More with Less

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“More with Less” Navigating the Dynamics of Meanwhile Cities Towards Ecologically Viable Urban Revolutions

Arafat Cities in Transition

MA Housing and Urbanism – Term 1 January 12, 2024


Source: The Guardian

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Figure 1. King’s Cross living community


The urban landscape is undergoing a significant change, marked by the emergence of "Meanwhile Cities". These temporary structures are contesting conventional perceptions surrounding formality and permanence. Current urban renewal increasingly relies on temporary projects, especially those that incorporate meanwhile use initiatives as crucial catalysts for revitalization. The temporary activation of these spaces aims to attract interest, foot traffic, and capital towards areas under transformation. Nevertheless, this reliance introduces difficulties particularl y when there is an imbalance between short-term interventions and prolonged sustainability due to lack of careful management. The dangers are notably apparent in the context of gentrification, when interim initiatives could play a part in escalating real estate prices, leading to the displacement of existing communities and the erasure of local character. A number of scholars, Margret Mayer among them, have discussed the major role that temporary use plays within processes of gentrification ultimately causing the displacement of local communities. 1

1 Metaal, Stefan (2007). ‘Gentrification, an Overview’, Journal for Architecture OASE, 73, pp. 20

This essay discuess how contemporary revitalization efforts depend on temporary initiatives and contemplates potential alternatives, analyzing the vital circumstances that define examples of interim use. Drawing from prevailing case studies as well as a thorough assessment of present legislation and rules concerning urban planning in London, it strives to comprehend both the opportunities and challenges intrinsic to provisional spaces. This essay further suggests preventive actions which can offset any undesirable effects; thereby ensuring that city regeneration persistently serves as a force for positive, comprehensive, and sustainable transformation.

Figure 2. Blue House Yards urban regeneration
Source: Jan Kattein Architects

Introduction - Defining Meanwhile

Major construction projects can span from two to five years, or even longer in some cases. Shuttering a site until the completion of such a project is inefficient and often has negative implications. People are compelled to walk past enclosed structures which, despite being adorned with posters projecting hopes for the project's future impact on its surroundings, generally act as deterrents due to their unwelcoming nature. As outlined by Centre for London’s report, "meanwhile" activities refer loosely to those endeavors that occupy vacant spaces while awaiting commencement of other planned projects onsite. 2 As articulated within “Meanwhile City”, these temporary initiatives may effectively activate neglected spaces through unique programming and fostering vibrant locales rich in character. 3 However; it is essential that they be undertaken responsibly so as not only achieve desired benefits but also mitigate any potential undesired fallout.

The notion of 'meanwhile' is not new. It was Jane Jacobs, in the year 1960, who promoted the idea of how citizens can gain ownership over the streets through

2 Bosetti, N., Colthorpe, T. (2019) ‘Meanwhile, in London: Making use of London’s empty spaces’

participating in various activities, thus creating a strong sense of “place”. This phenomenon is known as place-making. Thus arises the question - what do we mean by space and place? And how does it relate to "the meanwhile city"?

Recently, concepts such as identity and a sense of belonging have become increasingly prominent. The notion of "non-places," 4 or spaces, describes areas of transit where individuals remain unknown, motivated by specific objectives, in areas unsuitable for memory formation. Conversely, a "Place" acts as a focal point for those with common cultural backgrounds amplifying their ties to their nation's history and culture among other things. A strong connection to place and the community usually arises when people participate in activities like socializing with friends or neighbors while feeling relaxed amidst strangers' company. Vacant sites can be viewed as "nonplaces" as they lack identity; that’s when the concept of meanwhile gains relevance it recommends transforming these miserable corners into refreshing proceedings. This approach concentrates

3 Kvetková, Z., Todd, J. (2022) ‘Meanwhile City, pp.14

4 Certeau, M. (1984). ‘The Practice of Everyday Life’

on communal participation aimed at revitalizing these regions so they evolve into environments conducive towards fostering life experiences richly led by personal identification and numerous cherished memories.

