Zoutpansberger 2 September 2011

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2 September 2011



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Jaargang 27 Vol. 34




Na twee maande van Triegie-toneelgroep stowwerigheid kry straat weer aan die presteer eindelik teer - bladsy 3 - bladsy 4

Police launch man hunt for well-known Madombidza businessman accused of attempted murder and rape

Businessman on the run By Isabel Venter

A well-known businessman from Madombidza, Prince Mulalo Ludere (41), allegedly skipped town and, at the time of going to press, was still evading the police. His disappearance follows the alleged rape of a 31-year-old woman, after he had allegedly first poured paraffin over her face and set her alight. He is now wanted on charges of attempted murder and rape. According to a police statement, this happened at the end of July at Ludere’s house in Madombidza. Provincial police spokesperson Lt Col Mohale Ramatseba said that the police only learned about the alleged crime last Wednesday. Ludere allegedly threatened to kill the woman. Ramatseba said that Ludere had allegedly held the woman hostage since July 31 and had only taken her to the Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital when her burn wounds became infected. She was treated and released. When Ludere threatened to kill her, she escaped and went straight to the police. Ramatseba said last week that the police were confident that an arrest would be made soon. By Tuesday, however, Ludere was still at large, despite an intensive manhunt by the police. The police urged members of the public with information regarding Ludere’s whereabouts to phone Capt Patrick Makhavhu at 072 803 9007. In the meantime, the Louis Trichardt Regional Court is also holding a warrant for Ludere’s arrest after he failed to appear in court on July 25 on a charge of the illegal possession of a firearm. The Zoutpansberger reported on this court case Prince Ludere, photographed during an earlier court appearance in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court.


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at the beginning of July. Ludere appeared in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court, together with Tsepo Moepi (39) of Seshego, Alfred Nkuna (40) of Mamelodi, Lesetja Reuben Moloto (39) of Polokwane, Christopher Maleka of Polokwane and Jeffrey Nnkwamato Maphala (45), also of Mamelodi. Their appearance follows Moepi and Nkuna’s arrest in December last year. According to information, the two were arrested after local police received a tip-off regarding a planned robbery. This led to the pair’s arrest near Eltivillas on December 28 last year. When the police searched the vehicle they were driving, they found two unlicensed 9mm pistols. Moepi and Nkuna implicated their co-accused, who was subsequently arrested. All of them were released on bail and their case was postponed until July 25. It was during this court appearance that Maphala and Ludere failed to appear in court “due to medical reasons.” Warrants for their arrest were issued but held over by the court to give them time to hand in a doctor’s certificate as proof that they were sick. All six men’s cases were postponed until September, 19. Ludere’s is currently out on medical parole, following a previous conviction. He was also arrested as a suspect in 2007 in connection with the daring daytime armed robbery at the Khoja’s Modern Store in 2005. The case was later withdrawn against him, due to a lack of evidence. During the robbery, Mr Ghelani was brutally gunned down and his 84-year-old father, Mr Baboo Mohanial Ghelani, was wounded.


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2 September 2, 2011 Deur Isabel Venter

Munisipale park nou ‘n gratis smousplek? Vir etlike maande al word die munisipale park in Boababstraat deur plaaslike “entrepreneurs” gebruik om hulle ware van die hand te sit. By hierdie straatmark kan inwoners tuinmeubels of kuns­ werke koop, ‘n sleepwaentjie huur of selfs ‘n tweedehandse motor aanskaf. Soms is daar meer as een voertuig om van te kies. Met die Zoutpansberger se besoek aan die park Dinsdagoggend was daar egter net een Citi Golf wat uitgestal gestaan het, met ‘n Onwettige smouse vervaardig en smous tuinmeubels- en beelde in die munisipale park in saamgeflansde pryskaartjie van Boababstraat aan verbygangers. karton. Sowat twee weke gelede het daar boonop ‘n “kampeerder” tent opgeslaan onder een van die bome in die park.

Motors, partykeer meer as een, word al vir die afgelope paar maande in die munisipale park onwettige vertoon en verkoop. Dieselfde Citi Golf wat Dinsdagoggend afgeneem is, het Dinsdagmiddag nog daar gestaan, ten spyte van die Makhado Munisipaliteit se versekering dat die eienaar gevra is om die motor te verwyder.

Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi is dieselfde dag genader in ‘n poging om uit te vind of die besigheidsmanne en bewoners aansoek gedoen het om in die park te plak en gratis vanaf ‘n munisipale perseel sake te doen? In antwoord het hy gesê die munisipaliteit is nie bewus van die praktyk nie. “Indien dit die geval sou wees, is die mense besig is met onwettige praktyke,” het Bobodi gesê en onderneem dat die saak ondersoek sou word. Later dieselfde dag het Bobodi laat weet dat ‘n munisipale beampte die park besoek het en al die verkopers beveel het om pad te gee. “Hulle [die verkopers] is ge-

waarsku dat hulle volgende keer beboet sal word en dat die munisipaliteit op hulle goedere beslag sal lê,” het Bobodi gesê. Dit was egter duidelik dat die plakkers nie veel ag geslaan het op die munisipaliteit se waarskuwing nie. Teen die middag was die situasie nog onveranderd. Bobodi is weer geskakel om uit te vind waarom hulle steeds daar is. Hierop het hy die koerant versoek om Woensdag maar weer te gaan kyk, waarna hy die telefoon neergesit het. Teen Woensdagoggend was al die plakkers steeds op hul plekke, selfs die man wat in die tent in die parkie bly.

Ika Smith (links) en Daniel Coetzee in die toneel “Innie bos” tydens die Graad 9 drama-aand by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt op 23 Augustus. Foto verskaf.

BUSINESS talk New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focus­sing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us

know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old. Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. For more information, phone Andries at Tel 015 516 4996/7.


Sakekamer maak nominasies bekend Die Soutpansberg Sakekamer het vandeesweek hul finaliste vir die Sakepersoon en Besigheid Daphne’s Haarsalon op Louis Trichardt het onlangs ‘n nuwe haarstilis, Marisca du Plooy, in van die Jaar bekend gemaak. Wenners sal hul midde verwelkom. Van links is Luandri Fick, Daphné Calitz en Marisca. Kliënte kan ook tydens ‘n gala-aand op Saterdag, 17 Septembinnekort uitsien na skoonheidsbehandelings wanneer die salon ‘n nuwe skoonheidsterapeut ber, by Northgate Lodge bekendgemaak word. Navi Redd sal sal aanstel. Die salon kan geskakel word by 082 787 2439. as gaskunsternaars optree tydens die geleentheid. Die top drie nominasies vir Entrepreneur van die Jaar is Die Wa­ wiel, Louis Printers en Phlippie Potgieter. Kobus van der Merwe van Eerste Nasiona­ le Bank en Tommy Janse van Rensburg van BuildIt is genomineer as korporatiewe bestuurders van die jaar. In die Nuusmaker van die Jaar On Thursday, August 25, Alert Steel in Louis Trichardt celebrated the relaunch of their kategorie is maj. Catherin Lauschagne, branch. As part of the revamp, the store now boasts a new brand name, a bigger retail die eerste vroue vegvlieënier om in die Gripen floor, as well as a bigger product range. Photographed are all the Alert Steel personnel vegvliegtuig te vlieg, en lt. kol. Musa “Midduring the re-opening of the store. night” Mbhokota, die eerste swart vegvlieënier,

genomineer. Maatskappye wat genomineer is as die Kor­ poratiewe Maatskappy van die Jaar is P&L Hardeware, Bridge Auto & GWM en Du Toit’s Bande. In die toerisme-afdeling is Pafuri Game Lodge, Mokovhel Lodge en Lalaphanzi Hotel as die drie finaliste aangewys. Dennis Gilbert (Specialized Oil), Vijo Premjee (Premjee & Sons) en Dawn Smit (Pest Control Specialist) is die drie finaliste vir die Sakepersoon van die Jaar trofee. Volgens die organiseerders is kaartjies vir die geleentheid beperk en is dit ‘n geleentheid wat nie misgeloop kan word nie. Kaartjies beloop R150 per persoon. Vir meer inligting of om ‘n kaartjie te bespreek, kan die sakekamer se sekretaresse, Elsabè Bezuidenhout, geskakel word by 082 308 0472.


2 September 2011 3

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Na twee maande van stowwerige gemors kry Elandstraat uiteindelik stukkie teer ‘n Tuin vol stof, ‘n huis vol stof en voertuie vol stof … dit is hoe inwoners van ‘n gedeelte van Elandstraat in Louis Trichardt die afgelope twee maande geleef het. Nou hoop hulle dat die straat se teerdery verder ‘n sukses sal wees. “Twee maande gelede is die teer uit die pad opgeruk met ‘n padskraper. Toe is dit platgemaak en net so gelos,” vertel een inwoner. Me. Suzette Swanepoel woon in Elandstraat, tussen Akasia- en Proteastraat. “Ons het versuip in die stof. Ons het dit naderhand oorweeg om te trek, omdat dit nie gelyk het of daar enige poging aangewend word nie,” sê Swanepoel. Sy vertel dat die eerste week ná die skraap, daar vrouens was wat die pad gevee het en vragmotors wat die pad natgemaak het. Maar toe stop dit. Die tuine het vol dik lae stof gelê. Hulle moes die plante afspuit en onnodig water gebruik. "In die huis kon die huishulp nog afstof, maar oor ‘n uur kon jy jou vinger deur die stof trek. Jy kon die voertuie nou Hofnuus

Saak teen stiefpa weer uitgestel 'n Bekende sakeman van Louis Trichardt wat in Maart gearresteer is nadat hy glo sy negejarige stiefdogter gemolesteer het, het weer Maandag vlugtig in die Streekshof op Louis Trichardt verskyn. Die 45-jarige man staan tereg op ‘n klag van verkragting. Dié klag is teen hom gebring, nadat hy die dogtertjie glo verskeie kere oor etlike jare seksueel misbruik het en haar betas het. Na verneem word, sal die man weer Maandag, 6 September, in die hof verskyn, nadat hy aangedui het dat hy van plan is om ‘n pleitooreenkoms met die Staat aan te gaan.

skoonmaak, en as jy tot by die hoek gery het, was hulle weer vol stof. As drie karre agtermekaar ry, kon jy nie eers die huis oorkant jou sien nie." “Tot ons huis se dak is vol stof. In die twee maande het ek nie gesien dat hier mense aan die pad werk nie,”sê mnr. Lulama Manganyi. Intussen het die Makhado Munisipaliteit bevestig dat die kontrakteur nog op terrein is. Die kontrakteur is Fusi-Tondi Trading, een van Na twee maande waarin inwoners van Elandstraat tussen Akasia en Proteastrate "in die stof die 27 kontrakteurs wat die tenders gekry het om versuip het", is die grond na die kante van die pad gevee en is daar Dinsdag ´n eerste teerlagie verskillende gedeeltes van die dorp se strate te her- gespuit. stel. Die meerderheid van die strate wat geoormerk is vir herstel, is in die nuwe uitbreiding, oos van die N1 geleë. Swanepoel sê dat hulle Maadagaand om 18:30 gehoor het dat daar iets in die straat gebeur. “Hulle het begin om ‘n stukkie van die straat met die hand met teer te bespuit. Hulle het begin lewe kry!” sê Swanepoel. Nog ‘n inwoner wat die straat gereeld gebruik en anoniem wil bly, het egter se kommer uitgespreek oor die pad. “Ek is self in konstruksiewerk. Die grondwerke is swak gedoen. Hulle is tans besig om te prime net voor hulle dit teer. Dit is swak gedoen en die pad gaan nie lank hou nie. Ons sal maar kyk as hulle klaar geteer het,” het hy gesê. Verkeersbeheer met die teer van die straat skiet ook ver tekort. Dinsdagmiddag, met die primêre laag teer nog nat, is voertuie toegelaat om daaroor te ry. Die groot vraag was waarom dit solank geneem het vir die pad om geteer te word. Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi het Dinsdagaand per SMS ‘n rede aangevoer. “Dit is omdat hy (die kontrakteur) besig was om die basis voor te berei. ´n Nuwe verligte advertensiebord op die hoek van Grobler- en Songozwistraat is die jongste Dit neem tyd en dit is ‘n reuse taak,” het Bobodi naweek-slagoffer by Louis Trichardt se bedrywige straathoeke. Die verkeersligte op dié hoek het dit hierdie keer oorleef. Die betrokke straatkruising is berug vir die botsings wat kort-kort laat weet. Op 6 Junie het die Makhado Munisipaliteit gesê daar plaasvind. Twee van die stewige staalkonstruksie smous-afdakke wat die munisipaliteit dat die 27 kontrakteurs gelyktydig werk en dat al digby die kruising op die sypaadjies in beton vasgegiet het, is onlangs ook daar onherstelbaar die projekte teen die einde van Junie vanjaar afge- platgestamp. Soos in die grootste gedeelte van die sentrale sakegebied is die randstene ook by handel sal wees. Dit is nou al September en steeds al die probleem-kruisings jare laas geverf. Dit maak die straatgrense veral saans en tydens mis- en reënweer moeilik sigbaar. is die werk nie klaar nie.

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4 September 2, 2011 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Triegies se toneelgroep doen dit weer

Die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, met hul stuk Loodballon, is vir die tweede jaar na mekaar aangewys as die Gauteng streekswenners in die ATKV Tienertoneelfees. Voor, van links, is toneelorganiseerder me. Nellie Wolmarans en mnr. Nico Scheepers, wat verantwoordelik was vir die teks, regie en choreografie. In die tweede ry is verhoogspelers Medupi Ramaboea, Larissa Venter, Arno venter, Jean-Pierre Paquot en Gideon Scheepers. Agter is die tegniese span, Gerda Leonard, Louwtjie Venter en NJ Prinsloo. Verhoogspelers Tharien Guilaaume en Nelly Mametja was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Amlal het silwer toekennings, die hoogste op die streeksfees, ontvang.

