DD M1 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Yanchong Wu

910612 Michael Mack, Studio 5

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

According to Zeara-Polo, a diagram is a “tool that describes relationships and prescribes performances in space”. Thus, a diagram is an abstract, condensed representation of the interactions of objects in relations; and provides an overview of the specific condition of the space in an organisational level. In contrast, according to Charles Peirce in Zaera-Polo’s Between Ideas Matters, signs and symbols are the direct representation of a dynamic object. Signs and symbols are used to communicate the materialistic qualities, functions or properties of an object and does not ultimately take into consideration of their relations in a specific space and time.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Top Left: plan Top Right: left elevation Bottom Left: image Label your images here. Describe what they are (Section, Elevation, Plan, Image etc). Use white colour background in Rhino only.

Baan, Iwan. “Serpentine Summer House�, 2016. The modelling process consistently consists of tracing in curves due to the twisted and bend feature of the structure, this is done and shown in the plan view. Then it is a repetitive process of tracing and extruding the lines to surfaces then into polysurfaces. The real challenge was to recreate the twisted feature in the upper structure. It required carefully matching the control points to the imported image in left elevation view. The symbolic effect is at last recraeted via this method, shown in the image on the bottom.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

Herzberger argues that design should not be extreme in its functionality as it eliminates the possibilities of the design, rendering it to be rigid and inflexible. One example of such is the “in-between” space which serves as the overlapping transition between the threshold of two different space. It is demonstrated in Barkow Leibinger’s Serpentine Summer House as it blurs the threshold between indoors and outdoors with an elastic design. The twisted and elastic nature of the structure appropriates for the consistent flow of circulation and mediates with the possible need to rest with its limited seatings.


Week Two


Barkow Leibinger Serpentine Summer House This is a Rhino 3D model of Barkow Leibinger’s Serpentine Summer House, constructed in United Kingdom, 2016. The modelling process was rather systematic as it mostly consists of 40mm wooden boards with a flat top and bottom. The modelling process starts by making sure the scale of the imported drawings were to scale. Then the general process was to trace around the bird eyes view plan then extruding the structure to the given height and affixing it to its respective position. More attention and detailed modelling were given to specific parts where sharps turns or important features took place, such as the big twist which required the use of sweeping. While modelling, the circulation around the pavilion was becoming more apparent. This was most obvious when the top parts of the pavilion was being modelled. The irregular nature of the top parts creates unique patterns of shadow that manipulates the circulation and threshold. This in conjunction with the structure’s context creates a rather rounded circulation and fragmented thresholds. The key concept of the precedent study is to analyse the relations between the materialistic products and the abstract diagrams.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

This diagram displays the rounded circulation of the structure. The Arrows points to the footpath which is source of the circulation while the gradient indicates the possible density of people in activated time of day.

The backwall and the upper structure creates a threshold and dictates the likelihood of pedestrians to stop by the structure. Both the shadows created by the structure and surrounding view is important elements attributing to the threshold.




This is how I have setup the document prior to the start of modelling. I have placed each import in a different layer to turn them on and off at will. The view from all four direction has been crucial in the accuracy of the model. This setup I have found to be enormously helpful in the modelling process.


Appendix Process

These four are a glimpse at the stages of the modelling process from both the plan view and isometric view. This is a demonstration of the building up process of the structure. It really is apparent that the structure prompts a looping circulation with an entry and exit at the sharp end of the structure.




This is the completed remodel of the Serpentine Summer House in Rhino 5 shaded view. The different layer colours are aimed to show the different components of the structure.

This is the Rhino 5 rendered view of the structure. I have set the condition of the Sun to be at England, 12pm, 04/07/2016, which is during the summer months.


Appendix Others

This is the site plan for the Serpentine Summer House. The position of the footpath can be clearly recognised.

On the top is a concept drawing of the project and on the bottom is a photo of the completed structure. From this, the approximate position of the lake may be assumed.

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