Zoutpansberger 13 September 2013

Page 1


13 September 2013


PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Three dead in weekend of carnage on roads - page 3

Jaargang 29 Vol. 36

George the Rhino and Anton’s epic journey - page 4

Limpopo’s mining battles still continue - page 4

DA says it is hate speech

Circuit manager of the Vhembe Education District at centre of controversy over apparent racial slurs

By Andries van Zyl

Did the circuit manager of the Vhembe Education District, Dr Sampie Phaswana, go too far when giving a tongue-lashing to a group of matriculants at Eric Louw High School in Musina about their apparent lack of discipline? The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo believes so, going so far as to lay hate speech charges against Phaswana at the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Monday. Dr Phaswana, an ordained minister of religion in the Lutheran Church, who holds a doctor’s degree in marital problems, as well as a master’s degree in divorce and a master’s degree in practical theology, is now at the centre of a controversy over the apparent racial slurs he uttered to matriculants following their “40 Days” celebration at Eric Louw. One of the children recorded his outburst and, after obtaining a copy of the recording, the DA decided to go public with it. Dr Phaswana was apparently at the school for a meeting at the end of July, when the matriculants apparently started

throwing eggs and water balloons at each other playfully. This outraged him, even more so when the matriculants apparently failed to obey a teacher’s instruction to stop. The group of matriculants was called in and what followed was an almost eightminute-long tongue-lashing from Dr Phaswana, marked by foul language and racial remarks in both Afrikaans and English. In the recording, Dr Phaswana can be heard saying: “I don’t play games ... now once you are here, you behave. If the principal says ‘You don’t throw an egg to anybody, you just don’t throw an egg ... and you think it is a joke when people fight and they stab each other ... this is not a battlefield ... You want to study, you come here, fine, we are all smiles. You don’t want to study, you voetsek! You just go. Whoever does not want to be at school here, stand up now, I will de-register you over the phone now!” Shortly afterwards, Dr Phaswana says: “... you don’t mess up with me – not now, not ever! Nobody messes up with me ... So ... you were told ‘you don’t throw those’ what do you call them? ... you call them water bombs. You don’t know what a bomb is. I carried bombs, I fought, I

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carried bombs, I had bombs from Russia long ago before you were born. I know what a bomb is, I have seen people die, here, I’ve seen people die ... you don’t know what a bomb is ... You come to my office you will see my boy, he is nine years old, I am teaching him to shoot at that age, nine years old, I’ve got many guns, you don’t know what bombs are ... so you don’t throw any bomb, you don’t throw any egg ... you are the people who are to be exemplary ... you are the Grade 12s ...” Dr Phaswana then threatens the matriculants: “But if there is a Grade 12 that doesn’t want to be here and he bends every rule of the school, God help me, you will be sorry! Because I am not going to have mercy on anybody who bends the rules ...” He then adds: “... even before I listen to anybody from any farm or anybody from any political camp, whether you are a member of the Inkata Freedom Party or you parents are the politicians anywhere... I am not interested, ek gee nie om nie, ek is f@#*&n gatvol van mense wat kom by my ... hulle maak asof hul kinders niks gemaak het ... When you parents come to me it’s like you did not do anything ... Nou ek is gatvol!” (Contd on P2)

Brand saai paniek ‘n Elektriese ontploffing in ‘n sentrale substasie langs die Rentmeestergebou in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het die hele sentrale sakebuurt Woensdag sonder elektriese krag gelaat. Huurders in die gebou moes op versoek van die brandweer die perseel in ‘n stadium ontruim, nadat die brand wat ontstaan het na die dak van die gebou versprei het. Die brandweer het aanvanklik probleme ondervind om vanuit die stegie langs die gebou die vlamme te blus, wat kort-kort weer tesame met digte rook uit die substasie geborrel het. Na bewering is die kortsluiting wat tot die ontploffing gelei het, veroorsaak deur katte wat hulle intrek in die substasie geneem het. Omstanders het aan weerskante by die ingange van die stegie tussen Krogh- en Burgerstraat saamgedrom. (Vir meer foto’s en video’s, besoek www. zoutpansberger.co.za)



2 13 September 2013 By Andries van Zyl

DA says Phaswana’s words constitute hate speech

The Grade 1- class of Intaglio Christian Centre in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) celebrated Spring Day on 6 September by selling “boerewors” rolls as a fundraiser. Pictured are some of the Grade 1s with the Grade 1 teacher, Ms Leanne Meyer (left) and Ms Judith Machacha (teaching assistant). Notice

Power interruption on Thursday The Makhado Municipality has warned that there will be an interruption of the electricity supply to consumers of the Louis Trichardt network on Thursday, 12 September, from 09:00 until 13:00. According to a media release, consumers who will be affected are those who are connected to the Levubu East Line from Spar to the end of the line. “The interruption is necessary to enable the municipality to do bush clearing to prevent future unplanned power

interruptions. However, no guarantees can be given that the electricity supply will be interrupted the entire specified time. The electricity supply to certain parts of the electricity network may be restored earlier or later than the specified time or not interrupted at all,” says the municipality. All consumers are therefore warned that the municipality’s electrical lines must be considered live during the entire period. The interruption will, however, be subjected to fair weather conditions.

(Contd from P1) Dr Phaswana continues his threats with reference to the matriculants’ exam papers: “Do you know where your [exam] paper goes when you write? After writing, do you know what happens? I send those k&#@ers [derogatory reference to black people] to come here and collect those papers and they come to me ... they come to me. So al daai k&#@ers wat hier kom om julle vraestelle te kom optel, hulle bring hulle na my toe. Ek kan maak enige ding wat ek wil met daai vraestel ... you won’t know what hit you ... you don’t mess up with me ... you are messing up with the wrong guy ... Your [exam]paper may not be found at the centre ... If I say you are de-registered now and you are out of the school, next year you come [and] I tell you you are over age ... you don’t come to my school finish and klaar ... Do you hear me? ... I don’t threaten people ... when I want to hit people, I just hit them, I don’t tell them ... so you either go and behave or you’ll deal with me ...” Dr Phaswana then warns the matriculants not to take him on, referring to someone who “messed up” with him: “There is a councillor principal who messed up with me in one of my meetings ... he did not know who he was messing up with, right now, nobody will touch him! He is a no no. Nobody will touch him because, by the time I am done with him, he will not get a cent, nothing ... I am not finished with him ... he is crying now but I am not yet done ... I just started, I am enjoying it ... all the crying - I am really enjoying it ... So I got in a male Afrikaner lawyer who hates blacks ... If you are a white person, I will get in a black Afrikaner

lawyer who hates whites, so that then all and SMS yielded no response from him. the scores of all the battles which were The provincial Department of Education, fought long ago, there we will fight it in however, did respond by saying they view court. By the time we are done you won’t the incident in a very serious light. The have money ... you won’t have money ... department’s provincial spokesperson, and your future will be down the drain ... Mr Phuti Seloba, commented on Tuesday no matter how good you are today ... If by saying: “We are monitoring the case we start fighting and you are not having with interest. If the person on the audio any matric, what is going to happen? If is indeed Dr Phaswana, then he has a the case is still on, we don’t give you lot to answer to,” Seloba said. He also anything ...” confirmed that the department is already It was specifically these last remarks conducting an internal investigation. “If regarding black and white lawyers which it is indeed Dr Phaswana saying these infuriated the DA. “Dr. Phaswana’s ut- words, then he is not saying it on behalf terances … have no place in our schools. of the Department of Education,” says He can be heard promoting racial discord Seloba. Asked whether Dr Phaswana had and violence when he was addressing been suspended, pending the outcome Grade 12s. His choice of words during of the investigation, Seloba said that he his address are not befitting for an address was still on active meant for our learners,” says Ms Desiree duty. (To lisvan der Walt, DA Limpopo Education ten to the respokesperson, in a press release after she cording, visit laid the charges of hate speech against www.zoutPhaswana on Monday. She adds that the pansberger. DA is committed to fighting any form co.za) of racial bigotry. “It is of fundamental importance that we erase racism in all its manifestations, especially in our schools, which are essential institutions of socialisation, where the character of our future leaders is nurtured,” says Van der Walt. Several attempts by the Zoutpansberger to elicit comment from Dr Phaswana regarding Dr Phaswana is now at the centre of controversy over his the incident and re- apparent racial slurs he uttered at matriculants following cording by both email their “40 Days” celebration at Eric Louw.

BUSINESS talk Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Nuwe eienaars en visie vir Purple Olive Die nuwe eienaars van Purple Olive in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wil dié eetplek ontwikkel in ‘n gemaklike, landelike eetplek met tradisionele kos. Pierre en Riekie Erasmus het Purple Olive op 13 Augustus oorgeneem. Riekie is ‘n spesialis spysenier met meer as 30 jaar ondervinding. Riekie kan ook vir enige buite-geleentheid se spyseniering genader word. “Opskeptyd” word vanaf begin September geloods. Die gemeenskap word uitgenooi om tussen 17:00 en 19:00 ‘n bord heerlike tuisgekookte tradisionele kos te kom eet, met een vleisgereg, een stysel-

gereg, groente, slaai en nagereg plus ‘n gratis glasie wyn of sap. “Ons nooi almal om ‘opskeptyd’ te benut en die gevoel van die plek te kom kry,” nooi Pierre. “Kosmaak en mense is my passie. Die koop van hierdie besigheid het gekom as ‘n welkome uitdaging,” sê Riekie, wat voorheen ook ‘n banket bakkery nywerheid op Senekal behartig het wat wyd afgelewer het. Tydens hul verblyf op Le­ vu­bu het sy spyseniering vanaf die gemeenskapsaal gedoen. Riekie nooi almal uit om haar vars gebak op die proef te kom stel saam met ‘n gratis koppie tee of koffie, asook

die lekker ligte middagetes en hul nuwe spyskaart. Daar sal ook tydens middagetes vir die gesondheidsbewustes voorsie­ ning gemaak word. Borde soet- en soutversnaperinge (platters) kan van Purple Olive bestel word. Riekie doen graag spysenie­ ring vir troues en het ook breekgoed, tafeldoeke en servette om te verhuur. “Hoe mooier ek ‘n tafel kan maak, hoe gelukkiger is ek,” sê Riekie. Pierre behartig die finansiële aspek en hulle bedryf die restaurant met behulp van 14 personeellede. Die nuwe eienaars nooi die gemeenskap uit om hul privaat partytjies, doopgeleenthede, besigheidskonferensies en vergaderings by Purple Olive in ‘n ontspanne, stylvolle atmosfeer te kom hou. Weeksdae word ontbyt vanaf 07:00 bedien en die kombuis sluit om 21:00. Vir Sondae word lekker buffetetes en ‘n kerfblok (carvery) beplan en die restaurant is dan oop vanaf 08:30 tot 15:00. Purple Olive se kontaknomDie nuwe eienaars van Purple Olive, Pierre en Riekie mer is 015 516 6324 en Riekie Erasmus, wil dié eetplek ontwikkel in ‘n gemaklike, landelike kan geskakel word by 072 046 eetplek met tradisionele kos. 2887.

New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focus­sing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us

know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old. Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. For more information, phone Andries at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Geregistreerde berader help graag tieners

Hannetjie Oosthuizen is ‘n geregistreerde berader wat met kinders, tieners en volwassenes werk. Waar dit dikwels ‘n groot uitdaging is om met tieners te werk, het Hannetjie ‘n hart en aanvoeling vir tieners. Probleemareas wat dikwels professionele hulp vereis, is trauma, aggressie, verhoudings, stress, sielkundige probleme en die verlies van ‘n geliefde. Nadat Hannetjie ‘n honneursgraad in sielkunde aan UNISA verwerf het, het sy in Desember 2012 haar registrasiesertifikaat as geregistreerde berader in die kategorie onafhanklike praktyk of privaat praktyk ontvang, met ‘n praktyknommer van die professionele gesondheidsraad van Suid-Afrika. Haar praktyk is in Joubertstraat 34 in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) geleë en funksioneer in die middae. Hannetjie het self ernstige trauma beleef met die afsterwe van haar broer, Koos Kemp, in ‘n fratsongeluk met sy “mak trofeebuffel”. Sy het ‘n aanvoeling en meelewing vir ander se seer. “Hoe gouer iets opgelos kan word, al is dit hoe klein, hoe beter, want dit kan in iets groots ontaard wat verhoed kon gewees het,” sê Hannetjie. Indien gevalle te ernstig is, sal Hannetjie die persone ver-

wys vir verdere professionele hulp en spesialiste in die area van probleme. Om ‘n afspraak met Hannetjie te maak, kan Christa vanaf 08:00 tot 17:00 geskakel word by 072 440 5447 of Hannetjie self kan na 13:00 geskakel word by 082 804 6772.

Mev. Hannetjie Oosthuizen.


13 September 2013 3

By Isabel Venter

Three dead in weekend of carnage on roads It was carnage on the region’s road over the past week, with three separate horror crashes that left three people dead and several injured. In the first accident, the 37-year-old Mr Edwin Mudau was killed in a head-on collision along the Madombidzha road on Friday, 6 September. The accident happened about 10km outside of Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Mudau, who was an employee of Steyn Staal in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), was on his way to deliver a consignment of steel in the Madombidzha area. According to information supplied by the police, another vehicle, travelling in the opposite direction and driving in Mudau’s lane, caused the collision. Mudau was killed instantly. The three passengers, two women and a man, in the second vehicle escaped with minor injuries. On Saturday, another person was killed and another eight injured in a massive collision involving four vehicles on the N1 south on the railway bridge

near Bandelierkop. According to the police, a small truck carrying a load of cabbages was allegedly overtaking another vehicle, causing the drivers of three other vehicles to lose control and swerve off the road. The accident happened around 05:00 and the N1 was closed down for more than an hour to give rescue workers time to clean up the road for traffic. On Monday evening, another person was killed in a truck accident on the N1 north, close to the Cloud’s End Hotel outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt). The truck, coming from Zambia, was carrying a load of cotton bales. The truck’s brakes apparently failed and the driver lost control of the vehicle, upon which the truck swerved off the road and capsized. The driver managed to climb out of the wreck, but his co-driver was crushed to death underneath the cab. At the time of going to press, the provincial police’s communication office was unable to confirm the names of the deceased involved in Saturday and Monday’s accidents.

