30 Julie 2021
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
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Pastor Sam truly lived a righteous and honest life before God - page 2
Musina courts closed out of fear of structural collapse - page 4
Talle inwoners het die afgelope week gesukkel om nie ‘n kragwoord te gebruik om te verduidelik presies hoe koud hulle kry nie. Veral noord van die Soutpansberg het die kwik om verskeie plekke ver onder vriespunt gedaal, met ernstige rypskade wat plek-plek voorgekom het. Die meeste skade is die oggend van Donderdag, 23 Julie, aangerig. By Janlouis Boerdery in die Alldays-omgewing, op pad Swartwater toe, het die Venter-familie sowat R11 miljoen se skade gely, nadat 28 hektaar soetrissies en agt hektaar tamaties rypskade opgedoen het. “Ons is nogtans dankbaar teenoor die Here vir die rissies in die nette en die klein spanspekplantjies wat nie skade gekry het nie. Prys die Here,” het die familie gesê. Daardie oggend het die kwik tot bykans -4°C gedaal. “Ons is nou 20 jaar op die plaas en dit is regtig die koudste winter nog wat ons hier gehad het,” het Annelie Venter gesê. Hannes Nel van die plaas Maroi Boerdery, sowat 15 km wes vanaf Beitbrug op die oewer van die Limpopo Rivier, het ook erge ryp gerapporteer, maar gelukkig nie baie skade nie. “Ons het skade, maar dit gaan ons nie doodmaak nie,” het Nel gesê. Aangesien hulle weet dit kan koud word laer af na die rivier se kant toe, het hulle hul gewasse hoër op geplant. Nel het ‘n klein weerstasie op die plaas waar ‘n minimum temperatuur van -1,07°C die oggend van 23 Julie aangeteken is. Dit was so koud dat water uit die sproeiers op een van hulle lande aan plante en heiningdrade vasgevries het. By Tshipise, wat nie net bekend is vir sy warm weer nie, maar ook sy warm-
waterbron, was daardie oggend net so koud. Cinta Roets het ‘n foto op Facebook gedeel wat wys hoe waterdruppels vanaf ‘n watertenkstaander die oggend yskristalle gevorm het. “Wat betref die erge koue wat ons oor die streek die afgelope week ervaar het, was ons baie gelukkig dat nie almal daardeur geraak is nie. Die grootste rypskade was noord van en aan die westelike dele van die Soutpansberg gewees. As ek sê wes, dan praat ons van Tom Burke, Tolwe, daardie kant toe. Noord van die berg sluit in Pontdrif, Musina en Weipe. Daai kant toe het hulle baie, baie skade gekry op hulle produkte, veral op hulle kontantgewasse,” het Fanie Havinga, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie, gesê. “Suid van die berg, van Louis Trichardt Levubu se kant toe, was dit nie so koud nie. Temperature het wel afgekom na so 4°C, dalk bietjie laer. Maar daar was nie ernstige rypskade gewees nie,” het Havinga bygevoeg. Wat die rypskade noord van die berg betref, het Havinga gesê dat veral die tamatieboere sleg deurgeloop het. “Aartappels het net so baie skade gekry, maar die geluk met die aartappels is dat as jy vroeg kon plant, kan jy darem nog ‘n oes uitkry as jou aartappels geryp het. Maar dit het nie baie gebeur nie, as gevolg van die goeie reën wat ons gehad het. Baie van die ouens het eerder later geplant omdat die lande baie nat was. So, daardie ouens wat laat geplant het, het nou geen produk onder die grond as hulle plante ryp gekry het nie,” het Havinga gesê. Volgens Havinga is dit moeilik om ‘n randwaarde aan die skade te koppel. “Hoe bereken mens dit? Al jou insetkoste gaan jy nie kan verhaal nie. Dit is
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inkomstes wat net weg is. Dit is onberekenbaar, maar dit is miljoene rand se skade. Dit gaan later weer ‘n effek hê op ons boere se kontantvloei. Dit beteken dat jou kontrakarbeiders nie gebruik gaan word om daardie produk te oes nie. Dit gaan massas mense tot gevolg het wat nie kan werk kry om kontantlone te verdien nie. So, werksverliese gaan daar vir seker wees as gevolg hiervan oor die korttermyn. Maar soos ek die boere ken, is ons almal weer op ons knieë en bid vir die volgende oes wat ons gaan insit,” het Havinga gesê. Maar is die huidige koue weer ongewoon vir die hele Soutpansberg, en is nog erge koue op pad? (Vervolg op p. 2)
By Maroi Boerdery net wes van Beitbrug was dit verlede Donderdagoggend so koud dat water uit die sproeiers op een van hulle lande aan plante en heiningdrade vasgevries het. Foto’s: Hannes Nel.
Ts & Cs apply. While stocks last. Images for illustrative purposes.
Die meeste skade is die oggend van Donderdag, 23 Julie, aangerig. By JanLouis Boerdery in die Alldays-omgewing, op pad Swartwater toe, het die Venter-familie sowat R11 miljoen se skade gely, nadat 28 hektaar soetrissies en agt hektaar tamaties rypskade opgedoen het. Foto’s: JanLouis Boerdery.
Erge koue veroorsaak miljoene se rypskade (Vervolg van p. 1)
Yskristalle hang vanaf ‘n watertoring in die Tshipise-omgewing ná verlede Donderdag se erge koue. Foto: Cinta Roets.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe “...maar die wat op die Here wag, kry nuwe krag; hulle vaar op met vleuels soos die arende; hulle hardloop en word nie moeg nie, hulle wandel en word nie mat nie” Jesaja 40:31.
oenie met klein vlerkies, in jou eie krag, probeer spartel nie. Om geestelik te groei moet jy besig raak met Jesus wat gekruisig is. In Hom ontdek jy die Bron van alle blywende en standhoudende lewe, vreugde en vrede. As Christen ontdek jy eers ware “rus” as jy op die Here wag en van Hom jou nuwe krag ontvang. Die arend se geheim is nie klappende vlerke nie, maar uitgespreide vlerke wat hom laat “rus” terwyl hy steeds hoër opstyg met die lugstrome wat hom opwaarts meevoer en dra. So kan dié Christen wat gelowig bid en vir die dinamiese krag van die “windstroom” van die Heilige Gees op God wag, op sy knieë sy “vlerke” kry. Dan breek hy verbasend effektief weg van die gekwetter van swerms rasende vinke hier onder. Die “arend-Christen” sweef dan met vlerke van gebed en geloof na hoër ruimtes en na die vryheid van die blou lug wat hom roep. Daar verbeter sy uitsig en stel dit die vyand ver benede hom. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
“Wat die laagste temperature betref, is daar wel temperature van so laag as -10°C aangeteken waarvan ek kennis dra. Wat die langtermyn betref, is dit altyd moeilik om ‘n voorspelling te maak. Daar gaan waarskynlik nog een of twee kouefronte inkom. Hoe sterk hulle gaan wees, dit weet ons nie. Maar ons staan redelik na die einde van die seisoen
toe. Die seisoen is besig om te draai, so ek hoop dit is die laaste erge koue wat verbygekom het,” het Havinga gesê. Wat die afgelope week se koue noord van die berg betref, is dit beslis ongewoon. “Ek kon wel by iemand bevestig dat hier by ons (suid van die berg) is daar nie rekords gebreek wat minimum temperature betref nie. Ek praat onder korreksie, maar noord van die berg,
Musina se kant toe, is dit wel ‘n rekord wat aangeteken is vir die koue. Iemand het vir my gesê dit was agt jaar laas so koud gewees. Maar ek dink nie dit is die koudste Julie wat ons al gehad het nie. Hierdie is wel ‘n uiterse koue wat ons elke klompie jare ervaar. As jy kyk na die gemiddelde temperature wat ons nog steeds deur die maand gehad het, was dit ‘n redelik normale winter vir ons gewees,” het Havinga afgesluit.
