Module 02 - Task 01
1.1 1.1
1.2 1.2
1.3 1.3
1.4 1.4
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
{35,101,150} {20,56,150} {20,-18,150}
2.1 2.1
2.2 2.2
Yanchong Wu - 910612
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index {IndexSelection} Selection}
{Index Selection} {Index Selection}
{Index Selection} {Index Selection}
{Index Selection} {Index Selection}
2.3 2.3
2.4 2.4 {77,-53,96} {144,191,152}
{58,191,81} {118,172,0}
{93,35,-76} {Attractor Location} {AttractorPoint Point Location}
{Attractor Point {Attractor PointLocation} Location}
{Attractor Point Location} {Index Selection}
3.1 3.1
3.2 3.2
3.3 3.3
3.4 3.4
{Attractor Point Location} {Attractor Point Location}
Design Matrix 1:5 The gap between the row of panel directs light from specific angles.
Tip of panels converges towards the attractor point to create a directional field.
Perforations on one face control the direction in which light can enter the volume.
Solid panels create a definitive boundary between exterior and interior. Protruding forms create interest through light and shadow.
The panel twists in direction as it adapts to the sloped surface the waffle structure is based on.
Panels are smaller at the bottom and increase in size towards the top of the volume.
A hollow waffle structure allows for the creation of an interior volume.
Exploded Axonometric 1:1 0
Intersecting 2D components allows for the creation of a 3D volume that frames an internal space within.
Grid Manipulation
1.2 1.2
1.4 1.4
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
Grid Points
{150,150,150} {134,104,100}
{75,75,75} {0,75,0} {0,0,0}
{0,0,0} {34,54,0}
{-15,4,0} {Curve {Point Attractor} Attractor}
Object Sphere Distribution
Module 02 - Task 02
1.1 1.1
2.1 2.1
{Curve Attractor} {Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor} {Curve Attractor}
2.2 2.2
2.3 2.3
2.4 2.4
{Curve [1.2] Attractor}
{Random Attractor} [1.2]
{Volume Gravitational Centres} [1.2]
3.2 3.2
3.3 3.3
3.4 3.4
{134,154,0} {34,4,50}
{Point [1.2] Attractor}
Object Sphere Overlay Transformation
Yanchong Wu - 910612
{Curve {Point Attractor} Attractor}
3.1 3.1
{Morph} [2.2+2.4]
{Consistent [2.2+2.3] Scaling}
{Reverse Attractor} [2.3+2.4]
{Random Scale} [2.2+2.3+2.4]
Design Matrix 1:5
The original box of 150x150x150 mm. With the booleaned geometry contained mostly within the original shape the cube is still highly visible as a form. Where the intersecting geometry interacts with the surface envelope creates a lighter more open space.
Openings above that funnel light to the space below. Points at which geometry almost touches but does not creates a feeling of uncanny heaviness to the above structure.
Opening that penetrates through to the other side. Intersections that do not interact with the surface envelope create heavier darker spaces.
The solids left behind can also be interpreted as space. If we invert the positive and negative space it creates a stretched/pinched network of spaces.
Open and lit up area for brief rest or interation.
Enclosed space that creates a sense of security.
Axonometric 1:1 Solid boolean using 3.2 morph itteration. 0