Hillcrest Highlights July/August 2014

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Highlights July & August 2014 9401 ‘O’ Street 402.489.7111

Hillcrest Highlights

Club Staff

Board of Directors Julie Robinson President

Vance Stauffer Vice President

Dale Roehrs Secretary

Starr Schulke Treasurer

General Manager Andy Reetz Clubhouse Manager Kim Cotton Assistant General Manager Zachary Tyson Food and Beverage Director Allison Boyd Office Manager Jessica Zimbelman Chef Ryan Eusterwiemann Golf Course Superintendent Brian Hellbusch Asst. Course Superintendent Randy Beckman Director of Golf Mike Brown Aquatics Director Jeanette Keller Tennis Director Sam Nelson

Club Numbers

Jason Peters

Michael Springer

Rick Erickson

Bill Ashburn

Clubhouse 402.489.7111 Pro Shop 402.489.8181 Swimming Pool 402.489.1840 Tennis Shack 402.489.4111 Website hillcrestcountryclub.com

Hours of Service

Patio Tuesday-Sunday........11:00 AM-9:00 PM Monday......................................... Closed Formal Dining Room Tuesday-Saturday......11:00 AM-9:00 PM Sunday and Monday.................... Closed Cocktail Lounge Tuesday-Sunday........11:00 AM-9:00 PM Monday......................................... Closed Stag Bar Tuesday-Sunday............9:00 AM to Dark Monday........................ 12:00 PM to Dark

Curt Hartter

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Jim Berg

Marlin Lyon Past President

Office Tuesday-Friday.............8:30 AM-4:30 PM Saturday, Sunday, Monday........... Closed

Hillcrest Highlights

Save the Date

July 4 July 6 July 9 July 12 July 16 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 23 July 23 July 27 August 8 August 3 August 9 & 10 August 13 August 22 August 23 & 24 August 29 August 29—Sept 1 September 1 September 13 September 24 October 5 October 11 & 12 October 15

Independence Day Celebration Stag Breafkast New Members' Open House Adult Swim Party Men's Stag Tennis Mixed Doubles Tourney Membership Appreciation Day Couples Golf Friday Night Grillout Youth Triathlon Presidents Day Foundation Event Junior Club Tournament Swim and Dive Team Banquet Husband and Wife Tourney Blues & BBQ Tennis Night Stag Breakfast Ladies Club Tournament Men's Stag Membership Appreciation Day Team Championship Couples Golf Labor Day Weekend End of Summer Bash Stag Breakfast Men's Stag Stag Breakfast Matches at Hillcrest Brian's Revenge Stag hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Dear Hillcrest Members,! ! It is here, It is here summer is officially here! Summer officially began on June 21st and Spring will be tough act follow has the last several months have been very good to Hillcrest Country Club. This past spring HCC and had a very successful membership campaign that has seen over 50 new families join ! Hillcrest Country Club, I am pleased to report that Hillcrest now has over 482 members.! ! These membership levels are at a 10 year high and club participation in our Junior Programs is on the rise. Currently we have 100 youth golfers participating in our Junior Golf Program and over 100 players in our ! tennis program. Furthermore, the aquatics department has seen records numbers this season with ! over 160 swimmers.! ! As you can see there is much to celebrate but as we look to the summer months the Board of Directors wants to turn your attention to a few items:!  To help welcome our 50 plus new member families there is a Poolside Welcome Party Scheduled for Wednesday, July 9th (see the following pages for details a full listing of our newest members)!  As we take a look down the road a few years the Board of Directors believes it is important that we continue to introduce Hillcrest Country Club to young families for the perpetual success of our Club. To assist in the recruitment of young business professionals the Board of Directors has created the following Junior Golf Membership Initiative (please review the following page for a full listing of all of our membership categories as well as more details on our newest membership)! ! We are proud of our club and excited to be able to share it with you. We encourage and invite you to share our club with those who you think would be great candidates for membership at HCC. If you have any questions please contact Andy Reetz at 402.489.7111.! ! Sincerely, !

! ! Andy Reetz! General Manager! Hillcrest Country Club!

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Join us in welcoming our newest families and enjoy the musical entertainment of N&K Acoustic.! Please RSVP by calling 402.489.7111 !

Details of the ! Junior Regular Membership! Initiation Fee: ! ! Monthly Dues: ! ! Capital Dues: ! ! Food Minimum: ! !

