatment called high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-
invasive procedure that eradicates prostate cancer,” Gapin notes. “HIFU is an outpatient procedure with excellent oncologic outcomes, minimal side effects and quick recovery times.”
As an osteopathic doctor and integrative medicine practitioner at the Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida, Tarin Forbes looks at the root causes of disease and dysfunction. She, too, considers sexual health an integral component of overall wellness and gives patients the tools to achieve their desired sexual potential. “While every person is different, optimal sexual health usually means that men wake up with a morning erection, desire intercourse on a daily basis and can reach an erection without stimulation or genital contact,” she remarks.
Beoneofthefirsttoexperienceexclusivetours ofLakeMahopac&PetraIsland.Getaninsidelook of FrankLloydWright'sChahroudiHouse andMassaroHouse!
BOOKNOW.ToursbegininJune. AccessbyBoat,limitedspotspertour.
Making mindful choices that prioritize nutrition will naturally improve sexual health. “Nourish yourself with a whole food, plant-based diet rich in nutrients, including nitrate-rich foods and foods rich in vitamin C and folate, which boost nitric oxide, the main compound that increases blood flow,” Forbes says. “Beans, citrus fruits, beets, celery, cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens boost nitric oxide or its bioavailability to improve blood flow. While getting nutrition from food is ideal, supplements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and boron can help regulate sex hormones. Avoid certain medications, including overthe-counter medicine such as NSAIDs [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] like Advil, acid blockers and even mouthwash, which blocks nitric oxide.”
Forbes also recommends engaging in high-intensity exercises and weight resistance that help increase testosterone and blood flow to the penis. Reducing environmental toxins is another important step, she notes, as plastics, pesticides and other chemicals can rob men of their testosterone, which not only affects blood flow but also libido.
Forbes cautions that while erectile dysfunction drugs work in the short-term,
they can produce unwanted consequences. “Viagra does work to help men achieve an erection by stimulating blood flow to the penis. However, it can cause troublesome side effects including headaches, vision problems and nasal congestion. Non-pharmaceutical alternatives can provide good results without undesirable repercussions. Low-intensity shock wave therapy, a non-invasive outpatient procedure, uses targeted sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis and can be done once or in a series of treatments. Platelet-rich plasma injections use the patient’s own plasma to stimulate new tissue growth in the penis, which can lead to larger and more frequent erections,” she explains.
Forbes says that by having an open dialogue with their medical professionals and exploring holistic treatments, men at any age can feel sexier and more energetic than ever. “Talk about your concerns with your doctor, who may offer referrals to other specialists until the issue is solved. A physical therapist can teach men to strengthen their pelvic floor with Kegels and other exercises. Sexual therapists help men work through mental and psychological issues, which can be as debilitating as physical ones. A psychologist can offer tools for managing depression and anxiety, both of which can contribute to sexual dysfunction, including low libido and performance anxiety,” she says, noting that if a man does not feel comfortable talking with their doctor, it may be time to find a new one.
Many factors contribute to sexual health, and every man’s needs and desires are different. By addressing physical, hormonal, neurological and mental wellness with a combination of conventional and holistic treatments, men can experience sexual performance and enjoyment at any age. “There’s more awareness than ever before about sexual health, and men don’t have to compromise this integral part of their overall wellness,” says Forbes.
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at Carrie
Tempers are short early morning June 1; use a long-view perspective to cool things down. Prioritize goals June 2 because the evening glows with potential success. The Sagittarius full moon on June 3 triggers action, yet seek the benefits in careful consideration. Slow-cook inspiration on June 4 to bring the best results. A clear-eyed appraisal of any attachment that limits growth enables high productivity June 5.
A lot can happen June 6, especially through organization, defined goals and preplanned steps. Buyer’s remorse hits June 7, as some rethink their invested efforts. Use June 7 and 8 to network and sift through ideas. Connections are magical June 9 with solid allies. June 10 brings creative and spiritual heights. Options distract on June 11; stay your course. Fiery personalities are a challenge to keep in check June 12.
Jagged energy tears on June 13 until midafternoon—then calm generates renewed optimism and opportunity soars. Banish old grievances the morning of June 14 to increase ability to receive. Early evening June 15 heightens productivity to finish and clear. Dark of moon June 16 provides focus to discard old business. Saturn retrograde June 17 begins a period when old ghosts can be shown the door.
The June 18 Gemini new moon on Father’s Day presents a fresh orientation to a balance of power. Be aware of historic wounds June 19, both yours and others. Raw touchiness can surprise June 20. Exuberant moods dominate this summer solstice, June 21, but a 180-degree turn can happen in an instant. You might get thrown, but anticipate surprise June 22. Lack of follow-through June 23 demands backup.
Do the work June 24 to create order. Tremendous strides are possible June 25. Dreams propel action June 26; slow down for the execution. Litigation and diplomatic discussions make headway June 27. A fearless plunge June 28 reveals strengths and weak spots. Emotions run high June 29; decide the correct response instead of a “default” reaction. Prioritize important work and connections the morning of June 30, because distractions derail productivity by late morning.
Pamela Cucinell offers a spiritual astrological perspective for the massive changes of our time, as well as “spot on” guidance through private sessions and podcasts. For more information, contact her at 917.796.6026 or pamela@ or visit or ActiveSpirituality.Life. See ad, page 14.
Summer is a splashy reward after winter wears out its welcome. Spring barely has time to shake blossoms from her hair before we plunge headfirst into summer plans: vacations, barbecues and home improvement. As birds and humans go about their inspired tasks, bees and butterflies dive into their own nectarous agenda. There is no arguing that we all wake up feeling a little bit younger as the days burn longer.
Pulling weeds from the garden, deadheading the zinnias, digging our toes into wet sand and picking up sustenance at the local farmers market bring us back to our primal rhythm. We are more inclined to throw our cares to the wind and lean out of life’s open car window on the way to nowhere in particular. We do not need a plane ticket to exotic shores to find our bliss, only curiosity to explore our own backyards and fall in love with our familiar, well-worn lives.
Timed perfectly, each blossom on the wayside and in the fields has its own hour and medicine. Wildflower wisdom teaches us that we, too, can flourish on seemingly impossible terrain despite fierce opposition from those that do not recognize our value. The blessing of birdsong reminds us that our own survival game can be equally as beautiful when we embody our unique soul-note. Getting up a little earlier can lower our risk of depression and give us a front-row seat to the dewcovered world.
June beckons us to light an outdoor fire on the solstice and watch fireflies fall in love in light codes. At full power, the sun represents the sacred masculine and nature’s resurrection. We are invited to dance with the Green Man, Europe’s ancient symbol of rebirth peering from dappled
forests and over church doorways. We are invited to schedule some actual repose into our vacations, even if we just take a holiday at home with a good book under a breezy tree. We are invited to live.
Pam Cucinell
Phone, online & in person 917.796.6026;
Bernadette Bloom, MI Energy Healing & Teacher 239.289.3744
One Light Healing Touch Penny and Ron Lavin, MA Sessions and Schools
Purple Lotus Zen Psychic Card Readings, Medium & Energy Healing 914.513.8398;
White Lotus Grace Healing/Dance/Readings 845.677.3517
Millbrook & Remote
Persephone’s Pearl 1014 B Main St., Peekskill 914.737.3460
Universal Healing Arts
Metaphysical, Crystals, More! Cortlandt Manor, NY 914.737.HEAL
natural awakenings ADD
Celestial Touch
Laura Schek, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master 7 Arch St., Pawling, NY 845.244.1767
Balancing 4 Life
Anne Bentzen, Jikiden Reiki Certified Teacher/Practitioner 25 Broadway, Pleasantville, NY 914.588.4079
Edit Babboni, CHC, RYT-200 Reiki Healing, Health Coaching, Yoga 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529
Natalie Rapini, LMT Reiki Practitioner
175 King St., Chappaqua, NY By appt. 914.275.1865
Martha's Tarot
Angel Tarot Readings
Reading, Classes, Meditations 845.288.1890;
HOSTED BY: Gigi Oppenheimer Intuitive healing facilitator and healing dance innovator Space is Limited.
• HEALING SELF-DOUBT for God-Conscious Women.
• EMBODY INNER TRUST for Women of Any Faith.
• HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS WITH MOVEMENT for Peace and Wellness Seekers.
For Info. and to register visit:
The Massaro family, owners of Petra Island and Petra Island Tours in Mahopac, New York, is excited to announce they will be opening their home and begin hosting tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Chahroudi House and Massaro House on June 6. The 90-minute, semi-private tours will be held during three different time slots on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through October 3. Tours include the Chahroudi House, the Massaro House and a short walk of the grounds. “This is a very exclusive, limited tour for 10 people at a time to see one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpieces,” shares Joseph Massaro, who built the home. “Wright was commissioned by the Chahroudi family and asked to build his masterpiece, with no financial restraint. The Massaro House is his only design that was built after his death, on the exact location it was intended for.”
Tour visitors will enjoy a quick boat ride to the private, pristine 11-acre Petra Island situated in the middle of Lake Mahopac. Onsite tours are then guided by a Massaro family member, Joseph, Barbara, Jennifer or Donna who is owner and chef at The Freight House Café, also in Mahopac—a delicious place nearby for a healthy bite before or after a tour.
Joseph Massaro, who fell in love with Lake Mahopac when he was 16 years old, shares that originally, he never intended to buy Petra Island. However, after visiting the island a few times and discovering the owner was in financial trouble, he came up with a plan to purchase the island and build the famed Wright home. “I started thinking about building the house after I sold my company, I was getting bored and needed something to do. I really never thought that the town would let me build it because of the 100-foot setback from the lake required,” he explains.
“The challenges were many. It took two years to get the permits and four years to build the house. What kept me motivated
was I had an opportunity to build a masterpiece. And my goal was to produce the house exactly as Wright envisioned it.” Along this journey, Massaro wrote the book The Impossible Road, which details his climb to success and includes stories of the hurdles he encountered while building the house.
Natural Awakenings Westchester/Putnam/ Dutchess Publisher Dana Boulanger was invited to tour the island last month. “This island is not only home to Joe Massaro, but also his pride and joy,” she shares.
“Frank Lloyd Wright designed it in 1949 and Joe built it in 2008. Now he’s ready to share this wonder with the world.”
Boulanger attests that the home and island feel like sacred space. “This tour offers a unique inside look at a renowned architectural design, pared with a man’s motivation
to achieve the unachievable, which led to an inspirational masterpiece. It’s not only inspiring due to the architecture, but even more so by Joe’s personal story on how someone who is inspired, determined and mindful can create such a magnificent example of architecture in harmony with nature. It is truly divine. I didn’t want to leave.”
Cost: $150 per person. Ages 12 and older welcome. For more information, email or visit The Impossible Road: From the First Seat in the Dumb Row to My Own Private Island can be found at The Freight House Café, located at 609 Rte. 6, Mahopac, NY, or on See ad, page 26.
