WestCoast News - January 2016

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Jan 2016

restoration ywamperth.org.au


Family and Marriage God's heart for redeeming relationships


Restoration: God as the Restorer The holistic healing power of God in our hearts as well as our livelihood


Ministry profile: Priceless The restoration of women to their right identity in Christ


GoFest United together as believers in Christ by the call to the Great Commission

14 18

Responding to the Call New ministries seeking to meet the needs of the lost

Great Times with God, Greater Purpose with God Using creative means to raise funds for missions

Dear Friends,


am so excited to bring this edition of the WestCoast to you. The theme is restoration. Restoration personally, restoration in families – our God is in the business of restoration. The Father is leaning over His creation with great longing for the full redemption. And you and I have the honour and privilege to be included in God's marvelous redemption plan. 2016 is upon us and I have found myself being quite reflective in this new year. I am not sure what you have set as your New Year goals. I find myself still surrounded by what have become close, God-given assignments that have been carried over 2015; promises still to be fulfilled in 2016. The word to me is "remain loyal, trust, believe and keep on moving forward to accomplish the vision I have placed in your hands." Any task handed by God is soaked in His restoration dreams. Sometimes the vision complete is the restoration itself and sometimes it is a bridge to God's ultimate dream. What about you? No matter what your circumstance is in this new year of 2016, believe with me that we are in a season of renewed hope and opportunity. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God designed us with purpose and that our calling is specific. We have assignments this year that will touch real need. Look for those opportunities. For some they are across the street and for others they are across the world. Remember that the Lord has NEED OF YOU. In reading this edition of the WestCoast you will discover "the story" of many missionaries. They are all on a journey. Some have just begun, while others have been "dynamic" in service over decades. This is a window into their story of faith. Kind regards and blessing this New Year. Shirley Brownhill Youth With A Mission, Perth, Base Leader

family & marriage Over the last 14 years, I have been involved beautiful to see the reconciliation of family in with the Community Development Programme the community. in which we provide families in crisis with Recently, my team has been visiting single practical help and emotional support. parent homes, where the mothers had I’ve seen God’s faithfulness in restoring previously committed their lives to God. individuals and families to relationship However, daily struggles and difficulties have kept them from continuing to meet with other and wholeness in Him. Christians, making it challenging to grow spiritually. Our mission has been to provide A testament to God’s goodness, He has Christian fellowship, as well as encourage been faithful to provide enough staff to them to go back to church and be a part of a work with over 150 families throughout the Christian community. year. Moreover, we’ve been fortunate to run Another time, my team and I began seminars in churches to help them reach out to families and individuals in their own ministering to a married woman that just had her third child. She struggled with postneighbourhood. natal depression and was unhappy with her Recently we helped a family referred to us marriage. Failing to see anything positive in by one of the hospitals in the city. The mother her husband, she often commented about was pregnant with her fifth baby; one of her how unhelpful he was. We challenged children being autistic. The father struggled the woman to think about what she was with depression and appeared apathetic thankful for in her husband and what he and idle. Unable to cope, he decided to leave was helpful with. the family just two weeks before their baby was born. It was in this heavy, heartbreaking This helped the woman to see her situation that we were able to step in to serve husband in a new light and no longer and minister to the family. We started by speak about leaving him. cleaning the house, while also encouraging and praying with the mother and her children, simply showing them God’s love. Over a period of time, we met with an Miraculously, we also got the chance to talk Italian lady who had three school-aged through things with the father. After some children. She suffered from a severe form time, the he ended up moving back into the of epilepsy and felt quite isolated and alone home. Though it proved challenging, it was in her illness. In order to reach out to her,


family & marriage

we cleaned her house and took the time to invest in relationship. Eventually, the lady shared with us about different issues and hurt she’d experienced in her family, where there was lingering bitterness. We talked to her about Jesus and explained how He demonstrates forgiveness graciously and asks us to do the same for others. Taking this to heart, the lady decided to apply that principal and chose to forgive her family for all the hurt and pain caused.

