Field days booklet

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Yorke Peninsula

FIELD DAYS 24th, 25th & 26th SEPTEMBER 2013





Yorke Peninsula

Country Times

INSIDE FRONT_Layout 1 5/09/13 3:07 PM Page 1


24th, 25th & 26th SEPTEMBER 2013 AU S T R A L I A’ S O L D E S T F I E L D DAY – E s t 1 8 9 4


with a history spanning 119 years, the highly acclaimed yorke peninsula field Days is now a multi-million dollar biennial event showcasing agriculture and the rural community at its best. the field days’s feature extensive displays of the latest agricultural machinery and equipment, technology, services, innovations and current techniques on a 30 hectare static display site located at paskeville sa. the vast displays also incorporate a comprehensive lifestyle program of products and services designed to be of interest to both rural and urban families. included in the field days program is a variety of guest speakers, presentations and demonstrations on each of the three days. Displays and demonstrations include... ● farm machinery & equipment ● working sheepDog trials ● cropping trials ● eDucation ● tools & accessories ● wool & sheep ● rural builDings ● automotive ● fashion paraDes ● quality crafts ● guest speaker presentations ● proDucts, services & more! gates open... 9am – 5pm tues, wed & thurs entry...

adults $15 per day (no concessions) schoolage children $3 per day


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● no Dogs alloweD ● free car parking


F O R F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N P L E A S E C O N TA C T. . .

PHONE: 8827 2040 FAX: 8827 1011 POST: PO BOX 162, KADINA SA 5554 Website: Email:

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

ORGANISERS... The Yorke Peninsula Field Days General Committee, back: Malve Haynes, Greg Allen, Martin Kenny, Mark Northcott, Michael Barker, Paul Correll, Merv Simmonds, Don Evans, Garry Pamment, Alan Baker, Belinda Smith, Brenton Drewett, Ashley Pridham; front: Murray Menzel, Greg Stevens, Paul Browning (president), Elaine Bussenschutt (administrator), Rosalie Pearce, Dulcie Barker. (Absent: Adrian Mason, Keith Copley, Dean Young, Elizabeth Noom.)

Welcome to the 2013 YP Field Days Paul BROWNING PRESIDENT WELCOME to Australia’s oldest agricultural field days. With the prospect of a bountiful spring, Paskeville is set to shine in 2013. September will see the agriculturally-rich land of Yorke Peninsula at its best. On behalf of the Yorke Peninsula Field Days committee, I invite you to attend our award-winning event which is in its 119th year and continues to provide the community and state the opportunity to excel. The YP Fields Days is an event supported by and supporting the entire community. Without the dedication of the member bureaus and all the volunteers representing preschools, schools, sporting groups and various organisations from within our community, the event would not be such a success. The YP Field Days committee is

proud to be able to work together to achieve this. Our previous event has been honoured by Advantage SA at the 2012 Regional Awards being presented as the state overall winner of the Community Group Award. This is a fantastic achievement of which the whole community can be very proud. We endeavour to provide opportunities for new technology to be presented, new machinery, farming techniques and information. Rural and regional South Australia is highlighted and all businesses are encouraged to participate and grow with the experience of attending and sharing their expertise and products. We encourage the sharing of knowledge that has brought us to where we are today and actively promote the future of this agriculturally-rich area with wonderful displays of technology

for all to view and provided for primary producers to advance their knowledge and skills. All visitors will be delighted with the variety of exhibitors in the general interest pavilions to entice, assist and educate you. Come along and view the amazing fashion parades, be mesmerised by the sheepdog trials, watch Australian blade shearing champion John Dalla demonstrate his skills along with a fantastic program in the Guest Speaker Pavilion covering gardening, cooking and even more fashion parades. We invite you to attend this year’s Yorke Peninsula Field Days, with a bigger variety of food outlets, improved undercover dining areas and more outdoor seating. I know you will enjoy your visit. Gates are open 9am-5pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 24, 25 and 26, so come along and be a part of this exciting and prestigious event.



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General Committee 2012-2014 Arthurton Agricultural Bureau Paul Correll, Adrian Mason Boors Plains Agricultural Bureau Paul Browning, Don Evans Bute Agricultural Bureau Keith Copley Cunliffe Women in Agriculture and Business Rosalie Pearce, Dulcie Barker Moonta Agricultural Bureau Mark Northcott, Michael Barker Paskeville Agricultural Bureau Nick Correll, Brenton Drewett Petersville Agricultural Bureau Martin Kenny South Hummocks Agricultural Bureau Alan Baker, Dean Young Snowtown Agricultural Bureau Greg Stevens, Murray Menzel President Paul Browning (Boors Plains Agricultural Bureau) Administrator Elaine Bussenschutt OAM Executive Committee Paul Browning, Greg Stevens, Rosalie Pearce, Murray Menzel, Dulcie Barker, Elaine Bussenschutt

Convenors 2012-2014 Exhibitor Site Bookings Belinda Smith Groundsperson/Site Maintenance Ashley Pridham Finance Elizabeth Noom Guest Speaker Program Cunliffe Branch WAB Demonstrations Greg Stevens Murray Allen Wool & Sheep Pavilion YP Field Days and Caroline Johnson Working Sheepdog Trials Merv Simmonds Historical/Agricultural Displays Malve Haynes YPFD Website Garry Pamment



Yorke Peninsula Tuesday, September 24 9am-4.30pm

Working sheepdog trials (Dowlingville Rd)


Robert Bawden Museum (Cunliffe Rd) • Agricultural/field days history displays


Field days courtesy bus traverses designated pick-up and set-down points around site perimeter


Murray Allen Wool and Sheep Pavilion program (Alford Rd) • Southern Cross Television fashion parades • Shearing demonstrations


Tumby Bay Clydesdale trolley rides leave site 441 Cunliffe Rd (tree area) at regular intervals


General interest guest speakers’ program (Guest Speaker Pavilion, entry off Cunliffe or Boors Plains Rds)


Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd)


Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd)


Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd)


Xtreme Trials Show and truck rootop burnout (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd)


Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd)


Free passenger bus departs front gate for return to Moonta, Wallaroo and Kadina

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Inside this booklet

Field Days Program

● ● ● ●

Official program Site map Exhibitors list Catering sites

page 2-3 pages 26-27 pages 24-25 page 31

Wednesday, September 25

Thursday, September 26

9am-4.30pm 9am-5pm

9am-4.30pm 9am-5pm

9am-5pm 9am-5pm

9am-5pm 10am-3pm 10am-10.20am 11.15am 11.30am-noon 1.30pm-2pm 1.30pm-1.50pm 3pm-3.20pm 4pm

Working sheepdog trials (Dowlingville Rd) Robert Bawden Museum (Cunliffe Rd) • Agricultural/field days history displays Field days courtesy bus traverses designated pick-up and set-down points around site perimeter Murray Allen Wool and Sheep Pavilion program (Alford Rd) • Southern Cross Television fashion parades • Shearing demonstrations Tumby Bay Clydesdales trolley rides leave site 441 Cunliffe Rd (tree area) at regular intervals General interest guest speakers’ program (Guest Speaker Pavilion, entry off Cunliffe or Boors Plains Rds) Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) YP Field Days official welcome and award presentations (Guest Speaker Pavilion) Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd) Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd) Xtreme Trials Show and truck rooftop burnout (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) Free passenger bus departs front gate for return to Moonta, Wallaroo and Kadina





10am-10.20am 11.30am-noon 1.30pm-2pm 1.30pm-1.50pm

3pm-3.20pm 4pm

Working sheepdog trials (Dowlingville Rd) Robert Bawden Museum (Cunliffe Rd) • Agricultural/field days history displays Field days courtesy bus traverses designated pick-up and set-down points around site perimeter Murray Allen Wool and Sheep Pavilion program (Alford Rd) • Southern Cross Television fashion parades • Shearing demonstrations Tumby Bay Clydesdales trolley rides leave site 441 Cunliffe Rd (tree area) at regular intervals General interest guest speakers’ program (Guest Speaker Pavilion, entry off Cunliffe or Boors Plains Rds) Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd) Vintage machinery and engine demonstrations (western end of Dowlingville Rd) Xtreme Trials Show and truck rooftop burnout (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) Xtreme Trials Show (demonstration area, SE corner of site on Arthurton East Rd) Free passenger bus departs front gate for return to Moonta, Wallaroo and Kadina



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

2013 Guest Speaker Pavilion Program Organised by the Cunliffe branch of Women in Agriculture and Business Tuesday, September 24 10am-11am Janelle Bloom, celebrity chef from Ready Steady Cook *Sponsored by BankSA 11.15am-noon Fashion parade, fashions and accessories provided by YPFD exhibitors 1pm-2pm Janelle Bloom, celebrity chef from Ready Steady Cook *Sponsored by BankSA 2.15pm-3pm CFS Firey Women with Penny Kazla

Wednesday, September 25 10am-11am Simon Bryant, chef and television presenter *Sponsored by BankSA 11.15am YP Field Days official welcome and award presentations 12.15pm-1pm Gadgets with Mel Taylor from Country Living Homewares, Kadina 1pm-2pm Simon Bryant, chef and television presenter *Sponsored by BankSA

Thursday, September 26 10am-11am Graham Ross, horticulturalist and Better Homes and Gardens presenter *Sponsored by BankSA 11.15am-noon Thermomix demonstration with Kate Monger 1pm-2pm Graham Ross, horticulturalist and Better Homes and Gardens presenter *Sponsored by BankSA

2.15pm-3pm CFS Firey Women with Penny Kazla

Murray Allen Wool and Sheep Pavilion Program Tuesday, September 24 ● Southern Cross Television fashion parades: 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm ● Static display and trade sites: 9am-5pm ● Shearing demonstrations: 12.15pm, 1.45pm, 3.15pm

Wednesday, September 25 ● Southern Cross Television fashion parades: 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm ● Static display and trade sites: 9am-5pm ● Shearing demonstrations: 12.15pm, 1.45pm, 3.15pm ● Junior sheep and wool judging: 10am-2pm

Thursday, September 26 ● Southern Cross Television fashion parades: 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm ● Static display and trade sites: 9am-5pm ● Shearing demonstrations: 12.15pm, 1.45pm, 3.15pm

Sponsorship Acknowledgement Yorke Peninsula Field Days Inc. recognises the significant contribution made by our many sponsors who continue to generously support our field days’ organisation and biennial three-day event in a variety of ways.


We acknowledge the ongoing and invaluable sponsorship provided and record our sincere appreciation to the following sponsors of our 2013 biennial event. OTHER SPONSOR



BankSA Lion Dairy and Drinks Stock Journal Laucke Feed Mills Measday’s Services Gramer Border Collies


❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

NAB Agribusiness Farmers Union YP Country Times Australian Wool Network Gunnings Automotive Group Walkington Insurance

❖ Rabobank ❖ Perks Integrated Business Services ❖ Kubpower ❖ Grant and Caroline Johnson ❖ Mitsubishi Motors

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

SITE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW ● Courtesy bus A free 57-seat passenger bus leaves the car park opposite the Kadina Caltex/Subway on Frances Terrace at 8.30am, Wallaroo Town Hall 8.45am and Moonta Town Hall 9.10am on each day of the field days. The bus will leave the front gate of the field days at 4pm for passengers returning to the three towns. This service is provided by the Yorke Peninsula Field Days. For more information, contact the field days office on 8827 2040. ● On-site courtesy buses Take a rest and travel around the site in comfort. Courtesy buses will operate from allocated bus stops within the field days site at regular intervals each day. The buses will also provide transport to and from car parks as required. ● Opening times Gates will be open to the general public from 9am to 5pm each day. ● Admission costs Adult $15 per day. Child (school age) $3 per day. No concessions. ● Car parking Free car parking is available in the western and eastern car parks. Parking not permitted in the static display area.

The Bra Lady Phone 0488 637 729 ✰ Fully qualified fitting service ✰ Catering for all ages and sizes ✰ Prosthesis service available ✰ Convenient shopping with free parking

The Bra Lady 99c Prospect Road Prospect SA 5082

Come see te Si Michelle atbold 1, New Pavilion

● Aircraft landing Light aircraft travelling to the field days at Paskeville can use the Copper Coast Aerodrome all-weather airfield located between Kadina and Wallaroo approx. 20km west of the YP Field Days site. Pilot information and ‘off-apron’ parking details are available from the District Council of the Copper Coast on 8828 1200. YP Field Days will provide a free courtesy bus service, available at regular intervals, for pick up and return. Anyone wishing to use this service should give notice of their estimated time of arrival to the field days office on 8827 2040. ● Disabled parking Areas have been set aside for people holding disabled parking permits at the main gate and on the northern side of both the main eastern and western entrances. Look for the disabled parking signs on the site map. ● Program The official program and entry to displays, demonstrations and pavilions is free. ● Facilities EFTPOS facilities are on the front verandah of the administration office, corner of Office and Paskeville Roads. Cash withdrawals only.

ABN 35 818 129 272

MANUFACTURER OF: • Field bins • Silos • Farm front end loader • Hydraulic folding land rollers • Hydraulic trash harrows • Universal sheep/cattle feeders • Roller mills • Roller mill mixers • Comb trailers • General engineering Phone (08) 8524 9082 Visit us at Mobile 0427 807 066 Site 111 Mackley Road Fax (08) 8524 9170 Email PO Box 12, Sheaoak Log SA 5371

● Parcel pick-up Take advantage of the YP Field Days’ free parcel pick-up service. Parcel pickup dockets will be available at exhibitor sites and bookings to use the service must be made at the parcel pick-up office at the Mackley Road (side door) entrance of the Larwood Pavilion. Allow time for the goods to be picked up from their point of purchase and delivered to the parcel pick-up depots located at the site entrance gates in the western and eastern car parks. ● Undercover seating/rest area An undercover seating and rest area is located in the TAFE SA building on Cunliffe Road. This area has been made available for visitors to use. The YP Field Days committee acknowledges the generosity of TAFE SA, which is unable to participate this year’s event, in making the building available. Outdoor seating and rest areas are located throughout the site for the comfort of visitors. ● Official charity This year, the YP Field Days committee has selected Riding for the Disabled Association YP as the field days official charity. Call into site 4 in the Cyclone Pavilion to support this community group.

Yellow Brick Road bags are available for purchase from the yellow and black tent on Office Road next the Hoecker 1 Pavilion. Follow the Yellow Brick Road map and collect a variety of products at designated sites along the way. ● Emergency services Should you require the assistance of St John Ambulance, police or emergency services, they are located by the main front gate on Office Road. ● Parenting facilities There are indoor and enclosed outdoor parenting facilities with access to a toilet, kitchen area and baby changing, feeding and rest areas. Parenting facilities are located on the corner of Office and Cunliffe Roads. ● No dogs allowed on site Please don’t bring your dog with you as, due to public health and safety issues, no dogs will be allowed on the YP Field Days site with the exception of guide dogs, hearing dogs and specific dogs which are part of the YPFD event program.



Stand 212 Wintanerta Road

◆ Ladies’ bags ◆ Wall hangings ◆ Cushions and cot panels ◆ Hand towels with fabric top

Site 427

● Yellow Brick Road

● Ardrossan True Value Hardware ● Kadina Mitre 10 Moonta MBLS ● Maitland True Value Hardware ● Wallaroo True Value Hardware ● Port Vincent YP Pumps ● Yorketown Hardware

Paskeville Road

Domestic - Rural - Commercial Pumps


TRIM-TECH Motor Trimming and Upholstery





Avoid the car park Catch a cab!

● Motor body trimming ● Furniture upholstery ● Marine re-trim ● General repairs ● Caravan and agricultural repairs

PHONE: 8821 1761 Lot 2104 Goldsworthy Street, Kadina SA 5554 Email: Web:


8825 2473

8821 3444 24 HOURS A DAY



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Field days committee award winners THE YP Field Days has continued to add to its already-bulging trophy cabinet since the 2011 event. The committee was presented with the Advantage SA Yorke and Mid North Region Community Group Award at a gala dinner held at the Seagate, Moonta Bay, in October last year. Winners progressed to the state awards in Adelaide in December at which the YP Field Days was presented as the overall winner for the RDA Community Group Award at the State Advantage SA 2012 Regional Awards. Head along to the 2013 event to see for yourself why this is one of the best events in the state.

COMMUNITY GROUP AWARD... Yorke Peninsula Field Days representatives Garry Pamment, Elaine Bussenschutt, Rosalie Pearce and Paul Browning with Regional Development Australia chairman and executive officer Rob Kerin (centre) after winning the RDA Community Group Award at the State Advantage SA 2012 Regional Awards last December.

