The Essential Edge: January, February & March 2021

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A MESSAGE FROM MARY Hello, Friends, Wow, what a way to close the year 2020—a challenging year we will never forget—but it has also been a year of discovery. We have learned so much, both negative and positive, that has given us greater understanding and has strengthened us and made us better people. Through all of the turmoil and fear that has existed, I kept hearing Gary’s words in my head, “Just be calm. It’s never eaten as hot as it’s cooked. Everything is going to be fine. Stay out of the weeds and just stay positive and stay in the light.” So what does all that mean? It really goes back to that word emotions. Gary said, “Emotions rule the world, which you see in the good and the bad. Wars start as emotional confrontations. Celebrations start as emotional experiences. Love starts with that look across the room at that special person who gets that pitter-patter going inside you. It all starts from an electrical impulse from just a visual contact. All emotions happen from sight, sound, and smell; and yes, they do rule the world.” We know our world has been in commotion, but we have also been in commotion within Young Living. I can’t say we are in control of what is going on in our world, but I can say that we are in control of what is happening in Young Living. It’s just that what we now know has been a long time coming; but now that we know and are “in the weeds” with our business, we are gradually cleaning out the weeds and making the ground ready for new planting and new growth. Naturally, it takes a season to prepare for the harvest, the results; but I’ve heard that members are starting to see changes. We have wonderful new leadership taking charge; restructuring taking place, making us more streamlined; and systems to bring efficiency with exactness of numbers to determine our direction and the decisions best for our company. It always helps when we have more information so that we can understand the whys and the hows, but we still have to get our emotions under control. Gary also said, “Emotions are particularly and possibly the most powerful tool that you have in your

IN MEMORIAM E. LARUE BILLETER July 18, 1924–October 19, 2020 By Mary Young Grandma LaRue, as she was affectionately known, died peacefully of natural causes at age 96 in her home in Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 19, 2020. She was child number 5 of 11, so she knew what it was like to have little, but she always made the most of what she did have and lived life to the fullest.

arsenal. They're powerful in two ways: creativity and construction, and they're equally powerful in destruction. What’s interesting is they are all controlled by you, nobody else. You can use your emotions to drive you either into greatness, or you can use them to drive you into the grave; but they will drive you either direction. Even if you don't let your emotions drive you and you don't do anything about them either direction, you will stagnate; and that’s the same as death.” Those are powerful words from Gary that he knew, without a doubt, could control our destiny. The constant and intense battle he fought to bring essential oils to the world, to make Young Living a viable company, to produce the very best, and to set the highest standard because he was on a mission to serve God’s children demanded an immense amount of emotional control on his part. He had to believe in himself with that inner knowing in his soul, even when he thought most of the world was against him. But I was there, and many of you were there, and those of us who believed in him and joined him in the battle have watched and been a part of that growth that has brought us to number more than 7 million members around the world who are grateful for what the oils have brought into all our lives. I have been so impressed with how you, our members, have been so innovative in creating ways to strengthen your organisations, motivating the members, keeping spirits high, and building a healthy, emotional outlook in what has been a difficult year for all of us. Leaders are defined by how they make others feel, and we have so many leaders who have been loyal and diligent in giving those in their organisations, as well as those of us in the office, so much positive energy that has helped in innumerable ways. This is the dawning of a new year as the sun is coming up and enveloping us in the radiant light of life and Abundance, which is ours to harvest and enjoy if we choose. Look again to the mission of Young Living: oils in every home. Let’s fulfill Gary’s legacy that you carry in our hearts and set the example of honesty, integrity, and the real purpose in life—to uplift and help each other as we serve humanity, God’s children. You are truly a force for good in the world; and when we carry the spirit of love and harmony, you can achieve your Highest Potential—one of Gary’s favourite oil blends that he wore every day. It is important that we teach, educate, and use our emotional oils to carry us forward as we grow and ride the wave of freedom together. Valor, one of Gary’s first blends, is the oil blend of structure and strength. Put it on your feet, shoulders,

