26 Maart 2021
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News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
www.zoutpansberger.co.za Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Gedeelte 46, Plaas Vondeling 285 (Levubu Pad) Louis Trichardt E-pos:sannaolivier26@gmail.com
Jaargang 37 Vol.12
ISSN 2409-2835
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Home in race row By Bernard Chiguvare and Andries van Zyl
Allegations of racial discrimination by the management of Ons Tuiste old-age home in Louis Trichardt have surfaced and are being investigated by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). Workers, including nurses employed at the old-age home, claim that they are being discriminated against by their employer. Some of them have worked at the home for more than two decades. The workers, who wanted to remain anonymous, voiced their complaints to this newspaper. Among the allegations directed at the employer, is the fact that they are apparently not being given time to read through their employment contracts before signing them. “All they do is give you the contract and request you to sign without going through the contract. Most of us are not aware of what the contract entails,” said one of the workers. They workers also claim that no differentiation exists between the salaries of long-serving and recently hired staff; that the higher-level positions are only offered to white people; that some staff are not paid bonuses; and that ablution facilities are allocated according to race. The workers also claim that they do not receive Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) payments from their employer during maternity leave, although the money is deducted from their salaries every month;
that the home has insufficient supplies of Covid-19 PPEs as per regulations and that the sleeping quarters for the black employees is next to a rubbish-bin area. The workers are members of the Hospitality Catering and Farm Workers Union (HOCAFAWU). In response, Mr Justice Nenwedi from HOCAFAWU said that these issues had been escalated to the CCMA last year and that the union was still waiting for the CCMA to come up with another date to finalise the issues. The above allegations once again came to the fore during a visit to the old-age home by a member of the SAHRC last Thursday. The visit was, however, related to a 2020 investigation regarding similar complaints. In a letter dated 27 October 2020, the SAHRC informed the management of the old-age home that a complaint had been lodged with them by one of their employees, stating that when they employed black nurses, they required a nursing qualification, but white nurses were not required to do the same; that a disparity of payment of salary for the same qualification existed, based on the nurses’ skin colour; that during Level 3 of the lockdown, the home had allowed visitors, thereby exposing all employees to Covid-19 infection; and that the sleeping quarters for black employees were inhospitable.
nied all the allegations levelled against them. They also questioned the timing of SAHRC’s sudden visit, coinciding with Human Rights Month. “This is an old issue. We’ve already responded in writing to the allegations against us as requested by the SAHRC in November last year. Since then, we’ve been waiting to get answers from the SAHRC to at
least tell us whether we are guilty of discrimination or not? We answered all their questions in November last year and the answers are pretty clear,” said the management. On the issue of PPEs, the management stated that none of the staff was ever refused PPEs during the entire lockdown period.
“On Friday, we received a visit from the Department of Social Development to check up on our PPEs. Their only recommendation was that we should in future ask the staff to sign for the PPE when they receive it. Some staff members, however, refuse to sign,” said the management. (Contd on P2)
It is not sure if the issue of separate toilets for white and black people relate to the toilet allocated for the use of elderly During an interview with the and weak residents of the frail care unit at the old age home. This was done for medical and safety reasons (especially newspaper on Tuesday, the manage- during the lockdown period). Direct adjacent to this toilet (left), which is clearly marked for residents only, is three ment committee of Ons Tuiste demore toilets for all the staff.
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Lede van die nuutgestigde AfriForum-buurtwag op Musina se flinke optrede het daartoe gelei dat ‘n inbreker by ‘n huis vinnig vasgetrek kon word.
AfriForum se Musina-buurtwag trek inbreker in middernagtelike ure vas Misdaad Die AfriForum-buurtwag in Musina het in die vroeë oggendure van Sondag, 21 Maart, ‘n inbreker in hegtenis geneem. Die buurtwag het omstreeks 01:00 ‘n noodoproep met betrekking tot ‘n inbraak ontvang. Die verdagte was reeds halflyf deur die diefwering toe die inwoner se hond hom gesien en begin blaf het. Die inwoner het die buurtwag onmiddellik gekontak. Buurtwaglede het die inwoner dadelik te hulp gesnel. Die eiendom was dig bebos en die buurtwag het stelselmatig te werk gegaan om die perseel te fynkam. Hulle kon daarin slaag om die verdagte in die erf vas te keer en het hom in hegtenis geneem. Die verdagte is daarna aan die polisie oorhandig en die buurtwag het die slagoffer gehelp om ‘n saak aanhangig te maak. Kobus Boshoff, voorsitter van AfriForum se Musina-tak, moedig gemeenskappe aan om verantwoordelikheid vir hul eie veiligheid te neem. “Sluit by jou plaaslike AfriForum-buurtwag aan of stig ‘n buurtwag indien daar nog nie een in jou gebied is nie. AfriForum se Musina-buurtwag is ‘n buurtwag wat onlangs
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
gestig is, maar ons sien reeds die resultate. Dit is vrywilligers wat georganiseerd en gedissiplineerd saamwerk.” “’n Gemeenskap wat om 01:00 die oggend ‘n parate buurtwag het wat hulle kan skakel vir hulp, is ‘n gemeenskap wat ‘n kans het tot vreedsame voortbestaan. Die mate waarvolgens ons suksesvolle netwerke met ons bure bou, gaan bepaal of ons nog oor 10 jaar in ‘n dorp gaan kan woon al dan nie. AfriForum se Musina-tak wys vir ons dat dit gedoen kan word,” het Andries Opperman, AfriForum se veiligheidskoördineerder vir Limpopo, gesê. Om aan te sluit by AfriForum se Musina-buurtwag, laai die Telegram-toep af en soek vir @AfriForumBuurtBot of besoek https://t. me/AfriForumBuurtBot. (Foto en artikel” AfriForum).
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe “Gee julle vir hulle iets om te eet” - Mattheus 14:16.
oe Jesus die skare sien, was Hy vir hulle “innig jammer” (14:14), want vir Hom was hulle soos weerlose “skape sonder ‘n herder”. Elke keer as Hy die skare gesien en sy hart in beroering oor hulle gekom het, het Hy met sy dissipels besig geraak. Vir Hom was hulle die sleutel tot die skare se behoefte (Mattheus 5:1). Toe Hy die eerste keer die skare sien, het Hy op die berg geklim en aan sy dissipels gesê: “Julle is die sout… die lig…” (Mattheus 5:13-16). Elke keer as Hy die skare gesien het, was Hy vir hulle innig jammer en het sy hart in beroering gekom, “omgekeer in My…” (Hosea 11:8,9). In Mattheus 9:36-38 het Hy sy dissipels na Hom geroep en gesê: “Die oes is wel groot, maar die arbeiders min. Bid dan die Here van die oes, dat Hy arbeiders in sy oes mag uitstuur.” Hy het siekes gesond gemaak en gesê: “…gee julle vir hulle iets om te eet…” (Mattheus 14:14-16). Die dissipels moes drie standaarde slaag deur Jesus se onoortreflike opleiding, sy onvergeetlike lesse en hierdie onsterflike woorde: “gee julle vir hulle… bring dit hier vir My… wees gerus dit is Ek.” “stuur die skare weg…” was hulle raad. Met menslike logika maak hulle somme en hou krampagtig aan hulle brode vas. Geen wonder dat hulle in meer as een opsig bankrot was nie. Die weduwee van ‘n gestorwe profeet het ook gesê: “Ek het niks in die huis nie, behalwe ‘n flessie met olie.” (2 Konings 4:2). God het alles wat sy kinders nodig het. Moenie twyfel nie, glo God, vertrou op Hom. Onthou, dit is Hy wat jou die geloof gegee het om te kan glo (Efesiërs 2:8). Gebruik die gawe van geloof tot eer van God. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu / Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou
Justice Baloyi took the Zoutpansberger to his old place of trading at the Shoprite taxi rank in Louis Trichardt, where he used to have many customers.