Awards list ● 1990 Yorke Peninsula Tourism Association Regional Tourism Award for Tourism Marketing ● 1996 Yorke Peninsula Tourism Association Regional Tourism Award for Overall Excellence ● 2006 SA Great Regional Award Community Group Winner ● 2006 District Council of the Copper Coast Community Event of the Year ● 2006 South Australian Community Event of the Year ● 2008 SA Great Regional Award Community Group Winner ● 2009 SA Great Hall of Fame ● 2012 Advantage SA Yorke and Mid North Region Community Group Award ● 2012 Advantage SA Overall Winner for SA in Community Group Award

Come and see our friendly sales team at the YP Field Days 555 Alford West Road KADINA


(08) 8821 1188

(08) 8536 3733

Catering for the wide variety of agricultural needs of the broadacre farmer, vigneron, dairyman and horticulturalist. 6


Cooking and THERE will be something for the food lovers as well as the green thumbs in the Guest Speakers Pavilion at this year’s field days with three interesting presenters on the program. Janelle Bloom, an original chef on television show Ready Steady Cook and author of four cookbooks, will share her passion for recipes which not only taste good but are easy to follow and use readily-available ingredients. “Ready Steady Cook is challenging and chaotic, but the most fun I’ve had in a kitchen and the best job I have ever had,” she said. Janelle was also part of the audition team on Masterchef in 2011 and 2012 and Junior Masterchef in 2011. Janelle believes in the importance of serving good, wholesome, delicious food every day to the family. “Forget fad diets, just eat to live and live to eat,” she said. Another special guest to tempt your tastebuds will be Simon Bryant. Simon is a chef and television presenter, beamed into thousands of lounge rooms and kitchens via the ABC program The Cook and the Chef with

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

gardening to feature in Guest Speaker Pavilion South Australian food icon Maggie Beer. The show aired more than 150 episodes over four years, attracting 600,000-plus viewers nationally each week. Originally a motor mechanic by trade, Simon decided to study economics and, while working in the university kitchen to earn some extra cash, realised he’d rather wear a

PASSION FOR PRODUCE... Qualified chef and television presenter Simon Bryant will talk about using local produce at the field days.

chef’s hat than a business suit. He began his career in several Thai and Indian restaurants in Melbourne, before moving to Adelaide in 1995. Simon was with Hilton Adelaide for more than 10 years, then 18 months as a chef de partie in The Grange with Cheong Liew and rapidly worked his way up to senior sous chef of The Brasserie and later executive chef. He is a champion of using South Australian produce. “One of the greatest things you can do is share this food and respect how and where it came from by making informed, responsible choices,” he said. “More importantly, food should be as natural as when it came from the dirt, with as little harm and interference in its growing and preparation as possible but with a maximum of care.” If you prefer to head outside to the garden rather than be in the kitchen, then don’t miss one of the presentations by horticulturalist Graham Ross. Graham has educated, entertained

and inspired Australia’s gardening community and aspiring green thumbs during a career which has spanned more than 50 years. He has appeared on Channel 7’s Better Homes and Gardens since 1995 and is one of the few personalities who has featured on television every week since 1978. Broadcasting commitments aside, Graham and his wife Sandra share an exhaustive schedule which incorporates 25 garden tours a year in Australia and overseas through their Ross Garden Tours company. Their Garden Clinic Club, launched in 1982, is Australia’s largest garden club and they publish a quarterly, full colour magazine for members. “When I’m at home, there’s nothing more relaxing than pottering around in our garden,” Graham said. “On the weekends we’re often out working in the garden until dark. “Gardening is such a passion for me and I’m very lucky to be able to share it with my family and, at work, with fellow Australians and friends around the world.”

EXPERT... Graham Ross, of Better Homes and Gardens fame, will share spring gardening tips at the YP Field Days.

CELEBRITY CHEF... Janelle Bloom was one of the original chefs on Ready Steady Cook and will be a guest speaker at this year’s field days.

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High precision and high work output fertilisation!

Visit Larwoods Ag Services at 345 Boors Plains Road YORKE PENINSULA FIELD DAYS 2013


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Experience Your New RV at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days!

See Jayco’s Latest RVs September 24 - 26, Paskeville SA Find us at Site 822 on Maitland Road

Want to know more? Call Kelly 0419 945 216 /AustralianCaravanCo



804-820 South Rd Edwardstown SA 5039 Ph. 08 8297 6664

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013


RDAYP this year’s official charity MEMBERS of the Yorke Peninsula branch of Riding for the Disabled are proud and delighted RDA has been chosen as the official charity of the 2013 YP Field Days. RDAYP secretary Lib Bartholomeusz said the centre is in the process of several expensive projects, including building clubrooms. “This is a huge project and, recently, RDAYP heard it will receive a grant from Office of Recreation and Sport towards the development,” she said. “It is hoped the funds raised at the field days will provide the extra capital needed to set up functional clubrooms.” Mrs Bartholomeusz said the clubrooms will be used to display rider photos and awards, store teaching resources and progress records, and hold planning and committee meetings. “The main benefit of having clubrooms is it will allow RDAYP to run unmounted rallies in inclement weather,” she said. “Riders will still be able to attend their weekly session when it is cold and

raining and have indoor games and activities related to horse riding, as well as work through competition routines and maintain riding tack.” Mrs Bartholomeusz said RDAYP is also constructing three more paddocks to enable more horses to join the program and more riders to be matched with suitable horses. “The group needs to purchase materials for horse shelters and water troughs, both costly items, then construct the shelters and connect the water,” she said. Mrs Bartholomeusz said some of the funds raised at the field days will also be distributed amongst the 11 country RDA centres and two metropolitan centres in South Australia. “At the field days, RDAYP will set up in the Cyclone Pavilion with information about RDA, digital displays, and fundraising activities such as selling raffle tickets and RDA merchandise and donation tins,” Mrs Bartholomeusz said. “The RDAYP volunteers are looking forward to providing a bit of fun for all who enter our site at the field days.”

HORSING AROUND... Riding for the Disabled participant Candy Brookshaw likes to groom Star at the end of their lessons together.

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Call us today on 1300 805 505 or visit YORKE PENINSULA FIELD DAYS 2013


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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Case IH — new models and old favourites

POPULAR... The Case IH Magnum tractor has long been a customer favourite.

MACHINERY fans who visit the Case IH stand at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days will not be disappointed because, as always, there will be plenty of red equipment on display. One of the highlights will be the Case IH Magnum tractor, a series which has delivered producer-driven, proven technology to Australian farmers since 1988. “The Magnum series has been built with customer feedback front of mind, offering more power to handle the most demanding tasks at higher speeds, better fuel efficiency and with the best cab in its class,� Case IH product manager – tractors, John Dreves said. “With Automatic Productivity Management (APM) you can achieve up to an additional 24 per cent in fuel savings. “APM also makes the Magnum easy to drive, even for the least experienced operators. “The current model Magnum has the tightest turning radius in its class and delivers more power to the ground with minimal ballast due to its

sculptured surround frame.� As well as the Magnum, the 2013 model Axial-Flow combine harvester will be on display. “We know that during harvest, your combine is your office in the field and we’ve designed the 2013 model Axial-Flow combine with this front of mind,� Case IH product manager _ hay and harvest, Geoff Rendell, said. Features of the new cab include a slim multifunction propulsion handle, redesigned with controls within fingers’ reach. The right-hand console in the new cab has been upgraded with simple ergonomic controls and a slide rail that allows for adjustment of the display, placement of a cup holder and office tools. “The new model also features iPod connectivity and the training seat opens to a portable electric refrigerator to keep food and drinks cool on those hot summer days,� Geoff said. Farmers with smaller properties won’t miss out with models from Case IH’s new Farmall JX and Farmall B tractor ranges on display as well.

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INCREDIBLE DEALS ON FORWARD ORDERS With the fall of the Australian dollar, prices are rising… but at Case IH, you can place your order for a new Puma, Magnum, Steiger or Quadtrac tractor before 30th November 2013 to lock in an incredible price thanks to our forward order deals. We’ve also got a special finance rate, an awesome AFS package AND the new standard 3 year/3000 hour RedCover Plus Protection Plan. There’s never been a better time to upgrade.

For more information talk to your local Case IH dealer or visit

FOR THE WARRANTY AND SUPPORT YOU DESERVE, ALWAYS PURCHASE NEW CASE IH MACHINERY FROM AN AUTHORISED DEALER. DON’T BE TEMPTED BY GREY IMPORTS! *Terms and conditions apply. Offer available at participating Case IH dealers for new Puma, Magnum, Steiger and Quadtrac orders placed before 30/11/13. Finance provided by CNH Capital only to approved business applicants. 3 year/3000 hour RedCover Plus Protection Plan includes manufacturer’s base warranty period. Talk to your local Case IH dealer for more information.



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

JBG Architects contributing to regional landscapes YORKE Peninsula clients are among more than 500 who have enjoyed the exceptional designs and service of JBG Architects during the past 15 years. When company director Jamie Gladigau launched the business in 1998, he recognised regional clients deserve to celebrate their lifestyle and environment through design as equally as those living in cities and metropolitan areas. This philosophy has stood true, with JBG Architects celebrating more than 500 projects throughout the Yorke Peninsula, Barossa, Riverland, South East, Adelaide Hills and interstate. Working with his wife and business administrator Shannon Turner, Jamie and the JBG Architects team of skilled professionals has grown to offer clients a complete one-stop

architectural service. From family homes and commercial buildings to some of Australia’s most exciting wineries and award-winning cellar doors including Hentley Farm, Murray Street Vineyards, Angove McLaren Vale, Shaw and Smith, Orlando Wines and Yalumba Wines, Jamie has worked with a diverse scope of clients. “I have been privileged to work with Australian winemakers the likes of Robert O’Callaghan, Grant Burge, Brian McGuigan, Martin Shaw, the Angove, Lehmann and Casella families, as well as French winemaker Jacques Lurton,” Jamie said. “Equally as rewarding has been working with families who have made an investment in good home design.” The JBG team has observed changes in the

way people live and work during their 15 years in the industry. “We are experiencing a shift towards environmental principles and life-cycle design,” he said. “Clients today expect sustainable design to be integrated into their project.” Coinciding with the company’s 15th year, JBG Architects has settled into a spacious workplace at 38 Murray Street, Tanunda. “This has allowed for a streamlined approach to architectural services, simplifying the sometimes complicated process of realising a dream build,” Jamie said. “JBG Architects will also travel direct to clients in regional South Australia providing an accessible UNIQUE... JBG Architects, based at Tanunda in the Barossa Valley, approach to regional has been offering unique architectural designs and service for the architecture, regardless of past 15 years. size or budget.”

Site 10 Paskeville East Road

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While you’re at the Paskeville Field Days come and see us at 163 Bawden Road. This year we have a local butcher on site giving regular demonstrations on how to bone a lamb carcass. A gunsmith to answer your questions about various products, ammunition, cleaning and storing your guns safely. We also have live wool auction and stud rams on display.

- Livestock Marketing - Farm Supplies - Rural Real Estate

- Wool Marketing - Agronomic Advice - Insurance

- Grain Marketing - Rural Finance

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We’ll have our team on site to talk to you about our range of services including: Elders Yorke Peninsula MAKES MORE POSSIBLE



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Farmers seeking solar solutions HOMEOWNERS are not the only ones harnessing the sun’s energy, with more farming properties making the switch to solar power. Gavin Appleton, from AH Electrical, Moonta, said the number of solar installations on farms has been relatively consistent. “Initially, they were all looking at doing it because you could get better feedback and the feed-in tariff was 44c/kWh but now it’s 16 cents until the end of September,” he said. “Despite the reduction, there are still people signing up. “The size of the systems varies depending on the type of power on the farm. “Most farms only have single phase so they can only have a 5kW system but others are lucky enough to have three-phase power which means they can get

up to 30kW.” Mark Schilling recently had a large system installed on his property, Copper Gone Farm, outside Kadina. “We had our system installed in May and one of the reasons we did it was to negate our bill,” Mark said. “Annually, we pay around $1200, so we matched the system to meet our bill. “Because we have threephase power, we can have a larger system than those on single phase. “We’ve split our system into two, so there is a 10kW system on the house and a 30kW system on the shed to cover the farm. “Therefore we also have two meters, one on the house and one for the farm which makes it simpler for claiming things like tax deductions, also the capital costs are lower.”

Mark said they had been considering installing a system for a while and, with the price of systems decreasing, decided the time was right. “Power is not going to get any cheaper and we thought solar was much more efficient,” he said. According to Mark, it wouldn’t be surprising to see more farmers sign up to solar power as power prices increase. “It’s no different to water, you try and catch as much of it as you can so you don’t have to use the mains,” he said. “Obviously, for some people though they are not going to be able to get the larger system because they are not on threephase, but if they talk to their electricians and SA Power Networks they should be able to find out what sort of system would be right for them.”

SOLAR POWER... Mark Schilling, from Copper Gone Farm, in front of a solar system installed on the shed. Mark said the opportunity to negate the farm’s power bill was a major reason for installing solar.



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Follow the Yellow Brick Road IF you are looking for a different way to view the Yorke Peninsula Field Days, the Yellow Brick Road could be for you. “There are quite a few different places to see this year, that’s part of the fun of it, you get to look at stands you would not normally go to,” organiser Vikki Glasson said. The event will be run by the Kadina Memorial School Parent Club and is its second and final time planning the activity. “Last time, we ran it as the Kadina Primary School Parent Club but this will be the first time we do it as an amalgamated school,” Vikki said. “This year, stops include OPAL, PIRSA, Hood Sweeney, Country

North SA Medicare Local, State Emergency Service and Retravision to name a few.” All the money the parent club makes from the Yellow Brick Road goes back to the school to be used for future projects. “There are a couple of projects we are looking at supporting,” Vikki said. “The Yellow Brick Road is a great activity because it helps the parent club to provide things for the school, it promotes healthy eating as you collect 14 healthy food items and you learn more about the businesses in your area.” Bags are available from the stall on Office Road next to the Hoecker 1 Pavillion for $8 ($10 for a

calico bag); included in that price is the bag, map and 14 healthy food items. “If you bring the finished map to us after you have completed it, you go into the draw to win a prize — last field days it was a digital camera,” Vikki said.

FOLLOW THE ROAD... Kadina Memorial School students Brooklyn March and Ella Bond decorate their own yellow brick road in preparation for the field days. Money raised from the Yellow Brick Road will benefit students.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

VF Commodore superior in technology, value JAMES and Melissa Bagshaw, of Weetulta, said they recently purchased a new Holden VF Commodore from Rosewarne’s Kadina for its looks, technology and value for money. Both said it has exceeded expectations so much they now believe it to be Australia’s best ever car. “It’s by far the best car I have driven and owned — it has so much room front and back and has a huge boot space which is always good for women,” Melissa said. “I love the feel of it on the road, the power is amazing and the newer style is sleek.” Melissa scored the car 10 out of 10 for value for money.

“There’s power when you need it, but it is also economical, dropping to four cylinders on long trips,” she said. Melissa said its best features are the Mylink system, particularly Pandora Radio and Stitcher, and the colour of the car which reminds her of the Sandman and Torana days. “I can’t understand why Holden hadn’t put this colour out in earlier models, I’m so happy with our VF,” she said. Melissa said, after seeing her car, many others have been excited by it too. “I’ve had so many people come up to me asking me to have a look inside and I’m smiling like

a Cheshire cat showing them all the technology,” she said. “They walk away saying they want one. “If friends and family wanted a car with everything that was value for money then the VF is one choice I would recommend.” Melissa rated the customer service from Rosewarne’s staff David O’Leary and Tom Rosewarne highly, describing it as “fantastic and friendly”. “David and Tom are great to deal with, if we had any concerns they were only happy to help,” Melissa said. “They certainly go that extra mile to satisfy their customers.”

STYLISH... David O’Leary and Tom Rosewarne, from Rosewarne’s Kadina, with the VF SS Commodore.

HANCOCK AND JUST Check out the Holden Colorado

at the Holden site 504 Bute Road


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page 16_Layout 1 5/09/13 3:27 PM Page 1

Total Control g




Add reliability and accuracy to your cropping program with Goldacres’ Crop Cruiser or Prairie Evolution Designed and built for Australian farming conditions,

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offer ‘spray ready’ control.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Travelscene helping your holiday run smoothly WITH staff having a combined 65 years of experience in the industry, Travelscene Kadina can create the perfect holiday for you, whether you travel overseas, interstate or within South Australia. The staff at Travelscene Kadina pride themselves on excellent customer service and attention to detail. Between them they have visited every continent and can share firsthand experiences to make your holiday a success. “Our commitment is to source the travel solution that is right for you, rather than easy for us,” manager/director Sandra Paddick said. “We take the time to understand your needs, travelling preferences, your expectations and your budget to deliver you a personal travel experience at competitive prices. “As an independently-owned and locally-operated business,

TEAMWORK... The team at Travelscene Kadina — Luke Wilson, Kristy Grundy, Kirby Carter, Sandra Paddick, Rachel Larwood — have a combined 65 years of experience in the industry. and a proud member of Australia’s largest premium travel agency group, Travelscene American Express, our motto is ‘Travel created for

you’. “Our Client Charter reflects that, with a commitment from us to act on your behalf and as your advocate.