Photos in this spread were supplied by Petra Island Tours and supplemented with additional shots taken by Natural Awakenings Westchester/Putnam/ Dutchess during Boulanger's tour.
If the global disease burden of COVID-19 wasn’t bad enough, now, the world is facing yet another, and potentially more serious epidemic called Long-COVID (LC). Also known as post-COVID-19, LC is a multi-system disorder that manifests as a large variety of symptoms in different people of all age groups. A person can be diagnosed with LC when their symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks after their initial COVID-19 infection. These individuals are known as Long-Haulers (LH).
Anyone can develop LC regardless of the severity their COVID-19 symptoms. In other words, the severity of COVID-19 is not a consistent predictor of who will become a LH.
A large number of varying involved organs and thus symptoms can manifest that range from persistent/chronic to severe and unrelenting. Currently, medical interventions are mostly inadequate depending upon organ involvement. It is thought that COVID-19 infection invades different organs causing degeneration through oxidative stress, by triggering autoimmune degeneration and inflammation. Depending upon the organ systems involved, symptoms can range from brain fog, fatigue, muscle aches and weakness, to a loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations, anxiety, depression and hormonal imbalances—to name just a few.
It is worth noting that LC organ involvement and symptoms may be the result of activation of “latent” old infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), as well as dozens of other viral and even bacterial infections.
Importantly, numerous nutritional issues are often involved in LC, and when
implemented correctly by the use of careful medical intake and lab testing, have been shown to dramatically improve recovery. The specific nutrition for each person with LC will vary based on the constellations of organ involvement and resultant symptoms.
If neurological, inflammatory, cardiovascular, hormonal, pulmonary and digestive symptoms are involved then the use of fish oil, methylated B12 and folic acid may prove useful along with turmeric, resveratrol, zinc and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).
In summary, determining the right nutritional approach should involve a careful health intake and focused laboratory testing specific for the individual. Some lab test considerations might include homocysteine, CRP, malabsorption testing, B12, zinc, inflammatory markers, coagulation markers and others.
Michael Wald, DC, is a board-certified nutritionist and dietitian, and has authored several books including The Anti-Aging Encyclopedia of Lab Tests. His latest book, The Long-COVID Solution: Natural and Medical Treatment Approaches is due for publication in 2024. Dr. Wald is in private practice in Chappaqua, NY. For more information, call 914.552.1442, email info@ or visit See ad, page 10.
aches, migraines and jaw pain. Thoracic kyphosis, a rounded upper back, reportedly impacts 20 to 50 percent of the population and impairs numerous functions, including digestion and breathing. The lumbar spine is at particularly high risk for joint disease as both lumbar muscle strength and pelvic mobility decrease in sedentary individuals. Low back and pelvic immobility are contributing factors for the estimated 103 million individuals worldwide that live with lumbar spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal that may cause pain or numbness in the legs.
Standing up straight is not just something our parents remind us to do, it also happens to be good for our health. Posture describes the position of the body in space, but the realities of how we stand and move in day-to-day life are much more complex. Healthy postures encourage proper alignment of body structures, while unhealthy postures can lead to a host of issues, including muscle and joint pain, balance impairment and decreased mobility. Awareness of the body’s proper static and dynamic position is essential to maintaining a healthy spine.
The body’s main support system is the spine, which consists of three sections.
The cervical spine supports the weight of the head and connects it to the shoulders, enabling us to turn our heads from side to side as well as up and down. The thoracic spine stabilizes the rib cage, which protects the vital organs. The lumbar spine consists of thicker, more robust vertebrae, as they are the main load bearers and enable us to rotate our bodies and bend forward and to the side.
Muscle tightness or joint immobility can shift the spine out of its ideal positioning, causing postural dysfunction.
A recent study published in the journal Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science estimates that 66 percent of the population is living with forward head posture (FHP), a cervical spine dysfunction that occurs when the head moves forward in front of the body. FHP can lead to head-
In her book Rethink Your Position, biomechanist Katy Bowman recommends that we pay attention to a few common signals the body sends out to alert us to an imbalanced weight distribution, including aches in the feet or low back and tension of the shoulders or neck. “Good alignment isn’t about any one fixed position, but a healthy range of positions,” she says. “By focusing less on memorizing postures and more on learning about load on parts of the body, you can optimize your positioning for many different activities.”
Bowman recommends a quick and easy way to self-assess if a postural imbalance is present and, if so, to identify where the imbalance begins: “The body’s joints stack in a vertical line. You can use a plumb line to indicate where your parts are supposed to be. If you take a string with a weight at the end and drop it down from your shoulder, it should line up with the hip, knee and ankle on the way down.”
Dr. Krista Burns, co-author of The Posture
Principles and founder of the American Posture Institute, recommends a twominute exercise routine, performed while standing against a wall, that addresses each segment of the spine. Repeat each exercise five times.
1. Neck retraction: Push the head forward away from the wall as far as possible, then pull it back so the base of the skull contacts the wall. Keep the eyes parallel to the horizon, rather than looking up toward the sky.
2. Posture angel: Stand with the back against the wall, elbows bent and tucked in close to the waist. Keeping the back of the hands against the wall, reach up as far as possible then slowly lower back to starting position. This movement, which is like making a snow angel while standing, should be felt between the shoulder blades when performed correctly.
3. Pelvic tilt: Arch the back so there is a small space between the wall and the lower spine, then tuck in the tail, flattening the spine against the wall and closing that space. This exercise helps initiate movement into the lower joints.
The key to maintaining a healthy posture is frequent movement, which can include an hourly stretch break or a bi-hourly range-of-motion routine to move muscles and joints throughout the day. To make postural exercises a habit, physical therapist and integrative health coach Margie Bissinger recommends pairing an exercise routine with something that is already done multiple times a day–for example, mealtime. “People are busy, so it is hard to always dedicate that mental space to awareness of their head or back position,” she states. “When they pair it with something they’re routinely doing, it becomes a habit, and that is when the mental load of the task starts to go away.”
Cristina Parker holds a doctorate in physical therapy. She is a researcher, health content writer, educator and clinician specializing in neurologic disorders, limb-loss rehabilitation and adaptive sports techniques.
White Lotus Ballet
Heal, Dance, Stretch South Road
Health-Balanced Fitness Fitness for Active Aging 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste.6 845.216.6810;
Power Chi Fusion
83 North Greeley Ave. 914.433.7135;
Encourage Yoga OnDemand/Livestream/ Deep Dive 413.679.7766;
For the Over-50 Crowd Mat, Chair, Therapy – Zoom Groups and Individuals
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops 2nd Sat. 1:30pm Club Fit, Briarcliff Manor, NY and via Zoom;
Yoga in the Adirondacks, LLC 2 Coulter Rd., Bakers Mills, NY 518.251.3015; 914-494-2266
Amenia Yoga
A Place for Wellness
18 Old North Rd.;
Tula Yoga For Wellness Group, Privates, Specialties 22 Sutton Place; 914.806.3286
Sacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center
343 Broadway (on campus of South Presbyterian Church)
Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing
Yoga, Reiki, Meditation
5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste 3 845.242.3625;
Redtail Power Yoga
810 Rte. 82 845.605.2257;
Lilac Soul Yoga
Billings Plza., above Adelina's 2419 Rt. 82, 2nd Fl., Ste. 6 845.234.8886;
Luna Power Yoga
Move, Sweat & Breathe 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4 845.276.4619;
Putnam Yoga
30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place 845.494.8118;
Pawling Yoga & Wellness
26 East Main St., Ste. 2 845.661.8664;
PranaMoon Yoga
In Studio + Zoom 1000 N. Division St., 2H 845.528.0318;
Zen Garden Health
Coaching & Yoga
Edit Babboni; CHC, RYT 200 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights 917.721.2529;
Back2Health Yoga
Yoga for Back Care+Scoliosis
6 Broadway Ave. 845.202.2228
improve vision,” he says. “Thirty minutes of brisk walking or another activity you enjoy four days a week can reduce the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and other common eye conditions. Qigong, mindful breathing and yoga help the whole body reset and are low-impact ways to improve circulation.”
Proactively retraining the brain can substantially reduce vision dysfunction. Dr. Bryce Appelbaum, a pioneer in neurooptometry, helps adults and children unlock their highest potential by remediating visual developmental delays that impact reading and learning, honing visual skills to elevate sports performance and reorganizing the “visual brain” after head injuries.
As the windows to the world, our eyes are sensory organs that work overtime. They allow us to take in light, see what is before us and send information for the brain to process. While regular eye exams are important, preventative and proactive maintenance is key to achieving healthy vision.
Dr. Marc Grossman co-founded to educate professionals and the public about complementary eye care, which can supplement traditional methods. As both a licensed optometrist and acupuncturist, he believes that the health of the eye depends on the wellbeing of a person’s entire body. “I treat the person behind the eye, not just the condition. When a patient comes in with glaucoma or a cataract, I look at their history and lifestyle choices to see what could be contributing to it,” he says. Proper nutrition is crucial for proper eye function. Grossman recommends
what he calls a “vision diet” based on the Mediterranean diet, which cuts down on sugar and prioritizes organic, low-alkaline foods, leafy greens and fresh juices. “Carotenoids, found in red or yellow fruits and vegetables, are vital antioxidants for eye health. They include lutein, the yellow pigment in the macula that protects against certain eye diseases, and zeaxanthin, which helps avoid macular degeneration. These nutrients also absorb harmful blue light and are anti-inflammatory. The presence of free radicals and lack of antioxidants in the eyes is directly related to the incidence of many types of eye disease, including macular degeneration. Consuming antioxidants from food is ideal and can be enhanced with supplements such as CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and curcumin,” Grossman explains.
“Regular aerobic activity combined with meditation or another mindfulness practice is ideal to maintain and even
“We need to look at eyesight and vision as separate entities. While eyesight is the ability to simply see things like letters on a chart, vision is how your brain derives meaning from the world around us and directs the appropriate action,” explains the Maryland-based optometrist.
Through individualized vision therapy, Appelbaum’s patients learn how to train their eyes, brain and body to work together more efficiently. “Most functional vision problems are actually brain problems, and vision therapy teaches you how to use your eyes to retrain your brain. Through a series of exercises, we enhance skills like focus, depth perception, 3D awareness, eye movement control and visualization,” he explains. The first step is a thorough evaluation, and then, if indicated, personalized treatment is prescribed with doctorsupervised sessions in the office that are reinforced with exercises at home.
Appelbaum also helps professional and amateur athletes more accurately connect
to their sport through vision. “From an early age we’re told to ‘keep your eye on the ball,’ but not taught how to do that,” Appelbaum asserts. “Sports vision therapy trains athletes to optimize critical components in their visual processing and reaction. We work with baseball and basketball players, gymnasts, skiers, even fencers who learn to coordinate and visualize the optimal movement in relation to their environment, equipment and teammates. With repeated exercises and self-correction, athletes learn to enhance visual reaction time, depth perception, visuospatial knowledge and hand-eye coordination."
