Improving english 22031

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За во д за уџ бе н

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Енглески језик за други разред гимназије и средњих стручних школа






Рецензенти др Борис Хлебец, редовни професор Филолошког факултета у Београду мр Душица Блажић, координатор за енглески језик Друштва за стране језике и књижевности Србије Ивана Брковић, професор у Првој београдској гимназији у Београду Лектор за енглески језик Jonathan Pendlebury, лектор на Филолошком факултету у Београду Уредник Слободанка Ружичић Одговорни уредник др Татјана Костић Главни уредник др Милорад Марјановић

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За издавача др Милорад Марјановић, в. д. директора


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Министар просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије, решењем број 650-02-444/2019-03 од 4. фебруара 2020. године, одобрио је овај уџбеник са тонским записом за издавање и употребу у 2. разреду гимназије и средњих стручних школа.

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд



Тираж 2.000.



МАРКОВИЋ, Гордана, 1951Improving English 2 : енглески језик за други разред гимназије и средњих стручних школа : десета година учења : workbook - радна свеска / Гордана Марковић, Катарина Ковачевић ; [илустрације Драгутин Вукелић] . - 2., прерађено изд. - Београд : Завод за уџбенике, 2020


ISBN 978-86-17-20313-7 1. Ковачевић, Катарина, 1942- [аутор] COBISS.SR-ID 13512201

ISBN 978-86-17-20313-7 © ЗАВОД ЗА УЏБЕНИКЕ, Београд (2015–2020) Ово дело не сме се умножавати, фотокопирати и на било који други начин репродуковати, ни у целини ни у деловима, без писменог одобрења издавача. Cover page: Eighth Avenue, Manhattan, New York (Depositphotos) Гордана Марковић Катарина Ковачевић IMPROVING ENGLISH 2 – Енглески језик за 2. разред гимназије и средњих стручних школа Радна свеска ДЕСЕТА ГОДИНА УЧЕЊА Друго, прерађено издање, 2020. година Издавач Завод за уџбенике, Београд, Обилићев венац 5 Ликовни уредник Бранислав Николић Корице Аида Спасић Илустрације Драгутин Вукелић Графички уредник Борис Поповић Дизајн и прелом Tатјана Вукмировић, Горана Раичевић Обим: 8 штампарских табака Формат 20,5 × 26,5 cm Тираж 2000 примерака Рукопис предат у штампу маја 2020. годинү t Ңтампање завршено маја 2020. годинү t Штампа


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Unit 4


Unit 5


Unit 6


Unit 7




Unit 3





16 22

Unit 2






Unit 1

Unit 8








Places with long traditions BIRMINGHAM BY CANALS


1 Read the text and choose the answer (A-C) which best fits each gap.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.






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Copenhagen and Amsterdam are both (1)____________ as the Venice of the North, mainly because they have canals and are very pretty. However, there is also the Venice of the UK – Birmingham. It may not be the most (2)_________ city, but something you’ll often hear in Birmingham is the fact that it has ‘more canals than Venice’. However, it also has more trees than Paris and more parks than any other European city. It is Britain’s second-largest city and it is rich with history and culture like any other city. What makes it special is its canal (3)____________. It is different (4)____________ to other canal cities. In Venice, the canals are concentrated and easily passable by gondolas, while in Birmingham they’re (5)___________ across the city. A trip along one of the canals is pleasantly quiet and (6)____________. Besides, you’ll get a much better (7)____________ of the city – not comparable perhaps to Venice, but certainly more complete. There are plenty of beautiful views. Colourful boats and historic canal architecture sit (8) ______________ with charming modern restaurants, bars and cafes. A famous A attractive A complex A from A spread out A relaxed A effect A alongside

B known B nicest B arrangement B compared B extend B reckless B impression B combined

C similar C pretty C network C related C stretch C restful C comparison C side-by-side

2 Match the adjectives in box A with the nouns in box B to make collocations and write

them down. There may be more than one combination, but only use each word once. Then practise making sentences with the collocations you have made.


place beauty fortress city infection landscape prize school life waters

It wasn’t an appropriate place for a wedding ceremony. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

3 Use the adjectives from the box to complete the sentences.

annual / medieval / prestigious / picturesque / appropriate / entire



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1. The manager thinks your dress is not _______________ for the occasion. 2. Madonna performed onstage at the 37th _____________ American Music Awards. 3. If you are interested in the subject, then take some time and read the ____________ article. 4. They only found ___________ pottery, mainly from the 13th-15th centuries, but not gold. 5. The view of the mountains and the village below was very ______________. 6. We all agree that it is a ______________ award and that he should be proud.


B a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

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A 1. appropriate 2. annual 3. bustling 4. deadly 5. striking 6. entire 7. medieval 8. prestigious 9. shallow 10. picturesque



4 Make adjectives from the words in capital letters to complete the text.


Use the following suffixes: -able, -ing, -al, -ive, -ous





Surrounded by stunning scenery, full of historic buildings and ____________ architecture, Edinburgh is the UK’s most visited destination after London. It has been the Scottish capital since the 15th century. There are two different areas, the Old Town, dominated by the ___________ medieval Castle, and the neoclassical New Town. Edinburgh Castle is an ____________ fortress which can be seen from all over town.


