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Jaargang 28 Vol. 25
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Elke SBBV-lid moet nou eie dispuut verklaar - bladsy 3
Celebrating three decades
See supplement inside
2 49999
Vlaag inbrake laat plaaslike sakelui moedeloos - bladsy 4
Vrou ernstig beseer, nadat bestuurder versuim om te stop by “swak gemerkte” kruising
Vrou ernstig ná botsing Deur Isabel Venter “Ek kon sien dat sy in baie groot pyn moes wees”. Só het mnr. Freddie de Swardt vertel oor die byna noodlottige botsing vroeg Vrydagoggend, 22 Junie, by die kruising tussen Munnik- en Bredastraat in Makhado. Die ongeluk waarin mev. Esther Nel (45) veelvuldige beserings opgedoen het, het reg voor De Swardt plaasgevind. Volgens Esther se eggenoot, Louis, was sy op pad werk toe, toe die ongeluk plaasgevind het. “Die een oomblik was haar kar nog voor my en die volgende oomblik was sy nie meer daar nie,” het De Swardt aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Esther het in ‘n westelike rigting in Bredastraat gery. De Swardt onthou hoe die voertuig wat Esther vol op haar voordeur getref het, net skielik, “asof uit die niet”, verskyn het. Hierdie voertuig was in ‘n noordelike rigting op pad. Die impak het Esther se voertuig amper om die oorkantste stopteken gevou. Esther was binne haar voertuig se wrak vasgepen en De Swardt sê Die 45-jarige Esther hy kon duidelik sien sy Nel (45) wat ernstig het baie seer gekry. Die beseer is tydens die bestuurder van die ander ongeluk. voertuig was ongedeerd.
Hy was glo, volgens De Swardt, erg arrogant met omstanders wat wou weet waarom hy nie gestop het nie. Esther is, nadat sy uit die wrak bevry is, na die Limpopo MediClinic in Polokwane gehaas, vanwaar sy oorgeplaas is na die hoësorgeenheid van die Eugene Marais Hosptiaal in Pretoria. Buiten ‘n rugwerwel en haar bekkenbeen wat Esther gebreek het, was dokters ook erg bekommerd oor die hoeveelheid inwendige bloeding wat sy opgedoen het weens die ongeluk. Teen Sondag het dit darem al beter gegaan en kon Esther oorgeplaas word na een van die gewone hospitaalsale. Louis het Dinsdag gesê hulle wag nog dat daar ‘n rugstut vir Esther gemaak word, sodat die gebreekte rugwerwel kans gegee kan word om self weer aan te groei. Volgens hom sou Esther teen Woensdag of Donderdag hierdie week ontslaan word. Intussen het Esther se ongeluk talle inwoners opnuut weer die harnas in gemaak. Afgesien dat feitlik niemand meer in Makhado by stoptekens stop nie, is Munnikstraat onlangs vanaf Stubbsstraat tot net bokant Bredastraat nuut oorgeteer en kon die munisipaliteit weke later nog nie daarin slaag om waarskuwingslyne daarop te verf nie. Inderdaad was daar geen waarskuwing dat verkeer in Munnikstraat by die kruising moet stop nie, behalwe ‘n lae stopteken wat nie duidelik sigbaar is nie. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder kapt. Maano Sadike het by navraag bevestig dat hul voorlopige ondersoek oor die oorsaak van die ongeluk wys
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Regs: Die bestuurder van hierdie voertuig het glo nie die stopteken gesien by die kruising in Munnik- en Bredastraat nie, en teen Nel se voertuig vasgejaag toe sy besig was om die kruising oor te steek. Foto’s verskaf.
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woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi gesê dit is omdat “die pad nog in die proses is om klaar opgeknap te word”. Intussen het hy inwoners en motoriste versoek om maar “geduldig te wees terwyl hulle bestuur”. Louis Nel het ná die ongeluk almal bedank wat hom, Esther en haar familie bygestaan het, hetsy deur telefoonoproepe of morele ondersteuning.
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dat die bestuurder van die voertuig wat teen Esther gebots het nie gestop het nie “weens die swakgemerkte kruising.” Sadike kon teen druktyd ook nie bevestig of gerugte waar is dat die bestuurder wat nie gestop het nie slegs ‘n leerlingrybewys gehad het. In antwoord oor waarom daar nog nie waarskuwingslyne op die pad geverf is nie, het munisipale
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2 29 June 2012 By Linda van der Westhuizen
Water is SRPA’s number one problem
The Makhado Municipality, led by Mayor David Mutavhatsindi, recently met with the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Association (SRPA) in an effort to address service delivery challenges in Makhado. According to a statement by the municipality, the two parties resolved that, working together, they will be able to address service delivery problems, such as shortage of water and the damaged roads. The mayor promised that all challenges would soon be addressed. The association also said it was ready to contribute to the development of the town. In our photo, Cllr Mutavhatsindi is flanked by the chairperson of the SRPA, Ms Inga Gilfillan, and by Mr André Naudé. Photo supplied. Liefdadigheid
Mense gesoek om ‘n verskil te maak Daar word dringend gesoek na mense wat graag “Ons wil graag ‘n sterk span bou en ook onderop die plaaslike bestuur van KANSA se jaarlikse voorsitters vir elke portefeulje kies. Poste beskikRelay for Life in Makhado wil dien. baar is luminaria, bemarker, logistiek, spyseniering, spanwerwing en ‘n jeugleier,” sê mnr. Dirk MeisKennisgewing senheimer, onder wie se bekwame leiding Makhado se eerste Relay for Life ‘n paar maande gelede ‘n groot sukses was. Enige persoon is welkom om aan te sluit. Vroue wat vanjaar op 10 Mei gebruik gemaak “Hoe meer siele, hoe meer vreugde en hoe meer het van die papsmeertoetse tydens KANSA se idees kom na vore. Ons wil dié jaar nog groter gaan gesondheidsdag by dr. Patrick Tigere se kliniek en het baie insette nodig,” sê Dirk. op Makhado, kan nou die laboratoriumuitslae Enige persoon wat belangstel moet so spoedig skriftelik ontvang. moontlik vir Dirk skakel by tel. 082 789 3927 of Die laboratoriumtoetsuitslae is terug en in per e-pos by dirk_meis@yahoo.com. Die volgende verseëlde koevertjies beskikbaar by die plaaslike bestuursvergadering vind op Maandag, 9 Julie, verteenwoordiger, Elze-Marie du Preez. Sy kan om 18:00 plaas by die Soutpansberg Dorpswag se geskakel word by tel. 071 215 0333. kantoor te Safari Motors.
Kry uitslae hier
Water, or the lack thereof, was the most pressing concern at a meeting between the Makhado Municipality’s top management and the local ratepayers association. The meeting was called by Mayor David Mutavhatsindi. “Water is our number one problem. Some people have now been without water for 30 days,” the chairperson of the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Association (SRPA), Ms Inga Gilfillan, said at the meeting on 19 June. At the meeting, Gilfillan handed a petition to Mutavhatsindi, signed by residents struggling with water. “We obtained 280 signatures in just one day,” said SRPA manager Mr Phillip Olivier. In reply to the water crisis, the municipality’s director of technical services, Mr Thivho Ralulimi, said that government had been caught off guard with regard to the water supply. Fortunately, the consultants for the bulk supply line from Nandoni to Valdezia has been appointed and R29 million has been set aside for the project. It was explained that in Makhado and Tshikota, a two-day disruption in the water supply can take the municipality seven days to recover from. The cleaning of the reservoirs was hampered by power failures. Ralulimi said that pump stations 1 and 2 could not function, due to a default problem in a Y-junction that would, at that stage, be replaced on 21 June. Once replaced, it would have taken two days for Makhado new town and the CBD to have water and three days for Tshikota. Municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi confirmed this week that the default junction had been replaced and added “but as far as water is concerned, we cannot give a guarantee because the system from the Albasini Dam is ageing and a breakdown might happen at any given time”. “If the water supply is still interrupted 10 working days after the promised date of the repair of the Y-junction, we shall take the matter up again,”
Olivier said. The town’s streets also came up for discussion. Gilfillan expressed concern that the curbing of the newly tarred streets had not been done, a situation that could cause rain to erode the new road surface. She commended the municipality on the new sewerage works and urged the municipality to make sure that it is efficiently managed by qualified and experienced people. Public vending machines where electricity can be bought have been promised since 2008. On this issue, the municipality assured the ratepayers that they are busy installing in-house vending machines, which should be completed by August this year. Following electricity vending points at the municipality, vending points will be expanded to include businesses and ATMs. Another electricity issue was the Tshitandani Childcare project in Tshikota, where attempts to get electricity have been in vain since 2010. Mutavhatsindi referred the matter to the relevant department to be investigated. Gilfillan said that the municipality’s refusal to approve building plans because of ratepayers’ withholding rates and taxes was illegal. The municipality replied that they would refer the issue to their legal department. Mutavhatsindi made it clear that he wanted the town to grow and that all should work together to resolve challenges and bring about successful changes. “This is our municipality… we all stay here... let us make a point of avoiding the term ‘them’, but rather say ‘us’ as this is ‘our’ home,” Mutavhatsindi said. “The meeting was conducted in a good spirit. We look forward to working with the new mayor. Yes, the mayor did ask, tongue in cheek, why we did not put the issue of paying back the money that we are withholding, on the agenda,” said Olivier on Tuesday.
“ ... let us make a point of avoiding the term ‘them’, but rather say ‘us’ as this is ‘our’ home”
BUSINESS talk Deur Isabel Venter
Blokkies waarborg die perfekte snit Wat is ‘n maaltyd of sportgeleentheid sonder ‘n vleisie of stuk boerewors wat lekker oor die kole braai? By Blokkies Joubert se Bosveld Slaghuis sal kliënte verseker wees van kwaliteit vleisprodukte en persoonlike diens teen regverdige pryse. As gekwalifiseerde blokman met jare se ondervinding in die bedryf, het Blokkies sowat drie maande gelede besluit om sy eie slaghuis oop te maak, sowat 6km buite Makhado op
die Levubu-pad. Dit beteken egter nie dat kliënte in die dorp bekommerd hoef te wees oor die afstand wat hulle moet ry om vleis by Bosveld Slaghuis te koop nie, aangesien Blokkies die bestellings gratis aflewer. Kliënte is ook steeds welkom om self die slaghuis te besoek. Blokkies verwerk sy kwaliteit vleis nog op die tradisionele manier, met spesiale aanbiedings soos naweek- en weekpakke. Ander gunstelinge soos bil-
New business or service? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on
Any new development will be highlighted
tong en droëwors is ook by die new developments in the local business through a once-off short write-up in the colslaghuis beskikbaar en met die umn free of charge. Further advertisement in arena. jagseisoen in volle swang kan To enable us to keep the column running the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal Blokkies ook geskakel word on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are advertising rates. om wildsvleis te verwerk. For more information, phone Andries van invited to contact the newspaper and let us Skaap-, bees- en varkkarkasse know of new developments regarding new Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel kan ook gekoop en by die 015 516 4996/7. businesses or services less than a year old. slaghuis afgelaai word om te verwerk. Daarbenewens verDeur Linda van der Westhuizen huur Blokkies ook spitbraaifasiliteite. Vir meer inligting of om ‘n bestelling by Bosveld Slaghuis te plaas, kan Blokkies geskakel Kunstenaar egpaar Herman iets” en Herman wys gou na self op te verf. Ook versier Anne word by 079 702 3941. en Anne Strauss het in Sep- haar blomskilderye. Verder rame met “chemcrete” en doen tember verlede jaar hul intrek begewe Anne haar op die gebied reliëfwerk daarop om ‘n outydse in Loeriepark in Makhado van kunsvlyt en kom met allerlei afronding te verkry. geneem. interessante idees vorendag. Sy Die Strauss egpaar kan gekonHerman se voorliefde is maak klein, geïllustreerde verf- tak word by 015 516 4464 of om pragtige bosveldtonele te doek (canvas) vir kinders om Herman by 083 707 2610. skilder, maar daar is maar min onderwerpe (of voorwerpe) wat hy nie kan skilder nie. Daarvan was die uitstalling vol verskeidenheid by Ridgeway Independent School buite Louis Trichardt op 5 Mei ‘n voorbeeld. Herman skilder ook stillewes met blomme. Hy gebruik graag olieverf of akriliese verf of ‘n mengsel van die twee. Daar moet ook fyn gekyk word of die werke deur H of A Strauss geskilder is. Kunstenaar egpaar Herman en Anne Strauss het op 5 Mei ´n Anne sê sy skilder ook “enige uitstalling gehad by Ridgeway Independent School. Blokkies Joubert van Bosveld Slaghuis.
