Contents LC Dairy EB Dimension
Opportunity Review Rewards & Recognitions Opportunity Announcement & Calendar
LC Dairy
After challenging tons of obstacles, it was time for TRANSITION from EB term 1314 to EB term 1415. They undoubtedly deserved our respect and admiration for putting their efforts. A PLANE WILL NOT GO AHEAD WITHOUT CAPTIAN, right? - Lythuo
The Big Bang was the term first summit dedicated to launch the new term. The objective of this summit was to deploy the national plan for the term 2014-15 which included the Focus Areas for the term, Strategies and New Initiatives. – Marketing Function
Global Leadership Fair
AIESEC’s Global Leadership Fair, a national event organized by AIESEC, was the event containing Exchange Fair and Global Village. The main objective of this event was to allow the youth to gain more knowledge about Global Culture and leadership opportunity. – Marketing Function
LC Meeting
It was the first LC Meeting of AIESEC IFL term 1415, which aimed to introduce our New LEADERSHIP BOARD of term 1415, to build up relations in functional team and to announce some rare opportunities. - Lythuo
EB Dimension
It has been one month after 1415 Official EB team came into AIESEC IFL. The first month work has penetrated into their life while they were tackling with the exam. Despite that, they still tried to organized meeting even within the exam day to propose and plan right strategy for the LC and for the sake of members. Within that, they also had one bonding together that this shows the members how close they are working as a team. In my opinion, I would say they are like family; Do you agree? Let’s cheer for them ! - Lythuo
Opportunities Review
TL OGX Recruitment
TL iGCDP Recruitment
“Welcome Our NEW TL iGCDP Darapich, Leakkheana, Neath and Chanlina”
MarComms Members Recruitment
Welcome NEW MarCommers
Rewards & Recognitions
Top Performance of iGCDP • "I am currently in charge of a project which is quite intense to me and keeps myself motivated toward my aiesec journey. Back then when i was just a normal student, I didnt know what AIESEC was. I only knew my goal is to achieve great performance at school, and thats it. However, I was curious of how and why aiesec is so renowned and what they are doing, therefore, decided to applied to be an AIESECer." - Mam Monirath
Top Performance in OGX "I really delighted to be informed that I am a TOP PERFORMANCE member in OGX. At the same time, I couldn’t imagine that my effort could pay off. Because I made mistakes, I failed to complete my works, and I didn’t have the good relations with others. And go back to the past three months, I really cannot believe that I can handle and go through such a tough and challenging journey. Lastly I would like to thank every single AIESEC IFL member for the loves and constructive feedbacks, I feel loved in this big family." - Yin Kokcheng
Top Performance in iGIP “Recruited back then in 2013, Vatey has become such a vital member in AIESEC IFL. Her contribution to Business Development Department has been making significant part that we don’t want to lose. Despite her busy timeline and her works in AIESEC, she is an excellent debater. I really wonder how she can manage her time while she is also facing academic procedure. AIESEC IFL is proud to have her here.” – Vuty Kong
Top Performance in MarComms "Lythuo was recruited back then in January 2014. Precisely such ability makes people pushing him into iGCDP function. Working and spending effort helps him to realize more what he needs, so he decided to go to MarCom and was allocated to work for Information Management. Incredibly, he has spent so much time to learn and to help AIESEC IFL, and because of that, he is more than suitable to be a Top Performance for Marketing and Communication department. “- Vuty Kong
Opportunities Announcement & Calendar • 8th August: Deadline of National Support Team Application • 13th August: Deadline of Pocket Recruitment Youth Talent Programme • 15th August: Team Leader and Director Marketing and Communication Application Released • 16th August: Round 2: Interviewing Process Youth Talent Programme • 17th August: Round 3: Group Discussion Youth Talent Programme • 18th August: Team Leader Business Development Application Release • 18th to 31st August: Global Leader Application * • 30th August: Info-session of Global Leader * • 31st August: Member Appreciation Night *