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Controversial park resold for a quick R1,8 million profit - page 2
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Jaargang 37 Vol.23
CEO drops bombshell regarding MMSEZ - page 3
ISSN 2409-2835
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Klubs reg vir hofstryd Deur Andries van Zyl
Voorsitters en verteenwoordigers van sportklubs in Louis Trichardt wat gebruik maak van munisipale infrastruktuur het op 2 Junie ‘n noodvergadering gehou om die Makhado Munisipaliteit se eensydige besluit om hulle 99-jaar huurkontrakte te kanselleer, te bespreek. Dat hierdie saak op pad is Hooggeregshof toe vir beslissing was gou duidelik. Elf van die dorp se amateur sportklubs staar tans ‘n duister toekoms in die gesig weens hierdie kontroversiële raadsbesluit wat op 31 Mei tydens die
Makhado Munisipaliteit se 159ste virtuele spesiale raadsvergadering geneem is. Die klubs sluit onder meer in die Soutpansberg Gholfklub, die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub, die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub, die Louis Trichardt Stoeiklub (en ander klubs wat gebruik maak van die stoei- en gimnastieksaal), die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub, die Soutpansberg Atletiekklub, die Soutpan Jukskeiklub en die posduifklubs. Met 2021 wat ‘n verkiesingsjaar is, betwyfel baie mense die tydsberekening van hierdie omstrede besluit. “Ons weet dit is ‘n verkiesingsjaar, so hulle doen hierdie dinge om mense te ontsenu en
politieke punte te wen, tot nadeel van die gemeenskap,” het DA-raadslid Brian du Plooy tydens die vergadering gesê. Hy het ook die vergadering belê. Du Plooy het egter genoem dat hy nie die vergadering belê het as politikus nie, maar as ‘n bekommerde lid van een van die betrokke sportklubs. “Hierdie is vir my ‘n hartsaak,” het Du Plooy gesê. As rede vir die besluit om die kontrakte eensydig te kanselleer voer die Raad aan dat die klubs uitsluitlik vir “wit” mense voorsiening maak en nie toeganklik is vir die ander rassegroepe in die woongebiede om die dorp nie. (Vervolg op p. 2)
Die Makhado Munisipaliteit het hulle politieke visier gestel op al die amateur sportklubs in die dorp, soos die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub (foto).
Air Force finally breaks the silence on “Gripen crash” at AFB Makhado By Andries van Zyl After almost six weeks of waiting, the Zoutpansberger finally managed to elicit a
response from the South African Air Force (SAAF) this week regarding an accident at AFB Makhado during which a multi-millionrand Gripen fighter craft was damaged while
After six weeks of waiting for a response, the South African Air Force (SAAF) finally confirmed an incident during which one of its Gripen fighter craft was severely damaged during a routine maintenance incident.
basically being strapped to the ground. News of the “accident” first surfaced in April this year. Rumour had it that the cables holding down the Gripen in the engine-testing bay had snapped, after which the fighter craft veered out of control and crashed. The Zoutpansberger’s first enquiry about the then-alleged incident was made on 15 April this year through an e-mailed media enquiry directed at the commanding officer of AFB Makhado. Since then, the newspaper was sent from pilar to post regarding the incident, with its enquiry bouncing around in SAAF offices from here to Pretoria. The newspaper’s enquiry came amid the ongoing controversy regarding the initial arms deal and how it had come about that South Africa had purchased the hugely expensive Gripen aircraft from the British defence company BAE Systems. In the enquiry, the Zoutpansberger asked the SAAF to firstly confirm the incident and, if it had occurred, to indicate when it had taken place and what exactly had happened. The newspaper also wanted to know the extent of the damage to the plane in monetary terms and whether it could be repaired. These questions
were asked amid rumours that, of the initial fleet of Gripen fighter craft originally purchased, very few were still operational. Regarding this, the SAAF was asked to both confirm the initial number of Gripen fighter craft allocated to AFB Makhado and the number still operational. After five weeks of waiting for a response from the SAAF, despite numerous follow-up requests, the newspaper opted to write directly to Brig Gen Mafi Mgobozi, the head of the Department of Defence’s Corporate Communication Department, on 24 May. A week later, he responded. “The Gripen Aircraft was damaged during a ground run routine maintenance when an anchoring cable broke resulting in an accident. The incident occurred on 08 April 2021 at Air Force Base Makhado,” reads Mgobozi’s statement, issued on 3 June. Regarding the reparability of the fighter craft and the number of Gripen aircraft still operational, Mgobozi states that he cannot disclose this information “as it deals with the operational readiness of the organisation”. Mgobozi gives no other details about the incident, other than to confirm that AFB Makhado has instituted a board of inquiry to investigate the cause of the accident.
Controversial park resold for quick R1,8 million profit more clarity on why the municipality had made such a seemingly illogical decision. The PAIA The controversial park opposite the Spar application, as well as the appeal, was simply complex just east of the N1 in Louis Trichardt ignored. has been resold. The new owners are contemWhen the newspaper approached the court plating turning it into a residential estate or to assist and force the municipality to adhere to perhaps even a centre with upmarket restaulegislation, this was also initially ignored. At a rants and small shops. late stage, the municipality contested the matter, The public park became the centre of conbut the magistrate ruled that the information troversy in 2019 when word got out of how the must be supplied. Council then decided to take Makhado Municipality had disposed of it. Apart the matter on appeal to the Limpopo High from the fact that no public consultation process Court, where the matter is still waiting for a was followed before selling it, the bidding hearing. process was marred by controversy. Instead of The park comprises two sections. ERF 3456 selling it to the highest bidders, one section of was sold to Banyana Enterprise, a company regthe park was sold to the lowest bidder. The coun- istered in Nelspruit with Ester Nunu Mhlongo cil turned down higher offers on both erven, but listed as sole director. The company put in a bid refused to say why this was done. of R1,2 million for the erf, which was the lowest In 2019, the Zoutpansberger filed a request in bid and R400 000 less than the highest bid of terms of the Promotion of Access to Information R1,6 million. Act (PAIA) to obtain documentation providing The second portion, ERF 1953, was sold to By Anton van Zyl
Trrendy Tiles and Sanitary Ware, with Louis Trichardt businessman Abu Bakr Akoo listed as director. He put in a bid of R1,85 million for the erf. In April 2019, ERF 1953 was registered in the name of Kenworth Investments, with a purchase price of R1,85 million. The two directors are Abu Bakr Akoo and Asim Patel. When the two portions were originally put up for auction Patel, under the name of his company Southern Ambition, offered R1,6 million for ERF 3456, but this was declined. Patel and Akoo eventually seem to have succeeded in getting both portions of the park, albeit at an inflated price. Banyana Enterprises resold ERF 3456 for R3 million, bagging Mhlongo a quick profit of R1,8 million. The property was registered in Kenworth Investments’ name in April this year. Zoutpansberger contacted Mr Abu Bakr Akoo earlier this week, asking him about the plans for
the park. He said that they were contemplating various options and were in the process of conducting further market research. Initially, plans were made to turn the whole area into a residential estate, similar to Bergview Estate at the eastern entrance to Louis Trichardt. Akoo said that markets had changed quite dramatically the past few years, which made development more complicated. One of the other ideas they were toying with, he said, was to perhaps develop an area where restaurants could be accommodated. “Whatever it is we bring to town, it will be something different and unique,” he said. He stressed that the important consideration was for the development not to duplicate what was already available in town and in the region. For the time being, the park will have to wait while all the formalities are sorted out. The site must also still be rezoned to allow for the development.
Verdagte in Duvenhageskietery het steeds nie in enige hof verskyn nie onder polisiebewaking in ‘n hospitaal weens sy skietwond en kon hy Bykans twee weke nadat ‘n derhalwe nog nie in ‘n hof verskyn 33-jarige taxibestuurder by Ban- het nie. delierkop gearresteer is nadat hy Teen druktyd hierdie week het na bewering die 52-jarige André dit geblyk dat die verdagte steeds Duvenhage en sy 29-jarige seun nog nie in enige hof verskyn het Danie doodgeskiet het in ‘n op die aanklagte teen hom nie. moontlike padwoede insident, Die provinsiale woordvoerder van het die verdagte steeds nie in die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag in enige hof verskyn nie. Polokwane, me. Mashudu Malabi, Die koelbloedigheid van die het by navraag Woensdag gesê voorval die aand van 28 Mei by die hulle wag steeds vir die polisielêer Viva-vulstasie op Bandelierkop het oor die voorval, alhoewel die skokgolwe deur die gemeenskap 48-uur periode waartydens die gestuur. Tydens die skietery het verdagte moes verskyn het lank die verdagte ook homself blykbaar reeds verstryk het. Of die verdagte in die been geskiet. Hy is kort ná steeds in die hospitaal was, kon die voorval aangekeer op twee nie bevestig word nie, en ook nie klagte van moord. Teen druktyd wanneer en waar hy in die hof sal verlede week was die man steeds verskyn nie. Deur Andries van Zyl
The park comprises two sections, ERF 3456 and ERF 1953, and is located opposite Soutpansberg Spar in Extension 9 a prime spot for development.