Monitoring screen time is vital to resting overworked eyes. “As a direct result of excessive screen time, we’re seeing a dramatic increase of nearsightedness in young children, as well as headaches, fatigue, eyestrain and motion sensitivity,” Appelbaum says. “I encourage patients to follow the 20/20/20 rule and take a minimum of a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something at least 20 feet away. This allows both the brain and eyes to disengage from the near visual stress and relax. In general, looking at larger screens that are further away will also lessen the strain.”
Taking a holistic approach to overall health and wellness will not only preserve but can also enhance our ability to see. “People should discuss visual issues and symptoms with their doctor and seek out functional vision testing, as vision could be the limiting factor in a number of conditions,” Appelbaum advises. “With mindful visual training and healthy lifestyle choices, we can maximize our vision and our life’s potential.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at Carrie
Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LA.c, is an influential pioneer, leader and practitioner in integrative eye care, based in New Paltz, NY. Join him for a virtual Q & A session on June 10. For more information, see the June Vision-Related Events box on this page.
Eyes... and the Brain! – 7-9pm. Vision is so much more than 20/20 eyesight! Learn to reduce visual stress and make more efficient use of your vision at any age. With Dr. Samantha Slotnick. OD, FAAO, FCOVD, a full-service eye and vision care provider with a holistic, whole-person, behavioral approach. Free. 495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale. RSVP: 914.874.1177;
Why Are My Eyes So Tired? How a Modern Life Overtaxes Vision and What We Can Do About it – 1:30-4:30pm. With Daniel Orlansky. Learn the best natural eye exercises, gentle yoga stretches and simple movements you can do every day to relax your body and help soothe tired eyes and strengthen your vision.
Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LA.c, a practitioner in integrative eye care, will join us for a Q&A session. $45 members/$65 nonmembers. Held via Zoom. Info: Gina Callender: 914.374.9749;
Metabolism is the process by which the foods and drinks we consume are converted into energy. We may not notice the cellular mechanisms that transform fat and glucose into the oomph in our step, but when they start to wane, we definitely know something is wrong. We may feel lethargic and weak, our brains may get foggy or we may start putting on weight around the belly, with blood pressure, blood glucose and triglyceride levels on the rise. In most cases, modifying our diet is the most powerful way to regain vitality and get those biomarkers back on track.
“Metabolic imbalance occurs when the body stores fat but can’t access it or burn it as efficiently,” says Alan Christianson, a naturopathic physician and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet: Repair Your Liver, Stop Storing Fat and Lose Weight Naturally. “In one year, our bodies manage about 1 million calories in and out. We never get exactly what we need on any day, so we must be able to store and release energy in a healthy fashion. However, people get better at storing and poorer at releasing. This is a big part of gradual weight gain and accompanying fatigue.”
Christianson describes good metabolic health as having steady energy levels and maintaining a good body weight. “When there’s too little energy available and the body can’t make energy that well, I see symptoms of metabolic imbalance as mental fatigue and poor memory, less muscular endurance, less recovery from exercise, weight gain and resistance to weight loss,” he explains. “If not addressed, metabolic imbalance can develop into obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease,
insulin resistance, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”
According to Christianson, certain lifestyle choices can throw our metabolism out of balance, including the overconsumption of carbohydrates, processed foods and caffeine; frequent snacking and late-night meals; and poor sleep routines. Too much stress creates a hormonal cascade that promotes storing fat instead of using it.
James Forleo, a doctor of chiropractic and author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated, recommends the elimination of certain foods that wreak havoc on our metabolism: “The inflammatory agents in much of the food consumed in the Standard American Diet—high-glycemic refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup and other sugars, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats—are the biggest offenders of metabolic health.”
“The key mechanism to correct and maintain metabolic health is helping the liver to function well. Once corrected, it is not difficult to maintain metabolic health if people eat reasonably healthy,” Christianson advises. “The liver is the main site for storing the body’s fuel. It does this in the forms of glycogen and triglycerides. When things go wrong, there’s too much of one relative to the other. We need some glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates, to burn triglycerides—kind of like how you need kindling to burn a log. The problem is triglyceride buildup in the liver.”
Fixing the liver is the central focus of Christianson’s 28-day metabolism reset. “To correct a fatty liver, you need adequate protein and adequate nutrients, but a low
enough amount of total carbohydrates and healthy fats,” he says. “You also need adequate levels of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that we get from the food we eat. My metabolism reset guides you in eating less refined and processed foods, and more real, nutritious food; pairing carbohydrates with protein; exercising; managing stress levels; and avoiding sugar.”
Metabolic Balance, a German-based company with certified nutrition coaches around the globe, helps people optimize their health with personalized diet plans and follow-up coaching sessions. “The program was created by Dr. Wolf Funfack, a specialist in internal and nutritional medicine, whose research revealed that
every human body can produce all the hormones and enzymes it needs for healthy metabolism. We need to give it the necessary nutrients with the right food, which is precisely what Metabolic Balance does,” says Sylvia Egel, CEO and director of coaching and education.
“Based on an individual’s personal medical history and blood levels, we determine what substances the body lacks to produce all the enzymes and hormones necessary for their bodily functions,” she explains. “The personal roadmap recommends the right combination of foods to keep the various bodily functions in balance. The foods aren’t based on their caloric content, but rather on their essential components such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and the relationship between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.”
According to a 2010 study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, participation in the Metabolic Balance program led to long-term health improvements due to a high degree of adherence by the participants. According to the researchers, “The emphasis of any dietary program should be set on both the aspect of nutrition as well as the aspect of motivation.”
Linda Sechrist has been a contributing writer to Natural Awakenings publications for 20 years.
1 lb ground pork or chicken
1 Tbsp finely minced garlic
1 Tbsp finely minced shallot
½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
12-15 stalks of lemongrass
Salt to taste
Combine all ingredients, except the lemongrass stalks, in a bowl and mix with hands or a fork. Cover and place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (or overnight), allowing the flavors to develop.
Peel the outer layer of the lemongrass stalks. Rinse in water and dry. Take one handful of the ground mixture and wrap it around the end of a lemongrass stalk, gently pressing and molding the meat around the stalk. Repeat with the remaining meat and place on a baking sheet. Grill skewers over coals or on a gas grill for about 6 to 10 minutes until cooked through. Make sure to rub the grill with a paper towel soaked in vegetable oil to ensure the skewers don’t stick to the grate.
1½ cup arugula
¼ cup olives, pitted
1 Tbsp chopped shallots
1 mango
Balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Peel the mango, remove the flesh from the core and cut into small cubes. Purée
the olives with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Purée some of the mango cubes with the dressing and set aside the remainder. Add the shallots to the dressing. Wash, clean and dry the arugula. Mix in the dressing and sprinkle the remaining mango cubes on top. Pair this salad with any protein, such as a fish filet.
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1 cup vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, onion or cauliflower), chopped
1 chicken breast, diced
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp mild or medium curry powder
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground ginger
1 garlic clove
Vegetable stock
If using cauliflower, parboil the florets and keep the water they were boiled in. Heat the spices in a dry pan until fragrant. Add garlic and vegetables and coat with spices. Add some oil and pour in some vegetable stock (or the cauliflower water) to deglaze the pan. Cook covered for a few minutes until spices and liquid are well combined and the vegetables are coated evenly. Add the diced chicken. Simmer until the chicken is cooked, stirring regularly. Add more vegetable stock or water for a thinner sauce. Serve with some toasted rye bread to soak up the juices.
Recipes and photos courtesy of Metabolic Balance
This refreshing recipe is quick, easy and great for balancing hormones as it helps the body to detoxify excess estrogen. Make it in bulk to snack on for the week. Play around with the portions to see what works best for you and your family. Whenever possible, opt for organic ingredients.
4 whole large carrots
2 tsp coconut oil
2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar
1 tsp raw honey, to taste
Sea salt, to taste
An apple, half or whole
Wash and peel the carrots. Chop them in a chopper or shred/ grate. Cut the apple and chop in a chopper (or chop into small pieces with a knife). Melt the coconut oil over low heat. In a large bowl, toss together the carrots, apple, salt, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and honey. Enjoy!
Recipe courtesy of Certified Nutrition Coach Julianna Bastone, owner of Good JuJu Nutrition;
Pureganic Cafe, a popular vegan restaurant, has moved to 305 Halstead Avenue, in Harrison. The new location is larger; more centrally located; has onsite parking; is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner; and offers a wide variety of vegan, kosher, gluten-free and organic food and drinks.
“We are a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional fast food,” says nutritionist and owner Moshira Soliman. “The food is made with fresh, organic ingredients and is prepared with care. Our belief is that nutritious food should be exciting and tasty. Everything that comes out of our kitchen is organic, vegan, gluten-free and kosher and can also be made allergen-free, if requested in advance.”
Founded in 2016 by Soliman, who is passionate about healthy food, the restaurant quickly became a favorite spot for vegans and nonvegans alike, thanks to its delicious food and friendly atmosphere. The restaurant is certified kosher and Soliman shares, “This certification is critical for the kosher community, since it allows observant members of the Jewish faith to safely eat here with the comfort of knowing that their meal is kashrut.”
For those busy and on the go, the cafe offers cleanses and meal plans with a variety of healthy and mouthwatering options to choose from. “Our ready-to-eat cleanses and meal plans are made with your health in mind,” says Soliman. “They are the perfect way to stay on track with your health goals, and with delicious and nutritious meals delivered to your door, you can’t go wrong.”
Delivery and catering are available within 10 miles of Pureganic Cafe. Additionally, the cafe has a commitment to sustainability, using recycled materials and compostable utensils. “Our vegan restaurant is not just about food; it’s about creating a community of conscious eaters,” Soliman adds.
Location: The Pureganic Cafe, 305 Halstead Ave., Harrison, NY. For more information, call 914.967.2332, email or visit
Lunch. Farm Store. Local 99 Rte. 216, Stormville, NY 845.592.1445; FB/ IG
Smoothies, Salads, Wraps 82 Main St., Cold Spring, NY 845.666.7390
609 Rte. 6, Mahopac, NY 845.628.1872
Organic, Vegan, GF, Kosher 305 Halstead Ave., Harrison, NY 914.967.2332
289 Main St, Ste. 103, Poughkeepsie/TH-SAT 1-5pm 845.541.2722
Sundays, 10am-2pm 15 Mount Ebo Rd. South, Brewster, NY
Natural Market & Vocational Training Program
301 Doansburg Rd, Brewster, NY 845.278.2060
355 Poplar Hill Rd., Dover Plains, NY
Store: 845.877.0024
Text: 718.200.4120
Briarcliff Manor
97 North State Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 914.800.9146
780 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY 914.874.5481
Mount Kisco 666 Lexington Ave., Mount Kisco, NY 914.864.1274
Somers 57 Rte. 6. (in Baldwin Place) Somers, NY 914.485.8093
275 S. Central Park Ave., Hartsdale, NY 914.437.5802
FB: GreenOrganicMarket
300 Kings Mall Ct., Kingston, NY 845.336.5541
NATURE’S PANTRY HV 1545 NY-52, Fishkill, NY 845.765.2023
NATURE’S HARVEST MARKET HV 1955 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.296.1069
WHOLE FOODS MARKET 575 Boston Post Rd., Port Chester, NY 914.708.1985
1 Ridge Hill Rd., Yonkers, NY 914.378.8090
TINY GREENS FARM retail, wholesale, workshops, local pick up or delivery
Gluten-Dairy Free/Plant Based 914.450.8508
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 890 South Lake Blvd., Mahopac, NY 845.621.2655
Many things we’ve come to accept as a normal part of getting older are not. Decrepitude, frailty, disease, diabetes, cancers, dementia— these are optional. We can’t change chronological aging, but we can slow and reverse biological aging by influencing the hallmarks of aging, which are these underlying processes that go awry as we get older.