Kunstenaarspaar stel talent ten toon
29 Junie 2012 3
Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Elke lid moet nou ‘n eie dispuut verklaar met munisipaliteit Belastingbetalers wat lid is van die SBBV gaan nou elkeen elke maand ‘n individuele dispuut met die Makhado Munisipaliteit moet verklaar. Elke maand sal elke lid van die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging ‘n persoonlike dispuutvorm met die munisipaliteit oor ‘n spesifieke bedrag onderteken. Hierdie bedrag is die lid se eiendomsbelasting. As die lid se eiendom byvoorbeeld teen R1.5m gewaardeer is, is sy dispuutbedrag R1037.50, dit wil sê 0.069% van die waardasiebedrag. Een van die hoofpunte van die dispuut wat die SBBV in 2008 met die munisipaliteit verklaar het, gaan juis rondom die waardasieproses wat nie volgens die regte prosedures gedoen is nie. Met sowat 300 dorpe in die land wat dispute met hul munisipaliteite verklaar het of besig is om te verklaar, is dit ‘n nuwe veld waarop beweeg word en is die hofsake dikwels toetssake. Dit het duidelik geword dat ‘n algemene dispuut oor verskillende aspekte nie meer voldoende is nie, en moet ‘n dispuut gaan oor ‘n spesifieke bedrag. Sal dit dan nou die munisipaliteit weerhou om lede se elektrisiteitsvoorsiening af te skakel? Kenners verskil in hul interpretasie hiervan. Mnr. Jaap Kelder, voorsitter van die Nasionale Belastingbetalersunie (NBU), sê dat wanneer die lede se dispuutverklarings in orde is, dit die munisipaliteit behoort te weerhou om krag af te sit. Kelder verwys na die Cullinan-saak van Steve Kloppers teen die Tshwane Munisipaliteit, waar die regter beslis het dat die dispuut eers opgelos moet word. Ander meen weer dat ‘n munisipaliteit die krag kan afsit as hulle bywette vir kredietbeheer en skuldinvordering in orde is en verwys na die Kroonstad-saak van Rademan teen die Moqhaka Munisipaliteit, waar die appélhof uispraak gegee het dat die krag afgesit kan word. Kelder sê dat daar eers gewag moet word tot die konstitusionele hof uitspraak gee. Intussen het die Makhado Munisipaliteit die nodige bywette gepromulgeer. “Die munisipaliteit het hul bywette oor kredietbeheer en skuldinvordering op 14 Junie gepromulgeer,” het mnr. Johann Hammann (senior) van die
prokureursfirma Hammann en Moosa gesê. Die interpretasie daarvan kan wees dat die munisipaliteit die geld wat oorbetaal word na goeddunke kan allokkeer en dan by magte kan wees om krag af te skakel volgens die wet op munisipale strukture. In Januarie en Februarie vanjaar het die munisipaliteit SBBV lede se krag afgeskakel, waarna die SBBV aansoek gedoen het vir ‘n dringende tussentydse hofaansoek om die munisipaliteit te verplig om die krag weer aan te sluit. Hulle het die aansoek gebring ten opsigte van twee van hul lede. Voordat die saak op 3 Februarie in die NoordGauteng Hooggeregshof in Pretoria sou dien, het die munisipaliteit met ‘n skikkingsvoorstel gekom wat deur die SBBV aanvaar is. Die kragvoorsiening is dieselfde dag herstel. Totdat die hof uitspraak gee, moet die krag herstel bly, hoewel dit tegnies verwys na die krag van die twee lede. Intussen het die munisipaliteit die mosie van die SBBV
teengestaan, waarna die vereniging repliek gelewer het. Die saak word op die bestrede rol geplaas. Sover bekend is daar nog nie ‘n hofdatum nie. “Ons saak word dus bevestig. Toe die munisipaliteit die krag afgesny het, het geen bywette bestaan nie,” het die voorsiiter van die SBBV, me. Inga Gilfillan, op 25 Junie gesê. Kort voor druktyd het die munisipale woordvoerder, mnr. Louis Bobodi, gesê dat die bywette wat in plek gekom het, beteken dat die munisipaliteit in staat sal wees om skuld in te vorder. Bobodi is gevra wat gebeur met die skuldinvordering by die buitegebiede. “Ons gaan die inkomste vergroting (revenue enhancement) strategie implementeer en ons skakel met al die rolspelers om hulle aan te moedig om te betaal. En ons maak vordering,” het Bobodi per e-pos gesê. Hy het egter nie die vraag beantwoord oor watter persentasie van die uitstaande skuld van die buitedorpe afkomstig is nie.
The Avoca Vale Country Hotel - former Punch Bowl Hotel has re-opened her doors and is under New Ownership and Management since 1st December 2011. We serve a delicious Table D’Hôte dinner in the evenings to guests wishing to stay in. The Strawbury Duck Ladies Bar – open to Gents as well! – is open in the evenings to the thirsty guest and a warm log fire welcomes you in from the cold.
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Elke maand onderteken elke lid van die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging ‘n persoonlike dispuutvorm met die munisipaliteit oor ‘n spesifieke bedrag. Intussen het die munisipaliteit hul bywette ten opsigte van kredietbeheer en skuldinvordering op datum gebring.
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4 29 June 2012 Deur Isabel Venter
Vlaag inbrake laat sakelui moedeloos
Dié lemmetjiesdraad by Desert Dove was skaars ‘n dag op toe inbrekers dit geknip het.
Die aanhoudende vlaag van inbrake en diefstalle in die industriële area van Makhado het plaaslike sakelui moedeloos. Veral ondernemings in die omgewing van Kortstraat word gereeld geteiken deur misdadigers. Voorkomende maatreëls om die ongewenste “besoekers” uit te hou, is ook nie altyd so suksesvol nie, soos blyk in die geval van Desert Dove. Eienaar André de Beer moes verlede Vrydag vir die soveelste keer die polisie uitroep, nadat daar weer by sy perseel in Kortstraat ingebreek is. Lemmetjiesdraad wat hy bo-op sy sesvoet muur en rondom die perseel gespan het, was nie genoegsaam nie. De Beer het dit net die vorige dag laat toespan. “Hier word ten minste twee keer ‘n maand ingebreek,” sê De Beer. Die vermoede bestaan dat die rowers dalk onwettige plakkers is wat in ‘n vervalle huis agter De Beer se perseel woon. Volgens
mnr. Theyman Jongbloed van Jan’s Autoworkshop, wat die perseel deel met Desert Dove, het die inbrekers al verskeie kere ook by hulle werkswinkel ingebreek en duisende rande se onderdele en gereedskap gesteel. “Gelukkig,” vertel hy, “was die venster waarby hulle ingebreek het te klein, anders het hulle my kompressor ook weggedra.” Jongbloed vertel dat hulle al spore gekry het van ‘n kruiwa, waarin die inbrekers klaarblyklik gesteelde goedere oor hulle perseel gestoot het, tot agter by die muur. Van hier is die goedere én die kruiwa oor die muur gegooi, weer in die kruiwa gelaai en na die huis gestoot. Dit was voordat die lemmetjiesdraad opgesit is. Beide De Beer en Jongbloed is dit eens dat die misdadigers wat hulle teiken ook ander omliggende besighede besteel. “Die mense hier is al moeg vir die alewige inbrake,” het De Beer gesê. Die plaaslike polisie, meen
hulle, behaal ook nie veel welslae om die misdadigers vas te vat nie. Daar kan glo nie ‘n klopjag op die huis en onwettige plakkers uitgevoer word nie, want daar is niemand gedurende die dag by die huis nie. Nog ‘n besigheid, laer af in Kortstraat, BG Truck & Tractor, het Maandag De Beer se gevoelens beaam. Nie net was hulle ook al per geleentheid die slagoffers van dié misdadigers nie, maar moes hulle al twee geliefde troeteldiere afstaan weens vergiftiging. Volgens Nettie Geerdts van BG Truck & Tractor vermoed hulle dat die katte wat vergiftig is, goed geëet het wat bedoel is vir die omliggende besighede se waghonde. “Watter besigheid kan só voortbestaan?” het Geerdts gevra. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder kapt. Maano Sadike kon teen Dinsdag nie bevestig hoeveel soortgelyke inbrake deur die polisie ondersoek word nie.
Deur Andries van Zyl
Beeste op landingsbaan bly ‘n probleem Gedurende die prysuitdeling van die Kremetart Fietswedrenne op 9 Junie in Makhado is daar verskeie items ten bate van liefdadigheid opgeveil, wat ingesluit het memorabilia van wyle Suid-Afrikaanse fietsryer Ryan Cox (‘n fietsrytrui geskenk deur Godfrey Went van die plaaslike Rotariërs), ‘n avontuurnaweek by Schoemansdal en ‘n skildery van ‘n kremetart. Die skildery, geskilder deur oom Wennie Gouws van Ons Tuiste, het ondermeer verkoop vir R3 100. In die foto hou seremoniemeester Johnny Koen die skildery vas, met Vaughn van Niekerk as afslaer. Foto verskaf.
THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Counter (Yellow ½ moon) • Cold room (to be assembled) • Steel storage cupboard • Stainless steel double door fridge (industrial) • 3 x Large chest freezers • 1 x Large chest freezer (needs gas) • 1 x Small chest freezer (needs gas) • Baine Marie Unit • Popcorn machine • Kelvinator double oven • Defy double oven • Kelvinator 4 plate electric stove • 2 x Stainless steel sinks • Plate warmer (overhead) • Stainless steel table (2 x Chipmakers & 1 x Wooden stand) • 1 x Stainless steel 2-gasburner table • 1 x Stainless steel 4-burner table • 1 x Portable 2-gasburner • 2 x Scales • Industrial potato peeler • 3 Leg pot gas cooker & pot 25l • Overhead extractor hood and fans • Niknaks machine • Lots of crockery, cutlery, glassware, pots, pans etc. • 2 x Stainless steel tables • Lots of bases and mattresses (BRAND NEW!) • ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION!
Contact: Peter Ferreira • Office: 015 516 1130 • Cell: 082 777 2418
Gaan die Makhado Munisipali teit aanspreeklikheid daarvoor aanvaar as rondloperbeeste op die munisipale vliegveld buite Makhado ‘n vliegongeluk veroorsaak? Dit is die vraag wat munisipale woordvoerder, mnr. Louis Bobodi, nie geantwoord het nie. Bobodi is gevra om kommentaar te lewer op die pro bleem van rondloperbeeste op die munisipale vliegveld wat deur hul eienaar(s) van die aangrensende munisipale weidings kamp “deurgejaag” word om daar te gaan wei.
Die probleem het Sondag weer vir ‘n paar benoude oomblikke gesorg. Plaaslike vlieënier Lizet Joubert sê dat sy Sondagoggend ingekom het om te land. Haar enigste struikelblok was beeste op die landingsbaan wat sy moes vermy. Net na haar het nog ‘n vliegtuig kom land, wat ook met moeite die trop beeste moes probeer vermy. “Die beeste hou ‘n astrono miese gevaar in vir vlieëniers en hul passasiers,” het Joubert gesê. Buiten die vraag of die munisipaliteit verantwoordelikheid
sal aanvaar vir ‘n vliegramp as gevolg van rondloperbeeste afkomstig uit hul eie weidings kamp, is hulle ook gevra wat hul huurkontrak met die beeste se eienaar(s) behels en hoe hulle die probleem gaan aanspreek? In antwoord hierop het Bobodi gesê dat hulle reeds die eienaars van die beeste gewaarsku het dat as hulle nie hul heiningdrade teen middel Julie herstel het, sodat die beeste nie kan deurbreek nie, gaan die munisipaliteit die huurooreenkoms met hulle kanselleer.
Hierdie foto is Sondagoggend geneem kort nadat ‘n vlieënier by die munisipale vliegveld geland het en sy pad moes vind deur ‘n trop rondloperbeeste na die loods. Foto verskaf.
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A big thank you goes to Ms Liani du Preez who sponsored a brand new jumping castle for the day for the children of Small Talk Christian Centre for Early Learning in Makhado to help them celebrate the school’s birthday. In the front, Risi Baloyi can be seen jumping while Ronewa Nangovhela sits nearby. They are both in Grade R.
29 Junie 2012 5
6 29 June 2012 By Anton van Zyl
Talented young team scoops up award The team from Makoya Multimedia stole part of the limelight on Friday night when they won the Vhembe District Municipality’s Youth in Business competition. This vibrant group of young people won the Tourism/ marketing sector and, apart from the trophy, also received the R150 000 prize money. The Youth in Business competition was first held in 2008 and has become an annual event in Vhembe. According to the organisers, the purpose of the competition is “to cultivate the The three members of Makoya Multimedia. From left are Hangwe Netshifhefhe, Thato Ledwaba spirit of entrepreneurship, to support, to empower and to inand Ambrose Ranwashe. vest in the youth who stood up and participate in the economic development of our country.” Makoya Multimedia has been in business for almost three years. The team got together when Zoutnet, publishers of Limpopo Mirror and Zoutpansberger
newspapers, launched a radio show in 2010. The morning show was aired on Makhado FM. Once the year-long contract with the radio station expired, the team decided not to split up, but rather to focus on events management and production. The young business battled initially and, according to one of the members, Thato Ledwaba, it was difficult to keep the cashflow going while at the same time expanding their customer base. “You have to simply stick to what you’re doing well and work hard,” added Hangwe Netshifhefhe, the second member of the trio. The third member, Ambrose Ranwashe, is also the technical guru, who can easily double up as a more-than-capable DJ at events. Makoya Multimedia recently won the contract to organise this year’s annual Makhado Show.
This task has been taking up most of their time the last couple of weeks and they are very excited about the event. “If everything falls into place, we will have a very exciting show, with some top artists performing,” said Thato. Makoya Multimedia ended first in the Tourism section, with Vele MT Arts & Sculpture second (R75 000 prize) and Musengavhadzimu third (R30 000). The winner in the Agricultural section was Ndivhuwo Fruit Farms (R150 000), Nyambeni Agricultural was second (R75 000) and Tshifhango Aluwani Ramudzulu was third (R30 000). The best youth SMME in Vhembe is Riakona Computer Training Centre (R150 000), with Sinyage Brands CC second (R75 000) and Vhuthuvha vho third (R30 000).
Newly inducted president of the Rotary Club of Louis Trichardt Mr Louis Joubert and his wife and newly inducted Rotary Ann President, Ms Lizet Joubert, paid a visit to Ramahantsha Primary School (Sinthumule) to donate warm blankets to the children last Thursday. Pictured here are Louis and Lizet with some of the grateful children. Photo supplied.
