2024-2025 Buyer's Guide

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Publisher Anthony Anton

Executive Editor Andy McVicar

Copy Editors: Ken Fockele, Lisa Leinberger, Marianne Scholl

Art Director Lisa Ellefson

Contributing Editors: Ken Fockele, Kyle Galvin, Lisa Leinberger, Raquel Pace


Chairman of the Board Brian Moreno, McDonald’s

Immediate Past Chair Ron Oh


President and CEO Anthony Anton

Chief Financial Officer Kristina Parker

Chief of Staff Shannon Braegelmann

Director of Communications Andy McVicar

Senior Director of Government Affairs Julia Gorton

Director of Local Government Affairs John Lane

Director of Membership Steven Sweeney

510 Plum St. SE Olympia, WA 98501-1587

T 360-956-7279 | F 360-357-9232 wahospitality.org

Reproduction of articles appearing in Washington Hospitality Buyer’s Guide is authorized for personal use only, with credit given to Washington Hospitality Magazine or the Washington Hospitality Association.

Articles written by outside authors do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Washington Hospitality Association, its boards of directors, staff or members.

Products and services advertised in Washington Hospitality Buyer’s Guide are not necessarily endorsed by the Washington Hospitality Association and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Washington Hospitality Association, its boards of directors, staff or members.

ADVERTISING INQUIRIES MAY BE DIRECTED TO: advertising@wahospitality.org

We welcome your comments and suggestions. email: news@wahospitality.org, phone: 800225-7166. Readership: 9,422

It’s time to fully embrace the tech revolution

Hospitality has reached the tipping point in the tech revolution, folks. There is no going back.

Companies that were in the vanguard of the technology revolution have done quite well. By harnessing the power of tech, Domino’s went from near bankruptcy to being the largest pizza chain in the country. It did that by transforming itself into an e-commerce site that happens to sell pizzas. And every restaurant company on the stock exchange has had a chief tech officer in the C-suite for a while.

But our industry is not dominated by major corporations. It’s mostly independent owners and family businesses, mom-and-pop shops with long traditions and careful bottom lines. And we can be resistant to change when things are working well enough. Many of you have said you’ll get to tech when it gets here. Guess what, it’s here and things could definitely be working better for you.

Aggressive engagement in tech is now both efficient and cost-effective. That’s because the cost of labor and operations has dramatically increased, and the cost of tech has decreased. This shift is a game changer even for small businesses.

We’re also seeing the functionality of tech improving as well as a turnover in attitudes toward tech. Boomers who ask, “Why would I want to use tech when I’ve been running my business for 30 years without it?” are being replaced with millennials and Gen Xers who ask “Why wouldn’t you use tech? It makes life easier.”

You know you have to reduce costs, and now tech is a functional way to do that, particularly when it comes to meeting labor challenges. The labor shortage is only going to get worse as more boomers retire, and it’s going to be four to five years before things start to improve. There will simply not be enough people to hire to do all the things we need to have done.

The big question is, are you prepared to take better advantage of the tech revolution that is underway? How is your company going to address tech? Here are some critical questions to ask yourself and your company:

1. Who is leading the tech revolution in your company? Is there a point person who is responsible for receiving and vetting ideas and for determining which tech is right for your company?

2. Who are your partners who will bring you the latest ideas and the best practices?

3. How is your company going to find the time and the space—physical and mental—to transition to this tech?

4. How much are you willing to tackle at one time?

5. How will you judge at the end of the day if your adoption is successful?

I know these are big questions. I have been traveling around the state this spring to listen to your challenges and how we can best serve you in this revolution. Over the next 18 months, look for what I’ve learned and how the association will be there to help you even more. You can find existing resources on our website by searching “hospitality tech.” And of course, you can connect to all sorts of tech solutions with this Buyer’s Guide. It includes all manner of businesses ready to catch you up on the technology that is helping your peers in the industry lower employment costs and save money.

On a final note – I’m not only recommending members embrace technology to secure a more prosperous future for themselves. The association is adopting more tech-focused solutions to the challenges we face as well. As an example, the latest membership survey confirmed a suspicion we’ve had for a few years – most members would rather receive the Buyer’s Guide online as opposed to this print addition we’ve offered over the years. We are taking that to heart, which means this will be the final printed version of the Buyer’s Guide. Our efforts going forward will be focused on more cost-efficient resources like the online version of the Buyer’s Guide. We would like to thank you for all the many years of readership to this publication.

Here’s to your success!

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Hospitality employers may think it’s out of reach, but health insurance for their employees is affordable

Employers are always looking for new ways to attract new employees. They offer competitive salaries and paid sick time, but when it comes to health insurance, many small business owners assume they can’t afford it.

The numbers emphasize the importance of employee benefits in the hospitality industry. According to a study by the National Restaurant Association, 67% of restaurant employees said that benefits were an important factor in their decision to take a job. In addition, 62% said that access to health insurance was important, while 56% cited paid time off as a key benefit.

Recognizing the importance of employee benefits, Hospitality Health Insurance (Trust) has emerged as a unique and affordable way for hospitality operators to access a wide range of benefits for their employees. By leveraging the collective buying power of its members, the Trust can offer affordable plans and deliver great value to even small employers with just two enrolled employees.

One of the key advantages of the Trust is its ability to offer a wide range of benefit options that can be customized to the needs of each employer. While our virtual options do not replace some areas of traditional health insurance, if you feel traditional health insurance may be out of your reach, you may find some of our virtual options more in line with your—and your employees’—needs.

Your employees can download the Teledoc app onto their smartphones and either engage with a physician over the phone or on a video call. They don’t have to wait in the doctor’s office for their appointment, they can do it from the convenience of wherever they are.

Patients can use it for non-emergency conditions like the flu, allergies, infections and more.

Teladoc, for example, is only $2.52 per employee, per month. This benefit is very convenient for your employees since they don’t have to take time off to see a physician. If an employer communicates the benefits of Teledoc to their team, it can provide employees who tend to rely on waiting in the ER or urgent care the ability to meet with a doctor sooner to get a full diagnosis.

Board certified doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This plan has a $0 copay for all services, including family members.

HealthiestYou is another affordable app that your employees can access from anywhere they are. For $9 per employee, per month, your employees can access general medical care, mental health care, dermatologists, nutritionists and back and joint care professionals. All visits are virtual and unlimited including mental health.

Board certified doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This plan has a $0 copay for all services, including family members.

Kaiser Permanente’s Virtual Plus also offers low monthly premiums and no-charge virtual care. The plans give your employees convenient ways to start their care virtually with referred in-person care when they need it.

This plan also offers live chats 24 hours a day, seven days a week, scheduled video visits, e-visits, emails for non-urgent questions, a consulting nurse and scheduled phone visits.

Employee benefits are a critical tool for attracting and retaining a skilled workforce in the hospitality industry. Hospitality Health Insurance is a unique and affordable way for employers to access a wide range of benefits for their employees.

As the industry continues to evolve, employers who offer competitive benefits packages will be in the best position to attract and retain top talent. ■

The exponential benefits of a collaborative approach to selling a hospitality business

For many business owners, the company is their baby. “Meet my first-born child,” is an introduction I hear often. Years, decades and sometimes generations of blood, sweat and tears can make the prospect of selling and letting it all go exciting and daunting at the same time. How much is the business worth? Will everyone find out it’s for sale? How will the change of ownership impact employees? How will my customers and the community respond to the news of the sale? Where and how do I begin the process of selling my business?

In my many years as a business and commercial real estate broker to the hospitality industry, I have learned that the most successful transitions at the helm share one common trait: The collaborative, also known as the win-win, mindset. The idea that parties to a transaction are not adversaries and will work together towards a common goal may seem counterintuitive and require a shift in perspective. Yet this is exactly the strategy that builds legacies, and reliably produces mutually beneficial outcomes in the sale of family businesses and privately held companies.

Working with a team

Early stage exit planning begins with larger questions. Why are you selling? What does the next chapter look like? It’s common for the equity in the business to be the retirement nest egg and represent a large portion of the family’s overall financial holdings.

Working with a trusted team of advisors will assess the sale of the key asset in the context of a larger puzzle and ensure the transaction serves the future financial needs and goals of the seller. An experienced business broker can establish the fair market value of the business. A wealth advisor or estate planner will map the intelligent distribution of the estimated proceeds. A CPA will advise on tax mitigation strategies and the optimal price allocation of the assets. A contract attorney can provide input on whether a stock or an asset sale will best align with the recommendations of the CPA.

Once listed for sale, the broker will incorporate the input of the advisors to deliver the optimal deal terms. The owners are experts at running their business. Recognizing that selling it for maximum market value and successfully transitioning to the next chapter of their lives requires a very different skill set and will make outsourcing the transaction to the experts a no brainer.

Joining forces with the successor

Once the buyer and seller agree on the principal terms of the deal, they can work together towards completing the sale and smoothly transitioning ownership. Close collaboration between the parties will be required to complete the due diligence of business records,

secure financing, coordinate inspections, reassign the lease or transition the real estate, and transfer or obtain the licenses and permits legally required to operate the business.

Public relations

Employees, trade partners, vendors and customers are the heartbeat of the business. Preserving these relationships is the key to a smooth transition and the continued future success of the business. Any announcements related to the sale should be intentional, and a result of a thoughtfully planned out and closely coordinated effort between the parties. Effective messaging to deliver the news will:

1. Present a unified front

2. Highlight the commitment to relationships and a successful transition

3. Outline the next steps and keep the lines of communication open

The timing, format, tone, and the supporting narrative of the communication is often the deciding factor in winning hearts and minds of key partners in the business.