$750! $180! $25! $600 per year!

If you know someone who may be interested ! lease let them know that we are proud of our club! and excited to be able to share it with you. We ! encourage you to share this initiative with those ! who you think would be great candidates for ! membership at HCC. If you have any questions ! please contact Andy Reetz at 402.489.7111.!

In 2012 Hillcrest Country Club created the HCC Presidential Scholarship.! Year one was a success with three students being awarded the $500 scholarship and membership to HCC for one year (An added value of over $4500).!The ! Hillcrest Country Club Foundation Committee has recognized the following student"athletes as the 2014 recipients of the HCC Foundation Scholarship:! !  Taylor Hinds – Lincoln East High School!  Joel Bittner – Pius X High School!  Drew Peterson – Lincoln Northeast High School! ! Each recipient will be awarded a $500 scholarship (one year, non renewable) to be used at an accredited institution of higher education in the state of Nebraska. In addition, the awarded student and their family will also be allowed to use Hillcrest Country Club facilities for one year with no dues. ! ! With over 30 applications submitted the following criteria was used to select the three winners:!  Nominee must be a currently enrolled senior at a Lincoln Public Schools high school or in the immediate ! surrounding area high schools!  Nominee must be a current member and letter winner of his/her high school golf, swim or tennis team!  Minimum 3.0 GPA!  Application must include two letters of recommendation from teacher or coach!  Must have displayed positive sportsmanship and citizenship! ! ! The Hillcrest Country Club Presidential Foundation Committee has recognized the following student"athletes as the previous recipients of the scholarship:! !  Jared Anderson – Lincoln Southeast High School!  Jessica Bohlken – Lincoln Northeast High School!  Kelsey Marshall – Lincoln Northeast High School!  Christian S. Luedtke – Lincoln High School!  Lihn Nguyen – Lincoln High School!  Marisa Pribnow – Pius X High School!  Amber Carlson – Lincoln Northeast High School! !

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Kids’ Back to School Party with special games and events #0(+0/,3&(0&GHJJ&69R&&& KL&3.$#0&E$$&&

2014 Celebrity Final Results




Tony Acone - Larry Irvine


Marlin Lyon - Dave Swan


Dayton Lyman - Bill Kottas


Scott Langan - Bryan Pleskac

HORSE RACE WINNERS Mike Peterson - Steve Peterson Jason Peters - Nate Hill

2013 CELEBRITY CHAMPIONS Bill Ashburn - Rich McLaughlin

Thank you!

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Joe D’Amico!








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Voted Lincoln’s Best Dry ;+-<4-A!$Y!Z-<A5!RJA<,E=J!

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Hillcrest Highlights

Membership Appreciation Days July 18 August 22

Special Offer Includes: Guest Green Fee…………..$39.00 Single Ride Cart Fee……………………..$12.00

Informal Couples GOLF (Golf Members Only) Friday, July 18 5:30 PM Friday, August 29 5:30 PM

2014 Driving Range Mats Schedule This golf season our Board of Directors and Grounds and Greens Committee have directed the following use of the driving range mats. Mats ONLY Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Grass Tee Wednesday Saturday Sunday

Note: The East side grass range tee is open for daily use. Mats will also be used following any significant rain fall. Thank you for your cooperation! hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Group Golf Clinic Series Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in June and July 30 minute group golf clinic $10 per student / per session PGA Instructors – Charlie Borner / Jerad Palmer Instructional topics: Using your eyes when lag putting Reading greens and enjoy putting Putting drills and techniques Understanding chipping & pitching Solid sand play Better iron play Drive for dough Hit it high / Hit it low (Trouble Shots) To reserve your spot, pick the sessions you want to attend, and please call the golf shop by noon on the day of the clinic. (12 student limit per session)

Looking to improve your Golf Game this Summer? Call Jerad in the Pro Shop at 402-489-8181 to schedule a lesson. Areas covered: Putting, Short Game Irons, and Driving hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Member–Member Championship The Bunny Richards Memorial 2014 Flag Prizes #1 Longest drive in the fairway #4 Closest to the pin, third shot #7 Longest putt made on green #12 Closest to the pin, first shot #15 Longest putt made on the green #17 Closest to the pin, second shot

