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Opportunities by Derek Kemp

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Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp


Page No.



Definition of opportunity


Recognising an opportunity


Action to take


Making sure the opportunity is right for you


How to find opportunities


How to capture opportunity


How to Make Opportunities Happen




Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Introduction Hi my name is Derek Kemp and I have been in business for the past 35 years. During that time I have taken advantage of many opportunities and possibly seen a number of others pass me by.

My background after having left school and joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 15 taught me very early on that opportunities are all around us. At 30 years old I finished my service and started employment with an American Fortune 500 company.

I remember the interview very well, the manager who interviewed me turned me down for the job. His reasons were very strange to me, he told me I was over qualified for the job, I quickly explained to him that I was happy with the pay and would love to do the work and it was in the perfect location for me just down the road from where I lived with my family. I then explained the benefits to him, surely having someone who was over qualified would make his life easier and would benefit the company too.

Oh yes and one other important point if a better opportunity came up how about telling me about it so I can apply and help the company even more. The end result was a job and then a career which took me all over the world and enabled me to turn my engineering career into a Business Management position with the company. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Many more opportunities came along during this process many of them bringing more responsibility and more financial reward plus considerable experience which I tap into every day.

After some 15 years employment I had the opportunity to break away from corporate life and ventured into the world of self-employment and running my own business.

Over the coming pages I want to share with you how I found so many opportunities and how I continue to find them today. I will also explain what to do when you see an opportunity and how to ensure you maximise them whether you are employed or self-employed

Opportunities are all around you, the secret is recognising them when they appear.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Definition of an Opportunity What is an opportunity? An opportunity is something you can use to improve your current situation whether it be financial, pleasure, improved quality of life or similar.

Take employment for example, if you are looking for a job or a better job I can assure you what you are looking for is just around the corner. Unfortunately not all opportunities have a label on them with your name on it.

You have to recognise an opportunity when it comes along.

So an opportunity could be like my next story. I was an electronics engineer in the RAF, now this was in the early days of electronics well before computers and microprocessors as we know them today. When I joined the Fortune 500 Company they were still in the era of electro mechanical products and knew very little about electronics.

Having taken a major opportunity after one year with the company, I found myself working in their UK Head Office, right in the heart of the company. It soon became obvious that there was an opportunity to set up a new electronic engineering division enabling me to recruit a team of Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

electronic engineers. Suddenly I found myself at a whole new level managing a group of skilled engineers. Not by chance I must add. I could see the need for this team to take the company forward so I created a complete business proposal and submitted it to my boss who then submitted it to the board who agreed with me that this new department was essential to the growth of the Company. In this case technology created the opportunity and I grabbed it with both hands.

So to clarify opportunity comes in many different forms, sometimes it is presented to you as a proposal, other times it appears due to circumstances around you and sometimes you have to search high and low for the opportunity that best suits you.

Let me tell you a story before I go on, you may have heard this before, but it is so apt for this discussion it is worth reading it again. Deep in the Atlantic Ocean after a huge storm there was a man ship wrecked and stranded on debris floating in the sea. Now you could say he was lucky to be alive, but he did not seem to think this way at all. No food, no water, no blankets, no clean clothes, just very wet and still breathing.

Anyway after some days waiting to be rescued this man was getting very frustrated. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

So even though he did not believe in God or similar he decided to chance his luck and ask for assistance. In his frustration he shouted out loud for someone to send a ship to rescue him. Now please remember this man was not used to looking for opportunity and definitely did not believe anyone was listening.

So when the first ship came into view although he noticed it on the horizon, he continued to lay on his make shift craft (wreckage) and watched the ship sail on by.

Ask yourself this question, was that ship an opportunity and would you have recognised it as one and more importantly would you have acted the same or different to this guy considering his situation, ship wrecked, no food, no water and in desperate need of an opportunity.

Now the story does not stop there, this man shouted out to his God saying why on earth didn’t you send the ship to me? Of course he received no reply.

Waking up the next morning very cold wet and hungry he prepared himself for another day wondering if someone might rescue him today. A couple of hours later another ship appeared much closer this time. The man spotted it and sat up ready for it to come alongside and rescue him. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

He watched the ship for about 3 hours as it sailed slowly by completely ignoring him as he sat on his piece of drift wood thinking that they must rescue him this time.

If you know this story then you will know the outcome, one desperate man shouting for help while gradually starving and freezing to death. The night went by and still with the belief someone would rescue him the man awakened from a restless sleep to find another ship very close to him. This is it he said to himself; at last I have been rescued. Now this ship was so close that it almost sailed straight over him and he was almost washed off his drift wood by the waves from the ship.