Rescue workers struggled for more than an hour to remove the remains of the co-driver from the wreckage of a truck that overturned along the N1 North on Monday evening. According to information supplied by the police, the driver of the truck lost control when the brakes of the truck failed.

On the left is the bakkie which Edwin Mudau was driving when he was killed in a head-on collision One of the four vehicles that were involved in the massive crash on the N1 South, near Bandelierkop, with the vehicle on the right. The accident happened along the Madombidzha road last Friday. on Saturday morning. Photo supplied.




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Actual products on offer may differ from visuals shown, as these are serving suggestions only. Hawkers and traders welkom, we reserve the right to limit quantities. E&OE


4 13 September 2013 By Isabel Venter

George the Rhino and Anton´s epic journey A rhino with spots is not something you see the campaign because he wanted to make a differevery day, and it certainly made heads turn in ence. “Rhino poaching is a harsh reality, and we Makhado (Louis Trichardt). need to get out there and make people aware of this. Anton Fouché pulled this very peculiar rhino I believe that if you are able to change someone’s specimen into town last Friday. He is pulling heart, it will be changed for life.” George the Rhino, a rhino replica weighing in at For Fouché, hailing from Lephalale, this is the 80kg, all the way from Pretoria to Musina to raise fifth awareness project. He has been doing this type funds and awareness about rhino poaching. His of awareness project since 2009. campaign is called Lenaka La Tshukudu. During Fouché’s visit, George had 584 red dots. Every red spot painted on the rhino represents a “As soon as I get a chance, I’ll update the dots; I’m rhino that has been poached in South Africa since a week behind,” said Fouché. On Wednesday, the total number of rhinos Anton Fouché, photographed 9kms outside of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) last Friday. With him the beginning of the year. “The aim of my project is not only to raise funds, poached was 618 as per figures released by the Deis George the Rhino, which he pulled all the way from Pretoria as part of his project to create but also to get people thinking and talking about partment of Environmental Affairs on 6 September. awareness about rhino poaching. rhino poaching,” said Fouché on Friday. Fouché Fouché will be ending his journey on Saturday, and George also paid a visit to the Makhado Cross- 14 September, in Musina. On their route, they are By Isabel Venter ing on Saturday, before setting off for Musina on also planning to visit schools and shopping centres Monday. to raise awareness. Fouché started his 518km journey on Monday, 19 August, at the Kolonnade Shopping Centre in People can follow Fouché and his crew on FaceWar, said the British philosopher Bertrand “… some of whom were from the local area,” Pretoria, dragging George all the way himself. book at Lenaka La Tshukudu or visit their website Russell, does not determine who is right, but said Kamau in an email. She was unable to give According to Fouché, he became involved with at www.rhinotl.co.za who is left. an exact indication of how many employees were As more details begin to unfold in the environ- from the region. mental battle between the mining company Coal Further comment provided by Kamau gave of Africa Limited (CoAL) and environmental emphasis to Brown’s prospects that CoAL could groups trying to ward off their efforts, the ques- be debt free by year-end. tions now is “who will be left?” For years the fight Apart from the new cash influx, CoAL’s board has been raging, and during the last six months size has been reduced from 12 directors to sevvictory calls have been heard from both camps. en, their headcount by 30% and their cash burn In particular, environmental groups triumphed has been reduced from R240-million a year to when CoAL’s share prices plummeted at the R40-million a year. Kamau said the reduction in beginning of the year. This was, however, not the number of directors has resulted in a saving the only stumbling block that CoAL faced. In of R30 million per year. She denied rumours that February, their Vele colliery was flooded, and at executive employees had not been paid. the end of May their CEO, Mr Johan Wallington, Brown said that the approved R220 million left the company. would be used to expand the second phase of This, and the fact that CoAL announced that Vele. According to Kamau, this will include both The two famous rhino conservationists of Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Marco Marcos (second they were going to halt mining activities at construction and ramp-up of the colliery. “Mining from left) and Casper John Venter (fourth from left) were amazed when Piccoli Nursery School their Vele colliery and activities are currently in Pretoria presented them with a checque of R50 000 for rhino horn sniffer dog, Rico. Rico is “retrench hundreds of taking place on site also the mascot of their school, Ridgeway Independent School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Also workers” made supat Vele until the end pictured are some of Piccoli´s former pupils who had been invited to the function. Photo supplied. porters of the environof September. ThereBy Linda van der Westhuizen mental groups believe after, there will be a that CoAL was going downscaling of acto close shop. tivities in preparation During this time, for the construction The two famous rhino conser- Casper John. to create awareness about the CoAL also admitted and ramp-up phase,” vationists of Makhado (Louis Marco said that he was very dire position in which rhinos find to a $148-million said Kamau. Trichardt) couldn’t believe proud of the children, staff and themselves and what is done by loss in the 12 months Vele will enter a their eyes and ears when a parents of Piccoli. “It was un- Rico and what can be done by which ended on June construction phase nursery school presented them believable to see that such small children to help conserve rhinos. 2013. There were even from October and with a checque of R50 000 for children could raise an amount During the weekend, Rico will rumours that CoAL b e g i n p r o d u c i n g rhino horn sniffer dog, Rico. of R50 000. We say, ‘WOW, show his competence when he could not afford the salaries of their senior ex- 1.3-million tons of saleable semi-soft coking The two 12-year-olds, Casper Piccoli, you are amazing!’” said will sniff out illegal rhino horn ecutive employees for three consecutive months. coal, plus sized and unsized thermal coal, at the John Venter and Marco Mar- Marco. that will be hidden on purpose. A prominent group, leading the anti-CoAL end of 2015. cos of Ridgeway Independent Ms Marinda Marcos explained The illegal rhino horn trade fight, is the SOLVe (Save Our Beautiful LimIn the meantime, since this announcement, School, were invited by the Pic- that each child had a ‘rhinoceros’ fuels the slaughtering of rhinos. popo Valley) group that sparks debate via their SOLVe and other environmental groups have said coli Nursery School in Pretoria to sell. It was in the form of a pic- In South Africa, 668 rhinos were Facebook site. This group is also part of the new that they would not back down, and continue to as guests of honour at a function ture, divided into segments and killed for their horns last year. umbrella organisation that was founded to form fight CoAL. Mr Wally Schultz, who represents last Friday. The school saw the segments were sold. When This year’s statistics show that a united forum of stakeholders affected by the SOLVe, described CoAL’s actions as a public the two with Rico on SABC2’s they had sold the whole rhino, 618 rhinos had been lost up to activities of CoAL. The general feeling on their relations spin. conservation programme 50/50, they could colour the picture. 6 September. Casper John and page was that CoAL’s new CEO, Mr David “CoAL has ceased all operation in our valley, which aired in February this Casper John said that it was Marco started their Rhino Peace Brown, would not be able to turn things around. apparently to ‘re-group’. Well, I ask you to read year, and decided to end their lovely to see Rico, the mascot of project in 2011, with Ridgeway Following CoAL’s announcement on 30 between the lines of their PR-spin. How does a Environmental Week from 2 Ridgeway Independent School, Independent School supporting August about their board’s approval of R220 company, clearly in a financial crisis, close its one to 6 September on a high note and his handlers again. They them. Their project received a million to expand Vele, CoAL was approached and only asset that is producing any cash flow?” with a function to present their will be seeing more of them this tremendous boost with Piccolo’s for comment regarding the employees that were said Schultz. “We are no longer just another large amount to the Endangered week when Rico, Etienne (Rico’s generous donation which will retrenched and their financial situation. Facebook-group … we are power players on the Wildlife Trust (EWT) and Rico. handler), Casper John and Marco go towards their clever sniffer On Tuesday, Ms Jane Kamau from Russel & battlefield, making a real difference,” Schultz The deputy president of Wildlife will visit several schools in town dog, Rico. Associates, CoAL’s appointed public relations added. He also said that his group was planning Ranching South Africa, Dr Peter managers, responded. According to her, CoAL a massive protest march which “will make a few Oberem, and Ms Rynette Coetzee only laid off 10 permanent staff members at Vele. people sit up and pay attention”. of EWT also attended the func-

Limpopo´s mining battles still continue

R50 000 for rhino horn sniffer dog, Rico!


Vivo Solarpark maak vinnig die fout reg Gedurende Augustus 2011 is die gemeenskap in kennis gestel van ‘n solarpark wat beplan word noord van Polokwane langs die R521 (Polokwane – Alldays pad) in die Soutpansberg distrik. Hierdie projek se doel is om elektrisiteit te genereer deur die opstel van solarpanele en hierdie elektrisiteit beskikbaar te stel aan Eskom se substasie wat langs die solarpark geleë is. Die ontwikkelaar is SunEdison, in

samewerking met Erika Energy. Op 22 Augustus vanjaar is daar opgemerk dat vragmotors verbonde aan die konstruksie van die spesifieke solarpark sement gestort het binne die padreserwe van die R521, ongeveer 300m vanaf die solarpark se ingang sowel as in die besigheidsgebied van Vivo. ‘n Skrywe is deur die Bo Brak Boerevereniging aan Ages gestuur, wat die solarpark bygestaan het tydens hulle omgewingsimpakstudieproses.

Die Bo Brak Boerevereniging het hierdie week laat weet dat die terrein van besoedeling op 24 Augustus skoongemaak is en dat die besoedelde gebiede herstel is. Weens hul vinnige optrede het die boerevereniging en die gemeenskap van Vivo en omliggende gebied hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die Vivo Solarpark “vir hulle professionele optrede in die hantering van hierdie aangeleentheid.”

tion. Former pupils of Piccoli were invited to participate in the opening of the day. “The best part of the function was when Rico was crowned as Ambassador of Conservation. It was such an honour for us to have been invited and enjoy their hospitality,” said Marco. Piccoli, a nursery school with about 200 children, hosts a large charity project or project for a good cause approximately every three years. “I felt very excited about meeting the children. I was pleased that we were able to inspire other children to raise money for Rico. It has made all our efforts worthwhile,” said

Some of the pre-schoolers of Piccoli Nursery School in Pretoria during their function on 6 September, ending off their successful Environmental Week. These young children and their parents managed to raise the large amount of R50 000 towards the Endangered Wildlife Trust and rhino horn sniffer dog, Rico, whom they had seen on TV with Casper John Venter and Marco Marcos. Photo supplied.


13 September 2013 5

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Pastoor fnuik daggatransaksie by skool

Crazy Stuff

Catch-of-the-Day Veterinarians see all the crazy stuff pets get up to. This doggie obviously bit off more than he could chew, forcing his owner to make a trip to the Blouberg Animal Clinic in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) recently. The vets immediately dubbed him Catch-of-theDay. Photo supplied.

Niekerk het die meisie gevra om die pennesakkie aan hom te oorhandig, wat sy gewilliglik gedoen het. Binne-in was ‘n paar gerolde “zolle” en een plastieksakkie met droë blare. Terwyl Steyn die kinders kantoor toe geneem het, het Van Niekerk die jongman per motor agternagesit. “Ek het hom by die munisipale parkie in Forestryweg gekry en hom gevra om in my motor te klim, wat hy sonder teëstribbeling gedoen het. Ek het hom skool toe geneem,” sê Van Niekerk. Die skool se adjunkhoof, mnr. Theo Muller, het Maandag bevestig dat drie Graad 11 leerlinge van dagga voorsien is deur ‘n oud-leerling wat nie daar gematrikuleer het nie. Op die meisie se iPad was die boodskappe te sien waarmee sy die handelaar skool toe genooi het en dié se antwoord dat hy die “joints” het en vir hulle wag. Die skool het die polisie ontbied. Kapt. Maano Sadiki, lid van die provinsiale woordvoerderspan, het hierdie week bevestig dat ‘n 18-jarige meisie en ‘n 20-jarige man daarvan aangekla is dat hulle dagga in hulle besit gehad het. “Beide het ‘n skulderkenning geteken en elk ‘n boete van R300 betaal. In minder ernstige gevalle kan daar ‘n skulderkenningsboete betaal word. Hulle het wel nou ‘n rekord. Daar was 15 ‘zolle’ dagga en een plastieksakkie los dagga,” het Sadiki gesê. Die twee seuns is nie aangekla nie. Sadiki het ook ‘n beroep op ouers, voogde, kinders, skole en beheerrade gedoen om leerlinge daarop te wys dat misdaad nie betaal nie. Die skool beskou die saak in ‘n baie ernstige lig. Al die kinders se ouers is onmiddellik verwittig. “Ons het aan die meisie se ouma verduidelik dat, by ‘n volgende oortreding van hierdie aard, ons haar kleindogter sal vra om die skool te verlaat. Ons het al in die verlede met haar gepraat oor gedragsake. Sy het om verskoning kom vra en het besef dat sy die skool in ‘n swak lig gestel het,” sê Muller. Die skool praat gereeld met die leerlinge oor dwelmaangeleenthede. Hulle beplan ook om vroeg in volgende kwartaal die narkotikaburo en die polisie te laat kom vir ‘n praatjie oor die gevare en gevolge van dwelmmiddels, en die prosedure wanneer ‘n persoon gevang word. Die skool sê dat ouers moet besef dat hulle hul kind by die polisiestasie sal moet gaan haal. “Ons gaan ook poog om so een maal per maand die polisie en die honde-eenheid die terrein te laat deursoek om hierdie probleem te beperk of op te los. Ons is positief dat hierdie saak omgekeer en gewen gaan word. Ons beplan ook ‘n vaste kantoor vir past. Marcel en sy span op die skoolterrein,” sê mnr. Muller.

