WestCoast News - January 2017

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January 2017

GOD'S INVITATION ywamperth.org.au



Does My Prayer Make a Difference?


Give. Pray. Go.


Our Next Megacities: Manila


Giving as a Lifestyle

See fruit through the power of prayer.

True stories testifying to the power and movement of God.

The vision to see transformation and how you can be involved.

The generous heart of God how can we look more like Him?


Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria... and to the Ends of the Earth


Ministry Profile: Homes of Hope


3 Ways to be Involved in Missions

We are all called to go, whether close to home or far away.

Building to bring restaration.

If you can't do one, you'll be able to do another!



trust that 2016 has been filled with the love and grace of God. I don't know about you but for me this year has run past at supersonic speed. I feel like I have been left behind wondering what have I done? Do you identify? And now Christmas is upon us; the department stores are full of Christmas music and festive decorations. Nativity scenes are being carefully laid out in family homes and gifts are being chosen for special people in our life. It's a time of celebrating, giving and receiving. In this Christmas season we are reminded of God's generous nature on display through every exchange. God is extravagant in his love – there is no gift bigger than the gift of Jesus. Recently I heard someone say "we have too much to live with and too little to live for". Jesus reversed that. The Messiah has come in sacrificial love and gave himself for the world. Let's enter into the deep fellowship of the gift of love in Jesus and determine to become more like Him in 2017. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Westcoast. It is simple stories of individuals whose lives have been changed by the love of God and how they found their calling in being fully devoted to Him. I do hope you enjoy and are inspired through their stories. Blessings dear friends in this season.

Peter and Shirley Brownhill Founders of Youth With A Mission Perth


DOES MY PRAYER MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Our caring Father God is a communicating God and loves to speak to us, and to hear us speak to Him. Sue Bowls Long-term Staff Member and Grandmother to many at YWAM Perth

1. Jesus prayed and taught His disciples to pray. 2. Who can pray? Everyone can pray; it is simply talking to the Father. 3. Who do we pray to? We pray to the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit who lives in our hearts by faith. 4. Whose prayers will be heard? Anyone’s prayers will be heard whose hearts are made clean by repentance and forgiveness by the Lord Jesus. If we hold on to sin in our life, it acts like a barrier and our prayers are not as effective. We need to believe, praying in faith. 5. How do we pray? We can pray alone, in groups of fellow believers, with a spouse, family and friends. We can pray out loud, silently, sing out or write out and read. 6. Why pray? Our caring Father God is a communicating God and loves to speak to us, and to hear us speak to Him. Jesus is our example, and He prayed constantly to His Father day and night. Often Jesus was alone, or with His disciples, or in the synagogue or temple. He prayed for people as we are told to by Jesus. He wants to invite us into the hope and purpose for the whole world that Jesus came to give, and make a reality in the lives of the whole human race. Now He invites us to be His hands and feet and voice in the world today, to be His harvesters and ambassadors.

get to gather as a family to worship, sing, praise, and adore the Lord and Saviour. We will pray for one another, or be led in prayer by the worship leader or someone who is urged to do so by the Holy Spirit. There is a 24/7 prayer chain that all staff and students are involved in that is planned for each quarter. We have one hour in the week allotted to us with a partner, so no matter what time of the day or night, there will be at least two people in prayer for the base and family, both in Perth and on outreach. I believe this is one of the keys to the unity, blessing, protection, and growth we experience.

There was a time when we had very few males coming to do Discipleship Training Schools, or joining staff. We were encouraged to pray for more guys – old and young 7. How has prayer impacted YWAM Perth to come. Today those prayers are being anin these busy, changing and at times difficult swered wonderfully! days? Founded on God’s word to Pete and Shirl to come to Perth, every decision and From time to time, we are encouraged to situation was prayed about before any action pray for specific needs, like finances for was taken. Many hours of prayer and fasting our buildings, our next Megacity destination took place in the early days and ever since. and outreach teams. Housing was an urgent Worship on Monday mornings has always need that called for us to seek the Lord for been the spring board that launches us into His wisdom and provision, when we were the new week. It is a highlight because we faced with over 200 new students arriving



in ten days with nowhere to put them all! Miraculously, a week before the students arrived, the owner of a Backpacker’s hostel offered us their building to rent. Just what we needed!