Now that made him angry and he shouted out at the top of his voice. Call yourself a God, I have asked you every day for the last 3 days to rescue me and I am still here, hungry, cold and close to death, why won’t you help me?

Suddenly there was a voice which appeared to come from nowhere. Look mate, I have sent you three opportunities and on every occasion you have made absolutely no attempt to take them, you just sat there expecting someone else to sort out your problem.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Opportunities abound, you just have to recognise them and when you see one you need to take massive ACTION to ensure you benefit from it.

Recognising the Opportunity Hopefully you learnt a lot from the last chapter. You can only benefit from an opportunity if you are looking for one and know what you are looking for.

Let me say that again, you need to know what you are looking for first, otherwise when one opportunity comes along you won’t see it.

So the first thing you need to do is have a clear plan of action which defines clearly what you are planning to do. This will enable you to spot opportunity which fits with your plan or suits your skills and ability.

Once you have a clearly defined plan and what is probably more important a clear destination then you stand a much better chance of recognising opportunities when they come along.

If you get your plan really well defined you can even define the types of opportunity you are looking for. Better still you can search out the opportunities and find them before they find you.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Let me share another opportunity I took back in my corporate days. I was very ambitious and always looked out for ways to get to the next level. On this occasion as a Business Manager I became frustrated with some of my colleagues who could not see the big picture in terms of the next development we should take with one of our product lines.

I wanted to expand the products and he was unsure mainly due to lack of knowledge and skill. So one Friday while working late a fax came through for my Boss, I was the only person in the office so I took the paper off the machine and noticed it was asking for a Senior Business Manager to head up a new division developing a range of products for the International market.

Was this my opportunity, one of those ships and would I let it pass me by.

Absolutely not, I was meant to be there on that Friday evening, so having made sure the position was right for me, I wrote a brief note on the bottom of the first page saying to my boss, yes please I would like the position, when can I start and signed my name.

I then took the document and laid it on my boss’s desk so it was the first thing he read on Monday morning. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

A few days later I was called into his office where he explained that in all his years in business he never had met another person as determined as me and confirmed I had the job.

My success came from recognising the opportunity because I knew where I was heading and had a clear path of how I wanted to get there. My eyes were open to the right opportunity and when it appeared on the fax machine I made sure I was first in the queue to jump on board and be saved.

I could have said, this fax is not for me so even though I have read it I better not make a comment in case someone complains.

You can only recognise an opportunity if you have a reasonable idea what you are looking for. Once you recognise it make sure you take massive action to ensure you have the very best chance of securing it before someone else does or it just goes sailing by.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Action to Take As you know by now I have said on more than one occasion so far that you have to take action. Go back to the ship wreck story and see what he could have done.

If you are cold, wet and starving and likely to die if you don’t take action would you have first sat and waited or would you have taken action. Yes you could have waived a hand or two, jumped up and down, taken your shirt off and waived it frantically in the air, if you had flares you could have used them or even shouted at the top of your voice.

Remember this point, even if he had done all the above the ship might not have seen him, but at least he would have tried.

You need to do the same when opportunity comes your way too. Make sure you know what opportunities you are looking for first and why you are looking for them and then check out carefully what the opportunity is to ensure it meets your criteria.

Only then should you make every effort to ensure you benefit from the opportunity being presented in front of you.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Remember my story, the fax was not offering me the job and maybe if I had not worked that evening I would not have known about the new position until someone else was appointed.

Opportunities do not always stand out so you need to be sharp eyed and clear headed so you spot them before anyone else does.

So here is another example of an opportunity I took even though at the time I did not realise. As you may know I run a number of Internet Marketing Businesses and a few years ago I recognised the importance of working with other successful people in the internet marketing market place.

So I was looking for opportunities to work with successful Internet Marketers.

To achieve my objective I decided to attend various events where these people would be speaking. One of these events was run by a wellknown internet marketer who I had access to through another opportunity a couple of years earlier.

There were some 500+ people in the room asking many questions of the speaker, after a while he said what these people needed to do was set Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

up their own Mastermind events where they could meet up and work together to help each other become successful.

Well, what an opportunity, just imagine if I set up these Mastermind groups and helped his clients become successful, wouldn’t that be good. Not only can I help these people, I could also get access to him and over time work with more and more of his customers to their and my benefit.

Now there was the challenge, over 500 people heard the same comment at exactly the same time as I did, so what chance did I have to be the one who could set up Mastermind groups and get access to his list of customers and help them become successful.

This brings me to a rather interesting fact that some of those reading this book may not be aware of. It is this: Lots of people have great ideas, the trouble is very few of them follow through with those ideas and make a success of them.