The wonderful combination of these two ____________ historical areas, each with their own important buildings, gives the city its own unique character.


______________ wonderful attractions make an immediate and ____________ impression on the many visitors who travel there.


In August Edinburgh becomes the ____________ centre of Europe, when the Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama is held. 5


PHRASAL VERBS 5 Match the meanings of the phrasal verbs with GET in the


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6 Fill in the blanks with: at, during, for, in, on or while.

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.



3. I fell asleep _______ the performance. I was asleep _______ about twenty minutes!


4. _______ the moment the children are watching their favourite show. 5. They both visited the resort _______ 1996. 6. I read some magazines _______ I was waiting to see the doctor. 7. I´ve got to go to the bank, but I´ll be back _______ ten minutes. 8. Kate has been in this business _______ more than ten years.

1. How many chocolates _____________________________ (you/eat) today? 2. She _________________(grow) fond of the town and now she ________________ (not/want) to leave. 3. We __________________(visit) the National Gallery this afternoon. _________________ (you/join) us? 4. I ___________________(be) to many job interviews, but I _______________ (not/get) a job yet. 5. She __________________(break) three records in the last four years. 6. Ann ___________________(make) a number of trips to the States this year. 7. Come on, let’s celebrate! Our team ______________ (win) the match. It is the second time this season that we ____________________(beat) our main rivals. 8. Susan __________________(want) to improve her French and that’s why she ____________________ (do) a language course in Paris at the moment. 9. Marko __________________(go) swimming twice a week. How often __________________(you/go)? 10. She ________________(get) wet unless she __________________(take) an umbrella.


2. I fell asleep _______ I was at the cinema.


1. It´s Jack’s birthday _______ Christmas.


a) return b) escape punishment c) succeed in contacting somebody by phone d) have a good relationship e) recover from f) manage financially

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sentences (1-6) with the explanations (a-f). 1. She’s going to ask her boss for a pay rise as she doesn’t have enough money to get by. 2. Simon gets on very well with his brothers. They never argue. 3. I’ve tried to phone them several times this morning, but I can’t get through. The line is constantly engaged. 4. We´re going to New York on 15th March and we hope to get back on 21st April. 5. Toni’s very disappointed about breaking up with Diana, but he´ll get over it. 6. The thieves got away with stealing the jewellery as they were never caught.

1. a) What are you doing? 2. a) What are you thinking about? 3. a) He is rude!

b) What do you do? b) What do you think about it? b) He is being rude!


2 Discuss the difference in meaning between the pairs of sentences below.

3 Match the sentences in box A with those in box B. A

B a. Are they meeting in a cafe?

2. Where are you coming back from?

b. No, it looks OK to me.

3. Do you see anything strange?

c. From a meeting.

4. Mathew is seeing his friend from Australia tonight.

d. Yes, I know you own a lot of property.

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1. Where do you come from?

e. They are eating now.

5. The Joneses are having breakfast.


From Spain.


6. My family has three houses.


4 Add since or for.

1. He has not been here _______ some time.


2. I have been looking for that key _______ the last half an hour.


3. I haven’t seen Peter _______ he left Rome. 4. They have made considerable progress _______ they invented the new machine.


5. She hasn’t been her usual self _____ the last few days. 6. It hasn’t rained _________ January.

5 Make sentences by putting the verbs into the present simple, present continuous or present perfect. Add any other words that you need. 1. When / we / board / plane?__________________________________________________ 2. I / keep / to a strict diet / these days __________________________________________ 3. population / our country / grow older / century _________________________________ 4. why / you / wear / your sister’s dress / today? ___________________________________ 5. you / ever / suffer / from toothache? __________________________________________ 6. at the moment / I / share / my bedroom / my brother _____________________________




track 4

6 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct tense. Listen to the text to check.

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Macy’s Department Store is known for the parade that ____________ place every Thanksgiving. Everyone __________ forward to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It _________ a long tradition in the United States and it__________ the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade always takes place in fabulous New York City. It _________ by Central Park and ends in front of Macy’s. For 84 years, Macy’s______________ young and old with the parade of high flying balloons and decorated floats. Famous entertainers, dancers, the best high school marching bands and the employees of Macy’s who handle the balloons in the parade _________ together on this day to make this amazing parade a spectacular event. About three and a half million spectators along the parade route in New York City and fifty million TV viewers ___________ the parade.

