18 September 2020
News with an independent soul
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Waarskuwing om veiligheid op te skerp na vlaag inbrake - bladsy 3
Jaargang 36 Vol.37
Mara Research Station in deplorable state - page 4
ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
9 772409 283001
Yea or nay for SEZ? By Andries van Zyl Government’s plan for the establishment of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with a metallurgical cluster between Musina and Makhado gained some more momentum this week with the first round of public meetings being held as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and public participation process. This process will ultimately determine if the SEZ is given a “yea or nay”. The proposed Musina-Makhado SEZ (MMSEZ) is located on an 8 000-ha piece of restituted land near Mopane. The area stretches from the railway line in the west to the N1 in the east, between the Huntleigh turn-off in the south and the Mopane turn-off in the north. Spearheading the project is the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA), who has appointed Delta Built Environment Consultants (Delta BEC). Since the announcement of the proposed MMSEZ, the South African government has struck a lucrative R40 billion deal with the Chinese regarding the development of the SEZ. South African Energy Metallurgical Base (Pty) Ltd was subsequently appointed as the MMSEZ operator, with controversial businessman Mr Yat Hoi Ning as its chairman. According to an interview Hoi had with a reporter of China Reform Daily, he said the development of the MMSEZ would comprise the building of a 20 Mtpa (million tons per annum) coal-washing plant, a 3 300 Mw coal-fired power plant, a 3 Mtpa coke plant and a 390 Mw waste-heat power plant. The other factories planned are a 3 Mtpa high-carbon ferrochrome plant, a 1 Mtpa ferromanganese plant, a 500 000 tons per annum (Tpa) silicon manganese plant, a 3 Mtpa stainless steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-vanadium steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-manganese steel plant, a 5 Mtpa metallurgical lime plant, a 1,2 Mtpa titanium dioxide plant and a 150 000 Tpa vanadium pentoxide
plant. “Our goal is to build the world’s most competitive energy metallurgical SEZ,” said Ning. This development also holds the promise of 20 000 job opportunities. Public participation meetings were held this week from 14 to 16 September at the old Nancefield community hall in Musina, Mulambwane CPA at Lekkerlag, Waterpoort school, the Makhado show grounds in Louis Trichardt
and at the Delta BEC training facility. As part of the process, the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) invited interested and affected parties to study the draft EIA report. “This report includes the public participation and impact assessment carried out during the EIA phase of the project. The report also includes proposed mitigation measures for
potential impacts identified during the study. A draft Environmental Management Programme (EMP) accompanies this draft,” says LEDET, adding that this report will be available from 1 September to 22 October this year at, among others, the Musina Municipality, Makhado Municipality, Mulambwane Community Property Association (CPA) and from Delta BEC. (Contd on P2)
Die inwoners van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt het besluit om bietjie te wag totdat dit warmer is en eers op Vrydag, 11 September, Lentedag gevier. Afgeneem is ‘n paar van die kleurvolle inwoners. Voor, van links na regs, is Yolandi Fourie (personeel), Joey Knoetze, Elbie Botha, Rennie Storbeck en Sarie van Heerden (personeel). Agter is Bobbie Eyssell en Kobus Lubbe.
Fight over MMSEZ far from over (Contd from P1)
Some are getting impatient
An artist’s impression of the proposed Musina-Makhado SEZ north of the Soutpansberg in the heart of the bushveld.
What is clear is that those wanting to cash in on the proposed MMSEZ are becoming impatient. At local level, community members started invading one of the farms earmarked for the MMSEZ development, the farm Dreyer (MS 526). They started staking claims on erven on the farm, apparently believing that the erven will have to be bought back from them individually to allow for the SEZ to be developed. The situation got so out of hand that the Mulambwane CPA had to ask the High Court in Polokwane to intervene and grant them an urgent interdict to prevent further invasions. This interdict was granted by Judge Semenya on 18 August against respondents Azwindini Adyce Mugodo, David Sithagathaga, Mbengeni William Sithagathaga and “all unlawful invaders and developers” on not only the farm Dreyer, but 11 other adjacent farms earmarked for the development. The court order states, among other things, that the respondents must stop “unlawfully invading, hunting, harvesting firewood, occupying, fencing, de-bushing, ploughing, cultivating or building structures (movable or immovable) and/or improving, in any manner whatsoever, any of the farms listed in the order.” The other farms are Antrobus MS 566, Joffre MS 584, Lekkerlag MS 580, Sandstone Edge MS 658, Malaphachi MS 659, Mapani Ridge MS 660, Driehoek MS 631, Van der Bijl MS 528, the remaining extent of farm Steenbok MS 565, portion 4 of farm Coniston MS 699 and Battle MS 585.
provide jobs for Chinese citizens. The self-contained industrial city is, on closer inspection, being built to be self-sufficient, with schools, shopping centres, their own police station ... and housing for their own people. The construction plans show clearly that the residents of this new ‘city’ in the bush will not need to leave their mini Chinese colony to support local business ... and neither will the massive new coal-fired power station be adding one single megawatt of power to our desperately unstable national electricity grid,” said Schultz. More importantly for SOLVE, said Schultz, is the fact that these consultants are operating on clear instructions to downplay the impact their water-guzzling industrial city will have on the already critically scarce water reserves, and that it will have on the farming and tourism industries, which are the largest employers of locals and have been for as long as memory serves. He concluded with a warning: “We will not allow them to dodge the very real primary questions around their glaringly faulty draft EIA and their yet-to-be-proven water sources - and the literally billions of litres of water they will need to get this industrial city functioning without destroying life as we, the residents of the district, want or expect it to be.”
The DA does not oppose development, but …
The provincial leader of the Democratic Alliance, Mr Jacques Smalle, also added his party’s opinion about the proposed MMSEZ project. He said that they believed sustainable and inclusive economic development in all five districts of Limpopo was the key to poverty alleviation, not only Government keen to get the in Vhembe. “In the Vhembe District, prior to the ball rolling faster Covid-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate was Government is also seemingly becoming impasubstantially higher than that of the provincial tient with the slow pace of the project and, judgaverage of 24.9% when the provincial uneming by the number of tenders LEDA advertised ployment rate was at 18.5%. The median age for as part of the MMSEZ development the past few Vhembe District is 21 years, so youth employweeks, they want to speed up the process. These ment and development need to be prioritised,” include tenders for the appointment of a service said Smalle in a statement to the Zoutpansberger. Above and below: At the beginning of August, community members started invading one of the provider for the design, project management and Smalle said that if the MMSEZ were well farms earmarked for the SEZ development, the farm Dreyer (MS 526). They started staking supervision of the integrated security infrastrucgoverned, transparent and with a sharp focus on claims on erven on the farm, apparently believing that the erven will have to be individually ture; the appointment of a panel of consultanlocal beneficiation, the Vhembe District could bought back from them to allow for the SEZ to be developed. The situation got so out of hand cy and advisory services for the MMSEZ for become an economic hub with employment opthat the Mulambwane CPA had to ask the High Court in Polokwane to intervene and grant a period of 36 months; the appointment of a portunities for all. He said, however, that the DA them an urgent interdict to prevent further invasions. Photos supplied. panel of law firms for the MMSEZ for a period had serious concerns about the MMSEZ. “The of 36 months; the appointment of a panel of fact that the project was outsourced to China for human-resource specialists and advisory services R40 billion and the involvement of the infamous for the MMSEZ for 36 months; the appointment of a service provider to conduct a minerals Yat Hoi Ning raises concern about the legitimacy of the project,” said Smalle. He too was worried beneficiation and value-chain development about the availability of water. “The lack of water study; the appointment of a service provider to to sustain such a project and the uncertainty develop a strategic information system plan for around the deal made with Zimbabwe regarding the MMSEZ; and the appointment of a service water provision to the project is also a concern,” provider to conduct a feasibility and bankable said Smalle. study for the construction of a Musina Dam. All Smalle said he felt that the public hearings the tenders have closed. conducted from 