We pray for our daily bread Thanks is given for every meal we receive. I remember working in the kitchen and the staff member in charge started each day with prayer. The kitchen leader gave thanks for what we had in the cool room, but asked God, “Please may we have some fruit?” At about 12 pm, a truck driver arrived and asked if we’d like some mangoes. “Yes, please, we would love some,” we replied. The “some” turned out to be beautiful Bowen mangoes, enough for all of us to have a whole mango for lunch for two days. But that wasn’t all! “Would you like some more fruit?” Asked the truck driver. “Yes please,” was our delighted answer. The next day he arrived with a whole truck load of the most beautiful, top quality fruit that had been ordered for a big conference and not used. In the delivery was kiwi fruit, pineapples, strawberries, melon, apples, and more; the cool room couldn’t hold it all. What an answer to prayer!


On the topic of fruit, just recently we were donated 700 kilograms of Queensland bananas! Enough for all of us and the kitchen to have bananas, bananas and even more bananas! We received so many bananas, that we could give extra away to the Salvation Army and St Bart’s – a home for elderly men.

Ministry fuelled by prayer Every Friday afternoon the base “shuts down” and everyone goes out into the city and surrounding suburbs to share the gospel. This is demonstrated by praying for people we meet on the streets, and making home visits to those that are sick or in need of encouragement. Before going out, we ask God where to go, who to approach and what to do. Week by week there are stories of answers to prayer for healing, salvation, or a friend invited back to the Friday night public meeting held in the auditorium. Many visitors have been prayed for and are blessed by God. One of our ministries, called Australian Relief and Mercy Services (ARMS) focuses on serving people in the surrounding community. ARMS help people in their homes - from cleaning, gardening, encouraging, to doing whatever is needed. Over the years, there have been families and individuals who have been prayed for who have come to know the Lord Jesus, been healed and helped or encouraged in some way. Through the power of prayer, the teams gain the strength and wisdom they need to work and deal with difficult situations.

“Priceless,” a ministry that cares for women who work in brothels, spend much time in prayer, seeking God on behalf of the workers. Sometimes Priceless is welcome inside the brothels to visit and pray with the girls, but other times they are strongly rejected with the door shut in their face. The ministry has been able to give some Bibles away to the girls – one Chinese girl was so thrilled to have her very own Chinese Bible! Another important ministry, based on the principal of prayer, is Worship for the Nations (WFN). WFN often prepare the way for future outreach teams, by going to a location to pray, intercede and worship. Recently, they have spent time in Manila, Philippines-which will be our next Megacity 2017 outreach focus. A team from our “Revive” ministry are back from a short, five-day outreach to Coolgardie, Western Australia. The team ran seminars at the Christian Aboriginal Parent-directed School (CAPS) on topics of relationships, how to make good choices and discipleship. They were much appreciated and asked to come back more often by the school leaders. Prayer has been crucial to the success of the growing relationship and openness with the Aboriginal community, as Revive continue to visit and serve. Revive spends most of their time up at work in the Kimberley area working with the young indigenous people and seeing Father God at work in their lives. There have been a handful of people from the Kimberley region who are here now doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS)! One of the core subjects taught, practiced, and experienced in YWAM, is hearing God’s voice. Other subjects include prayer and intercession. It is amazing and wonderful what God does in the lives of all of us as we have been changed and enriched so much. Since I did my DTS 20 years ago, I have seen many people transformed and healed radically. Many, many go out into God’s harvest fields in answer to our prayers (Matthew 9:37-38). If someone were to recount all the answers of prayer we have experienced and witnessed here in YWAM Perth, it would fill many, many books. Our Father God is so good, so generous, and so amazing; and way beyond words is His love, mercy, kindness, to us all! “Does my prayer make a difference?” I believe it certainly does!



some of the meat, and by the time we added all the vegetables and the sauce, all the trays were full! There were even leftovers at the end of the day." Jess works with our Finance Ministry, and gets to witness firsthand God’s faithfulness related to finances. She recalls just one of her experiences: "It was nearly the due date for outreach finances to be paid, and a girl from a Discipleship Training School was still trusting for her fees. The school had a time of prayer to see breakthrough for those that needed to see money come in. During this time, the girl felt that God had told her to give what money that she did have away to another student in her class. In obedience, she came into the Accounts office and paid in what God told her to. At the same time, there was another girl in the class that also heard from God that she was supposed to give all her money to the girl who had just given what little she had; paying off her entire outreach cost!" Molly from our Registrars office explains the exciting movement happening with visas and immigration grants:

Yuliana was a student on the Media, Art and Photography Discipleship Training School this year. She tells a story of God’s movement through generosity: "It was the due date for outreach fees, and our school still needed $15,000 to pay in. That night we worshipped and praised God, focusing on His faithfulness rather than the finances. During that time, a guy in my class got a call from his ex-boss saying that he wanted to cover the $15,000 for the rest of the school! The class screamed and cried and laughed. We just went crazy because of how amazing God is."

"In the past, it’s been difficult for the Chinese to get visas to come here. We’ve had people that have waited for visas for months, sometimes up to a year or more; and then have seen their visas get denied. We’ve prayed that God would open the doors in immigration, for the Chinese to be able to come. Recently immigration made some changes to the student visas. We’re now able to see Chinese come a lot easier and a lot quicker. This quarter we have a student that had their visa granted in just eight days. Other student visas have been granted for people from China in a week, two weeks, a month-all much quicker than before! "

Kate serves in our highly functioning, highly productive kitchen. She shared with us about the peace and provision that comes through prayer in intense situations: "I was put in charge of dinner for the first time, and was slightly stressing out. There are so many people in the kitchen, and everyone was asking me questions. My head was chaotic and I wasn’t feeling very peaceful at all. One of the kitchen workers told me that there wasn’t enough meat, and we still had six trays that needed to be filled! I stopped and had this hyperventilating moment of like, “oh my gosh, the base isn’t going to have food!” At that point God spoke to me, “Stop, pray; I want to be part of this.” I grabbed the students and I prayed, “Lord please bring peace over the situation and provide food.” I was instantly filled with so much peace. We rearranged

Want to read more stories like these?

We are posting powerful testimonies on our website all the time! You can listen to them at: www.youtube.com/user/YWAMPERTH


OUR NEXT MEGACITIES: MANILA Vision for a City Over the years I have worked in many cities. And I have had the privilege to meet many community leaders from a diversity of backgrounds, carrying a wide spectrum of responsibilities. These leaders are like cogs that play a vital role in creating transformational mobility in cities; each with a role in shaping the society they belong to. What I have noticed is that they carry a concern for the welfare of their city. The act of caring is key to finding answers that change lives. Seemingly impossible situations can be overcome if we care enough to get involved.

national church leaders, the country has experienced significant changes, especially after the presidential election May 2016. These changes have brought about unique opportunities for the Kingdom of God to advance and work toward dramatic transformation of communities in the city. The Spanish were the first to bring Christianity to the Philippines and it spread quickly amongst the Filipinos, with Spanish friars building churches and schools.

The Philippines is the oldest Christian nation in Asia. Both Catholic and Protestant Love and care always finds a way. Love be- Churches in Manila maintain a very visible comes a catalyst, a momentum builder for presence. You will often see Christian slogans change in communities. on city billboards or hear worship music being played in shopping malls. Most people in Manila have at least an awareness of Love invades the loneliest places Jesus, but the city continues to have major and empowers people to believe again; social challenges. Some of the more well known issues include street children, drug to have hope that their future trafficking and pockets of prostitution.

can be different.

The church has been praying and community What is "most precious" in any city is the leaders are asking the right questions. treasure of her people. There is a softness in Manila and a great harvest field waiting. "Lord, what do we need to do so our people can see you on our streets?"

Manila at a Glance

I believe God wants to answer this question Manila is a vibrant city with a strong national and he has led the city of Manila to invite identity that has been and continues to be Megacities to help and come alongside. receptive to the Gospel. With a population of over 15 million, Manila is the cultural, political, economic and social centre of The doors have been thrown wide open. the nation, and is an influential trendsetter The invitation is there. in the south-east Asian region. Since Our need is more workers. Megacities was welcomed to Manila by


Shirley Brownhill Director of YWAM Perth & Founder of Megacities


Please register at www.megacities.org.au For more information as to how you can be involved in prayer, giving or sending. info@megacities.org.au

Can You Help? There are opportunities to work with children, woman, families at risk; the environment, food schemes, clean water and sanitation, street clean-up; counselling, life skills, marriage, finance and job skill training; abuse issues, human trafficking, woman and child abuse, street prostitution; health care, mother and child health, training of community health workers, health care clinics, orphans, age care HIV/ Aids care; the homeless, slum improvement; teaching, training, the poor; addiction and drug rehabilitation; the church, discipleship, church planting; employment schemes, housing solutions, police collaboration; worship, prayer, prayer walks, prayer stations; children's programs, youth discipleship, school ministry; bible distribution; art installations, drama, dance, sports, entertainment... All ministry in love and care has a place of service in Manila. Can you please pray?

