Zoutpansberger 20 Januarie 2012

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20 Januarie 2012



PRYS: R3,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Oud-sakeman verloor kankerstryd - bladsy 3

Jaargang 28 Vol. 2




Yet another diamond Laat ‘n dokter eerder mine shows interest in die inspuitwerk doen Soutpansberg - page 4 - bladsy 6

Inbrekers gebruik maatskappy se eie toerusting om kluis oop te forseer, nadat hulle deur plafon klim

Duisende kwyt tydens inbraak Deur Isabel Venter

NTK/Landmark-klante in Louis Trichardt het Dinsdag voor geslote deure te staan gekom. Die winkel moes vir die hele dag gesluit word ná ‘n waaghalsige inbraak. Derduisende rande is buitgemaak. Net voor oopmaaktyd het bestuurder me. Sonje Thornhill se hart gesink toe sy haar kantoordeur oopmaak en ‘n oopgebreekte kluis haar begroet. Asof dié gesig nie erg genoeg is nie, moes Sonje ook later uitvind dat daar van die maatskappy se eie gasbottels gebruik is om die vuilwerk mee te doen. Die polisie is dadelik ontbied om ondersoek in te stel. By nadere ondersoek kon daar vasgestel word dat die diewe eers twee gate in die dak van Personeel van die NTK/Landmark in Louis die winkel gemaak het en deur die plaTrichardt se industriële area bekyk die skade fon geklim het. Voordat hulle ‘n gat aan die kluis wat deur inbrekers oopgesny en oopgebreek het in Sonje se kantoor, van alle kontant gestroop is. is die alarmstelsel se drade, wat oor

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die dak loop, geknip. Met die alarmstelsel buite aksie kon die diewe ongestoord die kluis oopsny met ‘n blaasvlam (blow torch) en ‘n pad van verwoesting in die administrasiekantore saai. Interneten telefoonbokse is van die mure afgeruk en die drade in ‘n miernes gelos. Dokumente en tjeks wat begin brand het en leë banksakkies is oor die vloer gestrooi. Dit was ongetwyfeld ‘n harde werk, want behalwe vir die kontant wat uit die kluis vermis word, het die diewe hulself gehelp aan die winkel se koeldrank. Sonje kon teen druktyd nie ‘n presiese omvang van die skade gee nie, aangesien personeel nog besig was om voorraad te tel. Die maatskappy se kleingeld vir die kasregisters is ook gebuit. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder ltkol. Ronel Otto het Woensdagoggend die voorval bevestig en gesê ‘n saak van huisbraak word ondersoek.

Vir klein Riaan van Tonder was sy eerste skooldag in Graad 1 ‘n hartseer affêre en het dit baie oortuiging van ma Lientjie gekos om die trane te stop. Riaan was een van ‘n groot groep Graad 1’s wat Woensdag, ná ‘n lekker uitgerekte Desember-skoolvakansie by Laerskool Louis Trichardt sy 12-jaar-lange skoolloopbaan begin het.

10 Februarie 2012 19h00 te Ferdie Beyerssaal, Louis Trichardt. Kaartjies by Driekie’s Craft & Gifts beskikbaar.

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2 20 January 2012 In memoriam

Oud-burgemeester van grensdorp groet finaal Familie en vriende het gedurende Desember met hartseer afskeid geneem van mnr. Hennie Kloppers (74), ‘n oud-burgemeester van Musina. Kloppers is op 13 Desember na ‘n lang siekbed oorlede. Hy en sy oorlede eggenote, Annatjie, was woonagtig in Musina vanaf die vroeë sestigerjare. Kloppers begin werk as boekhouer vir oorlede mnr. Hugh Sheldon van Sheldon en Prinsloo. Gedurende die sewentiger jare neem Kloppers die firma by Sheldon oor. Hy doen boeke tot in 2001, waarna hy die firma verkoop aan mnr. Jan Hofmeyr. Hy hou egter aan om boeke vanaf die huis vir ‘n paar kliënte te doen tot in 2008, waarna sy oë hom in die steek laat en hy finaal op pensioen gaan. Kloppers het ook vanaf 1969 tot 1995 as raadslid op die destydse

Messina Munisipale Raad gedien. Vanaf 1972 tot 1987 word hy ook vier keer as burgemeester van dié grensdorp verkies, asook vanaf 1971 tot 1986 vier keer as voorsitter van die Raad se bestuurskomitee. Hy het in 1995 as raadsheer van die munisipaliteit bedank. Kloppers het ook vir vier dekades op die kerkraad van die Hervormde Kerk in Musina gedien. Hy was ‘n ywerige sportman en het vir die dorp ringtennis gespeel, asook haker vir die dorp se rugbyspan gedurende die sestigerjare. ‘n Roudiens is op 19 Desember vanuit die Hervormde Kerk Messinagemeente vir wyle mnr. Kloppers gehou onder leiding van ds. Rademeyer. Kloppers word oorleef deur twee dogters, Trudie en Anja, drie kleinkinders en twee agterkleinkinders.

Wyle mnr. Hennie Kloppers. Foto verskaf.

By Mashudu Netsianda

Deportation number the largest since October 2011

Die Graad 1´s van die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt was vol glimlagte op hul eerste skooldag op Dinsdag. Onder die Gr. 1´s was daar maatjies Sualize van der Merwe (links) en Bernice Roberts (regs )wat lank voor die skoolklok gelui het al by die skool was om die beste sitplek in juffrou Erna Prinsloo se klas te kry.

The SA Department of Home Affairs on Thursday last week deported 672 more undocumented Zimbabweans through Beit Bridge border as the crackdown on illegal immigrants from the neighbouring country intensified. The illegal immigrants arrived in their country aboard eight hired buses. The latest figure is the largest since the resumption of the deportations in October last year. Zimbabwe’s assistant regional immigration manager at Beit Bridge border post, Mrs Tamari Shadaya, said of the 672 deportees, 511 were from Lindela holding centre in Johannesburg while

161 were rounded up in various areas in Limpopo Province. “We received 672 Zimbabwean border jumpers on Thursday and they were sent to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for vetting and assistance before deployment to their respective homes,” said Shadaya. On arrival in Beit Bridge, the deportees are taken to the IOM reception and support centre where they are offered temporary shelter, food and transport to travel to their respective homes. However, most of them usually shun the assistance and find their way back to South Africa through undesignated

entry points along the Limpopo River. South Africa resumed the deportation of Zimbabweans on 7 October last year, following the suspension of the exercise in May 2009. The government later introduced a special dispensation during which Zimbabweans were given an opportunity to regularise their stay in the country by applying for work, business and study permits. Home Affairs officially completed the process of taking applications on 31 December last year and more than 275 000 Zimbabweans met the December 2011 deadline.

BUSINESS talk Deur Isabel Venter

Geen werk te klein of te groot vir hulle Real Steel & Welding Worx is ‘n maatskappy wat staal fabrikasie doen en oprig vir eindgebruiker-klante. Die maatskappy word bestuur deur man-en-vrou-span Jack en Tracey Munger. Die egpaar, wat oorspronklik van Nelspruit afkomstig is, het hul in Levubu kom vestig sowat

vyf maande gelede. Saam roem hulle op ‘n produk van die hoogste kwaliteit en puik diens aan klante. Jack, ‘n hoogs-gekwalifiseerde ketelmaker en metaalwerker, het al meer as 30 jaar se ondervinding agter sy naam. Sy hande staan derhalwe reg vir enige uitdaging, hetsy dit

Jack en Tracey Munger, wat onlangs na Louis Trichardt verhuis het, is die eienaars van Real Steel & Welding Worx, ´n nuwe staalmaatskappy. In die agtergrond kan ´n voorbeeld gesien word van die fyner staalprodukte wat Jack maak en verkoop.

‘n komplekse netwerk van pypelyne is of staalstrukture soos vragmotorbakke en sleepwaens. Ander voltooide projekte sluit pompstasies, tenks en takelwerk in. “Geen werk is te groot of klein vir ons nie,”sê Jack. Boonop is daar nie een klant wat vir hulle te ver of naby is nie. “Ons sal tot werk vir ‘n klant in die buiteland doen.” Hulle rol ook pype, tubing, ensovoorts in enige radius. Behalwe vir praktiese staalprodukte en –stellasies, vervaarding Real Steel & Welding Worx ook fyn en spoggerige staalwerk. Voorbeelde sluit in beddens, kandelare en alle ander meubelstukke. Hierdie produkte is veral gewild onder gastehuise en wildsplase. Om ‘n meer volledige katalogus van Real Steel & Welding Worx se produkte deur te blaai, kan Jack en Tracey by hul werkswinkel besoek word in Kleinstraat (dit is die kompleks werkswinkels agter Bridge Motors). Die winkelnommer is 31. Alternatiewelik kan hulle geskakel word by 082 428 2840.

New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the col-

umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Is a blown top gasket or burnt valve giving you sleepless nights? Speed Brake in Louis Trichardt recently acquired a head seat and guide valve milling machine which now allows them to skim cylinder heads, cut head pockets and change valve guides. These new services, which also comprise a serdi and mira tooling, are delivered by trained staff at competitive prizes. “The machine is able to work on any cylinder head, from a motorcycle to a bulldozer,” says owner Johan Pretorius (above). For more information, phone Johan at 015 516 1248 or 015 516 6655.


20 Januarie 2012 3

In memoriam

Oud-sakeman verloor sy kankerstryd Oud-sakeman en bekende in boerderykringe in die Soutpansberg, mnr. Nico Scheepers, is Vrydag, 13 Januarie, na ‘n kort siekbed in die ouderdom van 60 jaar oorlede. Scheepers was ‘n boorling van die Soutpansberg en is op 8 Maart 1951 in die destydse kraaminrigting in Louis Trichardt, vandag bekend as die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, gebore. Hy voltooi beide sy laer- en hoërskoolloopbane hier. Op hoërskool was hy ‘n kranige atleet en verwerf vanaf 1964 tot 1968 elke jaar provinsiale kleure. Hy was ook tamboermajoor en onderhoofseun by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Na hy in 1968 matrikuleer, verrig hy vir drie jaar nasionale diensplig onder meer as lid van die staatspresident se erewag. Scheepers volg dit op met ‘n loopbaan van sewe jaar in elektrotegniese rekenaarswese in Johannesburg. In 1978 keer Scheepers terug na sy geboortedorp en begin ‘n suksesvolle eie onderneming, bekend

