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Hace unos cuantos años había un niño que se llamaba Tom. Se portaba muy bien y sacaba muy buenas notas, era 24 de noviembre de 2015, faltaba un me para noche buena, era un día oscuro, frío y estaba nevando sin parar. Tom estaba en casa pensando y escribiendo que le podría pedir a Papa Noel. Al cabo de un rato acabó de escribir la carta. Pidió un ordenador porque no tenía, un dron y un móvil que le rompió su hermano pequeño John se lo tiró al suelo sin querer. Tom tenía 13 años y su hermano 3. El hermano de Tom pidió un tren de juguete y una caja llena de animales de juguete. Era 25 de noviembre. Hacía mucho frío había nevado más que ayer, las carreteras estaban completamente anegadas y en el centro de la ciudad había grandes retenciones por culpa de las inundaciones sufridas anoche. Había casas y garajes completamente anegados por culpa de la fuerte tormenta que cayó en la ciudad. El 30 de noviembre las cosas fueron mucho más tranquilas, en la ciudad no nevaba tanto. Era un día bastante más tranquilo y soleado. Los niños estaban más nerviosos y ansiosos. El 15 de diciembre los niños estaban muy nerviosos y ansiosos, ya que solo faltaban 9 días para noche buena. El 23 de diciembre los niños estaban súper ansiosos. Y por fin llegó el día, 24 de diciembre los niños pidieron sus regalos y después Tom y John se marcharon con sus padres y fueron a comer a un restaurante cercano que se comía muy bien pollo con patatas, era el plato preferido de la familia. Después de comer fueron a la calle y se reunieron con sus amigos. Tom anoche se quedó junto a su hermano. Al día siguiente, Papa Noel no les trajo nada más que solo dos pedazos duros de carbón. Los niños se echaron a llorar. Los padres no se lo podían creer. Entonces decidieron llamar a Papa Noel. Papa Noel fue rápidamente a casa de la familia miro a quien pertenecía el regalo y se dio cuenta de que se despisto y les trajo a ellos entonces cogió los ``regalos´´ equivocados y les dio el que les pertenecía entonces los niños se alegraron mucho de tener sus regalos. Le dieron un beso a Papa Noel y se marchó.






I opened one door, and I saw a very mysterious place. The place was very

dark and cold, it had like 20 doors.

At the beginning, I was very relaxed, and I started to opened the doors.

The 2 first doors, they were opened but they were cold and dark. In the

first door, there was a piece of paper, and it said “ you have to find keys to open the doors and go out of this place, but you only have 3 lives…” At that moment, I was frightened. What would happen if I lost all the

lives? And a lot of questions came to my head… I started to opened the doors, to found the keys. In the second door

there was a man with a lot of knives, but I saw one key in his hand. Very

frightened, I started to entered in the door. The man didn't see me, and I took

the key of his hand. At that moment the man saw me and he started to

followed me. I was running a lot with the key and quickly I tried to opened one

door but it was locked! All the doors were locked, only the first and the second

were opened! So I took the key of the man and I tried to opened the door, it

opened, but I lost one life and I didn't know why.

In that place I saw another key, I took it and I started to founding

another door to opened and went out of that cold and dark place.

Doing all these things, I had only 1 life and I was very frightened. I was

with the 3 key and tried to opened one door but the door didn't open.

So suddenly in my home screen of my mobile phone it appeared “GAME OVER”. -Oh no! I lost the game, now I had to started again with this exciting




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I was in the living room, and my mum entered at home. She bought me a fat book, and I decided to started reading. The book was about 10 magic doors and I didn’t know which door chose to start.

I decided to entered in the first door, but when I entered, it was all dark and I couldn’t saw anything. Then, I saw a light, and I walked to it. After that, I entered to the second door. But it wasn’t dark, it was sunny. I was in a mountain, wiht a lot of grass.

In the third door, it was a beautiful bedroom, with a pink bed, and it had a lot of cushions on it. It was lovely. Then, I entered to the fourth door, and I saw a man with red eyes. I was really scared and I didn’t knew how tos cape. I ran a lot and I was so tired…

I entered to another room. There was my dog. It died the lastyear, but it was there. I was surprised and scared too. It was angry and it wanted to bite me. I ran away.

Then, I woke up. I was at the living room. It was only a bad dream. But then, when my mum entered to the living room, she sayd that she bought me a new book.

It was the same book, that she gived me in my bad dream.


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