14 to 16 September were preNot all are happy with the mature and founded on a draft IEA that could still be amended. “Water access to the SEZ, the proposed SEZ protection of certain biospheres in and around From the onset, some people have been vehethe SEZ and access by road and rail must be mently opposed to the proposed project. Among addressed in a transparent manner and signed them is Mr Wally Schultz, well-known local envioff before public hearings are conducted. The ronmental activist and chairman of SOLVE (Save final EIA will only be available in October 2020,” Our Limpopo Valley Environment). He minced said Smalle. He also stated that clarity must no words in response to the meetings that were be provided over rezoning areas for residential held this week. “The public participation season purposes. for the proposed megatoxic Chinese-sponsored Like Schultz, Smalle also raised the issue of SEZ has begun, and as expected, they are being jobs. “For two years the youth in Limpopo were ‘spun’ to promote the perception that the primary encouraged to submit their CVs for a database purpose for its construction in the middle of for work opportunities that may arise from the a pristine bushveld wilderness that has barely enough water to support productive farming and SEZ, but to date there is no indication as to what, if any, local beneficiation there was agreed to,” the growing tourism industry, is job creation! I said Smalle. However, not only the issue of local have to debunk this widely promoted idea, as a jobs worries Smalle, but clarity on how local monstrous falsehood. Just as politicians always say what they believe their audience want to hear business can benefit from the project as well. “There are multiple incentives when companies ... the highly paid consultants have refined that invest in a SEZ, including preferential 15% corobnoxious ‘art’!” said Schultz in a statement to porate tax and employment tax incentives. LEDA the Zoutpansberger. should make opportunities available to South He continued: “Seeing what were clearly MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A African companies, so that funds generated can ‘bussed-in’ youngsters holding their pre-printed be reinvested in the country. Currently, only the boards declaring their support for the MMSEZ NON PROFIT ORGANISATION and their cry for jobs and watching their expect- politically connected seem to be benefitting from WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE ant faces was heart-breaking. Of course we need opportunities that arise out of the SEZ, like the infamous Coal of Africa and the Premier’s brothjobs and development in our region ... that is a CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN ‘no brainer’ ... but why promise our gullible youth er,” said Smalle. THE MAKHADO AREA Smalle concluded that Limpopo was in dire over 20 000 jobs ready and waiting to be filled need of economic investment. “Our expanded by them, when it is a blatant untruth...?” said unemployment rate is 44.4% and this transSchultz. CONTACT DETAILS: He added that the majority of those jobs would lates to just under 1 million (986 000) jobless individuals. It is time for the provincial executive be filled by Chinese nationals. “An admission Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 to show transparency in the way they manage the made by the MMSEZ consultant himself. This Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 MMSEZ is not being constructed for any benefit Musina-Makhado SEZ, to stop taking shortcuts Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 in its implementation to establish this SEZ and to local communities, the region ... or nationto make this project work for the benefit of the ally. It is a Chinese project being built to serve Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271 entire province,” said Smalle. Chinese commercial interests and to house and
Waarskuwing om veiligheid op te skerp na vlaag inbrake bygevoeg dat die diewe duidelik net daar was vir die geld en aan niks anders Die uiters negatiewe ekonomiese geraak het nie - nie eers ‘n duur bottel impak van die Covid-19 pandemie het Franse sjampanje wat op die rak langs klaarblyklik tans ‘n toename in misdie kluis gestaan het nie. “Dit staan nou daad in Louis Trichardt tot gevolg, nog daar. Hulle het nie eers daaraan veral wat inbrake by besighede betref. geraak nie. Hulle het nie sigarette nie, Die Zoutpansberger is Maandag niks gevat nie. Hulle het presies geweet ingelig van inbrake by ten minste drie wat hulle doen,” het Enslin gesê. bekende plaaslike ondernemings die Gelukkig, het Enslin gesê, het hulle afgelope naweek. Dit het ingesluit versekering wat die verlies aan geld dek. Soutpansberg Spar, Baobab Bande “Maar die koste van die skade en die in Rissikstraat en Cassim Spares in ontwrigting om dit te herstel - dit is die Krugerstraat. Weens die feit dat die groot frustrasie!” het Enslin gesê. Teen plaaslike polisiediens geen misdaadDinsdag was hulle steeds besig om die statistiek bekendmaak nie, bestaan geen skade te herstel. sekerheid of nog ander besighede ook Groot skade is ook by Baobab Bande deurgeloop het nie. aangerig. “Ons weet nie presies wanneer Soutpansberg Spar het Saterdagaand die inbraak plaasgevind het nie, want deurgeloop, met eienaar mnr. Luke hulle het die alarmstelsel gedeaktiveer. Enslin wat Sondagoggend op die skade Hoe hulle dit reggekry het, weet ek nie. afgekom het. Ons het Saterdag toegesluit en Maan“Hierdie ouens is nie van hier af nie,” dagoggend ingestap op die skade,” het het Enslin gesê, met verwysing na die eienaar mnr. Boshoff du Toit gesê. absolute “professionaliteit” waarmee Du Toit het vertel dat die booswigte hulle die inbraak uitgevoer het. “Hulle toegang tot sy perseel gekry het deur ‘n het die elektriese heining gedeaktiveer. klein venstertjie aan die agterkant van Die ouens het presies geweet waar om die gebou, waarvan hulle die diefwering te knip, want die alarm het nie afgegaan afgebreek het. “Hulle het ingekom en nie. Vandaar het hulle op die dak die kluis met ‘n hoekslyper oopgesny. geklim. So teen middernag het ons ‘n Hulle moes die hoekslyper saamgebring dakalarm gekry,” het Enslin gesê. het, want daar was nie een op die perDie sekuriteitsmaatskappy het toe seel nie. Gelukkig was daar nie baie geld een van die winkel se bestuurders ge in die kluis nie, net Saterdag s’n, wat nie skakel. “Hy het vir hulle [die sekuriteits baie was nie,” het Du Toit gesê. maatskappy] gevra om te gaan kyk of Die inbrekers het ook voorraad alles in orde is, waarop hulle terug laat gesteel. “Dit is nou dit wat hulle deur weet het alles lyk in orde,” het Enslin die klein venstertjie kon uitkry ... Ons is gesê. Maar alles was nie in orde nie. nog besig met voorraadopname, maar “Kort daarna is die alarm op die dak ons weet ten minste van 12 batterye wat ook gedeaktiveer. Hulle het toe ‘n gat weg is. Omdat die venster klein was, reg bokant die kontantkantoor gemaak, kon hulle nie groot goed uitkry nie. So die plafon stukkend geslaan, ingeklim kon hulle nie groot bande uitkry nie. en daarna die traangas in die kontantHulle het ons grootskerm televisie ook kantoor gedeaktiveer,” het Enslin gesê. afgehaal, maar kon dit nie uitkry nie,” Die inbrekers het toe die G4-kluhet Du Toit gesê. is, wat aan die bank behoort, met ‘n Volgens Du Toit het die inbrekers hoekslyper oopgesny. Dit was nadat dat feitlik elke deur binne die perseel stukhulle ook die sensor op die kluis, wat kend geskop sonder om dit oop te maak, veronderstel is op ‘n alarm by die bank om toegang tot die kluis in die stoor te te aktiveer as iemand daaraan peuter, kry. Dit het hulle gedoen om te verhoed gedeaktiveer het. dat die alarm afgaan, totdat hulle die “Hulle het die geldsak, wat in die stelsel kon onskadelik stel. “Hulle het kluis gemonteer is, oopgesny en die geld baie meer skade gemaak as wat hulle [‘n redelik groot hoeveelheid kontant] enige iets anders gedoen het,” het Du verwyder,” het Enslin gesê. Hy het Toit gesê. Dinsdag was Du Toit nog besig met ‘n skadeberaming. “In dié stadium het ek nog nie regtig ‘n syfer nie. Hulle het die alarmboks uitmekaar gebreek en dit moet ook vervang word, so ook al die deure en die kluis wat hulle stukkend gesny het. Die kluis is ‘n hele paar rand,” het Du Toit gesê. Cassim Spares het die “beste” van die naweek se inbrake daarvan afgekom, nadat diewe Vrydagaand daar ingebreek het. “Hulle het die dak oopgebreek, die Van die gesteelde batterye wat by Baobab Bande teruggevind kon word. plafon stukkend geslaan en daarna het hulle die alarmstelsel probeer stukkend Foto verskaf. Deur Andries van Zyl
slaan om by die kantore in te kom. Die alarm het afgegaan en binne minute was die sekuriteitsmaatskappy op die toneel. Die inbrekers het gevlug met niks,” het mnr. Farhad Cassim, bestuurder van Cassim Spares, gesê. Hy het hoë lof gehad vir DRS se flinke reaksie. Cassim was van mening dat die inbrake ‘n direkte uitvloeisel is van werkloosheid wat deur die Covid-19 pandemie veroorsaak is. “Mense is honger,” het hy gesê. Hy het bygevoeg dat die skade wat tydens sulke inbrake aangerig word telkens ‘n groter frustrasie is. “Die versekering dek die skade, maar jy moet steeds ‘n bybetaling maak,” het Cassim gesê. Die Makhado polisie is Dinsdag oggend gevra vir kommentaar oor die inbrake, maar teen druktyd is nog geen terugvoer ontvang nie. Die Soutpansberg Dorpswag het wel verlede Vrydag ‘n waarskuwing via hul WhatsAppgroep uitgestuur vir inwoners om asseblief hulle eie veiligheid by hul huise Mnr. Luke Enslin kyk na die klein gat wat die inbrekers in die kontanten besighede op te skerp. kantoor se plafon geslaan het om toegang te kry.
