24 September 2021
News with an independent soul
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Municipality takes hard line against shack owners - page 3
Jaargang 37 Vol.38
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Poster war starts
walk posters and notices states that such a poster may be displayed only With the 2021 municipal elecin an urban area of partial or minitions around the corner on 1 Nomum control. No person may erect vember, the war of words between a sidewalk poster or notice without politicians vying for the support first obtaining the written approval of voters has erupted once again. of the relevant municipality, in this So too did the poster war, with case the Makhado Municipality. political parties jostling for the Most importantly, Regulations best spots to catch voters’ eyes. 24 states that these posters can only Unfortunately, the poster war be displayed on an electric light normally ends up in an information standard or other structure that is overload, with posters being erected provided for the express purpose on anything that stands upright. of pasting or affixing the poster or Whether through ignorance or notice. It may not be attached or arrogance, some political parties affixed to a road traffic sign or a do not seem to play by the rules, signal, wall, column or post of a veespecially regarding the illegal randa or balcony, electric box, tree practice of placing election posters or bridge. Interestingly, the regulaon road-traffic signs. tion also states that, in the case of With the election posters starting election or referendum campaigns, to go up again over the past week no more than three posters per light or so, the Zoutpansberger started post or standard will be allowed. receiving complaints from residents These election posters may also about election posters’ being placed not be put up before the date of the on road traffic signs, especially on election has been gazetted and must the N1. This is an issue that this be removed no later than 14 days newspaper has reported on numer- after the election. Posters may also ous times in the past. not be displayed on the road reserve The placement of election posters boundaries or freeways. on road traffic signs is prohibited Judging by the stipulations of the and is regulated by the South AfriAct, some political parties could can National Road Agency Limited clearly not care less about legisand National Roads Act, Act 7 of lation. The Zoutpansberger asked 1998, and its regulations. SANRAL as responsible authority According to the National Roads for the N1 and the Makhado MuAct, a “poster” is, among other nicipality for comment about the things, defined as any placard illegal activity. announcing the candidature of any SANRAL responded that the staperson nominated for election to tus quo remained regarding politiparliament, local government or cal parties’ having to get permission any similar body. Regarding this, from the local municipality to put Regulation 24 of the Act on Outup election posters. The company door Advertising relating to sidestated that they were allowed to By Andries van Zyl
remove posters if they obscured, created confusion, or interfered with the functioning of traffic signs. “In terms of road safety and traffic considerations Regulation 6 (1)(d), no advertisement may be attached to traffic signs, combined with traffic signs (unless specifically authorised by the National Road Traffic Act), obscure traffic signs, create confusion with traffic signs, interfere with the functioning of traffic signs or create
road safety hazards,” SANRAL stated. In some cases, the Minister of Transport may relax legislation to allow political parties to put up election posters on traffic signs. “SANRAL has not received a letter from the Minister of Transport to relax the conditions regarding the placement of political posters on road traffic signs,” stated SANRAL. No feedback was received from the Makhado Municipality, other than
municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi’s indicating that he was trying to get information. The newspaper wanted to know from the municipality, among other things, which political parties had applied and been granted permission to put up election posters, whether these illegal poster would be removed and whether a political party could be fined for contravening the regulations of the National Roads Act.
With the election posters starting to go up again over the past week or so, the Zoutpansberger started receiving complaints from residents about election posters’ being placed on road traffic signs, especially on the N1.
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New voter turnout slow on registration weekend By Bernard Chiguvare
Above: Camp DA in Tshikota. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare. Left: Members of the EFF, photographed monitoring the situation in front of the registration point in Tshikota. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 086 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe “Maar wees vriendelik en vol ontferming teenoor mekaar” Efesiërs 4:32.
Community structures want the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure to do something about the poor condition of the D3715 Road, which is known for its dangerous potholes. Photo supplied.
The Zoutpansberger recently received complaints about the terrible state of the men’s toilets at the Makhado Municipality’s licencing department. Visitors to the municipality stated that the blocked urinals were not only causing a big stink, but also posed a serious health risk. Upon enquiry, municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi said that they had attended to most of the challenges with their toilets. “However, we are currently processing a major refurbishment of all ablution facilities within the Civic Centre building,” said Bobodi. Photo supplied.
ol ontferming. Die beste woord vir hier die wonderlike begrip is medelydend, innig jammer, liefde wat gereed staan om te help. Dit is ‘n kenmerk van God, soos Chris tus dit keer op keer so treffend vertoon het. Die Here verwag dieselfde van sy kinders. Ontferming, tot ‘n punt waar God in Ho sea 11:8 sê: “My hart is omgekeer in My…”, is die vrug van teerhartigheid, bowenal vir hulle geestelike nood, maar ook vir hulle tydelike nood. Vriendelikheid. Hierdie kosbare juweel het baie glanspunte. Dit moet oral beoefen word, maar in besonder in jou eie huis en vriendekring, sodat hulle die egtheid daarvan kan ervaar. Egte vriendelikheid is nie net glimlaggende gesigte voor belangrike mense of in openbare plekke nie. Dit begin by geduld, hulpvaardigheid, bedagsaamheid en goeie maniere van ‘n ware ‘heer’ of ‘dame’ in sy of haar huis. Dit is eg en spontaan en vir almal duidelik. Die ‘monster’ in jou moet plek maak vir die ‘Meester’ se eie gesind heid van vriendelikheid en ontferming. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
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J McLeod, DR E Gaigher, Dr C Venter, Z Omar, P Schoeman
J McLeod, DR E Gaigher, Dr C Venter, Z Omar, P Schoeman DR E Gaigher, Dr C Venter, Z Omar, P Schoeman DIRECTORS:
Voter registration the past weekend seemed to have progressed fairly smoothly, albeit that the turnout was not wonderful. The Zoutpansberger visited two voting stations, namely at Makhado Library and Masedi Combined School in Tshikota on Sunday (18th) to monitor the proceedings. Very few new voters showed up to register at Makhado Library, while at Tshikota the ANC, DA and EFF had each set up camp a few metres away from the registration centre. The political parties looked happy and prepared for the upcoming elections. They all seemed to be satisfied with how the day progressed at the Tshikota voting station. Some residents paid visits to their respective camps, while others disappeared into the voting centre to register. Bessy Jones, DA PR councillor for Makhado Municipality, said that they were a little concerned that so few people had come out to register. “We are not sure why this is. It could be that the residents are unhappy with all the unsettled services delivery issues,” she said. Desiree van der Walt, DA Limpopo campaign manager for the elections, spoke about the voter
registration in Vhembe District as a whole, “There were some glitches at some of the voting registration centres concerning voter-management devices (VDM), but the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) was prepared for this,” van der Walt said. “We (DA) were also prepared with our own forms to monitor the IEC. Voters signed our forms as proof in case they do not appear on the voters’ roll, come voting day. This would allow them to vote. Overall, the process went well.” Dunani Baloyi, the EFF Vhembe’s regional secretary, also applauded the voter-registration process. “Though the registration was slow, maybe due to networks, the process went well. However, we are concerned that voters who might have left without registering on Saturday due to the slow process, did not come back again on Sunday, as some of them live far away,” he said. Huge Khosa from the Pan African Congress (PAC) of Azania also alluded that the process went well. “Though the process went well, the majority of voters are just so demoralised by the government, who have been making false promises since 1996. We did not see many voters coming out to register for the upcoming elections,” said Khosa, who is Musina’s sub-region elections coordinator for the PAC.
