Zoutpansberger 29 November 2013

Page 1


29 November 2013


PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Eleven die in horror crash on N1 south - page 3

Jaargang 29 Vol. 47

Zohra receives Minara award for helping poor - page 4

(Page 12 & 13)

Veral boere juig oor afgelope paar weke se welkome reën oor streek

Dit reën lekker Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Die heerlike reën wat in die Soutpansbergstreek begin het, bring glimlagte, ‘n lafenis en die hoop vir meer … “Ons is verheug! Net die feit dat die reën dit lekker koel gemaak het, tel al punte. Dit is ‘n lafenis na die hitte en die droogte. Ek sien sommer uit na die oestyd; daar is pragtige vrugset op die avokados en neute,” het ‘n boer van Levubu, mnr. Dries Joubert, op 21 November gesê te midde van ‘n lekker reënbui. Teen Dinsdag het Levubu se reënneerslae vanaf verlede Woensdagnag gewissel van 30 tot 60mm. “Dit is die begin van die seisoen. Ons het in die algemeen sagte reën gehad en hier en daar ‘n swaar bui. Musina het 30 tot 40mm reën gehad,” het mnr. Stephen Hoffman, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie (SDLU), op 22 November gesê. Hoffman het genoem dat Levubu se avokado- en neutbome wat later geblom het, mooi lyk. “In Julie en vroeg Augustus was daar probleme met swamme en die blokke wat vroeg geblom het, lyk nie mooi nie. Ons verwag normale oeste, nie groot oeste nie. Wat die piesangs betref, het die elektrisiteitsonderbrekings die piesangs baie skade aangedoen,” het Hoffman gesê . Op die plaas Brakspruit by Bandelierkop is 116mm reën gemeet, 80mm by die plaas Rondehoek en 46mm by Groblersbult. “Die gras loop nou weer mooi uit. Die Bonsmaras se kondisie was af, maar gaan nou begin optel. Ek is baie positief dat ons nog reën gaan kry. Ons kort vinnig opvolgreën. Almal het nog baie reën nodig!” het mnr. Barries Barnard, voorsitter van die Bandelierkop Boerevereniging, gesê. Me. Hester Bayes van die SDLU het berig dat Vivo teen verlede Donderdag 30mm gehad het, Waterpoort 30 tot 60mm, Alldays 20mm en Linton 25 mm lekker sagte reën. Naby die Mara Navorsingstasie is vroeër 75mm ontvang en weer 45mm. Bayes berig dat Vivo se lande oorspoel is en dat aartappels uitgespoel het wat

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uitgehaal moet word. Die aartappels is reg vir uithaal, maar weens die kleigrond kan daar nie in die lande ingekom word nie. Volgens mnr. Bastiaan Huyts van Mopani het daar 22mm reën by Mopani geval, 40mm by Bokmakierie en 60mm na Tshipise se kant toe. “In Mopani kry ons so 300mm reën per jaar. Ons het dus al amper 10% van ons reën gekry! Die veld begin verbeter. Die wild lyk nog redelik goed,” het Huyts gesê. Mnr Monty van Niekerk het gesê dat Masekwa 50mm reën gehad het. “Die bome en bos begin groen word, maar die gras het opvolgreën nodig. Die wild lyk maar skralerig, maar sal nou begin aankom,” het Van Niekerk gesê. In Makhado (Louis Trichardt) was November ‘n maand van welkome reënbuitjies, nadat September ‘n skrale 15mm en Oktober 22mm opgelewer het. Hierdie reënvalstatistieke is gekry by mnr. Willie Agenbacht, wat daagliks om 18:00 lesings neem en dit getrou aanteken. Oom Willie se reënboekie wys dat daar tussen 1 November en 18 November vyf klein buitjies geval het, met ‘n totaal van 44mm. Op 21 November het oom Willie 63mm gemeet en op die 22ste 15mm. Teen Dinsdagaand (26ste) was daar darem 5mm in die reënmeter. “Ek dink die vooruitsigte vir nog reën is goed, veral as ek na die klein swart miertjies en die groot swart miere kyk. Hulle werk dat die stof so staan,” het oom Willie gesê. Mnr. Cobus Olivier, ‘n wetenskaplike van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdiens en navorser oor weervoorspellings, het in Oktober en in November die drie-maandelikse voorspellings aangestuur. Die persentasie kans vir ‘n bo-normale reënval word aangegee. Bo-normaal word gesien in die lig van die gemiddelde reënval van baie jare. Die hoogste kans word aangegee as 50% en meer. In Oktober het die drie-maande voorspelling vir November, Desember en Januarie getoon dat die kanse in dele van die Soutpansberg-streek 50% en meer is om ‘n bo-normale reënval te kry.

Die welkome reën in Makhado (Louis Tri­ chardt) het nie almal onkant ge vang nie. Hierdie innoverende sambreelhuisie van ‘n kar tondoos gemaak het goed gewerk om droog te bly...

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29 November 2013

BUSINESS talk By Isabel Venter

Rae’s Café the place for a nice cuppa Rae’s Café, situated along the N1 north in the Soutpans­ berg, is the perfect place for friends to meet over a cup of coffee or tea. Come and relax in the serene garden with its newly opened

tea garden and pick a spot to suit your mood. The tea garden, which forms part of the AvocaVale Hotel, was closed for more than a year. Now, the newly opened coffee shop boasts a menu

Let us know about your new business or service in town

jam-packed full of the most scrumptious light breakfasts, lunches and a selection of BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on home-made sweet and savoury new developments in the local business treats. All the meals are prearena. pared freshly at the tea garden. To enable us to keep the column running The garden, full of shade, also offers a jungle gym where on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are children can safely enjoy theminvited to contact the newspaper and let us selves. The tea garden offers know of new developments regarding new a wide range of handmade businesses or services less than a year old. leather shoes, jams, books and textiles for sale. Sakenuus If you are looking for the perfect spot to host your next birthday party or event, Rae’s Café is available for hire, with Die Bakoond in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) catering options. If pre-arhet hul vlerke gesprei. ranged, vegan and vegetarian Eienaar tannie Tokkie Engelbrecht se produkte meals can be arranged for the sal ook nou voortaan by Fruit & Veg Food Lovers event. Rae’s is also registered to serve wines and malts with meals. The tea garden will be open on Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00. Manager Rae McMurtrie reminds residents that the hotel will still be open on Sundays for serving lunch. During the week, the hotel will serve meals from an a la carte menu, after the tea garden is closed. For more information or for bookings, Rae’s Café can be Rae and Baldwin invites their clients to come and dine with contacted at 087 820 2472 or 083 463 5450. them next time they feel like a good cuppa.

Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Bakoond besig om hulle vlerke te sprei Market beskikbaar wees. “Gaan loer gerus in,” nooi tannie Tokkie. Vir meer inligting kan sy geskakel word by tel. 015 516 6968.

Onder leiding van nuwe bestuur is daar tans opwindende veranderinge besig om plaas te vind by die Hennetjie Nes se deli in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Janelle Dreyer (links) en Janene Holtzhausen (regs) het die deli onder hande geneem en dit sal weer vanaf Maandag, 2 Desember, oop wees vir die publiek vanaf 07:00 tot 17:00 op Maandae tot Vrydae en vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 op Saterdae. Daar sal nou ook ligte maaltye bedien word, asook ‘n groter verskeidenheid van gebak en snoeperye teen beter pryse. “Kom en ondersteun die dorp se plaaslike baksters,” nooi Janene en Janelle. Met die heerlike somervakansie wat aangebreek het, sal die deli ook roomyse en “floats” bedien. Hennetjie Nes is geleë te Erasmusstraat 36 en vir bestellings kan die deli gekontak word by 015 518 4094, 083 290 7534 (Janene) of by 083 397 3695 (Janelle).

Harcourts recently re­branded their rental department to rentalsDOTcom. With the support of rentalsDOTcom, they have a vehicle to provide world­class service to their landlords and tenants. With regard to Harcourts in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), they have two full­time staff members, Cornelia du Preez and Yvonne Gregerowski, to help ensure top service. Pictured from left to right are Yvonne, Jana Smith (local Harcourts principal) and Cornelia. Photo supplied. Real Estate

Harcourts re-brands rental department Harcourts is a well­estab­ lished brand in the real estate industry and, under the Harcourts umbrella, the brand can serve their sellers with all their property needs. Under the same roof, Harcourts have re-branded their rental department to rentalsDOTcom. With the support of rentalsDOTcom, they have a vehicle to provide world-class service to their landlords and tenants. Not only do they have access to top-of-the-range technology and systems, but they also have a support base with full

day-to-day support and training available. This rental system has a comprehensive suite of tools that will make it easier for them to manage their rental property more efficiently and thus provide their landlords with better service. This includes the management of maintenance calls, inspections, leases, renewals, exits, defaults and lots more. However, the real attraction and benefit to their clients is that the property owners can now, with their personal login details, get access to view

their own personal details, view their latest statements on demand, or download signed documents, photos of the property, municipal and body corporate accounts. They can access the system from anywhere in the world to check the status of maintenance calls that were logged on any one of their properties or see what is happening with a defaulting tenant. This way, Harcourts is ensuring you 100% transparency and they are compelled to stay on their toes and provide clients with only the best service.


Yet another accolade for DinnerMates

DinnerMates in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) added another accolade to their list of achievements by being selected as PURCO’s number one Supplier of the Year out of 40 suppliers at TukRes (University of Pretoria). The award ceremony took place at the Groenkloof Dining Hall on 13 November. The professionalism and team effort by the whole DinnerMates team, from the factory right through to despatch, drivers, sales team and administration departments, ensured them a first place. The criteria used for evaluation included quality of products, pricing, delivery, service and administration. Pictured from left to right are Mr Roy Venus (DinnerMates senior sales consultant), Mr Robert Rauch (DinnerMates owner), Mr Marius Pieterse (contracts manager for PURCO SA), Ms Eleanor van der Heever (DinnerMates sales manager) and Mr Manfred Rauch (DinnerMates IT manager). Photo supplied.


29 November 2013


Deur Isabel Venter

Nat pad en wye slaggat sorg vir groot skrik Voor verlede week se goeie reën was talle van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se strate reeds ‘n gemors, maar ná die reën is dit nog ‘n groter gemors. Derhalwe kan die reën sekerlik nie alleen die blaam dra vir die toestand van die paaie nie, want die reën is beslis welkom. Te midde van verlede Donderdag se vroegoggend reënbui het die swak toestand van die dorp se strate ten minste vir een persoon ‘n groot skrik veroorsaak. ‘n Voertuigbestuurder van Co-

ca-Cola Fortune het niksvermoedend met sy afleweringsbakkie in ‘n reuse slaggat ingery, nogal in Songozwistraat, een van die dorp se hoofstrate. “Ek het nog gedink ek gaan hier by Game indraai, maar toe val die bakkie in die gat,” het mnr. Elias Muvhango aan die koerant gesê. Aangesien die hele pad onder water was, was dit vir hom onmoontlik om die slaggat te sien. Feitlik die hele agterste as van Elias se bakkie het in dié gat ingesink en hy moes inderhaas die bakkie laat insleep

Coca Cola Fortune in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se aflewerings­ bakkie wat verlede Donderdag vasgeval in ‘n massiewe slaggat in Songozwistraat. Hierdie slaggat was maar een van talle nuwe slaggate wat in die afgelope week hul opwagting gemaak het. Teen Dinsdag (26ste) was die slaggat nog nie herstel nie.

voordat die yskaste wat hy vervoer het ook in die slag gebly het. Hierdie slaggat waarin Elias geëindig het, was nie die enigste van sy soort nie. Teen Saterdag het die klagtes ingestroom van nuwes. Op die hoek van Parksingel- en Tambotiestraat het die hele pad ‘n sloot ingeval, en plek-plek sinkgate gemaak. Hlanganani- en Kortstraat lyk nou erger as ooit. Die padwerke aan die sypaadjies in Munnik- en Stubbsstraat het ook ‘n groot terugslag belewe. By navraag het mnr. Louis Bobodi, die Makhado munisipale woordvoerder, gesê die nuwe slaggate is te wyte aan die reën. Hy wou hom nie uitlaat oor spesifieke vrae rondom die materiale wat in die eersteplek gebruik is om die slaggate mee te vul nie. “Die persoon verantwoordelik is nie beskikbaar vir kommentaar hierdie week nie,” het Bobodi Dinsdag gesê. Bobodi het ook vrae geïgnoreer dat die slaggat in Songonzwistraat veroorsaak is deur munisipale werkers wat ‘n week vantevore die pad opgekap het om aan ‘n verstopte rioolpyp te werk en die gat bloot met grond opgevul het. Bobodi het wel bevestig dat die munisipaliteit tans besig is om die slaggate in die dorp te herstel. “Hou ons net dop; volgende week sal jy sien al die slaggate is reggemaak,” het Bobodi gesê.