Makhado councillor’s race-baiting hearing postponed “The SAHRC is requesting the court to declare Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) to be allowed comments made by Mr Matumba as harassment as an amicus curiae (friend of the court). Mr The case where a member of the Makhado based on gender and race, and for the responWilliam Bird, director of MMA, later explained Municipality’s executive council is charged dent to pay damages as a result of his impugned that the organisation believes it can assist the with stirring up racial tensions was poststatements,” said the SAHRC in a press release court to come to a decision that is just and fair. poned to August. The case, brought by the SA issued earlier this week. He explained that this is new territory for the Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), served When Matumba was contacted by this South African law, as it deals with issues such before the Equality Court in Louis Trichardt newspaper last year for comment on the matter, as social media, where information spreads at a on Tuesday. he denied any involvement in the @TracyZille staggering speed. The court also needs to conThe case has attracted a lot of attention, Twitter account. “I am not behind all these sider potential harm in such an environment. because it is one of the first where a politician things. There is nothing linking me to that acThe SAHRC’s Limpopo Provincial Office is being charged with what is often referred to count,” he said. He admitted that he is the owner Manager, Mr Victor Mavhidula, said that they as “race-baiting”. The councillor allegedly used of the three websites mentioned in the DFRLab would like the matter to be finalised quickly. “We social media to promote racial stereotyping and, report. These he started “as a hobby”, he said. He believe we have a strong case,” he said. Mavhiduat the same time, tried to benefit financially from described the accusation that he was enriching la said that they were ready to address the merits this. himself via these websites as a bit absurd. “News of the case during the hearing. In July last year, the story broke about the websites don’t make money,” he said. Google Matumba’s legal representative, Advocate real name behind a social-media profile, @ AdSense is a popular monetisation method for Patric Matodzi, said that they had no objection TracyZille. Up to that stage, the “Tracy Zille” had websites but is only effective if a site has several to the MMA’s being allowed as amicus curiae. a lot of social-media users hot under the collar million visitors. “You just get a small amount of He requested a postponement, so that his client because of her controversial opinions on matters. money,” he said. can file an answering affidavit to an affidavit In a tweet that caused a lot of reaction, @ When the hearing started on Tuesday in Louis filed by the SAHRC. The case was postponed for TracyZille stated that white men were preferaTrichardt, it first had to entertain a request by a hearing on 16, 19 and 25 August. ble to black men on the basis of being fitter and that black women “throw themselves” at white men. “Our boys are hot and fit, unlike those ANC crooks with big fat stomachs from tenders,” the tweet reads. Under his ownership, Pit dearly missed by his 91-yearBy Andries van Zyl The @TracyZille Twitter account was created Stop became a true landmark old mother Aurora, sisters on June 29 last year, but quickly caught the Family and friends said a in Louis Trichardt - most Cristina and Marzia, his chilattention of many who either agreed with “her” sad farewell to the welllocals’ favourite “Pit Stop” dren Clyde, Nicola, Jenny and or simply found the racist opinions intriguing. known Frank Avian of Louis over weekends. Not only for Vincent and grandchildren In a short space of time, it had already amassed Trichardt who passed away purchases but also for a chat, Ethan and Aurora. nearly 30 000 followers. in the Zoutpansberg Private a joke, and a laugh. Some “And to that, let’s do this The social-media account fortunately (or Hospital on 20 July after friends remember that they the proper way. All raise a unfortunately for the owner), attracted the a heart attack. He was 68 joked about bringing along glass, quart, can, dumpy, even attention of the Digital Forensic Research Lab years old. cake for this weekly “glass of a glass of Dom Perignon, to (DFRLab). This is an international group speFranco Luigi Avian, aka The tea”. you, uncle Frank – Salute!” cialising in tracking “disinformation campaigns, Italian Stallion aka Chotch, Sadly, Frank had to close invited the family. Frank was fake news stories, covert military developments, was born on 16 July 1953 in his beloved bottle store in friends with everyone of any and subversive attempts against democracy”. Turin, Italy. At a young age, August last year because age, any colour. “Eighteen till Using some clever investigative skills, DFRhe moved to South Africa with of the economic downturn I die” was one of his favourite Lab traced the account back to a company called his family. caused by the negative impact sayings and he lived life to the Volongonya (Pty) Ltd. The address supplied is His first introduction to of the international Covid-19 fullest and always had time for Tshiawelo Street, Tshikota, and the company the Soutpansberg and Louis pandemic and local lockdown everyone. only has one owner, Anthony Matumba. MaTrichardt was 25 year ago regulations. He had since entumba is a councillor at Makhado Municipality, in 1996 when he and partjoyed retirement, staying with where he also forms part of the executive counners Garry Gilbee and Andy his son, Clyde, on a farm just cil. He is a member of the Economic Freedom Bothma started the first Spar outside Louis Trichardt, someFighters (EFF) and served on the party’s central in Louis Trichardt, along with thing he enjoyed very much. command team. Luigi’s Bottle Store. Since His friendly smile always The investigation further revealed that the then, Frank was a full-on widened on the farm. social-media sites were used to channel traffic Soutpansberger in heart and “Thank you for all the supto at least three websites. These websites made soul. port from customers who beuse of Google AdSense, which bombards visitors Frank later sold his shares came friends,” said the family. with ads. Matumba apparently tried to monetize in Spar and bought Luigi’s They urged his friends to send the traffic generated through the controversial as sole owner, after which them messages and videos to and inflammatory tweets. he purchased Pit Stop Bottle 073 264 7259 to be played at A member of the public complained to the Store two years later. It was Frank’s memorial service (date SAHRC about the race-baiting, which led to an here that names became still to be confirmed). The investigation. The matter was then set down for people and people became cut-off date is 1 August 2021 The late Frank Avian (68). a hearing from 27 to 29 July in the Louis Trichfriends. After five years, he at 12:00. ardt Equality Court. sold Luigi’s. The late Frank Avian will be Photo supplied. By Kaizer Nengovhela and Anton van Zyl
Frank Avian was a true friend to all
Pastor Sam truly lived a righteous and honest life before God By Pétria de Vaal
Tributes from all over the world streamed in the past week, following the death of the well-known Pastor Sam van Niekerk of Louis Trichardt. “It was early Monday morning, 26 July 2021, that we as fellow colleagues, staff, and members of Agapé Christian Centre learned of the passing of our dearly beloved Pastor Sam van Niekerk. He had a battle against the Covid-19 virus and fought bravely right to the end,” said fellow pastor Wynie van Tonder. Sam was hospitalised in the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital from 29 June until 5 July, after which he was transported to the ICU unit in Krugersdorp Netcare Hospital, where he passed away. Pastor Sam (also known as Sampie) was born in Middelburg on 3 October 1954. At the age of three years, his parents moved to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) to farm in the Hartley district. “Sam grew up and worked in Zimbabwe until we immigrated to South Africa in 1980,” says his wife Dalene (née Martin). Sam first attended school in Zimbabwe but at the age of 10 his parents enrolled him at Triegies (Louis Trichardt Primary). He then attended Louis Trichardt High School. Sam and his two older brothers were able to go home to Zimbabwe by bus most holidays, and Sam often shared fond memories of school and hostel life with his family. “Sam returned to Zimbabwe after completing school and became sub-accountant in the Standard Bank. Sam and I met at a Church Camp at Fort Victoria, fell in love and married in 1978. We lived in Salisbury and had glorious fun and adventure years together, despite the then ‘Bush War’. When we immigrated to South Africa, we lived in Lothiar (Ermelo), where Sam worked for HL&H as a financial manager,” remembers Dalene. They made a life-changing decision by moving to Bloemfontein in 1983. Here they enrolled in the Agapé Christian Bible School to prepare for full-time ministry – a passion they shared. Their first church, Patmos, was in Port Shep-
stone. “In 1990, we moved to Louis Trichardt, He was a man of profound faith who always to pastor Agapé Christian Centre. Here in Louis strived to serve in humility. He was a pillar of Trichardt, our children had the privilege to grow strength to so many around him. He was adored up in the same beautiful environment that Sam by his grandkids, who referred to him as ‘Oupa had treasured in his heart,” says Dalene. Lovey’. We miss him dearly but also take comfort Sam’s fatherly pastoral heart, his unique pasknowing that where the tallest trees fall, new life sion to see people develop their talents and his always springs forth.” gift of teaching the Word of God soon opened His daughter, Michelle, confirms that her dad many doors for him to connect to many rural had lived his life honouring God in everything pastors and churches. “We gave opportunity for he did. “He loved my mom with all his heart, many of our church family and K.I.T. (Kingevery day of his life. He was nothing but the dom Impact Team) pastors to travel with us to perfect father to us children and a well-loved minister in Africa and overseas. These pastors friend to so many people. He would have wanted and their churches are family to us,” continues me to add this very important fact: he was an Dalene. astounding fisherPastor Petrus man! A giant has Mamuhohi confirms fallen, and when a that this revival imgiant falls, the earth pacted churches of shakes. But God both black and white promises us that we people. Pastor Sam will be unshakeable. trained pastors in So, we will continue their walk with God as a family to honour and exposed them to him, to build our strategic Kingdom Heavenly Father’s leaders such as Dr Kingdom and to love Jonathan David and people just like my Dr William Vun dad did. We promise from Malaysia. The to fill the empty impact of his legacy space with our greatbegan to touch est memories. We many other nations want to thank Agapé in Africa and Asia. and the community The late Pastor Sam van Niekerk (66). Photo “His life taught us for taking such good supplied. the principles of care of our mother. Righteousness, Agape love, Giving, Selflessness, Dad, you are my hero, and you will always be my Patience and of Commitment,” says Mamuhohi. hero. I love you, Daddy,” says Michelle. Dalene continues: “My heart is broken with Son Marcel (living in America), says: “Uncle the loss of my beloved husband, my most trusted Sam, my dad, is a Jesus follower because his and dependable friend who protected me with journey still continues and could not be pulled his life and the man of God I so highly regarded to the grave by a hospital bed. Alive and well for his wisdom and integrity. Our children grieve in the lives and streets of Louis Trichardt, the the loss of their loving, caring and godly ‘dad’ Limpopo Valley, and beyond the South African whom they adored. He was so dearly loved by shores. He is with us because we’re still loving his grandchildren. Sam was a pillar of strength unconditionally beyond skin colour, beliefs, to our families and church family.” and religion, just like he modelled for us. When Son Martin van Niekerk says: “My father we fellowship, braai, fish, golf, garden, we do loved his family, his friends and his community. so filled with joy and a love of life, just like he
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embraced life. He left a trail of testimonies, and treasures of hope. Life is fulfilled in the way we serve others, and purpose is discovered in the depths of laying our life down for our neighbour. Oom Sampie was never a perfect man, and if ever he obtained such status, it would be an insult, because he made every effort to be a man that allows God to work through his imperfections. Hamba lapa side, Moruti ... it’s now your children’s turn to run.” Fellow pastor Wynie van Tonder describes Pastor Sam as no “ordinary” pastor. “Apart from the ministry and friendship relationships that he established all over, he was a real down-toearth person, a true and loyal friend, a man who believed in living a righteous and honest life before God, and one who always made others to feel accepted in his presence,” Van Tonder says on behalf of the Agapé family. Pastor Van Tonder shares that he was instrumental in paving the way for others around him to excel even further than what he himself would be able to go. “Under the senior pastors couple’s loving and caring leadership, Agapé Christian Centre grew strong in number and influence, locally and internationally. We greet you, Pastor Sam, and will see you again one day when we gather around the throne of God and worship Him together,” Van Tonder says. Dalene says “Our Sam ‘fought the good, noble fight, he finished the race’ and we will continue his legacy! Sam’s deepest conviction was - “For to me, to live is Christ, He is my source of joy, my reason to live, and to die is gain for I will be with Him in eternity.” (Philippians 1:21). The family has high appreciation and is grateful to Dr Anton Stroebel, both hospitals’ staff, Pastor Crumpton from Foundation Ministers International (who visited and prayed for Sam), Dr Khan and his assistant, Michelle Mulder. The family extend their thanks to the community in sharing their loss and for everybody’s support in their time of need and grief. Pastor Sam leaves behind his wife, Dalene; son Martin and wife Antoinette and their children Lyla en Elle; daughter Michelle; son Marcel and wife Stasha and their children Noah and Anthym (the latter to be born in August).
