ENJOYING ENGLISH 2 за 6. разред основне школе - 16610

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Зорана Ненезић Jonathan Pendlebury Ида Добријевић



др Радмила Шевић, редовни професор Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду

Ана Томовић, лектор на Катедри за англистику Филолошког факултета у Београду

Вера Зечевић, професор у ОШ „Јован Поповић“ у Београду Консултант

Љубинка Симидријевић Уредник и одговорни уредник

Слободанка Ружичић Главни уредник

др Милорад Марјановић За издавача

др Милорад Марјановић, в. д. директора

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 37.016:811.111(075.2)

Министар просвете Републике Србије, решењем број 650-02-00042/2019-07 од 19. априла 2019. године, одобрио је овај уџбеник за издавање и употребу у шестом разреду основне школе.

ISBN 978-86-17-20582-7 © ЗАВОД ЗА УЏБЕНИКЕ, Београд (2008–2021) Ово дело не сме се умножавати, фотокопирати и на било који други начин репродуковати, ни у целини ни у деловима, без писменог одобрења издавача.

НЕНЕЗИЋ, Зорана, 1946Enjoying English 6 : енглески језик за 6. разред основне школе / Зорана Ненезић, Jonathan Pendlebury, Ида Добријевић ; [илустрације Милан Павловић, Марко Ракочевић]. - 6. изд. - Београд : Завод за уџбенике, 2021 (Београд : АМД Систем). - 130 стр. : илустр. ; 27 cm Тираж 2.500. - Word list: str. 128-131. -Enjoying English 6 : grammar folder. - 24 стр. : илустр. ; 27 cm ISBN 978-86-17-20582-7 1. Пендлбери, Џонатан, 1975- [аутор] 2. Добријевић, Ида, 1948- [аутор] COBISS.SR-ID 40379913

It’s time to meet some more new friends, To learn about distant lands. It’s time to learn new games and tricks, For you are now in grade SIX.








- What are they doing in New York? - We need a bigger apartment! - Cartoon: Episode 1 - Extra: Buckingham Palace

- the present continuous for current activities - adverbs and phrases: now, at the moment, at present

- the time, numbers and dates - jobs


- Kids like chatting - A big change - Cartoon: Episode 2 - Extra: Paris

- the present simple tense - adverbs: usually, always, often, rarely, never - phrasal verbs with ‘get’

- countries, nationalities, languages - phrases with ‘have’



- School talk - A modern school in New York - Cartoon: Episode 3 - Extra: Rome

- the present perfect tense - adverbs: ever, never, since, yet, just, already - the comparison of adjectives


- Half term holiday - Vacations - Cartoon: Episode 4 - Extra: Belgrade

- the past simple tense - adverbs: yesterday, last week, last month,… ago’ - the present perfect tense - love, don’t mind, hate+ ..ing - adjectives ending ‘ed, ing’

- school subjects - school activities - the school building

- interesting places - city landmarks

REVISION 2 - the past continuous tense - conjunctions ‘while, when’ - the past simple tense - adverbs and pronouns with -‘every, some, any, no’ - adjectives: noun +y

- words describing: children’s activities, a family feast - places at the airport


- Save it or spend it? - Volunteering - Cartoon: Episode 6 - Extra: New Delhi

- articles ‘a/an’ ‘the’ - modals: ‘can/can’t’ for ability and permission

- phrases with ‘play’ - at home/ school/ at work - by bus/plane/car - in bed - the poor, the young



- Time to celebrate - A family feast - Cartoon: Episode 5 - Extra: Moscow

REVISION 3 - modals: must, mustn’t / have to, don’t have to - countable/uncountable nouns - determiners: some, any, no - Is there / Are there any ….? - prepositions: ‘in, on, at’

- chores and obligations, - shops and shopping - clothes and food


- The Scouts - Camping in New York - Cartoon: Episode 8 - Extra: Sydney

- conditional Sentences Type 1 - object pronouns - prepositions: in front of, at, above, under, behind, next to - adjectives: noun + ous/ful

- words describing: outdoor activities and skills, the weather



-Spring cleaning - What’s trendy this spring? - Cartoon: Episode 7 - Extra: Beijing



- Weekend plans - Fabulous films - Cartoon: Episode 9 - Extra: Canada

- the future: ‘going to’ and ‘will’ - modals: should/shouldn’t - regular/ irregular plurals - the possessive ‘s

- words describing: free time activities, cinemas, films


- A school fair - Fun in Miami - Cartoon: Episode 10 - Extra: New York

- the future: the present continuous tense for future arrangements - question tags - prepositions of time: in, on, at

- words describing: holiday resorts, hotels and rooms, holiday activities


Listening - a phone call - at the train station - a dialogue about nationalities and languages - countries, nationalities and languages

Writing Current activities Project: My town Composition 1 Project: Sports Composition 2

- a telephone conversation about school subjects - social expressions

Project: My school

- a dialogue about half term holidays - at a restaurant

Project: A place to visit

- a dialogue about dinner party preparations - important holidays - a song: He’s got the whole world… - a dialogue about earning extra pocket money - volunteering programmes

- a dialogue about a garage sale - going shopping - a song: Yellow rose of Texas

Composition 3

Composition 4

Project: Eating habits Composition 5

Project: Volunteering Composition 6

Project: A supermarket Composition 7

- a dialogue about scouts and camping - Scouts and badges

Project: Spending money

- a dialogue about weekend plans - a song: Auld Lang Syne

Project: Films I'm going to see

- an email invitation - haunted castles

Composition 8

Composition 9



- changing schools - school grades and age

- giving personal information - buying a train ticket

- family life - daily routine

- asking polite questions - giving polite answers

- describing a school - school subjects

- talking about experiences

- tourist attractions - describing a city - ordering food and drink

- expressing likes and dislikes

- a family feast - favourite food

- pocket money - helping people - children’s rights

- expressing ability - making suggestions

- school rules and obligations - chores - describing shops

- asking for permission - expressing obligation - expressing permission

- school trips - competitions - awards and prizes

- predicting results of possible activities

-weekends -spare time, ball -games -films

-making plans -making predictions -making promises -giving advice -giving excuses

- holiday arrangements

-expressing definite arrangements -checking information

Project: How to travel? Composition 10

- expressing opinion



Meet Marko Petrovic. He’s a schoolboy, just like you. He has written some sentences about himself.

answers to If you find the w ns, you’ll kno these questio o. all about Mark

arko wrote

This is what M

a) How old is he? 8 b) What’s his favourite sport? c) What does he like reading? d) What does he hate doing? e) How old is his sister? f ) How old is his brother? g) Where does he live? h) Does he live in a house or in a block of flats? i) Which floor is his flat on? j) What’s his favourite colour? k) Does he like eating healthy food? l) What subjects is he good at? m) What subjects is he bad at? n) When does he study? o) Which instrument can he play? p) What does he usually do in the evening? q) Which foreign language is he learning now? r) Which foreign countries has he been to? s) When did he go to Greece?