Die toneelgroep van Hoër­ skool Louis Trichardt is vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar aangewys as die Gautengstreekswenners. As deelnemers aan die ATKV Tienertoneel het hulle die stuk Loodballon op 26 Augustus by die UNISA Kleinteater in Pretoria opgevoer. Die volgende aand het hulle aan die streeksfinaal deelgeneem en stof in die oë geskop van 24 ander skole, waaronder topskole soos Waterkloof, Afrikaans Hoër Seuns­ skool, Menlopark, Centurion en Helpmekaar. Nou wag die groep om te hoor of hulle uitgenooi gaan word om by Aardklop deel te neem. Verlede jaar is hulle met Kolom as nasionale wenners by Aardklop aangewys. “Loodballon handel oor twee By Andries van Zyl

sussies in ‘n koue huis. Hulle probeer saam die paaie van grootword hanteer. Een van die sussies het ‘n donker geheim wat albei se lewens verander,” sê Nico Scheepers, wat vir die teks, regie en choreografie van die stuk verantwoordelik was. Hy het ‘n silwer toekenning, die hoogste op die streekfees, ontvang vir al hierdie aspekte. Net so het elke verhoogspeler en elke lid van die tegniese span ‘n silwer sertifikaat ontvang. Nico verduidelik dat Loodballon fisiese teater is, waar liggaamsbewegings en momente op die verhoog uitgebeeld word om emosie te kommunikeer. Een van die beoordelaars, Johan Nel, ‘n bekende akteur en radiopersoonlikheid, het na die stuk en die gebruik van lig en kleur verwys as 'n "lewende skildery”. Ander

het na die stuk as ‘n “professionele produksie” verwys. Me. Nellie Wolmarans, die skool se toneelorganiseerder, is baie trots op die kinders. Nico sê dat die kinders ook waar hulle af van die verhoog was, geprys is vir hul gedissiplineerdheid en teateretiket. Loodballon word spesiaal weer op 21 September in die skool­saal opgevoer en die groep vra die gemeenskap se heelhartige ondersteuning. Die kaartjies is R50 vir volwassenes en R20 vir skoliere. Laerskoolkinders moet verkieslik vergesel wees van hul ouers en die stuk is nie geskik vir baie jong kinders nie. Plekke kan bespreek word by me. Laura Jacobs by die skool­ kantoor. Vir meer inligting kan die skool by 015 516 4965 geskakel word.

Remote jamming is not science fiction

Vanjaar se Graad 12’s van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is op 29 Augustus verras deur ‘n buitengewone manier waarop hul matriekafskeiduitnodigings by hulle aangekom het. ‘n Verbyvlug van die Hawks van die Makhado Lugmagbasis is vir hulle gereël. “ ‘n Paar rookgranate is gebruik om die Graad 12’s se uitnodigings na hul matriekafskeid ‘n kleurtjie te gee,” sê die organiseerders. Foto verskaf.

s i h t Grab rtunity, e o r p e p h o e s i t r adve nd start ey! n a o m g n 6 i 9 k a 9 4 m 6 1

5 5 1 0

Ever heard of criminals using remote control units to jam your vehicle's immobiliser when you are trying to lock the doors? It might sound like science fiction, but it is not. Ms Laurien Venter of Louis Trichardt told the Zoutpansberger on Wednesday that during the past two weeks, she almost fell prey to this trick twice, were it not that she had realised what was going on. Saturday two weeks ago, Venter says, she parked in front of Mr Price in the town’s CBD. She got out of her vehicle and tried to lock it with her remote control. The vehicle, however, failed to lock. Venter says she saw two men, with their hands in their pockets, standing close by and decided to stay with her vehicle. After about 10 minutes, the men left, after which the vehicle finally locked.

On Tuesday, Venter says she again parked in the town’s CBD, this time in front of CNA. Again her vehicle failed to lock. She kept on trying, however, until the doors finally locked. Venter then walked to Jet. “While standing in the doorway, I saw a lady park her car next to Identity. She got out, pointed her immobiliser at the car and walked off. I saw, however, that her immobiliser did not activate the car's central locking as the lights didn’t flicker,” Venter says. Within a flash a man walked up to the vehicle, opened the door and took several parcels from the back seat. “I shouted at him, asking him what he was doing?” Venter says. The man ignored her and started walking off. Outraged by the man’s blatant arrogance, she ran across the street and confronted the man.

“He dropped the parcels, yelling ‘There it is! There it is!’ and ran away,” Venter says. She says it is clear that the town is being targeted by these “remote” criminals. They operate by using a remote control, normally those used to open gates, to jam the signal from a vehicle’s remote immobiliser by pressing and holding it down while the owner tries to lock his or her vehicle via remote. This only works, however, if the culprits stand close enough to their target vehicle. They then rely on people’s ignorance not to look and make sure their vehicle has actually locked as they start walking away. Following her own personal experience over the past two weeks, Venter has urged members of the public to be aware and make sure their vehicles actually lock.

W/O Leonard Mukoma (left) and W/O Edward Mamuhohi (right) stand in front of a loaded Toyota Quantum, full of illegal cigarettes, that was confiscated by the police. By Peter Muthambi

More taxis involved in illegal smuggling Some taxis are no longer being used to ferry passengers these days, but rather to transport illegal cigarettes. They are being used to smuggle illegal cigarettes from the neighbouring Zimbabwe into the country. This became evident when 13 taxis full of illegal cigarettes were confiscated by the police in August alone. A similar incident was reported in the Nzhelele area last Wednesday, when a Toyota

Quantum taxi that was transporting illegal cigarettes was confiscated by the Mphephu police. The driver of the taxi, Mr Aifheli Eliot Thavhana (32) of Tshikuwi Village, and his Zimbabwean friend, Mr Admire Shoriwa (34), were arrested for being in possession of illegal cigarettes. W/O Lazarus Netshizati, the spokesperson for the Mphephu police, confirmed the incident.

"The two were arrested at Tshitunitshafhasi Village while transporting the cigarettes. We have charged them with being in possession of illegal cigarettes," he said. According to Netshidzati, the two were found in possession of 3 037 cartons of illegal cigarettes. Mathavha and Shiriwa appeared before the Dzanani Magistrate Court on Monday and the case was postponed.


2 September 2011 5



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6 September 2, 2011

The Makhado Municipality has commenced with the street surfacing of the new residential area, Eltivillas Extension 1. The project has a total contract value of R9,7million. The project steering committee raised the complaint that the project has already been running for five months and no project sign board has been erected to indicate the details about the companies and project. By Linda van der Westhuizen

Resurfacing welcomed, but with no sign? The Makhado Municipality has commenced with surfacing the streets of the new residential area in Eltivillas (Extension 1), Louis Trichardt. The project has a total contract value of R9,7m for around 7km of streets. The commencement date of the project was March 17 this year and the official completion date is December 17. The Makhado Municipality indicated this week that the project is running as expected. Despite the appreciation for the fact that the street surfacing is well underway, an aggravating situation reared its head. The project steering committee (PSC), who say that they desire to guide their project well, feel that their opinions are not being respected and their input taken

into account. They PSC also say that the municipality does not stick to what they say as recorded in the minutes of the meetings. One issue that the PSC feel strongly about is the absence of a project sign board indicating the details of the companies involved in the project, as well as details of the project itself. “Why is there no project sign board? Why don’t they want to be transparent about the project and show the information on a project sign board?” asked the chairperson of the PSC, Mr M E Mbedzi. In the minutes of a site meeting on July 11, it was noted that “the project name board issue will be dealt with within two weeks from the day of the meeting”. The meeting, which was scheduled by

Chief of Staff and Wing Commander E. Masuku from Zimbabwe, addressing the media about the SADC´s multinational simulated humanitarian relief exercise during a briefing held at the AFB Makhado last Wednesday. At the back is Col Schalk van Heerden, from AFB Makhado, appointed commander of the exercise. By Isabel Venter

Base hosts multi-national exercise

the Makhado municipal manager, was attended by the members of the PSC, the ward councillor, The Southern African De- simulated humanitarian relief humanitarian relief, testing and evaluating command and representatives of the Makhado velopment Community’s operation on the borders. Zimbabwe’s air force provided control systems, as well as Municipality, the consulting (SADC) air forces assembled engineering firm, the contractor, at Air Force Base Makhado one AB412 helicopter, two K8 jet interoperability among various outside Louis Trichardt last fighters and a CASA 212. South elements of the air forces and and SANCO. “One and a half months later week for a multinational Africa provided eight planes, air wings. Appointed comthan the promised date, there is humanitarian relief exercise, including Hawks and Grippens, mander of the project Col and Botswana 10. Angola pro- Schalk van Heerden described still no sign board. The project codenamed Blue Cluster. This exercise started on Sat- vided a sector control centre the project as a success and said is supposed to take nine months and we are already in month urday, August 20, and was and five static radars, among that this will be the first of many five,” Mbedzi said. The Makhado concluded with a media brief- other equipment, while Zambia exercises to follow. and Mozambique pledged their “Now we have established Municipality said this week that ing last Wednesday. “This exercise stems from human resources to the exer- that we have the capacity to the contractor was still waiting for the sign board from the a SADC Standing Aviation cise. In all, approximately 146 do something like this and manufacturer. Another issue that Committee meeting which was members from all the countries look forward to the next one,” the steering committee raised was held in Maputo, Mozambique, participated. Exercises included he said. where it was decided the strength of the cement used. “We wanted to know why 32.5 to hold a bi-annual excement and not 42.5, a stronger ercise with the primary cement, has been specified. We objective of developwere told that they wanted to ing and improving rego for the cheaper cement. At gional co-operation in some point we were the field of humanitarPLEASE DO NOT BE DECEIVED told that we would not ian support operations understand such tech- amongst all SADC air The truth is: nicalities and we were forces and air wings,” denied access to the explained the South Heaven and hell is real laboratory tests of the African Department of Sin leads to hell Defence in their media soil,” Mbedzi said. Jesus is the only way to Heaven On the cement is- statement. The exercise saw sue, the municipality The blood of Jesus delivers us from sin participating nations said that tests had been Jesus is coming back Are you depressed or hopeless ? conducted on the 32.5 South Africa, Zim- Air Force members busy loading food parcels during a humanitarian The Word will be-ORyour Contact us nowof for God free counseling. -Send judge your prayer cement with regard to babwe, Botswana, relief exercise, code-named Blue Cluster. The exercise was held last request to us, and we will pray that Jesus works a miracle in your life. can - Confidentiality Jesus be yourguaranteed advocate the strength needed and Zambia, Angola and week at the Air Force Base Makhado and was concluded with a media Want to knowNOW more about the ChristianLIFE faith? - CHOOSE JESUS mixture proportions had Namibia executing a briefing on Wednesday. CHOOSE - CHOOSE Do you have any questions un-answered? also been determined. YOURunto PRAYER REQUEST Jesus SEND said….”Come me, all ye that labour TO and E-MAIL ADDRESS BELOW! “Their inputs have By Mashudu Netsianda are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28) Wthese words? RACES AND CULTURES WELCOME DoALL you believe been taken into consi­ Tel: 015 516 5305 - 082 926 7313 deration,” said municipal spokesperson Mr E-mail: admin@nccltt.co.za P.O.Box 1179, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Louis Bobodi on TuesA 38-year-old Zimbabwean Godfrey Guma of Chitungwiza Bridge border post, driving a 115 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt day. was sentenced to a fine of US$2 was convicted of smuggling, Nissan bakkie. The vehicle was 082 926 7313 (Andre) -Email: admin@nccltt.co.za Box / Bus 1179, Louis Trichardt, 0920 - Andre 000 or 12 months in jail for when he appeared before a local laden with 10 bags of rolled copattempting to smuggle 1000kg magistrate, Mrs Auxillia Chium- per cables that had been stolen of stolen copper cables worth buru, on Friday. from the Zimbabwe Electricity US$15 000 into South Africa The prosecutor, Mr Foster Supply Authority (ZESA). through the Beit Bridge Bor- Abheki, said that on August 2 On arrival at the border, poder Post. this year, Guma went to the Beit lice detectives received a tip-off that Guma intended to smuggle his loot into South Africa. Introduction They then waylaid of him at the border post and pounced on him when he was about to leave for South Africa. The detectives stopped the accused and conducted a thorough New Summer search of the vehicle, Stock leading to the discovery of the copper cables, which were concealed at the back of the vehicle. The Rotary Club of Louis Trichardt did their bit to help fight off the t s Guma was subsee w Join us on Facebook Ne winter cold by donating 35 blankets to residents of Laat Lente and Oppsite the side quently arrested and for the latest news Herfsakker. Handing over the blankets is Mr Godfrey Went, Rotary entrance of Woolworths the copper cables were President. Photo supplied. seized.

Police arrest Zim copper smuggler


2 September 2011 7

• 1 Tonner • Power steering • Affordable running costs • Service plan for double cabs

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Donasie help kinders kos gee

A reader took this photo outside a store in the Eltivillas shopping centre in Louis Trichardt last week, “It just seemed a very funny and unique way of putting up a sign,” the reader writes. The two men did everything from drilling, grinding and securing the sign while standing on their car roof. “Talk about an innovative new kind of scaffolding,” the reader wrote.