Champion packaging for champion dairies

Yo ho ho… it was the pirates’ life for the staff of the Zoutpansberger on Casual Day. From left to right, the ship mateys are Bloody Augusta the Leadhead (aka Luandi Smit) and Dread Mae Drake the Cutthroat Dawg (aka Dallien Viljoen). At the back are Slasher Suzanne Smith the Sea Serpent (aka Bonita Furstenburg), First Mate Esmeralda Welch the Jolly Roger (aka Amandea van Zyl), Catt Masikwa, Andries van Zyl, Anton van Zyl (busy doing what a pirate does best), Capt Morgan Silver the Plundering Scallywag (aka Isabel Venter) and Pieter Jooste the Pirates soccer player. Kennisgewing

Geen vergadering, maar hulp beskikbaar Die Depressie Ondersteuningsgroep van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal nie gedurende September ‘n maandvergadering hou nie, maar weer in Oktober.

“Weet net dat elkeen wat die groep bywoon, vir ons belang­ rik is,” sê die organiseerders. Soos altyd, is lede van die groep welkom om individuele afsprake met beraders te reël. André

Fourie kan gekontak word by 083 257 3127, Hester Beukes by 084 616 2355 en Violet Prins by 072 262 8646. Vir meer inligting oor die groep kan Ben Smith geskakel word by 082 358 1738.

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“Dit is ‘n getuienis, want ons het gebid dat die werke van die duisternis aan die lig sal kom. Die vyand is besig om sy knieg te buig in hierdie skool,” sê pastoor Marcel van Niekerk, nadat hy gehelp het om ‘n dagga-transaksie by die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt in die wiele te ry. Laas Vrydag, omstreeks 10:20, wou past. Van Niekerk die skoolterrein deur die hoofhek verlaat om in sy motor te klim. Uit die hoek van sy oog het hy ‘n groepie kinders by die omheining sien staan. “Die Heilige Gees het vir my gesê dat ek moet terugdraai en gaan kyk wat daar aangaan,” sê Van Niekerk. Hy het gesien hoedat ‘n man buite die heining ‘n khaki-groen pennesakkie aan die skoolkinders gee, iets in ruil daarvoor neem en wegstap. Die groepie het bestaan uit ‘n meisie en twee seuns. ‘n Onderwyser, me. Johanna Steyn, en Van Niekerk het die drie voorgekeer en uitgevra, waarop hulle geantwoord het dat hulle vir die jongman geld gegee het om vir hulle kos te gaan koop. Van


6 13 September 2013 Lanbounuus

Vereniging meen LUR moet blaam dra vir pad Die Bo Brak Boerevereniging sê hulle is in die proses om ‘n amptelike klag voor te berei vir die kantoor van die Openbare Beskermer insake die haglike toestand van die R522-pad. Dié pad was voorverlede week weer die toneel van ‘n gru-ongeluk waar drie van die streek se inwoners, mnre. Gilbert Gerhardt, Rick Coetzee en Innocent Hove, dood is. “Die boerevereni­ging ondersoek die moontlikheid dat die LUR vir Vervoer verantwoordelik gehou word vir die mensverlies en skade wat hierdie pad tot gevolg het,” sê die Die Roadhogs Motorfietsklub van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het Dinsdag ‘n welkome donasie boerevereniging in ‘n persverklaring. Die vereniging verduidelik dat daar reeds vir van R8 000, 331kg hondekos en 11kg katkos aan die plaaslike Dierebeskermingsvereniging jare probleme ondervind word met die padreserwe (DBV) gegee. Die skenking is moontlik gemaak uit geld wat ingesamel is tydens die Roadhogs se wat deur sekelbos en bome toegegroei word. “Onjaarlikse Charity Day Jol voorverlede naweek. Afgeneem is lede van beide die plaaslike DBV en die Roadhogs. Voor, van links na regs, is Kathy Tucker (DBV), Riana Otto (Roadhogs), Yolanda derhoud vanaf die Paaie Kock (Roadhogs) en Hendrik Wilken (Roadhogs). Agter is Lawrence Khodobo (DBV), Bea Administrasie word nie Reimer (DBV), Johan Cronjé (Roadhogs president) en Tobie Kock (Roadhogs vise-president). gedoen op hierdie pad Die DBV-komitee het die Roadhogs hartlik bedank vir die groot donasie. “Ons waardeer die nie,” sê die boerever­ tyd en moeite wat daarin gegaan het om al die geld en hondekos bymekaar te kry. Dit gaan eniging. Hulle het deur maar swaar oral om ons en daar is baie diere wat aandag nodig het. Sterilisasie is hoog op ons middel van maandverslae hierdie pad reeds lys en ons hoop om ‘n paar diere hiermee te help,” het Reimer gesê. vanaf April 2011 gerapporteer. Vanaf Januarie vanjaar het hulle foto’s van die oorgroeide toestand van die pad aan hul verslae geheg en ‘n vergadering tussen die TLU Noord Streek en die LUR vir Vervoer is gehou op 8 Februarie in Polokwane. “Ten spyte van herhaalde versoeke, is geen aksies van die skoonmaak van die padreserwe onderneem deur die Paaie Agentskap nie,” sê die boerevereniging. Hulle sê die situasie het nou onuithoudbaar geword vanweë die talle ernstige en noodlottige ongelukke op die pad, om nie eers te praat van skade wat deur wild en rondloperdiere aan voertuie veroorsaak word nie. “In Junie is Marida Pretorius (21) in ‘n grusame Personeel van Pemico op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het Loslitdag gevier met die tema “Go Bigger”. Van links in die foto is Francis Halgreen, Naomi van Wyk, Jackie Botha, Tanya Ferreira, ongeluk oorlede, nadat ‘n boom van ongeveer 150mm dik (wat teen die pad in die padreserwe Juliana Jonck en Karen Freislich.

gegroei het) … haar motor in twee gebreek het,” sê die boerevereniging. Ná die ongeluk het hulle ‘n persverklaring uitgereik waarin hierdie aangeleentheid onder die aandag van die publiek gebring is. ‘n Vergadering met die areabestuurder van die Paaie Administrasie het derhalwe op 6 Augustus gevolg. “Daar is bevestig dat pogings aangewend sal word waarin ‘n twee-meter area aangrensend tot die padreserwe skoongemaak sal word om sodoen­de die pad veilig te maak. Die spanne is met slegs kapmesse op die gebied geplaas waartydens ‘n afstand van ses meter binne ‘n week gekap is. Die spanne het nie weer opgedaag nie, en daar is aan die boerevereniging kennis gegee dat die vragmotor buite werking is wat die spanne vervoer. Geen verdere aksies is deur die Paaie Admi­n istrasie aangewend om die veiligheid van die padverbruiker te bewerkstellig nie,” sê die boerevereniging. Die boerevereniging het met hartseer verwys na die ongeluk op 26 Augustus waarin mnre. Gerhardt, Coetzee en Hove op dieselfde pad oorlede is. “Dit is vir die gemeenskap ‘n bron van kommer dat die broodwinners uit hierdie gesinne weggeruk is. Wie gaan nou hierdie gesinne, waar minderjarige kinders is, onderhou?” wou die boerevereniging weet. Die vereniging het in hul persverklaring weereens die paaie administrasie gewys op hulle wetlike verpligting ingevolge wetgewing wat hulle verplig om alle provinsiale paaie instand te hou en veilig te maak vir plaaslike gemeenskappe. “Na herhaalde voorvalle wat op hierdie roete voorgekom het, is dit duidelik dat hierdie roete nie voldoen aan die wetsbepalings soos uiteengesit nie,” sê die boerevereniging.

“Wie gaan nou hier­ die gesinne, waar minderjarige kinders is, onderhou?”

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13 September 2013 7


8 13 September 2013

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.



Louis Trichardt

High: 33oC Low: 17oC

Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

Mostly sunny and very warm.

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350 • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Phillip Venter Tel: 015 516 4366, jeugleraar ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by 082 921 6110.


Sunday, 15 September

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

vertoning vir die gemeenskap hou. Dit begin om 19:00 in die hoërskoolsaal en kaartjies kos R40 per persoon. Geen kinders onder 13 word toegelaat nie. Die optrede sal help • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die om die groep se uitgawes om na die nasionale Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichfees te gaan, te befonds. Kaartjies is by die skoolardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by kantoor beskikbaar, asook by die deure. Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. Vir meer inligting kan die skool geskakel word By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoeby 015 516 4965 of regisseur Nico Scheepers by dig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. Alle mans 084 791 1014. is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. • DOPPER KUIERKAFEE Daar sal weer Vrydagaand, 13 September, ‘n Dopperkui• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die erkafee vir die gerief van die inwoners van Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CEN- Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wees. Die spyskaart sluit ribburgers (R20), kaasburvroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TER The Bahá’í Information Center in Makha- gers (R20), Dopperburgers (R15), hoenderslaai bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om do (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening (R20), russian en skyfies (R15) en skyfies (R10) te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. in. Plaas nou reeds bestellings by Nanette (015om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, For more information phone Tel 015 516 4944. 516 4007). Die kuierkafee sal reeds om 17:00 jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. open. • MINISTER’S FORUM NOW Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 MEETS ON TUESDAYS The regular • VROUE-OGGEND Die Vroue van 422 5248 geskakel word. meeting of the Louis Trichardt Ministers’ Forum • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar will take place on a Tuesday at 14:30 from now die Woord van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi alle vroue uit na ‘n heerlike vroue-oggend op sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- on, instead of on a Wednesday morning. Saterdag, 14 September, genoem “Morning of mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis “The meetings take place at various locations His glory”. Trichardt) gehou word. and will be emailed to those on the mailing list,” “Die oggend sal gevul wees met die genieting Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. says Rev Robbie Novella. van die talente van verskeie plaaslike persone, Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet For further information, Rev Novella can be lekker tee en goeie geselskap,” sê die voorsitter, vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in contacted on 083 400 6152 or 015 516 5165. Madelyn Stolz. Verrigtinge begin om 10:00 en die sentrum. word by Casa Café aangebied. Kaartjies kos R90 • RAAK BETROKKE BY Vir meer inligting, skakel Peet Venter (gebper persoon en is beskikbaar by Madelyn (083 MAANDELIKSE SKOONMAAK oubestuurder) by 015 516 1826 of Davonnies by 442 5248), Marie (082 437 0747) of by DavonAKSIES Daar sal elke maand ‘n projek 015 516 5749. aangepak word in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) in nies in die Makhado Crossing winkelkompleks. ‘n poging om die dorp skoon te maak. • TRIEGIES SE Enige iemand, van watter kerkgenootskap ook- 2003-MATRIEKS HOU REÜNIE al en wat gretig is om die Here se werk te doen, Daar word gesoek na Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is welkom om in te skakel. se 2003-matrieks met die oog op die hou van hul (Seven-day forecast) Vir meer inligting kan Renier Fourie geskakel tienjaar reünie op 14 September vanaf 13:00 by word by tel. 083 281 0378. die Lalapanzi Hotel. Vir meer inligting, skakel Thursday, 12 September • AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN- Minet by 084 516 0744 of stuur ‘n e-pos na Partly sunny and not as warm. BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha- minet.vivier@gmail.com vir die bankbesonderhede en formele uitnodiging. o o do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit High: 24 C Low: 12 C om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n Friday, 13 September Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met According to latest available WEEKLIKSE Sunshine and warmer. information from the Department hulle te ervaar. of Water Affairs and Forestry as o o “Dit is ‘n geleentheid waar u op u unieke wyse on Monday, 9 September. DAMVLAKKE High: 29 C Low: 15 C en metode kan aanbid. Almal is welkom. Kom Dams/damme: 09/09/2013 02/09/2013 net soos u is!” nooi pastoor Francois Strydom . Saturday, 14 September Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Stry- Albasini Dam 86.2% 86.8% Sunshine and very warm. dom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937


High: 32oC Low: 17oC Monday, 16 September Sunny and remaining very warm.

High: 33oC Low: 13oC Tuesday, 17 September Mostly cloudy.

High: 30oC Low: 13oC Wednesday, 18 September Partly sunny.

High: 27oC Low: 12oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2013. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za


School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) invites one and all to their annual concert on 12 September. The concert will be a musical presentation of the Lion King and will involve all Grade 1 tot 7 learners. It will be performed at the Fransie Vermaak Hall (Gereformeerde Kerk) and tickets will cost R40 for adults and high school pupils and R20 for primary school pupils and younger children. Tickets are on sale at the school office. For further information kindly phone Elaine Waller or Mulalo Mulaudzi at the school office at Tel 087 820 4507.

• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827

100% 100% 81.3% 81.9% 92.4% 92.8% 94.7% 96.8% 44.9% 41.8% 100.6% 100% 63.9% 65% 93.5% 96% 95.1% 96% 92.6% 93.4% 93.7% 94.5%

* Means latest available data


• FLIKKER IN DIE SKOOLSAAL Flikker, een van die twee toneelstukke

van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wat uitgenooi is om by die nasionale Aardklop kunstefees op te tree, gaan op Dinsdag, 12 September, weer ‘n

WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2013. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za



Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam


• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183




Fri: 09:45, 12:00, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 Sat: 12:00, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30 Tue: 09:45, 12:00, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————

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Fri, Sat: 10:00, 15:15, 20:20, 22:50 Sun,Tue: 10:00, 15:15, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 15:15, 20:20 ——————————————————————————————————

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Daily: 12:30, 18:00



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Fri, Sat: 09:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 09:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00 Mon: 12:15 Tue: 20:00 Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00 —————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat: 09:00, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:30 Sun,Tue: 09:00, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 —————————————————————————————————— Fri-Sun, Tue: 09:05, 11:50, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30


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Fri, Sat: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun,Tue: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 MORE WAYS TO BOOK


Follow us


• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.






