WestCoast News - July 2015

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July 2015

COVER AND FILL ywamperth.org.au

# 04

Made for the Maker Being made in the image of God is a reality needing to be experienced and imprinted in our identity.

# 07

Cover & Fill See what it looks like to have God’s glory fill all areas of society through people being available vessels.

# 11

Ministry Profile: Nexwave Discover how our youth ministry is championing young people and unlocking their hidden potential.

# 12

The Art of Crossing Cultures Learn about the exciting outreach opportunity God gave us, making an impact in the Kimberley.

# 14

One City, One Year, Kolkata Discover the works God has done in the city of Kolkata during our last Megacities outreach.

# 19

Fund-Riding Find out more about the creative and exhilarating idea God gave us to raise funds for future accommodations.



am sitting here thinking about how God includes us in His work. Simon Peter appeared to be the most unlikely man to champion a cause. He was an ordinary fisherman who, having fished all night, caught nothing. His life seemed to be dotted with misgivings: he couldn't stay awake to pray with Jesus, he cut off the ear of a soldier, he denied Jesus three times and ran off in despair. Then things changed for Peter. He realised Jesus had risen from the dead, and that had such an impact with the upper room. He became a changed man. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he preached and 3,000 became believers. The WestCoast stories following are not too dissimilar. They are from ordinary people touched by God, just like Peter. Here are their stories. Thank you for your prayer. It allows us to take flight and run the race. Shirley Brownhill Youth With A Mission Perth, Base Leader

Being made in the image of God is a reality that needs to be understood, experienced and imprinted in our identity. All people are children of God, thoughtfully and carefully designed, crafted and created with intention. Personal revelation of this reality changes the way we see ourselves and others, and thus how we treat others. Valuable, precious, special and worthy of care are but few of the ways God describes us. Some of the staff and mothers at YWAM Perth share their insights into being made in God’s image and how this affects how they minister to children. Rachel is a mother and a staff member for the Healthcare ministry. Rachel describes how she sees herself in her boys, both physically and through their behaviour. This reminds her that she too is made in the image of someone else, Someone greater. She states, “When my littlest boy looks out of brown eyes that are the mirror image of my own, I’m reminded that I too am made in the image of someone else. When my oldest boy responds in frustration in a way that seems all too familiar, I’m reminded it’s not just looks that are passed down. Being made in someone else’s image is a daily process. As a mother I have the opportunity each day to live in a way that I would be happy to have mirrored back to me. Some days I’m happy with what I see reflected in my two little mirrors. Some days I know that I can do a better job reflecting my Creator to them. Regardless, I know that I’m made in the image of One who is worth reflecting, knowing and showing off and I want my boys to know that too.” Hayley, leads the Children at Risk School (CRS) which “trains and equips people with necessary skills to rescue and restore the fatherless, forgotten and oppressed children among the nations.” This ministry reaches out to children in desperate and potentially threatening circumstances such as war, disease, poverty, exploitation, abandonment,


made for the maker

MADE FOR THE MAKER disability and other forms of injustice. Hayley got involved with this ministry, Knowing that a significant portion of the population are children and When God Showed her what we learn as young people has a deep impact on our lives and identity. This realisation “stirred up... an urgency in my heart to see these precious ones impacted by the gospel at a young age.” For Hayley, being made in the image of God means, “We were created with intrinsic value and for intimate relationship with people and God.” Knowing this has brought purpose and value to her life and has allowed her to communicate this to others. Hayley has learned that one of the most effective ways to minister to children is to simply give them time and stay attentive to what the Holy Spirit is wanting to say to them. “He sees the depths and knows what they need to hear and learn.” Pamela is one of the leaders of the Christian Education ministry and leads and teaches the Early Childhood Education program (Preschool). Pam does not take her responsibility as a preschool teacher lightly. She is aware that because she is closely observed by the children, she has a huge influence in their lives. She used to be more concerned with her performance as a teacher, but as she embraced her identity of being made in God’s image she realised her role is to “lead them to know the One who created them in His own image. As they know more of God they can

By Sarah Rodham (Australia), student on our Media, Art and Photography Discipleship Training School Voices of this article: from left to right, Rachel, Hayley and Pamela.