The risk for me in having someone else competing was very low, not 500 to 1, not even 100 to 1, not even 10 others competing. The fact is I was the only person in the room who took action.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

My action was to put together a short email to the man with an outline proposal and suggesting we meet up the next time he was in the UK. He replied and agreed to meet, which we did a few weeks later. After 20 minutes getting to know each other, he asked for a full business proposal. A few weeks later, we agreed the terms and we are now business partners and I run on average 2 Mastermind events per month for his UK customers with a list which grows and grows. I have just run event number 45 two years later.

This opportunity alone has made a significant improvement to my internet marketing business and came about quite simply because out of 500+ people I recognised the opportunity and took immediate action to ensure I stood the best chance possible of being the person to partner with one of the world’s most successful internet marketers.

If you fail to take immediate action you will not achieve the result you so wanted to achieve.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Make Sure the Opportunity is Right for You Please remember the statement “Opportunities are all around�. It is true and the more you look for them the more you will find.

This is the danger area, if you grab hold of every opportunity which comes your way you will suddenly find yourself overloaded with opportunity and have no idea which way to turn.

The end result will be failure and frustration because you will know every one of those opportunities has real potential and yet for some reason you were not able to convert each opportunity into a successful outcome.

Select your opportunities wisely, know exactly what you are taking on and do not over commit yourself or your resources.

Study what is on offer carefully, making sure it will deliver the result that you want.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Make sure you or your team have the skill set needed to achieve what is required and it can be done without impacting any of your other activities.

Ensure it integrates well with what you are doing already. Make sure you either have the finances to achieve the task or the opportunity comes with funds. There is absolutely nothing worse than snapping up what looked like a great opportunity and then failing to make a success of it.

Just to give you an example of possible success in 26 months I have run 45 Mastermind events in various locations throughout the UK, I am now running 2 events per month, have just launched a brand new business opportunity to the members and have plans for much more over the coming years.

Please do not just grab opportunities because they are there, consider them carefully, make sure they are right for you then plan the execution process including the funding and reasons required to make it happen.

Often you will find the opportunity will grow because you are seen as the right person to offer new opportunities to because of the professional way you handled the first one.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

How to Find Opportunities Some of this section has already been covered, so please bear with me if I repeat myself occasionally, looking for opportunities is the difference between success and failure, knowing how to find them is crucial to your success.

I have said this a number of times in this book so let me just explain why I have repeated myself. I hear too many people say how hard it is to achieve success yet when I challenge them on their statement very few of them know any of the following:  What their definition of success is.  How much time they are prepared to spend defining success  More importantly, how much time they are prepared to work once they have defined their Success Plan. So often they commit more of their time watching television, relaxing, doing a job, chasing around after others and when you ask why they are not successful they reply that there is not enough time.

Success and opportunities work hand in hand, they both start with having a clear plan and knowing what you want to do, when you plan to do it what in detail it consists of, what the end result will be and what opportunities you need and want to attract along the way. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

How will you recognise an opportunity if you have no idea what you are looking for?

Ever tried finding a shop, pub, house or anything else you can think of without having a clear idea where it is, what it looks like, etc.

To attract great opportunities you need to have a very well defined picture of what they look like.

Just imagine you wanted to find someone with money they would like to invest in your business. Believe it or not there are a lot of people with serious cash looking for businesses to invest in.

Every time you walk down the street, sit in an airport waiting for a plane or attending a conference there is someone very near you with funds they would like to invest in a good business.

To attract them to you requires the following: 1. A very clear definition of what you are doing or planning to do. 2. A very clear definition of the opportunity you want to attract. 3. The terms of any agreement you are likely to make. 4. When you need what you are looking for. 5. How the partnership will work. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

6. What is in it for you and for them. The clearer your definition the better chance you have of spotting the opportunity when it comes along.

The next step is to recognise it when it arrives, this is crucial, remember the guy with the three ships, he assumed they would rescue him when in fact he needed to tell them he needed rescuing.

The next step is crucial; you need to rehearse your vision of the opportunity every day. Not just once a day, at least night and morning. The stronger your vision the sooner you will attract what you are looking for. Now you need to start circulating in places where the types of people you are looking for frequent. You might promote yourself online at business networking groups, conferences, business shows, etc.

Listen carefully when people are talking to you, sometimes the opportunity is a simple comment about you or your business or you might hear a comment from someone else which you will need to follow up. Remember the Mastermind groups, the comment was not aimed at me, it was a general comment which I followed up and turned into an opportunity which now generates thousands of dollars a month and much more to come in the next few years.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Remember the fax which came in again not sent to me, did not have my name on it and if I had not been there at 9 p.m. on a Friday evening may have only heard about it when one of my colleagues was offered the position.