Crosscheck for arrival

The last leg of the transaction is marked by preparations for closing. The parties work with the escrow or title company to tie up loose ends and gather the necessary documentation for a timely closing.

The seller may need to provide updated financials for the lender so the buyer can receive the final approval of funding. The buyer may request photos or additional information on the facility to secure certificates of insurance or endorsements for liquor and health department licensing.

The parties may need to come together for a joint inventory count to fine tune the value of stock included in the sale or work with vendors to transfer utility and merchant services accounts. Finally, the buyer and seller need to make it official by signing the closing paperwork and marking the occasion with a celebration.

Oliver Kotelnikov is a Senior M&A Advisor and Director of the Hospitality Transaction Division at IBA and can be reached at oliver@ibainc.com. ■


This spring, 15 teams from across Washington state competed in the annual ProStart competition, a management and culinary throw-down of high school students interested in pursuing careers in hospitality. In the end, the culinary team from North Central High School in Spokane and the management team from Bonney Lake High School came out victorious, sending them to Baltimore, Maryland for the national competition.

“It’s my favorite day of the year,” said Washington Hospitality Association President and CEO Anthony Anton. “We get to witness people experiencing our industry in a new way with pure joy and see the passion that the kids have for the restaurants or the passion we all got when we first got involved in the industry. It’s great to see that it’s still alive.”

Bonny Lake’s management team is led by teacher Kahale Ahina and includes Mira Tynes, Clara Jensen, and Mabel Anderson. Their professional mentor is Michael Ventura. This team won the state competition in 2023.

It’s my favorite day of the year. Anthony Anton

ProStart is a hands-on, real-world, career-connected learning program, and students are mentored by industry leaders. Students not only receive career and technical education credits, but their industry mentors open doors for them when they are ready to enter the workforce.

“The two-year ProStart program is a vital asset within our workforce pipeline,” said Sonja Halverson, the director of the Washington Hospitality Association Education Foundation. “Its curriculum offers invaluable hands-on experience, laying a sturdy foundation for those pursuing a career path in hospitality.”

Bonney Lake took home the trophy with their concept of a semi-formal establishment, Fairie’s Hideout, which specializes in afternoon tea.

The cuisine would hail from places with solid fairy folklore, such as Ireland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

On the culinary side, students created a three-course meal without electricity and running water. They use propane gas camp stoves and haul in their own water.

North Central beat out the other teams with its menu, “Bounty of the Inland Northwest.”

The meal started with an appetizer called Morel Forest. It included shaved asparagus trunks, morels, garlic pesto, pickled shallots, pecorino romano and a chiffonade of basil. The second course, Spring Steelhead, included local fish, a citrus salad, morel rice pilaf, charred tomato romesco and poblano cream.

For dessert, the judges sampled a wild huckleberry frybread with hazelnut cream, orange zest, huckleberry sauce, frybread and a huckleberry isomalt glass.

The team included teacher Kim Stewart and students Arlen Everman-Jones, Allison German, Elisa Wilbur and Elina Khadka. Garth Hicks from Wild Sage Bistro served as the team’s mentor.

During the National ProStart Invitational, Bonney Lake came in 12th place and North Central took 24th place. Congratulations to both teams for representing our state so well!

The Washington Hospitality Association would like to extend its thanks to the Cowlitz Tribe for its sponsorship of this event and the many volunteers and judges who stepped up to help. ■


The 2024 legislative session adjourned “sine die” for the year on March 7. This year lawmakers convened for a short 60-day session, so they mostly focused on adjusting the two-year state budgets and revisiting legislation that failed to pass during the 2023 legislative session. We also saw several new issues emerge this year.

Your government affairs team worked with lawmakers on several key priority issues including Tourism Promotion Areas, reauthorization of lodging relief funds and creating a hospitality center of excellence.

We were also busy defending our industry from harmful legislation, which included burdensome gift card regulations, expanding unemployment insurance benefits to striking workers and another attempt to lower the per se blood alcohol content (BAC) level to 0.05%.

Despite a full court press by our team and other business groups, legislators approved a bill that would allow the state’s largest public utility – Puget Sound Energy – the ability to achieve “geographically targeted electrification,” which amounts to a ban on natural gas.

We’ve heard from countless members who have said a natural gas ban would be devastating to their businesses. For many, the conversion costs could reach six or seven figures.

The business community is confident that lawmakers are not in line with their constituents on this issue and we feel this is an issue we can win at the ballot.

As of the time of this printing, our coalition is collecting signatures for I-2066 — an initiative that will protect all of Washington state from a ban on natural gas.

This issue will continue to heat up over the summer and fall. If you aren’t signed up for our weekly newsletter, reach out to your territory manager to stay up to date with the latest on the initiative campaign and what you can do to protect natural gas service in Washington state.

In other legislative news, the association successfully secured $257,000 to establish a Hospitality Center of Excellence based at

Columbia Basin College. We worked diligently with Rep. April Connors in the House of Representatives, and Sen. Nikki Torres in the Senate to make the budget requests and secure funding.


Establishing a Center of Excellence solely focused on the hospitality and tourism industry will help us source and develop top candidates to address workforce shortages, foster innovation by providing a platform for industry leaders, researchers and entrepreneurs to share ideas, and ultimately, create a credentialed workforce of passionate employees to help ensure that Washington remains a leader in the tourism sector and continues to attract visitors from around the world.

And we were able to secure $1 million in unused federal relief funding in support of Destination Marketing Organizations.

The Government Affairs team extends a huge thank you to our Government Affairs Committee (GAC) for providing the direction our team needs to best represent you at the Legislature. The insight and expertise provided by the GAC is invaluable as we achieve wins for the hospitality industry each legislative session.

If you are interested in joining the GAC, send an email to: statega@wahospitality.org.

Another thank you to all Washington Hospitality Association members who responded to our action alerts this session. We issued action alerts on several important issues this session, which resulted in more than 2,000 total engagements from our members. That is double our engagements from last year! Your efforts to contact lawmakers had an impact on the outcome of these critical issues. ■

Wage reports

The Washington Hospitality Association offers two repeating data report systems that measure job movements, earnings, and demand over time in the state’s service industry. These reports provide information on wage tracking by region, workforce heatmaps, regional unemployment rates, and demand for jobs. By keeping up to date with these reports, businesses can stay informed about the economics of the service industry and how changes might affect them.

As of January 2024, data from the reports showed low demand for service industry workers in Washington with 3,300 job posts per month, slightly below the national average of 4,000. The reports also analyze gender diversity. Washington has aboveaverage employee representation for female employees in the industry at 153,000.

The reports also include a section on Industry Gain and Drain, displaying detailed data on job transitions from other industries to the hospitality industry and vice versa. This information helps businesses understand where people are coming from and going to in the industry. Members of the association can find this data and more in the Reports & Data section of our website, wahospitality.org.

As you can see, these wage reports are an incredibly comprehensive source of information for the service industry. They provide insights on industry-specific wage trends and statistics. They are an essential tool for employers and operators and provide key data to help inform decision-making about wages and other areas of business. From average hourly rates to regional pay scales, the reports cover all the key areas that matter. They’re a perfect resource for business owners and hospitality professionals looking to stay on top of changing market conditions to achieve their goals. ■


Unveiling scam tactics

Protecting your business and employees from scams is crucial in today’s world. One of the best ways to protect your business is to educate your employees so they know about common scams and what to do if they believe they are a target. Visit our new Scam Prevention toolkit for further information, resources and webinars the Washington Hospitality Association has created to help keep your business safe.


There are a couple of different types of credit card chargeback issues: friendly fraud and true fraud. Friendly fraud happens if a consumer disputes a charge with the credit card company. It happens because they may be unhappy with the quality of service, don’t remember making that charge or other reasons. True fraud happens with stolen credit cards or attempts to avoid paying for the service or goods.

Implement strict payment procedures to confirm the legitimacy of credit card transactions. On larger transactions or suspicious payment patterns, make sure you verify the identity of the user. Keep in mind that there are different rules depending on the card networks before asking for ID.

Keep detailed records of all transactions including signed receipts to dispute any fraudulent chargebacks. This can be helpful for friendly and intentional fraud.

Stay up to date with Payment Card Industry compliance regulations to protect customer card data.

Remember that generally, touch to pay and chips are more secure than the magnetic swipe to charge a card.


Individuals may use stolen credit card information to make prepaid bookings and later cancel and request a refund to a different account. Another form of this fraud happens when people make reservations and resell them at a higher price on another site. This can damage reputation and customer trust. By making fraudulent reservations, scammers can access personal data for further criminal activities such as identity theft.

Require guests to provide a valid credit card for prepaid bookings to minimize fraudulent transactions and verify identity.

Implement secure online booking systems that encrypt customer data. Ensure you are using a reliable third-party payment gateway to process prepaid bookings securely and protect personal and financial information.

Regularly monitor bookings and cross-check credit card details for any discrepancies.