Musina courts closed out of fear of structural collapse
practitioners in the Limpopo Province. The maintenance of the building is the responsibility The wheels of justice have all but ground of the Department of Public Works and has been to a halt in Musina after the Department of lacking for months now. Labour issued a Prohibition Notice against In response to the closure of the court buildthe use of Musina Magistrate’s Court’s faciling, the Department of Justice issued a media ities on Tuesday, effectively closing the court statement on Tuesday afternoon, confirming indefinitely. that until all issues raised by the Department of The Prohibition Notice was issued by Mr Labour have been attended to and the building Mishack Matsi, the Director General for the receive clearance, the Cash Hall Building that Department of Justice and Constitutional houses Court A (District Court) and Court B Development, following a site visit to the facility (Regional Court) is deemed to be out of bounds, on Monday, 26 July. During his site visit, he effective immediately. “The Department of Jusconcluded that the use of the cash hall, Court A, tice and Constitutional Development has been District Court and Court B Regional Court posed assured by all the relevant stakeholders that an “immediate danger of collapse and may cause the matter is an urgent priority. Once we have fatal injuries or death to persons on account of obtained further information, the department structure support failure”. He further stated in will share any further details on developments in his report that the “use of electrical distribution due course,” said Mr Steve Mahlangu, national boards that do not have covers in which circuit spokesperson for the Department of Justice breakers and bare wires are exposed and easily and Constitutional Development in the media accessible poses a danger of electrocution, death statement. and fire to persons. The electrical supply must In the statement, certain contingency meabe switched off to avoid the imminent danger sures to mitigate any resultant impact on service of death and fire”. He concluded his report delivery are announced. by stating that the use of damaged electrical These include: extension cords and cables connected to UPSs in * That cases will be postponed outside the the cash hall on a permanent basis also posed an court building on a daily basis; immediate hazard. * That witness fees/cash hall, domestic vioAs news of the closure of the Musina Magislence applications and already enrolled maintrate’s Court started to surface, so too did photos tenance matters will be attended to from the of the courts’ dilapidated state. One photo shows available mobile structure and that measures how a section of roof is held up by loose bricks have been put in place to avoid staff congestion, stacked on top of each other. Another photo and to comply with all Covid-19 protocols under show how a whole section of roof is without a Alert Level 3; and ceiling after it had apparently collapsed during * That arrangements have been made by the heavy rains earlier this year. The heavy rains consent of all stakeholders to have the high-proalso damaged the building’s foundations. file SANDF case bail application case moved to The sorry state of affairs at the Musina Magis- Louis Trichardt court on Thursday, 29 July. trate’s Court left legal practitioners and members According to Mahlangu, service delivery at of the public dumfounded. “Be advised that Masisi Periodical Court is not affected and this matters will be postponed outside court/virtually court is still sitting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and/or telephonically until arrangements have as per their schedule. “For service-related enquibeen sorted by the DoJ [Department of Justice] ries, please contact the Area Court Manager, Mr and DPW [Department of Public Works],” TJ Munyai, on 084 498 8686 or 079 162 8240,” said Matsi in the Prohibition Notice to all legal said Mahlangu. By Andries van Zyl
A whole section of roof at the Musina Magistrate’s Court building is without a ceiling after it apparently collapsed during the heavy rains earlier this year. Photo supplied.
This photo shows how a section of the court building’s roof is held up by loose bricks stacked on top of each other. Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was ook een van uiterstes gewees wat die weer betref. Anders as die erge winterkoue wat die streek tans ervaar, het Louis Trichardt hierdie week ‘n kwarteeu gelede lekker weggespoel. Op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 26 Julie 1996 word berig dat die Stadsraad reeds 90 mm reën sedert die begin van die maand gemeet het. In totaal het Louis Trichardt vir daardie jaar tot en met Julie reeds 1 034 mm vir die jaar gemeet, slegs 66,9 mm minder as die vorige rekord vir die tydperk wat in 1977 opgestel is. Die totale reënval vir die dorp in 1977 was 2 448 mm. In ander hoofnuus is aangekondig dat die opgradering van die N1 tussen Matoks en Louis Trichardt heel moontlik teen 1999 voltooi sou wees. Dit het geblyk tydens ‘n terreinvergadering wat by Bandelierkop gereël is deur die raadgewende ingenieurs, VKE Engineers. Twee-en-twintig kontrakteurs wat van voorneme was om vir die projek te tender het die vergadering bygewoon. Die periode vir die indien van tenders sou in Augustus van daardie jaar verstryk. Alhoewel mens dalk vandag daaroor kan lag, was dit sekerlik nie snaaks vir die 46-jarige Louis Trichardt inwoner wat ook daardie week skuldig bevind is dat hy verskeie items by die Louis Trichardt Polisiestasie gesteel het nie. In sy verweer het die inwoner gesê hy was dronk toe hy slaapplek
by die polisiestasie gaan soek het. Hy het toe verskeie items, insluitend ‘n swart-en-wit trui, ‘n aktetas en ‘n bril, gesteel van een van die polisiebeamptes. Hy het ‘n boete van R1 500 of twee maande gevangenisstraf ontvang. Op die sportfront het spelers van so ver as Kenhardt in die Noord-Kaap die koue en nat weer trotseer vir deelname aan die Soutpansberg Gholfklub se jaarlikse Hanglip 54-toernooi. Die algehele wenner van die toernooi was André du Plessis van Krugersdorp.