Brave young Ryan fought valiantly and abdomen, which was rough as it meant a lot of time away from home Almost a month on, many are still and family,” said his parents. struggling to come to grips with Then came the good news. In the untimely death of the vibrant March 2020 he was clear - no little Ryan Burchell from Louis tumour left! Sadly, the good news Trichardt, who died on 23 August. did not last. “He finished his For just over a year, this brave chemo protocol as it never gets six-year-old fought valiantly after left unfinished. His six-weeks scan being diagnosed with Stage 4 check-up, however, revealed that it Rhabdomyosarcoma in July 2019. [the cancer] had returned with a The cancer started in the bladder vengeance. It had spread to his liver, muscle. “It was in his lungs, bladder lungs, and pelvic bone. Since there and pelvic bone and was so large it was visibly no cure now, we could filled his entire pelvis. There is no only buy time.” known cause for childhood cancer,” Ryan’s family tried everything, said parents Tony and Charlotte including oral chemo, which was Burchell. expected to give a partial remission Ryan went for chemo weekly and for a year or two. They also added had to learn to walk again after his some amazing natural remedies initial biopsy and diagnosis. “He from the UK. “Sadly, it was too stayed in hospital for two months. aggressive, and he eventually had His 24-hour chemo was brutal, and no more energy left and became bed sometimes we would stay a week ridden. His liver was enormous, and each time due to the side effects. he ate very little as he had no space,” Sometimes blood was required,” said Tony and Charlotte. said Tony and Charlotte. Little Ryan celebrated his sixth Ryan was a busy, intelligent, birthday on 19 August. “He had a typical boy who had a zest for life. beautiful party thrown and amazing He was never one to sit for long people contributed so much to his and never stopped moving. He last birthday party,” said Tony and loved farming and he loved sand. Charlotte. Four days later, he died. “We sometimes drove through for “He died peacefully at home and we a week, but eventually Ryan had are grateful that, on the advice of such a fighting spirit that he did the his doctor, he was not in a hospital 24-hour chemo and wanted to leave when he passed. He was where he and get home! He spent eight weeks wanted to be and where he loved of daily radiation for bone and chest to be and surrounded by those he By Andries van Zyl
loved.” The family had a private blessing, said their goodbyes, and had Ryan cremated. “A memorial will be organized at a later stage when we know exactly what we choose to celebrate about his life. He had the heart of a lion and through all the trauma he never stopped smiling and joking,” said Tony and Charlotte. Ryan is survived by his father, mother, sister Jade, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. “We would like to say thank you to so many special people. There are, however, too many to mention without leaving someone out. Thank you to the community for the overwhelming support during this very difficult time,” said Tony and Charlotte.
The late Ryan Burchell (6) who died on 23 August. Photo supplied.
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Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe Watter hart pas jou vandag? “Sodat Christus deur die geloof in julle harte kan woon, julle wat in die liefde gewortel en gegrond is...” Efesiërs 3:17; 5:19; 6:5; 6:22 en 4:18.
yf soorte harte; een is baie gevaarlik en vier baie begeerlik. Die bewoonde hart (Efesiërs 3:17). “Sodat Christus … in julle harte kan woon…” Elke hart waar Christus gekroon is, is ‘n heiligdom waaruit lewende strome vloei. Die singende hart (Efesiërs 5:19). “… sing en psalmsing in julle hart tot eer van die Here.” As kind van God kan jy jou verlossingslied van dankbaarheid tot eer van God sing. Die opregte hart (Efesiërs 6:5). “…in opregtheid van hart, soos aan Christus.” Die beste beskrywing van die opregte hart is waarheid in die binneste. Dit beteken eerlikheid, oopheid en betroubaarheid. Die vertrooste hart (Efesiërs 6:22). “… dat … Hy julle harte kan troos…” Die hemelse Trooster verstaan die smart en pyn van ‘n hart, wat net Hy kan verbind en versag. Die verharde hart (Efesiërs 4:18,19). “Die mense wat verduister is in die verstand en vervreemd van die lewe van God deur die onkunde wat in hulle is vanweë die verharding van hulle hart; wat ongevoelig geword het en hulle oorgegee het aan die ongebondenheid om in hebsug allerhande onreinheid te bedrywe.” Wat ‘n aaklige klomp verrotte vrugte wat groei aan ‘n boom waar daar verharding ingetree het. Jou hart moet, ongeag die koste, sag bly, al moet dit keer op keer gebreek word, anders sal afkoeling en verharding ongemerk insluip. - Ds. Johan Marais (Baptistekerk Louis Trichardt)
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
Conditions at the research station were pushed to the fore when the station reportedly experienced an unprecedented increase in stock theft during July, with 102 cattle being reported missing. Following news of the deplorable state of present-day Mara Research Station, the Democratic Alliance’s provincial spokesperson for agriculture, Mr Jacques Smalle, conducted an oversight visit to the station. Photo supplied.
Mara Research Station in deplorable state and Mara as the name of the research station. All is definitely not well at the Following news of the deplorMara Research Station, but the able state of the present-day Mara situation will hopefully change Research Station, the Democratic for the better soon through the Alliance’s provincial spokesperson intervention of the provincial for agriculture, Mr Jacques Smalle, Department of Agriculture and conducted an oversight visit to Rural Development (LDARD). the station. Following his visit, he Conditions at the research station described the living conditions of were pushed to the fore when the staff as “shocking” and contribstation reportedly experienced an uted the ease at which cattle are unprecedented increase in stock disappearing from the farm to the theft during July, with 102 cattle lack of a proper fence. He was also being reported missing. In addition, disappointed to point out that the facilities at the station are in a delaboratory at the station had not plorable state, including the fence been functioning for at least 10 surrounding this 11 500-hectare re- years now. “No tests are being done search farm, the living conditions of on site anymore. They are all sent staff members, and the laboratory. away,” said Smalle. Up until a few years ago, the Some good news came last week Mara Research Station boasted when the LDARD announced that a proud and illustrious history most of the missing cattle had been spanning almost nine decades, with recovered. The announcement was the station being considered the made after another oversight visit home of the indigenous Bonsmara to the research station, this time by cattle breed. The history of the LDARD MEC Ms Nandi Ndalane. Mara Research Station dates back According to the LDARD, an to 1934, when the then Department intensive search for the missing catof Agriculture purchased several tle was conducted by veld rangers farms about 55km west of Louis and farm aids. “The search yielded Trichardt for the establishment of positive results as 77 cattle were an agricultural research station. recovered. Many of these recovered Among the young researchers at the cattle were found at neighbouring station was Professor Jan Bonsma. farms while some were found in the He started research on cross-breed- camps inside the farm. According to ing the Afrikaner-, Shorthorn and the reconciled records, a total of 95 Hereford cattle breeds and in 1953 cattle went missing as opposed to announced that he had bred a the 102 that was initially reported. functional and effective new cattle With 77 cattle recovered, the search breed, called the Bonsmara. The for the remaining 18 continues,” name is made up of his surname states the department in a press By Andries van Zyl
release. During her visit, Ndalane also identified the dilapidated fence as a possible contributing factor that led to the missing cattle. “Some of our missing cattle were found on our neighbouring farms. As these cattle were grazing within our farm, because of the dilapidated fence, our cattle jumped into the neighbouring farms and could not be accounted for,” said Ndalane. Meanwhile, Ndalane applauded the cooperation the station is getting from all traditional leadership under Vho-Thovhele Kutama, whose villages are bordering the station. “We have a big problem of poachers who are hunting our game and our livestock, as well as firewood collectors from the villages. We are, however, pleased with the cooperation we are getting from the traditional leadership who consistently reports perpetrators each time they are found,” said Ndalane. The Zoutpansberger also received a copy this week of the follow-up report from the portfolio committee on Agriculture and Rural Development into the issue of stock theft at the research station. According to the report, stock theft remains a major challenge for the livestock industry in South Af-
rica and continues to pose a threat to the industry’s potential growth. “Reportedly, the industry loses on average R105 million worth of livestock annually. Limpopo Province is no exception and continues to experience high levels of stock theft. Mara Research Station has not been immune to this challenge,” the report states. As for interventions to try and curb the problem of stock theft, the report states that cases of stock theft are reported to the police and the department has also instituted an internal investigation. Whilst the police investigations are under way and the report from the internal investigation is awaited, the department has also recommended more interventions aimed at strengthening the existing security measures. These include, among others, keeping the cattle in a kraal during the night, the erection of elevated lookout posts and moveable guard houses, designs for the upgrading of the border fences by the department’s engineers and repairs to the animal-handling facilities and livestock-watering systems. At the time of our going to press, the portfolio committee was said to visit the Mara Research Station again this Friday.
luandi@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za http://www.zoutnet.co.za
NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Zander Goedhals 064 687 8521 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7
Audited Distribution Figures
The laboratory at the Mara Research Station. As can been seen from the photo, not much is going on and, according to the DA’s provincial spokesperson for Agriculture, Mr Jacques Smalle, the laboratory has not been functioning for the past 10 years. Photo supplied.