In my book I wrote about 10 hallmarks of aging, which are all part of one ecosystem of problems. They’re not separate; they influence each other; and they’re dynamic. It’s things like inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, zombie cells, shortened telomeres, microbiome changes and epigenetic changes, which are changes in how our genes are expressed. They’re all important, but the most important hallmark of aging is called deregulated nutrient sensing, which means how our body interacts with food and how that influences us for good or bad. Problems with nutrient sensing affect almost all the other hallmarks and make them worse.
Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, bestselling author, speaker, educator and advocate in the field of functional medicine. He is the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, founder and senior advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and board president for clinical affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine. He is also the founder and chairman of the Food Fix Campaign, dedicated to transforming our food and agriculture system through policy change, and hosts The Doctor’s Farmacy, a podcast with more than 150 million downloads. Hyman is a regular contributor to CBS This Morning, Today, Good Morning America, The View, Fox and CNN. His latest book, Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life, champions the latest science on healthy aging.
We have built-in longevity pathways and over 3,000 survival genes, and we can activate this innate healing intelligence at any time. A major way to influence four of these pathways is through food. I call them longevity switches, which we need to learn how to regulate to make our health span equal our lifespan.
The first one is activated by too much sugar and starch, which drives too much insulin signaling, causing diabetes, pre-diabetes, cancer, dementia, heart disease or obesity. When insulin is overexpressed, it causes weight gain, fat storage, inflammation and lots of other problems.
The next one is mTOR [mammalian target of rapamycin], a pathway that makes new proteins and builds muscle, but gets overstimulated because of our constant eating and snacking and eating before bed. mTOR needs to be inhibited periodically by intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating to allow autophagy to happen, which is like a recycling and repair crew that comes in at night and cleans up all the damaged proteins.
The other two pathways, sirtuins and AMPK [adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase], sense a lack of nutrients and switch on survival pathways. If we’re constantly eating sugar and starch, then AMPK and sirtuins are overstimulated, and they’re not given a break to activate these pathways.
If it were a pill, exercise would basically fix everything. It’s probably the most potent intervention there is, other than calorie restriction or fasting, and it works on many of the longevity pathways. The most important type of exercise is resistance training as you get older, because you need to build muscle. Without muscle, you become frail and dysfunctional.
Exercise influences our DNA stability; lengthens telomeres; preserves the genome; affects the proteins; regulates mTOR, AMPK and sirtuins; preserves mitochondrial function; prevents zombie cells; helps with stem cells; reduces inflammation, cardiovascular risk and diabetes; and it’s also really important for becoming insulin sensitive.
Hormesis is the idea that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The concept is not new. We know that exercise, for example, is a stress on the body, but it actually makes you rebound stronger. When you lift weights or you run, it’s a stress, but you’re getting thinner and stronger. There are other forms of hormesis that activate longevity pathways. Hot sauna therapy reduces your risk of cardiovascular mortality by 50 percent. Cold immersion therapy has many benefits, like increasing dopamine, activating brown fat and regulating metabolism. Fasting is a kind of hormesis, and longer fasts—for a day, three days, a week—are very powerful.
The science is pretty clear that the body has innate systems that can be regulated by our thoughts. We now understand the mechanisms by which our social relationships and connections can influence our gene expression and everything from inflammation to insulin resistance to everything else, so building connection with others and building relationships and community is very important.
A lot of this is just habit development and routine. This morning I worked out with my resistance bands for half an hour, took a steam shower and an ice bath, then had a longevity shake with goat whey, creatine, urolithin A and adaptogenic mushrooms. Then I took a walking meeting for an hour-and-a-half outside while I was on a call. Tonight, I plan to spend time with friends. I eat pretty simply most of the time. Last night, I had lamb chops, sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, artichokes (which are a great prebiotic food) and some broccoli with lemon, garlic and olive oil. I take my supplements as well. So it’s very simple, very easy.
Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings.
Some dads believe they need to work long hours so that they can purchase better things and go on fancier vacations, but research shows that, outside of escaping poverty, money doesn’t buy happiness. Even for children, it’s not about stuff or destinations; it’s about time spent together. Fortunately, there are men teaching men to embrace the fatherhood role and take action in ways that matter most.
“All men desire to be loved, valued, needed and respected, and to know they are leaving a mark on this world. Many men look for this fulfillment in career and hobbies, but this can be found by embracing their role as fathers,” says Ned Schaut, the Hawaiibased author of The Adventure of Fatherhood. He notes that the way fathers choose to live and perform their parental roles can affect a family for generations.
Learning what fatherhood entails isn’t easy for men that grew up without involved dads, which may leave them doubting that they have what it takes to lead their families. “There are endless
resources to help us in our businesses or careers, but our society doesn’t get behind the message that strong families matter, that present, engaged fathers matter,” says Chris Smith, founder of Campfire Effect, a coaching business for entrepreneurs in Arizona. “In business, we apply principles around values, culture, leadership and growth, and then we go home and don’t apply these same principles.”
The lack of fatherhood guidance led Smith to develop Family Brand, an eight-week program designed to strengthen familial bonds and create an intentional family culture. Part of the process involves parents and their kids understanding who they are and defining their values. The family joins together to come up with a series of statements to hang on the wall as a reminder of their identity and purpose.
n We believe you can be who you want to be.
n Smiths can talk about anything without judgment.
n Smiths are kindhearted.
n Smiths are creators.
n Smiths do hard things.
n Smiths are healthy and active.
n Smiths love and support one another.
Schaut offers a similar lesson plan called Family Core Values, which prompts families to decide where and how to spend their time and money, and to identify what they do and do not want. “It helps us make decisions or have conversations about who we are and how we want to treat others,” he says.
A mission statement hangs on the wall at the home of Ben Greenfield, the Washington-based author of Boundless Parenting: Tools, Tactics and Habits of Great Parents. “It’s a collection of the family values, what the family stands for and holds dear, and what the parents want to pass on to their children,” he explains.
These kinds of value statements help promote positive energy in the home.
“If the language spoken at home is limiting and negative, those words become energy that create more of that. We need to use language that is about confidence, kindheartedness and teamwork,” says Smith.
According to Schaut, “There will not be an equal balance of time in all categories of life.” Fathers need to understand what matters most to them and then dedicate their time, money and energy in alignment with those priorities.
For Smith, his family comes first, and he makes sure that his business revolves around the home. “We always prioritize family, even if that comes at the price of career,” he says.
Greenfield stacks his priorities in this order: faith first, followed by his relationship with his spouse, family, health and business. His time is meticulously scheduled so that he can dedicate quality time to all of his priorities. He regularly involves his kids in his spiritual practice and exercise routines to set an example and instill positive habits.
Time dedicated to each child is a priority in strong families. Each of Greenfield’s kids has monthly one-on-one dates with Mom and with Dad, two-on-one quality time every Sunday and daily check-ins every morning and during family dinners. “We’ve noticed that our kids will open up and talk to us during a one-on-one,” Smith asserts.
Smith suggests reimagining the way dads approach discipline. “If you tell your kid, ‘What you did was bad,’ it’s hard for them to hear what you say next, because you are attacking them. If we talk about working or not working, you can say, ‘That really doesn’t work and here’s why.’ Kids are then more open to hearing and learning,” he explains.
Discipline needs to be thoughtfully appropriate for each child and each situation. “You have to know and be in tune with your kid,” says Schaut. “When you discipline them, it must come from love and you responding as a dad to the situation, not reacting.”
But talking will never overcome modeling. “What they see you doing is more important than the advice you give them,” says Greenfield. “At the end of the day, kids just want to be seen and loved and heard.”
Julie Peterson writes on health, wellness and environmental topics. Reach out at
Two Seasonal Markets
Thursday PM Fresh Food Market
June - August: 4-7:30pm. 3 Memorial Dr., Croton, NY
Sunday Market on The River with 10 AM Yoga
June - October: 9am.-1pm. 45 Riverview Ave., Verplank, NY
Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. Enjoy house-made spirits at our self-guided and self-paced event! Drinks included in cover charge. Must be 21 or older to attend. $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm, lasts 30-45min. Quit with Quinn addiction-cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015;
The Science Barge Opens – 12-5pm. The highly anticipated 2023 season opening of the Science Barge, a floating environmental education center showcasing sustainable urban agriculture and clean energy technologies. 99 Dock St., Yonkers. Info:
2023 Open Studios & The PranaMoon Arts Collective – 12-5pm. June 3 & 4. Artwork will be for sale; artisan pop up market. The PranaMoon Arts Collective is a group of local artists including photographers, painters, muralists and printmakers. At Prana Moon Yoga, inside the Hat Factory, 1000 N. Division St., Ste. 2H, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318:
Reiki I & II Training Certification – 12:305:30pm. Weekend workshop with reiki master, healer and teacher, Shima Chayvet. Become a reiki practitioner! $390. Post-certification mentorship and reiki circles included. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Register:
Full Moon Gong Vibes – 4-6pm. Immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of the gong on this June full moon. The healing frequencies and vibrations wash away your stress, tension, and cares as you lie suspended in time in a world of vibration and sensation. Wear comfortable clothes and BYO mat. $30. Amenia Yoga - a Place for Wellness, 18 Old North Rd., Amenia. Preregistration required:
Full Moon Ritual – 6-7pm. Join us at the Pearl as we take part in a full moon ritual using the releasing energy of the full strawberry moon in Sagittarius. $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Strawberry Full Moon Ceremony – 7:30 pm. Join Lisa Cito to harvest what has ripened in your life and remove misqualified energies that no longer serve. $15. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Register:
Birds of Prey Day – 10am-3pm. Celebrate Green Chimneys’ famous annual tradition. Over 100 raptors, Free-flying demos, Top wildlife experts, live animal presentations, hay rides, climbing tower and more! Green Chimneys Brewster Campus, 400 Doansburg Rd., Brewster. Info/tickets: 845.279.2995;
Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before June 8 (for the July issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines on how to submit listings. mark
3rd Annual June Moon Faire – 12-4 pm. Join The Healing Collective NY & Cozy Coven Present for an enchanting day filled with psychics, local crafters, food vendors and more! Discover unique treasures, enjoy delicious treats, and experience an intuitive reading. Don’t miss out on this day of mystical delights! Free admission and parking. 267 A, Central Ave., White Plains. Info: TheHealingCollectiveNY. com or
Healing Self-Doubt for God-Conscious Women
– 4 pm. This 3-part workshop with White Lotus Grace (held June 4, 11 & 18) offers gentle ways to overcome self-doubt and develop inner trust. Each interactive session shares self-knowledge and contemplative practices to experience transformation. $75. Info/register: 845.677.3517;
The Divine Masculine Brotherhood – 6-7:30pm. Join us at the Pearl as we share meaningful conversations focused on navigating being a man in goddess centered spiritual practices. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Tour Petra Island: Chahroudi House and Massaro House – 11am, 1 & 3pm. The Massaro
family is opening their home (Massaro House) and begins hosting tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece, Chahroudi House, today. This is an exclusive tour for 10 people at a time. $150 per person, includes a quick boat ride and guided tour of the homes and island grounds. Tickets:
Embody Inner Trust – 4pm. For women of any faith with White Lotus Grace. This interactive workshop supports growth of God-conscious selfconfidence. Concepts of faith will be discussed and integrated with deep-reaching intuitively guided contemplative practices to connect personally with each individual. $25. Info/register: 845.677.3517;
Eyes... and the Brain! – 7-9pm. Vision is so much more than 20/20 eyesight! Learn to reduce visual stress and make more efficient use of your vision at any age. Free. Dr. Samantha Slotnick, 495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale. RSVP: 914.874.1177;
Community Acupuncture Clinic for PTSD & Stress Relief – 6pm. Acupuncturist Christine Pellegrino, M.S., L.Ac, will be treating participants with the NADA Acupuncture Protocol. This effective protocol helps reduce and release symptoms
June 11- June 16
Stress Is Gone Method with Brett Cotter. Military Veterans, call Omega for scholarship.