The Gudwill bus that was carrying passengers from Johannesburg to Harare. Eleven people were killed, including the driver of the bus, when the bus overtook a truck on a barrier line, just before the Capricorn Toll Gate Plaza. Photo: Jimmy Machaka / Limpopo Roads and Transport spokesperson. By Isabel Venter

Eleven die in horror crash on N1 south Eleven people were killed and several others injured last Friday morning (22nd) in a horrendous bus accident along the N1 south, between the Capricorn Toll Gate Plaza and Matoks. This fatal crash, according to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), occurred after a bus had overtaken another vehicle on a solid barrier line and collided head-on with an oncoming sedan. The bus, belonging to Gudwill Luxury Coaches, was ferrying passengers from Johannesburg to Harare. The accident occurred around 02:00 in the morning. Eleven people were killed on impact, including the drivers of

both the bus and the sedan. Five of the 11 people killed were tra­ velling in the sedan. Six people were critically injured and 11 seriously, while 33 passengers sustained minor injuries. Emergency workers had their hands full to dispatch all the injured to various hospitals in the area for treatment. An estimated 56 passengers were on board the bus. The national road had to be closed for traffic for several hours to allow rescue workers to remove the bodies of those who had died and those who were still trapped under the capsized bus. Following Friday’s accident, the MEC for Roads and Transport, Mr Lehlogonolo Masoga,

and the Limpopo Premier, Mr Stanley Mathabatha, visited the survivors of the accident in hospital to express their heartfelt sympathy with them and their families. Friday’s horrific crash, said the RTMC, happened at a time when it was busy intensifying its road safety plans, ahead of the busy festive season. The bus accident occurred on the same day as the horror crash in Umkhomazi, Kwazulu Natal. This accident claimed the lives of 14 people, leaving three seriously injured. The accident happened when a taxi driver lost control due to brake failure, according to the RTMC, and collided with a stationary truck.



96 Grobler Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 1663 • Fax: 015 516 1625 • Cell: 084 461 4048 Trading hours: Mon: 09:00-18:00 • Tue-Fri: 08:00 - 18:00 • Sat: 08:00 - 15:00 • Sun: 09:00 - 12:30

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59.99/kg Lamb Packs

Actual products on offer may differ from visuals shown, as these are serving suggestions only. Hawkers and traders welkom, we reserve the right to limit quantities. E&OE



29 November 2013 By Anton van Zyl

Mrs Zohra Noor receives the Minara Community Builder Award from the CEO of FK Global Events, Ms Farrana Kader.

Zohra receives Minara award for helping poor Zohra Noor, wife of local businessman Solly Noor, received the coveted Minara Chamber of Commerce award last week for her contribu­ tion to uplifting the poor and building a better South Africa. The awards were handed over during a stylish dinner function held in Durban. Other recipients of awards included the Protea cricket player, Hashim Amla (Young Achiever Award), Prof Adam Habib (Leadership Award) and Dr Iqbal Surve (Business Person of the Year). Zohra Noor was introduced to the guests by Farrana Kader, CEO of FK Global Events. “The Solly and Zohra Noor Foundation has distributed millions of rands to phenomenal causes in South Africa and elsewhere in the world directly and through the World Memon Organisation,” she said. “She (Zohra) could sit back and enjoy the trappings of luxury, but (she) has devoted herself to helping the less fortunate. She identifies projects and good causes and ensures that the foundation and her husband fund these causes.” Ms Kader told the guests that Zohra had been an inspiration to all of them. “We know that she does not want to be recognised for all the work that she has undertaken behind the scenes, but we want to

acknowledge and recognise her … Zohra Noor is an unassuming icon who represents all those women who are the power behind the throne and are never acknowledged,” she said. The function was attended by several dignitaries, which included the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordan as keynote speaker. In his address he said, among other things, that far too many people in the country were concerned about making quick deals and were not worried about how it affected other people. He said South Africans had forgotten what it meant to have empathy. The Minara Recognition Awards is an annual event and seeks to recognize and acknowledge the exceptional achievements and talents of the nominees in their respective categories as a tribute to them. This year’s recipients are: 1. Lifetime Achievement Award: The late Mr Walter Sisulu 2. Leadership Award: Professor Adam Habib 3. Businessperson of the year: Dr Iqbal Surve 4. Young Achiever Award : Hashim Amla 5. Community Builder Award: Mrs Z Noor 6. Professional Achiever Award: Judge Zak Yacoob

Katen Barnard, a Form 3 student from Ridgeway College in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), became one of the journalists of the Zoutnet Group during the past week as part of the college’s annual work week project (from 25 until 29 November) for students. The aim of the project is for students to find out more and gain experience about possible careers they are interested in pursuing after school.

“Die mooiste, mooiste nuttige en bekostigbare Kersfeesgeskenke vir elkeen is Woensdag, Donderdag en Vrydag van 12:00 tot 20:00 en Saterdag van 08:00 tot 15:00 op uitstalling by die Volle Evangelie kerk in Rissikstraat in Makhado (Louis Trichardt)”, sê die bedrywige vroue van die kerk. In die foto word ‘n wye verskeidenheid pottebakkersartikels en nuttige, kunstige en sierlike geskenke uitgepak deur (van links) Heleen de Jager en Ilze Rheeder.

Bo: ‘n Opgewonde hoofseun en -meisie van Hoër­skool Louis Trichardt, Danièl Coetzee en Elouise Spies, net voor hul vlug na Frankryk die afgelope week. Hulle vorm deel van die Rotariërs se korttermyn uitruilskema waar hulle vir ses weke saam met hul “gasstudent” sal skool gaan en meer van hulle land en sy mense leer. Dit is darem nie net werk nie en daar wag besoeke aan Parys, België, Nederland en ‘n ski-vakansie in die berge op Danièl en Elouise. Foto verskaf. Regs: Glad nie bang om alleen te vlieg nie! Marianca Mattheus is nog ‘n leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wat vir die volgende ses weke, as deel van die Rotariërs se jaarlikse uitruilskema vir leerlinge, bietjie oorsee gaan kuier. Hier is sy Saterdagaand afgeneem waar sy vol af­wagting gewag het vir haar vlug na Gmunden, Oostenryk. Foto verskaf.


Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL



Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za



Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt DIESEL PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za




Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za


29 November 2013


Deur Anton van Zyl

Twee broers vertrek op epiese tog deur SA Twee broers vertrek Saterdag (30ste) met hul fietse vanaf Musina op ‘n letterlike kruistog deur die land. Hulle poog om met hulle Suider­ kruis-projek geld in te samel vir die beveiliging van plaasboere, die bestryding van renoster­ stropery en ook vir Bybelverspreiding. Johan van Dijkhorst van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) en sy broer, Leon, se fietsrit van ongeveer 4 200 km is in die vorm van ‘n kruis wat van noord na suid strek en dan weer van oos na wes. Hulle eerste skof begin Saterdagoggend vroeg op die plaas Oewer Vlakte, noordwes van Musina. Vandaar pak hulle ‘n 156 km skof oor die Soutpansberg aan tot by Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Ná ‘n rusdag Sondag val hulle Maandag weer in die pad en ry tot in Mokopane. Die volgende skof neem hulle tot by Bela-Bela en op Woensdag, 4 Desember, hoop hulle om net suid van Magaliesburg te oornag.

Erik Limbach (Graad 6) het tydens Laerskool Messina se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 11 November die skool se ATKV-trofeë ontvang as beste redenaar. Hy het ook die VLUboekprys vir die beste spreker in die skool gekry. Foto verskaf.

Die twee fietsryers se roete neem hulle verby dorpe soos Parys, Kroonstad, Ventersburg en Brandfort. Op 7 Desember beoog hulle om in Bloemfontein te wees, waar hulle dan die volgende Sondag rus. Hulle roete neem hulle dan deur die Karoo, verby plekke soos Phillipolis, Colesberg en Beaufort-Wes. Die twee broers volg dan die pad na Mosselbaai toe en vandaar na Heidelberg en Bre­ dasdorp. Hier besoek hulle die mees suidelike punt van Afrika voordat hulle die tog noord-oos aanpak. Johan en Leon laai die fietse dan op en vertrek na Bethlehem in die Vrystaat, onderweg na Kosibaai. Hier begin die tweede been van die epiese tog; hierdie keer gaan hulle egter wes. Die roete neem Johan (links) en Leon van Dijkhorst afgeneem tydens een van die bergfietswedrenne waaraan hulle oor Louwsburg en Vryheid tot by Glencoe. hulle as ‘n span deelgeneem het. Hulle ry deur Ladysmith tot by Harrismith, waar By Katen Barnard hulle Kersdag deurbring. Vandaar is dit weer na Bethlehem, Winburg, Senekal tot by Soutpan. Hierna kom die Noord-Kaap aan die beurt en die roete neem hulle deur Kimberley, Griekwastad, Groblershoop en Upington. Die skof na Keimoes A Zimbabwean man travelling peared in the Musina Magis- for further investigation. Ndlovu sluit ‘n 21 km roeisessie in, waarna hulle verder in a taxi from Zimbabwe to trate’s Court for the illegal pos- will remain in custody until his South Africa was arrested at session of explosives. His case next appearance. Further invesfietsry tot by Pofadder en Springbok. Rondom 7 Januarie hoop die twee avonturiers Beit Bridge Border Post in was postponed to 28 November tigations continue. om by Port Nolloth weg te trek vir die laaste skof the early hours of Thursday morning, 21 November, after na Alexanderbaai, hul eindbestemming. Volgens Leon sal 80% van die fondse wat hulle several pieces of explosives insamel gaan na organisasies wat veiligheid op were found in his possession. The taxi he was travelling in plase bevorder. “Mense is onbewus van die enorwas stopped for a routine search miteit van die probleem – dit verander lewens, nie of all passengers and a sniffer net vir die boere en hul families nie, maar ook vir dog of the Beit Bridge K9 Unit die plaaswerkers. Die aanvalle word gewoonlik nie reacted positively to the luggage volledig deur die media gedek nie,” sê hy. Die oorblywende fondse sal verdeel word tussen of the man. During a thorough organisasies wat renosterstropery beveg en vir search of his luggage, 30 pieces of explosives, without detonaBybelverspreiding. Die Van Dijkhorst-broers se tog kan op hul tors, were discovered. The suspect, Nkosintahi The pieces of explosives that were found in the possession of a webtuiste gevolg word. Die adres is www.suiderNdlo­ vu, was arrested and ap- Zimbabwean. Photo: SAPS Communications. kruisprojek.co.za.

