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NOW Conditions R PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.99 Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516R 4996/7/8 apply
Musina Council accepts resignation of controversial MM - page 2
AfriForum files legal papers, despite mayor’s plea - page 3
99 28 Vol. 36 Jaargang
Conditions R apply
Makhado appoints “nononsense” municipal manager - page 6
Plaasarbeider so poging om bobbejane uit tuin te hou met geëlektrifiseerde draad eindig in tragedie
Jong boer doodgeskok Deur Andries van Zyl Die hegte boerdery gemeenskap van Waterpoort is in rou met die nuus van die skielike dood van ‘n gewilde jong boer en pa van die omgewing, die 38-jarige mnr. Jaco Greyson. Greyson, wat ZZ2 se afdelingsbestuur der vir hul boerderybedrywighede op die plaas Setapo was, is doodgeskok deur ‘n onwettige elektrisiteitskonneksie wat deur ‘n plaasarbeider by sy wooneenheid op die plaas aangebring is. “Ons huil steeds. Hy was ‘n wonder like pa en het absoluut gelewe vir sy kinders ...” So het ‘n familievriend, mev. Kobie Fourie, Dinsdag aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Greyson is beskryf as ‘n gewel dige meelewende mens, nie net in die boerderygemeenskap nie, maar ook in sy
betrokkenheid by die CVO Skool Vivo waar sy twee jong kinders, Lily (8) en Juan (9), skoolgaan. Greyson het Maandag omstreeks 12:00 besoek gebring aan die plaasarbeiders se wooneenhede naby die Waterpoortstasie. By een van die eenhede het ‘n arbeider draad om sy groentetuin gespan en vanaf ‘n kragsok in sy huis geëlektrifiseer, vermoedelik om die bobbejane en wilde diere uit te hou. Greyson het niksvermoedend en onwe tend aan die geëlektrifiseerde draad geraak en is in die proses doodgeskok. Die noodlottige gebeure is dadelik aan die maatskappy se werkswinkelbe stuurder op Waterpoort, mnr. Johan van Zyl, gerapporteer, wat onmiddellik die polisie, Eskom en nooddienste ontbied het. ZZ2 se noodspan, bestaande uit se nior bestuurslede en ‘n pastoor, was ook
binne ‘n uur op die toneel om Greyson se eggenote, Liandra, en sy werknemers by te staan, asook om die voorval deeglik te ondersoek. Alhoewel aanvanklike berigte dit wou hê dat die polisie die arbeider, ‘n Zim babwiese man, op die toneel gearresteer het, het provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder lt.kol. Ronel Otto by navraag bevestig dat niemand in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem is nie. “Die polisie het ‘n geregtelike doods ondersoek geopen. By voltooiing van die ondersoek sal die bevindinge na die hof verwys word om te besluit of iemand ver volg moet word,” het Otto Dinsdag gesê. Wyle mnr. Greyson sal eerskomende Maandag, 17 September, vanuit die Vol le Evangelie Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) begrawe word.
Security guard dies after botched robbery attempt Bo: Wyle mnr. Jaco Grey son (38). Foto ver skaf. Links: Die arbeider se groentetuin waar die tragiese gebeure ontvou het. In die voorgrond kan die kabels gesien word wat met ‘n kragsok vanuit die arbeider se wooneenheid geëlektrifiseer is.
2011 Toyota Rav 4 2.0 GX A/T 36 000km
By Andries van Zyl A botched business robbery in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ended in tragedy with the death of a security guard from Gwala Security. At around 23:30 on Saturday, 8 September, a group of six suspects overpowered the 34yearold Mr Prince Mbedzi while he was on duty as a guard at Eden Oil in Klein Street. His attackers gained access to the premises by cutting the security fence.
After overpowering him, the six men severely beat Mr Mbedzi, apparently with a steel chair. They tied his legs with a piece of wire and demanded money. The group of robbers proceeded to try and break into the business, but triggered an outside alarm and fled the scene immediately. Bleeding profusely, Mr Mbedzi managed to free himself and stumbled back to Gwala’s guard quarters next to the railway station in Kruger Street. In the meantime, alerted by the trig
gered alarm, the armed response team from DRS Security arrived at the scene, only to discover a pool of blood and a bloodied steel chair. They immediately alerted the police and Gwala Security’s supervisor on duty. The supervisor drove to the guard quarters, where he found the badly injured Mr Mbedzi and rushed him to the Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital at around half past midnight on Sunday morning. (Contd on P2)
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2 14 September 2012 Municipal News
Council accepts Luruli’s resignation The Musina Municipal Council accepted the resignation of its suspended municipal manager, Mr Abram Luruli, during a special meeting last Thursday (6 September). Luruli served the Musina Mu nicipality for the past 14 years, occupying different positions, ranging from mayor to municipal manager. The council also decided that disciplinary proceedings against Luruli were to be withdrawn, on the grounds that he had resigned. Luruli resigned five days after he had been served with charges for a disciplinary hearing by the council. The disciplinary hearing was scheduled for 6 September.
Luruli was suspended with full pay in December last year, after he had absconded from work for four months without permission from the council. At the time he was suspended, it was revealed that Luruli had taken leave from 1 April 2011 and was supposed to have returned to work on 1 June, but he failed to do so. He only reported for work on 11 November 2011. According to the head of com munications of the Musina Local Municipality, Mr Wilson Dzebu, Luruli was also suspended pend ing investigations into charges relating to gross financial mis management. During the meeting of the
council, it was resolved that, should any law enforcement agency institute any action against Luruli in future and money needed to be recovered, he would be personally liable for his actions. Dzebu conveyed gratitude to Luruli and thanked him for his contributions during his stay at Musina Municipality. “Council also wishes Luruli the best of luck in his future en deavours.” Dzebu also added that the posi tion of municipal manager would be advertised in due course. Mr Shumani Razwiedani is at present the acting municipal manager of the Musina Municipality.
Municipal News The former municipal manager of Musina, Mr Abram Luruli. By Andries van Zyl
Security guard dies after severe beating (Contd from P1) Returning to check on Mr Mbedzi’s condition at around 03:00, the supervisor was shocked to see how badly Mr Mbedzi’s condition had dete riorated, especially after he was able to walk into the hospital himself just an hour and a half before. He was drifting in and out of consciousness, had dif ficulty breathing, vomited and struggled to talk. At around 07:30 that morning, news came
that Mr Mbedzi had passed away at 05:00. Hailing from Tshaulu in the Mutale district, Mr Mbedzi had been working for the security company since March 2009. He was described by colleagues as “a good man and a hard worker”. Although this savage attack occurred in a crimeridden area, some believe it signifies the beginning of an escalation in business robberies and house
breakings. “We normally see an increase in these types of crimes in the period leading up to the Decem ber holiday season,” said Gwala Security’s Mr Nico Esterhuizen. On Tuesday, Makhado po lice spokesperson Capt Maano Sadike said that they were in vestigating a case of murder, as well as attempted robbery and malicious damage to property.
Moyo-moordsaak vir eers weer uitgestel Die moordsaak teen die 37-jarige Dennis Moyo is vir eers weer uitgestel. Moyo, ‘n Zimbabwiër, het weer verlede week in die Rondgaande Hooggeregshof in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ver skyn. Hy word daarvan verdink dat hy die 51jarige mnr. Rudi Schmidt in 2002 op sy plaas in die Pondriftomgewing aangeval en vermoor het. Moyo het verskyn op ‘n klag van moord, huisbraak met die opset om te roof en roof met verswarende omstandighede. Twee weke gelede het Moyo die hof laat regop sit toe sy regs
verteenwoordiger aangedui het dat Moyo sal getuig dat Schmidt se weduwee, Corlia, hom geld aangebied het om haar man te vermoor. Corlia, wat in daardie stadium vir die Staat in die getuiebank gestaan het, het die bewerings teen haar ten sterkste ontken. Verlede week het die Staat nog getuienis gelei oor die mis daadtoneel en wat daar destyds gevind is. Terwyl Moyo eers na 10 jaar vanaf Zimbabwe na SuidAfrika uitgeruil is, is daar van die foren siese bewysstukke wat nog nie geproseseer is nie.
Regter Rabie het derhalwe Woensdag gelas dat dié bewys stukke bymekaar gekry moet word, sodat dit hofgereed kan wees. Hy het gelas dat ‘n po li siekaptein, wat destyds uitgehelp het met die ondersoek in Schmidt se moord en nou betrokke is by die Valke, die ondersoek moet oorneem en sorg dat die onder soekwerk afgehandel word. Moyo se saak is uitgestel tot en met 22 Oktober. Hy sal dan in die Hooggeregshof in Polo kwane verskyn, omdat die hof meer sentraal geleë is vir al die betrokke partye.
BUSINESS talk Deur Isabel Venter
Wawiel spog met nuwe boekhoekie Plaaslike boekwurms wat daarvan hou om tussen ou boeke rond te snuffel, gaan hulle hande saamslaan van plesier oor die nuwe boekhoekie by Die Wawiel. Die Wawiel is ‘n geves tigde onderneming in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wat bekend is vir die winskopies wat daar raakgesnuffel kan word. Nie net word daar handel gedryf in skoonmaakmiddels nie, maar ook in die koop en verkoop van tweedehandse goedere.
Daar sal jy enige iets van ‘n ou trekker tot ‘n sitkamerstel kan raakloop. Nou spog Die Wawiel ook nog met hulle nuwe boek hoekie. Dié hoekie is ingerig soos ‘n biblioteek. Snuffelaars is nog steeds welkom, maar nou kan hulle makliker snuffel. Elke boek wat die winkel aankoop word gekategoriseer en alfabeties op ‘n rekenaarstel sel ingevoer. Dus kan klante nou sommer gougou uitvind of die winkel ‘n spesifieke
boek het. Die boeke is ook op Afrikaanse, Engelse, fiksie en niefiksie rakke gesorteer. Nuwe en ou klante word uitgenooi om gerus ‘n draai te kom maak en rond te kyk in die nuwe hoekie. Die Wawiel koop boeke aan teen R1 per boek, ruil boeke uit teen R2 per boek en verkoop boeke teen R5 per boek. Die Wawiel is geleë in Kroghstraat, reg langs S&S Bande. Vir meer inligting kan hulle geskakel word by tel. 015 516 7558.
Pieter Roets van Die Wawiel in die nuwe boekhoekie.
New business or service? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.
Any new development will be highlighted through a onceoff short writeup in the col umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
Mnr. M. E. Mbedzi was die eerste persoon in die Soutpansberg om een van die nuwe 2012 Hyundai i30 1.6-modelle van Hyundai Motors in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) te koop. Hy was ook die eerste koper van die nuutste model in 2010. Foto verskaf.
14 September 2012 3
Deur Isabel Venter
Polisie se optrede laat wrang smaak Enige goeie bedoelings wat die Makhado polisie mag gehad het, is oorskadu deur hulle optrede teen beweerde onwettige padstaleienaars. Trouens, dié optrede het by die betrokke eienaars net vrae en verwarring gelos. Verlede Woensdag moes meer as een padstal eienaar verbaas toekyk hoe vyf polisielede hul winkelvoorraad begin opskryf, omdat hulle glo sonder ‘n lisensie handel gedryf het. Mnr. Kallie Röttcher, eienaar van die Leopard Rockpadstalletjie op die N1noord, was een so ‘n eienaar. Groot was sy ontsteltenis toe polisielede vroegoggend voor die stalletjie stop en dreig om beslag te lê op sy winkelvoorraad as hy nie sy handelslisensie kan toon nie. In die ongeveer 30 jaar wat Röttcher eienaar van die stalletjie is, is dit die eerste keer wat enige iemand hom vra vir só ‘n lisensie. Só het Röttcher aan die koerant gesê, terwyl die polisie nog besig
was om sy voorraad bymekaar te maak. “Onredelik – dit is totaal en al onredelik,” het Röttcher die polisie se optrede beskryf. “Sulke ongeskikte mense hoort nie in die polisie nie. Daar is veel erger misdaad as om onskuldige mense te pla,” het hy gesê. Die betrokke polisielede het aanvanklik aange dring dat hulle ‘n hofbevel het om alle besighede wat sonder ‘n lisensie handel dryf toe te maak. Daar kon later betroubaar vasgestel word dat geen só ‘n hofbevel uitgereik is nie. Verder het Röttcher gesê dat die polisie ook ge weier het om hulleself te identifiseer en eers later, op sy aandrang, hulle identiteitskaarte aan Röttcher getoon het. Al die lede, vier mans en ‘n vrou, was in siviele kleredrag. Nadat al die winkel se voorraad opgelaai is, is Phato, die winkelassistent, gearresteer en aangekla van handeldryf sonder ‘n lisensie, in terme van die Besigheidswet van 1991 (Wet 71 van 1991). Hy is vir die hele dag in die selle gehou, voordat hy met ‘n waarskuwing om die volgende dag in die hof te verskyn, vrygelaat is. Maar, net soos in ‘n soortgelyke geval, is Röttcher se saak van die hofrol geskrap. Verdere navrae by die Louis Trichardt Land droshof het aan die lig gebring dat dieselfde polisiespan wat by Leopard Rock toegeslaan het, die dag vantevore ook die Calamari Driemyl Spaza se winkelvoorraad opgeskryf het. Die winkelassi stent, Wouter Brits, is op dieselfde klag as Phato in hegtenis geneem. Die saak is verlede Woensdag in die Louis Trichardt Distrikhof teen Brits teruggetrek. Die beslissing wat deur die hof gemaak is dat daar nie ‘n “misdryf is as die winkel buite die Makhado munisipale gebied val nie.” Verdere ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat die polisielede glo in opdrag van ‘n nasionale polisie omsendskrywe gehandel het. Dié brief is glo sowat twee maande gelede uitgereik en het beveel dat alle onwettige winkels, sjebeens en padstalletjies ge sluit moet word. Hierdie besighede is geïdentifiseer as ‘n broeiplek vir misdaad.
