15 Maart 2013
PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.
Jaargang 29 Vol. 10
Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Sakeman in sop ná klopjag by skrootwerf - bladsy 2
Nog drie slagoffers van inbrake in middedorp - bladsy 3
Local AfriForum scoops up top national award - page 4
Thousands suffocate Owner faces bankruptcy after 19 000 chickens die in coop when back-up generator fails
By Isabel Venter
Thousands of chickens suffocated in an enclosed coop at a local chicken farm over the past weekend when the farm’s back-up generator failed to engage after a power outage. The farm supplies chickens to, among others, the national company Rainbow Chicken Farms. The incident occurred on the Kharishume Poultry Farm along the Madombidza road south of Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Some 19 000 chickens died on the farm. The Zoutpansberger became aware of the tragedy when residents of the neighbouring Rietvlei smallholdings started complaining about the overwhelming stench emanating from the farm. When the newspaper visited Kharishume’s coops on Tuesday, live
Tumelo Sigila, owner and manager of Kharishume Poultry Farming.
chickens were found trampling over decaying carcasses in the coop. When asked, owner and manager of the farm Mr Tumelo Siliga explained on Wednesday that the chickens had died as a result of a power cut on Friday afternoon. The chickens, which are kept in an enclosed coop, suffocated when the back-up generator that was supposed to power the ventilation fans also failed. The chickens that survived, as far as the newspaper could determine, were sent to Bush Valley Farms in Tzaneen on Tuesday. Bush Valley is a contract supplier for Rainbow Chicken Farms. Kharishume, said Siliga, functioned as a contract grower for Bush Valley. Bush Valley would supply feed and day-old chicks to Kharishume to grow to a certain age until they are ready to be slaughtered. Bush Valley confirmed on Wednesday morning that they had received 12 000 chickens intended for slaughtering and sale. “They are not sick,” was the response when Bush Valley was asked whether they thought the chickens were still fit for human consumption, especially after they had been left among thousands of decomposing carcasses for more than two days. All other questions were, however, referred to Rainbow Chickens’ head office in Durban. According to Siliga, he and his employees managed to clear about one quarter of the dead chickens from the coop. By Saturday, however, the stench from the rotting chickens kept
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in coops every day,” he remarked. “We supplied food and water to the remaining chickens, which means that they did not peck at the dead carcasses,” he added. Local SPCA animal inspector Mr Lawrence Khodobo was asked to comment on the situation at Kharishume. He confirmed that the SPCA had been contacted by neighbouring farms about the smell. “We couldn’t do anything about the smell,” Khodobo said. Asked about the live chickens that were left in the coop among the carcasses, Khodobo also remarked that
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chickens died every day. “This is the first time that something like this has happened at Kharishume. It is very unfortunate,” he said. Khodobo said that, like many other chicken farmsin the area, Kharishume was subjected to the SPCA’s inspection. At the time of going to press, comment from the head office of Rainbow Chicken Farms was still forthcoming. Readers can log on to www.zoutpansberger.co.za to see a short video clip taken of the live chickens that were left with the decaying carcasses on Kharishume.
A snapshot from the video that was made of the remaining chickens on Kharishume shows a live chicken walking over compacted and decaying chicken carcasses. Readers can log onto www.zoutpansberger.co.za to view the full video clip.
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helpers away. “Nobody wanted to help me,” said Siliga. On Wednesday, all the live chickens were removed and Siliga was waiting for Bush Valley to send a TLB to help clean the coops and dig a hole to bury them in. “This disaster has bankrupted me,” said Siliga. He also lost about 10 000 chickens during the January floods. “What can you do when your back-up plan also fails?” Siliga also did not think that the chickens that he sent to Bush Valley would be unfit for human use. “Chickens die
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2 15 March 2013 Deur Isabel Venter
Sakeman in die sop ná klopjag op skrootwerf
Van die enjins waarop daar ook beslag gelê is. Foto verskaf. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Dominee en skoonsuster in hospitaal bekende predikant van Le vubu en voorsitter van die ng Kerk ring van Louis trichardt, ds. petrus Kriel is tans in die unitas Hospitaal in pretoria met ‘n verlamde onderlyf. Ds. Kriel is sedert Dinsdag, 5 Maart, in Unitas nadat hy die vorige dag daarheen oorgeplaas is vanaf die Pietersburg MediKliniek in Polokwane. Toetse is in Pretoria gedoen om vas te stel wat die verlamming in sy onderlyf veroorsaak het. Daar word vermoed dat dit ‘n rugmurgvirus tussen die tweede en derde werwel van onderaf is. Aanvanklik het die neurloloog gesê dat hy nie beslis kan sê of die verlamming deur ‘n beroerte of ‘n virus veroorsaak is nie,
maar in hierdie stadium word ‘n virus vermoed. Ds. Kriel is in ‘n algemene saal en word so gou moontlik na die hospitaal se rehabilitasie-eenheid oorgeplaas. Dit kan gebeur wanneer sy huidige nier- en blaasinfeksies opgeklaar het. “Ek het eergister met my kleinboet [ds. Kriel] gepraat en hy het gesê dat hy reeds sowat 60% gevoel in die regterbeen teruggekry het. Daar is ook effense prikkels in die linkerbeen,” het mnr. Willie Kriel, bekende sakepersoon van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), op 12 Maart gesê. Die familie bedank die gemeente en gemeenskap vir almal se ondersteuning, omgee en gebede. Intussen is ds. Kriel se skoon-
sus, me. Marie Kriel, die dag voor hy na Unitas oorgeplaas is, in die Pretoria-Oos Hospitaal geopereer. Na ernstige komplikasies het Marie ‘n verdere noodoperasie op 7 Maart ondergaan, waarna sy oorgeplaas is na die intensiewe sorgeenheid waar sy steeds versorg word. Willie is elke oomblik van die toegelate besoektye aan haar sy. “Ons is dankbaar dat geen vergroeisels kwaadaardig was nie,” sê Marie se dogter, Karen Slippers. Karen en haar sussie, Sonja Kriel, en broers Wicus en Will, bedank hulle pa, Willie, wat “heeltyd daar is” vir hul moeder. “My ma toon vordering en ons bedank die gemeenskap vir hulle ondersteuning en belangstelling. Hou asseblief aan bid!” sê Karen.
Die eienaar van ‘n skrootwerf in Makhado (Louis trichardt) word deur die polisie gesoek oor beweerde gesteelde motors en motoronder dele wat by sy onderneming gevind is. Dit polisie het reeds die afgelope naweek drie van die man se werknemers in hegtenis geneem en op sewe BMW’s en nog talle onderdele en enjins beslag gelê. Daar word, volgens die polisie se provinsiale kommunikasiekantoor, vermoed dat dié BMW’s en onderdele in Gauteng gesteel is. Waspa Majiri (21), Fulufhelo Malada (28) en Takalani Tshaamano (23) het Maandag in die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof verskyn. Hulle is elkeen op R2 000 borgtog vrygelaat. Hulle sal weer op 13 April in die hof verskyn. Die eienaar se identiteit is bekend aan die polisie, maar kan nog nie bekendgemaak word nie totdat hy in hegtenis geneem en aangekla word. Die skrootwerf is bekend as BMW Specialist en geleë in Noordwesstraat. Daar was Woensdag nog aktiwiteit by die skoortwerf, wat grens aan
die Tshikota-woongebied. Drie mans het langs ‘n insleepvoertuig voor die ingang van die perseel gesit en eet. Hulle het aan die Zoutpansberger se verslaggewer bevestig dat hulle daar werksaam is. Hulle was baie verbaas om te hoor dat die polisie nog opsoek is na hul baas. Die drie mans het ook geweier dat daar ‘n foto van die perseel geneem word en het ‘n prokureur, wat homself nie geïdentifiseer het nie, gebel om met die verslaggewer te praat. “Nee, jy kan nie foto’s neem nie; dit sal ons saak nadelig beïnvloed,” het dié man oor die selfoon gesê. Volgens die polisie se provinsiale woordvoerder, brig. Hangwani Mulaudzi, is die voertuie waarop beslag gelê is etlike miljoene rande werd. “Die voertuie is as gesteel aangemeld in Sandton, Pinetown, Meadowlands, Kaapstad, Durban en Mamelodi,” het Mulaudzi gesê. Onderdele soos deure, ligte en enjins was alreeds verwyder vanuit dié voertuie. Mulaudzi het Woensdag bevestig dat die eienaar nog nie gearresteer is nie.
Van die bMWvoertuie waarop die polisie beslag gelê het by die skrootwerf in noordwesstraat. Foto verskaf.
BUSINESS talk Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Unieke houtskeppinge vanuit Musina Hannes en Ina du toit van Musina se liefde vir hout en die natuur het daartoe gelei dat hulle “unique Wood Creations” in oktober verlede jaar begin het. Baie van die hout wat hulle gebruik is mopanihout of - wortels vanaf die Namibwoestyn. Daar is dit vir honderde jare deur die natuur gevorm. Dit word onder die woestynsand uitgegrawe en die beste kwaliteit stompe word behou en met sand geblaas en skoon gespuit, waarna dit ingevoer word.
In Musina doen Hannes die rowwe uitsny, uithol en afronding, waarna Ina oorneem vir die finale afwerking en behandeling. Die behandeling sluit in drie lae van die duursaamste houtbeskermingsproduk. “Nadat elke laag droog is, word dit eers met terpentyn behandel voordat die volgende laag aangewend word. Vandaar die gladde glans. Dit is ‘n tydsame proses, maar elke item is uniek. Daar sal nooit twee bakke wees wat dieselfde lyk nie,” sê Hannes.
Dié unieke houtskeppings kan as ‘n ornament, lekkernyhouers of muurbehangsel gebruik word. Hannes en Ina gebruik ook verskeie ander soorte hout om kleiner items te maak van houtsoorte uit die omgewing, soos hardekoolhout, rooibos en knoppiesdoring. Items sluit in pen- of potloodhouers, klein houers vir lekkergoed of versnaperings en lampies Hannes en Ina kan gekontak word by 015 534 0571 of 079 952 2000 (Hannes) of 082 775 9952 (Ina).
Let us know about your new business or service busIness talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.
Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
By Isabel Venter
Field service have farmers in mind
Intrac Field services is a business that was started specifically with the needs of farmers in mind. When a tractor or any other farming implement or machine breaks down, clients can now call upon the expertise of Mr Shane Tilma, owner of Intrac Field Services. He moved from Zimbabwe to South Africa a few years back and settled with his family in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Shane, a qualified diesel and petrol mechanic, boasts 21 years of experience and knowledge in this area. Vehicle services not only include repairs, but Hannes en Ina du toit van Musina se liefde vir hout en die natuur het daartoe gelei dat hulle also maintenance work. “unique Wood Creations” begin het. baie van die hout wat hulle gebruik, is mopanihout For reliable, affordable and friendly service, of wortels vanaf die namibwoestyn. Shane can be contacted at 071 687 6306.
Mr shane tilma, owner of Intrac Field services.