begin delight mark take watch come look be

7 There is a mistake in most of these sentences. If a sentence is wrong, correct it.



He’s caused trouble ever since I’ve known him. I know Charlie for five years. I’ve always wondered why she suddenly left school. I won’t go until I‘ll find out the truth. This is the first time I am in the USA. I want you to compare the present film with all the others you saw in your life.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Al is a friend of yours from England who came to visit you. Alex Your mother is taking you and your friend to Smederevo, but she doesn’t speak English and she wants you to tell Alex something about the town. Translate her words into English. Mother: Данас ћемо посетити Смедерево, које је удаљено 46 км од Београда. You: ________________________________________________________________________ Mother: Град је мешавина старог и модерног и привлачи велики број туриста сваке године. You: ________________________________________________________________________ Mother: Видећемо и живописну средњовековну тврђаву из 15. века, која се налази се на обали Дунава и доминира градом. You: ________________________________________________________________________ 8



1 Match the idioms with get with the explanations. a. b. c. d. e. f.

2 Use some of the expressions from the box to complete the sentences. 1. I’m sorry if what I said upset him, but I


Common expressions with the word BRIDGE


had to ____________________.

begin to do something seriously stop worrying about something remove become more successful than others have a fixed idea in one’s mind get out of control

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get ahead get a load off one’s mind get down to doing something get something into one’s head get out of hand get rid of

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2. She decided to ______________ her old


clothes. She doesn’t need them anymore.

Explain the meaning of the word ‘bridge’ in the following sentences. 1. ‘A lot of water has passed under the bridge.’ 2. They often gather in his house to play bridge. 3. ‘Cross that bridge when you come to it.’ 4. Is it possible to bridge the gap between two generations?

3. You have to practise playing the




piano every day if you want to

4. Things _________________ at the party


and juice was spilt all over the couch.

FOR FUN SOLVE THE RIDDLES 1. He has married many women, but has never married. Who is he? 2. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it? 3. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can’t hold it for much more than a minute. 4. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? 5. What can fill a room but takes up no space?

Breath Light A secret A river A priest



Telling stories VOCABULARY VOCABULARY V OCABU 1 Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the words in the box.

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substitute greet effort pant pull down successor

1. Nobody believes that his ______________ will make changes for the better. 2. Since education is a long process, it requires time, _____________ and patience. 3. I’m glad to hear that that ugly billboard was finally ________________. 4. David was sent onto the pitch as a _____________ for an injured player. 5. The woman stopped running. Her heart was beating fast and she was ____________. 6. He came to the gate to ____________ his guests.

2 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in capital letters.



Sending aid to the victims was simply a matter of common _________________. /DECENT _________________ is working hard and doing your best. /DILIGENT His _______________ was never doubted by those who knew him. /SINCERE The discovery of penicillin proved to be __________________ to people. /BENEFIT Did Jason give you a clear _________________ that he would help us? /INDICATE The day I left home is now a _______________ memory. /DISTANCE


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


3 Guess the meanings of the expressions with SPOT from the context and match them with their explanations (a-c).

Elaine has a soft spot for kittens.

a) not able to move

on the spot

The police were called and they were on the spot in three minutes.

b) have a fondness for someone/something

rooted to the spot

Mary was rooted to the spot and watched as the building collapsed.

c) in exactly the right place


have a soft spot for someone/something

PHRASAL VERBS 4 Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the following verbs with down: calm, cut, let, pull and break. 1. She promised to _____________ on cigarettes to five a day. 2. They’re _____________ the old factory tomorrow. It will be sad to see it disappear! 3. She couldn’t _____________ because her exam results were very bad. 4. My mum’s TV _____________ and I had to repair it. 5. She promised to help me, but she _______ me _______.



CONFUSING WORDS (1) 5 Confusing words are words that are very similar and commonly confused. Choose the correct word to complete the questions.

7. The _____ applauded enthusiastically after the play had finished. A audience B spectators

2. She managed to _______ her children and make a good living. A rise B raise

8. The ____ of the article drew my attention. A title B headline

3. Your opinion will have no _____ on my decision. A effect B affect

9. He _____ down and immediately fell asleep. A lay B lie



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1. _____ he wasn’t willing to go, he finally joined the group. A Despite B Although




4. Please finish your work _____ six o’clock. A by B until

10. You can choose from _____ four items on the list! A between B among

5. _____ I’m concerned, you can come along. A As long as B As far as

11. _____ his training and experience, he failed to qualify. A Although B Despite

6. I often __________ about how things came to be the way they are today. A wander B wonder

12. He will arrive _____. Let’s wait. A briefly B shortly



GRAMMAR THE FENCE h verbs b ffrom the h b box to 1 Use the complete the story.

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father (1)___________ him a bag of nails and told him that every time he (2)__________ his temper, he had to hammer a nail into the fence. The first day the boy had driven 20 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he (3)__________ to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually (4) ___________ down.

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make learn lose give do go hold lead




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Finally, the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. Then his father suggested that the boy now should pull out one nail for each day that he was able to (5)____________ his temper. When all the nails were gone, the father took his son by the hand and (6) ___________ him to the fence. He said: ‘You (7)_____________ well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. (8)__________ sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later.’


sing _____________________________ shoot____________________________ steal_____________________________ drink ____________________________


1. 2. 3. 4.