No vote if deadly road is not fixed By Bernard Chiguvare The ongoing fight by community structures to get the government to deliver on their promise to do something about the state of the D3715 Road still seems to be falling on deaf ears. The Sinthumule-Kutama Concerned Group (formerly known as the Sinthumule-Kutama Crisis Committee), the Dzanani Taxi Association and the Kutama Business Forum held a briefing last Friday where the MEC for Public Works and Infrastructure was called on to meet with them urgently regarding this issue. “We are not going to close voting registration stations in our area, but if the Limpopo Department of Public Works and Infrastructure does not heed our call, there will not be any voting from anyone in this area,” said Elijah Liremi, a member of the Sinthumule-Kutama Concerned Group. To date, many innocent lives have already been lost on the D3715 Road because of its poor and potholed condition. This is also not the first time that communities have raised concerns about the state of this road. Last year (2020), hundreds of people, led by the Zoutpansberg Community Development Forum, marched to the Makhado Municipality to protest about the road and other problems. Earlier this year, another march to the Makhado Municipality about the state of the same road took place. “When will they listen to us? This matter involves the lives of our people,” the structures say. The Makhado mayor urged the Kutama-Sinthumule Concerned Group to be patient and promised to look into the issue. But residents are not satisfied with this repeated promise anymore. “We call on all Kutama-Sinthumule residents not to go and vote if the D3715 Road is not fixed by 1 October 2021. We will shut down all voting stations in our area on voting day (1 November 2021),” the community structures
warned, and further urged motorists not to renew their driving licence discs, should the department fail to attend urgently to the issue at hand. The community structures gave the Limpopo Department of Public Works seven days to meet with them. In response to this paper’s enquiry whether the department would meet with the structures, the spokesperson for the Limpopo Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Joe Seabi, confirmed that MEC Namane Dickson Masemola had invited them to a meeting on Thursday, 23 September 2021. “We are aware of the state of the road. The MEC has been to the road before. At the time, the complaint was about both the D3715 and D959 Roads, which had been largely rehabilitated, and a solution has been prepared for D3715,” Seabi said. “We urge people to vote and exercise their democratic rights, whilst respecting other people’s rights in the process. The roads have been part of our priorities for rehabilitation and the D3715 Road will also be attended to.”
Police and security officers monitored the area where shacks were being demolished. Photo: Kaizer Nengovhela.
Municipality takes hard line against shack owners back further than 2018, when the municipality also had to approach the High Court to stop On Monday, teams from the Makhado Munic- them from erecting shacks on the property. A ipality moved in and destroyed an estimated court order was granted and was never contest100 shacks that were built on land eared. marked for development next to the Tshikota In March 2018, officials and members of the township. Dozens of shack builders were left Makhado Municipality’s executive committee stranded after their makeshift homes were visited the area and spoke to the residents. The demolished. then mayor purportedly promised the residents People erected shacks the last few weeks on that at least 200 RDP houses would be built on a piece of land about to be auctioned off by the the specific site to cater for the poor in Tshikota. municipality. The shack builders are protesting In the latest development, the sites are to be against the auctioning process, saying that they auctioned off in two phases. Prospective buyers had been promised that RDP houses would be have to pay a R10 000 registration fee, and a built on the land. reserve price put on each stand must be met for The Makhado Municipality intends to sell a successful transaction. The council has not yet 849 vacant residential and business stands via disclosed what the reserve prices are. an online auction. The stands are in two newly The unhappiness of residents from Tshikota established townships, just south of Pretorihoping to get a new place to stay intensified us Street in Louis the past week. On Trichardt and adjacent “I was so happy when I could stay Friday, a few days to Tshikota Extenbefore the shacks in my own place here, but it was were demolished, sion 1. The auction is scheduled to take place large group of terrible when they demolished our apeople between 24 September gathered at shacks and destroyed our materials” the land about to be (09:00) and 27 September (09:00). The auctioned off. One first of the viewing sessions was scheduled for of the shack dwellers, Ms Tendani Maluba, said last weekend, whereas another viewing session that they had tried to engage the municipality was scheduled for 18 and 19 September. several times, without any success. She said that In court documents delivered to some of the the former mayor, Cllr Shonisani Sinyosi, had protestors, the municipality states that the first promised to build 250 RDP houses for needy viewing session had to be cancelled because of community members. the disruptions. The municipality alleges that a “We have got kids who are not married, so group of people started “giving away” stands two their kids have to have their own shelter in the weeks ago, urging the new “owners” to erect a future. When you die, and then your kids don’t shack as soon as possible to secure their stands. have a roof where they can put their head down, Municipal officials were apparently afraid of and then it becomes a problem. Some of the kids confronting the shack builders. The council also become street kids because they don’t have any argues in the court papers that it stands to lose place to sleep,” she said. “I was so happy when almost R100 million in revenue if the auction I could stay in my own place here, but it was does not take place. “It is submitted that there terrible when they demolished our shacks and is a risk that the Applicant’s land will be lost to destroyed our materials,” she said. “I guess I will unlawful occupations,” it is stated. just keep trying to get my own place. There’s The shack builders, however, refuse to give in nothing else I can do,” said Maluba after the without a fight. They argue that the issue dates shacks were demolished on Monday. By Kaizer Nengovhela
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Another resident, Mr Mahlatse Mathekgane, said that the residents had occupied the farm after they had heard that Makhado Municipality was selling residential and business stands on the site by public auction. “This completely disregards the poor people of Tshikota. We decided to occupy this land because we are from poor backgrounds and cannot afford the money for bidding nor buying those stands,” he said. He said that the municipality was in breach of its promise. His shack was also demolished on Monday. “We came here because we don’t have money and we need a place to live. This land has been standing empty for years. Our municipality is not right, and they still want us to vote. Let it be clear: we will not vote if this is how we are treated,” said another resident, Ms Josephina Msiza. “They see us as staying here illegally, but when
it’s time to vote, they want us all to vote.” She said most of the residents would not be voting in the coming elections. The Makhado Municipality’s spokesperson, Mr Louis Bobodi, said that the municipality had obtained an interim court order in the Limpopo High Court last week. The interdict forbids the allocation of stands and the erecting or the extending of structures by the land occupiers. It also authorises the municipality to demolish any complete or incomplete structure, occupied or not occupied, erected on the property. Bobodi said that the municipality had included a low-cost housing scheme in its 2021/22 budget. This entails building 100 RDP homes on a different piece of land. “No shack can be erected on land which was not purchased or hired. So, in terms of the act, those shacks were illegal,” he said.
Ninth soldier arrested in cross-border smuggle case Court News The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) arrested another member of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) on Monday for his alleged involvement in the cross-border vehicle-smuggling syndicate. This brings the total number of SANDF members arrested to nine.
Initially, six soldiers were arrested by the Hawks on 21 June this year. They were arrested in the North-West, Northern Cape and the Free State. A seventh accused handed himself over to the authorities later. All were stationed at the Beitbridge Border Post between 2017 and 2019. They had allegedly connived with vehicle-smuggling syndicates to smuggle stolen vehicles through the Limpopo River in exchange for
money. In return, the arrested SANDF members would allegedly demand R15 000 per vehicle, which would be shared among themselves. Five of the initial seven SANDF members arrested hold the rank of Private. They are Edward Lepokolo (48) from Sebokeng, Rapula Reuben Maidi (49) from Ikageng, Bulelani Danti (30) from King Williams Town, Peter Thato Nemane (52) from Soshanguve and Thembani Mjelo (31) from East London. Two accused hold the rank of Lance-Corporal. They are Marks Funeka (49) from Carletonville and Ludwe Gwedashe (44) from Port Elizabeth. The Hawks’ continuous sting operation to address the scourge of cross-border crimes in Limpopo, dubbed operation “Night Vigil”,
resulted in the arrest of an eighth suspect in connection with the Beitbridge smuggling case on 15 September in the Northern Cape. He was the 30-year-old Valentine Sedimosang Phetoe, who holds the rank of Private. Phetoe appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court last Thursday and was granted R3 000 bail. He and his seven co-accused, who were all granted R3 000 bail, will have to be back in court on 25 October for their next court appearance. The ninth suspect, who was arrested in Polokwane, was identified as the 31-year-old Private Luglen Peacock from the Eastern Cape. He appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and his case was postponed to Tuesday, 28 September, for a formal bail application.