Man arrested for carrying explosives



29 November 2013 Deur Isabel Venter

Relay-organiseerders mik vir 100 spanne in 2014

Daar word reeds beplan aan Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se Cansa Relay 2014. Spanne wat reeds ingeskryf is vir dan het die afgelope Maandag ‘n inligtingsvergadering bygewoon. Voor, van links na regs, is Bianca Wilson (Soutpansberg Dorpswag), Driekie Vorster (Vroue Landbou-unie), Nicky Olwage (Baptiste Kerk) en Sinette Olwage (spankoördineerder en Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal). Agter is Yolandé Venter (Rudolph & Pieterse Prokureurs), Dirk Meissenheimer (plaaslike Cansavoorsitter) en Frans Vermaak (Tafelronde Zoutpansberg 66).

‘n Oud-inwoner van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Philip Venter (jr.) se legitimasie as predikant het op Sondag, 14 November in die N.G. Kerk Kemptonpark-gemeente geskied. Sy pa, dr. Phillip Venter, ma en sy twee susters en hul gades het ook die geleentheid bygewoon. In die foto verskyn, van links na regs, proponent Philip Venter, Vermaak Beeslaar, Salomé Beeslaar, dr. Phillip Venter, Meryl Venter en ds. Pierre Momberg en proponent Celeste Momberg.

Dit is weer tyd om die spreekwoordelike bal aan die rol te kry vir Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se eie Cansa Relay 2014. Die volgende Relay beloof om nog groter en beter te wees, maar dit kom met nuwe uitdagings wat betref voorbereiding en die inskrywing van spanne. Vir volgende jaar mik die plaaslike Cansa-komitee om ‘n 100 spanne ingeskryf te kry. Enige iemand kan deelneem in spanverband, insluitend families, vriende, skole, sportklubs, besighede, liefdadigheidsorganisasies en selfs staatsdepartemente. “Ons daag hierdie jaar se spanne uit om nou alreeds in te skryf, en om ander organisasies uit te daag om ook in te skryf,” het plaaslike Cansa-voorsitter mnr. Dirk Meissenheimer gesê. Hy het Maandag tydens ‘n span-inligtingsvergadering gepraat oor die vooruitsigte van die volgende Relay for Life. Spanne moet bestaan uit 10 tot 15 persone per span en deelname kos R500 per span, of R750 vir ‘n span wat bestaan uit 15 lede. Geregistreerde spanne

kan ook ‘n staanplek op die baan van ongeveer 3m x 4m kies en hul eie gazebo opslaan. Indien die gazebo groter is, moet twee staanplekke bespreek word. Daar is ook 10 “uitsoek” plekke beskikbaar teen R5 000 per span, reg voor die verhoog. Belangstellendes word gevra om so spoedig moontlik hul spanne in te skryf en te registreer by Sinette Olwage by 079 050 0074 of vir Mariette by 082 218 5359. Volgende jaar se Relay sal op 28 en 29 Maart aangebied word op die sportvelde van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Daar sal streng beheer toegepas word by die ingangshekke, en geen drank, sigarette of dwelms sal toegelaat word op die veld nie. Spanne wat voor die tyd ook wil fondsinsamelingsprojekte aanbied, word aangemoedig om dit te doen, mits hulle deeglik boek hou van geld wat ingesamel word. Die boekhouwerk moet aan Cansa voorgelê word. Vir meer inligting hieroor kan Dirk geskakel word by tel. 082 789 3927 of Nicky Olwage by 015 516 0164.

Die Gereformeerde Kerk Louis Trichardt het na afloop van Sondag se nagmaalsdiens van die pastoriegesin afskeid geneem. Ds. Hans Grobler het ‘n beroep na die gemeente Bloemfontein Suidheuwels/Reddersburg aanvaar en sal op 5 Januarie 2014 daar bevestig word. Heel voor in die foto is Annemie (jnr.) en agter, van links na regs, staan Nic, mev. Annemie, ds. Hans, Francine en Jorica.






29 November 2013

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8 29 November 2013

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 ­ 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 ­ 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.


DEURLOPEND • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. Laaste byeenkoms vir die jaar vind op 29 November plaas. Die groep kom dan eers weer vroeg Januarie byeen. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.

ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)

Thursday, 28 November A shower in the morning.

High: 24oC Low: 14oC Friday, 29 November A shower in the morning.

High: 25oC Low: 14oC Saturday, 30 November Mostly sunny.

High: 30oC Low: 16oC Sunday, 1 December

Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

A morning thunderstorm, cloudy.

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT ­ Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350

High: 26oC Low: 15oC Monday, 2 December A morning shower, cloudy.

High: 23oC Low: 15oC Tuesday, 3 December

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Phillip Venter Tel: 015 516 4366, jeugleraar ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391

Low clouds.

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324

Wednesday, 4 December

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 Vir meer inligting, skakel Peet Venter (geboubestuurder) by 015 516 1826 of Davonnies by 015 516 5749.

en Saterdag van 08:00 tot 15:00. “Kom en geniet ‘n paar dae van lekker saam kuier,” nooi die gemeente.

• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by 082 921 6110.

• NG SOUTPANSBERG KERSMARK Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente

• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENvroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TER The Bahá’í Information Center in Makhabymekaar. do (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en For more information phone Tel 015 516 4944. oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. • MINISTER’S FORUM NOW Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 MEETS ON TUESDAYS The regular 422 5248 geskakel word. meeting of the Louis Trichardt Ministers’ Forum • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar will take place on a Tuesday at 14:30 from now sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- on, instead of on a Wednesday morning. “The meetings take place at various locations mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis and will be emailed to those on the mailing list,” Trichardt) gehou word. says Rev Robbie Novella. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. For further information, Rev Novella can be Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in contacted on 083 400 6152 or 015 516 5165. die sentrum. • AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN-

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937


High: 25oC Low: 16oC Couple of thunderstorms.

High: 24oC Low: 16oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2014. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za

• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

­ 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 ­ 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 ­ 015 516 2990 ­ 015 516 2990 ­ 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 ­ 015 519 3000 ­ 015 516 0148 / 9 ­ 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 ­ 082 251 0827


Charisma in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi oud en jonk na hulle Kersdiens eerskomende Sondag, 1 Desember. Die diens begin om 09:00. “Kom luister na ‘n wonderlike, inspirerende boodskap,” sê die gemeente. Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Anton by tel. 083 653 0790 of 015 516 0486.


pansberg-gemeente bied eerskomende Sondag, 1 Desember, ‘n tradisionele Kerssangdiens vanaf 18:00 aan en almal is welkom om dit by te woon. Die drag is formeel en gaste kan uitsien na ‘n fantastiese program en sangoptredes. Toegang is BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha- gratis, maar die gemeente versoek alle belangstellendes om ‘n pakkie koekies saam te bring. do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit Die koekies sal oor die Kerstyd as deel van die om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf gemeente se kospakkies aan behoeftige gesinne 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n uitgedeel word om Kersfees ook vir die minder Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met bevoorregtes bietjie meer spesiaal te maak. Gaste hulle te ervaar. “Dit is ‘n geleentheid waar u op u unieke wyse word ook versoek om elkeen ‘n kers (verkieslik reeds in ‘n beskermende houer) saam te bring. en metode kan aanbid. Almal is welkom. Kom “Dit gaan baie spesiaal wees,” sê die gemeente net soos u is!” nooi pastoor Francois Strydom. se ds. Rudolph Botha. (Vervolg op p. 9) Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Strydom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word.


WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 25 November. DAMVLAKKE

• CHILDREN’S ART EXHIBITION La Mia Novuletta art studio and Kidzart


25/11/2013 18/10/2013


Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

83% 99.3% 72.2% 30.6% 77.6% 42.9% 97.% 50.9% 74.1% 83.4% 83.2% 88.2%

school jointly host a children’s art exhibition in the side hall at Agapé Christian Centre in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) until 29 November. The art exhibition will be open for viewing from 08:00 to 15:00. Art teachers Angela Versari and Mariza Joubert invite the public and parents to come and view and enjoy the creative efforts of about 60 of the community’s children, their ages ranging from about 5 to 18. “All the children’s creative efforts of the past year will be on display. The exhibition will include paintings, drawings and sculpture. Refreshments are on sale at Café Rosa during exhibition hours,” say the organizers. For further information Angela can be contacted on 082 461 6676 or Mariza on 078 153 7037. Die Volle Evangelie Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente nooi oud en jonk na hul kersmark wat vanaf 27 tot 30 November duur. “Vir bekostigbare en uitstaande gehalte geskenke, kom doen jou Kersinkopies hier. Van eksentrieke kunsstukke en idees tot handgemaakte skoene. Iets vir elke smaak. Daar sal lekker wegneemetes beskikbaar wees,” sê die gemeente. Die kersmark duur Woensdag en Donderdag van 12:00 tot 20:00, Vrydag van 10:00 tot 20:00

WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2014. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za



nooi oud en jonk na hul kersmark op 30 Novem­ ber. Inwoners kan nou reeds al vleis, karoolammers en skoon afval, bestel teen uiters goeie pryse (sien advertensie op meegaande bladsy). Met Kersfees om die draai en kersgeskenke wat gekoop moet word, beloof die mark iets vir almal te bied.


• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water


­ 10111 / 015 534 7601 ­ 10177 / 015 534 0061 ­ 015 534 0061 ­ 015 534 0446 / 7 ­ 015 534 6000 ­ 083 457 2183

82.8% 98.6% 71.7% 31.1% 77.5% 42.5% 97% 52.3% 74.7% 82% 83% 87.8%

* Means latest available data




˛ ◊

Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 ——————————————————————————————————

MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM ¸ ˛ Ç Daily: 11:00, 14:00, 17:15, 20:30


SCHUKS! YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU ¸ ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45



˛ Ç

Fri, Sat: 11:00, 14:15, 17:30, 20:45, 22:15



˛ Ç

Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:00, 11:00, 14:15, 17:30, 20:45



Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:15, 14:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 14:30, 20:00

˛ Ç



Daily: 11:30, 16:45

˛ Ç ∞


˛ Ç ƒ


Fri, Sat: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:15 Sun-Thu: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30 MORE WAYS TO BOOK

Follow us


• SAPS/SAPD ­ 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.






29 November 2013 9

CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 8) ‘n Offergawe sal ook na die diens opgeneem word.


‘n Heerlike Kersete vir persone bo 60 jaar word op Dinsdag, 3 Desember, by Mike’s Kitchen aangebied. Die ete begin om 11:30 en kos R75 per persoon. Die Kersete vind plaas as ‘n uitreik van Baird Ministries. “Die R75 sluit in ‘n lekker ete, nagereg, koffie of tee en ‘n groot verrassing! Bring asseblief ‘n klein geskenkie van R20 saam. Vir die wat dit nie kan bybring nie, sal ons borge reël,” sê Marietjie Wentzel van Baird Ministries. Enige persoon of instansie wat belangstel om ‘n bejaarde te borg vir die ete en wat daarmee saamgaan, is welkom om R100 te skenk en Marietjie in dié verband te skakel. Diegene wat die Kersete wil bywoon, kan haar ook skakel by 078 480 8783, verkieslik voor 29 November.