15 Maart 2013 3
Deur Isabel Venter
Nog drie slagoffers van inbrake in middedorp Die mees onlangse vlaag inbrake by onderne mings in Makhado (Louis trichardt) laat talle met ‘n gevoel van dejá vu. Nog drie plaaslike ondernemings in die sentrale sakegebied het die afgelope naweek slagoffers geword van inbrekers. Voorverlede week is daar by vyf ander ondernemings ingebreek in dieselfde area. Die inbrake herinner sterk aan ‘n vlaag soortgelyke inbrake in die ooreenstemmende tyd verlede jaar. Die besighede wat vandeesweek beroof is, is die Ackermans klerewinkel in Songozwistraat, Prestige Jewelers in Burgerstraat en nog ‘n winkel in die Spar-kompleks in Presidentstraat. Al hierdie ondernemings is redelik naby mekaar geleë en almal is vermoedelik Sondagaand beroof. In die geval van Ackermans het die dief/diewe ‘n gat in die dak gemaak van die winkel. Toevallig of so beplan, maar dié gat is presies bo die winkel se alarmstelsel in die kantoor gemaak. Nodeloos om te sê, die alarmstelsel is eers gedeaktiveer voordat die kluis oopgesny is en die naweek se geld gebuit is. Daar word vermoed dat die dief/we ‘n hoekslyper gebruik het om die kluis mee oop te
Die oopgesnyde kluis van prestige Jewelers.
sny. Teen druktyd was die bedrag wat gesteel is nog nie bekend nie. Die misdaadtoneel by Ackermans kon egter nie vergelyk met dit wat die eienaar van Prestige Jewelers, mnr. Riaan Engelbrecht, Maandagoggend begroet het nie. ‘n Gapende gat in sy winkelmuur, wat grens aan die Maranatha Sentrum, was die eerste teken dat daar moeilikheid was. Binne sy winkel was daar totale verwoesting. Al sy vertoonkaste se glas is stukkend geslaan. Laaie is uitgeruk en kasdeure is oopforseer. Te midde van die chaos het Engelbrecht besef dat die booswigte sy eie gassnyer gebruik het om sy kluis oop te sny en leeg te dra. Die gassnyer het hulle vir hom gelos. “Ek is platgeslaan soos wat ek hier staan,” het Engelbrecht oor en oor gesê, terwyl hy gewag het vir die polisie. By Engelbrecht is die alarmstelsel ook eers gedeaktiveer voordat die kluis oopgesny is. Al Engelbrecht se voorraad goud, silwer, ringe, kettings en versamelaarsmunte is gebuit. ‘n Mauserjaggeweer, wat Engelbrecht van sy pa geërf het, is ook gesteel. Dié is gelukkig later, saam met ‘n paar juweelstukke, in digte bosse naby die biblioteek gekry. Dit is saam met ‘n paar skoene en ‘n oorpakbaadjie as bewysstukke deur die polisie bymekaar gemaak. Die onderneming in die Spar-kompleks se kluis is ook oopgebreek en kontant daaruit buitgemaak. Daar word vermoed dat meer as een bende verantwoordelik was vir die inbrake. Soos genoem was daar verlede jaar hierdie tyd soortgelyke inbrake by talle plaaslike ondernemings. In omtrent al die gevalle is die winkels se alarmstelsels eers gedeaktiveer, voordat hul kluise oopgeskiet is. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder kapt. Maano Sadike het Dinsdag gesê die nuutste inbrake word ondersoek en dat nog geen arrestasies gemaak is nie.
´n Forensiese deskundige en lid van die Makhado polisie maak bewysstukke bymekaar in die park agter die brandweerstasie in Joubertstraat.
omstanders staan agter die polisie se afsperlyn by prestige Jewelers. In die voorgrond kan duidelik gesien word watter skade die inbrekers aan die sentrum, waaruit prestige sake doen, se dak aangerig het. Daar word vermoed dat hulle eerste hier probeer het om by die winkel in te breek.
96 Grobler Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 1663 • Fax: 015 516 1625 • Cell: 084 461 4048
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4 15 March 2013 By Linda van der Westhuizen
Local AfriForum scoops up top national awards
AfriForum Louis Trichardt returned from the first national congress of this civil rights organisation as winners. The local branch walked away with the provincial Branch of the Year award for the combined Limpopo/Gauteng region and was voted second in the national finals. From left to right is the local AfriForum delegation: Dr Ben van der Waal and Messrs Lampie Schoeman, Wally Schultz (local chairperson), Phillip Olivier and AfriForum organiser of Limpopo Mr Tiaan Esterhuizen. Photo supplied. By Frans van der Merwe
Crisis upon crisis at AFB Makhado
Some 50 families from Air Force Base Makhado’s Braam bos residential area will be left virtually destitute at the end of this month as a result of massive retrenchment action at the base. An undisclosed number of learners will have to leave the school at the base when their parents evacuate their jobs and homes. Breadwinners in these families were members of a specialized staff component involved in the maintenance of the military aircraft (Hawks and Gripens) at the base. It is not known how this retrenchment action will affect the status of the aircraft in their care and the overall combat readiness at the strategic AFB Makhado. It is also not known how the retrenchment will impact members’ personal situations, what assistance will be forthcoming for members’ forced relocation and in the disruption of their children’s schooling. Questions about all these issues met with a continued deadly silence from military headquarters in Pretoria this
week. Repeated efforts by this newspaper to receive official information regarding the massive retrenchment action and the reasons behind it had been forwarded to military headquarters since 12 December last year. None of these enquiries was answered. The continued official silence is causing concern and confusion about the situation at AFB Makhado in the local community, where congregations have engaged in special prayers for the affected families since last week. The retrenchment of members of the Denel/AMG unit at AFB Makhado followed a decision by the Air Force not to renew the contract with Denel. This involved the future of more than 500 Denel/AMG members countrywide and came in the wake of an announcement in Parliament last year that the air force did not have sufficient budget to keep all Gripen fighter planes in the air. The situation was exacerbated by the recent announcement of further drastic budget cuts. According to media reports, the Department of Defence indicated that it intended
to create its own internal technical unit to take over the services of the Denel/AMG unit. According to one newspaper report, a spokesperson also mentioned that the present technical team was “too white.” Indications were that just a small number of the present unit members would be retained. In the meantime, the electricity crisis at the base and the expensive interim measures to supply electricity via standby diesel generators remains unresolved. The cost of only the diesel required for this emergency action runs into more than R1,2 million a month. Members of a parliamentary portfolio committee who recently visited the base to find out how the training of black pilots was progressing, to their surprise discovered this major crisis at the base. According to an earlier statement by the AFB Makhado command, no information is available yet from the Department of Public Works (DPW) about any plan to start with the repair process to restore voltage electricity supply to the base after a supply cable exploded in October last year.
INTERNSHIPS / WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE The LiN Media group is inviting students to apply for 10 positions where they will be able to gain workplace experience. The students will be placed at any one of LiN Media’s participating members, these being: * Bulletin (Tzaneen) * Die Pos / The Post (Bela-Bela) * Limpopo Beat (Bela-Bela) * Northern News (Mokopane) * Limpopo Mirror (Makhado/Louis Trichardt) * Zoutpansberger (Makhado / Louis Trichardt) * Eye News (Thlabine) The period of the internship stretches over 10 months and during this period the students will be paid a stipend by the FP&M Seta. Candidates must be interested in pursuing a career in the printed media, preferably in journalism or graphic design. Preference will also be given to candidates who have completed the theoretical part of their training at a recognised university or college. The workplace experience, however, is not limited to students at tertiary institutions and people without a tertiary education may also apply.
The first national congress of the civil rights rights organization that has built up an immaculate organisation AfriForum voted the AfriForum record of winning the battles it chooses to fight and Louis Trichardt branch as winners. knowing that AfriForum has the resources to put its “The local branch walked away with the provin- money where its mouth is,” said Schultz. cial Branch of the Year award for the combined Delegates of the local branch, Schultz, Mr Limpopo/Gauteng region. I am so proud of our Lampie Schoeman, Dr Ben van der Waal and Mr local committee and all the residents of Makhado Phillip Olivier, participated in a stimulating work(Louis Trichardt) who have supported and encour- ing programme that included smaller ‘working aged us during some trying times over these past groups’ where members got to interact with each months. The water crisis has reached critical levels other and guest speakers. … and during this congress, we were assured of At the congress, a community plan was launched AfriForum’s unconditional support in seeing that by Mr Cornelius Jansen van Rensburg, AfriFothe battle to ensure a rum’s deputy CEO. The “I am so proud of our local community plan is a consistent water flow to Louis Trichardt is won,” committee and all the residents practical guideline to assaid Mr Wally Schultz, sist branches to mobilise chairperson of the local of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) their communities in AfriForum branch. to secure their huwho have supported and en- order “In the finals, Afriman rights. “…the guide Forum Louis Trichardt couraged us during some trying … gives recommendawas voted second of 106 tions on how to handle times” branches nationwide. civil rights violations, Oudtshoorn was first,” said Mr Tiaan Esterhuizen, poor service delivery, environmental destruction, AfriForum organiser of Limpopo. crime and violence, high taxes and the deterioration AfriForum hosted the congress at an exclusive of the infrastructure at local level,“ said Jansen resort near Pretoria from 7 to 9 March, “We were Van Rensburg in an AfriForum media statement. addressed by speakers of exceptional quality and According to this plan, communities and minorities had an opportunity to witness for ourselves the no longer have to wait for the local government to depth of commitment from AfriForum leaders give them what is rightfully theirs, but they can and delegates from across the country. AfriForum provide for themselves. does not just ‘talk the talk’, it ‘walks the walk’. In the meantime, Water Affairs Minister Edna We all came away from this congress motivated Molewa announced on 12 March that the governand determined to make a real difference in our ment has allocated R2 billion for the improvement community, knowing we are backed by a civil of water infrastructure nationwide. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Unknown man fires on bus on N1-north A bus driver and 45 passen gers escaped death on Sunday, when the unknown driver of an Isuzu bakkie aimed a firearm at them and shot at the bus on Sunday. According the spokesperson for the Musina police, Lt Peter Mudau, the incident happened
between the Sasol garage and the Baobab toll gate along the N1 road. According to a police report, the bakkie was driving in front the bus and then made a u-turn before the driver started shooting at the bus. “He was also heard swearing at the bus driver,” said Mudau. “Luckily,
no one was injured during the shooting.” Mudau said that the police had opened a case of attempted murder and that the suspect had not been arrested yet The driver, Mr Langton Rambwe (38), said that the Scania bus was destined for Zimbabwe.
Court News
Rhino-case against five postponed again The trial of the five men ac cused of illegally hunting rhi nos in the Alldays area is yet to begin. The five, January Machava (37), Juda Nyembe (38), Matthew Pedro Ngwenya (42), Thomas Sibanda (33) and Humbulani Reason Matutu (29), appeared in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court on Tuesday. They are charged with three counts of the hunting of specially protected
wild animals and two counts of picking up or removing dead wild animals. The charges were brought against them when they allegedly killed two rhinos and attempted to kill a third and hack off its horns. The case against Matutu was withdrawn by the State earlier this year when he decided to become a state witness. After his decision, the trial was set to start in February, but had to
be postponed because Machava failed to appear in court. Machava did appear in court on Tuesday with his co-accused. Their case, however, was postponed once more because their legal counsel was not fully prepared. Machava, Nyembe and Ngwenya are out on bail, while Sibanda remains in custody. Their case was postponed until 8 April.
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Interested students must send a short CV to the project co-ordinator, Candice Prinsloo, at candice@linmedia.co.za. They should also indicate at which newspaper they want to be placed. The CV’s must reach LiN Media before 22 March 2013 and students must be able to start with the internship on 1 April 2013.
