WestCoast News - July 2017

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JULY 2017


BUILDING A PLACE OF WORSHIP Worship as a Lifestyle Glorifying God in every aspect of your life

Expanding God’s Kingdom in Manila Momentum continues in our 2017 focus city


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Worship as a Lifestyle Glorifying God in every aspect of your life Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila Momentum continues in our 2017 focus city What are you Reading? Find out what our staff are reading to grow spiritually God's Dreams Coming to Life Pioneering works to come out of our leadership seminar More than Bricks and Concrete Developing properties set aside for God's purposes Happenings at YWAM Perth How we're influencing the seven spheres of society

It’s a joy to be able to send this West-

strong. We also know that He is not

coast News to you. The focus is on

responsible for the brokenness in the

building a temple of praise, wherever

world and we believe that Jesus, His

we are. The scriptures tell us that God

son, is the only one who can bring the

inhabits the praises of His people and

freedom from out of that brokenness.

that He makes a response to us as

A rapid spread of the gospel can only

we reach out to Him. I feel so incred-

come if we, the church, are prepared

ibly privileged to know our marvellous

to be brave; and this bravery, strength,

and personal God.

and courage can only be found in His presence.

Recently, we had a day of prayer here at YWAM Perth. All of our staff and

One of my favourite passages of

students gathered to worship Him

scripture is found in Joshua 1, where

and to wait on Him. God spoke about

Joshua receives the task of leading

the many things that concerned Him

the children of Israel. It was a big and

in the nations and in the releasing of

daunting task, of crossing a river in

new vision for the task set before us.

the flood, a task he may not have felt equipped to do but God came and

Throughout the day we were so

met with Joshua. God said to him,

aware of God’s big heart; of love and

“Be strong and courageous…. Be very

compassion for all peoples and we

strong and very courageous because

were all personally renewed by this

I will be with you wherever you go….”

love for us. We saw, yet again, waves

(Joshua 1:9). That is what counts; it’s

of young people growing and being

His presence. May you find Him and

equipped with the gospel, the gospel

His presence in the circumstances

that can break through the darkness,

of your life!

and bring the light and love of Jesus to the nations. Faith was built as we

Thank you for all your love and

were heard by God.

support. We love and value your friendship, and find strength in your

Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine for your

prayers for us as a mission.

light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you… ." And our prayer, in response, is: “Lord, let us carry your glory to those who have never heard.” We all know and believe that God is

by Shirley Brownhill Director of Youth With A Mission Perth


Worship as a Lifestyle

Worship as a Lifestyle Through this life of worship, God is welcome in all aspects of our lives. But what does that actually look like?

God’s deep and powerful love for us compels us to find an appropriate way to respond. Worship can be one of those ways as we respond to our knowledge of who God is. But worship is more than just an allotted time to sing songs of praise. We have been called to a lifestyle: Living in a way that glorifies our heavenly Father, worshipping Him at all times and in many ways. Through this life of worship, God is welcome in all aspects of our lives. But what does that actually look like? How do we worship a God that is so worthy of all that we are? Richard is one of the worship leaders here at YWAM Perth. We sat down to talk about the worthiness of God, personal and community worship, and how we might build our lives as places of praise.

Interview with Richard Blake

Worship as a Lifestyle



above all else, meaning He is superior

– plants, animals, land. “He speaks

In order to live a life of worship, we

than anything and everything. God isn’t

all these things, but when it comes to

must know who we are worshipping.

on the throne because we worship

making us, He gets down in the earth

And even through the act of worship,

Him; we worship God because He is

and He gets his hands dirty and then…

we come to know God more. There

on the throne. When we worship, we

beyond comprehension, God breathed

are so many amazing things about

are affirming that He is the King.

into man, into his nostrils, a living

God that lead us to want to worship

spirit.”, Richard commented. That re-

Him: He is good, holy, faithful, and lov-

God is sacrificing. Jesus gave up

quires a physical closeness, showing

ing, among so many other qualities.

all to come to earth, and then gave

the intimacy that our Father desires to

Here are three aspects of God’s char-

up that life to die for our sins. His

have with His children.

acter Richard highlighted, that compel

sacrifice wasn’t only in His death,

us to respond to Him: God is exalted,

but in His life on Earth. Through that

He is sacrificing, and He is relational.

sacrifice, Jesus gave us an example


of a life lived with our heavenly Father.

appropriate response to knowing Him

God is exalted. “For by him all things

Through His sacrifice in death, He

“To think that the creator of the uni-

were created, in heaven and on earth,

gave us a way to that relationship with

verse, the one who spoke the stars into

visible and invisible … all things were

Him. We worship God through taking

being, that dreamed of me in eternity,

created through him and for him. And

the opportunity He has given us to be

that created me, and made me – my

he is before all things, and in him all

in relationship with the Father.

