M.S. Bari1,2, Y. Laurenson1, A.M. Cohen-Barnhouse1,2, S.W. Walkden-Brown1, D.L.M. Campbell2 1
School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Australia 2
Agriculture and Food, CSIRO, Armidale, NSW 2350, Australia
Consequences of outdoor ranging on external and internal health parameters of hens from different rearing enrichments Free-range layer pullets are typically reared indoors within Australia, but adult layers go outdoors which might cause poorer adaptation due to the mismatch between rearing and laying environments. Indoor enrichments may optimise physical development of pullets and subsequent welfare as adult free-range hens (Campbell et al., 2019). In the outdoor environment, hens may have greater opportunities for exercise and natural behaviours which might contribute to improved
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