Private Hospital Maternity Unit opening 15 March 2013
15 Maart 2013 5
Deur Isabel Venter
Meer aasvoëls sal baat by Blouberg se vlughok Na ure se harde werk en sweet kan die Blouberg Natuurreservaat nou met ‘n nuwe vlughok vir hul reeds-bekende aasvoël-rehabilitasieprojek spog. Die nuwe vlughok was die breinkind van die Vriende van Blouberg-groep (VvB), ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat in samewerking met die BirdLife Soutpansberg Voëlkykersklub op die been gebring is. VvB is spesifiek gestig om die natuurreservaat by te staan en te help geld insamel vir projekte waarvoor die reservaat se staatsbegroting nie voorsiening maak nie. VvB steun veral op borge van privaatinstansies en die helpende hande van vrywilligers. Dit is ook hoe die nuwe vlughok die lig gesien het. Vrywilligers van VvB het hier en daar ‘n tydjie afgeknyp en self die hok gaan bou op die reservaat. Blouberg Natuurreservaat staan tans aan die voorpunt van die bewaring van aasvoëls, en meer spesifiek die bedreigde kransaasvoël wat op die
hange van Blouberg nes maak. Die reservaat het meer as 10 jaar gelede ‘n projek begin waarin plaaslike gemeenskappe betrek en vergoed word ten opsigte van die bewaring van aasvoëls. Aasvoëls, wat gesog is vir muti-mengsels, word van die gemeenskap teruggekoop, gesond gemaak en weer in die natuur vrygelaat. Op Saterdag, 9 Maart, het die VvB amptelik die nuwe vlughok oorhandig aan die reservaat. Die geleentheid is ook bygewoon deur die kameraspan van die bekende KykNet program, Projek Aardwolf. Dié projek toon sedert 2010 ‘n lewendige belangstelling in die reservaat se bewaring van aasvoëls. Die nuwe aasvoëlvlughok sal die reservaat in staat stel om meer aasvoëls te rehabiliteer. Daar het juis Saterdag met die kameraspan se besoek, ‘n aasvoël wat in ‘n reënbui gestrand geraak het in die nuwe hok gebly. ‘n Plaaslike inwoner het die aasvoël die oggend opgetel nadat hy nat gereën het en nie verder kon vlieg nie. Die aasvoël sal nou vir so ‘n rukkie onder die wakende oog van reservaatbestuurder mnr. Johan van Wyk bly, waarna hy gemerk sal word en weer in die natuur vrygelaat sal word. Lesers kan na ‘n kort videogreep gaan kyk op www.zoutpansberger. co.za hoe Gerd Botha, die hoof ontwerper van die hok, vertel van die rehabilitasieprogram wat aasvoëls volg as hulle na die reservaat gebring word. Na afloop van die oorhandiging het die reservaat en die VvB die volgende borge bedank vir hul hulp en bydraes: Vonitel, Pro Pumps@ Construction, NTK Vivo, Mooirivier Apteek, Water 2000, Figtree SaagHierdie aasvoël is Saterdag deur die plaaslike gemeenskap meule, Harcourts Louis Trichardt, na Blouberg gebring nadat hy nat gereën het en nie dadelik Enviro Revive, Stefanutti, KuneMoya en Sabre Construction. weer kon vlieg nie.
SAtERDAG 16 MAARt 2013 StIPtELIK OM 10:00
Alle rakplanke en wit melamien borde • Handvatsels en skarniere • Verf, vernis, houtbeitse, houtgom, ens. • Loodgietersbenodighede • Hand en tuingereedskap • Hout kratte • Gedraaide sporte, pote, stoelsitte, rugleunings en ander komponente om meubels te vervaardig • Industriële houtwerk masjiene: Band skuurmasjien, 2 x Afkortsaag, Kettingboor, “Spindle”, Tap masjien, Kompressor, 2 x Pennebank, Staanboor, Slypmasjien, Vlakskaaf, Staal lymtafel, Slypklip en nog vele meer! Kontak 015 516 2337 vir meer inligting of om te besigtig.
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Mnr. Gerd Botha (links), wat die vlughok ontwerp het, oorhandig die nuwe hok aan Blouberg se reservaatbestuurder, mnr. Johan van Wyk. Die hok sal daartoe bydra dat meer aasvoëls gerehabiliteer kan word.
Op Saterdag, 9 Maart, het die VvB amptelik die nuwe vlughok oorhandig aan die reservaat. Die geleentheid is ook bygewoon deur die kameraspan van die bekende KykNet program, Projek Aardwolf. In die foto maak Gerd en Johan reg vir hul opname van ‘n insetsel op die bewaringsprogram.
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GENERAL PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INSTALLATION OF A STOP SIGN, RAMBLE-STRIPS AND SPEED HUMP IN RISSIK STREET CORNER CRONJE BETWEEN NORTHWEST AND CRONJE STREETS. Members of the general public are hereby notified that Makhado Municipality through the office of the Municipal Manager with the delegated powers vested with his office, would like to install a stop sign, construct a speed hump and put up ramble-strips in Rissik street corners of Cronje and North-west streets. Members of the public are further notified that nobody may remove or cause to be removed any stop sign, speed hump or and a ramble strip that shall have been so duly constructed by the Municipality in any Municipal street without a written permission by Council or a person so delegated and having such powers, and that it shall constitute an offence should the said structures be in any manner interfered with, tempered with, removed or caused to be removed without prior approval in writing from the Office of the Municipal Manager or his duly appointed delegate. Members of the public are hereby requested to submit their comments/enquiries within 14 (working days) to the office of the Manager Protection Services, Mr. Kanwendo M.J at 015193065 / 0836795259 / e-mail at kanwendoj@makhado. gov.za Fax number 0155166149, during office hours between 07H00 and 16H00. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado Notice No: 33 of 2013 File No: 17/2/2/1/1
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6 15 March 2013
Bo: Die vrou is op videokamera vasgelê waar sy op 6 Maart by die CNA instap. Links: Me. Maureen Ndadza by die groot wit sak met die foeliesak binne-in. Voor lê die 13 “amper gesteelde” elektroniese speletjies, die ware wat in die foeliesak uitgedra is. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Pasop vir “foeliefoefie” Besigheidsmense word gewaarsku teen die nuutste “foeliefoefie” waarmee sekuriteitstelsels ontduik word… “Dit moes die vrou seker ‘n paar dae gevat het om hierdie foeliesak te maak,” het die bestuurder van die CNA in Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gesê, nadat ‘n vrou ware uit die winkel weggedra het. Sy het die goedere in ‘n foeliesak binne-in ‘n ander plastieksak gesit. Die foelie verhinder blykbaar dat winkels se skandeerders by hul uitgange registreer as iemand iets uitdra waarvan die sender-etiket nie deur ‘n kassiere verwyder is nie. Die vrou het weggekom, maar gelukkig is die sak gevind. Die grootgeboude, lang vrou is op die winkel se videokamera vasgelê waar sy op 6 Maart om 14:12 by die CNA instap met ‘n groot wit sak van ‘n beddegoedwinkel met twee kussings daarin. Sy het eers na die tydskrifterak geloop en daarna na die speletjiesrak, waar sy 13 elektroniese speletjies in die foeliesak geprop het. Die kassiere, me. Maureen Ndadza, het haar gevra wat in haar sak was, maar sy het die sak vasgehou en slegs
Luxaflex Awnings Innovative window coverings that will let you control your light and privacy style
24 Rissik Street Tel: (015) 516-5171
Wanneer die laste van die lewe ons neerdruk en dit wil voorkom asof dit ons in die grond gaan inmaal, hoor ons U fluister: “Kom na My toe, almal wat uitgeput en oorlaai is, en Ek sal julle rus gee” (Matt 11:28). Net die gedagte aan U gewilligheid en U krag bring rus terwyl ons die hele dag deur onder die skroeiende son verwelk. Maar wanneer die aandskemering nader en die koel : briesie vanuit die see kom en terwyl ons swoeg onder die geweldige eise van die lewe, sy mededinging en vurige versoekings en ons jare opgebruik is en ons die einde van hulle nader, kom daar wonderbaarlik vanuit daardie ander land, ver verby ons gesigseinder, daardie invloede wat slegs die almag van God is en waaruit U Uself aan ons geopenbaar het (Henry Ward Beecher)
Vir Tannie Tokkie Die seën van ouderdom
die twee kussings vertoon. Om 14:15 het sy ewe nonchalant uitgestap. Ndadza het egter onraad gemerk en is agterna. Die vrou het intussen in Pick ’n Pay se drankwinkel ingestap. “Ek het haar gevra waar haar sak is, maar sy het ontken dat sy ooit ‘n sak by haar gehad het. Sy het gesê dat sy kruideniersware kom koop het, maar het geen inkopies by haar gehad nie,” sê Ndadza. Die vrou het kort hierna ‘n oproep gemaak en begin wegstap. Intussen het die CNAbestuurder, me. Yolandé van Zyl, die opsigter van die kompleks gevra om die vrou te agtervolg. Van Zyl en Ndadza het tevergeefs in Pick ‘n Pay rondgesoek vir die groot sak. Op pad terug na die CNA sien Van Zyl egter die groot sak staan tussen Accutts se banier en Acutts se kantoor langs die CNA. Hulle het die sak oopgemaak en die spesiaal-ontwerpte “diefstal”-sak ontdek, met hulle goedere daarin. Van Zyl het die opsigter laat weet, wat in daardie stadium al tot by Solly’s in die middedorp agter die vrou aangestap het. “Binne in die sak was ‘n strokie wat aangedui het dat die kussings om ongeveer 10:00 gekoop is. Waar het sy dalk oral goed weggedra tussen 10:00 en 14:00? Dis skrikwekkend om daaraan te dink...” het van Zyl gesê. Die waarde van die elektronies speletjies word op omtrent R3 000 geskat. “Ons gaan strenger daarop wees dat kliënte hulle sakke voor moet los,” het CNA se assistentbestuurder, mnr. Steven Nagel, gesê.
The frequent empty shelves at Woolworths in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) have clients wondering why this is the case. This picture was taken at the store last week. Woolworths said this week that they are busy addressing the issue and will monitor the situation. Consumer News
Woolworths aware of empty shelves Regular clients of Woolworths in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) might have noticed the fre quent empty shelves at this popular store and wondered why that is the case? The Zoutpansberger was made aware of this and, in turn, approached Woolworths for comment. On Monday this week, Wool-
worths’ corporate press office responded by stating: “The store in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) was previously a franchise store. We have tried, since taking over the store from the franchisee, to understand the needs of our diverse customers. We now have a better understanding of our customers’ needs and we have reviewed the store cata-
By Linda van der Westhuizen
“Thank you MM for solving my problem” “Thank you, Mr MM, for fixing the sewerage in Meijer Street,” was the response from a busi nessman from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) after having to endure raw sewage flowing on and off past his business for almost a year. Early last week, Mr Attie Human, the owner of Tiles of Africa, could not take the raw sewage flowing down the street any longer. The sewage spilled out from a manhole just a few meters form his business. “Trucks transporting food use this road daily. Raw sewage is a health hazard,” Human said. To
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the south of his business, another manhole was overflowing and running into the veldt. The sewage also pushed back into the business premises at times. After many fruitless calls to the Makhado Municipality, Human eventually got hold of the number of the municipal manager, Mr Sakkie Mutshinyali. “He was out here in no time and came twice. Both manholes were opened. We are so fast to complain, but this time I want to say thank you for the service,” Human said on Monday. In the past, the same manholes overflowed and were only fixed after a long battle, but the relief would only last for a day or two. “So far it looks as if it is sorted out, but time will tell,” said Human.
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logue. We have also changed the store delivery system”. They added that they expected these improvements to take effect this week. “We sincerely apologise for disappointing customers, but we assure you that we have addressed the issue and we will continue to monitor progress,” Woolworths stated.
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The foreman of Tiles of Africa, Mr Simon Ndou, sits in Meijer Street where a sewage river used to flow. The owner, Mr Attie Human, expressed his gratitude to Makhado’s municipal manager, who personally came out twice to attend to the matter.
15 Maart 2013 7
15 Maart 2013
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, 1ste Sondag van die maand gesamentlike diens om 08:00, Afrikaans met peuter/kinderkerk om 08:30, English with toddler/children church at 10:30, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoedig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. Alle mans is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.
• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Casa Caffé (in die SAVF-gebou) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 5248 geskakel word.
Monday, 18 March A couple of thunderstorms.
High: 27oC Low: 14oC
High: 22oC Low: 14oC
• Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
tion, contact Kos Coronaios at 079 148 4934 or at elephantcastle@lantic.net
• NG JEUG ROADHOUSE & CAR WASH Die NG Soutpansberg Jeug
nooi alle inwoners om op 16 Maart hulle karre by die kerksaal te kom laat was of net iets lekker te kom eet tydens die Roadhouse & Car Wash. Inwoners kan vanaf 10:00 hulle karre kom was teen R20 vir buite en ‘n addisionele R20 vir binne. Die honger mae kan ook die lekker Roadhouse-kafee ondersteun.