The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to George Janse van Rensburg (082 419 2359).
Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.
A bathroom in the living quarters of one of the staff members at the Mara Research Station. Photo supplied.
The deplorable state of the kitchen facilities at the Mara Research Station that staff have to use. Photo supplied.
In 2016, the Limpopo Mirror was runner-up in the Best Newspaper category in FCJ Local Media Excellence Awards. Pictured here are, from left to right, Wikus Lee (editor, Limpopo Mirror), Tshifihiwa Mukwevho (correspondent Limpopo Mirror), Andries van Zyl (news editor Zoutpansberger) and Isabel Venter (journalist at Netwerk24 now).
Stalwart of newspaper industry, Wikus Lee, dies
Hardus. All three boys ended up studying theology and are currently serving as ministers of ReMr Wikus Lee (64), editor of the Limpopo formed Church congregations in Musina, Brits Mirror for the past 30 years, passed away last and Pretoria. They have three grandchildren. week. He battled with a heart problem and Anton van Zyl, the owner/manager of the was admitted to a Pretoria hospital a month Limpopo Mirror, says thinking of the Mirror ago. His situation, however, deteriorated and newspaper without Wikus being present is he died just before 19:00 on Wednesday, 9 almost impossible. “For more than 30 years he September. has been a colleague and a friend. For him, the Mr Lee has been the editor of the Mirror newspaper was not simply a job, it was part of newspaper, the Zoutpansberger’s sister publiwhat made him what he was. His work was his cation, since it was started in September 1990. passion and the Mirror newspaper was his pride. Prior to that, he worked at the SABC where he He was someone with an incredible general managed the Louis Trichardt news office. knowledge,” says Anton. He was a seasoned journalist and interacted The Limpopo Mirror is regarded as one of the closely with many of the current generation of best independent community newspapers in the local reporters. As editor of the Mirror, he procountry and over the past three decades it has vided guidance to dozens of reporters, young and received numerous accolades for the standard old. He was highly respected for his knowledge of journalism and community involvement. The and work ethic. newspaper won Capro’s Newspaper of the Year He is also a “son of the soil”, having been born award in 2004, was runner-up in the Sanin Musina in 1955 and spending his first school lam-sponsored FCJ awards in the Best Indepenyears at this border town. His father was Sarel dent Newspaper category in 2016 and in 2017 Lee, who was a well-known history teacher. Wi- and its journalists and photographers regularly kus finished his high school career at Pietersburg won literally dozens of prizes. High School, before going to Potchefstroom In 2005, the Mirror won an international University, where he completed his honours award, when the World Association of Newspadegree in communication, with journalism as a pers recognised it with a Young Reader Award. specialist field. This prize was handed over during a function in He was introduced to the real-world basics of Buenos Aires in Argentina. journalism in a newspaper environment when “To produce one or two really good newspahe joined the then Noord-Transvaler as a cub pers is not that difficult,” says Van Zyl. “The chalreporter. After working at this Polokwane-based lenge is to consistently produce good papers, at newspaper for a couple of years, he moved to least 50 times a year, and to do that for 30 years Louis Trichardt, where he started working for is some achievement,” he says. Van Zyl reckons the SABC in February 1984. He was instrumen- that this was one of Mr Lee’s greatest strengths tal in growing the SABC’s radio listenership, – his dedication and efforts to ensure that every heading up the regional news office. week’s edition was a special edition. Dewald Hatting, a colleague of his at the The funeral service was scheduled for 10:00 SABC, remembers him as a very dedicated on Thursday, 10 September, at Pretoria East journalist. “He provided guidance to many of the cemetery. A service will be held at 12:00 at the young journalists who started their careers at Reformed Church in Derdepoort, Pretoria. On the SABC,” says Dewald. Dewald also remembers Saturday, 12 September, a memorial service will Wikus for his dry sense of humour, which made take place at the Reformed Church in Louis him a pleasant person to work with. Trichardt. The service will start at 10:00. People It was also in Louis Trichardt where Wikus who wish to attend are asked to please confirm met his wife, Annemarie. The couple were with the family, as the Covid-19 restrictions limit blessed with three sons, Hannes, Jan-Louis and the number of people present. By Anton van Zyl
Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt het Vrydag, 11 September, Lentedag gevier en sommer ook die naam getrek van die wenner van die pragtige kombers wat vroeër vanjaar deur die tehuis uitgeloot is. Die gelukkige wenner was Tillie de Lange (met kaartjienommer 181). Volgens die bestuurder van Ons Tuiste, Kittie de Bruin, het die kombers ‘n mooi bedrag van R6 200 vir die tehuis ingebring. Sy het elkeen wat ‘n kaartjie gekoop het bedank, asook Bev Leach en Carol Ball wat die kombers gemaak het. Afgeneem met die kleurvolle kombers is (van links na regs) Tillie, Sonia Scheepers (Ons Tuiste organiseerder), Bev, Carol en Kittie.
ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. Louis Schoeman, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Thursday, 17 September
Friday, 18 September
Saturday, 19 September
Partly sunny and nice.
Mostly sunny and nice.
Sunny and very warm.
High: 30oC Low: 14oC
High: 29oC Low: 14oC
High: 33oC Low: 16oC
SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
is almost here again for local cyclists to get out the Christmas lights and to start decorating their bicycles as part of the annual Jingle Bell Toy Ride in Louis Trichardt. Although a final date for the event must still be finalised, residents are invited to start gathering soft toys as gifts. The toy ride is hosted by the Soutpansberg Cycling Club in support of less fortunate children. More information will be made available at a later date. In the meantime, enquiries can be directed to Chanel at chaneladl@gmail.com
Liewer laat as nooit. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt kon vanweë die grendeltydperk nou eers hulle Top 10 akademiese leerlinge in Graad 9 aanwys ná afloop van die eerste kwartaal. Hulle is (voor, van links na regs) Anam Yalukar, Isabel Khanye, Mieke Veldman, Shudu Maboyi en Saima Patel. Agter is Razina Patel, Rahina Naqvi, Need Munene, Dakalo Mashao en Bohlale Mphela. Foto: Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.
fontein Skietklub bied op 26 September hulle volgende praktiese handwapen skietdag by hul bane buite Louis Trichardt aan. Registrasie begin om 08:30 vir 09:00 en daar sal vier bane wees om te skiet, met rondtetelling van ongeveer 100. Oog- en oorbeskerming, asook maskers, is verpligtend. “Kom geniet die ‘n dag van lekker sportmangees en pret saam met ons. Verversings sal te koop wees en die hele gesin is welkom,” nooi die klub. Vir meer inligting, skakel Bez by 082 414 8474 of Frik by 084 616 3380. Vir klubaansluitings, skakel Jolani by 083 995 4362. OKTOBER
Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente nooi inwoners uit om oor die volgende paar weke hulle Haantjie Fees Winkel te ondersteun as deel van hul
jaarlikse “basaar”. Die Haantjie Fees “Winkel” sal weer oop wees op 2 en 3 Oktober. Van die lekkernye te koop sluit in vleis, biltong, groente en vrugte, makadamias, kerrie-enrys, hamburgers, stokworse, pannekoek, koek, gebak en vele meer. Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 3902.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het hulle Top 10 akademiese leerlinge in Graad 8 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, is Ndamulelo Sadiki, Nikitha Mamphasa, Marnet Muller, Leila de Beer, Mulaedza Sadiki en Lizé van den Berg. Agter is Nhalanhla Hlungwani, Mulweli Muthala, Tenica Thomson en Vimbainashe Mabika. Foto: Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 14 September. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
14/09/2020 07/09/2020
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
71.6% 12.6% 92% 9.7% 82.6% 1.3% 99.6% 42.5% 80.2% 77.9% 11.4% #91%
# Means latest available data
71.8% 12.8% 93% 10% 83.9% 1.4% 99.5% 43.5% 81.7% 78.9% 12.2% 91%
Fri, Sat, Thu: 12:30, 15:15 Sun: 12:30, 16:30 Mon - Wed: 14:30, 18:30
Fri, Sat, Thu: 18:00
Thu: 19:00
10-12 PG Ç Fri, Sat, Thu: 12:15, 12:45, 15:45, 18:30, 18:45 Sun: 12:45, 13:15, 16:45 Mon - Wed: 14:45, 15:15, 18:45
Fri, Sat: 16:30, 19:00 Sun: 17:15 Mon - Wed: 19:15 Thu: 14:00, 16:30 Follow us
TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 20 September
Monday, 21 September
Tuesday, 22 September
Very warm with plenty of sun.