‘n Welkome donasie van R10 000 is ontvang vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se “Help-‘n-Kind” fonds. Redefine Properties, die maatskap­ py wat Makhado Crossing besit, het dié bedrag bewillig, nadat me. Stienie Fourie (adjunkhoof) die fonds onder hulle aandag gebring het. “Hierdie fonds het sowat 18 maande gelede ontstaan toe een van ons leerders opgemerk het dat daar drie leerders is wat nie toebroodjies het nie. Hy het elke dag vir hulle toebroodjies gebring. Ons het ‘n opname begin maak en gevind dat daar meer leerders is met dieselfde behoefte,” sê me. Fourie. In 2011 het die getal behoeftige

Why PAy A forTune To mAke A fo

leerders reeds tot 35 gestyg. “Ons verskaf kruideniersware aan 10 behoeftige gesinne. Die afgelope winter het ons komberse, kos, klere en skryfbehoeftes verskaf. Ons gebruik donasies om leerders wat kliniese sielkundiges, arbeidsterapeute en spraakterapeute benodig en wie se ouers dit nie kan bekostig nie, by te staan,” sê Fourie. “Armoede kom al hoe meer te voorskyn en is in ons midde. Ons het ‘n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die gemeenskap het om aan hulle terug te gee,” het mnr. Johan Wilken, Redefine se eiendomsbestuurder in Limpopo en Mpumalanga, Maandag gesê.

1.3TE From R1

From R1

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(with 75 000km Service Plan)

‘n Welkome donasie van R10 000 vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se • Terms and conitions apply. offers valid while stock lasts. Subject to bank approval. “Help-‘n-Kind” fonds is ontvang van Redefine Properties. Van links is mnr. Johan Wilken, Redefine se eiendomsbestuurder vir Limpopo en Mpumalanga, me. Ané Venter, bestuurder van Makhado Crossing, mnr. Louis Linde (skoolhoof), me. Stienie Fourie (adjunkhoof) en leerders Bianca Spies (hoofmeisie) en Marli Muller (onderhoofmeisie). Voor is Pieter Guillaume (onderhoofseun) en Jaks Cronjé (hoofseun).

Buy a car in January and February an your child’s educa R10 000 cashback 2009 BMW 320i A/TH/v (E90) F/L Grobler

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Ma en dogter het vanjaaar saam die uitdaging aanvaar om UNISA-klaviereksamens af te lê. Me. Elize Markham het die Graad 2 eksamen op 13 Augustus gespeel en klein Chrisli Muller het die eerste klaviereksamen (voor-Graad 1) op 16 Augustus aangedurf. Albei het in Polokwane gaan speel. Chrisli verras en slaag haar eksamen met lof, terwyl mamma slaag met eervolle vermelding.

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8 September 2, 2011

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790

WHAT’S ON? WAT GEBEUR? ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)

Thursday, September 1 Bright and sunny.

High: 28oC Low: 11oC

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959

Friday, September 2

• AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486)

Sunny and very warm.

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Gail Blunden, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 and 18:00. Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631 or Melodey Tel 076 099 8430 • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 10:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. PJ van der Merwe, Tel: 015 516 1220 / 082 678 3537 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, 1ste, 3de en 5de Sondag om 09:00 en 2de en 4de Sondag om 18:30, ds. Barrie Oberholzer, Tel: 015 534 0610 / 082 211 7926 • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kingdomkidz Kinderkerk 10:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@ zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

High: 31oC Low: 12oC Saturday, September 3 Mostly sunny, breezy and not as warm.

High: 24oC Low: 7oC Sunday, September 4 Pleasant with sunshine.

High: 24oC Low: 10oC Monday, September 5 Bright sunshine.

High: 28oC Low: 9oC Tuesday, September 6 Cloudy and cooler with showers.

High: 20oC Low: 7oC Wednesday, September 7 Periods of rain.

High: 21oC Low: 7oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)


We need your club, school, church or nonprofit organisation’s events for 2011. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.zoutnet.co.za.


Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2011. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutnet.co.za


Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs­ straat en Forestryweg op Louis Trichardt. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubvergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 geskakel word.

• BABAHUIS HET HULP NODIG Die Shilioh Babahuis op Louis Trichardt

vra dat die gemeenskap betrokke raak met skenkings in die vorm van poeiermelk vir babas, weggooidoeke, babaklere ensovoorts. Finansiële bydraes is ook welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Annetjie Blom by tel. 015 516 6582.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 • WIMPY-UITSTAPPIE VIR AF- • ONDERSTEUN TOMBOLA InGETREDENES Marietjie Wentzel en die woners word gevra om die CMR se tombolatafel vroueselgroep van Baird Ministries koördineer ‘n maandelikse Woensdagoggend-uitstappie na die Wimpy by Makhado Crossing, waar ’n gratis muffin en tee of koffie geniet word. Dié uitstappie is gemik op bejaardes en alleenmense en begin om 10:00. Die datums vir die res van die jaar is 14 September, 12 Oktober, 9 November en 14 Desember. Belangstellendes kan vir Marietjie skakel by 078 480 8783.

te ondersteun tydens die NG Kerk Soutpansberg se Lentefees op 3 September. Buiten die ondersteun van die tafel, benodig hulle ook items vir die tafel soos speelgoed, ornamente of enige bruikbare produkte. Persone wat kan help of navrae het, kan die kantoor skakel by tel. 015 516 5115 of bring die items na hul kantoor te Munnikstraat 70.

• MAJESTY JEUGBEDIENING IN GELD Majesty Jeugbediening van die

Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente op Louis Trichardt hou weer op 3 September hul Lentefees vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00 in die park oorkant OK Grocer (ou Ricky’s). Besoekers word ook genooi om ‘n draai te maak by KANSA se stalletjie.

Lede in Christus-gemeente op Louis Trichardt het verskeie kompetisies ter fondsinsameling geloods. In die eerste kompetisie moet inwoners die gewig van ‘n afgeslagte rooibokram reg raai om ‘n kans te staan om die bok te wen. Kaartjies hiervoor kos R10. Andersins kan inwoners skat hoeveel Astro’s, Tumbles of Wispers in die glasbottel is by Acutts Eiendomme. Die wat dit reg raai, kan die bottel lekkergoed wen. As al drie bottels reggeraai word, kan al drie gewen word. Die totale pryswaarde is R1 500 en kaartjies kos R50. Die gemeente bied vanaf 2 tot 4 September ook ‘n interkerklike jeugkonferensie by Lofdal (Tzaneen) aan. Die jeug wat die meeste vriende saambring kamp verniet en wen ‘n rooibok ter waarde van R1 400. Die kamp is vir jeug tussen 13 en 24 jaar. Vir meer inligting, skakel Franswa (jeugleier) by 079 226 0938.


Manne van die Woord op Louis Trichardt nooi alle Christen-mans na hul weeklikse bymekaarkoms. Elke Vrydag sal daar vanaf 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat vergader word. ‘n Spesiale getuienis- en dankdiens vind op 2 September plaas.


College invites members of the public to their production of Night Shriek. The plot centres around Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” but the story is set in Africa. A special show for students will be held on September 1 with tickets costing R20 and the show starting at 18:30. On September 2, all are welcome. The show, in Barnyard style theatre, will also start at 18:30 with tickets costing R50 per person or R320 for a table of eight. The venue is the Gereformeerde church hall. Tickets are on sale at the college at Tel. 015 516 3908.

• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827


Die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk op Louis Trichardt hou op 3 September weer hul gewilde pretdag by die Albasinidam. Vanaf 08:30 sal daar saamgekuier word by Joao en Anthéa Lombaard se uitspanplek. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Gert Kruger (082 770 6554) of Basie Potgieter (083 511 6123).

• GIOVANNONI PRAAT BY EMMANUEL Anita Giovannoni sal op Sondag, 4 September om 09:00 by die Emmanuel Christelike Kerk op Louis Trichardt bedien. Almal is welkom om die diens by te woon. Vir enige navrae kan die kerkkantoor geskakel word by (015) 516-4282.


Die AGS Charisma op Louis Trichardt bied op 9 September weer hul gewilde brood- en biltong­ aand aan. Die brood- en biltongaand is al ‘n instel­ling in die dorp en die gemeenskap word hartlik uitge­nooi na ‘n geselligheid waar elkeen soveel biltong en brood kan eet as wat hy of sy wil. Kaartjies kos R80 vir volwassenes en R50 vir laerskoolkinders. (Vervolg op p.9)

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as DAMVLAKKE on Monday, August 29. Dams/damme:


Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam • HERVORMERS HOU BASAAR Nandoni Dam Die Hervormde Kerk Musina-gemeente hou op 2 Nsami Dam en 3 September weer basaar op hul kerkterrein. Nwanedzi Dam Op 2 September begin die basaar, met die tema Nzhelele Dam Limpopofees, om 14:00 en op 3 September om 07:00. Vleis, vars vrugte en groente en tuisgebak Tzaneen Dam sal te koop aangebied word, met speletjies vir Vondo Dam die kleinspan, ‘n teetuin, waterkaskenades vir die jeug, ‘n Mnr. en Mej. Limpopofees, en vele meer.

• GROEP WIL HARTSEER VERLIG Die amptelike bekendstelling van Vision

of Hope vind plaas op 3 September om 18:00 by Shammah Bedieninge, te Rissikstraat 50. Tydens die geleentheid sal ‘n kliniese sielkundige van Polokwane, Zelda Buitendag, as spreker optree. Vision of Hope Bediening wil emosionele ondersteuning verleen aan ouers wat deur die trauma van die dood van ‘n baba of kleuter gegaan het, asook mense wat deur hierdie omstandighede geraak word. Dit staan onder leiding van Christo en Elmarie Coetzee, wat uit eie ondervinding leiding wil gee. Vir meer inligting, skakel Christo by 084 227 2919 of Elmarie by 084 257 4096. Hulle na-ure nommer is 015 516 4263.





• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water


- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183

• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


48.4% 48.6% 100.2% 100% 100% 100% 96.1% 96.9% 91.3% 92.3% 11.5% 11.8% 100.8% 100% 51.4% 52% 89.8% 90.8% 96.1% 96.9% 100.2% 100% 94.3% 95%

* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press





CONAN THE BARBARIAN 3D THE LION KING 3D ˛ ◊ ∂ ˛ ◊ º Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40, 21:50 Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:20, 17:20, 20:00, 22:35 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:20, 17:20, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:20, 17:20, 20:00


COWBOYS AND ALIENS ˛ Ç Ω Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50



Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:20, 22:50 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:20 ——————————————————————————————————


˛ ◊ ≥

Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 14:40, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 14:40, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:40, 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————


˛ Ç

Fri, Sat: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10 ——————————————————————————————————

SOMETHING BORROWED ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10

Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40



¸ ˛ ◊

Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00 ——————————————————————————————————


English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50 ——————————————————————————————————

CRAZY STUPID LOVE ˛ ◊ Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:20, 20:10, 22:50 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:20, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:20, 20:10



˛ ◊ ß

Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————

JOCK OF THE BUSHVELD ˛ ◊ ß Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 19:50, 21:50 Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 19:50