First come first serve 845.635.0027
associated with PTSD as well as anxiety and more. Sliding scale $15-$45. Pellegrino Healing Center, 4307 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park. Register:
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm, lasts 30-45min. Quit with Quinn addiction-cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015;
Sacred Circle: For Healers Only – 7:15-9pm. With Gene Krackehl, “The Amazing Healer”. Give and receive energy healing in a safe, supportive environment. $20. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Register:
Afro-Caribbean Spirituality – 1-2pm. Develop and understanding of different Afro Caribbean spiritual practices and their origins. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Lunch with the Ancestors – 1-4 pm. With renowned psychic/medium, Michelle Lorenzo. Connect with your ancestors during this communal meal in silence. Group discussion before and after. $55, lunch included. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Register:
Why Are My Eyes So Tired? How a Modern Life Overtaxes Vision and What We Can Do
About it – 1:30-4:30pm. With Daniel Orlansky. Learn the best natural eye exercises, gentle yoga stretches, and simple movements you can do every day to relax your body and help soothe tired eyes and strengthen your vision. Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LA.c, a practitioner in integrative eye care, will join us for a Q&A session. $45 members/$65 nonmembers. Held via Zoom. Info: Gina Callender: 914.374.9749;
Please join us as we build the sacred space in the morning. In the afternoon, we will enter the medicine wheel for meditation.
Location- Patterson NY
Call Michael for Info: 845-489-7250
For a schedule of events and more information, please visit both:
Reiki in the Cave – 4:30pm. Embrace a unique experience of deep relaxation of reiki while being emerged in a salt cave. You will be guided through meditation while receiving the healing benefits of Reiki and pink Himalayan Salt. $50, includes dry salt therapy and aura cleansing. In the salt cave at Hudson Valley Healing Center, 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.849.0838; HudsonValleyHealingCenter. com/workshops-events.
Overcome Trauma & Anxiety Retreat – 4 pm. June 11 – 1pm. June 16. Break free from trauma and reconnect to your source of joy in this 5-day retreat at the Omega Institute with Brett Cotter, founder of Stress Is Gone. Through music, movement, meditation, group sessions, and one-on-one coaching, Brett guides you to release old layers of pain and tension as you break free from hidden blocks to happiness, helping you move forward and reengage in life. $405 for members or $450 standard. Omega Institute, 150 Lake Dr., Rhinebeck. Info:
LGBTQ+ Spirituality Group – 6-7pm. Have deep conversations with other people within the community about being queer and how that plays into managing spirituality. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Free Online Lecture: Alzheimer’s/Dementia – 7-8pm. Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician, will hold a free online lecture, “Ayurveda’s Approach to Common Disorders: Alzheimer’s/Dementia” through the Pawling Free Library. Held via Zoom. Registration required through the library: 845.855.3444 or
Heal Your Emotions with Movement – 5:30pm. This workshop with White Lotus Grace will guide you through gentle energy healing movement to bring peace and balance to body, mind, and soul. It combines movement with intention to move through any feeling and experience positive transformation. $25. Info/register: 845.677.3517; WhiteLotusGrace. com/workshops.
Enneagram 1: Embarking on the Journey –9:30am-3pm. With Sr. Judy Brunell, OP. What's your number and what does it mean? This program will provide an introduction to the nine personality
types and explore paths for growth in relationship to oneself and others in this dynamic system. The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Ave., Ossining. $60, includes lunch. Preregister: 914.941.4455;
A Writing Weekend of Enlightenment – 5pm Thursday through 1pm Sunday. With writer and artist Magie Dominic. This retreat offers a combination of daily workshops, discussions, brief writing assignments and a quiet space to focus on your work free of distraction. The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Ave., Ossining. $375, includes private room, all workshops and all meals. Preregister: 914.941.4455;
Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. Enjoy house-made spirits at our self-guided and self-paced event! Drinks included in cover charge. Must be 21 or older to attend. $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm, lasts 30-45min. Quit with Quinn addiction-cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015;
Free Yoga to Celebrate Juneteeth and Fathers –9:30am & 11:15am. Join us the day before Father’s Day as we celebrate freedom and fathers. All adults welcome. Free, Lilac Soul Yoga, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6 (Above Adelina’s Pizza), Lagrangeville. Preregistration required (one class per person):
Wicca 101 – 5-6pm. Develop an understanding of Wiccan practices. $15. Persephone’s Pearl,1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Monthly Seance – 7-9pm. Receive guidance and advice from the other side, now holding limited spacing! $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Group Sound Bath for PTSD & Stress Relief – 11am & 1pm. A sound bath is a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience. The sound waves can help you recalibrate your energy centers (chakras) and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. $50. Pellegrino Healing Center, 4307 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park. Register:
September 16-22
A Journey of Rest & Renewal Discover & Book RITUALOASIS.COM
Free Yoga Sound Bath for International Day of Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. With Cate Bartilucci, MS, NCC and Marissa Dinki, Sekhem sound healer. Let's come together as a community to honor the summer solstice and the International Day of Yoga. This is a special hour to remind us of our connection to one another, especially as a community, and to honor our wellbeing. Open to all levels. Free. Held in Red Mills Historic Park, 23 Hill St., Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;
Summer Solstice Celebration – 6-7pm. Join us at the Pearl as we celebrate the changing of the seasons on the longest day of the year! $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Akashic Records in The Cave – 6pm. With Laura Mazzotta, LCSW-R. A guided meditation to balance your energy followed by a sacred ritual to enter The Akashic Records. Good for inner child healing, clearing of energetic blocks, chakra cleansing, relational/ancestral/generational connections and more. $50, includes dry salt therapy and aura cleansing. In the salt cave at Hudson Valley Healing Center, 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.849.0838;
Play Date for the Soul – 9:30am-3pm. Join Carol Gibney, LMSW, for a day of prayer/reflection/dance/ art and play. $60. The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Ave., Ossining. $375, includes private room, all workshops and all meals. Preregister: 914.941.4455;
Free Trial Class – 11:45am-1pm. Unique mindbody method that blends stretching, postures, Tai chi flows, breath work and meditation designed to balance your energy system and reduce your stress. All ages over 14 and all physical conditions welcome. Westchester Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi, 590 Central Park Ave. (back entrance), Scarsdale. Info: 914.713.1333;
Yoga for a Healthy Spine – 2:30-4pm. This specialized class will include a series of poses intended to lengthen and strengthen the spinal muscles, alleviate back pain, and support a healthy spine. Suitable for all levels. $30. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls, NY 12512. Info/register: 845.202.2228;
Foraged Feast Class & Celebration – 1-3:30pm. With community herbalist Jessica Rose Lee. Includes
plant ID lesson, wild edible feast and herbal medicine to take home, that we’ll make together. $20 suggested donation. The World Peace Sanctuary 26 Benton Rd., Wassaic. RSVP: 845.877.6093;
The Sisterhood – 6-7pm. Sit with other Women and discuss all the beautiful mysteries that are a part of Womanhood. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460;
Outdoor Group Healing – 7:30-8:30pm. With Gene Keackehl "The Amazing Healer." Don’t miss this unforgettable event. $25. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Preregistration required:
July 8th from 1-3:30pm
Explore the Fire phase of the Five Phases (Wu Xing) through breath, movement and interactive lecture with Lorraine Hughes of Empowered by Nature.
$40 – Held at Dutchess Yoga Studio 1820 Rte. 376 Poughkeepsie, NY
Register: 845.416.4598
Farmers Market Manager: Southern Westchester. Sunday mornings June-Oct. 7am-3pm. Ideal candidate: passion for local food and community, bilingual, reliable leader who is an organized people person. $25/Hour. Please email resume to
Retail Sales Associate: CBD Live Natural, located in Bedford Hills, is seeking an experienced, friendly and knowledgeable retail sales associate to join our team. Send resume to info@
Food Venders Wanted: Let It Shine Sunday Market on the River with Yoga. Sundays, 9am1pm, June - October at Cortlandt Waterfront Park, 45 Riverview Ave., Verplanck. For information, visit
a Farmers Markets that are new/begin in June.
Westchester County
Rye Down to Earth Farmers Market – 8:30am1pm. May 8 - Dec 4. In the parking lot off Theodore Fremd Avenue, behind the Purchase Street stores. Info:
a New Rochelle Downtown Farmers Market – 9am-2pm. June 25 - Oct. 29. Held in Anderson Plaza. Anderson St. between North Ave. and Lecount Place, New Rochelle. Info:
a Market on the River – 9am-1pm. Yoga at 10am. June 4 - Oct. 29. 45 Riverview Ave., Verplanck. Info:
Irvington Farmers Market – 9:30am-1pm. May 14 & 28. Summer market weekly starting in June. Main Street School parking lot, 101 Main St., Irvington. Info:
Muscoot Farm Farmers Market – 9:30am2:30pm. April 2 - Nov 19. 51 Rte. 100, Katonah. Info:
Mount Kisco Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. May 21 - Oct 29. 1 Kirby Plaza, Mt. Kisco. Info:
Putnam County
Hudson Valley Regional Farmers Market –10am-2pm. Year-round. 15 Mt. Ebo Rd. South, Brewster. Info:
Town of Carmel Farmers Market at Lake Mahopac – 9am-2pm. May 7 - Oct 22. Mahopac Chamber Park, 953 South Lake Blvd., Mahopac.