Sportklubs maak gereed vir geveg in Hooggeregshof
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 7467 denise@zoutnet.co.za
(Vervolg van p.1) Hulle beroep hulself dus op Artikel 152 van Wet 108 van 1996 van die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika. Volgens hierdie wet het munisipale rade ‘n grondwetlike plig om gelyke toegang tot fasiliteite vir alle inwoners te verseker en dat hulle enige kontrakte wat hiermee strydig is, kan herroep. Du Plooy het gesê dat die Makhado Munisipaliteit baie duidelik hul besluit gaan deurvoer. In dié verband het hy gesê dit dat die tyd nou gekom het vir sportklubs om saam te staan. “Daar sal onkostes wees. Klubs gaan op ‘n manier finansieel moet bydra. Ons sal geld moet gaan soek as ons nie geld het nie,” het Du Plooy gesê. ‘n Ligpunt in hierdie aanslag op die dorp se sportklubs en sport in geheel het gekom met Louis Trichardt prokureur Suwil Rudolph wat homself beskikbaar gestel het om die saak, teen
ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Khathutshelo Mamuha
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minimale vergoeding, namens die gemeen gaan probeer. Al vat ons hulle Hooggeregshof skap te dryf. Daarbenewens het advokaat Piet toe, sal hulle net weer appelleer en hulle gaan Potgieter van Pretoria homself beskikbaar terugkom vir ‘n tweede en derde keer. Hierdie gestel om op ‘n pro bono basis vir die klubs in gaan ‘n lang storie wees. Drie jaar, vier jaar, vyf die Hooggeregshof op te tree. Slegs sy reis en jaar. Maar ons kan nie toelaat dat hulle ons net verblyf sal betaal moet word. Die vergadering van ons gronde afsit nie,” het Du Plooy gesê. het eenparige besluit om Rudolph en Potgieter Du Plooy het weereens daarop klem gelê dat se dienste aanvaar. Vir die onmiddellike is klubs die klubs uit een mond moet praat. As uitvloeisel aangesê om hulle huise so spoedig moontlik in hiervan het die klubs die Louis Trichardt Sportorder te kry. Dit sluit in dat almal afskrifte kry voorsittersverening gestig, met Andy Leach van van hulle huurkontrakte en hulle ledelyste moet die Louis Trichardt Tennisklub wat tot voorsitter op datum kry. “Die punte waarna hulle gaan kyk, verkies is. Dit volg nadat Du Plooy gesê het dat is wat is die diversiteit van jou ledelys. Dan gaan hy nie as voorsitter beskikbaar is nie. As een van hulle kyk wat sê jou kontrak, wat moes jy betaal sy eerste pligte as voorsitter het Leach die behet. Wat is jou agterstallige huurgeld? Het almal trokke sportklubs versoek om binne twee weke hulle huurgeld op datum betaal? Sportklubs hulle kontrakte en sake in order te kry. moet seker maak hierdie goed is in plek,” het “In kort is ons van mening dat hul stelling dat Du Plooy gesê. Hy het dit in openbare belang bygevoeg dat alhoewel “In kort is ons van mening dat is, nie water hou of op die munisipaliteit hul gronde hul stelling dat dit in openbare Konstitusionele tans beroep op die bewater hou nie. Die palings van Artikel 152 klubs is ook inklusief; belang is, nie water hou of op van Wet 108 van 1996 vanuit politieke Konstitusionele gronde water hou dus, van die Grondwet van oogpunt hou die arnie. Die klubs is ook inklusief; dus, gument ook nie water Suid-Afrika om die wettigheid van die In elk geval bied vanuit politieke oogpunt hou die nie. bestaande huurkondie klubs ‘n diens aan argument ook nie water nie.” trakte te omseil, die die breër gemeenskap. bestaan van die konAlle rassegroepe is trakte wel gewig gaan dra as die saak in die hof welkom om lede te wees en op die bestuur te aangehoor word. dien. Dit is jammer dat die raad hom nie eerder Wat die hofsaak self betref, het Du Plooy geophou met dienslewering as om rassisties op te waarsku dat klubs hulself moet gereed maak vir tree nie. Ons sal maar kyk wat hulle stukke sê ‘n lang en uitgerekte hofsaak. Hy het verwys na en dan daarvolgens optree,” het Rudolph hierdie die Voorsittersvereniging (VV) se stryd teen die week in reaksie aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. munisipaliteit in die omstrede naamsveranderIntussen het Makhado munisipale woord ing saak. Die munisipaliteit het drie keer terugvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi Dinsdag gesê dat die gekom en telkens weer die VV op belastingbeta onderskeie klubs binnekort kennisgewings sal lers se onkoste hof toe gesleep. Volgens Du Plooy ontvang van hulle besluit om die huurkontrakte wou hulle [die munisipaliteit] verlede jaar weer te kanselleer. Bobodi kon nie sê presies wanneer die naamsaak hervat, maar het daarteen besluit. dit gaan plaasvind nie, maar dat hulle die saak “Dit lyk my hulle het nou die sportklubs in hulle as “dringend” hanteer. Hy het bygevoeg dat hulle visier,” het Du Plooy gesê. die fasiliteite sal behou om voortaan meer effekIs daar lig aan die einde van die tonnel? tief te bestuur sodat almal in die gemeenskap Volgens Du Plooy glo hy die munisipaliteit het toegang daartoe het. nie regtig ‘n voet om op te staan nie. “Maar hulle
CEO drops bombshell regarding controversial MMSEZ
By Andries van Zyl The more the Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (LEDET) and the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) try to “push through” the process to obtain final environmental approval for the controversial Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ), the more public resistance to the idea is growing as more and more evidence is emerging that the powers that be are going to develop the MMSEZ, no matter what. LEDET and LEDA, as implementing agents for the project MMSEZ, openly displayed their dismay with the environmental assessment practitioner (EAP), Delta BEC, appointed for the completion of the final EIA for the MMSEZ by refusing them any further extension in time to do so. This refusal has sparked a public outcry, and many believe this is a clear indication that the EIA process is nothing more than a paper exercise for government to “rubberstamp” a predetermined outcome. The final EIA for the phased development of the MMSEZ was reluctantly submitted by Mr Ronaldo Retief of Delta BEC on 1 February this year, despite pointing out that the report was not nearly complete because of the limitations brought about by LEDET’s refusal to grant a further extension in time. Most recently, speculation that the government is going to develop the MMSEZ regardless, to appease their Chinese investors in the project, was further fuelled by remarks made by the CEO of the MMSEZ operating company, Mr Lehlogonolo Masoga.
The big “reveal” During a virtual meeting to get more clarity on the EIA process from Retief on 15 March this year, Masoga dropped a bombshell and basically exposed the whole EIA process as a joke when he asked Mr Rhulani Mthombeni of LEDET how it had come about that Ekland Safari’s had only received EIA approval from LEDET almost three years after they had completed their infrastructure. “Meaning, they have built their hotels and that big fence without an EIA approval. Is that correct?” Masoga wanted to know from Mthombeni. “That is correct,” Mthombeni responded. He then went on to explain that Ekland’s approval had come through a process known as a “Section 24G”, which basically means that they had paid a fine afterwards to get approval. In this case, Ekland was fined about R2.5 million. Masoga responded by saying: “Meaning, if I’ve got R2.5-million, Mr Mthombeni, I can go on-site and construct the SEZ and pay your fine later?” to which Mthombeni replied, “according to the regulations, we can go as much as R10 million, but the fact that we have the section 24G process … doesn’t necessarily mean that we promote non-compliance…”
An artist’s impression of the proposed SEZ manganese plant, a 3 Mtpa stainless steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-vanadium steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-manganese steel plant, a 5 Mtpa metallurgical lime plant, a 1,2 Mtpa titanium dioxide plant and a 150 000 Tpa vanadium pentoxide plant. Three rounds of public meetings were held for the proposed MMSEZ, the first taking place in September last year, and in total, 2 000 interested and affected parties (I&AP) registered for the process. More than 100 objections against the proposed MMSEZ were received, including objections from SOLVE (Safe our Limpopo Valley), Christo Reeders Attorneys, Circle Law Advocate Chambers, CALS, the Centre for Environmental Rights, EarthLife, Limpopo Eco-Industrial Park and Ekland Safaris, just to name a few.
SOLVE will no allow it
Responding to Masoga’s insinuation that they could build the SEZ and merely pay a fine afterwards, Soutpansberg resident and spokesperson for SOLVE Mr Johan Fourie responded this week by stating that disagreements between Delta BEC, LEDET and LEDA regarding the project had obviously existed for some time now. “This led to the consultants’ not being able to make a final recommendation about the project in their final EIA report and LEDET greenwashing (trying to down scale) the project. Also interesting to note is that there are now also disagreements between LEDA and LEDET officials on the way forward, based on the ludicrous and illegal proposal that the payment of a R2,5 million fine would be sufficient to continue with the project. Obviously, we will fight any attempt to do this,” said Fourie. Christo Reeders has already taken legal action in this regard. Fourie said that this legal action was but one of many court cases that would follow if the project continued in its present form. Some background “Our advocates are also ready to fight this battle The MMSEZ comprises two sites. The first in court on behalf of SOLVE. The mere idea to site, Artonvilla, is located in Musina, while the compare Ekland’s case with that of the MMSEZ second site, known as the Southern SEZ, is locat- is absurd as there are dramatic differences ed some 50 km south of Musina at Bokmakierie. between the two projects, as well as substantial It comprises 8 022 hectares of land. The MMSEZ differences in their environmental impact,” said is said to comprise the building of a 20 millionFourie. tons-per-annum (Mtpa) coal-washing plant, a 3 Fourie said that they also did not agree with the 300 Mw coal-fired power plant, a 3 Mtpa coke government’s attempts to “greenwash” the project plant and a 390 Mw waste-heat power plant. The by downscaling it to 4 000 ha and moving some other factories planned are a 3 Mtpa high-carbon of the proposed industries to Musina. “The ferrochrome plant, a 1 Mtpa ferromanganese coal-powered power station remains the biggest plant, a 500 000 tons per annum (Tpa) silicon part of the project and it is also the project
against which we have the biggest objection,” said Fourie. He again reiterated the fact that SOLVE was not against development in the area. “We are, however, of the opinion that this project is unsustainable and not suited for this area. It will bring about large-scale destruction of the environment and will not deliver the promised jobs,” said Fourie. At present, Fourie said, as far as they knew, the whole public-participation process had been halted. “We hope the whole process will be declared null and void to be started afresh. The final EIA report is also under suspicion,” added Fourie. He said that many of the studies in the report were extremely superficial and, if need be, they would appoint their own consultants to redo the studies. LEDET’s attempt to proceed with the project and merely pay an admission-of-guilt fine afterwards would not be tolerated and “if we have to, we will get a court interdict to stop all activities on the project,” said Fourie.
It’s also a “no” from Earthlife Africa Earthlife Africa director Ms Makoma Lekalakala also responded. “People are already aware of what LEDET is planning [regarding the paying of the fine]. That will be an environmental crime, because they know that going ahead with the project will cause environmental harm. So, if they go ahead, they will be committing a crime for which they will be held liable. It is up to us as citizens to hold them accountable,” Lekalakala told the Zoutpansberger. Lekalakala added that they had already seen a lacklustre approach from the developers to ensure a fully inclusive and holistic assessment of impacts and public participation. “And risk management and mitigation are also paid very little meaningful attention. We can’t have the rights of communities and people compromised by narrow and opaque interests. Bypassing the Constitution and environmental laws is not an acceptable option,” said Lekalakala.