Stasiewinkel se Lena Otto oorlede opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor Annetjie, wat enduit en soms onder moeilike omstandighede Die Soutpansberg het die afgelope week nog vir Ma Lena getrou versorg het. een van sy jarelange inwoners gegroet met die Lena is Dinsdag, 27 Julie, omstreeks 03:00 dood van die 80-jarige Lena Otto. oorlede, nadat haar gesondheid baie skielik Gebore ‘n nooi Maritz op 17 Januarie 1941 begin agteruitgaan het. Haar dogter Ria was by het Lena in die destydse Pietersburg-omgewing haar gewees. grootgeword. Sy is in 1960 met Piet Otto getroud ‘n Roudiens vir wyle Lena sal op Donderdag, en ses kinders (Danie, Rudi, Pietman, Rika, Leti- 5 Augustus, om 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Soutsha en Ria) is uit die huwelik gebore. pansberg-gemeente gehou word, onderhewig Die Otto-egpaar het hulle in 1976 op Mopane aan die nodige Covid-19 regulasies. Sy word gevestig. Piet was vir lank werksaam by Caltex oorleef deur kinders Rudi, Pietman, Rika en Ria en het deeltyds geboer. Lena was op haar beurt en hulle gades, 10 kleinkinder, een agterkleinkwerksaam as administratiewe beampte vir die ind en skoonsusters. Haar oudste seun Danie is destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë by die in 2005 in die ouderdom van 45 jaar oorlede. Mopane-treinstasie, ‘n pos wat sy vir etlike jare Die familie onthou hulle ma as ‘n soms hardbeklee het. koppige dog liefdevolle mens wat ‘n oop hart en Hartseer het die familie in April 1985 getref hand teenoor andere gehad het. Hulle het hulle met die skielike dood van Lena se man Piet op opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor almal vir hulle die vroeë ouderdom van 43 jaar. Alhoewel haar ondersteuning en woorde van bemoediging in drie seuns reeds uit die huis uit was, het Lena as hulle tyd van hartseer. ma steeds vir haar familie gesorg en voorsien. Sy het hard gewerk om haar drie dogters deur die skool te sit en het een die geleentheid gegee om universiteit toe te gaan. Lena was nie net weens haar jarelange verbintenis met die spoorwegstasie op Mopane bekend nie, maar ook as eienaar van die Stasiewinkel wat sy in die stasiekantoor oopgemaak het, nadat die Mopane-treinstasie gesluit het. Uit hierdie winkel het sy die hele omgewing se boere en plaaslike inwoners bedien en haar winkeltjie het letterlik alles van ‘n doekspeld tot ‘n lekker pastei gehad. Weens gesondheidsredes moes Lena sowat ses jaar gelede haar winkel opsê en haar wortels op Mopane losmaak waar sy vir die grootste deel van haar lewe gebly het. Sy het by haar dogter Letisha op Louis Trichardt ingetrek, met Letisha wat haar versorg het tot in Oktober 2020 toe Letisha weens nierversaking op die ouderdom van 50-jaar oorlede is. Ma Lena, soos haar kinders en skoonkinders haar genoem het, se versorging is daarna oorgeneem deur haar jongste dogter Ria en skoonseun Andries, by wie sy ingetrek het. Hulle is bygestaan deur Annatjie Sebola, wat voltyds deur die familie aangestel is om te help met die tuisWyle Lena Otto (80). versorging. Wat dit betref het die familie hulle Deur Andries van Zyl
Zoutie ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)
Thursday, 29 July
Friday, 30 July
Pleasant with plenty of sun.
Rather cloudy and cooler.
Partly sunny.
High: 24oC Low: 6oC
High: 18oC Low: 8oC
High: 21oC Low: 5oC
Saturday, 31 July
DEURLOPEND Soutpansberg part of Marathon Series
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Die bane is oop vir spel te midde van die grendeltydperk op voorwaardes soos goedgekeur deur Muurbal Suid-Afrika en die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Jaargelde beloop R700 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@zoutnet.co.za.
The beautiful Soutpansberg mountain range was selected this year to form part of the Mountain Marathon Series with a 42km, 21km and 10km scheduled to take place on 15 August this year. The Mountain Marathon Series is held in association with the Endangered Wildlife Trust and Trail Shed Adventure Gear. “There is no doubt it will be
a challenge in terms of climbing and at times technicality. It will include rocks, rivers, sand, forest, grasslands, wetlands, waterfalls and more. It’s a very wild space up there, with a surprise around each corner,” remarked the organisers about the Soutpansberg trail. The 42km will see athletes gain an elevation of 1 997 metres, with five water points along the way. Athletes will climb a total of 1
108 metres over the 21km race, while the 10km race will see athletes climb 689 metres with two water points along the way. Athletes must note that the event has a 100-runner limit and online entries close at midday on Friday, 30 July. For more information about the series, the races and entry, visit https://kzntrailrunning.co.za/ races/soutpansberg-mountain-marathon /.
Trichardt will play host to Sheri Brynard, a motivational speaker with down syndrome, on Saturday, 18 September. Her talk will start at 11:00 at Bergcare on the corner of Burger and Erasmus Street and tickets cost R100 per person. This will include lunch. For tickets, phone Mariana at tel. 079 679 8790.
• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
Ons kan help
• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting.
Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 26 July. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
26/07/2021 19/07/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
99.4% 99.7% 100.2% 100% 86.3% 87.1% 47.7% 50.6% 100.3% 100% 8.6% 8.8% 100.8% 100% 76.8% 78% 100.1% 100% 100.3% 100% 95.8% 97.5% 98.9% 99.2%
# Means latest available data
MALL OF THE NORTH JUNGLE CRUISE (3D) TBA Sat: 12:15, 15:30, 18:30
¸ Ç
7-9 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:45 Sat: 10:30, 14:15 Sun: 10:00, 13:05
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:15, 11:45, 14:30, 15:00, 17:45, 18:00, 18:15 Sun: 10:00, 10:15, 13:15, 13:30, 16:15, 16:30, 16:45
PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:00, 13:30, 16:00, 18:30 Sat: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15 Sun: 11:00, 13:30, 16:00
SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:30, 18:30 Sat: 10:00, 12:55, 15:45, 18:45 Sun: 10:45, 13:45, 16:45
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:45, 18:00 Sat: 17:30 Sun: 10:15, 13:20, 16:30 Follow us
TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 1 August
Monday, 2 August
Tuesday, 3 August
Wednesday, 4 August
Sunny, pleasant and warmer.
Plenty of sunshine.
Partly sunny.
Plenty of sunshine.
High: 24oC Low: 6oC
High: 25oC Low: 5oC
High: 20oC Low: 5oC
High: 23oC Low: 5oC
photo-Novel competition Good day Sir, welcome to the lonely corner bar.
the lonely corner BAR A story by The Zoutnet Team
what can i get for you today?
are you expecting company?
oh look a bar. no just me.
i’d like three beers please.
gulp gulp gulp...snooze
Sir if i may ask why are you ordering all three beers at once?
three months later
i have two brothers, one in canada and the other in australia, so i drink for both of them.
my condolences to you and your family
the usual?
gulp gulp... silence. no just two this time.
no, they are fine. i just decided to quit drinking.
what do you mean? you only ordered two beers we assumed one of your brothers died.
Win R500 with your own photo-novel Our photo-novel competition is now in its fifth week, but unfortunately has not attracted a lot of entries. Somehow this was to be expected, because it is not the “easiest” of competitions. The stories we published, however, seem to be very popular among readers and we will continue publishing new ones. The competition’s format will be slightly adapted, in that readers must try and “beat the team”. We will still offer a weekly R500 cash prize, but our in-house team will prepare an entry for every week’s edition. That means your
entry will be up against the “team”. The overall prize for the best entry is still R1 000. But don’t worry too much. This is a fun project and the judges are extremely biased in favour of reader contributions. All you need to enter is an interesting story that must be told within the limitations of 12 photos. You would probably need some actors and a few props, but family members are normally quite willing to help. (Promise them they will become superstars.) You can use a cellphone to take the photos or
an expensive camera, it doesn’t matter. The photos will be used in black-and-white, so take that in consideration (get a decent contrast). Send your twelve photos, along with the twelve “bullets” (descriptions) to leigh@zoutnet. co.za. Entries not used simply stand over to the next week, where it will again compete against the other unpublished photo-novels (and the team’s contribution). This means that the sooner you enter your photo-novel, the more of a chance it has to be used. After the final date (24 September 2021), we will choose an overall winner. The competition is open to all residents of the
Vhembe district. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Zoutpansberger’s website: www.zoutpansberger. co.za. Photo-novels is a type of storytelling that was invented in Italy in 1947. The format was extremely popular during the post-war period and remained the best-seller in Mediterranean popular literature for more than two decades. Photo-novels are often referred to as photo comics. Wikipedia describes it as “a form of sequential storytelling that uses photographs rather than illustrations for the images, along with the usual comics conventions of narrative text and word balloons containing dialogue.”
