The Essential Edge 2022: April, May & June

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them. There’s a buzz in the office with all this new information. I hope you’re reading the content on the new shopping platform at It’s been rewritten to answer questions for new and existing customers and brand partners alike.

“The horizon of our highest potential, as Gary would say, is always beckoning to us.”

A MESSAGE FROM MARY Hello, My Friends, We definitely were propelled into a new year with the January kickoff, and now we are almost to the 2022 U.S. and Canada convention. It seems that we are continually writing new chapters for our Young Living journey. The horizon of our highest potential, as Gary would say, is always beckoning to us, and I love this path full of discovery and excitement. So, really, what does this beckoning path mean? For me and all of Young Living, this means we are looking backward to re-energise the roots of Young Living and the purpose Gary intended Young Living to have and taking it forward into an ever-expanding future of health and wellness. Gary was all about education and improving one’s life. So, it’s not surprising that we are creating wonderful new training with more information on our products, their benefits, and how to use

Gary and I built Young Living on a foundation of helping others achieve their dreams through the freedom of health and well-being and a financial opportunity as a side benefit for those who desire that path of income. We have to remember that the income is the side benefit of helping others achieve their goals, and for many it has been and continues to be a grand experience. Young Living is a service organisation, and if you build your business with a foundation of service, you will be blessed and succeed in ways you never thought possible. There are millions of people who simply want to use our products and become our customers, and we need to focus on how we can help them. “Roots and Wings,” our convention theme, takes us back to our very beginning. The roots that Gary planted are the catalysts to help us spread our wings and grow to new heights in our desire to achieve our dreams by serving humanity. Stay tuned. There’s more coming, so get ready to join us on our continuing adventure with Young Living. With love and appreciation,


The science of essential oil perfection Ever wonder what makes our essential oils so remarkable? You might think it’s our distillation process or product testing that sets us apart. And you’d be right—but that’s not the whole story. The truth is we start ensuring quality before our oils ever reach the distillery or lab. The secret to our premium essential oils? Lots of research. In 1996, Young Living Founder D. Gary Young was researching enzymes and soil nourishment in the St. Maries greenhouse when he made a fascinating discovery. He learned that he could determine the best time to cut a crop by testing the plant’s glucose (sugar) levels with a Brix instrument—a tool commonly used to measure glucose in the food and beverage industries. He found that high glucose levels mean the plant will produce a greater amount and higher quality of oils. Today, Young Living farms all over the world use Gary’s system to determine the oil potential of crops before harvesting. The result? Consistently pristine, authentic essential oils—just as nature intended.


Hybrid virtual conventions deliver the product education, inspiration, and insights individual markets need This year’s Young Living convention is ready to take off with our inspiring theme: "Roots and Wings." Over the last 29 years, Young Living has proudly set down strong roots that continue to nourish us today. This legacy gives us wings to connect with hundreds of thousands of you across 155 countries. “Roots and Wings' is about more than looking back or looking forward,” says Brittani Lambert, Young Living VP of Events. “It’s about taking a holistic view of our company—how our values shape who we are and provide the direction we need to achieve a future of hope and wholeness.”

“I encourage you to register for this convention, either virtually or in person, to join in the community and meet with thousands of likeminded people.” Andrew Armstrong, Young Living U.S. and Canada General Manager

What’s different about the 2022 convention? The 2022 U.S. and Canada Convention, taking place June 15–18 in Salt Lake City, will be both in person and virtual. This way we can accommodate everyone: those who miss networking in person, those who love to cosy up and get inspired from their couch, and those who can’t travel but want to level up.

The convention will follow the model used by our Asia Pacific, Europe, and Latin America regions, which host market-specific conventions. Beginning in 2022, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will be specifically for the U.S. and Canada. The Young Living family will still gather for the International Grand Convention in Salt Lake City for milestone anniversaries, such as when we hit our 30-year mark. “I’m so excited for us to gather for our first U.S. and Canada Convention!” says Andrew Armstrong, Young Living’s U.S. and Canada general manager. “There’s such an electrifying sense of camaraderie when you attend a convention. This marks a huge step forward in how we tailor events, product education, new launches, and sessions to our unique markets. I encourage you to register for this convention, either virtually or in person, to join in the community and meet with thousands of like-minded people.” What to look forward to Virtual and in-person attendees will get the same not-to-be-missed general session and workshop experiences, where they’ll hear from Young Living corporate leaders, brand partners, Young Living Co-Founder and CEO Mary Young, and our keynote speaker. Whether you’re rubbing shoulders in the Salt Palace or tuning in from home, we want to ensure that everyone shares in the same stellar experience. In-person attendees will have the opportunity to mix with like minds and kindred spirits and tour the Young Living Lavender Farm and Distillery in Mona and our Global Headquarters in Lehi—as well as participate in the Foundation 5K run, visit Product Expo booths, and attend our closing party.