have more security in knowing themselves.” Pam said about being made in God’s image, “that makes me special, unique, set apart from the rest of creation. Being the only part of creation that God formed with His own hands and gave His own breath to is pretty significant. If something is special and significant, then we should take care of it well.” Pam has learned how precious children are to God’s heart. She listens to them and shows that their contribution is worthwhile by celebrating their interests and being humble before them. “Leah” (name changed) is a mother of seven, including two adopted children and one in heaven. She helps to lead a ministry called “Frontiers“ which mobilises, equips and plants teams into frontier locations. Leah has been involved with YWAM for over 20 years, so her experience with ministry, coupled with being a mother to a large family, has given her a wealth of knowledge and insight into God’s heart for people. Leah says about being made in God’s image, “I am unique. I am valuable. I

am loved. The same truth applies to every person on the face of the earth. Every child deserves to be treated that way – to have family, love, and be shown how valuable they are.” Leah acknowledges with gratefulness that we were all adopted by God into His family. She was convicted by Isaiah 58 which instructs us “not to turn away from my own flesh and blood,” but to love people in tangible and practical ways. Leah has lived out this conviction and adopted two children from a country where many children are abandoned because of political circumstances. It is a sobering thought to know that we either reveal or misrepresent God’s character by the way we live. However, be encouraged to know that He is perfect, unchanging and always refines us to make us more like Himself. God desires and enables us to have such deep revelation about our identity. So that we can see ourselves for who we really are, the way we were created to be. This overflows to the way that we see and care for others.


By one of our staff members who will be working overseas.



cover & fill



hat would it look like for the knowledge of God’s glory to cover every part of the world? What would it mean for media in Europe to reflect His ways? Or education in Indonesia to be infused by His truth? How about families reflecting His glory in Indigenous communities in Australia?

recorded in history books (funny thought!), the donkey wasn’t praised, but Jesus’ entry changed history. Now, 2,000 years later, we still celebrate His entry and all it represents each Palm Sunday.

We are eager to be humble, available vehicles that God could use to reveal His glory in the nations! We long that all would know His In Habakuk, the imagery of being filled glory, recognising who He truly is, His right to and covered speaks of completeness, rule, and the rightness of His ways. fullness. This necessitates a depth and a breadth, a spreading of the knowledge of In John 10, we clearly see that it is the enHis glory. We recognise this theme woven emy who comes to steal, kill and destroy, throughout Scripture - God’s redemptive but it is God who gives life to the full. All purposes extending in lives and nations - around us, we can see the result of those and our mandate as disciples to join in see- efforts to steal and kill manifested in ining His dreams become a reality. In the New numerable ways. From break down in reTestament, we see this articulated in the lationships, to the lack of clean water, to Great Commission and our call to preach wars and refugee crises, a lack of access the gospel to all creation and make disci- to the gospel... the needs sometimes may ples of all nations. All creation and all na- seem insurmountable. But every time we tions: once again we see the breadth and affirm and strengthen life - physically or depth of God’s redemptive purposes. spiritually - we extend the knowledge of God’s glory and push back those destrucIt is God’s thread of purpose, visible from tive strategies. Genesis - as Abraham is “blessed to be a blessing” - to Revelation, where every na“The thief comes only to steal and kill and tion, tribe, people and language are repre- destroy; I have come that they may have sented before the Lamb. life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 “After this I looked, and there before me Just as a loving parent instructs a child was a great multitude that no one could about what is safe to touch and what isn’t, count, from every nation, tribe, people and in His love, God instructs us in His ways for language, standing before the throne and our protection and for our good. before the Lamb”. Revelation 7:9 Shirley Brownhill, YWAM Perth’s leader, has often commented that she wants to be like the donkey that Jesus used when he entered Jerusalem. Jesus entered the city in His glory, the donkey a humble “vehicle” for His arrival. The donkey’s name wasn’t

Recognising the loving wisdom of His boundaries and instructions is key to fruitfulness in our lives, communities and nations. His ways are right and His ways bring life!


our future leaders. One decade’s teens quickly become subsequent decades’ leaders and shapers. In view of this crucial dynamic, our youth ministry speaks into key areas such as identity, peer pressure and bullying, relationships, addiction and more through open doors into the sphere of education. They also host discipleship camps and lead short-term missions trips for young people, offering support, value and truth at a critical time. Homes of Hope at work

Just imagine the profound impact that would come if God’s ways were recognized, understood and applied in our nations and communities! Whether it’s His instruction to the Israelites in the desert to relieve themselves outside of the camp (Deuteronomy 23:12-13) or His instructions to proactively seek out reconciliation with those who’ve wronged us (Matthew 18:15-17), His ways bring life! Think of the communities even today where health and hygiene could be dramatically improved by applying the wisdom of Deuteronomy 23. Our Simple Health Care teams work to train communities in just this sort of thing. Using simple, easy to reproduce tools, teams empower community members to bring change in areas of health and wellness and teach others as well. Carefully tailored for each cultural context, topics taught include nutrition, sanitation, mother and child health and more.