By Isabel Venter
Jiwa not sentenced Sentencing in the case against businessman Yahya Shoeb Jiwa (45) from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) was put on hold. In July this year, Jiwa pleaded guilty on charges relating to restricted activities on a special, protected species without the necessary permits. He was arrested in February last year during an authorized police trap. In his plea documents, Jiwa admitted to buying two rhino horns, weighing in at 13.4kg and to the value of R715 000, from a police agent. Jiwa appeared in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court on Wednesday, but his defence team asked for a postponement. According to information available, this is due to a presentencing report that is still outstanding. This document will sup port a petition to ask the court for correctional supervision rather than a jail sentence. Jiwa will have to appear in court again on 26 October for sentencing.
Pictured at the signing of AfriForum’s legal papers. From left to right are attorney Adriaan van der Walt (witness), Ms Anne-Marie Kuhne (AfriForum member), Mr Wally Schultz, (chairperson of the local AfriForum branch) and Mr Tiaan Esterhuizen (AfriForum organiser in Limpopo). By Linda van der Westhuizen
Legal papers filed despite mayor’s plea The Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) was served with legal papers in the North Gauteng High Court on 7 September as part of AfriForum’s first step in forcing the municipality to adhere to its constitutional obligations to provide residents of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and surrounds with water. The VDM now has until 12 September to provide the court with a response, should they oppose this action. Local Af riForum chairperson Mr Wally Schultz said that the respondents in the case are the VDM, the Makhado Municipality, Premier Mr Cassel Mathale and the Minister of Water Affairs, Ms Edna Molewa. AfriForum’s organiser in Limpopo, Mr Tiaan Esterhui zen, said that the municipal ity’s careless attitude indicated
that they were not taking their constitutional responsibility to wards residents seriously. The court papers were served on the respondents, despite an ap peal from Makhado Mayor Cllr David Mutavhatsindi to Schultz to stop legal proceedings. “The mayor approached me at the last minute to drop our urgent application, indicating that the Makhado Municipal ity was prepared to cooperate with us on improving service delivery. He indicated that the recent appointment of a new municipal manager would be followed by more appointments that will dramatically change the current situation,” Schultz said. Schultz added, however, that he had informed Mutavhatsindi that while they welcomed this new attitude, it should have been done months ago. “I was astonished that Mayor
Mutavhatsindi was unaware that the VDM had not even bothered to reply to any of AfriForum’s demands that precipitated this court action,” said Schultz. Since a local resident is re quired by the court to be an applicant in the action, along with AfriForum, Ms Anne Marie Kuhne was the obvious choice to accompany Shultz to sign off the required legal documentation in Polokwane on 5 September. Kuhne oper ates a cutflower business from her home in the centre of town. “Kuhne kept a meticulous record of the inconsistent water supply in town. Her statement was so comprehensive and even included a detailed calendar of daily water flows, making her the clear choice to be a joint applicant, as required by law, in our urgent court application” said Schultz.
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4 14 September 2012 By Mashudu Netsianda
Twelve years for stealing fishing gear
The Rotary Anns of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) launched their newest fundraising project, called the Spend and Save Project, on Tuesday and invited residents to start spending to save. Photo supplied. Charity
Anns invites you to spend and save The Rotary Anns of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) launched an exciting new fundraising drive, entitled the Spend to Save Project, on Tuesday. Already supporting Herfs akker and Laat Lente, Meals on Wheels, the Makhado Care Group and the Rape Crisis Cen tre, the Anns continue to lend a helping hand wherever they can. This eagerness to help gave rise to their Spend and Save Project, whereby members of the public buy a once-off R50 ticket, qualifying them to save
between 5% en 10% on every R350 or more they spend at the 16 participating stores. “Every ticket thus represents a saving of about R500,” said Rotary Ann president Lizet Joubert. The 16 participating local stores are Sine Wave, Noorde wapens, Mike’s Kitchen, Pool and Spa, Spar, Ocean Basket, Easy Albums, Tsonga Textiles, Gateway Inn, Ultimate Guest House, Lalapanzi Hotel, Kiwi Café, C Jay’s Salon, Rainbow Midas, House of Interiors and
Leach Printers. “The offer expires on 15 December, so make sure you get hold of a couple of tickets and start spending to save!” said Lizet. The Anns thanked all the participating stores for their donations and goodwill towards supporting this worthy cause. “And thank you every buyer of a ticket - together we will make a difference!” said Lizet. For more information, phone Lizet at Tel 083 442 0428.
Mining News
Diamcor excited about diamond find Since the beginning of August, junior Canadian mining company Diamcor Mining Incorporated has unearthed “several thousand individual diamonds” from their KroneEndora project. The company made this an nouncement last Thursday in a press release. Krone-Endora is situated directly next to De Beers’ Venetia Mine in the Limpopo valley. Last month, the company started a 200-ton-per-
hour modular processing plant to evaluate operational efficien cies of the in-quarry screening equipment, assess processing capacities and assist them in de termining modifications required to enhance the project if needed. Until the end of August, Diam cor has recovered individual diamonds with a total combined weight, before acidizing, of approximately 1 214.86 carats. Of these, the company was very pleased to note that 85 rough
diamonds were 1 carat or larger. Because these diamonds only came from the lower-grade areas of Krone-Endora, the company now plans to carry out bulk sam pling programmes in new areas of the project that were not previ ously accounted for in their initial report. In the meantime, Diamcor anticipates moving to full-scale mining once the Department of Mineral Resources has finalised its application for a New Mining Right Order.
correctional services Department: Correctional Services REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA INVITATION TO ATTEND SUPPLIERS MEETING Prospective suppliers are hereby invited to attend suppliers meeting which is conducted by Supply Chain Management Practitioners as scheduled below:THOHOYANDOU MANAGEMENT AREA Date: 19.09.2012 Time: 10h00 Venue: Mass Hall (Correctional Services) CONTACT DETAILS: DIRECTOR FINANCE &SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER TEL: 015-963 8513
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A resident of Beit Bridge linked to an armed robbery syndicate operating along the Limpopo River was sentenced to an effective 12 years in jail for teaming up with two accomplices and robbing a local man of his fishing rods, sports shoes and a bag containing fish at gunpoint. Forward Magwede (30), who resides at Dulibadzimu suburb in the border town, pleaded not guilty to an armed robbery charge but was convicted by Regional Magistrate Joseph Maveza on Friday. The prosecutor, Mr Johannes
Tlou, said that in 2008, the com plainant was coming from the Limpopo River where he had gone for fishing, when he was spotted by Magwede. Magwede was in the company of Messrs Eddy Chinyama and Emmanuel Hwata. They ordered the victim to stop, but he defied them and continued walking. Magwede and his accomplices followed the victim and caught up with him. It was testified that Magwede pulled out a pistol and threatened to shoot the victim if he made a noise. He then robbed him of three fishing rods, a bag contain
ing fish and sports shoes. The three men fled from scene. On 12 May, the victim was called to the police station where Magwede was among the sus pects who were paraded for various crimes. The victim managed to posi tively identify Magwede, who was arrested during a joint border operation involving Zimbabwean police and their South African counterparts. According to the police, Chin yama and Hwata are still at large.
By Mashudu Netsianda
Thousands of Zimbabweans sent home South Africa deported more than 1 200 Zimbabweans through Beit Bridge Border Post two weeks ago, bringing the total to more than 35 000 illegal immigrants brought home since the Department of Home Affairs resumed the exercise last October. South Africa resumed the deportation of undocumented Zimbabweans in October last year. “We have so far handled 35 031 deportees since the exer
cise resumed on 7 October last year. Between 1 January and 24 August, 27 276 Zimbabweans were brought back home,” said Zimbabwe’s assistant regional immigration manager at Beit Bridge Border Post, Mr Charles Gwede. The latest batch of deportees was brought in aboard seven buses from the Lindela detention centre outside Johannesburg in Gauteng. Gwede said several border jumpers were taking advantage
of the drop in water levels in the Limpopo River to cross the border illegally through undes ignated entry points. “There is a need to intensify border patrols to reduce border jumping as, of late, there has been a sharp increase in border jumping,” he added. “We continue to warn people against using undesignated entry points as they risk being at tacked by robbers who operate in bushy areas along the river,” he also said.
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Stay clear of Limpopo River, warn police The police in Musina are ap pealing to members of the community to stop trespassing at restricted places along the Beit Bridge border near Musina. This comes after an unfortu nate incident occurred near the Limpopo River recently. “A local person and a passenger were driving and were stopped by Zimbabwean officials and
accused of being on the Zimbab wean side of the border,” said a spokesperson of the Musina police, Lt Peter Mudau. Mudau indicated that peo ple should refrain from going anywhere near the Limpopo river, because the act in itself is hazardous. According to him, there is an information board announcing that unauthorised entry is prohibited and that “non-
military transport travel on risk”. Therefore, he said, any person who enters shall be trespassing and shall be prosecuted. “This area is not safe, because you may be attacked by the magumagu mas,” he said. He appealed to community members and those who find themselves in and around Mu sina to act responsibly while going near the border.
correctional services Department: Correctional Services REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA INVITATION TO REGISTER ON THE DATA BASE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/2013 Thohoyandou management area invites suitable qualified prospective suppliers to come and register on its database as an accredited supplier for the provision of good and services’. Only the following services/goods listed hereunder will be considered. • Groceries • Sports items • Perishables • Video& photo graphic • Accommodation • Hiring of tent & chairs • Cleaning material • It supplier, consumables &services • Stationery • Auctioneers • Transport services • Provision of animal feeds • Furnisher removal • Provision of fertilizers • Funeral services • Provision of pesticides • Interior decoration • Supply of seeds • Building material • Supply of animal medicines • Electrical material • Electrical appliances • Plumbing • Toiletries • Protective clothing • Supply of coal Pease • Boiler chemical • Catering Services • Textile Service providers that are registered in our database for the above-mentioned services are requested to re-apply in order to update their details in our database. To qualify for consideration, potential service providers should provide the following minimum qualification document. • Conduct a legally registered business entity (attach ck or share certificate) • Valid original tax clearance certificate • Proof of residence • Valid COID certificate (letter of good standing) • BBBEE certificate by an approved verification agency • Detailed company profile • Copies of certified identity document The physical address for collection and submission of application document is Thohoyandou Department of correctional services procurement office. Document may be collected during working hours from Monday 17 September 2012 from 08:00 to 15:00 and for free of charge. Queries relating to the issue of this document may be addressed to Mabasa F on 015 963 8513. The closing date and time for receipt of application forms is Friday 05 October 2012 at 12H00. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late application will not be accepted.
