2021 Yorke Peninsula Field Days Official Souvenir Guide

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28th, 29th & 30th SEPTEMBER, 2021

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SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE... CEO Peter Anderson at the 2019 event.

Welcome to the YP Field Days

Simmonds, Paul Browning, Scott Mercer, Cynthia Axford, Dulcie Barker, Allan Axford, Nick Correll; on. (Absent: Rachael Ayles, Mark Northcott, Chris Bretag, Greg Stevens, Paul Dayman.)

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THE 2021 Yorke Peninsula Field Days are going ahead, but not without the unique challenges the COVID-19 situation has dealt us. Notwithstanding, I welcome all of our exhibitors and visitors to this fantastic event. Over the three days there will be new and exciting displays on show, from blacksmith demonstrations, vintage crawler tractors, a tractor pull and spray unit demonstration, to the regular fashion parades, sheepdog and shearing demonstrations, guest speakers’ program and a variety of general interest stalls. The latest in farming technology, vehicles, caravans, boats and a range of other exhibitions will be on display. There is something for everyone at the 2021 Yorke Peninsula Field Days, a COVID-safe event not to be missed. Peter Anderson CEO, YP Field Days

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