Die Hennetjie Nes in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi inwoners uit na hul Kerssang-en-Kerslig-fondsinsameling op 6 Desember. Die ingangsfooi is ‘n blikkie nie-bederfbare kos vir beide tweebeen of vierbeen vriende. “Bring ‘n eie piekniekmandjie of kry ‘n kospakkie vir R20 by die Deli. Kom geniet die aand saam met ons onder die sterre,” is die uitnodiging. Vir meer inligting, skakel 083 397 3695.

• CAROLS, CANDLES AND FAMILY TIME A family evening in the

spirit of Christmas will be hosted on Friday, 6 December, at Louis Trichardt Lodge. It will be an evening of carols, candles and a family night picnic. The evening will start at 18:30 and all are welcome. “Please bring your own picnic basket, something to sit on and candles,” ask the organizers. For further information, Grant Clifton can be contacted on 071 602 6127.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151



P&L Cycling Club in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will hold their annual general meeting on Saturday, 30 November. All current club members, the public and interested parties are welcome to join the meeting. The meeting will be held at the clubhouse in Hospital Street (at Body Fit Gym). Renda Alexander can be contacted for more information at 082 932 3590 or admin@kremetart.co.za


Book for boarding now The SPCA in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) reminds pet owners who wish to board their pets (cats and dogs) at the kennels during the December holidays to please book in advance. Bookings can only be made between 08:00 and 16:00 with Lawrence on 082 965 5151 and in the evening between 18:30 and 19:00 with Bea at 082 424 5712 or 015 516 0412. Mere phone messages or messages with kennel staff other than Lawrence or Bea will not be accepted. All cats and dogs must be inoculated, dewormed, bathed or dipped before coming into the kennels. Proof of yearly inoculations, as well as rabies inoculation, must be produced. Pets must be inoculated at least ten days or longer before they are brought in. If a pet is on medication while boarding, Lawrence

and Bea must be made aware of this. For people who intend leaving their pets behind at home during holiday, adequate arrangements should be made with a reliable person to care for them, taking into account that there will be fireworks during the season. The boarding fees per animal per day are R40 per dog and R30 per cat. The office hours at the SPCA are from 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday and from 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturday. The office is closed on Sundays and on public holidays. People who bring dogs in for boarding must see that they are in before closing time. People who have dogs boarding over weekends will have to fetch them on Monday unless arrangements are made before the time.


pansberg Skietklub bied ‘n groeperingskiet-kompetisie aan saam met hulle jaarlikse afsluiting op Saterdag, 30 November. Daar sal tydens die geleentheid medaljes en trofeë gewen kan word. Vir die kompetisie kan daar in vier verskillende klasse ingeskryf word, naamlik grootgeweer, handwapen, .22 en windbuks. Verrigtinge sal begin om 08:00, en daar sal geskiet word tot 15:00. Na die prysuitdeling sal daar ‘n bring-en-braai wees. Pap en sous sal voorsien word en almal is welkom.

DESEMBER • 4X4-UITSTAPPIE NA MASEQUA Die streek se 4x4-entoesiaste word

uitgenooi om op Sondag, 8 Desember, deel te neem aan ‘n kort rit by Masequa Bricks. Hierdie rit word gehou om geld in te samel • CAROLS BY CANDLE LIGHT vir die CVO Hangklipskool in Makhado (Louis The annual Carols by candle light service will Trichardt). Toegangsgelde beloop R200 per voerbe held on Sunday evening, 15 December, at the tuig en moet voor of op 6 Desember bespreek Methodist Church at 79 Munnik Street in Makha- word om teleurstelling te voorkom. do (Louis Trichardt). Daar sal tussen 07:30 en 08:00 voor OK The service will commence at 18:00. EveryGrocer (ou Ricky’s) bymekaar gekom word, one is invited and requested to please remember sodat almal saam kan vertrek. Begeleiding sal to bring a candle with. Refreshments will be deur die dorp se 4x4-klub gedoen word. Vir die served after the service. wat kans sien, sal daar ook ‘n tydren, oor ‘n kort For more information Rev Robbie Novella can afstand, in die rivier aangebied word. Inskrywing be contacted on 015 516 5165. hiervoor beloop R50. Deelnemers moet hulle eie eetgoed en stoele voorsien. Daar sal braaiers • CHRISTMAS CAROL SERhout voorsien word. Inskrywingsgeld kan by VICE A special Christmas Carol service will en Adam of Ansie by G4 Propshaft Centre gedoen be hosted at Ons Tuiste old age home in Makha- word. do (Louis Trichardt) at 18:00 on Wednesday, 18 Vir meer inligting kan G4 geskakel word by December. 084 469 0259. The whole community is invited to come and join and bring Christmas joy into the lives of the elderly citizens of Ons Tuiste. For more information, Rev Robbie Novella • TRIEGIES LEEULOOP Hoërskool can be contacted on 015 516 5165. Louis Trichard bied weer op 16 Januarie 2014 hul gewilde jaarlikse Leeuloop aan. Vanjaar is die tema: “Let your light shine bright”. Inskrywings vind plaas vanaf 17:30 by • BACK 2 SCHOOL RUN The Leeupark (skoolrugbyvelde), met die pretloop Roadhogs Motorcycle Club from Makhado wat om 18:30 begin. “Trek volgens die tema aan, (Louis Trichardt) will present their second annual bring jou flits, kerse, enige neon klere en kom Back 2 School Run on 5 January 2014 at the skyn jou lig saam met die jeug van ons dorp!” Adam’s Apple Hotel. nooi die skool. Vir meer inligting, skakel die The day will start at 08:00, with a great break- hoërskool of Ilze Coetzee by 084 616 5641. fast and bottomless coffee for only R35. Thereafter, all of the bikes will go on a ride at 10:00. Please bring stationery as an entry fee for the less fortunate children in our area. • WEEKLY RUN/WALK The SoutPub lunch (steak, egg & chips) will be availpansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their able at R49. For more information, contact Michael at 083 weekly walk and run. Their time trials take place every Tuesday 297 7280 or Christa at 076 867 5944. from 17:15 at their club house, followed by a ca• GESINSKAMP OP TSHIPISE sual run on Thursdays from 17:15. On Saturdays, NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente bied vanaf club runs will be hosted. For more information, 17 tot 19 Januarie volgende jaar ‘n heerlike phone Jolani Klopper at 083 995 4362. gesinskamp by Forever Resorts Tshipise aan en • WEEKLIKSE KLUBRITTE Die nooi gesinne om saam te kom kuier. Die kamp begin die Vrydag om 18:00 en duur P&L Hardeware Fietsryklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi alle fietsryers uit na hul weektot die Sondag om 12:00. Prof. Malan Nel sal likse klubritte. tydens die naweek as gasspreker optree. Die klubritte vind elke Saterdag vanaf 14:00 Vir meer inligting oor kostes en reëlings kan plaas. Vir meer inligting, skakel Renda (klubsedie kerkkantoor geskakel word by tel. 015 516 kretaresse) by tel. 082 932 3590. 3902.

Gewilde sangpaar Francois en Elizabeth Fourie het Sondag (17de) tydens die erediens in die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt gemeente opgetree en hul spontane vreugde met die gemeente gedeel met kersliedere, ander geestelike liedere en gedigte. Hier is Francois en Elizabeth (links voor) saam met ‘n groepie lede uit die gemeente en gemeenskap na afloop van die diens.


Groot Kersmark op kerkterrein

(H/v Stubbs- & Andersonstraat)


30 November 2013

08:00 tot laat! Kos & geskenkstalletjies te kies en te keur!



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10 29 November 2013

Tshumelo Mukwevho received the Bristow Special Award for exceptional perseverance during the award ceremony of Ridgeway College on 19 November.

Awards for drama, orators and writing were presented to students of Ridge­way College at their award ceremony, hosted on 19 November. From left to right are Jordan McLeod and Kalpesh Dave, who share the drama award, Rendani Nemutandani (orators award), David Myburgh (creative writing: senior) and Nicola Foord (cre­ative writing: junior).

Elelwani Tshikovhi of Ridgeway College received the Went Service Award at the school’s prize-giving ceremony that was hosted in their new school hall on 19 November.

The prize-giving ceremony of Ridgeway College took place for the first time in their new school hall on 19 November. Hannah Waller (left) received the Textures Art Award and Safiyya Karim (right) was announced as the Green Ambassador of the school.


Trophies for the best IGCSE (International General Certificate for Secondary Education) and AS (Advanced Subsidiary level) results were presented at the award ceremony of Ridgeway College in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 19 November. From left to right are Xongile Nghatsane (best IGCSE results) and Jordan McLeod and Murendi Rampai (best AS results).

The Patel Mentorship Award was received by Takalani Muedi (left) while the Koorts Friendship Award went to Jordan McLeod (right). They received their awards at Ridgeway College’s award ceremony, hosted in their school hall on 19 November.


29 November 2013

Hierdie vier leerlinge is Laerskool Messina se top akademiese presteerders in Graad 2 gedu­ rende 2013. Voor, van links na regs, is Elri Vorster en Skylar Stevens. Agter is Amity du Plessis en Nicole Saungweme. Foto verskaf.

Bo: Laerskool Messina het tydens hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 11 November trofeë oor­ handig aan die top akademiese presteer­ ders in elke graad. In die grondslagfase was die top akademiese presteerders in Graad 1 (van links na regs) Seria Pretorius, Hanrè van den Berg, Ronny Makhubele en Shaista Alam. Foto verskaf.


Laerskool Messina se Top 5 akademiese presteerders in Graad 7 was (van links na regs) Megon Fortuin, Gomireang Makuya, NJ Botha, Dean Makuya en Theo Pesulo. Foto verskaf.

Rendani Matakanye (links) en Anika Pretorius (regs) is aangewys as Laerskool Messina se beste presteerders in Graad 3 gedurende 2013. Foto verskaf. Hierdie groepie leerlinge van Laerskool Messina is tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling aangewys as die skool se Top 5 akademiese presteerders in Graad 6. Van links na regs is Leandri Erasmus, Erik Limbach, Sinead Linder, Munadia Islam en Martin van Niekerk. Foto verskaf.

Tydens Laerskool Levubu se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 14 November ontvang Nicole Fourie (regs) talle trofeë. Sy ontvang die trofeë vir senior Victrix ludorum vir atletiek, top akademiese trofee in die senior fase, senior Victrix ludorum vir swem, Sportdogter van die Jaar, die Paul Kruger-kultuurtrofee, asook die gesogte Vubie van die Jaar Trofee. Saam Laerskool Levubu het op 14 November hul met haar staan skoolhoof mnr. Hans du Toit. Foto verskaf. jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Fazilah Mills het vanjaar weggestap met die Boekwurm van die Jaar trofee. Foto verskaf.

Armed Response North het boekpryse aan Laerskool Levubu se Graad R- tot 7-leerlinge geskenk vir hulle jaarlikse prysuitdeling. Die skool het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor mnr. Riaan Snyman van Armed Response North vir die borgskap. “Dit word hartlik waardeer en die leerders gaan lekker lees die vakansie aan al hul pryse,” sê die skool. Vyf leerders in elke graad het boekpryse ontvang vir beste Afrikaanse, Engelse en wiskunde leerders, asook beste akademiese presteerder en vordering. In die foto Chad Smith ontvang tydens Laerskool verskyn van die leerders met hul pryse. Foto verskaf. Levubu se jaarlikse prysuitdeling die trofee vir beste Afrikaanse leerder. Foto verskaf.