Sunny and remaining very warm.
Clearing and not as warm.
Plenty of sunshine.
High: 33oC Low: 15oC
High: 31oC Low: 11oC
High: 26oC Low: 12oC
High: 28oC Low: 14oC
Wednesday, 23 September
Ridgeway College announces its Top 10 students for the third term
Stanley Chabalala (photo) was Ridgeway College’s best Top 10 academic performer in Grade 9 for the third school term. The other nine Top 10 performers in the grade were Pascal Bessong, Mncedisi Ndlovu, Tanatswa Mapfuno, Makhadzi Kutama, Ndivho Mukoma, Paballo Maluleka, Tshinakaho Malitsha, Masechaba Mathonsi and Muimeleli Tseisi. Photo: Ridgeway College.
Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt announced their Top 10 academic students for the third term in Grade 10. The top performer in the grade was Ronewa Ramulongo (photo). The other nine Top 10 performers in the grade were Zwothe Thothori, Matodzi Mukwevho, Sana Sithole, Beauty Sikhubuni, Vhukhudo Ratshitanga, Ayesha Dawood, Masindi Dagada, Muchaveleri Bandi and Nyeleti Mulaudzi. Photo: Ridgeway College.
Tendani Sinyosi (photo) was Ridgeway College’s best Top 10 academic performer in Grade 11 for the third school term. The other nine Top 10 performers in the grade were Tinashe Kujinga, Marthe Bessong, Nsovo Marivate, Risuna Shivambi, Muhammad Manzoor, Nyikwana Baloyi, Abokoe Sijike, Gudani Manuga and Ntebeti Ntini. Photo: Ridgeway College.
Lus vir bietjie lekker skaapafvalle? Kerkverkoping Die feit dat die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nie hul gewilde jaarlikse afvalaand kan aanbied weens die Covid-19 inperking nie, beteken nie dat liefhebbers van dié dis dit nie kan geniet nie. Die gemeente verkoop tans skaapafvalle teen
R200 per afval. Dit is baie mooi skoongemaak. Diegene wat egter ‘n gaar produk verkies, kan gaar afval teen R60 per bakkie koop. Daar is ook heerlike koedoewors by die gemeente te koop ten R60 per kilogram en heerlike wildpastei teen R80 per pastei. Vir bestellings, skakel Hermari by die kerkkantoor by tel. 079 116 1700.
Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt announced their Top 10 academic students for the third term in Grade 12. The top performer was Ayesha Chhaya (photo). The other nine Top 10 students in Grade 12 were Rizka Aboobaker, Nompumelelo Mabhena, Ndoswika Lusunzi, Isaac Masindi, Amber Smit, Pratham Patel, Kashvir Shah, Lusanda Thathaisa and Mixo Nkwinika. Photo: Ridgeway College.
DEPRESSIEF MOEDELOOS DESPERAAT Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt announced their Top 10 academic students for the third term in Grade 8. The top performer in the grade was Mokgadi Thosago (photo). The other nine Top 10 performers in the grade were Anesu Mapfuno, Lufuno Magada, Nduvho Mulaudzi, Charity Mashigo, Cleopas Thosago, Thato Choabi, Caitlin le Roux, Husnaa Abdulla and Kuitakwashe Shateyi. Photo: Ridgeway College.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu, Louis Trichardt, Thohoyandou
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Thelma Female
Loki Male
Diesel Male
Betsy Female
Benjamin Male
Skyler Female
Lots of cats & kittens
A scene very typical of the early Zoutpansberg: White ivory being carried by “black ivory”.
The times were a’changing for this controversial president In 1839, MW Pretorius married Aletta Magdalena Smit and the couple had one daughter. They W Pretorius was the son of the famous initially resided in the Pietermaritzburg area, but Voortrekker leader, Andries Pretorius. He later moved to Potchefstroom where, after the was born on 17 September 1819 in Graaff-Reinett death of his father, he became the new commanin the Cape Colony. At the age of 19 he joined dant-general of the district. his parents when the families embarked on the In 1852, the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic (ZAR) Great Trek to the north. In 1838, his father head- came into existence when the United Kingdom ed the expedition to punish the Zulu leader, Din- signed the Sand River Convention and thereby gane, for the murders of the Piet Retief group. recognised the independence of the people living MW Pretorius joined him and formed part of the north of the Vaal River. In 1857, MW Pretorius Boer forces at the battle of Blood River. was elected the first president of this republic. One By Anton van Zyl
The executive council of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. The photo was taken in 1857. In the front on the right sits Stephanus Schoeman and next to him is MW Pretorius. (Photo courtesy: Erfenis Potchefstroom) Datsun Go 1.2 MID
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of his first tasks was to try and unite the various factions in the republic. To try and settle the differences about where a capital should be situated, he bought two farms on the banks of the Apies River. This new town would later become Pretoria, named after his father, Andries Pretorius. Pretorius’s first encounter with the people of the Zoutpansberg may have been in 1864. The record states that he was present when the first minister of the Reformed church (Hervormde Kerk), Rev NJ van Warmelo, was welcomed on 30 July 1864. At that stage, President Pretorius probably did not receive a very warm welcome. A lot of the local residents supported Stephanus Schoeman in the battle for the presidency of the ZAR and a few years earlier, in 1857, even refused to accept the new flag, the Vierkleur. Schoemansdal, the little town at the foot of the mountains, was an important part of the ZAR. Apart from it being the administrative hub of the republic, it also produced a significant amount of revenue through the trade in, among others, ivory. Joao Albasini, who had several teams of elephant hunters, estimated that between 70 and 80 tons of ivory were annually exported to Natal and the Cape Colony with a value of about £200 000. This excluded the ivory that made its way to what is now known as Mozambique. More and more white people settled in the Zoutpansberg and in 1861 the town of Schoemansdal boasted 70 houses. When the town was at its busiest, some 100 families stayed there. Along with the influx of people, the incidents of conflict escalated. The ZAR insisted that the various Venda chiefs pay “opgaaf ” (tax) to the government. In 1855, a committee under leadership of Stephanus Schoeman decided that the chiefs should each pay, among others, five cattle and five elephant tusks per year. A number of govern-
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ment representatives, among them Joao Albasini, Michael de Buys and even a French citizen, JMA Logegary, were appointed to collect these taxes. The conflict between the various Venda clans and the settlers grew in intensity and reached a boiling point when the Venda king, Ramabulana, died in 1864. His death caused a succession battle, with the main contenders being his sons Davhana and Makhado. Davhana immediately claimed the title and was also recognised by Albasini, the Native Commissioner at the time. Makhado, with the assistance of the chiefs Madzhie and Nyakhuhu, attacked Davhana’s head-quarters and the latter had to flee. A lot of discontent existed among the Zoutpansberg people, with Albasini blaming people such as Magistrate Vercuiel for assisting Makhado. Albasini later offered protection to Davhana, much to the frustration of the new Venda king. The ZAR’s executive committee, under leadership of Pretorius, must have had their hands full listening to reports and reading through correspondence explaining why the conflict continued. Makhado and Madzhie responded by launching attacks on the Schoemansdallers, while Albasini’s Tsonga warriors engaged in a war against Madzivhandila, another Venda chief. In July 1865, Pretorius sent a delegation, comprising MJ Schoeman, CN Smit and GJ Verdoorn, to investigate and possibly put an end to the violence. Prior to their visit, a group of Zoutpansbergers, under leadership of Commandant SM Venter, reached a provisional peace agreement with Makhado and his “general”, Funyufunyu. The ZAR delegation was later criticized for trying to meddle in affairs of which they clearly had little understanding. The Venda groups did not know or trust the delegation and a series of misunderstandings led to more attacks. When two
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Sources: * Boeyens, J.C.A. Die konflik tussen die Venda en die Blankes in Transvaal, 1864-1869, 1990 * Ferreira, O.J.O, Montanha in Zoutpansberg, 2002 * Websites: http://www.afrikanergeskiedenis.co.za/profiel-mw-pretorius/
President M.W. Pretorius.