Makhado councillor passes away her commitment to her work. She was a visionary and trustCommunities in and around worthy human being whose Makhado are deeply saddesire to serve her community dened by the death of Cllr motivated her to work hard.” Dorah Mukwevho. Munyai described her as Mukwevho (38), a councillor a “real daughter of the soil” for Makhado Municipality, who would have sacrificed passed away on 16 September everything for her job. “We are at her house at Ha-Nthabalala saddened by her sudden deafter a short illness. parture, but we have no doubt Makhado municipality’s that she will rest in peace. On mayor, Cllr Samuel Munyai, behalf of the Makhado Municsaid that the cruelty of death ipality, I would like to send our had robbed the local commucondolences to the Mukwevho nity of yet another valuable family and assure them of our asset. “Mukwevho was a unending support during this distinguished comrade who trying time. It is difficult for all strived for the development of of us to accept what happened, her community until her last but we must also understand day on earth,” Munyai said. that God does his will in his “She always conducted her du- own time,” he said. ties with zeal and dedication. Ms Sedzani Mukwevho, Words alone could not describe the deceased’s daughter, said By Kaizer Nengovhela
Lutendo Muthabuli, who works under the Makhado Expanded Public Works Programme, was tasked to remove all the abortion posters pasted onto walls, trees, electricity poles and road signs, but he says this job never ends. “As soon as I remove them, they are merely replaced with others. Nearly all the trees in the park next to Makhado Library are decorated with these abortion posters.” Limpopo Mirror caught up with Mutabuli last week as he was busy removing more posters. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.
that her mother had been a uniting figure in the family. “We are very sad. She was still young and had so much still ahead of her. She will be sorely missed,” she said and added that they were greatly consoled by the massive support from family, friends and community members.
The late Cllr Dorah Mukwevho. Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het lesers van die Zoutpansberger ook hulself gereed gemaak vir die viering van Erfenisdag, ‘n dag wat later meer prominent sou bekendstaan as nasionale Braaidag op 24 September. Op die nuusfront was dinge maar relatief stil gewees, maar nie noodwendig op die misdaadfront nie. Die voorblad en die res van die Zoutpansberger van 20 September 1996 bestaan uit ‘n allegaartjie van klein misdaadberigte. So word eienaars van veral bakkies gewaarsku om hul voertuie se veilige bewaring te verseker, nadat vier bakkies die voorafgaande week in Louis Trichardt gesteel is. Die bekende Desai Trading het op hulle beurt deurgeloop onder ‘n gewapende roof. Vyf gewapende mans het die winkel binnegestorm kort nadat een van die eienaars, mnr. Narendra Desai, van die bank af teruggekom het. Die aanvallers het Desai vir die geldsak gevra, maar hy wou dit nie aan die diewe oorhandig nie. Toe die aanvallers dreig om Desai te skiet, het Desai se vrou vir hom gevra om eerder die sak geld vir hulle te gee. Die mans het egter nie die taal verstaan waarin Desai se vrou met hom gepraat het nie, en gedink die twee is besig om te konkel agter hulle rug. Hulle het toe begin om Desai aan te rand. Uit vrees dat hulle sy vrou gaan skiet, het Desai hulle na sy kantoor geneem waar die mans hom van die sak geld en die egpaar se persoonlike besittings beroof het. Hulle het daarna in Desai se voertuig op die vlug geslaan. Desai het ná die tyd sy ontevredenheid uitgespreek
oor die gebrek aan sigbare polisiëring in Eltivillas waar hul winkel geleë is. Op ‘n positiewe noot het inwoners daardie week saam met die Noor-familie feesgevier. Bekende plaaslike sakeman Solly Noor en sy vrou Zora se dogter, Farzana, het daardie week verloof geraak aan Zunaid Ayob. Op die sportfront was dorpsrugby nog uiters gewild. Met die rugbyseisoen wat daardie jaar amper op sy rug gelê het, het Louis Trichardt se eerste rugbyspan, oftewel die Bloues, onoorwonne deurgedring na die finaal van die provinsiale liga. Daardie jaar was die vierde agtereenvolgende jaar gewees dat die Bloues deurgedring het na die finaal van die liga. Die vorige drie jaar was hulle die ligawenners gewees.
Graad 11-leerder Rynard Pretorius van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het op 6 September aan die tweede ronde van die rekenaar programmeringolimpiade vir skole deelgeneem. Hy is ná afloop daarvan aangewys as die tweede beste presteerder in die Limpopo Provinsie. Buiten vir hierdie topprestasie, dring Rynard ook deur na die finaal van die Wits Wiskunde Kompetisie, die enigste leerling van die skool wat dit kon regkry. Foto verskaf.
Graad 11-leerder Marissa de Coning van Hoërskool Eric Louw het ná afloop van die provinsiale uitdunronde van die interskole redenaars voorverlede naweek gekwalifiseer vir deelname aan die nasionale Interskole finaal op 9 Oktober vanjaar. Haar skool het haar geluk gewens met haar prestasie. Foto verskaf.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Graad R’e het voorverlede week as deel van hulle “Vervoer” tema watervervoer bespreek en ‘n seerowerdag gehou. Afgeneem is van die jong “seerowers”. Hulle het speletjies gespeel, musiek geluister en vis en skyfies geëet. Foto verskaf.