Relocated hawkers worried about losing customers space that was owned by someone who allowed him to trade there. Nearly 50 informal hawkers at the taxi rank Baloyi said his new stall was not easily located near Shoprite in Louis Trichardt lost their as it was sandwiched between others. “Business trading places where they had been running is very slow,” said Baloyi. “Since I’ve moved to the their stalls from for years. Since early March new trading space, I don’t make what I use to. At this year, some of them had squeezed into a my previous trading place, I cashed R700 a day. piece of municipal-owned property a couple As I stay outside town, I need transport fare. My of metres from their usual place of trade. child, who is in Grade 11, called me today and The property where they used to trade from is said that he needed money for food, and at the privately owned. They said the property owner moment I have no money at all. This is forcing had informed them that he would like to put the me to borrow,” he said. property to other use. The Zoutpansberger could Moses Okafor, who had also been running a neither locate the owner nor call him, as no one food stall here for the past seven years, told The knew who he is or where he could be reached. Zoutpansberger that he was unhappy to move According to the Makhado municipality’s but had no choice. Okafor was just as lucky to spokesperson, Louis Bobodi, the municipality get a temporary place at the municipality for was not aware of the group of informal hawkers trading. who were removed from the private property. He “The owner of this place is currently not using said that people approached the municipality to it, but when he is back I have nowhere to go,” he apply for space to run their stalls daily, but that said, adding that he would have a hard time now no-one mentioned this. to pay his rent where he lived in town. On visiting the premises on Wednesday, 17 A Tshikota resident who had been trading March, we found the stall structures had all been from the privately owned property since early demolished and litter was strewn all over the 2000 said that since she had relocated to the place. municipal property, her life had changed comThe Zoutpansberger spoke to several of the pletely. She too had lost her regular customers. stall owners, who claimed to have been nega“I am really getting very little money compared tively affected by the move to their new place of to what I used to get while trading on the private trade. “It is so frustrating to move from our usual property. It makes my situation bad as I will trading place, especially considering that we struggle to pay my water and electricity bills, have all been hit hard by the lockdown since last come month end,” she said. year. Our usual customers will now struggle to Daniel Tlou, the leader of the hawkers, who locate us as we try to squeeze ourselves into the also works for the private owner, said: “I do municipality’s property,” said Justice Baloyi, one understand the concern of the hawkers, but they of the stall owners. Baloyi had been running his should also remember that change is always food stall from the taxi rank for more than four hard at first. It will take some time, but their years. He said he was lucky to get an unoccupied customers will find them again.” By Bernard Chiguvare
Old age home denies all allegations (Contd from P1) As for the issue of alleged discrepancies in the payment of salaries, the management explained that they were paying their workers according to what the law states regarding the hourly minimum wage per sector. “Regarding the issue of different pay, there are some who claim they should be paid a nurse’s salary, but they are not nurses as they are not registered at the South African Nursing Council,” said the management. Regarding the issue of toilets, the management committee again stressed that no segregation existed in this regard. In the frail-care unit, however, one toilet is specifically allocated for the elderly. This is to make sure that a toilet is always available for them as many of them suffer from urinary problems and are unable to control their urine. If they have to go, they have to go immediately. This toilet is clearly marked for the use of the home’s elderly
residents only and is directly adjacent three others available to staff. “Last year, we caught one of our staff members using this toilet. All we did was to ask her why she had used this toilet and not one of the others if she knew that it had been allocated to the elderly. Two weeks later, she brought the police to arrest the manager of the home over the incident. We don’t know if the issue about separate toilets relates to this incident. Again, we are waiting for answers from the SAHRC,” said the management. They added that the separate toilet for the elderly residents was also for their protection during the lockdown period. The management also addressed the issue of the sleeping quarters. They explained that workers were not forced to stay there. “The decision to stay there is voluntary. They converted the available space into sleeping quarters for people having to work late and who would prefer to stay, rather
than to go home. There are medical beds and mattresses. We even recently refurbished both the toilets and shower areas. Again, the workers do not have to stay there if they do not want to,” said the management. Regarding all the other issues, the management said that they had never refused any department access to the facility to investigate a complaint. Regarding this, they have always worked with the authorities in the past to clear up any misunderstandings between them and their staff and will continue to do so. The management stated that this whole issue was nothing more than a labour issue turned ugly. “We have no doubt that this is the actions of disgruntled employees refusing to understand how labour issues work. Why they involved the SAHRC in labour issues, we do not know,” said the management committee. In the meantime, they are awaiting the findings of the SAHRC.
It’s quiet now, but don’t let your masks down yet By Anton van Zyl The number of active Covid-19 cases in Vhembe has dropped significantly over the past month, but experts are warning that a too-relaxed attitude may lead to a third wave of the pandemic. On Tuesday, 23 March, the figures provided by the Limpopo Department of Health indicated that 35 active Covid-19 cases could be found in the Vhembe District. Most of these (15) were in the Makhado district, with 12 cases in Thulamela. Since the pandemic started a year ago, 11 582 Covid-19 cases had been reported in Vhembe, causing 421 deaths. The second wave of the infection was, to date, the most severe. It peaked on 13 January this year, when 2 147 active cases were recorded. At that stage, the death toll ascribed to the coronavirus stood at 105. According to the latest available provincial statistics, the virus claimed most of its victims (199) in the Makhado district. In Thulamela, 153 deaths were ascribed to Covid-19, whereas in the Collins Chabane area, 51 people died after being infected. In Musina, only three active cases were active on Tuesday. The death toll in Musina stood at 18.
On Monday, the national infection figure stood at 1 538 451 and 22 302 active cases were recorded. The death toll for the country stood at 52 302. Worldwide, more than 123 million people had been infected with the virus. The death toll stood at over 2,7 million people. In countries such as India and Italy, a third wave of infections caused renewed lockdowns. Last week, strict lockdown regulations came into effect in Paris, France. Countries such as Poland and the Ukraine also had to act swiftly to curb the spread of the virus by instituting stricter lockdown regulations. In South Africa, experts and politicians have warned against a third wave of infections. Gauteng Premier Mr David Makhura called on people to adhere to the restrictions and health protocols in all public places and at all times to avoid a third wave of Covid-19 infections. Finance Minister Mr Tito Mboweni warned last week that a third wave of the coronavirus could destabilise the government’s efforts to control its finances. One of the concerns is that the Easter holidays may lead to more people travelling. This, together with more social activities and events such as massive church meetings, may cause the virus to spread quickly.
One of the concerns is that the Easter holidays may lead to more people travelling. This, together with more social activities and events such as massive church meetings, may cause the virus to spread quickly.
Willem Goussard en Theresa (nooi Botha) is op 20 Maart in die Gereformeerde Kerk Louis Trichardt in die huwelik bevestig. Die diens is waargeneem deur ds. Innes Nagel. Die egpaar het hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor Kobus en Marie Jordaan vir die ruikers. Spesiale dank het gegaan aan elke vriend en familielid wat die dag saam met die egpaar kon deel. Foto verskaf.
The graph showing the number of active Covid-19 cases in Vhembe on Tuesday. The smaller graph shows the deaths from Covid-19.
Beminde sister Matilda skielik oorlede In Memoriam
word waar belangstellendes die diens kan kyk via die Internet. Wyle Matilda word oorleef deur haar man David, kinders Jeanette, Liezl en Niel, ma Bettie de Villiers, susters Elbi, Wilma en Nellie, twee kleinkinders en aangetroude familie. “Sy het so uitgesien om die lewe te geniet ná haar aftrede verlede jaar,” het Jeanette gesê.
Die Soutpansberg is voorwaar armer daar aan toe met die nuus van die skielike dood van die welbekende en beminde suster Matilda Craig van Louis Trichardt. Matilda is op 16 Maart in Die Wilgers Hospitaal in Pretoria oorlede as gevolg van komplikasie weens pankreaskanker – ‘n siekte waarmee sy slegs twee weke vantevore gediagnoseer is. Haar skielike dood het vir almal as groot skok gekom. Sy was 65 jaar oud gewees. In lewe was Matilda welbekend in gesondheidgeledere, veral vir haar jarelange verbintenis met die plaaslike munisipaliteit se departement van gesondheid en kliniek. ‘n Meer volledige berig oor haar lewe sal later verskyn. ‘n Roudiens vir Matilda word op 12 April om 09:00 vanuit die Agapé-gemeente op Louis Trichardt gehou. Weens Covid-19 regulasies het die familie persone versoek om voor die tyd te registreer indien hulle die diens wil bywoon. Meer inligting oor hoe om te registreer sal nader aan die tyd op sosiale media bekend gemaak word. ‘n Skakel sal ook beskikbaar gemaak Wyle Matilda Craig (65). Foto verskaf.
French Huguenot lineage inspires Limpopo farmer’s passion for farming Local focus Selfs die plaaswerkers was opgewonde om ook hulle deel by te dra tot die gemeenskap en omgewing. Foto verskaf.
Paaie is geskraap deur die boere en hulle masjinerie is op eie onkoste gebruik. Foto verskaf.