as Sennic Algemene Ingenieursbenodighede. Vanaf 1980 en 1990 dien hy ook ondermeer as bestuurslid van die Soutpansberg Afrikaanse Sakekamer, asook as raadslid van die Louis Trichardt Munisipaliteit vanaf 1982 tot 1989. In 1992 sluit Sennic se deure, waarna Scheepers hom op boerdery toespits, eers saam met Piet Henning en later saam met Bill Oldreive. Hy en Bill begin ook ‘n vyekonfyt-inmaakfabriek wat in daardie stadium ‘n nuutjie was vir die Soutpansberg en Limpopo Provinsie. Die laaste paar jaar tot met sy dood was hy verbonde aan Zet B Voere, waar hy in alle opsigte De Wet van Wyk se regterhand was.“Sy lojaliteit en eerlikheid was onberispelik,” het Van Wyk Maandag gesê. Scheepers se gesondheid het vanaf November verlede jaar dramaties agteruit gegaan vanweë kolonkanker wat aggressief na die res van sy liggaam versprei het. Hy sal deur familie en vriende onthou word vir sy liefde vir die natuur, om te jag en om langs ‘n kampvuur te kuier. Hy was ‘n Onlangse foto van wyle mnr. Nico Scheepers (60), saam met twee van sy kinders, Nico (jnr.) besonders lief vir visvang. en Stephanie. Foto verskaf. “Sy besoeke aan Suidwes en Kariba was van sy gelukkigste tye,” vertel sy eggenote Christelle. Scheepers word oorleef deur sy eggenote, kinders Hofnuus Nico, Rochelle en Stephanie, en uitgebreide familie- en vriendekring. ‘n Gedenkdiens vir Scheepers word op Donderdag, 26 Januarie om 11:00 gehou vanuit die Intussen sal die man wat glo Die Louis Trichardt sakeman Louis Trichardt verskyn. NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente. Die familie wat daarvan verdink word Die mans word daarvan ver- omgekoop is om vir die polisie het ‘n woord van dank gerig aan Bill, De Wet, dat hy Zimbabwiese mans dink dat hulle in September te jok rakende die OosthuyseWouter, Annetjie, Brink, Johan, Koos, Nellie en gemartel het, se saak is van- verlede jaar die reg in eie hande saak weer op 23 Januarie in die al sy ander naby-vriende en familie vir hul vrienddeesweek na die streekshof geneem het en drie Zimbabwie- hof verskyn. Sikapila Markson skap met Scheepers. Dank gaan ook aan ds. Jan, oorgeplaas. se mans, wat vermoedelik by Mudenda (53) van Zimbabwe dr. Stroebel, die personeel van die Zoutpansberg Martinus Jacobus Oosthuyse Oosthuyse se onderneming het glo R5 000 gekry om vir Privaathospitaal, die Makhado Care Group en almal (47) en vier van sy werkers, ingebreek het, agter ‘n bakkie die polisie ‘n verklaring te gee wat Scheepers besoek het die laaste paar dae voor dat die slagoffer die saak teen Rodger Chikadzi, Gift Ma- gesleep het. sy afsterwe. “Ons waardeer elke gebed, traan en Die mans se saak is Maandag Oosthuyse en die ander mans chipisa, David Mapiye en Gilhanddruk,” sê die familie. bert Sikhokho Muthelo, word uitgestel tot 7 Februarie sodat wil terugtrek. Die slagoffer kan Special thanks also went to Father Frank Galaangekla van poging tot moord, daar, na wat verneem word, ‘n nie geïdentifiseer word alvorens lagher of the Catholic Church, the convent sisters, ontvoering en aanranding. Hulle advokaat aangestel kan word hy in die hof verskyn het om te the Catholic Church choir and members of the getuig nie. het Maandag weer in die hof in om hulle te verdedig. Catholic community for their prayers and numerous visits.

Oosthuyse wil advokaat kry in saak

Reinhardt Smit loer grootoog na die binnekant van die CVO Zoutpansbergskool se Graad 1-klas. Hy het Dinsdag met sy eerste skooldag begin en was die enigste haantjie tussen al die henne in die klas.

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4 20 January 2012 By Isabel Venter

Yet another mining company shows interest Yet another mining company is show- define the area.” Initial reports inferred an March last year, Diamcor announced that ing interest in the Soutpansberg’s estimated 54 million tonnes of diamondif- it had established a long-term alliance minerals. erous gravel and a further estimated 1.3 with the world famous luxury American Diamcor Mining Incorporated (DMI), a million carats of diamonds for the project company Tiffany & Co. Diamcor expects junior Canadian diamond and exploration areas. In addition, most of the diamonds production levels of between 120 000 and company, has announced its intention to to be mined will be sold in America. In 240 000 carats per year. apply for a mining right to mine diamonds. Their diamond project, named Krone-Endora, is situated just north-west of De Beers’ Venetia diamond mine. In total, the project covers a surface area of approximately 5 888 hectares. Diamcor acquired Krone-Endora from De Beers, in conjunction with a DMI South Africa subsidiary known as Nozala Investments (Pty) Ltd, a 100% women-owned black economic empowerment company. According to Diamcor’s website, the exploration work has been carried out and One of the exploration pits at Krone-Endora. Photo: diamcormining.com. A percussion drilling rig at the Krone-Endora project next to the Venetia data was collected from 469 targets to “better Mine. Photo: diamcormining.com. By Mashudu Netsianda

Two foreigners nabbed over drugs Police in Limpopo have intensified their war against drugs dealers and smugglers, resulting in the arrest of two suspects, a Nigerian and a Tanzanian. In a statement, SAPS spokesperson for Limpopo Lt Col Ronel Otto said that, in the first incident, members from the Hawks in the province received information about a suspect who was supplying drugs in and around Mokopane. They monitored the suspect for some time and on Thursday, 12 January, they moved in on him. “The 40-year-old suspect was arrested at his place of residence in the town after our officers searched his premises and recovered packets of heroine, cocaine rocks, ecstasy tablets, dagga and cocaine powder, all to the value of R350 000. Cash to the value of R142 613 was also confiscated,” she said. The suspect, who is from Ni-

geria, is expected to appear in the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court soon. “We are continuing with our investigations and there is a possibility that the suspect might be connected to more incidents of drug-related crimes,” Otto said. In the second incident, at Beit Bridge Border Post, a suspect from Tanzania was arrested for the possession of drugs he tried to smuggle into the country. SAPS members on duty at the border post became suspicious of the suspect and when they searched him, they found what appeared to be cocaine wrapped in plastic. “The suspect was also seen swallowing something, and when he was taken to hospital for Xrays, it was found that more plastic bags were visible in his stomach. The suspect was admitted to Musina Hospital for observation under police guard. The value of the confiscated drugs is yet to be ® established,” said Otto. ® ®

The Provincial Commissioner of SAPS in Limpopo, Lt-Gen Simon Mpembe, stated that this was only the beginning of the fight against drugs in the province. “Besides the fact that the possession and use of drugs is a criminal act, drug users sometimes resort to committing crime to fund their dependability on the substance and this is one of the aspects that we want to eradicate. I would also like to remind local people that we need support from our communities to help us fight crime. We therefore urge members of the communities to contact the police if they see anything suspicious which might be linked to crime. Just pick up the phone and call our SAPS Provincial Hotline number (0800 765 423) or our crime line number at 08600 10111 where information can be left anonymously,” Mpembe said.


Miss Sarah Mamburu next to her gate in Joubert Street, Louis Trichardt. By Rulani Baloyi

New Years’ shock for Miss Mamburu The New Year arrived with an unpleasant surprise for Miss Sarah Mamburu of Louis Trichardt. She woke up to discover that her gate had been vandalized, presumably by a group of youngsters. Mamburu discovered the writing on the gate early in the morning when she was preparing to go to a church service. “I drove out and pressed my remote to lock the gate. When I looked back to make sure that the gate was really closed, I was shocked to see that someone had sprayed letters on my gate,” said Mamburu.

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“The police later asked me whether I’m a politician, but I am not. I am a pastor. I vote like any other person and I’m not associated with any politician. I don’t understand why these people would choose to spray my gate,” she said. The culprits did not only spray Miss Mamburu’s gate, they also sprayed stop signs in the nearby streets. Miss Mamburu’s gate was sprayed two lines of letters, spelling AWEE and AWB. Mamburu suspects that it might be because she is the only black person staying in that


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block in Joubert Street. “We once had our electricity switched off from the outside electric box. This only happened to my house and to the other black owner on another block,” she said. Mamburu said that she had reported the matter to the police, who responded to her call. However, a case had not yet been opened by 10 January. The provincial spokesperson for the SAPS, Lt-Col Ronel Otto, this week confirmed that a case had been opened and that the police are investigating.

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20 Januarie 2012 5


In memoriam

Boere gewaarsku dat druk gaan toeneem Oom Whitey oorlede na kort siekbed Te midde van sy goeie wense vir die nuwe jaar pansberg Distrikslandbou-Unie (SDLU), ook aan inwoners van die Soutpansberg het mnr. gewaarsku dat boere hulle hierdie jaar moet Stephen Hoffman, voorsitter van die Sout- gereed maak vir meer druk op kommersiële landbou vanaf regeringskant. “Die regering het hul oog op landbou se waterbronne en wil ‘n gedeelte daarvan wegneem om aan mynbou en landelike gemeenskappe te gee. Daar word gesinspeel dat ons grond te duur is om te koop en dat dit onteien moet word sonder vergoeding. Die groenskrif wat einde 2011 gesirkuleer het, berei die pad voor vir so ‘n proses. Die eis dat ons moet weggee sonder dat daarvoor gewerk word en talle onbillike wetgewings wat regstaan om die landbouer te pootjie, gaan toeneem,” het Hoffman in ‘n mediaverklaring gesê. Tog het Hoffman bygevoeg dat hierdie situasie nie uniek is nie. “Witmense in Suid Afrika is nie die eerste minderheidsgroep wat onderdruk word en van hulle eiendom vervreem word deur onderdrukkende, diskriminerende wetgewing en ander vorms van strukturele geweld nie. Dit het al baie keer in die geskiedenis gebeur en sal weer in die toekoms gebeur. Die manier waarop ons daarop reageer kan deur ons bepaal word. Die vraag is steeds hoe ons as minderheid die kundigheid, energie en strukture kan gebruik tot beste voordeel van almal,” sê Hoffman. Hy meen die oplossing lê daarin dat almal ´n Bekende oud-inwoner van Levubu, moet hande vat, hul kundigheid deel en sodoende tannie Hermine Redelinghuys, is na ´n kort die gemeenskap maksimaal kan uitbou. Hoffman het gesê dat landbou al hoe belangriker siekbed op 24 Desember in die ouderdom gaan word omdat mense moet eet en bitter min van 92 oorlede. Tannie Hermine is op 29 mense in die wêreld is in staat om hul eie kos Oktober 1919 in die Kaap gebore as ´n nooi Hoogendoring. In April 1937 is sy getroud met te produseer, en nog minder in staat is om meer Joey Redelinghuys, ´n bekende druiweboer te produseer sodat ander mense ook gevoed kan van die Paarl. Hy het in 1949 ´n eiendom op word. “Dit is daarom die roeping en plig van die Levbu gekoop. Na sy afsterwe in 1987 het lede van SDLU om landbou te beskerm en uit te tannie Hermine besluit om permanent na bou, sodat ons aan ons roeping en plig gehoorsaam Levubu te verhuis en dit haar nuwe tuiste te kan wees. Ons is landbouers. Ons produseer kos maak. Sy het vir die afgelope vyf jaar in Louis vir ‘n skynbaar nimmereindigende ontploffende Trichardt gewoon. Tannie Hermine word bevol­king. Laat ons nie vaskyk teen politieke oorleef deur haar seun Retief en laat ook talle klippe in die pad nie. Laat ons fokus op ons opdrag. Dan sal ons die loon van ons arbeid ontvang,” het vriendinne agter. Foto verskaf. Hoffman gesê.