When can I register for the 2022 convention? You can register for the 2022 U.S. and Canada Convention right now! For $225 in-person tickets, be sure to register by April 30 or while availability lasts. Virtual tickets will remain available for $50 each through June 10. Be sure to register soon while tickets are still available. For more information about the 2022 U.S. and Canada Convention, please visit YoungLiving. com/2022naconvention. Whether in person or virtually, we look forward to seeing you in June!

Visit the digital version


CELEBRATING OUR MOST EMPOWERING YEAR YET Making a difference one person and one dollar at a time For 13 years, our Young Living family has demonstrated just how big an impact we can make in the world together through The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. This was Gary Young’s dream when he started the Young Living Foundation after seeing firsthand how we could make a


meaningful difference for families everywhere. Over the past five years, your support has brought Gary’s vision to life, impacting 943,597 lives through the Foundation. You have impacted the lives of survivors like Nicole*, who found freedom from abuse after being trafficked in her late teens in the United States. For two years, Nicole was exploited; but after escaping with her child, your contributions helped her recover and rebuild her life. Another life you helped change is Luís Gustavo Lopez’s (pictured), who is learning the entrepreneurial skills in high school that will help him follow his passion and elevate his community after graduating in Chiapas, Mexico. There’s also Biyu, Cissy, and Andrea, who are earning the fairpay wages they need to provide for their children by making beautiful artisanal goods. We’re looking forward to our most impactful year yet, as the Foundation reaches more than


Learn secrets of the Northern Lights Farm and Distillery from Farm Manager Kevin LaRose the weather, the harvest location, the time of day, the amount chipped, and oil yield—we measure it all. This helps us maintain the highest quality of botanicals as we analyse the data for best results and continuously adapt. We also do small-scale testing to determine the optimal season for each species. This way we know exactly when to start harvesting the plants.

A cleaner, synthetic chemical-free home is just a capful of Thieves® Household Cleaner away. Check out these easy formulas to make your house sparkle.

WOOD FLOOR CLEANER • 1 gallon water • ¼ cup olive oil • 1/3 cup Thieves Household Cleaner • 4–6 drops Pine Essential Oil

GLASS CLEANER • 3 cups water • 1 teaspoon white vinegar • 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner • 5 drops Lemon Essential Oil

LAUNDRY PRE-SPOT • 1/3 cup Thieves Household Cleaner • 1 cup water • 1/3 cup Thieves Dish Soap • 5 drops Lemon Essential Oil

TOILET AND TUB CLEANER • 2 cups water • 2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner • 10 drops Purification® Essential Oil Blend

JEWELRY CLEANER • 2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner • 3 tablespoons water

CARPET SPOT TREATMENT • 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner • 6 cups water

SHOWER DOOR CLEANER • ½ capful Thieves Household Cleaner • ½ cup white vinegar • 1 tablespoon Thieves Dish Soap • 1 cup water • 1 drop Lemon Essential Oil

1 million individuals empowered through our efforts. In 2022, the difference for people like Nicole, Luís, and Cissy is you. Because 100 percent of every donation goes directly to changing lives, every dollar makes a difference. With Young Living’s Dollar Up program, we’ve raised over $1.5 million since September 2020, one dollar at a time. Dollar Up makes it easy to change lives with the click of a button as you shop for your favorite Young Living products. Simply check the box to Dollar Up in checkout to add a $1 donation to the Foundation to your order. When we work together, even small steps like this can help make a better world for rising generations. To learn more, visit *Name changed to protect survivor’s identity.