Unemployment on the rises, especially in Vhembe By Anton van Zyl The rate of unemployment in the country has reached new record highs, but in Lim-
popo, and especially the Vhembe region, the number of people who are not employed is terrifying. Officially, the figure indicates that almost half of the productive population are
Young women have higher education levels but still get employed less often than their male counterparts.
The unemployment rate for the youth in Thulamela is sitting at more than 70%, with young women the worst hit.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het die destydse Louis Trichardt Stadsraad aangekondig dat hulle nog sowat 1 600 erwe in die dorpsgebied wou ontwikkel en beskikbaar stel vir die lae-, middel- en hoë-inkomstegroepe. Op die voorblad van die Zoutpansberger van 7 Junie 1996 word berig dat die Raad aangedui het dat hulle 678 erwe vir die area suid van Pretoriusstraat beplan vir die lae- en middel-inkomstegroepe. Hulle het ook aangedui dat hulle ‘n nuwe woonbuurt, Uitbreiding 8, oos van die N1 oorkant die dorp se industriële area in die vooruitsig stel, waar 730 erwe beskikbaar gestel sou word. In Uitbreiding 1, Eltivillas, was 93 nuwe erwe reeds beskikbaar en in Uitbreiding 9 (die Nuwe Uitbreiding) sou nog 60 erwe van dienste voorsien word. Ook in daardie week se uitgawe is berig van bekende plaaslike inwoner Koos le Grange. Hy is in die ouderdom van 49 jaar oorlede na ‘n agt-maandelange siekbed. Vanaf Musina is berig dat die polisie ná ‘n uitgebreide ondersoek daarin kon slaag om ‘n minderjarige vas te trek wat obsene oproepe aan vroue in die dorp - wat hy almal blykbaar geken het - gemaak het. Die polisie wou nie sê wie die 16-jarige mannetjie was of hoe hulle hom vasgetrek het nie, vir sy eie veiligheid en dié van sy familie. Op die sportfront is die gewilde jaarlikse Kremetart Fietstoer die voorafgaande naweek in die Soutpansberg
beslis. Die algehele wenner was ‘n toe jong fietsryer van Gauteng, Reon Coetzee. Hy het al vier die skofte van die fietstoer, asook die eerste bergpremie, gewen. En as al die trap ‘n paar inwoners daardie jaar bietjie dors gelaat het, het die eertydse Punch Bowl Drankwinkel ‘n 750 ml Richelieu brandewyn verkoop vir R23,99. ‘n Bottel Bells sou jou R39,90 terugsit, met ‘n 750 ml bottel Romanoff Vodka wat slegs R14,90 gekos het. ‘n Dosyn blikkies Lion Lager het toe R20,99 gekos.
without jobs, but the figure for young people is even more devastating. Stats SA released its Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) on 1 June, which indicates that the year-on-year decline in employment in Limpopo was 10%, or 139 000 jobs. In the last quarter (January to March this year), the province lost 33 000 jobs. Stats SA always releases two unemployment rates, namely an official and an expanded rate. The official unemployment rate reflects only people between 15 and 64 years of age who were unemployed when the survey was done and were actively looking for a job. People who were unemployed but who have given up on trying to find a job are reflected in the expanded unemployment rate. The official rate of unemployment increased by 2,1%, from 27,3% to 29,4% in the fourth quarter. Year-on-year the increase was 5,8%. The expanded unemployment rate increased with 5,1% from 44,4% in March 2020 to 49,5% in March 2021. This is the second-highest in the country, with only the Eastern Cape (49,6%) recording a slightly higher rate. The biggest losses, in terms of volume, were suffered in Limpopo’s trade industry, where 61 000 people lost their jobs. The construction sector shed 46 000 jobs and in private households 30 000 workers lost their jobs the past year. In the manufacturing sector, 27 000 jobs were lost. The agricultural sector, however, provided a glimmer of hope, creating 10 000 more jobs compared to the fourth quarter in 2020. The mining sector (2,3% increase), transport sector (22% up) and community and social services sector (3,1% up) assisted to improve the overall picture. Stats SA’s QLFS unfortunately does not give a breakdown that would indicate the current situation in the various regions. To try and get a better picture, one has to analyse the latest available census data. The last census was done in 2011, but whether the situation had improved is doubtful. A non-governmental organisation, OpenUp,
recently launched a new website with data visualisations based on the census figures. OpenUp describes itself as an organisation partnering with government, organisations, industry leaders and civil society “to identify, gather and make accessible information that supports open communities and an empowered citizenry”. The data visualisations make comparisons between municipalities across the country and seeing what the level of unemployment is relatively easy. It incorporates useful factors such as gender and level of education. The situation at the Thulamela Municipality is especially disconcerting. Here youth unemployment (ages 15 to 24) sits at more than 70%. The worst-hit sector is young women, where the unemployment rate is 78%. Among young men, the rate is 63%. The percentage for all age groups is 43,5% unemployment. This is also the official rate of unemployment and not the expanded rate, which would be much higher. What is even more worrying, is that in the Thulamela Municipality, the percentage of women aged between 20 and 24 with at least matric stood at 47%, compared to the 40% of their male counterparts. Seemingly, even though men are not as qualified as women, they still have a better chance of finding employment. Makhado Municipality did not fare much better, with a youth-unemployment rate of 64%. Among women the unemployment rate was 72% and among young men 56%. The official rate of unemployment in this municipality stood at 37%. As is the case in Thulamela, women in the age group 20 to 24 have a higher rate of education than men (37% vs 30% who have matric or more). Musina, surprisingly, had a much lower rate of unemployment in 2011. Among young females the figure was 42% and among males 24%. The split between young men and women as far as educational levels are concerned, was level, with 26% having matric or a higher qualification. The data visualisations can be found at: https://openup.webflow.io/blog/age-gender-and-unemployment-in-south-africa.
EFF and SKCC object to residential stands auctioned to general public comply with pre-set criteria for eligibility. An advert is placed in the local newspaper calling on The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in residents to enlist their names in the municipalMakhado and the Sinthumule-Kutama Crisis ity’s database for consideration. Sites then get Committee (SKCC) object to the selling of services and get valued at a market-related price. 166 residential plots at Tshikota Extension 1 The properties must be sold on a first-in-firstand 695 other plots in Louis Trichardt Town out basis by using the database, which must be that are being auctioned off by the Makhado open for public inspection. Municipality. To try and prevent what is often referred to This comes after an advertisement of the as “fronting” when sites are sold to historically public auction was published by the municipality disadvantaged individuals, such purchasers may last month. not dispose of the property for a period of ten “Our objection is not to the sale, but the meth- years. od used to sell it by auction to the public,” said According to the EFF and SKCC, a high deAnthony Matumba, an EFF representative on mand for residential stands exists from previousthe Makhado Municipality’s executive commitly disadvantaged South Africans, and because tee. of this high demand, some Makhado residents The SKCC echoed the same sentiments, are led to occupy municipal land in Tshikota saying that the sale should not be done through illegally. auction, but rather in accordance with clause “These people are categorized as the Black 4.5 and 4.10 of the Revised Makhado Local Mu- Missing Middle. They earn too little to qualnicipal Land Sale and Lease Policy Resolution, ify for a bond, and too much to qualify for an with the sole intention of empowering previously RDP house. As a result, they succumb to rental disadvantaged South Africans to acquire stands. arrangements because they can’t buy houses on Clause 4.5 makes provision for the selling of the private market. But they have enough money land on certain conditions to a defined group of to build if they are afforded the chance to buy people. It entails compiling a waiting list for the empty stands at reasonable market prices,” said sale of vacant residential sites to persons who the SKCC. By Bernard Chiguvare
The Tshikota land where 166 residential plots are being auctioned off to the public. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.