61 BOABAB STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT • TEL: (015) 516 3518 Business Hours: Monday to Sunday 07:30 - 20:00
Jannie Brink, oud-leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, ontvang op 15 Maart vanjaar sy honneursgraad in Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesterskap (STR) van die Universiteit van Noord-Wes se Potchefstroom Kampus. Jannie woon tans in Potchefstroom, waar hy werksaam is by die Ouditeur-Generaal van Suid-Afrika as ouditbestuurder. Foto verskaf.
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Eugenie Rudolph, voormalige leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het in 2011 die graad B.Ed met lof van die Universiteit van Pretoria ontvang. Gedurende die universiteit se herfspromosieplegtigheid vanjaar is die graad B.Eu (honneurs) met spesialisering in Engels en natuurwetenskap met lof ook aan haar toegeken. Sy ontvang ook akademiese erekleure tydens die plegtigheid. Tans is Eugenie ingeskryf vir haar meestersgraad by dieselfde universiteit en is sy ook ‘n deeltydse junior dosent. Foto verskaf.
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29 Junie 2012 7
Prag bul verkoop vir R80 000 op veiling Die Bristow Bonsmara Veiling is op 20 Junie vir die 40ste keer by Bandelierkop aangebied. Die topprys van die dag was ‘n bedrag van R80 000 wat deur mnr. Gerrit van Zyl van De Wets-
dorp vir ‘n Bonsmara-bul betaal is. In teenstelling hiermee was die gemiddelde prys van bulle op die veiling R32 813. Wat die res van die stoetveiling betref, verkoop koeie met kal-
wers vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R17 833 (hoogste R25 000), terwyl dragtige koeie en dragtige verse opgeveil word vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R17 583 (hoogste R20 000) en R15 000 (hoogste R18 000). Koeie met kalwers wat weer dragtig is (3:1) behaal ‘n gemiddelde prys van R23 250 (hoogste R33 000). In die veiling vir kommersiële diere kom koeie met kalwers vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R12 202 (hoogste R13 000) onder die hamer, terwyl dragtige koeie en dragtige verse gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R11400 (hoogste R12 000) en R9 734 (hoogste R10 000) behaal. Die veiling is aangebied deur Vleissentraal Bosveld en Mnr. Gerrit van Zyl by die Bonsmara-bul, JRB 09 0067, wat hy het ‘n omset van R1 950 000 vir ‘n bedrag van R80 000 gekoop het. Foto verskaf. opgelewer. Landbounuus
Voedselsekerheid hoog op die agenda Agri-Limpopo hou op 12 en 13 September sy tweejaarlikse kongres en vanjaar word dit in Polokwane aangebied en georganiseer deur Agri Koraal – die plaaslike boerevereniging. Die tema vir vanjaar se kongres is “Limpopo se rol in nasionale voedselsekerheid”. Die organiseerders poog om ‘n geleentheid daar te stel waar die ongelooflike potensiaal van die landbousektor in die provinsie beklemtoon gaan word. Limpopo is op vele terreine die groente- en vrugtespens van Suid Afrika, en hierdie feit gaan tydens die kongres geïllustreer word.
Die eerste deel van die kongres gaan kyk na die stand van landbouproduksie in Limpopo - wat word waar geproduseer, en hoeveel daarvan. Daarna gaan gekyk word na metodes en tegnieke wat produsente op produksievlak kan aanwend om hulle rol as voedselvoorsieners nog beter uit te voer. Die laaste gesprek van die dag gaan kyk na nog geleenthede wat bestaan of ontgin kan word om die landboubedryf in die provinsie nog sterker te maak. Hier gaan ook gefokus word op die wildbedryf. Die kongres word gehou by die Ranch Hotel buite Polokwane en
die inligting wat daar gedeel gaan word, gaan waardevol wees vir enige landbouprodusent in Limpopo se langtermynbeplanning. Op 12 September word raadsvergaderings gehou, uitsluitlik vir lede van Agri Limpopo, maar die kongresdag op 13 September is oop vir enige belangstellende. Vir besprekings en/of ‘n volledige program, kontak vir Corrie Bezuidenhout by corbez@ mindsmail.co.za, of Sandra Nel by wkl1@lantic.net Daar is nog ruimte vir uitstallings deur insetverskaffers. Kontak vir Corrie Bezuidenhout by 0824650514. (LiN Nuus / Laeveld Bulletin)
Jongboere sê dankie Die Soutpansberg Landbou-unie se jongboere het ´n vrag vol vrugte en groente ingesamel by boere uit die Levubu-omgewing as fondsinsameling vir CANSA (kankervereniging) in Polokwane. ´n Groot vlooimark is ook gehou in Polokwane op 26 Mei. In die foto verskyn die organiseerder en vrywillige helper by CANSA, tannie Yvonne Terreblanche, saam met die jongboere verteenwoordiger, mnr. Stoffel Joubert. Dank is uitgespreek teenoor al die boere wat skenkings gemaak het. Foto verskaf.
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8 29 June 2012 Policing
Rather report all crime to the police The Makhado police are alerting all victims of crime to follow the correct procedure when reporting crimes at their station. According to a statement by Makhado SAPS spokesperson Capt Maano Sadike, victims who are not following the right procedure interrupt the police from
doing their work properly. Police are asking victims of crime to report the crime at the police station first and not at non-governmental organisations. “This will help the police to do their job properly as there will be no interference in their investigations. Reporting crimes at NGOs
(first) is impacting negatively on the police’s work,” said Capt Sadike. The police are also requesting community members not to interfere at accident scenes. “This makes it difficult for the police to investigate,” he said.
Huge reward for information on murder Some of the newly appointed traffic officers are, from left to right, Ms Mphiwa Morotoba, Ms Lufuno Ramavhale, Ms Vhengani Mukwevho and Mr Rofhiwa Tshivhase. By Peter Muthambi
Municipality intensifies law enforcement In an effort to intensify law enforcement in its area of jurisdiction the Makhado Municipality recently appointed new traffic officers. The eight newly appointed traffic officers will assist the municipality in providing essential community services in areas of the municipality such as Dzanani, Vuwani, Waterval and Makhado. The municipality also appointed two chief traffic of-
ficers. “We have also appointed four pound rangers who will assist with the removal and safekeeping of stray animals on our roads,” said municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi. He added that a budget had been allocated for the establishment of loading zones for the control of stray animals at Waterval and Tshitale for the next financial year. Bobodi said that, “The ap-
pointment of the new traffic officers is just a symbol of how our municipality is committed to service delivery to the people” . New traffic officers appointed include Ms Mphiwa Morotoba, Ms Lufuno Ramavhale, Ms Vhengani Mukwevho and Mr Rofhiwa Tshivhase. Bobodi also urged all road users to obey the traffic laws at all times and for them not to drink and drive.
The South African Police Service have issued Anyone with information is urged to contact a reward of R50 000 for any person who can Lt Col Monica Nemavhola at Tel 082 451 7154. provide information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the brutal killing of a female train driver in Makhado on 4 June. The 48-year-old Ms Nare Mashamaite was possibly raped and then brutally murdered after she and a fellow female assistant driver stopped at the Makhado station to inspect the train for mechanical problems, after hearing a noise coming from the train. Mashamaite and her fellow driver were inspecting the train, one on each side, when she was Mev. Heila Oosthuizen (regs) het op 12 Junie grabbed and overpowered by an unknown assailant. tydens die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Makhado The other woman fled when she realised something se maandelikse vergadering lede meer kom was wrong and alerted the police. Upon arriving leer oor die maak van kunsblomme. Die tak se on the scene, police found Mashamaite’s body in volgende vergadering is op 10 Julie. Vir meer inligting, skakel 072 013 4998. Foto verskaf. some bushes not far from the train.
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The Rotary Anns of Louis Trichardt were also honoured for their contributions over the past year, not only towards charitable projects, but also for their support of their Rotary husbands during the local Rotary Club’s annual induction dinner at the Lalapanzi Hotel on 16 June. Outgoing President Ann Carole Went (back) rewarded her fellow Anns with flowers and a NEEM LEIDING TOYOTA gift for their support during the past year. In front, from left to right, are Anns Lizet Joubert (incoming President Ann), Liz Terink, André Gilfillan, Inga Gilfillan and Diane Bannatyne. Hier ! om jou te laat glimlag Absent was Leanda Le Cornu.
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Above, from left to right: Amanda Page, Chris Venter, Elsie Brandt, Mario van der Westhuizen.
Mario is the new representative who will be visiting clients across the Vhembe District. Contact Mario for an appointment at: 076 522 1766 or 015 516 3012 or Amanda at: 084 429 8273
Besprekings kan gemaak word by (015) 516 0284. Persone reg om jou by te staan: Jannie, Desire, Marisa, Corné or Jana
Outgoing Rotary president of Rotary Louis Trichardt Godfrey Went (right) rewarded his personal assistant Pam Schoeman (left) on June 16 with a special President’s Award for her support and contribution towards the local Rotary Club above and beyond her daily workload. The event was the local Rotary Club’s annual induction dinner at the Lalapanzi Hotel.
29 Junie 2012 9
10 29 June 2012
30 Junie 2012
Celebrating three decades of service and growth
The first decade “I would have never thought we would be where we are today,” says Mr Frans Prinsloo of P&L Hardware in Makhado. This year, the company celebrates its 30th birthday. P&L Hardware is a family business that started in 1982 with one store. Between then and now, the group has grown to 39 wholly owned corporate stores, making it the largest privately owned hardware company in South Africa. The company is proud to announce that the same family values and principles have been applied since then and are still being applied today. Prinsloo fondly remembers the day he and two partners, Messrs André Prinsloo (his brother) and Len Lemmer, got the opportunity to buy Venter’s Hardware store from the
late Mr Johan Venter in 1981. At that stage, Venter wanted to scale down his business and eventually close shop, but the two Prinsloo brothers and Lemmer all pitched in R15 000 and bought the store for a total amount of R45 000. “At first we concentrated only on the one store. What really helped was the huge growth in the former Venda,” says Frans. In 1982, they moved Venter’s Hardware to where Midas was first situated in the then Trichardt Street (Songozwi). Not long after this, the trio expanded their reach by also buying Venda Building Supplies in Shayandima. It was not long before they ran out of space and the only solution was a bigger building. A piece of vacant land was acquired in Kruger Street and construction on an own
building started. Upon completion, they moved Venter’s Hardware to the new building in 1985 and changed the name to Lempro. That same year, the first P&L Hardware opened in the town’s industrial area. This was followed up by the opening of a second P&L branch in Shayandima in 1986, right next to Venda Building Supplies. Venda Building Supplies and Lempro catered mainly for the DIY enthusiast at that stage, while the P&L Hardware stores focussed more on contractors. P&L opened their third store in the erstwhile Messina in 1987, followed by a fourth and fifth P&L branch in Marble Hall and Tzaneen respectively in 1988. “By the time we opened our fourth P&L branch, it had become hard work. We soon realised that we had to implement head office functions,” says Frans. By 1989, the company introduced their first branch awards as incentives for staff to strive towards service excellence. That same year, the award was scooped up by Venda Building Supplies, followed by P&L Marble Hall in 1990 and 1991, P&L Hardware Venda in 1992 In 1985, construction on an own building which would later house Lempro and P&L Louis Trichardt in 1993. was well underway.
P&L Hardware is a family business that started in 1982. Since then the group has grown to 39 wholly owned corporate stores. From left are Frans Prinsloo (director), Cecillia Prinsloo (director), André Prinsloo (CEO) and Melinda Prinsloo (financial manager).
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Prinsloo fondly remembers the day he and two partners, Messrs André Prinsloo (his brother) and Len Lemmer, got the opportunity to buy Venter’s Hardware store in 1981 from the late Mr Johan Venter. Venter’s Hardware was initially situated where Woolworths’ parking area is today.
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Congratulations to P&L Hardware with your 30th anniversary! We wish you all the best for the future! D. Brits
30 June 2012
P&L Hardware remains a group that focusses on supplying hardware and building materials to mainly rural markets.
Celebrating three decades of service and growth
The second decade
Investing in our own Since the inauguration of P&L’s training centre at Shayandima, this facility has grown into something P&L Hardware and the communities in which they operate can be proud of. The centre has been fully accredited and upgraded to be a private Further Education and Training (FET) college. What is remarkable about the centre is that it has steadily grown into an established and generally accepted “leader in its field” in the four provinces within which the company operates, namely Limpopo, Gauteng,North West and Mpumalanga. Constantly supplying the needs of the ever-growing company, the centre trains between 180 and 200 learners per year, of which at least 80% are recruited from the street and guaranteed employment at the company after successfully completing their learnership.
In addition to training, P&L has a well-thought-out career plan set out for their staff, and this tempers the rate of outflow created by the demand for trained retail and wholesale workers in the sector. P&L is currently also training its own team of instructors in the field of safety and security. This will enable the school to train and supply in all their needs, namely first aid (Level 1), basic fire fighting (Level 1) and OHSA Reps (Level 1). As the P&L group is also involved in other fields, they have applied for and have been approved for branching out into the agricultural field (with the AgriSETA). After successfully applying for an Extension of Scope, the centre is currently also busy with their own fully accredited assessors courses through which they aim to annually supply P&L with all the internal assessors they need.