Laerskool Messina se Top 5 akademiese presteerders in Graad 5 die afgelope jaar was (van links na regs) Diana van Niekerk, Chantel Buys, Luan Esterhuizen, Boeta Naudé en Pieter Uys. Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Messina se Top 5 akademiese presteerders in die seniorfase die afgelope jaar is ook tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 11 November bekend gemaak. Die vyf beste Graad 4 leerlinge was (van links na regs) Carmen Roos, Stephi Roos, Thanasie Argyropoulos, Jandré Nelson en Jo-nique Kolberg. Foto verskaf.

Wishing you a happy Festive Season and prosperous 2014!


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12 29 November 2013

Motoring News

Your cellphone could be a real lifesaver

Dr Johan van Zyl (standing to the right of the Corolla) with management and staff next to Corolla number 1 000 000 on the Corolla production line at the Toyota prospecton plant in Durban, KwaZulu­Natal. Motoring News

New milestone for Toyota SA Motors Team members at Toyota South Africa Mo­ tors last week celebrated as the 1 millionth proudly South African manufactured Corolla rolled of the production line at the company’s prospecton plant in Durban, KwaZulu­Natal. The white Toyota Corolla that came off the production line on Wednesday, 20 November, crowns six years of successful production in which the Corolla was produced in both leftand right-hand drive variants and exported to regions, including Eastern and Western Europe, the Caribbean and Africa. “It is very symbolic that the Corolla reaches this milestone now,” says Dr Johan van Zyl, president and CEO of Toyota South Africa Motors. “It not only celebrates a very successful production run for the tenth generation of the world’s favourite car, but it heralds the introduction of the new Corolla in 2014.” The Corolla was first introduced in South Africa in 1975 and soon became South Africa’s

favourite family vehicle. It has been produced at Toyota’s prospecton plant since introduction, while its local content was gradually increased and the range widened to include left- and righthand drive models for various export markets. While the 1 millionth Corolla will find pride of place next to the 1 millionth Hilux in Toyota’s museum at its sales and marketing head office in Sandton, the prospecton plant is busy preparing the manufacturing facility for the start of production of the new Corolla, which was revealed at the recent Johannesburg International Motor Show in October. “The Corolla benefitted from our R8 billion investment programme (first announced in 2008), which modernised the plant and introduced a state-of-the-art paint plant. With the new Corolla, we hope to start our next round of investment and look forward to sharing this plan when our first new generation Corolla models roll off the line,” says Dr Van Zyl. (Article and photo: Qiuckpic.co.za)

The festive holiday season ranks among the most dangerous times of the year on South Africa’s roads, with a wide range of threats to navigate ­ from poor visibility, road works and insufficient road maintenance, through to drunk drivers and smash­and­grab hotspots. But savvy travellers can find their way through the dangers safely with these hints and tips from Cellfind, a subsidiary of Blue Label Telecoms. * Always travel with a first aid kit and consider taking a course about the basics of first aid. If there is an accident, a quick intervention by someone informed about the basics of first aid could mean the difference between life and death. * Ensure that your cellphone battery is fully charged when you embark on a trip and even consider investing in a car charger. * Have emergency contacts saved on your phone. This will assist paramedics or police, should they need to urgently get hold of your friends and family in the event of an accident. To make things even easier for emergency services, enter emergency contacts in your mobile phone address book under the name “ICE”, which stands for “In Case of Emergency”. You can list multiple emergency contacts as “ICE1”, “ICE2”.

* Research indicates that using a mobile phone while driving increases the risk of crashing by at least four times, so don’t do it. Rather wait until you have safely stopped or hand the phone to a passenger to take the call or send the text message. If the temptation to talk and drive is too hard to resist, install a hands-free car kit or buy an earpiece, so that you can talk safely on your phone while you’re driving. * A cellphone-enabled panic button can be a lifesaver in an emergency. One example of such a service is IDMe from ER24, which connects you to fast medical help via your cellphone in the event of an emergency. The service, which is powered by technology from Cellfind, turns your cellphone into a panic button that immediately links you to ER24’s Contact Centre when you hit a speed dial number. Your location will be traced by means of triangulation, using cellular towers. An operator will also phone you immediately to find out what assistance you need, so that the authorities and necessary help can be dispatched to your location. ER24 will save you valuable time by dispatching the closest and most appropriate emergency resource, providing life-saving treatment, and transporting you to the nearest, most suitable medical facility. (Issued by Cellfind)


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29 November 2013


All new Opel Astra sure to attract style-conscious With the holiday season almost upon us, the new Opel Astra’s recent arrival in South Africa could not have been more perfectly planned. Apart from going easy on the fuel, and being equally easy on the eyes, the Opel Astra sedan boasts a very generous 460 litres of luggage space (with the seats up). This means that even the most over-packed family holiday can become a comfortable reality. When the rear seats are folded forward, the cargo volume can be increased to 1 100 litres! Since this is a family car, there was a need to increase storage space within the cabin itself. The new Astra now boasts a total of 19 different storage areas inside, including four bottle holders, four cup holders and a storage tray underneath the front passenger seat. Perfect for those long holiday trips. The return of the Opel Astra sedan marks the return of Opel’s C-segment sedan, as well as an additional four new models to complete the Opel Astra range in South African, more stylish than ever. Based on the Opel Astra hatchback, the Astra now features a sculptural design which is set to attract the style-conscious minds and eyes of sedan buyers. Featuring the same suave front end, the new Astra sedan builds on the design success of the range with the same sleek, smooth lines beginning at the nose, where a premium look and feel which begins with chrome details in the grille and air dams converges into strong character lines which escalate sharply into the steeply raked A-pillars. The Astra was released in South Africa with a four-model range which encompasses three different petrol

engines and three transmissions, so that consumers have a broad spectrum of choice and value. The cherry on top of the cake is that all these models form part of Opel’s ECOTEC engine family and subscribe to Euro 5 emissions regulations. Starting things off is the new Astra 1.6 Essentia sedan, with a normally-aspirated 1.6-litre petrol engine producing 85kW at 6 000 rpm with 155Nm of torque available at 4 000 rpm. Mated to a fivespeed manual gearbox, the front-wheel-drive sedan enjoys average fuel economy on the combined cycle of 6.6-litres per 100km. The new Astra 1.4 Turbo Essentia sedan models benefit from a forced-induction motor – with 103kW available between 4 900 and 6 000rpm and 200Nm of torque between 1 850 and 4 900 rpm. The top-of-the-range Astra 1.6 Turbo Cosmo sedan comes with a smooth and powerful 132 kW turbocharged petrol engine. In addition to the sporty driving dynamics, fuel efficiency remains key to the 1.6 Turbo Cosmo model, with carbon emissions and average fuel economy on the combined cycle balancing the equation perfectly – 159 g/km and 6.8-litres per 100 km. All models in the new Opel Astra range come standard with a 5-year/ 120 000 km warranty and a 5-year/ 90 000 km service plan with service intervals of 15 000 km. The friendly staff of Imperial GM in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) invite customers to come and see the new Astra range before they set off on their next holiday. For more information, the sales staff can be contacted at 015 516 0239.


The all new Opel Astra recently arrived in South Africa.


Too many drivers still set off unprepared Every year, thousands of motorists across South Africa set off on long, often exhausting journeys without adequate preparation of their vehicles or enough rest. In their rush to leave, they people often skimp on checking and preparing their vehicles adequately for the journey. Not surprisingly, this is often reflected in problems experienced during the departing trip. Estimates suggest that fatigue is a factor in up to 30% of fatal crashes and 15% of serious injury crashes. Driving, whether it’s a journey of 500 kilometres or it involves a long trek of over 1 000 kilometres, brings its own set of challenges. Many drivers prefer to drive during the nighttime to avoid driving in heavy traffic or during the heat of the day. About 40% of accidents occur at night. This is not surprising, as nighttime driving decreases one’s driving abilities. S Planning the journey ahead – including rest and stop-over points – helps break it down into

realistic, manageable drives that get you to your destination safely and relaxed. To help motorists plan for their journey, the following recommendations could be helpful: • Begin your journey well rested. Have a good night’s sleep before you set off. • Respect your biorhythm. Depart at a time when your body is used to being awake and active. • Don’t drink any alcohol before departure. • Avoid any medication that may make you drowsy. • Avoid peak departure times. • Take regular breaks. Rest immediately when you feel signs of fatigue. Go for a short walk. • Avoid heat build-up in the car. Research has shown that high temperatures have the same effect as a blood alcohol level of 0.5. (Source: Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Holdings)


14 29 November 2013 Safety Tips

Don’t forget about your safety this December The festive season is busy, expensive and, above all, dangerous at times. Following necessary safety protocols is the best way to enjoy your holiday this December. In regards to safety, the Soutpansberg Chamber Of Commerce gives the following safety tips: * This time of year can be a very harsh time, as criminal acts escalate during this period. Businesses beware, this time is especially stressful and incredibly busy as you try to match the customers’ wants and needs. During this period, you could be caught off-guard. Ensure that your security company is up to date with identification, and that you can trust them. Criminals can be branded invulnerable towards the police when they easily take on the role as a security guard. Make sure that the business is registered with a well-renowned security company. * Take care when hiring a gardener during your vacation, when leaving, or even when at home. There are plenty of home robberies and break-ins done by domestic workers or other people who are informed by your domestic workers - it is very often an inside job. The police have a screening service, which you should take into consideration before hiring a new employee. * Sometimes the Christmas spirit can get to your head, and before you know it, your car is missing. Car theft is particularly high in this country, therefore you need to be very aware of your surroundings and to ensure that you lock your car; even double-check it. Remote controls are still used to prevent cars from locking. Never leave the keys in the car or anywhere someone might easily obtain them. * Picking up hitch-hikers can be a very kind and generous thing to do; however, be vigilant when doing so. Very often these people are trying to smuggle drugs into or out of the country. If you are stopped and drugs are found, you could be charged along with the person who possesses them. * Make sure that your house number is easily visible from any angle. If your home is invaded and you contact the police, this will aid them in the search for your home. Lighting it up would help significantly at night. * When you’re at home with your family, all gathered in the television room, you can easily forget or be distracted about the exterior of your

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Who is to blame, sloppy workmanship or the rain? For months (if not years), residents of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) had to wait for the Makhado Municipality to finally complete their contract to resurface, among others, Anderson, Munnik and Joubert Street. Then they had to wait another couple of months before the curbing blocks were installed. The only problem then was that there was a huge gap between the newly tarred road surface and the curbing blocks. Additional contractors were hired to fill these gaps by means of a cement mixture. After last week’s heavy rains, the first good rains after the streets were completed, it is obvious that the cement mixture used was more sand than cement as most of it was washed away and ended up in the storm­water drainage system. This begs the question: Is there no one at the municipality who checks whether a contractor’s work is done according to at least some kind of minimum specifications? Needless to say, yet another contractor will have to be appointed to fix the damage done by the rain, as seen here in the photo taken in Stubbs Street. The situation in Munnik Street is similar.

home. Installing motion sensors will not only make you and your family feel secure, but they will also prevent criminals from invading your property. * Having a watchful eye on potential criminals will make them rethink robbing a home or business, because they are afraid of being noticed and eventually caught. Installing close-circuit television (CCTV) can help prevent robberies. * Having an armed alarm system at night contributes to protecting your home and preventing robberies. Keep an eye on your street and survey the surrounding area of your home; burglars often scout your home and plan a robbery and an escape route. Be sure to enter and exit different parts of your home regularly and change your routines often, as this can confuse potential robbers. * Sometimes it’s tough, but having good relationships with your neighbours is a huge plus. They will keep an extra eye on your home when you are away and could assist you when you are under threat in your home. * Having an automated gate means you don’t have to leave the safety of your vehicle to park it in your property. However, be sure to keep an eye on your rear-view mirror when driving in; burglars often slip in while it is closing. * Never give a copy of your home keys to strangers or even people who seem innocent enough. You never know who intends to steal or when. * If you have recently moved into a new home, immediately change the locks, especially if it had recent tenants. Those people still might have a key to the home and might have intentions to break in. * A person might wonder how a burglar breaks into a home, and very often the burglar is assisted by the homeowner. Keep your tools, such as ladders or hammers, locked away inside your home. These tools contribute to the breaking into your home when in the possession of a burglar. Thorn bushes can be more than just decorations; they can prevent burglars from climbing walls to enter open windows. Also remember to trim hedges and bushes, because they can provide hiding places for criminals. One last tip: Always keep your doors and windows locked when they aren’t in use.