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Ruby Female
Margot Female
Knox Male
Diego Male
Christopher Male
Jenny Female
Maxi Female
Lots of cats & kittens
Now is the time to take a serious look at your security Focussing on security
Two weeks ago, homeowners and businesses in South Africa watched in horror as looters pounced onto businesses and shopping centres in Kwazulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng. Fortunately, the Vhembe region has been spared this destruction and vandalism, but crime is a constant problem. What can you do to have at least some sort of protection against criminals who reckon they can simply take what you have worked so hard to collect? We asked some of the people dealing with security what options are available, both for homeowners and businesses. We asked them to give advice to people with a very limited budget, as well as to those who Fanie Geyer from Big feel that spending 5 Security some more on home
and office security is necessary.
each other, they serve as an extra pair of eyes and through a security can be contacted, should an emergency arise. company, with a tactical response unit Protecting an ordinary home For some more peace of mind? responding when a camera is triggered by An owner of a three-bedroom house in a reamovement,” he says. sonably quiet neighbourhood wants to make sure What can the homeowner who wants a bit Pita agrees, but that the family members are protected, but their more peace of mind consider, such as perhaps stresses the imporbudget is extremely limited. They cannot afford a installing an alarm system? tance of installing a state-of-the-art, monitored security system. good-quality system at Some solutions: the business premises. Some solutions: Such a system must Fanie Geyer from Big 5 Security reckons many include a panic alarm Barend Lombard Danie Pita from Matrix Protection Services options are available and these should not “break option. The camerfrom Defendum reckons the first place to start is with the doors the bank”. “A homeowner should consider a as must be of good and windows. Make entering the premises, and rental system or a ‘lay-bye’ system with the most quality, making the especially the house, difficult for an intruder. basic components. This system’s installation identification of intruders later possible. “The “Ensure that all doors that have access to the costs should not exceed R2 500 (excluding VAT) victims can seldom give a proper description outside stay locked at night and that all windows and a fair monthly alarm-and-monitoring fee to after an incident has happened,” he says. are closed properly. Install burglar bars and cover the ongoing costs for monitoring,” he says. Esterhuizen reckons that the best option for safety gates at all doors that have access from the Geyer says that they always advise their custom- a business is to make use of the services of a seoutside,” says Pita. ers to start small and expand their systems at a curity company. “Criminals very quickly pick up Pita believes keeping the numbers of the town later stage. on your routine, often through obtaining inside watch at hand in case of emergencies to be good Lombard agrees that entry-level systems are information. It is easy to become a target, and practice. These volunteers normally respond readily available, and these provide reasonable you can endanger your own life,” he explains. quickly and do sterling work in trying to curb protection. The systems, which can be bought off “Depending on the amount of cash handled crime in residential areas. the shelf, allow for four cameras to be connected and the level of insurance that a company has Barend Lombard from Defendum reckons a and some even allow for door sensors. Some of taken to ensure that any losses will be minimal, dog may be a good deterrent. “If possible, get a the systems can be monitored remotely, even guards are not always the best option for small dog that is a known breed to be alert or can even from your cellphone. businesses,” says Geyer. “We would suggest that be of [sufficient] size to intimidate criminals,” Pita warns, however, that no cheap shortcuts the company do a risk analysis to determine if he says. He explains that most burglars enter a exist. “Make sure the alarm that you install is a they have need of guards, or if they can consider home on the side, away from public eyes. Dogs trusted product. Entry-level camera systems can more affordable options such as camera and and other alert mechanisms can help deter work, but make sure that all angles of the house alarm systems with entrance-control measures.” criminals. are covered,” he says. As far as the handling of cash in the business Pieter Esterhuizen from Elti Security believes The best option, however, is to install a system is concerned, all the security experts agree that good lighting around the premises is a must. that can be monitored 24 hours per day by a this can be problematic. “When handling and “Rather leave some lights on in rooms to deter security company. Such systems normally do not depositing cash, a couple of security measures criminals,” he says. A security gate between the rely on an Internet connection (as most of the can be taken. Never send just one person to bedroom area and the living rooms is essential. home systems do) and armed guards can imme- transport and deposit cash. Cash should be “It is also advisable diately be dispatched to investigate. transported in a locked container, of which only to not leave valuable “Monitoring is the best option, due to the fact the authorised person making the deposit should items in the open and that the homeowner does not have the ability know the combination or have a key. When lock away tools such as to monitor his/her alarm system 24/7, but our depositing cash daily, be sure to do so at uneven ladders and hammers,” control room does,” says Geyer. times each day. Never create a routine where says Esterhuizen. When you decide on an alarm system, making criminals can easily predict when deposits are Thieves often use provision for future expansions is essential, says made,” says Geyer. these to get access to a Lombard. “We would suggest a system that is Lombard reckons that the responsible premises. According to expandable, meaning that you can add extra handling of cash starts early in the process. Esterhuizen, one of the sensors or beams later on as the need arises,” he Customers should preferably not see how cash best defence mechasays. is stored or handled. “Make use of good-quality nisms against crime is Esterhuizen agrees that a decent alarm system safes and preferably have an alarm panic system to know your neighis a must, but he would advise homeowners to in place,” he says. bour. When neighrather spend the monthly fee and have the propPieter Esterhuizen Armed guards are a preferred option in some bours know and trust erty monitored. from Elti Security. cases, however. Pita reckons you cannot measure the cost of a life and, in many cases, getting a What about the small business? properly trained security guard to handle certain tasks is simply a better option. Security systems are important in every Esterhuizen agrees, business, but not everyone can afford a full-time adding that for the guard. What would be a good option for a small guards to be monitored business, such as a doctor’s practice or hair by an armed response salon? How do they handle cash? unit is important. All the security Some solutions: experts invite residents or business owners to Lombard explains that technology has first discuss their needs brought about many changes in the industry, with experts. Every sitmaking it much more affordable for households uation is different and or businesses to link up with a good security only after a thorough company. He reckons security guards are not an analysis has been done, Danie Pita from affordable option for small businesses. “Busican a recommendation Matrix Protection nesses can now make use of CCTV surveillance be made. Services
• 24 Hour Armed response
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Betty’s legacy lives on through Onderstepoort scanner By Andries van Zyl The Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (OVAH) of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria (UP) has acquired its first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. The facility, the first of its kind in Africa, was officially opened during a virtual ceremony on Monday and owes its existence to one of the Soutpansberg’s bestknown animal lovers. In November 2011, one of the Soutpansberg’s oldest residents and a legend in her own right, Miss Betty Muriel Noakes, passed away at the age of 98. Many will remember Betty as a loyal, supportive, encouraging, and fun friend with a great sense of humour and a love of animals. They will remember her caring, honesty and generous-heartedness, and the generous and untiring way in which she supported initiatives such as the SPCA. She was one of the founding
members of the Louis Trichardt SPCA in 1986. Since she had no family of her own, no one found the fact surprising that Betty had left the bulk of her estate, worth around R30 million, to animal charities. Her property and estate went on auction in March 2012. This included her Stonehenge property, overlooking the Soutpansberg Golf Club in Louis Trichardt. The house on the property itself was declared a National Heritage Site. “Almost 95% of the estate had been left to organisations such as the SPCA, the Red Cross, the SA Guide Dog Society, Henley-on-Klip Animal Rescue and the Animal Anti-Cruelty League. Médicins Sans Frontieres and the Salvation Army also count among the beneficiaries. Probably the biggest part of the estate [almost R16 million] will go towards the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Pretoria. This money is specifically earmarked for the promotion of animal welfare,” said the executor of the estate, Dr Suwil Rudolph, at the time.
Almost 10 years later, the veterinary faculty at the University of Pretoria made sure Betty’s legacy lives on with the opening of the MRI scanning facility. Regarding Betty’s wish that her estate must be used to benefit animals, Dr Paul van Dam, director of the OVAH, remarked afterwards in a press release: “We trust that the MRI will indeed play a large role in improving the lives of our patients.” By acquiring its own MRI facility, the OVAH now no longer has to make special arrangements with human hospitals to perform MRI scans. “In South Africa, the use of MRIs for diagnostic purposes is limited to small animals, and most MRI scans are done in human facilities by special arrangement … An MRI scan takes 45 minutes or longer, which limits the number of cases that can be referred. With our own MRI scanner, we can now do scans at any time of the day, on site, without the additional time to travel to another facility. An added advantage is that our MRI scanner will be the only high-field MRI in South Africa and probably [in] Africa, with image acquisition optimised for veterinary patients,” said Van Dam in the press release. MRI scanners have been used in human medicine since 1977 and have been used in veterinary medicine since the mid-1990s. MRI imaging is the diagnostic method of choice when low contrast exists between neighbouring tissue
types. This includes the brain – where the MRI distinguishes between grey matter, white matter, nerves, and cerebrospinal fluid – as well as the locomotor system, where it can distinguish between muscle, tendons and ligaments surrounding joints, joint fluid and joint cartilage. Lesions of the spinal cord are also best visualised with MRI imaging. “By providing excellent images of soft tissue, MRI scans enable the clinician to make an accurate and often early diagnosis, allowing properly targeted treatment plans,” said Van Dam.
The late Miss Betty Muriel Noakes who passed away at the age of 98 in November 2011. Photo supplied.
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS LEGALS KIRK TWINE ATTORNEYS Pictured is Lulama Nsele, a veterinary student, with Bear, a Yorkshire terrier and the first ever patient in the MRI facility to be scanned. Photo: Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital. Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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Laerskool Louis Trichardt het hulle nuwe klasleiers vir die derde skoolkwartaal in Graad 6 aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, staan Chrizette Odendaal, Elni le Roux, Tlangelani Sibiya en Karla Kotzé. Agter is CJ du Plessis, Rogan van den Berg, Kevin Siebani en Francois Nel. Foto verskaf.