1. When I go to parties, I always take my guitar. 2. My brother is three years older than me. 3. Vacuuming the rooms is something I hate. 4. I’m learning the language which the Americans speak. 5. I’ve seen Paris and Athens. 6. I love eating fast food – pizza, hamburgers and chips. 7. I do my homework when I return from school. 8. I was four eight years ago. 9. I never get good marks on History tests. 10. Number problems are always difficult for me. 11. I prefer comics to books. 12. My parents took us to Athens last summer. 13. I live in a capital city in the south east of Europe where the Sava and the Danube meet. 14. I play computer games every day after dinner. 15. I love the colour of the sea. 16. I often help my friends with English. 17. I know the names of all the countries, capitals, rivers, lakes and mountains in Europe. 18. I love playing basketball. 19. I’ve never been to the USA. 20. My favourite sport is the one where two teams of eleven players try to score a goal. 21. My sister will be eighteen in eight years. 22. My flat is on the floor right above the sixth.















5th Gre ece

Belgrade 10

Key: a–8, b–20, c–11, d–3, e–21, f–2, g–13, h–22, i–22, j–15, k–6, l–16,17, m–9-10, n–7, o–1, p–14, q–4, r–5, s–12

REVISION Look at the test. Read Marko’s answers. Can you find and correct his mistakes?



Name: Marko Petrovic

Age: 12

THE PRESENT SIMPLE a. Choose and circle the correct word. 1. ____ you a teacher? am is are 2. No, I ____ not. 'm is are 3. John ___ always late. am is are 5. We ____ in London. live lives living 6. ___ Ann like music? do does are 7. Ann __ like tennis. isn’t don’t doesn’t 8. She always ____ early. get up gets up getting up 9. Do you __ uniforms at school? have has wears 10. Claire has lunch at school ____. every day yesterday

Mark: 67/100



Who is the best footballer? Ronaldhino. What’s the time? It’s ten o’clock. Where is New York? It’s in the USA. Who are you? I’m very well, thank you. What is your birthday? In December.


b. Complete the questions with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 3 4 5

how, where, who, what. when

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Choose and circle the correct word. 1. What is the teacher ____ ? 2. ___ your friends talking? 3. I’m not ______ a letter now. 4. Is it raining ______ ? 5. They are ______ now.

does do write at the moment study

doing are writeing yesterday studing

do is writing tomorrow studying


THE PAST SIMPLE Choose and circle the correct word. 1. I ___late yesterday. 2. Where ___you yesterday? 3. He went to London _____. 4. Did he ___a cold last week? 5. He ____ dinner last night.

am was last month have cooked

was did tomorrow had cooks

were were next week has cooking


THE PRESENT PERFECT Choose and circle the correct word. 1. She ___ just had tea. 2. Has she ever _____an alligator? 3. _____ you ever been to Rome? 4. I have ___ played cricket. 5. They haven’t seen Paris ___.

have saw has ever yet

has see have yet never

THE FUTURE SIMPLE – WILL Choose and circle the correct word. 1. ____ you write to me when you go to Paris? 2. Don’t worry! I‘ll help you ______. 3. I promise I ______ cheat. 4. Will you phone me____? 5. They ___ come to the party. They’ve got flu.

had seen had never ever

Will next time will yesterday will

Are last time won’t tomorrow won’t

Is yesterday aren’t last week isn’t






6 7 8 9 10 11

THE FUTURE – GOING TO Complete the sentences with the correct form of ‘going to’. 1. They ___ going to play on Sunday. are is 2. ___ I going to get a present? Are Do 3. __ she going to come tomorrow? Is Am 4. I am not going to _____ after dinner. sleep sleeping 5. Are they going to play _______? in the afternoon last night

do Am Are sleeps yesterday


Nicks girl’s sisters’ childrens mothers

Nicks’ girls’ sisters children’s mothers’


their mine him yours our

them me he you we


OBJECT PRONOUNS Choose and circle the correct word. 1. I want to see that book! Please show it to ___! 2. They are bad at maths. The test is very difficult for ____. 3. We must stop talking. The teacher is looking at ____. 4. She is playing ball all alone. Let’s play with _____! 5. He is going to the cinema. Let’s go with ____ !

me they we she him

I them us her he

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Choose and circle the correct word. 1. Maths tests are ____ than English tests. 2. My sister is _____ than me. 3. Football is the _____ interesting sport in the world. 4. Who is _____ singer of all? 5. Who is _____ footballer in the world?

easy tall more worse good

easier taller most the worst better

ADVERBS – WHEN? Choose and circle the correct word. 1. They _____ drink tea. 2. We ______ go to the cinema. 3. He bought a bike _____ . 4. He is sleeping ______ . 5. He will phone _______ .

yesterday yesterday usually now yesterday

POSSESSIVES WITH ‘S Choose and circle the correct word. 1. It’s _____ book. 2. It’s that _____ chair. 3. That is my _______ book. 4. Those are _____ toys. 5. She’s wearing her _____ hat.

Nick’s girls sister’s children mother’s

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Choose and circle the correct word. 1. They paid for the car. Now it’s ____ ! 2. Give it back to me. The pen is ______ ! 3. He found the dog. Now it’s ____ 4. Look at this book! Is it _____ ! 5. We can sell the house. It’s _____ !

theirs my his your ours

usually often yesterday sometimes usually

my their our hers his


the easiest the tallest much bad the best


tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow yesterday tomorrow



12 13 14 15

ADVERBS – HOW? Choose and circle the correct word. 1. She sings ____. badly 2. I cook _____. well 3. He talks ___. loud 4. She speaks English ___. perfectly 5. They dance _________. beautifully

bad good quick good beautiful

good nice loudly perfect beautifuly


PREPOSITIONS – WHERE? Choose and circle the correct word. 1. My flat is _____the first floor. on 2. The clock is _____the sofa. above 3. There is a chair _____ the door. above 4. The mirror is _____ the lamp and the shelf. under 5. I’ve got some money ___ my pocket. in

behind between behind between on


PLURALS Choose and circle the correct word. 1. There are five ___. boxes 2. There are many ___. mice 3. There are many ____. childs 4. There are many ____. knives 5. He has bad ____. tooths

boxs mouses children knifes teeth

box mices childrens knife teeths 2/5

VOCABULARY A. FAMILY Choose and circle the correct word. 1. My mother’s brother is my ______. 2. My aunt’s children are my _____. 3. She’s my cousin. She is my aunt’s_______. 4. My brother is my mother’s _____. 5. My mother’s husband is my _____

uncle aunts daughter son uncle

aunt cousins sister daughter father

in in on in under

cousin uncles mother aunt aunt


B. HEALTH PROBLEMS Complete the sentences with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

stomachache, headache, toothache, throat, temperature, cold

He didn’t go to the dentist on time and now he’s got headache. You’ve got a cold because you didn’t wear warm clothes. He was in bed for a week because he had a high temperature. She didn’t go to the singing competition. She had a sore throat. He ate too much pudding and now he has stomachache.