This essay critically examines the degree to which current urban regeneration depends on interim initiatives and probes their actual value. Its goal is to shed the light on both the opportunities and risks intrinsic in temporary spaces. The main concern is the necessity for preventive steps aimed at mitigating any undesired consequences, as well as social problems, affirming that urban revival continues serving as a catalyst towards beneficial, inclusive, and sustainable transformation.

This circle focuses of aspects related to placemaking derived from three key points, that can be broken to other six that illustrate the activities that foster inclusive aspects and the external ring elaborates more on those aspects

Figure 3. Placemaking through Meanwhile Source: UCL

Value and Legacy

A significant challenge in the implementation of interim use lies within its legacy. The value of temporary use is tied to its potential for fostering a social positive response, revitalizing a region and attracting enduring investments that result in socio-economic advancements as well as environmental enhancements within the area they exist.

Primarily, realizing the potential of interim interventions necessitates a dedication to inclusivity and community participation. Temporary structures should not merely meet immediate demands but should also evaluate and integrate local community interests. By creating a mutual understanding between current residents and those who will live there in the future, these provisional strategies can cultivate feelings of unity and joint proprietorship that lends towards constructing more enduring, resilient communal networks.

Spatial transformation is equally vital. Simultaneously, initiatives need to maximize land exploitation, augmenting the effectiveness of urban areas and aiding in generating robust, eco-friendly surroundings. Not only does this revitalize the actual terrain but also paves the path for a greener metropolitan future. The adaptive reuse of spaces can result in an

improved distribution of resources that advocates enduring ecological and economic benefits.

As a crucial element, experimentation has a profound influence on the legacy of interim utilization. These provisional projects promote creative designs and learning experiences, allowing them to surpass their transitory existence. Their effect goes beyond the duration of these schemes by sparking subsequent advancements as well as fostering an environment that nurtures ongoing creativity within metropolitan areas.

Remarkably, the adaptability and durability of interim applications contribute to both economic and social sustainability, promoting a diverse array of sustainable cities. Arup's review of ‘Meanwhile City ’ suggests that working models like scaffolding or modular constructions offer ways for deconstructing and moving structures while maintaining an environmentallyconscious approach. Therefore, if these aspects are thoroughly addressed, temporary use can become a significant catalyst in propelling positive urban changes as well as serve as inspiration for subsequent city growth. 5

Consequently, how does contemporary regeneration work rely on such provisional initiatives?

The points previously discussed prove that when considering urban revitalization, provisional initiatives reflect the fluid character of a meanwhile utilization. These projects provide flexibility during planning phase, inciting community involvement via preliminary proposals while garnering invaluable insights. In addition, they promote staged execution which allows for an incremental method informed by triumphs and lessons derived from each stage. Provisional projects, acting as test pilots or demonstrations of innovative ideas, contribute to a more structured and comprehensive planning process in regeneration efforts.

Meanwhile challenges - Gentrification

The ephermal character of meanwhile use encourages innovation and experimentation, providing communities the chance to reinterpret and remodel their communal spaces. Yet amid this enthusiasm for immediate transformation, it's vital we consider the potential longterm effects of these temporary interventions. A primary issue linked with 'meanwhile' usage is its unintentional capability to instigate gentrification in a

5 Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. pp.35

neighborhood. When such projects revitalize vacant sites into vibrant hubs thereby attracting investments, they can inadvertently drive up property values which could potentially alter the social dynamics within those urban environments.

This leads us towards an important query: Does ‘meanwhile’ use serve as a spark promoting positive urban metamorphosis or does it usher in socio-cultural displacement? And are there any steps that may be taken to mitigate possible undesirable outcomes?

Marget Mayer's interpretation suggests that both the real estate industry and governmental entities are progressively perceiving temporary use practices as "branding assets", 6 accentuating the requirement for a careful reassessment of intentions and outcomes associated with such initiatives.

Figure 4 Meanwhile Relation Strategy Source: Meanwhile Use for London Consequently, it becomes important to distinguish strategies that maintain the advantageous effects of interim utilization whilst reducing possible adverse consequences on communal integration and regional distinctiveness. Initiating an interaction plan with the existing community at the level of a project can aid in identifying their requirements, providing assistance, evaluating achievements and nurturing robust social connections. This preliminary involvement is a strategic measure towards safeguarding that interim utilization rewards extend to current communities instead of displacing crucial aspects of

6 Mayer, Magret (2013). ‘First World Urban Activism: Beyond Austerity Urbanism and Creative City Politics’, City, 17(1), pp. 11

urban social structures. Thus, it's imperative to thoroughly examine the policy infrastructure regulating temporary city use as presently constituted so as to foster such initiatives without causing displacement within vital sections of cities.