Grandma LaRue, my mother, is an icon in Young Living, and those who knew her remember her enthusiasm and her happy, positive outlook on life. When I introduced Mother to Gary and Young Living in 1993, she knew nothing about essential oils but was very curious and wanted to learn all she could. She came to believe so much in the mission of Young Living that she was there to help at a minute’s notice and stayed until the job was done. When Gary decided to move to Utah to begin building our new company, he called me from Spokane, Washington, and asked me to find a building we could rent. Due to time constraints, we looked at a building in the middle of the night, in the dark; and Gary thought it would suffice. When the sun came up, we were shocked to see the horrible mess the building was in; but since Gary always saw the possibilities of what something could be, he asked me to sign the papers and ordered a big dumpster before he left for the airport. I called Mother for help and she came immediately. She and I worked long hours for several days cleaning out the building and hauling the junk to the dumpster before Gary returned to start renovating. That was how Mother’s association with Young Living began, and she continued to be an immense help and support for the next 20 years. No matter what the task, she was always there to help. Mother helped Rex Kidman pour oils in the lab; planted starts from the greenhouse into the fields at the farm in Mona, Utah; and once drove a big, old motorhome we bought at the auction in Grand Junction, Colorado, to

JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2021 @younglivingsg

and temples to inspire you to claim your determination and resilience. Release and let go of all those feeling and thoughts that do not serve you in a positive and productive way. Rub this blend over the upper abdomen; put it on your neck and under your nose. Surrender the thoughts and feelings that hold you back to a higher power that can give you peace and reassurance. Diffuse and rub this blend on your neck and put it under your nose. Acceptance will help you open your heart and receive the good that is coming. Rub it over your chest and throat, as well as the back of your neck and forehead. Envision the outcome that you want. See the positive energy overcome the negative energy to achieve your goals and dreams. Diffuse this blend and put it on your temples. Forgiveness is the key to emotional healing. Rub it over your upper abdomen and, as Gary dramatically demonstrated, all over your face—just be sure to keep it away from your eyes. Trauma Life is certainly important to so many people who need an uplifting aromatic companion while working through painful challenges. Rub it on your feet and the back of your neck while you rediscover your Motivation to move into your bright future. Hope helps reconnect with a belief in future possibilities. Rub it on the outer edge of your ears. Joy applied over your heart will help you open yourself to the opportunities to live and serve in peace and love. Believe you can do it. See your unlimited potential. Diffuse, put in bathwater, apply wherever desired, or add a few drops to your favourite massage oil for overall body application. Gary’s Light is a beautiful aroma to enjoy as you resist the bombardment of negative energies and open your mind to new awareness and positive enlightenment. Diffuse, put in bathwater, apply wherever desired, or add a few drops to your favourite massage oil for overall body application. Gratitude will help you feel and express the gift of life and all that you have been given. Rub it on your neck and wrists. These are just a few. Use them all to uplift and strengthen yourselves to be ready for this new beginning and the great future of Young Living that awaits us all. Let us Journey On together with love and appreciation for all things.

Mona. During Young Living's first 10 years, Gary and I went to that auction every March to buy equipment for the farms. Mother also made oil displays and table decorations for the banquets for the first couple of conventions and worked to fill orders in Will Call and Shipping. She was the willing worker, bar none, when any help was needed. Mother had a special love for music. She began playing the accordion at the age of 10 and was also an accomplished pianist, organist, and singer and was happiest while making music. She loved cowboy music and learned to yodel, which made watching her entertain so much fun for everyone. Gary loved her music and often carried her accordion through the airport, so she could perform at different Young Living events. Continued on page 2

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When we built the Western Town at the farm in Mona, Mother was always there happy to sing and yodel with her 35-pound accordion, which she played with ease, even though she weighed only about 100 pounds herself. She loved being involved in Young Living and was often seen having her picture taken with members from around the world when they met at conventions and other meetings, and of course, watching and hearing her perform at the farm was a special treat. Her help to me was immeasurable, and she was the amazing mother and grandmother that all children should

have. She traveled the world with us and helped me keep track of Jacob and Josef while I was with Gary as he taught and lectured. The boys loved her, teased her, and laughed with her as they grew up, which will always be a special memory for them. She was a tremendous example of kindness and concern for all. She loved everyone and everyone was her long-lost friend, regardless of which corner of the world they came from, because Young Living brought them together. Grandma LaRue will be dearly missed by her six children—Mary, Alene, Dale, Glen, Byron, and Ann—their

spouses, 19 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren, as well as the hundreds of Young Living members who had the opportunity to know her. There will be a special place in our museum at Global Headquarters, where those who didn’t know her can have a glimpse into the amazing life of this special woman who gave so much to help build Young Living in its infancy. The rest of us will remember her infectious smile, warm hugs, and the big sound of her accordion as she sang and yodeled with her heart full of love for all.