Picturesque road turning into a dumping site evening or early on Tuesday morning. Again, thanks to the intervention of the local SPCA, The inhumanity of mankind never ceases the dog’s carcass was removed and destroyed to amaze. On Tuesday morning, the Zoutcorrectly not to pose a health risk. pansberger received another report of a Some initially feared that she might have been large-breed female dog dumped next to the Wiggle, an elderly female Boerboel stolen from Meulbos dirt road just off Forestry road in the Van Wyngaardt family from their home near Louis Trichardt. Shoprite in town a couple of weeks ago. The A couple of months ago, a dog was found in family’s search continues after they confirmed the same vicinity with her front and hind legs that the dog found on Tuesday morning was not tied together with cable ties. Fortunately, she Wiggle. was found before dying of starvation and thirst The Meulbos dirt road has apparently become and has since been adopted by a loving family popular the last couple of months for all the from Pretoria through the intervention of the wrong reasons. Some residents have started Louis Trichardt SPCA. using the road as a large-scale dumping site, Unfortunately, the Boerboel cross-breed found dumping anything from garden refuse and on Tuesday morning was less fortunate. She was household rubbish to building rubble. The list of already dead, and she appeared to have been “unique” trash this week also included old and about due to deliver puppies. No outward indica- damaged animal head mounts of a kudu and tion of the cause of death was apparent, but she blue wildebeest. had clearly been dumped there late on Monday The situation is the same (and just as bad) just up the road, opposite the Forest Hills Lodge on the corner of Barnard and Forestry Road, where household rubbish is now dumped almost daily. “We have caught the culprits numerous times. But then you are treated as the ‘enemy’ for confronting them,” said one irate resident in the area. “I wonder when they will start dumping bodies next to the road,” the resident added. In the past, the Makhado Municipality has urged residents numerous times to put their rubbish out on the days allocated for municipal refuse removal, or alternatively make use of the new municipal dumping site along the municipal airfield road just behind Tshikota. Some residents seem to fail to understand the basic principle that dumping rubbish in an area not designated for dumping purposes is not only morally wrong but illegal also. “It would seem that some people are trying to turn this beautiful part of town on the outskirts of the Komatiland plantation into a rubbish dump. Most recently, some church sect started using the area for their Saturday meetings. Surely this is illegal? There are no ablution facilities, and the The sidewalk on the corner of Barnard and church members use the whole area as a toilet,” Forestry Road is apparently becoming a pop- remarked another resident. “What happened to ular dumping site for household rubbish. law enforcement?” he asked. By Andries van Zyl
Inwoners gewaarsku teen mans wat hul voordoen as “munisipale kontrakteurs” kon vir my my rekeningnommer en selfs my ID gee. Hy was selfs hier by my gewees en het vir ‘n Vrou van Louis Trichardt het inwoners my gesê hy kon sien daardie David was ‘n skurk gewaarsku om op die uitkyk te wees vir twee gewees. So, ek het hom vertrou en geglo dat hy mans wat hulself voordoen as kontrakteurs vir die munisipaliteit werk, want hoe sou hy wat namens die Makhado Munisipaliteit andersins al my besonderhede gehad het?” het voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitsmeters installeer. die vrou gesê. Sy het sedert haar eerste kennismaking met Mark wou egter ook geld hê om die probleem die mans al R17 000 verloor. op te los. “Hy wou R10 000 hê, wat ek vir hom in Volgens die vrou (wat verkies het om ano ‘n ‘munisipale’ rekeningnommer moes inbetaal. niem te bly) het ene “David” haar einde verlede Hy het gesê die inbetaling sal dadelik van my agjaar geskakel en gesê hy sien iemand het met terstallige balans afgaan en het selfs onderneem haar munisipale elektriese meterboks buite om vir my dadelik ‘n staat te bring om te wys die haar huis gepeuter. Hy het toe aangebied dat hy geld het afgegaan teen my uitstaande rekening. die probleem kan oplos deur ‘n voorafbetaalde Ek het toe die oorbetaling gedoen en daarna is elektrisiteitsmeter by haar huis te installeer. die man ook skoonveld!” het die vrou gesê. “Die man was so oortuigend en vol van homself Die vrou het inwoners gemaan om nie ook vir gewees. Ek het hom die slenter te val nie. “Hy kon vir my my letterlik 100% vertrou,” “Ek weet ook van ‘n het die vrou gesê. rekeningnommer en selfs my ander vrou wat deurgeInteressant genoeg loop het,” het die vrou ID gee. Hy was selfs hier by my gesê. Buiten vir die R17 het dié David die presiese bedrag gehad van gewees en het vir my gesê hy kon 000 wat sy verloor het, die vrou se uitstaan is haar rekening ook sien daardie David was ‘n de rekening by die steeds agterstallig. munisipaliteit. “Ek het Die Makhado skurk gewees” agter geraak, want ek Munisipaliteit het het ‘n paar maande sonder werk gesit,” het die in antwoord op ‘n navraag gesê dat hulle nie vrou gesê. kennis dra van hierdie twee mans wat inwoners David het vir die vrou gesê dat sy solank ‘n uit duisende rande swendel deur hulself voor te gedeelte van die agterstallige geld kon betaal doen as munisipale kontrakteurs wat teen betalsodat hy die meter kon installeer. Sy het toe ing voorafbetaalde meters by huise installeer R7 000 aan die man oorhandig. “Daarna het ek nie. “Die munisipaliteit het hulle eie kontraknie weer hom gesien of van hom gehoor nie. Sy teurs wat voorafbetaalde meter gratis by huise foon lui, maar hy antwoord glad nie die oproep installeer,” het munisipale woordvoerder mnr. nie,” het die vrou gesê. Louis Bobodi gesê. Hy het inwoners gewaarsku Uit die bloute ontvang die vrou toe ‘n paar om nie vir die slenter te val nie en so spoedig weke gele ‘n oproep van ene “Mark” wat vir haar moontlik die mans by die owerhede te gaan rapsê hy werk vir die munisipaliteit. “Hy het vir my porteer. Bobodi het verbruikers wat twyfel oor gesê hy wil my help, want hy weet dat hierdie die identiteit van mense wat hulself voordoen as David ou my om die bos gelei het. Hy het gesê hy munisipale kontrakteurs vir die installering van kan daardie dag nog ‘n voorafbetaalde meter by voorafbetaalde elektriese meters, versoek om my huis kom insit. Hy het letterlik ‘n staat van mnr. Thomas Matodzi te skakel by tel. 083 677 my munisipale rekening voor hom gehad. Hy 6362 om besonderhede te bevestig. Deur Andries van Zyl
Unfortunately, the Boerboel cross-breed found on Tuesday morning was less fortunate. She was already dead, and she appeared to have been about due to deliver puppies.
Some residents are using the Meulbos road for the large-scale dumping of anything from garden refuse and household rubbish to building rubble. Inset: The list of “unique” trash found dumped along the Meulbos road this week also included old and damaged animal head mounts for a kudu and blue wildebeest.
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FOR SALE - R 2 450 000 Property: 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Family home Location: Louis Trichardt, Extension 2, Limpopo • This unique and elegant spacious family home offers 4 bedrooms and 2 bathroom • Very neat and well maintained property. • Added value include, a refreshing Swimming pool, Thatched Lapa and structured paved areas.
FOR SALE - R 2 200 000 Property: 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Family home Location: Louis Trichardt, CBD, Limpopo • Very neat and well maintained 5 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom Spacious family home • Ideal location and layout to either accommodate residential property or conversion into prime office space. • Paved areas, Swimming pool and covered Braai/Entertainment area
Want to SELL? List your property with us
Zoutie ZoutieWeather
Thursday, 10 June
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Saturday, 12 June
Friday, 11 June
Partly sunny.
Mostly sunny and pleasant.
Sunny and pleasant.
High: 21oC Low: 6oC
High: 22C Low: 6oC
High: 23oC Low: 7oC
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Die bane is oop vir spel te midde van die grendeltydperk op voorwaardes soos goedgekeur deur Muurbal Suid-Afrika en die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Jaargelde beloop R700 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@zoutnet.co.za.
skool Louis Trichardt se fietsryklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 15:00 tot 17:00 vanaf Meulbos. “Enige laerskoolkind is welkom van enige skool, insluitend tuisskool, mits hulle van laerskool ouderdom is,” nooi die klub. Dit kos niks om aan die klub te behoort nie, maar ‘n bergfiets met ratte is noodsaaklik (nie ‘n BMX, skopfiets of so iets nie). Hulle oefen ook in spanne om voorsiening te maak vir kinders van verskillende fiksheidsvlakke. Vir meer inligting, skakel Robbie Novella (083 400 6152 ) of Mark Archer (083 324 8495).
Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub het weer begin met hulle weeklikse fiksheidsoefeninge en sal voortaan elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 oefen. Vir meer inligting of om by die klub se aktiwiteite betrokke te raak, skakel Kevin by tel. 082 892 8769.
GIMNASTE HET WEER BEGIN OEFEN Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub
het hulle weeklikse oefensessies hervat. Vir meer inligting oor meisiesgimnaste, skakel Elzabé Stewart by tel. 082 566 3493, Riekie Steyn by 082 484 1392 of Iné du Plessis by 072 367 7005. Vir inligting oor die seuns, skakel Christiaan Nel by tel. 079 525 3013 of Nadine Bezuidenhout by 082 390 6849. Elize Pretorius kan geskakel word vir inligting oor die voorskoolse kinders. Haar nommer is 081 888 1371.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg-gemeente se gewilde rib-en-tjip promosie sal weer op 11 Junie beskikbaar wees. Die ete sluit in ‘n half kilogram ribs met vars tjips teen R100 elk. “Bespreek vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom,” nooi die gemeente. Bestellings kan om 17:00 by die gemeente se kerksaal in Louis Trichardt op die hoek van Stubbs- en Kroghstraat afgehaal word. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Safety First. Alternatiewelik, skakel 015 516 3167 of Josie by tel. 082 300 6386.
se Wortel is die tema van ‘n vroue-aand op Saterdag, 12 Junie, met Timothy Kieswetter as gasspreker. Kieswetter het sy unieke styl van berading gevorm deur sy bediening in die kerk, werk as ‘n lewensafrigter en tans as ‘n seksterapeut. Bywoning kos R200 per persoon en persone moet hulle eie koelhouer met eet- en drinkgoed saambring. Die aand se verrigtinge vind plaas in die Ferdie Beyerssaal. Vir kaartjies, skakel Riana Otto by tel. 084 400 9941.
FAMILY BOWLS DAY The Louis Trichardt
SPCA has invited one and all to join them for a fun day of bowls with family and friends at the Louis Trichardt Bowls Club on 16 June. Twenty-eight four-person teams can enter at a cost of R220 per player. Two rounds of bowls and a final will be player as part of a fundraiser for the local SPCA. Great prizes are up for grabs for first, second and third places, as well as prizes for the best-dressed team and team spirit. A cash bar and delicious food stalls will be available. For more information, phone Alicia at Tel 084 900 2019.
per team. This includes games fees and a meal. Sponsorship opportunities are also available, starting off at R1 000 per T-box. For more information, phone Elne Cameron at the 081 418 7165 or Riana Otto at 084 400 9941.
basaar. Soos gewoonlik sal die twee groot aantrekkingskragte weer die vleistafel en die vars groente- en vrugtestalletjies wees. Wat die vleis betref, word die gemeente se bekende varksosaties weer aangebied. Lekker maalvleis en wors sal ook te koop wees teen sakpaspryse. Vir die soettand sal die boeremark ‘n welkome stop wees met heelwat gebak, insluitend koeke en koekies. Heelwat te eet word aangebied in die vorm van kos, soos die tradisionele kerrieen-rys, hamburgers, worsrolletjies en gebraaide varksosaties. Besoekers is sommer welkom om vroegoggend ontbyt by die gemeente te kom eet, insluitend pap-en-kaaiings. Lekker vermaak vir die kinders is ook beskikbaar. Die basaar begin om 08:00 en duur tot laatmiddag. Kaartfasiliteite sal beskikbaar wees vir betalings.