Case Studies - King’s Cross and Blue House Yards

A practical look at the employment of interim utilization in city revitalization offers an understanding into the complexities and results of such ventures. Two significant examples best studied within London's territory King’s Cross and Blue House Yards, furnish varying viewpoints on how temporary measures can leave lasting impressions.

King’s Cross: Meanwhile uses were instrumental in transforming the abandoned area into a dynamic and human-oriented location. The redevelopment trajectory of King's Cross was primarily influenced by its strategic approach to planning, investment initiatives and community engagement activities.

Various crucial elements can be credited for King's Cross' metamorphosis: Firstly, 7 Kvetková, Z., Todd, J. (2022) ‘Meanwhile City, pp.72

temporary projects like the Construction Skills Centre (which is designed to equip local inhabitants and others with construction-related skills, providing them a pathway towards employment), the Mobile Skip Garden (that offers gardening workshops, educational initiatives and community gatherings), Play KX for children (providing recreational areas and activities within the urban renewal zone) as well as King's Cross Pond Club (rendering an exclusive leisure space for its populace) underscored the significance of social involvement during regeneration. These initiatives activated the space, created a sense of community, and added cultural and recreational value to the area. Secondly, allocating more than 40% of this area into open areas was a strategic choice that essentially morphed Kings Cross into a dynamic metropolitan neighborhood. Public parks or plazas provided locals and tourists alike with venues for recreation amidst participation in societal functions. Lastly was how integral institutions dedicated towards education and culture wre responsible to the overall attractiveness of King's Cross as a place to live, work, and visit. 7

Figure 5 King’s Cross range of spaces after the development Source: Architecture Today

6. King’s Cross before and after the redevelopment project

Source: Google Earth

Those images show us how the redevelopment project of King’s Cross was able to breathe life into the abandoned site.


Conversely, the refurbishment of King's Cross has led to an increase in local real estate values. As Graine Gilmore, Director of UK Residential Research identified in her 2016 study, there had been an exponential increase in retail opportunities around King's Cross - marked by a staggering 340% growth rate from 2010 to 2015 - and this was mirrored both through residential expansion trends as well as property pricing patterns. She further stated that even though the project hadn't reached completion during this period, its ongoing revitalization efforts were already making significant impacts on the city’s morphology.

Figure 7 delineates the enhancement and proliferation of retail establishments in close proximity to King's Cross over a span from 2010 through 2015. This analysis takes into account an array of establishments, which includes both restaurants and stores, assessing them on their appeal towards consumers. The map identifies regions shaded red as experiencing the most substantial growth concerning retail evaluations throughout that five-year period under study. Moreover, the increase in residential property prices during the same period highlights a clear correlation.

Figure 8 depicts the rise in average prices for all transacted residential units in 2015

compared to 2010. This data encompasses both new and second-hand stock and is influenced by the types of units sold each year. Therefore, it not only reflects the average price change but also provides insights into the nature of homes being sold, incorporating new residential developments.

Source: Knight Frank Research

Source: Knight Frank Research

Figure 7. Uplift in Retail quality
Figure 8. Uplift in residential prices

Blue House Yards:

Blue House Yards presents a different yet equally compelling story of urban renewal. Since its establishment in 2017, the site has revitalized a previously vacant council office building and an adjacent car park through collaborative efforts put forth by Jan Kattein Architects with Meanwhile Space CIC 8. This project predominantly aims to make affordable workspaces, retail units, studios, and venues for events readily available. Blue House Yard's inclusive ethos coupled with its experimental character speaks volumes about their equitable rental strategy; this involves setting rates lower than market prices while offering flexible contracts without demanding initial deposits. . The active community of creatives, start-ups, and social entrepreneurs contributes to business growth, job creation, and the emergence of a lively cultural venue. Although working under temporary planning permission at present times does

not deter it from being steeped deeply within long-term aspirations. However there were complications that surfaced due to escalating property values which paralleled the projects achievement giving rise to concerns surrounding gentrification phenomena . Local businesses found themselves displaced alongside residents leading many questioning undesirable outcomes arising from meanwhile utilization. Haringey Council is trying to endure positive social impacts sought by Meanwhile Space CIC, ensuring that the legacy of Blue House Yards persists beyond its temporary phase, embodying a sustainable and socially responsible approach to urban development. 9