Landbougemeenskap maak self paaie reg Landbounuus Nog ‘n geval van: “As jy iets gedoen wil hê, doen dit self ” het lede van die Bo-Brakrivier Boerevereniging uit moedeloosheid laat besluit het om self in te spring en die haglike toe stand van hul paaie te verbeter. Die D1468 Vivo na Indermark roete word daagliks gebruik deur inwoners vanaf die Indermark gebied, asook die plaaslike inwoners. Die roete is die verbintenis met die R521 Polokwane roete, wat aansluit by die R523 om toegang tot die N1 te verkry. “Busse, huurmotors, toeriste en privaatmotors is slegs enkele voorbeelde van die padgebruikers wat deur die roete geraak word. Die pad het egter die afgelope tyd in ‘n haglike toestand verval weens die onvermoë van die regering
om met belastinggeld die nodige instandhouding en onderhoud te doen,” het me. Erika Helm, woordvoerder van die Bo-Brakrivier Boerevereniging, in ‘n verklaring gesê. Helm het gesê dat talle versoeke aan die Departement van Openbare Werke en Roads Agency Limpopo om die paaie te herstel telkens op dowe ore geval het. “Met die onlangse reëns het dié spesifieke pad verval in ‘n slaggatkonsentrasie as gevolg van die instandhouding wat agterweë gelaat is, ten spyte van die pleidooi aan die regering om betyds paaie te herstel ten einde die vorming van slaggate te voorkom,” het Helm gesê. Volgens Helm het die boere besluit genoeg is genoeg! “Daar kan nie verder toegelaat word dat die regering se onvermoë lewens eis as gevolg van hulle
onbevoegdheid nie. Onder fasilitering van die Bo-Brakrivier Boerevereniging het boere in die Vivo omgewing vanaf Maandag, 15 Maart, tot Donderdag, 18 Maart, op eie onkoste die slaggate begin vul om die ryvlak egalig te maak. Dit is slegs ‘n tydelike aksie totdat Openbare Werke die aangeleentheid kan aanspreek. Daar was ook verder ‘n aksie om van die paaie te skraap met behulp van die boere se masjinerie en arbeid,” het Helm gesê. Helm het afgesluit deur almal te bedank wat by die projek betrokke was. “Graag wil die Bo-Brakrivier Boere vereniging elke boer en plaaswerker wat aan die aksie deelgeneem het, bedank vir hulle onselfsugtige daad om, ten spyte van die taak om voedsel te voorsien, ook in die gemeenskap se behoeftes te voldoen.”
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
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For the love of the land, a new show that focuses on the unsung heroes within the South African agricultural industry, aired its first episode on People’s Weather (PPL WX, DStv channel 180 and Openview channel 115) on Monday, 15 March 2021. The first episode features Aldrin Lawrence, who farms in Buysdorp, a relatively unknown Limpopo town named after his ancestor, French Huguenot Coenraad De Buys. The De Buys inheritance sits on an 11 000-hectare land where his family has farmed even before the Voortrekker migration of 1838, and Lawrence has created his own 30-hectare mixed-farming enterprise, producing livestock, broiler chickens, and vegetable crops, including potatoes and soybean. Lawrence has a deep-rooted passion for farming. This passion and resilience have helped him through many seasons when harvesting did not go according to plan. The 51-year-old believes that fostering good relationships, especially in the agricultural industry, is imperative. “I always see people, when they think about taking a career, they always estimate how much they will be paid for it,” Lawrence told www.foodformzansi.co.za. “But in farming, you really have to have a love and feeling for it.
“If you do not have a relationship with market agents and if you are not a regular supplier of any produce, the agents do not know you, so when you send your things to the market then they will just sell it at whatever price. Farming is your brand; you have to know people, even your consumers who buy from the market. They need assurance when they buy your product, they should know that you always sell top-quality produce.” The show is presented by Ivor Price and Piet Potgieter. Price, a multi-award-winning journalist, and Potgieter, a successful veteran KwaZulu Natal farmer, will be telling the stories of some of Mzansi’s hardest-working commercial farmers. Various farmers are all featured on the show, with Limpopo’s very own taking centre stage in the 10th and final episode. According to Lawrence, farming was his calling and, although difficult, he remains on his knees. “Water is one of our scarce resources, and drought is a difficult thing to deal with, because you don’t have control over it,” he said. “When you deal with nature, you have to be on your knees to pray.” Catch For the love of the land, on Mondays at 18:00 on DStv channel 180 and Openview channel 115. (Photo and article supplied).
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the Virtual 158th Special Council meeting will be held as follows: TIME : 14:00 DATE : Wednesday, 31 March 2021 VENUE : Virtual Meeting The Draft Budget 2021/2022 and Draft IDP 2021/2022 will be considered during this meeting. All interested members of public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to S G Maguga or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street, LOUIS TRICHARDT 18 & 19 February 2021 File No.: 4/2/2 Notice No 51 of 2021 MDM/lh/SpecialCouncilMeetingNotice_31March2021
Cllr L B Mogale Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality
MR K M NEMANAME ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Aldrin Lawrence (left) with his wife and daughter, pictured with Ivor Price (right), the show’s host.
SINCE 1959
A complete overhaul for “new” 40km Beitbridge border fence By Bernard Chiguvare “The R37 million Beitbridge fence that was constructed last year will not be repaired,” the minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Ms Patricia de Lille, told the press on 16 March during a question-and-answer session at the National Council of Provinces. De Lille said that the fence would have to be replaced completely. The purpose of the border fence was to stop migrants from coming into South Africa via illegal routes. This, however, served no purpose in the end, as migrants merely broke the fence and continued to enter the country.
The MEC for Transport and Community Safety, Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya, accompanied by the executive mayor of Vhembe, Cllr Dowelani Nenguda, the mayor of Musina, Cllr Mihloti Muhlope, the general officer commanding Limpopo Province, Brigadier-General TE Mulaudzi, Musina SAPS cluster commander Brigadier van der Walt and a chief director of the Limpopo Department of Transport and Community Safety, Ms Mulaudzi, toured the 40 km fence last year to inspect its condition and effectiveness. Several holes existed along the fence and it was taken down partially on the western side. De Lille explained why the fence will not be repaired.
“The acting director-general of the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure sent a technical condition assessment team to the Beitbridge border in December last year to assess the extent of the border fence’s inefficiencies and breaches. The team discovered that the fence, in its current form, is not fit for purpose. It is non-compliant with the specification. The department has decided not to undertake any repairs or maintenance to the existing fence. It will lead to irregular expenditure,” said De Lille. De Lille continued to say that any further border fence initiatives would be investigated by the integrated border management for a solution. In a statement issued by the Parliamentary Communications Services last year in September, the technical condition team were of the view that the material used for the construction of the fence had been substandard and the construction not in line with the prescribed specifications of the fence’s construction project.
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LET’S COOK... Executive mayor of Vhembe Dowelani Nenguda (on the right) and to the left MEC for Transport and Community Safety, Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya, inspecting the damaged fence last year. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.
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LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! (LOUIS TRICHARDT, LIMPOPO) Adjacent to the N1 and bordering the town of Louis Trichardt these undeveloped pieces of farm land on sale offer a unique opportunity for the developer. The location, zoning and land size on offer allow for various possible developments, amongst others, • Rezoning and the possibility to develop various large scale“Green Field” projects, • Rezoning and the possibility to develop various large scale Industrial projects, • Rezoning and the possibility to develop various Housing projetcs and or, • Development of sizeable Small scale farming project. Electricity: Water:
None – Makhado Municipality Borehole - None (Excellent possibility for underground water - Water rich area)
(D) (A)
(C) (B)
Pricing (Refer above schematic for detail) Portion ( A ) : R 6 450 000 Portion ( B ) : R 1 850 000 Portion ( C ) : R 1 850 000 Portion ( D ) : R 1 850 000 Portion ( E ) : Servitute road Portion ( F ) : Servitute road
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Chicken and Mushroom Pie
By Denise van Bergen
Few (edible) things in life are as enjoyable as a deliciously fresh, home-baked chicken pie. Lisa Smith could hardly wait to share one of her mom’s recipes with us. When she grew up, her mother would bake various pies for the family during the winter months, but the chicken and mushroom had always been Lisa’s favourite. She reveals her secret ingredient: bacon. This recipe is to die for! Ingredients: 1 medium onion, chopped 250 g sliced mushrooms 1 kg chicken breast fillets, cut into strips 2 cloves fresh garlic, crushed 1 packet of creamy chicken soup 1 cup of cold milk salt pepper 250 g bacon bits 2 tbsp of oil 2 rolls puff pastry 1 egg, beaten Method: Mix the creamy chicken soup and milk. Set it aside. In a medium-sized pot, heat oil and add the chopped onion. Braise the onion until golden brown, then add the mushrooms. Fry for 5 minutes, then add just a pinch of salt (not too much!) and pepper to taste. Stir well. Add the chicken and garlic. Stir well and close the lid of the pot. Leave to cook for 15 minutes. When chicken is almost tender, add the bacon bits and stir well on high heat for another 10 minutes. Stir in the creamy chicken soup systematically with the chicken and bacon, until your filling becomes thick and creamy. Remove the pot from heat and set it aside to cool. Preheat oven to 180°C. Butter an oven tray and roll out one puff pastry to fit the tray. Place it into the tray. Add your chicken filling on top of the pastry. Roll out the second roll of pastry and place over your filling. Brush the pastry with egg and bake for 20 minutes, or until your pie is golden brown. Best served with a veggie or salad of your choice. Serves 7 people.
