Digital Design M1 journal- Yufei Shan

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 YUFEI SHAN

896738 Dan Parker Studio 06

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols?

According to Zeara-Polo, “a diagram is a tool that describes relationships and prescribes performance in space”. A very simple diagram may generate very complex organisations. However, signs and symbols are “material expression of the qualities, functions and properties of the object itself, but they are not relevant to its perfromance”. Unlike signs and symblos, diagrams may have various representational outcomes depends on the way they are deployed. But signs and symbols only have singular idea or meaning. For example, we use diagrams to represent and organise circulation and threshold of a particular site. It greatly generated lots of information on one diagram, in addtion, a symbol or a sign may used to indicate one object or one relationship.


Week One

Precedent Analysis Barkow Leibinger-Serpentine Summer House

Top view, front view and Iso view of my model in Rhino. Each layer is separated by different colour, in order to show the structure clearly.

Insert plan view of the building into top view of Rhino and trace it by different layers. Using elevation in the front view to change the height of the lines. Sweep 2 command and offset surface command were used to change lines into surfaces, and give the surfaces thickness. Finally control points on were used to change the upper layer’s shape.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

Herzberger argued that design should not be extreme in its functionality. As in the Serpentine Summer House project, Barkow Leibinger use free curves which look like a contour drawing to construct the pavilion. And when you first time looking at this pavilion, you will find it just like an art work, rather than an obvious shelter. The style of design really catch people’s interests to walk up. And the welcoming C-shape design of the wall, giving people a sense of welcoming, but at the same time providing people place to have a rest. From private perspective, it worked like a shelter and formed threshold between private and public. However, from public perspective, it worked as a landmark which increased visitors experiences and interests.


Week Two


Barkow Leibinger-Serpentine Summer House When I first time saw this buiding, I just thought it as an installation art without many uses. But during my analysis of the site and model making, I found it quite interesting. The buiding was almost located in the centre of a park where most of visitors had to go across this area. If we look at the shape of the building carefully, the north end of the buiding which directly faced to a gate of the park, was been shaped into a sharp- angled. From my perspective, I believe it was meant to lead circulation to the gate or devide the circulation into right and left. And the south end of the buiding was been shaped into a more curved way. This design greatly helped visitors love this park even more. If we dividing the buiding into three layers: overhead plane, wall plane and base plane, we can find that the overhead plane changed the scale of the spaces and how we feeling it. And the overhead plane shelters the interior spaces of the buiding form the climate element. The C-shaped wall plane had been used to form enclosures, which worked as boundaries between private space and public space, and provided a visual continuity at the same time.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

As there was no entrance for my building, people should just go around the building. In addition, I supposed it was 4pm of a hot sunny day, so there were shadow on the right side of the building. As a result most of people would choose the right side.

The coloured area represent the private space and using darker and lighter circles to represent the density of people. As it was shown in the diagram, most of people were willing to have a rest in the private space, espacially the side with shadow.



Appendix Process

How did I use different views to make Rhino model. Firstly insterted plan diagram and elevation diagram into different views and move their centre to the original point on the axis. Then, scale them into the same size. Hence, an accurate workspace has been set up.

Using keyshot to render a texture for my model. which I found really fun.




As I was going to analysis the circulation and threshold with the shadow. I tested the shadow in different time of the day.

12pm, July, London

2pm, July, London

4pm, July, London


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