#1 Closest to the pin in three shots #3 Closest to the pin on first shot #6 Longest putt made on the green #11 Closest to the pin in three shots #13 Closest to the pin in two shots #18 Longest putt made on the green


Doug Mohrman Brent Dolberg Mark Funkhouser Larry Dahl Steve Harding Jay Foreman


Neal Roehrs Mark Ogle Shane Martinez Brent Dolberg Marlin Lyon Rick Williams



Army 1st-127 Dale Roehrs/Bob Cirone 2nd-131 Mark Ogle/Chris Ober 3rd-133 Scott Langan/Brent Dolberg 4th-135 Hilsabeck/Gripentrog Air Force T1st-136 Funkhouser/Surls T1st-136 Claussen/Zehr T1st-136 Darrin Jameson/Barnhill 4th- 138 Lyman/Lyman

Flight Winners

Navy 1st-133 Randy Daehling/Skip Semin 2nd-134 Dennis Baack/Stan Carpenter 3rd/4th 137 Tony Acone/Starr Schulke 3rd/4th 137 Shirk/Martinez Marines 1st-138 Dave Schmidt/Larry Dahl 2nd-140 Huddleston/Polzin 3rd-141 Sandy Pollack/Dave Smith 4th-142 Phil Arbie/Nick Vuko Sr.

Overall Champions Dale Roehrs/Bob Cirone

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Hillcrest Golf Association Sponsors Kidwell Co. – Chris Kidwell McCashland Kirby Insurance Agency - Dave Kirby Cross Financial Group - Kyle Hershberger BVH - Jim Berg Landscapes Unlimited - Mike Surls, Bryce Juedes Excutive Wealth Management Sysco – Kim Brown Gene Lily Surety - Bob Cirone BKD, LLP - Don & Jen Ham Butherus, Maser & Love - Pat McCashland Eyecare Specialties - Scott Reins Universal Surety - Curt Hartter North Channel Capital Management Group - Neal Roehrs Foundation Building Materials - Lynn Knuth Bryant, Katt and Assoc. CPA – Bob Bryant General Excavating – Joe D’Amico Radcliffe & Associates – Walt Radcliffe Mutual of Omaha - Mark Ogle Erickson Farms - Rick Erickson Bison Inc. – Dave Lueders , Nick Cusick

Thank You! MEN’S INTERCLUB Format: Match play 8 player team competing against other divisional clubs. Once a month May – August Handicapped format – all level of players are welcome to add their name to the call list. 2014 Team Captain is Mike Aron Please call the Golf Shop if you are interested in participating on the Hillcrest team this season.

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

JULY & AUGUST MENS GOLF DATES Sunday, July 6th and Sunday, August 3rd Men's Breakfast – 8:45 AM Shotgun Wednesday, July 16th and Wednesday, August 13th Men's Stag – 1:15 PM Shotgun BREAKFAST SCHEDULE: STAG SCHEDULE: July 6th 8:45 Shotgun July 16th 1:15 Shotgun August 3rd 8:45 Shotgun August 13th 1:15 Shotgun *Sept 13th 8:45 Shotgun Sept. 24th 1:15 Shotgun Oct. 5th 9:45 Shotgun **Oct. 15th 12:00 Shotgun * (Saturday Husker Breakfast) ** (Brian’s Revenge Stag)

4951 hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Men’s Golf Breakfast “Birdies and Eggs” Golf Breakfasts are held once a month on Sunday morning, April through October. In the months of May through September, breakfast is served from 7:30 – 8:30AM and play begins with a shotgun at 8:45AM. Please note in the months of April and October our times are one hour later. Breakfast at 8:30-9:30AM; shotgun at 9:45AM You may call the golf shop one week in advance and make up your foursome. Groups may be allmember foursomes or a combination of members and guests. If you are unable to make your own team, the golf shop will pair you with a team. (Foursome only event) The cost for the event is $10.00 per member or guest. (Greens fees will not be charged) You and your guest will automatically be bill for the breakfast meal. Cart will be billed to those who ride. Your group will participate in a handicapped foursome team event. Prizes will be in the form of gift certificates and golf merchandise credit.