creator would actually give me the

things hold together. And he is the head

opportunity to create a space for him.” ,

of the body, the church. He is the begin-

God is relational. From the beginning

Richard emphasised that the ap-

ning, the firstborn from the dead, that

of Genesis, we see how much God

propriate response to knowing God’s

in everything he might be preeminent.”

loves us through the intimate act of

character is worship, and in that, He

(1 Colossians 1:16-18) God is exalted

creation. First, He creates the world

shows us more of Himself.



Worship as a Lifestyle

By praising God through all areas

intimacy with God. When we choose

of our lives, He is truly Lord of all.

not to live in holiness, it means we are

We can be the dwelling space of the

putting something else higher than

living God. How amazing! It is such

God, and we cease to worship Him.

an overwhelming thought to remind ourselves of: God inhabits the praises

Love for others. Jesus said in John

of His people. This space created

13:35, “By this, all people will know

is not just for a particular place or

that you are my disciples if you have

time, but for all areas of life. When

love for one another.” God’s love for us

we integrate worship into our lives, it

and our love for Him are our motiva-

transforms our perspective, choices,

tion to live a holy life, worthy of who

and relationships.

He is. From this intimacy with our heavenly Father, we have all confi-

Here are a few practical ways that

dence to be able to give of ourselves

worship can manifest in our daily lives

in love for others. This is what makes

as we live a lifestyle responding to

it possible for us to love even the

God’s character.

hardest of people. It is said of love that it hopes and believes all things (1

Love for God. Our knowledge of God’s

Corinthians 13:7); as we love people

love should bring us to love Him

that God created in His likeness, we

in return. The foundational reason

honour Him.

why we worship needs to be out of understanding His love for us. If it comes from somewhere else, say,


power or fear, our response would

Individuals represent God. The Isra-

not be to live a life worthy of the love

elites, though individuals, were also

we have received. God’s love for us is

called to represent God through their

active, so our love for Him will inspire

lives as a nation. Their individual and

action as well. God’s love for us is

corporate identity were found in God,

overwhelming! It is a love that breeds

becoming a country defined by the

confidence. As Richard said, “Never

One they worshipped. “That’s what

have I been so confident as when I

makes God’s people, God’s people –

have heard ‘I love you’ from the Lord.”

that they worship Him.”, said Richard And every nation around them knew

Purity. As we develop a close relation-

it – not just from the way they spent

ship with God, we learn more and

time in worship, but the way they

grow in our desire to live in holiness.

were called to live differently

The way we choose to live is based

as a nation.

on what we value. When we worship as a lifestyle, we are giving God value

Psalm 133 says, “Behold, how good

above all else in our life. As we value

and pleasant it is when brothers

God and our relationship with Him,

dwell together in unity … for there the

we value holiness as it is our way to

Lord has commanded the blessing,

Worship as a Lifestyle

life forevermore.” God has called us to unity, and worshipping together in agreement of His character is an effective way to reach unity. A unity that would honour God is one that extends beyond the “time” of worship into how we relate to one another.

"From the overflow of worship, a community flourishes in its relationships." As we hear God speak to us in unity, we grow in our ability to see the needs around us, loving and caring for one another in a way that God would. Worship is to reflect Jesus. As we take that into our everyday relationships, work, and choices, the whole world will benefit from that reflection. We worship out of God’s character, which causes us to love Him, live in holiness, and extend our love to the communities and people around us.

TIME TO REFLECT: by Samantha McQueen Staff at YWAM Perth

»» What do I know to be true about God that inspires me to worship Him? »» How can I expand my worship beyond set times each week? »» Have I created a space in my life where God can inhabit my thoughts, emotions, and difficulties? »» Is there anything that would hinder my worship of God as a lifestyle? »» How do I grow in my love for the Lord so that my worship would increase?



Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila Megacities always partners, in every city we focus on, with the local body of Christ. Together, we invite the presence of God into the very streets of the city, looking for Him to move through miracles, discipleship, and salvation. This results in people inspired to know God and get to know Him in full. Here is a small glimpse into many stories of how God is revealing Himself, drawing people near, and inspiring them to carry His message on. Our teams have experienced the power of God

together once a month. After working with Meg-

as they share the gospel throughout Manila. As

acities teams for the last five months, they can

we invite God to make Himself known, He shows

no longer fit all of their people in the auditorium.

up. A pastor from Navotas, a low-income harbour

They have to find a new venue to fit everyone who

region, shared with beaming joy how his church

has been saved! Another pastor has shared that

had seen God do incredible miracles while going

before teams came, his church was very empty,

out with a Megacities team that who specialised

but since Megacities teams have come alongside

in health care. The team was treating illnesses

him, the church is full.

with hands-on medical care while also praying for patients and sharing the gospel. While the

As over 9,000 people have given their life to

church members had a history of reaching out

Christ, church members have been inspired to

through evangelism, this time they prayed for the

continue preaching the gospel even after teams

sick, together with the Megacities team. As they

go home. In the northeast part of Metro Manila

prayed, God healed. The pastor reports that they

Plus, in an area called Montalban, local Christian

saw blind people receive their sight, a miracle that

youth joined Megacities teams on the streets of

has now filled these church members with a new

their community. The teams aimed to mobilise

fire and passion for sharing about Jesus.

the youth to lead people to the Lord, pray for the sick and live like Jesus. Together, they saw God

In another report, a pastor in the northern area of Quezon leads a church network that meets

do incredible things.



Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

A pastor told how a local man who was para-

Over 70 teams have come in the first 6 months

lysed received prayer, and the man rose and

of Megacities Manila. Thousands of people have

walked, much to the awe of the local Chris-

been saved and there have been over 600 recorded

tians. The youth from his church were energised

healings, but there are still so many stories yet to be

for evangelism. After the most recent Megacities

told. Six months are left of Megacities in Manila. We

team left, the Filipino youth didn’t want to stop

need more teams to increase the momentum and

praying for people and sharing the gospel. They

help continue the transformation to fill every corner

organised their own outreach and have been

of this huge, influential city of Asia. Would you like to

going out to share the love of Jesus like never

join us? Please follow the links on the right to learn

before, recently leading another 11 people to the

more about how you can share your love for God

Lord in one day.

with the people of Manila.

by Rod Lobaugh Leader of Megacities Ministry

Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

1,416 12,268 14,586 37,887 50,619 47,076 10,218 5,556 5,176 917







We have sent 70 teams to Manila this year. Here are the statistics from January to July so far. For more information as to how you can be involved with Megacities in Manila, please contact: info@megacities.org.au www.megacities.org.au



Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila



“We have seen more people come to our church, and

“These young people are doing what we’re sup-

more children as well. The best thing that Megacities

posed to be doing in the community. So now we as

has done is to inspire our youth to do street evange-

a church will be doing some realigning!”

lism and to have a heart to win souls. The word of God is being preached to people. When our young

“We were able to plant a church in a Muslim com-

people joined the Megacities teams they have been

munity. The team went to this area a lot, doing a

compelled to share the gospel. The teams have trig-

feeding program with the kids and sharing with

gered their heart for evangelism.”

them about Jesus. The parents came up to me and asked me – “Why do you only share with the kids,

“We have new people coming to church. We’ve also

not with us?” I was surprised as it was my first time

planted new cell groups where the team has been

going to this area. So we continued to visit this area

doing clinics. We want to be able to disciple those

again and again, and through our regular visits we

that have been saved. The first Megacities team

have been able to lead people to Jesus and start a

prayed for a paralysed man who was healed. He now

small house church of 15 adults and many children.

attends church.”

This area is close to a mosque, and the local imams


have come to welcome us and to tell us we could “We are so inspired by the teams that have come. We

have church whenever we wanted as long as it

appreciate the partnership with the local churches

wasn’t on Friday. The teams have an anointing to

and young people. These young people are very

see breakthrough!”

young but they have a passion for our people. We are so touched by that.”

What are you reading?

WHAT ARE YOU READING? GROWING IN WISDOM “HEARING GOD” BY DALLAS WILLARD "It’s about having a continual conversation with God, the different ways we can hear God’s voice, and not limiting how God speaks today. There’s a lot of theological things he brings into it, looking at different theological streams like the Pentecostal movement and Protestant movement, but it also has some really simple truths in it. God speaks through whatever means – He speaks to you! You can have a continual conversation with Him throughout the day. You can cultivate that through a number of different means: through meditations, through your time with God in the morning, through listening to the inner voice of God, or through dreams and visions."




"Morals are not just a culturally learnt

"The whole point of the book is that

"The gospel is bigger than we think

behaviour, they have to have some sort

we have different views of God and

and it’s not just about our future

of centre and standard. This book talks

we see ourselves in different pos-

in heaven. The Good News is also

about moral issues, and about how

tures, in relation to Him. The reality is

about redemption. This book talks

people believe that morals are just good

that God just wants to be with us. The

about our views on what happens af-

behaviour; that good deeds are just good

book is all about relationship and inti-

ter death and how it affects the way

morals. I really like C.S Lewis and how he

macy with God. God is not a means to

that we live today. Though a heavy

chooses not to use Christian language.

our happiness but He is the goal; He

read, Wright presents it in clear ways.