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920

NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING KENNIS VAN RAADSVERGADERING NDIVHADZO YA MUTANGANO WA KHANSELE TSEBISO KA KOPANO YA KHANSELE XITIVISO XA NHLENGELETANO Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 62nd ordinary Council meeting will be held as follows: TIME: 14:00 DATE: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 VENUE: Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to T.S. Ndou or M.D. Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Kennis word hiermee ingevolge klousule 19 van die Plaaslike Regering: Wet op Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000 gegee dat die 62ste gewone Raadsvergadering soos volg gehou sal word: TYD: 14:00 DATUM: Dinsdag, 31 Januarie 2012 PLEK: Raadsaal, Grondvloer, Burgersentrum, Kroghstraat 83, Makhado Enige belangstellende lid van die publiek word genooi om die vergadering by te woon. Navrae kan gerig word aan T.S. Ndou of M.D. Munyai by (015) 519 3000. Ndivhadzo u ya nga tshitenwa tsha 19 tsha Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 uri mutangano zwawo wa vhu (62) wa khoro ya masipala u do fariwa nga ndila I tevhelaho: TSHIFHINGA: 14:00 DUVHA: Lavhuvhili, 31 Phando 2012 FHETHU: Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado Mirado ya lushaka vha re na dzangalelo vha rambiwa u dzhenela uyo Mutangano. Mbudziso dzothe dzi nga livhiswa kha T.S. Ndou kana M.D. Munyai kha (015) 519 3000. Tsebiso ye e mabapi le karolo ya 19 ya molao wa Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000, gore kopano ya khansele ya bo 62 e tla swarwa ka tsela ye e latelago: NAKO: 14:00 TSATSIKGWEDI: Labobedi, 31 Pherekgona 2012 LEFELO: Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado Dipotsiso ka moka di ka lebiswa go T.S. Ndou or M.D. Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Mitivisiwa kuya hi Section 19 ya Mfumo wa Xikaya: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 leswaku nhlangano wa vu 62 wa ntolovelo wa khayisele ya Masipala wu tava hi ndlela leyi landzelaka: NKARHI: 14:00 SIKU: Ravumbirhi, 31 Sunguti 2012 NDZHAWU: Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado Lava tsakelaka ku nghenela nhlangano lowo va amukeriwa. Switiviso swi nga kongomisiwa eka manana T.S. Ndou or M.D. Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado Notice No: 6/2012 File No: 4/8/2


Die Soutpansberg-gemeenskap het die afgelope week nog ‘n bekende aan die dood afgestaan. Mnr. Petrus Frans Jakobus Pretorius, alombekend as Oom Whitey, is Maandagoggend na ‘n kort siekbed in die ouderdom van 63 jaar in die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal in Louis Trichardt oorlede. Pretorius was vir jare verbonde aan die destydse Transnet, waarna hy vir meer as ‘n dekade ‘n bekende gesig by Zoutpansberg Milling was. Vir die laaste paar jaar en tot sy afsterwe was hy as voorman betrokke by J3 Stoetery buite die dorp. Pretorius word oorleef deur sy eggenote Meisie, kinders Ella, Hannetjie, Albie, Frans en Lana, en ses kleinkinders en skoonkinders. “Ons liefste pappa en man. Ons weet jy is nou op ‘n beter plek,” was die boodskap van die familie. Hulle het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die dag- en nagpersoneel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, asook dr. André van der Walt. “Dankie dat julle dit vir ons pappa so gemaklik moontlik gemaak het tot op die laaste.” Wyle Pretorius word Vrydag, 20 Januarie, om 11:00 vanuit Shammah Bedieninge (ou PPK) in Wyle mnr. “Whitey” Pretorius (63). Foto Rissikstraat begrawe. verskaf. By Peter Muthambi

Makhado FM station manager arrested The station manager of Makhado FM, Mr Moses Muneri, is out on bail after he was arrested for allegedly stealing a radio transmitter. He briefly appeared in the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court last Wednesday. Muneri is facing charges of theft. Muneri’s arrest was confirmed by the spokesperson for the Makhado police, Capt Maano Sadike, last Tuesday. The case

was postponed to 26 January and according to Sadike, Muneri was released on bail of R2 000. All this resulted in the radio station’s being off the air on 3 and 4 January. This followed after Muneri’s suspension in December last year. The station’s marketing manager, Mr Takalani Khomola, who is now acting as the station manager, said that the radio had to get a new transmitter which they

were renting at R6 500 a month. “We had to contact a company from Johannesburg to come and install the new transmitter for us,” he said. Muneri is said to be the prime suspect in the case because he was the only person with the keys to the place where the transmitter was. Makhado FM, however, is still faced with a debt of more than R700 000 which they owe their landlord.


6 20 January 2012 Omgewingsnuus

Laat die dokter eerder spuitwerk doen

Cathelijne and her late husband, Eddie Eastwood. By Anton van Zyl

Cathelijne Eastwood passes away One of the Soutpansberg’s perhaps not-so- well-known residents passed away a fortnight ago. She was, however, a person with an extremely interesting history, who also made a huge contribution in fields such as the exploration of southern African rock art. Cathelijne Eastwood (née Cnoops) was born in Musina on 1 December 1946. Her parents came from Holland and also had quite an illustrious history. Both were involved in the Dutch resistance during World War II and spent some time in Nazi concentration camps. After the war, they settled in South Africa where Cathelijne’s dad worked as a borehole drilling contractor. The family lived out on the Bluegumspoort road where Harnham House is currently situated. Cat, as she was more commonly known, was the eldest of six children, four boys and two girls. When she was still very young, she was diagnosed with polio, something for which there was no cure at that stage. The family returned to Holland for a few years for her to be treated. When the Cnoops family

returned to South Africa in the mid-1950’s, they settled in Musina where her dad, Tony, worked as an accountant at the copper mine in Musina. Because of his training during the war as a paratrooper, he was an excellent horseback rider. In his spare time he gave riding lessons to the local community. In the late 1950s, the family were tipped off that, because of the political situation in the country at that stage, they were in danger of being arrested. The Cnoops family had to leave South Africa at short notice and return to Holland. The young Cathelijne finished her schooling and also completed a degree in fine arts in Holland. She then worked for the Dutch government and trained people to work in foreign countries. This was mostly as part of various relief programmes in Africa. For a large part of her professional career, she was stationed in Zambia and the Ivory Coast. She also worked as a liaison officer for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Volunteer programme. Cathelijne returned to South Africa 21 years ago, primarily

to visit some old friends. One of the friends was Eddie Eastwood from Louis Trichardt. This visit ended in a more permanent arrangement and the two stayed together until Ed’s death in 2008. She also assisted Ed with his research into rock art and was co-author of the highly acclaimed book, Capturing the Spoor. This book examines the virtually unknown rock art of the central Limpopo basin. Cathelijne and Ed founded Paleo-Art Field Services in 1991, and their research became known and respected throughout the world. They received international acknowledgement for their groundbreaking research and consequent theories about rock art and also published dozens of scientific papers in numerous renowned, internationally published journals. Cat kept herself busy with her nursery over the past years and had an immense knowledge of culinary herbs. She is survived by her four brothers and sister. Her one brother, Bob, is a well-known South African artist/photographer. The other brothers, Frans, Emile, Wienand and her sister, Cecile, reside in the Netherlands.

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

GENERAL NOTICE TO ALL ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS VEGETATION CLEARING OF POWER LINES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (ACT 85 OF 1993): REGULATION 15 OF THE ELECTRICAL MACHINERY REGULATIONS: CLEARANCES OF POWER LINES In order to improve on the quality of service and supply of electricity, all electrical customers who are receiving electrical supply services from the Makhado Municipality’s Electrical Grid are hereby notified of the Municipality’s intent to embark on a vegetation clearing plan of its entire LV, MV & HV power lines. Council has resolved under: ITEM A. ESSENTIAL SERVICE: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: MAINTENANCE POLICY & PROPOSED BUSH CLEARING POLICY to approve of the Municipality’s bush clearing policy as part of its maintenance plan. This policy outlines the bush clearing plan, procedures, processes and practices to be followed for the Municipality’s power lines clearances which will be a continuous 3 year rolling plan. This plan will commence in February or March 2012 by means of a tendering process as well as negotiated agreements with land owners. The clearing of power lines from vegetation is compulsory and as much the responsibility of the users (customer, tenants, consumers or owners of property) and the supplier of electricity (the Municipality) in terms with Regulation 15(1-4) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Clearances of Power Lines. Where required, information sessions will be held with organized institutions in order to gain as much notification as possible for this intent. Bush clearing standards and specifications as outlined in the policy shall at all times be adhered to and the work shall be executed in terms with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993, as amended), as well as the signed way leave and supply agreements which is a compulsory requirement in terms with the Electricity Act to supply to electricity each consumer. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado Notice No: 4/2012 File No: 8/3/2/1 19/20 January 2012

Ná die nuus dat ‘n jong meisie van Lephalale op 19 Desember twee keer op ‘n plaas deur ‘n Mosambiekse spoegkobra gepik is en steeds mediese behandeling moet ontvang, het verskeie boere navraag gedoen oor die beskikbaarheid van slanggif en die moontlikheid om dit op hul plase aan te hou. Ook in die Soutpansberg is slange nie ‘n ongewone verskynsel nie, veral gedurende die warm somermaande. Lin Media het reptielen slangkenner Arno Naudé genader vir raad. Naudé is nie net voorsitter van die Transvaal Herpetologiese Vereniging nie, maar ook ‘n dosent by die Universiteit van Pretoria se mediese afdeling. “Die enigste slang met sy eie teengif is die uiters giftige boomslang. Adders, kobra’s en mambas deel dieselfde teengif,” verduidelik hy. “Hierdie teengif word in ampulle van 10ml elk uitgereik, teen ‘n gemiddelde koste van R750 per ampul, en ‘n tipiese slangbyt van ‘n giftige slang soos die Mosambiekse spoegkobra of ‘n mamba vereis ten minste 80ml tot 100ml teengif.” Hy het bygevoeg dat teengif toege-

dien word om die hoeveelheid slanggif teen te werk en nie op grond van die slagoffer se gewig nie. Naudé se raad aan boere is dat hulle klein groepies van tien vorm en elkeen R750 bydra tot ‘n ampul. Die ampulle word dan by ‘n spesifieke plaas gehou. “Indien iemand gepik word en dit is ‘n noodgeval, is daar dan teengif beskikbaar en kan deur die slagoffer vervang word wanneer hy gesond is.” Teengif kan nie net menselewens red nie, maar ook diere soos beeste, honde en perde s’n. Naudé raai egter nie aan dat die teengif self toegedien word nie – na ‘n slangbyt is daar genoeg tyd, selfs in die geval van ‘n mambabyt, om by ‘n hospitaal uit te kom en dan met die hulp van ‘n dokter die teengif toe te dien. “Die rede hiervoor is omdat daar ‘n 10% kans is dat die slagoffer allergies vir die teengif kan wees en dan in ‘n anafilaktiese skok kan ingaan wat sy dood kan veroorsaak – dokters word opgelei en weet hoe om sulke situasies te hanteer,” het Naudé gesê. (Lin Media / Noordelik Nuus)