C. EVERYDAY ENGLISH Choose and circle the polite words. 1. How are you? – Good. Nice. 2. Sorry! – Of course Yes, you are. 3. Here you are. – OK. Thank you. 4. Thank you. – Never mind. You’re welcome. 5. Can I have some juice, please? I want some juice. See the Appendix for the correct answers.

Fine, thanks. It’s all right. No. Of course. Give me some juice.






Talk about… • • • • •

yourself & your family your town & your school what people are doing what people do sports in schools

Study… • • • • • • •

capital cities & big cities time zones schools & grades jobs nationalities & languages different types of homes American & British English

Practise… • • • • • • • • •

the Present Continuous Tense the Present Simple Tense adverbs of frequency phrases with ‘have’ phrasal verbs with ‘get’ telling the time cardinal and ordinal numbers asking and answering politely asking for directions

Write about… • • • • •

what people are doing now what people do every day where people work important dates and times your school

Read… •

the cartoon – episodes 1 & 2

Extra… •

Read about Buckingham Palace and Paris



- What are they doing in New York? - We need a bigger apartment! • activities going on at the moment • family members • jobs • world time • schools grades in different countries • numbers and dates



- Kids like chatting - A big change • • • • •

everyday activities school friends different homes sports in the USA countries, nationalities and languages

What are they doing in New York?



Let’s talk


1. 2. 3.

What do you know about New York? London? Belgrade? Which of the cities is the biggest? Which of these cities is not a capital city?

1 Read the dialogue. Are all the children enjoying the guided tour? 2 Read the dialogue again and then answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Which city is Marko in? Why is Ivan unhappy with Marko and Vera? What is special about the Empire State Building? Does Vera prefer sightseeing or shopping?

Guide: We are driving along Fifth Avenue, the longest street in New York City. To the right you can see the Empire … a) Marko: This is so much better than a cab! Vera: Why is he driving so slowly? I’m thirsty! Ivan: Oh, stop talking you two. You aren’t listening to the guide. Marko: That’s not true. I’m listening carefully. Ivan: Ok then. What’s the name of this skyscraper? Marko: Let me see. Hmm… er … I know! It’s the Empire State Building. Track 2

taxi people


Listen to Marko and Nick talking. 1. What is nick.fluffy?


Listen again and circle the correct answers. A – right B – wrong C – no information 1. Marko is calling from Belgrade 2. Nick is in New York City. 3. It’s half past eight in London. 4. Nick’s folks are sleeping. 5. Overseas phone calls are expensive.



Vera: Why is everybody looking at that old building? Ivan: Because it’s the tallest building in New York and it’s beautiful! Vera: Look at that huge shop! Are we getting off now? Marko: See, Vera isn’t listening! She’s not interested in old buildings. Vera: Of course, I am. But I’m hungry right now.

cab folks It’s three thirty. = It’s half past three. It’s three twenty. = It’s twenty past three. It’s three fifty. = It’s ten to four.


Learn this!

 am /ei em/ = morning / 24:00 to 12:00 / midnight to noon.  pm /pi: em/ = afternoon / evening / 12:00 to 24:00 / noon to midnight

Did you know? There are 24 ‘time zones’ in the world. When it’s 5 pm in Belgrade, it’s 4 pm in London and it’s 11 am in New York.


1A 13

Look at the first dialogue and complete. 1. We ____ ___________ along Fifth Avenue. 2. Why ____ he __________so slowly? 3. You _____ ____ _______ to the guide. 4. I’__ ________ carefully.

Remember the spelling! read reading learn learning study studying write writing have having make making put putting chat chatting travel travelling

We use this tense for things happening at or around the moment of speaking. – See The Grammar Folder, Unit 1

5 Complete the sentences with the 'ing' form of the verbs: rain, study, travel, write,

listen, chat, get, learn

travelling traveling

1. I’m __________ a letter at the moment. 2. You are not ________ to me! 3. He is _______ around the world. 4. She isn’t ___________ Medicine at University. 5. Is it __________? Bring an umbrella. 6. Look! Peter is _________to Helen on his mobile! 7. Are you ________ off at the next stop? 8. They are ________ about China in Geography this week.


Look at the ‘time zones’ and complete the table.


Make sentences. It’s 12 pm in London. What are or aren’t people in different cities doing? eg. New York / Marko / not have breakfast In New York, Marko isn’t having breakfast. It's 7 am.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sydney / Nicole / not watch TV London / Nick / not do a test Belgrade / Marko’s friends / chat Los Angeles / most people / sleep

Finish the dialogues

a) S1: Who are you talking to? S2: I’m talking to …………. S1: What are you talking about? S2: We’re talking about ………

b) S1: What is he looking for? S2: He’s looking for ………. S1: Why? S2: Because………

c) S1: Where are you going? S2: I’m going to ……………... S1: Who are you going with? S2: I’m going with.........

d) S1: What is she doing these days? S2: She’s …………….. S1: Why? S2: Because ………….

Pair work


The Present Continuous Tense  am/is/are + ….ing

We need a bigger apartment! 1

Read the text and complete the boxes with names.

an architect

It’s mid September. Marko is in New York with his a teacher family. They are staying there for a year. Marko’s father, Mr Petrovic, has got a new job in the USA. He is a good in the seventh grade architect and he is working for a big building company in the oldest kid New York City. Mrs Petrovic is a Maths teacher. She hasn’t got a job in in the fifth grade New York, but she’s very busy these days. She’s looking for a bigger apartment near the children’s school. At the moment, the family is staying in a small apartment far from school. The children, Marko, his sister Vera and his brother Ivan are attending a private school in Manhattan, at 433 West End Avenue. It’s a school for kids from eight to eighteen years of age, so the children always go to school and return home together. Marko is twelve and he is in the seventh grade. Vera is younger than him. She is in the fifth grade and Ivan, the oldest of the kids, is in the tenth grade.








2 True or false? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It’s 2nd September. T Her mother is an English teacher. T Both Vera’s parents are working at the moment. T She’s got three brothers. T She goes to a private school. T The children finish school at different times. T


Ivan Marko 12

3 Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3.

Why are they living in New York? Why doesn’t Mrs Petrovic have much time? What are the two problems with the place they are living in at the moment?

4 Complete the sentences about Marko and his family. a) Marko is staying in ____________ for ________. b) His father is ________________ for a building ________. c) They are living in a small _____________ far from _________. d) His mother is ___________________ a bigger apartment. e) He is _______________ a private school. f ) The address of the school is ___________________ . g) He is in __________________ grade.