14 September 2012 5
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3 499
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6 14 September 2012 Deur Frans van der Merwe
Trans-Afrika veselkabelnetwerk lei ‘n nuwe era in vir kommunikasiebedryf Omvangryke optiese veselkabelnetwerke, wat beloof om ‘n omwenteling mee te bring in die vasteland se telekommunikasiebedryf, word op die oomblik teen groot spoed ook in die Limpopo provinsie aangelê. Een so ‘n trans-Afrika optiese veselkabelnetwerk sal ‘n onder sese kabel, wat by Tanzanië aan land kom, in Johannes burg met bestaande netwerke verbind. ‘n Gedeelte van hierdie netwerk word tans tussen Musina en Makhado (Louis Trichardt) voltooi. Die projek sal na ver Binne die blou kabelhuls is sewe plastiekpypies wat elk gevul word met ´n optiese vesel. “Elkeen wagting teen Desember vanjaar van hierdie sewe vesels sal 150 miljoen oproepe gelyktydig kan hanteer,” sê Japie. reeds voltooi wees en in werking gestel kan word. Dit sal aansluit by soortgelyke netwerke wat Johannesburg ondermeer met Oos-Londen, Port Elizabeth en Kaapstad sal verbind. Die hoof van een van die kon trakteurs wat hard werk aan die
multi-miljoen rand projek, mnr. Jacques Coetzer van die onderne ming Nivadox van Middelburg, het by navraag bevestig dat die werk om die kabel tussen Musina en Makhado (Louis Trichardt) te lê, reeds sowat 60% voltooi is. Ander kontrakteurs werk reeds aan die res van die afstand suid na Polokwane en Pretoria. Coetzer sê die optiese veselka bels sal bestaande koperkabels vervang. Dit het die vermoë om ‘n verbysterende toename in die volume en spoed van telekom munikasieverkeer te bewerkstel lig, teen ‘n drasties-verminderde prys. “Die netwerke sal uiteindelik in elke dorp en elke straat aan gelê word, sodat die dienste vir elke individuele private huurder beskikbaar sal wees, benewens die hoë gehalte verbeterde dien ste wat aan banke en ander kor poratiewe ondernemings verskaf
sal word.” Die optiese veselkabel word oor die hele afstand – ook deur die sakesentrums van die onder skeie dorpe - ‘n meter onder gronds gelê. Die kontrakteurs is verantwoordelik vir die kompak tering en rehabilitasie van al die oppervlaktes wat oor die afstand van die projek versteur word met die lê van die kabel. So ver moontlik word die werk by elke dorp verrig deur plaaslike arbeid. Die aanlê van soortgelyke netwerke is reeds in verskeie buurstate aan die gang en internasionale aansluitings en kringnetwerke word bewerkstel lig. Die afsonderlike netwerke word deur verskillende groot internasionale telekommunikasie ondernemings aangelê, wat dit ook teen mededingende pryse aan ander diensverskaffers beskik baar kan stel.
Projekbestuurder mnr. Japie Maree hou toesig by die kabelsloot wat reg deur die sentralesakegebied van Musina vir die trans-Afrika optiese vesel kabelnetwerk voorsiening maak. Die grawe van die sloot en die lê van die kabel word met indrukwekkende spoed en minimum ontwrigting voltooi.
Werkers van die onderneming Nivadox, besig om optiese vesel kabel af te rol in die middedorp van Musina. Hulle werk aan ´n kabellyn wat in Tanzanië begin, deur Zimbabwe oor die grens na Suid-Afrika kom en langs die N1 strek tot in Johannesburg. By Linda van der Westhuizen
Makhado appoints “no-nonsense” MM The Makhado Municipality has finally appointed a new municipal manager, and the question now is whether the municipality will experience a positive turn-around, especially with regard to getting a clean financial audit. Mr Isaac (Sakkie) Muthsinyali was introduced to the media as the new municipal manager on 6 September. He was quick to point out that he had found the Greater Letaba Municipality bankrupt and without any financial systems running when he became their municipal manager in 2001, and after four years they had a clean audit. “They previously had received disclaimers and adverse opinions from the auditor general. When I left, they had an unqualified report. If given the support, we can turn around and re-engineer this municipality, maybe even in a shorter period of time,” Mutshinyali said. “He is the right man for this municipality,” said former acting municipal manager Mr Elias Mugari. With an impressive string of academic qualifica tions at several national and international institu tions, as well as more than 18 years of experience in local and provincial government, Muthsinyali indeed seems to be in a position to bring hope to a local municipality fraught with inaccurate financial affairs, critical shortages of water, uncompleted projects and poor management and maintenance of infrastructure. Mutshinyali came across as a decisive leader with a sense of urgency. Even before his appoint ment on 1 September, he had inspected the area to identify ‘hot-spots’. Coming from the Schoeman sdal area and with family in Muraleni, he is well acquainted with the area. “I had been on the council of this municipality with oom Brink Schlesinger and Louis Holtzhau sen,” said Muthsinyali, adding that he was happy to be back home.“We are public servants, and I
have no other agenda than to be your servant,” said Mutshinyali. He emphasised that he went incognito to the municipality and observed long queues and saw inefficiency. ”What I want is an efficient institution,” he said. With his no-nonsense approach, he had already taken action by talking to his frontline staff to look at ways to better serve the public. He emphasised that it takes time to change people’s mindsets to see a better way of doing things.
Mr Isaac Mutshinyali, the newly appointed municipal manager of the Makhado Municpality.
14 September 2012 7
8 14 September 2012
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
WHAT’S ON? WAT GEBEUR? Louis Trichardt
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126
(Seven-day forecast)
• Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, 1ste Sondag van die maand gesamentlike diens om 08:30, Afrikaans met peuter/kinderkerk om 08:30, English with toddler/children church at 10:30, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538
Thursday, 13 September
• AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790
High: 27oC Low: 12oC
• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)
Friday, 14 September
Plenty of sunshine.
Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959
Rain and drizzle.
• AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486)
High: 18oC Low: 9oC
• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275
Saturday, 15 September
• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165
High: 16oC Low: 8oC
• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728
Sunday, 16 September
Occasional rain and drizzle.
Occasional rain and drizzle.
• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714.
High: 18oC Low: 5oC
• Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631.
Monday, 17 September Warmer.
• Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085
High: 22oC Low: 7oC
• Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393
Tuesday, 18 September Plenty of sunshine.
• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448.
High: 25oC Low: 12oC
• Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580
Wednesday, 19 September
• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658
• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956
Plenty of sunshine.
High: 28oC Low: 13oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
• Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
ZoutieWeather DEURLOPEND
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272
• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566.
10/09/2012 11/09/2012
Wednesday 12/09/2012
45 46
Friday 14/09/2012
Saturday 15/09/2012
Sunday 16/09/2012
Monday 17/09/2012
38 39 40 45
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2012. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
The programme for the Rotsfees at Grootklip on the weekend of 21 to 23 September has been announced. • GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN All are invited to come and camp for R50 Die GisterseJeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag per stand for the whole weekend, though stands vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die should be booked in advance. On Friday at Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis 18:30, Tjokker and Elmé will sing, with well known gospel singer Freda Francis starting at Trichardt. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die 19:00. On Saturday at 09:00, Joy van Eeden of klubvergaderings waar die programme interes Hope Ministries will minister and Betsie Joubert sante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike of Comfort Prophetic Ministries at 11:00. boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Esther Bester, the founder of Hope Ministries, Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht will speak at 14:00 and Hilda Ndlovu of Moment by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 of Truth Prophetic Ministries at 16:00. At 19:00, 5739 geskakel word. Sweet November, a Polokwanebased band, will • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD be performing. On Sunday, at 09:00, it is the WEER BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord turn of Andrew Baird Bezuidenhout, Founder of in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is weer volstoom Baird Ministries. aan die gang en kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot Food and beverages will be on sale throughout 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. and braai facilities are available. On Saturday, By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoe there will be children’s entertainment by Sham dig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. mah Kingdom Kids and fleamarket stalls. Alle mans is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Day visitors are very welcome, and for more Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. information and bookings, Okkie can be con tacted on 082 563 5937 or Andrew on 071 078 1631.
pansberg Astronomy Club will have its next monthly meeting on Saturday, 15 September, from sunset onwards. With no interference from the moon, it will be an ideal time to look at some of the deepsky objects that can be seen. Club gettogethers are open to the public and everyone is welcome. Contact Kos Coronaios at elephantcastle@ lantic.net for more information.
• HERVORMERS TREE IN GESPREK Alle lidmate van die Hervor
mde Kerk in die Soutpansbergomgewing word genooi om ‘n gespreksgeleentheid met verteen woordigers van die Kommissie van die Al gemene Kerkvergadering en die Fakulteit Teolo gie van die Universiteit van Pretoria by te woon. Dr Daan van Wyk junior, voorsitter van die kommissie, sal ‘n kort inleidende woord spreek, waarna lidmate ruim geleentheid sal kry om vrae te stel en deel te neem aan ‘n oop gesprek oor aktuele gebeure in die Hervormde Kerk. Die gesprek vind plaas by die Hervormde Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op die hoek van Krogh en Stubbsstraat op Saterdag, 15 September, vanaf 09:00 tot 13:00. Na afloop van die gesprek is daar ’n bringenbraai. Op Sondag, 16 September, om 08:30 vier die gemeente nagmaal. Die bediening by die nagmaal word beurtelings gehanteer deur die gemeentepredikant, ds. Phillip Horn, en prof. Andries van Aarde, emeritusprofessor van die Universiteit van Pretoria.
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
This year’s theme for International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) is Under the Same Moon. Night after night, day after day, one thing remains the same we all eat, sleep, work, play and live under the same moon. To celebrate In OMN, the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will be at the Mall of the North (movie entrance) on Saturday, 22 September. Loads of handout material, posters etc. will be available, as well as views through the tele scope at our closest star during the day and our closest neighbour in space, the moon, during the evening. For more information, contact Kos Coro naios on 079 148 4934 or at elephantcastle@ lantic.net
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 3 September. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam • SENDINGETE BY BAPTISTE Nwanedzi Dam Die Baptistegemeente in Makhado (Louis Trich Nzhelele Dam ardt) bied op 15 September ‘n sendingete aan. Tzaneen Dam Verskillende lande se geregte sal bedien word en kaartjies kos R30 per persoon. Die ete vind Vondo Dam plaas by die kerk (Ruhstraat 25) vanaf 15:30. Vir meer inligting, skakel 083 287 8246 of 079 516 8303.
Skool Vivo hou op 21 September hul 15jaar reünie. Almal wat op welke wyse ookal deur die jare betrokke was by die skool is welkom. Vir meer inligting en om te bevestig, skakel Christine Knox by 015 593 0740.
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2012. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
*35.8% *96.4% *81.6% 35.2% 41.7% *1.2% *89.6% *24.6% 50.5% 56.8% *79.5% *81.7%
35.8% 96.4% 81.6% 35.5% 43.3% 1.2% 89.6% 24.6% 51.7% 58% 79.5% 81.7%
* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00
Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:35, 17:20, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:15, 11:30, 14:35, 17:20, 19:45
˛ Ç …
Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00
˛ Ç ∞
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
˛ Ç \
Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:30 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15
¸ ˛ ◊ ≤
Fri, Sat: 17:20, 19:45, 22:15 Sun-Thu: 17:20, 19:45
A MONSTER IN PARIS 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ ∂ Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:35 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:35
˛ ◊
˛ ◊
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:55, 14:45, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:55, 14:45, 17:30, 20:20 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:25, 17:10, 20:00 ——————————————————————————————————
THE EXPENDABLES 2: BACK FOR WAR ˛ ◊ ≤ Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:05, 14:45, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:05, 14:45, 18:00, 20:30
MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:05, 14:45, 18:00, 20:30 ˛ Ç ß BRAVE MOST WANTED ˛ ◊Ó
Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30
Fri, Sat: 9:25, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:25, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
FOR SHOWTIMES & BOOKINGS, VISIT www.sterkinekor.mobi VIA YOUR CELLPHONE OR CALL TICKETLINE ON 082 16789 FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT facebook.com/sterkinekortheatres
14 September 2012 9
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Jongmense van die dorp word genooi na die Iuvenis Jeugfees op Vrydag en Saterdag, 12 en 13 Oktober. Dié fees word gereël deur Shammah Bedie ninge en Zoè Akademie, in samewerking met
wat graag weer die sport van veerpyltjies in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wil laat herleef, word uitgenooi na die stigtingsvergadering van ‘n nuwe klub op 18 September. Van die spelers oefen reeds elke Dinsdag vanaf 18:00 by die Rugbylapa. Vir meer inligting, skakel Pieter Pretorius by
School outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will be holding a gymkhana at its premises on 20 October. The day promises to be loads of fun and par ticipants are welcome to bring their own horses by prior arrangement. Some of the events on offer for all ages and levels will be apple bob bing, barrel racing, musical chairs, obstacle race, mug and water jumping and more. Food and refreshments will be available. For more information and entries, phone Sarah Coronaios at 083 427 5674.
pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run. The walk and run take place every Tuesday from 17:15 at their club house, next to the municipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt. For more information, phone Mark at 083 774 2264.
odr a m l e COMES TO
28, 29 September 2012 5 & 6 October 2012 @ 19:00 pm for 19:30 • Venue: LTT Primary School
CASH BAR BRING YOUR FOOD Limited tickets available at:
invites one and all to enjoy fun and fellowship at their annual Country Market, to be held on Saturday, 6 October, from 10:00. There will be a tea garden and various stalls selling plants, cakes, boerewors rolls, pancakes, secondhand books, gifts, ‘this and that’, as well as an exciting African stall and much more. “Come and enjoy a pleasant morning with us at 79 Munnik Street,” invites the church.
girls from Ladies Circle 4 in Makha do (Louis Trichardt) invite one and all to put on their gaming faces and try their hand at Black Jack or Roulette during their Las Vegas Comes to Mike’s Kitchen evening on 3 November. Held in conjunction with Khoroni Casino and Hotel, the evening promises much excitement, with the hotel group bringing in their own tables and professional dealers. All money raised during the event, held from 16:00 until midnight, will go towards local char
ing themselves for the annual Two Countries Marathon between Zimbabwe and South Africa on 29 September. Hosted by the Soutpansberg Athletics Club, the race offers R50 000 in prize money. For the 42km race, a passport will be required and only preentries will be accepted, with entries closing on 15 September. Apart from the 42km marathon, there will also be a 21,1km halfmarathon and a 10km race. Athletes who want to enter can SMS their e mail address to 082 749 0413 to receive an entry form.
