Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Ziran Tang
926897 Samuel Lalo studio 11
2017 - current Bachelor of Design First Year University of Melbourne
Precedent Study Work Experience:
06 Generating Design Through Digital Processes
Student at University of Melbourne Awards / Exhibition: 2017
FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery
Water Pavilion
As a design student, I have an aspiration of make everythings looks better. This aspiration start when I realize the different looks of living environment between developed country and developing country. The lack of aesthecis in my home environment makes me want to do something for it, so my design path start with this dream. In this subject I have learn how to use Grasshopper in Rhino and how to edited view and check the visuale effect of odject by using unreal engine.
Skills: Rhino Grasshopper
The biggest things I learn in this subject is not how to design, but how to manage my time and improve effeciency in design process. At the beginning of course, I have spent more time on designing something I do not need for the task module, and my lack of skills in software have pushing me back from finsih every step on time. Latter on I start to get fimilar with design process, and I have learn that every time when the design task come, I should not just design according to requirement, but look at other people’s work, seek for inspiration and watch tutorial video of design software to get fimilar of software function, therefore I should be able to create my work with better efficiency and better quality.
Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication Efficiency
Diagramming Design Precedent
It is an open architecture, people can enter the pavilion in any direction, and there are no walls inside the pavilion, which allows people to interact easily and enjoy more confortable atmosphere. The pavilion can be used in different ways: Gallery, relaxing space, assembly area etc, due to it’s freedom attributes. It allows people to use this arrea in the ways they want becuase there are not much of barrier to limited the space. In addition, the roof and conlumns can relfect surrunding environment, this makes the pavilion fit with the park, even though its shape and colour looks stand out in the location. The pavilion was located on the lawn, infornt of Serpentine Gallery. The lawn was an ordinary open space, but now it attract people to gather and host mutiple activities, the pavilion successfuly promote the function of the original area and meanwhile fit confortabely with surrounding, and most surprisingly, it only composed by roof and columns. I also found out that the position of columns were design with well consideration. The density of columns are lesser in large space, therefore create a large open space for assembly. In small space, columns density are high, and it attract people to walk around the building.
Isometric 1:80 0
Isometric view of Pavilion
Diagram 01
Diagram 02
View of Pavilion from inside(Human height, 1.8m)
This area in Pavilion is design for childern. The height of columns are the lowest in whole site. It only can fit with childern’s height therefore attract more childern to come and enjoy the place.
Front view of Pavilion
Right view of Pavilion Height distrubution of Pavilion
Generating Ideas Through Process Task 1
Design Matrix
(30,150,150) (150,0,150) (150,0,150) (0,0,150) (150,150,60) (150,150,16) (0,0,150)
(150,0,106) (150,150,0)
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
2.1 (-22,-52,216)
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Attractor Point Location}
(-44,79,0) {Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Index Selection}
Design Matrix for Task 01 7
Surface and Waffle
The panel compononts on right side is Truncated pyramid. This compononts have the advantage of transimiting light and air. Apart form that, each unit is a therehold in this side of surface, and each therehold can be used for different purpose(entrance, window, ventilate etc.) The orientation of components on this side of panel is towards the attraction points on the top right corner. Therefore, the upper part are more twisted, with samaller thereholds than bottom part. This design will allow the bottom part of model serve as entrance or pathway and upper part serve as window, ventilate or even decorated ceiling.
Task 1 is very new to me because is the first time I start to use grasshopper in design. Good things about grasshopper is it save lots of repeat process. For example, the two surface in my model was generate by one script, same to the panneling variable. It allows me to test and custmoize design idea faster without input command every time I change idea. The Waffle structure was create refers to the script from workshop. This process developed my understanding of object structure and its attribute in terms of Architecture. After create model by hand, I awared that no matter how accreate the design is, the physical model will always be different from the model in computer. This reamind me, in design process and testing idea, I should not always focus on it’s effect on computer, but also it’s effect in real life. The shape of double pyramid improve the aesthetics of model, and serve as a wind block. It can also help to diffused internal light.
Exploded Axonometric 1:1 0
A twist surface can allow model absorb light in a wider angel, and transimit that into inner space lower light intensity.
Computation Workflow
Task 01 Grasshopper Script Showing input - associate - output
Step 1: Surface was create with bounding box. First, deconstruct box to get line, use “Divide Curve” to divide line and use “List item” to give each segemnt numbers. Then, use line to connect two points and loft that into a surface.
Step 2: Use the surface generate from Step 1, contour its with X or Y direction, use “divide” command to get the number of waffle you want in that surface and bake out for laser cut.
Section of Model
Section of Model
Waffle structure and light performance
Section of Model
After digital design process is finished, all the components were unrolled into 2D surface, and extract the line for laser cut. 1mm Mountboard was used for Waffle structure and 290 gsm Ivery card was used for 3D surface components. The difficult part in Fabrication process is to attach surface with Waffle structure. In digital process, surface and Waffle are automatically attched because there are no gravity condition. I did not aware of this problem and did not design any support part for the attachment in real life. So when it comes to real life, I have to use more glue to stick that, therefore reduce the aesthetics of physical model and slightly break the shape in order to stable the attachment.
Task 2
SOLID AND VOID The side of model contains the lowest propotion of thereholds area. I want this side to block one angle of light transimition in order to decrease the brightness in interial space, but it also depends how model stand.
Sphere booleaned geometry can maximize the space utilization, meanwhile it’s extention geometry(o ctahedron&Dodecahedron) help to promote the iterial space with better aesthetics.