Five tips for a fresh start in 2021

NEW FOUNDATION PARTNER IN SOUTH AFRICA BOLSTERS SCHOLARS South Africa currently holds the third highest unemployment rate in the world for young people between the ages of 15 and 24. If not addressed, this significant crisis promises major ramifications for the country’s future. With a deep commitment to investing in causes that make the world kinder, more educated, and more empowering, we’re proud to announce a new partnership to help combat these worrying statistics and to champion education in South Africa. We’ve recently partnered with the Tertiary School in Business Administration (TSIBA), whose mission is “to invest in purposedriven humans and emerging businesses who lead social change.” They accomplish this mission by assisting talented and ambitious high school graduates from atrisk backgrounds in Cape Town access quality education, study successfully, and find sustainable employment post-graduation. In all three of these objectives, TSIBA has achieved remarkable success. Since TSIBA’s

first graduation ceremony 10 years ago, more than 90 percent of TSIBA Bachelor of Business Administration degree graduates are engaged in permanent employment or postgraduate studies.  We have identified 16 incredible students, all of whom come from households burdened by poverty, but who demonstrate a high capacity for academic success, professional ambition, and a powerful drive to give back to society. These 16 students will become our South Africa Young Living Scholars, and you now have the opportunity to sponsor one or more of them through the D. Gary Young Leadership Fund for Higher Education. These ambitious and purpose-driven students will be among the leaders who will take South Africa forward. Beyond academic ambition, they aspire to affect social change around them. Join us in supporting these future leaders. Please visit younglivingfoundation. org/southafrica for more information or to begin your sponsorship.


1. Improve your intake Hydrate like you mean it: Simply increasing your water intake will help detoxify your body and motivate you to be more conscientious of what else you’re ingesting. Try adding tasty Plus essential oils to your water to make it more interesting. Add Lemon Plus essential oil or Peppermint Plus essential oil for a freshing drink. Supplements: If NingXia Red® and Master Formula aren’t already part of your daily regimen, add them in the coming year for a daily infusion of nutrients and essential oils. 2. Sneak in some exercise Take the long way: We keep hearing it because it keeps working. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk to your destination when you can, or park farther out in the lot. A few more steps each day go a long way in the end. Flex: In line at the store, on the couch watching TV, during your shower, or any other time you’re otherwise sedentary, flex your abs for 10 seconds at a time and repeat at least 10 times to tone and strengthen your core. 3. Reflect and revise

Susana shares advice from her Young Living success story! Susana Armstrong didn’t start her Young Living journey with her eyes set on becoming a Royal Crown Diamond. Her story began as she sought out natural ways to support the health of her ailing mother and ended with her incredible success as a Royal Crown Diamond and a mission to empower Latino communities with the same business opportunities she has enjoyed. To those just getting started with a Young Living business, Susana has this to say: “Enjoy it all—all of it. Start as soon as you can. Don't get distracted. Stay true to yourself. Communication, listening, validating—these three words have been key.” It’s Susana’s passion that fuels her YL business, both passion for the authentic Young Living products she shares and passion for helping the people around her. For those who have already started their business but need some tips on

With the beginning of the new year, most of us make resolutions to live better. For many, that usually includes eating healthier, exercising, and adopting other healthy habits. Unfortunately, many of us set goals that are so high that we end up in the same place year after year, wondering how our best-laid plans didn’t work out. Here are a few tips to help in your quest for wellness by making achievable, replicable habits that will last throughout the year:

While YL keeps her busy, Susana places the highest priority on her family.

what to do each day, Susana advises, “On a daily basis, I wake up as early as I can to do all the important things that will give me the time I need to do my personal income-producing activities and to be actively present with my team of friends.” This focus and energy have allowed her to fulfill her dreams of sharing Young Living with the Latino community while building her business. There’s so much work to be done when you’re building your business. Take a moment this month to find the reason why you do what you do. What motivates your work? What is your dream? Write it down and place it where you can see it, so you can stay focused and build a purpose-driven Young Living business like Susana’s!