Lisa is originally from Port Elizabeth and came to Louis Trichardt in 2007. She is married with five beautiful children – four boys (including a set of twins) and a girl. She juggles a full-time job and her busy household and is also well-known for the delicious meals she prepares on a part-time basis. Whether you are too lazy, too tired or have no time to cook for yourself, enter Lisa, and she can really cook up a storm! She also does meals for special functions or celebrations and is especially famous for her curries and rottis. She describes her culture as a “mixed biryani”, as her dad is from KZN and her mom from the Eastern Cape. Her passion for cooking started at a very young age and since then she’s been hooked on experimenting with and trying out new recipes. We all have that one place we go to seek comfort. The kitchen is where Lisa finds hers.
Thursday, 25 March
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Friday, 26 March
Saturday, 27 March
Mostly cloudy.
Partly sunny and pleasant.
Spotty showers in the morning.
High: 26oC Low: 14oC
High: 28oC Low: 16oC
High: 30oC Low: 16oC
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Die bane is oop vir spel te midde van die grendeltydperk op voorwaardes soos goedgekeur deur Muurbal Suid-Afrika en die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Jaargelde beloop R700 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@zoutnet.co.za.
The Schyffontein Practical Shooting Club will be hosting a club shoot for the region’s shots (handguns) on 27 March. The shoot will consist of three stages, with a fourth challenge stage hosted by Noorde Wapens. Pre-entries for the shoot cost R120, or R150 if you enter manually on the day. “The Noorde Wapens stage will be R30 per entry, with prizes up for grabs. Come challenge your friends!” invites the club. Please note that eye and ear protection is compulsory. The round count is approximately 120 rounds. Register for free on Practiscore for pre-entries and follow the prompts by going to the link: https://practiscore.com/schyffontein-clubshoot-27-march-2021/register For more information, phone Jolani Klopper at Tek 083 995 4362.
is op hande. Die kompetisie word aangebied deur die gemeente se diakonie as fondsinsameling en vind op Saterdag, 17 April, op die plaas Stubbs en Mons van Koos van der Merwe op die Kortdraai-pad (Mopane) plaas. Deelname kos R200 per hengelaar, met prysgeld vir die grootste karp, kurper en baber. Toeskouers betaal R100 elk toegang terwyl laerskoolkinders en jonger kinders gratis kan kom saamkuier. Kaartjies vir die kompetisie is vooraf beskikbaar by enige van die diakonie of skakel vir leierdiaken Carno Smit by tel. 083 254 7211. Hengelaars kan ook die oggend van die kompetisie vanaf 04:00 by die plaashek inskryf, met die kompetisie wat om 05:00 begin. Die inweeg is om 16:00, met die prysuitdeling wat om 17:00 plaasvind.
April, word groot makietie gehou in die boeresaal op ROLBALLIGA VIR Levubu tydens die hou van die BESIGHEDE Die MAART Levubu Boerefees! tyd kom weer nader vir die Die “sports” begin reeds Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub vroegdag (inkomtyd 06:00 – 07:00) met ‘n se gewilde besigheidsliga en 5 km-, 15 km en 35 km-fietswedren, of 2 km-, GIMNASTE BEGIN WEER OEspanne kan nou reeds begin 5 km- en 10 km-pretdraf teen ‘n dagfooi van FEN Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het inskryf. R100. ‘n Lekker teetuin sal beskikbaar wees hulle weeklikse oefensessies hervat. Die liga vind in April oor drie agtereenvolgen- waar ‘n koppie warm koffie geniet kan word. Vir meer inligting oor meisiesgimnaste, skakel de Donderdagaande plaas, naamlik op 15 April, Vanaf inkom tyd 09:00 tot 12:00 (dagfooi Elzabé Stewart by tel. 082 566 3493, Riekie 22 April en die finaal op 29 April. Die hoofdoel R140) is stalletjies (juwele, pannekoek, stokSteyn by 082 484 1392 of Iné du Plessis by 072 van die liga is nie net om hierdie sportsoort te worsies, kerrie-en -rys, asook plaasimplemente 367 7005. Vir inligting oor die seuns, skakel bevorder nie, maar ook om fondse vir die klub in en meer), boeresport (toutrek, sakresies, eierChristiaan Nel by tel. 079 525 3013 of Nadine te samel en om dit net te geniet. gooi, drie-beenresies en nog meer op die spysBezuidenhout by 082 390 6849. Elize Pretorius In totaal kan 14 spanne inskryf, met inskrykaart. Wat laasgenoemde betref, is groot pryse te kan geskakel word vir inligting oor die voorwings op wat op 8 April sal sluit. Enige instansie wen. Die minder fikses kan in die biertuin gaan skoolse kinders. Haar nommer is 081 888 1371. of besigheid kan ‘n span inskryf of borg. ‘n Span ontspan en pa en ma sal bly wees om te hoor dat moet bestaan uit vier nie-rolbalspelers, alhoewel kindersorg beskikbaar sal wees met leersame RUGBYKLUB OEFEN WEER Die klublede byderhand sal wees om te help met aktiwiteite vir die jongspan. raad. Behalwe vir skoene wat hakloos moet wees, Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub het weer begin met Die vermaak (dagfooi R160) begin om 15:00 is geen ander dragkodes van toepassing nie en hulle weeklikse fiksheidsoefeninge en sal voor(tot 17:00 inkomtyd) met Skemer wat sal optree rolbalballe sal voorsien word. taan elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 vir die jongklomp en Steve Hofmeyr vir die meer Wedstryde begin elke Donderdagaand om oefen. Vir meer inligting of om by die klub se ervare besoeker. aktiwiteite betrokke te raak, skakel Kevin by tel. 18:00. Aan die einde van die reeks word die Toegang vir al drie tydgleuwe hierbo vir wenner bepaal. Dekking sal deur die plaaslike 082 892 8769. kinders onder 12 is gratis. Persone wat nog ‘n koerant gedoen word en uitslae sal weekliks stalletjie wil bespreek kan gaan na info@centregepubliseer word. Deelname kos R500 per span forexcellence.co.za. en ‘n baanfooi van R20 per speler per wedstryd sal betaalbaar wees. Na elke ligabepaling sal CONWAY RUGBYMEI BINGO NIGHT Ladies braaipakkies te koop wees, met pap en sous wat DAG Rugbyliefhebbers voorsien sal word. Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt kan nou reeds ‘n aantekening MARCH Vir meer inligting, skakel Marietjie Barkhuinvite one and all to join them maak van die Louis Trifor a Bingo night on 27 March izen (082 326 7686) of Marié Volschenk (084 chardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse 500 2453). at the Gateway Inn. Conway Rugbydag wat beplan “Prizes are up fro grabs, word vir Saterdag, 8 Mei. VISVANGKOMso don’t miss out!” said the Meer besonderhede van die dag se wedstryde PETISIE Die streek APRIL girls from Ladies Circle 4. The evening’s fun will sal nader aan die tyd bekend gemaak word, aanse hengelaars kan naderstart at 18:30 for 19:00 and all proceeds will go gesien alles afhang van moontlik veranderinge staan, want die NG Kerk towards Bergcare. The cost is R10 per ticket. ten opsigte van Covid-19 regulasies. As alles vlot Soutpansberg-gemeente se For more information, phone Riana at tel. 084 verloop, sal dit die klub se eerste wedstryde van gewilde visvangkompetisie 400 9941. die seisoen wees.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 22 March. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
22/03/2021 15/03/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
100.1% 100% 91.6% 88% 100.2% 100% 101.2% 102% 101.5% 101% 12.3% 12.4% 103.2% 102% 98.9% 100% 101.2% 100% 102.9% 103% 101% 101% 102% 101%
# Means latest available data
MALL OF THE NORTH GODZILLA VS KONG (3D) 10-12 PG ¸ Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:15, 16:45, 19:45 Sat: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Sun: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45
Sat: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:45
CROODS 2, THE: A NEW AGE PG Ç Fri: 12:15, 15:45, 18:45 Sat: 11:45, 14:15 Sun: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15 Tue - Thu: 12:20, 15:45, 18:45
10-12 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:45, 16:00, 19:15 Sat: 11:00, 13:45, 16:30, 19:15 Sun: 10:45, 13:30, 16:15
10-12 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:30, 19:00 Sat: 16:15, 19:00 Sun: 10:30, 13:15, 16:00
PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 16:30, 19:30 Sat: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30 Sun: 11:00, 13:45, 16:30
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 19:30 Sat: 16:45, 19:30 Sun: 15:45
PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:15 Sat: 11:00, 13:40 Sun: 10:00, 13:00
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TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 28 March
Monday, 29 March
Tuesday, 30 March
Wednesday, 31 March
A thunderstorm around in the a.m.