1B 15

5 Read the number! 433 – four hundred and thirty-three 2389 – two thousand three hundred and eighty-nine 3,000,000 – three million 4,000,000,000 – four billion


Read the date!

15th June – the fifteenth of June

7 Complete the numbers.





the first



twenty-one fourth




Read and compare school grades in different countries.







Year 1



Year 2

1st grade


1st grade

Year 3

2nd grade


2nd grade

Year 4

3rd grade


3rd grade

Year 5

4th grade


4th grade

Year 6

5th grade


5th grade

Year 7

6th grade


6th grade

Year 8

7th grade


7th grade

Year 9

8th grade


8th grade

Year 10


1st grade

Year 11

9th grade 10th grade


2nd grade

Year 12

11th grade


3rd grade


4th grade

12th grade




9 Look at the table and find out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What class are Marko’s school friends in Serbia in? What year are Marko’s friends in England in? At what age do children start school in Serbia / England / the USA? How old are the oldest pupils in primary schools in Serbia? How old are the youngest pupils in secondary schools in England? At what age do children finish secondary school in Serbia / England / the USA?

Remember 10 What do you think? Is it better or worse to start school at 5 than at 7? Why?

the USA = the United States of America the UK = the United Kingdom

11 Can you remember why these numbers are important to the Petrovices?

Example: Children start the private school in Manhattan when they are 8 years old.




16 Track 3 Five pairs of teenagers are in the final of an interschool competition. They can win £10,000 for their school computer room, but they must travel around the world, visiting cities on the way. Which cities? No one knows! The teams must find and solve the

Track 4

clues which tell them where to go! All the clues are tricky. John and Joan, our favourites, are at home in Manchester. They are excited! The first clue has arrived! Can they solve it? Let’s see.


1C 17

Comprehension check Answer the questions.

Team game

1. How many teams are competing? 2. What is the prize for the winners? 3. What is the money for? 4. What must they do to win the prize? 5. Where must they go first?

Each team chooses a leader and tells him what action to mime. The opposing team asks three questions and tries to guess what he /she is doing. The team gets a point for the right guess. S1: Are you drinking milk? Leader: No, I’m not. S2: Are you drinking coffee? Leader: No, I’m not. S3: Are you drinking water? Leader: Yes, I am.

Track 5

At the train station 1 Put the conversation into the right order. Listen and check.

– At 12.15. _____ – Thanks. Goodbye. _____ chester? __1__ – Excuse me, when’s the next train to Man – Single or return? _____ then, please. _____ – OK, I’d like two tickets to Manchester – £16.80, please. _____ – Return. _____ er? _____ – Non-smoking. How much is that altogeth – Smoking or non-smoking? _____ – Here you are. _____ £3.20 change. _____ – Thank you. Here are your tickets and

A Proverb First come, first served. Is there a proverb with the same meaning in your language?

2 Now make up your own conversation with a partner.

Fun page!




Riddles 1. 2. 3. 4.

What can jump higher than the Empire State building?


Me! The Empire state building can’t jump!

‘I’ve got twelve feet, six hands, four eyes and four ears. What am I?’ ‘Where does August come before May?’ ‘Who spends most of their time in the bathroom?’ What doesn’t get wetter no matter how much rain falls on it?

Are you good at maths? Mrs Adams is writing a book. There are two hundred and thirty words on a page. Today she has written one thousand and thirty-five words. How many pages has she written? a) four and a half b) three and three-quarters c) four d) six and a half  See the Appendix for the answers.

What’s the Empire State Building? It’s a - - - - - - - - - - the 1st letter is in sun but not in run - the 2nd letter is in kiss but not in miss - the 3rd letter is in yet but not in let - the 4th letter is in sea but not in tea - the 5th letter is in cat but not in rat - the 6th letter is in rat but not in cat - the 7th letter is in meat but not in meet - the 8th letter is in pen but not in hen - the 9th letter is in end but not in and - the 10th letter is in rest but not in best

Extra reading


Patrick is writing about Buckingham Palace for the Culture Crew's new magazine.

1D 19



Buckingham Palace in London, England, is one of many tourist attractions in the United Kingdom. It is the London home of the Queen and is probably one of the most famous buildings in the world. More than 50,000 people visit the Palace each year as guests at banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and Royal Garden Parties. In the summer, organized tours take visitors to see some parts of the Palace. The Queen lives in the Palace, but many people also work there. Inside, there are the offices of those who help with the daily activities and duties of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh and their family.

... do

… learn

How well did you .....?

Not very well


Very well

the present continuous exercises, p. 13 the world time exercise, p. 13 the numbers, p. 15 the composition from the Workbook the conversation at the train station

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

How much did you ….?

Not very much

about the Petrovic family about different school grades

Unit 1 was ...



A lot

________ ________

________ ________


Guards also live at the Palace. They are called the Queen’s Guard and they wear red tunics, bearskins and busbies. The Changing of the Guard takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11.30 am every day in summer and every other day in winter. It lasts for about 45 minutes and is a popular event for visitors.

Kids like chatting

Let’s talk 1.




2. 3.

Which school in the picture would you like to go to? Why? Which school looks like your school? Which is better – a big modern school or a small traditional one? Why?

1 Read the dialogue and answer the question. What topics don’t Sue and Nick talk about – sport, music, homework or learning English? 2 Read the dialogue and then answer the questions. 1. Is Marko good at football? 2. What’s the American word for football? 3. Why doesn’t Marko like playing American football? 4. Is Marko bad at maths? 5. Who has an American girlfriend?

football soccer

Sue: What’s the news from Marko? Nick: Oh, he’s fine. He’s got new friends. They want him to join the school football team. Sue: Do you mean American football or our football? Don’t they call it soccer there? Nick: Yeah, you’re right. I mean soccer. Marko doesn’t want to play American football. It’s too rough! Sue: And he’s too small! Does he find it hard to study in English? Nick: No, he doesn’t. At least, he’s not complaining at the moment!

Sue: Does anyone help him with his homework? Nick: His mother helps him with maths as usual. Sue: What about his brother and sister? Nick: His sister is taking extra English classes and the two of them practise speaking English at home. His brother is practising English in his own way. Sue: What do you mean? Nick: I think he’s dating an American girl. Marko says it’s a secret!

Track 8 3 Listen to Marko and his sister talking. Is Marko kind to Vera?

4 Listen to the dialogue again and then circle the correct answers. A – right B – wrong C – no information 1. Ricky is Marko’s friend. A 2. Vera likes Ricky. A 3. Ricky’s grandparents are from Spain. A 4. People speak Spanish in Mexico. A 5. Marko wants to ring up Ricky. A


Learn this! What’s the news? Is it good or bad? It’s good news!

Did you know? There are … 309 million people in the world who speak English. 322 million people in the world who speak Spanish. 873 million people in the world who speak Chinese.