Men’s Golf Stags “Play hooky from work with your friends at HCC” Golf Stags are held once a month on Wednesday afternoons, April through October. Stag play begins at 1:15PM with a shotgun start. You may call the golf shop one week in advance and make up your foursome or fivesome. Groups may be all-members or a combination of members and guests. If you are unable to make your own team, the golf shop will pair you with a team. (Foursome or Fivesome event) Awards and dinner-banquet follow golf. An optional lunch buffet is served at 11:30AM in the Men’s Locker Room. The cost for the event is $10.00 per member or guest. (Greens fees will not be charged) You and your guest will automatically be bill for the dinner. Cart will be billed to those who ride. Your group will participate in a handicapped team event. Individual gross and net winners will also be awarded. Prizes will be in the form of gift certificates and golf merchandise credit.

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights


hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Hillcrest Masters Results!

Championship Flight Champion Neal Roehrs 2nd Chris Ober 3rd Jayme Tschirren

Gross Scores 76—74 75—76 78—79

Total 150 151 157

Players Flight: 1st Tony Acone 2nd Chris Kidwell

Net Scores 80—75 79—81

Total 155 160

Congrats, Neil, and thanks to everyone else who played!

Congratulations Bryce Brown on winning the 2014 Nebraska State Match Play Championship!

Bryce defeated Carson Schaake of Omaha 2&1 in a 36-hole final at the Country Club of Lincoln. Fantastic Golf! hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights

Upcoming Golf Events at Hillcrest... Championship Weekend at Hillcrest Men’s Club Tournament Finals: August 9 – 10

(Tee times beginning at 10:30 AM) The tournament will be contested at match play. Participants will be flighted into 8 player flights. Championship flight will play scratch; all other flights will play at 80% of their handicap with-in the flights.

Ladies Club Tournament: August 9 – 10 (Tee Times Beginning at 8:30 AM) Format: Flighted by handicap. 18 hole stroke play on Saturday and Sunday. Plus Masters Championship

Junior Golf Championship

Junior Club Tournament: Wednesday, July 23 Format: 9 or 18-hole stroke play with-in age and gender division. Tee Times at 9:00AM – Must call the golf shop to enter event.

Other Great Events

Team Championship

Saturday, August 23 & Sunday, August 24 The event is a 36-hole, foursome event (Create your own teams). Format: Low 2 – Net Best Balls of Foursome Event Fee: $25 per player Lady golfers with an established handicap may enter the tournament. You may form your own team or become part of a men’s team.

The Matches at Hillcrest

Saturday & Sunday, October 11 & 12 (Men’s event) Format: 36-hole Ryder Cup Format – Match play First 48 members to sign up Two 24–man teams Two team captains will draw the teams

Men’s Interclub

Informal Couples GOLF (Golf Members Only)

Format: Match play 8 player team competing against other divisional clubs. Once a month May – August Handicapped format – all level of players are welcome to add their name to the call list. 2014 Team Captain: Mike Aron

Mixed Events

New 2014 - Optional Wednesday and Saturday Sweepstakes:

Mixed Events

Friday, July 18 Friday, August 29

5:30 PM 5:30 PM

Husband-Wife Tournament

This annual tournament will be played on Sunday, July 27 at 2:00PM Format: The event is an 18-hole Net Best Ball of couple. (80% of handicap)

Presidents Foundation Scholarship Golf Event

Date: July 20 This 18 hole event mixed foursome event: MenWhite Tees; Women-Red Tees Holes #1-9 Team Combo Net Best Ball Holes #10-18 Foursome “Schamble”

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

$2 entry fee each Wednesday and Saturday running May – August Format: Low net Payout will be based on participation and each day is a separate event.

Find your membership number hidden in this issue of Highlights and your next dinner for two will be on Hillcrest! Last month's number was 6967.

Hillcrest Highlights

Ladies Golf Information Coffee, Rolls and 4 Golf Hole

On Thursday beginning in May, come out and have some coffee and rolls, get a tip from your golf professionals and play a quick four holes of golf. If you find you have not had the time to play; this could be just the right amount of golf for you. Coffee and rolls served being at 8:00 Golf instructions tip at 8:30 Play begins at 8:45

Ladies Golf 101 Clinics

Organize a group of 4-6 ladies golfers this may include golf members, social member or some golfing friends. This is a fun environment to learn more about the game of golf. Price is $40.00 per student and includes 4 sessions.


Fundamentals of the swing Short Game Putting Golf Etiquette and Equipment Scoring and Golf Handicaps General Golf Rules

Students will need some golf equipment and sharing is acceptable. Contact Jerad at 402-489-8181 or jpalmer@hillcrestcountryclub.com to arrange clinic and date times.