13 September 2013 9

• SPITBRAAI BY LEVUBU BASAAR Levubu se NG Kerk basaar begin

Saterdag 14 September om 08:30 en bied ‘n gesellige middagete met vark- en skaap-spitbraai, potbrode, slaaie, pap en sous en heerlike basaarpoeding. Die spitbraai-ete kos R25 per kind en R50 per volwassene en kaartjies is te koop (Makhado / Louis Trichardt) by Elize Venter (Hygrotech) by 079 88 44 977, Marette Louw (Ocean Basket) by 082 447 2316 en Adri Venter (Coca Cola Fortune) by 071 491 2850 of (Levubu) by Mykie Vosloo by 084 483 0341). Daar is ook ‘n “mengelmoes-kardoes” tafel met kuns en handwerk, tweedehandse items en wit-olifanttafel,‘n teetuin, plante en groente, ‘n koektafel, vleistafel, pannekoek, stokwors, gevulde vetkoek en worsbroodjies, ‘n Hansie-en-Grietjie snoepie vir die kleingoed, ‘n modeparade met plaaslike kindertalent, hope pret en speletjies, gesigverf, hare kleur en koekversier, boogskiet en vele meer.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

person. Bookings have to be made by phoning 015 516 6324 the day before. For any other information, Marietjie Wentzel can be contacted at 078 480 8783.

• ROCKING FOR RHINO FESTIVAL South Africa’s second annual largest

conservation festival, Rocking for Rhinos, will be held on 21 and 22 September at Franklyn Park in Hoedspruit, a rolling recreational park near the heart of the Kruger National Park. With beer tents, vendors, activities and bigname South African and international bands, the innovative and unique two-day event promises to entertain and inspire everyone in the name of conservation. All profits raised from the festival go directly towards anti-poaching and certified rhino-conservation initiatives. The full lineup consists of bands and DJs from as far away as Zimbabwe and Namibia, who are donating their time to perform in the name of rhino conservation. • EEUFEESVIERINGE IN MUSI- Entry cost R80 for a day pass or R250 for a full weekend pass, which includes camping NA Laerskool Messina vier in September die skool se honderdjarige bestaan en nooi almal uit space. Your ticket is your contribution to the cause! Gates open at 15:00 on Friday for camom te kom feesvier. ping, and 08:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Die skool se eeufeesvieringe skop op 17 For more information, visit www.rockingforSeptember af met ‘n revue optrede by die skool rhinos.org or write to jacquisive@rockingforrhitot 19 September. Diegene wat graag wil kom kyk, kan kaartjies kry by me. D. Van der Merwe nos.org (LiN News / Kruger2Canyon) by tel. 015 534 2144. Vrydag, 20 September, • KOM BRAAI SAAM! Inwoners word sal daar om 08:30 ‘n optog deur die strate wees genooi om saam met mekaar nasionale Braaidag vanaf ABSA en om 19:00 kan inwoners en bete kom geniet op 24 September by die Lalapanzi langstellendes kom luister na bekende Suid-Afri- Hotel. “Kom geniet die dag saam met ons en kaanse sanger William Blackrose. Kaartjies kos William Blackrose. Daar is ook ponieritte,” nooi R120 vir volwassenes en hoërskool leerlinge en die organiseerders. R60 vir laerskool leerlinge. Die kaartjie sluit in Vir meer inligting of besprekings, skakel die die vermaak, braaipakkie, slaai en pap en sous. ‘n hotel by tel. 015 516 5455. Eie piekniekmandjie en drinkgoed kan saamge• KERKJEUG BIED BOEREbring word. NAWEEK AAN Die jeug van die NG • TRIEGIE-MATRIEKAFSKEID Kerk Levubu bied ‘n boerenaweek aan vir die Leerlinge van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt skud al hele gesin op 27 en 28 September. die vere reg vir die skool se jaarlikse matriekafPerdepret en -plesier met ‘n “skop” sluit in skeid. pretritte, boeresport, perd- en ruiterspeletjies, Inwoners word weer oudergewoonte uitgenooi ponieritte, opeklas kompetisie, dresseer vertoom die aankomstyd op Donderdag, 19 Septemning en nog vele meer. Daar sal ook ‘n bosvark ber, by die skool by te woon en te kyk na die spitbraai en teetuin wees. Die naweek word kinders se klereskeppings. aangebied op die plaas Gramadoelas en kamVerrigtinge begin om 17:00 en ingang is R10 peergeriewe is beskikbaar. per persoon. Die kaartjies kan by die skoolVir verdere navrae, skakel Suné by 079 506 kantoor gekoop word, asook die aand by die 3157 of Elize 081 768 1318. ingangshek. Let daarop dat toegang beperk is tot • THANKSGIVING FÉTE The New slegs die ingang in Van Warmelostraat by die Apostolic Church in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) hek na die seunskoshuis. will be holding their “Thanksgiving Féte” on 28 • JAARLIKSE ROTSFEES Die September from 09:30 in the corner of the parjaarlikse Rotsfees by Grootklip, 24 km buite king lot at Makhado Crossing. Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op die Vivo-pad, se There will be pancakes, vetkoek and mince, program is bekendgemaak. Dié Christelike fees curry and rice, cupcakes, cold drinks, homemade word van 20 tot 22 September aangebied. sweets and much more. Die opening sal op Vrydag, (20ste) om 18:30 Secondhand goods and clothing will also be wees, waarna gospelsangeres Sonette Gouws om on sale. 19:00 sal optree. Saterdag se program begin om • TAKE A BREAK, MOM “La09:00 met Joy van Eeden oor die onderwerp “Be dies, give yourself a break from standing in the Healed and stay healed”. Jan Curtin sing vanaf kitchen. Get dad to spoil you with a lunch here 10:30 tot 11:00, wanneer Betsie Joubert van at St Mark’s,” is the invitation from St Mark’s Comfort Prophetic Ministries aan die word kom. Anglican Church, where lunches will be served Om 14:00 is kom Manne van die Woord aan on Sunday, 29 September, from 12:00. die beurt. Daar sal ook gedurende die middag Lunch will be served at R35 per plate. A sitspeletjies vir die kinders aangebied word. Lucky down lunch can be enjoyed or food can be taken Ramakulukusha van Apostolic Movement Comaway. munity Church praat om 18:00, met die gewilde For more information, the church office can jeugorkes, Muurprop, om 19:00. be contacted on 015 516 5165 or Rev Novella on Die oggenddiens op Sondag word deur 083 400 6152. Francois Strydom van Shammah Bedieninge • JOIN US IN WORSHIP Rev waargeneem en begin om 09:30. Kampeerders Robbie Novella extends a warm invitation to all kan die hele naweek in hul tente of karavane those who do not as yet belong to a church to kom uitkamp teen R50 vir die hele naweek. Dit attend St Mark’s Church on Sunday, 29 Septemis nodig om staanplekke te bespreek. ber, at 10:30. Toegang is gratis, maar offerandes sal “In today’s unsure environment, we need stagedurende die dienste opgeneem word. Daar sal bility in life and if you do not belong to a church, stalletjies wees waar kos en drinkgoed te koop aangebied sal word en daar is ook braaifasiliteite yet would like to experience God’s love, grace beskikbaar. Vlooimarkstalletjies kan ook besigtig and mercy, you are invited to come and join us for a time of worship, ministry and fellowship,” word. Vir meer inligting kan Ockie by 082 563 5931 says Rev Novella. St Mark’s Church is situated at 128 Munnik geskakel word en vir besprekings, Milda by 079 Street in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). 075 8344.

• BREAKFAST FOR BUSINESSMEN Once a month, a Farmhouse

breakfast is offered at Purple Olive in Krogh Street for businessmen and their partners and clients. The times and dates for the rest of the year are from 07:00 to 09:00 on the following Fridays: 20 September, 18 October, 22 November and 20 December. The cost of the breakfast is R50 per


odist Church in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is holding its annual country market on Saturday, 5 October, from 10:00. “We invite everyone to join us for a morning of fellowship and fun. There will be stalls for

boerewors rolls, cakes, books, gifts etc. and a tea garden.” The country market will be held at the church at 79 Munnik Street. • CVO ZPB OPEDAG Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se Opedag vir voornemende skoliere sal hierdie jaar op Donderdag, 10 Oktober, aangebied word by die skool. Vir meer inligting kan die skoolkantoor of die skoolhoof, mnr. Boet Groenewald, geskakel word by tel. 076 401 2757 of 076 240 8333. Die skool kan ook skriftelike navrae ontvang op hul e-posadres by admincvozpb@xpress.co.za

• AFRIFORUM AJV AfriForum se tak

in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) hou hul algemene jaarvergadering op Donderdag, 10 Oktober, om 18:00 by die saal van die Soutpansberg Gholfklub. Die gemeenskap word uitgenooi om hierdie belangrike vergadering by te woon om beter bekend te raak met die werk van AfriForum, asook om kernsake te bespreek. Rigtinggewende besluite sal deur die lede geneem word. Vir meer inligting kan die takvoorsitter, mnr. Wally Schultz, by 079 298 2676 geskakel word.

Stalletjie is teen R50 per dag beskikbaar. Die enigste vereiste is dat daar nie handel gedryf sal word in enige iets wat die gemeente self aanbied nie.

SPORT SEPTEMBER • CVO 4x4-NAWEEK Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg bied vanaf 13 tot 15 September ‘n 4x4-naweek deur die Soutpansberg aan. Die kostes beloop R500 per persoon en R500 per voertuig vir die hele naweek. Vir meer inligting of besprekings kan Joubert Robbertze geskakel word by 078 800 6595 of Christoffel Wolvaardt by 082 948 2897. • RUN 4 RHINOS The two young

rhino activists from Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Casper John and Marco, as well as the Ridgeway Independent School, invite all children and adults to participate in Run 4 Rhinos on 14 September at 08:00. One and all can come run or walk the 5km or 2km to help them in their fight against rhino • TRIEGIES OPERETTE Inwoners poaching. Rico (the sniffer dog) and his handler, kan reeds begin kaartjies koop vir Laerskool Etienne, will also be there. “This will be a great Louis Trichardt se operette vanaf 10 tot 17 opportunity to meet this TV-star dog and to see Oktober. him in action. We will hide some illegal rhino Die dorp se kleuters kan op 9 Oktober vanaf horn and Rico will find it. Come see how he does 08:00 gratis na die optrede gaan kyk. Die volgen- it and have fun with us,” invite the two youngde dag, 10 Oktober, kan die streek se bejaardes sters. The event takes place at the Hanglip Forest ook gratis gaan kyk, maar vanaf 14:00. Gate (top end of Forestry Road), with registraVir die optredes vanaf 14 tot 17 Oktober tion taking place from 07:00. Rico’s demonstramoet kaartjies gekoop word en is beskikbaar by tion is at 08:00 and the races take place from die skoolkantoor vanaf 5 Augustus. Die laaste 08:30 until 10:30. There are great prizes to be optredes begin telkens om 18:00 en kaartjies kos won, with the categories being 3 to 5 years, 6 to R40 (voor), R35 (middel), R30 (agter) en R20 9 years, 10 to 13 years, high school and adults. (vleuels). Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skoolkantoor. • 1987-REÜNIE Die 1987-matriekleerlinge van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt hou op 12 • 303-SKIETKOMPETISIE Die Oktober vanjaar reünie by die Rondebosch Lapa Soutpansberg Skietklub nooi alle skuts om hulle buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt). .303-skietkompetisie op Saterdag, 28 SeptemVir meer inligting, skakel Jaco Badenhorst by ber, te ondersteun. Die kompetisie sal aangebied tel. 082 434 3406 of stuur ‘n e-pos na kalimamin ‘n weermag-formaat en daar sal teen tyd bo2@hotmail.com geskiet word. Hierdie kompetisie sal een van drie soortgelyke kompetisies wees wat nasionaal aangebied word. Inskrywing beloop R50 per kategorie en elke deelnemer sal 36 rondtes nodig • HERVORMERS HOU BASAAR hê. Daar is drie klasse, naamlik .303-ystervisier, Die Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt gemeente .303-optiese visier, en jaggeweer. Inskrywings hou op 1 (13:00 tot 19:00) en 2 November begin om 07:30 en sluit om 12:00. Daar sal ‘n (08:00 tot 14:00) weer lekker basaar. gratis worsbroodjie en koeldrank wees vir elke A-graad vleis teen gemiddeld R5 per kilodeelnemer. Vir meer inligting kan Ampie du Toit gram goedkoper as enige verskaffer in die dorp geskakel word by 015 516 2580. is beskikbaar in alle snitte. Die wors beloof • HENGELKOMPETISIE Rods & ook weer ‘n wenner te wees, so ook die biltong Reels in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bied op 5 en droëwors. ‘n Groot verskeidenheid gebak, en 6 Oktober ‘n hengelkompetisie aan by die insluitend vir diabete, sal verkoop word, asook Albasinidam. Alle inskrywingsgelde sal gaan plaasvars groente en vrugte teen weggee pryse. ten bate van die Corlanie de Vries Trust vir haar Vir die hongeriges sal daar hamburgers, hartklepvervangingsoperasie. worsbroodjies, stokworse, jaffels, kerrie-en-rys, Briliant Bass van Polokwane gaan ook deel pannekoek en nagereg wees, asook koffie en tee by die Oppikoffie Koffiekroeg en koeldrank. Vir wees van die naweek se verrigtinge, met pryse geborg deur Rods & Reels, sowel as Briliant die tuin is daar ‘n groot verskeidenheid gesonde Bass. Vir meer inligting en inskrywingsvorms, plante om van te kies en keur. “Kom snuffel deur ons tweedehandse boeke,” skakel Hennie (084 069 7212), Pieter (083 381 9360) of Janelle (083 397 3695). nooi die gemeente.




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Bestellings kan nou al geplaas word by die kerkkantoor 015 516 4366.