29 November 2013

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630ha in Bandelierkop area, 15km suid van Louis Trichardt. Uitstekende soetveld weiding. R5,6 mil.

Philip: 082 326 6082 www.farm4salemakhado.co.za

Die ou Wawiele

General dealer

2nd Hand Furniture Shop You sell, We buy! Come and have a look at all our bargains!


TE KOOP 5 Pot Belly Varkies Kontak Jaco: 071 873 7394

TO LET TRAILER RENT • Trailer with double wheels and rails. Ideal for furniture removal. R400 per day.

3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom flat at Pine Grove, top floor. 12 Month contract and deposit payable. R3 800 p.m. Pre-paid electricity.

Contact Mariaan: 082 489 1679


Contact Marie: 082 822 3447


Gesoek Huis op plaas of kleinhoewe Business slow? Danie: om te huur. 083 326 7688 Kontak: 079 125 2743 Advertise here Slagvarke te

Rubber Stamps and give your now sales a boost available! Contact Pieter, George, or


Same-day service. Stamps made in one hour. DEBT AID - FMS Debt Counsellors / Skuldberader Reg no: NCRDC 992 We will: * Secure your assets * Stop creditors from taking judgement * Make new payment arrangements * Give peace of mind Contact Nadia Nel: 015 516 4090 malva@telkomsa.net

Yolanda at 015 516 4996 to book your place.

TLB Excavator for hire

Kennisgewing van Eerste en Finale Likwi­dasie- en Distribusie Rekening wat ter insae lê ingevolge Artikel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965 Boedel Nommer: 2243/2012, In die Boe­ del van Wyle Käte Lu­ ise Ehlert, Identiteits

nommer: 130225 0030 086. Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribu­sierekening van bogemelde boedel ter insae lê in die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Thoho­ yandou, sowel as by die

Landdroskantoor van Louis Trichardt vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meester ingedien word nie, gaan

die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rekenings. GET: A. Naudé, Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naudé ING. Songozwistraat 31, Posbus 52, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Tel: 015 516 0116, Verw: A.Naudé/mitzi/ BOE21/1



Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. LTT

I SOTRUX Koelkamer. Koelkamer op dubbel-as sleepwa, fabriek geïnstalleer. Goeie werkende kondisie


• 6 Foot Venter Trailer with closed top and nose cone. R200 per day. Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda Street


All your unwanted crockery, cutlery, ornaments - every small item standing in your way! Fill a box and let’s bargain a great deal!

Call Yolanda, Pieter or George at 015 516 4996 to book your advertisement today! If you don’t, your competitor will...

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Die Wawiel



koop. Please note: 25kg - 40kg The deadline for opgesny en the last edition of the verpak. Zoutpansberger R30 p/kg. for 2013 Beperkte (19 December) is hoeveelheid. Friday 13 Danie: December at 13:00 083 326 7688

MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Contact: 015 516 1176 PFB-Agent 516 5024



VACANCY Reference: Position: Department: Reporting to:

PK - Exec Executive secretary Admin & General General Manager

Liaison with: All levels of management and staff at the resort and within the Peermont group, as well as external Organizations, Guests, Government departments and the Limpopo Gambling Board. Scope and main purpose of function: To ensure the efficient running of the office and to perform secretarial duties at a consistently high standard. Key performance areas: • Handle all forms of correspondence, calls, and visitors; • Type all office correspondence; • Handle all accommodation and travel arrangements; • Provide a guest service; • Filing of documents, initialing agreements; • Co-ordinating and compiling of unit reports; • Provide general administrative support including i.e. but not limited to petty cash and stationery; • Co-ordination of meetings, minute taking and distribution thereof; and • General work related instructions from the General Manager Minimum requirements: • Std 10 /Grade 12 Qualification; • A Secretarial diploma or similar qualification would be advantageous; • Proficiency in English • At least 4 years working experience; including secretarial and administrative duties; • Ability to work under pressure; • Proficient in Word, Power Point and Excel; • Good interpersonal and organisational skills; • Responsible, honest and motivated; • Availability to work overtime should the need arise The appointment is conditional on being granted a certificate of approval by the Limpopo Gambling Board. CLOSING DATE: Friday, 06 December 2013 A cover letter including the reference, CV and certified copies of certificates should be emailed to the HR Manager at aemmenis@khoroni.co.za or Faxed to: 0862398392 Applicants who are not contacted within two weeks after the closing date should accept that their applications were unsuccessful as communication will be made with the short listed candidates only. Khoroni is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00


16 29 November 2013

Business slow? Bus



VAKATURE VEREISTES: Tik- en rekenaarvaardig Toepaslike opleiding Vorige ondervinding

Vereistes: • BCom (rek) Graad • Articles voltooid • Finansiële State • SARS e-filing & easyfile • Pastel & Payroll • Vorige ondervinding Aansoeke sluit 30 November 2013. Salaris onderhandelbaar Epos CV na admin@gtoil.co.za

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13de Tjek Kern & Dekker Prokureurs Tel: 015 516 0136 Faks CV na 015 516 1777


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KERN & DEKKER beskik oor ‘n vakante pos vir ‘n tikster.

Advertise in the Zoutpansberger Zoutpansberger and give your sales a boos


Adv Zou and sal

Contact Pieter, George, or Yolanda at 015 516 4996 to book your place.

Cont Yola to


Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION KENNIS VAN PUBLIEKE VEILING Notice is hereby given of a public auction wherein 19 stray animals will be sold to the public. During the auction 16 Cattle and 6 Donkeys will be sold. The auction will take place as follows:

All enquiries can be directed to the Acting Director Corporate Services, Mr N C Kharidzha or Mr M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000.



KENNISGEWING VAN OPENBARE DEELNAME VIR AANSOEKE OM MYNREG GENERAAL PROJEK DMH Verwysingsnommers: Regulus Investment Holdings (Emds.) Bpk. – LP30/5/1/2/2/10045MR; Coal of Africa Beperk – LP30/5/1/2/2/10047MR; Limpopo Coal Company (Edms.) Bpk. – LP30/5/1/2/2/10069MR; Chapudi Coal (Edms.) Bpk. – LP30/5/1/2/2/10044MR; Kwezi Mining and Exploration (Edms.) Bpk. – LP30/5/1/2/2/10054MR; LP30/5/1/2/2/10053MR; LP30/5/1/2/2/10050MR; LP30/5/1/2/2/10058MR

Aansoeke en Applikante: Regulus Investment Holdings, Coal of Africa Beperk, Limpopo Coal Company (Edms.) Bpk., Chapudi Coal (Edms.) Bpk. and Kwezi Mining and Exploration (Edms.) Bpk., maatskappye in die gesamentlike besit van MbeuYashu (Edms.) Bpk. en Coal of Africa Beperk (“CoAL’’), het aansoeke om ’n mynreg vir die Generaal Projek by die Departement van Minerale Hulpbronne (DMH) ingedien en erkenning (administratiewe aanvaarding) van die Departement ontvang. Die eiendomme wat deel uitmaak van die Generaal Projek, word in die Agtergrondinligtingsdokument en Bestekopnameverslag vervat wat beskikbaar is by www.naledidev.co.za/projects, maar dit is ook beskikbaar op versoek. Ligging: Die Generaal Projek is 35 km noord van die dorp Makhado en 70 km suid van Musina in die Musina en Makhado Plaaslike Munisipale gebiede in Limpopo se Vhembe Distrik geleë. Kennis geskied hiermee aan alle belangstellende en geaffekteerde partye van ’n Opedag wat beplan word as deel van die Openbare Deelnameproses vir die Generaal Projek se Aansoeke om Mynreg. Geleentheid vir deelname: MbeuYashu nooi u graag hiermee uit na die Opedagvergadering wat vir 7 Desember 2013 geskeduleer is. Indien u die vergadering wil bywoon, tree asseblief in verbinding met die Openbare Deelnamekantoor by die kontakbesonderhede hieronder vir verdere besonderhede oor die tyd en plek en om u bywoning te bevestig. Vir meer inligting, tree in verbinding met: Carien Joubert of Lizinda Dickson, Naledi Development, Posbus 13509, Sinoville, 0129. Tel: 012 543 9093; Faks: 086 236 1672; E-pos: coal.gsp@gmail.com

: Makhado Town Cattle Pound, Industria Road, Makhado : 11:00 : 10 December 2013

Section 16(1) of Limpopo Pound Act No. 3 of 2002 and Limpopo Regulations of 2004 state that if stock is not released within 21 days from the date of impoundment, the pound master must with the approval of the Head of the Department or the Municipal Manager as the case may be, and by notice in the prescribed form, advertise the intended sale of stock by public auction. For more information please contact the Director Community Services: Mr M.J Kanwendo at 015 519 3072. Kennis word hiermee gegee van ‘n publieke veiling waartydens 19 rondloper diere aan die publiek te koop aangebied sal word. Gedurende die veiling sal 16 beeste en 6 donkies verkoop word. Die veiling vind soos volg plaas: PLEK TYD DATUM

: Makhado Skutkraal, Industriaweg, Makhado : 11:00 : 10 Desember 2013

Artikel 16 (1) van die Limpopo Skutwet, Wet no. 3 van 2002 en die Limpopo Regulasies van 2004 bepaal dat indien geskutte diere nie binne 21 dae vandat hul geskut is, vrygelaat word nie, die skutmeester met die goedkeuring van die Departmentshoof of die Munisipale Bestuurder, wat ookal die geval mag wees, en deur kennisgewing op die voorgeskrewe vorm, die voorgenome verkoop van vee per publieke veiling moet adverteer. Vir verdere inligting kontak die Direkteur van Gemeenskapsdienste: Mnr M J Kanwendo by (015) 519 3072. Masipala wa Makhado wu tava na okixeni ya Tidonki ta 6 na Tihomu ta 16. Okixeni yita hindlela leyi ladzelaka: Ndzhawu Nkarhi Siku

: Makhado Town Cattle Pound, Industrial Road, Makhado : 11:00 : 10 Nwendzamhala 2013

Hiku ladza nawu wa xiyenge 16(1) ya Limpopo Pound Act No.3 of 2002 na Limpopo Regulation of 2004 wo boxa leswaku loko swifuwo swi nga ntshuxiwi endzhaku ka 21 wa masiku kusuka siku leri tinga khomiwa ha rona, mulanguteri wa powundi uta tivisa hi ku pfumeleriwa hi nhloko ya masipala ku tivisa ku navela ku okixeniwa. Loko mi lava vuxokoxoko hi ku hetiseka khumbani, Mr M.J Kanwendo, eka ritingo leri landzelaka 015 519 3072. Masipala wa Makhado u do vha na okishini ya u rengisa donngi dza rathi (6) na kholomo dza 16. Okishini I do farwa nga ndila I tevhelaho: Fhethu Tshifhinga Duvha

: Phaunduni I wanalaho doroboni ya Makhado, dzifemeni. : 11:00 : 10 Nyendavhusiku 2013

Ri tshi tevhela mulayo wa tshipida tsha 16(1) tsha mulayo wa Limpopo Pound Act No. 3 wa 2002 na Limpopo Regulation Act ya 2004 i amba uri zwifuwo zwa sa rengululwa hu saathu u fhela maduvha a fumbilithihi u bva nga duvha le zwa valelwa ngalo, mulanguli wa phaundu nga murahu hamusi o wana thendelo I bvaho kha thoho ya muhasho kana mulanguli wa masipala, u tea u ita khunguwedzo ya u rengisa izwo zwifuwo nga okisheni. Vha tshi toda vhutanzi nga vhudalo vha kwamana na Vho-M.J Kanwendo kha nomboro ya lutingo I tevhelaho 015 519 3072. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado 28 & 29 November 2013 Notice No: 166 of 2013 File No: 17/12/2 MDM/lh/NoticePublicAuctionPound_November2013


Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado 28 & 29 November 2013 Notice No: 168 of 2013 File No: 4/2/2

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Notice is hereby given that the 87th Special Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, 5 December 2013 is postponed to Friday, 6 December 2013 at 12:00.