2 Write the forms of the following verbs.

5. 6. 7. 8.

catch___________________________ lay_____________________________ deal____________________________ freeze__________________________

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. A: ‘Where ______________(you/go) on holiday this year?’ B: ‘We ______________(not/decide) yet. How about you?’ 2. A: ‘______________(you/come) home in a taxi last night?’ B: ‘Yes, it ______________(rain) when we ______________(leave) the theatre.’ 3. My brother ____________(read) all Grisham’s books. He ___________(just/ finish) reading his latest novel. 12

4. I _____________(drop) my bag when I _____________(board) the plane. 5. Bob and I ______________(play) tennis twice at the new court since they _________(open) it last month. 6. They _____________(slip) and _________(fall) while they____________ (climb) the mountain. 7. ‘_____________(you/have) dinner yet?’ ‘Yes, I __________(have) it at 7.00.’ 8. We _________________(miss) the last bus. Now we _________(have to) walk.

E.g. I / not / play / basketball / four months - I haven’t played basketball for four months. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


4 Write sentences using the prompts. Use for, since or ago. My best friend / stop / eat / meat / 2 years _______________________________________ Harry / not / meet / Sally / she / be / a student ____________________________________ I / last / play / basketball / four months _________________________________________ We / last / speak / to Ann / two weeks __________________________________________ My father / start working / in France / 6 months __________________________________


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Correcting mistakes

5 Add an indefinite article where necessary.

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4. This is quite good story. 5. There is new English book on the desk. 6. Smog is problem in big cities.


1. We have English three times week. 2. I saw brilliant rock band perform last night. 3. Football has been national pastime for years.





I saw the girl _______________ off her horse. I’d rather ___________ in the pool than ______________ down to the beach. Your daughter has just come home crying. You’d better ________ and see what’s happened. Let them ________ here tonight. It’ll be fun. I am sure he was made ___________ to the party! He’d said he didn’t want to.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6 Complete the sentences below with the following verbs: walk, stay, fall, go, swim.

Which of the sentences below say that somebody saw: a) the action completed? b) the action in progress? 1. I watched the children playing in the garden. 2. I saw him slip and fall. 3. I watched the children cross the street and enter the building. 4. I heard her singing while I was passing. 5. I saw her open the drawer and take the notebook.



QUESTION TAGS 8 Underline the auxiliary verbs in the sentences. Then add question tags.


Example: David hasn’t phoned yet, has he?

I’m handsome, aren’t I? Nobody got 20 points on the test, did they? Everybody likes clowns, don’t they?

3. They don’t know the results, _________? 4. Everybody was crying while watching the film, ____________? 5. She gave presents to all the members of the team, ____________? 6. Nobody has heard anything, _________? 7. Mary will certainly help you, ________?


Nobody is listening, are they?

2. Jim can’t come with you, ____________?

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There are some irregular question tags.

1. We are eating out tonight, ___________?

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Question tags are used when you want the other person to confirm whether you are right or not, or just to agree with you.


Everybody is listening, aren’t they?





Tra Translate the fable The Tortoise and the Hare. Корњача и зец су се препирали ко је од њих двоје бржи. Одлучили су да се тркају. Зец је кренуо брзо, али, знајући да је корњача спора, леже крај пута да се одмори и заспа. Корњача је трчала без предаха. Кад се зец пробудио, потрчао је што је брже могао, али је на циљу угледао корњачу како га чека. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 14


EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY IDIOMS pull (oneself) together pull (someone’s) leg pull strings/wires (informal) pull a long face

= gain control of your emotions = to play a joke on; tease or deceive = to use influence to get something done = an expression of unhappiness and dislike

Complete the sentences using the correct idiom.

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The teacher asked the student to pull himself ____________ and to stop laughing. I suggested going for a long walk and she pulled _______________. I may be able to pull a few ________________ if you need the document urgently. Don’t believe him! He’s just pulling ___________.

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1. 2. 3. 4.







Complete each sentence with one phrase from the box. 1. ______________ the danger, Paul ran back into the burning house to save his friend. 2. ______________ the timetable, the next train isn’t due for two according to hours. apart from 3. ______________ fire, smash the glass and push the button. in favour of 4. Personally, I am ______________ forbidding smoking on behalf of completely! as for 5. I would like to thank you, ______________ everyone who was in case of rescued. regardless of 6. ______________ you, no-one else knows that I have escaped. 7. ______________ Steve, he believes that we should stay where we are.

FOR FUN SOLVE THE RIDDLES 1. What can go up and come down without moving? 2. What goes up, but never comes down? 3. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. 4. What kind of room has no windows or doors? 5. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I?

A mushroom A nose Stars Your age The temperature



Sports and competitions

VOCABULARY 1 Circ Circle the word which best fits the gap. Sports and physical activity in general have a crucial (1)______ on our health and (2)_____. Activities in the fresh air, such as playing with a ball, running, riding a bicycle, playing tennis or walking, lead to an improvement in

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(3)______, health and physical shape.