10 13 September 2013

Die sangroep Copy That van die lugmagbasis het die inwoners en gaste van Ons Tuiste met populêre sangnommers vermaak tydens die tehuis se Lentedag geselligheid verlede Woensdag. Die lede van die groep is, van links, Wayne en Adinda Kirsten en Jaco en Japie van Staden. Loslitdag is op 6 September deur die rekenmeesters en personeel van Nel, Havinga en Corbett rekenmeesters in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gevier. Hulle het besluit om vanuit die personeelfonds tussen 13:00 en 14:00 piekniek te hou met pizza en koeldrank. Hulle het hul NH&C hempies aangetrek, en miskien nog ietsie by, om vanjaar se Loslit-tema, “Doen dit groot”, uit te beeld.

Deur Frans van der Merwe

Lente sorg vir heerlike bederf vir Ons Tuiste

Lentedag is Woensdag gesellig en feestelik gevier by Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) toe die inwoners en gaste onthaal is op die voorstoep in die tuin. Terwyl tee en koffie met feestelike eetgoed geniet is, is die inwoners en hul gaste onthaal op vrolike musiek deur die sangroep Copy That van die lugmagbasis. Intussen was ‘n skaapbraaiery

aan die gang vir die spesiale lentedag middagete. Vir tant Nelie Venter was die Lentedagviering ‘n gepaste opvroliking van haar 90ste verjaardag. Die bestuurder van Ons Tuis­ te, mev. Kitie de Bruin, het ook namens die inwoners dank uitgespreek teenoor Ben, Susan en Marietjie van Baalen, André en Bets Prinsloo, Marita Slabbert,

Elmarie O’Lindsky, Japie en Jaco van Staaden, Adinda en Wayne Kirsten, Piet en Rina de Jager, Hennie en Rika Prinsloo, Dries Maartins, die NG Kerk Soutpansberg, Alida Jongbloed, Gert van der Westhuizen, die Zoutpansberger en al die personeel wat hard gewerk het. Die bejaardes van Ons Tuiste het dit opvallend baie geniet.

Limpopo Melkery het vanjaar “groot gegaan” met Loslitdag op 6 September. Afgeneem is ‘n paar van die kleurvolle karakters wat die dag in hul unieke uitrustings kom werk het. Foto verskaf.

Hammann en Moosa Ingelyf in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het ook Vrydag, 6 September, Loslitdag gevier deur in vrolike werksdrag by die kantoor op te daag. Foto verskaf.

Bejaardes van Ons Tuiste in ligte luim tydens hul Lentedagviering verlede Woensdag.

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13 September2013

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Tant Nelie Venter van Ons Tuiste het haar 90ste verjaardag op Lentedag by die tehuis gevier.

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Music and Entertainment • Free Boerewors rolls • Free Sweets • Free Popcorn

Who is MBT? MBT was founded in 2004 and has become one of the leading non-refining petroleum wholesalers in the Republic of South Africa.


13 September 2013 11

Deur Isabel Venter

Kragdrade bly steeds hul grootste vyand Saterdag, 7 September, was ‘n spesiale dag vir alle aasvoëlspesies, met Internasionale Aasvoëldag wat met groot pret gevier is by die Blouberg Natuurreservaat naby Vivo. Dié dag, wat vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar aangebied is, is gereël in samewerking met die Vriende van Blouberg-groep en Birdlife Soutpansberg. Blouberg is die tuiste van nagenoeg 3 000 aasvoëls. Dié kolonie is, wat na verneem word, een van die grootste aasvoëlkolonies ter wêreld. Saterdag se verrigtinge is afgeskop met ‘n bewusmakingspraatjie deur André Botha, wat aan die stuur staan van die Internasionale Natuur­ bewaringsvereniging se Aasvoëlspesialisgroep. Bedreigings wat Suider-Afrikaanse aasvoëls in

die oog staar, volgens Botha, is hoëspannings­ kragdrade. Aasvoëls word doodgeskok as hulle op die drade gaan sit om te rus of daarin vas vlieg. Gif, het Botha verder vertel, is ook ‘n groot sondebok. Hy het die voorbeeld genoem waar 600 aasvoëls onlangs in die Caprivi gevrek het toe hulle aan ‘n giftige karkas gevreet het. In Limpopo hou mynbou veral ‘n groot bedreiging vir die streek se aasvoëls in. Mynbou, volgens Botha, sal dié voël spesie se kosmandjie drasties verminder. Saterdag was darem nie net ‘n dag vir ernstige sake nie. Daar is ook ander aktiwiteite soos graaf-“surfing” en ‘n skattejag aangebied. Besoekers is ook getrakteer op ‘n besoek aan die aasvoël-restaurant, waar karkasse vir die aasvoëls uitgegooi word, op die reservaat. Vir dié wat rustiger van gees was, was daar ‘n uitstappie om na die broeikolonies te gaan kyk op die hange van Blouberg. Kyknet se Projek Aardwolf het ook ‘n kamera­span gestuur om die dag by te woon. Hierdie span het self ook aan al die aktiwiteite deelgeneem. Na afloop van die dag het Vriende van Blouberg die volgende borge bedank vir hul bydraes: Pretoria Karava­ne, Vonitel, Vyna Tarp (Polokwane), Harcourts Louis Trichardt, Landmark Vivo, PromoPlace, The Stamp Shop, Northern Jana Smith, heel links, van Harcourts in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Glass, Fruit & Veg LTT, wat ‘n waterpunt beman het tydens die skattejag, in ‘n ligte luim saam Geoland Opmeters en met Lizette Strydom en Johann Botha van Projek Aardwolf. Foto verskaf. Kune Moya.

“Bring the worship of Africa and its rhythm and music to Malaysia,” was the invitation two years ago. Now the Agapé African Choir is ready and on their way to Malaysia. Wearing their traditional raiment, they perform at the “This is Africa” show on 6 September. Church News

Local choir on their way to Malaysia “Bring the worship of Africa and its rhythm and music to Malaysia,” was the invitation two years ago. Now the Agapé African Choir of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is ready and on their way to Malaysia. “We shall represent this church, but also this community and town, our country, and above all, our God,” said Pastor Sam van Niekerk of Agapé. The choir, under the professional leadership of Pastors Grant and Bernice Clifton, will render items in Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia at the Glory Christian Centre. The choir and worship team will also take part in the worship at an international

conference which will be hosted form 24 to 27 September. Speakers at the conference will include Dr William Vun of Glory Christian Centre, Dr Kong Hee of Singapore and Dr Kim Sung Hae Cho, from the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, which is the largest church in the world.The conference will be attended by some of the most influential spiritual leaders from Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and many other countries in Eastern Asia. “The choir is more than ready. They have put in a lot of effort and practice time. What makes us different is that we are a multi-racial African choir, so we

get quite a unique sound when we combine the voices,” Pastor Clifton said. The choir, a group of 28 people, including singers and musicians, had their first major performance at the This is Africa show on 6 September. The church was filled to capacity and the audience gave standing ovations, following some of the choir items as well as Pie Jesu, sung beautifully by Bernice and Grant. Other individual items included Stasha van der Spuy, dancing the song of Mary bringing her alabaster box to Jesus, and a guitar solo by Jacques Mouton. A large part of the group will already depart for Malaysia on 14 September.

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12 13 September 2013

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Alle pryse is BTW ingesluit en net solank voorraad hou!

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A Spring Day art exhibition was held at Small Talk Christian Centre for Early Learning on 6 September. Every child painted a beautiful canvas to sell as a fundraiser to develop the playground. Here some of the children stand around one of the exhibition stands.

13 September 2013 13

Leerlinge van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het goed presteer tydens die BCVO se landswye Beeldende Kunste Fees. Die fees het 723 inskrywings van regoor Suider-Afrika gelok. Luné Robbertze (Graad 4) en Junior Smit (Graad 5) het vanjaar die wisseltrofee vir Skone Kunste vir die beste prestasie in die Graad 4 tot Graad 6 afdeling gewen. Chanté Liebenberg (Graad 6) en Melissa Stemmet (Graad 10) het albei medaljes ontvang as landswye wenners in hulle onderskeie grade. Voor, van links na regs, is Luné en Junior. Agter is Melisssa. Melissa het ook ´n eersteplek behaal in die BCVO-skole se landwye redenaarskompetisie op 23 Augustus in Brakpan. Chanté was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.

Kleuters van Barneyland het op 6 September met hul nagklere skool toe gekom om Loslitdag te vier. Hulle het ook die lente vroeg verwelkom en op 30 Augustus ‘n groot lente-partytjie gehou. Hier is ‘n groepie met hul nagkabaaie.

Hierdie dansgroepie van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het ‘n diploma ontvang vir die Burlesque dans wat hulle gedoen het tydens die nasionale Eisteddfod op 4 September by Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Hulle het meegeding in die afdeling “Vrye Beweging Kwintet: Graad 10”. Van links is Marcel Simon, Melissa Leeb, Delicia du Plessis en Ninke le Roux. Mariesa Smit, wat ook deel was van die groepie, was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.

Die nasionale Eisteddfod het weer afgeskop en Laerskool Louis Trichardt se talentvolles het op 4 September by die skool deelgeneem. ‘n Diploma is die hoogste toekenning. Voor, van links na regs, is die diplomawenners Chanti Basson, Cheyenne van Zyl en Annemie Grobler, wat elkeen ‘n diploma vir Afrikaanse liriese poësie: Graad 3 verwerf het, Bernice Meiring in Graad 6 met vier diplomas (Afrikaanse redenaars: inligtingstoespraak, onvoorbereide lees van Afrikaanse prosa, twee diplomas vir Afrikaanse liriese poësie en danstrio: Graad 6) en die ander twee lede van die dansgroep, Michaela Gilfillan en Ronel Meiring. Bernice en Annemie ontvang ook goue sertifikate vir verskeie items. Cara van der Goot en Sarisa van der Goot, wat albei diplomas vir Afrikaanse liriese poësie ontvang, was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Agter is die deelnemers wat goud in hul items verwerf het: Anje Swanepoel, Heidi Swanepoel, Alida du Preez, Mieke Laubser, Suandri Corbett en Chrisli Markram. Afwesig: Jannes van der Goot.

GWM in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het Loslitdag op 6 September op uiters gesellige wyse gevier met ‘n “straatbraai” op hul voorstoep in Groblerstraat. Hulle het sommer ook die geleentheid gebruik om die nuwe GWM C20R bekend te stel en te bemark. Advertorial

Bradlows is now offering exciting opportunities to candidates who have a flair for retail. As part of the JD Group, Bradlows ensures stability and excellent career advancement to suitable candidates who can add value and are stimulated by new challenges. The following opportunities exist for passionate and highly energetic individuals to apply for the position of: Salesperson position available in our Louis Trichardt branch

Congratulations to mr James Shaw from J.A.S Vervoer for winning the prize of R3000.00 in the lucky draw competition from Raymond’s Glass. After fitting a windscreen with Raymond’s Glass he was automatically entered in the competition. On the left is mr Johan Cronjé from Raymond’s Glass and mr martin Venter (right) from madi Tanks who conducted the draw.

Salary negotiable. Normal fringe benefits apply. Fax comprehensive CV( not including certificates or awards) to the Branch Manager On (086) 581 6528 During Office Hours. (Closing date 20th of September 2013) Should applicants receive no response within a period of 14 days after the date of closure, it can be assumed that their applications were unsuccessful.

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The successful candicates must meet the following requirements:  Minumum Grade 12  2 – 3 Years Sales experience.  Proven success record within the furniture retail industry.  High level of motivation.  Energetic prospector  Must be prepared to relocate as part of career growth.



14 13 September 2013

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24 September 2013 vanaf 11h00

VISIT OUR PROPERTIES ONLINE: www.property24.co.za

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Jana 083 318 1960

Neat spacious, 3 bedroom, garden flat.

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Gee jou erfenispoging ‘n hupstoot en besoek ons Anglo Boereoorlog Museum.

Vir meer inligting skakel: 015 516 5455


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R3800.00 pm


Tel / Fax: 015 516 3073 - Cell: 083 289 3086 Shop 18, 66 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt P.O.Box 4075, Louis Trichardt, 0920

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Secure units in complexes 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, flat, prepaid electricity 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, flat, water and electricity excluded

Ponieritte ens. Prys: R100 per gesin. Sluit in bykosse, sakkie hout, blitz en vermaak. Kontantkroeg, verskeidenheid braaipakkies te koop.

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Come colour with us!