Does he find French hard? No, he finds it easy.


2 A 21


The Present Simple Tense Look at the first dialogue and complete. 1. 2. 3. 4.

They ______ him to join the school football team. ______he ______ it hard to study in English? No, he ________. His mother ______ him with maths as usual.

We use this tense to talk about facts (things that are always true) and about routines (things that we usually do). – See The Grammar Folder, Unit 2.

Facts: The Sun goes round the Earth. / John doesn’t like rugby. / Do cats have four legs? Routines: They usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock. / He doesn’t always go to bed early. / Do you often watch TV?

Remember the spelling of the verb with ‘s’ for ‘he/she/it’! live work play go do cry study hurry

Complete the sentences.


eg. She sometimes goes home by bus. (go)

lives works plays goes does cries studies hurries

1. His father _______ for a big company. (not work) 2. _____ John often ____ to London? (travel) 3. I ________ reading books. (not like) 4. _____ you always ______ home? (walk) 5. We sometimes _______ homework together. (do)

Adverbs of frequency

6 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

♣♣♣♣♣ always ♣♣♣♣ usually ♣♣♣ often ♣♣ sometimes ♣ rarely - never Remember

6. ____ they often ______ squash? (play) 7. Marko usually ________ at night. (study) 8. Vera ________ often ________ to school. (not hurry)

1. I ______ walk to school. 2. I am _______ late for school. 3. I __________ cheat on tests. 4. I am _______ tired after school. 5. I ________ watch cartoons on TV. 6. I am ______ bored in class.

We use the Present Simple for routines and the Present Continuous for things happening now.

S1: Do you always shout? S2: …………..… …… S1: Why are you shouting now? S2: Because……… Now invent similar dialogues.

S1: Does XY often play games? S2: ……… ….. S1: What is he playing now? S2: …….. ……… …….

Pair work

Finish the dialogues

A big change 1 Read the text and write the time in each box as it appears in the text.

Living in New York City is a big change for the Petrovic family. They live on Fifth Avenue, a very long street in Manhattan. Their new four-room apartment is in a building which is twenty-five storeys high. The family lives on the fifteenth floor and they have a lovely view of Central Park. Their day starts at 7am when they all get up. They always have breakfast together. Mr Petrovic leaves at quarter to eight. He often drives to work, but he sometimes takes the subway, which is much faster. The kids usually leave for school at 7.55 am and they get on the school bus at the bus stop near their house at 8 o’clock. Mrs Petrovic has a job in a flower shop in the neighbourhood. She works there from 10am to 2pm three times a week. She never drives or takes the bus to work because it only takes 5 minutes on foot. The kids always have lunch at school and they return home at about 4pm. They have a snack and do their homework. When father gets back from work at 6pm, they all have dinner. They rarely go out in the evening, but their Serbian friends often call on them.




6 Phrasal verbs – get

2 True or false? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Living in New York is the same as living in Belgrade for Marko. They live on the top floor. They can see a park from their apartment. Mrs Petrovic walks to work. Father returns home before the children. underground storey block of flats



subway floor apartment building

3 Answer the questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

How many storeys are there above Marko’s apartment? Does Mr Petrovic work far from home? How many hours a week does Mrs Petrovic work? Why doesn’t Mrs Petrovic drive to work?

A. Find the phrasal verb with get that is not in the text and then answer the questions.

get back / get up / get on / get off Which verb means to have a wash and get dressed? ______ Which two verbs are connected to transport? _____ , _______ Which verb means to return? ______ B. Now complete the sentences with one of the phrasal verbs. Use the right form of the verb. 1. At the weekend, Peter doesn’t __________ until 10am. 2.

When the children go to the town centre, they ________ the bus at the first stop and __________ at the last one.


She ____________ from school before me.

Phrases with HAVE

HAVE – breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, fun, flu, stomachache, toothache HAVE A – a meal, a snack, a shower, a good time, a headache, a cold

4 Find and copy the sentences about Marko, Vera and Ivan’s meals. • • • •

breakfast ____________________________________ lunch _______________________________________ a snack______________________________________ dinner ______________________________________

5 Answer the questions. How often do you have a shower? When do you have breakfast?




The United Kingdom



English - _______


Scottish - _______


Welsh - _______

Northern Ireland

Irish - _______







Track 9 7 Complete the table with the words from the box and then listen and check. Use some words more than once.



English and French


























2 B 23

8 Read in pairs and then use the facts in the table to talk. S1: Where is he from? S2: He’s from Scotland. He’s Scottish. S1: Does he speak French? S2: No, he doesn’t. He always speaks English.

Complete the sentences with always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never My partner _________ walks to school. My partner is _________ late for school. My partner _________ cheats on tests. My partner is _________ bored in class.

9 Can you remember what Marko’s family do? Example: They always have breakfast together.

Check your answers with your partner. Begin with: Do you...? Are you...?




24 Track 10 Can you remember? Joan and John are eating _________ when they get the first clue. They travel to London by __________ and the clue is at _______________. There are a lot of __________ outside the Palace, but finally a __________ gives them their next clue. Track 11


2 C 25

Comprehension check Answer the questions. 1. How do Joan and John travel to Paris? 2. Who is afraid of travelling through a tunnel? 3. Why does John go to the buffet car? 4. Do John and Joan know French? 5. Who wants to give up?

Track 12

rb A Prove Better late than never! Can you explain this? Is there a proverb with the same meaning in your language?

Polite questions and answers 1 Match a question with a reply. Then listen and check. A. Go straight on and take the first right. The buses come every five minutes. 1. Would you like anything to drink?

B. Yes, please. I’d like these three postcards, please.

2. Excuse me, do you speak English?

C. It’s at the end of this street, but it closes at 5pm.

3. Can I help you?

D. No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

4. Excuse me. How do we get to the museum?

E. No, sorry. I only know Serbian and Russian.

5. Can you give us directions to the nearest bus stop, please?

2 Now make up your own answers to the questions.

Team game

Example: Can I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy this jumper, please.

Each team chooses a leader who pretends to be a famous person. The opposing team asks five questions and tries to guess his/her identity. After three negative answers, the team loses the game. The team also loses the game if anyone says the wrong name. The team gets a point for the right guess.

S1: Are you a woman? Leader: No, I’m not. S2: Are you American? Leader: No, I’m not. S3: Do you play tennis? Leader: Yes, I do. S4: Are you Serbian? Leader: Yes, I am. S5: Are you Novak Đoković? Leader: Yes, I am.

Fun page



Funny questions.


a) ‘What’s a snake’s favourite subject?’ b) ‘Why is the maths book so unhappy? c) ‘How do you say your ABC backwards?’ d) ‘What language does a billboard speak?’

A Riddle What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Spot 10 differen

 See the Appendix for the answers.