Partial sunshine.
Mostly sunny.
Mostly sunny.
High: 26oC Low: 12oC
High: 25oC Low: 11oC
High: 26oC Low: 12oC
High: 28oC Low: 14oC
Excitement builds up in Chapter 4, but it’s tough to be the judge What happened before? Our main character, Rosalyn, visited the house where her beloved grandad, Brian, used to stay. Her grandfather mysteriously disappeared a year before. He was an eccentric character that loved to fiddle around in his laboratory. While wandering around Rosalyn discovers two old
valve radios. A voice suddenly emerged from one of the radios. Rosalyn is spooked by the mysterious sound, but reckons it may have been her imagination. She then starts looking around in the study, noticing some apparently misplaced books on a shelve. Inside one of the books she finds an old hand-drawn map, complete with GPS coordinates. Her grandfather’s voice can be heard coming from the
How does it work?
Is it difficult?
Some rules:
We wrote the first chapter of the story. Two stories are featured, an English one and an Afrikaans story. The stories alternate, meaning one week the English chapter appears and the next week the Afrikaans story’s chapter. The stories are completely different, and the young writers do not have to enter chapters for both stories. The first chapter had merely set the parameters of the story, such as some of the characters and a very basic plot. Where the story will eventually end up is totally up to our young readers. Writers may introduce new characters and (sadly) kill off some of the old characters. Every new chapter gets published on a Thursday in the newspaper. The writers then have up to the following Wednesday afternoon to send in their contributions. The entries will be judged by a panel of writers. Every week’s winning entry will receive a small prize. An overall prize for the best contributions (English and Afrikaans) will also be given at the end of the series.
We want to encourage all young writers to contribute. The writer’s imagination and the way the plot is structured are more important than the use of language. The winning contributions will be sub-edited and corrected before the next chapter is published. (If neces-
Although we want to keep rules to the minimum, some guidelines are necessary. Each chapter should be limited to 500 words or fewer. Entries must reach the newspaper before 16:00 on a Wednesday afternoon after publication. (If, for instance, the Afrikaans story’s chapter is published that specific week, the entries for the next chapter must reach us by the next Wednesday.) Entries must be e-mailed to leigh@ zoutnet.co.za. The story will be published on our website to make it easier for entrants to recap on what had happened in previous chapters. Each chapter must preferably end in a way that the suspense is maintained and that the other writers can add to the story. Both stories need to end in Chapter 10. Build the story in such a way that a conclusion can be reached in the final chapter.
Comments from the judges
imagery just really wowed me! Moved at a good, steady pace through our heroine’s thought process and discovery - then took us somewhere entirely new, maybe a bit scary, and totally magical. I found myself leaning forward after reading it, really wanting to know what happens next,” wrote one of the judges. We have six chapters
We received two absolutely outstanding entries this week. Dede Bessong’s was very well written and she’s got a lovely way with words. “I think most weeks she’d have won easily, but Nyandano Ramushweu’s narrative and
sary information may be added to keep context and add to the continuity.) In every week’s edition, a judges’ discussion with some advice for the young writers will be provided. The competition is not about language excellence, but rather about the telling of an interesting story.
Who can enter? An age-limit of 19 has been set, but anything younger goes. Entrants are not limited to specific schools, but they must reside in the Vhembe District.
radio: “Grandad, where are you?” was all she could say. “I don’t know, Rosalyn, but you need to find me.” The voice disappeared, leaving Rosalyn to scutter around again, trying to find a way to reach her grandad. She finds another map, but this one did not have a certain marking that her grandfather’s copy had. She then finds an interesting clue ...
Entries for Chapter 5 of the English story must reach us before 23:00 on Wednesday, 31 March 2021. remaining and the story now needs to move in a direction and possibly away from the house. To make it easier for the young writers, we have decided to allow an extra 50 words per entry. The limit is now 500 words per chapter, which hopefully leaves a bit more room to build up the tension.
This week’s winner is Nyandano Ramushweu, a Grade 12 learner from Ridgeway College. He wins this week R300 cash prize.
outpansberger News with an independent soul
Our winning entry ...
Chapter 4
paging through the book to look for more answers, until she reached the end of the book By Nyandano Ramushweu and possibly the end of all he name El Dorado caught hope. Her blue eyes suddenly erupted in tears like waves her eye as it was the only word written in English on the in the salty blue ocean. She took a deep breath and told map. The rest of the map was herself that she needed to stay covered in ancient symbols strong although she felt alone, and dialect. “El Dorado?” she because nobody would believe whispered. She knew what it her story. was, but she thought it was She glanced at the back only a myth, a legend. A city cover of the book and saw covered in gold, a city many stranger ancient writing with looked for but could never find, but now it may have been a star-shaped depression in the centre. What was stranger found by her seemingly deluthan the writing itself was the sional grandad. She always fact that it was very familiar knew there was something to her; she’d seen it before, but special about that man and where? now it was time to save him. She thought for a while She tried to understand the various symbols and patterns and her eyes lit up in sudden on the map, but these only led excitement when she realised where she’d seen the writing. her deeper and deeper into a She reached for her throat hole of confusion. She tried
the island? Rosalyn let out an exasperated sigh. She paced around the room, perhaps hoping that the increased We also received a beautiblood flow from the light exfully written chapter from ercise would send much-needDede Bessong, another ed ideas to her head. Then, learner at Ridgeway College. suddenly, it came to her: she This could just as well have would have to travel to Brazil. been the winner, but we had She quickly did some to choose. Dede’s entry was, mental maths – a courageous however, so good that we move on her part seeing as her thought it would be a shame maths mark had consistently not to publish it. been circled in a mean red for three years in a row – to dethousand thoughts shot termine how much money she through Rosalyn’s mind would need and for how long like electricity on a circuit she would have to stay there. board. Her eyes darted across Her mother was away for a the page, trying to confirm one-month-long detox retreat, that what she had just read which left her with about three was true and not just her weeks to conduct her research imagination having a go at and find her grandad. She was her. old enough to travel alone, Why on earth would her didn’t need a visa because she grandad want to go to Snake had a South African passport, Island? had enough money in her savThen a quote by Mark ings account to support herself Twain came to mind: Truth is for a few weeks and had read stranger than fiction. enough Nancy Drew books to But it still did not make give her some investigative any sense. They had no family background. in Brazil. And didn’t one need For the next several hours, to have permission from the Rosalyn planned out her trip Brazilian government to go to
and grabbed her necklace. The necklace her grandad had given her for her 16th birthday. The necklace was made out of what appeared to be gold and it was starshaped with writing that she had thought was just random patterns before. She never understood the meaning behind the gift; she never gave it much thought. At most, she just saw it as a piece of jewellery she got from her grandad. She held it beside the book and the writing on it matched the writing on the book. She cautiously moved the necklace closer and closer to the star-shaped depression in the book until, suddenly, the star flew off her hand and into the depression, like it was magnetically attracted to it. In an instant, the writing on the book cover and the necklace glowed in a shimmering gold light. It was disorienting, like staring directly at the sun. She took a few steps back, but it was like the shimmering light was calling her name. She could feel the warm light gently touching her skin. She took a few cautious steps forward with her eyes closed. She forced her eyes to slightly open, and there she saw, a shadowed figure. (To be continued ...)
with the diligence and determination of a five-star army general. She knew she was about to embark on a dangerous journey, but it would be the most important journey of her life. Her grandad was probably alone on that strange island, as helpless as a tortoise on its shell, and she needed to rescue him. That night it rained heavily as if the angels were weeping in fear and trepidation for her upcoming expedition. The excitement coursing through her veins kept her as awake as an owl for what seemed to be an eternity. Just as she was about to fall asleep, with an orchestra of raindrops and crickets serving as her lullaby, the radio squawked back to life. Rosalyn shot up from her sleeping position as if she had just been electrocuted. She stared at the device on her bedside table, and with the two knobs on the front it seemed to stare back at her. Suddenly, the comforting voice came forth again. “Rosalyn. It’s me again. Are you there?”