Meditate: Take time each day for quiet reflection and meditation on your goals. Just a few minutes to nurture your soul each day will help give you a greater sense of purpose and well-being. You can help set the right meditative mood by diffusing a contemplative Young Living blend like Highest Potential™, Gratitude™, or Dream Catcher™. Track it: The simple act of observing something creates observable changes. So keep track of your food and water intake, your exercise, your meditation, and any other goals you have—you’re bound to improve on them. ALL results motivate change: Even if you don’t hit your goals, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take some time to think about what you really want from your goals and how you can meet them in a way that is sustainable and self-compassionate. For example, if you want to change your diet to feel better, obsessing over every calorie can create an unhealthy fixation that is neither sustainable nor healthy. Instead of beating yourself up over every little thing, try to focus on broader trends and overall health that can be transformed into intuitive, healthy habits.

4. Declutter and detoxify your living space Clear the clutter: Invest some additional energy cleaning, arranging, and decluttering your home. By simply spending an hour or even 30 minutes decluttering a room, you can save all sorts of time by making your space more efficient and easier to clean—not to mention the mental clarity that comes from a clean, uncluttered home. Cleanse your home, cleanse your spirit: When your home feels like a refuge, you will be more likely to cook nutritious meals at home, have a place to unwind and loosen up, and get more satisfying rest. Cleaning and decluttering is one of the most effective ways to use your time to get ahead and make a change this year. If you’re still not feeling totally motivated, break out some Thieves® Household Cleaner. The warm, spicy-sweet aroma can help motivate you to get into the thick of cleaning, so you can upgrade your space. 5.

Keep things cold season




Clean without the mean: As weather gets colder and people retreat indoors, it’s more important than ever to keep hands and surfaces like countertops, doorknobs, and keyboards sparkling clean—and to do it without the harsh chemicals. Young Living’s gentle, hardworking, harsh, chemical-free home cleaning and personal care products such as Thieves Wipes and Thieves Household Cleaner are an essential part of keeping your winter as clean as it is cosy. For grime-free hands, use Thieves Foaming Hand Soap to scrub your hands after you get home and Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer to kick germs to the curb while you're out and about. Small changes can make a big difference in physical, mental, and emotional health. What are some changes you’re making for a better you this year?



QUARTER 3–2020







ROYAL CROWN DIAMONDS Alyssa & Troy Francis (USA) Anita Hartono & Johannes Rusli (IDN) Anita U. Barbra Ochsenhofer (AUT) Annie & Chris Hauser (USA) April & Jay Pointer (USA) Brenda & Scott Schuler (USA) Carol & Ben Howden (CAN) Carol Yeh-Garner & Scott Garner (USA) Casey Wiegand (USA) Chérie Ross (USA) Chris Opfer & Vicki Opfer (USA)

Christa & Jason Smith (USA) Connie Marie McDanel (USA) Courtney & John Critz (USA) Danielle Burkleo (USA) Debra & Bill Starkey (USA) Dr. Marcella Vonn Harting & Jim Harting (USA) Echo & Danny Hill (USA) Erin & Bronce Rodgers (USA) Frances Fuller (SGP) Franciela Madrid & Juan Álberto Arevalo (MEX) Gregg & Carol Johnson (USA)

Heather & John Brock (USA) Irela Balderrama Hernandez (MEX) Jeanmarie Hepworth (USA) Jeffrey Lewis (USA) Jeremiah & Monique McLean (USA) Jessica & Brandon Garvin (USA) Jessica Gianelloni (USA) Joanne Kan & Eric Yang (HKG) Jodie Meschuk (USA) Jordan & Doug Schrandt (USA) Julieta De la Garza Galván (MEX)

Justin & Joanna Malone (USA) Kathy Farmer & Mark McCaskill (USA) Korbut Wong & Joseph Lau (HKG) Lindsay Teague Moreno & Michael Moreno (USA) Lindsey & Evan Gremont (USA) Logan Randazzo (USA) Lula & Steven Schiller (USA) Madison & Tyler Vining (USA) Mariana Lorena Ibarra Peart (MEX) Mark & Melissa Koehler (USA) Max & Karen Hopkins (USA)