2 September 2011 9



Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

potjiekos, followed by braaivleis and boerekos on Saturday. Live entertainment will be provided by Dusty Dixon. There will also be a mampoer tasting, while visitors will have the opportunity to their local charities such as CANSA • OPEDAG BY LOUWTJIES Alle support (hairspray), Agora (tombola), SPCA (book sale) voornemende Louwtjies word uitgenooi na Hoërand Rotary Anns (pancakes). For more informaskool Eric Louw se opedag op 9 September. tion regarding the Rotary Ann’s local craft and Die tyd vir leerders is 09:00 tot 13:00 en vanaf produce market, phone Marie at 082 854 2459. 18:00 vir ouers in die skoolsaal. Leerders moet For the more advetorous, the P&L Cycling hul swemklere saam bring. Club will present a mountain bike race and for • NG KERK LEVUBU HOU BA- the kids - waterballs - a first for Louis Trichardt. For more information, phone Laura at 083 SAAR Die NG Kerk Levubu hou weer hulle 404 6751 or Barbra at 015 517 7021. jaarlikse kuierbasaar op 10 September. Dit begin om 08:30 met ‘n heerlike ontbyt • INNI-BERG-FEES Die CVO Skool (roosterbrood, eier, spek en wors, tamatie, vrugZoutpansberg bied op 24 teslaai, yoghurt en vrugtesap) gevolg deur die September vanaf 08:00 amptelike opening om 10:00. tot laat hul INNI-BERGAlles waarvoor ‘n basaar bekend is, sal ver­ FEES op hul skoolterrein koop word. Die koek-, plante- en groentestalaan. letjies is altyd gou uitverkoop, maar die teetuin Dit is ‘n familiefees is oop met baie tafels en stoele om te sit en kuier. met stalletjies en hope Daar is baie speletjies vir kinders. vermaak vir die kinders. Die seremoniemeester vir • SUPERCOOL VIR JESUS die dag is Paul Rothman Nedine Blom, wie (foto), Pasella-aanbieder op SABC2. se eerste kinderalPotjiekosgeesdriftiges kan inskryf vir ‘n bum, Supercool, ‘n potjiekoskompetisie met pryse ter waarde van SAMA-toekenning R9 000. ‘n Mej. INNI-BERG-FEES (5-8 jaar, ontvang het, is terug 9-13 jaar en 14-17 jaar), asook Mej. Fotogenies, met ‘n splinternuwe word aangebied. Inskrywingsvorms is beskikbaar CD en DVD, genaamd Supercool vir by Du Toit’s Apteek. Die dag word afgesluit met ‘n vertoning deur Zak van Niekerk. Kaartjies Jesus. hiervoor is by Weldons Apteek te koop teen R60 Blom tree op 10 September op Louis Trichper persoon. ardt op en haar optrede behels ‘n karaokeDie toegangsfooie na die fees is R30 (volwasvertoning waartydens sy interaktief met oud en senes), R15 (skoolkinders) en gratis vir voor­ jonk omgaan. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid kos skoolse kinders. ‘n OTM sal beskikbaar. R50 per persoon. Haar optrede vind plaas vanaf Vir meer inligting, skakel Miempie (084 606 18:00 tot 20:30 in Laerskool Louis Trichardt se 0165) of Amanda (082 301 8448). skoolsaal. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gert by tel. 084 564 5013. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Casa Caffé, Eerste Nasionale Bank (Retha Nelson 082 044 6713) en die AGS se kerkkantoor (015 516 0486). • METHODIST COUNTRY MARKET The Methodist Church Louis Trichardt • DISKONTO BOEKE BY TRIinvites one and all to enjoy fun and fellowship EGIES Diskonto Boeke sal op 12 en 13 September ‘n boekuitstalling in Laerskool Louis at their annual country market to be held on October 8 at 10:00. Trichardt se skoolsaal hou. There will be a tea garden, various stalls • GERRIE PRETORIUS SING selling plants, cakes, boerewors rolls, pancakes, BY APK Op 16 September sal die gewilde home produce, fruit and vegetables, gifts, as well Gerrie Pretorius by die as an exciting African stall and much more. Afrikaanse Protestanse The market will take place at the church terKerk optree. rain at 79 Munnik Street. Die vertoning sal om • HERVORMERS HOU BASAAR 18:30 vir 19:00 begin. Die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk ZoutpansbergKaartjies beloop gemeente hou op 8 Oktober hul jaarlikse basaar. R120 vir volwassenes Almal is welkom. en R60 vir kinders onder die ouderdom • TRIEGIES HOU KONSERT van 12 en ‘n heerlike Laerskool Louis Trichardt nooi inwoners na hul ete is ingesluit. Voor­skoolse kinders sal gratis “Rondom die Wêreld in 80 Stories” konsert in kan ingaan. Vir meer inligting of bespreking, Oktober. kan Eulien du Plessis geskakel word by 083 232 Op 12 Oktober vanaf 08:00 sal die dorp se 9647, of Babs by 082 960 1525 of Heila by 082 kleuters gratis die konsert in hul skoolsaal kan 679 4630. Kaartjies sal ook beskikbaar wees by bywoon, so ook die dorp se senior burgers op 13 Du Toit´s Apteek. Oktober vanaf 14:00. Vanaf 17 tot 20 Oktober begin die vertoning • VLU-TAK VIER 50 JAAR Die elke aand om 18:00 en kaartjies kos onderskeideVroue Landbou-unie se Hangliptak op Louis lik R35, R30, R25 en R20 afhangend vanwaar Trichardt vier vanjaar hulle vyftigste bestaans­ gesit word. jaar. Ter viering hiervan bied die VLU op 16 Kaartjies is beskikbaar vanaf 1 September by September om 19:00 ‘n ete aan met Mari Weber die skoolkantoor. as gaskunstenaar. Die ete vind plaas in die Fransie Vermaaksaal • VIS-EN-VLEESFEES Hoërskool van die Gereformeerde Kerk. Kaartjies, wat R80 Louis Trichardt bied op 14 en 15 Oktober ‘n per persoon kos en ‘n ete insluit, is beskikbaar by Vis-en-Vleesfees aan. Driekie’s Crafts and Gifts in Kroghstraat. Meer Daar gaan Idols wees, asook tweekamp, arminligting kan bekom word deur Maritha Vreugdruk, sterkmankompetisie en ‘n snoekbraai. denburg te skakel by 015 516 3111. Vir meer inligting, skakel Ilze (084 616 5641), • AGS BIED VLIEËR-DAG AAN Hennie (082 292 8154) of die skool (015 516 4965). Die AGS Charisma op Louis Trichatrdt bied op 17 September vanaf 14:00 ‘n vlieër-dag in die • 2 SQUADRON BEERFEST AFB park oorkant Ok Grocer aan. Makhado’s 2 Squadron will again host their Vir meer inligting, skakel Cornelia by 084 685 popular Octoberfest on October 15 from 12:00 1830. until 24:00. Tickets cost R50 per person and will include a • COME AND HAVE A BRAAI Residents are invited to free beer and beer glass. Rugby can be watched on come and enjoy a braai a big screen television and take aways will also be during the Kuifkopfees sold. Tickets will be available at the door or from Ronel Swart at Tel. 079 415 2740. Baby sitting and on Braai Day on September 23 and 24 at the child care services will also be available at R30 per child. Own food, refreshments and bedding must be Clouds End Hotel. Friday night there supplied for the children. This is only for children will be a spit braai and between 0 and 5 years. (Vervolg van p. 8) Verrigtinge begin om 18:00 en kaartjies is beskikbaar by die kerkkantoor (015 516 0486), Florette (015 577 1653) en Magriet (015 516 2397).



Dress up and help support the disabled Dress up and show you are serious about helping the disabled on Casual Day, Friday September 2. Casual Day is an annual event, now a firm favourite on the calendar of corporate South Africa, where people are encouraged to dress in any way, other than the usual, in support of the rights of persons with disabilities. The Casual Day sticker is all it takes as the final accessory to your outfit. Still only R10, the sticker can be obtained from


volgende Soutpansberg Skermutselingstoer vind op Saterdag, 15 Oktober, plaas. Tydens die toer, onder leiding van plaaslike historikus Charles Leach, sal daar weer gekyk word na die 100 jaar geskiedenis van die Bushveldt Carbineers, met besoeke aan onder meer Lovedale Parks en die Sweet Waters Hotel. Vir besprekings kan Inga Gilfillan geskakel word by 072 590 3939 of 015 5165455.

Absa, Game, Dion Wired, Edgars, Jet, CNA or from one of the Casual Day participating NGOs or directly from the Casual Day national office. This year, members of the public are invited to dress up as their favourite music star or band. “But remember that you will only be a REAL rock star on Casual Day if you are wearing the official Casual Day sticker,” says the organisers. Visit www.casualday.co.za for ideas on how a few Casual Day rock stars will be dressed. to be able to enter for the program, please contact Sean at 083 377 4670 or Antjie at 083 563 1010 to make an appointment until September 9.

• PTA GOLF DAY The Parent Teachers

Association of Messina Primary School is hosting a golf day fund raiser on September 24. Registration will take place from 06:00 and the entry fee is R150 per player (includes an evening braai pack). The format is a 4-ball alliance. The prize giving, braai and dance will take from 19:00. For more information, phone Marlene at • GRAB-A-GRANNY Die Grab-a-Gran- 082 317 5777. ny-rolstoelwedren en pretloop vind hierdie jaar weer op 22 Oktober op Louis Trichardt plaas. Dié instelling is nou al wyd en syd bekend vir die pret wat deelnemers het saam met die inwoners van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis. Almal word uitgenooi om deel te wees daarvan. Daar is weer ‘n pretdraf, terwyl die minder-gedrewenes kan stap. Die hoogtepunt is die rolstoelwedren, waar van die tehuis se inwoners in rolstoele gestoot sal word deur lede van die Soutpansberg Atletiek­ klub. Heerlike eet en drinkgoed sal verkoop word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Lucas of Rina Vermeulen by 015 516 4508 of 015 516 2231.

• HUWELIKSKURSUS ‘n Huweliksverrykingskursus met die tema “Fireproof your Marriage” vind op 29 Oktober vanaf 14:00 tot 17:00 in die AGS-kerksaal op Louis Trichardt plaas. Piekniekmandjies moet saamgebring word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Leonie by tel. 084 219 4406.


Circle 4 and Body Fit in Louis Trichardt will be hosting a Zumba for Charity at Yonder (Dienssentrum) on September 1. The event will run from 18:00 until 19:30 and will be judged on a “last man standing” basis. Entry cost R10 per person and all proceeds will go towards charity. “Bring your friends, children and enemies for a fun evening,” invites the organisers.


Trichardt Krieketklub beplan vanaf 9 September tot 7 Oktober ‘n raak-rugby liga. Wedstryde sal elke Vrydagaand by die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub gespeel word en elke span sal twee wedstryde per aand speel. Deelname kos R250 per aand per span of R1 000 vir die hele toernooi. Spanne sal bestaan uit ses spelers wat 10 minute aan elke kant sal speel. Spanne mag reserwes saambring. Ten minste agt spanne moet inskryf om die liga ‘n sukses te maak en veral besighede word genooi om ‘n span in te skryf. Wedstryde begin om 18:00 en is baie sosiaal. Die afsluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 8 September. Vir meer inligting, skakel Leon by 082 711 3844 of Sean by 083 556 3502.

• ZERO-TO-HERO The P&L Hardware

Cycling Club and Body Fit in Louis Trichardt will again present their Zero-to-Hero training program for all novice cyclists from 12 September this year. Over a period of ten weeks, cyclists will be trained various skills to complete a race at the end of the program. For assessments


10 September 2, 2011 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Kamp ‘n kragtige ervaring vir manne

Daar was ´n groot opkoms van 330 vrouens by die Vroueaand op 25 Augustus by die saal van Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Voor (regs) is spreker Johnny Louw. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Vroue en kinders kry boodskap van hoop Dit was amper simbolies ... Terwyl die saal van Laerskool Louis Trichardt Donderdag­ aand gons van 330 opgewonde vrouestemme, word die kruis se ligte vir die eerste keer in ‘n lang tyd weer aangeskakel. Die Manne van die Woord het hard gewerk om die kruis te herstel. Hulle het ook alles uitgehaal om die vroue-aand ‘n besonderse ervaring te maak. Vroue het saam die geleentheid gehad om te aanbid. Ná die byeenkoms het die manne die vroue met ‘n watertand-ete bedien. Spreker Johhny Louw is ‘n bobaas storieverteller uit die Namakwaland. Vroue het saam gelag en gehuil soos wat hy sy riller van ‘n lewensverhaal vertel het vanaf ‘n klein vaderlose seun­ tjie totdat hy uiteindelik, met ‘n pistool teen die kop, die Here ontmoet het.

“Ek bring ook ‘n spesiale boodskap vir julle wat ek by die voete van Koning Jesus gekry het,” het Louw gesê. Die boodskap het gelui dat die vroue van Louis Trichardt nie slegte gedagtes en kritiek in hulle harte moet koester nie, maar gedagtes van hoop, liefde, deernis en sagtheid. Vrouens het met verskillende verwagtings gekom en verskillende aspekte van die aand het hulle getref. Die oorgrote meerderheid was dit eens dat die aand en die boodskap nie vergeet sal word nie. “Ons het soveel positiewe terugvoer van die vrouens gekry, baie SMSe en briewe,” sê Stanley Thompson, wat die aand names die Manne van die Woord gereël het. Louw, wat 300 000 kinders elke jaar toespreek, het die volgende oggend die tieners

Baie geluk aan ons sekretaresse vir al jou harde werk. Ons waardeer jou baie.

van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt bedien. “Die saal het nog nooit gekook soos Vrydagoggend nie,” het een van die tieners opgemerk. Tobias Fourie, een van die manne aan die spits van Manne van die Woord, sê dat Louw hom op Maandag geskakel het. “Johnny sê dat daar reeds 400 kinders van ons plaaslike hoërskool vir hom boodskappe op Facebook geplaas het. Johnny se boodskap aan Louis Trichardt is: ’n Herlewing is besig om plaas te vind, maak julle reg; julle het groot werk om hierdie kinders te begelei en hulle karakters te vorm.” DVD’s van die vroueaand en die bediening by die hoërskool kan bestel word teen R50 elk by Piet du Toit by 083 770 6656 of psdutoit@lantic.net

“Baie kragtige dinge het hierdie naweek gebeur,” sê Tobias Fourie na afloop van die mannekamp wat deur die Manne van die Woord gereël is, met Dawie Spies en Johny Louw as sprekers. “Die kamp was briljant. Ek is spyt ons kon nie die hele dorp se mans daar hê nie” en “Die kamp het dieselfde impak as ‘n Angus Buchan kamp, maar dis meer persoonlik,” was van die terugvoer wat ontvang is. Die 150 manne het Vrydag­ aand as vreemdelinge vir mekaar by die plaas Friendschapsdal op Waterpoort aangekom en Sondag as groot vriende weggegaan. Daar was selfs manne van Pretoria, Ohrigstad en Polokwane. Die manne het nie net samehorigheid, heerlike kos en ‘n pragtige bosveldomgewing ervaar nie. Baie

van hulle het groot besluite rondom hulle lewens geneem. “Manne het besluite geneem om hulle prioriteite en dinge in hulle huise reg te kry. Die Saterdagaand het die manne afgepak en goed wat hulle pla aan ‘n kruis gaan vassteek en daarna is dit verbrand as ‘n simbool dat daardie dinge, as gevolg van die kruis, verby is. Die ouens het die Here saam om die vuur gedien. Sondag het ons brood en druiwesap met mekaar gedeel as simbole van Jesus se liggaam en bloed en dit wat Hy vir ons aan die kruis hulle gedoen het. Die ouens het dit kragtig ervaar,” sê Fourie. Spreker Dawie Spies het aan die manne die beeld van die lang gras met bosluise voorgehou. Manne moet seker maak dat hulle hul met die regte goed besig hou, sodat die bosluise nie

weer opklim nie. Om hulle daarmee te help, gee Manne van die Woord ‘n waardevolle plan. “Kom in die Woord, begin met 30 dae en neem 30 ure daarvoor. Vergewe en maak vrede met God, jouself en ander. Verander jou denke. Deel met jou swakhede. Word ‘n man van integriteit - onthou dat jong seuns ons dophou. Lewe die vrug van die Gees. Spreek heeltyd lewe en leer om te saai,” sê Tobias Fourie. Hy verduidelik dat Manne van die Woord nie ‘n kerk is nie. Hulle is manne wat dit eenvoudig hou en mekaar bedien om nader an die Here te kom en in hul eie gemeentes weer hul kant te bring. DVD’s van die mannekamp kan bestel word by Piet du Toit by 083 770 6656 of psdutoit@ lantic.net

“Baie kragtige dinge het hierdie naweek gebeur,” sê Tobias Fourie na afloop van die mannekamp wat deur die Manne van die Woord gereël is by die plaas Friendschapsdal op Waterpoort. Sowat 150 manne het die kamp bygewoon. Foto verskaf.