As a philosopher, he unpacks the fact that

is everything. And so the whole push

It’s expanded what the gospel is for

God is that standard."

of the book is “with-ness” with God

me and the way I read the Bible, and

and about how we can experience

has definitely moved onto my list of

“with-ness” with Him."

very pivotal books, changing the way that I think."



God's dreams coming to Life

God's Dreams coming to Life

"True leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders." – ­­ I am not sure who said this but I would say it is true of Peter Brownhill. Pete has been in missions for almost 40 years. During that time, he has himself pioneered a number of projects and ministries – YWAM Perth being just one of these. More recently he has led two, 9 months Leadership and Pioneering schools and two, 6 week Leadership and Pioneering seminars. Through these schools and seminars, he has been multiplying leaders who are now multiplying more leaders in various nations around the world. Pete is not just someone who leads out in the "get out there and do it" part of leadership but also the character a leader needs to do these things. He is incredibly humble, yet fierce in perseverance; gentle, kind and gracious, yet bold in speaking truth and calling people to walk in God's truth and holiness. He stands up for God's character and is loyal and obedient despite his own frailties and struggles. He is someone who is real and gives hope to others who want to lead and aspire to follow God wholeheartedly in pioneering new things and going to the hard places. Led by Pete and inspired by his journey in leadership, you can read below about some of the projects that students from this year's Leadership and Pioneering Seminar (LAPS)are launching into. by Colleen Noblet Elder at YWAM Perth Accommodation, Personnel & Ministry Development School Leader

God's dreams coming to Life

The students of the LAPS this year

Many of the students could relate to

God’s direction to see her vision

came from all corners of the globe,

God’s process in preparing Moses to

come to life.

from all generations, with different

be a leader. Moses left his country

experiences in leadership. They came

and family, sought wisdom and

Ethan Marana came with the desire to

with many different visions from God,

direction from God, and listened as

start up a cultural dance ministry, a

from café communities to French

God spoke in great detail. The result

ministry focused on redeeming Poly-

magazines, international surf move-

was that God had a place of dwelling

nesian and other cultural dances. He

ments to fashion designing, dance

among His people. As the students

did not expect that God would grow

schools to administration training,

have learned to invite God deeply into

his vision to include mission mobili-

church planting to production studios.

their visions, in turn God will create

sation tours, a Discipleship Training

Their dreams varied greatly, but all

places of dwelling as they influence

School, and potentially a course that

revolved around the same purpose.

society around them.

looks at the principles of cultural re-

What unified this group was their desire to see God’s word and ways lived out and His kingdom established in all the earth.

demption. Ethan recognises that the Kara Bowie came with a burden to

plan God has given him must begin in

see an end to gendercide in India.

a place of prayer, intimately seeking

As a 23 year old woman, she was

God for each step of the way.

quite overwhelmed with the greatness of this issue. After speaking

Charis and Zach Ifland are a part of

with God and the experienced lead-

the leadership team of Surfing the

ers surrounding her, she is taking

Nations, a non-profit organisation.

Many of the students commented

small steps to begin a ministry that

Though they are not new to working

that this season has challenged them

will use midwifery, counselling, train-

in ministry or leadership, they came

to walk intimately with their creator

ing and advocacy to reach women

with a desire to learn from seasoned

– to not only learn how to bring their

and families in all 627 omega zones

leaders and to better understand the

dreams into reality but to be living in a

of India. With a population of 1.3

foundation of their ministry. They

manner that is worthy of God’s calling

billion people, Kara, like Moses, will

are now planning to start five new

on their lives.

need to be dedicated to seeking

campuses in five different countries




God's dreams coming to Life

within the next five years, which is

disciples of Jesus – not numbers or

His home to be made in all areas

quite the endeavour with two young

buildings, but helping to shape people

of society and into all the ends of

boys to raise.

who love and obey God and love and

the earth.

respect others. Kellie Williams began with the desire to start a YWAM campus in the south