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Unit 5, 1028 Saxby Road, Eldoraigne,0157, 012 111 9060, info@triconagricservices.co.za NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A WATER USE LICENSE IN TERMS OF SECTION 40 OF THE NATIONAL WATER ACT NO. 36 OF 1998 Project Background Akula Trading a reputable, diverse farming enterprise operational within the Limpopo Province, has appointed Tricon Agric Services (PTY) LTD, as independent environmental consultants, to comply and submit a Water Use License Application in terms of Section 40 of the National Water Act no. 36 of 1998 for agricultural activities. Abstraction of surface water from the Limpopo River will be applied for to ensure water supply to the new development. The purpose of this documentation is to support Farm Oxton 31 Portion 0 MR with their Water Use License application. The application triggers the following water uses in terms of the National Water Act no.36 of 1998: Section 21 (a): Abstraction of Surface Water, from the Limpopo River. Section 21 (b): Storing of water. Section 21 (c): Impending or diverting the flow of water in a water course. Section 21 (i): Altering the bed banks, course, or characteristics of a water course. Location: The proposed development site is located approximately 92.4-km east of Alldays on the Farm Oxton 31 Portion 0 MR within the Limpopo Province. Coordinates: Farm Oxton 31 Portion 0 MR S22°35’43.80’’ E28°22’32.70” For further details and to ensure that you are identified as an Interested and Affected Party (I & AP), please submit your details to the contact person within 28 days of the publication of the advert. Queries regarding this matter must be referred to: Name of consultant: Tricon Agric Services Contact person: Iwan Venter Telephone no: 012 111 9060 Address: 1028 Saxby Avenue Eldoraigne, 0157
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IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA [LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE] CASE NO: 2008/2021 In the ma�er between: BUSINESS PARTNERS LIMITED - Applicant (Registra�on Number: 1981/000918/06) and AVHAKHOLWI (PTY) LTD Respondent (Registra�on Number: 2018/554105/07) COURT ORDER Having considered the documents filed of record and having heard counsel for the Applicant and Respondent, It is ordered that: 1. The Respondent is hereby placed under provinsional winding-up order. 2. A rule nise is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 12 August 2021 why the Respondent should not be placed under final winding up order. 3. Service on this rule nisi is affected upon the Respondent at its registered address and by publica�on forthwith once in each of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE and in a local newspaper circula�ng in the area where the Respondent conducts business and service must otherwise take place in accordance with the statutory provisions including service on SARS, the Master and the employees. 4. The costs of the applica�on are costs in the winding up. BY ORDER OF COURT
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Roshini wants to help turn tears into hope with her first book
O N S K O O K... Beesbrediepastei Deur Denise van Bergen
Hierdie is nét die medisyne vir die winter-koue, Covid-bedruktheid en feitlik enige ander kondisie onder die son. Cristine Nortjé is mal daaroor om met verskillende soorte deeg te werk en om dit self uit te toets. So het haar dogter een Kersfees vir haar ‘n resepteboek met allerhande lekker deegresepte persent gegee, en van daar af was hierdie nog altyd haar gunstelingpastei uit die boek.
Metode: Meng die koekmeel en sout saam in
‘n mengbak. Rasper die smeer (botter) in die meelmengsel in. Gebruik jou vingerpunte om dit in die meel in te werk. Voeg die yswater by en maak dit aan tot ‘n deeg. Bedek die deeg met kleefplastiek en laat dit oornag in die yskas staan.
Bestanddele vir die vulsel: 125 ml koekmeel 2 kg beesskenkels (vleis) 100 ml olie 2 uie, fyngekap 1 groen soetrissie, fyngekap 1 rooi soetrissie, fyngekap 2 selderystingels, afgespoel en fyngekap 3 wortels, in blokkies gesny 2 takkies vars tiemie 1 blik gekapte tamaties 20 ml tamatiepasta 2 liter water 20 ml sout 5 ml peper 8 pekel-uie 250 g knopiesampioene, skoongevee Metode: Plaas die koekmeel en vleis in ‘n plastieksak en skud dit saam totdat die vleis met meel bedek is. Haal die vleis uit en skud die oortollige meel af. Verhit olie in ‘n kastrol en braai die vleis bruin aan albei kante. Skep die vleis uit en hou dit eenkant. Gooi nog ‘n bietjie olie in die kastrol en braai die uie, soetrissies, seldery en wortels tot deurskynend en sag. Voeg die tiemie, tamaties en tamatiepasta by en roer dit deur. Skep die vleis terug in die kastrol saam met die res van die bestanddele en voeg die water ook by. Geur met sout en peper. Plaas die deksel op en laat dit vir sowat 2-3 ure kook, tot die vleis sag is en die sous verminder het. Plaas die pekel-uie en sampioene op die vleismengsel en kook vir nog 20 minute, tot net sag. Voorverhit die oond tot 200°C.
Cristine Nortjé
Smeer of spuit ‘n oondbak van 23cm en skep die vleisvulsel daarin. Rol die deeg 5mm dik uit op ‘n meelbestrooide oppervlak. Bedek die vleisvulsel daarmee en sny die deeg-randjies netjies af. Rol die oortollige deeg uit en druk blaarvormpies uit. Verf die deegblaartjies met water en plak dit bo-op die pastei. Verf die pastei met ‘n geklitste eier, plaas in die oond en bak vir 30-40 minute tot goudbruin. Bedien met ‘n vars mengelslaai.
Cristine het sowat vyf jaar gelede besluit om haar op Louis Trichardt te kom vestig en haar eie salon hier te begin. Sy is ‘n bekwame haarkapster én skoonheidsterapeut en bedryf haar besigheid, Beauty by Cristine, vanaf haar huis. Hierdie veelsydige klein vroutjie bak dan nog die heerlikste beskuit, soetkoekies, groot koeke, én doen pragtige naaldwerk onder haar Plaasmeisie Produkte, reël vroue-funksies, en wanneer sy tyd kry vir ‘n bietjie ontspanning, geniet sy dit baie om tuin te maak. Haar hande is net nooit vir ‘n oomblik stil nie, en daar is altyd nóg iets wat sy by wil leer. Haar grootste vervulling lê daarin om ander vroue saam te bring en aan te moedig om elke liewe talent wat hulle in hulself kan vind ten volle te benut. Dit is hierdie konstante groei en produktiwiteit wat Cristine positief en gelukkig hou, ongeag omstandighede. Met haar druk skedule het sy beswaarlik nog tyd vir sit en tob oor als wat daar buite aangaan. Dít klink na ‘n wenresep.
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included some motivational quotes and a tried to make is as authentic as I could,” said Roshini. The response to the news of her book was overwhelming. “Everybody is asking for a copy of the book. But it wasn’t meant to be a money-making thing, it was just meant for purely what it is, the motivational aspect. If any money is to be made from the sale of the book, it will go back into our charity,” said Roshini. She added that they would let the public know as soon a hard copies of the book were available. Regarding the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Awareness charity project, Roshini said that they did not ask for any donations. The project is funded through her and Mark, in conjunction with the couple’s business, Thohoyandou Beer Distributors. They have so far successfully funded five projects. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a stop to their project but, said Roshini, they want to get going again soon. Roshini and Mark are truly a “power couple” regarding motivating and caring for others. Fairly recently, they were both bestowed with honorary doctorates (not academic) by the Theophany University for the humanitarian work they are doing through the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Awareness Project. A Life Altered: My journey from tears to hope is sure to inspire. The contents is best described by Roshini’s own synopsis of the book on the back page: “The loss of your child is an experience which is unfathomable. Day by day, the empty hollow feelings can cripple you emotionally. The focus of this story is about a couple whose life changes through tragedy, one that brought with it devastation yet transformed to hope. They describe their pain which ultimately turned to hope and a reason to pursue life again. Inspiration may be found in the most painful experiences.”
Author Roshini Pakkiree. Photo supplied.