0 R12
• METHODIST COUNTRY MARKET The Methodist Church Louis Trichardt
Kidz Art, are showcasing children’s art at Casa Caffé at the old SAVF building in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). The exhibition will run from Sunday, 28 October, until Sunday, 4 November. Members of the public are invited to come and enjoy the children’s efforts. The exhibition will be open for viewing from 08:00 till 17:00. For more information, contact Angela Versari on 082 461 6676 or Mariza Joubert on 078 153 7037.
• TWO COUNTRIES MARATHON The region’s athletes can start prepar
• CHILDREN’S ART EXHIBITION Two art schools, La Mia Nuvoletta and
tel. 084 253 2410 of Jean Viljoen by 082 597 3976. • 303-SKIETKOMPETISIE Die Soutpansberg Skietklub bied op Saterdag, 22 September, hul jaarlikse .303 skietkompetisie aan. Skuts kan vanaf 08:00 uur tot 15:00 inskryf, met die kompetisie wat om 16:00 eindig. Direk daarna sal daar ‘n prysuitdeling wees. Die in skrywingsfooi beloop R25. Vir meer inligting, skakel Ampie du Toit by tel. 082 742 0168.
ity organisations. More information will be made available closer to the event. • IETS VAN ALS BASAAR Die Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardtgemeente hou weer op 2 en 3 November hul Iets van Als – Anderste Basaar. Die “iets van als” sê alles, met tradisionele basaarstalletjies soos biltong, vleis, gro ente en vrugte, gebak, nagereg, pannekoek, kerrieenrys, jaffels, stokworse, aartappels op ‘n stokkie, hamburgers en boereworsrolle, papenkaiings, koeldrank, verversingstalletjie, Wit olifant, tweedehandse boeke, plante en kinderspeletjies wat bedryf sal word. Die “andersheid” van die basaar hou in dat die gemeenskap genooi word om self ‘n stal letjie, hetsy in kerk of organisasieverband, teen R100 te bedryf en 10% van die winste aan die kerk te skenk. Dit mag net nie dieselfde wees as die kerk se eie stalletjies nie en geen vlooimark twakkies nie. Vir meer inligting, skakel voor of op 30 September vir ds. Philip Horn (084 209 5189), Babs de Beer (073 244 1658), Sonet Vermaak (073 795 2226) of Maryna Cordier (083 655 7729).
jeugleiers van die dorp. Vrydag se program skop af met ‘n Youth Bash om 18:00 by Shammah Bedieninge in Rissikstraat 50. Om 19:00 vind ‘n to an embroidery and quilting workshop on danskompetisie daar plaas. 25 and 26 September at Bernina in Makhado Saterdag se verrigtinge is by Laerskool Louis (Louis Trichardt). Trichardt se hoof sportveld. The embroidery workshop will take place on Om 13:00 open die fees met ‘n optog van die 25 September and the quilting workshop on 26 motorfi etsryers van die Bikers Kingdom. Om September. Both workshops will run from 09:00 until 18:00 at a cost of R150 per person per day. 14:00 begin kompetisies en ander pret aktiwitei te. Stalletjies sal deurlopend besoek kan word. Bookings are essential and can be made by Om 15:30 vind ‘n voedselprojek op kompe phoning Charmaine at Tel 082 896 0660. tisiebasis, die Charity Food Project, plaas. Zoè • TRIEGIES BEPLAN HALFAkademie se “band” se optrede volg om 16:30, EEUFEESVIERINGE Oudleerlinge waarna pret en kompetisies om 19 :00 hervat van Laerskool Louis Trichardt word genooi om word. te kom deel in die pret tydens dié skool se Half Vir meer inligting kan Catherina Strydom by eeufeesvieringe op 27 en 28 September. 072 510 3806 geskakel word. Triegies wat in 1960 die skool se skuif vanaf • BEGIN NOU OEFEN Die dans Erasmus en Kroghstraat na Erasmus en Cel kompetisie op Vrydag, 12 Oktober, om 19:00 lierstraat meegemaak het, is veral welkom en by Shammah Bedieninge in Rissikstraat 50 is word versoek om so gou as moontlik die skool te oop vir alle belangstellendes van skoolgaande skakel by tel. 015 516 5151. ouderdom en ouer. Daar sal op 27 September om 10:00 ‘n straat Dit is belangrik om nou te begin oefen en in te optog gehou word na die ou skoolterrein. Op skryf voor 15 September. Die deelnemers gaan in 28 September sal daar vanaf 08:30 tot 11:00 ‘n twee kategorieë beoordeel word, ‘n junior kate kermis aangebied word, met boeresport. gorie (vir skoolgaandes) en ‘n senior kategorie Ouers is ook baie welkom om te deel in die (vir volwassenes). Daar sal pryse toegeken word pret. in die verskillende kategorieë. • KUIFKOPFEES AND CAR Vir meer inligting, skakel Catherina by 072 CARNIVAL JOIN FORCES The an 510 3806. nual Kuifkopfees has now joined forces with the • BELLY DANCERS BLACK annual Car Carnival. DRESS EVENING Hunters Retreat Dubbed the “Brawn and Brains Festival”, Pub & Grill Restaurant outside Makhado (Louis the festival will take place on 28 and 29 Trichardt) will be hosting a Belly Dancers Black September at the Cloud’s End Hotel outside Dress evening on 20 October from 18:00. Makhado (Louis Trichardt). The theme for the evening is What is the dif“Enter your team for the tugofwar and ference between belly dance and burlesque? trivia quiz competition and stand the chance For more information, phone Christine Co to win great prizes,” invite the organisers. The first prize of R7 000 for the overall winners is hen at Tel 072 372 2301. • PIK EN PROE-AAND Die Gere sponsored by P&L Hardware. formeerde Kerk Louis Trichardtgemeente bied Festival goers will also have the chance to op 26 Oktober weer hul gewilde “Pik en Proe” support local charity organisations such as Agora (fishing tombola), Ladies Circle 4 (pan aand aan. cakes and cakes), Rotary (boerewors), SPCA Die ete sal deel vorm van die gemeenste se (book sales) and CANSA (hair spray). viering van hul 85ste bestaansjaar en begin om “On Friday you can come and enjoy the cars, 18:00 in die Fransie Vermaaksaal op die kerkter beer tent, arts and crafts stalls and potjiekos rein. competition. Gates open at 08:00 on Saturday,” Tradisionele boeregeregte soos papenkaiings, say the organisers. boerewors, paptert, bobotie, melktert, beskuit, For more information or to book a stall, con koeksisters, biltong en droë wors is van die disse tact Laura at 083 404 6751 or 015 516 1483. wat voorgesit sal word. Die ete kos R50 vir vol • THANKS GIVING FÊTE The New wassenes en R20 vir laerskoolkinders. Apostolic Church of Buysdorp and Louis Trich • OPERETTE BY CVO ZPB Die ardt will be holding their annual Thanks Giving CVO Skool Zoutpansberg nooi oud en jonk na fête on 29 September at the tourism information hul operette, Eendag lank, lank gelede, op 25 en centre in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) in con 26 Oktober vanjaar. Toegang vir die Donderdag se opvoering junction with the LocalisLekker flea market. Pancakes, vetkoek, roti, boerewors rolls, second beloop R50 per volwassene en R30 vir laer en voorskoolse leerlinge. Vrydag se toegang is hand goods and clothing, cold drinks and much R120 per persoon, wat ‘n ete insluit. more will be on sale. Vir besprekings, skakel 076 401 2757. • MELODRAMA COMES TO ZOUTPANSBERG Round Table Zout • BOERE-OPSKOP Die Generaal Piet pansberg 66, in conjunction with the Roadhogs Joubert Voortrekkerkommando in Makhado Motorcycle Club, invites one and all to their (Louis Trichardt) beplan ‘n lekker boeredans op highly popular annual Melodrama comes to 27 Oktober. Soutpansberg on 28 and 29 September and 5 Kaartjies kos R100 per paartjie en R30 vir and 6 October. laerskoolkinders en sluit ‘n heerlike bord boere Each night, the performance will start at 19:00 kos in. Copy That sal die aand die vermaak for 19:30 at Louis Trichardt Primary’s school verskaf. hall. Vir meer inligting of kaartjies, skakel Riana Tickets cost R120 per person and are available Otto (084 400 9941), Rina Eybers (083 929 from Rudi at Tel 082 776 8377 or Yolanda at 7730) of Marjorie Smit (082 836 9779). 082 972 2060. All money raised will go towards charity. A cash bar will be available every evening.
Rudi - 082 776 8377 / Yolanda - 082 972 2060 16 Kort Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 0794 / 015 516 3504 Fax: 015 516 3831 Web: www.trali.co.za E-mail: trail@worldonline.co.za
ADAPTABLE * Standard Frame
* Canopy
* Hunting Rig
10 14 September 2012 School News
Former college students now directors
The girls from Ladies Circle 4 (LC4) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) showed their community involvement once again by not only supporting but also assisting the local branch of the South African National Blood Service during their “Blood Beat” evening last Wednesday. Pictured here are the circlers who attended. In front is Taryn Annandale. Behind her, from left to right, are Hettie Botha, Riana Otto, Belinda Fourie, Roxy McCabe and Pam McCabe. At the back is LC4 chairlady, Ria van Zyl. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Meterlesers se kantoor “verdwyn” net Die kantoor van die persone wat maandeliks die meters lees in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het sonder enige kennisgewing aan belastingbetalers ‘ver dwyn’. Daar sou later uitgevind word dat die kantoor elders oopgemaak het onder ‘n ander naam. “Ek was met 10 hoë munisi pale rekeninge op pad na Bires in Burgerstraat, sodat hulle vir my die laaste ses maande se le sings kon trek, toe ek die kantore gesluit vind. Uiteindelik het ek vasgestel dat ek na Ruhstraat moet gaan, na wyle dr. Wim de Villiers se gebou. By die nuwe kantoor, met die naam UMS, het die persoon vir my gesê dat sy ‘n nuwe rekenaar het en geen
toegang tot die rekords het nie,” het die Soutpansberg Belasting betalersvereniging (SBBV) se bestuurder, mnr. Phillip Olivier, verlede week gesê. Mnr. Corné Fourie van Bires het intussen bevestig dat UMS (Utility Management Service) ‘n gedeelte van Bires uitgekoop het en dat UMS voortaan die meter lesings in die dorp sal behartig. “Dit sal hulle sowat 10 tot 14 dae neem om alles in die nuwe kantoor operasioneel te kry. Intussen sal geen krag onnodig afgesny word nie,” het Fourie gesê. Hy het die versekering ge gee dat UMS ‘n spesialis maats kappy is en een van die grootste in die land. “Die voordeel is dat hulle
stelsel direk sal integreer met dié van die munisipaliteit. Die meterlesings sal dus direk op die databasis van die munisipaliteit verskyn, sodat probleme met af wykings uitgesorteer kan word voordat die rekenings uitgestuur word. Betalings by die muni sipaliteit sal direk op UMS se stelsel reflekteer. Hulle sal later ook ‘n bedryfstelsel bestuur om navrae vir die Raad te hanteer,” het Fourie gesê. Die stadsraad was ten volle bewus van die samesmelting van die twee maatskappye. Nie hulle of Bires het die moeite gedoen om die SBBV of gemeenskap te verwittig van die ligging van die nuwe kantoor en die trekdatum daarheen nie.
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Two former students of Ridgeway College in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Ms Joan Tshivhinda and Mr Tshepiso Manyoha, were appointed as directors of this Section 21 Company during a board meeting on 1 September. Tshivhinda graduated in 2009 with a Bsc (Hons) in computational and applied mathematics from Wits University, after which she joined the Ned bank Capital Graduate Programme in 2010 and was subsequently employed as a quantitative analyst for Nedgroup Securities. Tshivhinda will be moving to BNP Paribus Cadiz as a quantitative analyst at the end of this month. Manyoha graduated from Witwatersrand Univer sity with a BCom degree in information systems and HR, where he was awarded the Waymark Infotech prize for information systems business programming. He also completed the GIBS lead ership dialogue circle program (NEXUS) in 2009, TOGAF training and is currently completing his masters degree in business administration (MBA) at GIBS. Manyoha is a senior management consul tant at Accenture South Africa and has worked with large corporate clients across different industries such as Telkom, Tiger Brands, FirstRand Group and MTN. He is passionate about doing business in Africa, adding value to organisations and general management. Most of his work has been based on the use of technology to solve business problems. Manyoha is also engaged in leadership develop ment through volunteer initiatives and has served on the board of The Refugees Ministries Centre (a non-government organisation in aid of refugees from war-torn neighbouring countries). He is also the current chairperson of the South African Oracle Human Resources and Payrol Implementors Group. The principal of Ridgeway College, Ms Leigh Bristow, said that she was proud to see how many of their past students had successful careers, and even more so when these students were prepared to make time in their busy lives to take part actively in the management of the school, bringing with them their business acumen and fresh approach.