You can help or maybe organise a group who can come. Megacities needs Micah 6:8 teams. People walking humbly, loving mercy and acting justly on the streets of this great city. Megacities will work in Manila from January through December 2017 and everyone is welcome! Manila is quickly growing both economically and in population. Filipinos are a very hospitable and welcoming people, and many are excited for Megacities to come. There is growing anticipation for what God is going to do through teams, trainers and initiatives over the next 12 months. You can be a part of it all.




Meet the beautiful city of Manila • Metro Manila is made up of 17 'cities' • Nearly 700,000 drug addicts or dealers which function similarly to districts or have turned themselves in to police as a boroughs. However, the city is spilling result of the current war on drugs. The out beyond those city districts. We are government is struggling to know where to targeting "Metro Manila Plug", which is put them or how to rehabilitate so many. Metro Manila's 17 city districts, plus 7 other The president has since asked for help surrounding districts. from the church. • The most common languages in Manila • Manila has 153 shopping malls, making are Tagalog and English, with both very it the city with the most shopping malls widely spoken. per capita in the world. This works out to be one mall per 78,000 people. • In 2009, the total population of children living in slums in Metro Manila was around 460,000. This number also includes kids who work in the streets during the day. It is estimated that nearly 100,000 children live completely homeless on the streets, with many getting involved in drugs or worse. • There is a long history of corruption in the government, police and the judiciary system within the Philippines. The most recent presidential election was won primarily on a platform of fighting this corruption. • The weather in Manila does not vary too much in temperature throughout the year. There is a 4-8 degree difference in the hottest months and coolest months. The biggest difference is that in July, August and September the city receives heavy rain. • The Philippines was named after King Philip II of Spain.

• Balut is a popular dish in the Philippines. It is a semi-developed duck egg that is boiled and eaten from the shell.

• Studies in 2014 show that over 3 million or • Manila originally started as a Muslim town 1/4 of the total urban population in Metro controlled by a Sultan before the Spanish Manila are living in informal settlements defeated them and established their or slums. settlement there. Today there is a small, but growing population of muslims. • The most popular sport in Manila, and the Philippines as a whole, is basketball. • Churches are everywhere in Manila. In It was brought over by the Americans in fact, estimates say there are more than 1910, and you can find a basketball hoop 20,000 churches in Metro Manila Plus alone. in nearly every neighborhood. According to national leaders in the body of Christ, discipleship is a major need. • Church leaders in the Philippines have a vision to double the number of churches by 2020. • Filipinos love karaoke! It is a favourite They believe that Megacities can play an at par ties and most homes have a important part in seeing that vision fulfilled. karaoke machine.



Elli Kim Co-leader of the Media Ministry

"In every group there is enough money to provide for all the needs – if everyone were to obey the Lord with their money."1


fter listening to a message by Loren Cunningham, the above quote kept coming back to me. Whatever I have been given, whatever is available to me right now, is not necessarily just meant for me personally. God challenged me to keep my eyes and ears more open to see the needs around me – maybe I have been given the means to meet them?

It has been said that our generation right now has all the finances we need to finish the work that God has given us – the Great Commission. There is no lack of resources between all of us, but sometimes there is a lack of giving and receiving. “Every person, whether rich or poor, needs to both give and receive. It is essential to the life flow of the church.” 2 If we stop this flow of giving and receiving, we are like a lake without flowing water – we become stagnant. 2 Cor 8:14 (NLT) says “Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty, and can share with you when you need it.” There are many passages in the Bible that make it clear that being a Christian and generosity go hand in hand. Why is this such an important part of being a Christian? Why doesn’t God just provide for us individually whatever we need?