Young Living’s roots have always been at our farms, and few know this better than Kevin LaRose. He’s been a key member of the Northern Lights Farm and Distillery team since 2015, and through his dedication, he’s become the manager at this beautiful site, located in British Columbia. Though it’s not easy work to keep a farm and distillery running—especially in such a harsh northern climate—Kevin shared how he does it all. What does a typical day look like for you and your team? 5 a.m.—Our day begins well before the sun rises. Our logging manager, Kevin LeBreton, heads out to the logging site to start all the equipment, so it’s warm and ready when the logging crew arrives. Due to the extremely low temperatures we get in the North, vehicles and equipment need to be warmed up before we can put them to work. 5:30 a.m.—I get the distillery fired up to begin the day’s work. Just like our vehicles, it takes time for our distillery to warm up to a safe operating temperature. 6:30 a.m.—The first distillation of the day begins. 7 a.m.—The logging crew begins its work and collects wood chips for distillation. 10 a.m.—The first distillation is completed. For the next three hours, our distillery crew will empty and refill the cookers with wood chips brought in by the logging crew, so another round of distillation can begin. 3:30 p.m.—The last two cycles of distillation are complete, and the distillery team will begin unloading and refilling, so the cookers are full and ready to go first thing the next the morning. 5 p.m.—The boilers are shut down. After about an hour, they are ready for the next day. 6 p.m.—The farm and distillery is closed for the day and is ready for a bright and early start the next morning. It’s a long day but a lot of fun. What are some ways you test and optimise? How do you determine when plants are ready to harvest? First, we record as much data as we can as we are logging. Ground temperature, air temperature,

“We have a very short growing season here. Winter encompasses most of our year; it lasts almost eight months.” How does the Northern Lights team help look after the forest? One small example is that rather than throwing away spent plant material, we spread our used wood chips on our fields as mulch to enrich the soil and nourish new trees. That’s only one of several ways we’re working to be good stewards. What is unique about the Northern Lights farm? Our location is unique. We’re situated in the north of Canada, on the historic and extremely scenic Alaska Highway, where it’s not uncommon for the temperature to dip to -45°F. It’s also very remote, which makes it possible to really appreciate the wildness of this place. We have an abundance of wildlife, ranging from the tiny mouse to the massive moose. We’ve got deer, elk, caribou, grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, foxes, wolverines, and cougars—I could go on and on. And, of course, I hardly need to mention the frontrow seat we have to the aurora borealis. Northern Lights is a very special place. What is unique about Northern Lights compared to other Young Living farms? We have a very short growing season here. Winter encompasses most of our year; it lasts almost eight months. That leaves us with just four months to plant and grow. Thankfully, our new greenhouse will be built this summer, allowing us to grow seedlings longer. How do you personally use the essential oils you produce at the farm? I mix Northern Lights Black Spruce with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use it as a moisturizer. I also massage a combination of Northern Lights Black Spruce and Ortho Ease® into my tired muscles at the end of a long day. Kevin is one of the many Young Living team members we trust to care for our farm locations, and we’re so grateful for people like him who are dedicated to making Young Living farms and distilleries so remarkable. Learn more about our farms at


SALAD INGREDIENTS • 1½ cups carrots, grated • 3 cups kale, torn and packed • ¼ cup feta cheese DRESSING INGREDIENTS • 2 tablespoons avocado oil • 3 tablespoons lemon juice • 3 tablespoons water • ½ cup sundried tomatoes, chopped

ON THE MENU: PAN-SEARED OIL-INFUSED FISH WITH CARROT-KALE SALAD A journey to clean living, one step at a time

• Pinch of salt • 2–3 drops Lemon Plus Essential Oil FISH INGREDIENTS • 4 4-ounce pieces fresh salmon or halibut,

Crystal Parrott published her first recipe book in 2007 to make her wheat-, dairy-, and sugar-free recipes available to her clients. Her passion for health and cooking is what led her to pursue a culinary degree. She focuses on creating amazingly delicious recipes, and as a Young Living brand partner, she looks for exciting new ways to include our selection of Plus Essential Oils. One of Crystal’s favourite ways to use Lemon Plus Essential Oil is to infuse it into her butter and use it to pan-sear the perfect piece of salmon or halibut. Also including a fresh and crisp kale salad, this recipe will leave your guests’ taste buds singing for more.

skin on • Avocado oil • Himalayan salt • Ground pepper • 2 tablespoons butter (vegan or dairy) • 4 drops Lemon Plus Essential Oil