Extra reading


2 D 27

Melvyn is staying in France at the moment. He goes to Paris every year with his family. It is one of his favourite towns in Europe, so he is writing an article for the Culture Crew magazine about it.


France is the largest country in Western Europe and over 60 million people live there. France is famous for its natural beauty. When you visit France, you can swim in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea or you can climb the highest mountain in Europe, Mount Blanc, which always has snow at the top. The longest river in France is the River Loire and the beautiful River Seine runs through Paris, the capital city. Paris is a city that is famous for fashion and romance. It has many well-known buildings, including the Louvre art gallery with its glass pyramid and the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Of course, everyone knows The Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 and is 324m high. You must climb 1665 steps if you want to reach the top. Its architect was Alexandre Gustave Eiffel and he helped to design the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1885. France is also famous for its food – more than 350 different types of cheese come from France. People in France like to drink their hot chocolate from bowls and dip their bread into it! In France, this is part of the culture, but when I try it at home, my mum gets angry!

How well did you .....? ... do the present simple exercises the exercises with the adverbs of frequency a‘ lways, usually, often……’ the composition from the Workbook … learn the nationalities and languages the phrases with ‘have’ the phrasal verbs with g‘ et’ ... match the polite questions and replies Unit 2 was ...



Not very well


Very well

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________






1. Find and mark with numbers the words in the text which mean the same as the words in box. Read the text using the new words. Marko and his folks

1. floor

11. begin

2. attends

12. in the afternoon

3. twelve months

13. in the morning


4. flat

14. for free


5. block of flats

15. children

6. eight thirty

16. talk

7. high

17. football

8. family

18. make fun of

9. end

19. far from

are staying in New York for

a year. is on the 8th storey

Their apartment

of a tall

apartment building. He goes to building.

a modern school which is not near He is in year 7.

half past eight.

His lessons start

He gets on

the school bus at 8 am.

Pupils can take a ride in the school bus without paying. On their way to school, the kids

laugh and chat.

The boys usually talk about soccer

and tease

the girls. The lessons are over

10. the 7th grade

at 3 pm.

2. Phrasal verbs a) Match the definitions to the verbs and complete the boxes with numbers a hang up 5 b ring up c give up d get on e get off f get back g take off h put on i look for j look after

1. take care of 2. leave the bus/train 3. phone 4. get undressed 5. end a telephone conversation 6. try to find 7. get dressed 8. stop doing something 9. return 10. enter the bus/train

20. takes

b) Complete the sentences with up, off, on, back Tom gets __ at 6 am and takes the bus to work. When he gets ___ home, Tom takes ___ his shoes and puts ___ his trainers. Then he gets ___ the 139 bus to Trafalgar Square. He usually gets___ the bus in Oxford Street where Mary lives. He rings her __ five times a day, but she always hangs ___ when she hears his voice. But Tom never gives ___. He is sure she loves him!

3. Phrases with HAVE – put the words in the correct place and read. lunch, good time, toothache, cold, flu, sandwich, dinner, shower, headache, fun have ________________________________________________ have a _______________________________________________

4. The same but different! Put these words in the correct boxes.


flat taxi





block of flats

apartment building




The UK

The US



1 & 2 29

The Present Continuous Tense 1. Complete the sentences with am /is/are + …ing. a) At the moment, Nick ___ _______ lunch. (have) b) Marko ___ ______ a letter. (not write) c) I ____ ________ the grammar check at the moment. (do) d) ____ Andy and Rick _______ Spanish now?(learn)

2. Put the words in the right order to make sentences or questions. a)

We now about life are reading in the USA. ______________________________________ b) is sleeping She not at the moment. ______________________________________ c) to me listening Are you? ______________________________________ d) at the moment you What doing are? ______________________________________

The Present Simple Tense 1. Complete the sentences with am / is / are.

a) I ___ interested in music. b) ____ you tired? c) It ______ not cold. d) She __ always late.

2. Circle the right word.

a) She often visit/visits/visiting us. b) James doesn’t/don’t/isn’t usually shout. c) Does/Do /Is you always speak English? d) They drink /drinks/drinking tea every day.

3. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Continuous. Every day Rick’s mother ______ (get up) early and _____ (go) to work. She ____ (work) for a big company. She usually ________ (write) letters and _______ (answer) the phone. She___________ (not work) on the computer every day. At the moment she ____________ (talk) to Rick on the phone. She ______________ (tell) him to stay at home and study.

4. Rewrite the sentences using often or now. They walk in the park. _________________________________________________ The are walking in the park . ____________________________________________

a) 139 ____________________ b) £ 4.50 p. _______________________ c) 12th August ___________________ d) 9 am __________________________

e) 843 __________________________ f ) £12.10 p. _______________________ g) 1st January _________________________ h) 2.30 pm ___________________________


2. Write the time in another way.

3. Complete and read the nationalities


1. Write the following in words.

a) It’s quarter past nine. ____________________________ b) It’s half past seven. __________________________________________

4. Write the names of the countries

a) _els__

b) __cottis__

c) __nglis__

d) __merica__

e) __erbia__

f ) __ris__

g) __renc__

a) The UK ________________________________________________ b) The USA ________________________________________________



Unit 1 – My town Group project Work in groups of 4–6 Think of 5 places/buildings/monuments you would show a person visiting your town for the first time. Find pictures, picture postcards, take photos or draw these places and paste the pictures on a sheet of paper. Write the names of these places and a few sentences under each picture. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • what the place is • what the place is called • where exactly it is • how old it is • what it looks like • why it is interesting • how often you visit it and why Show your project to the class and talk about it.

Unit 2 – Sports Think of the different sports you have played and watched others playing. Find and cut out photos of 10 of these sports and of famous sports people. Paste the photos on a sheet of paper and write the names of the sports or sportsmen under each picture. Write a few sentences about each sport. Here are some ideas on what to write about the sports you have played: • how much you like the sport • how often and where you play it • who you play it with • how good you are at it • how often and where you watch it • who the best and most popular player is • where the sport is popular Here are some ideas on what to write about the sports you haven’t played: • which countries it is played in • how interesting/boring/exciting it is • where it is played (outdoors/indoors) • who plays it (girls/boys) • which of your friends plays it • if you would like to play it Show your project to the class and talk about it.


Unit 3 – My school Group project Work in groups of 4–6 Write down some facts about your school. For example: • the name of the school how the school got its name; if it had a different name before; how old it is; where exactly it is; how big it is; where the classrooms for the youngest and the oldest pupils are; where the teachers’ room is; where the toilets are; if there is a canteen; how big the gym and the playground are; what time the school opens and closes, etc. Write about the people who work and study at your school. For example: • the total number of pupils, how many years the pupils attend your school; the number of pupils in the classes, the number of teachers, other people who work at the school, etc. Find or take as many photos as you can of the school building, classrooms and the playground. If you have a camera, take photos of the pupils at the break, in the playground or in the hall. Make a note of who these people are, and what they are doing in the picture. Make separate notes on all the facts you have gathered. Paste the notes and the photos/pictures on a sheet of paper. Show your project to the class and talk about it.