Myra & Ernie Yarbrough (USA) Norhidawati Abdul Aziz (MYS) Rachel Jamiro (PHL) Sera & Darren Johnson (USA) Stacie & Todd Malkus (USA) Susana Armstrong (USA) Vivian Wan & Alan Chik (HKG) Wendy Renee Mercure (USA) Yonie Bonawi (SGP) Zach & Kari Lewis (USA)

CROWN DIAMONDS Adam & Vanessa Green (CAN) Aditya Nowotny (DEU) Agnes Eka Febrianti & Yudhistira Utomo (IDN) Alan & Linda Simpson (AUS) Alejandra Pompa Chavez (MEX) Ana Cecilia Ibarra Peart (MEX) Ana Karina Cardenas (USA) Artemis (AUS) Becca & Matt Bristow (USA) Betty Chu (HKG) Brian Randazzo (USA) Brooke Christen (USA) Carla & Bill Green (CAN)

Cecilia Ruiz (MEX) Crystal & Verick Burchfield (USA) Danette & Jim Goodyear (USA) Darlene & Matt Weir (USA) Debbie & Daniel Erickson (USA) Denise Lewis (USA) Deny Sentosa (SGP) Diane Mora (USA) Dr. Thomas & Evangeline Reed (USA) Emily W. Recker (USA) Erika De Lira (MEX) Evariny Andriana (IDN) Fiona Lui (HKG)

Gabriele Hauser & Markus Idl (AUT) Gordon & Corie DeVries (USA) Gretchen King-Ann (HKG) Hailey & Jeremy Aliff (USA) Jami & Mark Nato (USA) Jen & Adaryll Jordan (USA) Jessica & Nathan Petty (USA) Jilene & Duane Hay (CAN) Jill & James Young (USA) Joshua & Paige Williams (USA) Judy De La Rosa (USA) Kai Tan (SGP) Kara & Andrew Cozier (USA)

Kari Friedman (USA) Katheri Ann Charcos-Puyo (PHL) Kathy Breen (USA) Katie & Zach Harris (USA) Keith & Emily Anderson (USA) Kristina De Guzman (PHL) Lindsey & Casey Leif (USA) Louise Manuel-Portillo (PHL) Maggie Tong & Hill Ngan (HKG) Marinee Yuprapan (IDN) Mary Luz Tubal Go (CAN) Melissa & Wayne Poepping (USA) Nanette & Ward Symes (USA) Naomi Wells (AUS)

Nicole Barczak (USA) Sabina Mary DeVita, EdD (CAN) Sandi & Kyler Boudreau (USA) Sarah Laird (USA) Taylor & Colin Quigg (USA) Teresa Valmonte (USA) Teri Secrest (USA) Ulrike & Vijay Churfuerst Hanzal (AUT)

Maria Rosario De Castro Alegre (PHL) Marilee Tolen (USA) Marissa Meade (USA) Marlo Botempo (USA) Mary Buck (USA) Mary Hardy (USA) Mary Starr & Jay Carter (USA) Maxine Rana Hipos Mendoza (SAU) Megan & Thomas Burns (USA) Melany Lizzeth Villalobos Fierro (MEX) Melissa & Clayton Sanches (USA) Melissa & Dustin Truitt (USA) Melissa & Ryan Renno (USA) Melissa Stoltzfus (USA) Melvin & Lois Peachey (USA) Michelle Skoczek (USA) Midori Lin (TWN) Miko Bowen (USA) Mohan & Jennie Radhakrishnan (USA) Munirah Hanim Ahmad Jahudi (MYS) Nancy Sanderson (USA) Nelida Elizabeth Rodriguez Sanchez (MEX) Nicki Ham (USA) Nicole & Kade Martin (USA) Nicole Neesby (USA) Nikki & Danny Bryan (AUS) Nora Leticia Martinez Corona (MEX) Norce Putri (SGP) Noviza Istidarianty (SGP) Nubia De Jesus Barajas Sarmiento (MEX) Nurul Afzan Aini (MYS) Patricia Gwee (SGP) Penny Choong (MYS) Phoebe Li Hoi Ki (HKG) Phoebe Ying (HKG) Rachel & Ryan Holland (USA) Rainbow Forever Trust (USA) Rebecca Kinderman (USA) Rhonda & Frank Favano (USA) Richard & Kimmy Brooke (USA) Robert & Alina Rinato (USA) Robyn & Randy Murrah (USA)