Nature conservation and heritage are his passions involved in expanding the conservation area from 27 000ha to 146 500ha, as well as devel“Heritage remains the single most important oping all tourism infrastructure and building a factor that keeps nations together,” says the staff component for the park,” he said. He served park manager of Mapungubwe National Park as park manager for Tankwa for 14 years. and World Heritage Site, Mr Jacobus Conrad “I see it as the biggest honour to be part of Strauss. “If we can recognise the horrible Mapungubwe, which showcases the immense past, it will give birth to the development of cultural heritage embedded within an ancient our society towards one nation that will be landscape. I am blessed with an excellent team stronger together. It is our history that deof supportive staff around me, and our most imfines our actions today and will influence our portant task is to nurture the experiences of all tomorrows.” people in building a closely knit unit that works Strauss (52) is one of those inspiring heritage together in making this park the pride and joy of The park manager of Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, Mr Jacobus Confanatics whose contributions need to be celebrat- the people of South Africa. We are, after all, only rad Strauss, is very passionate about nature and heritage conservation. ed as South Africa celebrates Heritage Month. the custodians of this beautiful place on behalf He was motivated to love nature from the day of our nation,” he says. he was born and raised in the small semi-desHe shared with the Zoutpansberger what he ert town of Calvinia, situated in the Northern enjoys most about his job. “There is nothing Cape, away from fancy more satisfying for “I see it as the biggest honour to me than engaging facilities. That, he says, made him closely be part of Mapungubwe, which with people from all attached to Mother walks of life, listening showcases the immense cultural Nature. and learning from Strauss completed their experiences. heritage embedded within an matric in 1987, after I have learned that ancient landscape. which he obtained a humbleness, honesty diploma in agriculture from Elsenburg Agriculand respect cost nothing. My job allows me to tural College in Stellenbosch. He then furthered interact with many people and it makes me a his studies and obtained his National Diploma better person when I learn new things every day. in Conservation (cum laude) at Technikon SA, as I regard challenges as opportunities through well as his B-Tech degree in conservation (cum which amicable solutions can be found for the laude) at UNISA. many differences that exist in our society.” Before joining the Mapungubwe team on 3 He has some wise words to encourage young January 2015, Strauss worked hard to establish people who would like to follow in his footsteps: himself in the nature-conservation and heritage “We need young people to take over from us, Laerskool Louis Trichardt het Vrydag, 17 September, ‘n mooi bedrag van R7 710 aan die sector. “After obtaining my agricultural diploma, because heritage will always be the glue that Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) gegee. Die geld is ingesamel tydens die I farmed for seven years on our family farm in keeps a culture, society or nation together. If we skool se Lentedagvieringe dieselfde dag, waar hulle teen ‘n klein fooi soos ‘n dier of hul trothe Tankwa Karoo, about 110km from Calvinlose track of our heritage, it means we are losing eteldier kon aantrek. Buiten die kontantdonasie het die skool ook as deel van hulle welwilia. In 1998, SANParks decided to establish the track of our belief systems, our roots and basicallendheidsprojek vir die derde skoolkwartaal sowat 300 kg se honde- en katkos vir die DBV Tankwa Karoo National Park and our family ly our existence. Young people must follow their ingesamel, asook komberse vir die diere. Die skenking is ook Vrydag deur ‘n baie dankbare farm was part of this big expansion effort. I was dreams with passion and curate our history with inspekteur Lawrence Khodobo (links) van die plaaslike DBV in ontvangs geneem. Langs then appointed as park manager of Tankwa care and make sure we are kept rooted deeply in hom staan skoolhoof me. Irene Adendorff, wat die oorhandiging gedoen het. Karoo National Park in 2000 and was intimately the soil of our beautiful country.” Heritage News
Thursday, 23 September
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602
Warmer with abundant sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine.
High: 26oC Low: 9oC
High: 31oC Low: 13oC
High: 30oC Low: 13oC
National Heritage Day, local “petrol heads” and vintage-vehicle enthusiasts plan on driving to Lalapanzi Hotel. The previous outing to Levubu was such a success that the participants asked for a repeat. The suggestion was that a drive be organised once a month. These events are not limited to vintage cars over a certain age, as the term “vintage” is very broad. During the Levubu outing, the classic vehicles included trucks, motorcycles and a 1986 Citi Golf with an 1800 engine and automatic gearbox, one of only a few to exit the factory in this configuration. A large number of Land Rovers that are still doing duty on farms are also considered to be classic vehicles. The Lalapanzi outing will once again be a very informal gathering. The vehicles will leave town from about 09:00, driving to the hotel, which is roughly 28 kilometres south of Louis Trichardt along the N1. At the hotel, snacks are available, and drinks can be bought. The enthusiasts will be able to park their vehicles on the grassy area next to the swimming pool and relax in the shade of the trees. “You can even bring along your swimming costumes and cool off in the pool,” the hotel owners said. People interested in joining the outing are asked to confirm with Charles Leach (083 228 3874) or Anton van Zyl (084 616 4997).
• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.
• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
This Messerschmitt KR200 dating from 1956 may make a guest appearance at Lalapanzi. The vehicle is still being restored, so if it does make the trip, it will do so on the back of a trailer. SEPTEMBER
BRAAI BOWLSDAG Diegene wat steeds
wonder wat hulle op Erfenisdag, oftewel Nasionale Braaidag op 24 September, gaan doen, kan gerus die
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 20 September DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
20/09/2021 13/09/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
98.7% 99% 96.6% 96.6% 78.4% 79.5% 42.4% 43.5% 99.3% 99.6% 7.2% 7.4% 100.2% 100% 68% 69.2% 98.6% 98.9% 97.6% 98.2% 86.3% 87.6% 94.9% 95.3%
# Means latest available data
jou veiligheid vir jou belangrik en wil jy graag ‘n bydrae lewer tot ander se veiligheid? As jy sterk voel hieroor, kom hoor hoe jy ‘n bydrae kan lewer tot landelike veiligheid op 28 en 29 September by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub in Louis Trichardt. Veral die gemeenskap se sakesektor word uitgenooi om te kom luister na die suksesverhaal van Landelike Veiligheid (Rural Safety) span se kameraprojek en hoe gewone mense kan help om die projek uit te brei. Die twee aande se verrigtinge begin telkens om 18:00. Almal is welkom en vir meer inligting, skakel Brian du Plooy by tel. 082 821 0075.
Trichardt Tennisklub beplan ‘n pretdag op Saterdag, 2 Oktober, en nooi inwoners uit om die dag te kom ondersteun. Enige iemand kan inskryf (klublid of nie-klublid) en inskrywing kos R250 per dubbelspan. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 27 September. Vir meer inligting en inskrywings, skakel Henk Beukes by tel. 082 894 3796.
• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se Braai Bowlsdag ondersteun. Inskrywing kos R300 per span bestaande uit vier spelers. Spanne kan ook self besluit teen wie hulle wil speel. Spel begin om 09:00 en braaipakke sal verkoop word. Vir meer inligting of om in te skryf, skakel Jaco by tel. 060 525 3959.
• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711
• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
Saturday, 25 September
Mostly sunny and warmer
• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774
Friday, 24 September
Louis Trichardt Baptist Church will be hosting a “take-away” meal on 2 October at the church premises at 25 Ruh Street from 17:00
until 18:00. A three course “Boerekos” menu will be on sale, including Tuna Tart for starters, a main course consisting of Bobotie, yellow rice and vegetables and Malva pudding with custard for dessert. Tickets cost is R120 for adults and R60 for children under 12 and is available at Sophie’s Choice at Tel 015 516 0333. Tickets must be purchased before 26 September. OCTOBER
on the huge success of their Spring Market, the SPCA Louis Trichardt will be hosting their next Craft and Farmer’s Market on 2 October at the SPCA grounds on the Vondeling Road from 09:00 to 14:00. As always, a variety of stalls and plenty to eat and drink will be available. Artwork, fruit and veg, needlework, plants, jewellery, a tombola table and so much more will be on offer. Books and other items that have been donated to the SPCA will also be on sale at very low prices. For more information, please visit the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s Facebook page. For a small donation, people can book a stall by contacting Grietjie of the SPCA on 072 516 6895.
Inwoners van Louis Trichardt kan op 2 Oktober hulle steun aan die Soutpansberg Dorpswag wys deur hulle gereelde straatkafee te ondersteun. Soos gewoonlik vind die kafee voor die dorpswagkantoor by die Safari vulstasie plaas. Boereworsrolle se verkoop word teen R20 elk,
stokworse teen R10 elk en pannekoeke teen R5 elk. Diegene wat bestanddele wil skenk, kan vir Andel skakel by 083 442 0435.
