Louise Sutton
Dear Home, It is only you. You’re the one who mends my worries. The one who nourishes me with love and happiness, Every single day. Yes I must admit, I’ve been to landscapes as grand as the sky, Traveled through deserts painted with the sun’s magnificent aura, Swam through oceans along the equator, Climbed mountains of ice and glory, Lounged on the soft sands of Maui, Toured the elegant cities of Europe, Drowned in the crowded streets of Tokyo, But none of it will ever compare to you. You can be as massive as the Earth, Or just a few square feet. You can stand tall and proud, Or you can creak and moan. You will never change. You’ll always hug me, And envelop my soul. You’ll always protect me, And rock me to sleep. Every day with you Brings me such pleasure. 28 ~ Sun