Through the wonderful, healing works of Christ, the family began talking again and was reconciled by the power of forgiveness. What I love about working with families in crisis is the use of practical means as a dooropener into the homes and lives of people who so desperately need the restoring, loving power of God. Want to know more about the Australian Relief and Mercy Services? Contact us at: arms@ywamperth.org.au

Suzanne Little (Switzerland), Part of Australian Relief and Mercy Services (ARMS)


"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fufilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12


restoration god as the restorer


god as the restorer The beauty of the restorative purposes of Christ is the testimony of His kindness, capacity, generosity and glory. The beauty of restoration is that it inspires hope in the hearts of a people who need it so desperately. In a world filled with brokenness and despair, there is need for hope, inspiration and restoration. Where is the promise for a better future? Where is the spark of aspiration for what may lie ahead of hard times? Sin creates need for redemption and is a debt that only God can repay. The destructiveness of sin is widespread and wicked, causing pain and tribulation in our hearts, as well as our communities. The good news is that God does not leave us in our great need of healing, but meets us perfectly in that place of broken desperation with compassion, love and mercy.

God restores what sin destroys. His heart is to fill and satisfy; to provide substance where there is a void. We see how important rebuilding and restoration is to God in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Bible. There was division in the nation of Israel, caused by the Israelites’ persistency in worshipping the gods of other nations despite warning from the prophets. When the Babylonians overcame Judah, they took most of the Jews into captivity to Babylonia. After seventy years of slavery and suffering, the Jews were finally released from exile under Cyrus, king of Persia and he allowed them to return home to Jerusalem. In a time of great humility, they were left to pick up the broken pieces of their pasts and began to rebuild and reshape a new future. Reconstruction began with the temple at the

heart of the city. The temple was significant not only because it was a recognised place of solace and worship, but it was a tangible reminder of God’s presence, as well as a symbol of God’s victories over His enemies. When the foundation of the temple was laid, the people rejoiced and celebrated with instruments and songs, praising the goodness and mercy of God. Years later, the priest Ezra was commissioned by Artaxerxes, King of Persia to go to Jerusalem in order to administer justice and to teach and command God’s law. Ezra’s involvement with teaching the people the ways of the Lord contributed to restoration in their hearts, after exercising obedience to Him. Jerusalem, devastated by the destruction of its adversaries, was in need of protection. The city was left vulnerable and defenceless with a low sense of security. Nehemiah, who was cupbearer to the king of Persia at that time, mourned for this city and begged to God that He might let him go and help rebuild it. Nehemiah was released to go to Jerusalem, and there witnessed the broken down walls of the city and the gates consumed with fire. He spoke to the people and with his leadership reconstruction of the city wall was finally put into action. Despite opposition from the enemies of Israel, Nehemiah carried on with rebuilding and reforming the community in accordance to God’s law.

Ruth Economy (USA), Student on our Transformation School

Thereafter, the Jews assembled in prayer and repentance, recalling their past sins and the remembrance that God had always been there for them. Repentance was the key to true restoration in the hearts of the Jews, who were so apt to backsliding and falling away from the ways of God.


The preciousness of our souls and livelihood is proven by God’s neverending pursuit and desire for wanting the absolute best for us. Though we suffer the consequences of sin, Christ is right there to be called upon; to be a healer to the hurt and a builder to the broken. 1 Peter 5:10 says, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” This verse gives us great encouragement in the face of the calamity of sin and shame. It gives us hope and understanding of the nature of God and what His heart is for us. The layers of spiritual building are laid out in this verse, brick by brick. The first layer is how God returns us to a finer condition than where sin left us. When we deal with sin by repentance and forgiveness, space is cleared for God to then move and work within us to soothe and heal; to restore and protect. He then cements over that which was healed with a firm seal of truth. Our Father speaks truth in order to strengthen us in belief and understanding. Believing truth fortifies our identity in Christ and helps us to recognize those lies that would threaten our view of ourselves, and a Holy God. Finally, it reveals that we are established in Christ. If we are established, that is to say that we are brought into being on a firm, or stable basis. God restores what sin destroys. We as Christians carry the privilege of being living, breathing, testimonies of restoration to those that are lost and broken. We too were once lost and broken, until we allowed God to do a great reconstructive work within us. That’s why it is our mission to reach out to those in need of Christ’s deep, reparative love. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” The message of hope must be brought to the world, lest they fall victim to sickness of heart. Our testimony of God’s glory brings hope.


restoration god as the restorer

We are committed to evangelism and bringing the good news of our God who is full of hope, to people all around the world. It is our mandate to be beacons of light in the dark places. One example of this is our Revive ministry that reaches out to marginalised youth, both locally in Western Australia and internationally. This ministry’s mission is to restore significance and help strengthen identity in kids who have been marginalised or falsely deemed as unworthy in society. The goal is to see young people participate fully in their local community and nation’s future. Youth are the future, but if they don’t have hope, how does that shape their future? That is why what the Revive ministry is doing is so important, not only for young people, but ultimately for the kingdom of God. Christ renews our hearts and He puts a wall of protection around our well-being.

