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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Ziran Tang

(926897) Samuel Lalo + Studio 11

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

Digram is a tool that describes relationships and prescribes performances in space. It does not necessarily contains metric or geometric information. A diagram is usually specific to a space; it may be a specific location, a scale, a temporal frame, but it always has a spatial correlation, as opposed to a graph which exists in an abstract space. The Diagram relates to processes that may occur not only in three-dimensional space but in several other dimensions of reality. A symbol is a sign which refers to its dynamic object through a formal representation. In the sign, the relationship between form and content is totally arbitrary and immaterial. Therefore, diagram does not belong to a logic of representation, like the other signs, but inaugurates a logic of sensation aimed at bringing forward new worlds.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Top Left: This is the beginning, I trace the outline of the pavilion base on plan picture Top Right: I have label the position of each column and start to model it Left: I finished create the bacis shape of pavilion.

SANAA, Serpentine Pavilion, 2009, London SANAA seems like a easy pavilion to modeling, but the deatils are more complicate. Each Columns have different height and different positions, so in order to ensure the accuracy, I have to contrast the columns height data and positions, meanwhile calculated the propotion for modeling in Rhino.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

SANAA Serpentine pavilion’s function is not obvious in it’s outlook.The Pavilion is composed by columns and roof. This simple composition gives more freedom to pavilion to allows itself to develop. It can be use as basic shelter for people, or gallery, or assemble area etc. So the building gain more functionality because the design of the building is not extreme in it’s functionality. It shows how space can be used by people, and how architecture interact with humans; Apart from that, the reflection of Aluminum roof bring the pavilion closer to envionrment, makes the pavilion blend into surroundings to maintain the overall view of park.


Week Two


Pavilion on Plan picture It is an open architecture, people can enter the pavilion in any direction, and there are no walls inside the pavilion, which allows people to interact easily and more confortable atmosphere. The pavilion can be used in different ways: Gallery, relaxing space, assembly area etc, due to it’s freedom attribute, it allows people to use this arrea in the ways they want becuase there are not much of barrier to limited the space. In addition, the roof and conlumns can relfect surrunding environment, this makes the pavilion fit with the park, even though its shape and colour looks stand out in the location. The pavilion was located on the lawn, infornt of Serpentine Gallery. The lawn was an ordinary open space, but now it attract people to gather and host mutiple activities, the pavilion successfuly promote the function of the original area and meanwhile fit confortabely with surrounding, and most surprisingly, it only composed by roof and columns. I also found out that the position of columns were design with well consideration. The density of columns are low in large space, therefore create a large open space for assembly. In small space, columns density are high, and it attract people to walk around the building.


P1: Model isometric view P2: Model Isometirc view with people’s motion and circulation



Week Two Diagrams

View(outside) vs view(inside) of pavilion

Pavilion on Plan map

This view shows the shape and structure of the pavilion. It shows how art conflate with architecture in this pavilion. Irregularity roof with traiditonal conlumns setted in special positions,created a space for people to gather and explore, and remove of the walls allow people to interact easily with relax posture. In addition, the irregular shape of pavilion and simple-open structure allows building fit with surrounding envionrment easily and remain the function of the original space.

This is my finished model on the original plan. This picture shows my model was build with accurate shape and sturcture. To see the effect, I create shade on model, and I found out that no matter how sun’s direction change, the pavilion can always provide a large shade space for sheltering.




This is the process of modeling. Step 1: I trace the shape of pavilion on plan map, and note down the position of each columns. Step 2: I calculated the propotion of each columns base on the information picture tutor provided(Appendeix), and create conlumns by using tube command. After that, I put point on each top of conlumns. Step 3: I patch these points to create roof surface, and use trim command to create the shape of pavilion roof base on the outline traced in step 1. Step 4: Adjust the height of some conlumns(Due to the vague data and uncertainty of details, some columns could not attached accurately with roof.


Appendix Process

I missed calculated the radius of conlumns, causing the size of columns two times larger than the accurate size(Grey area wrong size). Latter on I realize this error, and re-create the conlumns(Blue part).

Some conlumns can not fully attach with roof surface, due to the thickness of original roof and error in provided data. Therefore, I use “Scale 1D� to adjust height of conlumns.

This is the lower part of pavilion. My camera is 1.8 meter height, so the picture(left) shows how the lower roof looks like for me in Rihno, compare to reality(picture left, unknow height).




Picture provided by tutor. This picture contains height data of conlumns and its distribution, however, most of the data in picture are not clear.

Front view of Pavilion

This view capture was taken on human’s height(1.8m). It shows how the Rihno model looks like in human view.

Right view of Pavilion


After I finished the creation, I begined to experimented the visual of model in human view by adjusting different sun direction and different light modes. The top picture is view in Rendered(No sunshine added), below that is Rendered with North 157.1 sunshine direction.

Picture shows the distribution of columns and height difference in model.

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