Sam & Lesley Graham (USA) Sara & Justin Wallace (USA) Sara Jo Poff (USA) Sarah & John Harnisch (USA) Sarah Falk (USA) Sarah Gizzi (USA) Sarah Lee (USA) Scott & Tricia Gilchrist (USA) Seidy Morales & Enrique Quirós (CRI) Shannon & Brandon Garay (USA) Shannon Conover (USA) Shauna Dastrup Sha-Faun Enterprises INC (USA) Shelby & Steven Nowak (USA) Shelby & Tyler Paulk (USA) Shellie & Brian Garret (USA) Sherry LaMarche (USA) Siti Sarah Mohammad Suhaimi (MYS) Siti Syuhadah Sharin (MYS) Sofia Lizabeth Flores Martinez (MEX) Stacey & Steve Kimbrell (USA) Stacie Hartzler (USA) Stacy McQuade (USA) Star & David Moree (USA) Sum Sum Yip (HKG) Summer Davis (USA) Susan Heid (USA) Tammy & Eric Walton (USA) Teresa & David Gingles (USA) Terry & LaDonna Beals (USA) The Ana family; Maria & Lavinius (USA) Thomas Teschl (AUT) Tiffany Smith (USA) Tracey Black Nielson & Trevor Nielson (USA) Vanessa Romero & Tom Nikkola (USA) Verónica Maria Ibarra Peart (MEX) Wan Normajidah Wan Ab Aziz (MYS) Wynne & Stephen Elder (USA) Yvonne Litza (USA) Zuraida Ahmad Danial (MYS) 葉依菁 (TWN)

DIAMONDS Aaryn Williams (USA) Abigail Green (USA) Adeline Choy & Alex Lam (HKG) Adrianne & Jeremy Lentine (USA) Alejandra Abisad Rahal (MEX) Alina & Robert Rinato (USA) Allissa Lakatos (USA) Ally Raskin (USA) Amanda & Brian Friedl (USA) Amanda & Gabe Uribe (USA) Amanda Gregory (USA) Amber & Nathan Hauser (USA) Andrea Lahman (USA) Anelissa Balderrama Valenzuela (MEX) Angela & Mark Meredith (USA) Anna Sholihah & Rizki Ramadhani (IDN) Anna-Maya Powell (USA) Anni & Dave Dayan (USA) Annie Chan (MYS) Antje Lüdemann (DEU) Antonette Trinidad Mercado Borabo (PHL) April & Charles Mier (USA) Arlette Galván (MEX) Ashley & Ryan McKenney (USA) Ashley Diette (USA) Ashley Stock (USA) Aubrey Kinch (USA) Audrey Roloff (USA) Becky & Jonathan Webb (USA) Bethany Shipley (USA) Britta & Kirk Dimler (USA) Brittany Bollard (USA) Brooke Hampton (USA) Callie & Jeremy Shepherd (USA) Candice Ang (PHL) Carmen Garduno (USA) Carrie & Bill Liebich (USA) Carrie & Michael McVige (USA) Casey & Tyler Zaruba (USA) Catherine Rott (USA) Celeste McLean (USA) Chelsa Bruno (USA) Chelsea & Jamie Flaman (CAN) Chelsea M. Humphreys (USA) Chelsea Young (USA) Christie Mohamed (USA) Christina Rothstein (USA)

Christine Huber (AUT) Clarice Anne Aviñante (PHL) Claudia Dosamantes (USA) Codie-Lyn & William Kahler (USA) Crystal & Larry Hoskins (USA) Dale & Jeanne Schloesser (USA) Dallas Harting (USA) Dan Keskey (USA) Dani Hampton (USA) Daniela Ibarra Vargas (MEX) Danielle & Michael Keen (USA) David & Lee Stewart (USA) David & Megan Trombly (USA) Deborah Lahman (USA) Dena Edmund Maxmillan (MYS) Dewi Nur Dina J Hamsah (MYS) Dick & Nancy Weber (USA) Donna Grace (USA) Doris Mae Chan Gloangco (PHL) Dr. Olivier & Ellen Wenker (USA) Dr. Pat McLean (USA) Dr. Sharnael Wolverton (USA) Drs. Jim Bob & Cindy Haggerton (USA) Edie Wadsworth (USA) Eliana Alejandra LLanas Ruiz (MEX) Elizabeth Sirven (USA) Emma Tong & Anthony Yan (HKG) Erika Cota Martinez (MEX) Florin & Simona Roman (USA) Frankie-Gene Ellis & Lucas Ellis (USA) Gema Garcia (ESP) Heather & Christian Portwood (USA) Heidi & Kevin Hovan (USA) Heiko & Brownwyn Deiter (USA) Hitomi Harada (JPN) James & Stacy McDonald (USA) James Niederland (USA) Janell & Derek Vonigas (USA) Janet Timbol Munoz (PHL) Janie Leek (USA) Jeanna Lichtenberger (USA) Jennifer & Ryan McManus (USA) Jihan Thomas (USA) Jill Sager (USA) Jodi & Brian McKenna (USA) John Wong (SGP)