CAREL HAMMANN 082 923 1620

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Wildwerend. 14ha nuwe besproeiings land, kan veel meer maak. 9 Boorgate (3 toegerus). Ongeveer 30 zebras, 20 koedoes, 5 waterbokke, 5 gemsbokke en 120 rooibokke ingesluit. Te koop as ‘n lopende saak teen ‘n NIL BTW koers aan ‘n BTW ondernemer wie kwalifiseer. R5,217 MILJOEN


13 September 2013 15

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300m2 each on N1 (Old Isofo).

kindly contact Mr. Livhuwani Vincent Mudau/Phumudzo Mudzusi on or before 17th September 2013 prior to the submission of Environmental Management Plan. However we will appreciate your correspondence before 20th September 2013 for sake of submission to DMR. Tel: (011) 795 4029/073 635 9044/ 079 487 1117. Fax: (086) 601 9172/011 759 3964 E-mail:mudau. livhuwani@yahoo.com/ rendagroup@gmail.com Or send any enquiries to Renda Coal (PTY) Ltd P.O.Box 1124 Honeydew Johannesburg 2040 In die Landdroshof vir die distrik Soutpansberg gehou te Louis Trichardt Saak No: 461/2013, In die saak tussen: Bekker, Antonie Christoffel, Eiser, en Storm, Willem Wouter, 1ste Verweerder, Storm, Chantel, 2de Verweerder. Kennisgewing van geregtelike Verkoping In nakoming van die Vonnis van die landdroshof en die Lasbrief vir Eksekusie wat op 15 Augustus 2013 gedien is, sal die ondergemelde goedere in eksekusie verkoop word op 2 Oktober 2013 om 14:00 te die kantore van die Balju van die Landdroshof Soutpansberg, Krugerstraat 111, Louis Trichardt, aan die hoogste bieër sonder enige waarborge. 2 x Visvang Skepnette, 1 x Dubbelbed & Matras, 1 x Blou CD Houer met 104 CD’s, 2 x Gasbottels, 1 x Rooi Gereedskapkas met gereedskap, 1 x Rand Snyer, 1 x Cadac Koelhouer, 1 x Kluis, 1 x Lugdraad, 1 x Gasbottel Koppeling, 1 x Kampstoel, 1 DSTV Dekodeerder, 1 x Elektriese Koord, 1 x Tempo Radio, 1 x Draagbare Televisie, 1 x Stoel, 1 x Flaring Kit, 1 x Lansky Skerpmaker, 1 x Moersleutel, 1 x Essentials Strykyster, 1 x Strykplank, 1 x Houtboks met 3 Glase, 1 x Skildery, 1 Stel Gas Toebehore, 1 x Vinger Bord, 1 x Asblik, Hoeveelheid Plastiese Houers, 1 x Omga Waaier, 1 x Aartappel Skyfie maker, 2 x Sunbeam Rooster, 1 x Logic Prutpot, 1 x Weber Braaier, 1 x Domkrag, 1 x Plastiese Houer met Gereedskap, 1 x Gereedskapkas met losgoed, 1 x Icetonic Ysmaker, 1 x Boks met Glase, 6 x Klein Stoelkussings, 1 x Opblaas Matras, Hoeveelheid Beddegoed, 6 x kantgordyne, 8 x Gordyne, 1 Stortgordyn, Hoeveelheid Badkamer matjies, 1 x Nivola Haarknipper, 1 x Mandtjie met glasware, 1 x Versapper, 1 x Broodrooster, 1 x Plastiese Houer met CD’s, 1 x Pineware Ketel, 1 x Mainstain Yshouer, 1 x Rooi Sak met eetgerei, 2 x Stoompotte, 1 x Braaipan, 1 x Asblik met hoeveelheid potte en plastiese bekers, 1 x Koekie vorm stel, 1 x Wasgoedmandtjie, 1 x Glasbak, Hoeveelheid glasbakkies,

Contact: 082 929 5039

Winkel­ spasie te huur in middedorp Kontak: 015 516 3366 LEGALS INTERESTED & AFFECTED PARTIES IN RESPECT OF THE PROPOSED PROSPECTING ACTIVITIES Consultation in terms of section 10 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002). This communication serves to inform you of the intention of Renda Coal (Pty) Ltd to prospect for Coal on the Farms: Leena 453 MS, Sandheuwel 425 MS, Vogelstruis 415, Danie 416 MS, Vriendschap 460 MS, Overyssel 418 MS, Tambotie 422 MS, Vryheid 417 MS, Witlaagte 421 MS and Zoutpan 459 MS, in the Magisterial District of Zoutpansberg: Limpopo Region. The purpose of this notice is therefore to: Find adjacent landowners residing next to properties mentioned above as well as •properties owner of the properties listed. •Inform you of the development. Give you an opportunity to raise any concern you might have in respect of the prospecting activities. •Incorporate your concerns in the impact assessment study, which is being done as part of the environmental management plan (EMP). The EMP is legal requirement for all prospecting activities and has to be approved by the Department of Minerals and Energy. Should you wish to raise your concern, seek clarity or require further information or register as I&APs,

1 x Rol Waspapier, 1 x Asblik, 2 x Swart Muurversierings, 1 x Karton Miniatuur circuit brakers, 2 x Kers Kandelare, 3 x Swart Blikhouers, 1 x Mikrogolfoond bord, 1 x Broodbord, 1 x Geel Erde Ketel, 1 x Cadac Waterhouer, Hoeveelheid Plastiese bekers, 1 x Voorskoot, 1 x Sak met Braaistel, 1 x Sponsmatras, 1 x Meggar Kragtoetser, 1 x Elektriese Kombers, 1 x Papspaan, 1 Mop, Besem & Plastiese Emmer, 3 x Straps met Ratchets, 1 x Draagbare Wasgoed Droograk, 1 x Toeknyp Rooster, 2 x Osram 400W Gloeilampe, 2 x verf Bakke, 3 Rollers & 2 kwaste, Hoeveelheid Handvatsels & Slotte, 1 x Emmer, 1 x Volvo Sedan met Registrasie nommer: PPC 872 GP. Geteken te Louis Trichardt op hierdie 2de dag van September 2013. Booyens Du Preez & Boshoff ING. Landdroslaan 28B, Posbus 1305, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: (015) 516 1404/5, Verw: S BOOYENS/HD/B 552 Notice Notice is hereby given that Nzeni Coal Mining (PTY) LTD has lodged application for Prospecting Right for MOW Cop 280 LS And Fleurfontein 1 IT in the magisterial District of Makhado with the Department of Minerals Resources Limpopo, Private Bag X9467, Polokwane,0700. Ref: LP30/5/1/1/2/11622 PR, Applicant: Nzeni Coal Mining (PTY) LTD, 25 Umgazi Road, Sandton, Gallo Manor, Gauteng, 2052, Mulisa Mudau, Cell: 071 173 5489, Fax: 086 626 4153. Any comment with regards to relevant application should be forwarded to the above address. In die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Pretoria gehou te Pretoria Saaknommer: 63477/12, In die saak tussen: Alternative Structures (EDMS) Beperk, Eiser en Mcgaffin Sean H/A Farms, Verweerder. Kennisgewing van geregtelike Verkoping Geliewe kennis te neem dat kragtens ‘n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie in bogemelde hof, sal die ondergemelde goedere in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieër op 2de Oktober 2013, om 14:00 te die Balju: Soutpansberg te Krugerstraat 111, Louis Trichardt. Goedere: 1 Toyota Fortuner V6 4.0 L- Reg Nr: BVJ912 L, Terme: Slegs kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 4de dag van September 2013. Erasmus Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Brooks Plaza Oos, 305 Brooksstraat, Brooklyn, H/V Brooks & Brooklyn Str, Brooklyn Pretoria, Tel: 012-362 3660, Fax: 012-362 3664, Verw: LE/102/12-A 638

In the Estate Late: Johan Meyer, Identity number: 211124 5008 08 4, From: Louis Trichardt, Master Reference: 2842/2009, Master’s Office: Pretoria, Magistrate’s office: Louis Trichardt. In terms of section 35 (5) of act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (First and Final) in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later, at the offices of the masters as stated, and the offices of the magistrate. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Name and Address of Executor/ Administrators of the estate: Mrs Louise Dekker, c/o Kern & Dekker INC. 105 Krogh Street, Po box: 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Ref: L Dekker/JS/ A00460 In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) Case No: 65108/2012, In the matter between: ABSA Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Petrus Hendrik Niemand (ID No: 680728 5127 082) First Defendant, Natarchia Niemand (ID No: 700626 0136 080) Second Defendant. Notice of Sale in Execution In pursuance of a judgment granted on the 19 March 2013 in the above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in

execution on the 19 September 2013 at 11H00 by the Sheriff of the High Court, Louis Trichardt, at the site, Unit 21 The Willows, 52 Cilliers Street, Louis Trichardt, to the highest bidder: Description: (i) Section No. 21 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS988/2007 in the scheme known as The Willows, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Erf 5126 Louis Trichardt Township of which Section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 120 (One Hundred and Twenty) square metres in extent; and (ii) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said Section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan; Street Address: known as Unit 21 The Willows, 52 Cilliers Street, Louis Trichardt; Zoned; Residential; Improvements: The following information is given but nothing in this regard is guaranteed: The improvements on the property consist of the following: Main Dwelling Comprimising Inter Alia: - 2x Bedrooms, - 1x Louge, - 1x Dining Room, - 1x Kitchen, - 1x Bathroom, - 1x Garage. Held by the First and Second Defendants in their names under Deed of Transfer No. ST125811/2007.The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Louis Trichardt, 111 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt. Dated at Pretoria on this the 26th day of August 2013. Newtons, Plaintiff”s Attorneys, 2nd floor, Lobby 3, Brooklyn Forum Building, 337 Veale Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Tel: 012 425 0200/Telefax: 012 460 9491, Ref: F01906/ Nelene Venter

Plaasbestuurder Gevestigde Sitrusboerdery in Letsitele op soek na:



5jr Toepaslike Ondervinding Toepaslike Tersiêre Opleiding Rekenaargeletterd Vlot in Afrikaans/Engels

Verdere aanbeveling: Bevoeg in ‘n Inheemse taal Gevorderde opleiding in Entomologie en/of Plantkunde/ Tuinboukunde Meganiese kennis van plaastoerusting Voordele: Mededingende salaris Mediese- en Pensioenfonds bydraes Verblyf op die plaas Stuur CV na: E-pos: hr@groep91.co.za Faks: 015 345 1785 Sluiting:

Vrydag, 20 September 2013

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Die Wawiel



Alle aansoeke sal oorweeg en beantwoord word.


PFB-Agent 516 5024

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 15:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00


16 13 September 2013


E-mail CV to: lvdberg@sacms.com

Faks CV na: 015 516 4305 Indien u teen 20 September 2013 nog nie teruggehoor het van ons nie, aanvaar asb u aansoek as onsuksesvol.

To advertise your Vacancy on this page, contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at Tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: 015 516 2303


Vhadzulapo vhane vha vha na ndaka vha dzulaho nga fhasi ha Masipala wa Makhado vha khou divhadziwa uri RISUNA property consultants and Valuers of Giyani, Limpopo Province vho tiwa u vha vhone Vhasedzulisi Vha Ndeme ya Ndaka nga Masipala kha nwaha wa muvhalelano wa 2014 u swika 2018. Uya nga tshitenwa tsha tshipida tsha mahumi mana na nthihi tsha mulayo wa muvhuso wapo wa ndaka wa vhu 6 wa nwaha wa 2004 (Local Government Property Rates Act, Act no.6 of 2004, section 41) uri Mutoli wa ndaka ya Masipala kana muthu zwawe o fhiwaho mannda nga Masipala u tea u tendelwa u dzhena midini kana afho hure na ndaka iyo u i tola vhukati ha hafu u bva kha iri ya vhutanu na vhuvhili nga matsheloni u swika awara ya vhutanu na vhuvhili nga madekwana duvha linwe na linwe hu sa katelwi Swondaha na holodei ya nnyi na nnyi hu tshi itelwa u tolwa ha ndaka. Kha vha dzhiele ntha uri muthu onoyo o tendelwaho u tea u vhonala nga u vha na garata ya tshinepe tshawe, tsumbo ya mannda o fhelelaho (vhurifhi) o a newaho nga Mutoli wa ndaka, nahone u tea u kona u sumbedza garata ya vhune kana bugu ndaula yawe arali o humbelwa na uri muthu onoyo u fanela u tshimbila na mutalutshedzi kana muthu munwevho ane a nga thusa kha nyimele ine thuso ya nga todea. Ri do livhuwa tshumisano yavho kha u do tendela Mutoli wa ndeme ya ndaka wa Masipala kana muthusi wawe a tshi do tola ndaka yavho hu u itela ui Masipala a kone u khunyeledza mushumo uyo.. Vha todaho u pfesesa zwinwe na u sedzulusa zwinwe maelana na fhungo heli vha nga kwamana na Mutoli wa ndeme ya ndaka ya Masipala (Municipal Valuer) vho- Kulani Nkuna kha nomboro ya lutingo ya 072 9876422.

VoldAgpos ViR REKEningKUndigE Vereistes: • BCom (rek) Graad • Articles voltooid • Finansiële State


Civic Center No. 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO Notice No 136 of 2013 File: 8/3/2/1117 12/13 September 2013

• SARS e-filing & easyfile • Pastel & Payroll • Vorige ondervinding


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Male General Assistant needed: Royal Mnandi Food Service, Kutama Prison Kitchen. * Gr 12 * Night shift worker * No criminal record * Uniform supplied. ± R3 000 p.m. + allowances. Closing date: 18/09/2013.

Vakature vir ‘n Verkoopsdame

Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Aansoeke sluit 30 september 2013. salaris onderhandelbaar Faks CV na 015 516 2196.