Unit 4 – A place to visit Group project Work in groups of 4–6 Visit a tourist agency and collect brochures advertising holidays in Serbia. Which of the places are the most interesting? Read the brochures, cut out the pictures and paste them on a sheet of paper. Now each pupil should write an advert which would attract tourists to one of the places. Paste your adverts under the pictures. Write all the details you know about the places under the photos. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • • • • • • • • • • •

where exactly the place is (in the south/north/east/west of Serbia) if there is a river/lake/mountain nearby (name it) how to get there from where you live where you can stay (hotel/private room/camp) what the food is like the prices what you can see there (museums/monuments/the nature) what you can do there (festivals/discos/cinemas/theatres) sports activities (skiing/swimming/fishing/tennis/football/rafting) attractions you mustn’t miss the best time to go there

Show your project to the class and talk about it.


Unit 5 – Eating habits Group project Work in groups of 4–6 For two to three days each one of you should write down all the different types of food you eat, the time you eat, where you eat, and with whom. Then each pupil should write a diary of his/her eating habits: • • • • • •

the time(s) of day when you eat most the time(s) when you are hungriest the type(s) of food you like eating most the type(s) of food you eat most the place(s) you usually eat and why you eat there the people you eat most often with and why

Paste the diaries on a sheet of paper. Compare them and find out which types of food most of you like eating. Find pictures of these, paste them next to the diaries. Show your project to the class and talk about the differences in eating habits.




Unit 6 – Volunteering Group project Work in groups of 4–6 Find out about a charity organization that is helping people in your neighbourhood. What problems do these people have and how does the charity help them? You can contact the organization and find out how you and your friends and family can help. Find out who the charity is helping: • the hungry/the homeless/the old/the sick/people with special needs Interview 5 grown-up people, family members or neighbours, about volunteering. Find out and write down what kind of voluntary work they have done. Here are some ideas on what to ask: • • • • • •

how many times and when they volunteered why and where they volunteered what kind of work it was how much time they spent doing the work how many people worked together how they felt after the work was done

Paste the reports of your interviews on a sheet of paper. If you can get photos of the people you have interviewed, paste them on your project sheet. Write your comments under each interview. Ideas for comments: • •

how useful/hard/interesting/boring the work was which of the volunteer programmes you would join

Show your project to the class and talk about it.


Unit 7 – Supermarket Group project Work in groups of 4–6 Go to the nearest supermarket. How many food items and drinks have English names on them? Make a list of those that you eat/drink regularly and collect some labels or adverts. Compare the prices of these items at the largest supermarket in your area and at your local grocer’s. Write down the differences in the prices of these items if there are any. Which of these items have you got in your kitchen/fridge? Choose 3 food items and 3 drinks which you have at home. Paste the labels or draw pictures of these items on a sheet of paper and write at least 5 sentences about each. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • which country it is from • how much it costs in different shops • where you usually buy it • how often you buy it • when you eat/drink it • what it tastes like (sweet, salty, sour, hot) • which you like/hate and why • how healthy/unhealthy it is Show your project to the class and talk about it.




Unit 8 – Spending money Imagine you have saved 2,000 dinars. Christmas and New Year are coming. You must spend all your money and you have to buy at least 4 items. What would you buy and why? Decide what you would buy and make a list. Collect some labels or adverts. Find out the prices and write them down. Be careful! The items may be cheaper or more expensive in different shops. Now add the prices together and see if you have enough money. Paste the labels or adverts on a sheet of paper and write 5 sentences about each. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • what it is • which country it is from • how much it costs • who it is for • the reason for buying it • where you can buy the same item Show your project to the class and talk about it.

Unit 9 – Films I'm going to see Make a list of 5 films you plan to see. Find and cut out adverts for these films and photos of the actors who act in them. Write the titles of the films on a sheet of paper and paste photos and adverts under each. Write a few sentences about each film. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • • • • • • • •

what kind of film it is which language it is in which country it is from who the leading actors are how long it lasts when and where you plan to see it how much the tickets are (if you plan to see it at the cinema) who you’re going to go with (if you’re going to see it at the cinema)

Show your project to the class and talk about it.


Unit 10 – How to travel? Group project Work in groups of 5 How many means of transport can you think of? Think of 5, find and cut out photos or pictures, paste them on a sheet of paper and name them. Each pupil should write 10 sentences about one of the means of transport. Here are some ideas on what to write about: • • • • • • • • • •

the number of people that can use it at the same time different types/sizes of this means of transport how far you can travel using it how fast/slow it is how comfortable it is how expensive/cheap it is if you have used it how often you use it if you can get any services when using it why it is better than the other means of transport

Show your project to the class and talk about it.




Marko’s test. Wrong answers corrected.

Fun Page Key





Fun Page Key

Paintball Name















Listening Comprehension






– are words used to name persons, things or ideas.

There are different types of nouns: • Proper nouns, which always start with a capital letter; e.g. Nick, Marko, England, Serbia, June, Sunday • Common nouns, which always start with a small letter; e.g. a book, a chair, an apple, milk, sugar • Countable nouns, which we can count and which have a singular and plural form; e.g. This is a book. There are ten books. • Uncountable nouns, which we cannot count and only have a singular form; e.g. sugar, water, butter, milk; There is some milk in the jug. • Abstract nouns, which name things we cannot see or touch; e.g. luck, size, fun, language, truth • Compound nouns, which are made up of two or more words; e.g. dining room, make-up, babysitter, T-shirt, pen-friend, fish-and-chip shop • Singular nouns, which are used to talk about one person, thing or idea • Plural nouns, which are used to talk about more than one person, thing or idea. We add s or es to most singular nouns to form a regular plural noun; e.g. cars, books, boxes, watches There are some nouns that do not follow this rule and they are called irregular plural nouns ; e.g. feet (plural of foot), teeth (plural of tooth), mice (plural of mouse), children (plural of child), etc.


– are words used to say what someone or something does or what happens to them. The base form of the verb is called the infinitive and is often used with ‘to’ in front of it; e.g. to go, to work, to see

There are different types of verbs: • Regular verbs, which form the past tense and the past participle with -ed; e.g. to work – worked – worked • Irregular verbs, which have no rule for making the past tense and the past participle; e.g. to go – went – gone • Modal verbs, which are used with other verbs and have an infinitive without ‘to’ and have the same form for all persons: e.g. must, can, may, should; I can run fast. She can sing well.


Do you remember what the different grammar words are and how to use them in a sentence?