REMEMBRANCE DAY At 05:00 on Monday,
Inwoners kan hulleself gereedmaak vir die Dopperkerk se gewilde jaarlikse Pik-en-Proe Aand. Dié aand van feestelike peusel aan ‘n verskeidenheid liplek-lekker geregte vind op 15 Oktober plaas in die Fransie Vermaak Saal in Louis Trichardt om 18:00. Die tema hierdie jaar is “Uit Ouma se Kombuis”. Met die ryke verskeidenheid wat voorgesit word, sal niemand honger ly nie, al is elke porsie klein. Gaste word versoek om asseblief hulle eie drinkgoed en glase saam te bring Slegs 160 kaartjies is beskikbaar weens die Covid-19 regulasies, teen R150 per volwassene, R100 per hoërskoolleerling en R50 per laerskoolleerling. Bespreek dus vroegtydig by Nanette by die Dopperkerkkantoor by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764 om teleurstelling te voorkom.
Louw High School in Musina will be hosting a fun ride/ cycle on 16 October over a distance of either 13km or 6km. Curry-and-rice will be on sale and entries will cost R30 per athlete.
Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se gewilde besigheidsliga is weer op hande en spanne kan nou reeds begin inskryf. Die liga vind in Oktober en November oor drie agtereenvolgende Donderdagaande plaas, naamlik op 28 Oktober, 4 November en die finaal op 11 November. Die hoofdoel van die liga is nie net om hierdie sportsoort te bevorder nie, maar ook om fondse vir die klub in te samel en om dit net te geniet. In totaal kan 14 spanne inskryf, met inskrywings op wat op 25 Oktober sal sluit. Enige instansie of besigheid kan ‘n span inskryf of borg. ‘n Span moet bestaan uit vier nie-rolbalspelers, alhoewel klublede byderhand sal wees om te help met raad. Behalwe vir skoene wat hakloos moet wees, is geen ander dragkodes van toepassing nie en rolbalballe sal voorsien word. Wedstryde begin elke Donderdagaand om 18:00. Aan die einde van die reeks word die wenner bepaal. Dekking sal deur die plaaslike koerant gedoen word en uitslae sal weekliks gepubliseer word. Deelname kos R500 per span en ‘n baanfooi van R20 per speler per wedstryd sal betaalbaar wees. Na elke ligabepaling sal braaipakkies te koop wees, met pap en sous wat voorsien sal word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Marietjie Barkhuizen (082 326 7686) of Marié Volschenk (084 500 2453).
11 November 1918, a document was signed that brought an end to the First World War. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of that year, the guns fell silent. The war that was supposed to end all wars had come to an end, but not before an estimated nine million people had lost their lives. To pay homage those who died in the war and subsequent wars, Remembrance Day is commemorated annually. The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) of Louis Trichardt will be holding their annual Remembrance Day parade and wreath-laying ceremony on 14 November at 10:30 for 11:00 at their Turbi Hills Shell Hole at 66 Burger Street. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Sunday, 26 September
Monday, 27 September
Tuesday, 28 September
Not as warm.
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sun.
High: 28oC Low: 14oC
High: 27oC Low: 11oC
High: 27oC Low: 12oC
High: 31oC Low: 15oC
Wednesday, 29 September
photo-Novel competition four boys playing skyball on a wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. redfern walking around the carpark.
oh what a nice shot!
a story by: Xirimbi Baloyi featuring: Chavi, Minkhendo, khobane & Mrs Redfern The good news is that you are now down to the size XXS...
nice shot!
awesome kick dude!
let’s get out of here!
the ball headed straight for mrs redfern’s car.
xirimbi kicks the ball and things take a turn for the worst...
yea... i want to live to see another day
i’m a dead man
xirimbi! you are in so much trouble young man!
oh no... what did i do!? follow me to my office so you can explain yourself.
yes... ma’am ma’am, i kicked the ball and it accidently hit your car
The last story - but you were all stars Our photo-novel competition has reached its final stage this week. All that is now left is for the judges to announce an overall winner, but that will only happen next week. This week’s winner is Xirimbi Baloyi, another student from Ridgeway College. What we liked about Xirimbi’s entry is the simplicity. He took an everyday occurrence and built a story around it that is light-hearted and entertaining, which is exactly what you would expect from such “comics”. Not to say that photo-novels should
not be serious. Previous entries by people like Zwothe Thothori showed that you can address problems in society through this type of story-telling. From the organisers’ side we need to thank all the people who submitted entries. The competition was well supported by our young readers, especially from Ridgeway College. No special incentive existed for schools to encourage their children to enter, but Ridgeway seemed to have done that and supported the young creative geniuses.
look, it’s my fault i shouldn’t have parked my car near the netball courts. you are forgiven.
When the competition started, we used our in-house team to get the ball rolling. We thought a couple of weeks might pass before the entries would arrive, but we were pleasantly surprised by the response. In the final two weeks, we received a number of good entries, to such an extent that choosing a winner was difficult. We also feel very guilty about the fact that we cannot publish all the entries, but space simply does not allow for that. So – a special thank you to the ones who submitted stories that were not used. Thanks to Matodzi Mukwevho – we liked your approach to encourage people not to litter and to show up hypocrisy. Thanks to Sindi Dagada. You had
i live to see another day. next time i am going to play on the soccer field
a good concept, but it got slightly complicated and became difficult to follow in just 12 photos. But, with a bit of refinement, it could work. Thanks to Sikhubuni Beauty for her entry. This one was slightly weird and, unfortunately, it had a “to be continued” part, which obviously made considering it for the last entry difficult. (But it was interesting). Phoebe Joubert’s entry was delightful and if the competition had continued for another week or two, she might have won. We also had two more entries from previous winners, namely Zwothe Thothori and Nyandano Ramushweu. Thank you so much. You are all superstars.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Bear Male
Maxwell Male
William Male
Wesley Male
Klara Female
Devon Male
Lots of cats & kittens
Police received a tip-off about a White Toyota Quantum panel van from Zimbabwe transporting illicit cigarettes along the R521 to Polokwane. The vehicle was ultimately spotted along the N1 road towards Mokopane. Illicit cigarettes with a street value of about R2 million were confiscated. Photo: Limpopo SAPS. Die 39-jarige Sheri Brynard moes in haar lewe al baie struikelblokke oorkom, waarvan die grootste was die feit dat sy Downsindroom het. Tog het dit nie hierdie sprankelende jong vrou van stryk gebring nie en tree sy vandag onder meer as motiveringspreker op. Saterdag, 18 September, het sy as spreker opgetree tydens ‘n vroue-oggend ten bate van Bergcare in Louis Trichardt, In totaal het 180 vroue die oggend ondersteun. “Ons het regtig baie komplimente en goeie terugvoer gekry. Mense sê hulle is geïnspireer en het haar praatjie geniet,” het Mariana Luus, bestuurder van Bergcare, ná afloop van die geleentheid gesê. Die besoekers is ook elkeen gevra om een blikkie kos en ‘n buisie tandepasta saam te bring wat gebruik sal word vir die pak van Bergcare se deernispakkies. Luus het gesê die sukses van die dag was ‘n groot spanpoging. Sy het haar dank uitgespreek teenoor Eldine Peli, Suzette Burger, Magda Pretorius, ds. Jan Pretorius, ds. Corné Burger, Annetjie Burger, Barend en sy span en al die vrywilligers wat gehelp het. Afgeneem is Sheri in die voorgrond. Agter haar (van links na regs) is Eldine Peli, Suzette Burger, Mariana Luus en Susette Brynard (Sheri se ma, wat haar op haar uitstappies vergesel). Foto verskaf.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Kontak gerus vir CW Burger 082 378 3151 vir meer inligting