Dink liewers weer… roep die kenners in Te midde van die warm somertoestande is daar tans ‘n toename in die voorkoms van slange soos die Mosambiekse spoegkobra in die Soutpansberg-omgewing. Die Mosambiekse spoegkobra eet enigiets wat in sy mond sal inpas, sê slangkenner Arno Naudé, daarom is dit nie snaaks vir hulle om insekte of muise tot in huise in te volg nie. Anders as die gewone wipneuskobra is hy nie sku nie en kan homself verdedig deur te spoeg en te pik. Aangesien dit nou paartyd is

en die slange baie aktief is, is dit belangrik om eerder ‘n kenner te bel om ‘n slang te verwyder as om een self te probeer vang of doodmaak. Hierdie kenners is opgelei in slanghantering, het spesiale toerusting en besit gewoonlik ‘n spesiale permit om slange te kan hanteer en te vervoer. Giftige slange word na Johannesburg gestuur vir die vervaardiging van teengif wat lewens red en niegiftige slange word gewoonlik by reservate vrygelaat. “Wyfieslange soos ‘n spoeg-

kobra skei feromone af en indien sy aangeval word – soos wanneer hulle doodgeslaan word – skei hulle meer feromone af, wat mannetjies in die gebied nader kan lok,” sê Naudé. Derhalwe sê hy dat as ‘n slangvanger nie naby is nie (alhoewel hulle gewoonlik bereid is om ver uit te ry om te help) moet ‘n slang so vinnig moontlik doodgemaak word en sowat ‘n kilometer vanaf die huis in die veld gegooi word, sodat die natuur sy gang kan gaan. (LiN Media / Noordelike Nuus)


Vrywilligers word dringend benodig Daar word dringend gesoek pasiënte in Louis Trichardt Diegene wat belangstel of na mense wat op vrywillige kan bring. betrokke wil raak, kan vir Marie grondslag gereelde besoeke Daar is tans sowat 100 pa- skakel by 082 437 0747 of Coraan siek en gesonde kanker- siënte wat besoeke benodig. nelia by 083 965 1849. ®

Optimizing your assets

269 HA BUSHVELD FARM WITH LODGE AND CONFERENCE VENUE - LIMPOPO 20KM FROM MAKHADO In Liquidation: Break Even 1437 CC Master’s Reference: T1489/11




AT: PORTION 2 OF THE FARM HAYANI 51, ON R578 TO LEVUBU AND MALAMULELA GPS CO-ORDINATES: S23.12522 E30.08700 Combined size: ± 269.3333 ha Improvements: Lodge (”Luonde Lodge”) with chalets Restaurant and conference venue Kitchen and office Deck and patio Store room and entertainment lapa Homestead with cottage , covered patio and carport Shop with storage area Chicken broilers Boreholes with diesel pump supply water to the property 3 phase power






20 Januarie 2012 7

8 20 January 2012



10 20 January 2012

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790



Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

t ou k ec new h S C ur o NT


• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Gail Blunden, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

Apart from its new look, the Zoutpansberger’s website (www.zoutpansberger.co.za) offers readers a new calendar entry service on their Events Page. Visitors to the website can now list their calendar entries for upcoming events on the Events Page themselves. It is as easy as merely logging in on the Events Page through your

Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)

Thursday, January 19

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007

High: 21oC Low: 17oC

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723

Friday, January 20

• Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061

High: 20oC Low: 18oC

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. PJ van der Merwe, Tel: 015 516 1220 / 082 678 3537

Saturday, January 21

Humid with rain and drizzle.

Cool with occasional rain and drizzle.

Remaining cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. o o

High: 21 C Low: 19 C

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)

Sunday, January 22

Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

Mostly cloudy with a couple of thundershowers.

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

High: 24oC Low: 17oC Monday, January 23 Clouds and limited sun.

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

High: 26oC Low: 15oC

• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350.

Tuesday, January 24

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366

High: 26 C Low: 16 C

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324

Wednesday, 25

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

an administrator is listed as a user on the site, their calendar entries will show immediately. This function allows administrators to update events through the year on a platform used by ten others publications throughout the province as part of both a local and provincial calendar. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

ZoutieWeather DEURLOPEND

• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 10:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566.

• Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

existing Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and uploading your entry. The entry will, however, not appear immediately as it has to go through a moderation process first. In addition, sport club administrators (and for that matter church and school administrators) can contact us to directly submit events on the Events Page without a moderations process. If

Periods of rain.

moons. At 19:30, a short presentation on Jupiter, as well as live video views, will be given. Some of • GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die the deep-sky objects that will be projected on a Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf big screen on the evening will include the Great Orion Nebula (M42), Omega Centauri, Crab 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs- Nebula (M1), Tarantula Nebula and many others. The SAC will be operating from new premises straat en Forestryweg in Louis Trichardt. and refreshments will be available during the Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubcourse of the evening. (Contd on P11) vergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. WEEKLY DAM LEVELS Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht According to latest available by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as 5739 geskakel word.



Times of clouds and sun.

High: 24oC Low: 17oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2012. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za


the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) in Louis Trichardt for an evening of stargazing on Saturday, 21 January, from sunset onwards. Keen photographers should bring their equipment along. Planets visible in the evening are Venus, Neptune, Uranus and the giant gas planet of the solar system, Jupiter, with its four Galilean

WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2012. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za



• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827




Albasini Dam • SBBV HOU AJV Die Soutpansberg Ebenezer Dam Belastingbetalersvereniging (SBBV) se algemene Flag Boshielo Dam jaarvergadering sal op Donderdag, 19 Januarie by die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente se kerk- Glen Alpine Dam saal gehou word. Luphephe Dam Verrigtinge sal om 18:00 begin. Jaap Kelder, Middel Letaba Dam voorsitter van die Nasionale BelastingbetalersNandoni Dam unie, sal ook as gasspreker tydens die vergadering optree. Nsami Dam Alle lede en nie-lede van die SBBV word Nwanedzi Dam aangemoedig om die vergadering by te woon om Nzhelele Dam insette te lewer ten opsigte van die dorp en die vereniging. Tzaneen Dam Vir verdere navrae kan die SBBV se voorsitVondo Dam ter, Inga Gilfillan, by 072 509 3939 geskakel word.


on Monday, January 9.


• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water


- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183

• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


44.1% 44.6% 100% 99.2% 96.8% 95.8% 103.5% 103% 78.3% 79.2% 7.7% 8.1% 100% 101% 36.8% 37.3% 75.5% 75.8% 86.1% 86.9% 97.6% 97.5% 86.4% 86.6%

* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press




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Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50



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Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:15


UNDERWORLD: AWAKENING 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ ≤ Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:50, 17:00, 19:30, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:50, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:50, 17:00, 19:30



I DON’T KNOW HOW 2 ˛ ◊ ß DON SHE DOES IT English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40

˛ ◊ œ

Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 14:00, 17:05, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 14:00, 17:05, 20:10 ——————————————————————————————————

WE BOUGHT A ZOO ¸ ˛ ◊ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 GHOST PROTOCOL ˛ Ç œ Fri, Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00


Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:10, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30


ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIPWRECKED ˛ Ç å Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 14:40, 17:20, 19:30, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 14:40, 17:20, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 14:40, 17:20, 19:30


Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00


THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO ˛ ◊ º Daily: 11:00, 14:10, 17:20, 20:30


SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME ˛ ◊ OF SHADOWS Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PT.1 ˛ Ç † MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE GHOST PROTOCOL ˛ ◊ œ Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 20:00, 22:45


Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 20:00

Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20



20 Januarie 2012 11

CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Contd from P10) Everyone is welcome and those with telescopes are welcome to bring them along. For further information and directions, contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or by email at elephantcastle@lantic.net


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151


Voortrekkers gaan skade help herstel

Die Genl. Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando in Louis Trichardt gaan help om twee belangrike monumente op die in ere te herstel. • VALENTYNSDANS Die Soutpans- dorp Die twee monumente, wat berg Posduifklub in Louis Trichardt nooi oud en etlike jare gelede van hul oorjonk na hul Valentynsdans by die Soutpansberg spronklike brons gedenkplate Gholfklub op 11 Februarie. beroof is, kry Saterdagoggend, Die dans begin om 19:00 en kos R75 per persoon, wat ‘n lekker ete insluit. Daar sal ook ‘n 28 Januarie, elk ‘n nuwe gedenkplaat waarop die oorspronklike kontantkroeg wees. bewoording aangebring is. Die Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Elize vermiste plate lei al ‘n geruime (084 619 6388), Theo (082 922 3717) of Bertus tyd tot groot frustrasie van toer(083 307 7533). iste, wat tydens hul besoeke nie in staat is om die nodige inligting

betrokke verantwoordelike owerhede permanente bronsplate kan verskaf. Saterdag se plegtigheid is oop vir alle lede van die publiek en begin om 11:00 by die Louis Trichardt gedenkteken op Voortrekkerplein, tussen die Geloftekerk (NG Moedergemeente) en die burgersentrum (munisipale kantore). Die jong Voortrekkers sal ‘n kort seremonie uitvoer en die heronthulling sal deur ‘n oud-burgemeester van Louis Trichardt, mnr. Daan Nel, behartig word. Na afloop van die onthullingsplegtigheid • CANSA RELAY FOR LIFE Louis by die Louis Trichardt Trichardt se eerste eie Relay For Life word monument word daar gehou op Vrydag, 23 Maart vanaf 18:00 tot teen die bult voor die Saterdag, 24 Maart om 06:00. kerk afbeweeg na Fort Relay For Life is ‘n Cansa-projek wat aan die Hendrina, waar mev. gemeenskap die geleentheid gee om ‘n verskil Petria Marais, dogter van te maak in mense se lewens wat deur kanker die bekende plaaslike geraak word. Dit is `n deurnagprojek waar mense historikus en kunstenaar regdeur die aand om die baan stap. mnr. Pieter de Vaal, die Enige iemand kan deelneem in spanverband, nuwe plaat sal onthul en insluitend familie, groepe vriende, skole, sport‘n insiggewende praatjie klubs, besighede en selfs staatsdepartemente. sal lewer. Die jeuglede Spanne bestaan uit tien persone en deelname kos van die plaaslike VoorR500 per span. Geregistreerde spanne kan ook trekkerkommando sal by ‘n staanplek op die baan van ongeveer 3m x 4m die geleentheid ook ‘n kies en hul eie gazebo opslaan. kort seremonie uitvoer. Daar is 148 staanplekke beskikbaar, asook 10 Vir verdere besonderFort Hendrina op Louis Trichardt, ‘n beduidende monument uit die “prime” staanplekke teen R5 000 per span reg Anglo-Boereoorlog, verwaarloos en gestroop van sy oorspronklike brons hede oor die geleentheid voor die verhoog. gedenkplaat, word aan sy agterkant ook gereeld straffeloos gevandaliseer kan belangstellendes vir Belangstellendes word gevra om so gou met onwettige aborsieplakate. Die plaaslike Voortrekkers wil dié skade mnr. Ferdi Vorster by moontlik ‘n span te registreer en ‘n staanplek te 082 081 9413 skakel. bekom, aangesien die tyd vinnig besig is om min herstel. te raak. Vir inskrywings en navrae, skakel Eduard Prinsloo (082 893 2493), Stephan Aukamp (083 892 6420), Heila Oosthuizen (082 679 4630), Elzamarie du Preez (071 215 0333), Sunelia Oelofse (084 526 1478), Dirk Meissenheimer (082 789 3927) of Renata Joubert (082 308 9999). “Kom ons pak die geleentheid aan om `n verskil in ander mense se lewens te kan maak . Ons het baie om voor dankbaar te kan wees om elke dag fris en gesond te wees. Ons besef nie hoeveel mense in ons gemeenskap het kanker onderlede nie,” sê die organiseerders. Die projek word by die rugbyvelde aangebied.