• NEUROLOGIST SPEAKS AT AGAPÉ Dr Michelle Strydom (neurologist)
Louis Trichardt
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Phillip Venter Tel: 015 516 4366, jeugleraar ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391
• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667
• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk. Alle senior burgers is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739 geskakel word.
Tuesday, 19 March
• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
• WINDPOMPFEES Inwoners van Limpopo kan begin gereed maak vir die jaarlikse of Eagle Ministries will speak at Agapé Christian Windpompfees vanaf 21 tot 23 Maart by die Centre in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 14 and Euphoria gholflandgoed buite Mookgopong. Feesgangers kan uitsien na optredes van top 15 March. Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Armand HofBoth evenings will start at 18:30. All, young and old, male and female, are welcome to attend. meyr, Sorina (Flooze), Watershed, Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels, Bok van Blerk en vele meer. Dr Strydom is the author of “Healing begins Ander aktiwiteite sluit in ‘n vuurwerkverwith sanctification of the heart” and has produced toning, 4x4-safari vir die hele gesin, vee- en a DVD series “No disease is incurable”. For more information, the church office can be wildveilings, kleinveeskou, die gewilde Mej. • MAANDELIKSE VLOOIMARK contacted on 015 516 3725 or Pastor Dalene van Windpompfees-kompetisie en selfs ‘n veteraan Daar sal voortaan elke eerste Saterdag van die motorskou. Niekerk on 082 810 9334. maand vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooimark by Vir meer inligting of die volledige program, Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) • DEPRESSIEGROEP MOET besoek www.windpompfees.co.za of skakel gehou word. KOM LUISTER Die depressie ondersteu- Gwen van Emmenis by 076 533 4513. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. ningsgroep in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) word Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet uitgenooi om op Donderdag en Vrydag, 14 en 15 • EARTH HOUR CELEBRATED vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies Bring your blanket or chair and picnic basket to Maart, te kom luister na dr. Michelle Strydom in die sentrum. Vir meer inligting, skakel Peet celebrate Earth Hour at 19:00 on Saturday, 23 by die Agapé Christensentrum in Munnikstraat Venter (geboubestuurder) by 015 516 1826 of March, with Ladies Circle 4, Round Table Sout(sien voorafgaande). Davonnies by 015 516 5749. Die praatjie sal die groep se maandvergadering pansberg 66, the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club and the band, Time Line, who will be performing vir Maart vervang. Vir meer inligting kan Ben “unplugged”. Smith geskakel word by 082 358 1738. Worldwide, during Earth Hour, lights and • MIGHTY MEN CONFERENCE electrical appliances are switched off to promote The third Mighty Men Conference in the Bushenergy saving. The venue is the Rondebosch Rid(Seven-day forecast) veld will take place from 15 to 17 March on the ing School and tickets cost R30 per person (free Farm Snymansdrift outside Polokwane. for under 12s). Thursday, 14 March The gates to the farm will open on Thursday, For more information, phone Ria (073 573 0690), 14 March, when the men can already pick their Clouds and sun. Rudi (082 776 8377) or Kos (079 148 4934). camping spots for the weekend. There will be High: 25oC Low: 13oC enough food stalls to cater for any hungry and thirsty man. No women will be allowed on the WEEKLY DAM LEVELS farm until Sunday, when families can attend the Friday, 15 March According to latest available event. The first speaker on 15 March will be Piet information from the Department WEEKLIKSE Clouds and sun. of Water Affairs and Forestry as (Myner) Jacobs. The praise and worship will be on Monday, 11 March. DAMVLAKKE o o led by Franna Benadé and the majority of his High: 26 C Low: 13 C band members are from Polokwane. Dams/damme: 11/03/2013 04/03/2013 On 16 March, at 09:00, Riekert Botha will Saturday, 16 March Albasini Dam 89.5% 88.9% share his message with the men. Angus Buchan Partly sunny. will be the guest speaker for the rest of the week- Ebenezer Dam 100.5% 100% end. Tickets are available at R210 per person for High: 29oC Low: 14oC Flag Boshielo Dam 99.5% 99.3% the weekend from Computicket. Phone Dia van Staden at 0837261180 with Glen Alpine Dam 102% 101% Sunday, 17 March your enquiries or send an email to info@mmc100.9% 100% A shower and thunderstorm possible. bosveld.co.za. You can also visit www.mmcbos- Luphephe Dam veld.co.za for full details. Middel Letaba Dam 50.7% 51% o o High: 31 C Low: 17 C
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324
Wednesday, 20 March A shower and thunderstorm possible.
High: 22oC Low: 13oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2013. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
• PLAASLIKE MANNE GAAN SAAM Die Louis Trichardt Manne van die
Woord beplan om as ‘n groep te gaan na die Mighty Men Conference. Hulle sal bymekaar kampeer in ‘n “Louis Trichardt Manne van die Woord”-laer en saamkuier wanneer daar gebraai word. Almal is welkom. Reëlings sal tydens die Vrydagoggend bidgeleenthede deurgegee word. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 of Piet du Toit by 083 770 6656 geskakel word.
• STARGAZING EVENING Join the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) for an evening of stargazing on Saturday, 16 March, from sunset onwards. Everyone is welcome and for more informa-
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2013. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
101% 101% 93.3% 94.6% 100.1% 100% 102.8% 101% 101.2% 101% 101.1% 100%
* Means latest available data
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun,Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 ——————————————————————————————————
JACK THE GIANT SLAYER ¸ ˛ Ç Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15
¸ ˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:10, 22:30 Sun,Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:10
¸ ˛ Ç ß
English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:45, 22:30 Sun,Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:45 ——————————————————————————————————
THE LAST STAND Fri, Sat: 18:00, 20:30, 22:50 Sun-Thu: 18:00, 20:30
˛Ç ∞
FANIE FOURIE’S LOBOLA ˛Ç Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD ˛ Ç ∞ Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 Mon: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45
˛ Ç ∂
Follow us
• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
15 March 2013 9
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
• JOIN NEXT TOUR BEFORE MORANT FILM For all those attracted
genesing, asook mense se behoeftes. Sy eerste diens is Sondag (28 April) om 09:00, to the idea of being an extra in the documentary gevolg deur ‘n aanddiens om 18:00. Maandag film on Breaker Morant, as well as those wishing (29ste) en Dinsdag (30ste) begin die dienste om 19:00. Almal is welkom. to brush up their background knowledge before Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by the film is being shot in Makhado (LouisTrichardt), Charles Leach is presenting a Skirmishes tel. 015 516 0486. Tour on Saturday, 23 March. “We will cover all the sites where happenings took place that will feature in the documentary,” • LINDIE STRYDOM BY AP Leach said. The group will meet at 09:00 for KERK Bekende aanbieder van die DKNT 09:30 at the Lalapanzi Hotel and will be back Gospel program op M-Net, Lindie Strydom sal at the hotel at about 16:00. Those attending are welcome to bring their own picnic lunches. ‘n motiveringspraatjie aanbied by die Afrikaanse The cost of the tour will be R50 per person and Protestantse Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) refreshments served at Lalapanzi will be for your op 10 Mei. own account. Die tema van die praatjie is “Sarie Marais kan For more information, Charles Leach can be die wêreld verander.” Tydens die praatjie sal contacted on 083 228 3874. daar ‘n spreekkoor-optrede wees van die kerk se verbondsonderrig, asook verskeie optredes deur • JOINT EASTER SERVICES plaaslike kunstenaars. Kaartjies kos R100 vir Various churches will cooperate to hold joint volwassenes, R70 vir mense ouer as 65 en R25 services in the week leading up to Easter. On 24 March, Palm Sunday, the joint service vir laerskoolkinders. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies kan Leana (083 will be hosted at the AFM Charisma in 70 Mun26 95529), Patricia (082 878 7148) of Erika (083 nik Street; on Monday, 25 March, the service will be at St Mark’s Church in 128 Munnik Street; on 457 9071) geskakel word. Tuesday (26th) the service will be at Emmanuel Christian Centre in 3 Koraalboom Street; on Wednesday (27th) at the Volle Evangeliekerk at the corner of Rissik and Burger Street. On Thursday • RIDGEWAY FAMILY FUN (28th) the service will be at the NG Kerk Louis AND MARKET DAY The annual FamTrichardt in 23 Erasmus Street and this service will ily Fun and Market Day of Ridgeway Independent School is scheduled for Saturday, 1 June. be a communion service. The fun day will be hosted at the school and Services will commence at 18:30 and every evening a voluntary collection will be taken up, the community is invited to come and enjoy the of which 50% will go to the hosting church and games, stalls, craft market and events. “There are 50% to the Berg Care for the Aged. This is a non- lots of prizes to be won!” say the organisers. For more information, the school’s bursar, government organisation that does not receive any Ms Elaine Waller, can be contacted on 087 820 monies from the state. For more information, Rev Robbie Novella can 4507 or ridgeway-admin@crcnet.co.za be contacted on 015 516 5165.
• CVO WESKUSETE Die CVO Skool • AP KERK HOU PIK-EN-PROE Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt)
Die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal op Vrydag, 12 april, ‘n Pik-en-Proe aand aanbied met die tema Op Safari. Kaartjies sal vanaf 3 Maart beskikbaar wees by Leana Harmse teen R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir laerskoolkinders. Vir meer inligting kan Leana geskakel word by 083 269 5529. • CVO BOEREDAG Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) beplan ‘n Boeredag met tradisionele boeresport. Dié dag sal op Saterdag, 13 april, op die skoolterrein aangebied word vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00. Alle ondernemings en belangstellendes word hartlik uitgenooi om vierman-spanne in te skryf vir die dag se spanboukompetisie. Daar sal deelgeneem word aan items soos sakresies, toutrek, eiergooi en driebeen-resies. Vir dié wat hul produkte of dienste wil uitstal, is daar uitstalruimte te koop. Organiseerders van die dag sal graag soveel as moontlik landbou-verwante produkte en dienste wil kry om by die dag te kom uitstal. Die dag sal afgesluit word met ‘n braai en boeredans, met lekker vastrap-musiek wat deur Fanie du Plessis en sy Waterbergorkes verskaf sal word. “Ons nooi oud en jonk op die dag saam met ons te kom geniet. Bring die kleingoed om die veeuitstalling te kom kyk; daar sal skape, beeste, voëls en perde wees,” het die organiseerders gesê. Vir meer inligting en die kostes van stalletjies en kaartjies kan Herman of Annette Schempers geskakel word by 082 9077 908 of 082 604 5132. • NOOT-VIR-NOOT-AAND Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal op Vrydagaand, 26 april, ‘n Nootvir-Noot aand aanbied. Kaartjies, wat ‘n ete insluit, beloop R130 per persoon. Vir meer inligting of om kaartjies te koop, kan Zinta Wepener geskakel word by 082 222 6742 • HENRI WILSON BY AGS Die AGS Charisma in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bied vanaf 28 tot 30 april ‘n reeks spesiale dienste aan met dr. Henri Wilson as prediker. Wilson is ‘n bekende internasionale spreker met ‘n kragtige woordbediening. Hy sal bid vir
nooi oud en jonk uit na hul jaarlikse Weskusete op Vrydag, 19 Julie. Tipiese Weskusdisse sal voorgesit word, met ‘n dans na die tyd. Vir meer inligting of kaartjies kan Alta Schwerdtfeger geskakel word by tel. 082 822 3440.
mountain bikers can start preparing themselves for the very popular annual Munnik Meerkat MTB Race on 16 March at Munnik. This year’s race, affiliated to the P&L Cycling Club, is a Limpopo Qualifier Race with electronic timing by Freeride Timing. As always, there will be a 70km-, 35kmand 10km race, starting at 07:00, 07:30 and 08:00 respectively. The entry fee per race is R150 for the 70km, R80 for the 35km and R40 for the 10km. Registration opens at 05:30 on the day of the race and closes half an hour before the race starts. A day-licence fee of R35 is only payable if the cyclist does not hold a valid CSA licence. Registration can also be done at Cycle Lab in Polokwane on Thursday, 14 March, from 16:00 to 19:00, or enter online at www.munnikmeerkat. co.za “Don’t forget to register online as then you will be assured of one of our excellent goodie bags. Also don’t forget to bring any old clothing, bicycles, bicycle parts, tinned food, toys, books, etc. for our community project - let’s show that we care!” say the organisers.