The year 1993 also saw the opening of a P&L branch at Malamulele. With so many stores to run already, Frans decided to take a bit of a break in 1996. His decision inadvertently led to the second generation of Prinsloo taking over the company business. “My wife and I decided to go overseas for three months. At that stage, André Jnr was branch manager in Shayandima. I asked him to come and sit in my office and basically just answer the phone and take messages while I was gone. When I came back, André had taken over and I was basically not needed anymore,” Frans remarks jokingly. By that time, Frans had already bought out his brother and Lemmer as partners. André Jnr wasted no time in extending the brand name even further in the
province with the opening of a P&L branch at Tshakuma in 1997. A year later, in March 1998, he opened P&L Giyani and in September of that year bought and opened P&L Boerebenodighede in Levubu. October 1998 also saw the opening of P&L Matoks. Another P&L branch was opened in Sibasa in 1999 and another two in 2001 in Mokopane and Seshego respectively. With a total of 11 stores, the need for a central warehouse, from where the branches could be supplied, became apparent. This ultimately led to the opening of a P&L warehouse in Makhado in 2002.
P&L Sibasa.
We’ve been a winning team for the past 30 years - 39 branches later and we are still growing
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Manufacture and repair of all Hydraulic pipes and brake hoses
Tel: 015 516 1143 or 015 516 4252 • Fax: 015 516 4668
Baie geluk aan die P&L Groep met hul 30ste verjaarsdag. Dit is ‘n voorreg om al vir 16 jaar jul verskaffers se produkte na jul verskeie winkels te vervoer. Sterkte met die volgende 30 jaar. Danie, Maralene en personeel LIMPOPO VERVOER
Bridge Auto Tel: 015 - 516 5071 / 0229
Baie geluk aan P&L met 30 jaar! Tel: (015) 516 0405 / 6665
Specialised Oil congratulates the Prinsloo’s on their P&L Hardware successes for the last 30 years! AUTOBODY SHOP
Tel: (015) 516 5197/8 Faks: (015) 516 5107 Kortstraat 9 Louis Trichardt 0920
Geluk aan
met 30 jaar se besigheid! Ons wens julle voorspoed vir die jare wat nog voorlê!
30 Junie 2012
Celebrating three decades of service and growth
The third decade In 2004, P&L Lebowakgomo and Mankweng opened and, with 13 stores open, it became necessary to rethink the structure of the business. The stores were divided into two regions, namely the Limpopo and Polokwane regions, and area managers were appointed. That same year, it also became necessary to have a warehouse and regional offices in Polokwane. The fast growth of the company also gave rise to the need for a training centre at which P&L employees could be trained for the new branches. This led to the official opening of P&L’s training centre at Shayandima in August 2004. In 2005, the company opened its 14th branch, this time in Burgersfort. This was also a year of change. An IT department was started to assist all the branches with their ITrelated problems. A marketing and merchandising manager was also appointed and new standards were implemented for all P&L stores. The company also implemented a new management system score cards, and communication within branches and the company was addressed by
means of Tic Tac meetings. P&L also got its own website in 2005. In addition, they started the Voluntary Trading Group (VTG), with a VTG manager being appointed and offices being opened in Pretoria for VTG stores. P&L stores for Elim and Jane Furse followed in 2006. Also in that year, a financial manager was appointed, as well as a buyer, with offices in Musina for P&L to enable bulk purchases and better negotiations for the company. During 2007, seven more P&L stores were opened, namely at Eltivillas, Bochum, Dzanani, Vondwe, Nkowankowa, Lenyenye and Temba respectively. This growth further necessitated the appointment of one more area manager for the Polokwane-south region. The need for a human resource manager also became apparent. P&L Credit was also started in 2007, while the training centre became a fully accredited W&R SETA training centre. The company opened a record number of 10 new stores in 2008, namely at Bungeni, Acornhoek, Dwarsloop, Marite, KwaMhlanga, Hammanskraal, Mojadji, Siya-
bushwa, Kabokweni and Msogwaba respectively. A new marketing strategy ensured a record opening for Bungeni, and a new area manager for Mpumalanga was appointed. The vast number of branches also necessitated the appointment of a second area manager for the Limpopo/Soutpansberg region. By the end of 2008, P&L boasted a total of 33 corporate branches in four provinces, namely Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North West. In 2009, store auditors were appointed to assist the area managers, as well as a direct marketing manager. The management of P&L was also restructured and a chief operations officer was appointment. During 2011, P&L also opened stores at Xikundu, Zebediela, Tshikombani, Tafelkop and Sekgosese, as well as P&L Brick and Pave. By now, the company boasted 39 branches and a workforce of 947 and was still growing. With a distribution centre opening in Silverton in June 2012 to supply the warehouses with their own imported stock, one can only imagine what the next 30 years will have to offer.
The fast growth of the company also gave rise to the need for a training centre at which P&L employees could be trained. This led to the official opening of P&L’s training centre at Shayandima by the then MEC for Education in Limpopo, Ms Joyce Mashamba, in August 2004.
Range of over 50 P&L brand products Better quality - best prices!
We constantly share knowledge with our suppliers Big 5 Security Louis Trichardt • 083 654 2948 • 015 516 2174
Baie geluk aan P&L! Mag julle nog 30 goeie jare hê!
Baie geluk aan P&L Hardeware en Personeel met jul 30ste herdenking van besigheidsjare! Baie dankie vir jul ondersteuning en professionele diens wat ons van julle ontvang. Beste wense en baie sterkte vir die toekoms. Bestuur en Personeel RUBICON PRECAST
SIMMS AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICES 16A Joubert Street, Louis Trichardt
Tel: 015 516 0953/516 4597/082 776 0618 n/u
Vir alle Auto Elektriese herstelwerk
Baie geluk met 30 jaar se voortreflike diens aan die gemeenskap. Tel - 015 516 1431 / Fax - 015 516 0658 Email - admin@sheldonprinsloo.co.za Posbus 213, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Erasmusstraat 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920
69 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516-0701
Congratulations to P&L Hardware with such an extraordinary achievement. We are proud to be associated with such an outstanding company!
Tel: (015) 517 7021
Simms wens P&L Hardware geluk met hulle 30 jaar. Voorspoed & vooruitgang word julle toegewens!
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESELvan Caltex PARAFFIEN Trotse verskaffers Produk Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098
Congratulations to the P&L team on 30 years of vision, service and dedication. All the best for the next 30!
015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
30 June 2012
Celebrating three decades of service and growth P&L has invested thousands of rands into local sports development over the years. For many years now, they have been the main sponsor of the P&L Cycling Club and also boast their own sponsored soccer team. Not only do they sponsor, but they are also actively involved in sport, with CEO André Prinsloo and his wife Melinda participating as members of the P&L Cycling Club.
Our vision • To become the major hardware and building materials supplier in South Africa. • To empower our communities through job creation, education, culture and social issues. • Not only to build in brick and mortar, but to build an affluent society in which the growth and development of our country as a whole, is enriched. • To grow profits in every P&L Hardware outlet by continuously improving buying power, range, image and standards.
We play an active role in our community
It was through P&L’s immense buying power that the club secured a R1 million sponsorship from PPC Cement over the next three years for the Kremetart Cycle Races. This year saw renowned South African cyclist Anriette Schoeman ride in the new P&L cycle gear as brand ambassador of the Kremetart Races.
We strive to keep abreast of technology - We are P&L Hardware
Congratulations and many more successful years
Tel: 015 516 5221 www.leachprinters.co.za
Congratulations on 30 successful business years. May there be many more
Nissan NP200 from R1390 p.m.
Happy 30th birthday! May there be many more.
Mount Fuji Motors SHIFT_expectations
15 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 3295 / Fax: 015 516 6051
Kroghstraat 141, Louis Trichardt • Tel: (015) 516 0294
LOUIS TRICHARDT - 77 Kruger Street Tel: 015 516 5194 / 015 516 6640/1/2 www.premjeegroup.com Global Designs & Print 012 370 4561
Joko 4x500g
Golden Cloud Cake Flour 12.5kg
Baked Beans 6x225g
Maq Washing Powder 8x2kg
Gentle Magic 6x125ml
Sunlight Laundry 42x500g
Aquafresh 12x100ml
Tamika Hair Piece EACH
Lion Matches 20x10x10's
Rainbow IQF 2kg
Knorr Soup 10's
Lux Bath Soap 12x100g
& son
Tastic Rice 10kg
Plastic Basin 90lt
Baby Line Petroleum Jelly 500ml
Black Like Me Step 1 250ml
Sunlight Washing Powder 8x2kg
Dawn 6x200ml
Shield Roll-On 6x50ml
Selati Brown Sugar 5kg
E. & O.E.
Promotion Valid: 30 June - 06 July 2011
TZANEEN - Sapekoe Avenue info@premjeetzn.co.za Tel: (015) 306 0100/(015) 037 3224/5 Fax: (015) 306 0101 WE OFFER: Call & Collect: (015) 306 0100 Fax & Collect: (015) 306 0101 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE!!! TRADING HOURS Monday - Friday: Saturday: OPEN: 07:30 OPEN: 07:30 CLOSE: 17:30 CLOSE: 13:30
Super 7 1lt
Chappies 125's
LOUIS TRICHARDT - 77 Kruger Street mpremjee@mweb.co.za Tel: (015) 516 5194/(015) 516 6440/1/2 Fax: (015) 516 1038 WE OFFER: Call & Collect: (015) 516 5194 Fax & Collect: (015) 516 1038 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE!!! TRADING HOURS Monday - Friday: Saturday: OPEN: 08:00 OPEN: 08:00 CLOSE: 17:00 CLOSE: 13:00
Amazon Monsta Pops 48's
29 Junie 2012 15
Celebrating three decades of service and growth In 2010 P&L opened a new warehouse and offices in White River (right) to supply its Low Veld stores in and around the area. In 2012 P&L opened a new corporate warehouse and offices in Polokwane (left).
Highlights .... In order to better manage and optimize its transport fleet, P&L Hardware sold in 2004 all its vehicles to a wholly owned logistics company Rio Ridge Logistics which now owns and operates a fleet of more than 130 vehicles of various sizes including 3 aircrafts. In 1996 P&L Hardware sold all its properties to a wholly owned subsidiary Optimprops 90 (Pty) Ltd and today Optimprops 90 (Pty) Ltd boasts a portfolio of more than 30 commercial and residential properties and investments in other property development companies.
.... Expansions
.... and Achievements In 2011 The Soutpansberg Chamber of Commerce’s award for Corporate Company of the Year, given to a local and wellrespected business of good standing, was scooped up by P&L Hardware. In the photo Mr André Prinsloo receives the award from Ms Jana Smith (Soutpansberg Chamber of Commerce) 2012 sees P&L join forces with another well-known brand in the north Alert Steel in a strategic alliance that includes working together on different fronts from community development to branding and advertising.
2011 saw P&L open the first of its new format stores of which they now have 7 as part of an 80 million rand expansion program for 2011 and 2012 that included increasing the size of 25 stores, and new shelving systems throughout the group as well as a total facelift to all the stores.
16 29 June 2012
Massive Birthday Specials in every branch visit us TODAY!
29 Junie 2012 17
Environmental Affairs
Invader fruit fly huge reason for concern The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has recently discovered new detections of an invader fruit fly known as Bactrocera invadens – a quarantine pest - in Limpopo Province. This fruit fly is a highly invasive species with a wide range of hosts and it causes severe damage to its host plants. The hosts include commercial fruit such as mango, citrus, guava, papaya and bananas and wild fruits such as marula and wild figs, as well as ‘vegetables’ such as bell peppers,
Stiaan Coetzee en Jannicke Derksen, albei van Makhado, het op 7 April die knoop deurgehaak. Die paartjie is in die huwelik bevestig deur pastoor Stefan Pieterse en die hele plegtigheid het by Mountain Inn plaasgevind. Fotoverskaf.
pumpkins and tomatoes. The fruit fly is said to have been spread across Sub-Saharan Africa after being detected in Kenya in 2003, and now it occurs in many African countries, including Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Zambia as well as the northern parts of Botswana, Mozambique and Namibia. It evidently also occurs in Zimbabwe. National Chief Director: Stakeholder Relations and Communications in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Mr Selby Bokaba said in a recent statement that several new detections were recently discovered in the Vhembe district this year. “The first of the series of detections occurred next to the Limpopo River on 15 February 2012 at Beitbridge, Weipe and the Pontdrift areas. The other detections occurred in the Musina town, Tshipise and in Louis Trichardt. The process of eradicating the current pest has been initiated in all the affected areas,” he said. Bokaba said that the National Plant Protection Organisation of South Africa (NPPOZA), which functions in DAFF through the Directorate Plant Health (DPH) and Directorate Inspection Services (DIS) as well as Directorate Food Import and Export Standards (DFIES), in close collaboration with the fruit industry, has put contingency actions into place since 2006. “These include a surveillance programme as part of an early warning system against exotic fruit flies,” he said, adding that traps to detect exotic fruit flies are placed in production areas, along road transects, at ports of entry and in urban areas close to municipal garbage dumps, hotels, sports grounds and other strategic places countrywide. He added that there are currently approximately 1 500 traps, with the majority located in northern Limpopo, covering border fences, border posts, roads leading from border posts as well as nearby towns and production units. According to Bokaba, quarantine measures are being implemented in all the affected areas, including the residential areas, to contain and to eradicate the pest.
Die Graad 4’s van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het verlede Vrydag hul tweede skoolkwartaal afgesluit met die hou van hul entrepreneursdag. Danksy hulle kon die ander leerlinge alles geniet van lekker snuisterye tot verfbalskiet. Maats Gerhard Maré (regs) en Karla van Zyl (links) het die kussinggeveg-stalletjie aangebied en sommer self ook die apparaat tot groot vermaak uitgetoets. Fotoverskaf.