Health and change is coming in very real ways to these communities, extending the glory of the God of Life. We recognise that lasting change anywhere must include a multiplying, generational component. Closer to home, our Youth Ministry team (Nexwave) is training


cover & fill

In view of the depth and breadth of His redemptive purposes, we are convinced that God’s glory extends to both the tangible and intangible, the material and “spiritual.” Extending the knowledge of God’s glory must manifest in both meeting felt needs and communicating the gospel. It is not either or. In light of this, one of our newest initiatives is Homes of Hope which rallies teams to come alongside economically needy communities and together build family homes. This provides, not only much needed secure housing, but hope, empowerment and stability as well, meeting both tangible and intangible needs. So far, Homes of Hope has worked in East Timor and will soon begin serving in Nepal, with invitations and opportunity in many other communities as well. Once again, we see that the scope of need and opportunity far outreaches our current capacity to engage them. Understanding that God desires to fill the WHOLE earth with the knowledge of His glory profoundly reinforces that every believer has a call. If every aspect of society in every nation is to reflect the glory of God, every believer will need to actively participate! “Call” isn’t just for those feeling led to what might be seen as “spiritual” - “church” or “ministry” related work. Every call is a sacred, glorybringing, nation-transforming call. No believer is meant to be “just” an accountant, “just” a teacher, etc. Every call, every kind of work or endeavour, has the potential to

bring knowledge of the glory of God into that community or sphere of society. That means glory-bringing accountants, nationshaping teachers and more. This conviction is foundational to both our ministry and our training as Youth With A Mission. Our efforts are focused on strategically impacting spheres of society in na- Art Evangelist School Outreach in India tions and communities. And through our modular, field-focused training, we aim to and equips the students to be a voice for equip believers to fulfill the call of God on those who are marginalised in society. their lives, whatever it may be. As we watch or read the news, as we look For example, our Art Evangelists School around us, it is clear that the needs of the (AES) trains artists to bring God’s glory to and nations are many and diverse. Many and through the visual arts. Art is a major voice diverse needs require many and diverse of influence in society. From statues of dicta- means of addressing those needs. In reachtors to “swag” filled music videos, public art ing the nations, “one size” does not “fit makes key statements about what commu- all.” Different generations have different nities value. It reflects current worldview as needs, different communities have differwell as giving voice to changing values. What ent needs, different spheres of society have a crucial area to engage as we seek to extend different needs - it’s a nearly endless list. It could easily become overwhelming to simthe knowledge of God’s glory! ply examine the needs of the nations. This reality must fuel our commitment to seek God in detail, asking Him where and how to Art and design is a language every focus our efforts. culture understand and values,

sometimes without words.

Students of the AES have used art in numerous initiatives such as bringing healing to the lives of marginalised youth through art therapy, creating public art as a part of open-air presentations of the gospel and bringing beauty and hope to slum communities through creative acts of service. It is clear that multi-dimensional needs require multi-dimensional approaches. One training program designed to empower people to bring about change at both a grassroots and governmental level is the School of Communication and Advocacy (SOCA). This school trains people to communicate (speak, write and present more effectively)

Understanding and applying God’s ways isn’t an intellectual exercise wherein God Himself is removed from the equation. Simply applying good moral values to any given situation may be helpful, but initiatives sourced only in human effort and imagination will only have human-scaled results. Imagine, however, the potential of initiatives sourced, not only in human effort, but inspired by and empowered by the Spirit of the Living God! He is looking for available humility, for believers ready to serve as vehicles of His glory. Think of the effect as, through His disciples, His life-giving power infuses every sphere of society in every nation, spreading in depth and breadth.

God-breathed ideas, coupled with our obedience, sourced in His power, imagine the impact!