oor die prominente gedenkwaardighede te bekom nie. Die gevandaliseerde gedenktekens is ook ‘n voortgesette bron van ernstige verleentheid vir die dorp se inwoners. Die herstelpoging deur die plaaslike Voortrekkerkommando kom in antwoord op ‘n inisiatief van die nasionale bestuur van die Voortrekkers om landswyd Afrikanermonumente en gedenkplekke te herontdek en op te knap waar nodig. Die aanbring van die plate word beskou as ‘n tydelike maatreël, totdat die


Lede van die Gister se Jeugklub in Louis Trichardt kuier gesellig met ‘n koppie tee en ietsie te ete tydens hul eerste byeenkoms van die nuwe jaar op Dinsdag. Alle senior burgers in die dorp Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub herinner alle lede word uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739. daaraan dat daar weer met weeklikse oefeninge begin is. Gister se Jeug Daar sal elke Dindag en Donderdag vanaf 18:00 vir 18:30 geoefen word en persone wat belangstel om by die klub se aktiwiteite in te skakel kan vir Kevin Gilbert, skakel by tel. 082 892 8769. Die “oumens” ding is ‘n snaakse sou kon aangaan nie. Hul leuse sang, die luister na interessante


Niemand te oud om by klub aan te sluit


ding wat mens kan weghou van baie genietinge, maar wanneer is jy nou “te oud” om deel te neem aan sulke genietinge? “Die antwoord is eenvoudig, wanneer jy nie meer ‘n vaste werk doen nie, nog goed genoeg kan sien, hoor en loop en baie lekker kan gesels en lag is jy beslis ‘oud’ genoeg om aan ons klub te behoort.” • SWEMAFRIGTING Alle leerlinge Dit is boodskap van die Gister wat belangstel in swem en professionele afrigting se Jeugklub in Louis Trichardt wil ontvang is welkom om by die swemklub op wat hierdie week weer afgeskop Louis Trichardt aan te sluit. het met hul weeklikse byeenkomDie oefening sal deur Charl Venter behartig ste. word. Daar word Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf Die Gister se Jeugklub is in 17:00 tot 18:00 en Saterdae van 09:00 tot 10:00 November 2006 deur die lede geoefen. Volwassenes is ook welkom om aan te van die destydse Dienssentrum sluit. Vir meer inligting, skakel Ilze Coetzee by tel. gestig toe dit duidelik geword het dat die Dienssentrum nie verder 084 616 4641. pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run. “Let’s better your time on a fixed route,” invites the club. The walk and run take place every Tuesday from 17:15 at their club house, next to the municipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt. For more information, phone Mark at 083 774 2264.

is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid” en hul doelstelling is om senior burgers bymekaar te bring vir sosiale aktiwiteite. Natuurlik kon hulle nie al die funksies van die dienssentrum oorneem nie, maar poog om die beste vir hul lede te doen. Alhoewel sommige lede inwoners van Ons Tuiste, Laat Lente en Herfsakker is, is enige senior burger welkom om by die klub in te skakel. Die klub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 in die kerksaal van die Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs- en Kroghstraat. Byeenkomste word deur ‘n leraar met skriflesing en ‘n kort boodskap geopen, waarna daar saamgekuier word met iets lekker te ete. Aktiwiteite sluit in speletjies,

praatjies en besoeke aan plekke in die omgewing. Vir fondse maak die klub staat op donasies van die gemeenskap, kerke en weldoeners. Derhalwe word lede se bydraes tot die minimum beperk, aangesien lede belangriker is as ledegeld. Die klub is ook ‘n geregistreerde Artikel 21 maatskappy. So, diegene wat nog jonk van gees is en lekker kan sien, hoor en loop is welkom om by die klub aan te sluit. “Selfs met heelwat minder van hierdie eienskappe sal u steeds loshande kwalifiseer vir lidmaatskap,” sê die klub. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739.

Die skending van die geskiedkundige Louis Trichardt-monument op Voortrekkerplein waar die brons gedenkplaat met geweld verwyder is. Die gedenkteken is opgerig op die plek waar die vriendskaplike onmoeting tussen baanbreker Voortrekkerleier Louis Trichardt en leiers van plaaslike bevolkingsgroepe, tesame met ´n gesant van die Portugese owerheid in Mosambiek, indertyd plaasgevind het om die moontlikheid van ´n handelsroete na die hawe (nou Maputo) te bespreek.


12 20 January 2012

16 - 23 JANUARY 2012




Per Set






Per Set


Per Set










Per Set



20 Januarie 2012 13

Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@ zoutnet.co.za


Jeug het geen respek vir eiendom


Die stopteken op die hoek van Breda- en Krugerstraat is ook nie gespaar deur die vandale nie. Spies het ook ander foto’s ingestuur van hul skade, maar weens die vieslikse aard van die woorde wat gespuitverf is, word die foto’s nie gepubliseer nie.

a aanleiding van die brief van Tokkie Engelbrecht in die Zoutpansberger van 12 Januarie 2012, die volgende: Dit is nie net Burgerstraat en Stubbsstraat wat deurgeloop het onder ons blanke jeug wat geen respek het vir ander se eiendom nie. Ons in Bredastraat het ook deurgeloop. Op ons posbus en hek is daar vieslike woorde gespuitverf wat net deur die Afrikaanse blanke jeug gebruik word. Ons interkom, wat maar drie weke vantevore geïn-

Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

Is this someone’s weird attempt at toilet humour?


know this is not the most tasteful subject to start the year with, but please humour me. I simply have to get this off my gravitationally challenged chest. I want you all to know that I have great appreciation for the toilet roll. Anyone who has ever had a bout of gastrointestinal turbulence, especially at a most inconvenient time, will know what I mean (unladylike as it is). There can also be no denying that, like all modern conveniences, today’s ablution facilities are designed to make taking care of nature’s business (in all its forms) a lot more dignified than it used to be. Restrooms (as they are so euphemistically called, since what goes on there is very often anything but restful) in public places such as restaurants, hotels and shopping malls are fitted out with the very latest in gadgets to make the whole experience as pleasant and sanitary as possible – automatic water dispensers (taps), lovely pink hand wash (liquid soap), turbocharged hand driers (especially handy if some water bursting from the automatic water dispenser has messed up your clothing) and last, but by no means least, the toilet roll holder. Now, I have to say this: I un-

derstand the need to conserve this valuable commodity. I know these institutions spend a lot of money on providing us, the clientele, with these essentials to make our shopping/eating/visiting experience more pleasant. I empathise with the need to limit possible waste of the roll of white gold without which we would literally be up to our elbows in the s%&#. I applaud the person who invented the cylindrical dispenser where the rolls are stacked one on top of the other, with a hole in the bottom and a clever little spring that prevents the top roll from impeding the turning of the bottom roll while it is in use. Pure genius. The man/woman/ person deserves every penny made from this valuable contributor to civilisation. Just one small suggestion to the manufacturers… MAKE THE @#$%^* HOLE A LITTLE BIGGER!!! I don’t know how many of you have had to make the attempt to get rid of the empty cardboard roll through that hole in order to activate the aforementioned clever little spring that allows the next (full) roll to drop down. I have, on a number of occasions, and let me tell you it’s a frigging nightmare. Firstly, the empty roll is too big to fit through

stalleer is, was ook vol spuitverf. Ons buurman se muur, asook die stopteken op die hoek van Bredastraat en Krugerstraat is nie gespaar nie. Nou wil ek weet: wat het ons aan julle gedoen dat julle sulke vieslike woorde by ons moet spuitverf? Ek sal ook ‘n beloning gee aan die persoon wat die skuldiges sal uitwys. Ek dink dit word tyd dat hulle verantwoording doen vir hulle dade. - Trieks Spies (Louis Trichardt)

the hole, so there’s no sliding it out easily. Secondly, it’s too tough to tear off. I am not sure what they put in the mix (glue or something similar) when they recycle the paper it’s made of, but they need to add less of it. One simply cannot get the blasted thing to tear without nearly ripping the dispenser off the (often thin and rickety) wall of the stall, and that’s if you’re lucky enough to get it to tear at all. Trying to fold/crush its edge to make it small enough to fit through the hole doesn’t work either. So, here you are during a lovely lunch with your friend/lover/significant other and you have to make a quick trip to the ladies room to answer Nature’s call. Nothing awkward about that – we do it every day, and sometimes even en masse if the party consists of more than two women. So far so good. Then, suddenly, you find yourself in a compromising position, to say the least, not knowing how to deal with this supposedly mundane matter of getting rid of the empty toilet roll and gaining access to its successor. It won’t slide out the hole. It won’t tear off. It resists all attempts to crush its edge and force it through the too-frigging-small hole. And by now it’s too late to

inary d r o Die The gewone man an wom

look for another stall with a more abundant supply of available paper – the deed is done! And let’s be honest – some deeds require more paperwork than others … There’s no way you can call for help, no matter who accompanied you to the restroom. The humiliation of having to open the door while sitting there helplessly, with your unmentionables around your ankles and your clothing around your waist, exposing your cellulite to all and sundry who have come see what the fuss is about, just so that someone else can come into the already crowded stall and remove the offending roll, is just too ghastly to contemplate. You can’t just stand up and leave, especially in some cases (read Number 2). Bad form, not to mention unhygienic. Figuring out how to deal with this situation is far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary woman like me (and even my hubby, who’s a genius at figuring things out), but if you do, ladies, please let me know. I suppose one possibility is to have an abundant supply of tissues in your handbag, which is fine, as long as you remember to take the blasted bag with you to the loo …