We are so excited about what God

of the USA focused on spiritual map-

is doing through these students, and

ping. Throughout the six weeks, God

excited about the process God has

has broadened her vision to forming

taken them on personally in preparing

a campus to train 200 people a year

to step out in faith. Please be praying

in biblical principles. God spoke to

with us for this group of pioneers, and

her through her time on the LAPS

the many others, as God continues to

that the fruit of her ministry should be

release them out into the nations for

by Chelsea Woolcott Staff at YWAM

For more informations on LAPS www.ywamperth.org.au/laps

More than Bricks & Concrete

MORE THAN BRICKS & CONCRETE As God increases the number of missionaries that serve with YWAM Perth we are busy making space for them to live lives of worship in training and ministry. We pray that this would be a place of worship where young people can come into the presence of Jesus, be transformed, and sent out into the nations. It’s more than just bricks and concrete, beds, desks and classrooms. It’s all about building a community of believers that testify to the goodness of God in the city of Perth. It was God who led us to this neighbourhood within the city of Perth. It is a place He has set aside for His divine purposes. We have been led to purchase and lease various warehouses and homes in this area in order to accommodate the growing number of missionaries. Currently, we are constructing housing at 159 Claisebrook Road. It will be home to thousands of missionaries over the lifetime of the building. Also, we have a long term lease on a warehouse at 142 Summers Street, which we will transform to house approximately 200 trainee missionaries every year. These facilities are more than just lodging for staff and students. They will be beautiful places that reveal the glory of God, and shine the light of His good news into the surrounding community. In the early stages of our property development,

we believed that God was speaking to us about His glory residing in our midst; that our accommodation would be places of worship, places of revelation where God meets with His people. It is our prayer and desire that all who stay here will meet with God on their beds, in their kitchens and in the community living throughout the properties. Many will be called to His beauty and holiness as the living God dwells with us. Our properties are more than bricks and concrete, they represent consecrated land. That means they are set apart for God. As we build and develop properties with joy in our hearts, worship on our lips, and excellence in our construction, we will be declaring the character of God to the city around us. Our desire is that people will acknowledge God and begin to worship Him as they enter our neighbourhood.

by Cliff Wrener Project Manager for 159 Claisebrook



Happenings at YWAM Perth

HAPPENINGS AT YWAM PERTH At YWAM Perth, we believe that God wants to make Himself known in all areas of society. Here is a glimpse at some of the ways God is influencing different areas of society through us!











The Birth Attendant School has been

The sports ministry has been going

We took Judah and Johanna, both

able to build a relationship with a

to the same school to do after-school

aged twelve, on an evangelism walk

family in Zambia over the past few

soccer for about two years. We have

where we met and talked to some

years. We did a prenatal checkup on

seen so much transformation in the

ladies and their grandsons.

the mother in 2014 and were there

students since we started there!

Over the next few days, one of the

when she delivered the baby. We

Through simply sharing our stories

grandsons joined us for church

have checked up with her each year

and playing sport with them, we can

services. I asked him if he’d ever given

since then. On our most recent trip to

see now that they choose a different

his life to Jesus. He said no, but that

Zambia, we were able to minister to

lifestyle than the other students.

he’d like to. From there, we were able

the mother and she re-committed to following Jesus!

to walk him through prayer.

Happenings at YWAM Perth




The School of Frontier Media just got

The Megacities ministry has been

I did the YPDTS in January of 2010,

back from our outreach in Indonesia.

partnering with three churches in the

and I currently work as a Manage-

We created a documentary film to

Perth area to help them work togeth-

ment Consultant. In a business

inspire the local youth to follow God’s

er and develop a strategy to better

culture that celebrates the selfish pur-

call on their lives to other nations.

serve their community. Currently, we

suit of one’s career, I created a team

With the help of our great contacts,

are doing community surveys to get

where if one of us fails, we all fail, and

we’re excited to see this film spread to

an idea of what the residents would

if one of us succeeds, we all succeed.

churches throughout Indonesia!

like to see in their area. Through that

This led to my team being one of the

feedback, the churches partnered

most successful in the business, and

together and put on a sports clinic.

to many opportunities to pray with the

The reception by the community was

members of my team outside of the

great, and the church members are

9-to-5 context.

encouraged that God is moving in their neighbourhood!


JULY 2017



beyond a set time of singing praise. (p.4)


God reveals Himself, draws people near, and inspires them to carry His message on. (p.8)


Check out some of our staff’s top recommendations (p.13) “TRUE LEADERS DON’T CREATE MORE FOLLOWERS, THEY CREATE MORE LEADERS.”

Read about expansion of vision through the Leadership and Pioneering Seminar run by our base leader, Pete Brownhill (p.14) If you want to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit secure.ywamperth.org.au/ payments or email partners@ywamperth.org.au

www.ywamperth.org.au Do you prefer email over print? please email partners@ywamperth.org.au

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