If you would like more information about what we are doing in YWAM Perth, please contact: info@ywamperth.org.au



Co-written by Deborah Jegede (UK), student in our Young People’s Discipleship Training School & Rachel Patterson (UK), staff member of Nexwave


ministry profile nexwave


“At one school, we saw six pupils come forward to give their lives to God. It was amazing. Our seminars have also sparked the creation of discipleship classes in schools” Rachel, Staff Member of Nexwave.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “youth”? The society we live in is quick to attach labels of rebellion and hedonism onto young people. This view permeates many aspects of culture – the media, music, film and entertainment. However, there are hidden treasures of leadership and innovation waiting to be discovered in every young person. Youth are the artists who will carve out what is to come, the destiny which awaits the world will dance to the beat of their drums. One of YWAM’s crucial values is to champion young people. Nexwave is YWAM Perths specialist youth ministry with the vision to see 12-18 year olds encounter God. With a focus on Western Australia, Nexwave finds new and creative ways to engage young people and lead them towards true life that is found in knowing Jesus. One of the ways the ministry reaches out is by leading seminars in high schools where students are taught the value and importance of making good decisions. In the last year alone, the work of Nexwave has resulted in 214 presentations of God and 795 students taught. Nexwave puts on annual summer and winter camps where young people build friendships, play games and receive relevant teaching from dynamic speakers. Worship and application is a big part of the experience and the summer camps include time for evangelism in the city. Hearing and conveying God’s message to the youth is vital and so each year, a time of prayer is set aside to seek God about what He wants to

do. The theme for last year’s summer camp was “Defy” and centred around defying the odds, defying peer pressure, bullying and social conformity. Last year’s winter camp was based on the idea of being “Grounded,” “Plugged in,” and “Sourced”; asking the question “who and what is your foundation?“ Nexwave leads service camps where groups of young people give back to the community through acts of service such as gardening, cleaning or removing vandalism. Last year, the ministry led a team from Albany, Western Australia, to India for a “Summer of Service.” The young people visited a detention centre, prayed for people and some evangelised for the first time, witnessing instant healings as they stepped out in faith. When asked to identify key needs of youth in Australia, the resounding message is that young people lack an understanding that they are valuable and that their lives have purpose. This goes back to the idea of hidden treasure. Negative influences that surround the youth of today keep those jewels of leadership and creativity locked away. Nexwave is a ministry that takes young people on a treasure hunt. As young people discover God for themselves and find their identity in Him, their gems of greatness are unearthed. Want to know more about our youth ministry, contact us at: nexwave@ywamperth.org.au


By Brianna Moore (USA), Staff member of YWAM Perth

The Kimberley is a beautiful and remote northern part of Western Australia. It is a breathtaking land full of the rich cultural heritage of the Indigenous people who call this rugged, yet stunning place home. I recently interviewed Narelle Tout, YWAM Perth staff member who leads our Art Refuge ministry. They had the privilege of being invited by Indigenous elders to speak to them about how they can create art inspired by God. It was an incredible learning experience for all who attended, community members and YWAM staff alike.

“We got to speak at a ladies group where we gave them all a bit of clay to create what they felt God asked them to.”

THE ART OF CROSSING CULTURES prayed, two ladies shared with willing to learn the best ways to the group that the Holy Spirit had humbly relate to Indigenous people from the ones who have gone brought deep healing to them.” before us and built relationship The Art Refuge team also en- with them. We would love for you joyed getting to know some to partner with us in praying for Indigenous youth while drawing the people of the Kimberley. with them, counselled a lady in need of advice, built friendship For more information contact us at: with and prayed for an elder in info@ywamperth.org.au the church, and got to encourage a local lady that her art can be used to share the gospel. The Art Refuge team’s time spent in the Kimberley can be summed up in one word: revelation. A key understanding is that when we step out in faith and obey what God has asked of us, He will be faithful to meet us every step of the way, for the purpose of using the little we can give to see people’s lives changed forever.

Narelle explained that God is speaking to us as a base to show value to these artistic and “One lady made a jug and felt beautiful people that He has creto pray for the Holy Spirit to be ated. He calls us to be people poured out over them. After she with teachable spirits, ready and


the art of crossing cultures

“A lady who hadn’t laughed since having a breakdown, started laughing after being touched by the Holy Spirit.”

Pray for us and the Kimberley region That we would be people with teachable spirits, ready and willing to learn the best ways to humbly relate to the Indigenous people from the ones who have gone before us and built relationship. For missionaries who will come for the sole purpose of obeying God, through respecting the Indigenous people and communicating the gospel through art. Pray for missionaries who will support the Aboriginal elders, their people and believers in the region.