Secretaries Day 7 September Secretaries appreciate:

* Chocolates * Flowers * A good typist chair * A bonus or the boss on holiday Spoil your secretary!

LOUIS TRICHARDT 90 Krogh Street Tel: 015 516 0239

Dankie dat julle ons mediese personeel en ons pasiënte op die hande dra! Tel: 015 516 0720 (o/h) Fax: 015 516 0654 C/o Celliers and Joubert St, ZOUTPANSBERG Louis Trichardt Private Hospital

Marlene: Die kleinste woordjie is DANKIE Dit los die grootste probleme op Dit verhelder die donkerste nag Dit bring geluk; Dis die kleinste woord met die GROOTSTE betekenis... BAIE DANKIE VIR WAT JY VIR DIE WERDA TOYOTA PERSONEEL EN KLIËNTE BETEKEN!

Sophie’s Choice Tel / Faks: 015 516 0333 084 475 2246 Geleë in deurgang langs Woolworths


Florist / Bloemiste

Onthou Sekretaressedag op 7 September 2011! Bestel jou blomme vroegtydig! Christian Art Bybels, boeke en geskenke in voorraad!

Cnr Rissik & Kruger Str, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 8000


2 September 2011 11

12 September 2, 2011



2 September 2011 13

Leerlinge van Hoërskool Eric Louw, druk besig tydens die skool se onlangse Survivorfondsinsamelingsprojek. Oudergewoonte was die projek weer ´n sukses. Skolenuus

Louwtjies se Survivor-dag sorg vir pret Hoërskool Eric Louw op Musina se jaarlikse Survivorfondsinsamelingsprojek was weereens ‘n groot sukses. Die Gr. 8-klas het die meeste geld ingesamel deur die dag en wen ‘n wegbreek na Tshipise se warmwaterbronne. Die Gr. 11’s het tweede geëinding en

wen melkskommels wat deur Spur geborg is. Ook die matrieks word beloon met melkskommels, nadat hulle die Survivor-baan kafgedraf het. Charlie du Plessis, die leerling wat die meeste geld dié dag ingesamel het, wen R600, terwyl Cor Roos en Thuli Ntabeni gesamentlik tweede ein-

dig en elk R250 wen. Die skool het die volgende borge bedank vir hulle onbaatsugtige bydraes, naamlik Forever Resort Tshipise, Dongola Ranch, Phillip Kok, Spar Tops, Kwikspar, Bakgat Biltong, Nando’s, Macrios, New Video, Die Doilie, Super Spar en Buffalo Ridge Spur.

Fire safety

Public urged to get involved in firefight One can safely say that fires are potentially the greatest source of destruction to any community and it is therefore essential to continuously assess fire prevention and suppression measures to try and stay abreast of the dangers. One of the key components in the country ‘s fire prevention strategy is to promote the establishment of local fire protection associations (FPA) in which landowners collaborate to provide weather monitoring and surveillance services, provide assistance in mobilising firefighting resources and co-ordinate firefighting operations. As early as 2003, when the ZFA (Zoutpansberg Fire Association) was established by a group of corporate timber growers and private farmers, efforts were made to form an FPA for the Louis Trichardt municipal area. It never really got off the ground, however. In May 2008, the Makhado Fire Protection Association (MFPA) was finally registered. An attempt was made to get the

structures in place, but the lack of understanding about the commitment and effort needed to make things work has been the main obstacle. In the meantime, the ZFA performed most of the duties required from an FPA. In February of 2011, an interim management structure was formed, so as to get the MFPA working. André Kruger, chairman of the ZFA, was elected as the acting chairman. This was followed by a meeting in May, when Kruger (ZFA and Stevens Lumber Mills) was elected as chairman, Victor Mugogovhali (Department of Agriculture DAFF) vice-chairman Dries Liebenberg (Komatiland) representing forestry, Christoff van Rensburg for commercial agriculture and Nelson Nemukula for DAFF commercial forestry, Jack Ramalatso (Chief Fire Officer Makhado Fire and Rescue) fire protection officer (FPO), Given Mokoena the regional manager working on Fire and Natasha Walberer (Stevens

Lumber Mill’s) administrator for ZFA and secretary for the MFPA. These members form the executive committee. The other members of the committee are from organized agriculture and consist of the chairmen of the farmers associations that operate inside the Makhado Municipality’s borders, Brian Homewood (Fire Advisor – DAFF), AFB Makhado and Mr K O Munzhelele (Disaster Manager Makhado Municipality) for Makhado Municipality. One of the problems that the MFPA is faced with is the fact that they have to monitor fires that start on non-members’ lands because they may cross onto members’ lands and become huge runaway fires. It is therefore important for the public to get involved as the MFPA is not a fire brigade and will only monitor a fire on a nonmember’s land and act when it threatens a member’s land. For more information, phone André (082 578 4726), Natasha (083 337 8091) or Patrick (073 795 6190).

Shoprite was vanjaar se hoofborg van die Roadhogs Motorfietsklub op Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Charity Day Jol, wat op 27 Augustus by die toerisme inligtingsentrum gehou is. As deel van hul borgskap het Shoprite ‘n blikkie kos gekenk vir elke blikkie kos wat deur lede van die publiek geskenk is. Die kos sal later deur die SAVF aan behoeftiges versprei word. Afgeneem is personeel van Shoprite saam met lede van die Roadhogs voor die torings blikkieskos wat ingesamel is. Talita Kloppers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se O/19 meisieskrieketspan kan kolf. In die wedstryd teen Capricorn op 27 Augustus teken sy 24 lopies(15 balle) nie uit nie, aan. Louis Trichardt wen die wedstryd met 10 paaltjies. Omdat die wedstryd gou klaar was, is daar besluit dat die spelers nog ‘n uur op die veld sou deurbring. Dis toe dat Talilta ‘n vinnige 81 lopies aanteken vanaf 43 balle. Sy was ook die speler van die wedstryd. Duiwenuus

Duiweboere vlieg vanaf Bloemfontein Die Soutpansberg Posduif­ klub se duiwe het die afgelope naweek in ‘n bontduif- en dameswedvlug vanaf Bloemfontein meegeding. Die bontduifwedvlug word gewen deur Danie Lourens, nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1008.54 meter per minuut. Hy was ook 14de en 16de. Tiny de Klerk was 2de en 9de, Marx Hokke 3de, 4de en 8ste, Elize & Tim 5de, 10de en 15de, Erna de Klerk 6de, 7de en 12de, Braam Naudé 11de en T&H Meyer 13de, 17de en 18de. In die dameswedvlug is dit T&H Meyer wat

met die louere wegstap, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1061.97 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 8ste en 14de. Elize & Tim was 2de, 3de en 5de, Erna de Klerk 4de, 7de en

11de, Tiny 6de en 10de, Braam 9de, 17de en 18de, Danie 12de, 15de en 16de en Marx Hokke 13de. Eerskomende naweek neem die klub deel aan hul volgende wedvlugte vanaf Petroport.

Gouws Auctioneers 16 President Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0147 • Johnny: 072 576 1577 cjgouws.auction@gmail.com

AUCTION: Saturday 3 September 2011 10:00am

Ralph Schutte, ‘n Graad 6-leerling van die Levubu CVO-skool, is gekies vir hul provinsiale O/13-krieketspan. Foto verskaf.












I ST .












You cannot afford to miss this auction!


Heidi & Peter Pre-Primary School in Louis Trichardt recently launched a fundraising project. The parents who collected the most funds were rewarded with gift baskets. They are, in front, Rene Mawjee and her daughter Tanisha and Barbara de Vos. At the back are Solly Sinugo with his daugther Mukondi and school owner Hettie Viljoen. Hettie thanked each and every parent for their continued loyal support throughout the fundraiser.

Auction with no reserved prices! Fridges, Chest freezers, Bedroom suites, Stoves, TV’s, Surround sound systems, Kitchen units, Cupboards, Mattress and base sets and Many more!






New entries welcome!


14 September 2, 2011 By Mashudu Netsianda

Border town Council clamps down on residents using their houses as brothels Beit Bridge Town Council has clamped down on residents who are using their houses as brothels in the border town. The Town Secretary, Dr Sipho expressed concern over the mushrooming of brothels. “We noted

with great concern that some residents had turned their houses into commercial properties, where they accommodated commercial sex workers. “We recently held a meeting with 10 residents involved in that illegal practice and ordered them


Te Huur 5 Slaapkamer huis Kontak: 082 465 2523

SOLE MANDATE 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom home R1,020,000 With a newly refurbished kitchen. A Pool and lapa, perfect for summer weekends, and 2 Bedroom flat. All this on a 2855m² stand. Call today to go and view this prize investment.

Leonie 084 219 4406

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Hoërskool Louis Trichardt High School:

Gr.8 - 2012 Opedag / Open Day 8 September 2011

IT’S YOUR LUCKY DAY!!! Stand in old town near CBD. Walking distance from major shops. R 200,000.00 Call Hennie 082 926 9921

Dra ou Wear old klere en kom clothes and deel in die come join in pret! the fun!

IF IT’S SPACE YOU NEED, LOOK NO FURTHER!! 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house. Big stand with great views. Double garage & 3 carports. Swimming pool, lovely garden. R 1,900,000.00 Call Hennie 082 926 9921

Leerders / Learners: 14h00 - 17h00 Inligtingsvergadering vir ouers / Information meeting for parents: 18h00 - 19h00

Ja man




Rasta Party is hier man ...


to stop forthwith, failure of which we will apply the law,” he said. He added that those who defied the directive to shut down the brothels risked losing their properties. “As a local authority, we are the owners and


Rumours vier die somer met ‘n Rasta Party en Live Sanger. Best dress pryse, ingangs fooi en punch special! Vrydag, 9 September Kom geniet die optrede rasta style!!! Tel: 071 389 3558. Streng geen onder 18’s - ID’s sal gevra word.

custodians of the land, hence we would like to warn residents against defying the order. We are empowered to repossess the houses under the Urban Councils Act,” he said. The local authority has listed 12 houses that have been identified as brothels. However, the number of such houses harbouring prostitutes is believed to be higher. Most of the houses are situated near Dulibadzimu Bus Terminus and the entire area had been turned into a red light district, where young girls parade their semi-naked bodies to attract male clients. Residents who spoke to Mirror have welcomed the council’s move, saying it would go a long way in addressing accommodation problems in the border town. “This issue of turning houses into brothels has affected residents negatively and you will find that genuine homeseekers are now failing to secure decent accommodation. Some lodgers are evicted willy-nilly by landlords to pave the way for commercial sex workers who pay high rentals daily,” said an irate Dulibadzimu resident. Another resident, Mr Jameson Ndou, echoed those sentiments: “These commercial sex workers, some from as far as Masvingo, pay rent through the nose, unlike regular tenants who pay on a monthly basis. In some cases, you find that six prostitutes are staying crammed in a single room, with each paying between R30 and R50 per day. The landlord will be raking in about R9 000 per room every month.” A normal monthly rental for a house in Dulibadzimu ranges between R400 and R500.


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2 September 2011 15


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AANSOEK OM ONDERVERDELING & HERSONERING Ek, Theo Kotze, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van ondergemelde eiendom, gee hiermee kennis dat ek, in terme van die relevante afdelings van die Wet op die Toebou en Adverteer langs Paaie (Wet 21 van 1940), aansoek gedoen het vir toestemming vanaf die Beherende Gesag, sodat Gedeelte 10 van die plaas Vondeling 285-LS in 5 gedeeltes onderverdeel kan word. Vorrmelde eiendom is ongeveer 5km suid-oos vanaf Makhado dorp gelee, in Limpopo provinsie. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die applikant (sien adresbesonderhede hieronder), sowel as by die kantoor van die Direkteur-Generaal, Limpopo Provinsie: Departement Plaaslike Regering en Behuising, 3de vloer, Hensa Gebou, Hoek van Rabe & Schoemanstrate, Polokwane, vir 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011. Enige besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011 skriftelik by die applikant asook by die Direkteur-Generaal, Limpopo Provinsie: Plaaslike Regering en Behuising by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, gerig word. Gelyktydig daarmee saam word ook aansoek gedoen in terme van die Ordonnansie op die Onderverdeling van Grond (Ordonnansie 20 van 1986) vir voormelde onderverdeling. MAKHADO WYSIG­ INGSKEMA 21: Ek gee ook ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Makhado munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009, deur die hersonering van Erwe 51 & 52 Louis Trichardt (geleë te 137 & 139 Krugerstraat) vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 3”. Die doel met die aansoek is om die persele te benut vir wooneenhede. Aansoek word ook gedoen in terme van Artikel 92(1) (b) van Ordonnansie 15 van 1986 vir konsolidasie van voormelde erwe. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke (naamlik vir voormelde hersoneringsaansoek en aansoek in terme van Ordonnansie 20 van 1986),

Die Wawiel


Plumbing Solutions

R2500 p.m.