Braambos Laerskool op Lugmagbasis Makhado het verlede Vrydag, 22 Junie, ‘n mini-basaar gehou ter fondsinsameling. Veral die tombolatafel en springkasteel het baie aftrek geniet by die kinders. Na afloop van die basaar het die skool hul hartlike dank uitgespreek teenoor die bevelvoerder van die basis, lt. genl. Schalk van Heerden, sy span en al die ouers wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Fotoverskaf.
UNIEKE TAMATIE WERKSWINKEL Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. nooi u vriendelik uit om ons Tamatie Werkswinkel by te woon in Tzaneen by die Fairview Lodge op Donderdag 12 Julie om 10:00. Die doel van die werkswinkel is om die nuutste tendense in die tamatiebedryf wêreldwyd te bespreek. Ian Blokpoel, bekende tamatieteler, fokus op ons SuidAfrikaanse teelprogram en Johan Stronkhorts sluit by hom aan om die nuutste verbouingspraktyke - wat die nuutste bemestingstendense insluit, te bespreek. Dr Schalk van Heerden gesels oor die belangrikste siektetendense en wat ons in die toekoms kan verwag, terwyl Johan Stronkhorst en Hugo le Roux van Monsanto oor die nuwe tamatievariëteite gesels asook oor nuwe variëteite wat binnekort vrygestel gaan word. Verversings en ‘n ligte middagete sal aangebied word. Die werkswinkel behoort so teen 13:00 af te sluit. Moet nie hierdie belangike geleentheid misloop nie!
Vir volledige besonderhede of om u plek te bespreek, kontak ons nou: Peet Vermaak Sel : 082 829 5090 E-pos : peet.vermaak@sakata.eu
Monica Brits Tel : (011) 548 2845 E-pos :monica.brits@sakata-eu.com
18 29 June 2012
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub se saal. Dié dans ten bate van liefdadigheid begin om 19:00 en kaartjies kos R100 per persoon, wat ‘n kerrie-en-rys ete insluit. Daar sal ook ‘n kontantkroeg beskikbaar wees. Vir kaartjies, skakel Fritz by tel. 082 564 9981.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, 1ste Sondag van die maand gesamentlike diens om 08:30, Afrikaans met peuter/kinderkerk om 08:30, English with toddler/children church at 10:30, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959
re su t ke lis t a M ou ven y re u yo
Circle 4 in Makhado will again be holding a fundraiser this Saturday, 30 June, in the form of a bootsale at the entrance to Checkers. The sale will start at 09:00 and all residents are urged to come and support this worthy cause in aid of charity. For more information, phone Ria at Tel 073 573 0690.
• AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
The Zoutpansberger’s website (www.zoutpansberger.co.za) offers rea ders a calendar entry service on their Events Page. Visitors to the website can now list their calendar entries for upcoming events on the Events Page themselves. It is as easy as merely logging in on the Events Page through your existing Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and uploading your entry. The entry will, however, not appear immediately as it has to go through a moderation process first. In addition, sport club administrators (and
for that matter church and school administrators) can contact us to directly submit events on the Events Page without a moderations process. If an administrator is listed as a user on the site, their calendar entries will show immediately. This function allows administrators to update events through the year on a platform used by ten others publications throughout the province as part of both a local and provincial calendar. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
ZoutieWeather DEURLOPEND Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)
Thursday, 28 June Bright sunshine.
High: 20oC Low: 4oC Friday, 29 June Bright sunshine.
High: 23oC Low: 7oC Saturday, 30 June Bright sunshine.
High: 25oC Low: 5oC Sunday, 1 July Bright sunshine.
High: 24oC Low: 5oC Monday, 2 July Bright sunshine.
High: 24oC Low: 7oC Tuesday, 3 July Bright sunshine.
High: 25oC Low: 5oC
• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubvergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739 geskakel word. • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD WEER BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord
in Makhado is weer volstoom aan die gang en kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoedig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. Alle mans is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.
deel van hul geldinsamelingsprojek vir hul beplande uitreik na die Suidkus in Oktober vanjaar verkoop die AGS-jeug in Makhado elke Vrydag heerlike vetkoek-en-maalvleis teen R15. Vir bestellings, skakel Leonie by tel. 084 219 4406. Bestellings moet Donderdae voor 17:00 deurgegee word en indien daar meer as tien bestel word, sal dit afgelaai word.
Wednesday, 4 July
Bright sunshine.
High: 22oC Low: 6oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2012. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
• HIER’S ONS WEER DANS Die Hier’s ons Weer Bosveld Rock Band nooi oud en jonk om op 29 Junie bietjie te kom litte losmaak
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2012. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
• LOCAL-IS-LEKKER VLOOIMARK Die volgende Local-is-Lekker vlooi-
mark in Makhado vind plaas op 30 Junie by die toerisme inligtingsentrum. Vir meer inligting of om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, skakel Marie by tel. 082 437 0747.
JULIE • AANDBLOM-TAK VIER TIEN JAAR Inwoners sal op 20 Julie nader kan
kennis maak met bekende Suid-Afrikaanse aktrise Lizz Meiring wanneer sy as gaskunstenaar optree tydens die viering van die VLU Aandblom-tak se tiende bestaansjaar. Die feesvieringe sal in die Fransie Vermaaksaal in Makhado plaasvind en begin om 18:30 vir 19:00. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon en sluit ‘n ete in. Vir meer inligting en besprekings, skakel Naomi Phillipson by tel. 082 484 7622 of Dirkje van den Berg by 083 257 2928.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 25 June. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
37.7% 99.3% 88.4% 64.5% 58% 2.3% 92.9% 32.5% 62.6% 67.2% 87.2% 88.6%
37.9% 99.9% 89.3% 64.8% 60.7% 2.4% 93.2% 33.4% 64.3% 68.2% 87.9% 89.8%
* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press
ICE AGE 4: CONTINENTAL DRIFT ¸ ˛ ◊ ß Mon-Sat: 9:45, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:45, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
˛ ◊ \
Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15
MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S ˛ Ç ß MOST WANTED Mon-Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00, 22:15 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00
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29 Junie 2012 19
gemeente (Haantjiekerk) hou vanjaar hulle jaarlikse makietie op Saterdag, 28 Julie. Verrigtinge begin om 09:00 en duur tot 14:00. Al die gebruiklike lekkernye en winskopies sal weer beskikbaar wees. Benewens die vleis, groente en vrugte teen sakpaspryse, is daar ook plante en ander versierlikhede te koop. Vir die smulpape is daar ‘n fees van aanloklikhede - die lekkerste pannekoek, hamburgers, koeke en terte, pasteie, kerrie-en-rys, slaptjips en rooiworsies, koeldrank en koeksisters. Die kinders kan hulle kom verlustig in al die verassings by die tombolatafel en die wit olifanttafel , terwyl daar nog hope ander vermaak vir oud en jonk aangebied word, soos die springkasteel, ‘n plaasdierstalletjie en sepiafoto’s wat geneem kan word. Die organiseerders beloof dat niemand teleurgesteld huistoe sal gaan nie. Navrae kan gerig word aan die kerkkantoor by 015 516 3902. • GESAMENTLIKE REVUE Hoëren Laerskool Louis Trichardt bied vanaf 31 Julie tot 2 Augustus weer saam ‘n revue aan. Die tema vanjaar is Ek’s in my element en bestaan uit liedjies wat na die elemente aarde, lug, water en vuur verwys. “Die beloof om asemrowend te wees,” sê die skole. Die revue begin om 18:30 op al drie dae in die hoërskool se saal. Op 2 Augustus is die galaaand, met ‘n kaas-en-wyn ete wat by die prys van die kaartjie ingesluit is. Vir meer inligting, skakel Adri Denner by tel. 015 516 4965.
AUGUSTUS • LETABA EXPO Landbou-ondernemings, organisasies en diensverskaffers word uitgenooi na die Letaba Expo vanaf 1 tot 4 Augustus op die Tzaneen skouterrein. Die Letaba Expo word vanjaar 70-jaar oud en ‘n uithaler landbouskou word tans haarfyn beplan, bespreek en bevestig. Uitsoek-sprekers, kwaliteit kunstenaars, boere wat trots hul lewende hawe skou, lipaflek-lekker gebak en ander sappige spyse, ‘n pret pretpark, lokaleprodukte, kranige kunswerke en selfs ‘n wynproe in die “Tropiese Tuinroete” is net’n paar van die hoogtepunte wat die Letaba Expo aan besoekers en uitstallers bied. Vir meer inligting, skakel die Agri Letaba kantoor by tel. 015 307 3509. • BROOD- EN BILTONGAAND
Die AGS Charisma in Louis Trichardt hou op 3 Augustus weer hul gewilde jaarlikse brood- en biltongaand. Dié geleentheid is al ‘n instelling in die dorp en die gemeenskap word hartlik uitgenooi na ‘n geselligheid waar elkeen soveel biltong en brood kan eet as wat hy of sy kan. Daar is verskillende soorte biltong en brode en die tafels word gereeld volgemaak. Die enigste vangplek is dat hierdie gewilde aand gewoonlik lank vooruit volbespreek is. Dit is dus noodsaaklik om so gou moontlik kaartjie te verkry om teleurstelling te voorkom.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Kaartjie kos R80 per volwassenes en R40 vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Die brood en biltongaand begin 19:00 en besprekings kan gemaak word by Magriet Naudé by 015 5162397of 084 731 3146.
• REACH FOR YOUR SLIPPERS DAY Last year, Reach For A Dream
managed to raise R175 000 to make dreams come true for children suffering from lifethreatening illnesses with their new awareness campaign ‘Reach For Your Slippers’. Residents are once again urged to get their slippers ready for this year’s Reach for your Slippers goes national day on 3 August. Even if you can’t wear your slippers to work, you can just wear your slipper sticker. Slipper stickers can be purchased at R10 each from Ralda van Wyk at tel. 082 854 5910.
• MUSINA-GEMEENTE HOU BASAAR Die Hervormde Kerk Musina-ge-
meente nooi oud en jonk na hul jaarlikse basaar. Vanjaar se feestelikhede sal op 3 en 4 Augustus plaasvind. • INNI-BERG FEES BY CVO Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg in Louis Trichardt bied weer vanjaar die Inni-Berg Fees aan op 24 en 25 Augustus. ‘n Opwindende program met top kunstenaars soos Izak Davel, Fredi Nest, Arno Jordaan, Karin Ferreira en vele meer sal oor die twee dae aangebied word. Buiten die stalletjies en biertuin, is daar ook kompetisies in die vorm van Mej. Inni-Berg Fees en Inni-Berg Karakter. Vir meer inligting oor die fees en die beskikbaarheid van stalletjies, skakel Miempie du Toit by 084 606 0165 of Raymond Pretorius by 082 899 5011. • TOMMIES HOU REÜNIE Alle oud-leerlinge wat vanaf 1955 tot 1962 verbonde was aan Hoërskool Tom Naudé en die Handelsafdeling in Pietersburg word uitgenooi na ‘n reünie op Saterdag, 25 Augustus, in Centurion. Vir meer inligting, skakel Yvonne Pienaar by tel. 082 626 0320. • ROADHOGS DAY JOL The Roadhogs motorcycle club in Makhado once again invites residents to come and have some fun with them during their annual Day Jol charity event on 25 August. The fun will start at 08:00 at the tourism information centre on the corner of Songozwi Street and the N1. The entry fee is R50 and includes a cloth badge. All funds generated this year will be donated to the local Christian Social Service (CSR) to help families in need. Activities on the day include food and other stalls, fun and games, a mass ride, loads of prizes, a cash bar and life performances by Blitz Band. For more information, phone Johan at 084 557 0149 or Yolanda at 082 972 2060.
SEPTEMBER • AASVOËLDAG GEVIER Met Internasionale Aasvoëldag wat op 1 September plaasvind beplan Birdlife Soutpansberg, in
k a t a f e a r e t S Kom ondersteun die dorpswag! Wanneer: Vanaf 7 Julie 2012 , elke eerste Saterdag van die maand. Waar: OK Grocer inkopiesentrum (Ricky’s)
samewerking met die Vriende van Blouberg, ‘n groot dag vir die geleentheid op Blouberg Natuurreservaat. Boere van Dendron, Vivo, Alldays en Waterpoort is die teiken groep. Daar is reeds sprekers gereël en aktiwiteite wat groot pret gaan wees word beplan. Meer besonderhede sal nader aan die tyd beskikbaar gestel word. Alternatiewelik, skakel Johan van Wyk by 083 251 7071.
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente hou op 1 September weer hul gewilde Lentefees in Makhado. Diegene wat belangstel kan nou reeds ‘n stalletjie bespreek by Riana Otto by tel. 084 400 9941 of stuur ‘n e-pos na rianaotto@crcnet.co.za
• THANKS GIVING FÊTE The New Apostolic Church of Buysdorp and Louis Trichardt will be holding their annual Thanks Giving fête on 29 September at the tourism information centre in Makhado in conjunction with the Localis-Lekker flea market. Pancakes, vetkoek, roti, boerewors rolls, second hand goods and clothing, cold drinks and much more will be on sale. “Hope to see you there,” say the organisers.
mountain bikers can start getting their gears oiled for the Haenertsburg Mountain Bike Race on Saturday, 30 June. The race consist of a 70km and 35km event, promising great single-, jeep and cattle tracks, as well as big climbs and spectacular views. Registration takes place from 16:00 until 20:00 on 29 June at the Iron Crown Pub & Grill and from 06:00 until 08:30 on Saturday at the starting line. Entry into the 70k race cost R150 and R120 for the 35km race. Cyclist will be required to produce a valid CSA license at registration or purchase a temporary license at R35. For more information, phone Koos at 082 990 6345 or Gerrit at 082 883 4453.