ON E CITY ON E YEAR KOLKATA Kolkata, India is home to over 8 million Bengali people, one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. Our ministry, Megacities, was invited by a unified group of spiritual leaders in the city to partner with them to be a catalyst towards major, longterm transformation. Since April of 2014, 92 YWAM and church teams from 18 different nations joined together with local believers to spark change in the city in all spheres, reaching out to all people, touching every area of society. Teams went to all areas of the city, and partnering with local churches, engaged in a wide variety of ministry opportunities that involved evangelism, training, and mercy ministry. By Joanna Smith (UK), Megacities ministry staff

Throughout Megacities’ time in Kolkata, teams demonstrated the love of the Father to the poor, homeless, and those in need. Several teams helped to refurbish a juvenile detention centre, cleaning, redecorating, and designing a mural of a tree with the fruits of the Spirit, which brought both joy and life. This particular project was recognised by the local government as a model for similar initiatives in West Bengal. Another major way mercy was extended was through health care teams. Many medical teams carried out various forms of medical ministry, including primary health care, midwifery, wound care, eye testing and dental check-ups. Other


one city one year kolkata

teams and teachers taught on water filtration, small-scale biogas utilisation and inner-city farming techniques.

Teams found ways to physically demonstrate God’s love to the poor and destitute. In so doing, many local Christians were inspired to reach out despite what can seem to be overwhelming numbers and need. Megacities teams and seminar speakers provided many training opportunities for people in the city, covering a wide range of topics. Teams ran many discipleship seminars throughout the city, which were attended by youth, youth leaders, new believers, church members, and pastors. The seminars covered foundational topics about developing a relationship with God, following Jesus as a disciple, and taking part in the Great Commission. Over 50 young people from different churches received this teaching in the north of the city. The response was so positive, a local leader requested that the next team run the training again. A series of seminar-style gatherings were facilitated by members of YWAM’s University of the Nations to do training for teachers, principals, headmasters and directors of educational institutions. These

serve with teams, and were encouraged by the hunger and openness of the people they encountered. Teams and locals shared the gospel one-on-one with people, by home visits and open-air gospel presentations. The vast majority of locals had rarely or never shared their faith before. Many have, since testified to being stirred to reach out to their local communities, and not let fear stop them. One local pastor started a prayer walking ministry and has now invited other pastors, youth groups and churches in the area to join him. We have also seen an increase in local believers starting Mobilisation of local believers is impor- to reach out to people living in the slums tant for the transformational work to con- in their area, engaging with mercy ministry tinue. Local believers were challenged to and other community projects. Here’s one seminars covered topics such as: learning styles, teaching styles, classroom environment, creativity, life skills, character transformation and the value of children. They reached a diverse range of educators from government, Christian and other religiously affiliated schools. Over 500 teachers and headmasters attended these gatherings. The strong response has opened up doors for further, long term training projects by the University of the Nations, with potential to impact the education of tens of thousands of students directly.


example noted by a Discipleship Training School Team during their outreach: “While in Kolkata our DTS team ran two eye clinics and served over 280 people, giving out over 240 pairs of prescription glasses. We followed up our eye clinic with an open air and the local youth group did some fantastic gospel skits. Several young people were saved, one woman was instantly healed and many people were hungry to hear more. One lady asked the church youth to come and start a church service in their slum. The youth group now has a vision to start a school for the poor children in that slum and want to continue to do ministry.”

“The biggest thing we have seen is the youth of the church here in Howrah [a region in the west of the city] being lit on fire. They had never done open airs or door to door evangelism before and they are coming every day. One girl told us that now that she has done this, she will never stop.”

This has led to church growth and the planting of churches. At least ten confirmed church plants and growing have taken place through local Christians partnering with teams in areas where previously few churches existed. Local church leaders reported that throughout the year they witLocal youth began to understand the nessed their numbers increase as people were being led to the Lord. Church mempower of the gospel and that Jesus bers began to bring their friends and family Great Commission was for them too. to church with them as well, often for the first time, as they started to see the real Almost daily for a year, many young peo- fruitfulness of evangelism. ple went out with Megacities teams and prayed for people in the streets, regularly Many local believers have caught the seeing salvations and healings. One team vision for transformation. member shared with us:


one city one year kolkata


Salvations 51‚375

MERCY MINISTRIES given 3,739 Healthcare 7,444 Other forms

1‚585 Total hours of teaching

People received teaching



People heard the GOSPEL

25‚768 People received PRAYER 2‚732 34‚150


Professor Dipak Nath, leader of Vision India said, “Megacities touched our lives, showed us how to love people outside the walls of the churches. This is reality. This is the love of Jesus. This we must act on. The light that you (Megacities) have burned with, the light that you have lit, it will go on. We will all carry it in the days to come. The city will be transformed with the love of Jesus.” At a final Megacities meeting in Kolkata, Pastor Israel Jenith said, “I’m very grateful for every team member who has come, walked, prayed, and done everything for outreach. I strongly believe, I can assure you, things won’t be the same in Kolkata. In coming days you will see the fruit of your hard work in the city of Kolkata.” Over a hundred other leaders echoed these statements. We’re so grateful to see what God has been doing in this year of partnersship. We look forward to seeing what He will continue to do in the days ahead! For more information or if you would like to be a part of seeing cities transformed, please contact us here: info@megacities.org.au


(Above) Some of our riders during the race. If you want to see a video of this event: youtu.be/s3PEsivvrvw (Right) 159 Claisebrook Road will be an accommodation facility for YWAM Perth. It will house up to 96 staff and students over four floors. The ground level will be parking with a small cafÊ at the front. The upper three floors will be comprised of 15 units – 9 two bedroom units and 6 one bedroom units.



FUND RIDING For many years God has been speaking to the leadership of YWAM Perth to develop an inner city ministry hub that would reach out to our city, state, region and the uttermost parts of the world. This includes facilities for ministry, a campus for training and accommodation for staff and students. We have been directed to an area of the city of Perth known as Precinct 15. It is a mixed use area with commercial and residential properties dotted throughout. By God’s grace, we have already been able to construct our main hub facility, 9 Robertson St. We also fit out a couple of adjacent warehouses with classrooms and offices. Most recently, we have renovated another nearby warehouse to house approximately 50 students and staff of YWAM Perth. And yet, the need to accommodate God’s missionaries is still growing. Several years ago, we purchased land in our precinct with the hope of developing it one day. That time is now. We believe that God is leading us toward the development of a four story accommodation facility, complete with 15 one and two bedroom units -- housing up to 96 missionaries. Over the life-span of this building, it will accommodate thousands of men and women who will be trained and sent out to the nations. Although this is a God-sized task, we believe God will be faithful to provide the finances and resources needed to make this happen.

As we’ve sought God for strategies, He has continued to lead us in steps of active obedience. We recently held the “Tour de Perth” fundraiser. We had 117 riders in 10 teams, raising money for the construction of our 159 Claisebrook housing development as we rode our bicycles 10km around the Swan River. We had beautiful views of our city as we took the “tool in our hand” and exercised our active faith in God. Many of us can probably remember the day we learned how to ride a bike for the first time. Remember the nervous jittery feeling as the training wheels came off, knowing Mum or Dad would eventually stop running alongside you, let go of the bike and you would be off on your own? For me, the Tour de Perth was about so much more than riding a bike. It was about putting our hope in God! We have a real felt need for housing for our staff and students. All of us, from the longest serving person to our newest YWAMer are full-time volunteers. We serve God here in Perth because we love Him…and we’ve been invited by Him to reach this city, and many many other cities, towns and villages throughout Asia and the nations surrounding the Indian Ocean and beyond. We need places to live and to call home in the midst of our call. This little Tour de Perth fundraiser was a beginning of seeing God’s vision of housing for us becoming a reality on the ground. We rode 1200km combined and raised over $6,000! We look forward to how God will continue to lead and provide.

PARTNER WITH US! We will start building in October 2015. If you would like to help toward this need here is a link for you. Donate online at: secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments Email: partners@ywamperth.org.au for bank account details

By Cristine Wiener (USA), Event coordinator


Contact Megacities for many different ways to get involved: megacities@ywamperth.org.au


If you want to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments or email partners@ywamperth.org.au

During our latest Megacities in Kolkata, India we saw 2,359 people accept Jesus. Do you want to be a part of the next one? (p. 14)

Contact us for more information and how to get involved: info@ywamperth.org.au

Would you like to know more about our future outreach to the Kimberley Region? (p. 12)

Contact Nexwave for more information: nexwave@ywamperth.org.au

Do you want to get involved with our team working in high schools or be trained in Youth Ministries? (p. 11)

Contact us for opportunities and how to get involved: info@ywamperth.org.au

Would you like to see how you can be used by God in the nations? (p. 4, 7)

P 61-8-9328-5321 | E info@ywamperth.org.au


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