TE HUUR Ruim 2 slaapkamer huis op wildsplaas, 6.7km op Elim / Giyani pad. R3200 p.m. W & E ingesluit. Dadelik beskikbaar.

015 516 1229 082 226 9602 081 383 0295

lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Munisipale sekretariaat, 1 ste vloer, Burgersentrum, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), (128 Kroghstraat), vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011 skriftelik by of tot die Direkteur, Munisipale sekretariaat, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak x2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 ingedien of gerig word. MESSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 191: Ek gee ook kennis kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Musina munisipaliteit (ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986) vir die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Messina Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1983, deur die hersonering van Erf 596 Messina Uitbreiding 1 (geleë te Turnerlaan 17, Messina) vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Inrigting”. Die doel met die aansoek is om die perseel vir besigheidsdoeleindes van ‘n kerk te benut. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Murphystraat, Musina, vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2011 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak x611, Musina, 0090, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Developlan, Posbus 1883, Polokwane, 0700, Faks: 086 218 3267. Fisiese adres: Marshallstraat 115, Polokwane. Datum van eerste publikasie: 26 Augustus 2011. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION & RE­ ZONING I, Theo Kotze, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied in terms of the relevant sections of the Act on Advertising on Roads and Ribbon Development (Act 21 of 1940) for the subdivision of Portion 10 of the farm Vondeling 285-LS, into 5 portions (located 5km south-east of Makhado, Limpopo). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the applicant (see physical address below), as well as at the offices of the Director General, Limpopo Province: Department of Local Government and Housing, 3 rd floor, Hensa Building, Corner Rabe & Schoeman streets, Polokwane, for a period of 30 days from 26 August 2011. Any objections to or representations in respect of the application must be

lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and with the Director-General, Limpopo Province: Department Local Government and Housing, at the above address or at Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, within a period of 30 days from 26 August 2011. MA­ KHADO AMENDMENT SCHEME 21: I, also give notice that I have applied to Makhado local municipality (in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 1986), for the amendment of the Makhado Land use scheme 2009 by the rezoning of Erven 51 & 52 Louis Trichardt (137 & 139 Kruger street), from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3”. Residential units will be built on these erven. Application is also made in terms of section 92(1)(b) of Ordinance 15 of 1986 for the consolidation of the mentioned erven. Particulars of the rezoning application and the fore mentioned application in terms of Ordinance 20 of 1986, will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Director, Municipal Secretariat, 1st floor, Civic centre, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), (128 Krogh street), for a period of 28 days from 26 August 2011. Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Director, Municipal secretariat at the above address or at Private bag x2596, Makhado, 0920 within a period of 28 days from 26 August 2011. MESSINA AMEND­ MENT SCHEME 191: I, also give notice that I have applied to Musina Municipality (in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 1986), for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Messina Town Planning Scheme, 1983, by the rezoning of Erf 596 Messina Extension 1 (situated at 17 Turner Avenue) from “Residential 1" to “Institutional”. The purpose with the application is to use the property for the purposes of a church. Particulars of the above application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Murphy street, for a period of 28 days from 26 August 2011. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag x611, Musina, 0090 within a period of 28 days from 26 August 2011 . Address of agent: Developlan, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700, Fax: 086 218 3267. Physical addres: 15 Marshall street, Polokwane. Date of first publication: 26 August 2011.

(Vervolg op p16)


PFB-Agent 516 5024

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00


16 September 2, 2011 (Vervolg vanaf p15) Kettle, 1 x LG Microwave

IN THE MAGIS­ TRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF THOHOYANDOU HELD AT THOHOYANDOU CASE NO: 69/2009 In the matter between: LIMPOPO ECONO­ MIC DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE Execution Creditor and BLUE MAGNOLIA TRAD­ ING 346 CC 1st Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In compliance with the Judgement of the Magistrate’s Court THOHOY­ ANDOU and the Warrant of Execution served on 7th day of July 2011 the undermentioned goods will be sold in execution on 21st day of September 2011 at 14H00 at the offices of the SHERIFF OF THE COURT, LOUIS TRICHARDT AT 111 K R U G E R S T R E E T, LOUIS TRICHARDT to the highest bidder without warranties or representations. EXECUTION DEBTOR’S RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO:2007 Toyota Hilux LAW with Registration Number BVH016L TERMS OF SALE: S T R I C T LY C A S H . SHOULD VAT BE PAY­ ABLE IN RESPECT OF THE SALE, IT SHALL BE PAYABLE BY THE PURCHASER SIGNED at THOHOY­ ANDOU on this the 18TH DAY OF AUGUST 2011 BOOYENS DU PREEZ & BOSHOFF INC. 653 Mphephu Drive P West, Thohoyandou, Tel No: (015) 962 4305/6, REF: HH DU PREEZ/ ggs/N20/BL01 IN THE MAGIS­ TRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF THOHOYANDOU HELD AT THOHOYANDOU CASE NO: 69/2009 In the matter between: LIMPOPO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EN­ TERPRISE Execution Creditor and MUTWA­ NAMBA AZWIDOVHI CALVIN 2 nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In compliance with the Judgement of the Magistrate’s Court THOHOY­ ANDOU and the Warrant of Execution served on 7th day of July 2011 the undermentioned goods will be sold in execution on 21st day of September 2011 at 14H00 at the offices of the SHERIFF OF THE COURT, LOUIS TRICHARDT AT 111 K R U G E R S T R E E T, LOUIS TRICHARDT to the highest bidder without warranties or representations. EXECUTION DEBTOR’S RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO:1 x Samsung Flat screen colour TV, 1 x sony DVD Sound System with Speakers, 1 x TV Cabinet, 1 x Coffee Table, 1 x Lounge Suite (2 Sofas & 2 Chairs), 1 x KIC Double door fridge, 1 x Defy Washing Machine, 1 x Samsung Double door fridge, 1 x

IN THE MAGIS­ TRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MUSINA HELD AT MUSINA CASE NO: 465/2007 In the matter between: E R W E E AT T O R ­ NEYS Plaintiff and MR THOMAS KHOMIS­ ANI NDLOVHU (ID: 600829 5622 085) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of MUSINA and writ of execution dated 09/07/2007, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Whyte Street 2, Behind Gate­ way Primary School on 30 September 2011 at 11h00 namely 1 x Ecco TV, 1 x KIC Freezer, 1 x Super Sonic Radio & Speakers, 1 x TV Stand, 1 x 2 Seat Sofa DATED at MUSINA on 10 AUGUST 2011 ERWEE ATTORNEYS Attorneys for Plaintiff Irwin street 9 ,PO Box 1689 MUSINA 0900 TEL: (015) 534-3394 FAKS: (015) 534-3402 REF:COLLECTIONS/ EK/55283 IN DIE LAND­ DROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN SOUT­ PANSBERG GEHOU TE LOUIS TRICHARDT SAAKNO: 797/2011 In die saak tussen: DR. A VAN DER WALT Eksekusieskuldeiser en BEAUFORT VALLEI SEKURITEIT (REG NR: 2003/022740/23) Eksekusieskuldenaar KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING VAN ROERENDE EIEN­ DOM Ten uitvoerlegging van ‘n vonnis van die Landdros, LOUIS TRICHARDT gedateer 18 Augustus 2011 sal ondervermelde goedere om 14:00 op 21 September 2011 per publieke veiling te Krugerstraat 111, Lou­ is Trichardt deur die BALJU - Soutpansberg vir die Landroshof van LOUIS TRICHARDT aan die hoogste bieër vir kontant verkoop word, naamlik: 1 x 2009 GWM 2.2 LAW (Reg nr: BRB 967 L) GETEKEN te LOUIS TRI­CHARDT op 26ste dag van AUGUSTUS 2011 Eiser se Prokureurs KERN & DEKKER ING Kroghstraat 105, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: 015 516 0136 Verw.: MNR C KERN/zdj/A03475

Hoërskool Eric Louw se akademiese Graad 12A-span is, van links, Naledi Nkanyane, Gwen Ramavhuya (toppresteerder), Tanya de Villiers, André Roets en Jan-Albert Haasbroek. Die leerlinge is tot die span verkies op grond van hul Julie-eksamenpunte. Foto verskaf.

Hoërskool Eric Louw op Musina het op 16 Augustus hul akademiese spanne aangekondig na afloop van die leerlinge se Julie-eksamenpunte. Die Graad 11’s se akademiese A-span is, van links, Gladys Mulaudzi, Melissa Kuhn, Frans Reyneke (toppresteerder), Danelle Naudé, Marike van der Walt en Julia Davies. Foto verskaf.

Hierdie groep leerlinge is op grond van hul Julie-eksamenpunte aangewys Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se top Graad 12 akademiese presteerders as Eric Louw op Musina se akademiese Graad 10A-span. Van links is na afloop van die tweede kwartaal is aangewys. Hulle is voor, van Andra Esterhuizen (toppresteerder), Desire Both, Inneke Pietersen, links, Julian Venter, Lurina Visser, Willem Kotzè, Abigail Oseifuah Anzelle Esterhuizen, JJ Agenbagh en Anandie Oosthuizen. Foto verskaf. en Mashudu Kruger. Agter is Jeremy Rademeyer, Almoné de Villiers, Mulondi Lizhade en Carla Beetge.

Hoërskool Eric Louw se Graad 9 akademiese A-span, na afloop van die leerlinge se Julie-eksamenpunte, is van links, Carol Sitauze, Madele Thiart, Kuldeep Jadeja en Armand Vorster (toppresteerder). Foto verskaf. Die top Graad 11 akademiese presteerders van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is bekendgemaak, gegrond op hulle prestasies in die tweede kwartaal. Hulle LOUIS TRICHARDT is voor, van links, Du Toit’s Bande Rozanne Barnard, Andani Mutshinya, benodig ‘n Susan Wilson, Quintin Moodie en Rinae Musekene. Agter is Christiaan Fensham, • Moet in besit wees van ‘n geldige Niandri Niemand, bestuurders­lisensie en Id Dokument Unarine Sebola, • Vorige ondervinding in die bandebedryf sal Charity Mabasa, NJ voorkeur geniet maar is nie noodwendig ‘n Oosthuizen en Zelda vereiste nie. Sadiki. • Salaris onderhandelbaar.


Hoërskool Eric Louw op Musina het op 16 Augustus hul akademiese spanne aangekondig na afloop van die leerlinge se Julie-eksamenpunte. Die Graad 8’s se akademiese A-span bestaan uit (van links) Idalene Nel, Danè Muller (toppresteerder) en Jannemari Fourie. Foto verskaf.

Faks U CV na 015 516 1440 Indien u aansoek suksesvol is, sal ons u kontak vir ‘n onderhoud


VAKATURE Messina Toyota benodig die dienste van ‘n


VOERTUIG VERKOPE Min.Vereistes: * Moet gr.12 Geslaag het. * Moet kode : 8 lisensie hê. * Vorige ervaaring sal voordeel wees. Faks aansoeke na (015) 5340745 of e-mail na: jaco@limpopo.co.za Goeie markverwante salaris met byvoordele. Sluitingsdatum: 10 September 2011

Tender - Contract Number: IC-MG-0009/2900 South African National Parks invites tenders for the construction of a two bedroom house in Mapungubwe Staff Village, Mapungubwe National Park. Preferences are offered to tenderers who are owned by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI’s), women and disabled persons. The following tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are capable of being so registered prior to the evaluation of submissions are eligible to submit tenders: a) contractors who have a contractor grading designation equal to or higher than a contractor grading designation determined in accordance with the sum tendered for a 3GB class of construction work; and b) contractors registered as potentially emerging enterprises with the CIDB who are registered in one contractor grading designation lower than that required in terms of a) above – 2GB –PE will also be considered. Queries relating to the issue of the tender documents may be addressed to Ms. Danalja Oosthuizen, Tel: 082-676-7557. Tender documents will only be available at the compulsory clarification meeting. The compulsory clarification meeting with representatives from SANParks will take place at the Reception Offices, Main Entrance Gate, Mapungubwe National Park on 7 September at 11:00. A non-refundable deposit of R 200-00 is payable in cash or bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of SANParks is required on collection of the tender documents. The closing time for receipt of tenders is 11:00 on 30 September 2011. Tenders in sealed envelopes marked clearly with the identification details: Tender for Contract IC-MG-0009/2900 must be deposited in the tender box at Reception Offices, Main Entrance Gate, Mapungubwe National Park, on or before the stated closing time. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation issued. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and SANParks reserves the right to accept any part of the tender or as a whole. SANParks is giving preference to BEE contractors.

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To advertise here, contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at Tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: (015) 516 2303


2 September 2011 17 By Isabel Venter

Skenkers beloon

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se top akademiese Graad 7’s na afloop van die tweede kwartaal is aangewys. Hulle is voor, van links, Bianca Spies, Subrina Schlesinger, Rofhenya Ratombo, Marli Muller en Jaks Cronjé. Agter is Fulufhelo Mariba, Julius Kemp, Pieter Guillaume en Juan Aucamp.