God’s purpose in generosity God has designed us this way because that is what He is like. Our God is the ultimate giver, to the extent of giving His own son so that we would have life (John 3:16). What material things could matter more than this ultimate gift that we have already been given? But even beyond allowing His son to die for us, He keeps on giving every day, everything that we need (Psalm 34:10).

Giving disciples and challengers us to trust God Through imitating Him, we don’t just become more like Him, but we also break greed and selfishness that want to take over our heart. The oh-so-simple act of giving is an excellent discipleship tool and a great mirror to reflect the state of our hearts. I remember very clearly when God started challenging me in this area. During my time in university, I regularly had my small group over at night. Every time they came over, I struggled what to offer them as a snack.


"WE ARE NOT MEANT TO LIVE INDEPENDENT ON OUR OWN FROM OTHERS. GOD CREATED US FOR COMMUNITY, TO GIVE WHERE WE HAVE AND TO RECEIVE WHERE WE HAVE A NEED." Would I give them just something from my cupboard that I didn’t care about or the best that I had to offer? As a student, with limited finances, this was a step of faith for me (1 Tim 6:17). I had to make the decision if I would listen to God’s challenge, let go of my selfishness and prefer my friends or keep the best for myself. In the years since university and joining missions, God challenged me countless times if I would continue to respond to His still small voice. Most times I did. And I have never lacked (Prov 11:24). Every week, often multiple times, we have guests over at our house and there is always something that I can offer them. And the best part? I get all the joy from it! It is the greatest pleasure to see people feel welcome and enjoy the food and drinks on our table. “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Prov 11:25

Giving connects us with those we give to YWAM Perth has many ministries that regularly go on outreach, sometimes multiple times in a year. Because we believe in God’s principle of giving to us as a whole – in this case, us as a base – these teams often fundraise or ask my husband and I personally for support. Over the last years, God has led us many times to invest finances into one particular team. Through that giving and the relationships that developed out of it, this

team has a special place in my heart. I am connected to their outreaches and particularly interested in what they are doing (Matt 6:21). When I hear their testimonies, I know that I have an inheritance in everything that happened and every person who was touched by their ministry. Like the parable of the talents that Jesus shares in Matt 25:14-30, I believe that we have invested our money well. We get to be a part of what they are doing out there in the nations! What a privilege.

The gift of receiving “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35c). So why is it not enough to just keep giving? Giving is more blessed. but receiving is blessed as well! As Christians, we are not meant to live independent on our own from others. God created us for community (2 Cor 8:14) – to give where we have and to receive where we have a need. That doesn’t have to be just finances, but it could be berries that a friend offers. Do we reject them? Or do we take them gratefully, happy about the abundance that our friend has in her garden? When we run out of eggs – are we willing to go and ask our neighbour or would we rather take the trip to the grocery store and buy some?

Sources: 1. Loren Cunningham, “Did You Ever See a Worried Bird?” (www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PduJqziG8X8) He founded Youth With A Mission together with his wife in 1960. 2. Christian Growth Study Bible, p. 1253 3. (Exod 35:5, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29)


Receiving gifts from others builds community, but it also helps us to stay humble. By receiving, we admit that we have a need, that we don’t have it all – and that is not a bad thing! Others are blessed by being able to give, just as we are blessed by their generosity.

How can we become a joyful giver? The Bible gives us a few keys to developing a generous heart that gives joyfully (2 Cor 9:7). The foundation to generosity is softness towards God’s promptings; it’s obedience in all those little nudges towards giving where we see a need. Our heart grows harder and harder every time we resist the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Develop a soft heart A few weeks ago, I came across Prov 21:13 (NLT) “Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.” I felt so challenged about a hardness that I had started to develop in my heart. Where did that hardness show? – In my willingness to offer the best to my guests! God challenged me again in my understanding that He doesn’t just give to me individually, but to us. Sometimes it is ok for us to receive special things and have them for ourselves. But if we keep them out of a hard heart, they become a hindrance to our relationship with God.

Seek first the Kingdom of God Another key is to keep our eyes on building the Kingdom of God and following Him. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matt 6:33 NLT) If we keep our



eyes on investing in God’s purposes, investing those talents that He has given us, the giving itself is not hard at all! It’s a privilege. What a joy to be a part of changing lives in another country or across the road, where I am not called to be right now!