DIRECTIONS: Salad: Grate carrots, tear kale, and crumble feta cheese into a large salad bowl, reserving enough feta for garnishing. Salad dressing: Place all ingredients except Lemon Plus in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Remove the dressing from the blender into porcelain or stainless-steel bowl and add Lemon Plus. Mix well with a whisk, pour over the salad, and toss. Fish: Wash the fish in cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Lightly coat both sides in avocado oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a skillet over high heat with a small amount of avocado oil. Place the fish in the skillet, skin side down. Keeping the heat on high, let it sizzle until the fish changes colour about a quarter of the way up and becomes caramelised around the edges. Carefully flip the fish and continue to cook until it reaches an internal temperature of 74°C. In a small pot, melt the butter; then turn off the heat, add Lemon Plus, and brush the mixture over the fish before serving. Plate the salad, top with the fish, and garnish with reserved feta.


We took the beloved scent of our BLOOM® and Sheerlumé™ skin care lines and bottled it. An exquisite blend of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood™, Jasmine, Sacred Frankincense, Davana, and other luxe aromas, BLOOM essential oil blend strikes a sophisticated balance between fresh florals and grounding, woodsy notes. Usage Topical, Aromatic

Oil ingredients Vetiver, Blue Cypress, Davana, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Clove, Jasmine, Carrot Seed, Spearmint, Geranium, and Sacred Frankincense— all grown around the world

History Young Living Founder D. Gary Young originally formulated this blend as the key ingredient in Sheerlumé Brightening Cream—one of our top-selling skin care staples. Scent profile A bright, floral scent with a subtle hint of Sandalwood Constituents Davanone, alpha pinene, eugenol, limonene Certifications

Where to keep it • With your perfumes to use as a light, sophisticated personal fragrance • Next to your living room diffuser to create a fresh, nurturing environment throughout your home when diffused • In your office for when you need to take a step back during a busy day and breathe in a calming aroma • Near your yoga mat or meditation pillow for an aromatic boost during breath work • By your bottle of V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex, so you can whip up a dreamy massage oil on demand Try it for yourself Experience the beauty of BLOOM essential oil blend. SHOP NOW TO COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION AT YOUNGLIVING.COM.

THE ESSENTIAL EDGE IS MOVING FULLY ONLINE Learn about the exciting new changes

The Essential Edge is getting ready for fresh, user-friendly updates. With an all-new format, the Rank Advancement page has moved online, making even more room for inspiring content. The Brand Partner Recognition page celebrates the achievements of Silver and above brand partners, shares updates about upcoming retreats, and features Diamond profiles. Check it out at That’s not the only change: Starting in July, printed Essential Edge orders will no longer be available. Instead, all the must-read content of future issues can be found in the Young Living Digital Library. Say hello to a user-friendly, paper-free version of our newsletter that’s easier than ever to access. We’re so excited to share even more great content with you and bring you the greenest version of The Essential Edge yet!



1,800 acres from the Skyrider Wilderness Ranch will help preserve the big horn population Young Living is stepping up to help save desert big horn sheep. With a dwindling population of fewer than 3,000 in Utah, these herds will find safe shelter at Young Living’s Skyrider Wilderness Ranch, which will be home to Utah’s first nursery for desert big horns. Battered by disease caused by domesticated sheep, overharvesting, and landscape changes, desert big horn sheep face a bleak future without a specific environment. “You need a habitat that can withstand any climatic events,” explains Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) Once-In-A-Lifetime Species Coordinator Riley Peck. “We looked over the state many times and hadn’t been able to find the location that worked perfectly. We were coming up blank.”

The Utah DWR finally found an enthusiastic partner in Young Living. Honoring Founder D. Gary Young and his dedication to leaving the world a better place, we set aside 1,800 acres for the big horn sheep nursery at our scenic Skyrider Wilderness

“Desert big horn sheep have been vanishing off our landscape for many generations. The program at Skyrider Ranch helps ensure that these amazing creatures will continue to roam our wild place.” Skyler Olsen, Ranch General Manager, Skyrider Wilderness Ranch

Ranch. The location will support up to 150 desert big horn sheep, protecting them from predators and diseases that have crippled wild sheep populations. With the nursery, the DWR hopes to double the population of bighorn sheep in the state over the next decade. “This is a very proud moment,” says Skyrider Wilderness Ranch General Manager Skyler Olsen, “for me, everyone at Skyrider Ranch, and the many folks within Young Living who helped put this together. Working for a company that’s willing to do the right thing when given the opportunity is truly amazing. This is something all of us in the Young Living family should be very proud of. Desert big horn sheep have been vanishing off our landscape for many generations. The program at Skyrider Ranch helps ensure that these amazing creatures will continue to roam our wild place.” To learn more about the Skyrider Wilderness Ranch, visit and follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @skyriderranch.