Bloedskenkers van die Soutpansberg-streek is vereer vir hulle onbaatsugtige skenkings deur die jare. Hulle is bedank in die vorm van ‘n medaljeplegtigheid wat voorverlede naweek by die Mountain Inn Hotel gehou is. Suster Marilda van Wyk, streeksbestuurder, het tydens die plegtigheid gesê dat alhoewel die Nasionale Bloeddiens kroniese uitdagings soos landswye stakings ervaar, die Limpopo-streek ten spyte hiervan ‘n goeie jaar gehad het. In die verlede was Limpopo ‘n invoerstreek as dit by bloedeenhede gekom het. Hierdie jaar is dit nie meer die geval nie, het Marilda gesê. Die Limpopostreek kon met ‘n verbeterde gemiddeld van 2.26 skenkers per jaar ook bloedeenhede begin uitvoer na ander streke soos Kwa-Zulu Natal. As gevolg hiervan is daar ook besnoei op kostes. ‘n Bonus hierdie jaar was die vyf nuwe bloedstasies wat die streek bygekry het. Daar is egter nog uitdagings wat aangepak gaan word in die komende jaar. Dit sluit in die behou van nuwe skenkers en die lok van jonger skenkers, het Marilda gesê.

Die volgende jongmense het medaljes ontvang tydens die Nasionale Bloeddiens se medaljeplegtigheid op Louis Trichardt. As lede van die bloeddiens se Klub 25 is hulle gedaag om 20 eenhede bloed te skenk voor hulle 26ste verjaarsdag. Voor, van links, is Marcelle Breedt, Nikita Botha en Derick Venter. Agter is Suster Marilda van Wyk, Suster Cecilia du Plessis, Doret Hoffmann, Wouter Cronje, Suster Riana Viviers en Suster Kgomotso Nchoe.

Gerard Rossouw (middel) van Louis Trichardt is vereer met die Maurice Shapiro Medalje vir sy 200 bloedeenhede wat hy al geskenk het. Van links, saam met Gerard, is Susters Marilda van Wyk, Cecilia du Plessis, Kgomotso Nchoe en Riana Viviers. Die medalje is oorhandig tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens se jaarlikse medaljeplegtigheid by die Mountain View Hotel die afgelope naweek.

Hierdie groepie is die top akademiese Graad 4 leerders van Laerskool Louis Trichardt na afloop van die tweede kwartaal. Hulle is voor, van links, Bernice Meiring, Stefan Corbett, Roy Stewart, Dewald van der Westhuizen en Liané Pretorius. Agter is Andries Nel, Melike Naudé, Theo le Roux, Alida du Preez en Michaela Gilfillan.

Hierdie groepie skaakspelers van Laerskool Louis Trichardt verwerf provinsiale kleure en gaan van 12 tot 15 Desember aan die SuidAfrikaanse Skaaktoernooi in Port Elizabeth deelneem. Voor, van links, is Johestie Muller (O/10), me. Irene Adendorff (afrigter) en Tondi Sadiki (O/10). Agter is Marli Muller (O/14 Plaaslike bloedskenkers wat die James Blundel-medalje ontvang het vir reserwe), Dewald Stroebel (O/14), Ado Maagi hul 100ste skenking is agter, van links, Dirk Meissenheimer, Ernst Killian en Hennie Cordier. Voor by hulle is Susters Marilda van Wyk, Cecilia (O/14) en Khodi Ramabulana (O/12). du Plessis, Kgomotso Nchoe en Riana Viviers.

Hierdie groepie Graad 8’s van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is die top 10 akademiese presteerders in hulle graad na afloop van die tweede kwartaal. Voor, van links, is Daphné Eybers, Daniel Minnie, Eliam van de Vyver, Carol Nelson en Amari Kotzè. Agter is Amorien Venter, Lana Steyn, Nic Grobler, Coreen Meiring en Duncan Moodie.

Plaaslike bloedskenkers wat vereer is met die Igazi-Madi-Medalje vir hul 50ste skenking is voor, van links, Ivan Hoare-Palmer, Louis Nel, Suster Matilda van Wyk, Rita Meyer, René Bartlett, Suster Kgomotso Nchoe en Riana Viviers. Agter is Brandt Snyman, Niel Snyman, B.J. van Tonder, Dawie Sadie en Cules Botha. Die Kruiskomitee het hul opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor al die leerlinge van die Bravo Christian School op Louis Trichardt vir die fondse wat hul ingesamel het. Leerlinge het altesaam R800 bymekaar gemaak vir die herstel van die kruis tydens ‘n muntlegging wat by die skool gehou is op Vrydag, 29 Julie. Foto verskaf. Die volgende skenkers is vereer tydens die SANBD se jaarlikse medaljeplegtigheid die afgelope naweek vir hul 75ste skenking. Voor is Suster Marilda van Wyk. In die middel is die skenkers, van links, Lida van Rensburg, Johan Piziter, Jenny Joubert. Langs hulle staan Susters Kgomotso Nchoe en Riana Viviers. Agter is André Muller, Basie Mollentze, Suster Cecilia du Plessis, Abé Swiegers en Hannes Meintjies.

Lauren Bekker, Waldo Stemmet en Wilné Kotzé het op 26 Augustus hul skool, die Levubu CVO, by die BCVO se gala-kultuuraand verteenwoordig. Van links is Lauren (gedramatiseerde poësie), Waldo (klavier) en Wilné (formele prosa). Foto verskaf.

Vyf van die Levubu CVO-skool se leerlinge het onlangs gekwalifiseer om aan die BCVO se landswye redenaarskompetisie te gaan deelneem in Pretoria op 26 Augustus. Voor, van links, is Stef Lordan (Graad 2) en Wessel Fürstenburg (Graad 1). Agter is Hanno Theunissen (Graad 2), Waldo Stemmet (Graad 3) en Wilné Kotzé (Graad 3). Foto verskaf.

Nee, nie ´n toneel op die rugbyveld nie, maar die "Spud-groep" besig met hul opvoering "Spud". Die geleentheid was die Graad 9 drama aand wat op 23 Augustus by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt aangebied is. Foto verskaf.

Andro Fourie (middel) het die Anthon Heyns-medalje ontvang tydens die SANBD se jaarlikse medaljeplegtigheid die afgelope naweek. Die medalje word gegee vir skenkers wat al 125 eenhede bloed geskenk het. Van links saam met Andro is Susters Marilda van Wyk, Cecilia du Plessis, Kgomotso Nchoe en Riana Viviers.


18 September 2, 2011 Brief

“Dankie vir die steun met Day Jol”


ie Roadhogs Motorfietsklub van Louis Trichardt het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die volgende persone en instansies wat as borge opgetree het van hul Charity Day Jol die afgelope naweek. Spesiale dank gaan aan Shoprite, wat as hoofborg opgetree het. Ander borge wat bygedra het was Crown National, Madikor, Limpopo Build-It, Soutpansberg Koelkamers, Sanlam, Roman’s Pizza, Vhavenda Bricks, die Zoutpansberger, Die Vleismark, Daphne’s, Pest Control Specialists, Noordelike Wapens, Dove Beauty, Funky Bush, Michelle van der Merwe, Autozone, CocaCola Fortune, Da Silva Apteek, Laeveld Stene, FoodZone, Safari

Caltex, Houers Korporatief, Salon Lu-Iz & Beauty Corner, Ocean Basket, Sinewave, Mike’s Kitchen, Mountian Inn, Rondebosch Abattoir, Denova Products, Burco, Fruit & Veg City, Anthetico Eiendomme, Satin Glow, Johnny Gouws, Limpopo Melkery, Pretorius & Mouton, World Cup Maize, Leach Printers, Distel, Toma Niemand, Rubika, Viva, Firefly, Innovated Designs, Easy Build, Pro-Paint, BP 24, FalcoLinx cc, Meatrite, Rainbow Midas, CTM, Perfect Personnel, Salon Finnesse, Ascension, Refresh, Pick ‘n Pay, C Jay’s, Trapper’s Trading, Ok Grocer, Carlos de Agreia, al die uitstallers en al die mense wat die Day Jol bygewoon het.


Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@ zoutnet.co.za


Laerskool Levubu dankbaar vir al die steun en borge by gholfdag


aerskool Levubu het weereens ’n baie suksesvolle gholfdag, op 27 Augustus, aangebied. Vanjaar was die klem op pret met Heinrich du Preez, ’n Johny Walker Strider en houer van verskeie Guiness-wêreldrekords, wat vir ekstra pret gesorg het. Graag wil ons die volgende persone en instansies bedank. In ’n Brief moeilike jaar soos hierdie was dit fantasties om soveel uitstekende borge te kon gehad het en ’n klein skooltjie soos Laerskool Levubu waardeer dit baie. Dankie aan die personeel wat gehelp het, asook die ouers en Jaco an al die lede van die verskeie Elektries, Poog en Carl Henning, wat altyd bereid is om skape te diensorganisasies wil ons as Thompson van Vivo, C Jay’s vir braai. inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsak- die hare wat julle doen, Momentum Die hoofborge van die dag was ker op Louis Trichardt net dankie sê. Staal vir die skenking en vergroting James van Heerden en Stefan KruDankie Ladies Circle 4, Lucas van die lapa en al die mense wat vir ger van Green Haven Motors (Leven Rina Vermeulen, Paul en Das ons iets geskenk wat ons vergeet het ubu). Die ander borge was Univeg Botha, Meals on Wheels, PD Otto om te noem. Mopani Pakker (Annari), Exec-UFruit (Thomas), Granor Passi (KoVoorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­hede. Die redakteur behou die reg bie), Wimpie (houers), Green Farms voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The (Dave), Xerox (Connie), Univeg editor reserves the right to shorten letters. Katope Subtropical (Jaco), Jackson

Inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfs­ akker waardeer al die hulp


Has democracy turned us into anti-social morons?


uring my youth, Hugh Hefner, the publisher of Playboy Magazine, was considered an immoral man by the elders of my community, and his publication, which featured pictures of nude white women, was regarded as taboo and disgraceful by any standard in townships. This was at the time when no self-respecting publisher would dare allow his publication to carry a photograph featuring a female torso showing bare boobs and frontal nudity. In fact, the closest thing to female nudity then was the display of young women in swimwear that revealed no more than bare legs, arms and nothing more. And when I say young, I mean models and aspiring young ladies who were not younger than 21-years-old. Not even the local popular Black magazines like DRUM and Zonk magazines – both of whom were famous for carrying pictures of leggy township ladies in “revealing” swimwear on their front pages and centrespread pages - would dare go beyond the display of bare legs and uncovered arms. But today, it is regarded fashionable and considered progressive to see a posed nude photograph of a local Black township girl like Tshego Seakgoe featured in a local edition of Hefner’s magazine. Seakgoe believes this is a major breakthrough for her modelling career and is even dreaming of the day when she appears in Hefner’s Playboy America. Of course, television and cell phones were unheard of in those days and the word privacy meant just that – private. If your girlfriend or boyfriend lived several miles away, the only way to make contact was by writing a letter or catching a bus or train to spend some time together. Cars were only owned by a few men of means, and women who drove cars, let alone owned one,

were as scarce as a 1931 tickey. The only revealing clothing worn by young women of the time was a nylon dress or a blouse, both of which were often worn by “nicetime girls” over a petticoat or bodice on Sundays during summer to entice potential suitors. Only men and boys wore pants while all women, mothers and their daughters, wore dresses and skirts and occasionally, the more elegant would wear well-fitting female slacksuits with proper-fitting, leather high-heel shoes. Only uncultured men and ill-behaved boys were violent and beat up their wives and spouses. The rest were well-mannered males who treated their partners with respect, love and dignity and were known as “gentlemen”. Women of ill repute who openly smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol in public places with men were few, and were often labelled all sorts of names and opened themselves to abuse by men. Prostitutes and other women of low morals were discreet and plied their trade behind closed doors at night and away from the public eye. Men who were drunkards and were known to molest their wives or those regarded as rapists in their communities were often ostracized and shunned by their neighbours and the rest of the community. Of course, such men were in most cases easily recognisable by their shabby clothes and low social morals. Women who wore denims and cheap, dirty plastic takkies were considered classless and often came from the farms. They were regarded as lacking the opulent sophistication and elegance of township upbringing. So were men and young boys who had no fashion sense or dress code and social etiquette.