Julissa Belen Hernandez Alemán (MEX) Kalicha Borboa (MEX) Karen Balistreri (USA) Karen Douglas (USA) Karen Malone (USA) Karen Vavrick (USA) Karina Yaneth Garza Cavazos (USA) Karla Berger (USA) Karla Patricia Iga Garza (MEX) Karlie & Matthew Holtby (CAN) Kate Kowalczyk (USA) Kathleen & Matthew Harvey (USA) Katie & Joe Giordano (USA) Katie & Kevin Ganger (USA) Katy & Matthew Joyner (USA) Kelli & Les Wright (USA) Kelli Fras (USA) Kelowna & Paul Giuliano (USA) Kerri & Christian Birkley (USA) Kim & Booker Edwards (USA) Kim Rinaldi-Robey (USA) Kimberly & Ryan Prather (USA) Kortni Harting Langsweirdt (USA) Krista & Jason Haymes (USA) Kristen Critz (USA) Kristi Currier (USA) Kristine Tricia Del Rosario Gonzales (PHL) Kristy & Jake Dempsey (USA) Kylie & Glenn Bryant (AUS) Lacey Dilworth (USA) Laura & Jonathan Hopkins (USA) Lauren Bretz (USA) Lauren Crews Dow (USA) Laurie Azzarella (USA) Leah Espy (USA) Lee Yen Anderson (USA) Linette Miles Rodriguez (USA) Lisa & Jason Blackstock (CAN) Liz Joy (USA) Lorena Salinas García (MEX) Lucia Adzic (HRV) Lusianingsih & M. Andhithaurik Putera (IDN) Ma Socorro Lavadia Monge (QAT) Maria Angeles Marin (ESP) Maria Rosalyn Victoria Fonacier Fernandez (PHL)


YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS: NATURE’S LIVING ESSENCE How modern science helps deliver timeless, natural solutions

YL DONATES $10,000 TO PLANT MORE THAN 5,000 TREES Young Living makes landmark donation to Fishlake National Forest as part of reforestation project In April 2020, Young Living demonstrated our continued commitment to environmental stewardship by donating $10,000 to the Arbor Day Foundation. That donation planted 5,250 trees on behalf of Young Living employees for Earth Day, attempting to reverse 25 years of infestations and disease that have threatened Fishlake National Forest. Throughout May and June, the Arbor Day Foundation worked with the National Forest Service in central Utah to plant Engelmann spruce trees in Fishlake National Forest across a total of 17.5 acres that have been affected by spruce bark beetles. Over the past quarter-century, Fishlake National Forest has been battling an infestation that has devastated the tree canopy, worsened by the fact that few cone-bearing trees remain to support natural regeneration, because so many mature trees died during the epidemic. Planting the spruce seedlings plays a critical part in returning the landscape to its natural state and providing a healthy future for this landscape and the wildlife that call it home. Over the next 40 years, as the Engelmann spruce continue to mature, Young Living’s contribution will sequester 395 metric tons of carbon dioxide and reduce air pollution by 7.9 tons. Additionally, 5,932,500 gallons of rainfall will be intercepted by the increased canopy cover from the planted trees, reducing soil erosion and allowing for water to evaporate into the atmosphere— a crucial part of the hydrological cycle.

