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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM2, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD Ziran Tang

926897 Colby Vexler Tutorial 1



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) All perpendiculars must meet at a central vanishing point. Perpendiculars are drawn from the viewer’s eye to the picture plan, this show sthe vanished point, and it also shows on all parallels. If parallel lines lie in the horizontal plane, they should have a vanishing point on the horizon.

Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)

It is a mathematical space which stands against the structure of psychophysiological space. It is a functional reality, all of its elements are mere determision of position



The story contains three worlds, the world of Dead, the World of Unborn and the world of Living. Inorder to show all of the worlds, I need to divided the grid and consider the location of view capture in order to maximize the content in visual persentation.



The original isometric drawing without notation



Move fast Move slow Tombs Perspective 1 Perspective 2 Characters Mood light Mood heavy





Stare Glance Transition of space

Isometric drawing with notations



QUAD PERSPECTIVE 1 + 2 Annotation. This view is Marco Polo’s view on human world, staring at the world of Death. The reason I took picture at this angle is because it shows the edge between world of living and world of death. The view contains elements from story, like “windowless” building, praying people, and the tombs connection. Apart from that the this view is darker than the second perspective, so it suit the presentation of world of dead, and create a colour comparson to world of unborn. Annotation. This view shows the world of unborn and world of human. Again, Maco Polo stands on the human world to stare at the other world. The story did not state clearly about any elemnts from world of unborn. Therefore I created my imagination of unorn world. I use ocean as background becasue ocean is the origins of every life. Consider unborn world has no limitation, so I use universe to decorative the sky to shows its infinity. I created a bridge to shows how the unborn coming to the human world. Vine is the only elements it appears on the story, so I used that to decorate the celling.


PERSPECTIVE SCENE 1 + 2 Annotation. For the characters and background n the Dead world, I chose to use painting from Dark Artist Z.Beksinski because his painting is more vivid to descirbe the in world of dead in the way of creating atmosphere. For the whole jouney of Maco Polo, I keep him in the human world area. All of his perspective is base on the glance at other world to shows the view, because I think this setting is close to reality, moreover, explained why his describtion is more about visual scenes rather than truly experience.

In the world of unbron, I remove the celling. I did this is because in the story, the space of unborn world is infinity, and the celling in the original design is a limitation to the representation. Apart from that I do not want shadows in the world of unborn because in the story, author see it’s huge difference than other two world. So I think the unborn world do not contains natural pattern like sunshine and shadows. In this viewcapture, you can see baby coming out of pipe, this is realte to story which stated that life was contains in funnel. However, pipes are more visualize for me, so I use pipes instead of funnel.


WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words) Autographic is the art that is creadibility and value depends to the direct contact with author itself, painting and sulpture. It cannot be anticipated by notation. On the contrast, allographic practice can be represented by the means of notation, like in architectural plan, poetry or music; it can be represented without direct contact with author or creater.

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) Architecture is a occupation which is relate to the built environemnt. For any building, design is the important part therefore representational techniques help to visualize the plan. It is also a occupation which is evolving with the world. New elements and tehcnique will apply to the design practice to make more progress. Throguh out architectural history, from drawing on the paper to desining on computer; from 2D notation to 3D model representation; architects never stop learning new knowledge and using new techniques, and it needs new techniques like notation that can adapt to the change in anticipation, visibility and other relative.


FINAL DRAWINGS The view setting and isometric drawing contains most of the identical elements from story, like tombs, buildings and praying people. My the author never actually been to the supernatural space( dead and unborn world), all the describtion is coming from his view, so his moving in the drawing never cross the border of human space, but the his view setting are always near to the border, and in his view, the human figure alwyas closer than creatures from other world.

Cities & the DeaD 5: LauDomia

Move fast Move slow Tombs Perspective 1 Perspective 2 Characters Mood light Mood heavy Stare Glance Transition of space



Perspective 1




Perspective 2

World of dead are darker than world of unborn, this colour contrast help to distinguish each space representation without annotation. In story, characters in the world of dead are not necesssary to be in huamn shape, therefore I use evil-creature appearance rather than dead-looking people to decorate the atmosphere in the dead world, the dark celling and scary creature express the feeling of intense and terrify. However, when audience jump to the next view, the open celling, universe and wide ocean will gives the felling of relax and release, and cute babies will help to decorate a harmonious environment, where characters from human world are waiting at the bridge expecting new life to come. This comparsion will direct transfer the feeling with visual characters to auidence and make the story vivid The design in view not only shows the story describtion, but also express my perspective of the three worlds.

Final isometric drawing with view capture in the two perspective.


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