“As one of our clients, you benefit from the many rewards that come with Travelscene Kadina belonging to Travelscene American Express,

including access to an extensive range of preferred suppliers and products, outstanding customer service, value for money and choice.” Sandra said there are many perks with booking through a travel agent. “Our clients keep coming back because we develop a great relationship of trust with them and they appreciate the benefits of booking through us, as opposed to online travel booking engines,” she said. “When and if something goes wrong, whether it’s the grounding of airlines because of volcanic ash or the chaos experienced after a natural disaster, dealing with a real person who has the relationships and knowledge to help, makes the world of difference.” Staff from Travelscene Kadina will be at the field days, so if you need a getaway, chat with them about your options.

GREAT DEALS AT TRAVELSCENE KADINA At Travelscene Kadina we pride ourselves on excellent customer service, come in to see us or call for an amazing deal on your next holiday or business trip away.

Airfares Packages Accommodation Cruises

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Travelscene Kadina 3 Goyder Street, Kadina Call 08 8821 2177 or visit This member is independently owned and operated under license from American Express and Travelscene. Lic No: TA64 698-7. TSL3104_SA_K2



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

SOUTH Australia lost an agriculture legend with the passing of Allen William Vater on August 3, 2013, aged 85. The widely-respected businessman turned a single truck into the diverse company AW Vater and Co is today. Outside of work, he was an adored, loyal family man and a generous provider to wife Doris and children Roger, Jill, Kim, Rick and Tania as well as his 14 grandchildren. A. W. grew up on a share farm, Greenhills, and left school at 14 to work as a farmhand and indulge in numerous interests including footy and bull riding. He purchased a secondhand 1937 Oldsmobile truck, and then a Fargo semi which he owned on share, and started a carting business in the late 1940s. In 1952, he purchased a new truck which his father Bill warned would send him broke — and it almost did.

SA loses a farming legend FAMILY BUSINESS... The late Allen A. W. Vater (seated) with his family Jill Oehme, Roger Vater, Doris Vater, Rick Vater, Kim Vater and Tania Nicholls. Bill lent A. W. all the money he had, 300 pounds, for 12 months to help him with the business. Nevertheless, A. W.’s bank manager caught up with him in Manoora one day to inform him he was overdrawn by one shilling and nine pence. A. W. could only offer him

two bob’s worth of duty stamps, which he accepted. More than 60 years later, his name adorns sites at Saddleworth and Kadina which serve customers throughout South Australia and interstate. It started with plenty of hard work.

The railways had a strike in 1952, creating seven weeks straight of 20 hour days for A. W., and allowing him to clear his debt. From there he purchased an International AR180 which he drove for more than a million miles, including for Sydney and

Melbourne stock runs. He met Doris (nee Rowan) at a dance and they married in 1956; it soon also became a business partnership under the name AW Vater and Co. He started trading in grain and then began selling J. I. Case, John Shearer, David Shearer and New Holland farm machinery in 1957. In ’69, he purchased cropping land at Manoora and then in 1972 achieved a dream, buying the Greenhills property he grew up on. All five Vater children joined the business and A. W. continued to work for the rest of his life despite losing much of his sight and experiencing declining health in recent years. He retained his sharp mind, determined personality and cheeky nature to the end, leaving all who knew him with countless memories which, like his business, promise to carry on long into the future.

Seee us at the Y Yorke orke Peninsula Pen Field Days Eastern Car Park East Road

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

AW Vater and Co focusing on customers AW Vater and Co has introduced changes at its recently-acquired Kadina dealership, formerly Agserv, with a focus on looking after customers. Dealer principal Roger Vater said, since taking over the business in late June, many changes have been made including the introduction of branch manager Nigel Phillips and service manager Cory Horsell. “We took over towards the end of June and the first part of the process was assessing the business,” Mr Vater said. “We talked to a lot of customers and have introduced a program to change the operations of the business and our focus at the moment is on customer care.” AW Vater and Co has

also refocused the dealership’s attention on the products it offers, with an added focus on its two major brands, New Holland and Flexi-Coil. The business has introduced the JCB range of products, Croplands RoGator selfpropelled sprayers and retained the popular Stihl brand. “In months to come, we will be rebranding the building and our showroom with our Stihl product,” Mr Vater said. “We are just starting to sell quite a few combines and tillage equipment, and Stihl has continued to be fantastic from day one.” The Vaters plan to bring their family culture to the business, and use their sites at Saddleworth

and Price Street, Kadina, to improve service. The Price Street store has rapidly grown from a small shed focusing on chemicals and some merchandise into a onestop shop for farmers. In the process it has developed a fantastic reputation within the farming community, its staff priding themselves on having stock on hand and at reasonable prices. It offers chemicals, fertilisers, fencing materials, rainwater tanks, animal supplies and much more, backed by an experienced team including two agronomists. “Between Kadina and Saddleworth we have a huge pool of spare parts and enormous technical ability,” Mr Vater said.

FAMILY CULTURE... AW Vater and Co Kadina dealer principal Roger Vater, Saddleworth service manager Roger’s daughter Renee Williams and Kadina branch manager Nigel Phillips.





4 Price Street Kadina SA 5554 8821 2442


t Site Visit us a ina 279 Kad d a West Ro

11 Belvidere Road Saddleworth SA 5413 8847 4109

Visit us at Site 529 Bute Road

KADINA 14 Kennett Street Kadina SA 5554 8821 3922

SADDLEWORTH 1248 Saddleworth Road Saddleworth SA 5413 8847 5000 YORKE PENINSULA FIELD DAYS 2013


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Harvest smart – and save!


Built with good looks, brains and a whole lot of brawn, the S-Series is a powerful factor in the smart harvesting equation. Choose from models up to 405 kW (543-hp) at rated speed and 460 kW (617-hp*) at peak power and get maximum performance from the header to the residue chopper. S-Series Harvesters can be loaded with GreenStar™ precision technology like John Deere Machine Sync. This advanced application provides effortless on-the-go unloading by allowing the harvester to control the location of your tractor and grain cart. You get reduced wait time, operator stress, spillage, fuel consumption and soil compaction. Make the smart decision this harvest. Act now, place your order for next season and take advantage of special early order deals. See your John Deere dealer today.


* At 1900 RPM. † GreenStar™ apps require activation fee.



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Helping farmers and miners get along THE South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy works to promote the mining industry and will have a stall at this year’s Yorke Peninsula Field Days. YP is a hive of mining activity with nine companies exploring for mineralisation, and all know the importance of good relationships with landholders. SACOME is a not-for-profit, nongovernment organisation which provides the companies information about how to best deal with landholders, amongst other things. If landholders are happy with their dealings, and with the compensation they are offered, the mineral explorers can go about their business without fuss. Acting CEO Megan Andrews

said feedback received at events such as the field days helps SACOME provide companies with landholder relations advice. “We help the community, and the economy, by helping our mining companies to get their community relations right,” Ms Andrews said. “On Yorke Peninsula our understanding is the companies and farmers are on good terms. “Rex (Minerals, developing a mine near Ardrossan) has done a lot of work with landholders and as far as we are concerned they have a good reputation, so it will be good to hear from people at the field days if that’s not the case. “Of course we are happy to hear any positive feedback as well. “By being at the field days and

hearing what people say, we can use that to shape our workshops, seminars and our general communication with our members.” Ms Andrews said it is important explorers are able to explore, even on cropping land, with as little hassle as possible. “Companies need to be able to explore, and ultimately need to be able to produce, by accessing land in a timely fashion,” she said. “Being on good terms with the community means small issues can be addressed early and often resolved before they turn big.” Although SACOME welcomes landholder feedback, general complaints should first be made to the company involved, and secondly to the state government.

YP VISIT... SACOME policy analyst Dayne Eckermann and health, safety, environment and community officer Lewis Stoll on a site visit to Hillside near Ardrossan. SACOME will visit YP again for the field days.


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page 22_Layout 1 5/09/13 3:30 PM Page 1


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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013


Online success for Port Broughton couple SINCE its creation in early 2007, has had incredible success, from just listing local sales to now advertising clearing sales and classified adverts nationwide. Behind the website is Port Broughton couple Allan and Marcia Ebsary who said the secret to their success is a farming background and identifying a gap in the market. “I used to go to clearing sales because I was keen buyer of second-hand equipment for the farm and often I would go somewhere and it wouldn’t be what I imagined,” Mr Ebsary said. “People like being able to see photos because they can make a decision about whether it’s what they want or not.” They said the website gives farmers access to information and enables them to reach beyond just the local area. “Years ago we had someone advertising tractor parts and ended up selling it to a farmer

from Pennsylvania who at the time was a war correspondent in Afghanistan,” Mrs Ebsary said. “So he was looking at the website from war-torn Afghanistan on his laptop and purchased it for his farm in Pennsylvania. “There is no limit as to who is able to access the site.” The website didn’t take off immediately but after a few agents starting getting involved its popularity has increased. “I have always been a local farmer in the Wokurna/Barunga Gap area which has really helped because what I want is what other farmers also want,” Mr Ebsary said. “What we did was recognise a need, put the idea forward and ask people in the industry whether it would be accepted and useful.” About four years ago, the couple leased their farm out so they could focus solely on the website and now employ three local farmers’ wives part-time to help with administration.

ONLINE BUSINESS... Port Broughton couple Allan and Marcia Ebsary have gone from strength to strength with their clearing sales website.



page 24-25 exhibitors_Layout 1 5/09/13 3:32 PM Page 1

Exhibitor Name

Site No.

A Thompson and Co 182 A. & A. Kracht Dist - Water Purifiers 10 AW Vater & Co 281 AW Vater & Co 529 A1 Caravans - RVStore+ 106 AAA Quality Socks 130 Access Imports (site sharer) 312 Add A Bathroom 149 Adelaide Belt & Hose 267 Adelaide Canoe Works 217 Adelaide Digital Hearing Solutions 11 Adelaide Hearing Consultants Tinnitus SA 25 Adelaide Iveco (site sharer) 18 Adelaide Resources Ltd (site sharer) 18 Adelaide Sewing Centre (site sharer) 7 Adelaide Tools (formerly Gasweld Tool Centre) 301 Adelaide Tungsten Coatings 349 Adelaide Yiros Catering 218 Advanced Therapy Spas & Massagers 6 Advantage Feeders 622 Adventure Offroad Campers 110 Ag Excellence Alliance 516 Ag Leader Technology 537 Ag Link Solutions Pty Ltd (site sharer) 18 Agco Australia Ltd 553 Agfert Fertilizers 207 AgJunction (formerly Hemisphere GPS) 2 Agmaster 434 Agmor Sowing Boots 350 Agpoint Australia 355 Agrow Plow 171 Ahrens Group Pty Ltd 609 Airtec Corporation Pty Ltd 232 AL Wilson and Sons Agricultural and Transport Equipment 359 Aldinga Mowers and Cycles 652 All About Jewellery and Scarves 22 All Scooters and Wheelchairs 220 All Transport Crash Repairs 25 Allen Farming Co 731 Allingtons Outpost Pty Ltd 5 Allsteel Transportable Homes 715 Allyson Parsons Art 10 Alpaca Sales and Information Centre 327 Alpacas Chaparral (Y3P) Alzheimers Australia SA 3 Andnel Pty Ltd 23 ANZ 520 Apia 21 APSA (All Purpose Spray Adjuvant) 9 Aquamax Australia Water Filtration Solution 1 Aquayak Kayaks 231 ARB 4x4 Accessories 634 Arbonne 12 Asbestos Victims Association (SA) Inc 3 A'Shaikha Jewellery & Accessories 7 Ashmore Engineering Pty Ltd 262 ATASA (Agriculture Teachers Assoc. of SA) Attorney General's Department 5 Auger Power Wheels 608 AusPlow Farming Systems (site sharer) 271 AUS-Sharp 170 Aussie Farmers Group Pty Ltd 312 Aussie Wool Exports Pty Ltd 719 Aussie Wool Quilts SA Northern Div 156 Australia Milling Group 610 Australian Caravan Company 822 Australian Customs and Border Protection Service 206 Australian Earthmoving Supplies 352 Australian Grain Growers Co-op 20 Australian Growers Direct 26 Australian Lowline Cattle Ass 636 Australian Outdoor Living 6 Australian Securities and Investments Commission 24 Australian Taxation Office 15 Australian Tyre Traders 22 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard 219 Australian Wool Network 420 Austswim 2 Avon Products 21 AWB 303 B.L. Shipway & Co 413 Baked Potatoes by Ken 161 Balco Australia Ltd 221 Balloons Galore / Fudge Galore 19 BankSA 419 Bargain Steel Centre 602 Barley Stacks Wines (Y3P) Barossa Helicopters 27 Barossa Music Centre 7 Barossa Quilt & Craft Cottage 8 Bauer Trader Media 6 Bean Machine 120 Bee Liscious Honey (Y3P) Beejays Hay Tarping System 540 Belpard Australia - Leather Seal 174 Belpard Australia - Sweepa 112 Belpard Australia - Titan Knives 162 Bendigo Clothing 147 Bettacrete Precast Pty Ltd 158 Bevan's Hand Tools 606 Big Chief Tyres & Batteries (site sharer) 18 Bill Drews BBB Rural & Outback Clothing 335 Bills Motorcycles 204 BioCentral Laboratories 261 Biocycle Leaders in Wastewater (site sharer)158 Bison Engineering (site sharer) 426 BiTron Lubricants (PA Wight) 227 BKT Tyres (Tradefaire International P/L) 818 Blackmores Power & Water 302 BOC Ltd 233 Bordara Pty Ltd 305 Boss Tanks 109 Bourgault Australia Pty Ltd 181 Bourne Engineers Pty Ltd 313 Bromar Engineering Pty Ltd 175 BTH Security 121 Built Tough 1 Bullrush Clothing 21 BUPA 17


Site Location Bawden Road Newbold Pavilion Kadina West Road Bute Road Mackley Road Bawden Road South Hummocks Road Bawden Road Kadina Road Wintanerta Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute East Road Grant Pavilion Oster Pavilion South Hummocks Road Boors Plains West Kadina Road Oster Pavilion Moonta Road Mackley Road Bute Road Alford Road Oster Pavilion Alford Road Wintanerta Road The Precision Ag Shed Cunliffe West Road Boors Plains West Road Boors Plains West Road Bawden West Road Arthurton Road Kadina Road Boors Plains West Road Moonta West Road Cyclone Pavilion Kadina Road Arthurton East Road Pine Forest West Road East Road Pine Forest Road Oster Pavilion South Hummocks Road Larwood Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute Road Grant Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Wintanerta Road Moonta Road Newbold Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Clinton Road Ag Learning Centre Bowley Pavilion Arthurton Road Kadina Road Bawden Road South Hummocks Road Pine Forest Road Bawden Road Arthurton Road Maitland Road Wintanerta Road Dowlingville Road Oster Pavilion Oster Pavilion Moonta Road Bowley Pavilion Oster Pavilion Grant Pavilion Bute East Road Wintanerta Road Cunliffe Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion South Hummocks Road Paskeville Road Bawden Road Wintanerta Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Paskeville Road Arthurton Road Larwood Pavilion Helipad Bussenschutt Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Mackley Road Larwood Pavilion Alford Road Bawden Road Mackley Road Bawden Road Bawden Road Bawden Road Arthurton Road Bute East Road Boors Plains Road Wintanerta Road Kadina Road Bawden Road Cunliffe West Road Wintanerta Road Maitland Road South Hummocks Road Wintanerta Road South Hummocks Road Mackley Road Broughton Road South Hummocks Road Broughton Road Mackley Road East Road Cyclone Pavilion Grant Pavilion


Exhibitor Name

Site No.