Young Living believes it is important to protect our forests’ ecosystems and reduce biodiversity loss. Forests are our planet’s lungs. They produce the oxygen we breathe and act as a filtration system, removing pollutants from the atmosphere and improving air quality. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, 50 million metric tons of carbon are sequestered by national forests each year. Forests even filter water. They improve water quality in rivers, lakes, and streams and regulate water temperature, which is critical for aquatic life in Fish Lake. In addition to the benefits to aquatic ecosystems, forest watersheds provide drinking water for 180 million Americans. Trees’ natural filtration systems lower costs associated with drinking water treatment because they reduce sediment, nitrates, and phosphorus runoff. Forests prevent floods and reduce soil erosion from wind and water because tree roots act as a soil stabiliser. Additionally, national forests provide a habitat for more than 400 species, or about one third of federally listed endangered and threatened species. Wildlife depend on healthy forest ecosystems for food, water, and shelter. Both in Utah and around the world, our forests and wildlife must be protected to ensure clean air and water for everyone. Young Living takes our responsibility to protect the planet seriously, and we’re proud to have done our part in restoring such an important ecosystem close to home.

Our bodies are complex systems that utilise our surroundings to our benefit– from absorbing sunlight through our skin and converting it to vitamin D to eating healthy foods and converting them into energy. This is part of why we love essential oils so much and are so committed to using the most advanced scientific processes possible to ensure we offer only pure, natural ingredients to support your body’s natural health. For millennia, people from all over the world have used essential oils and botanicals to support their health. For many of us, using essential oils is a way to connect to the planet and the natural support it offers, which is why Young Living takes purity and authenticity so

DIY SCENTED SACHETS: Lovable scents for unlikely places In the rush of our daily routines, we often pass by ordinary spaces like our lingerie drawer or linen closet without a second thought. Making something sweet-smelling for these ordinary spaces is a simple pleasure to greet you each time you open a drawer or cupboard in your home. Create an essential oil-filled sachet to add the delicate scent of lavender in unexpected places. These pocket-sized pouches give a tiny dose of aromatherapy and freshen up any unpleasant-smelling areas. YL tip: Instead of buying new pouches, go green and use something you have lying around. Spoon the mixture into a cute sock that’s lost its mate and tie the top. If you’re the crafty type, you can even sew a little bag from a scrap of fabric. How to make DIY scented sachets What you need: • ½ cup uncooked rice • ¼ cup Epsom salt • 1 cup dried lavender buds • Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide • 40 drops Lavender Essential Oil What you do: 1. In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom salt, flower buds, and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture. 2. Spoon mixture into your pouch. 3. Place anywhere you want to add a fresh lavender scent. 4. Refresh your pouch every 2–3 weeks by opening it and adding more drops of essential oil. This recipe creates enough for two sachets.

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seriously. We want to ensure that our essential oils are just that: authentic, naturally derived, and free of artificial ingredients and additives, so you can naturally support your body. To ensure essential oil purity, we devote significant funding to our D. Gary Young Research Institute, where in-house scientists implement advanced processes to ensure the highest-quality products available. Dr. Michael Buch, Chief Science Officer at Young Living, has this to say about our testing and research: “Young Living has a dedicated team of highly trained scientists who employ state-of-the-art techniques to ensure we have the cleanest products possible. We apply some of the most advanced techniques in the industry to differentiate between authentic and synthetic essential oils, including chiral chromatography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Each of these techniques is powerful in its own right, but when combined, the battery of techniques delivers results beyond compare.” As you can see, sometimes getting back to the basics gets pretty complicated, but we are committed to using the best available scientific process to provide you with pure, simple essential oils: nature’s living essence.

Tailor your sachets to your tastes: The charm of the simple sachets is that you can tailor them to the fragrances you love. Fill these little packets with any dried flowers or herbs you like. Rosemary needles, dried chamomile, and cedarwood shavings are all clean and crisp smells that provide a pleasant whiff to replace a cringy odor. Customise your creation using any essential oil combo you love most. Where to put scented sachets Here are a few ideas: • Place it with other natural-looking decor on a tray in a bathroom or guest room. • Stash it in a drawer for delicately scented clothes. • Store it in a linen closet for fresh sheets and towels. • Keep it in the car to hang on your rearview mirror. • Hide it away in a gym bag to quell any odors. • Throw it in your suitcase for clean-smelling clothes while you’re on the go. • Stuff it in smelly shoes to give them a refresh. • Place it in your pillowcase to surround yourself in calming aromas as you drift off to sleep.

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