t a g s Grui 2021 4x4 16 Oktober Louis Trichardt Inskrywings: 07h00 - 09h00 Bestuurdersinligtingsessie: 09h30 Inskrywingsgeld: Deelnemers - R200 / Toeskouers - R20 volwassenes & R10 kinders
Fondsinsameling ondsinsameling vir klein Mateo Venter “2 X Lucky ucky Draws” kompetisie
Two alleged child rapists among those arrested In a separate incident, a 29-year-old suspect was arrested by the Modjadjiskloof police for a The Limpopo police have made several arrest house robbery that occurred in the area on 17 in their continuous crime-busting operations September, just after midnight. “The memfor the week ending on Sunday, 19 September. bers received information from a local security Among those arrested were two alleged child company about three suspects armed with rifles, rapists. who had just committed house robbery. The The two rape suspects, aged 18 and 27, were suspect was arrested at about 06:00 at a house arrested on Saturday, 18 September, by the in Makgolobotho village, following a positive tipMalamulele SAPD outside Thohoyandou for off. Some of the stolen items, including a fridge, allegedly assaulting and raping a 16-year-old stove, electrical appliances, clothes, blankets, Grade 10 learner at Roodhuis village. “The bicycles, grinders, solar power batteries, etc were suspects reportedly met the victim walking with recovered. Police further confiscated three pellet friends on Friday, 17 September, at about 20:30. rifles,” said Mojapelo. They allegedly grabbed her and pulled her to In an effort to fight against smuggling and the nearby bushes, where they severely assaultthe possession of and dealing in illicit cigarettes, ed her and then took turns in raping her. The members of the Limpopo Highway Patrol arrestvictim managed to find her way back home and ed another three foreign national on 14 Sepinformed her grandmother, who in turn called tember at Masodi Village in the Mahwelereng the police,” said provincial police spokesperson policing area after they were found transporting Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo. The suspects were illicit cigarettes. The police received a tip-off traced and arrested. about a White Toyota Quantum panel van from The Limpopo police also made several major Zimbabwe transporting the cigarettes along the drug busts during the period, predominantly in R521 to Polokwane. The vehicle was ultimately Polokwane. On 15 September, members of the spotted along the N1 road towards Mokopane. provincial Organised Crime Unit and Tracing Illicit cigarettes with a street value of about R2 Team arrested three foreign nationals aged million were confiscated. between 27 and 42 in the Polokwane policing Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo area for possession of and dealing in drugs. The Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe has compolice received a tip-off and followed up on the mended the members for these successes and information, which led them to a house owned has thanked community members for continby one of the foreign nationals in Bendor, Polok- uously assisting the police in the fight against wane. The house was searched and 50 sachets of crime. nyaope to the value of R2 000 and 15 grams of crystal meth with a street value of R15 000 were found. The owner of the house was arrested on the spot. In another incident, a 42-year-old man was arrested in Thornhill, Polokwane, for possession of crystal meth with an estimated street value of R100 000, pure Heroine valued at R200 000 and “Boss” mandrax tablets with an approximate street value of R26 000. In the last incident, police followed up on information that yet again directed them to Bendor, where a 29-year-old suspect was arrested for possession of 100 grams of crystal meth with a Among the drugs confiscated by police were street value of R100 000. A silver-grey Mercedes “Boss” mandrax tablets with a street value of Benz was also seized on site. R26 000. Photo: Limpopo SAPS. Crime Prevention
★ 1ste Trekking: 16 Oktober 2021 by 4x4 Gruisgat byeenkoms. Wenner moet teenwoordig wees. Prys: ‘n Geskenkpak ★ 2de Trekking: 30 Oktober 2021 om 17:00
‘n blou wildebees en ‘n rooibok
(skiet self of dit kan vir jou geskiet word) Wenner sal gekontak word.
*R100 p/kaartjie *(Terme & voorwaardes)
Sluitings datum: 30 Oktober 2021 om 17:00 Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Bearingman, Kroghstraat 70, Louis Trichadt. Enige iemand wat bereid is om te help om boekies te verkoop, is ook welkom om dit hier op te tel.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se prefekte van 2021 het as deel van hulle jaarlikse skoolprojek bome by die skool geplant. Hierdie boomplantaksie het op 16 September plaasgevind. In totaal is 11 bome geplant, waarvan almal inheems was, byvoorbeeld ‘n kremetart, ‘n koraalboom, ‘n breëblaar valsdoring en ‘n nyala boom. Die hoofleiers het saam met skoolhoof me. Irene Adendorff ook ‘n boom geplant. Die doel van die projek was nie net om mense bewus te maak van die belangrikheid van bome nie, maar ook om vir die prefekte kans te gee om iets terug te gee vir die skool. Afgeneem is die prefekte. Foto verskaf.
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS “Vandale” teiken CVO Zoutpansberg
“Vandale” het verlede Dinsdagaand/Woensdagoggend by die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt toegeslaan en ietwat amok gemaak. Twee vragte sand is op die pad na die skool afgelaai, terwyl die skool se hoofhek met etlike duisende bakstene toegepak is. Op die skoolterrein self is klaskamerdeure versper met hope grond, tafels is onder meer omgekeer en die prentjie van verwoesting is afgerond met toiletpapier wat oor die terrein en geboue gegooi is. Naamborde by van die “skade” wat aangerig is, het egter ‘n leidraad gegee vir wie daarvoor verantwoordelik was: “Trots geborg deur Graad 12”. Dit was weliswaar die skool se Graad 12-leerlinge wat in goeie gees bietjie pret gehad het met hul skool met die viering van hul “40 Days”. Die Graad 12’s is nou in die pylvak om hulle skoolloopbaan van 12 jaar oor die volgende 14 dae te voltooi. Die skade was darem nie regtig skade nie en kon vinnig herstel en opgeruim word. Foto’s verskaf.
TO LET 2 x Bedroom flat with 2 x bathrooms, kitchen, living room and verandah at backdoor. 4 x Open and 1 x covered parking bays. Ideal to work from home. Plus electricity. Available 1 October 2021.
R6 000 p.m.
Contact Carel 082 923 1620
Andani and Ruben takes third place By Karla van Zyl This past weekend, one of Louis Trichardt’s most promising young mountain bikers, Andani Raphalalani (16) of Ridgeway College, took on a serious challenge in Tzaneen. The challenge was the Magoeba Trek Mountain Bike 40km Stage Race from 17 to 19 September, with cyclists
having to complete some 40km of intense mountain biking every day with a daily elevation gain of more than 1 000m. Before Andani and his teammate, 16-year-old Ruben van Tonder from Mokopane, took on the cold, tough terrain and other challenging teams, they had to do some serious preparation. The two had to prepare to handle the climb-
Teammates Andani Raphalalani (left) and Ruben van Tonder (right) at the Magoeba Trek Mountian Bike 40m Stage Race. Photo supplied.
ing, distance and fast pace of racing to finish the race strongly over the period of three days. On the first day, Andani and Ruben finished third overall, with a sizeable gap between them and the fourth-place finishers. On day two, the duo crossed the line in fifth place, with only a few minutes between them and the fourth-place finishers, which meant they still had a chance at a great overall finish and performance. On day three, the pair gave it their all and managed to scoop a third place again. This placed them third overall in the general classification, securing them an overall third place over the three days for this difficult and challenging race. The event was hosted by Insect Science, one of South Africa’s leading sponsors of mountain biking, including youth cycling. The race featured amazing trails, stunning views and an overall great atmosphere. “It was definitely something to remember and definitely something that we will be doing next year,” said Andani.