Site Location

Burando-Hill 709 Pine Forest Road Burnt Offerings 27 Oster Pavilion Buschutz Engineering Pty Ltd 551 Alford Road Bush Essentials 20 Cyclone Pavilion Bushmans Group 640 Moonta Road Bute Engineering 336 Boors Plains Road Bute Football, Lions & Netball Clubs Canteen 535 Alford Road Bute Football, Lions & Netball Clubs Canteen 361 Boors Plains West Road C & C Agricultural (site sharer) 705 Pine Forest Road C W Imports (site sharer) 434 Cunliffe West Road C.R Kennedy 5&9 The Precision Ag Shed Callipari Wine & Food / Ned Kelly Red 209 Wintanerta Road Camphor Divine 10 Hoecker 1 Pavilion Cancer Council SA 9 Oster Pavilion Cards by Kaye & Quilting Fabric 427 Paskeville Road Castpoints Pty Ltd 416 Cunliffe Road CAVPOWER 471 Cunliffe West Road CD Power 240 Kadina Road Centre State Exports 613 Arthurton Road CGU Insurance Ltd 527 Bute Road Challenge Camper Trailers .com 151 Bawden Road Choice Caravans 108 Mackley Road Chris Laird's YP Audiology 5 Newbold Pavilion Christies Beach Marine (site sharer) 4 East Road CIGWELD Pty Ltd 505A Bute Road Classy Canes (site sharer) 12 Oster Pavilion Clean Machine 230 Kadina Road Clisby Engineering (site sharer) 271 Kadina Road Cloud Break Advisory Pty Ltd 17 Oster Pavilion CMI Hino 603 Arthurton Road CMV Truck Sales 3 East Road CMV Truck Sales (Spare Parts) 400 Paskeville Road Coast to Coast Homes 178 Bawden Road Collector Models 243 Kadina Road Combi Clamp Ltd 428 Cunliffe West Road Commander Ag Quip (site sharer) 731 Pine Forest West Road Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (site sharer) 611 Arthurton Road Compass Feed (site sharer) 536 Alford Road Complete Tanks and Pumps 212 Wintanerta Road Conquest Crop Protection (site sharer) 536 Alford Road Cooper Tires 511 Bute Road Cooperative Bulk Handling 113 Mackley Road Corporate Roses Pty Ltd (site sharer) 12 Grant Pavilion Corry Marketing 4 Oster Pavilion Country Getaways 10 Hoecker 2 Pavilion Country Hart Designs 3&4 Grant Pavilion Country Living Homes 628 Moonta Road Country Living Homewares 11 Newbold Pavilion Country Nth Medicare Local 15 Bussenschutt Pavilion Country Sew n Sew 521 Bute Road Countrywide Engineering 808 Maitland Road Crash Supplies Pty Ltd 430 Cunliffe West Road Creata Direct Learning 15 Hoecker 2 Pavilion create-a-memory 4U 17 Hoecker 1 Pavilion Creative Outdoors Pty Ltd 5 Oster Pavilion Crichton Fireside Shop 239 Kadina Road Crop Smart Pty Ltd 8 The Precision Ag Shed Croplands Equipment 173 Bawden West Road Cropping Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd 250 Kadina West Road Cross Slot 567 Alford West Road Cunninghams Balaklava Pty Ltd 254 Kadina West Road D.M Plastics 500 Bute Road Dadoo Fashions 222 Kadina Road Daimler Trucks Adelaide 605 Arthurton Road Dandaragan Mechanical Service 706 Pine Forest Road Dannie Taylor 160 Bawden Road Dario Caravans & Repairs 246 Kadina Road Darling Homewares 10 Bussenschutt Pavilion Dave Benson Caravans 1A East Road Davey Water Products 333 South Hummocks Road De Bruin Engineering Pty Ltd 285 Kadina West Road DE Engineers 436 Cunliffe West Road Deep Drip Tree Watering (site sharer) 12 Grant Pavilion Defence Force Recruiting 25 Hoecker 2 Pavilion Department for Health and Ageing 11 Grant Pavilion Dept of Communities and Social Inclusion (site sharer) 611 Arthurton Road Dept of Environment Water and Natural Resources (site sharer) 611 Arthurton Road Desmonds Meat Service (site sharer) 163 Bawden Road Des's Aussie Hats & Ugg Boots 132 Bawden Road Dial Before You Dig 14 Oster Pavilion Diamond Marketers 2 Bowley Pavilion Diamond Marketers 15 Newbold Pavilion Dinki di trailers 7 Paskeville East Road Dipping Dynamics 155 Bawden Road Direct Farm Inputs 810 Maitland Road Direct Fuels (Aust) (site sharer) 312 South Hummocks Road Direct Seeding and Harvesting Equipment 238 Kadina Road District Council of the Copper Coast 3 Hoecker 1 Pavilion Ditchwitch Australia 11 Paskeville East Road DK Agri Pty Ltd 291 Clinton Road DMITRE, Minerals and Energy Resources (SA Government) 2 Grant Pavilion Dr Grow It All Rural Boss 630 Moonta Road Dr Tens Pain Relief 26 Hoecker 1 Pavilion Dunstan Farmers Engineering Pty Ltd 257 Kadina Road DuPont Pioneer 514 Bute Road Duraquip (site sharer) 731 Pine Forest West Road E.H Cambridge 142 Bawden Road Eagle I Machinery (site sharer) 705 Pine Forest Road Eastern Eyre Delving 14 Bute East Road Easy Care Wiltipoll Shedding Sheep 717 Pine Forest Road Econo-Ag 705 Pine Forest Road Elaine Lambert (Bessemer) 14 Hoecker 1 Pavilion Elders Rural Services 163 Bawden Road Eldredge Enterprises 18 Oster Pavilion Eldredge Enterprises 342 Boors Plains Road ElectraNet 8 Grant Pavilion Electric Bug 19 Cyclone Pavilion Electrodip 469 Cunliffe West Road Elgas Limited 251 Kadina Road El-Gra Engineering 357 Boors Plains West Road Elia Olive Oils 123A Mackley Road Ellbourn Engineering 179 Broughton Road Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Products (site sharer) 529 Bute Road Emu Wear Parts 501 Bute Road Enjo 8 Newbold Pavilion Enviromist Industries 143 Bawden Road Essential Design Co 146 Bawden Road Everett Brookes Jewellers 24 Grant Pavilion Everything Remote Control 117 Mackley Road

Exhibitor Name

Site No.

Excel Agriculture 660 Eynsbury Enterprises Pty Ltd 24 Farm Innovations 309 Farmers Union Van (Clinton Centre U/C Fellowship) 337 Farmers Union Van (Harvest Christian School) 530 Farmers Union Van (Kadina Netball Club) 133 Farmers Union Van (Maitland Lutheran School P&F) 348 Farmscan Ag Pty Ltd 4 Farmyard Craft 20 Fenlow and Fengate Nursery 518 Fifth Avenue Collection 2 Finch Engineering 453 Finsbury Pump Systems 418 Flatmagic Tyre Sealant 150 Flexi-Coil 279 Flinders University 5 Ford Motor Company of Australia 103 Foto's Frames & Fings 11 Foto's Frames & Fings 178A Fourplay 4x4 507 Freedom Pools and Spas 326 Freightmaster Semi Trailers 10 Fudge It 13 Fujiclean (site sharer) 226 Fusion Party Sales Pty Ltd - Tupperware 29 Future Metal Fabrication 258 G & J East Kadina 555 Gap Latch Pty Ltd 410 Garden Concepts Tree Services 154 Garden Pallets Pty Ltd (site sharer) 12 Gary Lawrence 166 Gate Uniques 8 Gawler Motorcycle Centre 236 Gawler River Cattle Co 509 GEM Planning 12 Geofabrics Australasia 522 Geraldton Hill (Y3P) Geronimo Farming Equipment (site sharer) 283 Gitsham 532 Glama Girls 13 Glen Verran Pastoral Supplies 415 Glencore Grain / Viterra 314 Glenrest Trading Camper Trailers 153 Global Roto Moulding Pty Ltd 612 Go Global Trading (formerly The Plant People) 330 Goldacres Pty Ltd 287 Goldstar Trading Pty Ltd 7 Gordon Harris Leadlight 9 GPS Ag 10 Graincorp Ltd 545 GRAINRITE 713 Graintec Scientific 425 Grand Chifley Adelaide 26 Grant Burge Wines 9 Grant Sheds 225 Greedy Gecko Pest Management 259 Greening Australia (site sharer) 408 Greenleaf Natural 14 Gripset Betta 1 Groocock Soil Improvement P/L 707 Guide Dogs Hearing, Sensory and Vision Services (site sharer) 25 Gunnings Pty Ltd 165 Gyral Implements 723 H E Silos Forbes 557 Habys Manure Supplies 128 Harberger Farm Supplies 177 Hardi Australia 629 Harvest Christian School 9 Haughton Honda 449 Health Buddie Australia 4 Heart 'n Soul Patchwork 7 Helen Papatsaras 144 Helen's Creative Clothing 8 Heritage Water Tanks (Overland Services Pty Ltd) 403 Higgins Engineering (site sharer) 434 Hillview Bore Pumps 549 Hitches and More Pty Ltd 648 Hitec CNC Machine Tools 19 Hi-Tech Ag (site sharer) 543 Hitrax Products Pty Ltd 556 Holden 504 Holding's Computer Services 16 Home of 12 Volt - Blue Apple 600 Hood Sweeney Pty Ltd 506 Horizon Christian School 28 Horwood Bagshaw 275 Hose Factory 306 Hosetek Pty Ltd 510 H-R Products 119 Hunts Fuel Pty Ltd 533 Hydra Boom 633 Hyundai Motor Company 16 I Like It Direct Pty Ltd 164 Pty Ltd 11 ihealth saunas 13 Immanuel College 6 Independent Living Centre 126 Independent Phoenix Trading 13 Inland Sea (Y3P) Investigator Resources Ltd (site sharer) 18 J & R Leather Goods 145 J.K Milling Pty Ltd 15 Jacuzzi Adelaide 13-14 Jamestown Engineering & Manufacturing 631 Jamieson Truck Sales 12 Jardene Stud 627 Jay & S Tools 116 Jayben Australia Pty Ltd 656 JBG Architects 15 Jetwave Industrial Equipment 101 Jeunesse (site sharer) 8 Jimy Tools and Equipment Pty Ltd 215 John Deere 167 Kadina Electrical 5,6&8 Kadina Gunsmithing (site sharer) 163 Kadina Telstra Store 433 Kalleske Meats Pty Ltd 255 Kangarilla Drilling (site sharer) 157

Site Location Moonta West Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion South Hummocks Road Boors Plains Road Alford Road Bawden Road Boors Plains West Road The Precision Ag Shed Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Cunliffe Road Cunliffe Road Bawden Road Kadina West Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Mackley Road Cyclone Pavilion Bawden Road Bute Road Boors Plains Road Paskeville East Road Bowley Pavilion Kadina Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Clinton Road Alford West Road Paskeville Road Bawden Road Grant Pavilion Bawden Road Oster Pavilion Kadina Road Bute Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute Road Larwood Pavilion Kadina West Road Alford Road Newbold Pavilion Paskeville Road South Hummocks Road Bawden Road Arthurton Road Boors Plains Road Kadina West Road Grant Pavilion Hoecker 1 Pavilion The Precision Ag Shed Alford Road Pine Forest Road Paskeville Road Grant Pavilion Cyclone Pavilion Wintanerta Road Kadina Road Paskeville Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Bowley Pavilion Pine Forest Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bawden Road Pine Forest Road Alford West Road Mackley Road Broughton Road Moonta Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Cunliffe Road Newbold Pavilion Oster Pavilion Bawden Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Paskeville Road Cunliffe West Road Alford Road Moonta Road Grant Pavilion Alford Road Alford West Road Bute Road Oster Pavilion Arthurton Road Bute Road Grant Pavilion Kadina Road South Hummocks Road Bute Road Mackley Road Alford Road Moonta West Road Bute East Road Bawden Road Oster Pavilion Oster Pavilion Newbold Pavilion Mackley Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Larwood Pavilion Grant Pavilion Bawden Road Cyclone Pavilion Grant Pavilion Moonta Road Paskeville East Road Moonta Road Mackley Road Moonta West Road Oster Pavilion Mackley Road Oster Pavilion Wintanerta Road Bawden West Road Cyclone Pavilion Bawden Road Paskeville Road Kadina Road Bawden Road

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Exhibitor Name

Site No.

Kaszazz KayJay Fabrications Keenan Feed Mixers (site sharer) Keidra Woodworks Kelly Engineering Khanh Tran Kim's Electronics Kincora Prime Samm (site sharer) Kingsway Welding (YP) Pty Ltd Kioti-Daedong Kleva Range Koch Ag Services Koch Ag Services Kondinin Group Kookaburra Transportable Homes Kool Az LED Lights Kotzur KT clothing manufacture and sales Kubpower Landmark Operations Ltd Larwoods Ag Services (CASE IH) Laucke Mills Lavender by Denise Lawrie Co Leachim Stud (site sharer) Leader Products (site sharer) Leading Edge Telecoms Kadina Leica Geosystems (site sharer) Lemon Wedge Catering Les and Colleen Modra Leske Engineering LH Perry & Sons Pty Ltd Lienert Engineering (site sharer) Lions Club of Kadina Canteen Lions Club of Stansbury Dalrymple Lions Club of Wallaroo Lions District 201C1 Littl Juey Loadtec Pty Ltd LO-FLO Sprinkler Loreto College Lorraine Lea Linen Lynas Auto Group MacDon Australia Pty Ltd MADEC Magnum Welders Magnus Australia Main North Renault Maitland Marine Services Maitland Scout Group Mango Ink Manitou Australia Pty Ltd (site sharer) Mansfield Tools Manual Hydraulics & A E Mechanics Manutec Pty Ltd Marcus Oldham College Maria's Coast-line Clothing Marion Bay Motel (Y3P) Mark Master Footballs Market Direct Camper Trailers Marketbook Australia Marmota Energy Limited Marshall Spreader Sales (site sharer) Martelco Equipment Hire Marvel House - wholesale jewellery Mary Kay Cosmetics Pty Ltd Maxi Tankers Pty Ltd Maxiplas Maytow Caravans & RV Accessories Pty Ltd MBC foods (Y3P) McIntosh Distribution Mediscope Australia Mega Cheap Hardware Mellor Olsson Lawyers (site sharer) Meredith Lithgow Direct Metal Form Group Micks Motorcycles (site sharer) Mid North Ag Services Mid North Grasslands Working Group Inc Mid North High Rainfall Zone (site sharer) Middle East Engineering Miegel Bros Pty Ltd Minlaton Engineering Monduran Studio Mono Pumps Monster Fish Moonta Engineering Moonta Football Club Canteen Moose Industries Mr Nozzle Mulberry Lane Quilting & Crafts Munro Engineers National Relay Service (site sharer) Natural Technology Systems Natwide Personnel Pty Ltd NDF Disc Seeders Neil & Kath Goodall Neils Parts New Holland Agriculture New Zealand Natural Icecream Newstyle Direct Pty Ltd Newstyle Direct Pty Ltd Newstyle Direct Pty Ltd Newtech Fertilisers Niche Equipment Noels Caravans Pty Ltd North East Isuzu Northern Sustainable Soils (site sharer) Now That's a Knife NTP Forklifts Australia Numero Uno Coffee Nurses Christian Fellowship Nutrian Liquid Fertilizers (site sharer) Nutrimetics Off-Grid Energy Australia O'Loughlins Catering Services OmniSTAR Orana Incorporated Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee Orgro (site sharer) Our Joy (site sharer) Out & About Clothing

1 703 639 228 363 414 519 477 465 623 15 721 6 7 5 20 105 5 638 339 345 317 23 214 820 536 316 9 642 237 111 201 14 340 277 544 323 13 139 12 3 21 402 347 24 502 17 601 310 346 15 639 168 213 344 12 216 129 300 23 23 269 15 2A 22 412 226 263 637 1 505 127 19 620 449 457 408 516 565 406 248 512 265 140 23 307 646 526 18 658 25 245 614 438 8 463 353 546 404 429 320 543 563 137 18 516 122 802 159 152 536 11 9 552 1 5 125 543 13 14

Site Location Hoecker 1 Pavilion Pine Forest Road Moonta West Road Kadina Road Boors Plains West Road Cunliffe Road Bute Road Cunliffe West Road Cunliffe West Road Moonta Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Pine Forest Road The Precision Ag Shed The Precision Ag Shed Grant Pavilion Bute East Road Mackley Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Moonta Road Boors Plains Road Boors Plains Road South Hummocks Road Cyclone Pavilion Wintanerta Road Maitland Road Alford Road South Hummocks Road The Precision Ag Shed Moonta Road Kadina Road Mackley Road Wintanerta Road Bute East Road Boors Plains Road Kadina West Road Alford Road South Hummocks Road Cyclone Pavilion Bawden Road Grant Pavilion Newbold Pavilion Hoecker 1 Pavilion Paskeville Road Boors Plains Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute Road Bute East Road Arthurton Road South Hummocks Road Boors Plains West Road Bowley Pavilion Moonta West Road Bawden Road Wintanerta Road Boors Plains Road Cyclone Pavilion Wintanerta Road Larwood Pavilion Mackley Road South Hummocks Road Oster Pavilion Grant Pavilion Kadina Road Bute East Road Cyclone Pavilion Hoecker 1 Pavilion Paskeville Road Kadina Road Kadina Road Larwood Pavilion Moonta West Road Cyclone Pavilion Bute Road Mackley Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Moonta Road Cunliffe Road Cunliffe Road Paskeville Road Bute Road Alford West Road Paskeville Road Kadina Road Bute Road Kadina Road Bawden Road Bute East Road South Hummocks Road Moonta Road Alford Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Moonta West Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Kadina Road Arthurton Road Cunliffe West Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Cunliffe West Road Boors Plains West Road Alford Road Paskeville Road Paskeville Road South Hummocks Road Alford Road Alford West Road Bawden Road Bute East Road Bute Road Mackley Road Maitland Road Bawden Road Bawden Road Alford Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Newbold Pavilion Alford West Road The Precision Ag Shed Hoecker 1 Pavilion Mackley Road Alford Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Newbold Pavilion

Exhibitor Name

Site No.