Web: - Complicated fish net repair - What - What spiders make method mosquitoes at Web Site: Netscape: the dam do - The shed (or under the - When fish maneuvers out of Chip: verandah) reach of net - A bar Cursor: Online: snack Modern day - The old bloke what swears - When you get the laundry Micro Chip: Boere dictionary - What’s left in the bag after a lot hung out Search Engine: Off Line: you have eaten the chips Monitor: - What you do when the bak- When the pegs don’t hold Modem: - Keeping an eye on the braai kie won’t go the washing up - What you did to the lawns Download: Yahoo: Blog: Dot Matrix: - Get the firewood off the - What you say when the bak- Shortened version of Braai - Oom Jan Matrix’s wife (clasbakkie kie does go Log sic!) Hard drive: Upgrade: Virus: Laptop: - Trip back home without any - A steep hill - The reason your workers go - Where the cat sleeps cold beer Server: on a drive to the clinic Software: Keyboard: - The person at the pub that Anti-virus: - Plastic knives and forks you - Where you hang the bakkie brings out the lunch - The medication the workers get at Kentucky Fried Chicken and bike keys Mail Server: get at the clinic Hardware: Window: - The bloke at the pub that Virus protection: - Real stainless steel knives - What you shut when it’s cold brings out the lunch and forks from Checkers - Free condoms for the workScreen: User: ers at the clinic Mouse: - What you shut in the mos- The neighbour that keeps Stiffy: - What eats the grain in the quito season borrowing things - What happens to the workshed Byte: Network: Mouse Pad: ers when the - What mosquitoes do - When you have to repair - Where the mouse takes the anti-virus doesn’t Bit: your fishing net work grain it does not eat - What mosquitoes did InterMainframe: Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za Mega Byte: Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? net: - What holds the shed up Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za

The Way, the Truth and the Life Drawing strength from the right sources

- Psalm 61:2 - “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”


ave you ever experienced a season of protracted anguish of heart that has left you bewildered and numb? While long-term bewilderment arising from life’s mysteries can leave one reeling, possible disillusionment arising from God’s seeming silence is more serious. Without a proper means for processing one’s perplexity with the ways of providence and the resultant distress from unresolved grief, disheartened souls may become embittered or worse, grow to resent God and so draw conclusions about Him that are untrue and misleading. Through the ages disheartened believers have found stability and hope amid bewildering circumstances by drawing spiritual strength from the right sources. In “A Grief Observed”, C.S. Lewis wrote: “At first I am overwhelmed ... then I try to bring myself into the frame of mind I should be in at all times ... I become a creature consciously dependent on God, drawing its strength from the right sources.” God’s Word introduces us to people who found their spiritual strength in the right sources, people who did not need to rethink their view of God, because what they knew to be true of Him in the past fortified them with grace for the present. On the eve of King Nebuchadnezza’s assault on Jerusalem, Jeremiah revisited what he knew to be true about God, and was thus enabled to affirm an unflagging faith in God, who promised to and did bring about a great deliverance for His people. Read Jeremiah 32:17-20. - 079 5168303

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:


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14 20 January 2012 By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

Mystery surrounds brutal killing of dogs

Die Louis Trichardt Tuinbouklub het vandeesweek sy eerste byeenkoms van die jaar gehou. Die klub vergader elke derde Dinsdag van die maand vir ´n byeenkoms of ´n uitstappie. In die foto is, van links, bestuurslede Hannetjie van den Berg, wat nou al reeds vir die elfde jaar verkies is as voorsitter, Sophie Roux (ondervoorsitster), Maryna Cordier en Susan van der Merwe (addisionele lede), Charmain Vogel (sekretaresse) en Isabel Smit (tesourier).



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Mystery and dread surround the deaths and injuries of dogs in Madombidzha Zone One. This follows after seven dogs were found dead on the morning of 15 January when residents woke up to prepare to go to church. About six dogs that escaped the mysterious, brutal attack in the affected households had bruises and injuries on their bodies. In the Tshivule household, Skyvie is described as a beloved and lovely creature that was more than a pet to members of the family. On Sunday he was found lying dead, having been skinned viciously from his neck down to the waist. In a sad mood, they could do no more than dig a hole in the ground and bury him. “It was a horrible picture to look at,” said Aifheli Tshivule as she sat under the tree reflecting on the matter. “We loved our pet and cared for him a lot. We would buy dog food for him and it made him strong and happy.” All affected people whom Limpopo Mirror consulted maintain that they heard nothing during the attack in the night. They only woke up to find the appalling scenes in their homes. There are also no traces of any wild, vicious predator like a lion or leopard where the dogs were found lying dead. Rumours of rabies were strongly dismissed by those affected. This was after a resident, who also spoke to the Zoutpansberger on condition of anonymity, started claiming that there was a rabid dog that lived in the cemetery and that this dog only sneaked into homes during the night to terrorise other dogs. However, residents disagree with him, saying that it is unlikely that a rabid dog can cut off another’s head or skin another from neck to waist with such viciousness. Vho-David Mulugo is also sad after losing at least two dogs. “I feel sad over the whole thing,” he says. “Two of my four dogs have survived the strange killing, but they are bruised all over their bodies. We don’t know what is eating our dogs.” In the Mpilo household they had two dogs that served as guards for the chicken pen, since feral cats had taken to terrorising the chickens. On Sunday morning, they only found Tiger’s corpse with its head missing. They searched all over the yard, even in the orchard, but Tiger’s head was nowhere to be


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FOR THE INVESTOR! 2.5696ha Zoned business 1. Rentable buildings off 555m2. Suitable for development. Situated in central Levubu c/o School and Tshakuma T-junction. R2.2 Million

Vho-Kenny Mpilo points at the headless corpse of his dog, Tiger.


Tel: (015) 516 1427 Fax: (015) 516 1160

Near N1 South of LTT. 21ha Farm. Large farm house and 8 units equiped for overnight accommodation. R2.7 Million

found. The second dog, Bova, had vanished and no trace of it could be seen either. “I don’t have words to explain what happened with our dogs,” Vho-Kenny Mpilo, owner of the two dead dogs, said. “There’s pain in my heart. I loved my dogs just like all my neighbours who are also affected like me. We don’t know what is terrorising and killing them. But it’s sad, you know.” When he heard about the case of the butchered dogs, the SPCA’s senior inspector, Lawrence Khodobo, was deeply moved by the matter and rushed to Madombidzha to investigate.

The following courses will be offered in January and February, contact us for further information: Basic Bookkeeping • Pastel Accounting • Excel & Word

We specialise in Corporate and Individualised training! Opposite Library in Erasmus street in the same building as Osglo Architects and VBS Bank.

Requirements: Full day - 07:30 - 16:45 Fluent in spoken and written English Afrikaans as second language Drivers licence Computer literate - Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point Good personality, exceptional communication skills and initiative Preferably 23 years to 40 years of age Knowledge of: UIF Wages PAYE VAT201 Petty Cash Bank Reconciliation Office Administration Telephone Accounting Emailing and Overseas corresponcence

Please fax CV to 015 516 4823 Of not contacted for an interview, your application was unsuccessful


20 Januarie 2012 15


Herstelwerk van alle huishoudelike toerusting. TEL: 015 516-0171

Kroghstraat 97

Surat Computers 53 Commercial Rd Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 3936 Telefax: 015 516 6033

POS Solutions

Photocopier & Cash Register Repairs & Servicing CCTV Equipment

Banners, Vinyls / Stickers, Printed in Store

Elect 2 Temp VIR: Koelkamers, Vrieskamers, Lugreëlings & “COC”-Sertifikate 015 517 7295


Cleaning Services

All Carpets, Furniture, cars & other Upholstery

As Clean As New! Neville: 083 459 3759 Hulda: 072 443 5604 Nic: 074 782 2613

Multi Agencies

Bredastr. 26 Tel: 015 516 4003 / 072 377 2844 / 072 373 8718 “Perms”, “Hi-lights”, Sny, Tinte, Droogblaas, Foelies en Oliebehandelings

Kwaliteit bekostigbaar Krediet- en debietkaarte welkom

Elect 2 Plumb For any professional plumbing services.

Contact: 015 517 7295 083 452 1646 REPAIRS • All appliances: Tumbledriers, washing machines, stoves, microwaves,fridges, freezers & ice machines • Refrigeration installation & repairs. Airconditioning, installation, sales & repairs

LTT Radio & Electrical Centre Tel: 015 516 0751 Munnikstr. 90, LTT

Seamstress / Tailor Curtains, Patchwork, Repairs

Marié: 071 507 4750

(Special tariffs from LTT - JHB)

We collect & deliver Walk-ins welcome, please be sure to book!

ois CElektries

24 uur per dag! 7 dae ‘n week! • Foutsporing en herstel • Instandhouding • Konstruksie • Sertifikaat van nakoming Cois Pretorius 082 498 1484 015 519 9589 nikado@crcnet.co.za

white 80gsm Rotatrim

• R178.60 p/box •

Kontak Salome: 078 761 1192

TE HUUR Rubber Stamps now available! Same-day service. Stamps made in one hour.


TRAILER RENT • Trailer with double wheels and rails. Ideal for furniture removal. R400 per day. • 6 Foot Venter Trailer with closed top and nose cone. R200 per day. Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda street


083 301 8130

* Pragtige pikswart 6 jaar oue opregte Vlaamse hings. Fantastiese temperament en uitstekende ryperd, selfs vir kinders - R12 000. * Stewige, 7 jaar oue geel Arabier / boerperd reun met swart maanhare en stert. Lewendige uitstaande ryperd. Uithou potensiaal- R10 000.

3 Bedroom flat at Pine Grove. R4300 p.m. Pre-paid electricity. Available end of January 2012.

Contact Mariaan: 082 489 1679 Groot ou plaas-

Kontak Bok: huis te huur. 082 775 3622 / 33 20km uit op Vivo 100% Rubber Voerbakke

R4200 p.m. W & E ingesluit. Navrae: 082 929 2358

R150 - R250

Kontak 082 809 4644

Phone us at: 516 4996/7

Die Wawiel 2nd Hand Furniture Shop We buy all your unwanted goods!


Kunsklasse vir kinders, 5 - 13 jaar. Begin Februarie. Registreer NOU reeds!

Kontak Mariza: 078 153 7037 015 516 7788


* 1 bedroom flat (deposit required) R1780 p.m. * 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms and toilet, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, garage etc. (close to schools, shop, pharmacy) R45000 p.m.

FOR SALE * Stand (1400m2), two storerooms (cnr. Wolmarans / Vorster Street), R350 000 or nearest cash offer.

Contact: 084 910 7654


* 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, R3000 p.m. * 3 Slaapkamer woonstel, R3500 p.m. W & E uitgesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.

Perde FOR RENT te koop TE HUUR

Credit Cards Welcome!

Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. Louis Trichardt

Kontak : 072 562 0140

Huis te huur op plaas 10km op Witvlagpad. R3500 p.m. W & E ingesluit.

Kontak: 078 138 7180

KAMER TE HUUR Vir enkel manlike persoon. Enkel kamer beskikbaar. Wasgoed en etes ingesluit. R2000 p.m.

Kontak Pieter du Plessis: 082 225 5712


NEWS? Grooming Parlour

Nico 083 979 4550 Andre 083 226 7347

Bond Paper A4

Plot op Witvlagpad met 3 slaapkamer huis, stoor en buitegeboue. Koopprys: R420 000.