ADJECTIVES – are words which go with nouns and are used to tell us more GRAMMAR FILES

about someone or something; e.g. big, small, my, happy, red

There are different types of adjectives: Descriptive adjectives, which tell us what things are like; e.g. big , red, boring; That’s an interesting book. Possessive adjectives, which tell us whose things are; e.g. my, his, her, its, your, our, their; She is my friend.


– are words used to talk about when, how and where things happen.

There are different types of adverbs: • Adverbs of time tell us when things happen; e.g. now, today, tomorrow, yesterday, already, yet, etc; They arrived yesterday. •

Adverbs of place tell us where things happen; e.g. here, there, everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, etc.; I’ll wait here.

Adverbs of manner explain how things happen; e.g. slowly, quickly, silently, loudly, etc.; He was talking loudly.

Adverbs of frequency tell us how often things happen; e.g. usually, sometimes, often, rarely, etc.; They often visit us.


– are words used in place of nouns when you do not want to name someone or something.

There are different types of pronouns: •

Personal subject pronouns: e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they; She’s pretty.

Personal object pronouns: e.g. me, you, him, her, it, us, them; Look at her!

Possessive pronouns: e.g. mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs; The car is mine.

Demonstrative pronouns, which are used to show which things or people we are talking about: e.g. this, that, these, those; These are my books.

Indefinite pronouns, which are used to talk about things or people in a general way: e.g. something, anyone, one, someone, nobody

Interrogative pronouns, which are used for asking questions: e.g. who, whose, which, what


– are words which come before a noun or a noun group and tell us more about it; e.g. on, at, in, by, with, next to, between, under, etc.

There are different types of prepositions: •

Prepositions of time: e.g. at, on, in, etc.; John arrived at 5 o’clock in the morning.

Prepositions of place: e.g. in, on, between, behind, under, etc.; The chair is behind the door.

Prepositions of movement: e.g. under, over, between, into, out of, under, on, past, along, round, through, etc.; He walked along the street.


– There are two types of articles:

The indefinite article ‘a/an’, which is used before common countable nouns in the singular. It usually means ‘one’: I have a book.

The definite article ‘the’, which is used before nouns in the singular and plural. It usually means ‘this/that’: The book is interesting.


Cardinal numbers: e.g. twenty-three, fifty-one, a hundred, etc.

Ordinal numbers: e.g. the twenty-second, the fifty-first, the hundredth, etc.






THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE  am/is/are + …ing • We use this tense for things happening: a) at the moment of speaking: I’m reading now. b) around the moment of speaking: The family is looking for a bigger flat. • We use the following time expressions: now, at the moment, at present, these days • We form the present continuous tense with the present tense of the verb to be and the main verb+ing. Affirmative I am You/ We/They are reading. He/She/It is

Interrogative Am I Are you/we/they reading? Is he/she/it

Negative I ‘m not You/We/They aren’t reading. She/He/It isn’t

Wh-questions am I What are you/we/they doing? is he/she/it Who is reading?

Short forms: I am playing. I’m playing. He/she/it is playing. He/she/it’s playing. You /we/they are playing. They’re playing. Short answers: Are you playing? Yes, I am. / Yes, we are. No, I’m not. / No, we aren’t. Is he/she/it playing? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Are they playing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Spelling: verb+ing. • We usually just add -ing to verbs: read – reading, study – studying, sing – singing • For some verbs, we double the last consonant: put – putting, travel – travelling, cut – cutting, get – getting • For verbs ending in -e, we drop the -e: take – taking, write – writing, make – making


Cardinal: 28 twenty-eight, 100 a hundred, 200 two hundred, 957 nine hundred and fifty-seven, 1000 a thousand, 2021 two thousand and twenty-one, 1,000,000 a million, 1,000,000,000 a billion Ordinal: 1st the first, 22nd the twenty-second, 90th the ninetieth 103rd the one hundred and third



• We use this tense when we talk about: a) facts (things that are always true):The Earth is round. Nick lives in London. b) routines (things that usually happen): I usually get up at 7 o’clock. •

We use the following time expressions: – every day / week / month/ year / morning / evening / afternoon / night – in the morning / afternoon / evening – usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, never


Affirmative I am You/ We/They are Nick/She/he is

twelve. clever. a pupil.

Negative I ‘m not a doctor. You/We/They aren’t at home. She/He/It isn’t here.

Interrogative Am I a teacher? Are you/we/they hungry? Is he/she/it cold ? Wh-questions How old am I ? Where are you/we/they? Where is he/she/it ? Who is clever?

Short forms: I am clever. I’m clever. He/she/it is tall. He/she/it’s tall. You/we/they are tired. You/we/they’re tired. Short answers: Are you hungry? Yes, I am. / Yes, we are. No, I’m not. / No, we aren’t. Is he/she/it tired? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Are they at home? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

TO HAVE Affirmative I /You/ We/They have a book. He/She/He has a book.

Interrogative Do I/ you/we/they have a book? Does he/she/it have a book?

Negative I /You/We/They don’t have a book. She/He/It doesn’t have a book.

Wh-questions What do I /you/we/they have? What does he/she/it have? Who has a book?





OTHER VERBS Affirmative I/You/ We/They like fruit. He/She/It likes fruit.

Interrogative Do I/you/we/they like fruit? Does he/she/it like fruit?

Negative I/You/We/They don’t like fruit. She/He/It doesn’t like fruit.

Wh-questions What do I/you/we/they like? What does he/she/it like? Who likes fruit?

Short answers: Do you live in London? Yes, I do. / Yes, we do. No, I don’t. / No, we don’t. Does he/she/it live in London? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. Do they live in London? Yes, they do. No, they don’t. Spelling of the verb for he / she/ it • We only add -s to most verbs: takes, likes, puts, sings, runs, reads, etc. • We add -es to verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z and -o: passes, washes, watches, mixes, goes, etc. • We change -y to -ie when a verb ends in a consonant +y: studies, tries, cries, etc. • We don’t change -y to -ei, when a verb ends in a vowel+y: plays, stays, says, etc.

Adverbs of frequency

tell us how often things happen.

always usually often sometimes rarely never • a)

The place of these adverbs in a sentence is: before the main verb – You often sing that song. They rarely visit us He doesn’t always wear jeans.

b) after the verb ‘to be’ – You are often late for school. I’m sometimes lonely. She isn’t usually tired after work.


Phrases with HAVE HAVE – have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, have supper, have fun, have flu, have stomachache, have toothache HAVE A – have a meal, have a snack, have a shower, have a good time, have a headache, have a cold

Phrasal verbs

are verbs that have a different meaning from the original verb, because one or two particles (e.g. up, off, back, on) are added to the verb.

Example: get back – return get up – rise in the morning put on clothes – get dressed

get on – enter a bus/train get off – leave the bus/train take off clothes – get undressed


In some phrases there is no article and in others there is ‘a/an’ following ‘have’

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