Phone scams involve a fraudster calling a hotel or restaurant and attempting to deceive staff members or guests. Much like email phishing, this individual may impersonate a trusted entity. These trusted entities may be another hotel chain, restaurant management or a delivery service. The scammer claims that you can only solve their issue by revealing personal or confidential details. Another form of this is when a scammer says they have been overcharged and want reimbursement over the phone. The fraudster may even provide bank account details to convince the staff member and call at peak hours to evade detection.

Use caution when receiving phone calls that ask for sensitive information. Employ a policy to verify the identity of any callers before revealing any information to avoid spoofing scams. Keep in mind that official companies or services will rarely ask for confidential details over the phone.

Display contact information on your website and social media pages to encourage customers to reach out directly if they have any concerns.

By being cautious, verifying information and implementing security measures, you can minimize the risk of being scammed. ■

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ALSCO- American Linen Spokane

Joey Kink

1923 N Waterworks St Spokane, WA 99212-1360




Linen supplies & cleaning Service area: Spokane

Color Graphics Screenprinting, Promotional Products & Awards

Voshte Gustafson

2540 Crites St SW Tumwater, WA 98512-6104


voshte@colorgraphicswa.com www.colorgraphicswa.com

Embroidery, screenprinting & promotional Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Superior Linen Service

Greg Hersey 1012 Center St Tacoma, WA 98409-8033


greg@suplinen.com www.suplinen.com

Linen & uniform rental Service area: Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston


Apex Hood Cleaning Inc

Sandy Gaver 2008 Caton Way SW Bldg 203 # B2 Olympia, WA 98502-1119


sandy@apexhoodcleaning.com www.apexhoodcleaning.com

Commercial hood cleaning service

Service area: Statewide


Philip Anderson

1 Ecolab Pl

Saint Paul, MN 55102-2739


philip.anderson@ecolab.com www.ecolab.com

Dishmachine & cleaning chemicals Service area: Statewide

Restaurant Specialty Services, Inc.

Julius Parniczky 16825 48th Ave W Ste 454 Lynwood, WA 98037-6410


restaurantcleaning@yahoo.com www.wecleanrestaurant.com

Restaurant janitorial services Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Alaska Structures Sales Inquiries

205 Lake Street S Ste 300 Kirkland, WA 98033-6492


inquiry@alaskastructures.com alaskastructures.com

Engineered fabric structures Service area: Statewide

CRAFTEX - Microcement specialist

Matin Nematollahi 5701 6th Ave S Ste 207 Seattle, WA 98108-2521


info@craftexwall.com www.craftexwall.com

Seamless microcement coating everywhere Service area: Statewide Member special offer

MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, LLC.

Andy Kaplowitz 17930 International Blvd Ste 120 SeaTac, WA 98188-4220


andy.kaplowitz@macmiller.com www.macmiller.com

Clean building mechanical contractor Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Seattle Patio Covers Inc.

Wesley Antholz 33530 1st Way S Ste 102 Federal Way, WA 98003-7332




Sunrooms, Atriums, and Patio Service area: Statewide

Covers StruXure PNW - Renton

Scott Black 3000 Lind Ave SW # 100 Renton, WA 98057-3334


scott.b@struxurepnw.com https://struxurepnw.com

Luxury motorized pergolas Service area: Statewide

StruXure PNW - Spokane Valley

Scott Black 9608 E Montgomery Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206-4141 206-900-1193

scott.b@struxurepnw.com https://struxurepnw.com/ Luxury motorized pergolas Service area: Statewide


Alliance Laundry Systems

Fran Peterson 12910 NE 125th Way, Bldg B-3 Kirkland, WA 98034-7716 425-823-4300

fran@alliancels.com https://alliancelaundry.com OPL, guest laundry & services Service area: Statewide

Alteza Restaurant Supply

Hayden Muir 16726 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd Renton, WA 98059




New & used restaurant equipment Service area: Statewide

Bargreen Ellingson Seattle

Justin Sherriff

3627 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134-2201




Restaurant supply, design & fabrication Service area: King

Bargreen Ellingson Spokane

Tami Kennedy

223 W Boone Ave

Spokane, WA 99201-2311


tkennedy@bargreen.com www.bargreen.com

Restaurant supply, design & fabrication Service area: Spokane

Bargreen Ellingson Tacoma

Josh Pugh

6626 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Ste B Tacoma, WA 98409-9086


jopugh@bargreen.com www.bargreen.com

Restaurant supply, design & fabrication Service area: King, Lewis, Pierce, Thurston

Dick’s Restaurant Supply Bellevue

Dirk Happee

2102 140th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98005-2008


dhappee@dicksrestaurantsupply. com


New & used commercial equipment Service area: King

Dick’s Restaurant Supply Mount


Tom Olsen

324 Chenoweth St Mount Vernon, WA 98273-9045


toslen1@dicksrestaurantsupply. com


New & used commercial equipment Service area: Island, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom

Dick’s Restaurant Supply Seattle

Mike Hoye 2963 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134-1821 206-382-0160

mhoye@dicksrestaurantsupply. com


New & used commercial equipment Service area: King

Encore Group (USA), LLC

Emily Cunningham 790 Andover Park East Tukwila, WA 98188-7612


emily.cunningham@ encoreglobal.com www.encoreglobal.com Events that transform Service area: Statewide

Event Rents, LLC

Julie Orenstein 4020 E Broadway Ave Spokane, WA 99202-4529 509-535-4030

julie@event-rents.com https://event-rents.com

Special event rental professionals Service area: Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Whitman

Grand Event Rentals

Jill Mulsolf

22029 23rd Dr SE #105 Bothell, WA 98021-4429




Event & party rentals Service area: Statewide Member special offer

GreenRipple INC Cheng Gu 11514 NE 87th St Unit B Kirkland, WA 98033-5743


chenggu@greenripple.biz https://naturebamboos.com

Sustainable affordable bamboo products

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Manitowoc Ice Machines

Jim Friar 717 S Lander St Seattle, WA 98134-2008 206-819-9063

jfriar@thermalsupply.com www.manitowocice.com

Manitowoc wholesaler & distributor Service area: Statewide

MarkeTeam Foodservice

Spencer Miles 1115 W 36th St Vancouver, WA 98660-1409


spencer@marketeamnw.com www.marketeamnw.com

High quality foodservice equipment

Service area: Statewide

Puget Sound Energy

Tianna Byrtus PO Box 97034

Bellevue, WA 98009-9734



http://www.pse.com/foodservice Energy utility rebate program

Service area: Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Member special offer


Radiant Optics

Michael Bontatibus 1217 1st St

Marysville, WA 98270




Efficient, green, radiant heaters Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Seattle Restaurant Store

Scott Tromba 14910 Aurora Ave N Shoreline, WA 98133-6528


scott@srscooks.com www.srscooks.com

Restaurant design & equipment supply Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Spokane Restaurant Equipment, LLC

Kristopher James 1750 E Trent Ave Spokane, WA 99202-2943




Food service equipment/design Service area: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman

Standard Textile Co.

Scott Cameron 1 Knollcrest Dr Cincinnati, OH 45237-1608


scameron@standardtextile.com www.standardtextile.com

Linens & textiles Service area: Statewide

Western Restaurant Supply & Design

Wes Meares

1957 Fowler St Richland, WA 99352-4846


wes@westernfoodequipment.com www.westernfoodequipment.com

Restaurant equipment & supplies Service area: Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Okanogan, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima Member special offer

Western State Design

Matt Ingham 2331 Tripaldi Way Hayward, CA 94545


mingham@westernstatedesign. com


Commercial laundry equipment & services Service area: Statewide


Alpine Bakery Company

Jazmine McMillan 810 N Monroe St Spokane, WA 99201


alpinebakerycompany@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ Alpinebakeryco

Fresh, local, preservative-free bakery Service area: Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens

Angus Meats, Inc. Tom Stachecki 2810 N Hogan St

Spokane, WA 99207-4823


toms@angusmeats.com www.angusmeats.com

Beef, pork, poultry Service area: Spokane

Anheuser Busch Companies

Gilbert Canizales 15800 Roscoe Blvd Van Nuys, CA 91406-1350




Beer, domestic & regional Service area: Statewide

AUI Fine Foods

Kyle Logsdon 14269 Catalina St San Leandro, CA 94577-5511


KLogsdon@auifinefoods.com www.AuiFineFoods.com

Pastry & Beyond Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Art Vega 4616 S Ben Franklin Ln Spokane, WA 99224-5178


Art.Vega@bakemark.com www.bakemark.com

Ingredients & manufacturing delivered

Service area: Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima

Member special offer


Black Forest Mushrooms

Nathanael Engen

2110 Hewitt Ave

Everett, WA 98201-3616


Nathanael@ BlackForestMushrooms.com www.blackforestmushrooms.com

Hyperlocal gourmet mushroom farm Service area: King, Snohomish

Caffe Appassionato Coffee Co.

Phil Sancken

4001 21st Ave W Seattle, WA 98199-1201 888-502-2333

phil@caffeappassionato.com www.caffeappassionato.com

Wholesale coffee & teas Service area: Statewide

Caffe D’Arte, LLC

Kimberly Suchan 33926 9th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003-6708


kzier@caffedarte.com www.caffedarte.com

Wholesale espresso & coffee roasters Service area: Statewide

Catapult NW

Brad Gillis

3405 Lind Ave SW Renton, WA 98057


brad@eathomegrown.com www.catapultnw.com

Local, fresh food distributor Service area: Statewide

Charlie’s Produce

Shawn Garner 4103 2nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98134-2305


shawng@charliesproduce.com www.charliesproduce.com

Fresh produce & daily delivery Service area: Statewide

Chukar Cherry Company

Teresa Garcia PO Box 510

Prosser, WA 99350-0510


teresa@chukar.com www.chukar.com

Wholesale berries & nuts Service area: Statewide

Columbia Distributing Co., Inc.