In pubs and shebeens in the townships, it was considered “savage” and uncultured to drink any beverage straight from a bottle. All social beverages and drinks were served to customers in a neat, clean glass. Since plastic cups and plates were unheard of at the time, at funerals and weddings men, boys and women were served in large enamel dishes separately and had to be seated while eating. Food on such occasions often differed and only meat, pap and gravy, or the seTswana soft, sour porridge known as “ting”, were served to mourners at funerals. Other lavish dishes such as custard, cakes and home-made ginger or “gemmer” and chicken with rice were served only at weddings and birthdays and on Christmas and New Year. Often, known mourners and wedding guests would be allowed to take home what is today known as “doggybags” of surplus food and return the dishes a day or so later. This was the time when it was not shameful to send your child to a neighbour to ask for a cup of sugar or tea leaves. You could even give your neighbour a teaspoon of salt, as long as it was before sunset. African culture considered it a bad omen to ask for salt after the sun had set. A cup of tea with condensed milk was a luxury in most township homes and one of the most soothing beverages most grandparents, mothers and some fathers loved to share with their neighbours and friends. Any child who mastered the art of preparing this delightful family beverage at his or her parent’s home was highly regarded and earned the love and respect of his or her folks and their regular visitors. Cleanliness and neatness were the trademarks of every decent, self-respecting family and people

Transport (Burger), Du Toit’s Bande Levubu (Fanie), Bigen Africa (Piet), P&L Boerebenodighede (Koos), Tops Levubu (Belinda), FNB Louis Trichardt (André), Pool & Spa, Bird Logistics (Herman en Dinky), Ever so Fresh & Shigalo Farms (Theuns), Rockbit Drilling (George), Mayo Macs (PJ), Wolkberg Plase (Willie), Qwemico (Boelie), HFP (Daan), Mount Fuji Motors (John), EVN Africa (Stephan), Levubu Dried Fruit (Ida), Agribox (Danie), Water 2000 (Leon), Kwa Tuli naweek vir agt in Botswana (Melanie en Erika), Vhavenda Bricks, Levubu Verkoeling (Johan), Gert Smit (jagpakket), C Jay’s (Connie), Khoroni (Zena), Leefstyl & Estetiese Kliniek (Anneke en Teresa), Annique (Lana), Metraclark Carrier PBG (Ralph), Johan van Tonder (skape), CocaCola Fortune (Solomon), Powerade, Klipdrift en Massey Ferguson Trekkers (George). - Jaco en Michelle van Tonder (organiseerders)

inary d r o Die man Thegewone man ) k c (bla

used to take the trouble to wash and dress up just to go to town and pay an account or buy groceries. Weekends and Sundays also had their own special dress codes, with clothes especially bought to be worn on such occasions. Come Christmas and New Year, even those who could not afford it made sure that the occasions left an indelible impression on their lives and those of their neighbours. Colourful balloons and décor adorned every homestead and each and every household baked cakes, and brewed “gemmer” (ginger), which was freely shared with all who popped in and shouted “Happppppppy”. And, of course, for many, the Christmas and New Year celebrations often signalled the beginning of a one-way ticket to a life of shame and regret. And this is how many lifetime alcoholics began their long-time drinking career – all in the name of a festivity that was highly memorable or sometimes regrettable, depending on one’s behaviour on those days. Those were the good old days when a two-way train ticket from Pimville to Johannesburg cost 12-pence (10c) and pair of BF Goodrich (PF) takkies cost 7 shillings and six pence (75c) and a sumptuous, full meal at the Johannesburg railway station restaurant cost one shilling and sixpence (15c). For those who could afford it, a midnight plane flight to Durban on South African Airways cost a mere R50. Sadly, with the advent of democracy and the new South Africa, things have changed dramatically and life as most of us knew it then has also changed forever! How sad that today’s generation missed out on all the fun that their parents and grandparents still feel so nostalgic about.

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe “Luister daarom na wat die Heilige Gees sê: Vandag as julle Sy stem hoor.” - Hebreërs 3:7


andag, is ‘n woord van waarskuwing. Dit herinner ons aan die versoeking om uit te stel. Vandag is God se woord, môre is die woord van ‘n mens wat hom verbeel dat dit op die een of ander manier môre nie so moeilik sal wees nie. Môre is die taal van die ongeloof wat nie vandag na God se stem luister en aan te neem wat Hy vandag is en gee nie. Die versoeking is naby, die gevaar is groot, die hart kan ongemerk verhard word. Vandag is God se tyd. Vandag, is ook ‘n woord van belofte. Vandag is alles gereed. Alles wat die Vader ons belowe, is vandag vir ons. Alles wat Christus gedoen het, en nog steeds in die hemel doen, dit is alles vir ons vandag. Luister na God se bemoediging vir jou wanneer die Heilige Gees sê: vandag. Vandag, is ook ‘n woord van bevel. Daar word nie aan ons ‘n keuse gegee nie. Dit is ‘n bevel aan ons dat waar ons God se stem hoor, om dadelik te antwoord of te reageer, om dadelik gehoorsaam te wees. Om nie dadelik te reageer nie, maak ‘n hart minder sag en teer en word later ‘n ongevoelige hart. Daarom is dit die beste om “van­ dag as julle Sy stem hoor” in gehoorsaamheid te luister.

- 079 5168303

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:


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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter 073 349 1587 Correspondents / Korrespondente: Frans van der Merwe 084 078 8606 Linda van der Westhuizen 084 516 0223 Nic Hoffmann 083 257 3144 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Kock 082 972 2060 Pieter Jooste 083 562 1234 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234) The Zoutnet Group is a member of Print Media SA and subscribes to the various Codes of Conduct within the newspaper industry. Any complaints about any article published in this newspaper, can be directed to either the editor or The Press Ombudsman of South Africa, PO Box 47221, Parklands 2121. Tel: (011) 788 4829, Fax: (011) 788 4990, E-mail: pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za The Press Ombudsman does not accept complaints about advertising, and deals only with written complaints made ten working days after publication. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.


2 September 2011 19 Die eerste seuns­h ok­ kie­span van Laer­skool Louis Trichardt dring deur na die kwart­ eindrondte van die liga wat op 10 September op Tzaneen beslis sal word. Hulle het hierdie seisoen al afgereken met Pietersburg Laer­ skool (Suidskool), PEMPS (Pietersburg English Medium Pri­ mary School) en PCS (Pietersburg Com ­ prehensive School). Sover kon net Laer­ skool Pietersburg-Oos daarin slaag om hulle te klop. Saam met die span ver­s kyn hul afrigter, mnr. Wernhard van Rooyen.

Hierdie groepie ka­ ra­tekas van die Sout­ pansberg Kofu­k an Karateklub op Louis Trichardt het almal medaljes verower tydens die alle style kampioenskappe by Weesgerus in Junie. Voor staan Carmen Roos. Agter haar, van links, is Jan-Karel Limbach en Renier Kruger. Agter staan sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg, Riaan Kruger, Charl van der Westhuizen, Maretha Erasmus en sensei Johnathan Janse van Rensburg. Inlas: Vishaal Patel. Foto verskaf.

Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 13 Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se drie wedvlugte vir die naweek het plaasgevind vanaf Delareyville - Saterdag die 27ste Augustus. Mimosa Hokke wen die 1ste wedvlug met ‘n wenspoed van 1164.05 meter per minuut met Royal Hokke in die 2de en Tahiti Hokke in die 3de plek. Al drie die hokke behoort aan Nico Bezuidenhout. Met die B wedvlug is dit Royal Hokke wat die eerste drie plekke inpalm met Tahiti Hokke 4de. Die wenspoed was 11141.60 meter per minuut. In die C wedvlug is dit Tahiti Hokke in die 1ste en


27 Aug

27 Aug

27 Aug








Wedvlug No.




Afstand in km




Duiwe Deelgeneem







Abrie Swannepoel-jnr




Amstel Hokke




Bernard Volschenk-jnr




Dercksen & Seun




Dreyer Hokke




Eric Nel




Hippo Hokke







Nick Enslin




Royal Hokke




Tahiti Hokke





Wenspoed-Meter p/minuut

Mimosa Hokke


Pos Punte





Dreyer Hokke



Mimosa Hokke



Nick Enslin



Tahiti Hokke



Abrie Swannepoel-jnr



Hippo Hokke



Bernard Volschenk-jnr



Amstel Hokke



Junior Klubkampioen

Pos Punte

Abrie Swannepoel-jnr



Bernard Volschenk-jnr



Soutpansberg Gholfklub


The 19th hole

Laerskool Levubu Dag Datum




Laerskool Levubu


1 2

4 Formaat


Maandelikse Houespel



Lente Ope



Lente Ope








Punte 105

H Mathebula, B Nkuna


K Malange, J Raphala

Opkomende Kompetisie Kompetisie

C Jandrell, A Jandrell W Kriel, M Du Plessis






BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

Antjie Brennan was die eerste vrou tuis in die P&L Hardeware Fietsryklub se derde tydtoets van die jaar oor 15km op die Braambos-pad die afgelope naweek. Haar wentyd was 29 minute en vier sekondes. Die tweede vrou was Leonie de Jager in 00:32:46 en derde was Rita Schoeman in 00:34:23. Foto verskaf.


Dercksen & Seun


Weeklikse Byeenkomste

Japie van Heerden het die afgelope naweek die P&L Hardeware Fietsryklub se derde tydtoets van die jaar oor 15km op die Braambos-pad gewen in ‘n tyd van 25 minute en 14 sekondes. Tweede was Stoffel du Toit in 00:25:44 en derde was Ruan Pretorius in 00:26:40. Foto verskaf.

Eric Nel

Royal Hokke

Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsiter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152.

Hierdie groep rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het erekleure vir rugby verwerf tydens die skool se kwartaallikse prysuitdeling op 22 Augustus.

2de plek met Royal Hokke in die 3de plek. Die wenspoed was 1079.10 meter per minuut. Die vierde en laaste Veiling wedvlug het ook plaasgevind. Royal Hokke was 1ste,3de en 8ste. Tahiti Hokke klok 2de, 4de en 9de. Mimosa wen die 5de, 6de en 7de plekke terwyl Dreyer Hokke die 10de plek inpalm. Ons volgende wedvlug vind plaas Saterdag die 3de September 2011 vanaf Vryburg oor ‘n afstand van 680km. Die Jaarlikse kombinasie nominasie kompitisie vind ook plaas. Baie geluk aan al die lede vir hulle prestasies behaal.

L v/d Merwe, S Otto A Bezuidenhout, K Barkhuizen


V Jacobs, H Jacobs


K Jacobs, F van Wyk Woensdagspel Datum



SPB Gholfklub



Formaat IS Punte


R Milton



T Senekal



J Otto


Laerskool Levubu se jaarlikse gholfdag is die afgelope naweek by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub beslis. Willie Kriel, Martin du Plessis, Alex en Tjol Jandrel wen die dag met 105 vierbalalliansie punte. Van links is Heinrich du Preez, gasspreker en houer van verskeie Guinesswêreldrekords in gholf, Alex, Martin, Michelle (organiseerder), Willie, Tjol en klubkaptein Marius Mostert. GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm


20 September 2, 2011

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Shop D24 Eltivillas Tel: (015) 516 4121


Emenè Jordaan (links), van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se eerste meisieshokkiespan, op die aanval tydens hul wedstryd teen PEMPS. Dié wedstryd is op 27 Augustus op die hokkievelde van Pietersburg Hoërskool gespeel. Die eindtelling was gelykop 0-0. Foto verskaf.

Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za

D L O S 2009 Mercedes Benz C220 CDi Avantguarde, 55 000km

2011 Mercedes Benz C200 Avantguarde, AS NEW

R319 995 R429 995 D L O S 2007 Mercedes Benz CL500 46 000km

2008 Mercedes Benz R500 A/T 7 Seater, 75 000km

Die Roadhogs Motorfietsklub op Louis Trichardt het die afgelope naweek weer hul gewilde Charity Day Jol aangebied. Die dag is weereens goed ondersteun. Geld wat vanjaar geïn is sal gaan ten bate van die plaaslike DBV. Die blikkieskos wat ingesamel is, sal aan die SAVF geskenk word om behoeftige gesinne se honger te verlig. Soos gesien kan word, het 'n paar van die manne gewys hoe om ‘n motorfiets te hanteer. Rugby

Titaniese stryd verwag in finaal van Boet-Fick-liga Groot rugby vind eerskomende Sater­ dag, 3 September, op Louis Trichardt plaas met die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub wat optree as gasheer vir die finaal van die Boet Fick Senior-liga. Dié eer het die dorp te beurt geval toe hulle vir die eerste keer in jare deurgedring het na die finaal om weereens die klub as een van die top klubs in die provinsie te vestig. Louis Trichardt se eerstes het reeds drie weke gelede deurgedring na die finaal, nadat hul met Winterveld afgereken het. Terselfdertyd het die dorp se tweedes (Levubu-span) ook deurgedring na die

finaal, nadat hulle met die Universiteit van die Noorde afgereken het. Louis Trichardt se eerstes sal Saterdag te staan kom teen Loskop. Loskop en Musina sou in die semifinaal verlede week uitgespeel het vir ‘n plek in die finaal, maar weens die afstand het Musina nie ‘n span gestuur nie. Die dorp se tweedes sal op hulle beurt weer te staan kom teen die Universiteit van die Noorde, nadat laasgenoemde teen die Universiteit van Venda moes uitspeel vir ‘n plek in die finaal. Die eerste wedstryd, tussen Louis Trichardt se tweedes en die Universiteit van die

Noorde, skop Saterdag om 15:00 af. Die hoofwedstryd volg om 17:00. Toegang by die hek beloop R10 per voertuig. Eetgoed en ‘n kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Daar is ook stalletjies beskik en persone wat graag ‘n stalletjie wil bespreek, kan die klub se bestuur skakel. “Kom ondersteun on dorp se manne en geniet ‘n middag van lekker rugby,” nooi Dirk Coetzee, ondervoorsitter van die klub. Vir meer inligting en om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, skakel Dirk by tel. 082 493 1118.

Werda Toyota

H/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6

R799 995 R489 995 D L O S 2005 Mercedes Benz C180 Elegance Sport, 85 000km

2008 Mercedes Benz C200 A/T Avantguarde, 50 000km

R144 995 R284 995 D L O S


2010 Mercedes Benz E250 CDi 2009 Mercedes Benz C200 A/T Elegance, 43 000km A/T Avantguarde, 13 000km


AFTER HOURS: • Hussain 083 378 6000 • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 • Charles 076 820 8256 • Johan 072 959 5642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

Willie Venter Hilbert Sevhugwane Anthonie Krügell Joop Coetzer Gert Coetzee Johan Rootman Michael Maynier

079 344 2737 073 864 4231 072 225 3599 082 424 9978 083 327 5128 073 718 6816 082 702 6701



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