It’s all about the heart Throughout the Bible, there is an emphasis on giving out of a free will. When the people of Israel were asked to contribute to building the tabernacle (Exod 35), it emphasises six times in one chapter that they were giving time, resources and skills out of a free will and only those gave who felt led to give. 3 We are not giving because God forces us to; we give because we have been given much, out of gratefulness for who He is and what He has done. “Giving” challenges one of the greatest enemies of our relationship with God – our love for money (Luke 16:13c). It forces us to depend on Him for His provision, creates community around us and shows God’s character to those we give to. It is such a great joy and privilege to be a part of establishing God’s Kingdom through our giving. Can we, together, see this current generation reached by giving whenever God asks us to?

BECOMING A JOYFUL GIVER: • How is your heart doing related to finances? Is it soft towards God’s promptings or has it become hardened? • Can others see God’s generosity in your giving? • How can you grow more in this area of giving? • A sk God to show you where you have more than enough of something that could fill someone else’s need (2 Corinthians 8:12-13). • In what area of giving do you feel most challenged by God?



T Kara Sanders Staff Member of our Priceless Ministry

he bright stars lit up the night late one evening when the Lord asked me to take a drive a few short kilometres from my home. Car upon car circled around a neglected motel, honking at the dolled-up women who paraded themselves along the street. As my eyes took in the scene, God began to pierce my heart with His agony for this situation. As the pain ripped through me and poured from my eyes it was clear that I had to do something.

Where is our Judea and Samaria?

God's word states that we are called to preach the gospel to every creation (Mark 16:15). When we see the lost how can we stay silent? How can we sit on the sidelines watching as a lost generation flounders in the darkness? We hold the light and Jesus encourages us to not hide it (Matthew 5:15).

Some of us may find that our local community is exactly where God has placed us. Others however find the Lord prompting them to go beyond the borders of their community. Even with this prompt from the Lord we may run into a few difficulties. Lack of finances or time may be an issue. Or we may cringe at the thought that we would not have the comforts of home.

“. . . you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8. Jesus commands His disciples to go, go into our local community, go on a short-term mission trip or go to the ends of the earth.

Every one of these concerns are real. The sad truth is too often we stop ourselves from moving forward due to these issues. Yet as we lay down our desires and focus on what God has called us to do it’s powerful. God shows up.

Finding my Jerusalem

As a family, God asked us to go to Uganda for nine weeks on a short-term mission trip. We needed over $12,000 USD. With only weeks before we were to leave we still had no funds. As we pressed into the Lord we knew God said we were to go. Suddenly we received a $6,000 USD gift from someone we didn't even know. Then the rest of the funds came in. This is just one powerful example of countless times God has shown Himself faithful with people’s finances in regards to short-term missions.

For me that meant every Saturday morning, myself and a few others started bringing food to the motel I mentioned above. It started off slow, yet over the next two years I visited this motel we had multiple opportunities to pray for individuals and people gave their lives to the Lord. One man had been in prison for many years and upon his release he became the motel maintenance man. His rough exterior would have terrified anyone yet as we continued to love him with God’s love we saw the hardness turn to a desire to chat. Finally, many months later he asked if we would pray for Him to receive the living God.


Each of us has a passion that God has placed within us. It will look different for every person but it’s doable. It may not seem doable in the moment, but with God “All things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). This means you may be called to adopt a community a few kilometres from your home or He may ask you to do street evangelism in your own city.

Therefore, when God calls us to our Judea and Samaria, He is faithful to provide the finances. He is also faithful to meet us right where we are. Whatever our concerns or fears are, He will meet us. Our obedience will not only transform our faith walk but it will also impact those we are going to see.

"The impact short-term teams have in Ugandan's lives is exposure to new mindsets, and seeing God from a new perspective. It exposes them to creativity, and being confident in individuality." – Naomi (Local Ugandan and YWAM missionary) Naomi is just one example of an incredible young woman who has been impacted countless times by short-term teams that have gone to Uganda. She is a shining example of how God can build someone up and give them more vision for their future due to outside teams coming into her nation. She is now a missionary, she has completed YWAM's School of Biblical Studies and is walking powerfully with the Lord. Long-term missionaries also find themselves needing extra support at times and a short-term team can bring this to them. "As a long-term team, it is really refreshing to have short-term teams here." – Sue (YWAM missionary in a closed nation)

"EACH OF US HAS A PASSION THAT GOD HAS PLACED WITHIN US. IT WILL LOOK DIFFERENT FOR EVERY PERSON BUT IT'S DOABLE." don't exactly know what the future holds but they know who holds it. And they know that God has great plans for them, no matter where He leads (Jeremiah 29:11).