Rob Hartman

255 Appleyard Drive Wenatchee, WA 98801-8962


rob@columbiadistributing.com www.columbiadistributing.com

Beverage distributor Service area: Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan

Craig Stein Beverage

Chris Strong 5408 NE 88Th St Bldg B - 101 Vancouver, WA 98665-0990


Christopher.Strong@csbeverage. com


Beer, wine & spirits Service area: Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania

Cyrus O’Leary’s Pies

Robert Pir 1528 S Hayford Rd Airway Heights, WA 99001-9404


rpir@saraleefb.com www.cyruspies.com

Frozen pie manufacturing Service area: Statewide

Dancing Goats Coffee

Dave Wasson

200 Market St NE Olympia, WA 98501-6965


dwasson@dancinggoats.com www.dancinggoats.com

Wholesale coffee, equipment, training Service area: Statewide

Dickerson Distributors, Inc.

Kevin Dickerson 1313 Meador Ave

Bellingham, WA 98229-5803


Kevin@dickersondistributors.com www.dickersondistributors.com

Beer, spirits & wine Service area: Island, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom

Distant Lands Coffee

Diane Graber

801 Houser Way N Renton, WA 98057-5506


dianeg@dlcoffee.com www.dlcoffee.com

Wholesale coffee & espresso Service area: Statewide

Fidalgo Coffee Roasters

Darryl Miller 856 N Hill Blvd

Burlington, WA 98233-4640


darryl@fidalgobaycoffee.com www.fidalgocoffee.com

Wholesale coffee & teas Service area: Statewide

Food Services, Inc.

Sandy Cobbin PO Box 218

Mount Vernon, WA 98273-0218


sandy_cobbin@foodservicesinc. com


Locally owned & operated Service area: Island, King, Kitsap, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston, Whatcom

Franz Family Bakeries Seattle Division

Todd Fultz

2006 S Weller St

Seattle, WA 98144-2237


todd.fultz@usbakery.com www.franzbakery.com

Pacific northwest bakery Service area: King


Gemelli Coffee Roastery

Paul Jacob

2502 E Sprague Ave

Spokane, WA 99202-3937




Fresh roasted wholesale coffee Service area: Spokane

Harbor Foodservice

Andy Cook

18430 E Valley Hwy Kent, WA 98032-1246


andy.cook@harborfoods.com www.harborfoodservice.com

Broadline distributor Service area: Statewide

Harbor Pacific Bottling Elma

Tim Martin

50 Schouweiler Tract Rd W Elma, WA 98541-9385


timmartin@harborpacificbottling. com


Pepsi beverage distributor Service area: Grays Harbor, Pacific

Harbor Pacific Bottling Long Beach

Tim Martin PO Box 30

Long Beach, WA 98631-0030


timmartin@harborpacificbottling. com


Pepsi beverage distributor Service area: Grays Harbor, Pacific

Harbor Wholesale

Bryce Schneider

3901 Hogum Bay Rd NE Lacey, WA 98516-3136


Bryce.schneider@harborfoods. com


Largest independent food distributor in the northwest Service area: Statewide

Heritage Distilling Company

TJ Fase

9668 Bujacich Rd

Gig Harbor, WA 98332-8477


tj@heritagedistilling.com www.heritagedistilling.com

Trusted. local. spirits. Service area: Statewide

Inderbitzin Distributors, Inc.

Brent Overman 901 Valley Ave NW Puyallup, WA 98371-2517




Distributor, snacks, jerky & pastries Service area: Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Jolly Roger Oyster Company

Ken Wiegardt

3215 273rd St Ocean Park, WA 98640



No website

Family owned shellfish farm Service area: Statewide

L & E Bottling Co., Inc.

Paul Lawrence 3200 Mottman Rd SW Tumwater, WA 98512-5658


paul.lawrence@olympiapepsi. com


Complete beverage solution company Service area: Lewis, Mason, Thurston

Les Boulangers Associés, Inc.

Michel Robert 18842 13th Pl S

SeaTac, WA 98148-2342


michel22@hotmail.com www.lba-inc.com

Dough, pastries & pies Service area: Statewide

Liberty Orchards Company Inc.

Yuliya Levatkin

PO Box C

Cashmere, WA 98815-0485


yuliya@libertyorchards.com https://libertyorchards.com

Fruit wholesaler, treats, candies Service area: Statewide

Madrona Specialty Foods

Joan Redor

18475 Olympic Ave S Tukwila, WA 98188


jredor@madronafoods.com www.lapanzanella.com

Italian crackers & crisps Service area: Statewide

Maletis Beverage

Kyle Broome

610 SE Assembly Ave Ste 150 Vancouver, WA 98661-5583


Kyle.broome@maletis.com www.maletis.com

Family, quality, customer satisfaction Service area: Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania

Minder Meats, Inc.

Jim Carlson 4921 Auto Center Blvd Bremerton, WA 98312-3347


jcarlson@mindermeats.com www.mindermeats.com

Locally-sourced beef, pork & poultry Service area: Clallam, Jefferson, King, Kitsap

Natural Wave-RC, Inc.

Bob Bisordi

PO Box 447 Kent, WA 98035-0447


gonaturalbeverage@gmail.com www.naturalwavebeverage.com

Non-alcoholic beverage distributor Service area: Statewide


Odom Corporation Spokane

Jack Cosgrove

5810 W Thorpe Rd

Spokane, WA 99224-5188


jack.cosgrove@odomcorp.com www.odomcorp.com

Premier wholesale beverages Service area: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima

Olympic Eagle Distributing

Neil Pearson

1101 N Levee Rd

Puyallup, WA 98371-3236


Neil.Pearson@olympiceagle.com www.olympiceagle.com

Full service beverage wholesaler Service area: Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Thurston

Orca Bay Foods, LLC

Celeka Mouton

206 SW Michigan St Seattle, WA 98106-1908


celekam@orcabayfoods.com www.orcabayfoods.com

Custom seafood processor Service area: Statewide

Pacific Coast Fresh Company

Mark Brooks

7250 S 228th St

Kent, WA 98032-3909


mbrooks@pcfruit.com www.pcfreshco.com

Fresh produce & specialty-items delivered Service area: Statewide

Powers Inc.

Brian Wilhelms

6061 N Freya St Spokane, WA 99217-6542


bwilhelms@powers-inc.com powers-inc.com

Wholesale nut & trailmix manufacture Service area: Statewide

Rub With Love Spice Rub

Carol Baush

5118 14th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107-5115


rubwithlove@tomdouglas.com www.tomdouglas.com

Wholesale rubs, sauces & mustards Service area: Statewide

Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits

John Klein

411 108th Ave NE Ste 1700 Bellevue, WA 98004-8470


jklein@sgws.com www.southernglazers.com/ location/washington Premier wholesale beverages Service area: King, Snohomish

Spokane Produce

Craig Higashi

1996 S Geiger Blvd Spokane, WA 99224-5411


chigashi@spokaneproduce.com www.spokaneproduce.com

Wholesale fruit & vegetables Service area: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima

Stewart Market Yelm

Jeanne Carlson

17821 SR 507 SE Yelm, WA 98597-9654




Fresh, smoked & exotic meats Service area: King, Thurston

Stewart’s Meats - Farmers’ Market

Stewart Carlson

700 Capitol Way N Olympia, WA 98501-1208



www.stewartsmeatmarket.com/ olympiaandseattle.html

Fresh, smoked & exotic meats Service area: Thurston

Stewart’s Meats - Pike Place Market

Stewart Carlson 85 Pike St Seattle, WA 98101-2085




Jerky & pepperoni, beef & buffalo Service area: King

Sweet Nothings And More

Alina Muratova

4634 E Marginal Way S Ste E120 Seattle, WA 98134-2328


alina@sweetnothingsandmore.com www.sweetnothingsandmore.com

Wholesale pastries & desserts Service area: King, Pierce


Sysco Seattle Inc.

Darla Schild

PO Box 97054 Kent, WA 98064-9754


Darla.Schild@sysco.com www.seattle.sysco.com

Broadline distributor Service area: Clallam, Clark, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom

Torn Ranch

Casey Bradley 2198 S McDowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954


cbradley@tornranch.com www.tornranch.com

Sustainable, minibar, amenities & gifts Service area: Statewide

United Salad Co of Washington

Damien McClain 1509 45th St E Sumner, WA 98390-2201


damien.mcclain@unitedsalad. com www.unitedsalad.com

Fresh produce. quality & service Service area: Statewide

URM Foodservice, Spokane

Paul Steele 7511 N Freya St Spokane, WA 99217-8043


PSteele@urmfoodservice.com www.urmfoodservice.com

Complete broadline foodservice distributor Service area: Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima

US Foods Seattle

Scotty Getchell

2204 70th Ave E Ste 100 Fife, WA 98424


scotty.getchell@usfoods.com www.usfoods.com

https://www.facebook.com/ usfoods

Broadline Distributer, F&B, & Supplies Service area: Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom

Whidbey Island Ice Cream Co.