July-August Outside Event Schedule Monday, July 14 Friday, July 25 Friday, August 8 Monday, August 11 Monday, August 18 Wednesday, August 27 Thursday, August 28

Lincoln Life Underwriters Concordia Bulldog Classic Catholic Social Services Friends of Lied Valentino’s Lincoln Dry Wall Homer’s Heroes

Note: Golf course will open for member play following each event’s conclusion. hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Hillcrest Highlights


What a busy start to the season. Our swim team continues to grow…we have over 150 swimmers this summer. We also have a very talented team of divers. Group lessons have been full as well – the future looks bright! Summer is the best time to enroll your child in swim lessons. You will see more improvement when they are just spending time playing in the water between lessons. Our third session of group lessons begins July 7th, and our last session begins July 21st. Please remember that the deadline to sign up for lessons is the Thursday before the session begins. Private lessons are always an option if group lesson times don’t fit into your schedule. We will be focusing on our swim team members during a special swim clinic week, June 30th – July 3rd. Swimmers will have the opportunity to work with their specific coaches before swim team practice. (Cost is just $5.00 per lesson.) Mark those calendars and start training for the Hillcrest Youth Triathlon – Saturday, July 19th. It’s a great event for those who have not done a triathlon before, as the distances are short. To ensure a safe season at the pool, we request that members with younger swimmers keep a close eye on them while using the baby pool, as we do not have a guard directly supervising that pool. Please keep in mind that a fecal accident in either pool may close both pools for approximately 20 hours, and will cause increases in labor and chemical expenses – not to mention disappointment for our members wanting to use the facility. Talk to your children about being safe around the water, and stay close if they are not strong swimmers. See you soon! Jeanette Keller Aquatics Director


Friday, July 4 Monday, July 7 Monday, July 14 Tuesday, July 15 Thursday, July 17 Saturday, July 19 Monday, July 21 Wednesday, July 23 Monday, September 1

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014

Fourth of July Celebration Session Three Group Lessons Begin/Make-Up Swim Meet Date League Championship Swim Meet Team Picture and Pizza Party League Championship Dive Meet Hillcrest Youth Triathlon Session Four Group Lessons Begin Swim and Dive Team Banquet End of Summer Bash

Hillcrest Highlights

Join Ladies Bridge!

If you like to play bridge, then Hillcrest is the place to be! HCC Ladies come out the first and third Tuesday of the month to play. We have lunch at 12:00 PM with cards to follow. This is a low-key, casual group, so if you're just learning to play or have been playing for years, we invite you to join us and come see what the fun is all about! If you'd like to join, call Julie Howard at 402.202.4423 to be added to the permanent list or the sub list. Remember, guests are always welcome to join in the fun!

May 6th, 2014 1. Jerry Hall 2. Donna Vuko 3. Jean Burg

May 20th, 2014 1. Mary Larsen 2. Betty Casper 3. Jean Burg

June 3rd, 2014 1. Betty Casper 2. Lois Mathes 3. Jerry Hall

June 17th, 2014 1. Jerry Hall 2. Pat Sim 3. Saranne Renaud

Hillcrest Bridge Mixer It's new and will be fun! Join us for bridge, couples and singles, to play on the second Tuesday of each month. We will gather for social hour at 5:00 pm and have dinner at 6:00 pm, followed by an evening of bridge. If you plan to play on a regular basis your name will be placed on a permanent list, then if you cannot attend it will be your responsibility to call Hillcrest at 402.489.7111 or Betty Casper at 402.420.0635 by 10:00 am Tuesday to cancel. Join us now by calling Hillcrest or Betty Casper! June's Winners 1. LaVonne Pickel 2. David Caudy 3. Boyd MacDougall

hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014


Junior Tennis! We have experienced some!great group numbers this year and keep offering more classes to help keep more players participating! Thanks to all the coaches for all their help!putting on!these lessons. ! !! Monday June 30th starts session 2.


All!players participating in clinics are automatically signed up for the second session, so pleased let us know otherwise.! Please consider if reluctant to sign"up because of! a schedule conflict one week. We offer new classes that your child can make up in similar levels on different days and times. ! !!


Review for July/August:

We are very excited about the interest and the progress that our 10 and under quick start league has shown!!