Success and (4)_______ are both part of sporting life as well

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as everyday life. Playing sports teaches an athlete how to

handle both, how to compete fearlessly and how to (5)______


effect comfort feeling fall down overcome However


affect goodness emotion failure beat But


impression well-being mood collapse defeat Above all





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


hard times. (6)______, winning international sporting events is also a matter of national pride.

attribute conquer object vehicle due to descent descend

2 Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences below. 1. They will soon ___________ all their enemies.

2. The climbers were forced to ____________ along an unfamiliar path, in total darkness no less. 3. They ___________ the success of the expedition to one man. 4. ‘The incident occurred during the plane’s ____________,’ he said. 5. The ____________ was there for two days as its driver was staying at the hotel. 6. None of the students ______________ to the proposal because it was a good one. 7. The situation is getting even worse, ____________ heavy snow and strong winds.



WORD FORMATION 3 Complete the table. Noun






imagine decisive tolerate

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We __________ you last night, but you weren’t at home. Do you know what the initials Ms _____________? Timothy ___________ the wedding _______ because he wasn’t in love with his fiancée. When you _______________ somebody, you support them when they need you. You’d better _______ John ________. He’s called twice already.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


4 Complete the sentences using phrasal verbs with CALL and STAND in the correct form.


5 Add the prepositions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

They came ________a decision. There are some exceptions _____ this rule. Not one student ________ of ten passed the exam. Whatever he did was _______ vain. He is blind _______ the fact that she doesn’t love him. They still can’t find an answer _______ this problem. They died _______ starvation. They were accused ________ cheating on the test. He apologized ______ her ______ his behaviour.



CONFUSING WORDS (2) 6 Confusing words are words that are very similar and commonly confused. Choose the correct word to complete the questions. Each question has only one correct answer.

5. Have you decided _____ you would like to come? A weather B whether

2. You shouldn’t leave litter _____ on the ground. A laying B lying

6. She usually works here, but she’s _________ in France. A actually B currently

3. Could you give me some _____ on this problem? A advice B advise

7. Could you wait a moment? I would like to stop ____ my mother. A to telephone B telephoning

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1. That painting by Picasso is _____. A worthless B priceless

8. John _____ me $50 until next Monday. A borrowed B lent



4. He is a very _____ person. He always has time to listen to people’s problems. A sensible B sensitive




ARTICLES the, where necessary necessary. 1 Complete the sentences with a/an or the


1. Paul has spent ______ half of his life in ______ Far East. 2. ______ Mississippi is ______ largest and most important river in ______ North America. 3. _____ National Museum and _____ National Theatre are at _____ Republic Square. 4. ‘How much are ______ bananas over there?’ ‘They are 90 pence _______ kilo.’ 5. _____ people we met while we were on ____ holiday in _____ north of England sent us _____ postcard yesterday. 6. ______ Andes are _______ mountain range in ______ South America. 7. ______ Lake Skadar is ______ largest in _______ Balkans. 8. _____ Plaza Hotel is on the corner of _____ 59th Street and _____ 5th Avenue. 9. _______ accommodation is difficult to find in _______ big cities. 10. What is _____ capital of _____ Netherlands: ______ Hague or _____ Amsterdam? 18

Which is correct? Underline the correct answer.


2 The definite article with place names 1. Lake Ontario / The Lake Ontario 2. The Rhine / Rhine 3. Mount Blanc / The Mount Blanc 4. The Canary Islands / Canary Islands 5. National Theatre / The National Theatre 6. Trafalgar Square / The Trafalgar Square 7. Central Park / The Central Park 8. Fleet Street / The Fleet Street

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9. Statue of Liberty / The Statue of Liberty

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10. Tower Bridge / The Tower Bridge



3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


The obstacle in our path




In ancient times, a King (0) _placed a huge rock on a road. Then he (1)_________ (hide) himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants (2)__________(come) by and simply walked around it. Many loudly (3)____________(blame) the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none (4)___________ (do) anything about moving the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along. He (5)_______________ (carry) a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the rock, the peasant (6)___________ (lay) down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing, he finally succeeded. After the peasant (7)_____________ (pick) up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse. It (8)___________(lie) in the road where the rock (9)___________ (be). The purse (10)______________(contain) many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the rock from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve prove our condition. 19


4 Write answers in the past perfect using the prompts. Study the example first. E.g. Why did you buy two theatre tickets? / invite Lisa Because I had invited Lisa to join me.

1. Why did you run to school? / miss the bus _______________________________________________________ 2. Why did you walk to work? / take the car to the mechanic’s _______________________________________________________ 3. Why did you buy a new mobile? / lose the old one _______________________________________________________ 4. Why didn’t Peter pay the electricity bill? / spend the money on new clothes _______________________________________________________

2. B: No, by the time we ______________ (get) there he ______________(go).

6. (who/live) _______________ in that house before the Browns ___________ (buy) it?


3. He _______________(still/write) the report when the inspector _________ (bring) the accused in.

5. Donald ____________(work) on Saturday, so he_______________(not /go) to the party the day before.

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1. A: ______________(you/see) my brother at the party last night?

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5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.