Steve Rosen PO Box 1178

Freeland, WA 98249


steve@whidbeyislandicecream.com www.whidbeyislandicecream.com

Local all natural non-GMO Service area: Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom

Wilcox Farms, Inc.

Alyssa Mau 40400 Harts Lake Valley Rd Roy, WA 98580-9182


amau@wilcoxfarms.net www.wilcoxfarms.com

Sustainable local egg distributor Service area: Statewide


The Wright Group

Ed Baran

8170 SW Maxine Ln #63

Wilsonville, OR 97070-7785


ed@thewrightgroupnw.com www.sertahospitality.com

Serta simmons hospitality mattresses Service area: Statewide


Extreme Steam Carpet Cleaning

Wendy Iseman PO Box 795

Mukilteo, WA 98275-0795


extremesteamcc@comcast.net www.extremesteamcc.com

Carpet & floor cleaning Service area: King, Snohomish

Food Service Equipment Repair

Todd Lachmund 20126 Ballinger Way NE #101 Shoreline, WA 98155-1117


toddtog.fserinc@gmail.com www.fserinc.com

Equipment repair, maintenance, installations Service area: Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom

Swanson’s Refrigeration & Restaurant Repair

Chris Tupling 1710 E Trent Ave Ste 4 Spokane, WA 99202-2901 509-624-8346

chris@swansonrefrigeration.com No website

Refrigeration service & repair Service area: Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman

Tacoma Public Utilities

Jennifer Collins Ramos 3628 S 35th St

Tacoma, WA 98409-3115


jcollinsr@cityoftacoma.org www.mytpu.org

Municipal power & water Service area: Pierce


Atmosphere TV

Emma Romme

4065 Glencoe Ave Ste 104 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 512-729-5133

emma.romme@atmosphere.tv www.atmosphere.tv

Streaming platform for businesses Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Blake Vanfield Consulting

Blake Vanfield 1655 Barrell Springs Rd Bellingham, WA 98229-8231


blakevanfield@gmail.com No website Service area: Statewide

Check This Out

Nicholas Wickes PO Box 1805 Bozeman, MT 59771-1805


nicholas@checkthisout.io http://checkthisout.io

SMS marketing for restaurants Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Dining Alliance

Sean Donahue

307 Waverley Oaks Rd Waltham, MA 02452-8449 617-275-8430

sean.donahue@ buyersedgeplatform.com www.diningalliance.com

Group purchasing organization Service area: Statewide

EV Support

Mike Fink

805 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98144-2837


mfink@pugetsoundsolar.com http://evsupport.com

Puget sound solar Service area: Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, Yakima


Aaron Blank

1700 Westlake Ave N Ste 200 Seattle, WA 98109-6212


aaronblank@feareygroup.com https://fearey.agency/ Public relations + creative firm Service area: Statewide

Kraken Creative

Bryan Toston

225 W Riverside Ave #4 Spokane, WA 99201-0104


bryan@krakennw.com www.krakennw.com/contact-us/ Restaurant marketing branding/ design Service area: Statewide

Olympic Culinary Loop

Steve Shively 2023 E Sims Way #308 Port Townsend, WA 98368-6905


info@olympicculinaryloop.com www.olympicculinaryloop.com

Olympic coast cuisine marketing Service area: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason

Member special offer

ROTR Development LLC

Tracy Hatton

3524 Libby Rd NE

Olympia, WA 98506-2988


thatton.eep@entertainment.com www.entertainment.com

Free online marketing Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Kelley Miller

311 E Chicago St Milwaukee, WI 53202-5896


kelley@spothopperapp.com www.spothopperapp.com

Marketing, operations AI platform Service area: Statewide

The District

Janet Pope 3815 196th St SW Ste 136 Lynnwood, WA 98036-5749


jpope@thedistrict425.com www.thedistrict425.com

Event & entertainment center Service area: King, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom

Member special offer


Adam’s DJ Service

Adam Tiegs

1105 9th Ave Ste A Milton, WA 98354-8805


adam@adamsdjservice.com www.adamsdjservice.com

Music, & A/V solutions Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Jessica Frost 10 Music Sq E Nashville, TN 37203-4321


jfrost@bmi.com www.bmi.com


Performing rights organization Service area: Statewide


Ace Parking Management

Nick Hutsen

855 106th Ave NE Ste 110 Bellevue, WA 98004-4749


nhutsen@aceparking.com www.aceparking.com

Parking, transportation, hospitality solutions Service area: Statewide

ACRAnet, Inc.

Jacquie Brownell

521 W Maxwell Ave Spokane, WA 99201 509-324-1241

Jacquie.Brownell@acranet.com www.acranet.com

Employment screening background checks Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Adesso Capital

Damon Maletta

8434 E Shea Blvd Ste 100 Bldg B Scottsdale, AZ 852606670


damon@adessocapital.com www.adessocapital.com

Lending & tax credit program partner

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

All Things HR, LLC

Holly Ruhland

4210 198th St SW Ste 105 Lynnwood, WA 98036-6756


clientrelations@allthings-hr.com www.allthings-hr.com

HR consulting firm Service area: Statewide

Alliance Abroad

Vanessa Noel

2021 E 5th St Ste 110 Austin, TX 78702-0007


vnoel@allianceabroad.com allianceabroad.com/employers International hospitality talent recruitment Service area: Statewide

Alliance Business Solutions

Leslie Teague

2485 Cardinal Lane

Santa Cruz, CA 95062-4264


Leslie_Teague@uhg.com wahospitality.org/membersavings/healthcare-solutions/ Health insurance & wellness program provider Service area: Statewide

Alliant Insurance Services

Mac McIntosh

401 Union St Fl 31 Seattle, WA 98101-2668


mac.mcintosh@alliant.com www.alliant.com

Insurance & risk management Service area: Statewide

American Century Investments

Jesseca Mayhew 4500 Main Street

Kansas City, MO 64111


Jesseca_Mayhew@ americancentury.com www.americancentury.com/ concurrent Simple IRA retirement plans Service area: Statewide

Amero Search Group

Rick Amero 3209 119th Dr NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258-5500


rick@amerosearchgroup.com amerosearchgroup.com

Hospitality management recruitment services Service area: Statewide Member special offer

AMP Services, LLC

Rick Braa

200 W Mercer St, Ste 511 Seattle, WA 98119-5908


rbraa@ampservices.com www.ampservices.com

Outsourced accounting/ consulting services Service area: Statewide

Atelier Homes

Melissa Tetz

27 1/2 W Main St

Walla Walla, WA 99362-2815


melissa@ahwallawalla.com www.ahwallawalla.com

Residential & commercial real estate Service area: Walla Walla Member special offer

Baker Commodities Inc

Michael Bulleri PO Box 58368 Seattle, WA 98138-1368 206-243-7387

mbulleri@bakercommodities.com www.bakercommodities.com

Used cooking oil recycling Service area: Statewide

Banner Bank

Ronald Palmer 1222 E Madison St Ste A Seattle, WA 98122-3909 206-269-8381

Ronald.Palmer@bannerbank.com www.bannerbank.com

Bank, services, consumer loans Service area: Statewide

Brantley, Janson, Yost & Ellison, CPA’s

Michael Gintz 909 S 336th St Ste 201 Federal Way, WA 98003-7394 253-838-3484

mgintz@brantleyjanson.com www.brantleyjanson.com

Accounting, CPA & taxes Service area: Statewide


Jennifer Stiffler

2450 6th Ave Ste 302 Seattle, WA 98134-2029


jennifer@brigado.io www.brigado.io

Hospitality IT services provider Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Cake Bookkeeping for Restaurants

Sergey Zdorovetskiy

77 Spring St # 407 Seattle, WA 98104-1036




Bookkeeping for restaurants Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Carney Badley Spellman

Joshua Brittingham

701 5th Ave Ste 3600 Seattle, WA 98104-7010


brittingham@carneylaw.com www.carneybadleyspellman.com

HR law for companies Service area: Statewide

Cascade Natural Gas Conservation Incentive Program

Aaron Wines

1600 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98229-4707


awines@trccompanies.com www.cngc.com/energy-efficiency/ commercial-rebate-offerings/ Commercial conservation & energy

Service area: Adams, Benton, Chelan, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Yakima

Central Washington Fair Association

Erin Randall 1301 S Fair Ave Yakima, WA 98901-5500


erinr@fairfun.com www.statefairpark.org

Event management Service area: Yakima Member special offer

CLA - Bellevue

Kevin Tomalty

10700 Northup Way Ste 200 Bellevue, WA 98004-4163


Kevin.Tomalty@claconnect.com www.claconnect.com

Seamless CPA experience Service area: Statewide

CLA - Central Washington

Kevin Tomalty

517 N Mission St Ste B Wenatchee, WA 98801-6634


Kevin.Tomalty@claconnect.com www.claconnect.com/en

Seamless CPA experience Service area: Statewide

CLA - Spokane

Kevin Tomalty

601 W Riverside Ave # 700 Spokane, WA 99201-0622


Kevin.Tomalty@claconnect.com www.claconnect.com

Seamless CPA experience Service area: Statewide

Clark Nuber P.S.