Outback Whips and Leather Pacific Agriscience Pty Ltd Pacific Seeds P/L Painaway Products Pty Ltd Paper Nymph (Y3P) Paskeville Sporting Bodies Canteen 1 Paskeville Sporting Bodies Canteen 2 Paskeville Sporting Bodies Canteen 3 Peak Hill Industries Pty Ltd Peekaboo Kidz Pelican Marine / Absolute Caravans Pembroke School Penny Mitchell Penrite Oil Company Peter Stevens Motorcycles Pete's Mobile Woodfired Pizzas Pfeiffer Hill Upholstery / Header Tarps Australia PG&A Design & Project Mgmt Phoenix Copper Ltd (site sharer) Pieroth Pioneer Water Tanks (SA) Planning for Prosperity PlumGrove Pty Ltd Polaris Police Credit Union (site sharer) Poolmans Nursery Pope's Honey Power & Generation JCB Precision Cropping Technologies Prescott Securities Primary Industries and Regions SA Primary Sales Prince Alfred College Prostate Cancer Action Group (SA) Inc Pudding Lane Purifiers Australia Pty Ltd Quality Wool R & W Agencies Pty Ltd Rabobank Rainwise Rally Badges Ramsey Bros Pty Ltd Rapid Fat Loss Pty Ltd Raven Industries (site sharer) Ray White Raycol (site sharer) Realport Traders Pty Ltd Recharge Battery Revitilizer Redden Bros (site sharer) Reece Plumbing / Irrigation Pty Ltd Refresh Life Regional Connections (site sharer) Reliance Petroleum (BP Regional) Relocatable Bathroom Respirico Rex Minerals Ltd (site sharer) Rex Stotten Machinery RF Kelly & Son - Glen Holme Dohnes (site sharer) RFM Ag Pty Ltd Rhino Tanks Riding for the Disabled Yorke Peninsula Ri-Industries Rising Sun Buggies Riteway Farming Australia Riverland Welding & Tool Supplies Rocky River Ag Services Roc-Solid Solar Roof Seal Rural Root Boot (site sharer) Ropes Plus Rosenberg Machinery Group Rosie's Jewellery and crafts Rostrevor College (site sharer) Rowan Ramsey - Member for Grey (site sharer) Rowater Australia Pty Ltd Royal Flying Doctor Service (site sharer) RR & PJ Holland RSM Bird Cameron Rural Business Support (site sharer) Rural Directions Rural Liquid Fertilisers Pty Ltd Rural Merchandise Traders Pty Ltd Rural Solutions SA (site sharer) Rustic Blue Gallery Kangaroo Island (site sharer) Ry-Craft Ironing Board Covers SA Ambulance Service SA Country Fire Service SA Farm Equipment and Ezypower Australia SA Grain Services (site sharer) SA Lifestyle Village Group SA Lift & Loader Sacred Heart College Senior Safety Boots & Work Gear Safety Quip Salt Distributors Pty Ltd Scania Australia Schinckel Hayrakes Schulte Sales Australia Scotch College Adelaide Seed Distributors Senturion Steel Supplies Septek Wastewater Systems Serafin Machinery Seymour College Shane Ingram Sharmans Shear Gear (site sharer) Shippy's Hardware Moonta Simplicity Australia SL Tanks & Equipment P/L (site sharer) Sleep Disorders Australia (site sharer) Smale Farm Equipment (site sharer) SmartVac Containers Soil Management Systems Sola Edwards Adelaide Solar Depot Sonic Boomsprays South Australia Police South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy South Central Trucks Pty Ltd Southern Cross Industrial Welding

172 148 341 1 235 461 515 547 328 202 1 22 411 115 528 542 157 18 20 534 25 318 473 315 523 2 562 3 321 611 702 247 25 10 11 538 536 525 308 241 271 12 9 244 350 824 234 201 524 28 516 616 443 3 18 426 420 560 550 3 203 252 711 455 459 104 3 207 401 169 4 3 17 107 127 704 2 611 329 447 269 611 529 12 223 208 650 319 22 6 30 618 253 820 604 701 256 14 423 625 564 293 249 176 289 477 409 635 551 3 702 24 273 421 229 445 283 210 18 503

Site Location Bawden Road Bawden Road Boors Plains Road Grant Pavilion Larwood Pavilion Wintanerta Road Cunliffe Road Bute Road Alford Road Boors Plains Road Wintanerta Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Paskeville Road Mackley Road Alford Road Alford Road Bawden Road Grant Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Alford Road Grant Pavilion South Hummocks Road Cunliffe West Road South Hummocks Road Bute Road Newbold Pavilion Alford West Road The Precision Ag Shed South Hummocks Road Arthurton Road Pine Forest Road Kadina Road Oster Pavilion Cyclone Pavilion Bowley Pavilion Alford Road Alford Road Bute Road South Hummocks Road Kadina Road Kadina Road Bussenschutt Pavilion The Precision Ag Shed Kadina Road Boors Plains West Road Maitland Road Kadina Road Wintanerta Road Bute Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Bute Road Moonta Road Cunliffe Road Bowley Pavilion Grant Pavilion Cunliffe West Road Cunliffe Road Alford West Road Alford West Road Cyclone Pavilion Wintanerta Road Kadina West Road Pine Forest Road Cunliffe Road Cunliffe Road Mackley Road Oster Pavilion Wintanerta Road Paskeville Road Bawden West Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Newbold Pavilion Cyclone Pavilion Mackley Road Mackley Road Pine Forest Road Oster Pavilion Arthurton Road South Hummocks Road Cunliffe Road Kadina Road Arthurton Road Bute Road Bowley Pavilion Wintanerta Road Wintanerta Road Moonta West Road South Hummocks Road Oster Pavilion Paskeville East Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Moonta Road Kadina Road Maitland Road Arthurton Road Pine Forest Road Kadina West Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Paskeville Road Moonta Road Alford West Road Clinton Road Kadina Road Bawden Road Clinton Road Cunliffe West Road Paskeville Road Moonta West Road Alford Road Bowley Pavilion Pine Forest Road Cyclone Pavilion Kadina Road Paskeville Road Wintanerta Road Cunliffe Road Kadina West Road Wintanerta Road Grant Pavilion Bute Road

Exhibitor Name

Site No.

Supplies (site sharer) 17 Southern Cross Trailers 12A Southern Springs 332 Spanlift Buildings Pty Ltd 700 Spitwater SA 539 Spook Hill Wines Pty Ltd 315 Sports Marine 4 Sports Savers 134 Squid Inc 118 St Eyre Estate Port Augusta (site sharer) 27 St John Ambulance Australia 26 St Marks College 7 St Peter's College 16 Star of the Sea Home for the Aged 22 State Emergency Service 131 Steiny's Traditional Mettwurst 324 Steven Griffiths - Member for Goyder 17 Stewart Trading 561 Stock Journal 127 Stockowners Shearing Aust 422 Stolls Spraying (site sharer) 342 Strathalbyn Small Engines 304 Strawberries Galore Adelaide & Oakbank 439 Strzelecki Glass Crafts 4 Sturt Grain 311 Sullair Australia 638A Sundowner Boats Pty Ltd (site sharer) 248 Sunset Winery Kangaroo Island 17 Superfert EA 626 Swagman Tours 135 Sweet & Sour Candy Fruit Liquorice 8 Sydney Street Casual 2 Symes Accountants 10 SYP Motors (site sharer) 713 TACA Adelaide 467 Tatiara Industrial Repairs 621 Team Poly 141 Teatrick Lavender Estate 4 Tecalemit Australia 407 Techgrow Agriculture Pty Ltd 558 Templar Innovations 16 That's Cute! 13 The Bra Lady 1 The Chefs Toolbox 23 The Coffee Cup 554 The Coffee Experience 211 The Dunes Port Hughes 27 The Investors Club 12 The Truck Factory 600A Theodore Marine 242 Timber Tones Homewares 4 Topcon Precision Agriculture 548 Toptul Australia 501A Torque Industries 517 Town & Country / Solco (site sharer) 205 Town & Country Asset Services Pty Ltd 205 Track Trailer 804 Transport Connection Pty Ltd 19 Travelander 102 Travelling Bean 644 Travelscene Kadina 6 Trees for Life (site sharer) 611 Tried and Tested 2 Trinity College 18 Trinity Mower Centre 351 Truck Art & Truck Art Trailers 8 Truckline 9 Truckworks Australia / American Truckworks 26 Trufab Farm Machinery 812 Truro Agencies 624 Tumby Bay Concrete 541 UES (Int'l) Pty Ltd 417 Ultrasafe Products Australia Pty Ltd 319 Under the Boardwalk (Y3P) Unimade 124 UniSA - Centre for Regional Engagement 4A Universal Farming Services P/L 559 Universal Initiatives 475 University of Adelaide (Roseworthy Campus) 331 Uptown Girl / Downtown Girl Pty Ltd 14 Uptown Girl / Downtown Girl Pty Ltd 9 Uracast Pty Ltd 100 Urrbrae Agricultural High School 14 Vehikool Automotive Air Conditioning Filtration & Heating 725 Vennings 619 Venus Hartung Pty Ltd 338 Virginia Irrigation Systems & Sevrice Pty Ltd 632 VRT Imports Pty Ltd 21 Wahlstedt Quality Homes 21 Wakefield Trucks Pty Ltd 405 Walford Anglican School for Girls 7 Wallaroo Football Club Bar/Bistro 615 Waltan Tools & Equipment 513 Wanderer Campers 184 Warrin Mining & Construction Equipment Pty Ltd 729 Weedwakka 224 Westerns Saltbush 325 Westminster School 6 Westpac Banking Corporation 617 Whitlands Engineering 432 Wibberleys Pty Ltd (site sharer) 422 Wilderness School 13 William Buck SA Pty Ltd (site sharer) 127 Winemakers Direct Pty Ltd (Bling) 7 Wonnara Prime Samm 477 Woodshield 424 WSB Distributors 639 Xtreme Fuel Treatment 1 Y3P Yamaha Motors Australia 343 Yellow Brick Road 322 Yorke Peninsula Caravan Centre 136 Yorke Peninsula Community Transport & Services Inc 4 Yorke Peninsula Security 12 YP Agriservices Pty Ltd (CRT) 531 YP Alkaline Soils Group (site sharer) 516 YP Lands (Y3P) YP Tourist Information (Y3P) ZEN Energy Systems 138

Site Location Bute East Road Paskeville East Road Boors Plains Road Pine Forest Road Alford Road South Hummocks Road East Road Bawden Road Mackley Road Grant Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Bowley Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Grant Pavilion Mackley Road Boors Plains Road Cyclone Pavilion Alford West Road Mackley Road Cunliffe Road Boors Plains Road South Hummocks Road Cunliffe Road Cyclone Pavilion South Hummocks Road Moonta Road Kadina Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Moonta Road Bawden Road Bowley Pavilion Cyclone Pavilion Bowley Pavilion Pine Forest Road Cunliffe West Road Moonta Road Bawden Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Paskeville Road Alford West Road Cyclone Pavilion Bussenschutt Pavilion Newbold Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Alford West Road Wintanerta Road Grant Pavilion Oster Pavilion Arthurton Road Kadina Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Alford Road Bute Road Bute Road Wintanerta Road Wintanerta Road Maitland Rd Bute East Road Mackley Road Moonta Road Hoecker 2 Pavilion Arthurton Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Cyclone Pavilion Boors Plains West Road Paskeville East Road Paskeville East Road Arthurton East Road Maitland Road Moonta Road Alford Road Paskeville Road South Hummocks Road Larwood Pavilion Mackley Road Bussenschutt Pavilion Alford West Road Cunliffe West Road South Hummocks Road Bowley Pavilion Bowley Pavilion Mackley Road Cyclone Pavilion Pine Forest West Road Moonta Road Boors Plains Road Moonta Road Bute East Road Oster Pavilion Paskeville Road Newbold Pavilion Arthurton Road Bute Road Bawden Road Pine Forest West Road Kadina Road South Hummocks Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Arthurton Road Cunliffe West Road Cunliffe Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Mackley Road Hoecker 1 Pavilion Cunliffe West Road Cunliffe Road Moonta West Road Oster Pavilion Larwood Pavilion Boors Plains Road Office Road Bawden Road Bowley Pavilion Hoecker 2 Pavilion Alford Road Bute Road Larwood Pavilion Larwood Pavilion Bawden Road



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Field Days



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

FROM THE ARCHIVES Yorke Peninsula Field Days 1971:

Winner of the NYP Agricultural Bureau Field Trial and Show Society grain competition is Moonta bureau, with Bute second. Moonta wins the R. W. Correll trophy for most points.


The most exciting and comprehensive YP Machinery Field Days ever held in SA will be staged over three days for the first time next year.


A new trend at this year’s field days is the increasing use of solar power. It’s estimated $25million of farm equipment was on display. The landing field on Allan Redding’s property near Kadina recorded 95 landings during the three days of the field days.



YP Field Days secretary Leith Larwood estimates the value of the exhibits to be worth more than $10,000,000. Miss South Australia Sallyanne Woolford, helps at the Savings Bank of SA stand.


Briony, 20-month-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Chris Rowan of Bumbunga, near Lochiel, is delighted to sit in the driver’s seat and turn the wheel of an Ariens ride-on mower. Graham Correll, of Kulpara, wins third place in the gadget competition.

The National Bank suffers a temporary setback when its tent blows down and staff had to pack up for the day. Sheltering from a rain squall are the staff of Ardrossan motors — Christine Honner, Bob Brook, Peter Howse, David Linke and Adrian Oster. Edith Bruce delights audiences in the Guest Speakers Pavilion with her renditions of C. J. Dennis.


John Kutcher, Eric Francis and Colin Adams look after customers at G. & J. East’s comprehensive spare parts section. Anne Wills is guest speaker. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 for children aged 10-16.


Local farmer Malcolm Philbey has a surprise win at the YP Fields Days of a Holden Rodeo 4WD. Field days president Malcolm Dennis congratulates Leigh Rogers, of Alford, on winning an on-farm training award.


Local artist Pam Green, of Bute, demonstrates the art of calligraphy. Visitors watch Chris Sperou hurtle around the field days site. Liberal opposition leader Dale Baker spends a few hours at the field days. On-farm training scheme winner is David Hasting, of Maitland. DC of NYP staff Jenny Tilley and Margaret Leibie proudly display the award for Best Pavilion Site.


It’s the “greatest YP Field Days ever� with the unofficial attendance estimate as high as 65,000 for the three days. A “horse� (a piece of iron art which took 300 hours) manufactured by Clem Zwar, of Arthurton, catches the interest of hundreds of visitors.


A Century of Field Days is launched by author and historian Rex Penna, from Balaklava. ABC’s Jann Springett attends. Minister for Primary Industries Dale Baker arrives at the Paskeville site by plane and takes the cart pulled by Clydesdale horses to reach the site of the stump jump plough monument.


Blade shearing, a new feature on day one, offers visitors the opportunity to take a nostalgic look at the past. Don Wilsdon presents a horse ploughing exhibition.


The YP Field Days is officially opened by the governor of South Australia, His Excellency Sir Eric Neal AC CVO — it’s the first attendance by a governor of SA in 37 years, since Sir Edric Bastyan arrived by train, which once serviced the site. Cricket great Greg Chappell is the guest speaker representing BankSA, and said it was obvious farmers play a huge role in the state’s economy.




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Yorke Peninsula

Country Times READ





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31 Goyder Street, Kadina P: (08) 8821 1155 F: (08) 8821 2044 E:




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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

FROM THE ARCHIVES Yorke Peninsula Field Days 2001:

Yvonne Correll said the new gatekeepers’ sheds are a bonus and make working conditions better for volunteers. Best Australian Made Machine is a seed and super unit made by Riteway Farming, Bute; Best New Release a snail roller and grain cleaner by Shmik Engineering, Kadina. Arthurton retired engineer Max Zwar takes about 126 hours to construct his “emu� creation out of iron fence droppers.


A wild night for exhibitors results in SES and CFS volunteers called out for three hours to help batten down sites and tents against driving rain and strong winds. Valeska Wehr, of Bute, launches her new photography business at the YP Field Days. Best General Merchandise Site Award goes to Vennings, Kadina. Lynn Green, creator of Geraldton Hill’s artisan chocolates, is joined by her mother Mildred who flew 29 hours from Ohio to help with the field days launch.





Local SAPOL Sergeant Ross Linke directs traffic. For the first time, the field days will include the CSA Alloy Wheels Beaut Ute contest. Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Paul Holloway opens the field days.

Bill Trembath, 73, a retired farmer formerly of Warooka, and his working sheepdogs are in action before he leaves to represent Australia at the Trans-Tasman Test series in New Zealand. Hayden Skipworth returns to Yorke Peninsula as part of the Adelaide Crows contingent. Neil “Knuckles� Kerley signs copies of his book.