This part shows the interaction with different geometry in diferent level, and I bake it out as part of model is because I see it as a connection between upper level and bottom level. This interaction forms a strong space relationship, when you can see the slope of sphere tends to end at upper level, but it continue to flow at bottom level, like the conection between waterful and river.
Each theresholds are unique on it’s surface, therefore it play a good role on light reflection and transimition. In addition, at different angle, model can be present with different outlook, and if your perspective is inside the model, you could see different shape of theresholds with the light coming inside in different intensity.
In task 2, I basically followed the script from workshop, but when it needs to plug shape into box in order to boolean, I hold “shift” and plug sphere, octahedron and dodecahedron into berp and bake that out, so the boolean different create a space which was trimed by three geometry. Later on I use box to trim a long rectangle shape model and a model which made by three square box(final one). I comapre the aesthetics of two model, and choose the second one as final. I think the composition order in second one is unique, it can stand in multiple ways, and no matter how it stand there will alaways have a grey space, plus the thresholds in each side is unique therefore makes good outlook for display.
The design concept of this shape of model is it created a third space at outside. The size of this space is depends on how the designer want to present this model. No matter which side model touch the table, the shade area will always exisit, and the thereholds of that area will always be different, meanwhile this also caused light coming through with different shape, angle and intensity
Exploded Axonometric 1:1 0
Design Matrix
Grid Manipulation
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
(32,5,53) (44,87,102) (150,87,150)
(146,72,53) (109,221,102)
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
Points attraction&Central distribution
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
2.4 (-47,75,116) (277,136,289)
compoment customize
{Plantonic Dodecahedron}
{Platonic Octahedron}
Matrix for Task 02 14
Computational Process
Task 01 Grasshopper Script Showing input - associate - output
This part is to create bounding box, and use “division” to divide bounding box into different sugement for latter editation.
Use “Cellulate 3D Grid” to create levels inside bounding box , set point attraction and adjust trends of each grid. After that extract the central point of each segament and plug geometry into each segament. At this case I plug three geometries all togethre into one input, and create an overlap shapes.
Output as berp and bake out for manual trim process in Rhino.
M2 Task 2 3D Printing
Physical Model
Animation process of 3D printing and analyzation of material and time consume
Rendering in Rhino
Water Pavilion was design as a shelter place for assembly and social interaction. The pavilion are able to host a 15 people lunch seminar and 28 people concert. The design concept is to use water to create effect inside pavilion, in order to form an unique atmosphere to attract people come to this area. Roof was made by translucent glass to allow light to comming into the space inside, let water,which located on roof container, to project water caustics to the stone interior wall, create an effect of water caustics following inside pavilion. So when people walk into Pavilion, they will have a feeling of being inside water.
Water pavilion
Isometric The function of this two glasses is to prevent sourrding substance like leaf, dirt or animal get into the roof containers, reduce the needs of cleaning.
Top view of panel
Interior decoration panel details I designed the top roof glass into two seperate pieces rather than an one joined object. The reason of that is because The gap between glass can allow rain water to flow into roof container. This is a roof container, its function is to contain water in order to create a unique visual effect for people underneath.
Perspective of panel
The Interior panel was composed by four different designed panels. The concept of this design is to represent the irrgular surface of water, form a relationship between the real water on the roof and the solid “water� on the wall. Apart from that, these panels can enhance the effect create by water caustics, looks vivid when caustics flow on its surface. The base is a concrete plane, because I want people to enter, exit and explore the papvilion easily, and gives some free space to allow the function of pavilion to extend beyond its border. With nice water decoration and unique features of pavilion, the outside area can be use as a place for assembly, social activity or even a place for eat or drink.
The Material of the top roof and roof glass are seethrough glass. The reason of this is because when the roof contains enough water, water caustics are able to be projected into inner space. Apart from that, seethrough glass can increase interior brightness in day time, reduce energy consum.
The main body is made by concrete, painted in white color. The shape of pavilion is refers to water, reason of that is to correlate with the design topic and concept: Use water to attract people, use water to create visual effect. So the physical body looks like a shape of water bouncing up from a plane surface.
Thresholds Circulation Shadows
Exploded Isometric 1:25 0
TThe function of this small area is to recycle the falling dowin water coming from roof.
Water circulation digram
Small holes design to let water transmit to pool, but walkable to be an entrance.
Absorb to pipe
Absorb to pipe
Release to Pool 19
People distribution of a 15 lunch time seminar
People distribution of 30 people concert
Design Iteration
This design is for my concept of using water to create effect. I leave roof space empty for the creation of roof container. But I give up on this design because it’s main body looks too simple.
This design have good aesthetics, It was done with twisted box and boolean difference with a normal box. But i did not use this because I could not explain the design concept and could not define its function
This model was create by the same script as my final model. I like it’s features and creation of threshold. But I do not want to use this because the sapce for human is not well define, and this feature is impossible to make in fabrictaion process.
Rendering in Unreal Engine
Computational Process
Step 2: After each geometry is set, loft them together for Step 3.
Step3: After the main body has been set up, I create two sphere to trim space for roof container and interior space. Step 1: First, create a circle, set number of geometry on the circle and let geometry flow along circle.
Fabrication process
3D print, set up in Makerbox
Laser cut template
Physical model include two fabrication process, Laser cut and 3D printing. Laser cut were use for creating base. 3D printing was use to create the main body of pavilion. Due to limit print time, I cutted Pavilion into three segments and send it for print two times.
3D print, set up in Makerbox
Pavilion: Rendering Model & Rhino Model& Physical Model
Interior decoration: Digital model & Physical Model
360 Image Output
Digital Design Semester 1, 2018 29