Julie Eisenhauer 10900 NE 4th St Ste 1400 Bellevue, WA 98004-5873


jeisenhauer@clarknuber.com www.clarknuber.com

Accounting, CPA & taxes Service area: Statewide

Class Action Capital

Josh Kerstein

55 W 22nd St Fl 5 New York, NY 10010




Class action settlement recovery Service area: Statewide Member special offer

CLG Employer Resources

Holly Hahn

209 Main Ave S Ste 100 North Bend, WA 98045-8139


hollyh@clger.com https://clger.com

Employee benefits & health insurance Service area: Statewide

Cold Coast Accounting Services

Anne Catherine Kruger 18630 22nd Pl NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155-4036


ac@coldcoastservices.com www.coldcoastservices.com

Accounting bookkeeping & business services Service area: King, Snohomish

Community at Heart Hospitality LLC

Russell Brent 14015 NE 92nd Circle Vancouver, WA 98682-6451


russellebrent@gmail.com www.communityatheartnw.com

Comprehensive restaurant solutions & consultation Service area: Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Wahkiakum Member special offer

Crystal Investment Property LLC

Joe Kennedy 600 NE 99th St Vancouver, WA 98665-5901


info@crystalip.com www.crystalip.com

Hotel brokerage, selling/buying Service area: Statewide

Davis Grimm Payne & Marra Selena Smith

701 Fifth Ave, Ste 3500

Seattle, WA 98104-70505


SSmith@davisgrimmpayne.com www.dgpmlaw.com

Management labor & employment law

Service area: Statewide


DCap Claims

Megan Kuzma

PO Box 370383

Las Vegas, NV 89137-0383


megank@dcapclaims.com www.dcapclaims.com

Anti-trust settlement recovery experts Service area: Statewide

Member special offer

Deacon Construction, LLC

Bob Murphy

8343 154th Ave NE Ste 210 Redmond, WA 98052-6182


bob.murphy@deacon.com www.deacon.com

Real estate development & construction Service area: Statewide

Degen & Degen Architecture and Interior Design

Anita Degen

1402 3rd Ave Ste 1100 Seattle, WA 98101-2124


anita@ddseattle.com www.ddseattle.com

Architecture & interior design Service area: Statewide

Edenholm & Associates

Eric Edenholm

PO Box 11496

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-5496



No website

Accounting, business taxes, CPA Service area: Kitsap

Empower Accounting Solutions

Lori Johnson


lori@empoweraccountingsolutions.net www.empoweraccountingsolutions.net

Accounting, payroll & taxes Service area: King, Pierce

ERNwest Olympia

John Meier

1550 Irving St SW, Ste 300 Tumwater, WA 98512-6362


jmeier@ernwest.com www.ernwest.com

Workers’ compensation claims management Service area: Statewide

ERNwest Spokane

John Meier

511 N Argonne Rd, Ste 201 Spokane Valley, WA 992122878


jmeier@ernwest.com www.ernwest.com

Workers’ compensation claims management Service area: Statewide

Fiore Financial LLC at NYLIFE

Jeanette Fiore

726 W Sylvester St Pasco, WA 99301-5226


jfiore@ft.newyorklife.com www.fiorefinancial.net

Retirement, income & wealth strategies Service area: Statewide

Fisher & Phillips LLP

Catharine Morisset 1700 7th Ave Ste 2200 Seattle, WA 98101-4416


cmorisset@fisherphillips.com www.fisherphillips.com

Employment law Service area: Statewide

Foothills Business Capital

Mark Costello

21926 SE May Valley Rd Issaquah, WA 98027-8541



www.foothillsbusinesscapital. com/contact

Small business loans

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Foster Garvey

Greg Duff 1111 3rd Ave Ste 3000

Seattle, WA 98101-3296


greg.duff@foster.com www.foster.com

Hospitality, travel & tourism attorneys Service area: Statewide

Gallagher Insurance, Risk Management & Consulting

Jeff Filmer 1501 Market St Ste 250 Tacoma, WA 98402-3308


Jeffrey_Filmer@ajg.com www.ajg.com

Insurance | risk management | consulting Service area: Statewide

Gecko Hospitality

Kevin Kalstad PO Box 83556 Portland, OR 97283-0556


kevin@geckohospitality.com www.geckohospitality.com

Recruiting for restaurants hotels clubs Service area: Statewide


Robert Nicholl 6915 S Macadam Ave Portland, OR 97219-2398




Payroll, time keeping, benefits Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Griffith Rush Drake Insurance

Mike Griffith

6312 NE Bothell Way E Kenmore, WA 98028


mikejr@grdins.com www.grdins.com

Commercial insurance broker Service area: Statewide


Grub Gigs

Charlie LLoyd

5725 200th St SW Apt 1 Lynnwood, WA 98036-6504




Job posting & hiring platform Service area: Statewide


Kevin Sell

601 W 1st Ave Ste 1000 Spokane, WA 99201-3822


kevins@hmacpa.com www.hmacpa.com

Accounting consulting & services

Service area: Spokane

Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals, Greater Puget Sound Chapter

Michael Lancey 7626 223rd St SW Edmonds, WA 98026


mlancey@mckenziechase.com www.hftp.org/hospitality_ association

Hospitality industry career education Service area: Statewide

Hospitality Health Insurance

Logan Dozier

155 108th Ave NE, Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004


logand@wahospitality.org www.hihittrust.com

Medical & employee benefits Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Oliver Kotelnikov

40 Lake Bellevue Drive, Ste 100 Bellevue, WA 98005-2480




Full service business brokers Service area: Statewide


Lex Nepomuceno 1726 Arab Drive SE Tumwater, WA 98501-6829




Public affairs & technology consultant

Service area: Statewide

JD Posner Business Solutions

Jennifer Posner 6514 SW Santa Monica Ct Portland, OR 97221-8000




Accounting services & HR consulting Service area: Statewide Member special offer

K & J Accounting

Jason Soper 255 SW 153rd St Burien, WA 98166-2313


jason@kjaccounting.net www.kjaccounting.net

Accounting, CPA & taxes Service area: Statewide

Kezner Consulting Group

Daniel Kezner 7248 SE 27th St Mercer Island, WA 98040-2602


dan@keznerconsulting.com www.keznerconsulting.com

General restaurant operations consulting

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Kidder Mathews / Cairn Consulting

Kelly Gaddis

191815 23rd Dr SE

Bothell, WA 98102




Restaurant real estate broker Service area: Chelan, King, Pierce, Snohomish, Walla Walla



Van Dessel Geana

510 W Riverside Ave Ste 800 Spokane, WA 99201-0506


Geana.VanDessel@KutakRock.com www.kutakrock.com

National employment & business lawyer

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Landerholm PS

James Sikora

805 Broadway St Ste 1000 Vancouver, WA 98660-3343


james.sikora@landerholm.com landerholm.com

Employment law attorney Service area: Statewide

LAZ Parking

Royce Williams

255 Stewart St Seattle, WA 98101


RWilliams@lazparking.com www.lazparking.com

Parking, valet, shuttle management Service area: Statewide

LGC Hospitality

Terra Gallagher

33305 1st Way S Ste 210 Federal Way, WA 98003-6259


terrag@lgcassociates.com www.lgcassociates.com

Hospitality staffing & recruiting Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Lockton Companies

Patrick McHugh

600 University St #1900 Seattle, WA 98101-4115


Patrick.McHugh@lockton.com www.global.lockton.com

Independent insurance brokerage Service area: Statewide

Mahoney Environmental

Elise Leritz-Higgins

3333 NW 35th Ave Bldg C Portland, OR 97210


marketing@choosesq.com www.choosesq.com

Used cooking oil recycler Service area: Statewide

Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency - Spokane

Eddie Eugenio

501 N. Riverpoint Blvd, Ste 403 Spokane, WA 99202-1649


eddie.eugenio@marshmma.com mmanorthwest.com

Healthcare insurance broker Service area: Statewide

MarshMcLennan Agency

Kyle Beane

1 Polaris Way Ste 300 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656


Kyle.beane@marshmma.com marshmma.com

Personal insurance & risk management Service area: Statewide

Mckenzie Chase Management (MCM)

Mike Lancey

2303 W Commodore Way Ste 210 Seattle, WA 98199-1261


mlancey@mckenziechase.com www.mckenziechase.com

Business tax credit services Service area: Statewide

Metis LLC - Mergers and Acquisitions

Chris Garratt

333 E Birch St Walla Walla, WA 99362-3032


chris@metisnw.com www.metisnw.com

Mergers & acquisitions advisors Service area: Statewide


Miller Malone & Tellefson

Dave Malone

3110 Ruston Way Ste F Tacoma, WA 98402-5308


davidm@mmtlawfirm.com www.mmtlawfirm.com

Gambling & liquor licensing attorney Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Miller Nash Graham & DunnSeattle

Tristan Swanson

2801 Alaskan Way Ste 300 Seattle, WA 98121-1128


tristan.swanson@millernash.com millernash.com

Professional legal services in WA, OR, CA

Service area: Statewide

Miller Nash Graham & DunnVancouver

Tristan Swanson

500 Broadway St Ste 400 Vancouver, WA 98660-3324


tristan.swanson@millernash.com www.millernash.com

Professional legal services in WA, OR, CA

Service area: Statewide

MM Unemployment Cost Control Services

Maria Madison

15716 Ursula Ln SE Ste A Yelm, WA 98597



No website

Unemployment claims management services Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Navigator Consulting

Chris Patterson

14328 N Denver Ct Spokane, WA 99208-9546


Chris@navigator-consultants.com www.navigator-consultants.com

Restaurant consulting profit management Service area: Statewide Member special offer

NEXT Retirement Solutions

Paul Neuner

2603 Evergreen Wynde Louisville, KY 40223


paul.neuner@ nextretirementsolutions.com www.nextretirementsolutions.com

Retirement plan services Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Nishijin Accounting & Consulting Services

Kanako Matsumoto 7265 S 135th St Seattle, WA 98178-5157


kmatsumoto@nishijinaccounting. com

No website

Accounting coach & CPA Service area: Statewide

Pacific Commercial Brokers

Tom O’Brien

221 S 28th St Ste 103 Tacoma, WA 98402-2726


tom@paccombrokers.com www.pacificcommercialbrokers. com

Mergers, acquisitions & real estate Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Paine Hamblen LLP

Kimberly Kamel 717 W Sprague Ave

Spokane, WA 99201-3922


kak@painehamblen.com https://painehamblen.com

Legal services & employment law Service area: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima Member special offer

Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc.