LOST OR DESTROYED TITLE DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of Deed of Transfer T23552/1986 passed in favour of (1) HERMANUS JOHANNES KLEINHANS MOSTERT, Born 3 May 1941, Married In Community of Property to Cornelia Francina Mostert, (2) JOHANNA FRANCINA DE MEILLON, Iden�ty Number 440113 0024 00 9, Unmarried, (3) AUGUSTA THERESIA GROBLER, Iden�ty Number 560317 0069 00 5, Married In Community of Property to Thys Grobler, (4) SUSSARA JOHANNA EMMERICH, Iden�ty Number 511003 0020 00 4, Married Out of Community of Property, with marital power and community of property excluded, in respect of Erf 641 Messina
Extension 1 Township, Registra�on Division M.T. Limpopo Province; IN EXTENT: 1146 (One Thousand One Hundred and Forty Six) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds at 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, 0700, within two weeks from the date of the publica�on of this no�ce. Dated at Musina on this 11th day of May 2021. Applicant: DEON RETIEF ATTORNEYS OF MUSINA on behalf of HJK MOSTERT, JF DE MEILLON, AUGUSTS THERESIA GROLBER and S J EMMERICH. Address: 20 IRWIN STREET, MUSINA, 0900 E-mail address: deeds@ deonre�ef.net Tel: 015 534 0720
Vacancy A dynamic construction company is recruiting an HR / Recruiter focused on high volume blue collar recruiting. The position will be site based and candidates residing in Limpopo province will be given preference. Interested applicants should; 1. Have relevant HR qualification with at least 5 years work experience in the mining industry. 2. Candidates should be dynamic and able to work under pressure. 3. Have excellent interpersonal skills and a good understanding of HR/IR processes. 4. Be able to conduct and provide written records of interviews with various construction related skill sets. 5. Have a good understand of Labour law in particular BCEA, MEIBC and BCCEI. 6. Have to ability to develop and/or complete HR related reports. Interested applicants may send their CV’s and references to hansie@louwill.co.za Only short listed applicants will be considered for interviews.
K.N MATHIVHA LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of cer�fied copy TG824/1997VN passed by THE LIMPOPO DEEDS OFFICE in favour of NERIAS KHOROMMBI MATHIVHA in respect of ERF 3133 SHAYANDIM- A which has been lost/destroyed. All interested persons having objec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of deeds at DEEDS OFFICE 101 DORP STREET, POLOKWANE, 0700 within two weeks from the date of the publica�on of this no�ce.
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The two development crickets team from Sinthumule and Maebani had the opportunity to try out the new kit by playing a T20 match against each other on Saturday. The Sinthumule Western Cricket team batted first, putting up 97 runs before being bowled out in their allotted 20 overs. The team from Maebani chased down the runs fairly easy, hitting the winning runs of 98 for the loss of six wickets in 14,5 overs. Pictured is the Maebani team celebrating their victory. Holding the winning trophy (right) is team captain Thakhani Ligaraba. Photo supplied.
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Mr Wilson Mphidi celebrated 55 year of service to Laerskool Louis Trichardt last week. He started working at the school on 13 September 1966. “Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team,” said the school. Photo supplied.
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Joseph Kgatle (left) of the Maebani Cricket Team was voted Man of the Match in his team’s T20 clash against the Sinthumule Western Cricket Team at the Louis Trichardt Oval on Saturday. With his stands Joubert Fourie, chairman of the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club who hosted the match. Photo supplied.
Sasa Tshimangadzo, opening batsman for Sinthumule Western Cricket Team played just to too many shots and got bowled. He, however, play well for his 11 runs which included to fours of 16 balls for his team. His team, however, ended up losing their match again Maebani Cricket Club on Saturday.
The Louis Trichardt Cricket on Saturday helped contributing to cricket development in rural areas by donating new and second hand cricket kit to two developments teams from Sinthumule and Maebani respectively. Pictured left is Joubert Fourie, chairman of the Louis Trichardt Crickets club and on the right is Naomi Phillipson, treasurer of the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club.
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Runners brave the cold to support IsAbility Fun Run Para-Athletics Both Para-athletes and able-bodied athletes had the opportunity to rub shoulders with the Soutpansberg’s own Paralympic bronze medallist Sheryl James during the IsAbility Sport Club’s fun run the past weekend. The fun run was hosted in conjunction with the Soutpansberg Athletics Club, with the fun run starting and finishing at the Tourism Information Centre in the town’s tree park. “The IsAbility Sports Club and Soutpansberg Athletics Club would like to thank all those who pitched up on a cold, rainy morning to support the cause of a healthy lifestyle by participating in the fun run/walk. Fun was had by all! Particular thanks go to Ridgeway College for registering over 50 entrants from amongst their students,” said the organisers. The clubs also thanked
the Makhado Municipality for their support in securing the venue and relevant permissions, Emmanuel Christian School for the use of their sound system, equipment and providing volunteers, the Zoutpansberger for advertising the event, Madigra for always being ready to help with water and Sheryl James for sponsoring cash prizes. The winners of the day were Sam van Heerden (2,5km run for boys), Josh Cronjé (5km run for boys), Bigboy Nefale (5km men’s winner) and Fortune Mahunya (second 5km men’s run), Agnes Jeke (first 2,5km girl), Sharoné van der Nest (second 2,5km girl), Juliet Mahunye (first 5km woman), Shereen Tayob (first 2,5km woman), André Schoeman (first amputee in the 2,5km run) and the Runner of the Day was Dawid From left to right: The winner of the 2,5km run for boys Sam van Heerden, the winner of the Jordaan, who ran 5km for himself and 2,5km for 5km run for boys Josh Cronjé, the winner of the men’s 5km race Bigboy Nefale, and Fortune his daughter, who could not be there. Mahunye (second in the 5km men’s race). Photo supplied.
The winner of the 5km women’s race, Juliet Mahunye (right) pictured with Paralympic bronze medallist Sheryl James (left). Photo supplied.
From left to right: The girls winners (from left to right) Agnes Jeke (first 2,5km girl), Sharoné van der Nest (second 2,5km girl), Eloise Krugel and her dog (the dog also medalled) and Crystal van der Schyff. Photo supplied.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub Dawid Jordaan (right) from AFB Makhado was the Runner of the Day, running 5km for himself and 2,5km for his daughter, who could not be there. On his left as IsAbility volunteer Jorrie Jordaan. Photo supplied.
19 th
André Schoeman (pictured here with his wife) was the winning amputee. Photo supplied.