Rotary Club of Haenertsburg will on 14 July again host the popular Iron Crown Trail Run. This trail event takes place in stunningly beautiful surroundings with superb views of the mountains and the Ebenezer Dam. The 21,1km route climbs 687m to the top of the Iron Crown, the highest point in Limpopo at 2126m, with the 10km route being is less testing. In addition there is a 5km fun run. Registration will take place at the Haenertsburg Community Centre Clinic from 17:00 to 19:00 on 13 July and from 06:00 to 07:00 on 14 July. Entry fees are R90 for the 21.1km, and R60 for the 10km and 5km fun run. A temporary licence will cost R31. For more information contact Stuart Miller at 082 771 2655. • HANGLIP 54-TOERNOOI Die Soutpansberg Gholfklub herinner alle lede aan die gewilde jaarlikse Hanglip 54 toernooi wat vanaf 12 tot 14 Julie beslis word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Pieter of Erika by tel. 015 516 0991.
likse gholfdag vind plaas op 25 Augustus by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub in Makhado. Dié dag beloof om weer vir baie opwinding, en fantastiese pryse vir sommiges, te sorg. Diegene wat graag ‘n putjie of bof wil borg, skakel Michelle van Tonder by tel. 082 921 8954 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan tjgrasdakke@mweb.co.za
• PTA GOLF DAY The parent/teacher association of Messina Primary School will be hosting a fundraiser golf day on 25 August. At present, the school is looking for sponsors/
donations of any kind that will make this a successful day. Interested persons can contact Marlene van der Merwe at Tel 082 317 5777.
pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run. “Let’s better your time on a fixed route,” invites the club. The walk and run take place every Tuesday from 17:15 at their club house, next to the municipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt. For more information, phone Mark at 083 774 2264.
• WEEKLIKSE BERGFIETSRITTE Bergfietsryers van alle ouderdomme
en vlakke van fiksheid word genooi om Sondae vanaf 15:00 op ‘n nie-kompeterende basis saam te kom ry in en om Makhado. Vir meer inligting, skakel Marc Archer by tel. 083 324 8495. Lesers word uitgenooi om die koerant te skakel met al hul nuusgebeure. Persone is ook welkom om self foto’s te neem en te stuur na news@zoutnet.co.za of skakel tel. 015 516 4996/7
20 29 June 2012 By Tshifhiwa Booi
Refugees enjoying their stay in Limpopo
Touleiertjies Kleuterskool by Laerskool Levubu loot tans twee smaaklike geskenkpakke uit om fondse in te samel. Die een pak bestaan uit smulgoedjies vir kinders en ‘n kaartjie kos R5. ‘n Kaartjie vir die tweede geskenkpak kos R10 en bestaan uit lekker biltong, droëwors, droëvrugte, makadamianeute en –olie, whiskey en sjokolade. In die foto verskyn van die kleuters saam met die produkte wat vir die poging geskenk is. Die skool het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die borge van die geskenkpakke, naamlik Levubu Droë Vrugte, Levubu Spar & Tops, Denova, Royal Makadamia, Levubu Slaghuis en The Flower Bunch. Foto verskaf. Links: Bekende SuidAfrik aanse sanger Snotkop het op 2 Junie opgetree by Rumours in Makhado. Ru mours het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat sy optrede ondersteun het, asook Lalapanzi Hotel, wat Snotkop se verblyf geborg het. Afgeneem is (sittend voor, van links na regs) Bonzai en Chrisna van Rumours. Agter is Xhanté (Lalapanzi), Snotkop, Francois (Rumours) en Walter (Lalapanzi). Foto verskaf.
Refugees and homeless people communities who targeted the person perpetrating acts of viowho have left their countries most vulnerable members of lence against refugees would be of birth and are now living in the community, both hosts and arrested and punished. “We are towns such as Musina, Makha- migrants. “South Africa is a urging our communities to work do and Giyani spoke out dur- free country, compared to other together with all refugees to make ing the World Refugee Day countries, and we still need more our country and the continent function held at the Seshego safety and security from the po- prosperous. We should leave this Stadium on Saturday. lice,” she added. occasion with a renewed energy One of the refugees and a The MEC for Safety and Secu- to create a conducive environmother of three children, Yusra rity, Ms Florence Radzilani, who ment for refugees to reside in our Mohamed (30), from Mogadishu officiated on behalf of Premier province without any intimidain Somalia, said she came to Cassel Mathale, said that any tion,” Radzilani said. South Africa in 2000, after war had erupted in her country. Due to certain difficulties, her family members had to separate and went to Ethopia, Kenya, Europe and even the USA to get to places of safety. A happy Mohamed said that she felt at home in South Africa because she was married and blessed with three children, Zahra (4), Saadiq (7) and Sadaat Mohamed (10). “South Africa provides to me and my children, all born in Polokwane, a roof over our head, a meal on the table and a future far brighter than that of many other refugees.” She said it was painful when she left her country and to be separated from loved ones. She also revealed One of the refugees and a mother of three children, Ms Yusra Mohamed that her challenge was (30) from Mogadishu in Somalia, describes the turmoil in her country criminal elements in that forced her to come to South Africa in 2000.
29 Junie 2012 21
Deur Isabel Venter
Water op, maar genoeg vir woonwapark Waar kom die klaarblyklike wonder water dan nou skielik vandaan? Dit is die vraag in die gemoed van talle as daar gekyk word na die oënskynlike onuitputbare bron van water waarmee die Makhado Munisipaliteit hul munisipale parke besproei. Wenkbroue het veral gelig oor die munisipale woonwapark in
Groblerstraat, wat feitlik dag en nag besproei word. Makhado munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi is genader om uit te vind waar die skynbare wonderwater vandaan kom. Hy het na ‘n week die koerant laat weet dat die munisipaliteit ‘n “toegewyde boorgat” het wat gebruik word om die woonwapark mee te besproei.
Bobodi het voet by stuk gehou dat die munisipaliteit nie herwinde rioolwater gebruik vir dié doel nie. “Ons gebruik nie rioolwater in ons openbare parke nie,” het hy gesê in ‘n e-pos Dinsdag. “Ons besproei nie die parke as daar nie water in die dorp is nie,” het hy bygevoeg.
By Linda van der Westhuizen
“We are Africans and not Europeans” Afrikaans-speaking white people should be regarded as Africans and should not be called Europeans. This viewpoint is emphasised by Mr André Naudé of the Chairpersons Association (CA). “All local people should be regarded as Africans, even Afrikaans-speaking white people. Afrikaans is a language of this country and this language derived its name from the continent of Africa. To call the whites ‘Europeans’ is an illusion of reality,” Naudé said on 19 June at a meeting with the mayor of the Makhado Municipality, Cllr David Mutavhatsindi, the acting municipal manager, Mr Elias Mugari, directors and representatives of the
Vhembe District Municipality. In his reply, Mutavhatsindi said that he wanted to talk to Naudé on the Afrikaner-as-African idea and that he wanted to engage with all cultural groups. After the meeting, Naudé further explained that, according to what he had read from historian professor Louis Changuoin, the Bhavenda arrived in the country in the 17th and 18th century, when they migrated south from Zimbabwe and mid-Africa. The Afrikaners mark their origin as the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck in 1652. “For the past 360 years, we have not been living in Europe. It is nonsensical to still call us Europeans; we are Africans,” Naudé said. At the meeting, Naudé said that the CA stood for the unlocking of synergy among all cultural groups in Limpopo, South Africa and Africa. “When this synergy is unlocked and when there is good service delivery, harmony among people will definitely follow. At municipal level, we are not interested in politics but indeed in good service delivery and value for the taxes we pay,” Naudé said. The CA empasised the point of good corporate governance and transparency and the importance of properly trained and experienced municipal managers and directors. “We regret cadre employment and nepotism at the cost of employing of properly trained people with the necessary expertise,” Naudé said. Because of transparency and the importance of the posts of municipal manager and chief financial officer, the CA requested observer status at the interviews per letter, dated 2 May. Mutavhatsindi, however, informed them at the meeting that the CA would not be granted observer status, since he would then have to invite all stakeholders. “At the meeting, we were not afforded the opportunity to respond to the refusal of our request. The refusal is not acceptable to the CA. There has to be transparency, especially in the light of the To call the whites ‘Europeans’ is an illusion of profound impact that the decisions of a municipal reality,” says Mr André Naudé, CA chairperson. manager has on the everyday lives of residents,” Naudé said on Tuesday.
Die immergroen munisipale woonwapark in Groblerstraat, wat feitlik dag en nag besproei word, het menige inwoner laat wonder waar die water vandaan kom en waarom meeste inwoners dan elke dag sonder water sit?
As daar nie water in die dorp is nie, dan word munisipale parke nie besproei nie; maklik om te glo as mens kyk na die dor grasperk agter die munisipaliteit se kantore.
P & O VOERE Verspreiders van
Voere H/v Burger & Vorster Straat, Louis Trichardt
Aloes take centre stage at indaba Sixty scientists, horticulturalists, and dedicated enthusiasts from 12 countries - as far apart as the United States and Australia - got together last week at the Blyde Canyon Forever Resort for the Inhlaba Indaba. The conference venue was perfectly chosen for them to indulge in their passion for aloes. The Inhlaba Indaba is the first ever dedicated conference on aloes, and had been organised by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and the Succulent Society of South Africa (SSSA). Professor Gideon Smith, director of SANBI, said that the whole of South Africa was a plant paradise, with twice as many species as continental Europe, and the same number of species as the United States, despite being only a seventh of its size. The opening lecture by Professor Braam van Wyk of the University of Pretoria focussed on the natural history of aloes. Their distribution in the world shows the typical Gondwanaland pattern – from the days when the continents had not yet drifted apart – and aloes occur in Southern, Eastern, and North-Eastern Africa, as well as in Madagascar and Saudi Arabia. The plants have been known and used for 2 000 years and were first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in the first century AD. Their medicinal and nutritional value is well known, and they are also of great interest to horticulturalists. Aloes are among the few native plants on which proper breeding work has been done. Ronell Klopper from SANBI gave the audience more fascinating information about aloes of the
world. There are some common features, such as succulent leaves and tubular flowers, but the variation is enormous. There are about 600 taxa (this includes both species and subspecies), and the number increases continuously. Aloes are used in both traditional and modern medicine and is the main component in the top-selling traditional medicine in South Africa, Lennon’s ‘Lewensessens’, which is used to settle upset stomachs and can be bought in the smallest of villages. The conference opened on Tuesday, June 19, and was spread out over three days. (LiN News / Kruger2Canyon)
Besigheidsperseel te huur Besigheidsperseel in sentrale besigheidsarea (1 blok vanaf ENB, 1 blok vanaf munisipaliteit) te huur. Veiligheidstoegang met parkeerruimte vir 2 voertuie in die erf en sypaadjie parkering vir nog 3 voertuie. Totale besigheidsoppervlakte - 163.91m2. Besigheidsperseel kan ook in 2 besighede verdeel word. (49.44m2 en 114.47m2)
Ideaal geskik vir 'n besigheidskantoor van enige aard, dokter, tandarts, argitek, prokureur, rekenmeester, boekhouer of enige kantoor waar daar niks vervaardig of verkoop mag word nie.
Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2012 teen R6500 p.m. W & E ingesluit.
Vir meer besonderhede kontak: 015 516 4500 / 082 889 6597
50kg 40kg 50kg 50kg 50kg 50kg 50kg 40kg 50kg 50kg
Wilds Pille R135.50 Buffel Voer Meel R91.00 Perde Pille 10% R136.50 Bees Energie Lek Meel R143.50 Bees Proteïen Lek Meel R147.00 Honde Pille R282.00 Volledige Bees Afrond Meel R126.50 Mellasse Meel R107.00 Ram, Lam & Ooi Pille R141.00 Hoë Proteïen Konsentraat R195.00 Chop en gras bale ook beskikbaar (Alle pryse sluit BTW uit)
Vir bestellings kontak Corrie: 083 300 9940
22 29 June 2012
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23 June 2012
24 June 2012
26 June 2012
25 June 2012
27 June 2012
Support the Makhado Care Group by sponsoring him on his epic journey! Go to www.freedomchallenge2012.com today!
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19 June 2012
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© Andrew King
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29 Junie 2012 23
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083 301 8130
TE KOOP Baltimore - Lusern, Hawer, Tef, Boontjie, Grasbale en Mielie reste. Ons lewer af.
Basie Brand: 082 968 1998
Die Wawiel 2nd Hand Furniture Shop You sell, We buy!
Feel free to contact us! Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. LTT
Trokvragte Lusern-, Soyaboon- en eragrostis bale beskikbaar Kontak: 082 378 5364
3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house with living room and lounge. Securely fenced, in new extension. R5500 p.m. Deposit payable
Contact Adriaan: 072 472 8338
TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer dubbel verdieping huis, 3 badkamer, toesluit motorhuis, watertenk. Onmiddellik beskikbaar
Kontak Kern & Dekker: 015 516 0136
TE KOOP Toyota Tazz. 2004 Model. Baie goeie kondisie. R58 000 onderhandelbaar
Elmari: 082 773 2998 / Jannicke: 082 523 1206 sprentals@vodamail. co.za
Kontak: 072 199 6310
3 Bedr, 2 bath, garage, prepaid electricity, R6050 p.m.
TRAILER RENT • Trailer with double wheels and rails. Ideal for furniture removal. R400 per day. • 6 Foot Venter Trailer with closed top and nose cone. R200 per day. Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda street
Half gemeubileerde een slaapkamer woonstel te huur. R2400 p.m. W & E uitgesluit. Geen honde of katte.