“Draper Front Augers to suit most John Deere, MacDon, Honeybee, Midwest and Agco header fronts�

Retired Port Broughton farmers Fay and Doug Hewett say, after attending every field days at Paskeville for more than 50 years, “we wouldn’t miss it!� ABC TV’s Gardening Australia presenter Malcolm Campbell is guest speaker. David Foster OAM, the world’s best wood chopper (183 world titles and 21 years as Australian team captain), gives a speech and demonstration.

Moonta Engineering’s Paul Evans and Michael Eylward are photographed in front of their award-winning chaser bin. Special guest speaker Peter Goers entertains the crowd. Copper Coast Woodworkers member Don Blythman, of Curramulka, demonstrates his handiwork. Georgia and Harry Sherriff, from Edithburgh, try out a four-wheel motorcycle.

See us at Stand 551

BIRD’S EYE VIEW... An aerial photo taken of the Yorke Peninsula Field Days site in May 1981.

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page 30_Layout 1 5/09/13 3:04 PM Page 1


24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Sporting groups catering for the crowds

WORKING BEE... Brad Meier, Jason Bussenschutt, David Koch and Neil Harrop build a new verandah on one of the Paskeville Sporting Bodies canteens ready for this year's field days.

WITH 50,000-plus people expected to attend the 2013 Yorke Peninsula Field Days, keeping everyone fed and watered is no mean feat. Local community groups and sporting clubs are given the opportunity to cater at the event as a fundraiser. The Paskeville Sporting Bodies – composed of Paskeville bowls, cricket, tennis, basketball netball and football clubs – run three canteens and have 120 people volunteering on each of the three days. The volunteers prepare, cook and serve food and drinks including sandwiches, baguettes, fruit salads, salads, pies, pasties, sausage rolls, hot ham and cheese rolls, buns, hot chips, steak sandwiches, hot dogs, egg and bacon rolls, hot cinnamon donuts, cappuccinos, tea/coffee/hot chocolate, hot potatoes, ice-creams and cool drinks. "We also provide teas and a bar facility at the Paskeville Community Centre from Monday to Thursday night inclusive to cater for the site holders staying at the 'mini caravan city' on the town oval," sporting bodies secretary Carrie Ramsey said. It is a big task to coordinate the rosters,

order and deliver the food, organise change, clean and prepare the canteens in the leadup to the field days, not to mention pack up and clean up afterwards. But the hard work pays off with the catering being a significant fundraiser for the clubs. "We don't have a major industry like mining or a large business which employs people in Paskeville, so the field days is the one major opportunity to provide a service and raise funds," Carrie said. "The money raised is divided between the clubs involved and enables them to continue to improve clubrooms and facilities, purchase equipment, and also help cover running costs such as water and electricity." Carrie said, whilst it is challenging to source such a large volume of volunteers, all the clubs have been very supportive. “We try to make it fun when working at the field days, and hope all involved can be proud of the service we offer, what a small community we are, and how our voluntary hours give back to our little thriving community for our children,” she said. “We all work tirelessly but I think all would agree it is worth it in the long run.”

NO TIME TO VISIT US? OK..WE’LL VISIT YOU! Walk through our display home and experience the Allsteel difference. Visit us at site 715 Pine Forest Road during the Paskeville Field days. Be sure to ask us about our summer promotion!



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013


Food and refreshments ● Alford Road Site 528 Pete’s Mobile Woodfired Pizzas Site 530 Farmers Union Van (Harvest Christian School) Site 535 Bute Football/Lions/Netball Clubs canteen Site 544 Lions Club of Wallaroo Site 546 New Zealand Natural Ice-cream ● Alford West Road Site 552 O’Loughlins Catering Services Site 554 The Coffee Cup ● Arthurton Road Site 615 Wallaroo Football Club bar/bistro (Bistro open all day, bar 1pm-6.30pm only) ● Bawden Road Site 133 Farmers Union Van (Kadina Netball Club) Site 159 Numero Uno Coffee Site 161 Baked Potatoes by Ken ● Bute Road Site 515 Paskeville Sporting Bodies canteen ● Boors Plains Road Site 337 Farmers Union Van (Clinton Centre UC Fellowship) Site 340 Lions Club of Kadina canteen


most awarded

● Boors Plains West Site 348 Farmers Union Van (Maitland Lutheran School P&F) Site 361 Bute Football/Lions/Netball Clubs canteen Site 346 Maitland Scout Group ● Cunliffe Road Site 439 Strawberries Galore Adelaide and Oakbank Site 461 Paskeville Sporting Bodies canteen ● Kadina Road Site 218 Adelaide Yiros ● Kadina West Road Site 277 Lions Club of Stansbury/Dalrymple ● Mackley Road Site 118 Squid Inc Site 120 Bean Machine ● Moonta Road Site 644 Travelling Bean Site 642 Lemon Wedge Catering ● South Hummocks Road Site 307 Moonta Football Club canteen ● Wintanerta Road Site 235 Paskeville Sporting Bodies canteen Site 211 The Coffee Experience

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page 32_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:15 AM Page 1


24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

St Peter's creating an inspiring environment “SUCCESSFUL boarding is built on the strength of the partnership between boys, their parents and staff — the open communication and clear expectations each has of the other.” This is a key philosophy of Paul Brown, head of boarding at St Peter’s College in Adelaide, who ensures the Saints’ boarding house is a home away from home, a place where each boy is safe to be himself. “It is a privilege to be entrusted with the wellbeing of other people’s children, to help them navigate some of the difficulties when they first arrive and to be rewarded as they develop into contributors to, or even mainstays of, a pleasant and productive life away from their families,” Mr Brown said. Importantly, the family of each boy is a part of the boarding house community,

INSPIRING SUCCESS... St Peter’s College, Adelaide, offers country students an inspiring social and emotional environment to ensure they get the most out of the next stage in their education. as parents and the residential staff work collaboratively to support each boy through his time at Saints.

As a father himself, Paul is keen to ensure the boys under his care have an enjoyable, safe and fulfilling

time as a Saints’ boarder. Life as a boarder at St Peter’s College provides boys from years 7 to 12 with much

more than a place to sleep; it delivers access to countless opportunities to achieve their best in all aspects of schooling at Saints. “The boys who become part of the Saints’ boarding community enjoy taking up the challenge and uncovering the many possibilities open to them academically, in sport, in the arts and spiritually,” Mr Brown said. “The boys can make the most of the school’s diverse co-curricular and curricular programs — whether they are playing sport or rehearsing for a musical performance, life as a boarder is rewarding and enriching.” For more information, visit Mr Brown or one of the other staff at the St Peter’s College stand during the Yorke Peninsula Field Days or visit


O Our ur a aim im iis s to to create create a strong, strong, ffamily-style amily-style e environment nvironment which and iin nw hich the the boys boys look look out out ffor, or, a nd rrespect espect each each other. other. T ob eab oarder at at S eter’s C ollege, A delaide, iis s tto ob e To be boarder Stt P Peter’s College, Adelaide, be CRICOS Provider No. 01535E. The Anglican Church of Australia Collegiate School of Saint Peter, trading as St Peter’s College.

p ar t o n iinspiring nspiring ssocial o cia l a nd e motional environment environment part off a an and emotional w here e ach b oy tthrives. hrives. T he S aints b oarding c ommunity where each boy The Saints boarding community iis s a ssafe, affe, h omely e xperience providing providing boys boys w ith a w arm, homely experience with warm, familial and and supportive supportive community. community. familial

To T o llearn earn more more S Stt P Peter’s eter’s C College ollege iinvites nvites p prospective rospective parents parents to to Tuesday sspeak peak tto oo our ur sstaff taff rregarding egarding B Boarding oarding on on Tuesday 24 September September to Thursday Thursday 26 26 September September at at the the 24 Yorke P eninsula F ield D ays Show Show and and visit visit Yorke Peninsula Field Days

S Stt Peter’s Peter’s College College St St P Peters, eters, Adelaide, Adelaide, A Australia, ustralia, 5 5069 069 +618 + 618 8404 8404 0400 0400 @ @SPC_Adelaide SPC_ Adelaide SPC328



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Smooth transition for Glencore

STILL VITERRA... Despite Swiss grain trader Glencore taking over Viterra last December, the branding has remained the same.

GLENCORE is preparing for its first full harvest since taking over Viterra in December 2012. The Swiss grain traders paid approximately $6million for the Canadian agribusiness but have not changed the brand name in South Australia. “We’ve kept the Viterra branding and head office here,” a spokesperson said. “The transition has gone very smoothly and as a business we are now focused on preparing for harvest. “All of our storage and handling information for this year is now on our website and gives growers, carriers and commercial carriers all the information they need in terms of our harvest operations for this year.” Viterra have more than 100 grain receival sites in South Australia, including Wallaroo, ONE-STOP ONLINE SHOP FOR FARMERS

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Ardrossan and Port Giles. In the first year of new operations, an estimated 6.7 million tonnes of crop were harvested across the state, above the state average of 6.28 million tonnes. General manager of storage and handling Tim Krause said the company is preparing for another above-average harvest. “We recently met with the strategic site committee chairs from across the state to discuss our operational plans for the coming harvest and to seek their input and feedback as grower representatives,” Mr Krause said. “The detail now available on our website provides growers, carriers and marketers with comprehensive information in preparation for harvest, including grain delivery arrangements, receival standards, segregation


plans, site safety and Viterra’s up-country and port service fees for the 2013-14 season. “We have provided this information well before harvest to assist with decision-making around grain storage, handling and delivery activities and encourage people to visit our website. “We are very focused on ensuring smooth harvest operations for our grower and commercial customers as we prepare for a large crop, including recruiting approximately 1500 harvest casuals. “With a strong shipping program in the past year, we are expecting carry-over stocks to be very low and with approximately one million tonnes of shipping already booked for the harvest period, we are well positioned to receive the crop.”





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page 34_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:18 AM Page 1


24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Field days fashions with a vintage twist ICONIC Adelaide brands with a vintage twist will grace the catwalk at this year’s field days fashion parades in the Murray Allen Wool and Sheep Pavilion. “This season, it’s all about a classic vintage look and how to incorporate those favourite vintage pieces we all have in our wardrobes with current fashion,” parade coordinator Nadia Stamp, from Rachel’s Modelling Agency, said. “At the end of each parade, Brisbane-based stylist Kate Miller will hold styling sessions, following the concept of bringing those vintage pieces into the now.” Featured brands this year include Review Australia, with its classic 1950s inspired romantic florals and

candy coloured hues, and Adelaide’s iconic Rundle Street store Miss Gladys Sym Choon. High fashion and formal wear has been the hallmark of the Miss Gladys Sym Choon name for 90 years, a trend continued by designer Razak since taking over the store in 1985. “The parades will feature Razak’s stunning formal wear, women’s and men’s fashions,” Ms Stamp said. “For the more mature lady we have the resort wear range from Aqua Boutique, including their beautiful caftans.” For the men, it’s all about Ivy League, a brand inspired by North Eastern American universities, with a blend of classic button down shirts and jackets, and

modern Merino knits. “Of course we’ll also feature country favourites such as RM Williams,” Ms Stamp said. Eight models from Adelaide agency RMT Management will bring the fashions to life on the catwalk. “Look out for local lad from Kadina Luke Naylor who will be modelling in this year’s parade,” Nadia said. “He has just signed with RMT and has a bright future ahead as a model. “This year, every parade will be different with more fashions on show as the days progress and I’m really excited by what we are going to be presenting,” Ms Stamp said. “It’s going to be entertaining and lots of fun.”

FASHIONISTA... Nadia Stamp dressed by Miss Gladys Sym Choon. Nadia is a model, presenter and event coordinator of this year’s YP Field Days fashion parades.

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page 35_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:20 AM Page 1


24Th, 25Th & 26Th sEpTEmbER 2013

Volkswagens back at the field days LYNAS Auto Group will be back at Paskeville for the field days, this year bringing more excitement than ever before with a variety of Volkswagen passenger and commercial vehicles and the newest addition to the dealership, vehicles from the Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge ranges. Lynas Auto Group is a family-owned business and has been operating in the Barossa Valley for 25 years with sales and service extending through to the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula. “One of the vehicles on display at this year’s field days will be the all-new 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee diesel which has class-leading 3.5 tonne towing capacity and superb fuel consumption at 7.5L/100km (subject to driving conditions),” sales manager Grant Sapwell said. “Other vehicles from the

TEAM... The team from Lynas Auto Group, sales manager Grant Sapwell, VW brand manager Ashley Matthews and VW commercial specialist Will Tilley, will be at this year’s field days. Chrysler Jeep Dodge range include the Dodge Journey SXT — with its seven seat capability there’s plenty of room for the whole family.

“Or for the more adventurous buyers out there why not a Jeep Wrangler, it has all the gear you need to get off the bitumen for some

off-road excitement. “With a variety of vehicles across the range, there is sure to be one that will suit your needs.”

Volkswagen is famous for manufacturing commercial vehicles of exceptional quality and Lynas Auto Group’s Volkswagen commercial specialist Will Tilley can help you and your business find a perfect fit. “On display this year are two new additions to the Amarok utility range, including the all-new eightspeed automatic and single cab variants,” Will said. “We will also offer a full selection of passenger vehicles including the Golf 7, winner of the World Car of the Year 2013.” Volkswagen brand manager Ashley Matthews will also be at the field days to guide you through the large range of vehicles and options. So make sure you visit site 402 and check out the range Lynas Auto Group has to offer.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Wet winter brings season forward

WET WINTER... YP AG Agronomist Chris Davey said crops are about three weeks ahead of schedule as a result of a milder winter.

A WETTER-than-average and milder winter has brought crop stages about three weeks ahead of schedule. According to Weatherzone senior meteorologist Brett Dutschke, the number of rainy days this winter has been just above average; however, higher moisture from warmer waters has led to heavier bursts of rain. “Looking ahead to spring, the season is looking fairly normal and overall spring is likely to be near-or-wetter than average and near-or-slightly-warmer than average,” he said. “However, unlike winter, it looks like rainfall and night-time temperatures will trend nearer to average due to a reduction in atmospheric moisture and a reduction in strong fronts. “This would lead to longer dry periods and a higher likelihood

of frost compared with winter which is a bit of a concern for farmers.” YP AG Agronomist Chris Davey said, overall, most of Yorke Peninsula has had one of its wettest growing seasons; however, this comes with a few disadvantages. “In the heavier soil types, crops experience water logging and in sandier soils, the higher rainfall means a lot of nutrients leach,” Mr Davey said. “The crops are more advanced and have bigger canopies in 2013, which means diseases come in earlier and there is a higher disease pressure. “The early, warm start has benefited diseases like Net Form of Net Blotch in barley, whereas Yellow Leaf Spot has thrived during winter in the wet, windy conditions.”

Despite the disadvantages, Mr Davey said farmers are optimistic and hoping to harvest double their normal yields. “With the amount of moisture in the soil at the moment we only really need below-average to average rainfall in spring with a mild finish to achieve this,” Mr Davey said. “The only things that will stop us from obtaining above average yields will be extreme weather events like frosts, very hot days and drying northerly winds “Ideally, the farmers would like the rain to shut off in early October to allow them to have a stress-free harvest. “At this stage though, the forecast is for above-average rain throughout spring which could mean more disease and a lot more fungicides needing to be used.”

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Median age of Australian farmers increasing THE profile of Australian farmers is changing with the Australian Bureau of Statistics finding the median age of farmers in 2011 to be 53 — nine years older than in 1981. Since then, the proportion of farmers younger than 35 has more than halved to just 13 per cent, with the proportion of farmers over 55 increasing by 21 per cent to 47 per cent. In 2011, almost a quarter (23 per cent) of farmers were aged 65 years or over, compared with just three per cent of people in other occupations. Curramulka farmer John Stone will turn 53 in October and said farming at his age is sometimes a mental challenge. “In the end I’m still doing what I did 20 to 30 years ago but we deal with a lot more chemicals and

government red tape, which I think really takes away from the farming,” John said. “There’s just a lot more paperwork to do and even the amount of mail we get now is so much more than we used to get.” John said farming is also becoming more physically challenging, particularly sheep work. “Mucking around with sheep is a challenge because you have to be physically quite capable,” he said. “My son Matthew enjoys sheep work and for that reason I am happy to stay with sheep for a while longer. “Also having rock in the land like we have here, having sheep and crops is a good combination and the sheep do well on it, and some years you can make as much out of sheep as you can with crops.”

John and wife Sally had their two children when they were in their 40s and John thinks he will be farming for at least another 10 years before Matthew will take over. “I will probably farm until I am 65 if my health hasn’t given out before then,” he said. “There are more and more health issues going forward, so you shouldn’t leave it too late to go and do what you want to do. “If Matthew can manage and maintain the farm then I’ll be off!” John’s father still helps on the farm and John said he would also be happy to continue helping his son on the farm after his retirement. In the meantime, John is still enjoying farming. “Farming is great for keeping you stimulated — there is so much variety and it is always changing,” he said.