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OPENBARE KENNISGEWING VAN OMGEWINGSMAGTIGING LEOOT Verwysingsnommer : 12/1/9/2-V3 Projek Naam : Makhado Steenkoolmyn Projek Die Aansoeker, Coal of Africa Limited gee hiermee kennis aan geregistreerde belanghebbende en geaffekteerde Partye (BGP) van die Omgewingsmagtiging deur die Limpopo Departement van Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Omgewing en Toerisme (LEOOT) op 30 Augustus 2013 vir die Makhado Steenkoolmyn Projek in terme van die Wet op Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur (WNOB), 1998 (Wet 107 van 1998). ‘n Afskrif van die Omgewingsmagtiging is beskikbaar op aanvraag van die Openbare Deelnameproses Bestuurder (Naledi Development), die magtiging bevat die besonderhede van die voorwaardes sowel as redes vir die toestaan van die Omgewingsmagtiging. Die LEOOT is oortuig dat die aansoeker voldoen het aan die wetlike vereistes in terme van die WNOB. Sleutelfaktore oorweeg deur die LEOOT in die neem van die besluit om die magtiging te verleen, sluit in:• Die aard van die voorgestelde terrein en aktiwiteit; • Die verslag oor die resultate van konsultasie met belanghebbende en geaffekteerde partye; en • Die moontlike impakte, die versagtende maatreëls en die aanbevelings met betrekking tot die voorgestelde mynbou-aktiwiteite. In terme van Hoofstuk 7, Regulasie 60 van die Regulasies oor Omgewingsimpakbepaling van 2010, kan enige persoon (die appellant) wat geraak word deur die besluit van die Omgewingsmagtiging en wat wil appelleer teen die beslissing, ‘n kennisgewing van voorneme om te appelleer indien by die LUR vir Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Omgewing en Toerisme binne 20 dae van die besluitnemings datum i.s. 19 September 2013. Die appèl moet voorgele word aan die LUR vir Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Omgewing en Toerisme op ‘n amptelike vorm uitgegee, of verkrygbaar by die betrokke department. ‘n Appèl moet voorgelê word aan die betrokke department binne 30 dae van die indiening van die kennisgewing van voorneme om te appelleer. Vir verdere inligting, kontak Lizinda Dickson, die Openbaredeelname Bestuurder (Naledi Development) by: Tel: 012 543 9093, Faks: 012 543 9610, Epos: coal.makhadoproject@gmail.com Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers


All occupants of land and/or registered property owners in the Makhado Municipal jurisdiction are hereby informed that RISUNA Property Consultants and Valuers of Giyani, Limpopo Province have been appointed as Municipality’s valuer to compile the 2014-2018 Municipal Valuation Roll. In terms of the provisions of section 41 of the Local Government: Property Rates Act, No 6 of 2004 the municipal valuer or other person authorized by the municipal valuer, may between 07h30 and 19h00 on any day except a Sunday or public holiday, enter any property in the municipality that must be valued, and inspect the property for the purpose of valuation. Please note that such person authorized by the municipal valuer must be in possession of an identity card containing a photograph of such person and full authority issued by the municipal valuer, and must on demand by any person on the property produce his or her identity card, and such person may be accompanied by an interpreter or any other person whose assistance may be reasonably required in the circumstances. It will be appreciated if you will in line with the provisions of the said Act, co-operate in permitting the municipal valuer or his duly appointed assistant and/or data collector access to the property in order to enable Municipality to complete its task in this regard. Any further enquiries / request for verification can be directed to Municipality’s Valuer, Mr Kulani Nkuna at cellular number 072 987 6422 Civic Center No. 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO Notice No 136 of 2013 File: 8/3/2/1117 12/13 September 2013


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MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


XITIVISO XO KAMBELA TINDZHAKA: NKATSAKANYO WA VHALUWEXINI RHOLO YA MASIPALA LEMBE XIMALI 2014 KU FIKA 2018 Vaaka tiko hinkwavo va Masipala wa Makhado mitivisiwa leswaku RISUNA Property Consultants and Valuers vale Giyani, Limpopo Province va thoriwile hi masipala ku katsakanya xikanwe na ku mpimanyeta vhaluwexini rholo ya masipala ya lembe ximali 2014 ku fika 2018. Hiku landza xiyenge xa 41 xa Mfumo Xikaya: Nawu wa mintsengo ya tindzhaka, No 6 of 2004 muvhaluwetara wa masipala kumbe un’wana la pfumeleriweke hi masipala u ta pfumeleriwa ku nghena eka muako wun’wana na wun’wana lowu lavaka ku vhaluwetiwa ku sukela hi awara ya 07h30 ku fika awara ya 19h00 eka masiku ya vhiki handle ka Sonto na holodeni.

Alle bewoners van grond en/of geregistreerde grondeienaars in die Makhado munisipale jurisdiksie word hiermee in kennis gestel dat RISUNA Property Consultants and Valuers van Giyani, Limpopo Provinsie aangestel is as die Munisipaliteit se waardeerder om die 2014-2018 Munisipale Waardasierol op te stel. Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 41 van die Plaaslike Bestuur: Wet op Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting, Wet 6 van 2004 mag die Munisipale Waardeerder of enige ander persoon soos deur die Munisipale Waardeerder gemagtig, tussen 07h30 en 19h00 op enige dag behalwe op Sondag of ‘n openbare vakansiedag, enige eiendom in die munisipale gebied wat waardeer moet word, betree en mag die eiendom inspekteer vir waardasie doeleindes.

Milemukisiwa leswaku munhu la pfumeleriweke hi masipala ku vhaluweta tindzhaka ta masipala u fanele kuti kombisa hi karata leri nga na xifaniso xa yena n’winyi na lunghelo ro tala ro huma eka vhaluwetara wa masipala. Muvhaluwetara wa boheka ku hemesa swo ti kombisa hi swona loko a komberiwile. Swi nga endleka munhu loyi a va a ri na mupfuneti wa yena wo hundzuluxela ririmi kumbe unwana langa pfunetaka eka nkarhini wolowo.

Neem asseblief kennis dat sodanige persoon soos deur die Munisipale Waardeerder gemagtig is, in besit moet wees van ‘n identiteitskaart met ‘n foto van die betrokke gemagtigde persoon asook ‘n volledige magtiging uitgereik deur die Munisipale Waardeerder, en moet dit kan toon op aanvraag deur enige bewoner of eienaar van eiedom; die gemagtigde persoon kan ook vergesel wees van ‘n interpreteerder of enige ander persoon wie se bystand rederlikerwys benodig word in die bapaalde omstandighede.

Swi nga khenseka swinene loko muvhaluwetara wa masipala hiku landza nawu lowu boxiweke laha henhla a nga pfumeleriwa ku nghena emintini leswaku ata kota ku heta mintirho ya yena leyi a tholeriweke yona.

Dit sal waardeer word indien u in ooreenstemming met die bepalings van die genoemde Wet samewerking sal gee deur die Munisipale Waardeerder of sy behoorlik gemagtigde assistant en/of data-kollekteerder toegang tot die eiendom te gee sodat die Munisipaliteit sy werk in die verband kan afhandel.


Enige verder navrae / versoek om klarigheid kan gerig word aan die Munisipale Waardeerder, Mnr Kulani Nkuna by selfoonnommer 072 987 6422 Burgersentrum Kroghstraat nr 83 MAKHADO Kennisgewing Nr 136 of 2013 MNR I P MUTSHINYALI Lêer: 8/3/2/1117 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER 12/13 September 2013

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Civic Center No. 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO Notice No 136 of 2013 File: 8/3/2/1117 12/13 September 2013

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Swivutiso hinkwaswo kumbe swikombelo swo tikhorwisa swinga yisiwa eka Muvhaluwetara wa masipala, Tatana Kulani Nkuna eka Rinqhingho ra le nyongeni 072 987 6422


13 September 2013 17



We have to say goodbye to a truly remarkable Afrikaner missionary


he following tribute to the late Dr Markus Petrus Kruger was received from Prof Derrick Mashau of the University of South Africa:

a mentee becoming a mentor to his own mentor, and with this in mind, you already see something of his spirit of humility playing its part. His thesis focused on: “Causes and cures of dualism and syncretism in prison: a missiological study”. His research was conducted among inmates of Kutama Sinthumule Maximum Security Prison, where he also spent most of his time preaching the gospel after his retirement. He became a Doctor of Philosophy in 2007 through the North West University (Potchefstroom Campus). He died on 29 August 2013 and was buried on 2 September 2013, when many African people from all the villages that he had served with distinction came to bid him farewell. It was also good to see some of the pastors that he had served with, some of whom that he had mentored as young people, present: Drs Hobyane and Mutavhatsindi, Proff Van Rooy and Baloyi, Reverends Ligege, Makungo, Muhadi and Nemahotole, among others. We thank God with the life of Dr Markus Petrus Kruger, for it was a life well lived. He lived to fulfil God’s calling and will in his life. He became the eyes, ears, hands and feet of Jesus Christ as he boldly preached the gospel with great humility to our people. All the glory be to the God of Markus Petrus Kruger for a life worth celebrating. His last wish to his children was to see an orphanage centre that will cater for destitute people established in Makhado. It should not just be an ordinary centre, but one where the gospel is at the centre and is also well managed. I hope and trust that churches and businesspeople in and around Makhado will rise to this challenge and ensure that Dr Kruger’s vision and his wish become a reality. The Dr Markus Petrus Kruger Centre for Orphans might be a suitable name as we honour this giant of faith whose life remains a testimony to all of us.

Dr Markus Petrus Kruger was born in 1936 and grew up to become an instrument in the hands of the living God by becoming a pastor and a missionary of the Reformed Churches in South Africa (GKSA). As a church man, Dr Kruger served the following Reformed congregations as a pastor: Ladysmith (1963-1966), Lindley (1966-1968), and Danielskuil (1968-1975). He was then called to become a missionary among the Vhavenda- and Shangaan-speaking peoples in the Soutpansberg region. He served as a missionary of the Reformed Churches De Hoop and Malamulele from 1975 to 2001. It was during this time that one started noticing a cream white Nissan bakkie and later a white Toyota bakkie, both with white canopies moving from one village to another in his effort to bring the gospel of Christ to our people. As a missionary, he served our people with distinction. He worked at the time when apartheid was rife but he easily associated with our people like one of us. He could speak Tshivenda fluently and also learnt Shangaan and could have meaningful conversations with elderly people with ease. He did not only sacrifice his time, but also his resources to meet the needs of our people where it hurt most. He provided food for many households, helped many to receive their education and provided transport for the sick to different hospitals. He spent more of his time in our villages, more than time spent with his wife and children. As he transcended the racial barrier, Dr Kruger enjoyed ordinary dishes of our people without reservations. He touched and transformed the lives of many people and made huge sacrifices on his side in order to bring the reconciling gospel of Christ to us. (This is a slightly shortened verWhen he retired as a mission of the tribute of Prof Mashau sionary, Markus Petrus Kruger that appeared in last week’s enrolled for his PhD studies under Limpopo Mirror - Ed) my supervision. It was a case of

Oh no, not him again! After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Walmart Dear Mrs Woolf, Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behaviour and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr Woolf, are listed below and are “documented by our video surveillance cameras”: 1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people’s carts

Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za


Julle het Day Jol sukses gemaak


raag wil Roadhogs Motorfietsklub van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) almal bedank wat ‘n bydrae gelewer het ten opsigte van ons jaarlikse Day Jol wat plaasgevind het op 31 Augustus. Dankie Isis Décor & Design, PD Otto, Coca-Cola Fortune, SAB, Elti Sekuriteit, die Zoutpansberger, Fruit & Veg, Deli Spices, Bandelierkop Sentrum, Ocean Basket, SuperSave, Carlos de Agrela, Marius Botha, Premjee, Easy Build, BP24, Fast Bikes, KR Motorcycles, Vhavenda Bricks, Mapula Enterprises, Adam’s Apple, Wia-Kyla, AWOL Motorcycles, Modern Packaging, Deli Spices, Water2000, Mike’s Kitchen,

Frozitos, Big Al’s, Romans Pizza, PC Worx, PJ Ludick, Wimpy, Spur Polokwane, U-Print, Madikor (Pieter le Roux), Soutpansberg Koelkamers, Sasko, George Schempers, Talisman, Daphne’s Hair & Beauty, Pest Control Specialists, Anhetico Eiendomme, Oasis, Martin’s Funeral, Ascension, Salon LU-IZ, Salon Finnesse, ZC Pretorius, Pretorius & Mouton Supplements, Burco, Die Vleismark, Midas, Imperial GM, Quentin Thompson en Brenner Mills. Baie dankie ook vir elke persoon wat die dag daar was om dit saam met ons te geniet. Ons wardeer dit! - Roadhogs Louis Trichardt


Dewald Steyn waardeer die steun


i daar ... Dewald Steyn aan hierdie kant. Glo dit gaan baie goed aan julle kant. Pas geloer na die Inni-Bergfees materiaal (op julle webtuiste), en wil weereens sê baie dankie vir dit wat julle vir ons kunstenaars

doen. Indien daar nog materiaal is wat julle het wat ons ook kan gebruik vir publisiteit ten opsigte van “Dewald Steyn” sal ons dit tonne waardeer. Baie groete - Dewald Steyn

FOTO REGS: ‘n Jong model van die Bella Donna Modelskool in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Marvelique van der Merwe, het op 26 Julie aan die Model July-kompetisie op Buffelspoort deelgeneem en ‘n eersteplek verower met haar aandrok wat van afvalmateriaal gemaak is. Marvelique bedank graag vir Marlise Smit van Unique Steelworks wat die rok ontwerp en gemaak het. Foto verskaf.

Die rooi maan en die swart son - Joël 2:28-32 ie wonderlike waarheid van die Skrif is dat Jesus Christus weer sal kom. Niemand weet wat die dag of uur sal wees nie, net God alleen. Baie mense het probeer om te voorspel wanneer dit sal wees, maar almal het gefaal. Soos ons deur die Bybel lees kry ons aanduidings van hoe die wêreld sal wees net voor Jesus se wederkoms. Die belangrike punt is dat jy gereed moet wees om Jesus te ontmoet met Sy wederkoms of wanneer jy sterf. Al manier om Jesus te ontmoet, met blydskap in jou hart, sal wees as jy Hom as jou Saligmaker vertrou en in Hom alleen glo vir jou saligheid. Openbaring 6:12 sê wanneer die dag aanbreek om die oordeel te voltrek sal die son swart word soos rouklere, en die maan sal heeltemal soos bloed word. Vir die kinders van God sal dit ‘n wonderlike dag wees. Ons sal wonderlike nuwe liggame hê wat nooit sal oud word of sterf nie. Die beste van alles is dat ons Jesus Christus van aangesig tot aangesig sal sien. Mag dit, deur die genade van God, elkeen wat hier lees se ondervinding wees. - 079 5168303


Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303


Laat Lente, Herfsakker sê dankie


ns van Laat Lente en Herfsakker net vir Das, Rita en Lenette. Ons wil net die volgende mense waardeer julle hulp opreg. dankie sê vir hulle skenking. Dankie mnr. Poog Henning en - Laat Lente en Herfsakker mnr. Doors le Roux, en dan ook (Louis Trichardt / Makhado)

when they weren’t looking. 2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women’s restroom. 4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, ‘Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away’. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted in management getting involved causing management to lose time. 5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to reserve a bag of chips. 6. August 14: Moved a ‘CAUTION - WET FLOOR’ sign to a carpeted area. 7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers they could come in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department - to which twenty children obliged. 8. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose. 9. September 10: While handling guns in the

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

Sports department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were. 10. October 3: Darted around the Store suspiciously while loudly humming the ‘ Mission Impossible’ theme. 11. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his ‘Madonna look’ by using different sizes of funnels. 12. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled ‘PICK ME! PICK ME!’ 13. October 22: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed the fetal position and screamed ‘OH NO! IT’S THOSE VOICES AGAIN! 14. Took a box of condoms to the checkout clerk and asked where the fitting room was. And last, but not least: 15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, and then yelled very loudly, ‘Hey! There’s no toilet paper in here.’ One of the staff members passed out. Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za

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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter 073 349 1587 Correspondents / Korrespondente: Frans van der Merwe 084 078 8606 Linda van der Westhuizen 084 516 0223


ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Kock 082 972 2060 Pieter Jooste 083 562 1234 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234) Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please contact the Public Advocate in the Press Council at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619. Website: www.presscouncil.org.za. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.


