Zoutpansberger 3 July 2020

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3 Julie 2020

News with an independent soul


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Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Tekort aan brandstof tans nie rede vir paniek nie - bladsy 3

Jaargang 36 Vol. 26

Restaurante gretig om weer hulle “familie” te sien - bladsy 4

ISSN 2409-2835

Audited Distribution Figures


9 772409 283001

Oom Rolf klop virus Deur Andries van Zyl

Vir oom Rolf (79) en tannie Gerda Schlieben (73) is daar geen groter vreugde as om weer veilig terug te wees op hul plaas in die rustige Soutpansberg nie. “Ek sal vir jou sê, dit is ‘n ervaring wat ek nooit, ooit, ooit weer sal wil deurmaak nie. Sjoe! Ek raak erg emosioneel hieroor! Jy weet, ek is so dankbaar ek is hier!” sê oom Rolf. Dit nadat die egpaar se een-maand-lange bootreis drie maande geword het toe oom Rolf die gevreesde Covid-19 virus opgedoen het. In totaal was oom Rolf en tannie Gerda 80 dae in isolasie, waarvan om Rolf 11 dae in die hoësorg-eenheid van ‘n Italiaanse hospitaal in Rome gelê het en daarna 29 dae in ‘n hersteleenheid deurgebring het. Vir dié getroude paartjie van 20 jaar was die bootreis iets waarna hulle geweldig uitgesien het. Alles het egter in ‘n nagmerrie ontaard nadat hulle in Italië gedok het. “Die skip het in Savona gedok. Ons is per bus, nege ure lank, na Rome toe. Op daardie bus het ek die blerrie virus gekry,” vertel oom Rolf. In Rome is die egpaar en hul toergroep vanweë die Covid-19 pandemie vanaf 23 Maart tot 7 April in hulle hotel in kwarantyn geplaas. “Ons het uit kartonne geleef. Dit was net pasta, pasta en pasta!” onthou oom Rolf. Op Dinsdag, 7 April, het oom Rolf-hulle se lewe ‘n dramatiese wending geneem. “Op die 15de dag in die hotel saam met Gerda, toe kry ek mos die aanval. Toe vat die virus my. Ek was blou om die mond en toe ek wakker word, toe lê ek in die hospitaal. Dit was die 7de April,” sê oom Rolf. Oom Rolf sou die volgende paar dae [tot 15 April] in isolasie in die hoësorg-eenheid van die Sandro Pertini hospitaal in Rome deurbring, sonder enige kontak met tannie Gerda. “Die dag toe ek 79 geword het, 14 April vanjaar, was ek sewe dae in die hospitaal. Ek kan nie Italiaans praat nie. Hulle praat net Italiaans. Ek weet van bokkerol, ek sterk goed aan, maar ek weet glad nie wat met Gerda gebeur het nie. Sy het

agtergebly in die hotel, ook in kwarantyn,” vertel oom Rolf. Toe gebeur daar iets wonderbaarlik ... “Daar kom ‘n verpleegster aan - ek noem haar ‘n engel uit die hemel uit - die oggend om halfses. Sy sê ‘Bonjour’ en ek sê terug ‘Good Morning’. ‘O, you are English. From where are you?’ wou sy weet. Ek sê toe vir haar Suid-Afrika en vra of sy my kan help? My vrou is in hierdie kamernommer in hierdie hotel. Ek verjaar vandag en ek weet nie of sy positief of negatief getoets het nie. Ek het nie geweet of sy aangesteek het by my of nie. Ek weet nie of sy in die hotel, hospitaal of waar sy is nie. Sy [die verpleegster] stap na die bed langs my (ons was net vier in die kamer) en sy vat die een ou se selfoon. Hy slaap. Sy tik daar die nommer van die hotel in. Sy vra vir kamer 501 en hier antwoord my vrou...” vertel oom Rolf, en jy hoor die emosie in sy stem. “Dit is hoe dit met ons daar gegaan het...” sê hy. Oom Rolf is op 15 April uit die hospitaal ontslaan en oorgeplaas na ‘n hersteleenheid in ‘n klein “agterstraat” hotelletjie. Vir oom Rolf was dit egter meer van ‘n detensiesentrum gewees. “Ek sê vir jou, nader aan hel kry jy nie! Ek het swaargekry daar,” sê hy.

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ontvang het wat nou nog ‘n wrang smaak in oom Rolf se mond los. “Die hospitaalkos was mooi. Dit is opgestel deur ‘n dieetkundige en dit was gebalanseerd. Maar daardie detensiesentrum! Die ouens het nie ‘n duiwel vir jou omgegee nie. Die vrou wat die vloere was, het my so uitgevreet omdat ek te vinnig die water van my voordeur weggevat het. Ek het ‘n Italiaanse agtergrond, want ek het Italiaans gepraat as kind. Ek was in ‘n skool in Italië. Ek het net vir haar in Italiaans gesê: ‘Haai! Ek is nie ‘n vark nie! Verstaan jy?’ Sy het groot geskrik en daarvandaan het ek vir haar gesê dat as ek haar groet, dan groet sy terug. Ek het vir haar gesê ek is ‘n blerrie mens, ek is nie ‘n dier nie!” sê oom Rolf. Oom Rolf het op 11 Mei negatief getoets vir die virus en op 15 Mei weer. Op 16 Mei sou hy die blye nuus ontvang dat sy taxi gereed was. (Vervolg op p. 2)

Oom Rolf (79) en tannie Gerda (73) is bly om weer by die huis te wees, nadat oom Rolf in Italië deur die gevreesde Covid-19 virus platgetrek is.