Mr Tshepiso Manyoha. Photo supplied.
Ms Joan Tshivhinda. Photo supplied.
Laerskool Braambos Primary Waar elke kind ‘n kans staan!
Want ons leer kinders deur omgee, liefde en pret, die kuns van die lewe Cheetah Straat / Street, Braambos Lugmagbasis / Air Force Base • Posbus / PO Box 481, Braambos, 0954 Tel: 015 577 2689 • Fax: 015 577 1386 • E-pos / E-mail: braamboslaerskool@aranet.co.za
1 & GR R G A D E P O
By Braambos Laerskool erken ons elke kind as individu en gee ons uitstekende onderrig met inagneming van elke kind se persoonlikheid en potensiaal.
14 SEPTEMBER 2012 @ 08:00 Kom ontmoet die onderwysers & sien wat ons doen!
Braambos Laerskool is ‘n onafhanklike skool, geregistreer by die Departement van Onderwys. Daarom word voorgeskrewe vakke en silabusse gevolg soos vereis deur die Departement. Om egter leemtes te voorkom en te ally tye op hoogte van nuwe tendense te bly word navorsing gedoen, kursusse bygewoon wat deur die Departement en die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysunie aangebied word; en dan word aanvullende werk bygedoen soos nodig. Hulpklasse aan leerlinge wat leerprobleme ondervind, word naskool aangebied. Kleiner klasse waarborg meer individuele aandag in beide Junior en Senior klasse
• Moderne fasiliteite • Veilige omgewing • “Crazy Days” • “Santa Shoebox Project” • Toere/Veldskool • Remediërende- en Bewegingsentrum • Naskooltoesig en hulp met huiswerk
Die jaarlikse Vivo Boerebemarkingsdag op 17 Augustus het weer aan boere en diensverskaffers die geleentheid gegee om bietjie skouers te skuur. Die CVO Skool Vivo het weereens gasheer gespeel vir hierdie gewilde saamkuier, wat vanjaar vir die vyfde keer aangebied is. Daar is weer gholf gespeel by Botse Safaris se gholfbaan, met ander aktiwiteite wat ingesluit het kleiduifskiet, jukskei en selfs toutrek, tot groot vermaak van almal. Die dag is afgesluit met ‘n lekker skaapbraai en kuier. Dank is uitgespreek teenoor elkeen wat die dag bygewoon het, met spesiale dank aan die ondernemings wat deur die jare die inisiatief ondersteun. Diensverskaffers wat in die toekoms wil deelneem aan die dag kan vir Michelle van Wyk skakel by tel. 015 593 0740. Foto verskaf.
Sewe slimkoppe van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het op 21 Mei deelgeneem aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se jaarlikse Wêreldkennis Olimpiade. Die uitslae is intussen bekend gemaak, met Christiaan Fenscham (Graad 12) wat ‘n eersteplek in die provinsie inpalm. Ander deelnemers wat sertifikate vir deelname ontvang het, was (van links na regs) Loyd Mufamadi (Graad 9), Daniel Minnie (Graad 9), Mashudu Molefe (Graad 9), Nic Grobler (Graad 9), Ndamulelo Mudzunga (Graad 9) en Amy van Wyk (afwesig). Christiaan was ook afwesig tydens die neem van die foto, aangesien hy besig was met rekordeksamen.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt het tydens Vrydag se viering van nasionale Loslitdag ‘n mooi bedrag van R5 930 ingesamel deur die verkoop van Loslit-plakkers. Die plakkers is deur die plaaslike Game verskaf. Afgeneem is, van links na regs, Triegies se hoofleiers Emené Jordaan en Chris van Wyk, mnr. Grant Phillipson (Game) en die skool se onderhoofleiers, André Viljoen en Leandri Muller.
14 September 2012 11
A group of senior citizens from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) narrowly missed an encounter with a lion while visiting Marloth Park. Pictured are some members of the group, with Mr Marc Russell standing in the middle. The lion had charged Russell. Photo supplied. By Linda van der Westhuizen
Group barely miss encounter with lion A group of senior citizens turned and went back through the pig; when she came to eat, from Makhado (Louis Trich- fence into the KNP,” Russell said. the others had to wait till she Ms Claudette Gradwell picks was finished!” and “We had ardt) narrowly missed an a wonderful time of fellow encounter with a lion while up the story. “The park security was con ship around the camp fire and visiting Marloth Park, bordering the southern end of the tacted and came sometime later to we were really spoilt by the investigate the scene. They found couples who went with and Kruger National Park. From Marloth Park, visitors a hole in the fence where lion acted as house parents,” were can see the Crocodile River on hair had caught and saw some some of the remarks of the the other side of the fence, but blood spots, probably the lion’s senior citizens. The group left town on 20 on their side game like kudu, own. We learnt that six lions had zebra, wildebeest, impala, and entered Marloth so far and they August and returned on 24 giraffes roam freely, due to had captured three of them. We August. They thanked Pas the absence of the big five in were warned not to walk in the tor Sam van Niekerk and the area,” Gradwell said. church for the opportunity, the park. The lion threat did not dampen all the sponsors, as well as The group of 35 was on their annual senior citizen’s treat, their spirits. “From a safe spot, their caretakers, Kleintjie and organised by Agapé Christian we could watch the lions playing Riana Jooste, Louis and Janina with their cubs in the riverbed”, Jordaan, Bobby and Suzette Centre. Some members of the group “It was lovely to feed the game, Reid, Alan and Sandra Dale, were walking on Marloth’s which had become remarkably Chris and Rona Mattheus and side of the Crocodile River, tame. Ms Warthog was such a Dalene van Niekerk. when they learnt from Mr Marc Russell, a permanent resident at Marloth, that a lion had charged him. “I heard a roar and thought it was a lion on the Kruger side. I car ried on walking along the fence, only to hear it growl again. I moved back to the main road, when a cleaner shouted ‘There’s a lion!’ The next moment, a big male came charging straight out of the bush at me, stopping not two meters away. I just stood there, shouting Ms Elma Rademeyer, feeding the zebras at Marloth Park in August. and waving my stick. She was part of a group of senior citizens on their annual treat, Thankfully, the lion organised by Agapé Christian Centre. Photo supplied. Notice
Wild West dress-up party at Casa Caffé Residents are invited to an evening of fun and of entertainment by DJ Robert Marais. dance during a Wild West dress-up party at The evening starts at 18:30 for 19:00 and tickets Casa Caffé in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on are available at Casa Café. 14 September. For more information, phone Yolandie at 084 Tickets cost R80 per adult and R40 for primary 525 2404 or Paul at 084 667 3164. school pupils, while pre-school children can attend for free. The cost of the ticket includes a starter, main course and dessert, not forgetting an evening
The interesting shop...
Buzzy Beez Nursery School paid a visit to the Rondebosch Riding School outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 29 August. After all the kids had had an opportunity to ride and touch the horses and learn a little bit about them, they enjoyed a picnic at the school´s clubhouse. Photo supplied.
24 Rissik Street Tel: (015) 516-5171
Real hair extentions. Phone to book your free consultation! Working hours: Mon - Fri: 07:00 - 17:30 * Sat: 07:00 - 16:00
Tel: • 015 516 1207 • 079 206 7868 124 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt
12 14 September 2012
Klouter Kabouter Kleuterskool in Levubu het met groot pret deelgeneem aan Vrydag se jaarlikse Loslitdag. Die kabouters het soos seerowers, kapteine en matrose aangetrek en daar was selfs ‘n meermin of twee. Die kleuters is die dag ook geleer om medemenslikheid uit te leef deur respek te betoon aan gestremde maats. Foto verskaf. Heidi & Peter Nursery School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) celebrated Casual Day on Friday by having “High Tea with the Queen”. The toddlers dressed up as royalty to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year as monarch of the United Kingdom this year.
“Waar het jy daardie hoed gekry?” Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het Lentedag op 6 September gevier en die inwoners het mooi of snaakse hooftooisels gedra. ‘n Hoenderbraai het deel gevorm van die feestelikhede. Mev. Kittie de Bruin, bestuurder van die tehuis, het almal bedank wat die dag ‘n sukses help maak het, insluitend Ben, Susan en Marietjie van Baalen vir die hoenderbraai, Lucas en Rina Vermeulen, Alida Jongbloed, Ansie van der Linde, Bets Prinsloo, Donsie van Dyk, Trali Canvas, Anna Lordan, Sophie Zeelie, Almarie van Heerden, Myda Galvin en die Zoutpansberger. Afgeneem is, van links na regs, me. Aletha Möller, Limpopo Melkery buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se personeel het Loslitdag op 7 September mnr. Nick Smit en me. Joey Jacobs. gevier deur almal lekker “ZEF” aan te trek. Foto verskaf.
Laerskool Levubu het op Vrydag, 7 September, hul bydrae gelewer tot nasionale Loslitdag. Die tema vanjaar was “Kom aan boord” en die leerlinge het omtrent uitgevaar op die skip met hul kreatiewe uitrustings. In die foto (voor, van links na regs) is Jean-Pierre Boshoff, Darian Toerien, Jackie Kruger en Joanè Mulder. In die middel is Amina Mills, Dian van Tonder en Marniecha Strydom. Agter is Henzell Strydom, SJ de Lange, Yasmine Joubert, Chanè Haasbroek, Stephmarie de Lange en Tiaan Viljoen. Heel agter staan juffrou Carla Young. Foto verskaf.
The team from Realty1 Property Group in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) celebrated Spring Day by sharing some cookies and sweets with the residents of Laat Lente and Herfsakker. The residents were pleasantly surprised to receive a friendly greeting and a gift from principal Gwen Loots and her staff. “We really enjoyed the warm welcome we received from all the residents, and were totally blessed in the short time we spent with these lovely people. We all agreed to do this again in the future,” said Gwen. She thanked Morgie Erlank for baking the cookies. Pictured (in front from left to right) are John Neves (Realty 1), Elsie le Grange, Margaret Crow and Bets de Kok. At the back are Margaret van Zyl (realty 1) and Hennie Knoesen (Realty 1). Photo supplied.
Mag Repairs Have your mags been damaged by the potholes in town? We can fix it! Mag repairs now available in Louis Trichardt. Contact us at 015 516 3504
CVO Skool Vivo het op 31 Augustus Lentedag gevier. Die Graad 0-klassie het gesiggies geverf, gebak en brou, piekniek gehou en ook saadjies geplant. Foto verskaf.
14 September 2012 13
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
Is this simply a sick expensive joke?
Same old, same old … A reader sent in these two photos of police vehicles parked on no-parking areas. The reader writes that he spotted the two vehicles when he went to Specsavers in Makhado (Louis Trichardt)’s Krogh Street on Tuesday morning. “… and my way on the pavement was blocked by a police vehicle, so I looked about and found the emergency - this warrant officer needed to draw cash at the Standard Bank ATM’s in a hurry apparently. In the background of the above picture, of course, was another police van parked across the pedestrian crossing. The civilian passenger was camera shy and covered her face. Shopping at Woolies is not usually regarded a police emergency and nor is drawing cash at an ATM. Are they allowed to use police vehicles for personal errands?” the reader wrote. Copies of the two photos were sent to local police spokesperson, Capt Maano Sadike. He responded by saying that the matter will be brought to the attention of the station commander and management. “… you will be informed in due course of the findings,” Capt Sadike said.
