Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Ziran Tang
(926897) Studio Samuel Lalo + Studio 11
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
1.Addictive fabrication 2.Two-dimentional fabrication(CNC cutting) 3.Formative fabrication Digital fabrication like CNC can allow architect to design beyond their drawing skills, and allow geometric information extracted directly from digital model to construction, reduce the difficulties of construction process. In addition, the computability of a model design can directly reflect the constructability of building, allows architect to see the problems of design in early stage, therefore saving more time and resources on evaluation, and prevent potentail design faliure. To summa up, CNC fabrication technology can promote both design and construction process, and with parametric modeling, the design and construction are more correlated to each other, providing more accurate data and solution for construction process to achieve design concept.
Week Three
Surface Creation
34 1 and 2 are tought and twist surface, its a bold design for me, beacause atter the walffle structure design will be much difficult and panelling components wil also be hard to build. 3 and 4 are non-connected twist surface, its easier to build and allow more space for design with panelling components.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
Isometric view of panel componments, North East angle
Isometric view of waffle structure, North East angle
Week Four
Laser Cutting
For Laser Cutting, I learn how the distribution of cutting object can save more time and money, and I also have learn that the difference between Cut and Etch. When I import my components into cutting template, the size comparison between waffle structure and pannel object makes me realize that one of that is in wrong scale, and I went back to my file check scale again and re import with a correct scale.
Week Five
At the first time I did as workshop guide to import one geometry into scale to see how it looks, but no matter what type of geometry been imputted, none of them satisfied me. Therefore I start to use more geometric and plug them together, it looks better. At the end I plug there different geometric in Grasshopper , sphere, Octahedron and Dodecahedron. When it baked out, I want people to see not only the sphere shape most of inner space, but the other two components play as an extension space of sphere space, makes better appearence in inside.
Week Five
The interial shape was bake by there interaction geometric: sphere, Octahedron and Dodecahedron. The advantage of this interaction is, create thereholds with different shape and and size while the interial shape can reflect light into different angle. Apart from that, each side are unique in this model; different theresholds will bring light into interial with different intensity, depens on how model will stand. And no matter how model will stand, there always a open thrid space and shadow thrid space . For example, the open space in left image is top right and shadow space is bottom left. but it is not complete shade, because there still have a small holes to allow light comming though, more interestingly, the attribute of this two area is depens on the stand of model.
BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line
Week Six Task 01
(30,150,150) (150,0,150)
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
(150,0,150) (0,0,150) (150,150,60) (150,150,16)
(150,0,106) (150,150,0)
(0,150,0) (0,0,150) {Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Attractor Point Location}
(-44,79,0) {Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
Task 01 Matrix two side of model was composed by two different object, in isometric, the left part is double pyramid created by myself, the right side is Truncated pyranmid command in Rhino. I choose Truncated pyramid on slope side because I want light be able to coming though the hole on pyramid, and after that the shape of double pyramid on the other side can help to diffused the intensity of light and increase the brightness of inner space.
Photo of Task 1 model
BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line MAGENTA = insert artwork in this area
Week Six Task 02
Grid Manipulation
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
(32,5,53) (44,87,102) (150,87,150)
(146,72,53) (109,221,102)
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
Points attraction&Central distribution
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
2.4 (-47,75,116) (277,136,289)
compoment customize
{Platonic Octahedron}
{Plantonic Dodecahedron}
Task 02 Matrix I choose the composition of Platonic Octahedron, Dodecahedron and sphere to create the interial shape of model. This composition maximize the interial space with a better aesthetics. And also when I trim each surface, the composition can allow each surface have it’s unique thereshold shape, with different size, shape and depth.
Photo of print model.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Appendix Process
This is the process of create waffle. My original surface is too twisted, therefore when I create line for waffle strcture, it can not line uniformly, I try different method to fix, but is not effective, so I change the two surface.
When I design the panel components, I have consider how light will come through this model and what shadow it will created, so I use Rendered perspective to experimented that.
Because of the original surface setting, waffle structure line are not line in correct position, meanwhile, there are no line interaction.
Light performence inside model
Photo of model
Photo of model
Photo of pyramid components
Photo of Waffle structure
This was my first test model, it was tirm by same bake boolean as my final model, I dident choose it because it outlook did not satisfied me.
Rendered perspective of the elevation of test model
This is the bake boolean box from Grasshopper
Rendered perspective of inal 3D prin model