4. I wish I _______________(accept) his offer! He _____________(already/earn) a fortune.

7. By the time Mila_____________(finish) her studies, she _____________(be) in Belgrade for over six years. 8. I wish I ______________(know) what to do. I cannot make up p myy mind.




Yo your brother and Alex are talking about You, sports. Alex wants to know more about what your brother thinks about sports and you have to translate what your brother says. Не бавим се ниједним спортом, али волим да пливам. Волео бих да сам научио да играм тенис. За мене је тенис спорт који је лепо и играти и гледати. Већина људи воли такмичарске спортове, јер је леп осећај кад се победи. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ 20


EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY homework, an accident, an excuse, promotion, an exam, an advantage, a room, a good time, a suggestion, a message, your best, research, a mistake, the beds, the shopping, bored, a career, married, a rest, a nice day, friends, a promise, somebody a favour

WORDS THAT GO TOGETHER Add the words/expressions from the box to the table to make fixed expressions.





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DO homework






There are many different places where people play sport. t. Match each sport with the place where it is usually played. ed. 1. athletics a. a track 2. tennis b. a gym 3. gymnastics c. a pool 4. ice-skating d. a slope 5. football e. a rink 1 __ 2__ 3 __ 6. swimming f. a pitch 7. boxing g. a course 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 8. golf h. a court 7__ 8 __ 9 __ 9. skiing i. a ring

FOR FUN 1. a white lie 2. a black sheep 3. paint the town red 4. to give the green light 5. blackmail

COLOURFUL EXPRESSIONS Match the expressions and the explanations. nations. a. to give permission b. to go out and enjoy yourself in the evening, often drinking c. a harmless lie d. asking for money by using threats e. a person who brings shame to a family 21


Circle the correct answer.






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1. Hurry up. The show is _______ start. A coming to B ready for C about to D on the point of 2. When Diana ____ for her lesson, the teacher ____ the homework from the other students. A arrived / was collecting B was arriving / was collecting C has arrived / has collected D arrives / is collecting 3. ‘How long ______ his neighbour?’ ‘Since 2010.’ A have you been B were you C you are D are you 4. ______ to your office when I saw you this morning? A Have you gone B Did you arrive C Were you going D Have you arrived 5. I cannot accuse him ___________ the documents myself. A until I have checked B before I will check C until I shall check D before I am checking 6. He went to the Grand Canyon where he _____________ before. A wasn’t B hadn’t been C hasn’t been D didn’t go 7. We’ll soon finish this and then we ________ a new project _____ April1st. A started/on B have started/in C start/on D started/in 8. Sorry, I can’t go shopping with you after work. __________ dinner with my cousins. A I will have B I’m having C I have D I go for 9. I was so happy to see him again. I ______ him for a long time. A haven’t seen B saw C don’t see D hadn’t seen 10. The telegram ______ at nine o’clock and _____ to him personally. A has arrived / has been delivered B arrived / was delivered C arrived / delivered D would arrive / delivered 11. He caught _____ cold and had to take ______ medicine. A the / a B the / --C --- / a D a / --12. I suggest you buy ______ bread and _______ pasta. A a / some B -- / some C some / a D --- / the 13. Did you read about that couple _____ Time magazine or ____ Internet? A in / on the B in the / on C in the / on the D in / --14. She was _______ about his proposal, but hoped she would make a good decision. A under the weather B safe and sound C in two minds D up to her neck 15. The bridge is not safe and should be _______ down. A cut B pulled C brought D set 16. The last survey was _____ in 2010, but there’ll soon be a new one. A worked out B figured out C brought about D carried out 22


Circle the correct answer. Circl

1. He ______ his keys! It’s terrible. A will always lose B is always losing C is losing D always lose 2. After she ______cooking, she______ a shower. A has finished / had B has finish / has C had finished / has D had finished / had 3. I _______ reviews about that book and I think _____ buy it. A have read / I’ll B read / I’m going C will read / I’m going D had read / I’ll






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4. I’d like to welcome you ______ the class. A in behalf of B for behalf on C on behalf of D in name of 5. ______ time to visit the exhibition last week? A Had you B Have you had C Did you have D Had you had 6. The boss _____ a break since it was almost two o’clock. A suggested to have B suggested having C suggested me to have D suggested that having 7. He should really apologize for ______ us ______ earlier. A not to let / know B not letting / know C not letting / to know D not let / know 8. Everybody succeeded ______ what they wanted, _______? A to get / didn’t they B getting / did he C in getting / didn’t they D to get / didn’t he 9. I wish I ______younger so that I could marry again! A am B were C had been D would be 10. _____ study hard when you were at school? A Had you B Were you C Must you D Did you have to 11. I’m sure he will ring you as soon as he ______. A will arrive B is arriving C arrived D has arrived 12. He looked tired because he ______ all day. A work B had worked C has worked D is working 13. How long does it _____ to get to London? We’d like to visit _____ Tate Gallery. A need / - B take / C need / the D take / the 14. He was charged _____ murder and sentenced ____ ten years’ imprisonment. A with / of B for / to C with / to D of / on 15. This problem is not as complicated as it appears. Let me _______ the students. A explain it to B explain C to explain it to D to explain 16. We have to ______ tribute to that great man. A make B send C pay D do



A sense of achievement 1 Use the words in the box to complete


Elizabeth Blackwell was born in 1821, near Bristol. She moved to the United States with her family when she was 11. After her father’s death in 1838, she opened a school together with her mother and sister. Blackwell later decided to (1)________________ a career in medicine. But the road to becoming a doctor was not an easy one for her. After her (2)______________ to the college, she faced criticism from fellow students as well as the general public. But she held firm (3)______________ these challenges, slowly earning the respect of her peers. She became the first woman to graduate (4)______________ medical school in the United States.