Dutchess County
Rhinebeck Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. May 7 - Dec 17 (no market December 3). Rain or shine. Located outside at the municipal parking lot, Rhinebeck. Info:
Beacon Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. Yearround. DMV parking lot, 223 Main St., Beacon. Info:
Poughkeepsie Waterfront Market – 2-5:30pm. May 2 - Oct. 24. Free onsite parking in the MidHudson Discovery Museum parking lot, with overflow parking in the Waryas Park lower parking lot. Held at the Pavilion at MHDM, 75 N. Water St., Poughkeepsie. Info:
White Plains Farmers Market – 8:30am3pm. April 19 - Nov 1. Court St. between Martine and Main St., White Plains. Info:
Westchester County
a Fresh Food Market – 4pm-7:30pm. June
8 - Aug. 31. 3 Memorial Dr., Croton. Info:
Dutchess County
a Arlington Farmers Market – 2pm-6pm. June 1 - Nov. 16. Held on the lawn next to Vassar College’s tennis courts. 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie. Info:
Westchester County
a Peekskill Farmers Market – 8am-2pm. June 3-Nov. 18. 1 Bank St., Peekskill. Rain or shine. Info:
Ossining Down to Earth Farmers Market –8:30am-1pm. Year-round. Parking lot near the corner of Spring and Main Streets, Ossining. Info/ updates:
Chappaqua Farmers Market – 8:30am1pm. Opens May 13. Chappaqua train station (South Lot), 108 Allen PL., Chappaqua. Info:
Larchmont Down to Earth Farmers Market –8:30am-1:00pm. April 22 - Dec 23. At the front of the Metro-North (Upper Lot), Chatsworth Ave/Myrtle Blvd., Larchmont. Info/updates:
Pleasantville Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. Yearround. Metro-North Parking Lot, 10 Memorial Plaza, Pleasantville. Info:
Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Farmers Market: The TaSH – 8:30am-1:30pm. Summer market opens May 27. Patriots Park, Tarrytown. Info:
Gosseett Brothers Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. Year-round. 1202 Rte. 35, South Salem. Rain or shine. Info:
John Jay Homestead Farmer Market – 9am2pm. May 6 - Oct 28. Members first pick (99:30am.) In the barnyard; use the Farm Lane entrance. Parking is available in the field in front of the white Brick Cottage. 400 Jay St, Katonah. Info:
Hastings Summer Outdoor Farmers Market –9:30am-1pm. May 6 & 20, then weekly starting on June 3. Located 131 Southside Ave., Hastings on Hudson. Info:
Putnam County
Cold Spring Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. May-Oct. Boscobel House and Gardens, 1601 Rte. 9-D, Garrison. Info:
Dutchess County Millbrook Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. May 27 - Oct 28. Bank of Millbrook parking lot. 3263 Franklin Ave., Millbrook. Info:
a Pawling Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. Opens June 17. The Green, Village of Pawling. 85 Charles Coleman Blvd., Pawling. Info:
a Hyde Park Farmers Market – 9am-2pm. June - Oct. Held across from the Hyde Park Town Hall. 4390 Rte. 9, Hyde Park. Info: Millerton Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. May 20 - Dec 30. Millerton Methodist Church, corner of Dutchess and Main St., Millerton. Info:
Ongoing Calendar listings must be resent quarterly for our January, April, July & October editions. Email listings to
Luna Power Flow – 9:30-10:30am. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25 drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 45.276.4619;
Journey into Power Yoga Class – 9:30-11am. This 90-min signature class is a journey to vitality, power and freedom. All levels. $25 drop-in; class cards and memberships available. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction. Info:; 845.605.2257.
Hatha Sun Yoga – 9:30am. All movement and breath is Hatha Yoga. This class will be based on the energy and level of attendees. The teacher will teach an intuitive class to those who come that day. All levels welcome. $15 drop-in; class cards available. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register:
Qigong Intro Class – 10am. Join us for an introductory class into Qigong practice that will empower you to live with more focus, flow and radiance in all that you do. Power Chi Fusion, 83 North Greeley Ave., Flr. 2, Chappaqua or online. Call Phil at 914.433.7135 with date you intend to join; Register under qigong at
Barre Sculpt – 9am. A challenging total body workout utilizing low-impact and high-intensity movements to improve strength and flexibility. BYO mat. Grip socks recommended. $35 per class or monthly packages available. Barrebelle by Joelle, 83 N. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua. Info/ register: 646.734.6964;
1-hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9:30am. All classes include movement, breathwork and meditation. Beginners welcome. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286;
Yoga for Back Care – 9:30am-10:45am. Class designed specifically for back care includes restorative and supported active poses. This slower paced class is a good class if you have back pain, injuries, or specific individual needs. $22. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls. Register: 845.202.2228;
Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Class with Modifications – 9:30-10:30am. For those who are more familiar with yoga, we incorporate yoga poses and techniques that are designed for in-depth strength training, as well as improvements in breathing, posture and mobility. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118;
Meditation – 10-11am. Soul soothing, spiritually lifting and devotionally enriching. Guided, mantra or moving. $25. Millbrook & Virtual. Info: 845.677.3517;
Align & Restore – 6-7:15pm. With Kellen Knight. An uplifting vinyasa flow followed by restorative poses. Practice also includes pranayama and meditation. This full-spectrum practice awakens your spirit, restores the nervous system and aligns you with your true self. Great for beginners as well as seasoned yogis. All-levels welcome. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St., Peekskill. 845.528.0318;
Reiki-Infused Restorative Yoga – 7pm. A restful practice that holds yoga poses (asanas) for a longer duration using props like yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters. It is a practice of deep relaxation that emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga—the union of body and mind. $20. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains. Register: 845.242.3625;
Master Class: Learning to Read Tarot and Develop Your Psychic Abilities – 7-9pm. (May 9-June 6). Develop your psychic/intuitive abilities while learning to read tarot cards. Practical step by step approach for safe spiritual practices for connecting. No experience required! $300 for 5 weekly 2-hour classes Martha’s Tarot: Online with Zoom Class. Register: 845.288.1890;
Qigong Zoom Class – 9am. With Master David Cunniff. Zoom class. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave., Ste. 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992;
Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Class with Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. The yoga flow will have modifications shown. This class starts and ends with special meditation segments; designed for people new to meditation. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118;
Moderate Kripalu-Based Yoga – 9:30-11am. With Chris Glover. For more experienced practitioners. Nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate self-observation. In-person or virtual. Info/ register:
Green Street Radio – 10am. With Patti and Doug Wood. Environmental news, analysis and sciencebased information. Info: 99.5 FM and
Mama/Papa and Me Yoga – 10:30-11:30am. Strengthen, stretch, breathe, relax and connect! New mothers and pre-walking babies are invited to join us for class in a warm and welcoming community. We’ll focus on supportive practices for physical and emotional wellbeing during this time of growth and transition. $20. Ascend Center and Collective, 75 Main St., Cold Spring. Info/register:
Power Flow – 4:30-5:30pm. Fun and energetic class with a strong emphasis on breath, alignment and flow. $25 drop-in; class cards and memberships available. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction. Info: 845.605.2257;
Qigong Class – 5:30pm. With Master David Cunniff. In-studio class for those fully vaccinated. First class free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave., Ste. 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992;
Smooth and Steady – 5:30pm. Taking it slow and steady, we flow through slow movements and dynamic stretching, integrating breath to improve posture, balance and stability, core strength, and range of motion. $20. Amenia Yoga – A Place for Wellness, 18 Old North Rd., Amenia. Info/register: 646.401.4188;
Slow Flow Deep Stretch – 5:30-6:45pm. With Sabrina Eyster. This practice is designed to melt stress, ease tension, and create space within. Moving mindfully at a slower pace, we use our breath to guide our flow, finding the time to sink in and open-up. All-levels welcome. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St., Peekskill. 845.528.0318;
Spiritual Support Circle – 6-7pm. 4th Monday. Participants bring what is on their hearts. Receive to feel lighter, lifted, and richer. Donations welcome. Virtual. Info: 845.677.3517; Yoga Flow with Elena – 6-7pm. Breath-based flow of yoga postures to reduce stress, improve strength and flexibility. All levels are welcome. In-person or via Zoom. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd, Ste. 6, Mahopac. $25 drop-in; $22 online. For reservations: call/text 845.216.68.10 or
Vinyasa Flow – 6-7pm. Fast-paced, energetic and fun weekly class. $22 drop-in; class package. Rhinebeck Yoga Center, 6400 Montgomery St., Flr. 3, Rhinebeck. 845.876.2528;
See information about LOCAL MEN’S GROUPS on pages 22 and 23.
Slow Burn – 6-7pm. Gain strength, stamina and focus through slow, isolated movements targeted to tone and sculpt. All levels. $25 drop-in; class cards and memberships available. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction. Info: 845.605.2257;
Yin Yoga & Restorative – 6:15pm. We incorporate warmups, then get into poses and explore them mindfully with breath as we release tension in the fascia, ligaments and connective tissue of the body. Transitions are slow and we use props. $15 dropin; class cards available. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register:
Yoga & Sound Bath Infusion – 6:30-7:30pm. This all-levels, Vinyasa-based class is set to the sound of beautiful singing bowls played in-person by a sound healer with an extended Savasana. $25 drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;
Strong Vinyasa – 7pm. A vinyasa-style class inspired by the Ashtanga lineage. This class integrates strength, flexibility, concentration, and contemplation through a series of traditional postures linked together through breath and movement. $20. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains. Register: 845.242.3625;
Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 8:30-10am. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745;
914 TLC’s Monthly Networking Breakfast – 8:3010am. 3rd Wednesday. Are you a holistic health and wellness practitioner? A healthy living entrepreneur offering services, products, classes and workshops? Join us for breakfast! We are a vibrant and growing community committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities through our businesses and passions. Come the first time as Beth’s guest, and later become a TLC member. RSVP to Beth at 203.856.9566 (call/text).
Barre Sculpt – 9am. A challenging total body workout utilizing low-impact and high-intensity movements to improve strength and flexibility. BYO mat. Grip socks recommended. $35 per class or monthly packages available. Barrebelle by Joelle, 83 N. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua. Info/ register: 646.734.6964;
Luna Power Flow – 9:30-10:30am. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25 drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;
Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Class with Modifications – 9:30-10:30am. For those who are more familiar with yoga, we incorporate yoga poses and techniques that are designed for indepth strength training, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118;
Pureganic Cafe’s new location in Harrison, NY. Learn more on page 38.