8 Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. pp.48
9 Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. pp.48

Jan Kattein managed to change the vacant car park into a place for the short term

Figure 8 Blue House Yards

Source: Jan Kattein Architects

This Bus can be sold after the redevelopment of the Blue House Yards

9. Blue House Yards

Source: Jan Kattein Architects

The intervention is made by material that can be dismantled and relocated later.

Figure 10. Blue House Yards Source: Design Boom

The case studies of King's Cross, and Blue House Yards emphasize the need for a nuanced approach in evaluating the impact of meanwhile use. Therefore, it is imperative to underscore the necessity for persistent oversight and flexible administration in implementing temporary use tactics. Achieving a balance between provisional adaptations and enduring viability demands constant check, communal responses, as well as modifications to preliminary blueprints. Furthermore, confronting legal and regulatory hurdles is crucial for any meanwhile employment projects' initiatives.

Meanwhile Implementation in LondonProcess and Regulations

In London, the integration of interim use demands a multifaceted approach encompassing stages such as strategic planning, building operations, and longrange initiatives. The journey begins with initial contact and forming an outline brief. It is pivotal to define this brief accurately since projects that cater to local requirements have greater ease in producing distinct benefits - these could be social or economic among others. A thorough review follows , identifying

10Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. pp.102

11 Bellis (2019). ‘De-Regulating the Meanwhile’

potential challenges and establishing timescales for consultation, planning application, securing leases, funding, and licenses Pre-application assessments help establish development principles, and the design phase addresses key aspects like layout, scale, and environmental considerations. 10

As the project progresses, other prerequisites are contemplated such as budgeting costs, lease payments, commercial taxes, permits and insurance policies. Consequently, an official request is submitted to the governing authority for evaluation in accordance with policy stipulations and public opinions. The end of temporary use necessitates strategic planning approach. This could be done by either transitioning to permanent use, or decommissioning with a circular economy approach 11 .

The New London Plan's H4 Policy encourages boroughs to seek out prospects for temporary usage, underlining the importance of land utilization efficiency in anticipation of future development. 12 In contrary, the UK planning system lacks explicit consideration for meanwhile use. Projects with durations not extending beyond 28 days are typically exempt from

12 Bellis (2019). ‘De-Regulating the Meanwhile’

requiring an official planning application submission. There exists however, an inconsistency within existing legislation; even though Building Regulations may categorize structures as "temporary" if they have been occupied less than two years, any operation that surpasses the 28-day limit according to Town and Country Planning Law enacted in 1990 becomes subject to full-scale planning application procedures. 13

Consequently, the demand for a naunced, adaptable and insightful system that acknowledges temporary characteristic of meanwhile use and encourages its emergence is necessary.

The existing Planning Application Process typically spans a duration of 8 to 16 weeks for each Meanwhile Use application, and this is frequently given lower priority compared to other applications.

Figure 11. Planning Application Process Source: De-regulating the Meanwhile

13 Bellis (2019). ‘De-Regulating the Meanwhile’

Long Term Legal Change

Moving forward, it is essential for the planning system to recognize the importance of meanwhile uses as valuable and innovative element within the spatial planning and city-visioning toolkit. Despite this, legal modifications are necessary to streamline process procedure for such interim utilizations. Hence in this essay, we postulate the establishment of a tailored system specifically designed for applications pertaining to temporary use. This proposition hinges on reciprocal aid from diverse government sectors with prospects for realizing a more flexible and evolving structure. The suggested modifications encompass reducing the decision-making duration in relation to the magnitude and influence of interim utilization, instituting a 'meanwhile-ready' documentation bundle for amplified efficacy, reassessing application charges utilizing a proportional formula that corresponds with each proposed plan's lifespan, and enforcing conditions regarding time constraints following the acquisition of planning consent.