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established start despite from admittance leading set

the text.


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After working in Paris and London, Elizabeth Blackwell (5)______________ a private practice in New York City. She created a medical school for women in the late 1860s. Soon after establishing the college, Elizabeth Blackwell returned to England. She (6)__________up a private practice in London and became a (7)_______________ public health activist during her lifetime.


2 Complete the sentences using the words from the KEY WORD LIST of UNIT 4.




The first letter has been given. 1. I don’t a______________ to be wealthy, only famous. 2. I think that such a policy would d _________________ our industry. 3. We made this decision after e______________ consultations with teachers. 4. There are many reasons to c______________ that this is not the best solution. 5. The f___________________ problem is this: there is no money left!

PREPOSITIONS 3 Fill in the correct

prepositions. 1. He was born ______ 6th March. 2. He focused _______ his work. 3. His research turned him _______ a celebrity. 4. He was dependent __________ his family. 5. They wanted to protect him _______ others.


4 Choose the most suitable phrase. 1. Tony always arrives exactly in time / on time for his lesson. 2. I can’t pick that last apple. It’s out of hand / out of reach. 3. Joe and I met on the plane completely by chance / by surprise. 4. The children spend most of their time out of doors / out of place. 5. I’m sorry but Jane isn’t here at present / at a time. 6. How can Susan love Tom? They have nothing in common / in general. 7. They should be here soon. They are in the way / on the way. 8. Terry isn’t here. He’s away in business / on business.


PHRASAL VERBS REVISION 5 Use the verbs turn, get or call in the correct forms to complete the sentences. This could _____________ out to be much more serious than we thought. ____________ off lights and electronic devices when they’re not in use. I have to ______________ down to some revision for my exams. They start next week! He is helpless. He has no relatives to ___________ to. The burglars ____________ away with a lot of cash and some valuable paintings. They ____________ off the match because of a fire at the stadium.


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5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The guard _____________ to let them enter the building. Max ______________ to be an expert in science. I don’t____________ starting work early. The tourist guide _____________ going there by car instead of on foot. He says it’s a long way. We can’t_____________ to go on holiday this year. I __________ playing tennis with him. It’s a pity he isn’t here. The job______________ travelling abroad once a month. I _____________ him from stealing the painting. She ______________ talking to her boss because she felt guilty.

mind avoid recommend claim prevent miss afford refuse involve


1. 2. 3. 4.



THE ‘ING’ FORM OR THE INFINITIVE? Use the verbs in the box in the correct forms to complete the sentences below.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2 Choose the correct meaning (a) or (b) for the verbs in bold in each sentence. 1. I stopped working in the garden and sat down to rest. a) to interrupt an activity in order to do something else b) to give up an activity 2. Hilary stopped to say ‘hello’ to her friend when she saw her. a) to interrupt an activity in order to do something else b) to give up an activity

3. Uncle James remembers singing at various festivals when he was young. a) not to forget an obligation b) to recall a past situation 4.‘Helen, remember to buy some bread on the way home.’ a) not to forget an obligation b) to recall a past situation



3 Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences. There is more than one possibility.

1. She ______________ crying in front of her friends – it was such a sad film. 2. ‘I ______________ having a cup of tea.’ ‘Good idea!’ 3. __________________ walking home instead of taking the car? 4. _______________ talking to the headmaster. He won’t let us do it. 5. ________________ complaining further.

feel like how about there’s no point (in) it’s no use couldn’t help



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PASSIVE VOICE 4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. 1. No one gave me any help with the homework. I _____________________________ any help with the homework. 2. The police are investigating the boy’s disappearance. The boy’s disappearance _________________________________. 3. People say swimming is good exercise for your back. Swimming _____________________________ good exercise for your back. 4. Nobody should do such things. Such things ______________________________. 5. We remind you not to leave your baggage unattended. Passengers ___________________________.

5 Rewrite these sentences using the passive.


E.g. When did somebody tell him the news? – When was he told the news?