29 November 2013


Agora ladies return from France


andy van Niekerk of Makhado plough back valuable resources and (Louis Trichardt) has been ap- time into the community. pointed as the president of the interNext year, the general meeting national Agora Club. will be held here in South Africa This was during her visit, together and will be chaired by Sandy as the with three other fellow South Afnewly elected president of the club. rican Agora ladies, to France at the beginning of October. Agora International’s annual general meeting was held in Galoupte, á Londe, which was attended by 250 people from 15 different countries, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, England, and South Africa. The Agora Club is a non-political and non-religious service club for women over 45 years of age from all over the world. Their motto is An article that appeared in a local giving, tolerance and to be useful French newspaper, Var-matin, to society. In Makhado (Louis reporting on Agora International’s Trichardt), the Agora ladies work general annual meeting held in independently, as well as with Galoupte, á Londe. Photo: Var-matin. other charitable organisations, to


Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za


Seekoei Bergfietswedren maak ‘n groot verskil vir Laerskool Levubu


iermee wil ek my persoonlike dank uitspreek teenoor elke persoon en instansie wat ‘n rol gespeel het om die “Seekoei Bergfietswedren” in die lewe te roep vir u goedgunstige donasie wat bygedra het om van die fondsinsamelingsprojek ten bate van Laerskool Levubu ‘n groot sukses te maak Die terugvoering wat ons gekry het was baie positief en ons gaan beslis die resies weer aanbied volgende jaar. Baie dankie aan Levubu Laerskool vir die gebruik van hulle tere-

in en ook elke ouer en personeellid wat betrokke was. Baie dankie aan al die boere deur wie se plase ons gery het en die waterpunte wat hulle en ander beman het. Dankie aan die verkeersdepartement wat ons bygestaan het om die veiligheid van die byeenkoms te verseker. ‘n Spesiale dank aan Renda van P&L Fietsryklub wat my die “ropes” gewys het. - Jannie Sounes Organiseerder


Herfsakker en Laat Lente wens u ‘n geseënde Kersfees en voorspoed toe

H Photographed during their visit to France are, from left to right, Lolo Mofolo (Agora - Kopana Club 3 President - Johannesburg ), Sandy Van Niekerk (Agora - International President), Nickie Grewar (Agora - South African National President) and Coral Collett (Agora - Amarula Club 1 President). Sandy and Coral are both from Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Photo supplied.

erfsakker en Laat Lente in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wil weereens die volgende mense bedank vir hul ondersteuning en al die skenkings deur die jaar: Magda Naudé, die Soutpansberg Gholfklub, tannie Das Botha en Desai Cash & Carry, asook almal wat geskenk het. Dan wil ons ook aan Lucas Vermeulen ‘n spesiale dankie sê vir sy ondersteuning as ons probleme gehad het. Die brood en melk deur die jaar. Dankie Lucas, jy is sowaar

‘n steunpilaar vir ou mense. Herfsakker en Laat Lente wens jou en jou gesin ‘n Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoed vir 2014. Laastens wil ons ook ds. Jan Pretorius van die NG Moedergemeente baie dankie sê; dominee, vir u omgee en die bidure Woensdae. Baie dankie en ‘n Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoed vir 2014 aan al ons skenkers. - Inwoners van Laat Lente & Herfsakker

Daisy kuier steeds by haar sus en word ingetrek in die alledaagse doen en late van die familie. Kans vir afsydig staan is daar nie en sy moet haar kant op meer as een terrein bring ...

kry eindelik ‘n “date” vir matriekafskeid D

is Vrydag. Op die patio brand daar ‘n groot braai­ vleisvuur. Jakobus gaan haal ys in die vrieskas. Op die groot houttafel staan daar reeds sodawater, Coke en sy gunsteling brannas. Ousus ken al die ritueel. Sy het van mayonnaise en soet rissies doopsous gemaak en agurkies en gerookte mossels saam met die beskuitjies en tjips uitgepak. “Ai, Daisy, ek is so bly jy’s terug! Nou het ek weer ‘n maatjie om sundowners mee te drink. Jy weet mos jou sussie sit steeds nie haar mond aan drank nie, nie eers na jare van ‘n voorbeeld wees vir haar nie.” “Nee Jakoboos – ek los maar die verderf vir jou. Iemand moet ‘n goéie voorbeeld vir ons kinders wees. Kyk nou maar vir Plore hier, as hy na sy pa geluister het, het hy kaalvoet skool toe gegaan en saans net plastieksakke om sy voete gebind om nie die lakens vuil te maak nie...,” skerts Ousus terug. Plore is in matriek. Gedurende die week is hy ‘n koshuisbrak en naweke handhaaf hy ‘n besige sosiale skedule. Sy allerbelangrikste tydverdryf is om elke sekonde van elke dag met sy Liefie op WhatsApp te deel. Hy het nie veel erg aan familiedinge nie. Sy grootste dankbaarheid is dat sy ma ‘n pos by ‘n skool nader aan die plaas aanvaar het. ‘n Ma wat vir jou skoolhou was te veel van ‘n verleentheid om te sluk. “Ma weet, daai arme Meneer Basson wat vir ons Wiskunde gee het nog steeds nie ‘n date vir die matriekafskeid volgende Vrydag nie. Hy sê daar is so min meisies in die dorp, mens kan nie kies nie, jy wag maar net tot jy ‘n beurt kry. En daar is nie so iemand in die vooruitsig nie. Ken

julle nie ‘n los meisie nie?” Daar sak ‘n stilte op die patio neer terwyl elkeen herkou aan die dilemma. Swaerie gooi fronsend nog ‘n dop en gee vir Daisy hare aan. Ingedagte bied hy vir haar ‘n sigaret aan en dan verhelder sy gesig. “Maar wat van jou peetma, Plore?” “Wat van my peetma, Pa?” sug Plore met oordrewe geduld vir oumense wat die kluts kwyt is. Swaerie en Ousus kyk vir mekaar en albei glimlag slinks vir Daisy. “Wat?” sê Daisy. “Waaaaat?” sê Plore geskok toe hy besef wat aangaan. Vir ‘n volle week is Daisy ‘n senuweebol. Sy kla by Ousus dat sy al haar sosiale vaardighede verloor het, dat sy haar geliefde peetkind in die skande gaan steek, dat sy niks het om aan te trek nie, dat sy nie kan dans nie, dat sy nie eers Wiskunde vir matriek gehad het nie. Haar suster het onwrikbaar doof geword. Daisy word ingelig oor reëlings: ‘n haarafspraak by dieselfde plek waar Plore sy hare gaan laat sny, hoe laat sy en waar sy haar blind date moet kry. “Ja, toe nou maar Daisy. Die man is heel ordentlik en buitendien, ek en Jakobus gaan albei ook daar wees. Stop nou jou drama-maniertjies! Ek het my hande vol om vir Jakobus te oortuig om skoene te dra en ‘n das aan te wurg.” Vrydag laatmiddag kom Daisy onseker uit haar gastehuiskamer. Sy dra haar een en enigste formele rok; ‘n noupassende swart nommertjie met ‘n oop rug. Sy het haarself bederf met ‘n nuwe rooi lipstiffie wat by haar naels pas en haar gedoende blonde hare tuimel krullerig oor haar skouers. By die kar trippel Ousus al rond van senuwees. “Toe, toe Daisy. Ons moet vroeg daar wees sodat jy vir Meneer Basson kan ontmoet. Klim, Jakobus, klim.” Swaerie laat hom nie aanjaag nie. “Draai bietjie in die rondte, Daisy, laat ek mooi kan sien? Dink jy regtig daai oop rug is ‘n goeie

ding vir ‘n aand met ‘n vreemde man, hmm? Die mannetjie moet net nie idees kry nie.” Hy klink eerder na die pa van ‘n matriekmeisie. “KAN ONS NOU IN VADERSNAAM RY?” strip Plore hom. “Dis erg genoeg dat die helfte van my familie by die matriekafskeid gaan wees, nou gaan ek nog laat wees ook! Liefie gaan beslis nie gelukkig wees nie.” Saterdagoggend is almal half stroef in die kar op pad terug van Polokwane af. Natuurlik kom Daisy niks agter nie, sy borrel oor van details oor die matriekafskeid. “Hoorie Ousus, dit was een van die mooiste funksies wat ek nog by was. Die rooi rose in die hoë silwer vase was pragtig, die formele swart en wit tema en al daardie bling op die naamkaartjies en spyskaarte. O, en en die sjampanje en salige salsamusiek...” “Daisy, jy praat te veel en te hard. Ek het hoofpyn. Vertel liewer - hoe was jou aand saam met Meneer Basson?” Swaerie is vanoggend weer Jakoboos. “Weet jy, Jakobus, ek was mos ‘n lekker pokkel in matriek en bitter skaam. Het jy geweet dat ek nie ‘n date gehad het vir my matriekafskeid nie? Het jy geweet dat ek die hele tyd soos ‘n verlepte muurblommetjie alleen by ‘n tafel gesit het terwyl almal gesakkie-sakkie het op daai groot dansvloer van die Tshipise Hotel? Natuurlik kon ek daai jare nog nie my smarte met ‘n glas witwyn versuip nie.” “Gisteraand, antie, gisteraand,” sug Plore beswaard. “Gisteraand, my liewe peetkind, gisteraand het ek die perfekte matriekafskeid met ‘n dróóm date gehad. Mý perfekte matriekafskeid!” lag Daisy en sy begin sing: “I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more. I could have spread my wings, and done a thousand things I’ve never done before...!”