Trichardt will play host to Sheri Brynard, a motivational speaker with down syndrome, on Saturday, 18 September. Her talk will start at 11:00 at Bergcare on the corner of Burger and Erasmus Street and tickets cost R100 per person. This will include lunch. For tickets, phone Mariana at tel. 079 679 8790.
dies Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt will be hosting a golf day on Saturday, 26 June, to raise funds for Corrie Dercksen’s prothesis. Corrie, a resident of Louis Trichardt, lost his right leg a couple of months ago. The format of the competition will be a 4-ball alliance with an entry fee of R2 500
Ons kan help
Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 7 June. DAMVLAKKE 07/06/2021 31/05/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
100.1% 100% 100.3% 100% 92.2% 93.3% 94% 98.1% 100.9% 100% 10% 10.2% 101.2% 101% 84.4% 85.4% 100.3% 100% 100.6% 100% 100.5% 100% 100.3% 100%
# Means latest available data
NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente gaan op 3 Julie lekker makietie hou, natuurlik onderhewig aan die nodige Covid-19 protokol, met die hou van hulle jaarlikse Boere-
Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Sun: 11:00, 13:45, 16:45 Wed: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00
PG ¸ Fri, Tue, Thu: 12:15, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45 Sat: 11:15, 13:45, 16:15, 18:45 Sun: 10:45, 13:15, 15:45 Wed: 11:00, 14:00, 16:45, 19:15
Fri, Tue, Thu: 13:30, 16:30, 19:30 Sat: 11:00, 13:50, 16:40, 19:30 Sun: 10:30, 13:30, 16:30 Wed: 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30
7-9 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:45, 19:00 Sat: 11:30, 15:30, 19:00 Sun: 10:15, 13:30, 16:45
Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 12:45, 16:00, 19:15 Sun: 10:15, 13:15, 16:15 Wed: 10:15, 13:15, 16:15, 19:15
PETER RABBIT 2: THE RUNAWAY 7-9 PG Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 12:00, 14:30 Sun: 10:00, 12:30 Wed: 10:45, 13:45
CONJURING: DEVIL MADE ME DO IT 16 Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:00, 19:45 Sun: 15:00
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Sunday, 13 June
Monday, 14 June
Tuesday, 15 June
Wednesday, 16 June
Sunny and beautiful.
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine.
Mostly sunny.
High: 25oC Low: 7oC
High: 25oC Low: 8oC
High: 26oC Low: 8oC
High: 26oC Low: 7oC
Net trek nouer om Werner de Melker, maar gaan hy ingee? Hoe werk die kompetisie? Ons het die eerste hoofstukke van elk van die stories geskryf. Daar is ‘n afonderlike storie vir Afrikaans en Engels. Die uitdaging aan die jong skrywers is om voort te gaan en die volgende hoofstukke vir elk van die stories te skryf. Die stories sal wissel, m.a.w. een week sal die Engelse hoofstuk gepubliseer word en die volgende week die Afrikaanse hoofstuk. Skrywers kan hoofstukke inskryf vir een of beide die stories. Met elke hoofstuk moet die skrywers sover moontlik die bestaande karakters akkommodeer, maar nuwe karakters kan ook in die storie gebring word. Elke Donderdag verskyn ‘n nuwe hoofstuk. Ons jong skrywers het dan tot die volgende Woensdag kans om die volgende hoofstuk te skryf en dit aan ons te stuur. Die beoordeling word gedoen deur ‘n paneel bedrewe skrywers en daar is ‘n kontantprys
Elke inskrywing moet besonderhede insluit van: * Jou naam * Jou ouderdom * Die naam van jou skool * Waar jy woon Elke hoofstuk moet min-
vir elke week se wenner. Na afloop van die kompetisie sal daar ‘n algehele wenner vir beide stories aangewys word.
Is dit moeilik?
it en die wyse waarop die storie ontvou op ‘n spannende en vermaaklike wyse. Ons het geen idee waar enige van die stories gaan eindig nie, so dit is net soveel ‘n avontuur vir ons as vir die skrywers.
Ons wil graag al ons jong skrywers aanmoedig om in te skryf. Die skrywer se verbeelding en die wyse waarop die storielyn ontwikkel is meer belangrik as taalkundige vaardigheid.
Wie mag deelneem?
‘n Ouderdomsperk van 19 word gestel, maar enigiets jonger is aanvaarbaar. Inskrywings word nie beperk tot slegs sekere skole nie, maar die skrywers moet in die Vhembe-distrik woon. Ons sal dit baie waardeer as die taalonderwysers hul leerlinge aanmoedig om in te skryf, maar daar is ongelukkig nie ‘n prys vir die skool met die meeste inskrywings nie. Elke week se weninskrywing Die volledige storie, soos dit sal taalkundig versorg word ontwikkel, word op die koerant en aanpassings mag gemaak se webtuiste gepubliseer. Elke word om die spanningslyn en hoofstuk moet verkieslik eindig kontinuïteit te handhaaf. op so ‘n wyse dat ‘n volgende Ons gee ook terugvoer in elke skrywer weer daar kan aansluit. week se uitgawe en bespreek Die storie moet eindig na die inskrywings. Die kompetisie tien hoofstukke, so hou dit in is nie oor perfekte taalgebruik gedagte! nie, maar eerder oor kreatiwite-
der as 500 woorde wees. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings vir Hoofstuk 9 van die Afrikaanse storie, is Woensdag, 16 Junie, 2021. Die voltooide hoofstukke word op die Zout-
pansberger se webtuiste gepubliseer om dit makliker te maak vir diegene wat wil inskryf. Stuur inskrywings na: leigh@zoutnet.co.za
Hierdie week se wen-inskrywing is van Lynique Krüger (18) van Louis Trichardt. Lynique het verlede jaar gematrikuleer aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Sy ontvang R300 vir haar skitterende poging. Die prys word geborg deur die Zoutpansberger.
outpansberger News with an independent soul
Onthou, die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings vir die Afrikaanse verhaal is Woensdag (16 Junie) om 23:00
Beoordelaars se kommentaar Lynique Krüger se inskrywing is, soos soveel vorige weke, die beste. Sy het die storie haar eie gemaak en wie is ons om te kla? Lynique het ‘n gemaklike skryfstyl en sy beskik oor die vermoë om die leser te
boei. Hopelik is dit nie die laaste wat ons hoor van dié talentvolle jong skrywer nie. Miskien word sy die Soutpansberg se eie Deon Meyer. Met net een hoofstuk wat oor is, is dit belangrik dat al die elemente van die verhaal nou byeenkom. Al die vingers wys na Werner as die moordenaar, maar hoe het hy dit gedoen? Gaan
Aletta weer ‘n “normale” lewe kan lei? En dan, vir die klomp van ons met ‘n romantiese streep, wat van die twee ondersoekers? Gaan Anneke die geweerskoot oorleef? Gaan sy en Johan kan afsluit met ‘n romantiese kersligete? Die antwoorde vind ons hopelik oor twee weke.
Wat vooraf gebeur het?
‘n jonger broer gehad het. Terwyl hulle ‘n leidraad opvolg word daar vanuit ‘n plaasskuur op hulle geskiet. Aletta de Melker, ‘n hoofkarakFaber en Wagner ontvang ‘n ter in die storie, is ‘n eksenuitnodiging om die plaaslike trieke voormalige dokter myn se jaarlikse dans by te wat op haar eie in ‘n reuse woon. Tydens die funksie sak dubbelverdiepinggebou aan die myn se hoofbestuurder, die kant van die dorp woon. Ian, skielik inmekaar en sterf Drie jaar gelede, terwyl sy as kort daarna in die hospitaal. dokter werksaam was by die De Melker maak kontak met hospitaal, het ‘n reeks jong Anneke en probeer haar versemans gesterf. Die rede vir ker dat sy niks met die sterftes die sterftes kon nooit presies te doen gehad het nie. bepaal word nie, maar druk is Wat Anneke en Johan in uitgeoefen op De Melker om daardie stadium nog nie weet vroeg af te tree. nie, is dat De Melker se broer, Werner, nie dood is nie en Inspekteur Johan Faber en saam met Aletta in die huis ‘n befaamde kriminoloog, An- woon. Sy voel skuldig omdat sy neke Wagner, word aangestel gedwing is om Werner se dood om die sterftes te ondersoek. te vervals. Sy glo egter dat die Faber vind uit dat De Melker mense eendag sal besef dat sy
deur toe is agter haar. Nou lyk Aletta se oë soos Johan s’n in die kar. “W-werner, my broer? Hy’s jare terug oorl...” Deur Lynique Krüger “Ek weet wat die waarheid is,” onderbreek Anneke nneke se hart spring haar. “Ek gaan jou help. uit haar bors uit. Sy Loop rustig na die groot kan hoor hoe haar hart eikehoutboom by julle klop-klop-klop in haar ore. rylaan, ons kar is daar. Johan se oë word al hoe Klim in en moenie die groter, hoe vinniger sy ry. deur oopmaak totdat ek of Sy besef sy’t al ‘n hele paar Johan so sê nie.” spoedbeperkings en stopteAletta knik eenvoudig kens oortree in die afgelope haar kop en begin stadig vyf minute, maar sy gee na buite loop deur die agnie nou om daarvoor nie. terste kombuisdeur. Sy kry Toe hulle die groot huis vir Johan daar en fluister: sien, stop Anneke dadelik “Hy’s op die boonste vloer, die voertuig agter ‘n groot in my slaapkamer.” Johan boom. knik en loop verby haar. “Gaan jy agterom, ek Hy staan in die kombuis en gaan met Aletta praat. wys met sy wysvinger vir Terwyl ek besig is, soek vir Anneke om boontoe te gaan. Werner,” fluister Anneke Anneke loop stadig by die voordat sy haar hare trappe op. Sy trap versigtig regmaak in die truspieëltjie teen die kante om te versevan die kar. Sy loop rustig ker dat die ou houtvloere na die De Melker huis se nie haar posisie verklap voordeur toe. Sy het skaars nie. Sy probeer selfs haar klaar geklop aan die groot asemhaling beheer. Sy sien deur, toe maak Aletta dit Aletta se kamerdeur is efoop. “Anneke? Wat ‘n verfens oop. Sy staan met haar rassing. Kom gerus binne,” rug teen die muur, haar lyf sê Aletta. Anneke verbeel haar dalk, maar sy kon sweer in daardie oomblik kon sy in Aletta se oë sien dat sy weet hoekom sy daar is. Uit die hoek van haar oog sien sy Johan na die agterkant van die huis toe beweeg. “Aletta, waar is Werner?” fluister sy vir Aletta die oomblik wat die
nie skuldig is aan die moorde nie. Tydens die begrafnis van die mynbestuurder besoek Anneke die myn en gesels met ‘n jarelange voorman. Hy vertel haar meer oor die jonger broer, Werner, en hoe graag hy ook op die myn wou werk, maar nie kon nie. Faber daag op met die nuus dat Werner dalk nie dood is nie. Anneke en Johan bestudeer die mediese rekords en besef dat Werner se doodsertifikaat vervals is. Hul besef ook dat Aletta de Melker sy dood bevestig het. Dit is dan dat hulle besef die geheimsinnige silhoeët wat in De Melker se huis gewaar is, kan net dié van haar broer wees. (Word vervolg)
reg langs die deurkosyn. Sy hoor ‘n rondgeskoffel in die vertrek, maar besluit om eers te wag. Johan maak eers seker Aletta kom veilig by die kar uit. Hy voel nie gemaklik om Anneke alleen in die huis te los nie, maar sy het daarop aangedring dat hy nie haar stertjie moet wees nie. Aletta het net in die kar geklim toe sy vir Johan sê: “Asseblief, moet hom nie seermaak nie. Hy bly my boetie.” Haar oë skiet vol trane. Johan hardloop terug na die huis toe. Toe hy die deur oopmaak, hoor hy stemme. Anneke en Werner. “Ek was gekeer om te kry wat ek verdien het! Dit moes ek wees! Die myn is netsoveel ‘n deel van ons familie soos ek en Aletta!” skree Werner. Skielik hou die geskreeuery op. Dit eggo deur die ou huis. “Anneke!” skree Johan. Hy weet wat hy sopas gehoor het. ‘n Geweerskoot. (Word vervolg)
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Stella Female
Blake Male
Wyatt Male
Leo Male
Nicholas Male
Rooi Male
Parker Male
Baskets full of kittens
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TO LET TE HUUR • Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad R3700 W&L ingesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar
WhatsApp Chris 078 378 5486 Twee van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge, Sungu Khosa (links) en Junél Joubert (regs), het op 27 Mei deelgeneem aan die volgende virtuele ronde van die nasionale Oppie Tong Af-redenaarskompetisie. Sungu verwerf ‘n A++ simbool in die afdeling vir Afrikaans: oorredingstoespraak individueel voorbereid, terwyl Junél ‘n A+ simbool in dieselfde afdeling ontvang. Junél verower ook a A simbool in die afdeling vir Afrikaans: oorredingstoespraak individueel onvoorbereid. Foto’s verskaf.