Thank you all - known and unknown
esmond and Jean Allen wish meals while Jean got over her nasty to thank Dr Casper Venter and injuries after falling at home. staff, the AFM pastor, his wife and May God bless you richly. congregation as well as our friends Thank you all known and and many, many Good Samaritans unknown. and strangers who helped so much - Desmond and Jean Allen and supplied so much lovely food and (Makhado/Louis Trichardt). Brief
Barkers groet die gemeenskap
iermee wil ons, Johnnie en Alta Barker van Jonathan Electrical, graag totsiens sê aan die mense van Louis Trichardt. Ons het reeds die onderneming gesluit en sê dankie aan almal vir hul jarelange bystand en ondersteu
ning. Vir die kliënte wat vriende geword het, sê ons dankie en totsiens – ons waardeer julle opregte vriendskap. - Johnnie en Alta Barker (Makhado/Louis Trichardt)
Borge vir Graad 7-opedag bedank
t several minutes past two on Saturday afternoon [1 Septem ber], the only official on duty at Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital’s reception was sitting on the wall on the stoep outside the building, eating an apple. Against the backdrop of an expensively produced, gigantic fullcolour Batho Pele poster boldly extolling patients’ rights, an ambu lance patient the victim of a mo torcycle accident sat writhing with pain in a wheelchair at the casualty section, waiting to go for Xrays. He could not go without a file. Like the several other patients waiting at reception, he could not get a file because madam was sitting outside, eating an apple. Madam was on lunch, so everybody had to wait. At casualties, a young man with a festering wound on his right arm asked for help. The clinic had sent him there. The wound had appar ently opened after stitches were removed at the hospital earlier that week. On Saturday, it was obvi ously swollen and inflamed, full of pus and very painful. The staff member in charge told him that only a doctor could help him, but no doctor was available. The doctor on duty had left for the weekend. They had strict orders to recall the doc tor on duty only for emergencies. The wound, having originally been received more than a week before, did not satisfy the definition of an emergency. He would have to return on Monday to see the doctor. The fact that the dangerously festering wound could develop into gangrene over the next two days, thereby potentially leading to an amputa tion of this patient’s right arm, if not attended to, could not convince this nurse that it constituted an emergency. “You must come on Monday,” she instructed the patient, standing there against the backdrop of the fullcolour, glossy Batho Pele Brief
Skenkings kon ‘n paar gate vul
raag wil die CMR (Christelike Maatskaplike Raad) se kantoor in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) baie, baie dankie sê vir almal wat boeke en tydskrifte gebring het vir ons verkop ing tydens die onlangse Lentefees. Ons het baie van dit verkoop en ‘n redelike bedrag ontvang waarmee kos gekoop is. Daar is egter op die oomblik
ie LUK van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het verlede Dinsdag ‘n opedag aangebied en al die Graad 7leerlinge wat dit bygewoon het, bedank vir hul ondersteuning.
Davonnies, Noorde Wapens, Carlos, Desai Cash & Carry, Seisoene, Jump 4 Joy, M Premjee & Son, Limpopo Melkery, mnr. Michael Kock, Prima Slaghuis, Milky Lane, Pick ’n Pay en PD Otto Elektries. Borge wat van die dag ‘n reuse Sonder u ondersteuning sou dit sukses gemaak het, was Mount Fuji, nie vir ons moontlik gewees het nie. Letter
Why can’t they just give a warning?
an nobody in the Makhado Mu nicipality inform the residents of Louis Trichardt on the very, very, very poor situation of the water? No warnings or anything just cut off and wait until they decide to connect, fix, repair or whatever
should be done? Plus there are no tankers going around to support the crisis. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Two weeks without water? - Concerned Resident
poster, which boldly states that ev ery patient has the right to timeous medical attention. As if to guarantee the total cred ibility of these rights, a tollfree telephone number appears promi nently at the top of the list of rights on the gigantic poster. Sharing the desperation of the young man whose future ability to earn a decent living might depend on the availability and quality of medical attention he so obviously required, I phoned the toll free Batho Pele number. I tried. Again. And again. Every time my call was ended by a female robotic voice informing me politely that there was no response from that num ber: Batho Pele was not answering my emergency call on behalf of a desperate young patient. Probably noting my (predictable?) failure to receive assistance from the promi nent promises of Batho Pele, the lady turned on the still wavering young patient: “Didn’t you hear me? I told you to go and to come back on Monday!” (This once again against the backdrop of that poster, which states emphatically that every patient has the right to be treated with respect at all times.) Fortunately, at that very moment, a new team of real nurses arrived. One member immediately took an interest in the young man’s plight. Against the protest of her colleague, she insisted on at least cleaning up and protecting the wound until the doctor could give it attention on Monday. For this proper nurse I wish there was a working tollfree (Florence Nightingale?) number where I could record a real “Thank you.” (But maybe she also saw the grateful smile of that young patient, when she completed her good work? I believe you did.) - Francis van der Merwe (Makhado/Louis Trichardt)
Why marry her?
regtig ‘n baie groot behoefte aan kinderklere vir meisies (6 tot 7, 9 tot 10, 11 tot 12 en 12 tot 13 jaar) en seuns (7 tot 8 , 8 tot 9 en 16 tot 17 jaar). Vir navrae, skakel die CMR kantoor by 015 516 5115 tussen 07:30 en 12:30 of besoek hulle te Munnikstraat 70.
good in bed?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Why in the world do you want to marry her then?’ ‘Because she can still drive!’
A senior citizen said to his What Confucius eighty-year old buddy: ‘So I did not say: hear you’re getting married?’ ‘Yep!’ ‘Do I know her?’ ‘Nope!’ * Man who drives like hell is ‘This woman, is she good bound to get there; looking?’ ‘Not really.’ ‘Is she a * Man who lives in glass house good cook?’ ‘Naw, she can’t cook too well.’ ‘Does she have should change lots of money?’ ‘Nope! Poor as clothes in basement. Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za a church mouse.’ Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za ‘Well, then, is she
The Way, the Truth and the Life Read 1 Pet 1:24-25
eople’s natural life is compared to vanity. Here it is called grass. We are to make no distinction between categories of people for the Word says: “All men are like grass.” However, the life that never ends, which begins here, is the new spiritual life, of which the Word of God is the im mortal seed. This is contrasted with the corruptible seed of human life. Verse 25 says: “And this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you.” The Word of God is so like God Himself and carries so plainly the image of His power and wisdom that when they are spoken about together, it is some times difficult to know if the expression refers to God or His Word. Heb 4:12: “The Word of God is living and powerful.” This is the Word that was preached to us, Make sure the Word that is preached to you is the very Word of God. Do what the public in Berea did. Acts 17:11: “These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonika, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” Make sure it is imperishable and endures for ever. Although preached by men, its power is from the everlast ing God, who through it brings life to His chosen ones. Learn to hear, receive, esteem and love this holy, living Word. - 079 5168303 Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
adele@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za http://www.zoutnet.co.za
NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter 073 349 1587 Correspondents / Korrespondente: Frans van der Merwe 084 078 8606 Linda van der Westhuizen 084 516 0223 Nic Hoffmann 083 257 3144 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Kock 082 972 2060 Pieter Jooste 083 562 1234 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234) The Zoutnet Group is a member of Print Media SA and subscribes to the various Codes of Conduct within the newspaper industry. Any complaints about any article published in this newspaper, can be directed to either the editor or The Press Ombudsman of South Africa, PO Box 47221, Parklands 2121. Tel: (011) 788 4829, Fax: (011) 788 4990, E-mail: pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za The Press Ombudsman does not accept complaints about advertising, and deals only with written complaints made ten working days after publication. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.
14 14 September 2012 Skolenuus
Inni-Berg Fees lok dubbel soveel mense
Matrieks haastig om jaar klaar te maak
‘n Baie geslaagde 2012 InniBerg Fees het dubbeld soveel feesgangers as verlede jaar gelok en die span ouers van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is vuur en vlam vir volgende jaar se fees. Die fees is die inisiatief van ‘n groepie ouers van die skool, waar ouers volle verantwoordelikheid vir fondse neem. Die gedagte om so ‘n fees te hou het ontstaan as gevolg van ‘n behoefte van die gemeenskap aan ‘n fees met kunstenaars naby aan die dorp en waar veiligheid en kwaliteit belangrik is.
Die Inni-Berg Fees het bestaan uit 13 kunstenaars, bekend en minder bekend, ‘n groot ver skeidenheid stalletjies - van biltong tot binnenshuise versie ring - rondomtalie vermaak vir die kinders, Smurfies, Barney en ‘n biertuin. Daar was ongeveer 1 300 feesgangers oor die naweek, wat dubbel die hoeveelheid was as verlede jaar. Die SA Bloed diens, KANSA en DBV het die geleentheid gehad om die publiek te nader. Om so ‘n fees te reël neem baie tyd en geld in beslag, met onkostes wat die R300 000 kerf oorskry. Die onkostes word ge
dek deur die hekfooie wat gehef word en skenkings van onderne mings. Die hekfooie van R100 per persoon per dag (en R50 vir laerskoolleerlinge) het al die kunstenaars se optredes ingesluit. Van hul kant het die kunstenaars hoë lof gehad vir die kwaliteit van die klank en die verhoog. Intussen is die skool reeds besig met reëlings vir volgende jaar se fees. Vir navrae en voorstelle, ska kel Raymond Pretorius by 082 899 5011, Miempie du Toit by 084 606 0165 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan innibergfees@xpress.co.za
Hoërskool Eric Louw se 2012-matriekgroep is opgewonde om hul skoolloopbaan klaar te maak met die begin van hul rekordeksamens. Intussen word die nuwe groep Graad 8 leerlinge met afwagting ingewag en die getal aansoeke van voornemende Graad 8’s het reeds alle verwagtinge oorskry. Die skool het derhalwe ouers versoek om so spoedig moontlik hul aansoeke in te stuur. Afgeneem is Louwtjies se matrieks met hul matriekafskeid om die draai op 29 September. Foto verskaf.
The staff of P&L Hardware in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) celebrated the beginning of Spring in colourful fashion on 31 August. Photo supplied.
Klouter Kabouter Kleuterskool in Levubu het ‘n welkome finansiële donasie van Springfield Farms ontvang. Springfield is geleë tussen Makhado (Louis Trichardt) en Levubu en boer met gewasse soos avokado’s vir die uitvoer mark en makadamias. Die skool het hul dank uitgespreek vir die borgskap en gesê dat sal aangewend word vir die oprigting van ‘n nuwe veilige omheining. Foto verskaf.
102 President Street, Louis Trichardt 0920
Tel: (015) 516 1427 Fax: (015) 516 1160
HAMMANN E-mail: PROPERTIES hammannc@vodamail.co.za
445ha. with 50ha. agricultural land with 30ha under irrigation. House, sheds, slaughter and coldroom. Beautiful bushveldt. Owner is relocating.
“Thank you Louwtjies for inviting us” Gateway Primary School in Musina´s Grade 7 pupils visited Eric Louw High School on 7 August to “suss out” the high school as a prospective school for 2013. The Grade 7s were kitted out in new T-shirts for the visit, looking very smart and easily recognisable. Gateway Primary thanked the staff, prefects and learners at Eric Louw for an interesting, informative and fun-filled visit. Tel: 015 516 3160 Photo supplied. www.louistrichardtproperties.co.za
BARGAIN!! BARGAIN!! New town 3 bed, 2 bath house. Large stand with borehole. Ideal for first time buyers! R 980 000-00. Call Hennie now.
R3.3 Million
EXCELLENT FARM FOR LIVESTOCK OR MARKET GARDENING!!! Good water and level land,6 camps from river frontage. 215 H.A. R3,400,000.00 CALL GWEN TO VIEW!! 083 556 4501
Pragtige natuur. Boorgat R500 OOO. Skakel ons gerus vir nadere besonderhede!
CAREL HAMMANN 082 923 1620
GWEN HENNIE CHERESE 083 556 4501 015 516 3160 082 926 9921
Anhetico Properties Eiendomme
54 Hlanganani Street Caltex Centre Louis Trichardt (T) 015 516 2044/5 (F) 015 516 2050
E-mail: anhetico@absamail.co.za New Town - R1.450mil SOLE MANDATE Dbl. storey delight! 5 Beds, 3 Baths, 4 Reception rooms, Study, Kitchen, Pool, Thatch lapa, Patio, Lock up caravanport, Dbl. Garage. Fully fenced, Spacious rooms. Stand - 1184m2. 2 x Outside rooms with toilet OR potential flatlet. A must view!
Eltivillas - R370 000
VACANT STAND - WELL SITUATED Build your dream home - Stand - 1161m2.
Andèl Hettie 083 442 0435 082 893 8382
Cornette 074 464 1392
14 September 2012 15
Herstelwerk van alle huishoudelike toerusting. TEL: 015 516-0171
Kroghstraat 97
URAT OMP TERS Tel: (015) 516-3936 Telefax: (015) 516-6033 TM
Bredastr. 26 Tel: 015 516 4003 / 072 377 2844 / 072 373 8718 “Perms”, “Hi-lights”, Sny, Tinte, Droogblaas, Foelies en Oliebehandelings
Kwaliteit bekostigbaar Krediet- en debietkaarte welkom
Multi Agencies
Nothing is too big or too small.
18.5” - R799-00 20” - R919-00
For the BEST move countrywide, contact us today!