Krieketnuus ‘n Paaltjie met die eerste bal van die wedstryd kon dalk vir die manne van Ridgeway College Saterdag hoop gegee het vir ‘n wen in hul 20-beurt kragmeting teen Strikers, maar dit was hulle nie beskore nie. Slegs een wedstryd is die afgelope naweek gespeel in die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se volgende ronde wedstryd van hul 20-beurt liga. Strikers en Ridgeway College het Saterdag mekaar die stryd aangesê by die Louis Trichardt Ovaal. Ridgeway het met die eerste bal van die wedstryd bloed getrek toe hulle vir openingskolwer Dirk Pieter van den Berg vir ‘n nulletjie uitgevang het. Hulle opgewondenheid was egter van korte duur, met Strikers se mede-opening-
skolwer Etienne Hendriks wat ‘n blitsige 56 lopies van slegs 35 balle gemoker het. Dit het ingesluit sewe viere en twee sesse. Spanmaat Johan van Rooyen, in op nommer drie, het Hendriks goed ondersteun met 35 lopies vanaf 42 balle (drie viere en twee sesse). Ander kolwers wat dubbelsyfers kon aanteken, was Zeeshan met 16 lopies van 17 balle af, Christo Boshoff met 23 lopies van 14 balle af en JP van Niekerk met 11 lopies van vyf balle af. Strikers kon in hulle kolfbeurt daarin slaag om 165 lopies vir die verlies van ses paaltjies aan te teken. Vir Ridgeway College het Craig Viljoen die beste met die bal gevaar en hy het twee paaltjies platgetrek vir die verlies van 22 lopies in sy vier boulbeurte. Bielie van den Berg, Naweed Jolly en Suffiyan Dala het elk een paaltjie geneem. Ridgeway het hul kolfbeurt goed begin, met Suffiyan Dala wat 23 lopies van 18 balle aangeteken het (wat ingesluit het twee viere en ‘n ses) en Craig Viljoen, wat ‘n vinnige 45 lopies van slegs 22 balle (wat ingesluit het agt viere en ‘n ses) aangeteken het. Ridgeway se laaste kolwer wat egter dubbelsyfers kon aanteken was Fahan Kato, in op nommer drie, met 12 lopies van 15 balle af. Daarna het Ridgeway se kolfbeurt ‘n redelike insinking beleef, met die laaste sewe paaltjies wat geval het vir slegs 17 lopies. Die span is almal uitgeboul vir 113 lopies in 17 beurte. Vir die Strikers het Christo Boshoff uitgestaan as bouler. Hy het vier paaltjies geneem vir die verlies van slegs ses lopies in twee beurte. Paulo Piorek, Riaan Gerber en Dirk Pieter van den Berg het op hulle beurt elk twee paaltjies ingeoes. Wat eerskomende Vrydag, 24 September, se beplande Ses-aan-‘n-Kant-wedstryde betref, het die klub se bestuur egter laat weet dat die dag uitgestel is omdat slegs drie spanne ingeskryf het.
Ridgeway kolwers struikel teen Strikers
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Woensdagspel Datum 15/09/21
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
M. Venter
Z. Nortjé
J. Pretorius
Saterdagspel Datum 01/09/21
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Plek 1
A. Steyn
Formaat IS Punte 39
T. Pretorius
R. Machumela
Eie reëlings
uittel 37
H. Snyman
uittel 37
Maandelikse Houespel
B. Poolman
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Triegies weer tops! Deur Karla van Zyl
Laerskool Louis Trichardt het op 16 September deelgeneem aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se swemgala wat by Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina beslis is. Vyf van die jong Triegie-swemmers het uitsonderlik presteer, naamlik Aiden Bruce (1ste in vryslag en rugslag), Wynand Benade (1ste in vlinderslag en 2de plekke vir borsslag en rugslag), Lihan van Rooyen (2de in vryslag en vlinderslag), Karlien Cronje (1ste in vryslag en 2de plekke in bors-, rug- en vlinderslag), en Miané Vorster (1ste in bors-, rug- en vlinderslag, asook 2de in vryslag). Voor, van links na regs, is Miané Vorster en Aiden Bruce. Agter is Lihan van Rooyen, Karlien Cronje en Wynand Benade. Foto verskaf.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se o.17 Sewes-rugbyspan het op 18 September deelgeneem aan die tweede ronde Sewes-rugbywedstryde in die provinsiale skoleliga wat by Hoërskool Frans du Toit aangebied is. Hulle het algeheel derde geëindig vir die dag en die Plaat-finaal gewen. Junior Bessong is as Speler van die wedstryd in die tweede wedstryd van die dag aangewys, wat Triegies 29-19 gewen het, terwyl Triegies se Thabang Masalesa die Speler van die Wedstryd in die vierde en laaste wedstryd van die dag was, wat Triegies 10-5 gewen het. Nog twee rondes is oor in die liga. Foto verskaf. 2017 Polo Vivo 1.4 conceptline
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Lede van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se XCO-fietsryspan het rede om fees te vier, nadat hulle Saterdag as algehele wenners van die provinsiale XCO-skole bergfietsliga uit die stryd getree het. Dit was ná afloop van die derde en finale ronde van die liga, die Tour de Maroela op Lephalale. Foto verskaf.
Beide Hoërskool- en Laerskool Louis Trichardt het Saterdag, 18 September, hulle deelname aan die provinsiale skole XCO-bergfietsliga op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit met ‘n skittervertoning in die derde en finale ronde van die liga, die Tour de Maroela, op Lephalale. Die twee skole spog gesamentlik met drie eerste plekke, ses tweede plekke, en drie derde plekke. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Eliz-Mari Pretorius het nog ‘n eerste plek losgetrap in die junior-afdeling vir vroue, met spanmaat Michelle Steyn in die tweede plek. Die skool se Danelle Venter en Carla Enslin was onderskeidelik agste en negende. By die junior seuns het Triegies se Herman Veldman ‘n vierde plek ingepalm, met spanmaats Douglas Piorek sewende en Wulf Schwerdtfeger in die agste plek. In die Youth-afdeling was Triegies se Jaques du Preez vyfde, met spanmaats Rosh van der Nest negende, Nduvho Mudugwe 12de, Rikus Smit 13de, WG de Villiers 16de, Werner van Ree 18de en Junior Schoeman 19de. In die Youth-afdeling vir meisies het Mieke Veldsman vir Triegies nog ‘n tweede plek verseker, met spanmaats Jessica Brandt derde, Isabella Jones vyfde, Geraldine Venter sewende en Nicoline Venter negende. By die afdeling vir sub-junior seuns eindig Brendan Bruce tweede, met spanmaats Daniel Lee vierde, Matthew Lee sewende en Unarine Shotheli 14de. Triegies se Amelia Scheepers het ‘n derde plek in die afdeling vir sub-junior vroue behaal, met spanmaats Junel Joubert vierde en Leeanne van Heerden sewende. Laerskool Louis Trichardt se trappers het ook
goed skouer aan die wiel gesit, met Cara Bruce wat tweede en Chrizette Odendal wat agste geëindig het in die Sprogs-afdeling vir meisies. By die seuns Sprogs het Nicholas Acher ‘n tweede plek ingepalm, Peroux du Preez ‘n derde plek en Wian Joubert ‘n 13de plek. Aiden Bruce het nog ‘n eerste plek vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt verseker in die afdeling vir Nipper seuns, terwyl spanmaats Mauritz Meiring en Christiaan Odendal onderskeidelik eerste en tweede in die sub-Nipper vir seuns klaargemaak het. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se trappers het vanjaar die kompetisie in die stof gelaat en as algehele wenners van die skoleliga in die provinsie geëindig met ‘n totaal van 281 punte. Hoërskool Ellisras was tweede met 202 punte en Hoërskool Merensky derde met 178 punte. Triegies se Eliz-Mari Pretorius het eerste in die provinsie geëindig in die junior-afdeling vir vroue, met Michelle Steyn algeheel tweede. Brendan Bruce het algeheel tweede in die provinsie in die sub-junior seuns en Amilia Scheepers derde in dieselfde afdeling vir meisies geëindig. Wat die laerskoolliga betref, het Laerskool Louis Trichardt algeheel tweede geëindig uit 15 skole met 217 punte. Pietersburg Oosskool was eerste met 327 punte en Dynamico derde met 125 punte. Triegies se Cara Bruce was algeheel tweede in die Sprogs-afdeling vir meisie in die provinsie, met spanmaat Nicholas Archer en Peroux du Preez algeheel tweede en derde in die afdeling vir Sprogs seuns. Aiden Bruce spog met ‘n algehele eerste plek in die Nipper-afdeling vir seuns. Ná afloop van die liga verwerf ses van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se trappers provinsiale kleure. Hulle is Aiden Bruce, Maurits Meiring, Christiaan Odendal, Cara Bruce en Peroux du Preez.