Kontak: 082 944 3673
2 Bedroom flat, lock-up garage, fenced, remote control gate and use of swimmingpool. Will suite married couple without children or animals. Available on 1 July 2012. R2860 p.m. W & E excluded. Deposit payable.
FOR SALE 1427m2 stand for sale in Old Town. Municpal cost paid for water, sewerage and electricity. R310 000
Contact: 084 910 7654
Big 4 bedr, 2 bathr, braai, storeroom, borehole, electric gate, secure, R6800 p.m.
2 Bedr, 2 bathr flat, R3850 p.m.
3 Bedr, 2 bathr, electric gate, R6000 p.m.
OFFICE 124m2:
Centre of town, R12 500 p.m.
House 3 bedr, 1 bath, braai, lapa, lock-up garage, 1 Bedr flat on property, R4 950 p.m.
LEGALS IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMPOPO HIGH COURT, THOHOYANDOU Case no: AO1/2009 In the matter between: NENGWENANI GLADYS Execution Creditor and MATHISA TSHINAKAHO Execution debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgement in the Court of the Magistrate of Thohoyandou and warrant of execution dated the 14th day of JUNE 2012. The following goods will be sold in execution on this the 13th JULY 2012 at the Sheriff’s office. To the highest bidder without warranties or representations. 1 x 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE, 1 x 1 COFFEE
TABLE. Dated at Thohoyandou on this the 26th day of JUNE 2012 ANTON RAMAANO ATTORNEYS Attorneys for Execution House no: 902, P West Next to Life Bible College, Opposite Venda sUN hOTEL,, P O Box 2246, Thohoyandou, 0950 Tel: 015 962 2232/2236 Fax: 015 962 5009 REF: AR/ TM / B.528 LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 (thirty eight) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of T117903/2007 PASSED BY: MAHENDRASINH SOMBAVA RANA IDENTITY NUMBER 440917 5491 08 3 AND GANGA RANA IDENTITY NUMBER 460410 0235 188 MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO EACH OTHER IN FAVOUR OF: THE TRUSTEES FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE MADINA FAMILY TRUST Registration number: IT 1788/2005 IN RESPECT OF: PORTION 17 OF ERF 4285 LOUIS TRICHARDT EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVI N C E I N E X T E N T: 1552 (ONE THOUSAND FIFE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T117903/2007.WHICH HAS BEEN LOST OR DESTROYED.All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. DATED AT PRETORIA THIS 29TH DAY OF JUNE 2012 REGISTRAR OF DEEDS PRETORIA IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF DZANANI HELD AT DZANANI CASE NO: 24/12 IN THE MATTER BETWEEN:RAVHUTSI MAKAULULE PLAINTIFF AND EUNICE TSHIPUKE DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the execution of a judgment of the Magistrate’s court of Dzanani, in the above matter, a sale will be held at Sheriff’s Premises Dzanani T/ship on 6th July 2012 at 11H00, of the under mentioned goods: 1 x Nissan Bakkie with Registration number BRN 413 L DATED at Louis Trichardt on this 31st day of
Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 6411 Fax: 015 516 6429 E-mail: tmlaw@telkomsa. net Ref:MAT0049/2012/10049
Vacancies Vakatures Need to advertise your vacancy on this page? Phone: 015 516 4996
REAL RECRUITING Do you need staff?
We can be an integral part of your staff employment! Many candidates available: • Bookkeeping • Admin • Cashiers • Domestic Workers • Welders • Heavy Duty drivers • Plumbers • Diesel Mechanics • Lots of young job seekers available • Graphic Designer.
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• Tel: 015 516 2745 • 084 882 2744 Anderson Street 87, Louis Trichardt
Vacancy House of Interiors benodig die dienste van nog ‘n standvastige professionele
Langtermyn pos. Voldag pos en Saterdae. Vereistes: * Moet onder druk kan werk. * Ondervinding in meubelverkope en Kliëntediens. * Tweetalig, betroubaar met goeie menseverhoudings. * Ouderdom: verkieslik tussen 25 - 45 jaar. CV’s kan gestuur word na email: thehouseofinteriors@telkomsa.net of ingehandig word by: The House of Interiors, Kroghstraat 84, LTT
VAKANTE POS Werda Toyota H/v Burger & Rissik Straatt, Makhado Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6
Ons is op soek na ‘n
MOTOR VOERTUIG VERKOOPSPERSOON VEREISTES: • Toepaslike verkoopsondervinding in die motorbedryf • Rekenaarvaardig • Ten volle tweetalig Ons bied ‘n mededingende salaris met medies- en pensioenvoordele.
Faks CV vir aandag Sandra na (015) 516 1199 Indien jy niks van ons hoor teen 10 Julie nie, aanvaar asseblief dat jou aansoek onsuksesvol was.
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
24 29 June 2012
“Such acts of honesty are truly heartwarming”
n today’s world of crime, corruption, questionable business ethics and violence it is heartwarming to come across acts of honesty and caring from people one does not know. On Tuesday this week, at about 17:50, I finished doing some shopping at Pick ‘n Pay and stopped at Milky Lane to pick up a soft serve cone. Unknown to me, in the process of juggling my soft serve cone and my packages, I left my wallet on the counter, walked to my car and drove off, heading for home. I was only halfway to the Witvlag turnoff on the N1 when I received a call from a friend in Groblersdal, advising me that a lady named Elisa at Milky Lane in Makhado had found my friend’s cellphone number in my wallet and
phoned to find out how to contact me to let me know she had my wallet. Only then did I realize that I did not have my wallet in my pocket and returned immediately to Milky Lane, where I was given my wallet intact. In it I had my bank and credit cards, my driving licence and about R400 in cash. Not only did Elisa, the lady who found my wallet, display great honesty in seeking to return it to me, but she also displayed great initiative in tracing me so quickly. It is incidents like this that remind one that there are good people in this world and help restore one’s faith in mankind.
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
Julle bydraes verseker skool se suksesse
amens die personeel van Laerskool Levubu, wil ons graag dankie sê aan ons beheerliggaam, ouers, leerders en gemeenskap vir hul positiewe bydrae om van ons skool ‘n sukses te maak. Dit word hoog op prys gestel. - Laerskool Levubu hoof en personeel
- Ranald Vise (Makhado) Letter
Dear Mr President, your local government has failed us miserably
tory: The fight to decide what the town’s name the sooner people realize that the better. will be in the foreseeable future is once again - Timmy Khethani heading for the court rooms. tory: Following their acquisition of Rio omment: I say there is no logic in this whole Tinto’s Chapudi Coal Project, Australian minfutile exercise. The Hlanganani group are be- ing company Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) will ing used and the sooner they see that the better for start a series of exploration drillings on 41 farms them. Which name do the Shangaan people want ? as part of their new Greater Soutpansberg Project. Do they want Louis Trichardt? If “yes”, are they in any way culturally connected with the name omment: We can mine everything today and Louis Trichardt? Or do they want Hlanganani? get rich through damaging the environment, If “yes” do they, in their wildest dreams, think the question is what will the next generation mine the Venda speaking people who make up more and where will they live ,since we dug up the whole than 80% of the greater Makhado area will allow land - Musina Youth on The Move that to happen? The Shangaans are fighting a losing battle omment: Good comment by Musina Youth. because even their Afrikaner “friends” will not Mining companies put profits before want Makhado to be called “Hlanganani”. The eveything else and this is very worrying. They sooner people realise that this renaming thing is do very little to empower the local communities a numbers game the better. Vendas will get their whose lands they degrade with impunity. I’m even way simply because they are an unassailable worried that CoAL is a foreign company that majority in the area. Besides, the name Makha- will never have the interest of the local people at do makes both historical and political sense and heart. - Timmy Khethani
VACANCY DEBT / CREDITORS & ADMIN CLERK Working Hours: Mon-Fri 07h00 - 17h00
REQUIREMENTS: • Gr12 (Maths as subject will be an advantage) • Pastel knowledge / experience an advantage • Minimum of 3 years administration experience (FMCG) • Ability to work as part of a group • Prepared to work overtime if required • Spelling ability is of utmost importance • English & Afrikaans (fully bilingual) is a necessity. POSITION WILL CONSIST OUT OF: • Pastel Debtors & Creditors • Basic admin and reconcilliation (purchases / sales / departments)
Fax CV & photo to: 086 661 2065 / 086 531 7909 Closing date: 06/07/2012 • Starting date: A.S.A.P. (to be discussed during interview) Should you not receive any response by 20/07/2012 consider your application unsuccessful.
aymond’s Glass
VAKATURE Ons het ‘n vakante pos vir ‘n VERKOOPSVERTEENWOORDIGER Moet eie vervoer besit. Faks of email CV na: 086 619 5814 / carin@raymondsglass.co.za
ammer ek glo glad nie meer enige storie van LTT mun. of Vhembe Distriks mun. nie,dit hou net aan en aan verskonings maak en net mooi NIKS kom reg nie!!!!?? Jammer ek val nie meer vir dit nie!!!!!! - Lizette Lemmer
a ‘n verdere 4 ure het ons net ‘n straaltjie water en ons hier onder in die dorp word van boorgatwater voorsien. Nou wonder ek waar gaan die water dan heen? En mens moet die volle heffings elke maand net eenvoudig betaal. - Josie de Lange
Verantwoordelik vir alle fasette van finansiële bestuur en personeel administrasie. Moet ten volle vertroud wees met Pastel. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Geen kansvatters nie. Pos onmiddellik beskikbaar. SLUITINGSDATUM: 30 JUNIE 2012
Faks CV na 086 696 9554
TO: The Hon. State President South Africa,
ear Mr Zuma, It is with pleasure that I send you this e-mail today. We have now reached our final destination concerning your government’s inability to respond with any positive reaction to the enormous monstrosity you call Local Government in Louis Trichardt, or as you call it Makhado. The day-count is now 60 days without water in 92 Anderson Street Louis Trichardt in a period of 80 days. I am not even mentioning the 80 nights without water in the same period. I don’t even have one thought of pity for any person involved when I send this message to the media of the world today. And mark my words, I am going to send it to each and everyone I know and some thousands of those I don’t even know. The fact of the matter is that we have been deprived of having one of the basic so-called “human rights” which you wrote about in your “Freedom Charter” - namely the right to free access to fresh water every day. Now just to make it very clear: This happened since your ANC Government came into power after 1994. Since your political officials took over all the positions in our Local Council and some few hundred new positions more whereby all their accumulated power resulted in less work done than before! The farcical attempts of your political officials working here in Louis Trichardt and Vhembe Local Councils are comical to watch, but painful to endure by all who are deprived of their basic rights. I can write a book about all the corruption going on and that happened here in the last fifteen years I know of in this district. Millions spent on contracts that was never legally completed, millions spent on contracts that were never started, millions spent on contracts that led to no gain to the public for whom the supposed services was meant, the fact is Sir, there are so many of those it would be difficult to know where to start. I now realise why so many of your own people started to hate you - for all the promises of good government you made when you came to be the new State President, and almost nothing to show for it. I am not a prophet, Mr President, but today I prophesy that within five years from now, your government is going to fall flat on its face because of your poor management abilities. Sorry for that Sir, but I have no alternative because all I see is the non-existent delivery of services before me everyday and night for the last eighty days and more. Now, you will probably wonder why I write all this to you, Sir? It is because I want everybody on this globe to see that I have no political ambition in writing this, only the wish to real equality under the most modern law system in the world. Hoping to get some response from your person on all this. Kind regards, - Charles Skeen cskeen@telkomsa.net
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
eloof staan geduring voor ‘n keuse. In Moses het ons ‘n treffende voorbeeld van wat so ‘n keuse alles insluit. In Hebreërs 11:24-26 sien ons aan die een kant is: a) Die eer van die wêreld, “die seun van Farao se dogter genoem te word.” b) Die genot van die wêreld, “genieting van sonde.” c) Die rykdom van die wêreld, “die skatte van Egipte.” Aan die ander kant is lyding en veragting; “sleg behandel te word saam met die volk van God” en “die smaad ter wille van Christus.” Deur die geloof het Moses die regte keuse gemaak, want “hy het na die belo ning uitgesien.” Geloof beskou alles in God se lig en in die lig van die ewigheid. Dan word wat in die wêreld begeerlik is, alles nietighede. Wat op aarde as ondraaglik beskou word, lyding en smaad, word in God se lig as groot rykdom en ewige heerlikheid gereken. Daarom is so baie Christene se geloof so swak, daar is geen skeiding van die wêreld nie, eerder vriendskap en gelykvormigheid. Eie eer is iets wat vir baie Christene nog belangrik is. Jesus bid in Johannes 17:16: “Hulle is nie van die wêreld nie, net soos Ek nie van die wêreld is nie.” Wat die wêreld bied is tydelik, wat God bied is ewig. As jy deur die geloof die regte keuse wil maak soos Moses, doen dan wat Galasiërs 5:25 sê: “Ons lewe deur die Gees, laat die Gees nou ook ons gedrag bepaal.” - 079 5168303 Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
adele@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za http://www.zoutnet.co.za
NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter 073 349 1587 Correspondents / Korrespondente: Frans van der Merwe 084 078 8606 Linda van der Westhuizen 084 516 0223 Nic Hoffmann 083 257 3144 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Kock 082 972 2060 Pieter Jooste 083 562 1234 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234) The Zoutnet Group is a member of Print Media SA and subscribes to the various Codes of Conduct within the newspaper industry. Any complaints about any article published in this newspaper, can be directed to either the editor or The Press Ombudsman of South Africa, PO Box 47221, Parklands 2121. Tel: (011) 788 4829, Fax: (011) 788 4990, E-mail: pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za The Press Ombudsman does not accept complaints about advertising, and deals only with written complaints made ten working days after publication. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.