Healing Dance – 11:30am-1pm. Easy flowing energy, lifting movement. Supports spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Meditative and creative. $25. Millbrook & Virtual. Info: 845.677.3517;
Strength & Balance with Ag i – 2-2:45pm. A 45-minute small group training, using free weights and weighted rings, to improve strength and balance. All levels are welcome. In-person or via Zoom. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. $25 drop-in; $22 online. For reservations: call/text 845.216.68.10 or
Gentle Alignment Vinyasa – 4:05pm. 1-hour class includes movement, breath work and meditation. Beginners welcome. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info/register: 914.806.3286;
Peaceful Warriors: Yoga as Activism – 5:306:45pm. With Ellen Forman. A practice dedicated to reclaiming our strength, vibrance, clarity and inner quiet. Rest the nervous system and enhance immunity with pranayama, asana, meditation, mudras, Myofascial release and restorative poses. Supporting causes that matter: a portion of the proceeds are donated to different causes each quarter. All levels welcome. PranaMoon Yoga 1000 North Division St., Peekskill. 845.528.0318,
Gentle Joints Stretch and Tone – 6:15pm. This class will focus lubricating the joints, gentle poses using gravity to tone, stretch and strengthen the muscles. $15 drop-in; class cards available. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register:
1 Hour L 2 Vinyasa – 6:45pm. Class includes movement, breath work and meditation. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info/register: 914.806.3286;
Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 7-8:30pm. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity and compassion. Lots of individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745;
Cat Spay And Neutering Day – 3rd Thursday. Low-cost services provided by the T.A.R.A. Mobile Clinic. Appointments required. Other services available. Early morning drop off and late afternoon pick up. Trinity Episcopal Church Parish House, 5 Elm St., Fishkill. Pricing/info: 845.206.9021.
Barre Sculpt – 9am. A challenging total body workout utilizing low-impact and high-intensity movements to improve strength and flexibility. BYO mat. Grip socks recommended. $35 per class or monthly packages available. Barrebelle by Joelle, 83 N. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua. Info/register: 646.734.6964;
Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Class with Modifications – 9:30-10:30am. For those who are more familiar with yoga, we incorporate yoga poses and techniques that are designed for in-depth strength training, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118;
1 Hour Gentle Alignment Yoga – 9:30am. Class includes movement, breath work and meditation. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info/register: 914.806.3286;
The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info:
All Levels Iyengar Yoga – 9:30-10:45am. Yoga that emphasizes safety, optimal body alignment, and attention to detail. Modifications will be given as necessary for those new to yoga, injuries, or certain medical conditions.$22. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls. Register: 845.202.2228;
Chair Yoga/Balance with Elena – 12:30-1:30pm. Gentle, breath-based flow. Increases flexibility and joint mobility, reduces stress, and improves balance. Standing and seated exercises. No experience necessary. In-person on via Zoom. $25 drop-in; $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. For reservations: call/text 845.216.68.10 or
Mat Pilates with Elena – 6-6:50pm. Core-based exercises to work on strength, stability, functional movements, and balance. (You must be able to get down and up from the floor). In-person on via Zoom. $25 drop-in; $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. Reservations: call/text 845.216.6810 or
Yogic Soul Dance – 6:15pm. Fun, invigorating, relaxing, joyous and different every time. We use all types of music to entice free movement and healing. Dance as softly or wildly as you want. Dance while seated, while lying down, or all around the room. Let your Asanas dance. Glorious Yoga Nidra rest afterwards. $15 drop-in; class cards available. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register:
Mindful Vinyasa – 7pm. A practice that utilizes the components of a Vinyasa yoga class while flowing with more awareness. In Mindful Vinyasa there is still time to slow down, tune inward, and meditate prior to completing a particular series of postures. $20. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains. Register: 845.242.3625;
Power Ease – 7:30-8:30pm. Vinyasa sequence to build heat and prep the body for deep stretching and then hip-opening Yin poses that increase flexibility and create ease. $25 drop-in. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction. Info: 845.605.2257;
The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info:
Wise & Strong – 9:30am. Post-menopausal women build back muscle mass in a safe ways to protect joints, muscles and ligaments. In these classes we fight age-related loss of strength and muscle mass using body weight and resistance bands. $20. Amenia Yoga – A Place for Wellness, 18 Old North Rd., Amenia. Info/register: 646.401.4188;
Gentle/Moderate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:3011am. With Chris Glover. Gentle, nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate selfobservation. In-person or virtual. Info/register:
Virtual Chair YogaShine – 10:30-11:30am. Super gentle, for senior adults and adults with special needs/health and recovery concerns.Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heartcentered, Kripalu-based, developing curiosity, flexibility, and compassion. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745;
Fresh Air Fridays – 10:30am-5:30pm. First Fridays through Aug. Join ISHTA yoga masters Wendy
Newton and Peter Ferko for a breath of fresh air in the Hudson Valley. This day-long retreat focuses on opening the mind and senses through asana and meditation, a dharma talk, walk in nature and time to process and journal. Reset and reframe your world view. $125. Ascend Center + Collective, 75 Main St., Cold Spring. Info/register: Events at
Healing Dance – 11:30am-1pm. Easy flowing energy lifting movement. Supports spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Meditative and creative. $25. Millbrook and virtual. Info: 845.677.3517;
Sound Meditation Fridays – 5pm. We invite you to go on an intimate excursion with your breathe, your body and your whole being. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to engage with yourself and a symphony of sonic vibrations. $20. Viale Yoga, 39 Main St., Bedford Hills. Preregister:
Luna Gentle Flow – 5:30pm. This all-levels gentle class is geared towards those looking to ease into their practice, while still developing awareness of their body through stretching, strength building, and breathwork. Modifications offered. $25. Drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;
Barre Sculpt – 8:45am. A challenging total body workout utilizing low-impact and high-intensity movements to improve strength and flexibility. BYO mat. Grip socks recommended. $35 per class or monthly packages available. Barrebelle by Joelle, 83 N. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua. Info/register: 646.734.6964;
1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9am. With Kathy. All classes include movement, breath work and meditation. Beginners welcome. $20 dropin; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286;
Luna Power Flow – 9am. This all-levels Vinyasabased class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25 drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;
Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:15-10:30am. With Kathleen Hinge. For more experienced practitioners who desire more of a challenge. Be guided through more advanced postures, and invited to hold poses longer and explore personal variations. In-person or virtual. Info/register:
Soul Flow Yoga – 9:30am. Vinyasa in slow, easyflowing movements with sun salutations and standing asanas, followed by sweet seated stretches and a blissful yoga nidra. $15. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, 2nd Flr., Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register: 845.234.8886;
Yoga Flow with Elena – 10-11am. 60-minute breath-based flow of yoga postures to reduce stress, and improve strength and flexibility. In-person or via Zoom. All levels welcome. $25 drop-in; $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. For reservations: call/text 845.216.68.10 or
Beginner Kripalu-based Yoga – 10:45am-12pm. With Kathleen Hinge. In-person and virtual. Learn gentle pose sequences and embodied awareness. Suitable for new students and those with physical limitations or recovering from injury. In-person or virtual. Info/register:
Props & Flow – 11am. With Francesca Bove. This class combines the elements of Vinyasa with the use of props, including blocks, straps, chairs and ropes. By having boundaries, this practice plays with the dance between being held and moving. All levels welcome. $25. Viale Yoga, 39 Main St., Bedford Hills. Preregister:
Beginners Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Class consists of poses to build strength, balance and improved flexibility. Clear, detailed instruction with focus on proper form will help you build a safe, fun and nurturing practice. $22. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls. Register: 845.202.2228;
Bhakti Healing Arts – 11:30am-12:30pm. Ancient spiritual healing practices from devotional wisdom of the Vedas. Gentle, intuitive, timeless, and transformative. $25. Millbrook & Virtual. Info: 845.677.3517;
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 12:30pm. A yoga style based in Kripalu tradition, focusing on yoga postures, mindful awareness and self-care. Breathing techniques and meditation will be explored as well. Suitable for all levels. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118;
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 1:304:30pm. 2nd Sat. Open to yoga teachers and students, members and nonmembers. Club Fit, 584 N State Rd., Briarcliff Manor and/or via Zoom. Info: Aston’s Virtual Office Hours – 4-5pm. Every other Saturday. An open forum for those that are new to NuSpecies or currently on the products to ask any questions they have. Info: webinar-registration.
The Healthy Man
Lifestyle Choices to maintain-Energy, Healthy Libido & Desired Weight. Posture for Peak Performance and Pain-Free Aging.
Habits to Create Resilient Kids
Lasting Legacy
Every Tuesday in June (8PM EDT) Live Online & Recorded for convenience.
Hosted By Natural Awakenings & KnoWEwell
$59 Registration Fee Includes all Tuesday sessions and One-Year Membership to KnoWEwell.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email to request our media kit.
115 E. Stevens Ave., Ste. 100 Valhalla, NY 914.940.4449;
Our goal is to help people have less anxiety about managing their finances, to maximize their income and run their businesses better. Giving people a stronger financial foundation can absolutely contribute to a better quality of life.
4307 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY
Pellegrino Healing Center differs from your average acupuncture and wellness facility because we offer our patients access to a collective, diverse team of healing practitioners and cutting-edge healing modalities. Top-tier acupuncture, massage therapy, salt cave sessions, energy healing, meditation, esthetics, and more. See ad, page 25.
Laurie R. Mallis, MD, LAC 2424 Rte. 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310;
Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Let me guide you on your path to better health and well-being. Utilizing: Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Reiki, Mei Zen Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, weight loss and fertility. See ad, page 14.
Midtown Manhattan and Garrison
Quit with Quinn helps people overcome daily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All-natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 90% success rate. See ad, page 43.
Authentic Movement & Voice Sleepy Hollow, NY 510.524.2924;
Be at home in your body. Experience freedom and ease. We will engage movement, bodywork and voice to release patterns that no longer serve you, allowing you to connect with your body’s intelligence. Private and group sessions.
175 E. Main St., Ste. 202, Mt. Kisco, NY 914.218.3428
Give your body the energy to heal itself! The Energy Enhancement SystemTM is BioScalar Photonic Fusion technology [aka, Tesla Waves] that generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves, which can allow cell regeneration, and enhance your energy levels for optimum function.
Pamela Cucinell NCGR PAA 917.796.6026;
Astrology and tarot with spiritual perspective and a practical twist. Find your way to flow instead of fight; economy of action leads to a beautiful life. Skype, Zoom and phone See ad, page 14.
Yellow Monkey Village
792 Rte., 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725;
Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: M-F. See ad, page 41.
495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale, NY 914.874.1177;
A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Please visit website for details. See ad, page 35.
720 N Bedford Rd., Bedford Hills NY 914.705.1111;
Open 7 days a week. We want our customers to feel their best and know that there is a solution to change their quality of life so that they can live naturally without prescription drugs. Products for People and Pets. Please call for more information. See ad, page 3.
222 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY 914.276.5409;
131 Purchase St., Store #3, Rye, NY 914.921.1073;
Your CBD Store® is the largest hemp retailer in the US. All of our products are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO and Third-Party Lab Tested. We offer the highest quality hemp products including CBD Tinctures, Topicals and Water Solubles for people and pets. See ad, page 42.