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polisie deur vennootskap en wedersydse vertroue en word dan ook deur die provinsiale polisie Die Limpopo Landelike Veiligheidsforum erken as verteenwoordigend van landelike (LLVF) het ‘n beroep gedoen op alle inwoners grondeienaars en bewoners. wat nog nie by ‘n veiligheidstruktuur betrokke Die forum se onderskeie strukture bied is nie, om betrokke te raak. verskeie tipes opleiding aan lede soos noodhulp, LLVF het in 2014 beslag gekry toe Agri huis en haard beskerming, deur middel van veilLimpopo, TLU SA Noord, AFASA Limpopo, igheidsoudits, vuurwapenhantering, selfverdedNAFU Limpopo, asook privaat sekuriteitsfirmas, iging en sommige lede is ook in traumaberading ná ’n vergadering met die destydse provinsiale opgelei. Hul vernaamste funksie is die patrollerpolisiekommissaris besluit het om oor organisa- ing van plase om inligting te versamel en om die toriese grense saam met die SAPD te werk om gebied te domineer. Landelike veiligheidstruk‘n effektiewe landelike veiligheidstruktuur in ture staan ook die SAPD by met padblokkades Limpopo te vestig. Sedertdien, en onder leiding en ander landelike misdaadvoorkomingsaksies. van die huidige adjunk provinsiale polisiekomElke struktuur het sy eie, goed ontwikkelde inmissaris en sy personeel, het die forum georgan- terne kommunikasie netwerk wat op WhatsApp iseer in pas met die Provinsiale SAPD se Distrik en radiostelsels geskoei is. bevelstruktuur. “As gevestigde struktuur wat dinamies groei LLVF se doelstellings is die vestiging van wil ons veiligheidstrukture in Limpopo wat nog landelike veiligheidstrukture in samewerking nie by die Provinsiale SAPD landelike veiligheidmet die SAPD waar dit nog nie bestaan nie. Die struktuur ingeskakel is nie, nooi om by ons aan forum se doel is ook onder meer om onbetrokke te sluit, sodat groter samewerking in die bekaboere en grondeienaars, insluitend swart boere mping van landelike misdaad bewerkstellig kan en plaaswerkers, deel te maak van hierdie veilword,” het die forum gesê. Vir meer inligting, igheidstrukture. skakel mnr. Douw Pelser by 082 820 5228 of Limpopo Landelike Veiligheidsforum bestaan mnr. Drickus Botha by 082 774 9287. Inligting tans uit vyf distrikstrukture, elk met sy eie verskaf deur die LLVF. bestuur en struktuur, wat verskeie vorme aanneem, naamlik plaaswagte, dorpswagte, privaat veiligheidsmaatskappye, en selfs GPF-strukture. Verskeie van hierdie strukture het reeds ‘n kamera-moniteringsfasiliteit wat ‘n groot gebied van die provinsie bedien. LLVF word bestuur deur twee lede elk van TLU SA Noord en Agri Limpopo, AFASA een lid, NAFU een lid en die vyf distrikskoördineerders. LLVF het sy eie grondwet, bankrekening en is besig om as NPO te registreer. Die forum se werksaamhede en aktiwiteite word gereël deur die Nasionale Landelike Veiligheid Strategie, ‘n dokument wat in Oktober 2019 deur die Minister van Polisie vrygestel is en waaraan AFASA, NAFU, AGRI SA en TLU SA meegewerk het. Die strategie beklemtoon LLFV se landelike misdaadvoorkomingsrol. Ter ondersteuning van die Nasionale Landelike Veiligheid Strategie bestaan die Limpopo Rural Safety Priority Committee se grondwet en TOR ook. Louis Trichardt High School held their Veiligheidstrukture van die forum woon vanaf academic prize giving for Grade 11 learners stasievlak tot provinsiale vlak elke maand die for the 2020 school year last week. The polisie se Landelike Veiligheid Prioriteit Komitrophy for best academic achievement teevergaderings by waar gesamentlik beplan went to Antonette Baloyi. She also received word, waar probleme soos onafgehandelde sake her third colours for academics. Photo en veral veediefstal bespreek word. Die forum supplied. is verbind tot samewerking met die provinsiale Landelike Veiligheid
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Hierdie groep leerlinge van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het hulle eerste erekleure vir akademie ontvang tydens die skool se akademiese prysuitdeling van 2020 se Graad 11’s. Van links na regs staan Tshifhiwa Tseli, Sally Machochi, Shaun de Beer, Eliz-Mari Pretorius, Ridha Shaikh en Mpho Nembudani. Foto’s verskaf.
Estate no: 2649/2019 Last Address: 27 Elandstreet, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Limpopo, Date of Death: 2019/11/11. FIRST AND FINAL Liquida�on and Distribu�on Account in the estate will be open for Inspec�on for a period of 21 days at the Masters Office in Thohoyandou, and in the Magistrates office, Louis Trichardt from date published. Executor’s Address: ZCP KONSULT (PTY) LTD, 28b Landros Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920; Tel: 0155165620; Email: info@zcp.co.za. Ref: JP/ZC
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 The estate of late HLACHWAYO MASINGITA KENNETH ID no: 650203 6121 084, deceased, late of who died on 01ST OF JANUARY 2021. Take no�ce that all persons having claims upon the estate of the above named must file with the executor’s agent within the period of at least 30 days from the date of the adver�sement on the- following address: Maphophe, House no: 218 Sec�on A, Giyani, 0826 Po Box 1997 Giyani 0826 082 367 6111 makhensa@mmaphophea�orneys.co.za info@ mmaphophea�orneys.co.za Director: Mr Makhensa Alfred Maphophe LLB (UL) Makhensa A�orneys house Number 218 sec�on A next to tennis court Giyani and Limpopo province. MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT POLOKWANE UNDER ESTATE NUMBER 001328/2021. REF: MAM/ EST/02/2021
MUSINA GRONDGEBRUIK-BESTUURSKEMA, 2010 AANSOEK VIR DIE TOESTEMMING VAN DIE PLAASLIKE BESTUUR IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34 VAN DIE MUSINA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT VERORDENING OP RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN GRONDGEBRUIKBEHEER, 2016 SAAMGELEES MET KLOUSULE 20 VAN DIE MUSINA GRONDGEBRUIK BESTUURSKEMA, 2010 OM DIE GEBRUIK VAN DIE RESTERENDE GEDEELTE VAN DIE PLAAS LIZZULEA 62-MS, LIMPOPO PROVINSIE VIR DIE DOELEINDES VAN ’N HERBERG (“LODGE”) ONDERHEWIG AAN SPESIFIEKE VOORWAARDES TOE TE LAAT. Hiermee word kennis gegee dat, in terme van Ar�kel 34 van die Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Verordening op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbeheer, 2016 saamgelees met Klousule 20 van die Musina Grondgebruikbestuurskema, 2010, ons, die ondergetekendes, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen vir toestemming by die Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit om die gebruik van die Resterende Gedeelte van die plaas Lizzulea 62-MS, Limpopo Provinsie vir die doeleindes van ’n Herberg (“Lodge”) onderhewig aan spesifieke voorwaardes, toe te laat. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Murphystraat, Mu-
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ZCP KONSULT NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Liquida�on and Distribu�on account in Deceased Estates Lying for Inspec�on. In the estate of the late Jeremias Willem Adriaan Olivier, ID 6205085001088, married out of community of property to Elzeth Olivier of 27 Elandstreet, Louis Trichardt 0920, Limpopo.
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Kennis word hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 49(1) (a) (i) saamgelees met die bepalings van artikel 78(1) en 2 van die Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Grondbelastingwet, 2004 (Wet 6 van 2004) gegee, hierna na verwys as die “Wet”, dat Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se Sewe Aanvullende Waardasierol vir die tydperk 2020/2021 finansiele jaar ter insae is vir openbare inspeksie by die aangewese Munisipale kantore vanaf 29 Maart 2021 tot 12 Mei 2021. Aangewese Munisipale Kantore, Makhado Munisipaliteit, Burgersentrum, Kroghstraat 83, Louis Trichardt,Ontwikkeling & Beplanning Department se nuwe kantore, Kamer C027 vanaf 07H00 tot 13H00 en weer vanaf 14H00 tot 16H00 gedurende weeksdae . Die Aanvullende Waardasierol kan ook inspekteer word by die Streeksadministrateure se kantore te Dzanani, Waterval onderskeidelik, of by die Vleifontein Satteliet kantoor en dit is ook ter insae op die Munisipale webblad www.makhado.gov.za ‘n Uitnodiging word hiermee gerig ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 49(1)(i) van die Wet, dat enige grondeienaar of ander persoon wat so wil, skiftelike beswaar kan maak by die Munisipale Bestuurder in verband met enige aspek aangeteken in, of weggelaat uit die Sewe Aanvullende Waardasierol binne die bogenoemde tydperk, dit is op voor of op 12 Mei 2021. Aandag word spesifiek gevestig op die feit dat ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 50(2) van die Wet, ‘n beswaar moet wees in verband met ‘n spesifiek individuele eiendom en nie teen die waardasierol as sulks nie. Die Beswaarvorm vir die maak van ‘n beswaar is verkrygbaar by die hierbo genoemde Munisipale Kantore en ook op die die Munisipale webblad. Die voltooide beswaar vorm moet by die diesefde kantore weer ingedien word, of alternatiewelik by Die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Privaatsaak X2596 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 Vir navrae skakel asseblief Mnr RV Phalanndwa by telefoonommer (015)519-3190, of Mnr Alfred Nekhavhambe by telefoonnommer (015)519-3296, of alternatiewelik rig e-pos aan rudzanip@makhado.gov.za, of alfredn@ makhado.gov.za Burgersentrum Kroghstraat 83, Louis Trichardt Kennisgewing Nr 135/2020 Ref: 6/2/4/2
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 14:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
Ridgeway College’s Top 10 academic students in Grade 10 for the first term were (from position one to 10) Hangalakani Stanley Chabalala, Pascal Obong Bessong, Nhlayiseko Hlavangani, Tanatswa Mapfumo, Humbulani Junior Mudau, Mncedisi Benedict Ndlovu, Uapfa Tshinakaho Malitsha, Andani Raphalalani, Ndivho Mukoma and Muimeleli Tseisi. Pictured are the top three. From left to right are Hangalakani, Pascal and Nhlayiseko. Photo supplied. Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt announced the names of their Top 10 academic students for the first term. The Top 10 students in Grade 12 were (from position one to 10) Marthe Manyi Bessong, Nyikwana Baloyi, Tinashe Kujinga, Tendani Sinyosi, Linah Nsovo Marivate, Muhammad Bin Asif Manzoor, Risuna Pelma Shivambi, Ntebeti Bella Ntini, Abokoe Male Sijiye and Gudani Manuga. Pictured are the top three. From left to right are Manyi, Nyikwana and Tinashe. Photo supplied.