Hierdie drie openbare sprekers van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina het op 27 Mei deelgeneem aan die twee ronde van die virtuele Oppie Tong Af-redenaarskompetisie. Marissa de Coning (links) behaal ‘n provinsiale eerste plek in al drie die kategorieë waarin sy deelgeneem het, naamlik Afrikaans oorredend, Engels oorredend en Afrikaans motiverend. Mia Limbach (middel) en Serea Pretorius (regs) het elk Afrikaans oorredende toesprake gelewer. Mia behaal ‘n A++ simbool en Serea ‘n A+ simbool. As provinsiale wenner sal Marissa die Limpopo Provinsie verteenwoordig tydens die nasionale finaal van die kompetisie in Oktober vanjaar. Foto’s verskaf.
Send your letters to / Stuur u briewe aan: news@zoutnet.co.za
Did you miss the compensation clause? Taxpayer, Louis Trichardt, writes:
will be terminated. I also see that two legal opinions were obtained in this regard.
n last week’s Zoutpansberger you reported The question now arises, what will happen that sporting bodies’ 99-year lease agreements now? Will the clubs go on with playing their
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
“En moenie julle lede stel tot beskikking van die sonde as werktuie van ongeregtig heid nie, maar stel julleself tot beskikking van God as mense wat uit die dode lewend geword het, en julle lede as werktuie van ge regtigheid in die diens van God” Romeine 6:13. ie bevelende werkwoord in Romeine 6:13 van “moenie julle lede stel tot beskikking van die sonde as werktuie van on geregtigheid nie” is in die teenwoordige tyd en sluit aan by vers 11 se bevelende werkwoord, ook in teenwoordige tyd - “reken dat julle wel vir die sonde dood is, maar lewend is vir God in Christus Jesus, onse Here.” ‘n Daaglikse, positiewe en gehoorsame toewyding aan God moet volg op jou eens en vir altyd se oorgawe. Gehoorsaamheid sal die prys wees om alles wat jy op die altaar geplaas het daar te hou. Vrywillige, gemotiveerde liefdesdiens aan God sal bewys of jou oorgawe volkome en eg is. In Romeine 6:16 praat die Heilige Gees van gehoorsaamheid aan God tot “vryspraak en lewe”, maar in vers 17 word Hy gedank vir hulle wat reeds “van harte gehoorsaam” geword het. Ons heiliging is daardie afsondering van kwaad en toewyding aan God wat ons gelykvormig aan Christus maak (Romeine 8:29). - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
sports? Will the facilities be leased to them; and the big question, will the clubs be compensated for the improvements? The squash club built three courts, which they paid for. The following improvements were paid for by the different clubs: Rugby Club - the lapa and clubhouse; Golf Club - extensions to the back of the old clubhouse; Athletics Club – the clubhouse next to the swimming pool; Tennis Club – clubhouse and two tennis courts; Bowls Club – clubhouse; and Cricket Club – clubhouse. The other sports used the old sports hall, which was demolished with the selling of the property to Makhado Crossing. Cllr Anthony Matumba, all the clubs are open to all races to play sport, not politics. The only “whites only” club, the Social Club of previous municipal officials, disbanded and the Makhado Municipality paid them for the improvements to their clubhouse. Last question on the two legal opinions. What was the cost, and did they not see the compensation clause? As the Makhado Municipality fails in its bid to provide services to the residents, it is easy to live in the past and blame Apartheid. Voters should use their votes on 27 October 2021 to remove the ANC and EFF from office. Last question - Did the Makhado Municipality lay criminal charges against officials for stealing R65 million from the council to invest in VBS? Not re-deployments, but criminal charges!
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Desmond - 073 227 8761 24/7 Levubu / Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou
LEGALS BRANCO PLANNING MUSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME NO. 416 No�ce is hereby given that we, Branco Planning Corpora�on, have lodged an applica�on in terms of Sec�on 36 of the Musina Spa�al Planning and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016, for the amendment of the Musina Land Use Management Scheme, 2010 by the rezoning of Erf 14 Beitbrug Township from “Special” to “Special” for storage facili�es, offices, car parks, truck stop, sleep over motel accommoda�on, wholesale trade, place of refreshment and convenient store (Amendment Scheme No. 416). A copy of the applica�on and suppor�ng documenta�on will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Economic Development and Planning, 21 Irwin Street, Musina,0900. Wri�en comments or objec�ons together with reasons therefore in respect of the applica�on must be delivered to the Manager: Economic Development and Planning at the address above, or posted to: The Municipal Manager, Musina Local Municipality, Private Bag X611, Musina, 0900 within a period of 28 days from 04 June 2021. Applicant: Branco Planning Corpora�on, (Registra�on No. 2016/474996/07), Physical Address: 55 Judy Street, Model Park, 1035, Tel: 013 110 1380, Email: applica�ons@branco.co.za.
BRANCO PLANNING MUSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA NR. 416 Kennis geskied hiermee dat ons, Branco Planning Corpora�on, ‘n aansoek ingedien het ingevolge Ar�kel 36 van die Verordening op Musina vir Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, 2016, vir die wysiging van die Musina Grondbestuurskema, 2010 deur die hersonering. van Erf 14 Beitbrug-gemeente van “Spesiaal” na “Spesiaal” vir stoorfasiliteite, kantore, parkeerterreine, vragmotorstop, slaapplek vir motelle, groothandel, verversingsplek en gerieflike winkel (Wysigingskema No. 416). ‘N Afskrif van die aansoek en ondersteunende dokumentasie lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Irwinstraat 21, Musina, 0900. Skri�elike kommentaar of besware en redes daarvoor ten opsigte van die aansoek moet by die Bestuurder: Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Beplanning afgelewer word by bovermelde adres of gepos word aan: Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Privaatsak X611, Musina, 0900 tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 04 Junie 2021. Aansoeker: Branco Planning Corpora�on, (Registrasienommer 2016/474996/07), Fisiese adres: Judystraat 55, Model Park, 1035, Tel: 013 110 1380, E-pos: applica�ons@branco.co.za
COXWELL STEYN VISE & NAUDE INC LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED TITLE T71282/97 dated the 3rd JULY 1997 in favour of LEON CHARLES BARNARD, Iden�ty Number 5906155817086 in respect of PORTION 1 OF ERF 3059 SITUATED IN THE TOWNSHIP LOUIS TRICHARDT, REGISTRATION DIVISION LS, LIMPOPO PROVINCE, in extent 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) square metres, held by Cer�ficate of Registered Title T71282/97, which has been lost or destroyed.