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CHALLENGES... Curramulka farmer John Stone said one of the challenges of farming as he gets older is the physical demands of the job, particularly sheep work.


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page 38_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:22 AM Page 1


100 Port Wakefield Road, Cavan Phone: (08) 8139 4000 Fax: (08) 8244 3919

Cropstalker knocking down weeds

CMV Truck Sales is South Australia’s leading Kenworth, DAF and BCI supplier. Our 12-acre state-of-the-art dealership features extensive truck parking for ease of B-double and road train access. Our workshop consists of 20 bays including two full-length BD/RT service pits and two trailer pits. A full-length enviro steam cleaning bay with hoist utilises rain and recycled water. Service reception features undercover truck parking for booking in vehicles and luxurious drivers’ lounge facilities. CMV Truck Sales also offer repair and service facilitiessupported by two extensive satellite parts organisations at Berri and CMV Truck and Trailer Parts at Burton.

Kenworth Sales Jarrod Dawson 0418 832 703 Mark Clements 0419 234 018 Bob Malusa 0402 321 193 Jonathan Crawford 0407 609 230 Parts Department Nick Varsos 0412 358 087

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CMV Truck Sales – Your one-stop transport shop 38


IN ACTION... The Cropstalker in action. The shielded sprayer matches the row spacing of the airseeder and sprays the weeds in the inter-row with non-selective knockdown herbicides. KOCH Ag Services, Maitland, is an authorised Trimble dealer and sells all Trimble products including cameras and Cropstalker shielded sprayers. It offers services in yield mapping, NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) and data management for variable rate applications. “Our RTK (Real Time Kinematic) network covers more than a quarter of a million acres from Crystal Brook to Marion Bay and we can offer people precision technology packages from the most advanced systems to the most basic,” Darryl Koch said. “Precision ag is an ever-growing part of the farming business and our knowledge base and attention to detail makes sure it really works for the farmer.” One of the latest pieces of precision ag technology on the market is the Cropstalker shielded sprayer. “The Cropstalker matches the row spacing of your airseeder and sprays the weeds in the inter-row with nonselective knockdown herbicides,”

Aaron Jak explained. “It uses robocrop side shift technology to follow the rows and the camera mounted to the tool bar identifies the green rows of the crop and shifts the shields with hydraulics left or right to make sure it is always in the correct position. “The shields are designed for 10,12 or 15 inch crop rows and spray the entire inter-row, leaving a three-inch gap between for the crop to go through. “The Cropstalker allows farmers to kill weeds in crops which they normally wouldn’t have a good option for with selective herbicides. “Weeds like ryegrass and brome grass in cereals and bifora or medic in lentils can be sprayed with Gramoxone or Sprayseed for a good kill. “Farmers don’t have to use chemicals which can knock the crop around or stunt its growth because nothing is being sprayed on the crop.” To find out more, visit the team from Koch Ag Services at the field days.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

St Mark’s now taking enrolments for 2014 ST MARK’S College in Port Pirie is a co-educational school of 980 students from reception to year 12. It is an outstanding college which has created sound educational opportunities to students in the Mid North for more than 50 years. St Mark’s College offers a boarding option for students in years 8 to 12. The boarders live in an environment which actively eliminates an institutional feeling and creates the intimacy of family life. Boarders value their experience at St Mark’s. They value the friendliness and the five-night option with a chance to return home every Friday

night. The college has a 100hectare farm and offers exceptional opportunities for rural studies. The students enjoy the options of aquaculture, agriculture and viticulture. At St Mark’s College, staff recognise the uniqueness of each son and daughter in this large community and support them in the complexity and challenge of their ambitions. Staff believe each young person will thrive at St Mark’s with the college’s ideals and values. The place welcomes and engages all. With opportunities for

challenge, thinking, faith and fun, this school offers state-ofthe-art facilities, boarding, and a tradition of care and learning. The college will make an indelible impact and your child will become all you would wish in an environment of cohesion and cooperation. It’s an inspiring place. The students lose themselves in the enjoyment of sport, the challenge of scholarship, the care of senior mentorship and the rituals and traditions which guide them into a citizenship of which parents are so proud. Enrolment application forms are available on the website or by phoning administration on 8632 2800.

PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE... St Mark’s College, Port Pirie, offers plenty of practical activities in its curriculum to prepare students for life after school.

St Mark’s College Port Pirie

“To enlighten and inspire” Catholic Co-Educational College Reception – Year 12 Boarding Home for Years 8-12 Application forms are available at the Campus or contact administration on

(08) 8632 2800



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Olympic supplying SA since the 1960s Olympic Industries is a family-owned and operated business in Adelaide. Formed more than 50 years ago, Olympic Industries has combined the know-how of architectural designers, the skills of the manufacturer and experience in construction to become a multi-award winning and leading company in the Australian market. A significant initiative was taken in 1978 when Olympic Industries purchased a roll-forming machine and started rolling its own steel sections. Olympic Industries, which initially produced roofing and wall cladding, has since expanded its range, but continues to manufacture high-tensile steel C sections from 75mm up to 150mm in various gauges along with a variety of flashings and other goods. Right from its earliest days, the company committed itself to research and development, one of its notable successes being 75C10, a C section made from high-tensile steel 1mm thick. This section was proved under load testing conditions by the Department

of Engineering at the University of Adelaide. The testing proved the section could span greater distances, it could be supplied in far longer lengths and would be lighter to handle and to cart. These benefits, plus the inbuilt qualities of not being affected by termites, splitting or shrinkage, ensured its acceptance. Consequently, in spite of the decline in building and constructional activity in South Australia during the early ’80s, Olympic Industries doubled its factory space to keep pace with increasing demand for its products. Since the advent of the do-it-yourself trend, the company has developed systems and corrections for structures the handyman can erect with minimum fuss and the standard range of tools. Today, the primary supplier of materials is BlueScope Steel and extensive use is made of Colorbond Steel. Olympic Industries’ many awards include the BHP Trophy for the Best Use of Australian Steel and the ANZ Bank Award of Excellence.

DEMAND... There is such demand for Olympic Industries’ products, the company has had to continually increase its factory space in South Australia.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Double your battery life with Recharge THE humble battery is an often-overlooked keystone of modern technology. Your car, truck or tractor won’t start without one, and there’s an endless list of toys, games, appliances and emergency items which rely on a lead-acid ‘heart’ to keep pumping. The battery may very well have been invented in ancient Mesopotamia, but its modern form goes back more than 100 years.

Electrical pioneers like Edison would easily recognise even the most modern car battery of today — and they’d be able to tell you about their biggest problem too. All lead-acid batteries suffer from sulphation — the buildup of the element sulphur inside from regular use. It’s unavoidable and batteries new off the shelf already have the beginnings of sulphation. In fact, this is

the process which will finally finish off many batteries at the end of their lifespan. However, there is an answer which can extend your battery life up to eight or even 10 years! Recharge battery technology is designed to dissolve the sulphur ions back into the electrolyte, stopping the corrosion of the battery’s lead plate and allowing it to hold a charge again. The results have to be seen

The Stack

to be believed, Recharge literally breathes new life into ailing batteries. Even sealed batteries can be successfully treated and restored with this easy-to-use method. Recharge is no longer available from CRT, but stock will be available at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days. You can also check out for more information about the science involved.

The Tarp

POPULAR SITE... The Recharge site will again be at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days selling battery revitalizer and conditioner.

The Result



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BATTERY ADDITIVE Many farmers in our Recharge Conditioning Program are getting 8 to 10 years out of their batteries. Just dose them when you buy them, treat them every two years and give them an overnight charge twice a year between treatments and eliminate the sulphation problem.

NOTE: NO LONGER AVAILABLE AT CRT so get it at the YP Field Days. See us at YP Field Days 232 Kadina Road


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Ev Every ery farmer wants wants a life! Get off the land and come to town town for a lingering long weekend, quic quick k geta getaway, way, sneaky sneaky mid-week break break or or for for buisness buisnessand andhave ha have a field day! daay! y! Silv SilverNeedle erNeedle Hotels are offering special rrates Grand and Chifley Adelaide, Chifley ates and with three perfectly located hotels; the Gr on South T errace and Country Comfort Adelaide to cchoose Terrace hoose from, you’ll you’ll feel right at home with us. Stay, Stay, play, play, shop and explore Adelaide and make us your your first stop!

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page 43_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:27 AM Page 1


24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Strong curriculum on the horizon

REACHING HORIZONS... Horizon Christian School, Balaklava, encourages young minds to reach their full potential.

HORIZON Christian School is an interdenominational foundation-year 12 Christian school in Balaklava. Starting in 1994 with 27 students, it currently has an enrolment of 400 students. The middle school started in 2001 and senior school in 2004 with the first year 12s graduating in 2005. Horizon actively promotes its Christian values, ethos and message of hope amongst its students and families. Horizon enjoys a number of curriculum strengths, notably in visual and performing arts. These are celebrated at the Senior Arts Showcase and Music on the Horizon

evenings and at the local annual Balaklava Eisteddfod competition. Horizon’s instrumental music program starts in year 5 and encourages students to embrace a range of instruments until the end of year 9, and then specialise with senior music. Horizon has enjoyed significant development with new facilities for curriculum enhancement in recent years in sporting, performing arts, home economics, language and science, as well as a resource centre. Horizon works actively to develop strong relationships with its school community. For enrolment enquiries, phone 8862 2100.

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Gwy Terrace: Balaklava SA 5461 Call in and see us at the PIRSA marquee and discuss your revegetation and conservation needs. You can also talk to one of our Direct Seeding experts on September 25 & 26.

For enrolment enquiries please contact 8862 2100



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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

The Bra Lady making lingerie fit MICHELLE Turner, aka the Bra Lady, will once again be attending the field days and will bring with her a range of lingerie by brands such as Berlei, Triumph, Bellissima. Michelle invites women to visit her and experience a bra fitting she said will change their life and make them feel like a new woman. “It is so important to have confidence in the way you look and feel, and something that is so simple, yet so often forgotten, can make you feel like a new woman,” Michelle said. “That’s having your bra fitted properly.” Michelle said eight out of 10 ladies do not wear the correct size bra or the right undergarments to suit their body shape. “Bras are too small and too tight and undergarments just not the right choice, and this issue is so easy to fix and can change confidence levels

MAKING IT FIT... Michelle Turner at the opening of her new store in Prospect earlier this year.

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Come and see the NEW

immediately,” she said. “I look forward to showing you the difference of wearing the correct bra to accommodate your daily comfort and with more than 30 years’ experience I am passionate about ensuring women are fully supported in their lingerie choices. “My service to you will provide a special experience and service with a smile.” She is also a qualified surgical fitter and helps women develop their confidence and feel at ease during often difficult times with a sensitive and respectful approach to fitting prosthesis. Michelle has a warm and caring personality and her main objective is to help you feel comfortable, so drop in and get supported by the Bra Lady at this year’s field days. Michelle has also branched out on her own to open a new shop, called The Bra Lady, located at 99c Prospect Road, Prospect.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Get connected with transport

CONNECTED... Transport Connection general manager David Rees with sales team members Gary Lines, Kym Penhall and Mike Bass.

ADELAIDE trailer dealership Transport Connection has expanded its product range by adding prominent brands Freighter, Maxi-CUBE, Lusty EMS, Peki and AZMEB to its portfolio. After the recent majority acquisition of the dealership by MaxiTRANS, Transport Connection now offers a significantly wider variety of products, making it a onestop shop for almost every type of transport equipment. “From tautliners to skels, semis, refrigerated vans, tippers and side tippers, we’re now set up to assist with just about any enquiry,” Transport Connection general manager David Rees said. Mr Rees, himself a veteran of 34 years in the trailer

industry, is proud of the team the dealership has put together. “Transport Connection has managed to assemble an unrivalled team of productspecific experts from around the state,” he said. “While each of them will be selling all products into different parts of the state, they’ll be able to feed off each other’s knowledge and work together to form an expert team.” With B-double access and its existing industry-leading service and parts division, Mr Rees believes the dealership, situated in Adelaide’s transport hub of Wingfield, can further build on its already strong reputation. “We really think we can

assist with just about any enquiry now,” Mr Rees said. “It’s a great position to be in.” Although he doesn’t believe in fate, Transport Connection’s new products do have a degree of destiny attached to them, considering Mr Rees started his career working for Freighter Industries (as it was then known) in Ballarat. “It’s certainly come full circle, but fate doesn’t come into my calculations,” he said. “We want to sell the best trailer brands and remain the best trailer dealership in South Australia. “If we continue to work hard to achieve and maintain that, then that’s the most I could hope for.” Page 1

Transport Connection, South Australia’s #1 transport equipment dealer, has grown.

Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Come along and find us in the PIRSA Tent (Arthurton Road) and learn all about Natural Resources. At home: – Living with wildlife – Native plants and gardens – Gardens and plants across the region

On Farm: – Managing pest plants and pest animals – Improve soil and waterways – Native Bees for crop pollination

In the Community: – Volunteering with Landcare, Friends of Parks and more – Find out about grants and incentives

Across the Landscape: – National Parks of our Region – Get involved in the NRM plan: what are your priorities? – Find out about our Natural Resource Centre

• Discuss your priorities with the new Northern and Yorke Regional Manager, the Department’s Chief Executive and NRM Board Members • Go into the draw to win a National Parks multi pass for 12 months • Fill out the survey and take home a free Natural Resources cap! • Meet our resident lizards and the NRM sheep • Be a farmer for the day – with our photo booth • Fun take home activities for the kids


For further information contact Louise McIntosh on 08 8841 3446.

We’ve welcomed a number of new trailer brands to the fold and established links to a national dealer network. Combined with our complete service and parts facility, there’s now no reason to look anywhere else when you’re in the market for a new or used trailer.

Transport Connection – Connecting you with only the best 539 Grand Junction Road, Wingfield SA 5013 Ph: (08) 8262 6115 YORKE PENINSULA FIELD DAYS 2013


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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Local produce in Larwood Pavilion

DELICIOUS... Lyall Schulz and Janine Smith, from Barley Stacks Wines, will be amongst members of the Y3P group promoting their products in the Larwood Pavilion.

THE Yorke Peninsula Producers group was last year rebranded as Y3P (Yorke Peninsula People, Products and Places) and group members will be showcasing their products at this year’s field days. Y3P member Lyall Schulz said it will be the first big step for the group. “Through the encouragement of the field days committee, we were offered the opportunity to showcase Yorke Peninsula produce in the Larwood Pavilion,” Lyall said. “The Central and Southern Yorke Peninsula Tourism Association was very generous in assisting and subsidising the site costs to allow this to happen.” Lyall said the mission statement of Y3P is “putting Australia’s best foot forward” which is what the group intends to do at the field days. “Our intention is to give people visiting the field days the opportunity to see what produce we have here on the


peninsula,” he said. “It is somewhere for people to come and experience a number of YP products and see it all in one place — it is really all about promoting Yorke Peninsula. “I don’t think a lot of people on YP even realise what we make here.” Lyall said there will be tastings and demonstrations from a number of Y3P members in the pavilion. “Exhibitors will include Barley Stacks Wine, Paper Nymph, Alpacas Chaparral, MBC Foods, the Inland Sea, Geraldton Hill, the Marion Bay Tavern, The Boardwalk Accommodation as well as other YP tourist information,” he said. Lyall said Y3P is a positive venture for YP businesses. “As an individual, a lot of people can’t get leverage to promote their products and services, so we are hoping Y3P can bring these people together,” he said. “Yorke Peninsula needs something like this.”

w w Kadina | Whyalla | Adelaide

Visit the HOOD SWEENEY team at the 2013 York Yorke Peninsula Field Days

Taxation and Accounting Financial Planning Finance Technology

Come in and enjoy a bite to eat while getting a FREE informative 15-minute talk from the experts! COME COME AND S SEE EE US US AT AT THE THE HOOD HOOD SW SWEENEY EENEY TTENT, ENTT, 5 506 06 BUT BUTEE ROAD ROAD PL AN2PRO FIT Mike Krause | CEO | Plan2Profit Agri will present his total farming enterprise management tool that helps ffaarmers with those impor tant ‘what if ’ decisions and provides them greater control over financial per formance. T Tuesday, uesday, 24 S September e p te mb e r 2 2013 013 | 1 12:30pm 2 : 30 p m SUCCESSI O N PL AN N I N G I S S U E S | O P T I O N S | O U T CO M E S Scott Y Yo oung | Head of A Ag gribusiness | Hood Sweeney will lead a discussion with Financial Planning exper ts on the challenges around ffaarm succession and provide tips ffo or how to address this key issue ffaacing many farming families.