Renaicance Onmiddellik TE KOOP pad.beskikbaar. Designs


For all your furniture and household removals at affordable prices, contact us today!

55 Commercial Rd Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0611/3981


Elmari: 082 773 2998 / 082 523 1206 or Tel: 015 516 3964 129 Krogh Street, LTT HOUSES: Eltivillas, 3 bed, 2 bath R3850 p.m. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, New Town R6000 p.m. Exclusive 3 bedr, 2 bathr with braai and 2 electric garages in security complex, R6 000 p.m. Kierieklapper: 3 bedr, 1.5 bathr, available 1 Feb 2012 R4 290 p.m. Skuldbult: 5 bedr, 2 bathr, swimminpool R16 500 p.m. FLATS: Spacious bachelors flat, R2450 p.m. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, New Town R4010 p.m. Spacious bachelors flat, furnished and serviced, W & E included, R4800 p.m. TOWNHOUSES: 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, W & E incl, New Town, R6000 p.m. Elibre, 3 bed, 2 bath, R3960 p.m. 3 bed, 2 bath, W & E included, R5000 p.m.

2 Slaapkamer vakansie woonstel in Durban. (Slaap 4 - 6 persone). 24 tot 31 Maart 2012. Silver Sands (uitsig op see en Ushaka Marine World). R500 per nag.

Kontak: 084 581 4868

TLB, TIPPER TRUCK & EXCAVATOR FOR HIRE Contact Marie: 082 822 3447


GESOEK Beesplaas in Louis Trichardt omgewing. Privaat koper.

Kontak: 082 547 2934 LEGALS IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK MUSINA GEHOU TE MUSINA SAAK NO: 696/2010 In die saak tussen: S TA R K E AY R E S (EDMS) BEPERK Eiser en SUNSHINE FARMS BK Verweerder KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING Voorspruitend uit ‘n Hofbevel gemaak deur die Agbare Hof op 30 MEI 2011 die daaropvolgende beslaglegging sal die volgende goedere verkoop word vir kontant op 27 Januarie 2012 om 11h00 by die LANDDROSKANTOOR te Whitestraat 4 (agter Gateway Skool) , Musina 1 x Dubble Disk 1 x Ripper 1 x Enkel as Sleepwa. Beraamde waarde: +-R12 000 .00 GETEKEN te POTCHEFSTROOM op hede die 12de dag van Januarie 2012 GERRIT COETZEE PROKUREURS Prokureurs vir Applikant Eerste Vloer, Octrongebou Dr James Morokastraat 62 Potchefstroom, Posbus 69, Potchefstroom 2520 Tel: 018 297 1310 V E R W: G C / H B / n h / S76/10(785) In the estate late: MARIE JOHANNA WILHELMINA GOOSEN, Date of Death: 18 SEPTEMBER 2011, ID No: 180414 0002 084, From: BANDELIERKOP, LOUIS TRICHARDT, LIMPOPO, Masters Ref: 2627/2011 All persons having claims against the abovementioned esatet must lodge it with the Excutor concerned within 30 days from date of publication. MRS. LOUISE DEKKER C/O KERN & DEKKER INC. 105 KROGH STREET P O BOX 25 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: L DEKKER/MN/ A04164 NDIVHADZO YA MAITE A TEVHEDDZWAHO UYA NGA MUYALO WA ZWIVHASWA WA 1977(MUYALO WA VHU 120 WQ 1977) Ndivadzo iyi I ranga u divhidza avho vha takalelaho na avho vhakwameaho nga MULALOO TRAD-

ING ENTERPRISES FILLING STATION.Kha divhadzoo iyi ane avha muhumbeli o ita khumbelo yau rengisa zwivhaswa hune nomboro ya khumbelo yavha F/2009/09/17/0001 FHETHU HAU THOMA MAFHANDENI A GONDO ARE MUSWODI DIPENI A KHETHAHO NDILA IYAHO TSHIPISE NA UYA FOLOVHODWE.Ndeme khulwane ndi u itela u newa ha laisentse yau do rengisa zwivhaswa.Maitele a u vhorta zwidodombedzwa zwa ku apulayele kha vha funaho vhanga kwamana na mulanguli wa u rengisa zwivhaswa kha: Nomboro idzi: (015) 287 4727:fax(015) 287 4729;email:kgagodi. chuene@energy.gov.za. Vhanga tahisa vhupfiwa havho ngaha u do avelwa iyi laisentse kha mulanguli wa laisentse dza zwivhaswa husa athu u fhela maduvha a fumbili (20) a u shuma ubva nga duvha la ndivhadzo iyi vha sumbedza na nomboro ya laisentse iyi vhasti rumela vhupfiwa havho. IN THE GAUTENG NORTH HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case no: 41344/2006 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED PLAINTIFF and B E T E R V O O R U I TSIGTE BOERDERY CC, REG NO: 1998/016704/23 1st Defendant FREDERIK STEFANUS SCHOEMAN, ID NO: 740926 5002 085 2nd Defendant SUSAN MAGRIETHA SCHOEMAN, ID NO: 700502 0210 086 3rd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In terms of a judgment given by the above mentioned Honourable Court on the 4TH JULY 2007 and a writ of execution on immovable property issued, in terms thereof and the subsequent attachment of the under mentioned property, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on WEDNESDAY, 8th February 2012, time: 11:00, at THE PREMISES, PORTION 6, (PTN OF PTN 5), MAMPAKUIL PLOTS, LOUIS TRICHARDT, to the highest bid offered. Description of Property: Portion 6 (A Portion of Portion 5) of the Farm Mampakuil 313 Registration Division: L S Limpopo Province Measuring: 43, 2373 (four three comma two three seven three) Hectares Held by deed of transfer: T128349/1998 Subject to the conditions therein contained Also known as: Portion 6, (PTN OF PTN 5), MAMPAKUIL PLOTS, LOUIS

TRICHARDT Improvements: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: Entrance Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Family Room, Kitchen, 4 Bedrooms, 1 Separate Toilet, Bore/Pump/Sprinkler, 2 Utility Rooms. Zoning: Plots Terms: The purchase price shall be paid as follows: 1. a deposit of 10% (ten percent) of the purchase price shall be paid immediately in cash or bank guaranteed cheque at the date of the sale 2. The balance purchase price shall be paid by way of an acceptable Bank guarantee within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of the sale. Conditions: The Conditions of the sale will be read out prior to the commencement of the sale, which conditions will be made available for inspection thereof at the offices of the SHERIFF HIGH COURT: LOUIS TRICHARDT (DISTRICT SOUTPANSBERG), 111 K R U G E R S T R E E T, LOUIS TRICHARDT Signed at Pretoria on this the 4th day of JANUARY 2012 SNYMAN DE JAGER INC 6 th Floor Bureau Forum Building, Bureau lane, Pretoria, Gauteng, Docex 7, Pretoria, P O Box 565, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 326 1250 Fax: 012 326 6335 Ref: MR A HAMMAN/N NAUDE/F0001950 MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING MAKHADO LANDUSE SCHEME, 2009 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 22 of the above-mentioned Scheme, that I, MAGEZI STEVEN MALULEKE, the undersigned, intend applying to the MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY for special consent to build a new dwelling at the back of ERF 1710, for residential use. The present zoning of the land in terms of the above-mentioned Town Planning Scheme, is “RESIDENTIAL”. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application or wishes to make any representation in connection therewith, must lodge such objection or representation in writing with both the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 and the undersigned not later than 28 days from the first publication.: Applicant Name: Magezi Steven Maluleke P.O. Box 4071, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: 082 462 6755, Dates: 13 January 2012 & 20 January 2012

Wyle Dr. De Villiers se spreekkamer te huur.Ruh Straat. ± 200m2, met erf.

PFB-Agent 516 5024


PFB-Agent 516 5024

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00


To advertise here, contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at Tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: 015 516 2303

BOOYENS DU PREEZ & BOSHOFF INC. VACANCY FOR A TYPIST We requires the services of a collections typist at our Thohoyandou Offices. Typing experience is essential and persons with experience in an attorneys firm will be given preference. Salary is negotiable according to experience. Transport to and from Thohoyandou will be provided. Fax CV to 015 962 4731 For attention: Mr du Preez

REAL RECRUITING Do you need staff?

We can be an integral part of your staff employment! Many candidates available: • Bookkeeping • Admin • Cashiers • Domestic Workers • Welders • Heavy Duty drivers • Plumbers • Diesel Mechanics • Lots of young job seekers available Do you need a job? We have the following vacancies: • Looking for young men • Bookkeeping with Pastel • Mechanic • Technician on photocopy machine • Auto Electrician • Person with Coraldraw experience • Young people to work in Security Industry

• Tel: 015 516 2745 • 084 882 2744 Anderson Street 87, Louis Trichardt


Ons benodig ‘n OPGELEIDE ONDERWYSER Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is Maandag 23 Januarie 2012

Kontak Mariët by 015 577 2689


Contact Pieter, George, or Yolanda at 015 516 4996 to book your place.

POSTS AVAILABLE P&L Hardware Louis Trichardt Assistant IT Technician MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION AND/OR TRAINING: Equivalent of the completion of the twelfth grade with computer-related technology courses. A valid driver’s license. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION AND/OR TRAINING: A+ Computer Technician and N+ Network technician.

Senior Environmental Officer Vele Colliery - Musina Area CoAL is a listed company, focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of thermal and metallurgical coal projects in South Africa. The Company is looking for a suitably qualified person to fulfil the role of Senior Environmental Officer, reporting directly to the Environmental Manager at our Vele Colliery near Musina.

The job incumbent will be responsible for: • • • •

The provision of assistance and support in the implementation of an effective management framework and best pracitces. Fostering sound environment management at the operational mine. Supporting regular environment performance assessments to monitor compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements and Facilitating continual improvement of environmental practises.

Requirements and Qualifications: • • • • • •

Tertiary qualification (degree) preferably in environmental management science; or a national diploma in natural resources management. Knowledge of current environmental regulations and legal requirements. Environmental data interpretation, with specific reference to environmental impact assessments, environmental auditing, monitoring and reporting. Practical experience in the implementation of environmental legislation, regulations and guidelines in a mining environment or industry. Experience in the implementation of Environmental Management System (EMS) and any other relevant tools. Training in Computer Programmes, in particular MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access and exposure to the field of environmental database management.

Required minimum work experience: •

Minimum of three (3) years of environmental management experience preferably in a mining environment that relates to mining development.

Ability to intrepret requirements of legislation, manage environmental systems, management plans and best environmental practices, including site specific conditions as stipulated in various environmental authorisations. Ability to determinemechanisms to improve environmental practices and facilitate compliance. Ability to communicate and articulate (verbally and written) environmental issues and create capacity at all levels. Make sound decisions based on logical and critical examination of given situations. Conflict handling and management capabilities, including management of contractors. Ability to conduct environmental audits and write environmental reports. Able to develop environmental systems, procedures and guidelines.