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe


Jes. 40:18 - Die Almagtige God et ons verstand kan ons nie dink hoe almagtig God is wat die skepping gemaak het nie. Ons almal behoort lank en ernstig na die skepping om ons te kyk. Dan sal ons iets verstaan van die heerlikheid van God. In Psalm 19:1 lees ons: “Die hemel getuig van die mag van God, die uitspansel maak die werk van Sy hande bekend.” Geen wonder Dawid roep uit in Psalm 8:1: “Here, ons Here, hoe wonderbaar is U Naam oor die hele aarde, hoe glansryk alles wat U in die hemelruim geplaas het.” Wanneer ons na die skepping om ons kyk het ons geen verskoning om te sê daar is nie ‘n God nie. Al die getuienis is daar van God se wysheid en almag. Die grootste wonder in verband met God is dat Hy Homself nie net in die natuur openbaar nie, maar ook in die Skrif. Ons lees van Sy majesteit, krag en heerlikheid in die Bybel. Meer nog, God het Homself openbaar deur Sy Seun Jesus Christus. In Christus sien ons Sy genade en liefde vir ons. Die almagtige God wat alles geskape het woon nie iewers in die heelal nie, maar het in die wêreld gekom om sondaars te red. God wat volmaak heilig is stel belang in ons sondaars se siele. Hy nooi sondaars uit om na Hom te kom deur Jesus Christus om gered te word. Het jy ‘n ware begrip van die wonder, die heerlikheid, die almag en genade van die Here God? Mag Hy Homself so aan jou openbaar, nie net as die God wat geskep het nie, maar ook as die God van redding. - 079 5168303


Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­ hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

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18 29 November 2013

The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) visited the Grade 1s at Louis Trichardt Primary on Friday, 15 November, and offered the youngsters views of the sun through a telescope, as well as with eclipse glasses. The solar disk was peppered with sunspot activity, with one that was earth­ sized which was pointed out to the learners. This was followed by a short presentation on the stars and planets, with a question­and­answer session in the school hall. Photo supplied.

At the English debate evening of Louis Trichardt Primary School, several Grade 7s scooped up awards. Their topic was “Should billions of rands be spent on research and travel in space when the money could be better spent on solving problems on our own planet?” From left to right are the proposition team Annicka Nel, Tamelyn Laurence, Danika Malan en Lilani Pretorius, who was selected as the best proposition speaker. Next to Lilani is Cassia van de Vyver, who received two awards, the best opposition speaker and the best overall speaker, and the other members of the opposition team, Tabea Schuch, Catrien Dekker and Sumaya Nakedar. The English debate evening took place on 30 October.

Louis Trichardt Primary School hosted an English debate evening on 30 October. Here are the Grade 6s who obtained awards. The topic was “Should sport be competitive at primary school level?” From left to right are the proposition team, Rickus Nel, Minelise Reynders, Suné Beukes The Grade 7s of Ridgeway Independent School outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt) had their and Dewald van der Westhuizen, who was chosen as the best proposition speaker. Next to Dewald farewell function at the Mountain View Hotel on 15 November. The theme was Night in Paris. is Bernice Meiring, who received two awards, the best opposition speaker and the best overall speaker, and the rest of the opposition team, Alida du Preez, Stefan Corbett and Roy Stewart. Pictured here are the learners in their fancy outfits.

Bo: Laerskool Messina se trofeë vir mees veelsydige sportseun en –meisie het vanjaar gegaan aan Barend Botha en Shani Rosslee. Hul trofeë is aan hulle oorhandig tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 11 November. Shani ontvang ook ‘n balkie vir haar deelname aan die provinsiale span. Foto verskaf. Links: Pieter Uys this year walked away with the trophy as Messina Primary’s best cricket player for 2013. Photo supplied.

Tintswalo Ramulifho ontvang tydens Laerskool Levubu se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 14 November die trofee vir die junior Victrix ludorum in atletiek. Foto verskaf.

Een van die leerlinge wat talle trofeë ontvang het tydens Laerskool Levubu se prysuitdeling op 14 November was Clive Wilken. Hy word aangewys as beste senior rugbyspeler, senior Victor ludorum in swem en was ook die skool se Sportseun van die Jaar. Foto verskaf.

Lia­Mari van der Westhuyzen het tydens Laerskool Levubu se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 14 November weggestap met die junior Victrix ludorum trofee vir swem. Foto verskaf

The prize­giving ceremony of the junior phase of Ridgeway Independent School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) took place on 6 November. This week, the juniors displayed their trophies. In front, from left to right, are Khanani Tinghitsi, who received the Junior Fellowship trophy (for caring for others, being loyal to the school and being a good ambassador), Mulanga Malima (Diligence Trophy) and Tendani Muloiwa (Junior Sportmanship Trophy). At the back are Daniel Spies (Junior Environmental Trophy), Masindi Dagada (best junior girl swimmer) and Tallen Smit (best junior boy swimmer).

Laerskool Levubu se trofee vir junior Victor ludorum in swem het vanjaar gegaan aand Owen Collins. Foto verskaf.

Tintswalo Ramulifho ontvang tydens Laerskool Levubu se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 14 November die trofee vir die junior Victrix ludorum in atletiek. Foto verskaf.


29 November 2013


Die jonge Christelle Coetzer van Tzaneen, wat ‘n nuwe Makoppa­rekord die afgelope naweek by Schoemansdal opgestel het. Foto verskaf.

Sports trophies were presented to students of Ridgeway College during their award ceremony on 19 November. From left to right are Mpho Sadiki and Hulisani Madzhie, who share the trophy for the best girl soccer player, Tshumelo Mukwevho (best boy soccer player), Gregory Jenvey (best cricket player), Jadie McLeod (best junior netball player) and Hlamalni Mavukane (best senior netball player).


Nuwe rekord vir Christelle

Lara Venter, ‘n jukskeispeler van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), gaan binnekort vertrek na Kroonstad om die Limpopospan te gaan verteenwoordig in die Nasionale Jukskeikompetisie. Sy sal vanaf 1 tot 7 Desember in Kroonstad wees. Prominent Paints in die dorp het op 20 November ‘n borgskap van verf, ter waarde van R2 000, aan Lara oorhandig om haar te help om die reis se kostes te dek. Voor is Tapani Malema. Agter, van links na regs, is Elisa Malema, Gloria Malema, Lara Venter en Tshilidzi Khwidzhili. Prominent Paints se direkteur, Phineas Malema, was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Cricket

Vikings and Jolly are through to final This weekend, residents can look forward to some local cricket excitement with the final of the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club’s 20 Overs being decided on Sunday, 1 Decem­ ber, at Cloud’s End Hotel. The semifinal match was decided between the Vikings from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and the Lukmans from Thohoyandou on Sunday, 24 November. Lukmans won the toss and decided to field first. The Vikings batsmen struggled a bit on a difficult batting wicket and ended

up with 112 runs for the loss of seven wickets. The top scorers for the Vikings were Leon Furstenburg with 27 off 22 balls and Frikkie van Niekerk with 18 off 38 balls. For Lukmans, Altaf picked up two wickets for 25 runs in his four overs. Lukmans also struggled on the pitch and were all bowled out for 55 runs in the 17th over. Bhatya was the only batsman getting to double figures, scoring 15 off 21 balls. For the Vikings, Warno Smit took five wickets for 17 runs in his four overs and Eduan Booy-

sen, who was playing his last game for the Vikings, finished off Lukman with one wicket for five runs in his third over, helping the Vikings to a 57-run win. Their win in the semifinal secured the Vikings a place in the final, where they will come up against the Jolly team from Thohoyandou. For more information about the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club or information on Sunday’s match, write to Lttcricket@ yahoo.co.za or visit them on Facebook at Ltt Cricket Club.

‘n Nuwe rekord is opgestel tydens die jaarlikse Makoppa Tweekamp wat die afgelope naweek by die Schoemansdal Omgewingsbewaringsen­ trum buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) beslis is. Hierdie tweekamp, wat jaarliks fietsryers en hardlopers van oraloor lok, is in samewerking met die P&L Fietsryklub en die Soutpansberg Atletiekklub aangebied. Plaaslike fietsryer Nico Geldenhuys was eerste om die 6km draf, 30km fietsry en weer 4km draf in ‘n tyd van 1:48:34 te voltooi. Tweede en derde was onderskeidelik Sarel Lubbe en Gift Nefolofhodwe, altwee van Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Amanda Kruger was die eerste vrou om klaar te maak, met Anel Swart in die tweede plek en Lelitia Hitzeroth derde. Stanley Thompson was die eerste een om die 6km draf, 20km bergfiets en weer 2km draf te

voltooi in ‘n tyd van 1:52:50. Johan van Dijkhorst was tweede, met Jonathan van Dijkhorst wat derde klaargemaak het. Die eerste vrou om hierdie afdeling te voltooi was Marnelle Pessegueiro, met Andra Muller in die tweedeplek. Die derdeplek is gedeel deur Rosa Viljoen en Christine Marais. Die 12-jarige Christelle Coetzer van Tzaneen het ‘n nuwe rekord opgestel toe sy die 2km draf, 10km fietsry en nog 1km draf blitsig afgelê het in ‘n tyd van 33:44. Tweede in hierdie kategorie was Hugo Rennings, met Pepijn Rennings derde. Intussen het die twee klubs Schoemansdal en die Run & Walk for Life Klub van Polokwane bedank vir hulle hulp en ondersteuning om van die Makoppa ‘n sukses te maak.

Soutpansberg Gholfklub


The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum







Maandelikse Houespel





Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens






BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

Ridgeway Independent School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gave recognition for outstanding eco­awareness and community involvement at their prize­giving ceremony in their school hall on 7 November. From left to right are Casper­John Venter and Marco Marcos (eco­awareness), Zayna Aboo (community involvement) and Savanna Sparrow (community involvement). Absent: Riya Patel (community involvement).

Die doel van die Makoppa is om geld in te samel vir verskeie welsynsorganisasies.

Werda Toyota Datum




Werda Toyota



Plek 1


K Barkhuizen (jnr.)


F Jonker


P Grobler


Z Nortjé


T Pretorius G van der Westhuizen


A Krügel

uittel 48

W Venter


uittel 48

T Vermaak


E Schlesinger

Woensdagspel Datum



Eie reëlings



Formaat IS Punte


M Venter

uittel 36


B Schlesinger

uittel 36


A Coetzee


Kobus Barkhuizen (jnr.) en Francois Jonker was die wenners van die Werda Toyota gholfdag wat die afgelope naweek by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub aangebied is. Hulle wen die beterbal Stableford kompetisie met ‘n telling van 50 punte. Afgeneem is, van links na regs, Francois, Kobus (jnr.), Kobus Barkhuizen snr. (klubkaptein) en Eddie en Seretha Schlesinger van Werda Toyota. GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm


20 29 November 2013

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Framing: Louise 082 921 4298 JQ van der Walt (left) walked away with the Soutpansberg Golf Club’s trophy for Best Ambassador this year during the club’s annual prize­giving last Saturday. Awarding the trophy to him is Lizet Joubert.

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Gholfklub wys hul bestes aan

Danie Jooste (left) received the trophy as Rookie of the Year from the Soutpansberg Golf Club’s women’s captain, Lizette Joubert (right). This was during the club’s annual prize­giving function the past weekend.

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SALES: Daniel Matenzhe 072 991 7850 • Sam Manyike 071 096 1739 • Matumba Khamusi 076 509 1726 AFTER HOURS: • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

The Soutpansberg Golf Club’s trophy for best improvement in golf this year went to Lialize Bezuidenhout (left). The trophy was handed to her by her mother, Lizet Joubert (right), Kobus Barkuizen Jnr (left) awards the prize for “Best Woman Player” during the club’s annual prize­giving function to Kotie Jacobs (right) during the Soutpansberg Golf Club’s annual prize­giving function on Saturday, 23 November. on Saturday (23rd).

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