All interested persons having objec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, 0699, within 2 (TWO) weeks from the date of the publica�on of this no�ce. DATED at LOUIS TRICHARDT on this 7th DAY OF JUNE 2021. APPLICANT: COXWELL STEYN VISE & NAUDE INC, 31 SONGOZWI STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 LIMPOPO. Email: legal9@csvn.co.za TEL: (015) 516 0116 Ref : RMO Vise/BAR141/2
GEOLAND SURVEYS/ OPMETINGS No�ce is hereby given in terms of Sec�on 79(18) of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 [Ordinance
17 of 1939] as amended, of the inten�on to register a Pipeline Servitude over Por�on 1 of the farm Rietvly 276-LS & Por�on 3 & 7 of the farm Bergvliet 288-LS. Par�culars rela�ng to the applica�on may be inspected during office hours at Geoland Surveys, 69 Burgers Street, or at the offices of the Director Development & Planning, Makhado Municipality, 83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt. Comments or Objec�ons to the gran�ng of the servitude must be lodged in wri�ng within 28 days from 10 June 2021, together with the grounds thereof, simultaneously to the Municipal Manager and the applicant. Geoland Surveys P.O. Box 652, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel 015 5161313 geoland@mweb.co.za Ref: :PSC/L/G
VACANCY SENIOR LEGAL SECRETARY REQUIREMENTS: • Suitably qualified with a minimum of 3-5 years experience as Senior Legal Secretary. • The appropriate candidate must be suitably qualified and experienced in/with, - Magistrate court, Regional and High court litigation processes. - The drafting, monitoring and management of legal documentation and timelines. - The drafting, monitoring and management of Third-Party claims and associated processes. - The skill to effective and efficiently manage a functional team of individuals that may include Junior secretaries, administrative support staff and a group of Candidate attorneys. - Providing general support to departmental Lead Attorney and other Attorneys. • Located in close proximity of Legal practice (Louis Trichardt), thus to ensure availability in case of urgent matters. • Own Transport, Mobile phone, Laptop and online internet connection/functionality. • Bilingual and well versed in both Afrikaans (Advanced) and English (Advanced) languages. • Self-motivated and dynamic individual that posses the ability to enforce a neat, tidy, structured and well organised working environment. • Should it be required, the suitable candidate must be enabled and have the ability to effective and efficiently maintain a “Work from Home” office environment without interferences. Suitable qualified candidates may forward a comprehensive CV to both the below e-mail addresses
law12@hmlegal.co.za / admin2@hmlegal.co.za
DIE SWANEPOELS (PTY) LTD PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS IN SUPPORT OF A WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION FOR THE ABSTRACTION OF GROUNDWATER FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES Die Swanepoels (Pty) Ltd is proposing on submitting a Water Use Licence Application for the abstraction of groundwater via two boreholes for pecan nut irrigation purposes. The irrigation activities will be located on the remaining extent of portion 8 of the farm Commissiedraai 354. It is anticipated that once all the pecan nut trees have been planted, approximately 68 224 cubic metres of water will be abstracted on an annual basis. Notice is hereby given of the application to be made in terms of the National Water Act (No 36 of 1998) and Regulations Regarding the Procedural Requirements for Water Use Licence Applications and Appeals (GNR. 267 of 2017). The applicable water use being applied for includes Section 21(a): Taking water from a water resource. The relevant competent authority for the process is the Department of Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation. All stakeholders are invited to register as Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP) and submit any initial comments by 25 June 2021. All registered I&APs will continue to be given the opportunity to participate and comment for the full duration of the Water Use Licence Application processes. Registered I&APs will be notified when the Water Use Licence Application will be available for public review. To register or to check that you are registered and/or to submit any comments please contact Stefan Swanepoel as per the contact details below: Email: Stefan.Swanepoel@namakwadiamonds.com Cell: (079) 699 0449 Post: PO Box 755, Louis Trichardt, 0920
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
ONS KOOK... Flippen Lekka Kerrievis
Deur Denise van Bergen Toe Amanda Cronjé ’n kind was, het haar ouma dikwels vis ingelê wanneer die manne gaan diepsee visvang en meer vis teruggebring het as wat op een slag geëet kon word. Vandag gebruik Amanda dieselfde resep, slegs aangepas met die Flippen Lekka Spices, en is dit ‘n groot gunsteling onder haar gesin ook. Sy is mal oor die see en die smaak van seekos, en sê dat hierdie kerrievis nou maar net altyd ‘n deel van hulle lewe sal wees. Bestanddele: 2,5 kg vis filette (verkieslik ferm, wit vis, soos stokvis) Sonneblomolie vir vlakbraai 750 ml witwyn asyn 250 ml water 250 ml suiker 50 ml Flippen Lekka Spices se gemengde kerrie spesery 10 ml Flippen Lekka Spices se Worcestersous spesery 10 ml heel swart peperkorrels 3 groot uie, in dun skyfies gesny 10 lourierblare 30 ml mielieblom 125 ml water
Die algehele wenners van die dag was die Neon Nation-span, bestaande uit Renier Fourie, Francois Bronkhorst, Geoff Goetsch en Jurie Meyer. Foto verskaf.
Kleurvolle skietdag ‘n groot sukses Skietnuus
Metode: Sny die vis filette, met vel aan, in groterige blokkies. Verhit die olie op hoë hitte. Geur die vis met die Worcestersous spesery en braai totdat dit deurgaar, maar nog sappig is. Dreineer op ‘n papierhanddoek en verwyder die vel. Meng die asyn, 250 ml water, suiker, kerrie spesery en peperkorrels saam in ‘n pot en kook stadig deur. Voeg die uie en lourierblare by en kook stadig met die deksel op vir 12-15 minute. Die uie moet sag wees, maar nie pap gekook nie. Meng die mielieblom met 125 ml water en meng dit by die kokende sous in. Roer die sous totdat dit verdik. Pak die vis en kerriesous in lae (een laag vis, een laag sous) in ‘n groot glasbak en gooi die sous bo-oor. Laat dit afkoel. Dit kan onmiddellik bedien word. Die geur ontwikkel egter beter hoe langer dit staan, dus kan dit ook in dig-verseëlde bottels ingelê word. Bêre in die yskas.
Dié kerrievis is heerlik saam met varsgebakte Ciabatta-brood en/of ‘n lekker slaai. Amanda kan ná 23 jaar op die dorp sekerlik ook al as ‘n volwaardige Triegie geklassifiseer word. Sy is egter oorspronklik afkomstig van Kriel in die mooie Mpumalanga, waar sy grootgeword en skoolgegaan het. Sy en haar man, Pieter, wat van Louis Trichardt is, is die trotse ouers van drie pragtige kinders - twee seuns en ‘n dogter. Bedags werk sy as kantoorbestuurder by die Nutri Wellness Clinic op die dorp, waar sy die algemene administrasie en bestellings behartig, en so op die kantlyn is sy ook ‘n agent vir Flippen Lekka Spices, wat ons Suid-Afrikaanse disse darem so flippen goed komplimenteer.
Die streek se pistoolskuts het Saterdag, 5 Junie, ‘n “kleurvolle vertoning” gelewer tydens die Schyffontein Praktiese Pistoolskietklub se Span vs Span skietuitdaging buite Louis Trichardt. In totaal het 14 spanne van vier skuts elk deelgeneem. Die dag is aangebied is om geld in te samel vir die opgradering en uitbreiding van die skietbaan en vier bane is geskiet, wat ‘n “kill house” ingesluit het. Die algehele wenners van die dag was die Neon Nation-span bestaande uit Jurie Meyer, Geoff Goetsch, Francois Bronkhorst en Renier Fourie. In die tweede plek was die Hippies, met spanlede Vernon Bezuidenhout, Frik Kroukamp, Hennie Cordier en Bez Bezuidenhout. Alldays A was algeheel derde. Hulle span het bestaan uit Petrus Jansen, Wessel Schoeman, Rassie Erasmus en Nico Lindeque. Buiten die kompetisie vir die beste span, is ‘n kompetisie vir die besgeklede span met die beste spangees ook gehou.
Hierdie titel is opgeraap deur die Fairies, bestaande uit spanlede Corné Smit, Jerry Cloete, Wouter Storm en Stephen van Niekerk. Die Priest and his three Gypsies was tweede, bestaande uit spanlede ds. Jan Pretorius, Magda Pretorius, Karen Bezuidenhout en Amica Theunissen. In die derde plek was die “all-girl” span, die Taw-
we TT’s, bestaande uit spanlede Belinda Mellows, Karien Cloete, Jacky van Niekerk en Jolani Klopper. Een van die dag se organiseerders, Bez Bezuidenhout, het ná afloop van die dag almal bedank wat op welke wyse ook al ‘n bydrae gelewer het tot die dag se sukses, insluitend al die borge, skuts en toeskouers.
Die besgeklede span met die beste spangees was die Fairies, bestaande uit spanlede (van links na regs) Corné Smit, Jerry Cloete, Wouter Storm en Stephen van Niekerk. Foto verskaf.
Amanda is baie lief daarvoor om vir haar mense kos te maak en dis altyd vir haar lekker wanneer hulle die etes wat sy voorsit geniet. En dit is dan ook hierdie oomblikke van samesyn en kameraadskap met haar familie en vriende om haar wat haar lewe so vervuld maak.
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Local major has eyes set on World Triathlon Championships of work done when preparing for a competition, but due to the lockdowns, the whole world came Maj Selaotswe Tlhakuli, a member of the to a standstill. Even the Olympic Games, which South African National Defence Force were supposed to be held in 2020, were post(SANDF) based at the Makhado Air Force poned, along with so many other world events,” Base, is not too fazed about not making it to he said. the 2021 World Triathlon Championship SeThe Major had previously participated in two ries. Besides, he says, he can always try again military games, which were held in Brazil (2011) next year. and South Korea (2015). The South African Triathlon Championships “For the sportsmen and -women here at 2021 were held in Bloemfontein in the Free State Makhado Air Force Base, there was a moment with the sprint and Olympic distance triathlon to reflect on what was happening around the races that took place less than 24 hours apart world,” he said. “Sport and other activities were during March this year. put on hold worldwide. This was the phase Tlhakuli, who is also the physical-training, when many people lost their lives and source sports, and recreational officer at the Makhado of income, while others had to grapple with the Air Force Base, said that he put in a lot of hard pressure of lack of any activities in their lives, work to be selected for the South African Triand being in total lockdown.” athlon team that would participate in Bermuda Tlhakuli grew up in Botshabelo in the Free later in the year. State and studied sports management at the “However, upon participating in both events, Free State Central University of Technology. I finished fifth in the Sprint event and eighth in In 2018, he took part in the prestigious South the Olympic distance event, missing the qualiAfrican Triathlon Championships for the first fying times by a mere 11 seconds,” he said. “My time. His performance was good enough to earn preparation was not as smooth as I would have him an invitation to form part of the national wanted it to be, due to most (public) swimming triathlon team that was to represent South Afpools being closed around Limpopo, so I went rica at the International Triathlon Union (ITU) racing a little underprepared. I will try again World Championships. “Ever since that very first in 2022 though, to make the team to represent time, I have not looked back, for I know I posSouth Africa at the World Championships.” sess the characteristics of a champion,” he said. Tlhakuli, who is a cyclist, runner, and triTlhakuli is currently in training, preparing athlete, said that the year 2020 had been an to participate in the Kruger2Canyon Challenge unforgettable year in terms of sports participa2021 that will take place near Kampersrus, tion for sportsmen and -woman in the military. Hoedspruit, from 2 to 4 July this year. He will do “The desire to compete is fuelled by the amount the 70km Ultra Distance, run over two days. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Twee wenne vir Louis vanaf Grasmere posisies word vermeld. Die wedvlug is gewen deur Louis Lede van die Hangklip (HPK) Jordaan (HPK), nadat sy wenen Soutpansberg Posduifklub duif die afstand voltooi het met (SPK) het die afgelope ‘n spoed van 1 354.71 meter per naweek meegeding in hulle minuut. Hy was ook 4de, 5de, tweede groep wedvlugte van 11de, 12de en 13de. Legardt & die seisoen, ‘n jaaroud- en Dian (HPK) was 2de en 7de, opewedvlug vanaf Grasmere Gerhard Bezuidenhout (HPK) oor ‘n afstand van 418 km. 3de, Sekelbos Hokke (HPK) Die duiwe se tye was bietjie 6de en 19de, RWJ & Mike Coestadiger as dié van die vorige tzee (HPK) 8ste en 15de, Mieke week weens die koue en nat & Mike Coetzee 9de, 10de, weer en ’n ligte oostewind wat 14de, 16de en 17de en Ben en gewaai het. Mariaan Pienaar (HPK) 20ste. In totaal is 167 duiwe In totaal is 168 duiwe ingeskryf vir die jaaroudwedingeskryf vir die opewedvlug. vlug, maar slegs die eerste 20 Weer was dit Louis Jordaan wat Duiwenuus
met die louere weggestap het, nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 354.92 meter per minuut. Hy was ook 5de, 6de, 7de, 8ste, 9de en 16de. Marx Hokke (SPK) was 2de, Nico Bezuidenhout (HPK) 3de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout 4de en 19de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee 10de, 13de, 14de, 15de en 17de, Sekelbos Hokke 11de en 18de en Legardt & Dian 12de en 20ste. Eerskomende naweek sal die klubs deelneem aan ‘n jaarouden opewedvlug vanaf Magaliesburg oor ‘n afstand van 410 kilometer.