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On 25 October 2017, Roshini and Mark Pakkiree’s world came crashing down around them with the unexpected death of their only child, the 16-year-old Sanjit, because of illness. Despite their sadness, this Louis Trichardt couple have since decided to turn their tears into hope, by establishing a charity in honour of their son and by motivating and supporting others experiencing similar trauma resulting from the loss of a loved one. Their remarkable story will soon be available in book form. A Life Altered: My journey from tears to hope was authored by Roshini and is in the final stages of being printed by Blue Lotus Publishers in Durban. “I’ve been doing so many presentations that I just decided to put it together and write the story,” said Roshini, a retired police officer with 27 years of service. The road to recovery has been a long one for Roshini and Mark. Initially, they started the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Awareness Project in 2019. They named it after their son to honour Sanjit’s loving and caring personality and his ingrained desire to help others. The main focus of the project is to create awareness and help with matters that challenge many young people, from pre-school to high school age, as well as tangible assistance in the form of donations to those in need. In the meantime, Roshini also started to give motivational presentations to assist others battling with the same trauma. After one of these presentation, she got a call from Dr Anneline Chetty of the Turning Point organisation [an organisation that provides women with a platform to address past trauma]. Chetty asked Roshini if she would like to share her story at one of their Turning Point presentations, to which Roshini agreed. This ultimately led to Roshini’s deciding to write down their story. “With this book, I went deeper into me and Mark’s story. I went very personal about what transpired from that day he died. Altogether, it is a 30-page book, but I did not want to stretch it further because I wanted it to be pure facts. I wanted each word to be the truth because that is the only way you can help somebody - to be honest. They must see what it is you went through. But it is not to say that what you are going through is by any means over. It is a back-and-forth roller-coaster, but you just keep going on. It is like incorporating the loss in your life, but not forgetting it,” said Roshini. It took Roshini about four weeks to write the book, writing about a 1 000 words a day. Thereafter, it took about a week to put together. “I also
Bestanddele vir die blaarkorsdeeg: 400 g koekmeel 2,5 ml (½ tl) sout 300 g yskoue botter (nie margarien nie) sowat 259 ml yswater
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Koben Hofmeyr van Louis Trichardt kan nie wag vir 31 Julie nie, want dit is die dag wat hy gaan optree as gelukbringer vir die Springbokke in hulle toetswedstryd teen die Britse en Ierse Leeus. Om meer uit te vind wat Koben se taak as gelukbringer vir die Springbokke gaan behels, besoek gerus sy mees onlangse vlag by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcoFjUMS2Uc
“US scholarship has a lot to offer” Before the recent university restructuring from schools to faculties at Univen, he was the The Louis Trichardt-based Dr Joseph Baloyi Vice-Dean of the School of Agriculture. Now (58), attached to the University of Venda he is the head of department and associate (Univen) as associate professor in animal professor of animal science. “I am involved science, is on a Fulbright Scholarship at in the administration of the department and the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, teach undergraduate students,” he said. “I Georgia, in the United States. teach animal nutrition and animal production Baloyi said that the Fulbright Scholarship courses. I also supervise senior undergraduates enabled him to interact with fellow animal nu- (fourth-years), MSc and promote PhD student tritionists in the developed world, particularly research projects.” the UGA grounds. It would further help him His main research interests with both the improve his research skills and output in the senior undergraduate and the postgraduate animal nutrition field with his students back at students lie in animal nutrition, particularly Univen. evaluating forages, browsing and agricultural “Our research approaches are not the same,” by-products as potential supplementary feeds he said. “At Univen, we are still doing more in the dry season for livestock. traditional and applied research, while at UGA “During the dry season, the natural pastures they do basic research that uncovers animal decline in both quantity and quality, and this is science.” the main challenge of animal production in the Baloyi, who was warmly welcomed by his tropics,” he said. “Animals lose weight in the UGA host, Dr Todd Riley Callaway, a Rumidry season and productivity drops significantnant nutritionist in the Department of Animal ly.” and Dairy Science, has already been involved He said that he would encourage other in some research projects. He joined in some of professors and even students to apply for the the research that Dr Callaway was doing with Fulbright Program because they could learn his students. and experience a lot when on a US Fulbright “Dr Callaway has a well-equipped laboraScholarship. tory,” he explained. “He is working mostly on “We have different teaching and research microbiology in the animal gut as it is affected approaches to animal science,” he said. “Here by feeds. His research approach is close to what at UGA, they are looking at basic scientific I intended to do, but much more detailed than explanations of what is happening to the feeds my proposal.” in the animal gut. Unlike us at our African Baloyi studied for his Bachelor of Sciences institutions, at UGA they have the equipment degree in Agriculture in Animal Science and and facilities to do deeper scientific research. a PhD at the University of Zimbabwe. He also Collaborative exchanges, be it staff or students, has a Master of Sciences degree in Animal Nu- will expose you to the up-to-date technology.” trition, which he obtained from the Aberdeen According to the Minister Counsellor for University in Scotland, UK. Public Affairs at the US Embassy, Frank “I worked in various Zimbabwe government Whitaker, the Fulbright South African institutions before coming to South Africa Research Scholar Program is a fully funded opsome 18 years ago,” he said. In South Africa, he portunity for South African university-faculty had worked at Fort Cox College of Agriculture, or research-institute professionals to conduct North-West University and the University of research and teach in their field of expertise South Africa, before joining the University of at an academic or research institution in the Venda in 2009. United States for a period of three to nine months with the intention of strengthening academic programmes and expanding the US/ SA higher-education network. This programme forms part of the range of Fulbright scholarship opportunities available for South African students and academics. Since 1953, more than 2 100 South African students and scholars have pursued studies and research in the United States through the Fulbright programme. “Small-scale and subsistence farming often supports the livelihood of communities, and we believe the results of Dr Baloyi’s research may significantly contribute to the quality and health of livestock in Thohoyandou and beyond,” Frank Whitaker said. “Dr Baloyi’s experience and research will also broaden the exposure of his students at the University of Venda, which will certainly impact the depth of their academic and practical experience as future agricultural scientists.” The Fulbright programme currently operates in South Africa and more than 150 other counDr Joseph Baloyi is currently in the US on tries worldwide. For more information, please a Fulbright Scholarship. Picture supplied. visit www.za.usembassy.gov/fulbright. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Koben gekies as een van Bokke se gelukbringers Deur Karla van Zyl ‘n Unieke eer en een-maal-in-‘n-leeftyd geleentheid het die 18-jarige Koben Hofmeyr van Louis Trichardt onlangs te beurt geval toe hy gekies is as een van die Springbokke se gelukbringers om die span te verteenwoordig tydens een van hulle toetswedstryde teen die Britse en Ierse Leeus. Plaaslik het Koben geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Sy merkwaardige verhaal van herstel sedert 19 Mei 2018 dien as inspirasie vir baie. Op daardie noodlottige dag het hy sy nek gebreek tydens ‘n skole-rugbywedstryd, wat hom van sy skouers af ondertoe verlam gelaat het. Tog hou Koben vas aan sy droom om eendag weer te kan loop, ‘n droom waaraan hy hard werk om te bewaarheid. Vir Koben was 30 Junie ‘n dag soos enige dag - totdat hy ‘n oproep ontvang het van Gail Baerecke van The Players’ Fund, ‘n organisasie wat hulle beywer daarvoor om bystand te verleen aan rugbyspelers wat hulself ernstig in dié sport beseer het. Gail wou by Koben weet of hy sou belangstel om as een van vyf gelukbringers vir die Springbokke op te tree, meer spesifiek vir die toetswedstryd op 31 Julie vanjaar. Hy is as een van die gelukbringers gekies ween sy betrokkenheid by The Players’ Fund. Koben was totaal stomgeslaan, maar sy antwoord was ‘n besliste “ja” gewees. Ongelukkig beteken dit nie dat Koben fisies saam met die Bokke op toer sal gaan of langs die veld sal wees tydens hulle wedstryd nie. Sy teenwoordigheid sal ‘n virtuele teenwoordigheid wees waartydens hy via Zoom met die spelers langs en op die veld kan gesels. ‘n Tipe van ‘n virtuele kantlyn aansig. Dit sluit in ‘n virtuele ontmoeting met Springbokkaptein Siya Kolisi. In kort sal van Koben verwag word om net homself te wees saam met die Springbokke en om sy tyd saam met die Bokke te geniet. Vir Koben is sy verkiesing as gelukbringer vir die Springbokke ‘n ongelooflike voorreg. Hy het gesê hy sal dit sy hele lewe lank onthou en
vergelyk dit met die eerste keer toe hy op Loftus was. “Dit gaan nou wel virtueel wees, maar die spanning van die toer en die intensiteit van die toer wat slegs elke 12 jaar gebeur, sal hierdie een na die volgende vlak toe vat. Dis nie net ‘n gewone toets nie, dit is die Britse Leeus en die Springbokke. Dit is so cool en ek is so dankbaar daarvoor,” het Koben gesê. Koben kan nie wag dat die dag aanbreek nie. “Ek kan nie met my woordeskat beskryf hoe dit voel om ‘n mascot vir die Bokke te wees nie … As ek dit laat insink, kry ek soms hoendervleis ... ek kry nou hoendervleis.” Om meer uit te vind wat Koben se taak as gelukbringer vir die Springbokke gaan behels, besoek gerus sy mees onlangse vlag by: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcoFjUMS2Uc.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt het met die begin van die nuwe skoolkwartaal Maandag vir me. Maggie Kemp verwelkom. Sy is tans besig met haar praktiese opleiding as deel van haar onderwysstudies. Sy sal vir die volgende paar weke die skool se personeelkorps aanvul in die vak wiskunde (intermediêre fase Graad 4 tot 6). Foto verskaf.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Uitslae/Results Woensdagspel
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Dr Joseph Baloyi at the research laboratory in the US. Picture supplied.