Going to the ends of the earth

“Before going into missions I knew I didn’t just want to read about the impossible hapShort-term missions are not a tourist trip. pening in other people’s lives. No, I wanted Our presence makes a difference! We may to have a life where people read about the even find ourselves contemplating our impossible happening in my life.” -Rachel future: (Long-term YWAM missionary and leader in a closed nation) "Many who commit to long-term cross-cultural service find their start in short-term What life are we wanting to live? Are we desirexperiences.” – Sue (YWAM Perth missionary ing to sit in the pew at church reading about in a closed nation) the impossibilities of God or is God stirring something more? It is true, God’s ways are It’s true. When Sue was a teenager she went not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). They are better on a short-term mission trip. While on this and way more exciting. He wants to send us journey God called her into full-time mis- on the adventure of a lifetime. Let's trust sions. Did that mean she instantly went into Him and let Him guide us as we walk out the closed nation God had put on her heart? into our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and/or No, God had other things for her to accom- to the ends of the earth. plish first. A few years later she married a man with the same nation on his heart. After many years of preparation God said it was time. Sue, along with her husband and now three children packed up and moved. They


MINISTRY PROFILE Stephanie Smith Homes of Hope Staff



omes of Hope (HOH) is a ministry that gathers people to build homes for the world's poorest communities. They offer opportunities to display God's love through practical service and championing those who are often overlooked.

When Homes of Hope isn’t constructing, they focus on serving the base, and the community. Eventually, the team is wanting to reach out to the homeless population of Perth through evangelism and possibly partnering with churches in the area. Called to provide hope through shelter and other practical Though an international ministry, Homes needs, HOH would like to contribute more of Hope was pioneered at YWAM Perth by of that in the community of Perth. Aaron Little in 2013. With a background in construction and an interest in learning more Homes of Hope now has the exciting opabout the work that HOH does, Aaron col- portunity to partner with Megacities in laborated with the San Diego/Baja base for Manila, Philippines to build homes. The first his first building project with the ministry. construction will take place in early 2017 and The team travelled to Tijuana, Mexico to be done by the Homes of Hope ministry. The build a house, and ended up completing it in HOH team is seeking others to help with less than 36 hours! The family whose home builds in Manila, as well as to assist in conwas constructed was blessed, the team was tinuing relationship already established in touched and God was pleased. For Aaron, Nepal and East Timor. The ministry is eager this experience was something that changed to see what God will bring in this next phase him personally, and was what made him for Homes of Hope in Manila, and would love decide to bring the ministry to Perth. to have churches and other teams join who are willing to serve with them. In mid-October of 2014 Homes of Hope Perth did their first build with a team in East Timor. Aaron’s first staff joined in December 2014 For more information, visit www.ywamperth.org.au/missions/ and since then their team has grown to nine homes-of-hope/ or email us at members, with two more joining soon. The HomesofHope@ywamperth.org.au ministry together with the help from DTS teams have built six houses in two nations.





God is inviting all of us to be a part of reaching the nations. Our wonderful God has decided to do the job with us, not on His own. No matter how long that might take.

and to giving Him permission to use us in His plan. Let’s allow God to inspire and lead our prayers, give Him permission to use the resources He has provided, and be willing to go where He leads.

There are a multitude of ways how we can be involved. It will look different for every This is our purpose as children of God, there individual. No matter what it looks like is nothing more fulfilling than being a part though, we are all called to pray, give of God’s greater plan. and go. These are essential to God’s work

www.megacities.org.au A ministry of Youth With A Mission


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If you want to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments/ or email partners@ywamperth.org.au

Home community, native nation, or overseas. Where is your mission field? (p.16)

Discover the power of generosity! (p.12)

Contact our Megacities office for many different way to get involved: megacities@ywamperth.org.au

We are going to Manila! Come join us for our next Megacity (p.8)

Learn just how far your prayers can go. (p.4)

We would love to hear how God spoke to you through this issue of WestCoast news? Email us at westcoast@ywamperth.org.au

P 61-8-9328-5321 E info@ywamperth.org.au


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