Maj Selaotswe Tlhakuli took part in the South African Triathlon Championships 2021, held in Bloemfontein. Tlhakuli has mastered the skill of endurance, taking part in running, cycling and swimming. Photos supplied.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se eerste meisieshokkiespan het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor mnr. Luke Enslin (voor) van Spar in Louis Trichardt wat as borg opgetree het van hul spandrag. Die span het gesê hulle sou graag in hulle nuwe wedstrydklere die seisoen wou voltooi, maar dat die nuwe Vlak 2 Covid-19-inperkings nou ‘n stokkie daarvoor gesteek het. Foto verskaf.
Die NTT Groep en LT Pro het vanjaar opgetree as borge van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se eerste seunshokkiespan. Afgeneem is die span saam met hulle afrigter, mnr. Lourens Barnard. Foto verskaf.
Captain Hook hijacks fifteenth hole golfers!” said Sandy James, one of the golf day’s organisers. The IsAbility Sport Club Apparently, in order to will be hosting their annual enforce their control over golf day this weekend at the the 15th hole, Captain Hook Soutpansberg Golf Club, but (whom we all know has only Captain Hook and his gang one arm and quite possibly only of pirates appear to have one good eye) and some of his hijacked the 15th hole and are pirates have sworn to protect refusing for golfers to tee off their newly hijacked hole with from there on Saturday. all their might - swords and “This could be disastrous for all. They will be enforcing all future golf in Louis Trichtheir ‘kidnapping’ of the 15th ardt, because if we don’t manhole all day. “They sent us a age to overcome these pirates, ransom note ... we have tried to the golf course will remain in negotiate with them, but they jeopardy for future events as are sticking to their guns (I well. We might need help to mean swords) … they say they recapture the hole for our local will not let any golfer tee off Golf News
from the 15th hole unless the golfer pays a ransom - they are open to negotiations regarding the cash they want - it seems they are willing to drop their demands to quite a low ransom per player,” said Sandy. But the good news is that, with the negotiations that Sandy has already entered into with them, they are prepared to waiver the cash demand for players who agree to tee off at the 15th with some sort of a physical challenge - such as teeing off while standing on one leg, or teeing off with one arm tied behind the back, or with one eye closed.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se eerstespan rugbymanne was vanjaar goed op dreef, totdat ‘n derde vlaag van die Coronavirus vol-kontak skolesport tot ‘n einde gebring het. Tog is die span en hul afrigters, mnre. Armand Stander en Theo Muller, dankbaar vir die besighede wat steeds die span geborg het. Die borge van die span het ingesluit Thompson’s Motors, Oasis Water, Specsavers, Fuji Shop en Midas. Foto verskaf.
19 th HOLE
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub is baie trots op hierdie vier spelers wat die afgelope naweek deelgeneem het aan die Limpopo Viere-toernooi in Polokwane. Die span, bestaande uit (van links na regs) Jaco Oosthuisen, Marie Volschenk, Bernard Volschenk en Carel Volschenk, het nege wedstryde gespeel, waarvan hulle twee verloor het. Hulle moes in die plaat-finaal die knie buig voor die span van Lugmagbasis Makhado. Algeheel eindig hulle vyfde in die toernooi. Foto verskaf.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Woensdagspel Datum 02/06/21
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Formaat Punte
Maandelikse Houespel Datum 05/06/21
Hoofborg Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Formaat HS Punte
T. Pretorius
R. Machumela
M. Venter
IsAbility Gholfdag
M. Patel
uittel 73
H. Dabishi
uittel 73
26/06/21 Ladies Circle 4 Gholfdag
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stablef ord, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier, 4 Man Cha Cha Cha, IB - Ind Bogey
News with an independent soul
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SINCE 1959
Strikers gekroon as wenners van 20-beurt liga In ‘n aksiebelaaide naweek van krieket het die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se plaaslike 20-beurt liga ten einde geloop. Die semi-finaal en finaal van die liga is onderskeidelik
Saterdag en Sondag beslis. In die semi-finaal Saterdag het die Toyota Vikings eerste gaan kolf in hul wedstryd teen die Strikers, maar die lopies het maar stadig gekom. Die eerste ses paaltjies het geval vir slegs 36 lopies, waarvan openingskolwers Louis van
Die Strikers het Sondag ‘n sewe-paaltjie oorwinning oor die Drilllers behaal en daardeur die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se 20-beurt liga beklink. Afgeneem is die wenspan. Foto verskaf.
Dirk van den Berg (links) was die beste bouler in die liga. Saam met hom staan die voorsitter van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub, Grant Phillipson (regs). Foto verskaf.
AC Geldenhuys (links) ontvang die trofee as beste kolwer in die liga van die krieketklub se voorsitter Grant Phillipson (regs). Foto verskaf.
Jaarsveld en Craig Viljoen onderskeidelik 11 en 12 lopies bygedra het. Was dit nie vir Kobus Barkhuizen (jnr) wat op nommer sewe ingekom het nie, sou die Vikings vir ver minder as 100 lopies uitgeboul gewees het. Kobus het geëindig op ‘n nie-uit-nie telling van 53 lopies vanaf 40 balle in ‘n kolfbeurt wat vier viere en twee sesse ingesluit het. Die enigste ander kolwer wat dubbelsyfers vir die Vikings kon aanteken, was Bielie van den Berg (15), met die Vikings se beurt wat verstryk het met die telling op 132 lopies vir die verlies van agt paaltjies. Dirk van den Berg was weereens in verwoestende vorm met die bal. Hy het drie plaatjies platgetrek vir die verlies van 23 lopies in sy vier beurte. Spanmaats Paulo Piorek, JP Coetzee en Riaan Geber het op hulle beurt elk een paaltjie ingepalm. Dirk van den Berg het nie net met die bal uitgeblink nie. As openingskolwer het hy uiteindelik op ‘n nie-uit-nie telling van 49 lopies vanaf 46 balle geëindig. Sy kolfbeurt het ses viere en ‘n ses ingesluit. Etienne Hendriks en Johan van Rooyen, in op nommer twee en drie, het onderskeidelik 16 en 12 lopies bygedra, met JP Coetzee (nie uit nie) in op nommer vier wat 44 lopies aangeteken het vanaf 32 balle, in ‘n beurt wat ses viere en twee sesse ingesluit het. Die Strikers se goeie vertoning met die kolf het daartoe bygedra dat hulle die wenlopies in 18 beurte aangeteken het, met die telling op 133 vir die verlies van twee paaltjies, wat aan hulle ‘n agt-paaltjie oorwinning besorg het. Te verstane was die Vikings se boulers almal bietjie aan die duur kant, met slegs Waldo van Deemter en Jandré Hancke wat kon spog met ‘n paaltjie elk. Die Strikers het Sondag hulle goeie vorm voortgesit met beide die bal en kolf. Die Drillers het eerste ingestap om te gaan kolf, met AC Geldenhuys in op nommer twee wat goed begin het deur 56 lopies te slaan vanaf slegs 40 balle. Sy kolfbeurt het ingesluit sewe viere en twee 2020 Mercedes Benz V250 Avantgarde AMG Line
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sesse. Ongelukkig het die paaltjies aan die oorkant bly kantel. Ruan van Tonder (in op nommer sewe) het dapper probeer wal gooi met ‘n vinnige 49 lopies vanaf 35 balle (ses viere en een ses), maar ná sy vertrek het dinge nog net verder uitgerafel vir die Drillers. Alhoewel die span nie uitgeboul is nie, kon hulle slegs 147 lopies vir die verlies van agt paaltjies in hul kolfbeurt aanteken. Vir die Strikers was dit hierdie keer JP Coetzee wat geskitter het met die bal. Hy het drie paaltjies ingeoes vir die verlies van 23 lopies in sy vier beurte. Spanmaat Etienne van Heerden spog met twee paaltjies vir die verlies van 13 lopies in twee beurte, terwyl Paulo Piorek, Riaan Gerber en Johan van Rooyen elk een paaltjie kon neem. Die gevaarman Dirk van den Berg kon hierdie keer nie een paaltjie vat nie. Van den Berg het ook nie so goed gevaar met die kolf soos die vorige dag nie. As openingskolwer is hy vir bietjie minder as ‘n lopie per bal redelik goedkoop uitgehaal vir 17 lopies vanaf 18 balle, wat slegs een vier ingesluit het. Hierdie keer sou dit Etienne Hendriks wees, in op nommer twee, wat die grootste skade met die kolf aangerig het met ‘n blitsige 59 lopies vanaf 42 balle. Dit het ingesluit agt viere en twee sesse. Hy is goed ondersteun deur spanmaat Johan van Rooyen, in op nommer drie, met 28 lopies vanaf 22 balle (drie viere en een ses), terwyl JP Coetzee (16 van sewe balle af ) ook daarin kon slaag om dubbelsyfers aan te teken. Die Strikers het die wenlopies in die 15de beurt geslaan en geëindig met ‘n telling van 148 vir die verlies van drie paaltjies, wat aan hulle ‘n sewe-paaltjie oorwinning in die finaal van die liga besorg het. Dit was ook net gepas dat die liga se beste kolwer en beste bouler afkomstig was uit die twee spanne wat in die finaal teen mekaar te staan gekom het. AC Geldenhuys is aangewys as beste kolwer, terwyl Dirk van den Berg weggestap het met die trofee as beste bouler.
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