Jim Chesemore 2233 112th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004-2936 425-709-3600

jrchesemore@psfinc.com www.psfinc.com

Business & commercial insurance Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Ken Haynes 1400 American Ln Schaumburg, IL 601735452


khaynes@paylocity.com www.paylocity.com

Payroll & HR management software Service area: Statewide Member special offer

PayneWest Insurance

Matt Henderson 390 Bradley Blvd Richland, WA 99352-4483


mhenderson@paynewest.com www.paynewest.com

Healthcare insurance broker Service area: Statewide


PC Techs & Parts

Ernest Harris

9918 Portland Ave E

Tacoma, WA 98445-3958




It services & digital marketing Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Peizer Commercial Real Estate

Mark Peizer

121 Windsor Dr SE Sammamish, WA 98074-3420



www.peizercommercialrealestate. com

Commercial brokerage restaurants & lodging Service area: Statewide

Performance Reps NW

Janel Rupp

9923 SW 178th St

Vashon, WA 98070




Foodservice equipment manufacturer representatives Service area: Statewide

Premier Capital Associates

Jeff McKee

13555 SE 36th St Ste 100 Bellevue, WA 98006-1456


jmckee@premiercapitalassoc. com


Commercial loans & advisory Service area: Statewide

Real Property Law Group, PLLC

Sandip Soli

1326 5th Ave Ste 654 Seattle, WA 98101-2655


ssoli@rp-lawgroup.com www.rp-lawgroup.com

Hospitality real estate attorneys Service area: Statewide

Restaurant Group, Inc.

Arnold Shain 10104 NE 38Th Ct

Kirkland, WA 98033-7881


arnoldshain@restaurantgroup. com


Branding, marketing, menu & design Service area: Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Risk Solutions Unlimited

Cecil Jentges

4200 Meridian St Ste 105 Bellingham, WA 98226-5595 866-810-9783



Washington’s best security service Service area: Clark, King, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Whatcom Member special offer

Sandin Insurance Group

Andrew Pettygrove PO Box 230785 Portland, OR 97281


andrew@teamsandin.com www.liquorinsurance.com Custom insurance package policies Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Sandman Savrann PLLC

Irvin Sandman 1111 3rd Ave Ste 2700 Seattle, WA 98101-3224


isandman@sandsav.com www.sandmansavrann.com

Hospitality industry legal counsel Service area: Statewide

Scott Kingsbury CPA

Scott Kingsbury 33305 1st Way S Ste B-214 Federal Way, WA 98003-6235


scott@kingsburycpa.com www.kingsburycpa.com

Local experienced CPA Service area: King, Pierce

Sebris Busto James

Matthew Lynch 15375 SE 30th Pl Ste 310 Bellevue, WA 98007-6500


mlynch@sbj.law www.sbj.law

Employment law & labor relations Service area: Statewide

Spokane Sports

Ashley Blake 201 W North River Dr #130 Spokane, WA 99201-2213 509-742-9371

ashleyb@spokanesports.org www.spokanesports.org

Sports marketing & development Service area: Spokane


Aimee Guthinger 100 California St Ste 900 San Francisco, CA 94111-4505 206-681-7082

aguthinger@spoton.com www.spoton.com

Integrated restaurant management platform Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Stonebraker McQuary Insurance

Cody McCrillis 1401 E 57th Ave

Spokane, WA 99223-6621


cmccrillis@stonebrakermcquary. com


Restaurant/hotel insurance specialists Service area: Statewide


SVN NW Hotel Advisors

Brian Resendez

4915 SW Griffith Dr Ste 300 Beaverton, OR 97005-2933


brian.resendez@svn.com www.svn-nwhoteladvisors.com

Your full service hotel brokerage Service area: Statewide

Tax Advisors PLLC

Gregory Damico

203 SE Park Plaza Dr Ste 230 Vancouver, WA 98684-5873


gdamico@taxadvisorscpa.com www.taxadvisorscpa.com

Property tax/valuation appeals Service area: Statewide

Total Benefits Solutions

Tatiana Schnadenberg 155 108th Ave NE Ste 800 Bellevue, WA 980045901


hhi@tbsmga.com www.tbsmga.com

Health insurance benefits Service area: Statewide

Trigg Insurance Agency

Tom Trigg PO Box 509 Vashon, WA 98070-0509


tomtrigg@trigginsurance.com www.trigginsurance.com

Business & commercial insurance Service area: King, Pierce

US Bank Auburn

Brian Smith

401 15th St NE Auburn, WA 98002-1604


brian.smith@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Ballard

Matt Heinle 6100 15th Ave NW Seattle, WA 981072303


matthew.heinle@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Bellevue

Matt Heinle 10800 NE 8th St Bellevue, WA 980044461


matthew.heinle@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Belltown

Matt Heinle 504 Bell St Seattle, WA 98121-1777


matthew.heinle@ usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Everett

Cherrie Claudio 1702 Hewitt Ave Everett, WA 98201-3521 425-252-5151

cherrie.claudio@ usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: Snohomish Member special offer

US Bank Northgate

Matt Heinle

815 NE Northgate Way Seattle, WA 98125-7311


matthew.heinle@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Olympia

Matt Heinle 402 S Capital Way Olympia, WA 98501-1096


matthew.heinle@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: Thurston Member special offer

US Bank Seattle

Faraz Hussain 1420 Fifth Ave Seattle, WA 98101-4087 206-344-3690

faraz.hussain@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: King Member special offer

US Bank Smokey Point Cherrie Claudio 17110 Smokey Point Blvd Arlington, WA 98223-8427


cherrie.claudio@usbank. com


Association partner in payment processing.

Service area: Snohomish Member special offer

› Get paid fast Serve up more business with a payment partner you can trust!

› Reliable payment solutions

› Accept all payment types

› Dedicated support team

› Data security solutions

As a Washington Hospitality Association member, you will receive an exclusive rate that has helped save other members an average of $34


US Bank Tacoma

Brian Smith 1145 Broadway Ste 100 Tacoma, WA 984023523


brian.smith@usbank.com www.usbank.com

Association partner in payment processing. Service area: Pierce

Member special offer

West Coast Franchise Law

Nate Riordan

600 Stewart St Ste 1300 Seattle, WA 98101-1255 206-903-0401

nate@westcoastfranchiselaw.com www.westcoastfranchiselaw.com

Franchise, M&A, development, leasing Service area: Statewide

Westley Price Insurance

6:09 PM

Keoni Coleman 3120 S Grand Blvd #8715 Spokane, WA 99203-2697 509-474-9655

keoni@wpiteam.com www.westleyprice.com

Health & life insurance brokerage Service area: Statewide

WorkSafe, part of the Washington Hospitality Association

Victoria Montrose 510 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 985011587


worksafe@wahospitality.org www.worksafewa.org

Work safe, save money Service area: Statewide


A and R Hoods

Steven Russell

2705 S Tacoma Way Ste B Tacoma, WA 98409-7521


steve@aandrhoods.com www.aandrhoods.com

Commercial kitchen cleaning Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Alice Financial Avi Karnani

195 Montague St Floor 14 Brooklyn, NY 10015 718-313-3486

avi@pretaxhero.com www.thisisalice.com

Commuter benefits Service area: Statewide


John Bonaccorso 2 Music Sq. West Nashville, TN 37203-3204


jbonaccorso@ascap.com www.ascap.com

Music licensing Service area: Statewide

Cloud Kitchens

Rosana Gambino 2401 4th Ave Seattle, WA 98121 845-270-2312

rosana.gambino@cloudkitchens.com www.cloudkitchens.com

National commercial kitchen operator Service area: King

CPR Training Center

Kevin Jones PO Box 55806

Seattle, WA 98155-0806


kevin@cprtr.com www.cprtr.com

Best first aid/CPR Service area: Statewide



Lara Holmes

34110 9th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003-6710




Cleaning, janitorial, pest & products

Service area: Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Member special offer

Five Star Mechanical

John Ware 7509 Grange St W Lakewood, WA 98499-8181


johnw@fivestarmech.com https://fivestarmech.com

Family owned HVAC contractor Service area: Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Ideal Merchant Service

Victoria Hardy 8111 46th Pl W C4 Mukilteo, WA 98275-3052


victoria@idealmerchantservice. com


Employee retention & workflow automation Service area: Statewide


Crystal Hamilton 5002 56 Street Delta, BC V4K 3C5 604-767-6730

crystal@getknowbie.com http://getknowbie.com

Alcohol beverage training program

Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Mahoney Environmental Solutions