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ecutive council started with a series of hearings in Schoemansdal that lasted from 16 December 1865 to 3 January 1866. In one of the first decisions made, the captive Fleur (and probably Makoebie as well) was released. This opened the door for peace negotiations with the Venda leaders. Pretorius and Kruger listened to a number of complaints against ZAR citizens and also considered previous reports about alleged abuses and transgressions of the hunting laws. On 29 December 1865, Chief Madzhie sent a message to the commission, indicating that he was in favour of a peace settlement. This gesture changed the sentiments and may have prompted the decision of Pretorius and Kruger to re-appoint people such as magistrate Vercuiel and Duvenage, who were known to be on friendly terms with Makhado. The ZAR commission, unfortunately, never crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s. They never met with Makhado or Madzhie and did not investigate the grievances against people in local leadership roles. Davhana was still under the “protection” of Albasini and, partly because of this, most Venda leaders refused to hand back any weapons to the ZAR. Following a short period of relative peace, the conflict flared up again and the process repeated for all of its residents. President Pretorius played a final card to restore peace by sending Stephanus Schoeman, his son Hendrik, and SJ Meintjes to visit Schoemansdal and see what they could do. This mission also proved to be unsuccessful and it was clear that war was inevitable. In May 1867, Commandant-general Paul Kruger started making his way with some 400 men to the Zoutpansberg. The battles that followed are, however, stories for another day. (Perhaps when we discuss Kruger Street). The end result was that the town of Schoemansdal was evacuated on 15 July 1867. Most of the residents, and even Kruger, left the town with tears in their eyes. Barely hours after their leaving the town, it was burnt to the ground. MW Pretorius resigned as president in 1871 and was succeeded by the Dutch Reformed church minister, TF Burgers. For the next couple of years he moved out of the public domain and it was only in 1877, when the British annexed the ZAR, that he stepped to the fore again. Along with Piet Joubert and Paul Kruger, he formed part of the triumvirate that ruled from 1880 to 1883. When Paul Kruger became president of the ZAR in 1884, Pretorius left politics. He moved back to Potchefstroom where he lived until his death on 18 May 1901.
of Makhado and Madzhie’s representatives, Fleur and Makoebie, appeared before the commission, they questioned the commission’s authority (because Pretorius and Kruger were not present). Both were arrested after appearing and placed in Albasini’s custody, which clearly did not promote an atmosphere wherein a peaceful settlement could be reached. When the Schoeman commission left the Zoutpansberg at the end of July 1865, they seemed to have reached the conclusion that the conflict could only be ended by sending in a commando to subjugate the rebellious Venda chiefs. The manner in which the spoils of the war would be divided (which included the women and children captured) was also discussed. The commission did blame some white settlers for causing the conflict but, as far as could be established, did not propose any action against them. The reality was, however, that the able men in the rest of the ZAR were not so keen on assisting their kinsmen in the Zoutpansberg to make war. The commando in Rustenburg, among others, did not have a lot of sympathy with the Schoemansdallers and reckoned they had caused their own problems by allowing their weapons to end up in the hands of the Venda tribes. They were also ordered by Pretorius to assist the burgers in Utrecht and Wakkerstroom with the wars that had broken out there. President MW Pretorius had quite a busy period trying to extinguish fires throughout the ZAR. In August 1865, he convinced the executive committee to assist the Free State and declared war on Moshweshwe. Schoeman, who had to lead the commando to the north, was thus left without men and also without sufficient ammunition. Even the Waterberg “krygers” turned around when their commandant opted to rather go to Pretoria. The next two years were marked by some vicious battles in the Zoutpansberg between the white residents, supported by among others the Tsonga warriors under leadership of Njakanjaka, and the VhaVenda. Chiefs such as Neluvhola and Magoro were attacked to weaken Makhado and Madzhie’s power. These attacks often met with fierce criticism from within the ZAR, because of the manner in which they were perpetrated. The battle against Magoro was one example of the extent of the brutalities. A combined force of about 1 000 Tsonga warriors, accompanied by Albasini, joined the fight against Chief Magoro. The Zoutpansbergers were led by either Asst Cmdt Genl Geyser or Cmdt SM Venter. After some fierce fighting, the battle ended on 13 August 1865. More than 300 of Magoro’s men were killed, while 50 Tsonga warriors were wounded and two killed. After the battle, the Venda women were distributed among the Tsonga warriors, while the Boer fighters each received two children to be “booked in”. Only two members of the ZAR force, Alexander Struben and NT Oelofse, refused to take the children. More about these child slaves later. The attacks by the Venda were on occasion brutal and merciless. A certain Hans Fourie was captured en route to Chief Lwamondo’s headquarters. His head was cut off and placed on a pole next to the road. It was later reported to the missionary, Stefanus Hofmeyr, that Chief Lwamondo used his skin as a “karos” (blanket). Seeing that this story concerns MW Pretorius, we need to return to his role as president of the ZAR. On 23 November 1865, the ZAR’s executive committee met and Pretorius and Kruger decided to “vrywillig de taak op zicht te nemen naar Z.P. Berg te gaan, ten einde al dat gene te doen, dat strekken kan zyn tot welzyn van dat District en te onderzoeken of een oorlog al dan niet onvermydelik is” (to go to the Zoutpansberg to establish whether a war was unavoidable). The commission’s ex-
tre et
or the next two weeks, we’re visiting a street that was presumably named after another president, MW Pretorius. It may end up being a very controversial article, but hopefully the history won’t offend (too much). The history of the Zoutpansberg is filled with stories of bravery, tenacity and triumph when the odds were against the locals, but it also has the sad tales of cruelty, deceit and inhumane acts. Especially the early history was filled with acts of war and brutality, but then again, it was over 150 years ago and the rules and circumstances were very different from what we are used to today. As usual we try and focus on the impact that the people whose names appear on the street poles had on the Soutpansberg region, which means the story will deviate and find its own path. President MW Pretorius was no stranger to the people of the Zoutpansberg. He visited the area on at least two occasions and he was very involved in processes to try and diffuse the animosity between the settlers at Schoemansdal and the Vhavenda. We take a closer look at these visits and the battles between, among oth-
Pretorius Street ers, Chief Madzhie and the Boer forces. The ZAR president was, however, also accused of taking part in the dubious “inboekstelsel”, often described as another form of child slavery. We look at the impact that this practice had on the region and find out whether some 4 000 Venda, Matebele, Betchuana and Swazi children were really sold as slaves.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was die kwessie van grondeise nog ‘n relatief “nuwe begrip” vir grondeienaars, soos ook weerspieël op die voorblad van die Zoutpansberger van 22 September 1995. Die Manenzhe-gemeenskap se eise op meer as 120 plase in die Soutpansberg het behoorlik die tonge aan die gons gehad. Die eise is in die Staatskoerant van 8 September van daardie jaar gepubliseer. Plaaslike prokureur Pieter Botha het in daardie stadium die boerderygemeenskap gemaan om gesamentlik op die grondeise te reageer. Hy het verduidelik dat die Oorgangswet bepaal dat slegs mense wat ná 1913 teen hul wil weens apartheid van hul grond ontneem is, eise mag instel. Hy het genoem dat meeste plase in die Soutpansberg tussen 1905 en 1906 deur die destydse landmeter, mnr. Antrobeus, uitgemeet is. In heelwat ligter luim pronk Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior trompoppies ook op die voorblad. Hulle was die enigste span uit die destydse Noordelike Provinsie wat na die finaal van die Transvaalstreek se trompoppiekompetisie deurgedring het en het algeheel derde geëindig. Nog ‘n “nuwe konsep” waarmee inwoners van die “Nuwe” Suid-Afrika te doen gekry het was stakings. In daardie week se Zoutpansberger het die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad ‘n beroep gedoen op inwoners om geduldig te wees terwyl die SA Munisipale Werkersunie gestaak het. Die raad het ook
‘n beroep gedoen op vrywilligers wat kon help om noodsaaklike dienste te verrig om by die munisipale kantore aan te meld. Die werkersunie het gestaak oor minimum salarisse en aanpassings. Op sportgebied het inwoner Cassie Mattheus ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse rekord in boogskiet opgestel tydens die Transvaalse Kampioenskappe in Johannesburg. Hy het 504 uit ‘n moontlike 560 punte geskiet in die senior mans boogjagter (beperk) klas. Die vorige rekord was 491 punte.
Engela Dreyer oorlede na kort siekbed In Memoriam
Wyle me. Engela Dreyer (64) wat op 5 September oorlede is. Foto verskaf.
‘n Jarelange inwoner van die Soutpansberg, me. Engela Dreyer, is Saterdag, 5 September, ná ‘n kort siekbed in die ouderdom van 64 jaar oorlede. Engela het vir lank op Levubu gewoon en die laaste 17 jaar op Louis Trichardt. Sy het die laaste paar maande met haar gesondheid gesukkel weens suikersiekte. Haar toestand het die afgelope paar weke dramaties agteruitgegaan. Wyle Engela is op 11 September deur pastoor Leonie Meyfarth in die begraafplaas op Levubu begrawe. Sy word oorleef deur haar lewensmaat Willie de Beer, kinders Hettie (en skoonseun Teuns) en Gert (en skoondogter Ronel), kleinkinders en agterkleinkind. Willie het namens die familie hul opregte dank teenoor die gemeenskap van die Soutpansberg uitgespreek vir hulle ondersteuning. Spesiale dank het gegaan aan die personeel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, dr. Emil Gaigher, pastoor Leonie en Gerda Nagel van Mosaic begrafnisdienste.