8 Bacon PL, Yonkers, NY 914.523.7947
Personalized treatments designed for you by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!
311 North St., Ste. 410, White Plains, NY 914.686.6200:
Dr. Gertner himself suffered with back pain due to an injury. With upper cervical chiropractic treatments, his body began to “heal itself” and the relentless pain that had plagued him quickly left his body. This inspired him to become one of only 5 NUCCA chiropractors in New York, and less than 200 worldwide, currently. He experienced amazing results and he knows you will too. See ad, page 55.
Locations: Ossining, Garrison, NY 914.519.8138;
CranioSacral Therapy with Somato Emotional Release allows physical, emotional, and spiritual issues to be intimately explored bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues beyond the session. Experience CST alone or integrated in therapeutic massage.
25 Broadway, Ste. 101, 2nd Fl., Pleasantville, NY 914.588.4079;
Relieve stress and restore energetic balance for health with Jikiden Reiki treatments, classes, Bemer therapy, Bach Flower remedies, plus cranialsacral therapy, reflexology, intuitive readings, sound baths, meditation programs and energy mastery training.
Young Living Essential Oils
Local group of women specializing in aromatherapy uses and benefits. We are here to help you select, purchase, and safely use the best oils for you and your family! Monthly hands-on classes, personalized recommendations and supportive online community.
111 East Main St., Mount Kisco, NY 914.241.1900;
A Center For Awareness and Relaxation through Floatation Therapy. Create the ultimate Relaxation Response by removing all stimulation from light, sound and gravity. Choose from three different float environments to find your perfect experience. Appointments available from 10am to 10pm daily. Free parking.
By appointment: in person/phone
Fleetwood, NY 917.816.5803;
Live Your Life in Full Bloom! Custom treatments using Flower Essences, assisting in healing Anxiety, Addictions, Abuse, Depression, Loneliness, Focusing Problems, Procrastination, Spirituality, and numerous other issues. Pure Organic Wildflower Essences from all over the world addressing your specific needs.
Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rte. 117 Bypass Rd., Bedford, NY 914.242.1928;
A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings. See ad, page 9.
Registered Herbalist (AHG)
263 New Hackensack Rd., 2nd Fl., Wappingers Falls, NY
Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which provides A preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, Western, Ayurvedic Herbal remedies and Nutritional planning.
Yorktown Heights, NY
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our website to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad, page 5.
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Intimacy Coach
Transform and re-ignite your life, in and out of the bedroom using the power of the subconscious mind and the Erotic Blueprint™ course, as seen on Netfix series "Goop." Hypnotherapy can help individuals with stress reduction, weight loss, addictions, overcoming fears, phobias, grief, anxiety and relationships.
Alternative Choices Natural Healing
Danbury, CT, Mt. Kisco, NY, Remotely 914.589.3601;
It’s easy to be stressed in today’s world. Worry and anxiety are the norm these days. “Why am I so easily triggered?” There’s another way. The power to make lasting positive change is inside you. Let’s tap into it. Call for free consult.
Design & Build. Call: 914.400.3742
We help beginner, intermediate and expert gardeners with their projects. Our focus is on design and construction of raised beds and installing vegetables, herbs and salad gardens. Expect beautiful, productive and long-lasting gardens with assistance available to maintain, too!
34 S. Broadway, Ste. 607, White Plains, NY 914.374.1756;
Since 1974, Hilda Demirjian has been a leader in the use of laser collagen treatments for better, younger looking skin. Effective on the face, neck and body. Non-invasive, with no downtime. Call today for your confidential free consultation. See ad, page 2.
175 King St., Chappaqua, NY 914.275.1865
Natalie has been practicing for 10 years now specializing in Prenatal Massage and Reiki Massage. Her hands on holistic healing approach helps to aid with any discomfort of the body and mind.
Certified Medical Marijuana Practitioner 914.525.6536;
Evaluations and Consultations; Dr. Parodneck works in compliance with the New York State Compassionate Care Act. She is one of the leading medical marijuana clinicians in New York, with numerous referring specialists and an extensive professional network in the cannabis industry. See ad, page 28.
792 Rte. 35, Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725;
Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: Monday-Friday. See ad, page 41.
Pawling. Bronxville. Elmont. Brooklyn. Jamica, Caribbean 866.261.8886;
NuSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations with certified nutritionists/life coaches. We make custom recommendations of our raw, organic, liquid, natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad, page 17.
Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist
29 King St., 2nd Fl., Chappaqua, NY 914.552.1442;; #BloodDetective
Dr. Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician whose Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consults help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, anti-aging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad, page 10.
See the INTUITIVE HEALING ARTS on page 29.
Phillip J. Coyle
Associate in Daoist Healing
Qigong healing builds and balances the life force energy within. Increases physical energy, releases blocked energy, enhances vitality and outlook on life, bringing forth all that is desired in life. Exercises focus on concentration, deep breathing and movement. Online and inperson classes.
ARCB Certified Reflexologist
263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Fl., Wappingers Falls, NY 845.416.4598
Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of essential oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.
Cynthia M. Chase, LCSW, Reiki Master 860.395.0284;
Manifest yourself as a healer; fulfill your life’s purpose! Cynthia offers personalized classes leading to Reiki levels I, II and Master level. Go to for details.
(YitA) at The Divine Acres
“Where Yoga Embraces Nature”
2 Coulter Rd., Bakers Mills, NY 518.251.3015;
YitA at the Divine Acres is a yoga shala – a safe place for healing and becoming healthy within our authentic selves. Eliminate distractions and illuminate positivity to focus on our true intentions. YitA is a place of education and joy, with miniature donkeys and sheep that add love to this divine space.
290 Main St., Cold Spring, NY 845.240.1822;
Improve overall wellness. Breather, Relax, Restore. Services offered; Salt Room, CBD Products, Red/Infrared Light therapy, Thai Bodywork, Massage, Craniosacral work, Percussive therapy, Reiki, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Myofacial Release, Meditation, Yoga and more.
DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 914.214.9678
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our website to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad, page 5.
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Services
914.962.6402; 800.532.4290
Support Connection provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Services include: One-on-one counseling (counselors are also cancer survivors); Support groups; Educational and wellness programs; Webinars; Social gatherings; Referrals; A national toll-free information and support hotline.
DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 914.214.9678
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our website to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad, page 5.
Brett Cotter, Author/Coach New York, NY 833.867.3529;
Expert remote coaching to quickly release anxiety and heal the inner trauma, pain and fear that fuels your stress. Brett has 20 years’ experience, guides you step-bystep and facilitates lasting relief in the first session. Visit See ad, back cover.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL 44 Saint Nicholas Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY 845.227.P-A-W-S (7297)
Where East meets West with compassionate care for a holistic approach to your pet’s health. Offering a wide range of services/ products including wellness exams, nutritional support, alternative cancer therapies, surgery, dentals, acupuncture, CBD products, pet boarding and more on our beautiful 9-acre facility. See ad, page 25.
Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.
~Theodore Roosevelt
When surgery, medication or traditional chiropractic care have not provided healing results for a range of conditions, patients often come to see Dr. George Gertner of Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York, one of Just 200 practitioners worldwide of NUCCA, a highly specialized form of chiropractic care. Highly effective, NUCCA is a very gentle adjustment to the first-C1-vertebra in the back, commonly referred to as the Atlas.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York
311 NORTH STREET, SUITE 410 WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 10605 914-686-6200
When the head, which can weigh as much as 14 lbs, is out of alignment, it can put tremendous pressure on the nerves which run from the brain through the openings in the Atlas to the rest of the body, explains Dr. Gertner. “Twisting can cause a range of health issues from migraines and herniated discs, to dizziness, fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, chronic neck and back pain, and many others. NUCCA is highly precise and gentle treatment designed to correct the misalignment.”
Dr. Gertner uses two different diagnostic tools to assess the misalignment and determine the treatment. Paraspinal Digital Infrared Imaging is used to view pressure on the nervous system while the Precision Laser-
Aligned X-Ray enables the doctor to calculate with great accuracy the location and extent of the misalignment. Through a series of adjustments, the NUCCA procedure restores proper body balance and alignment which takes the pressure off the pinched nerves. In most cases, nerves, which may have been under stress for many years, will return to their normal state and proper nerve health can be restored. Often the restoration is visible in before and after x-rays which can literally show the spine as it returns to its healthy position
Dr. Gertner learned the power of NUCCA first-hand. After experiencing a serious back injury earlier in his life, Dr. Gertner was treated with NUCCA procedure and discovered personally the astonishing healing power of this gentle procedure Immediately after his first adjustment, Dr. Gertner felt relief. Following the first complete week of care, he was pain-free.
“NUCCA has developed a highly advance and painless spinal correction procedure unlike any other kind of spinal care. We are proud to report that our practice has attracted and helped thousands of patients from all over the world since opening in 2002,” says Dr. Gertner.
Only during the month of June, register fora free 1-year Stress Is Gone Membership. Use theQR codeon theleft to activate your membership a $360 valuefor free.
• Heal Your Emotional Pain?
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•5-Days, Affordable, All-Inclusive.
• Delicious meals, many housing options and 8 group healing sessions.
•Hard copies of the Workbook and Stress Stopper Card.
• Lifetime Membershipto the S.I.G. Academy which includes; 3 Meditation Classes per week, Weekly Training, the Masterclass, Scorecard, Mobile app and access to our growing community for the rest ofyour life.
Jointhis5-daytransformationalretreatwithStressIsGonefounderBrettCotter. Withinanengaginggroupformatindividualshealemotionalpainandtrauma throughgroupreleasework, directcoaching, music, movement, andmeditation. Brettusesintuitivequestionstosurfacethesourceofeachperson'sstress, usually stemming backfromchildhood. Hethenguidesthegroupthroughempowering affirmationstoreleasethepainfromthe bodyandtheoldmemory. "Ipromise you'IIreleasemorestressinthisretreatthanyouhaveinyourentirelife.AlII needfromyouis100%honestyandfullparticipation." - Brett
CotterBrett Cotter, authorandfounder, hashelped thousandsofpeopleoverthelast20years quicklyhealemotionalpainandrestoreself-love. Hiscoremethodiscertified byTheAmerican InstituteofStress, heiscertifiedbytheAmerican AcademyofExpertsinTraumaticStressandnow BrettcertifiesstudentsintheS.I.G.Method.
"/twasimpressivetofeelmyownstressbeing liftedoutofmybody.I'vealreadyencouraged severalfamilymemberstoseekBrett's coaching."~ GerriDeBenedetto, LCSW
"Bretthasaninnateabilitytogettothecore issues, youcanfeelthemleaveyourbody. Itwasalife-changingexperience." ~ Sarah
"Iwasshockedathowquicklyhebeganbringingoutwhatwasreallyhurting.I'venevermet anyonewhoreflectsbacksuchempathy. Heguidedmebacktomypureheart,andhelpedme standtallagain."~ Antwan Martin, ArmyVeteran