18 13 September 2013 Riders participating in the musical chairs event during the bi-annual Spring Gymkhana on Saturday. Photo supplied.

In August, members of the AFB Makhado visited the Abraham Kriel Children’s Home in Mokgopong. During their visit, they donated warm bedding to the home that caters for vulnerable children who suffer from emotional, alcoholic and physical abuse from their parents and the community. In the photo are, from left to right, the officer commanding of 3ASU, Moses Njomo, and Mrs Vera Viviers from Abraham Kriel. Photo supplied.

Horse Riding

Lots of fun in the sun The Rondebosch Riding School outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt) held their bi-annual event with the Spring Gymkhana on Saturday, 7 September. “The day was a great success, with wonderful weather, enthusiastic participants and a supportive audience,” says the school’s Sarah Coronaios. Events from fancy dress to jumping, musical chairs to sack races were held, but the highlight of the day was the wonderful musical ride performed by the advanced riding group to Bizet’s Carmen. “Congratulations to Amy van Wyk as the new holder of the obstacle course floating trophy, Finn Straughan as ‘Rider of the Day’ for the most wins,

and all the other prize winners and participants,” says Sarah. The school expressed gratitude towards Surat, Honey, Seisoene, Ocean Basket and Roman’s Pizza for their generous sponsorship of prizes for the various events and for all the assistance from the various riders who put so much effort into the day. Thanks also went to Angela Ball, Nasreen Aboo and Astrid van Wyk for being such diligent time keepers, and to Jernay Mcleod for the loan of stopwatches. For further information and upcoming events at Rondebosch Riding School, please contact Sarah on 083 427 5674.

On Friday, 6 September, AFB Makhado not only celebrated Casual Day, but Arbour Day as well. During the ceremony, 11 trees were planted by senior leaders on the air force base. Speaking during the planting ceremony, the officer commanding of the base, Brig-Genl Schalk van Heerden, told members to leave a legacy behind by planting trees that will benefit future generations. Afterwards, the base was also cleaned. According to the senior environmental officer (SEO) of the base, Maj. Trudie Vosloo, the focus of the day was to encourage everybody to participate in community “greening” events with the purpose of improving the health and beauty of the local environment. From left to right are Genl. Van Heerden, W/O Leon le Roux and Chapl. Christopher Barends. Photo supplied.

Khoroni hotel casino conVention resort

Vacancy: MAINTENANCE SupERVISOR Department: Reporting to:

MAINTENANCE Maintenance Manager

Education/Qualification: - Appropriate N4 in Electrical Engineering and/or relevant qualification from a recognized institution. - Minimum Experience:3-5 years experience in all aspects of Electrical repairs and maintenance. - Knowledge of Industrial kitchen, Laundry equipment, Air conditioners and Refrigeration Appliances. - Possession of a wireman’s license will be an added advantage. Duties: - To provide and maintain an effective safe electrical, TV, gas and water reticulation at the Hotel Other: - Candidate must have good interpersonal skills, - Must be responsible, hard working and motivated, willing to work long hours and night shifts. - Computer Literacy will be an advantage. The appointment is conditional on being granted a certificate of approval by the Limpopo Gambling Board. You must meet the minimum requirements in order to apply. Applications Close: Friday, 20 September 2013 Your completed Internal Application form, together with your CV must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department to e-mail address: tnemavhulani@khoroni.co.za or faxed to 0862398392 Applicants who are not contacted within two weeks after the closing date should accept that their applications were unsuccessful. Khoroni is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer


13 September 2013 19

Die junior gholfspelers van Laerskool Messina tydens die skool se gholfdag op 24 Augustus was D. Kruger, M. Cronjé, C. du Toit. C. Rosslee, E. Roos en W. le Roux. Rosslee was in die eersteplek, Du Toit was tweede en Kruger het derde geëindig. Die skoolhoof, mnr. Dave Diener, het sy dank uitgespreek teenoor mev. Michelle Geyer en haar span vir die puik georganiseerde dag. “Baie dankie aan al die borge vir die pryse. Sonder jul sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie,” het Diener gesê. Foto verskaf.

‘n Kranige jukskeispeler van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is aangewys as kaptein van die O/13 skole jukskeispan wat die Noordelike Jukskei-unie op 5 Oktober in Middelburg gaan verteenwoordig. Die flink jukskeispeler van Triegies is Lara Venter. Sy was die enigste plaaslike skolejukskeispeler wat deel was van die wenspan tydens verlede Vrydag se skolejukskeiliga byeenkoms in Polokwane. Benewens Lara het die span bestaan uit Jacques Gillen, Werner Viljoen en Tracey Ngubeni. Van links na regs staan Jacques, Lara, Werner en Tracy. Foto verskaf.

Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het rede om voorwaar trots te wees op talle van sy bruinen swartgordel karatekas. Voor, van links na regs, staan Erik Limbach en Robbie Keyter. Agter is sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg , Lourens Botes, Jan-Karel Limbach, Vishaal Patel en sensei Johnathan Janse van Rensburg. Foto verskaf. Karate

Klub trots op karatekas se swartgordels Die senior wenners in Laerskool Messina se gholfdag op 24 Augustus was (van links na regs) D. Diener, L. du Plessis, G. Downie en K. Wagner. Foto verskaf. In die uitdaagwedstryd tussen Graad 7 ouers en onderwysers tydens Laerskool Messina se gholfdag voorverlede naweek het die onnies hul staal gewys en net-net as die wenners uit die stryd getree. Die ouers se span het bestaan uit (van links na regs) E. Clifford, L. Downie. M.Geyer (organiseerder), M. Benson en S.Beukes. Foto verskaf.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole

Mercurius Dag Datum





BB Punte

M Leeb


K de Beer 2

R Milton


K Barkhuizen 3

J Pretorius

Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie





A Pretorius Woensdagspel Datum




Eie reëlings






Maandelikse Houespel







R Milton






W Kriel



Maandelikse Houespel



M Venter


Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens








BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier


58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm

Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het span wat in 2012 in Portugal kragte gemeet het, rede om voorwaar trots te wees op talle van sy waar hy ‘n vyfdeplek inpalm in kumité. bruin- en swartgordel karatekas. Nog ‘n klublid, Robbie Keyter, voltooi ook al sy Lourens Botes begin sy karate loopbaan in 1989, graderings met lof en gradeer op 26 Augustus na terwyl hy nog op skool was in Musina. Ná matriek sy eerste bruingordel. gaan studeer hy by Tukkies, waarna hy drie jaar in London deurbring. Hy vorder tot by sy laaste bruin Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub bestaan gordel en begin in 2012 weer aktief deelneem aan uit karatekas van beide Musina en Makhado (Louis die Verre Noord Kampioenskappe. Op 26 Augustus Trichardt). Die Musina-klub bestaan al 24 jaar en vanjaar gradeer hy na sy eerste dan swartgordel. Soutpansberg al 31 jaar. Jan-Karel Limbach begin in 2005 met karate en slaag al sy graderings met lof. Hy verteenwoordig Verre Noord, WEEK 15 - OLIFANTSHOEK 905km Geluk aan Dercksen Hokke wat ook die jaarlikse In die eerste Ope wedvlug klok Dercksen Hokke Marathon Kampioen klok. asook die Suid-Afri1ste en 3de, en Mimosa Hokke van Nico BezuidenGeluk ook aan al die ander lede met hulle kaanse span, waar hy in hout klok 2de en 4de. In die tweede Ope wedvlug prestasies behaal. Ons vlieg volgende naweek ons 2012 vyfde in kumité klok Mimosa Hokke 1ste, 3de en 4de met Dreyer volgende wedvlug van Delareyville af. Sterkte aan Lofts van Johan Dreyer wat in die 2de plek klok. almal. eindig in die wêreldHANGKLIP POSDUIF KLUB - 2013 kampioenskappe. In 2013 neem hy weer deel Datum 7-Sep 7-Sep aan die wêreldkampioLoslatingspunt KOMTIEKIE KOMTIEKIE enskappe in Augustus in Tipe Ope Ope Durban en behaal weer Wedvlug No 15A 15B ‘n vyfdeplek in kumité. Hy is ‘n Verre Noord Afstand- KM 905 905 kampioen en gradeer op Duiwe Deelgeneem 62 60 26 Augustus na ‘n junior Wenspoed-Meters per minuut 1219.6842 1087.3432 swartgordel. Dercksen & Seun 1+3 5 Vishaal Patel begin met karate in 2004 Dreyer Lofts 10+16 2+16 en gradeer ook al sy Hippo Hokke 0 0 gordels met lof. Ook Mimosa Hokke 2+4+8+9+11 1+3+4+7+13 hy verteenwoordig Nguni Hokke 0 0 Suid-Afrika in 2013 tydens die wêreldkamNick Enslin 0 0 pioenskappe in Durban, Pienaar Hokke 7+15+17 15+17+18+19+21 waar hy vyfde eindig in Ysterberg Hokke Snr 0 0 kata. Vishaal is ook ‘n Ysterberg Hokke Jnr 0 0 Verre Noord kampioen en gradeer ook na sy Rainbow Lofts 0 8 junior swartgordel op Royal Hokke 5+6+12+13+14 9+10+11+12+14 26 Augustus. Volgens Sekelbos Hokke 0 6+20 sy klub is hy slegs die tweede Indiër karateka 7 September 2013 KLUB KAMPIOEN Rainbow Lofts 705 in Verre Noord wat sy HOK PUNTE Sekelbos Hokke 656 swartgordel verwerf. Royal Hokke 1137 Hippo Lofts 629 Die jong Erik LimMimosa Hokke 1113 Ysterberg Hokke Snr 592 bach gradeer vir sy Pienaar Hokke 973 Ysterberg Hokke Jnr 433 tweede bruingordel, Dreyer Lofts 803 Nguni Hokke 256 nadat hy ook al sy graDercksen & Seun 793 Nick Enslin 129 derings met lof slaag. Hy was ook deel van die Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsitter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152 Suid-Afrikaans karate­

2013 Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 15


20 13 September 2013



Pieter: 083 562 1234 Yolanda: 082 972 2060 George: 082 419 2359


Triegie-fietsryers beïndruk in liga Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se fietsryspan het weer vanjaar goed gevaar teen ander top fietsry-skole wat aan die Anatomic Spur Bergfietsliga in Gauteng deelgeneem het. Na afloop van die drie ligas, die Tour de Dal in Pretoria, die Tour de Dam by Hartbeespoort en die Tour de Plaas op Magaliesburg, eindig Triegies 22ste uit 76 deelnemende skole. Dit is ‘n goeie prestasie as mens in ag neem dat die drie wenskole onderskeidelik Grey Kollege in

Bloemfontein, Waterkloof in Pretoria en Volkskool in Potchefstroom was. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is ook een van die twee skole uit Limpopo wat genooi is om tydens die komende skoolvakansie aan die nasionale kampioenskappe in Magaliesburg deel te neem. Skole uit al die provinsies, asook Namibië, Botswana en Zimbab we, trek vanaf 20 tot 22 September met hulle ses beste fietsryers by Hoërskool Bekker saam om Afgeneem is 18 lede van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se fietsryspan en hul afrigters wat deelgeneem het aan die Anatomic fietssake uit te spook en ‘n nasionale Spur Bergfietsliga. Die matrikulante was afwesig met die neem van die foto aangesien hulle tans met die Rekordeksamen besig is. wenskool te bepaal.

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SALES: Daniel Matenzhe 072 991 7850 • Sam Manyike 071 096 1739 • Matumba Khamusi 076 509 1726 AFTER HOURS: • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

Vlak 1, 2 en 3 provinsiale gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het op 30 en 31 Augustus aan die noord-zone gimnastiekkompetisie (een van die SuidAfrikaanse kompetisies vir die eerste drie vlakke) in Kemptonpark deelgeneem en baie medaljes huis toe gebring. Voor, van links na regs, is Liané Pretorius (goud vir Vlak 1) en vier gimnaste met silwer vir Vlak 1, Joané Slump, Annika Smit, Johané Wiesner en Michelle Steyn. In die middel is vyf gimnaste met silwer vir Vlak 2, Johestie Muller, Danica Knoetze, Danelle Venter, Cara van der Goot en Mia Alberts, asook Riancke Slump (silwer vir Vlak 3). Agter is Wessel Veldsman (brons vir Vlak 3), Jana Erwee (brons vir Vlak 1), Marli Erwee (brons vir Vlak 1),Chanté Pieterse (brons vir Vlak 2), Nicol Fick (brons vir Vlak 2), Elneriek Nel (brons vir Vlak 3) en Isabella Marais (brons vir Vlak 3). Afwesig: Rachael du Plessis (goud vir Vlak 3), en Annemie Grobler (silwer vir Vlak 3).

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