As the temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt, so is every area of brokenness that we allow God to touch in our lives. We, like the temple, are symbols of victory over the enemy. Every story that testifies to the glory of God is a symbol of victory. We must take courage in our ability to bring hope and point people towards the One who gives it; for it is hope that leads to salvation and ultimately eternal life with Christ. If you would like more information about what we are doing in YWAM Perth, please contact us here: revive@ywamperth.org.au

"The Beauty of restoration is that it inspires hope in the hearts of people who need it so desperately"


"The first step in restoring identity is to recognise where it has been misplaced. " Brianna Moore (USA), Student in our Transformation School and staff member in Priceless ministry


ministry profile priceless

women’s ministry Restoring right identity in Christ profile priceless

We are crafted by a humble God full of deep respect for us as His beautiful creations. Fearfully and wonderfully made, we are each unique in our own way; precious and valuable.

The first step in restoring identity is to recognise where it has been misplaced. Whether intentional or not, we have all had the unfortunate case of misplaced identities. Just as the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy; God seeks to heal, redeem and restore. In the ministry of Priceless, which reaches out to victims of human trafficking, we have seen firsthand how prostitution is one of the enemy’s most effective identity theft tools. But! God’s restoration plan is greater than any identity theft mechanism. The second step to restoring identity is by knowing the only One who we should find our identity in. That fact is one of the reasons Priceless reaches out to the prostitutes in Perth and abroad – to build friendships with the women, extend the invitation of knowing their Creator personally, and to show them what true love is. I remember a conversation my teammate and I had with a lovely lady, where we got to speak life and pray over her to get the job she had interviewed for. It was so amazing to be able to spend time and speak value into her life. The woman told my teammate and I a couple of weeks later that she had gotten the job!

The importance of good, supportive fellowship was highlighted to me as part of the process of restoration. God uses us to help one another with care and understanding. We are privileged to be a part of the restoration in other peoples’ lives. The third step to restoring identity is believing the truth that has been spoken over you. In order to believe something, you must receive it. You have to allow the truth to be engraved upon your heart by the One who so lovingly and intimately created you. Sometimes that means praying the truth out loud over yourself, over and over again; whether you feel like it’s true or not. Oftentimes, replacing lies you’ve believed for a long time with the truth completely defies your emotions. There’s always hope because God has a restoration plan in mind, just for you.

Want to know more about Priceless? Please contact us at: priceless@ywamperth.org.au

God is definitely hard at work, drawing the hearts of these precious women back to Him.


go fest perth Southeast Asia experienced a first this year: a missions gathering spread over multiple cities that centred on the words of Jesus, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt 28:19) Under the leadership of Caleb Brownhill, YWAMers in the nations of Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia, and Australia joined with the local church to hear international leaders from the body of Christ share about God’s heart for the lost. It was a time of listening to the heart of God, renewing commitment, celebrating the nations, and collaborating as God’s people to see the ALL reached.

In unity, we committed as the believers of Southeast Asia to obey the Great Commission. Here in Perth we gathered each evening at the Kennedy Baptist College with YWAMers and local believers from many church backgrounds and denominations. There was celebration as bands, cultural dance groups, and performing arts teams called us to worship and celebrate. They exemplified a new way of looking


go fest perth

at missions, as well as reaching to we would be the ones to bring transform the different spheres the gospel where it has never been before.” of society. The Father’s heart to restore and renew rings true for every individual and every nation. The commission that He gives us is to reach the broken and the lost. It is our great privilege to be instruments in His grand plan of ultimately touching and healing nations. Veterans of the faith such as Pastor Benny Ho, Jim Stier, John Dawson, Winkey Pratney, and "Mr. Go" himself: Loren Cunningham shared at the event. Loren shared about Bible poverty and how much of the world after 2,000 years still has little to no access to the Bible. By memory, this 80-year-old apostolic missionary quoted each book of the Bible and the different aspects of God’s character highlighted in it. One of the attendees was touched by God’s call during the sessions: “As we listened to these forerunners of missions share how God had led them and how He was directing them now, I felt the Lord was commissioning us afresh. These dear ones had prepared a platform for this next season of advancing God’s Kingdom and

This was the first time for many of the attendees to grasp the magnitude of this task, and realise how to respond to the need.