• CONWAY RUGBYDAG Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub bied op 16 Maart weer hulle gewilde Conway Rugbydag aan. Heelwat spanne van regoor die provinsie het reeds aangedui dat hul gaan kom deelneem aan dié gewilde rugbydag, wat vanjaar geborg word deur GT Verspreiders.
‘n Volledige program sal nader aan die datum beskikbaar gestel word. Persone wat belangstel om ‘n stalletjie vir die dag te bespreek kan vir Kevin Gilbert skakel by tel. 082 892 8769.
Die Soutpansberg Ruiterklub nooi alle lede en belangstellendes na hul volgende maandelikse uitstappie op 16 Maart. Ruiters kom om 07:30 op die plaas van Jacques Bouwer op die Makhado (Louis Trichardt)/Levubu-pad bymekaar. Ná die rit sal daar ‘n gesellige bring-en-braai wees. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elize Pretorius by tel. 083 389 0688.
dramaties moeiliker raak indien weersomstandighede versleg. Derhalwe sal slegs 4x4- en sagte 4x4-voertuie kan inskryf. Basiese geriewe, asook brandstof, is op die roete beskikbaar. Die koste beloop R1 000 per volwassene, R500 per hoërskoolkind, R250 per laerskoolkind en gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Die koste sluit alle etes en verblyf in. Laasgenoemde behels basiese kampering en eie toerusting moet voorsien word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jaco Kok by tel. 082 457 3765 of skryf aan hom by jaco.kok@ webmail.co.za Slegs 30 voertuie sal op die roete toegelaat word.
• LOUWTJIES HOU GHOLFDAG Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina nooi die • AUTUMN GYMKHANA Don’t
gemeenskap uit om op 16 Maart hul gholfdag te ondersteun. Die kompetisie is in die formaat van ‘n beterbal Stableford, met die afslaan om 09:00. Inskrywing beloop R200 per persoon en groot pryse kan gewen word. Kos sal deurlopend verkoop word, met die prysuitdeling wat om 18:30 begin.
The countdown has started for the exciting annual Ebenezer Mile swim event to be hosted at the Mountain Yacht Club on Saturday, 16 March. All may enter this open water mile (1609m) swim. The age categories are u/14 and over 30 years. There is also a 3000m swim which is a SSA Qualifier. Race timing will be handled with electronic timing chips worn by the competitors. Pre-entries are R100 (mile) and R75 for a short course development and introduction swim of 500m for all ages and gender. Entries on the day will be charged at R125. The first event will start at 12:00 and prize giving is at 16:30. Register on line at www.ebenezermile.co.za • BAOBAB 4X4 2013 Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi die provinsie se 4x4entoesiaste om vanaf 21 tot 24 Maart deel te neem aan hul Baobab 4x4-ekskursie. Na die onlangse goeie reën skitter die Soutpansberg tans in sy natuurprag en sal deelnemers die unieke geleentheid kry om plekke te besoek wat nie sommer met ‘n gewone voertuig bereikbaar is nie. Van die besoekpunte sluit in Mutsedzidam, Dzata Ruïnes, Bobbejaanspas, Mambaspas, die Fundudzimeer, Heilige Woud en Bothaspas. Die roete het ‘n gradering van 2/3, maar kan
miss the Rondebosch Riding School’s autumn gymkhana outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt), to be held on Saturday, 20 april. Due to popular demand from their previous gymkhana in October last year, they will have another fun-filled equine event open to all. Traditional gymkhana activities will be the order of the day and participants may bring their own horses by prior arrangement. Spectators are welcome and there will be food and refreshments available at the clubhouse. For further information, contact Sarah on 083 427 5674.
• SKIETKOMPETISIE VIR JAGGEWERE Die Soutpansberg Skietklub sal
op Saterdag, 27 april, hul jaarlikse jaggeweerkompetisie aanbied. Eienaars van jaggewere, handwapens, .22’s en windbukse is welkom om hul vernuf op die proef te kom stel (.22-pistole en teleskope op handwapens is toelaatbaar). Die kompetisie sal van 08:00 tot 15:00 duur, waarna daar ‘n uitskiet en ‘n prysuitdeling gebou sal word met medaljes vir die kategoriewenners en ‘n prys vir die Skut van die Dag. Die dag sal afgesluit word met ‘n bring-enbraai, waar pap en sous voorsien sal word.
pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run. Their time trials take place every Tuesday from 17:30 at their club house, followed by a casual run on Thursdays from 17:30. On Saturdays, club runs will be hosted. For more information, phone Jolani Klopper at 083 995 4362.
16 MAART 2013 Vanaf 10:00 by die SPB kerksaal
Lekker os te Kafeek koop!
aangebied deur die
aak Skoonm 20 binne R
Was buite R20
10 15 March 2013 By Linda van der Westhuizen
Morant documentary of great local significance
This photograph shows the main cast in the Bushveldt Carbineers saga. From left to right are Handcock and Morant (lead characters brought in by the filming company), a medical doctor, Hunt, Taylor and Picton (of which the last three will probably starred by extras. For all the enactments of the various scenes, many locals will be needed and it is advisable to grow a beard and moustache. (It´s easier to shave off, if necessary, than to grow in a few days!) Extras should be available for filming from 13 to 20 April. Photo supplied.
Picutered is BVC officer George Witton with his horse. Please note that the local extras on horseback will be soldiers of the British army, mainly on “English” horses. Those starring as Boers will generally be on foot. Photo supplied.
The filming of the “Breaker” Morant docu mentary in the Soutpansberg area is of great significance. Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and surrounds will receive international television exposure because of this two-part documentary that will probably be aired on the History Channel. Sabido Productions (Pty) Ltd, part of the e.tv group, will produce the documentary on the Anglo-Boer War saga involving Breaker Morant and the Bushveldt Carbineers (BVC). It is a co-production with an Australian film company, Film Projects. “It is extremely gratifying that this documentary is happening. We hope that we will be given the opportunity to finally show the world what really happened here with regard to the BVC murders of prisoners of war and witnesses,” said Charles Leach, author of The Legend of Breaker Morant is dead and buried - a South African version of the Bushveldt Carbineers in the Zoutpansberg. Contrary to the Australian version of this piece of history, Leach researched and describes in his book that atrocious deeds had been committed - 35 murders took place and not only the 12 for which Morant and Handcock were convicted and executed by the British firing squad in 1902. Leach also finds it gratifying that so many locals will be involved as extras in the documentary as well as local props such as carts, ox wagons, furniture and horses. Leach noted that the locals on horseback will be soldiers of the British army, mainly on “English” horses. Those starring as Boers will generally be on foot. The documentary will include re-enactments of about seven scenes from the Morant story. The re-enactments will be done at Vliegenpan, a farm outside Makahdo (Louis Trichardt) and at Fort Hendrina en Erasmus Street. The scenery at Vliegenpan will be suitable for more than one re-enactment since the agriculture has changed at
the original places where there are now macadamia orchards and pine plantations. The Makhado Municipality graciously consented to making the use of Fort Hendrina available for the shooting of the “Fort Edward” scene. “We appeal that you make use of our local community, so that they can also get exposed to the international film industry,” wrote the municipal manager, Mr Isaac Mutshinyali. The three “leading BVC characters” in the documentary will probably be brought in, whereas local people will be used for the rest. The re-enactment will include the killing of six sickly Boers by the BVC as they were heading to a hospital in Valdezia. There is also the killing of eight surrendering Boers by a BVC patrol, which included Lts Morant, Handcock and Witton. The victims include a 16-year-old boy and four teachers from Holland. Reverend Heese and his Ndebele driver were killed (near Vliegenpan) by Lt Handcock. The three Van Stadens were killed, a father and two boys (18 and 12). They had to dig their own graves. The Floris Visser (20) shooting at Mooketsi was an important incident in the Courts Marshall. Among the extras required in the various scenes will be about eight black witnesses of the events. The joiner, Van Buuren, was shot at the “Fort” scene where many extras will be milling around. All extras will have to be available from 13 to 20 April. The footage includes interviews with Boer descendants. Leach appeals to all descendants, including Mr Dennis Eveleigh, to urgently come to the fore. They include descendants of the six shot at Valdezia on 2 July 1901: JJ Geyser (65), JJ Vercuil (31), JC Greyling (25), a Van Heerden man, FGJ Potgieter (18) and PJ Geyser (12). Among the eight surrendering Boers (shot on 23 August 1901) were B Wouters, CPJ Smit, JJ du Preez (16) and Pauskie. Descendants are also needed of Rev CAD Heese, Floris Visser, Barend and JJ Viljoen, Harzenberg, Reverend Reuter and Sergeant Frank Eland.
15 Maart 2013 11
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Pick n Pay poog om aan die aanvraag vir hierdie promosie-items te voldoen, maar voorrade is beperk. Sommige winkels mag dalk nie party van hierdie produkte in voorraad hê nie. Gaan asseblief beskikbaarheid na: tolvry: 0800 11 22 88 (slegs landlyn of selfoontariewe geldig). Ons streef daarna om te verseker dat alle gedrukte inligting korrek is, maar aanvaar nie aanspreeklikheid vir enige drukfoute wat mag plaasvind nie. Geadverteerde pryse sluit BTW in waar toepaslik. Ons behou die reg om hoeveelhede te beperk. ‘smart shopper’ bepalings en voorwaardes geld. Sekere produkte is uitgesluit uit die ‘smart shopper’ program. Kyk asseblief in die winkel of gaan aanlyn vir nog besonderhede.