The Top 10 students at Ridgeway College for the first term in Grade 11 were (from position one to 10) Ronewa Ramulongo, Matodzi Mukwevho, Zwothe Joyert Thothori, Ayesha Dawood, Sana Pearl Sithole, Beauty Sikhubuni, Pricilla Lindelani Nembelwe, Ndiene Nemaranzhe, Safvan Patel and Vhukhudo Ratshitanga. Pictured are the top three. From left to right are Ronewa, Matodzi and Zwothe. Photo supplied.
The Top 10 students at Ridgeway College for the first term in Grade 9 were (from position one to 10) Mokgadi Thosago, Anesu Mapfumo, Lufuno Magada, Cleopas Thosago, Thato Palesa Choabi, Nduvho Mulaudzi, Charity Junior Mashigo, Husnaa Abdulla, Kuitakwashe Shateyi and Tawananyasha Ncachiwe. Pictured are the top three. From left to right are Mokgadi, Anesu and Lufuno. Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was dit duidelik dat die destydse Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad nie hul geveg sou wen teen die ANC regering se volgehoue druk om Kutama en Sinthumule by die voormalige “Louis Trichardt” munisipa liteit in te sluit nie. Dit was die hoofnuus op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 22 Maart 1996. Dit het gevolg nadat die provinsiale komitee die destydse LUR van Plaaslike Regering, mnr. John Dombo, se besluit ondersteun het dat die twee woongebiede ingesluit moes word. Terselfdertyd is die beoogde verbruikersboikot wat sou plaasvind uit protes teen die Oorgangsraad se besluit om nie dié twee woongebied in te sluit nie, afgelas. In daardie stadium was dit ‘n voldonge feit dat Kutama en Sinthumule deel sou word van die “nuwe” munisipale area en kon die “nuwe” kiesers hulle begin gereed maak vir die munisipale verkiesing wat op 29 Mei van daardie jaar sou plaasvind. Asof die verwikkelinge op die plaaslike politieke front nie genoeg “krapperigheid” veroorsaak het nie, het ander dinge ook aan inwoners gekrap. Vlooie het die dorp oorweldig en het op enige iets wat beweeg, hetsy hond, kat, of been, gespring. Dr. Jan Crafford, ‘n bekende entomoloog en destydse dosent in Dierkunde by die Universiteit van Venda, het
die “plaag” toegeskryf aan ‘n verskeidenheid faktore, insluitend die humiditeit en hitte wat gunstig was vir die voortplanting van die gediertetjies. Op sportgebied het ‘n jong Anthony Krügel daardie week die jongste speler ooit geword om as die Soutpansberg Gholfklub se klubkampioen aangewys te word. Wat rugby betref, het Louis Trichardt se eerstes, oftewel die Bloues, 12-10 afgereken met hulle opponente van Wesrand in ‘n verbete stryd.
Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt announced the names of their Top 10 academics students for the first term. The Top 10 students in Grade 8 were (from position one to 10) Unarine Netshitangani, Marilyn Munyoka, Mary Mufaro Chiliya, Annie Chakwizira, Sara Khan, Tebogo Thulari, Anesu Kamera, Tinotenda Kujinga, Ripfumelo Baloyi and Uhone Nekhavhambe. Pictured are the top three. From left to right are Unarine, Marilyn and Mufaro. Photo supplied.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt is onlangs gekies as een van die skole in die distrik om aan ‘n aanlyn basisassessering deel te neem. Die gekose Graad 4- en 7-leerlinge kon op hierdie manier optimaal geassesseer word in verskeie vakke, onder andere wiskunde, natuurwetenskappe en tale. Die assessering het verlede week plaasgevind. Afgeneem is van die deelnemende leerlinge. Foto verskaf.
Action in local 20 over cricket league heating up By Andries van Zyl Team Drillers (previously known as team Parkin) continued their winning form in the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club’s limited-overs league by beating the Toyota Vikings rather comfortably by five wickets on Saturday at the Louis Trichardt Oval. The Vikings batted first, setting their opponents a target of 137 runs in their allotted 20 overs for the loss of nine wickets. They got off to a shaky start, with opening batsman Johan Breytenbach being dismissed on his first ball. Leon Furstenburg and Morné Olwage brought the team back on track, putting 29 and 10 runs on the board respectively. After their departure, the team experienced another bit of a slump, but the Vikings’ hopes were kept alive with the arrival of Jandré Hancke at the batting crease. He quickly hit 47 runs off only 29 balls, boasting a strike rate of 162,07. Waldo van Deventer (21 runs) also managed double figures with the bat, as well as Marius Meintjes, who finished not out with 10 runs off 11 balls. AC Geldenhuys was in devastating form with the ball for the Drillers. He took four wickets for the loss of 21 runs in his four overs. Teammates TE Smit, Dian van Tonder, Ruan van Tonder, Francois Jonker and Beukes Haasbroek each took one wicket. Drillers’ opening batsman Ruan van Tonder laid a perfect foundation for his teammates, scoring at about a run a ball and contributing
56 runs to his team’s scorecard. He was well supported by AC Geldenhuys and TE Smit, who added 28 and 10 runs respectively. Their contributions were enough to steer the team to victory in 17.5 overs, with 138 runs on the scoreboard for the loss of only five wickets. The Viking bowlers were a bit on the expensive side, especially regarding their 24 extras, which included 20 wides. In comparison, the Drillers bowled 14 extras, of which only eight were wides. Most successful with the ball for the Vikings was Waldo van Deventer, who took two wickets for the loss of 38 runs in his four overs. Teammates Morné Olwage, Zander Volgraaff and Leon Furstenburg each took one wicket. The coming weekend, Ridgeway and Strikers will face off in the next local 20-over league match. Unfortunately, these games are not open to the public because of the Covid-19 restrictions. As for provincial cricket, the team from Louis Trichardt came up against the Tzaneen Phoenix Cricket Club at the Duiwelskloof oval on Sunday. The game ended in a “no result” because of rain, although the Louis Trichardt team was apparently well on its way to securing a win. The Duckworth Lewis system did not come into play as not enough overs had been bowled in Louis Trichardt’s innings.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het verlede week hulle Graad 10 akademiese prysuitdeling gehou vir die 2020 skooljaar. Die trofee vir beste akademiese prestasie word gedeel deur Brigette Siphei (links) en Rynard Pretorius (regs). Brigette ontvang ook haar tweede erekleure vir akademie, terwyl Rynard sy eerste erekleure vir akademie ontvang. Foto verskaf.
This coming Sunday, Louis Trichardt will play the Nashua Aces at Duiwelskloof. Again, these matches are not open to the public.