Team tennis Open warm"up clinic " We will be offering a new warm"up clinic for Junior Varsity and Varsity team tennis Friday's 8:00"930am. You may sign"up week to week by contacting us!!

Hillcrest travel teams " Prospective tournament players are welcome to join us; we will go to some of the closer small town tournaments in July.

Summer Day Camps " We have experienced More numbers every year, Please!join us in all the fun! (all levels) 8—noon daily or weekly July 28th "!31st!and/or August!2nd "6th.




Hillcrest Junior Novice Tournament ! August 2nd " 3rd.



High School Prep camps " July 28th "!July 31st!and/or August 2nd"6th. 1:30"3:30pm.

"We like it Hot" " During hot days, we look forward to fun ways to cool down our players!


! Please stay tuned for the following first session (all clinics) award winners! Most improved, Footwork and sportsmanship will be listed on the tennis shack information board for the 1st session.


Adult Tennis! We enjoyed our first theme night (Luau) and would like to see new players enjoy these great events ! Review for July/August:! 

Mixed doubles theme nights ! We really encourage early sign"up!Individually/Team!(mark your calendars!) July 18th for the!Presidential Fundraiser Doubles Tournament!and August 8th for Blues & BBQ.


Holiday Tournaments ! Here again we like to see players sign"up early! 4th of July tourney 9— 11:30 AM and Labor Day Adult/Jr Mixed tourney 9—11:30 AN (Juniors should be junior varsity level!to participate).!

Cardio Tennis " Please don't hesitate to give this class a try. Cardio times: Monday/Wednesday 11—12 noon and Wednesday and Thursday nights 7—8 PM.!

Beginners !" Thursday nights 6—7 Pm. Please give us a call and come join us for a free lesson while going over the fundamentals.!

Club Invite Nights ! We need Men and Women that like to help us keep team tennis tradition alive by playing with us onWednesday nights starting July 23rd at 6:30 PM.!

! This hopefully helps keep you a little more informed! Please don't hesitate to contact us, or look further into summer programs with any questions you might have. Thank you and hopefully we will see on the courts soon!!

!! Sam Nelson! HCC Director of Tennis!

Social Member Golf Privilege! A Social Golf Membership affords golfing privileges a total of 6 times annually. These rounds are not transferable and are considered redeemed if 9 or 18 holes have been played. A social member may rent the use of a riding cart. Reservations for play must be arranged by calling the golf shop 402.489.8181! !

Guest Play! A playing guest may be hosted for golf a total of 6 times annually, and is inconsequential of the member hosting. This includes men’s stags, men’s golf breakfast and ladies guest events. All guest rounds must be registered in the golf shop and guest fees settled before play.! !

Sunday Alcohol Policy! In 2012 the City of Lincoln made changes to their Sunday Alcohol Policy. Unfortunately, Hillcrest Country Club is just outside the city limits and we must follow the Lancaster Counties resolution regarding Sunday Liquor sales. Which means Hillcrest cannot serve or sell alcohol until 12 noon on Sundays.! ! That is the bad news; the good news is that Hillcrest recently applied for six Special Designated Liquor Licenses (the allowable amount). The County Board of Commissioners approved our requests and we will be able to serve beer, wine and spirits on the following Sundays before 12 noon. !  May 25!  June 1!  July 6 !  July 20!  August 24!  August 31! !

Food and Beverage Policy! Please remember that bringing your own food and beverage to the club is a violation of Hillcrest Policies!

Hillcrest Highlights

July 2014 SUNDAY




Ladies Bridge Stag Breakfast






Bridge Mixer


Ladies Bridge







Presidents Foundation Golf Event Husband/ Wife Tourney





New Members Open House


Stag Lunch Junior Club Tourney





Independence Day Celebration

11 Tennis Mixed Doubles Tourney Membership Appreciation Day Couples Golf


Adult Swim Party










Men's Club Tourney Finals





Team Championship


Labor Day Weekend Couples Golf

Labor Day Weekend





Swim & Dive Team Banquet


August 2014 SUNDAY



Stag Breakfast







Ladies Bridge


Ladies Bridge


Team Championship


Ladies Bridge







Bridge Mixer



20 27

Blues & BBQ Tennis Night





hillcrestcountryclub.com July & August 2014


HILLCREST COUNTRY CLUB 9401 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68520

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