12 15 March 2013
Road Safety
Road Safety
Drunk driving shows a lack of respect, says DJ S’bu south africa’s leading total beverage company, brandhouse, launched a hardhitting social media activism campaign last week, a first for the indus try, designed to change behaviour amongst the south african youth with regard to drinking and driving. The social-media campaign is the 2013 edition
of brandhouse’s awardwinning media initiative against drinking and driving, Drive Dry. The campaign is expected to gain momentum in social media circles well ahead of the Easter weekend – a high-risk period for road accidents. At the heart of this year’s campaign is a somewhat shocking Facebook ap-
plication, called The Drive. The Drive brings to life the harsh realities of drunk driving in an impactful way, and encourages South Africans to make a public commitment never to drink and drive. It also encourages young people to select a designated driver before going out to socialise and make such a decision an active part of their social culture. The first person to make the public Drive Dry pledge was South African kwaito artist and entertainment personality DJ S’bu (Sibusiso Leope). “No doubt, partying is part of youth culture. However, despite being illegal, and having potentially dire consequences, drunk driving also demonstrates a complete lack of respect for fellow secondyear students from the Market Lab, part of the citizens,” said DJ S’bu. Market theatre, posing as “convicts” in the back of a police “brandhouse remains van at the 2013 Drive Dry launch. committed to address-
ing the role that alcohol plays when it comes to drinking and driving. We acknowledge the need for intervention programmes and initiatives to address the issue. Drive Dry is one of the initiatives we have in place to promote the responsible use of alcohol,” says Michael Mabasa, corporate relations director for brandhouse. Though aimed at the youth, the 2013 Drive Dry campaign calls on all South Africans to make a public pledge to drink responsibly, and on Facebook, make the public pledge to “drink and not drive” or “drive and not drink”. Similar to past Drive Dry campaigns such as “ Pappa wag vir jou” that made use of strong emotional imagery to raise awareness of drunk driving in an impactful way, the 2013 campaign makes use of shock tactics - The Drive is
designed to take consumers through a fictional social scenario with a shocking and unexpected outcome. “We want people to experience The Drive for themselves, which contextualises drinking responsibly and aims to change the perception of ‘it won’t happen to me’ to ‘it can happen to me’,” says Mabasa. Although Drive Dry speaks to all South Africans who have access to a car and who drink alcohol socially, it targets mainly 18- to 25-year-olds who tend to be more casual about drinking and driving. To encourage the target market to participate, a reward mechanism is in place where consumers can win vouchers from Vidae-Cafe, Pick ‘n Pay, Engen (convenience shop) and KFC, among others. (Article and photo supplied by Meropa Communications)
More pedestrians killed on roads
the number of incidents that paramedics are called out to involving pedestrians that are knocked down by vehicles seems to be on the increase. According to ER24, in 2013 alone there have been 728 incidents, many of them fatal, whereas in 2012, in the same time frame, 598 such incidents were reported. From 1 March until the morning of 11 March, 146 incidents were attended to. That amounts to 14 pedestrians knocked down per day in March alone. No trend in terms of area or specific roads is apparent for where these incidents are taking place. “It is just utterly clear that more people are forced to walk to and from their destinations and the roads are becoming an increasingly dangerous place to spend your time,” says ER24 in a press release. According to them, education needs to start at a young age, and should a parent or guardian not be in the position to teach a child about the rules of the road, a teacher should take on the responsibility. There are a number of points that can be discussed when it comes to how pedestrians can protect themselves while walking along the road, but in order to make it as easy as possible to remember, three important points can be highlighted: * Do not take a chance - be safe and wait; Technology for tomorrow’s vehicles * Walk a safe distance from the tar; and * Use pedestrian crossings and overhead walkways. “In many of our articles, we have gathered information about how the pedestrian accident goodyear announced last week suppliers, technology companies, offers up to 850 litres of volume in similar internal combustion engine.” had occurred, and all too frequently there is a that it is cooperating with street software developers, university rethe trunk.” The StreetScooter will launch witness that states that the pedestrian ‘ran across scooter at the geneva Motor searchers, and so forth. The project The StreetScooter was born in several European markets later show 2013. is a major collaboration between in Aachen, Germany, but it soon this year. “The goal was not just to the road’ when they were knocked down,” states ER24. They continue: “Unfortunately, because StreetScooter is a universitysmall or medium companies that became international with the conceive an electric vehicle, but to driven, multi-partnership venture to not only have a hand in buildinvolvement of specialists from dif- produce a car dedicated to the con- of the number of pedestrians needing to cross busy roads and highways as their daily access to develop a next-generation electric ing the car, but also in creating it. ferent companies. “Each company sumers’ needs at a fraction of the get to work, we need to think of a solution rather vehicle for Europe and beyond. Each partner can provide its own involved in the project brings its ex- cost of the existing electric cars,” than simply curse the problem. Motorists need to Named after the popular “autoscoot- advanced technologies to help pertise and manufacturing capabili- adds Kampker er” that children and adults enjoy deliver an inner-city car. The result ties,” said Kampker. “Obviously, (Issued by Goodyear Tyre & Rub- slow down in areas that are frequented by pedestrians and keep their eyes on the road. It is easier at fairs all around the world, the is a modular vehicle, with parts that where Goodyear is concerned, the ber Holdings (Pty) Ltd) to take evasive action if a hazard is expected, StreetScooter is a new way of apcan be added, removed and reused, challenge was to rather than to try and avoid it as suddenly as it proaching tomorrow’s car. The car depending on customer preference. develop a tyre that occurrs”. is designed to operate in tomorrow’s The modular approach gives the car manages specific It is of utmost importance for a person trying inner cities, delivering a compact, an additional edge as it can be built needs of electric to cross the road to look right, left and right yet roomy car that runs on electric- quickly and inexpensively. vehicles which again, but before crossing, look again. ity, delivers almost no pollutants to “The StreetScooter fills the gap often provide a “If you’re not sure about how far away a car its environment and runs quietly. that lies today between two-wheel relatively constant is to where you are trying to cross, wait. A few The project is being followed by and existing cars and serves the torque, even at more minutes of waiting may prevent injury or Goodyear as it is fully aligned with needs of daily urban mobility from very low speeds, death!” states ER24. its vision of developing a sustain45 up to 130 km and 15 000 km per which increases able future for mobility. year at a top speed of 105 km/h, the acceleration Streetscooter is not the product with an optimal price-performance performance of of a single firm, but the result of a ratio,” says Professor Achim Kamp- an electric vehicle streetscooter’s unique positioning supports goodyear´s vision on the future of mobility. Photo: major venture partnership between ker, CEO at StreetScooter GmbH. It in comparison to Quickpic.co.za. around 20 companies: auto parts can seat 2 or 3 plus 1 passenger and a vehicle with a
Goodyear partners with StreetScooter to build futuristic car
* Conveyer Belts for Mudflaps * Man F2000 Truck. Selling complete or stripping for spares. No engine.
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Contact Sunny: 083 229 1579 / 015 516 0024
the Hyundai i20 range now boasts five derivatives – topped by the new 1.4 CrDi glide with its turbodiesel engine. Inside the latest addition to the i20 range in south africa beats a new heart: a 1,4 litre turbocharged four cylinder diesel engine that delivers 66 kW of peak power and an exemplary 220 nm maximum torque. Linked to a smooth and efficient 6speed manual transmission, this translates to more than ample power through the front wheels for the medium sized hatch back, but with equally exemplary fuel economy figure of 5 litres per 100 km, recorded on a combined european test cycle. (Photo and information: quickpic.co.za)
15 Maart 2013 13
Green energy
Is it a plane, is it a motorcycle? No, it’s Toyota’s latest answer to congested roads toyota’s new iroaD personal mobility vehicle (pMV) makes its world debut at the geneva motor show, a new, flexible form of transport designed for city streets. Seating two in tandem and under cover, i-ROAD is an electric vehicle with a range of up to 50km on a single charge. Using ‘Active Lean’ technology, it is safe, intuitive and enjoyable to drive, with no need for driver or passenger to wear a helmet. It’s the latest concept to emerge from Toyota’s 40 years of research and development into vehicles that use less energy, place less of a burden on the environment and are practical in meeting people’s everyday transport needs. i-ROAD takes the company closer to its goal of creating the ultimate range of eco cars. Toyota is paving the way for several types of eco car to coexist in the future, by adapting its Hybrid Synergy Drive technology for use in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). While hybrids, plug-in hybrids and FCVs are ideal for mainstream use over medium to long distances, Toyota believes in the feasibility of EVs to serve
as a main mode of transport for short urban journeys, and has 10 years’ experience in the research and development of PMVs. People using this kind of vehicle want something that is more comfortable, offers better weather protection and is safer than a two-wheeler such as a scooter or motorcycle, but has similar benefits of low running costs, easy parking and aroundtown manoeuvrability. The ultra-compact, three-wheel i-ROAD measures 2 350mm long and 1 445mm high and has a 1 700mm wheelbase. Its most significant dimension, though, is its width: at only 850mm, it is no wider than a conventional two-wheeler. Not only does this make for easy manoeuvring through congested traffic, it also means four can be parked in a single parking bay. The zero-emissions, all-electric powertrain uses a lithium-ion battery to power two 2kW motors mounted on the front wheels, giving brisk acceleration and nearsilent running. Driving range is around 50 kilometres, after which the battery can be fully recharged from a conventional domestic power supply in three hours. Toyota’s new and entirely
intuitive Active Lean technol- can be driven without wearing a Toyota envisages its i-ROAD or closed cabin make it an ideal ogy is the key to i-ROAD’s high helmet. concept has the potential to play urban vehicle, designed to reduce levels of stability, safety, comfort This design also allows for a significant role in reducing congestion and CO2, NOx and and fun-to-drive character. The a more car-like environment urban traffic congestion and air particulate emissions without system uses a lean actuator and on board, with the potential for pollution. compromising individual freegearing mounted above the front features such as lighting, heatIts compact size, manoeu- dom of mobility. (Issued by suspension member, linked via ing, audio and Bluetooth to be vrability, easy parking, rapid Toyota South Africa Motors a yoke to the left and right front provided. charging and choice of an open (Pty) Ltd). wheels. An ECU calculates the required degree of lean, based on steering angle, gyro-sensor and vehicle speed information, with the system automatically moving the wheels up and down in opposite directions, applying lean angle to counteract the centrifugal force of cornering. No special skills are needed to pilot i-ROAD; the Active Lean system offers a unique driving experience with the enjoyment of riding a two-wheeler, but with no need for the driver to stabilise the vehicle when manoeuvring at low speed, or when stationary. As the driver doesn’t have to put his or her feet on the road surface at any time, i-ROAD can be fitted with a safer, weathToyota i-ROAD, a new form of transport, making its debut at Geneva. Photo: quickpics.co.za. erproof, closed body and so
14 15 March 2013
Vier skaakspelers van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het goed gevaar in die individuele Limpopo skaakproewe wat op 9 Maart by Northern Academy in Polokwane gehou is. By die O/10’s was daar 70 deelnemers en by die O/14’s moes 100 skaakspelers sake uitspook. Van links na regs is Gideon Joubert (O/10, eersteplek en ‘n goue medalje), Junior Bessong (O/10, sesdeplek en ‘n sertifikaat), Khodi Ramabulana (O/14, eersteplek en ‘n goue medalje) en Maurits Laubser (O/14, vyfdeplek en ‘n sertifikaat).
Charles Pieterse Prokureurs
Tel: 015 516 0900 Charles: 084 444 0306 www.wildrockrealestate.com nuwe uitbreiding Woonhuis prys verlaag na r2 600 000
Twelve students from Ridgeway College registered for the Arts Awards with the British Council last year. For the bronze award, these students were expected to participate in a Shakespeare play, be an audience at a Shakespeare play, interview their favourite hero or heroine in connection with Shakespeare and introduce Shakespeare to others through workshops. All of their efforts needed to be recorded in a portfolio which was then submitted to the British Council for adjudication. At an awards ceremony held at the Peter Mokaba Stadium on 22 February, students from both Ridgeway College and Dendron High received their bronze certificates from representatives of the British Council and ShakeXperience, who co-ordinated the project in South Africa. The students in our photo are Safiyya Karim, Muno Gwata, Lally Netshikweta, Rendani Nemutandani, Anneke Smit, Mutondi Rankhododo, Mualusi Ravele, Shadrack Khorombi and Jordan McLeod. Absent: Elame Koorts, Rosymary Mudzanani and Danielle Rathbone. Photo supplied.
Eksklusiewe 4 slaapkamer woonhuis. Dubbel verdieping, moderne graniet kombuis. Aparte kantoor gebou of woonstel. 3½ badkamers, TV kamer, Eetkamer, Studeerka mer, Sitkamer en vele meer. Uiters modern teen billike prys.
T 015 516 1526 E janamarie@harcourts.co.za View www.harcourtsjanamarie.co.za
PJ Venter en Melinda (Strydom) van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is op 16 Februarie by North Gate Lodge net buite die dorp in die huwelik bevestig. Foto verskaf.
Anhetico Properties Eiendomme
54 Hlanganani Street Caltex Centre Louis Trichardt (T) 015 516 2044/5 (F) 015 516 2050
E-mail: anhetico@absamail.co.za
plot 8.5 hektaar op levubu pad net buite louis Trichardt - r2 650 000 (onderhandelbaar) Twee netjiese woonhuise, pragtige kombuise, swembad, wildwerend omhein. Baie potentiaal, huise met elektriese draad omhein. Pragtige tuine met boorgat.
New Town - R1 400 000
Lounge, Family room, Study, 3 Beds, 2 Baths, Kitchen, Laundry, Scullery, Dbl. Garage, Water tank & pump, Remote gate. Lovely Garden. Stand size - 1487m2.
Andèl Hettie 083 442 0435 082 893 8382
Cornette 074 464 1392
RIGHT PRICE Modern 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 2 Patios 2 Garages, Secure Complex. R 1, 150, 000.00 neg. CALL LIZET NOW - 083 442 0428 Don’t Miss out!
GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms. R990, 000.00 Call Gwen To View – 083 556 4501
Baie plase en ander eiendomme ook BeskikBaar!
Water beskikbaarheid ± 17 500+ galon per uur vanuit 5 boorgate wat in sement dam pomp. Nuwe 7.5 hektaar Valley spilpunt, Wildwerend omhein, Boogjag skuilings, Jagters chalets, Beeskrale en bees hanterings geriewe. Stoor wat opgerig staan te word 15 x 20meter. Wild ingesluit, kan moontik as lopende onderneming gekoop word.
FOR PROPERTY RENTALS CALL JOHN GWEN: LIZET: Tel: 015 516 3160 / E-mail : realtylt@mjvn.co.za 084 223 9403 www.louistrichardtproperties.co.za 083 556 4501 083 442 0428 MA
Wild / Bees / Besproeiingsplaas te Waterpoort 543 hektaar - r4 850 000 (onderhandelbaar)
Herman Jana Cornelia Leonie Bornwell 082 895 9034 015 516 1526 084 219 4406 074 892 5093 082 384 9253
Water beskikbaarheid ±18 000 20 000 galon per uur vanuit 8 boorgate wat in sement dam pomp. Groot store vir pakhuis, koelkamers, werkswinkel, gifstoor en volledige toegeruste pomphuis. Baie netjiese op Eurogap standaard. Beskikbare landerye ± 60 hektaar met moeder lyne. Twee volledige woonhuise asook bestuurders huis en aparte woonstel. Stap in en boer.
Besproeiingsplaas te Waterpoort teen sandrivier, 73 hektaar - r3 750 000 (onderhandelbaar)
Step into style R1.35 mil A cosy 4 bedroom home. You will love the big TV room, exclusive modern open plan kitchen with granite tops, beautiful tiles and modern light fittings. Included in the package is a modern bathroom with corner bath and twin basin units. The garden is well established with bore hole & swimming pool.
15 Maart 2013 15
DIENSTE Robot Elektries
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Bredastr. 26 Tel: 015 516 4003 / 072 377 2844 / 072 373 8718 “Perms”, “Hi-lights”, Sny, Tinte, Droogblaas, Foelies en Oliebehandelings
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Kontak: 082 378 5364
Skape te koop
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3 Slaapkamer huis met garage en buitekamers te huur. Sentraal geleë. R4 500 p.m. Beskikbaar vanaf 1/04/2013.
Kontak: 073 252 4987 / 081 429 9773
* Groot 3 slaapkamer huis, kantoor, drukpomp en water tenk, groot erf, boorgat, alarmstelsel, deposito’s betaalbaar, beskikbaar 1 Maart 2013. R5360 p.m. * 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, palisade heining, parkeerplek, depsito’s betaalbaar, beskikbaar 1 April 2013. R1900 p.m.
Herman Smith: 084 910 7654
3 slaapkamer, 1 studeerkamer, binne braai, 2 badkamer meenshuis te Cilliers straat 68 in Louis Trichardt. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April 2013.
Kontak Adri: 015 516 0833 (oggend) of 072 381 5923
LEGALS notice of appli cation for the amendment of town planning scheme in terms of section 56(1) (b) of town plan ing and township ordinance, 1986 (ordiance 15 of 1986) We, Landmark Consult ing, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below hereby give notice in terms of Section 56 (1) (b) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordiance, 1986 (ordiance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to Makhado Municipality for the amendment of Makhado Land Use Management Scheme of 2009 by rezoning the property described as : Erf1179, Vleifontein, from “business 2” to “residential 3”.Particulars of the application will lie for inspectionduring normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager: Makhado Municipality,
Civic centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado for a period of 28 days from15 March 2013.Objection to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Makhado Municipality, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 within a period of 28 days from 15 March 2013. Address of Agent: Land mark Consulting, P.O. Box 3756, Tzaneen, 0850, Cell: 076 954 0448 and Fax: 086 605 7004. XITIVISO XO KOMBELA KU CINCA KA VUTIRHISELO BYA XITANDI KU YA HI SECTION 56 (1) (B) YA TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDIANCE, 1986 (ORDIANCE 15 OF 1986) Hina va Landmark Con sulting, tani hi vayimeri/ vathoriwa va n’winyi wa xitandi lexi tsarisiweke laha hansi, hi mi nyika xiviko ku ya hi Section 56 (1) (b) ya Town Planning and Townships Ordiance, 1986 (ordiance 15 of 1986) yi nga mhaka ya leswaku ku cinciwa Makhado Land Use Management Scheme xa 2009 ku kota ku cinca vutirhiselo bya xitandi lexi xi hlamuseriweke hi ndlela leyi landzelaka: xitandi xa nomboro 1179, eVleifontein, ku suka eka :bindzu ra vumbirhi” ku ya eka “Vutshamo bya ntlawa wa vunharhu”. Vuxokoxoko bya xikongomelo lexi byi ta kumeka loko munhu wun’wana na wun’wana a lava ku nyika mavonelo kumbe swivilelo hi mayelano na xikombelo hi nkarhi wo tirha ehofisini ya mininjhere wa masipala: Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado eka masiku yo ringana 28 ku sukela hi ti 15 Nyenyankulu 2013. Swivilelo Mayelano na xikombelo lexi swi fanele ku vikiwa hi ku tsala, swi yisiwa eka mininjhere wa masipala eka vundhawu lebyi tsariweke ehenhla kumbe eka poso leyi; Makhado Municipality, Private Bag X 2596, Ma hado, 0920 eka masiku ya 28 ku sukela hi ti 15 Nyenyankulu 2013.Adirese ya vayimeri/vathoriwa: Landmark Consulting, P.O. Box 3756, Tzaneen, 0850, Cell: 076 954 0448 and Fax: 086 605 7004. Makhado Wysiging skema 60 Ek, Jaco Daniël du Ples sis, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 2278, Louis Trichardt gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Makhado Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009
deur die hersonering van Erf 2278, Louis Trichardt geleë te Stubbsstraat 24 van “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 3”. Die doel met die aansoek is om die bestaande woning op te gradeer en vir kantore te gebruik. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Eerste Vloer, Makhado Munisipaliteit (Burgersentrum), Makhado (Louis Trichardt), 83 Kroghstraat, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 08 Maart 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 08 Maart 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Direkteur, Ontwikkeling & Beplanning, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van Agent: Pieterse, Du Toit & Assosiate, Posbus 11306, BENDOR PARK, 0713, Tel: 015 - 2974970/1 Departement van Ont wikkelingsbeplanning Makhado Grondge bruikskema Ons, Roger en Chantel De Troch, synde die gemagtigde eienaars van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee kennis dat ons aansoek doen in terme van Klousule 22 van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009 vir die skriftelike toestemming van Erf 388, geleë te nommer Andersonstraat 75 vir die doeleindes van die oprigting van twee addisionele wooneenhede. Die huidige sonering van die eiendom is “Residensieël 1” met die primêre reg van een woonhuis per Erf reg in terme van die bo genoemde klousule. Enige persoon / verteenwoordiger wat enige beswaar het, moet dit skriftelik by beide die Munisipale Bestuurder, Privaatsak X2596, Makhado, 0920 en die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 Maart 2013 indien. Naam: Roger en Chantel De Troch, Adres: Posbus 1273, Makhado, 0920, Sel: 082 897 8374
Infinite ohasa solutions has a vacancy open for the following position: assistant Minimum requirements:
‘n Roudiens vir AO1 J. C. Myburgh het Maandag, 11 Maart, plaasgevind vanuit die N. G. Kerk Moedergemeente in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hy word oorleef deur sy ouers, Daan en Adri, broer Cobus en suster Riana. Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat hul bygestaan het in hul tyd van hartseer. Die roudiens is behartig deur Martins Begrafnisdienste. Foto verskaf.
By die “Triegies got Talent!” geleentheid wat op 11 Maart by Laerskool Louis Trichardt aangebied is, het Michaela Gilfillan (Graad 6) ‘n sangstuk saam met agtergrondmusiek gelewer.
Alida du Preez, Graad 6-leerling van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, voer ‘n monoloog op by die “Triegies got Talent!” geleentheid op 11 Maart.
Must reside in Louis Trichardt Matric Certificate Valid drivers license Own transport Experience in Occupational Health Safety and Human Resources / Labour Relations will be taken in consideration CV’s can be faxed to: 015 516 3948 or e-mailed to: infinithrsolutions@ telkomsa.net. If you are not contacted within 7 days for an interview, your application was not successful.
PFB-Agent 516 5024
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
Messina Primary’s Grade 2s were recently asked to draw a picture of what they want to be one day. Young Shaleigh Neetling’s drawing of her teacher was enough to make her the winner, and for her effort she won a R500 voucher from Shoprite Musina. Pictured with her is Mr W Goddard from Shoprite Musina. Photo supplied.
16 15 March 2013 Letter
TurbiHills MTB organisers thank the sponsors who made it all possible
he organizers of the TurbiHills MTB race would hereby like to thank all the sponsors for their contributions towards the race that took place on 9 March 2013. Premjee M & Son (Main Sponsor), Coca-Cola Fortune, Leach Printers, Bridge Auto, Mount Fuji Auto, Talisman Makhado, GWM Limpopo, Brennco Feeds, Sheldon & Prinsloo, Harcourts Jana- Marie, Cycle Centre, LCV Promotions, LTT Brake & Clutch, H&W Drukkers, Thompson Motors, Sine
Wave Electric, Baobab Bande, Lalapanzi Hotel, Light World Electrical, OK Grocer (Ricky’s), Roman’s Pizza, Specsavers, LTT Bolt & Nut, Archer Paint Centre, BP24 Hrs shop, Maranga Phanda, Edgar Thornhill, Zoutpansberg Milling, Oasis, and Madi Gra. We would also like to thank Ridgeway Independent School for the use of their premises and for providing food and refreshments. turbi Hills shellhole MotH & soutpansberg townwatch
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
Elim Society thankful for donations
he Elim Hlanganani Society for the Care of the Aged acknowledges with thanks the donation of three boxes of margarine, two 80kg bags of maize meal and three boxes of cooking oil from Mr Amie Chhaya. We feel very blessed to have someone like you who never forgets
the plight of the elderly, youth, people living with AIDS and orphans and other vulnerable children. We at the centre continue to feed all those in need on a daily basis. Thank you very much indeed. Florence Khosa
Hoërskool eric Louw se skolierpatrollie spog met nuwe baadjies, danksy Die polisie se Kinderbeskermingseenheid (Kbe) op Makhado (Louis die inisiatief van zinea berg wat ‘n borg gaan soek het vir die baadjies. trichardt) het verlede week met groot dankbaarheid hul watertenk Die skool het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor mnr. JanHendrik steyn vir en drukpomp in ontvangs geneem vanaf die plaaslike rotariërs. Die sy oop hand te midde van moeilike finansiële tye. Foto verskaf. voortdurende waternood in die dorp het net so hard gedruk by die Kbe wat moet bont staan om slagoffers van gesinsgeweld en verkragting by te staan. Van links na regs is rotariërs Ian bannatyne, Louis Joubert (rotariër president), kapt. Danelle Fourie van die Kbe en Leon barnard.
Die gereformeerde Kerk se susters het onlangs die inwoners van ons tuiste in Makhado (Louis trichardt) bederf met lekker eetgoedjies en ‘n kuier. na die tyd is daar ook lekker saamgesing uit die FaK sangbundel. Die bestuur en inwoners het die vroue van die kerk bedank, asook die kerk se leraar, ds. Hans grobler, en Marius de bruin, wat die musiekbegleiding verskaf het.
How children perceive their grandparents: 1. She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as she’d done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, “But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!” I will probably never put lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper goodbye ...