29 Junie 2012 25
Mari-Louise one of five national finalists Mari-Louise Eloff, hairstylist at CJay’s Hairsalon, has a chance to be selected as the national winner of Goldwell’s international Colorzoom Challenge 12 competition. Mari-Louise (28) is one of five finalists in South Africa. The national winner will be invited to the Color Zoom Global Event in London with international live hands-on competition, staged in October this year. She entered in the category Global New Talent Colorist for junior stylists who have less than five years professional experience. Mari-Louise has been with CJay’s for the past two-and-a-half years. The competition is for those who are trendsetters. This year’s trend is inspired by nature, with its “glorious colours and surreal diversity of shapes …fascinating and inspiring to everybody that is creative,” says Goldwell and calls this trend FasciNature. Mari-Louise was inspired by a protea and developed her own interpretation of FasciNature, using her own colour techniques. She chose her cousin, Nelda Erasmus, of Nelspruit as model and entered a photo taken by Ray Olwage of Louis Trichardt. The judging criteria state that the work is judged “based on originality and trend relevance. What counts is the appearance and attractiveness of the overall look”. The look that Mari-Louise created was indeed original and noticed by the judges. Her model’s hair was coloured to reflect the colours of the protea, South Africa’s national flower. The young finalist’s mentor, Connie de Sousa, is understandably proud of her. “Mari-Louise’s idea
of the protea was lovely,” Connie, owner of the salon, said on 25 June. It is not the first time that Connie’s stylists have ended up as national finalists. “Almost every year we have someone in the finals. We encourage our hairstylists to enter competitions. It’s good for you and encourages creativity,” Connie said. Connie herself has won a number of competitions and was invited to Berlin as national winner of the Goldwell competition in 2004.
Hierdie leerlinge van CVO Skool Zoutpansberg het almal aan die onlangse Kremetart Fietswedrenne deelgeneem. Voor is Hennie Badenhorst. In die middel is Dihan Pretorius, André Breytenbach, Dusha Jones, Kabous Odendaal en Rickus van der Merwe. Agter is Hendrik Badenhorst, Gray Badenhorst, Moné Prinsloo, Ruda Schoeman, Jandré van Jaarsveld (Kremetart organiseerder) en Janco Marais. Gray het eerste geëindig in die 10km-wedren en sy prys was ‘n nuwe fiets, wat op 20 Junie aan hom oorhandig is. Fotoverskaf. Deur Anton van Zyl
Dr Casper byna by die halfpadmerk
van hulle het ‘n dag na Casper se dag kan verbeter. (Vervolg van p. 26) Die volgende paar dae gaan na Na verwagting gaan Casper groep weggespring, maar is reeds hard probeer om die resies in ver by hulle verby en was teen alle waarskynlikheid Casper se minder as 20 dae te voltooi. Die druktyd verby Baviaanskloof vernuf en uithouvermoë tot die groep ryers saam met hom sluit in die Wes-Kaap. Dreyer was maksimum beproef. Die koue Ezanda Grobler in wat gaan poog ‘n paar uur voor Harris, maar weer en sterk winde maak die om die vrouerekord vir die resies of hy die voorsprong sal behou vordering moeilik en hulle het Mari- Louise Eloff, hairstylist at CJay’s te verbeter. Die vroue se rekord sal eers teen die einde van die nog ‘n paar bergpasse om oor is tans 19 dae en bykans 8 ure week duidelik wees. Hulle wil te kom voordat hulle deur die Hairsalon wat in 2011 deur Tatum Prins die roete in minder as 12 dae Karoo is. Casper neem aan die voltooi om sodoende ‘n nuwe Freedom Challenge deel om geld opgestel is. Duiwenuus Wat die mansresies betref, rekord op te stel. Gemeet aan in te samel vir die Makhado Care word dit oorheers deur twee hulle vertoning tot dusver is die Group, ‘n plaaslike groep wat legendariese deelnemers, Alex kanse goed dat hulle die rekord hulle beywer om sorg te bied aan Lede van die Soutpansberg voor gekry tydens hul Duitse-, Volgens klublid Danie Lou- Harris en Martin Dreyer. Albei (12 dae en 15 ure) met ‘n volle kankerpasiënte. Posduifklub het die afgelope jaaroud- en opewedvlug vanaf rens het hy teen Dinsdagmiddag Uitslae/Results naweek letterlik die wind van Petroport. steeds vir van sy duiwe wat Tafelrondte Zoutpansberg 66 Dag Saterdag losgelaat is, gewag. Volgens hom Datum Borg Formaat het die wind die duiwe Tafelrondte ZPB 66 IS 23/06/12 blykbaar heel deurmeNaam Punte Plek kaar gewaai. “Ons het WEEK 6 - Rustenburg 3e en Dreyer Hokke 4de. Die eerste Veiling wedvlug 1 J Gijsbers uittel 38 baie duiwe verloor,” het Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se twee wedvlugte het het ook plaasgevind en ‘n duif van Dreyer Hokke die afgelope naweek vanaf Rustenburg plaasgevind gevlieg deur Royal Hokke wen die eerste plek. 50% Danie gesê. 2 K Barkhuizen uittel 38 oor ‘n afstand van 400km. Die eerste wedvlug, die van die prysgeld wat die duif wen word deur Dreyer Ongeag die talle dujongduif kompetisie word gewen deur Sekelbos Hokke geskenk aan die klub. Royal Hokke klok ook 3 C Eveleigh uittel 37 iwe wat soek geraak Hokke van Bernard Volschenk, een van ons Juniors, die 2de en 3de veiling duiwe met Nick Enslin in die 4 D Wolmarans uittel 37 met Royal Hokke van Gerhard Bezuidenhout 2de, 4e plek. Geluk aan al die lede met hulle prestasies het, is dit Tiny de Klerk 3de en 4de. In die Ope wedvlug klok Pienaar Hokke behaal. Ons vlieg volgende naweek vanaf Coligny wat die Duitse-wedvlug 5 C Whitcomb 36 snr van Ben Pienaar 1ste en 2de met Royal Hokke oor ‘n afstand van 515 km. Sterkte aan almal. inpalm, nadat sy wen6 A Jandrell uittel 35 HANGKLIP POSDUIF KLUB - 2012 Fixtures/Bepalings duif die afstand voltooi 7 D Eveleigh Datum 23 Junie 23 Junie uittel 35 met ‘n spoed van 1102 Opkomende Kompetisie Loslatingspunt 8 I Steyn Rustenburg Rustenburg uittel 33 meter per minuut. Hy Datum Kompetisie Formaat palm ook die 2de tot 7de Tipe Jongduif Ope 9 P Grobler uittel 33 30/06/12 Junior Kampioenskappe plekke in. T&H Meyer Wedvlug No 4A 4B Woensdagspel HS 07/07/12 Maandelikse Houespel was 8ste, 16de, 17de Afstand- KM 400 400 Datum Borg Formaat en 20ste, Marx Hokke 12/07/12 Hanglip 54 (Dag 1) Duiwe Deelgeneem 179 179 SPB Gholfklub 9de, 15de en 19de, Isaac IS 20/06/12 Weeklikse Byeenkomste Naudé 10de tot 14de en Wenspoed-Meters per minuut 1159.98 1196.24 Naam Punte Plek Danie 18de. Woens Woensdag-kragmeting IS Christo Coetzee 29+33+41+42 24+45+46 1 S Krügel uittel 40 In die jaaroudwedvSundowner Vry IS Dercksen & Seun 11+16+18+19+34 17+18+29+30+32 2 Z Nortje uittel 40 lug spog Marx Hokke BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, Dreyer Loft 7+21+22+27+28 4+15+41+43+44 HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie met ‘n wen, met hul 3 P Grobler 38 Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier Eric Nel 32+35+39+43+44 16+25+26+28+38 duif se wenspoed van 1090.58 meter per minHippo Hokke 24+26+40+48+49 4+23+31+50+52 uut. Hulle was ook 3de Mimosa Hokke 14+15+25+30+31 13+14+19+20+37 en 9de, Isaac Naudé Nick Enslin 5+8+9+10+12 11+12+21+33+34 was 2de, 5de en 7de, Pienaar Hokke Snr 13+23+37+38+46 1+2+39+40+49 T&H Meyer 4de, 6de en 8ste, Louis Gossman Pienaar Hokke JNR 36+45+46+47 27+42+51+53 10de, 11de en 16de, Royal Hokke 2+3+4+6+20 3+7+8+9+10 Tiny 12de, 13de en 15de Sekelbos Hokke 1+17 6+22+35+36+47 en Danie 14de, 17de en 18de. 23-Jun-12 KLUB KAMPIOEN VEILING WEDVLUG NO.1 In die opewedvluf Eienaar (50%) Teler(30%) Hok(20%) Plek HOK PUNTE is dit T&H Meyer wat Klub Dreyer Lofts Royal Hokke 1 Royal Hokke 438 met die louere wegstap, Dreyer Lofts Eric Nel Royal Hokke 2 nadat hul wenduif die Nick Enslin 428 afstand voltooi met ‘n Mimosa Christo Royal Hokke 3 Mimosa Hokke 412 Coetzee spoed van 1132.52 meDreyer Loft 355 Nick Enslin Nick Enslin Nick Enslin 4 ter per minuut. Hulle Dercksen & Seun 292 was ook 2de en 3de. Ben Pienaar ben Royal Hokke 5 Isaac was 4de, 5de en Die eerste wenner van Tafelrondte Zoutpansberg (ZPB) 66 se Freddie de Swart-wisseltrofee was Eric Nel 292 Nick Enslin Nick Enslin Nick Enslin 6 6de, Marx Hokke 7de, Johan Gijsbers. Hy het Saterdag dié trofee met 38 individuele Stableford-punte gewen, tydens Pienaar Hokke Snr 234 Trompie Hofmeyer venter Mimosa 7 13de en 14de, Louis die Tafelrondte se gholfdag. Van links na regs is klubkaptein, Pieter Senekal, Andrè Muller bartlo Oerlemans mimosa Mimosa 8 Hippo 217 8ste, 9de en 16de, Tiny (voorsitter van Tafelrondte ZPB 66), wenner Johan, en Johan Cronjé (namens die hoofborg 10de, 11de en 12de en Raymond´s Glass, asook ‘n nuwe tafelaar). Mimosa Christo Royal Hokke 9 Sekelbos Hokke 208 GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: Coetzee Danie 15de, 17de en Christo Coetzee 179 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 18de. Eerskomende Bertus Mentjies Bertus Royal Hokke 10 Pienaar Hokke Jnr 130 Meintjies BURGER STREET TEL (015) 516 2245 naweek word die klub se TRADING HOURS: Mon Thurs: 8am 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / produksieveiling vanaf Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm Heidelberg beslis. kan ons voorsiter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152
Duiweboere kry die wind van voor
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
2012 Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 6
The 19th hole
26 29 June 2012
• Tel: 015 516 3504 • Fax: 015 516 3831 • 16 Kort Street, Louis Trichardt / Makhado
Dr Casper amper by halfpadmerk
Fanie en Loureth Otto van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub het op 23 en 24 Junie deelgeneem aan die Limpopo Meesterstoernooi. Fanie eindig algeheel tweede in die ope mans-afdeling, terwyl Loureth vierde eindig in die ope vroue-afdeling.Fotoverskaf.
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Dr. Casper Venter besig met ‘n “rustige” stap uit teen Lehanas. “Yip, ons het al die pad van onder uit die vallei gekom,” het hy opgemerk. (Kyknasyvorderingopp.22) Deur Anton van Zyl Teen druktyd was dr. Casper Venter bykans by die halfpadmerk in die uitmergelende Freedom Challenge. Hy was een van die 29 oorblywende deelnemers aan hierdie marathon bergfietsrit van meer as 2 300 kilometer wat vanaf Pietermaritzburg tot by Wellington in die Wes-Kaap strek. Woensdagoggend was die groep waarin Casper ry op pad na Hofmeyr in die Oos-Kaap. Sedert hulle op Maandag, 18 Junie, weggespring het, het hy reeds naby 800 kilometers voltooi wat verskeie
meebring dat hulle dikwels vroegoggend wegspring en tot laat in die nag ry. Casper se fiets se raam het ‘n paar dae gelede gekraak, maar tot dusver help die stuk bloudraad en pypklamp om alles bymekaar te hou. Volgens sy vriend, Bas Rennings, is Casper steeds baie positief om die tog te voltooi en verloop alles nog relatief volgens plan. Bas help om die webtuiste op te dateer waar Casper se vordering gevolg kan word (www. freedomchallenge2012.com). (Vervolg op p. 25)
R164 995 R164 995 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D SRX 63 831km
bergpasse en dele deur modder en sneeu ingesluit het. Die Freedom Challenge word beskou as een van die strafste uitdagings waaraan atlete kan deelneem. Die fietsryers is op hul eie aangewese en moet met behulp van roetekaarte hul weg van die een oornagpunt na die volgende vind. Die oornagstasies is dikwels plaashuise of ou skoolgeboutjies en die fietsryers moet self besluit of hulle wil stop of deurdruk na die volgende punt toe. Die deelnemers het net 26 dae om die roete te voltooi, wat
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