A powerful moment occurred when all generations lined up, filling the stages and aisles, committing together as singles and families to pursue the things that God had spoken to them. The things that God spoke in this time were both challenging and motivating. Jim Stier shared about families in the Amazon and their great perseverance through trials in the jungle seeing many come to know Jesus. Loren met with the pastors of the city and was honoured by a spontaneous standing ovation, while Andy Byrd inspired the youth of the city to pursue Jesus as the “the man with fire in his eyes”. It was a lot of hard work, but the result was a joyful coming together as the body of Christ to hear, pray, and respond to God’s call to reach every nation, tribe and tongue.

"As we listened to these forerunners of missions share how God had led them and how He was directing them now, I felt the Lord was commissioning us afresh."

By Sarah Stewart (USA), Student on our School of Frontier Missions


responding to the call The Resting place "drug use, malnutrition, unsafe sex and violence are just some of the negative factors of teenagers experiensing homelessness."

39% 14% 29% suicide

medical Illness

car crashes

... of

teenage deaths

in western Australia between july

2009 & june 2013

"keeping those that are at risk of homelessness in the education system significantly increases their chances of gaining suitable



responding to the call

Relationship, community, and family are three beautiful gifts given from God to us as His children. When God is at the centre of our hearts and lives, we see these areas flourish. The Resting Place is a residential ministry that will provide a safe home to teach basic life skills to young girls at risk of homelessness or abuse. The vision is for one house to shelter four to six girls at a time, with two full-time staff providing stability, love, and care. The hope is then to multiply these houses to meet the massive need. The potential for lasting transformation and restoration through this ministry is enormous. Kristen’s vision is a holistic one. She states, "We want to model God's design for family to young women in order to train them to be godly wives and mothers.

Our ministry is just part of the greater plan to see families restored. Brenda Jise says, “The focus of our ministry will be working with young girls that have been through various difficult circumstances such as abuse, homelessness, abandonment, neglect, depression, and more. Our hope is that each girl would find personal healing and restoration in her life from all of these things.�

By Josh Tournemille (Canada), Student on our Transformation School

Members of this newly-launched ministry (from left to right): Kristen Truby, Suzy Trenorden, Brenda Jise and Mary-Ann Flegg.

If you would like more informations about The Resting Place, contact us at: therestingplace@ywamperth.org.au


The school of worship in Jaipur Before Nathalie ever joined Youth With A Mission Perth, God had placed a desire in her heart to use worship in the context of missions as a means of reaching the nations. In following God’s call, she will be heading to Jaipur, India to pioneer the School of Worship. This will be the first School of Worship ever held in India.

Through the promise of hope that God gives us, He takes what was broken and brings it into a place where everything is made new. Nathalie’s vision for the School of Worship in India is that it will not look like a School of Worship in any another nation. She recognises that “there should be diversity in the worship of each nation.” Prayer has been poured into guidance for how worship can fit into the cultural and spiritual context of India; guidance as to how their culture can lift up Jesus’s name in a unique way that reflects the image of God in the Indian people.

The School of Worship is a six month training course with the heart for its students to gain effective training in worship ministry. The school is designed to help students explore worship as a tool of contending, intercession, and evangelism. India is heavy “In a nation that traditionally lifts up a mass with intense, spiritual dynamics. Nathalie understands that India is a place where variety of names and idols, it is the praises of people are born and raised to worship, but Jesus that will ring out louder than all the rest in a new and unique way, a way that does not to false gods. look like any other nation.” As Jesus is exalted "My desire is for the people of India and as others are taught to use worship as a tool to welcome God’s presence, restoration to see Jesus for who He is, and for will occur in their hearts, as well as the land.

their response to His love to be that of reverence and worship."