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Koue en maaggogga kan nie vir Casper stuit nie nie. “Almal kyk na die afstand, maar as jy die Hy het nou wel nie sy mikpunt van 15 dae eerste dag 200 km wil doen, doen jy 6 000 megehaal om vanjaar se Freedom Challenge te ter se klim. Dan moet jy nog aangaan. Die eerste voltooi nie, maar vir avonturier en mediese deel deur die Oos-Kaap het baie berge. Dit is die dokter Casper Venter van Louis Trichardt sal Drakensberge, en dan is dit die Maluti-berge – sy tweede deelname aan hierdie moordende daar is net nie ‘n easy day in die Freedom Chaluitdaging hom weereens bybly as ‘n ongeloof- lenge nie. Elke dag moet jy ten minste ‘n 100 km like ervaring. doen, verkieslik 150 km. So, die verskil om die Die Freedom Challenge Race Across South wedren in 17 dae of 14 dae te doen, klink nie baie Africa (Freedom Challenge) oor ‘n afstand van nie - net drie dae, maar jy moet baie ander dinge 2 150 km word gereken as een van Suid-Afridoen om dit reg te kry. Jy gee baie prys. Jy soka - indien nie die hele suidelike Afrika nie – se sialiseer met niemand nie, jy slaap baie minder, taaiste bergfietswedrenne. Die eerste groep jy moet in die nag navigeer, nie wegraak nie en bergfietsryers het reeds Maandag, 21 Junie, die koue trotseer. So, soms is dit ‘n besluit wat jy in Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal wegneem. Is dit vir jou so belangrik om by 15 dae uit gespring, met die wedren wat 26 dae later by te kom?” het Casper gesê. Wellington in die Wes-Kaap geëindig het. Die Maar ten spyte van die strawwe klim en 54-jarige Casper, wat in 2012 die eerste keer aan moeilike weersomstandighede wat vanjaar die wedren deelgeneem het, het op 1 Julie wegse uitdaging gekenmerk het, meen Casper hy gespring. Moeg en sat gery het hy op Sondag, 18 sal die ervaring vir niks verruil nie. “Ek is baie Julie, Wellington binnegery om die wedren in 17 gelukkig met die uitkoms gewees – om lewendig dae en agt ure te voltooi. klaar te maak,” lag Casper. Hy sê hy was verbaas “Op die ou einde is jy bevoorreg om toegelaat oor die vernuf wat hulle deurlopend aan die dag te word om klaar te maak. Vyftien dae was ‘n vae moes lê om hulle fietse op die pad te hou. “Veral idee. Dit sou nice gewees het, maar die ding en die eerste week. Daar is geen paaie nie. Jy ry die ervaring van die uitdaging is soveel groter op sulke bokpaadjies. As jy daar val, gaan jy vir dat dae jou nie regtig pla nie. jouself lelik seer maak. En Ek het in ‘n stadium besef dit dit is konstant moeilik – “Dit was ongelooflik gaan nie werk nie, en dit was elke dag … Maar jy gaan in koud gewees. Ek het nog ‘n roetine in … As jy ‘n dag dit,” het Casper gesê. Die ding wat Casper die of twee uit die wedren is, is meeste tyd gekos het, was toe nie die gevoel in my tone dit baie moeilik om weer in hy ‘n maaggogga opgetel het en vingerpunte terug nie.” die roetine in te kom. Na net verby die halfpadmerk my maaggogga het ek maar by Damsedrif net anderkant gesukkel om weer in die Baviaanskloof. Hier het hy amper ‘n dag-enroetine in te kom,” het Casper gesê. ‘n-half se trap verloor om te herstel voordat hy So van sukkel gepraat: Casper het wel genoem weer kon verder trap. dat hy hierdie keer bietjie moeiliker getrap het. Casper was een van slegs 36 ryers van die aan- “Ek dink ek het meer gesukkel as laas op party vanklike 55 ryers wat weggespring het om die plekke. Ek weet nie hoekom nie! Andersins het uitdaging suksesvol te voltooi. In totaal het 35% dit weer beter gegaan op ander plekke. Ons navvan deelnemers onttrek, met slegs twee vroue igasie was goed en ons het nie vreeslik verdwaal wat die 2021 uitdaging suksesvol kon voltooi. nie. Ons het die moeilike plekke ge-nail, soos Die uiterse koue het vanjaar ‘n groot rol daarin Aasvoëlberg, Mordor, Stettynskloof … Ek het gegespeel dat soveel deelnemers onttrek het. lukkig ‘n goeie geheue gehad van my vorige keer “Dit was ongelooflik koud gewees. Ek het nog af, so dit het goed gewerk,” het Casper gesê. nie die gevoel in my tone en vingerpunte terug Een van die unieke eienskappe van die nie. Dit was die heeltyd koud. Veral in die vroeë jaarlikse Freedom Challenge is dat geen pryse oggendure was dit erg … Dit is lastig as jy 04:00 of prysgeld op die spel is nie. Al “prys” wat jy in die pad val en dit is -18°C. Jy trek alles aan ontvang by die eindpunt is ‘n Basotho-kombers. wat jy het, maar jy kry nog steeds koud, veral jou Ontvangers van die kombers staan bekend as hande en voete. Jou waterbottel vries solied, so The Clan of Blanket Wearers. Ander praat weer jy kan nie water drink nie. Maar dit is maar deel van The Coveted Blanket. van die uitdaging … dit is koud, maar jy oorleef – Casper het nou sy tweede kombers ontvang. jy moet net aanhou trap!” het Casper gesê. “Daardie kombers was ‘worth its weight in Vanjaar se uitdaging is gedurende die eerste gold’. Jy werk hard vir hom! Martin Dreyer week ook gekenmerk deur sterk kopwinde wat [uithou-atleet] sê ‘Giving up is not an option vordering nog moeiliker gemaak het vir die until they put you in an ambulance’. So, om deelnemers. Die hoeveelheid meters wat jy elke op te gee, is nie ‘n opsie nie,” het Casper gesê. dag moet klim is egter wat deelnemers vang. Oor Skaars terug van die Freedom Challenge kyk die totale lengte van die wedren klim fietsryers Casper reeds na sy volgende uitdaging. “Dalk dié ‘n totaal van 33 kilometer en dit is nie ongewoon keer iets anders. “Uitdagings soos hierdie is mos om tussen 3 000 en 4 000 meter per dag te klim maar deel van my,” het Casper gesê. Deur Andries van Zyl
Duiwe sukkel bietjie vanaf Bloemhof 3de, 5de en 11de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee (Hpk) 4de, 7de en Bittere koue het wed12de, Mieke & Mike Coetvlugtoestande die afgelope zee (Hpk) 6de, 9de en 15de, naweek uiters moeilik Nico Bezuidenhout (Hpk) gemaak vir duiwe van die 8ste, 16de en 20ste, Gerhard Hangklip (Hpk) en SoutBezuidenhout (Hpk) 10de, pansberg (Spk) Posduifklubs 17de en 19de, Sekelbos Hokke in hulle ope- en jaaroudwed- (Hpk) 13de en Marx Hokke vlug vanaf Bloemhof oor ‘n (Spk) 18de. afstand van 670 km. In die opewedvlug het In totaal is 113 duiwe 117 duiwe deelgeneem. Die ingeskryf vir die jaaroudwedwedvlug is gewen deur Louis vlug, maar slegs die eerste 20 Gossmann (Spk) nadat sy posisies word vermeld. Die wenduif die afstand voltooi wedvlug is gewen deur Ben & het met ‘n spoed van 1 041.55 Mariaan Pienaar (Hpk) nadat meter per minuut. Ben & hul wenduif die afstand voltooi Mariaan was 2de, 5de en 15de, het met ‘n spoed van 1 030.08 Mieke & Mike Coetzee 3de, meter per minuut. Hulle was 7de, 8ste, 9de en 12de, RWJ & ook 14de. TE Smit (Hpk) was Mike Coetzee 4de, 13de, 14de, 2de, Louis Jordaan (Hpk) 18de en 20ste, TE Smit 6de en Duiwenuus
10de, Nico Bezuidenhout 11de en 19de, Louis Jordaan 16de en Gerhard Bezuidenhout 17de. Wat die provinsiale puntestand vir die Noordstreek in die middelpad-kampioenskap betref, is die wedloop nek-aannek. Mieke & Mike Coetzee is eerste met 771 punte, met RWJ & Mike Coetzee in die tweede plek met 762 punte. Louis Jordaan is derde met 758 met Ben & Mariaan Pienaar en TE Smit vierde en vyfde met onderskeidelik 749 punte en 724 punte. Eerskomende naweek sal die twee klubs se lede weer mekaar die stryd aansê, dié keer in twee opewedvlugte vanaf Bloemfontein oor ‘n afstand van 770 km.
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Die 54-jarige Casper Venter (regs) en mede-deelnemer Carlo Gonzaga, afgeneem by die eindpunt van vanjaar se moordende Freedom Challenge in Wellington in die Kaap. Hulle vertoon met trots die Basotho-komberse oor hul skouers - al prys wat voltooiers van hierdie uitdaging ontvang. Foto verskaf.