Join the fun on Mother’s Day this May Fun run This year, families all over South Africa can celebrate their mothers with the inaugural Run for Mom – The Mother’s Day Run. On Mother’s Day, Sunday, 9 May, Team Families all over South Africa will be applauding their mothers by running and walking in her honour. This can be done at your own time, distance (2km, 5km or 10km) and route of own choice. “We are very excited about this event and by participating you acknowledge that to the world your mom is only your mother, but to your team family your mother is the world,” said Leon Swanepoel, CEO of Sportsvendo, the team behind extraordinary events such as The Colour
Run and Justice League Virtual Run Series. Nominate a Team Family Captain, get on the phone and get your family together and enter your Team Family. The size of the Team Family is not what matters. What matters is participation and ensuring that Mom is spoiled on Mother’s Day with a designer event T-shirt, that special gold event medal, an early morning WhatsApp call, and breaking that Team Family Finish line banner with family members on Mother’s Day. Register your Team Family on www.runformom.co.za and join in the celebrations all over the country. All team members will receive a silver medal and mom is honoured as the winner by awarding her with the gold medal she deserves.
Khavisani Malele (left) and Sungu Khosa (right) respectively received their third and second colours for academics during Louis Trichardt High School’s academic prize-giving function for 2020 for Grade 11 learners. Photos supplied.
Johan en Koben durf uitdagende MyWayLife 113 Brick Challenge aan (Vervolg van p.14) Die reën van die afgelope paar weke het hulle bietjie gekortwiek. Wat die draf betref, het hulle sommer in die dorp begin oefen. Hul swembad was die een by die Schoemansdal Omgewingsopvoedingsentrum en hul fietsrybaan die N1 of die lugmagbasispad. So, is hulle gereed? “In die begin was ek baie bang gewees. Ek het ‘n groot vrees vir oop water en krokodille. Oom Johan het dit doodeenvoudig uit my uitgedruk om my vrese te oorkom. By tye, veral wat die swem betref, het ek gewonder of ek nie dalk te veel afgebyt het nie. Noudat oom Johan hier op die einde ons vordering beaam, voel ek gemaklik dat ons gereed is. Daar lê egter nog so ‘n bietjie werk voor. Ek is baie opgewonde, want ek het nog nooit aan so iets deelgeneem nie,” sê Koben. Alhoewel hulle gereed is, kortwiek nog een
finale uitdaging die duo – die koste. Volgens Johan het hulle hul uitgawes vir die uitdaging op sowat R10 000 bereken. Die huur van die swempak alleen het hulle R5 000 gekos. “Ja, die pak moet na die tyd teruggegee word,” sê Johan. Modifikasies aan die fiets het ook paar duisend rand beloop. Dan kom reis- en verblyfkostes nog by. Koben se ouers gaan saam om na hom om te sien. “So, enige bydrae sal help om die finansiële las op ons skouers makliker te maak,” het Johan gesê. In dié verband kan donasies inbetaal word in die naam van die Koben Hofmeyr Fonds by Standard Bank rekeningnommer 030 429 854 met verwysing A12166. Die rekening word geadministreer deur Kern & Dekker Prokureurs. “Ons neem nie deel vir ‘n plek nie. Ons neem deel vir die uitdaging daarvan en vir trots,” het Koben en Johan afgesluit.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
19 th HOLE
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Hierdie twee leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, Zander Luus (links) en JJ Strydom (regs), was die enigste twee leerlinge van die skool wat ná afloop van die eerste ronde van die Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde-uitdaging (15 tot 19 Maart) vir Graad 4- tot 7-leerlinge deurgedring het na die tweede ronde. Foto verskaf.
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Johan en Koben pak ysterman
Koben Hofmeyr (links) en Johan van Dijkhorst (regs) wat vanaf 9 tot 11 April gaan deelneem aan die MyWayLife 113 Brick Challenge, ‘n halwe Ystermankompetisie. Vir Koben is dit nog ‘n persoonlike mylpaal in sy lewe nadat ‘n rugbyongeluk hom in 2018 verlam gelaat het. Sedertdien werk hy baie hard om die gebruik van sy bene te herwin.
grootliks reggekry. Dinge was egter nie maklik nie en feitlike alle Die Zoutpansberger het verlede Vrydag aspekte van die oefeninge was vir beide Johan bietjie tyd spandeer met die twee kort voor en Koben ‘n uitdaging. “Dit was vir ons almal hulle volgende oefensessie om voor te berei vir vreemde water gewees, want nie een van ons het die driekamp. Koben glimlag van oor tot oor geweet hoe Koben se liggaam gaan reageer nie,” en borrel oor van opgewondenheid om te gaan sê Johan. Net om op die fiets te klim, was vir Kodeelneem. Merkbaar afwesig is sy groen rolstoel, ben ‘n nuwe leerskool. So moes modifikasies aan Shrek. “Nee oom, hy gaar bietjie stof op. Ek die fiets en rolstoel gemaak word. Vir die swem probeer so min as moontlik tyd in hom spanword daar ‘n pull bouy tussen Koben se bene deer,” lag Koben, terwyl hy behendig oor die weg vasgemaak, sodat hy reg in die water kan dryf kom met twee krukke. om te swem. ‘n SpesiDie MyWayLife 113 ale swempak (wetsuit) Brick Challenge vorm moes ook gehuur word deel van die 226-uitom sy liggaamstemdaging met dieselfperatuur in die koue de naam, alhoewel water te help reguleer, laasgenoemde ‘n vol omdat sy eie liggaam Ystermankompetisie die vermoë verloor het is. Die uitdaging vind om dit te doen. plaas by die Midmar“Ek gaan die weddam naby Howick in loop in Shrek doen,” sê KwaZulu-Natal, vanaf Koben. Wat die fietsry 9 tot 11 April. Dag een betref, word Koben bestaan uit ‘n 1,9 km basies op die fiets swem, gevolg deur ‘n “vasgemaak”. “Ons het 90 km padfietswedren vir Shrek ‘n stootraam op dag twee en ‘n 21,1 km wedloop op dag drie. gebou wat vertikaal agter die stoel opstaan. Maar hoe het dit gekom dat Johan en Koben So, meeste van die tyd stoot ek hom. Op kwaai se paaie gekruis het? Volgens Johan het hy so opdraandes help hy om met die hande die wiele twee jaar gelede die advertensie vir die uitdaging te rol en op die afdraandes ‘hardloop’ hy vir my die eerste keer gesien en gedink: Dit sal ‘n lekker weg,” lag Johan. ding wees om aan deel te neem! “Toe hy weer Johan en Koben het elke beskikbare tydjie wat opkom ná verlede jaar se grendeltydperk, sê ek hulle gekry het gespandeer om te oefen, maar vir myself ek gaan dit doen. Ek het toe van die soms het dinge maar moeilik gegaan met Koben kinders by die skool uitgedaag om saam met my se druk skoolprogram en Johan se werk. in te skryf, maar niks het daarvan gekom nie,” sê (Vervolg op p.13) Johan. Johan vertel dat hy op ‘n dag Koben se pa, Trompie, by die plaaslike korporasie raakgeloop het. “Ons het gepraat en hy sê toe vir my Koben is erg gefrustreerd, want hy kom nie uit nie en daar is geen uitdaging vir hom nie. Dit was toe dat ek vir sy pa vra wat Koben daarvan sal dink om so iets te probeer? Sy pa se antwoord was onmiddellik: ‘Koben sal definitief ja sê’,” sê Johan. Koben het inderdaad ja gesê en kort daarna het die twee in alle erns begin. “Ons oefen nou al bietjie meer as ses maande. Ons het in Augustus besluit ons gaan deelKoben en Johan afgeneem tydens een van hul swemsessies. Koben het neem. In September die spesiale swempak aan wat hom gaan help om sy liggaamstempehet ons die tandem ratuur te reguleer in die kouer water van die Midmardam. Foto verskaf. gekoop,” sê Johan.
“Ek het ‘n groot vrees vir oop water en krokodille. Oom Johan het dit doodeenvoudig uit my uitgedruk om my vrese te oorkom. By tye, veral wat die swem betref, het ek gewonder of ek nie dalk te veel afgebyt het nie.”
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onderwysgeledere, maar Koben is weer die een wat die kalklig steel. Die verhaal van hierdie So, wat is jou verskoning om nie bietjie aktief merkwaardige 18-jarige Graad 12-leerling van te raak nie? Hierdie is weliswaar die vraag Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se pad na herstel wat baie hulself kan afvra, veral as gekyk word sedert 19 Mei 2018 dien vir almal as inspirana die uitdaging wat Louis Trichardt inwosie om nooit moed op te gee nie. Op daardie ners Johan van Dijkhorst en Koben Hofmeyr noodlottige dag het hy sy nek gebreek tydens ‘n vir hulself gestel het. Dié twee gaan eersdaags skole rugbywedstryd, wat hom van sy skouers aan die MyWayLife 113 Brick Challenge, ‘n af ondertoe verlam gelaat het. Tog het Koben halwe Ystermankompetisie, deelneem. vasgehou aan sy droom om te kan opstaan uit Johan is welbekend in plaaslike fietsry- en sy rolstoel en weer te kan loop. En hy het dit Deur Andries van Zyl