Get to know Crown Diamond leader Patricia Gwee My Young Living journey started almost 11 years ago due to health concerns. l was also determined to raise my children in a safer way. Over a ten-year period, I had researched and was certified in numerous natural holistic modalities. I longed for a safe, natural, reliable product that I could use proactively. When I was introduced to Young Living, I knew it was the right thing. Solutions for physical, emotional, mental, and psychological issues were found in the products. The products are all very high quality. The best that I have seen in all 20 years of exploring and searching! In one sentence - the unparalleled quality of health-giving (non-toxic, non-synthetic) oils, supplements, and oil-infused products that I trusted to use on, my then, very young kids is why I trust Young Living. Through Young Living, not only have I seen exceptional solutions for all-round wellbeing, I have unexpectedly found a community whom I consider my second family! These are teams of ardent Oilers, committed to bringing love and healing to the world. I focused on this sole purpose and 11 years in, I found business sustainability which was completely unexpected and beyond my wildest dreams. I have found my source of independence, time freedom and above all, Freedom of Choice! With these abundant blessings, I am able to bless so many others in countless ways THIS is key to my purpose and calling. Yet - THE BEST part is to witness our loved ones and friends having the quality of life they never expected. For parents who chose Young Living, they are able to witness first-hand the growth and development of their children whilst also being empowered with a means to achieve sustainable independence. This is truly precious! I am most impressed with Young Living’s unconventional approach, which is more about building relationships, creating bonds, and TRULY CARING for each other. I first fell in love with the exquisite essential oils that Gary crafted, so that is usually what I share. Getting to know people first. Everyone is unique and have different needs. There is no one-size fits all product or approach. The time is ripe to introduce a product when we have identified the “root cause(s)”. I explain that beneath every physical concern there is an emotional root cause. Essential oils have the ability to stimulate the limbic system which is the centre of memory and emotions; it's what triggers our feelings. Through consistent use of essential oils, we may start seeing shifts in our wellbeing. After I ask about what, why, and how of their experience, they often ask “then what should I do?” - There! I have gained

“permission”, I have received an invitation and an interest to listen and learn more. Learn everything there is about Gary Young, how he got started. Best way to Learn about our quality standards - Seed to Seal process is to go visit the Young Living Farms. Do what YOU do best, do what is FUN for you, and collaborate with your teams. Be curious, be a keen learner, be creative, be a team player, attend all classes and events available to you - Self development is crucial. Stay engaged with the YL community! Never give up! It may not be an easy journey but you will soon discover it is definitely worth it! I am a people connector. We are a Community. Together we show up to share, serve, and make a positive impact in the world. The ancient wisdom of plant remedy, that was lost, comes back to life every time we use these premium-grade essential oils. This is what we love to share. We are a team. Collaboration makes the work fun and meaningful and each one shows up using their unique gifts and strengths. Every day when I pick up a bottle of essential oil, I am reminded of what Gary had done all these years, including the formative years when he was laying the foundation of good working relationships and trust amongst the native people where he had identified precious aromatic plants which had the potential to become precious beneficial essential oils. Gary’s key focus was that singular PURPOSE of wellness for generations to come. THIS is my driving energy, my guiding light. To follow Gary’s lead, to inspire everyone that there is a greater possibility to health, wellness and personal freedom. Throughout the years, I have had the great privilege and honour to have walked and talked with the Founder Gary Young over many farms- Gary always wanted us to SEE, SMELL, TOUCH and LEARN how plants and trees are grown, distilled, and harvested, and to see first-hand how the essential oils are produced and tested. I always felt Gary’s amazing energy and zest for living and learning. His key interest was how to bring authentic essential oils to everyone in all corners of the world. He has had such a great impact on me. This is the essence of my teachings and sharings and my leaders emulate that. We focus on sustainable growth by building close relationships, nurturing the individual through meaningful high quality personal growth programmes, and constantly remind and reinforce Gary’s wisdom; to reach for one’s highest potential.

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