*Strictly Cash & Carry *1YR Carry-in warranty *While stocks last
Nico 083 979 4550 Andre 083 226 7347
Ultrasonic Liposuction * Immediate CM loss * Permanent Fat loss * Not painful Krogh Str. 122, (Salon André) Hester: 074 362 8000
Cois Elektries
24 uur & Verkoeling per dag! 7 dae ‘n week! • Foutsporing en herstel • Instandhouding • Konstruksie • Sertifikaat van nakoming Cois Pretorius 082 498 1484 015 519 9589 nikado@crcnet.co.za
Registered plumber available For all your plumbing & maintenance solutions Contact Pool & Spa: 015 516 0764
55 Commercial Rd Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0611/3981
Bond Paper A4
white 80gsm Rotatrim
• R178.60 p/box • R35.80 p/ream
Koelkamers, Vrieskamers, Lugreëlings & “COC”-Sertifikate 087 820 5305 082 898 3002
Bel ons by 015 516 4996
Plumbing Solutions
For reliable service and maintenance. Geysers, Valves, Burst pipes, Blocked Drains, Water Tank and pressure pump system installations, Etc.
Spring Sale
Water Tanks: 260 Litre - R620 500 Litre - R870 1 000 Litre - R1000 2000 Litre - R1300 2500 Litre - R1400 5000 Litre - R2500 10 000 Litre - R8300 Transportable tanks and Tank Stands available.
KAREL ERASMUS KWIKOT Cell: 079 897 1642 Tel: 015 516 4981/2/3
CCA Treated Timber Structures
Rubber Stamps now available! Same-day service. Stamps made in one hour.
• All appliances: Tumbledriers, washing machines, microwaves, fridges, freezers & ice machines • Refrigeration installation & repairs. Airconditioning, installation, sales & repairs
LTT Radio & tr Elec ical Centre Tel: 015 516 0751 Munnikstr. 90, LTT
Fencing W.Houses Jungle Gyms Swings & Slides Neville: 0834593759
Marie Helm Hipnoterapeut CHT (non-medical) SAIH
Aandag alle nie-rokers wat sukkel met ‘n rook gewoonte. Breek finaal die nare gewoonte. Dis maklik met hipnoterapie. Skakel Marie by: 082 683 2835
Meerkat Cleaning Services
DEBT AID - FMS Debt Counsellors / Skuldberader Reg no: NCRDC 992 We will: * Secure your assets * Stop creditors from taking judgement * Make new payment arrangements * Give peace of mind Contact Nadia Nel: 015 516 4090 malva@telkomsa.net
Elect 2 Temp
* Archery * Arms * Ammo Tel: 015 516 0721
Cnr Rissik & President Street, Louis Trichardt Frikkie: 082 458 7072
• Specializes in the cleaning of Flokati, Woollen, Persian & all carpets, Furniture, cars & other Upholstery. • Scotchguard
As Clean As New! Hulda: 072 443 5604 083 459 3759 074 782 2613
Lady dye
Unisex Hair Studio
Cnr. of Hlanganani & 57 Akasia Street. • All salon treatments • Brasil Cacau Treatment Hair & • Make-up Products
Amanda: 082 339 4455
TE KOOP Opregte Staffies. R800.00 Kontak: 082 335 1262 082 331 8397
TE KOOP Otto Bach
Trokvragte Klavier. Lusern-, (Verkoper Soyaverhuis uit LTT). boon- en Puik toestand. eragrostis bale Kontak: beskikbaar Kontak: 082 378 5364
Aflewering in LTT omgewing
084 667 7787 PALM TREES FOR SALE
Ridgeway College have ± 30 large palm trees which they are selling for only R150 each. Please arrange own transport. For more information, they can be contacted on 015 590 4776
Neville: 0834593759
TE KOOP Baltimore - Lusern, Hawer, Tef, Boontjie, Grasbale en Mielie reste. Ons lewer af.
Basie Brand: 082 968 1998
TE KOOP Sharpei Hondjies 1 x Bruin tefie 1 x Swart reuntjie Beskikbaar 24 September. R2000 elk, ingeënt & ontwurm
Kontak Denise: 084 640 1692
Die Wawiel WENDY HOUSE * Come and see our Wingback chairs @ R1900 * 6 Draw chest of drawers @ R750 * 4 Draw chest of drawers @ R650 * 3 Door wardrobes @ R950 * 2 Door wardrobes @ R750 * Excellent quality beds available. 5 year, 12 year & 15 year warranty!
k Shop boo R5 per book,
or R2 to swop! Wide variety of books! Credit Cards Welcome!
Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. Louis Trichardt
Biggest Wendy House available. 6m x 6m. 3 Rooms. Easy to deconstruct & rebuild. R24 000. OBO Paul: 084 451 7309 Melinda: 071 623 8357
TE HUUR TRAILER RENT • Trailer with double wheels and rails. Ideal for furniture removal. R400 per day. • 6 Foot Venter Trailer with closed top and nose cone. R200 per day. Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda street
Akkommodasie beskikbaar op lang termyn. Tussen Louis Trichardt en Musina.
Kontak: 082 547 2934
• 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, beskikbaar Oktober 2012, geskik vir sober enkellopende man of dame sonder kinders of diere. Munisipale kostes en depositos betaalbaar. Naby besighede en sport geriewe, R2 200 p.m. • “Bachelor flat”, kamer met stort en kombuis, onmiddellik beskikbaar. Munisipale kostes en depositos betaalbaar. Geskik vir enkellopende persoon sonder kinders of diere, R1 500 p.m.
Contact: 084 910 7654
TE HUUR Ruim netjiese 4 slaapkamer huis te huur. Oopplan TV kamer / eetkamer / kombuis. 2 Badkamer, netjiese tuin, eie boorgat met water tenk. Gebuik boorgat water vir huis en tuin. Gebruik glad nie munisipale water nie. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 November 2012. Ver kieslik 1 jaar kontrak. R7800 per maand. W & E ingesluit. Deposito betaalbaar.
Kontak: 076 481 7102
Eerste 3 van 18 skoon plotte van ongeveeer 5ha te koop. 3km vanaf N1 (CVO Skool) op Elim pad.
Kontak Louis: 083 288 8698
Contact Marie: 082 822 3447
Elmari: 082 773 2998 / Jannicke: 082 523 1206 sprentals@vodamail. co.za WE WANT TO RENT OUT YOUR PROPERTY!
Big house, 3 Bedr, Bathr & Lock up garage, R 4 500 p.m.
3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, R2 800 p.m
Modern 3 bedr, bathr, study, electric fenced & water tank, R5 500 p.m
3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, double garage, braai, water tank, R5 500 p.m Garden Service incl.
3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, water tank and Pre-paid electrity, R5 500 p.m
2 Bedr, 2 Bath & small garden, R4 000 p.m
4 Bedr, 2 bathr & lock up garage, R5 500 p.m
Woonstel te huur 2 Slaapkamer met 2 badkamer. R3000 W & E ingesluit. Maks 2 persone.
SMS: 071 360 0471 TE HUUR Een slaapkamer woonstel te huur. R2650 p.m. W & E uitgesluit. Skakel: 082 847 3447
28 Rietvlei Plotte, Louis Trichardt, wat oorlede is op 1 Julie 2012,, Boedel nommer: 1917/2012. Meesterskantoor: Thoho yandou. Krediteure insake bogenoemde Boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle vorderings in te lewer by die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf datum van pu blikasie hiervan. BOOYENS DU PREEZ & BOSHOFF ING POSBUS 1305, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 TEL: 015 516 1404/5 FAKS: 015 516 1624 VERW: S BOOYENS/ HD/S839 IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG Case no: LP1565/09 In the matter between: S AC C AW U o b o M a khubele, Lebchars EXE CUTION CREDITOR and TOW N TA L K F U R NISHERS EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION AUCTION PURSUANT to a Judg ment by the CCMA Polok wane given on 18 October 2009 the under mentioned goods, will be sold in front ofthe Sheriff’s office, 111 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt on 3 October 2012 by public auction to be held at 14h00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court,to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x Defy Electrical Stove, 1 x Defy Washing Machine, 1 x Diamond Drum Washing Machine, 1 x Samsung Freezer, 1 x KIC Double Door Fridge, 3 x Defy Double Door Fridges, 4 x Lounge Suites, 1 x Tek Colour TV, 1 x Zero Box Freezer, 1 x Tedelex Colour TV, 10 x Beds with Matrasses, 5 x Bedroom Suites. Dated at TZANEEN on 29 August 2012. Attorneys for Ex ecution Creditor, JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS, Office 206, 2nd Floor OLD Mutual Building, Giyani , Tel: 015 307-5792, REF: J STEYN/sdj/GA2010
Die Wawiel
Need to advertise your vacancy on this page?
All your old story books! Afrikaans & English. If you don’t want to read it, bring it to US and we will buy it.
Phone: 015 516 4996
WANTED Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. LTT
LEGALS BOEDELKENNISGEWING B o e d e l v a n Wy l e : Anna Sophia Seegers, I d e n t i t e i t s n o m m e r : 2009040004086, Weduwee in Lewe woonagtig te die
Die Wawiel
Recruiting to a better future We specialize in the following: • Employment Contracts • Disciplinary Codes & Procedures • Disciplinary Hearings • Labour Disputes Tel: 015 516 5787 • Fax: 086 548 2261 E-mail: admin@northernrecruiting.co.za Unit 3, Light World Complex, President Str, LTT
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 15:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
16 14 September 2012 “We recognise that people are the cornerstone of the Department’s success” Employee Value Proposition We provide: ●Learning and development opportunities ●Flexible working arrangements ●Access to a professional employee assistance programme ●Incentives for excellent performance ●A supportive and empowering working environment DIRECTORATE: CONSTRUCTION Appointment is in terms of Section 76 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998), within Water Trading Entity
ARTISAN (GROUP B): SPRAY PAINTER (2 POSTS) ●Salary: R129 780 per annum ●Centre: Construction North (Tzaneen) and Satellite Schemes ●Ref.: 12090/01 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must have eight years appropriate experience as a Spray Painter ●At least two Accredited Certificates in the appropriate field. Ability to perform four of following tasks independently: ●Gas welding and cutting ●Arc welding and brazing ●Sandblasting ●Grinding joints for manufactured items ●Pressure testing pipes ●Precision drilling ●Marking of work pieces ●Masking and preparation for spray painting ●Spraying of primer ●Spray painting ●Assembly of body parts ●Dyno room attendant ●Cylinder head refurbishment ●Refurbishment of radiators (including oil cooler and inter coolers) ●Testing electrical motors ●Test/Repair stoves and geysers ●A valid driver’s licence is compulsory ●Ability to read and interpret drawings ●Willingness to continuously engage in training and individual development ●Good communication and interpersonal skills. DUTIES: ●The incumbent will perform his/her duties in the Limpopo Province with trips to other construction sites ●Perform gas welding and cutting, arc welding and brazing, sandblasting, grinding joints for manufactured items, pressure testing pipes, precision drilling, marking of work pieces, masking and preparation for spray painting, spraying of primer, spray painting, assembly of body parts, dyno room attendant, cylinder head refurbishment, refurbishment of radiators (including oil cooler and inter coolers), testing electrical motors and/or test/repair stoves and geysers ●Perform administrative functions relevant to the position ● Ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993).
ADMINISTRATION CLERK GRADE II: SAFETY ●Salary: R90 396 per annum ●Centre: Construction North (Tzaneen) and Satellite Schemes ●Ref.: 12090/02 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of a Senior Certificate plus two years appropriate experience ●A HWSETA Certificate in Risk Assessment, Incident/Accident Investigation and Safety will be an advantage ●Knowledge of and experience in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet coupled with sound typing skills ●Organisational and communication skills ●Ability to work independently and as part of a team ●Good interpersonal relations ●Willingness to work after hours when required. DUTIES: ●The incumbent will perform his/her duties in the Limpopo Province ●Accident/Incident reporting (WCL2, etc.) and keeping files up to date in terms of Construction Regulations 2003 ●Perform all administration duties assigned by the Supervisor.
ADMINISTRATION CLERK GRADE II: HUMAN RESOURCES ●Salary: R90 396 per annum ●Centre: Construction North (Tzaneen) and Satellite Schemes ●Ref.: 12090/03 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of a Senior Certificate plus two years appropriate experience ●Knowledge of and experience in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet coupled with sound typing skills ●Organisational and communication skills ●Ability to work independently and as part of a team ●Good interpersonal relations ●Willingness to work after hours when required. DUTIES: ●The incumbent will be responsible for the following administration work in the HR office: recruitment and selection, appointments, data capturing, termination of contracts, leave timesheets and filing ●Perform all administration duties assigned by the Supervisor.
Vakatures / Vacancies Vakante pos Assistent Bestuurder
Soek dringend beide manlike en vroulike applikante vir die pos van assistent bestuurder by ‘n handelswinkel in Vivo. Moet ten minste vyf jaar ervaring hê in ‘n bestuurs posisie, asook ondervinding in kliënte diens, slaghuis en kitskos bedrywe.