Elijah Worley 6333 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98108-3228 206-299-4610

eworley@mahoneyes.com www.mahoneyes.com

Used cooking oil recycling Service area: Statewide

Mobile Cash Solutions

Ben Atkinson 15317 N Chronicle Lane Mead, WA 99021-9485


ben@mobilecashsolutions.com www.mobilecashsolutions.com

ATM sales & service Service area: Statewide

Northwest Loss Prevention Consultants

Douglas Rector PO Box 3142 Renton, WA 98056-0007 425-271-0312

doug@nwlpc.com www.nwlpc.com Mystery shopping integrity investigation Service area: Statewide

P3 Cost Analysts

Wyatt Wheeler PO Box 584 Sumner, WA 98390-0100 253-642-7774

wwheeler@costanalysts.com www.costanalysts.com

Expense reduction no cost Service area: Statewide

Saela Pest Control

Guillermo Padilla 1401 100th St S Tacoma, WA 98444-4183 206-886-6842

guillermo.padilla@saelapest.com www.saelapest.com

Pest control & monthly maintenance Service area: King, Snohomish, Thurston

Member special offer

Saela Pest Control - Kent

Guillermo Padilla 8320 S 259th St Kent, WA 98030-7428


guillermo.padilla@saelapest.com www.saelapest.com

Pest control & monthly maintenance Service area: King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston

Saela Pest Control - Tacoma

Guillermo Padilla 8016 Durango St SW Tacoma, WA 98499-4591


guillermo.padilla@saelapest.com www.saelapest.com

Pest control & monthly maintenance Service area: King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston

Seattle Laundry ServiceFremont Chris Tudor 4237 Fremont Ave N Seattle, WA 98103-7221


info@seattlelaundryservice.com www.seattlelaundryservice.com

Commercial/residential laundry service Service area: Seattle Area

Seattle Laundry Service - Seattle Chris Tudor 4522 Brooklyn Ave Seattle, WA 98105-4526


info@seattlelaundryservice.com www.seattlelaundryservice.com

Commercial/residential laundry service Service area: Seattle Area


Seattle Laundry ServiceUniversity

Chris Tudor

4522 Brooklyn Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105-4526




Commercial/residential laundry service Service area: Seattle Area

Seattle Laundry ServiceWallingford

Chris Tudor

2511 N 50th St

Seattle, WA 98103-6949


info@seattlelaundryservice.com seattlelaundryservice.com

Commercial/residential laundry service

Service area: Seattle Area

Seattle Public Utilities

Pat Kaufman

700 5th Ave

Seattle, WA 98117 -5058


pat.kaufman@seattle.gov www.seattle.gov/util

SPU green business program Service area: King


Cade Twitty

26000 W Executive Pkwy Ste 200 Lehi, UT 84043


cade@workstream.is www.workstream.us

Hire hourly workers faster Service area: Statewide Member special offer



James Paribello

888 Brannan St

San Francisco, CA 94103




Short-term rental marketplace facilitator Service area: Statewide

Bear Robotics

Derrick Harmon 785 Broadway St Redwood City, CA 94063


derrick@bearrobotics.ai www.bearrobotics.ai

Food running & bussing robot Service area: Statewide

ChefTec Culinary Software Services

Holly Baumkratz

2930 Center Green Court Boulder, CO 80301-2216


Marketing@ChefTec.com www.cheftec.com

Inventory cost control software Service area: Statewide


Jules Dana 431 Stephenson Hwy Ste 100 Troy, MI 48083 817-676-1441

jules.dana@dormakaba.com www.dormakaba.com

Electronic door lock systems Service area: Statewide

DYNE Technologies Inc

Eric Grosser #2900 550 Burrard St Vancouver, BC V6C 0A3 281-928-2953

eric@dyneapp.ca www.dyneapp.ca

Drive top-line revenue growth Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Hotel Investor Apps

Candra Valley 92605 Svensen Market Rd

Astoria, OR 97103-8221


candra@hotelinvestorapps.com https://hotelinvestorapps.com

Hotel ERP & accounting platform Service area: Statewide

isolved HCM

Connor Mullan 11215 N Community House Rd Ste 800 Charlotte, NC 28277-4961


cmullan@isolvedhcm.com www.isolvedhcm.com

Human capital management technology Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Jolt Software

David Doty

2901 Ashton Blvd Ste 300 Lehi, UT 84043-5497 877-396-4112

david.doty@jolt.com www.jolt.com

Hospitality operational accountability software Service area: Statewide Member special offer

National Business System Inc.

David Riley 24425 Pacific Hwy S Kent, WA 98032-4079


jr@nbsystems.com www.nbsystems.com

Point of sale systems Service area: Statewide

Positive Technologies Inc.

Jim Gerow

6910 SE Lake Rd

Milwaukie, OR 97267


jim@positivetech.com www.positivetech.com

Point of sales systems Service area: Statewide Member special offer


PTAC Energy Solutions

Brad Schneider PO Box 2673

Huntington Station, NY 11746




Hotel energy management solutions Service area: Statewide

React Mobile

Ryan Heideman

720 Seneca Street #308 Seattle, WA 98101-2758




Panic button solutions for hotels Service area: Statewide


Barbara Sharnak

4200 Six Forks Rd Ste 1800 Raleigh, NC 27609-2690


bsharnak@relaypro.com www.relaypro.com

Radios are dead Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Smart Tab POS

Robert Hanlon 1220 E Pioneer Puyallup, WA 98372-3382


robert@smarttab.com www.smarttab.com

POS that doesn’t suck Service area: Statewide

Social Crowd

Paul Doran 145 Placemark Irvine, CA 92614


paul@getsocialcrowd.com www.getsocialcrowd.com

Employee incentive platform Service area: Statewide Member special offer

Minimum 35% off on payroll services

Some solutions include:

■ Payroll

■ Onboarding

■ Timekeeping & scheduling

■ HR management system

■ Work opportunity tax credit bit.ly/45uObI2


Rose Cerato

4720 Montgomery Ln Ste 1100 Bethesda, MD 20814-3454




Hotel PMS Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Jon Evans 720 Seneca St Ste 107 #6 Seattle, WA 98101-2764


Jon@tiphaus.com www.tiphaus.com

Tip automation, calculation, distribution Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Jonathan Skodras

320 N Sangamon St Fl 6 Chicago, IL 60607


jskodras@tockhq.com www.tockhq.com

All-in-one hospitality reservation platform Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Mary O’Neill

300 Baker Ave Ste 160 Concord, MA 01742-2124




Event management software Service area: Statewide

Tri-Tec Communications, Inc.

Scott Grieben 25500 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5875


scottg@tri-tec.com www.tri-tec.com

Telecommunications provider & cloud services

Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Parag Shah

323 N Washington Ave STE 200 Minneapolis, MN 55401 877-388-7872

parag.shah@vemos.io www.vemos.io

ID verification pay at the table Service area: Statewide Member special offer


Michelle Mahoney 30 Hudson Yards New York, NY 10001 212-512-1391

michelle.mahoney@ warnermedia.com www.HBOBulk.com

Premium programming Service area: Statewide Member special offer

WeBee Özgür Zan

Yildiz Teknik Universitesi Davutpasa Istanbul, 34220 +90 212 464 66 76

ozgur.zan@getwebee.com www.getwebee.com

Mobile guest experience solution Service area: Statewide

Embracing technology in a post-pandemic world

There’s no question that hospitality is one of the greatest industries in the world. We’re in the business of providing amazing experiences. Our passion is rooted in serving our communities. We open our doors to all — from friends celebrating a night out to families road-tripping through our beautiful state.

As we look to the future in a post-pandemic world, it’s clear technology will play a vital role in the success of hospitality businesses. In the latest Technology Landscape Report from the National Restaurant Association, 65% of full-service customers say they’d likely use a computer tablet at the table to pay their check. The 2024 State of the Industry report from AHLA noted “Innovations in event technology and production are a vital part of total revenue growth and the customer experience.”

Nearly every hotel and restaurant owner and operator who fought to keep their doors open through the pandemic embraced at least one – likely more – new technology to stay afloat. Some of those technologies included:

Self-check-in kiosks

Automated kitchens

Mobile guestroom keys

Third-party delivery apps

Contactless payments

QR code menus

AI chatbots

Self-serve beer taps


Learn more about these latest hospitality tech trends at bit.ly/toolkitshospitalitytech.

Washington Hospitality Association members can check out the latest state of the industry and technology reports from our national partners, which have mountains of useful data to guide you through strategic investments and decision-making around technology and your business.

And here at the Washington Hospitality Association, we’re taking lessons learned from these reports to heart as well. We’re excited to explore new technologies that will help us better serve our members.

At the top of that list will be a complete website redesign, which will come to fruition in 2025. There have been several advancements in website tech in recent years that will greatly enhance our efforts to provide members with firstin-class information and resources. Our new website will be intuitive, easier to navigate and more searchable.

And finally, as our association continues to lean in to more efficient and costeffective resources for our members, this print Buyer’s Guide will be our last edition, for now at least. We’ve received great feedback from our members, both anecdotally and through our recent member survey, that an online Buyer’s Guide is by far preferred over a print version.

We welcome any ideas you have. Drop us a line at tech@wahospitality.org.

So, for now, we bid you adieu from the team that has produced and distributed this Buyer’s Guide for the seven years the Hospitality Association has been serving you. We will invest more in new tools and technologies to bring you these resources online and via other digital platforms.

The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.



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