A faster application system would open up numerous opportunities for short-term Meanwhile Uses.

Figure 12. Distribution of Vacancy Lengths in London

Source: De-regulating the Meanwhile

The initial suggestion in the London Plan draft, advocating to start 'meanwhile use' periods from the actual occupancy date rather than when planning permission is granted, bears considerable importance in handling issues surrounding licensing and leasing. By adopting these approaches they meet community demands and play a pivotal role towards improving lasting stability of the neighborhood. 14 Simultaneously, it is vital to underscore the necessity for governmental involvement in supervising price points and enforcing caps to inhibit cost inflation that could possibly lead to gentrification.

14 Bellis (2019). ‘De-Regulating the Meanwhile’

The formation of a governing body, perhaps headed by local government officials and inclusive of community members, can be instrumental in monitoring these regulations. This collective would act as an auditing system verifying whether interim projects hold positive implications concurrent with communal necessities while also stimulating innovation and strengthening long-term stability within the community. Despite acknowledging the socioeconomic and ecological worth of temporary uses at a city scale by Greater London Authority (GLA) 15, there's yet to be an integrated, standard methodology in place. This necessitates taking concrete action towards exploiting the maximum potential and rewards that such short-term projects can offer within urban territories.


As we traverse the changing metropolitan terrain molded by Meanwhile Cities and the transformative capacity of temporary projects, it's evident that a fine balance is required to uphold the advantages of meanwhile use initiatives without succumbing to unforeseen repercussions such as gentrification. By conducting indepth analyses on real-life examples, legal 15 Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. pp.90

policies, and governance landscapes, this essay has suggested pre-emptive steps along with enduring tactics for steering urban rejuvenation.

Investigating interim projects such as King's Cross and Blue House Yards reveals the potential advantages and difficulties associated with temporary use. As urban environments progressively resort to provisional methods for rejuvenation, there is a growing demand for heightened surveillance. Such supervision may foster information exchange between interested parties, local authorities, and communities thereby improving the overall quality of life in the targeted zone.

From a policy standpoint, the essay argues for an enhanced integration of provisional strategies into regional blueprints. Recognizing the potential of under-used spaces and encouraging their utilization contributes to more inclusive growth and fosters a more equitable and sustainable urban future. Ongoing monitoring, flexible administration, community involvement and revising existent legislations are key elements in the successful execution of interim projects. This approach guarantees that urban revitalization continues to be a catalyst for positive, inclusive and

sustainable transformation. The essay's title "More with Less" acts as an affirmation of these initiatives' capacity to remold urban areas while it emphasizes the need for careful deliberation and adaptive approaches when designing our cities' future trajectory. Thus, urban regeneration is seen as a dynamic co-operative procedure that meets expectations and desires from communities it aims to uplift.

Figure 13 Public Realm at King’s Cross Source: Townshend Landscape Architects


Metaal, Stefan (2007). ‘Gentrification, an Overview’, Journal for Architecture OASE, 73.

Mayer, Magret (2013). ‘First World Urban Activism: Beyond Austerity Urbanism and Creative City Politics’, City, 17(1).

Bosetti, N., Colthorpe, T. (2019) ‘Meanwhile, in London: Making use of London’s empty spaces’

Kvetková, Z., Todd, J. (2022). ‘Meanwhile City’.

Arup (2022). ‘Meanwhile Use for London’. Bellis (2019). ‘De-Regulating the Meanwhile’

GLA (2019), Draft London Plan (Consolidated Suggested Changes Version). Available at:

Klein, A. (2017), Understanding the true costs of abandoned properties: an analysis of the direct costs and long-term effects of foreclosure and abandonment on communities. Community Blight Solutions.

Mehrotra, Rahul (2007) ‘Kinetic City, Issues for Urban Design in South Asia’, article based on Mehrotra, Rahul (2007). ’Negotiating the Static and Kinetic Cities’, Urban Imaginaries, ed. Huyssen, Andreas. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Boxpark. Available at:

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