Know what you are looking for and you will find it often much closer to you than you think.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Looking for Opportunities Of course if you have not defined what you are looking for then you will struggle to find it. Ever tried finding a person in a crowd without knowing what they look like or what clothes they are wearing or at least some clue.

How about trying to find a place without knowing the address? Impossible isn’t it, you need some form of information to at least help you establish who they are or where the place is.

Well the same principle applies to finding the opportunities you are looking for, you need to know what they look like and then be able to recognise them.

Let me tell you about an opportunity which went horribly wrong for me purely because I had failed to define it well.

No excuses, but one of my Directors organised the meeting which should have secured our Company in excess of $80,000 of investment with no strings attached. The problem was as MD of the business I chose to be the spokesperson when it would have been far better to leave it to my Director. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

My vision was based on meeting a business man who wanted to invest in our company for a profit, so when he pulled out his cheque book, and started to write out the cheque I pretty much insisted on him looking at the business plan first to make sure the numbers stacked up. Big mistake as he really liked what we were doing, and was happy to write us a cheque whether he made money or not. The end result was no cheque, all because I wanted to be business-like and he wanted to give us the cash.

The lesson learnt by me was simple, when a multi-millionaire want to write a cheque for $80,000 let him sign it, hand it over and say thank you very much.

That lesson has stayed with me ever since and now I just take the money and say Thank You Very Much. You might be saying at this point, could it be possible for someone to offer so much money without asking for something in return.

The answer as I am sure you now realise is yes, if you have defined what you are looking for well enough and create a clear picture in your mind then you can attract exactly what you want time and time again.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Have you heard of charity, people give willingly to charity often without asking for anything in return? Well when someone really likes what you are doing and has enough cash to share with you then often they are prepared to share without any expectation of a return.

Now there are others who will invest for some form of return, make sure you know what their expectations are before you commit yourself and if you are comfortable with the terms take the money and do your best to turn it into profit.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

How to Make Opportunities Happen I hope by now you realise that opportunities are all around us, it is just a matter of setting out your stall and as many opportunities as you want will come along.

You may have just said that is fine for you, you obviously know how to spot an opportunity and what to do when one appears.

You are probably right so now is the time for me to explain in detail what you need to do to ensure you can attract all the opportunities you need to succeed.

The first thing for you to consider is your plan, because without a plan you will never be able to identify what you need so even if the opportunities come along they will just pass you by just like the ships.

If you are in business already then create a clear plan defining where your business is heading, be ambitious and project a future where your business grows to whatever level you choose.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Write down your vision and then break it down into steps, set yourself time frames and believe what you are writing.

Once you have defined your plan you are ready for step two. Ask yourself what it is stopping you from achieving each of the steps you have defined. It might be money, it might be people or equipment, perhaps its knowledge or even a combination of all of these.

Now you need to define the opportunities you need to attract to enable your plan to go from where you are today through each stage of your plan.

Start with the first opportunity you are looking for, create a strong vision of it in your mind, do this every morning and every evening until your mind knows exactly what you are looking for.

Remember when your opportunity suddenly appears make sure you are ready to recognise it otherwise it might just go sailing by.

Be prepared for the opportunity you are visualising to appear and make sure you are ready to board, embrace the person offering and then move on to the next stage.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Note This is not easy, you have to work at it, you have to believe it is possible and then you have to practice, practice, practice until you master the art of opportunity.

So why not allocate some time every day to build your plan, break it down into steps, identify the opportunities you need to make it work and then keep working the opportunities and the plan until you have achieved everything you want to achieve.

Conclusion. Opportunities are all around you, you just need to have a really clear picture of what you are looking for and then grab it in both hands when it comes along and then work it to your best ability.

The secret is to create a plan and define each step of your plan so you can see it clearly in your mind.

Once you have the plan clearly defined start imagining in your mind what the first opportunity looks like, get this picture so strong that you can already touch it, feel it, smell it. So when the opportunity is presented to you it is instantly recognised. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


Opportunities by Derek Kemp

Start looking for your opportunities today, make sure they are real and fit your plan.

If you have Knowledge, a Hobby, Sport or Skill you really enjoy and would like to know how to turn it into a Steady Growing Income Stream then check out this amazing business opportunity http://www.yourbusinesssuccessclub.com/products/6/$10,000-permonth-every-month/001, an opportunity is waiting there for a small number of Opportunity Seekers, you could be one of them. I hope you have gained knowledge from this short book. I would really like to hear how you have benefited from it, please email your stories so I can share them with others. Kind Regards Derek Kemp Opp@yoursuccessfactory.com http://derekkemp.com http://facebook.com/YBSClub http://twitter.com/YBSClub

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy http://DelahuntyMoneyAcademy.com


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