1. How many books can people take out of the library? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The teacher didn’t show us the question paper. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is somebody following us? ___________________________________________________ 4. Have they eaten all the food? _________________________________________________ 5. The firm hasn’t offered me a job. _______________________________________________ 6. Nobody explained to her what to do. ___________________________________________

6 Put the verbs into the correct passive form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A new restaurant __________________(open) next week. He __________________(invite) to the party yesterday. I __________________(give) the book by my friend last Sunday. The road ________________________(repair) at the moment. When the parents came home, the room _________________________(already/clean) by their children. 6. Miriam _________________(not send) any text messages today and is sad. 26

3. CNN reported that thousands of people were homeless after hurricane Katrina. ___ Thousands of people ___________ ___ ____________________________ ___ ____________________________ d 4. Everybody expected Felix to land safely. ___ Felix _______________________ ____________________________ ___ ___ ____________________________

8 Be + adjective / the past participle + the infinitive structures Study the examples:

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B The verb TO BE with past participles such as used, engaged, meant, supposed, expected and the infinitive. E.g. We are engaged to be married. / He was supposed to be here by now.


A The verb TO BE with adjectives such as likely, bound, sure and the infinitive. E.g. He is bound to leave soon. / Mary is likely to get the promotion.

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1. Scientists claim that a new drug will soon be released. It __________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 2. Many people consider George Clooney to be the best looking actor. George Clooney ______________ ____________________________ ____________________________

9 Habits in the Past


7 Rewrite these sentences so that they mean the same, using passive-infinitive structures.

C Make new sentences using these infinitive constructions.




Remember that would is used for repeated actions in the past, but not states. x When I lived in the village, I would wake up to the sound of birds singing x I used to live in London. (not would). Finish the sentences any way you like.

When I was a student, I would often _________________________. My sister used to go to ____________________________________. I used to hate ___________________________________________. We would often gather together to ___________________________.


1. 2. 3. 4.


Three students are discussing the possibilities of visiting their friend in London. Translate their conversation for your English friend.

Ан Није много вероватно да ће ме моји родитељи пустити да идем. Ана: Тања: Сумњам да би се и моји родитељи сложили, али могу да их питам. Уна: Моја мама се можда не би противила, али за тату нисам сигурна. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 27


EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY IDIOMS WITH TURN 1 Match the idioms and their explanations. o 1. turned a blind eye to 2. turned a deaf ear 3. turn over a new leaf 4. turned (his) back on 5. turned ... inside out 6. the turn of the century



a. change one’s behaviour for the better b. refused to listen to c. ignored; pretended not to know d. searched very systematically/carefully e. the end of one century and beginning of another f. refused to have any more contact with

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2 Which idioms with turn from box A go into the following sentences?



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Put a number (1-6). 1. I took my dress back to the shop, but the manager _____ to my complaints. 2. I _____ the whole room ______, but couldn’t find my passport. 3. John got promoted and he _____ all of his associates. 4. There were major changes at _____ the 20th century. 5. The children made a huge mess in the restaurant, but their father ______ it. 6. Harry was always late for work, but when they cut his salary, he decided to _____.



the examples.


3 Study the table. Then choose words from the list below and make pairs of sentences, as in


x A wide range of adjectives ending in -ed which follow the verbs to be, seem, appear, look and become describe people’s feelings, mental states or emotional reactions to something. E.g. She was interested in the programme. / She felt satisfied when she passed the test. x Adjectives ending in -ing usually describe things or the effect that something has on your ideas and feelings: E.g. The programme was interesting. / The meeting was very satisfying.

disappointed thrilled frightened embarrassed confused bored tired annoyed excited amused relaxed Example: The storm was terrifying. I was terrified by it. 28


4 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Example: ‘I’m sorry I got home so late,’ said Sandra. /apologized Sandra apologized for getting home so late. 1. ‘I won’t tell anyone about it,’ said Suzie. /promised Suzie ________________________________ anyone about it. 2. ‘Laura, you should try being honest with your parents,’ said the headmaster. /advised The headmaster ___________________________ honest with her parents. 3. ‘You’ve been to the cinema instead of school, haven’t you?’ said Mum. /accused Diana’s mother _________________________ instead of school.

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4. ‘Perhaps we can try to talk him out of going there,’ said Steve. /suggested Steve ____________________________ out of going there.

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5. ‘No, I will not speak to Tom,’ said the father. /refused The father ______________________________________ Tom.

6. ‘Try practising the difficult points with your friends, Laura,’ the teacher said. /encouraged The teacher _____________________________________ with her friends.



accustomed to were used to to get used to am not used to used to getting used to





Use the expressions from the box to complete the sentences. 1. I __________________ speaking in public, but I’ll manage somehow. 2. Christine _______________ eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian. 3. When I went away to school, it was hard _____________ living alone. 4. They came from families that _________________ eating dinner together. 5. She has started working nights and is still ________________ sleeping during the day. 6. Well, I am ________________ sleeping late.

ALPHABET RIDDLES 1. Why is ‘U’ the happiest letter? 2. Why is the letter ‘T’ like an island? 3. What letter is a drink? 4. What letter is a body of water? 5. What four letters frighten a thief?


a. Because it is in the middle of waTer. b. O.I.C.U. (Oh I see you!) c. T. (tea) d. C. (sea) e. Because it is in the middle of ‘fun’. 29

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