Laerskool Messina se o/11 en o/12meisies het onlangs ‘n netbalkamp in pretoria bygewoon, aangebied deur tuks netbal. beide die meisies en die skool se afrigters het baie geleer en wil graag dankie sê aan me. rosslee, wat elke meisie met ‘n rompie, hemp, waterbottel, pet en sak toegerus het. Dank gaan ook aan mnr. piet du plessis wat die bus bestuur het. afgeneem is voor, van links na regs, L. Moloto, t. nthala, n. Mathebula, s. pesulo en C. Moemi. In die middel is me. s. Crossberg (afrigter), t. Mabasa, D. van niekerk, L. Moloto, a. Makamola, b. banda, M. van der Merwe, J. geyer en me. M. van niekerk (afrigter). agter is me. n. Verster (afrigter), a. van rensburg, t. phupheli, s. rosslee, t. smuts, K. sematla, e. Cloete en me. L. rosslee (borg). Foto verskaf.
more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-yearold say with a trembling voice, “Who was THAT?” 4. A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. “We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tyre; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods.” The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, “I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!”
know,” she replied. “I can’t read.” 7. I didn’t know if my granddaughter had learned her colours yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what colour it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, “Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colours yourself!” 8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, “It’s no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights.”
2. My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told him, 62. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, “Did you start at 1?”
5. My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, “Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?” I mentally polished my halo and I said, “No, how are we alike?’’ “You’re both old,” he replied.
3. After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting
6. A little girl was diligently pounding away (To be continued) on her grandfather’s word processor. Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za She told him she was writing a story. Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za “What’s it about?” he asked. “I don’t
9. When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, “I’m not sure.” “Look in your underwear, Grandpa,” he advised “Mine says I’m 4 to 6.”
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
Lukas 22:14-23 - Onthou jy nog?
aar gebeur sekere dinge in ‘n mens se lewe wat jy liewer wil vergeet. Maar daar is ander gebeure wat jy graag onthou en oor en oor, met plesier, daaroor nadink. Die dood van Christus is iets waaroor ons gereeld moet nadink. 1 Kor. 11:26 sê: “Elke keer as julle van hierdie brood eet en uit die beker drink, verkondig julle die dood van die Here totdat Hy kom.” Die Bybel leer ons God het die nagmaal ingestel sodat die reddende dood van Jesus deur Sy kinders onthou kan word. Die wyn of druiwesap, herinner ons aan Jesus se bloed wat vir ons gevloei het. Hy het al die leiding deurgemaak sodat ons sonde vergewe kan word. Dink aan Hebreërs 9:22b: “... en sonder die vergieting van bloed vind daar geen vergewing plaas nie.” Deur die gestorte bloed van ons Saligmaker is die sondes van Sy kinders vergewe. Die brood herinner ons aan Christus se liggaam wat vir Sy mense gebreek is. Jesus se liggaam is stukkend geslaan, deur ‘n doringkroon gekerf en deur ‘n spies stukkend gesteek, terwyl Hy die straf vir ons sondes gedra het. Die nagmaal is ‘n wonderlike maal van herinnering, ‘n tyd om te onthou wat Christus vir ons gedoen het. Om by die nagmaalstafel aan te sit is net vir wedergebore kinders van God, want hulle het vergifnis van sonde en redding ervaar. Die nagmaal herinner ons aan nog ‘n waarheid, Jesus kom weer om ons na Hom toe te neem. Nagmaal laat ons dink aan God se liefde vir ons. 079 5168303
Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
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15 Maart 2013 17
Vir die eerste keer in Makhado (Louis trichardt) neem vyf plaaslike deelnemers aan die wêreldwye “2013 reebok Cross Fit games open” deel. Voor, van links na regs, is rae olwage en stoffel du toit. agter is Felix Malan (afrigter), Marcel van niekerk en Jenny de Klerk.
Deur Linda van der Westhuizen after an absence of a couple of years, the MotH’s turbi Hills shellhole in Makhado (Louis trichardt), in conjunction with the soutpansberg town Watch, once again hosted their turbi Hills Mountain bike Challenge on saturday, 9 March. the 50km race along the roodewal road was dominated by local riders amidst tough riding conditions and extreme heat. Christiaan roos, however, rode a blistering pace and won the event in a time of 02:04:24. Finishing in second place was Casper Venter in 02:09:31 and rick Coetzee was third in 02:10:28. as for category wins, Christiaan was the first junior and rick the first senior. sarel Lubbe (02:16:09) was the first subvet en Casper the first veteran. Johan van Dijkhorst (02:22:55) was the first master home. pictured in front, from left to right, are Christiaan and rick. at the back are atul premjee (on behalf of premjee Cash & Carry as main sponsor), sarel, Casper and Johan.
Marco roets went all out to secure himself a first place in the 30km event of the turbi Hills shellhole Mountain bike Challenge on 9 March. He finished in a time of 01:15:01 and was also the first junior home. In second place was albertus botha (also first senior) in 01:17:20 and in third place was Charl talbot (first vet) in 01:20:10. the first subveteran in the men’s race was Vincent Chasserieau in 01:50:32. sarah Venter took top honours in the women’s category, finishing in 01:22:45. the second woman home was Jernay McLeod in 01:42:10 and the third woman to finish was Carmen talbot in 01:45:19. Carmen was also the first subvet woman and sarah the first veteran woman. the tandem category was won by husbandandwife team anton and adri van zyl in 02:08:10. pictured are some of the 30km race winners. In front ,from left to right, are Marco, albertus and Charl. at the back are Carmen, atul premjee (on behalf of premjee Cash & Carry as main sponsor), anton and adri van zyl.
Fikses durf wêreld aan Vir die eerste keer in Makhado (Louis tri chardt) neem vyf deelnemers aan die CrossFit ope deel. Die wêreldwye 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open het verlede week begin en die plaaslike deelnemers het op 9 Maart hulle fiksheid en krag by die Body Kinetics gimnasium ten toon gestel. Dit is die eerste van vyf rondtes. Die deelnemers se vertonings word afgeneem en die videogreep word ingestuur vir beoordeling. In die ope afdeling (16 tot 39 jaar) is daar wêreldwyd amper 138 000 inskrywings en 25 000 in die meestersafdeling. “CrossFit se oefeninge is gebaseer op funksionele beweging, hoë intensiteit en ‘n konstante verandering van oefeninge om spiergeheue te verhoed,” sê afrigter Felix Malan. In Suid-Afrika het CrossFit die afgelope jaar meer as 600% gegroei. Felix is nou 17 maande met CrossFit besig en was verlede jaar die enigste plaaslike deelnemer. Intussen het sy entoesiasme vele ander aangesteek en diegene wat gereed was vir kompetisie is Jenny de Klerk (25), Rae Olwage (23), Marcel van Niekerk (26) en Stoffel du Toit (23). Die voorgeskrewe oefeninge vir die eerste rondte was afwisselende stelle “burpees” (opstote waar daar na elke opstoot regop gespring word) en snatches (een van twee Olimpiese gewigopteldissiplines). Die aantal oefeninge en die gewigte word voorgeskryf en die doel is om soveel as moontlik repetisies met ‘n korrekte tegniek in 17 minute te doen. Die 40-jarige Felix kompeteer vanjaar in die 40 to 44 jaar meestersafdeling en sy videogreep word direk beoordeel teenoor al die deelnemers in die wêreld in sy ouderdomsgroep. Die eerste 20 in die wêreld in elke meestersgroep sal in die VSA gaan deelneem. Felix het uitstekend presteer
met 153 repetisies in 17 minute. Die deelnemers aan die ope-afdeling neem streeksgewys deel. Die top 60 sal na die Afrikastreek se ope gaan wat vanjaar in Johannesburg plaasvind. Die top een of twee per streek gaan deur na die VSA. Die plaaslike kompetisie vind elke Saterdag van tot 6 April by Body Kinetics plaas. Vir meer besonderhede kan Felix geskakel word by 082 363 7711.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings opkomende Kompetisie Datum
16/03/13 Geslote Kampioenskappe
Limpopo-unie Ope
rotariër Dag Datum
plek 1
T van den Heever
A Leeb 2
C van der Walt
L Fogwell 3
A Coetzee
D Jooste 4
S Erasmus
uittel 63
W Steyn 5
R Gilfillan
uittel 63
A Pretorius Woensdagspel
Weeklikse byeenkomste
the 8km turbi Hills Mountain bike race the past weekend was also fiercely contested. In the boys over 12 category, the first, second and third places went to Casper John Venter (00:24:23), Hugo rennings (00:26:44) and owen Venter (00:31:25) respectively. In the girls over 12 category first place went to Leandrie de Jager (00:29:42), with sherise Henning second (00:31:09) and Michaela gilfillan third (00:39:22). pictured (in front, from left to right) are Casper John, Hugo and owen. at the back are Leandrie, sherise, Michaela and atul premjee (on behalf of premjee Cash & Carry as main sponsor).
rae olwage doen “snatches” met 35kg tydens die eerste rondte van die “2013 reebok Cross Fit games open”.
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
SPB Gholfklub
Formaat IS punte
Uitslae nie beskikbaar nie GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY:
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
18 15 March 2013
Hi Hi--
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Conwaydag beloof fees van rugby Die 14-jarige Kobus van Dyk (links), uitstekende skut van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het skoonskip gemaak by die HPP Rhino Ope Luggeweerskietbyeenkoms wat op 9 Maart by Mokopane gehou is. Hy is eerste algeheel, nadat hy eerste in die 3 Posisies, eerste in die 10m Olimpies en eerste in die O/16-ouderdomsgroep was. By hom is sy suster, Jakoebie (17), wat ‘n tweedeplek in die 10m Olimpies en ‘n tweedeplek in die O/21-ouderdomsgroep losgeskiet het.
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Die jaarlikse Conway Rugbydag in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) eerskomende Saterdag (16de) beloof om weer ‘n fees van rugby op te lewer. Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub tree oudergewoonte as gasheer op, met die dag se verrigtinge wat om 11:30 afskop met vriendskaplike Bulletjierugbywedstryde. Om 10:00 sal die O/6-eerstespan van Laerskool Louis Trichardt teen Laerskool Musina se eerstespannetjie te staan kom. Daarna sal die O/7-eerstespanne van Triegies en Musina teen mekaar speel. Dan, om 10:30, is dit onderskeidelik die beurt van dié twee skole se O/6 en O/7-tweedespanne om mekaar die stryd aan te sê. Teen 11:00 sal Triegies se O/8-eerstespan hulle Musina eweknieë aanpak. Hierná kan die grootmense reg skuif vir die eerste amptelike wedstryd van die dag om 13:00, wanneer Pietersburg Dorp 2 se span teen Univen se span op die veld draf. Hierdie wedstryd sal gevolg word deur Pietersburg se eerstes teen Letaba se span om 14:15, en om 15:45 draf Dendron teen Phalaborwa op die veld. Laasgenoemde wedstryd sal gevolg word met ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd tussen Louis Trichardt se tweedespan en die dorp se “ou” rugbymanne 17:30. Die hoogtepunt van die dag is die wedstryd tussen Louis Trichardt en Musina se eerstes, wat om 19:00 afskop. Toegangsgeld beloop R20 per voertuig, met genoeg kos en drinkgoed te koop vir die hongeres en dorstiges. Vir meer inligting, skakel klubvoorsitter Kevin Gilbert by tel. 082 892 8769.
CP van Wyk van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het op 9 Maart die eerste keer deelgeneem op internasionale vlak toe hy as deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse span deelgeneem het aan die CSA XCO Africa Continental Championships by die Cascades-baan in Pietermaritzburg. Vanweë vroeëre swaar reën het CP moeilik gery en ook ‘n paar keer geval. Sy algehele 22ste plek is egter steeds ‘n prestasie vir ‘n nuweling op nasionale vlak. CP se gemiddelde tyd was 22 minute per rondte, met sy vier rondtes wat hy in ‘n tyd van 01:30:30 voltooi het. Foto verskaf.
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