Carel Hammann
Soutpansberg Spar have announced that they are in the process of expanding their Tops family in Louis Trichardt. This after they recently purchased LiquorZone from the well-known and much-loved Hennie and Rita van Rensburg, who decided to retire. According to owner Luke Enslin, they are in the process of converting this popular liquor outlet opposite BB Mount Fuji in Krogh Street into a fully fledged Tops Liquor Store with all the necessary branding. “Already the prices on all products are exactly the same as what you would pay at any Tops,” said Enslin and invited the public to support the store. Photo supplied.
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322ha Farm 11 Grazing camps.
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Servest Musina donated food parcels last week to Eric Louw High School in Musina’s Grade 12 students taking part in a math marathon. Participants enjoyed a burger, cool drink and chips. “We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. In these trying times, you are still able to support us,” said the school. Photo supplied.
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ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 SEPTEMBER 2020 Phil by sy Geloof, Hoop en Liefde-beeld aan huis van Luke en Marié Enslin van Louis Trichardt.
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TE HUUR WOONSTEL TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Levubu. R3 500p.m. Prepaid krag. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.
van regstellende aksie,” sê Phil. Phil is dankbaar dat hy ná sy verpligte aftrede Die befaamde beeldhouer Phil Potgieter het baie werk ingekry het. Van sy werk sluit in Louis Trichardt vandeesweek besoek waar hy Mandela se borsbeeld, die ATKV Veertjie-toe by kunstenaarsvriende gekuier het. kenning, die trofee vir die Unisa Internasionale Die 82-jarige Phil is steeds daagliks in sy Musiekkompetisie, die Kallie en Monique Stryateljee in Roodepoort aan die werskaf. “Ek doen dom skaakstelle wat vir fondsinsameling gebruik nie meer groot opdragte nie, slegs kleineres en is, ‘n seun en dogter wat by die Hoërskool Voordié wat ek vir familie en vriende doen, geniet trekker in Boksburg staan, asook ‘n beeld van voorkeur,” sê Phil. Jesus wat in die Mosaïek-kerk te sien is. Phil kom uit ‘n kunstenaarsfamilie. Sy oorlede Die stadsklerk van Oudtshoorn het destyds vir broer, Gert Potgieter, sal veral onthou word deur Phil opdrag gegee om ‘n borsbeeld van Verwoerd die omgewing se ouer inwoners. Hy was op bete maak om op die stadsplein op te rig. Net soek aan Louis Trichardt in die laat 1970’s waar voordat Phil vir Verwoerd in lewende lywe sou hy in die Ferdie Beyerssaal opgetree het. Gert is ontmoet om die skep van sy borsbeeld te vergeop ‘n jong ouderdom (46) noodlottig raakgery. maklik, is hy op 6 September 1966 vermoor. “Dit Phil is gebore in Aasvoëlkop, Johannesburg, in het vir my gevoel of my loopbaan in duie gestort 1938. Dit het destyds uit ‘n aantal kleinhoewes het! Ek het egter voortgegaan om die beeld te bestaan. Hy het in daardie omgewing grootgevoltooi en dit is deur John Vorster onthul. Die word – toe nog baie plattelands, met sy ouma beeld staan klaarblyklik nou in Orania se musewat koeie aangehou het en melk aan bure oor um,” vervolg Phil. die heining vir ‘n tiekie verkoop het. Phil is die “Ek was 27 jaar oud toe ‘n vermoënde persoon tweede jongste van vier kinders en het skoolgemy ‘n beurs aangebied het om by die ‘Scuola di gaan by Laerskool Louw Geldenhuys in Linden Bella Arti’ in Rome te gaan studeer. My aansoek en Hoërskool Linden. is goedgekeur, maar die weldoener het dit toe “Ek onthou goed hoe my belangstelling in ongelukkig nie laat realiseer nie – ‘n groot kleiwerk geprikkel is in ongeveer Graad 1. Ons teleurstelling in my lewe. Ongeveer 54 jaar later onderwyseres, mev. Schlebusch, het ons in ‘n (ná my vrou se afsterwe) het my skoonseun, wat kunsklas laat krale maak van ‘vleiklei’ of plaastoe in Switserland werksaam was, my Rome toe klei. Die skool het ook ‘n drom vol van hierdie geneem en het hierdie instansie steeds rekord klei op die skoolgronde gehou. Iets wat ‘n groot van my aansoek gehad. Dit, sowel as die besoek indruk op my gemaak het, was om te sien hoe aan die Sistynse Kapel, die Trevi Fontein, en van die weeskinders wat saam met my skoolander kunswerke van Michelangelo, was ‘n gegaan het die mooiste klei-osse en olifante uit hoogtepunt in my lewe.” hierdie klei gemaak het. Ek was seker so in StanNá jare wat Phil self sy beelde gegiet het, derd 3,” sê Phil. “Die persoon wat my die meeste het hy ‘n onderneming in Mpumalanga ontdek geïnspireer het om ‘n beeldhouer te word, was wat die gietwerk doen. Hulle kan selfs klein my pa. Ek is sy naamgenoot – Hermanus Philliskaalmodelle digitaal vergroot en giet. “Dit maak pus Potgieter. Hy was in die drukkery-bedryf en ‘n beeldhouer se werk deesdae sóveel makliker. het tydens die depressiejare sy besigheid verloor.” Die beeldhouer behou natuurlik die kopiereg,” Hy is toe as handsetter aangestel by die destydse sê Phil. Transvaler, waar Phil self later as leerling begin ‘n Klompie van Phil se beeldjies is Saterdag by werk het. Salon Lu-iz se opedag uitgestal. Groot was die “Die inwyding van die Voortrekkermonument verrassing toe ‘n plaaslike inwoner, Marié Enslin, in 1949 en die formidabele beeldhouwerk aldaar Phil se werk herken en noem dat sy self van sy was groots en sou bepalend wees in my toekom- beeldhouwerk besit. “Geloof, Hoop en Liefde” stige besluite,” sê Phil, wat so bevoorreg was om staan in haar huis. ‘n Klein wêreld is dit gewis! teenwoordig te wees. Marié se ma, Alta de Beer, was al die jare die As werkende jong man het Phil eendag aan orrelis in die NG Gemeente Horison in Rood‘n kollega genoem dat hy weer kleiwerk wil epoort, waar Phil ook ‘n lidmaat is. Boonop is begin doen. Hy het in die Aasvoëlkop-omgewing Phil se peetdogter, Daleen, ‘n jarelange vriendin rondgestap en het in die modder getrap waar van Marié. Alta was toevallig ook op besoek aan ontwikkelaars besig was om ‘n gedeelte by ‘n Louis Trichardt en die twee kennisse kon lekker populierbos in ‘n rolbalbaan te omskep. Hy het kuier. agtergekom dat hierdie nie modder was nie, Phil deel graag sy kennis en demonstreer maar dieselfde “vleiklei” wat hulle destyds by die sy vaardighede. Hy wil veral hê dat die jonger skool gehad het. Opgewonde het Phil ‘n kruigeslag by hom leer. Hy was ook vir 17 jaar ná wavol gaan haal. Kort hierna het hy Newlands sy aftrede kunsonderwyser by die Hoërskool toe getrek, en dit het saamgetrek. Die eerste Bastion in Krugersdorp. Terwyl hy in Louis beeldjie wat hy gemaak het, was van Albert Sch- Trichardt was, het hy ‘n kort demonstrasie vir ‘n weitzer - mediese sendeling, skrywer, musikant paar belangstellendes gegee. Elkeen het ook die en teoloog. Die destydse Volkskas Bank het die voorreg gehad om ‘n klein beeldjie te vorm met beeldjie gekoop en dit staan tans in die Burgklei wat Phil self maak - ‘n spesiale samestelling ersentrum in Roodepoort. wat hy ‘n “olieklei” noem. Dit word nooit hard “My pa was baie kultuurbewus. My broer nie en is ideaal vir beeldhouwerk. Die klei waarGert is juis deur hom aangemoedig om te sing. mee gewerk is, het hy reeds voor sy aftrede in die Ek wou graag verder studeer, maar het nie die tagtigerjare gemaak. geleentheid gehad nie,” vertel Phil. “Kuns het Phil is vir die eerste maal op besoek aan Louis my gedryf en ek is later aangestel as leerling Trichardt se wêreld. “Die plek herinner my baie grafiese ontwerper by die Spoorweë. Ek het nie sterk aan my kleintyd op die kleinhoewes – só ‘n graad of diploma gehad nie en moes myself aangenaam!” sê Phil. maar leer. In my werk het ek ‘n groot verskeidHy wil graag vir almal wat in kuns belangstel enheid van werk gedoen. Onthou, dit was in die aanmoedig om dit te doen en hulle daarin uit te dae voordat alles digitaal gedoen is. Met ‘n kwas leef. “Deesdae is voltydse beroepe in kuns skaars, het ek byvoorbeeld ‘n bord geverf wat by ‘n stasie maar doen dit dan as ‘n tweede beroep. Hou vas opgerig moes word. Op die ouderdom van 54 daaraan. Maak ook seker dat jy met mede-kunmoes ek ongelukkig pensioen neem as gevolg stenaars gesels,” sê Phil. Deur Pétria de Vaal
LEGALS CHARLES PIETERSE ATTORNEYS NOTICE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of Deed of Transfer T38213/2015 passed by CHRISTO VORSTER VAN NIEKERK Iden�ty Number: 670731 5031 08 2 Unmarried, in favour of RHEEDER FAMILY TRUST Registra�on Number: T11/2013 in respect of certain PORTION 100 (a Por�on of Por�on28) of the farm VONDELING 285, Registra�on Division L.T., Limpopo Province, MEASURING 1,1249 (ONE COMMA ONE TWO FOUR NINE) Hectares which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane within TWO (2) weeks from the date of the publica�on of this no�ce. Name and address of authorized agent: CHARLES PIETERSE ATTORNEYS, 24 Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt. Email: aktes@ lawproc.com Tel: 015 516 0900 Ref: T11/2013
VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH ATT In the estate of the late Sara Jean Avis (iden�ty number 691220 0044 08 9) married in community of property to Jacob Avis (iden�ty number 681226 5081 08 5) who resided at 78 Munnik Street, Louis Trichardt and died on 04/01/2018. No�ce is hereby given that the First and Final Liquida�on and Distribu�on account in the above Estate will lie for inspec�on to all persons interested therein at the Magistrate’s Court of Louis Trichardt for a period of 21 (twenty-one) days, from 18/09/2020 un�l 19/10/2020. Signed at Louis Trichardt on this 08th day of September 2020 VAN HEERDEN EN RUDOLPH, 24 Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920, PO Box/Posbus 246 Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0164/5/6 Fax: 015 516 1091 Ref: DR S RUDOLPH/ Lure�e/28829 COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDE INC. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Ar�kel 34(1) van die
Insolvensiewet, 24 van 1936,dat MARANATSHI (EDMS) BPK van voorneme is om die besigheid bekend as STEERS, DEBONAIRS PIZZA, FISHAWAYS AND MILKY LANE - THAVHANI MALL, ‘n voedsel besigheid te Winkels U1A & B THAVHANI MALL, THOHOYANDO, aan RIVONINGO SHIRINDA (EDMS) BEPERK na 30 (DERTIG) dae na die laaste datum van die publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, volgens ‘n koopkontrak oor te dra. COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDE, POSBUS 52, LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 TEL (015) 516 0116, FAKS (015) 516 4175 Verw. Mnr Vise/ MAN420/2 TRICON AGRIC SERVICES PTY LTD NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE WATER USE LICENSE INTERMS OFF SECTION 40 OF THE NATIONAL WATER ACT NO.36 OF 1998. Project Background Nu Ashton Boerdery a reputable, divers farming enterprise opera�onal within Limpopo, has appointed Tricon Agric Services ( Pty) LTD, as independent environmental consultants, to comply and submit a Water-use License Applica�on in terms of Sec�on 40 of the Na�onal Water Act no.36 of 1998 for agricultural ac�vi�es. Abstrac�on of ground water from boreholes and the storing of water will also be applied for to ensure
water supply to the new development. The purpose of this documenta�on is to support Nu Ashton Boerdery with their Water-use. License Applica�on. The applicant triggers the following water uses in terms of the Na�onal Water Act no.36 of 1998: Sec�on 21 A: Abstrac�on of ground water from boreholes. Sec�on 21 B – Storing of water. Loca�on The proposed development site is approximately 31.48km from Krokidilpan Primary which is located Northwest of the site and 30.43km from Maleboho SAPS which is located to the Southeast of the Farm Nuwe Ashton 388,Por�on 0 MR which is located in the Limpopo province. Coordinates S: 220 45’ 24.58” E: 280 45’ 45.79” For further details and in order to ensure that you are iden�fied as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP), please submit your details to the contact person within 28Days of the publica�on of the advert. Queries regarding this ma�er must be referred to: Name of consultant: Tricon Agric Services Contact person: Milinda Venter Telephone no: 012 111 9060 Address: 1028 Saxby Avenue Eldoraign 0157
NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE LICENCE BY WEIPE TRUST FOR THE PERMANENT TRANSFER OF SOME WATER USE ENTITLEMENTS FOR THE TAKING OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES (LIMPOPO RIVER) FROM PORTIONS 6, 7 & 8 OF THE FARM WEIPE 47 MS TO THE REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM WEIPE 47 MS. If you have any comments on the proposed application or require additional information, please contact Francois Joubert of Schoeman & Vennote Consulting Engineers. E-mail: francois@landuse.co.za
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
19 th
Befaamde beeldhouer kom deel kennis op Louis Trichardt
Kontak: 083 784 9964
OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claim against the men�oned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publica�on hereof. Registered number of estate 1488/2020 Province: Limpopo Surname: OBERHOLSTER First Name: CATHARINA ALIDA Id no: 531125 0081 086 Latest address: 19 BURGER STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 Date of Death: 03/04/2020 Master ‘s office: Thohoyandou. First names of the surving spouse JOHANN GERHART OBERHOLSTER Date of birth:1952/05/20 ID NO: 520520 5042 088 TAMBANI MATUMBA ATTORNEYS INC, 39 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Email: matumba@tmlaw. co.za Tel :015 516 6411 Fax: 015 516 6429 REF:NEM/2020/1001175
Datum 09/09/20
Eie reëlings
Eie reëlings
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS Gekombineerde Stablef ord, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier, 4 Man Cha Cha Cha
Formaat IS Punte
M. Venter
M. Dekker
uittel 38
A. Jandrell
uittel 38
IsAbility Gholfdag Datum 12/09/20
Hoofborg IsAbility
Plek 1
Opkomende Kompetisie
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
S. Harri, B. Patel P. Patel, S. Govind
Inus, Marnus Percy, Bennie
Arie, Botties Marius, Erna
Johan, Wally Dane, Izak
Formaat 4BA Punte 110 102 uittel 101 uittel 101
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Day will turn disability into ability for many
The “photo expression” of the day award during Saturday’s IsAbility golf day went to Jan Pretorius. Photo: Hannah Waller.
The four-ball-alliance scramble drive was won by the Surat team consisting of players (from left to right) P Patel, S Harri, B Patel and S Govind. Photo: Hannah Waller.
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Horse Riding, National Velvet Apiaries, Wilfred Lawrence, SACM, Painted Horse Wildlife Photography, Limpopo Caterers, IsAbility Gauteng and Zoutnet (the Zoutpansberger). “We also wish to thank every volunteer worker and our club members,” said Sandy. She also thanked the Soutpansberg Golf Club, their staff, golf captain Inus Steyn and club secretary Mare van der Merwe for their support and assistance, as well as all the golfers.
Young and old enjoyed Saturday’s IsAbility golf day. Pictured is one of the younger players, Keegan Mocke. Photo: Hannah Waller. 2013 VW Polo GTi 1.4 DSG
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The annual IsAbility golf day was decided at the Soutpansberg Golf Club on Saturday, 12 September, and despite the Covid-19 restrictions, was once again a great success. “We are really thankful for the support from so many quarters that our golf day received. In spite of the coronavirus and level-two lockdown regulations, we had 40 players and almost as many volunteers and supporters,” said organiser Sandy James. IsAbility is a sports club that supports development of differently abled athletes, as well as able-bodied athletes. Funds raised during Saturday’s golf day will be used for their project Fit-to-Fly to provide standing and sitting frames to mobility-impaired patients locally. The four-ball-alliance scramble drive was won by the Surat team with 110 points. “The success of the day was the unity of energy that was evident. Once again our IsAbility visitors from Gauteng commented on how amazing the energy is that we have
within the Louis Trichardt community. We are thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for enabling such united energy. With the proceeds from the day we are going to be able to fit at least four cerebral palsied children with standing frames and initiate a local manufacturing process for the frames,” said Sandy. More importantly, she added, awareness was created about the reality of the needs of disabled members of the community. “Little by little we can gain ground as more and more people join hands to reach out to the physically disabled. There are still those in our community who are living with a disability and feel marginalized. They are free to get in touch with us,” said Sandy. Sandy and the IsAbility expressed their gratitude towards all the sponsors who made the day possible. They were Jandrell and Swanepoel, Surat, Purely Water, Motion Fitness Gym, Letaba Wireless, Potgieter Boerdery (Macridge), Madi-gra Water, Emmanuel Christian School, the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital, Ocean Basket, Barley and Jam, Delcovision, Chris James, GG-
By Andries van Zyl