Sluitingsdatum: 30 September 2012. E-pos CV na: moriwasm@gmail.com
To advertise here contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at Tel: 015 516 4996 or Fax: 015 516 2303
POST AVAILABLE P&L Hardware Louis Trichardt Creditors Clerk
Let us spread the word for you! Contact us to advertise in this space! Tel: 015 516 4996
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Matric/Grade 12 with university exemption Language: Afrikaans / English first language Experience in Pastel Accounting Computer Literacy: MS Office, Excel, E-mail
Join our winning team and grow with us! CV’s can be faxed to 086 659 4425 or emailed to cv@pandl.co.za Please stipulate the position you are applying for. Closing date: 21 September 2012 Successful applicants will be contacted by 28 September 2012
PLEASE NOTE: If you have not been contacted by 28 September 2012 please accept that yor application was not successful.
●Salary: R90 396 per annum ●Centre: Construction North (Tzaneen) and Satellite Schemes ●Ref.: 12090/04 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of a Senior Certificate plus two years appropriate experience ●Knowledge of and experience in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet coupled with sound typing skills ●Organisational and communication skills ●Ability to work independently and as part of a team ●Good interpersonal relations ●Willingness to work after hours when required. DUTIES: ●The incumbent will be responsible for office administration, timesheets, requisitions, orders, leave, machine hours and data capturing ●Perform all administration duties assigned by the Supervisor.
P&L HARDWARE Association of Southern Africa Tel: (015) 516 1328/9 • P.O.Box 204, Louis Trichardt 0920 92 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province
ADMINISTRATION CLERK GRADE II (MECHANICAL) ●Salary: R90 396 per annum ●Centre: Construction North (Tzaneen) and Satellite Schemes ●Ref.: 12090/05 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of a Senior Certificate plus two years appropriate experience ●Knowledge of and experience in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet coupled with sound typing skills ●Organisational and communication skills ●Ability to work independently and as part of a team ●Good interpersonal relations ●Willingness to work after hours when required.
DUTIES: ●The incumbent will be responsible for office administration, licensing of plant and vehicles and data capturing ●Perform all administration duties assigned by the Supervisor. ENQUIRIES:
Mr K.D. Malatji, tel. (015) 307 3788 / 99 / 31 or cell. 082 908 4307 Ms M. Moloto, tel. (015) 307 3788 / 99 / 31 or cell. 082 329 4508 Ms A. Mamilasigidi, tel. (015) 307 3788 / 99 / 31 or cell. 082 611 1092.
CLOSING DATE: 28 SEPTEMBER 2012 The Department of Water Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is the intention of the Department to promote representivity in the Public Service through the filling of these positions and the candidature of persons whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity will receive preference. An indication by candidates in this regard will expedite the processing of applications. If no suitable candidates from the under-represented groups can be identified, candidates from the represented groups will be considered. Note: Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo normal vetting and verification processes, including a competency assessment and personality profile analysis. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department, and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of qualifications and ID. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY Applications, quoting the post reference number, must be forwarded to: The Contract Manager, Private Bag X4026, Tzaneen 0850 or hand deliver at DWA, Construction North Building, Tzaneen Dam, Tzaneen, for the attention of Mr K.D. Malatji. Applications received after the closing date, as well as applications received via fax/email, will NOT be considered or accepted. Correspondence is limited to short-listed candidates only; should you not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. www.ursonline.co.za
URS 12116
team work
14 September 2012 17
Hierdie groepie karatekas van die Braambos Karateklub op Lugmagbasis Makhado het op 5 September deelgeneem aan die Vhembe Alle Style karatekampioenskap in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Voor, van links na regs, is Leane Joubert (silwer kata), Abigail Maritz (goud kata en kumité) en Jaden Francis (goud kata, silwer kumité). In die middel is Larochel Wepener (silwer kata en kumité), Danielle Dreyer (silwer kata en kumité), Tenicke Wepener (goud kata en kumité), Celeste Dreyer (goud kata en kumité), Wihan Joubert (goud kata en kumité en silwer unisen kata) en Tshego Modiba (brons kata en kumité en silwer unisen kata). Agter is sensei Andrea Pretorius (goud kata en kumité, asook silwer kumité in die ope senior afdeling waar sy deelgeneem het teen mans) en Heylan Heydenrych (goud kata en kumité en silwer unisen kata). Foto verskaf. Links: Dié groepie Karatekas van die Braambos Karateklub op Lugmagbasis Makhado het op 18 Augustus deelgeneem aan die Limpopo Carpe Diem Karatekampioenskap in Polokwane. Voor, van links na regs, is Wihan Joubert (brons kata, goud kumité), Tshego Modiba (vierde kata en kumité) en Heylan Heydenrych (brons kumité). Agter is sensei Andrea Pretorius (goud kata en kumité). Foto verskaf.
TJ van Eeden (links agter), ‘n lid van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt), het op 7 en 8 September as lid van die BCVO (Beweging vir Christelik Volkseie Onderwys) se Noord-Transvaal O/19-span deelgeneem aan die beweging se nasionale krieketkampioenskappe in Lichtenburg. Die span het bestaan uit (voor, van links na regs) C. Knox, J. Fourie (spanbestuurder), S. Fourie (onderkaptein), N. Haarhoff (afrigter) en C. Putter. Agter is TJ, L. Lensley, R. Lindeque, H. Nel, W. Barnard, J. Van Eeden en R. Muller. Inlas: L. Smit. Foto verskaf.
School Sport
School welcomes new nets
2012 Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 17 WEEK 17 - Kuruman Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se twee ope wedvlugte het die afgelope naweek vanaf Kuruman plaasgevind oor ‘n afstand van 820 km. In die eerste wedvlug, klok Mimosa Hokke van Nico Bezuidenhout 1ste, Nick Enslin 2de en Royal Hokke van
The principal of Eltivillas Primary, Mr Johan Fick (left) and Mr Yahya Jiwa, president of the Eltivillas Cricket Club (back), photographed with some of the school´s cricket players at the newly built cricket nets. The Eltivillas Cricket Club recently donated the new cricket nets to Eltivillas Primary School. According to Jiwa, their aim was to promote cricket in the rural black communities. He thanked all the donors who had assisted the club in constructing the nets. The members of the Eltivillas Cricket Club also worked hard towards the establishing of the nets, Jiwa said. The members of the club committee are Yahya Jiwa (president), Munaf Jolly (secretary), Nasif Raja, Farid Aboo, Imraan Bhatia and Hanif Jolly.
8 September
8 September
Wedvlug No
Afstand- KM
Duiwe Deelgeneem Wenspoed-Meters per minuut
Christo Coetzee
Dercksen & Seun
Dreyer Loft
Eric Nel Hippo Hokke Mimosa Hokke
Nick Enslin
Pienaar Hokke Snr
Pienaar Hokke JNR Royal Hokke
Sekelbos Hokke
8 September 2012 KLUB KAMPIOEN HOK
Eric Nel
Royal Hokke
Mimosa Hokke
Sekelbos Hokke Jnr
Nick Enslin
Pienaar Hokke Snr
Dreyer Loft
Christo Coetzee
Pienaar Hokke Jnr
Dercksen & Seun
Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsiter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings
Uitslae/Results Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Plek 1
P Guillaume
G Venter
uittel 42
M Leeb L Labuschagne J Fouché
Lente Ope
Lente Ope
Rotariër Dag
SPB Gholfklub
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
uittel 42
N Pöhl
Weeklikse Byeenkomste
BS Punte
TJ Victor
A Victor
Opkomende Kompetisie
Nadat Laerskool Louis Trichardt se O/13-krieketspan voorverlede naweek die streek verteenwoordig het, is twee van die spelers gekies vir die Limpopo-span. Die twee uitblinkers is Ali Sefole en Ndivho Khorommbi ( in die middel voor, links en regs). Saam met hulle is hul spanmaats wat deel gevorm het van die streekspan. Voor is David Stolz, Ali, Ndivho en Heinrich Viljoen. Agter is Johan Maré, A.J. Fourie, Dewald Stroebel en DJ du Preez.
Gerhard Bezuidenhout 3de. In die tweede wedvlug klok Mimosa Hokke 1ste en 2de, en Royal Hokke klok in die 3de plek. Geluk aan al die lede met hulle prestasies behaal. Ons vlieg volgende naweek vanaf Delareyville oor ‘n afstand van 600 km. Sterkte aan almal.
Formaat IS Punte
Z Nortjé
S Krugel
A Bothma
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
18 14 September 2012
Do you know that you can get all the news and events on your cellphone? Visit www.zoutnet.co.za/wap
Hierdie groepie gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het eersteplekke behaal tydens die naweek se Limpopo Artistiese Gimnastiekkampioenskap.Hulle is voor, van links na regs, Lilani Pretorius (Vlak 3), Douwe Steyn (Vlak 3) en Riance Slump (Vlak 2). Agter is Innes Steyn (Vlak 5), Gerrie Vorster (hoofborg) en Renier Scheepers (Vlak 5). Riëte Fisser en Janmarie Otto was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
Hierdie groep meisies van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het almal die afgelope naweek Limpopo kleure verwerf. Voor, van links na regs, is Cara van der Goot, Elma Baker, Carla Smith, Mike Loubser, Anicka Nel en Elnerick Nel. In die middel is Wilma van der Merwe, Danicka Knoetze, Chrisja Pretorius, Marelique van der Merwe, Stefanie Scheepers, Dominique Nel, Ziamay Malan, Annemie Grobler en Isabella Marais. Agter is Rochelle du Plessis, Ivonne Denkewitz, Karlien Baker, Marianka Mattheus, Robin Withcomb, Bianca Spies, Yani Steyn, Iné du Plessis en Samantha Scheepers.
Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2010 VW Polo 1.4 Comfortline A/C 63 371km
2008 Opel Tigra 1.8 Sport 120 047km
Balance of 3 year / 120 000km warranty
R149 995 R139 995 2008 BMW 325i A/T 56 840km
2002 Toyota MR2, A/C, P/S, CD, 17” Mags 93 000km
Balance of 5 year / 100 000km motor plan
R229 995 R114 995 2010 BMW 320i A/T 57 800km
2009 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 58 000km
Balance of 5 year / 100 000km motor plan
Balance of 3 year / 100 000km warranty Balance of 5 year / 90 000km service plan
2010 Chevrolet Aveo 1.6L, A/C, P/S, 17” Mags included
2010 Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi Raider D/cab 80 000km
R239 995 R319 995
Balance of 5 year / 90 000km waranty
AFTER HOURS: • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 • Charles 076 820 8256 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.
Veertig kry provinsiale kleure ‘n Totaal van 40 gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het die afgelope naweek Limpopokleure verwerf tydens die Limpopo Artistiese Gimnastiekkampioenskap wat plaaslik aangebied is. Die bestuur van die klub het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor verskeie persone en instansies wat die dag moontlik gemaak het weens hul borgskappe, insluitend Gerrie Vorster van SGT Granite Tops (hoofborg), Franna Knoetze, Phillip Potgieter, Spar, Ocean Basket, Steers, Ro man’s Pizza, 139 on Munnik, Avoca
Hierdie gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub is die afgelope naweek in die provinsiale seunsgimnastiekspan opgeneem. Voor is Shaun de Beer (Vlak 3). In die middel, van links na regs, is Rohan Cronjé (Vlak 4), Ruan Otto (Vlak 4), Wessel Veltsman (Vlak 2) en Ruben Potgieter (Vlak 3). Agter is Gerrie Vorster (hoofborg), Gideon Scheepers (Vlak 6), Wynand Mouton (Vlak 4) en Simeon Strydom (Vlak 6).
Vale Guest House, Eerste Nasionale Bank, Die Vleismark, Prima Slaghuis, Shoprite, Madeleine Nel, Sanri du Plessis, Sunelia Oelofse, Robert Marais, Johan van Dyk Loodgieters, Noenie Mattheus, Adri Spies, en Nel, Havenga en Corbett. Dié klub het ook groot waardering uitgespreek vir die Soutpansberg Muurbalkklub vir die gebruik van hul fasiliteite. “Baie geluk aan al 40 die gimnaste wat Limpopokleure verwerf het. Ons is baie trots op julle,” het die bestuur van die gimnastiekklub gesê.
4-in-1 snel nader
Marathonatlete en stappers kan hulle skoene nader trek vir die jaarlikse 4-in-1 wedloop wat op Bela-Bela plaasvind. Die Superspar Warmbad/BelaBela wedloop vind plaas op Saterdag, 10 November. Daar kan meegeding word in ’n 42,2km marathon, of die 21,1km halfmarathon, ’n 10 km of ’n 5 km pretloop. Die begin en eindpunt is hierdie jaar by Hoërskool Warmbad. Daar is groot kontant pryse op die spel in al die afstande en die groot trekpleister is die 10km Spar Ladies. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tonie Grobler by tel. 072 712 6936 of Bea Emslie by 083 654 5819 of Erika by (014) 736 6008.