CO N N E C T I N G I N T O T H E N B N O N TH E YO R K E PE N I NSU L A Keith Rutherford | Director, T Te echnology Services | Hood Sweeney will talk about the NBN roll-out plans and what it means ffo or your ffaarming business on the Yorke Peninsula. W Wednesday, ednesday, 25 25 September September 2013 2013 | 12:30pm 12:30pm Thursday, Thursday, 2 26 6S September e p te mb e r 2 2013 013 | 1 10:30am 0 : 30 a m S U CC E S S S T O R I E S Katherine Maitland | Marketing Manager | Pangkarra will talk about how they got their pasta onto plates of Australians. A wonder ful success stor y from our mid-Nor th. Katherine Maitland Tuesday September 4:00pm K at h e r i n e M ait l an d | T uesday 24 S e p te mb e r | 4 : 0 0 pm Other Success Story TBA Wednesday September 4:00pm O t he r S u cc e s s S tor y T BA | W ednesday 25 S e p te mb e r | 4 : 0 0 pm

Wednesday, September e p te mb e r 2 2013 013 | 10:30am 10:30am W ednesday, 25 S Thursday, 26 September 2013 12:30pm T hursday, 2 6S e p te mb e r 2 013 | 1 2 : 30 p m To RSVP please call Ali on 1300 764 200 or email us at



Hood Sweeney | Exper ts in agribusiness ffo or over 35 years

page 47_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:29 AM Page 1

Wesstmins tminsstter e ’s Boarrding dingg Pr Precinct recinct

A ne ew w stand sttandar d rd dar d has h been en se ett Westminster’s W estminster’s N New ew Boarding Precinct, Precinct, opened opened in 2013, is amongst bestt in the amongst the bes country, regional countrry, giving re gional ffamilies amilies ac access new cess tto o a ne w world class sstandard tandard in Boarding.

Located quiett and secluded Located in a quie southern pocket pocket aatt the southe rn end of the School’ss 23 spacious hect hectare School’ are ccampus, ampus, Westminster’s new Boarding W estminster ’s ne wB oarding Precinct Precinct outstanding new Boys’ ffeatures eatures an outs tanding ne w Bo ys’ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ,ŽƵƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ,ŽƵƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů ƌƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ͕ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚ ƚŚĞ ĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ͕ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚ ƚŚĞ ĞĞdžŝƐƟŶŐ ŚŝŐŚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ 'ŝƌůƐ͛ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ džŝƐƟŶŐ ŚŝŐŚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ 'ŝƌůƐ͛ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ĂĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƟŽŶ͘ ĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƟŽŶ͘ Luke The Luk e Boylan Boylan Centre Centre is the ƌƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶĂů ŚĞĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŶĞǁ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶĂů ŚĞĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŶĞǁ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ Precinct open Pr ecinct and features features an ope n plan dds ĂŶĚ ƉůĂLJƐƚĂƟŽŶ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ŐĂŵĞƐ s ĂŶĚ ƉůĂLJƐƚĂƟŽŶ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ŐĂŵĞƐ kitchens outdoor ttables, ables, kit chens and out door BBQ ĂĂƌĞĂƐ ĨŽƌ ďŽLJ ĂŶĚ Őŝƌů ŽĂƌĚĞƌƐ͘ KƵƌ ƌĞĂƐ ĨŽƌ ďŽLJ ĂŶĚ Őŝƌů ŽĂƌĚĞƌƐ͘ KƵƌ ĐĐŽĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ĂůůŽǁƐ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͕ ŽĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ĂůůŽǁƐ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͕ brothers sisters br others and sis ters tto o rrelax elax and ƐƐŽĐŝĂůŝƐĞ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ͘ ŽĐŝĂůŝƐĞ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ͘ In the B oys’ Boarding Boarding House, House, cle Boys’ clever ver Ě ĞƐŝŐŶ ĮůůƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƉĂĐŝŽƵƐ ƌŽŽŵƐ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ĮůůƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƉĂĐŝŽƵƐ ƌŽŽŵƐ with ligh es the mos lightt and mak makes mostt of ŐŐƌĞĞŶ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ͘ ŶƐƵŝƚĞ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ ƌĞĞŶ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ͘ ŶƐƵŝƚĞ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ shar ed be tween tw o be drooms giv shared between two bedrooms givee W estminster Boar ders more more privacy privacy Westminster Boarders and the true ffeel eel of a ‘‘home home aaway way ĨĨƌŽŵ ŚŽŵĞ͛͘ 'ĞŶĞƌŽƵƐ ďƌĞĂŬŽƵƚ ƌŽŵ ŚŽŵĞ͛͘ 'ĞŶĞƌŽƵƐ ďƌĞĂŬŽƵƚ quiett ar areas rrooms, ooms, smaller sstudies tudies and quie eas Boarders moree space than mean Boar ders have have mor ĞĞǀĞƌ ďĞLJŽŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͘ ǀĞƌ ďĞLJŽŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͘

Girls’ Boarding Boarding House ĐŽƩĂŐĞ ƵŶŝƚƐ House ĐŽƩĂŐĞ ƵŶŝƚƐ ĂƌĞ ƐĞƚ ŝŶ Ă ůĞĂĨLJ ŐĂƌĚĞŶ ǀŝůůĂŐĞ ƐĞƫŶŐ͕ ĂƌĞ ƐĞƚ ŝŶ Ă ůĞĂĨLJ ŐĂƌĚĞŶ ǀŝůůĂŐĞ ƐĞƫŶŐ͕ ĞĂĐŚ ƵŶŝƚ ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ ƚŚƌĞĞ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ĞĂĐŚ ƵŶŝƚ ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ ƚŚƌĞĞ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ living room kitchen, well room and kit chen, as w ell as outdoor areas outdoor living ar eas and eeasy asy access ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ůĂƌŐĞƌ ƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ͘ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ůĂƌŐĞƌ ƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ͘

džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĚ ƐƚĂī džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĚ ƐƚĂī reside reside on campus campus ƚƚŽ ůŽŽŬ ĂŌĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚŽƌĂů ĐĂƌĞ ĂŶĚ Ž ůŽŽŬ ĂŌĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚŽƌĂů ĐĂƌĞ ĂŶĚ ǁĞůůďĞŝŶŐ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͘ ǁ ĞůůďĞŝŶŐ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͘ Director Boarding Garyy Da Davison vison Dir ector of B oarding Gar ƐƐĂLJƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ŽĂƌĚĞƌƐ ŚĂǀĞ ƐĞƩůĞĚ ĂLJƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ŽĂƌĚĞƌƐ ŚĂǀĞ ƐĞƩůĞĚ well into new rural al w ell in to their ne w home with its rur ĂĂŝƌ ĂŶĚ ƐƵƌƌŽƵŶĚƐ͕ ƐĞĐƵƌĞůLJ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶĞĚ ŝƌ ĂŶĚ ƐƵƌƌŽƵŶĚƐ͕ ƐĞĐƵƌĞůLJ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶĞĚ between arm and the be tween the School’s School’s ffarm ^^ƚƵƌƚ ƌĞĞŬ >ŝŶĞĂƌ WĂƌŬ͘ ƚƵƌƚ ƌĞĞŬ >ŝŶĞĂƌ WĂƌŬ͘ “All Boarders have access ders ha ve full acce ss tto o the “All Boar ^^ĐŚŽŽů͛Ɛ ĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂů ƌĂŶŐĞ ŽĨ ƐƵďũĞĐƚƐ͕ ĐŚŽŽů͛Ɛ ĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂů ƌĂŶŐĞ ŽĨ ƐƵďũĞĐƚƐ͕ ĂĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĞĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ ǁŝͲĮ ĐŽǀĞƌĂŐĞ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ džĐĞůůĞŶƚ ǁŝͲĮ ĐŽǀĞƌĂŐĞ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ precinct, provide them the pr ecinct, tto o pr ovide the m with makee the mos mostt eevery very opportunity to to mak ŽĨ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƟŵĞ Ăƚ tĞƐƚŵŝŶƐƚĞƌ͘ tĞ Ž Ĩ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƟŵĞ Ăƚ tĞƐƚŵŝŶƐƚĞƌ͘​͘ tĞ our visit tto o our look fforward orward tto o yyour sitee in the Hoe Hoecker Pavilion avilion at at the sit cker 1 P Peninsula where eninsula Field Days Days whe re our YYorke orke P ƐƐƚĂī ǁŝůů ďĞ ƉůĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŽ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ LJŽƵƌ ƚĂī ǁŝůů ďĞ ƉůĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŽ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ LJŽƵƌ ĞĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐ͘ tĞ ĂůƐŽ ŝŶǀŝƚĞ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ƚŽƵƌ ŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐ͘ tĞ ĂůƐŽ ŝŶǀŝƚĞ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ƚŽƵƌ when next the School whe n ne xt in Adelaide and discover whyy W Westminster estminster disc over ffor or yyourself ourself wh Australian Boar School is a South Aus tralian Boarding ŽĨ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ͘͟ Ž Ĩ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ͘͟

Director Boarding Gary Davison (r) with the 2013 Boarding Leaders in front of the new Boys’ Boarding House.

^ƚĞǀĞ ŽƵƐĮĞůĚ ^ƚĞǀĞ ŽƵƐĮĞůĚ Principal Girls’ Boarding House comprises a series a garden village of self-contained units.

Meet Westminster Hoecker 1 Pavilion ŽŵĞ ĂůŽŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĮŶĚ ŽƵƚ ǁŚLJ tĞƐƚŵŝŶƐƚĞƌ ŝƐ Ă ĐŽͲĞĚ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ^ĐŚŽŽů of choice for SA Regional families: ͻ tŽƌůĚͲĐůĂƐƐ ŶĞǁ ŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ WƌĞĐŝŶĐƚ ŽƉĞŶĞĚ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϯ ͻ džƚĞŶƐŝǀĞ ĂĐĂĚĞŵŝĐ͕ ĐŽͲĐƵƌƌŝĐƵůĂƌ ĂŶĚ ĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂů ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ ǁĞůůďĞŝŶŐ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐ ͻ /ŵƉƌĞƐƐŝǀĞ ĐŽͲĞĚ ƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ͻ EƵŵĞƌŽƵƐ ƐƚƵĚLJ ĂŶĚ ďƌĞĂŬŽƵƚ ƐƉĂĐĞƐ ͻ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ĂŶĚ ĚŽƵďůĞ ƌŽŽŵƐ ͻ Ŷ ƐƵŝƚĞ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ ͻ tŝͲ&ŝ ͻ ^ĂĨĞ ĂŶĚ ƐĞĐƵƌĞ ĨĂŵŝůLJ ĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ ͻ ǀĞƌLJ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ĨŽƌ ďŽLJƐ ĂŶĚ ŐŝƌůƐ ŝŶ ƐƉŽƌƚ͕ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵŝŶŐ Θ ǀŝƐƵĂů ĂƌƚƐ͕ ŽƵƚĚŽŽƌ ĞĚ͕ ĂŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞ͕ ǀĞƚͬƚĞĐŚͬƚƌĂĚĞƐ͕ /d͕ ŵĂƚŚƐͬƐĐŝĞŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ŵŽƌĞ͘​͘​͘ Alison Ave, Marion



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Boarding Life. A nurturing home away from home.

BUTE AG BUREAU... Members of the Bute Ag Bureau, back: Allan Axford, Keith Copley, Leon Cock, Bruce Philbey; front: Milton Green and Robert Clifford recently attended a working bee at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days site.

us at t i s i e V in th 3 1 Site ker 1 Hoec ion l Pavi

Giving girls a love of learning. Adelaide’s non-denominational school for girls. For boarders and day students from Early Learning to Year 12.

30 Hawkers Road, Medindie South Australia 5081 CRICOS Provider code 00375B 48


Ag bureaus still serving farming community THE Bute Ag Bureau has been running for more than 100 years and is still proud to be serving the farming community. Branch secretary Milton Green said the group of about 18 to 20 members meets four times a year and offers services on an asneeds basis. “Recently, we held an information night at the Bute Bowling Club concerning oversize vehicles which was hosted by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and we had more than 50 people roll up,” Mr Green said. “Earlier, we had a study tour on the West Coast where we looked at the flour mills at Cummins and tuna fishing at Port Lincoln.” “As a bureau we run a wheat crop competition, which has been going for a long time, where members put in a crop which is judged by an independent person and the winner gets a prize and their name on a shield. “Last year, there was a chainsaw accreditation course through TAFE where we had about 20 and through the bureau we were able

to subsidise it.” Mr Green said the branch was boosted with more members when the Alford bureau folded several years ago but is now looking for younger members. “We are always looking for more members because we are a vehicle for local issues so we try to cover them as much as we can,” Mr Green said. “We would love to get some younger farmers involved because our youngest member is in his 40s, but having said that we got a good number of young farmers to our information evening earlier this year. “There are less and less farmers because they sell out and retire so therefore there are less people in the country.” Mr Green said nowadays the branch’s main focus is assisting with the Yorke Peninsula Field Days, including planning and working bees. Other Ag Bureaus on Yorke Peninsula include Arthurton, Boors Plains, Moonta, Paskeville, Petersville, South Hummocks and Snowtown.

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013

Conserving and revegetating YP TREES For Life has been integral in many revegetation and conservation projects in the Yorke Peninsula region during recent years. One of its latest projects on southern Yorke Peninsula aims to revegetate 131 hectares of marginal agricultural land and restore 61 hectares of bushland. The work, funded through a biodiversity grant from the federal government, is on two adjoining properties at Point Yorke. Trees For Life’s direct seeding team has already completed seed collection expeditions, invasive species weed and vermin control in the area and also some revegetation on previously cropped areas. The team also recently direct seeded a diverse seed mix into a 33 hectare area (or 75 kilometres of rows) using its v-blade machine, taking advantage of moist soil conditions — even on some of the more sandy areas. Trees For Life has also done a small hand direct seeding trial, using 0.4 grams (large and fine) of seed per spot over 78 spots. The purpose of the trial is to see how the seed spots will germinate compared with the normal method of

CONSERVING THE ENVIRONMENT ... Trees For Life seed collection staff and volunteers Bruce Smith, Norm Lee and Alan Dandie at work. sowing seed continuously. If the results are successful, it is planned to modify Trees For Life’s direct seeding machines to be able to sow intermittently. This will result in a large reduction in seed usage and many different options in plant spacing. If you have any revegetation or conservation queries, visit Trees For Life in the PIRSA marquee at this year’s Yorke Peninsula Field Days. Direct seeding expert Dennis Hayles will also be available on September 25 and 26 to discuss any direct seeding queries you might have.


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inspiring excellence We invite Old Reds, current parents and future students to visit us at 247 Kadina Road during the Yorke Peninsula Field Days to meet our new Head of Boarding. To learn how Prince Alfred College can maximise the opportunities for your son, please visit or contact Matthew Rawes, Manager, Student Recruitment.

t: 8334 1275 • e: • w: 50


Scan this code to visit our website

CRICOS No 00368 A

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24th, 25th & 26th September 2013


Kicking goals to success at PAC THE boarding house at Prince Alfred College has a sustained reputation for inspiring academic and sporting excellence. In what would be a college record, four PAC students, all boarders, have captured the eyes of AFL scouts and are being considered for the national draft in November. In 2013, year 12 students George Hewett (Port Broughton), Cameron Giles (Armagh Valley) and Campbell Combe (Crystal Brook), and 2012 graduate Jake Pitt (Lucindale), hope to follow in the footsteps of recent graduates Jack Trengove, Luke Tapscott and Jack Viney (all Melbourne Football Club) and Sam Day (Gold Coast Suns). “This is a particularly bright group of students, not only in terms of their intelligence but also their lust for life,” PAC’s First XVIII coach, and 2012 State Schoolboys (Secondary) Coach of the Year, Troy McKinnon said. “I doubt there has been a more talented group of boys go through a South Australian school in the

past 20 years. “Not only are the boys a force to be reckoned with on the football field, but also in the classroom, with 10 of the First XVIII recently awarded academic honours and colours.” Troy believes the key to PAC’s student successes in sport, in the classroom and in life is the same. He said the commitment to educating the whole boy at Princes should never be underestimated. Sport and co-curricular pursuits give boys the opportunity to practise the same aspects of learning as the academic programs in the college. “The IB learner profile looks to develop each boy’s ability to think deeply, problem solve, act with principle, reflect, take risks, stick to the task and show courage —- sport and cultural pursuits do exactly this,” he said. He said the boarders are a particularly talented group of boys. “Boarders often come from small rural areas and they really appreciate the sense of community that sport brings,” he said.

TALENTED... PAC’s First XVIII coach Troy McKinnon with team members George Hewett (Port Broughton), Campbell Combe (Crystal Brook), Cameron Giles (Armagh Valley) and 2012 graduate Jake Pitt (Lucindale) are all smiles after the boys are tipped to make South Australian history at the National AFL Draft in November.

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BACK_Layout 1 6/09/13 8:36 AM Page 1

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