1 minute read
After high school Liyyah Coenraad
from The Year 2022
by Wynberg Way
L i y y a h C o e n r a a d
After spending 12 years of your life in school, it all comes to an end in one day. Once you are released into the bigger world, your decisions may either make or break your life and feeling of fear and uncertainty arises.Thoughts about what you want to do after high school begin to clutter your mind. However, you will get through it all.
Throughout high school, we have been on a 8 am-3 pm schedule almost every day for about 5 years. Now that you’re out of school, that schedule disappears. You're on your way to adapting to adulthood and finding out what you’d like to do with your upcoming years. Your life may feel completely different and you may not know where to move forward.
Are you going to university? Should you take a gap year? What would you want your career to look like? These are all questions that no one can answer certainly, so you’re not alone if you’re feeling confused about your future. What you need to do is, go out into the world and experience life. Put yourself out there and take those risks you’ve always wanted to take because along the way, you will learn more and more about yourself.
Hidden under every item of clothing or makeup lies a body, and under the skin of everybody is a soul. Each soul has a personality and purpose but how can one truly know who they are? It takes years of experience to understand yourself, such as your likes, dislikes and wants. We all need time to figure out what we would want to do in this world and what our purpose is. Ask yourself, where would you like to see yourself in a few years and plan to fulfil your purpose or goals.
We all learn things along our journey and it doesn’t just happen in a split second. We all need to take the time to adjust, but we can all be the best we can be. We wish our class of 2022 all the best on their journey