Worship is a time to welcome God’s presence. When we are aware and focused on Him, it takes the focus off of ourselves and helps us to fix our eyes upon hope and light.


responding to the call

By Josh Tournemille (Canada), Student on our Transformation School

Want to know more about the School of Worship in Jaipur? Contact us at: sowjaipurapp@gmail.com



e ran a base-wide telethon event in order to raise funds for a brand new building that will accommodate missionaries. In this 12-hour telethon event, family and friends of staff and students were invited to pledge amounts of money to see their loved ones perform activities on a live stream Youtube broadcast. Such activities included everything from singing and dancing, to eating questionable foods and getting eggs smashed over each other's heads in a game of egg roulette. One willing staff member was donated $150 to shave half of his head, resulting in a very modern-day twist on the always classic mullet. All proceeds went to the new building fund, with a grand total of just over $13,000! It was an amazing, full day of participating together in unity for one goal. 159 Claisebrook Road is about to commence construction! As a base, we have been praying and believing God for release of the finance needed to see this set of apartments become a home for our student and staff missionaries. It is so exciting to see tangible evidence to all of our prayers. We have run many different fundraisers of both large and small scale in obedience to God’s word. And He has met us every step of the way.

We have had some great times with God as we have followed Him in specific strategies to see breakthrough. This work in prayer is the vital "soil preparation" before the actual foundations go into the ground. Recently, God gave us a strategy of planting key Scriptures into the ground of 159 Claisebrook Road. Our role is in building the spiritual foundations


great times with god, greater purpose with god

of this new accommodation facility before we even see the structure go up. Another meaningful time took place when we went to the site of 159 Claisebrook as a whole base, staff and students alike, and read out the entire Bible in a span of 40 minutes. Again, the power of God through His spoken Word being declared on location… giving voice to the Word of God in our community… what a privilege! God, Emmanuel, dwells within our praise!

He is such a good God and so worthy of our trust and belief in Him. Our God can do all things!

great times with god, greater purpose with god

of our world to be trained in the Word of God and then taking all that they have experienced of God into nations in desperate For me, the excitement of need of a Saviour. seeing 159 Claisebrook rise from This is our inheritance… your a vacant lot to a home for our missionaries has everything to inheritance, as you partner with do with God’s greater purpose us in the place of prayer and for this home. “That every tribe, through your financial giving. tongue and people would stand We are so grateful for the calling before the throne praising God” God has given us “to go into all (Rev. 7:9). 159 Claisebrook will the world and preach the gospel, house nearly 100 missionaries teaching them to obey all that comprised of both staff and God has commanded.” student, every quarter of the year for many, many years to come. I think of the amount of prayer for the nations of the earth and for the city of Perth that will take place out of this location. I picture a 24/7 altar of worship and praise to our great God, worship fuelling the hand of God in bringing breakthrough in salvation on the earth. I think of young Hudson Taylors lying in their beds, relating with God in agreement that their lives are not their own, but belong to an amazing Saviour who has a purpose and plan for them in reaching the nations with the love of God. I think of the many families who will live in this home, walking out a missions call in a multi-generational way. I think of the many nations that By Cristine Wiener (USA), Leader of our will be present in this home, fundraising team coming from far-flung corners

Partner with us! To make a tax-deductible gift… Online please go to: secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments Write a cheque please make it payable to: YWAM Perth, 9 Robertson Street, Perth, WA 6000 U.S. Residents* please make your checks payable to: YWAM Accounting Department, P.O. Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000

*Please do not write YWAM Perth on the check. Instead, you should enclose a separate note reading “Donation for YWAM Perth.” YWAM will then forward the finance to us at YWAM Perth, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

Make a bank transfer please email us at: partners@ywamperth.org.au


to get involved: arms@ywamperth.org.au

to get involved: info@ywamperth.org.au

If you want to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit

to get involved: therestingplace@ywamperth.org.au


secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments/ or email partners@ywamperth.org.au

How can you respond to those in need? (p. 14) Contact The Resting Place for many different ways

What is your call? (p. 12) Contact us for more information and how

Contact Priceless for more information: priceless@ywamperth.org.au

How would you like to get involved in the fight against human trafficking? (p. 10)

How can you help in the reconciliation of families? (p. 4) Contact us for opportunities and how

P 61-8-9328-5321 | E info@ywamperth.org.au


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