• • • • • •

Personal attributes required: •

Good interpersonal relationships, a drive for results, decision-making skills, professionalism and communication skills. Should your profile meet the above criteria, please send your CV and copy of qualifications to: recruitment-vele@coalofafrica.co.za The closing date for applications is 27TH JANUARY 2012. Applicants not contacted two weeks after the closing date of advertisement should consider themselves unsuccessful. Preference will be given to HDSI applicants.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE: 2 Years experience with computers including software installation and trouble-shooting. Utilization of technology in a computing environment. Microsoft experience required (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MS Office (Outlook, Word, and Excel)). Experience with networks (LAN and WAN) and network cabling. The applicant must be flexible and receptive to change. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE: Experience in IQ Retail Software and working within a Point of Sale environment.

Assistant Branch Manager MINIMUM REQUIREMENT EDUCATION: Matric/Grade 12 with University Exemption LANGUAGE: Afrikaans/English first language Computer Literacy MS Office Excel & IQ would be an advantage EXPERIENCE: Hardware Retail Experience

Financial Clerk & Creditors Clerk MINIMUM REQUIREMENT Matric/Grade 12 with a university exemption Language Afrikaans / English First Language RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Financial Clerk – Bookkeeping, Pastel and or Accountancy as a Matric Subject will be and advantage Creditors Clerk – Creditors experience required Computor Literacy: MS Office, Excel, E-mail

Join our winning team and grow with us! CV’s can be faxed to 086 659 4425 or emailed to cv@pandl.co.za Please stipulate the position you are applying for. Closing date: Friday, 27th January 2012 Successful applicants will be contacted by 3rd February 2012 PLEASE NOTE: If you have not been contacted by 3 February 2012 please accept that yor application was not successful.

P&L HARDWARE Association of Southern Africa Tel: (015) 516 1328/9 • P.O.Box 204, Louis Trichardt 0920 92 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province

e k y s a e i o t u m i r r n e b d u v n t s iness GROW!!! h d a i s e c s a p A

16 20 January 2012


Vacancies / Vakatures Limpopo Dairies Pty Ltd VACANCY: COST ACCOUNTANT BASIC FUNCTION: The Cost Accountant position is accountable for the analysis of stock. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of accounting / finance experience. • Relevant degree or diploma IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS: • Must be bilingual: Afrikaans & English. • Excellent Pastel experience. • FIFO stock system experience. • Process costing experience. • An honest, future driven individual, task orientated & team-player. • Excellent analysis skills • Must be able to collaborate with multi-department team. BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES: • Coordinate physical inventory counts. • Investigate daily counting variances and resolve issues. • Update standard costs in the bill of materials. • Review standard and actual costs for inaccuracies. • Validate cost of goods sold. • Conduct ongoing process constraint anaylysis.

20 Januarie 2012 17 Deur Isabel Venter

Dorpswag begin met gratis noodhulpopleiding Die Soutpansberg Dorpswag in Louis Trichardt nooi alle belangstellendes uit om in te skakel by hul nuutgestigde noodhulpliga. Belangstellendes sal opleiding ontvang deur van die dorp se mees gesoute noodhulpwerkers. Twee uur-lange klasse sal elke derde week op ‘n Woensdag aangebied word by die dorpswag se kantore in Hlangananistraat. Die klasse duur vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Aan die stuur van sake is Maud Myburgh, wat vir jare namens die Suid-Afrikaanse Noodhulpliga opleiding verskaf het en welbekend is vir haar noodhulp- en ambulansdiens. Die klasse sal gratis aangebied word, maar daar is voorwaardes aan verbonde. Die eerste klas vind plaas op 25 Januarie. Voorlopige datums vir die opvolgende klasse is vasgestel, maar kan met kennisgewing verander word. Alhoewel die kursus nie ‘n geregistreerde kur-

sus is nie, sê die organiseerders, sal mense steeds waardevolle kennis kan opdoen. Van die kursus se mikpunte sal wees om deelnemers te leer om ie-

mand in nood te help tot die nodige nooddienste arriveer het. Vir verdere navrae, skakel Maud by 082 680 6579 of Patricia Gerber by 084 604 0724.


Roudiens word Vrydag gehou 'n Roudiens word Vrydag, 20 die ouderdom van 55 oorlede. Die Januarie vir mnr. Neels Bekker diens sal 11:00 begin. vanuit die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente gehou. Vir meer inligting kan die familie Wyle mnr. Bekker is Maandag in geskakel word by 015 516 1176. By Peter Muthambi

Pay point allegedly bombed The Makhado Municipality's only electricity pay point in the Sinthumule area was allegedly bombed during a robbery that occurred at the Tshiozwi Tribal Offices last Sunday. Residents are now forced to travel to the municipality's headquarters in Louis Trichardt to buy their electricity. R40 000 in cash was stolen during the incident. The spokesperson for the Tshilwavhusiku police, Const God-

win Mahuwa, said the incident took place at night, while the people were (Dzanani/Makhado) asleep. "We are investigating a case of business robbery, following the incident," said Mahuwa. He added 1. BESTUURDER that no one had been arrested yet and (mede verantwoordelikheid vir die that police investigations were still Send CV’s via e-mail or fax to e-mail totale bestuur van Nzhelele Spar) continuing. E-mail: jaco@limpopodairy.co.za 2. ADMINISTRATIEWE ASSISTENT Although Mahuwa confirmed that Fax to e-mail: 086 655 3273 (finansiële administrasie, the pay point had been bombed, he bestellings en voorraadopnames) did not reveal what type of explosives CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 24 JANUARY 2012 were used during the incident. Beide poste onmiddelik beskikbaar. The incident has now Vergoeding na gelang van ervaring. Please note: if you don’t receive an invitation to an interview within 2 weeks Turner's made it costly to get Vervoer word verskaf. Volledige besonafter the closing date - you may consider your application as unsuccessful electricity, as residents derhede sal verskaf word aan diegene must buy their electriciwat na ‘n onderhoud uitgenooi word. ty in Louis Trichardt. "It SLUITINGSDATUM: 25 JANUARIE 2012 was very cheap buying Full Draw electricity in the village. Stuur CV na die volgende: Requirements: • Age 25+ • Bilingual We did not even pay for E-pos: daan@donderbos.co.za • Archery, arms, and ammo experience a taxi to buy electricity," of Faks: 0866969554 said some of the affected CV to be delivered to: residents, which includNeed to advertise Shop no. 3A, C/o Rissik and President ed a 69-year-old granny, your vacancy on this page? Fixtures/Bepalings Ms Masindi Mulaudzi. street, Louis Trichardt Phone: 015 516 4996 The Tshiozwi pay point Opkomende Kompetisie was the second MaDatum Kompetisie Formaat khado Municipality pay point to be robbed in six 21/01/12 Oop VACANCY: DISTRIBUTION MANAGER months, following the 28/01/12 NG Kerk Levubu Dag Kutama pay point that Weeklikse Byeenkomste was robbed in July last BASIC FUNCTION: year. Cash amounting Woens Woensdag-kragmeting IS The distribution position is accountable for the distribution & logistics. to R22 000 was stolen Sundowner Vry IS during this robbery. WORK EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: Makhado Municipal• 6+ Years of distribution & logistics experience Uitslae/Results ity's municipal manager, • Relevant degree or diploma Soutpansberg Ope Mr Shadrack TshikaIMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS: lange, said that he was Datum Borg Formaat • Must be bilingual: Afrikaans & English. Venda, Sipedi, Tsonga will be very disappointed that SPB Gholfklub HS 14/01/12 advantagous. at the same time that Naam Punte Plek • Excellent skills coordinating distribution and logistics mangement. they were trying by all A-afdeling • Ability to rotate and control stock. means to take services • Must be able to collaborate with multi-department team. Jaco Linde 1 to the people, there were uittel147 • Computer literate - Accounting software, Microsoft Office, Distribution people who were preMorné Myburgh 2 uittel 147 program, Tracking System. venting it. R Scatton 3 151 He said that an interBASIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: B-afdeling nal investigation was • Analise information to monitor planned performance improvements. launched, following the 1 Pieter Senekal 160 • Dealing with customer complaints and telesales. incident. 2 Zagrys Nortjé 161 • Supervising the cost, quality and good efficiency of the storage and "If we find that there movement of perishable goods. Mid Amateur (35+) was an involvement of • Negotiating with warehouse operators. 1 Henk Geldenhuys 155 our staff members in any • Responsible for stock control. way, harsh measures will 2 M Pataki 157 • Managing transportation and ensure structures are in place to monitor be taken against them," flow of goods and materials. Woensdagspel said Tshikalange. A traDatum Borg Formaat ditional leader, Khosi Send CV’s via e-mail or fax to e-mail Vho Rudzani SinthuEie reëlings IS 11/01/12 E-mail: jaco@limpopodairy.co.za mule, said that criminals Naam Punte Plek Fax to e-mail: 086 655 3273 wouldn't be tolerated in 1 Floors van Wyk 42 his area. Jaco Linde (regs) van Polokwane het CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 24 JANUARY 2012 "This is affecting both 2 Pieter Schlesinger uittel 39 hierdie jaar die Soutpansberg Ope trofee the service and our good 3 Dot van der Westhuizen uittel 39 opgeraap. Hy wen die ope met ´n telling Please note: if you don’t receive an invitation to an interview within relationship we have van 147 punte op ´n uittel. Die ope is BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ 2 weeks after the closing date - you may consider your application with the municipality," Saterdag by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde he said. as unsuccessful gehou. By Jaco is klubkaptein Marius Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier Sinthumule urged resMostert. idents who might have GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: seen anything to come 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 forward and furnish the BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 police with information, TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / so that the culprit can be Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm brought to book.


Limp po Dairy the fresh one

Limp po Dairy

VACANCY: Sales Assistant

the fresh one

Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole

Limpopo Dairies Pty Ltd

Limp po Dairy the fresh one

Limp po Dairy the fresh one

18 20 January 2012

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Die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub het hul jaar die afgelope naweek op bedrywige noot begin met die hou van hul algemene jaarvergadering, Die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub het tydens hul algemene jaarvergadering die afgelope naweek hul nuwe bestuur vir die prysuitdeling vir 2011 en ‘n uitstappie na Mabote. Tydens die 2012 verkies. Voor, van links, is Christa Otto (addisionele lid) en Willem Olivier (ondervoorsitter). Agter is Kobus Otto (baanbou), Inalize Burger (tesourier), prysuitdeling ontvang Willem en Elseth Olivier die trofee as getrouste CW Burger (voorsitter) en Elzeth Olivier lede. Saam met hulle staan klubvoorsitter CW Burger (regs). Foto (sekretaresse en skakeling). Foto verskaf. verskaf.

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AFTER HOURS: • Hussain 083 378 6000 • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 • Charles 076 820 8256 • Johan 072 959 5642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

Die Oeps van die Maand-trofee van die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub het gegaan aan Riana Otto Tydens hul prysuitdeling vir 2011 het die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub se (links). Klubvoorsitter CW Burger palm op trofee vir mees betrokke lid gegaan aan Sandra Booyens. Saam met haar sy beurt die Oeps van die Jaar-trofee in. Foto staan klubvoorsitter CW Burger (links). Foto verskaf. verskaf.

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