Carel Hammann HAMMANN

Oom Rolf het vertel dat 99% van die ander mense saam met hom in die hersteleenheid afkomstig was vanuit Oos-Afrika. “Die meeste was Soedannese. Ons was onder weermagbewaking, want die Soedannese probeer elke keer ontsnap. Boy, o boy!” onthou oom Rolf. Dit was egter die behandeling en kos wat hulle in die sentrum

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Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe Lewe die lewe van uitverkiestes voor God! 2 Tessalonisense 2:13-17


n 1 Tessalonisense word die gemeente van Tessalonika geprys vir die goeie voorbeeld wat hulle in die geloof stel. Hulle geloof, inspanning, liefde en volharding is waarlik ‘n navolgenswaardige voorbeeld, en Paulus dank God daarvoor. Daar is egter ook ‘n vermaning aan hulle: Hulle moet hulself nog meer toelê op die lewe wat God van sy kinders vereis. Hulle moet nog meer let daarop om weg te bly van bose dinge, veral onsedelikheid, wat blyk ‘n probleem te gewees het in die gemeente. Die bood­ skap is duidelik: Die Here eis onberis­ pelikheid. Dit is alles, of niks. Ons kan Hom nie halfpad dien nie. En nou sien ons in ons teksgedeelte dat dit lyk of die mense van hierdie gemeente gehoorsaam was. In vers 16 lees ons die bede van Paulus dat die gemeente in al die goeie wat hulle in woord en daad doen, bemoedig en versterk word deur Jesus Christus en die Vader. Dit beteken: Hulle is reeds besig met die goeie dinge, dinge wat God verheerlik. Hulle het geluister na wat Paulus in die eerste brief aan hulle geskryf het. Hulle het God heelhartig gedien! Daarom skryf Paulus weereens dat hy God vir hierdie gemeente dank. Daar is geen waarskuwing hier te gee nie, net die won­ derlike woorde: Die Here het julle lief! Meer nog, die gemeente word verseker deur Paulus dat God hulle uitverkies het en gered het. Dit word as ‘n onbetwisbare feit gestel. Hoe wonderlik moes dit nie gewees het om dit oor jouself te hoor nie! Maar weereens, soos ons regdeur die Bybel sal sien, is hierdie nie ‘n geleentheid waar Paulus vir die mense sê, “Welgedaan, klop julleself op die skouer. Julle het goed gedoen, julle redding is as gevolg van julle goeie lewens” nie. Dit word baie duidelik gemaak dat hierdie wonderlike nuus wat die gelowiges in Tessalonika kry, volkome die Here se werk is. Hulle is gered omdat Hy die redding aan hulle gegee het. Hulle het dit nie self verdien nie. Julle is gered deurdat die Gees julle vir Hom afgesonder het, word baie duidelik gemaak. Wat beteken dit? Eerstens dat die gelowiges die waarheid glo. Hulle glo die evangelie van Jesus Christus, dat Hy die een is wat gekom het om die redding te bring wat hulle, en alle ware gelowiges ontvang. Sy verdienste voor die Vader aan die kruis het die sonde weggeneem van mense wat voorheen deur God verwerp sou word, maar nou deur Hom aangeneem word. Dit is die Heilige Gees wat die geloof in die waarheid wakker maak in mense. Hy doen dit deur elke gelowige te roep tot geloof deur die evangelie wat ons hoor. En dit is in hierdie geloof wat ons verbind word aan Christus en sy heerlikheid. Die Heilige Gees hou ons geloof in stand en laat dit ook groei deur die deurlopende verkondiging van die Woord. Daarom word die gemeente daaraan herinner om aan die Woord vas te hou, die leer wat die apostels aan die gelowiges oorgedra het, wanneer hulle dit hoor, en ook wanneer hulle dit lees. En, soos ons aan die begin gehoor het, die bevestiging van hierdie ware geloof, die geloof in Jesus Christus waardeur God sy uitverkiestes red, word bevestig deur die goe­ ie wat in woord en daad gedoen word. Die goeie wat ons doen in ons lewens is nie ter wille daarvan dat ons eendag waardig genoeg sal wees om gered te word nie, maar die kenteken daarvan dat God ons reeds waardig gemaak het deur sy Seun, ons gered het, en ons vir Hom afgesonder het. Laat ons ook op hierdie manier die bly­ wende vreugde uitleef van hulle wat God vir Homself afgesonder het. Wat God deur sy Gees verseker het dat hulle syne is vir ewig. Ons het sy liefde ontvang, Hy het aan ons ‘n blywende troos en ‘n goeie hoop gegee. Laat ons voortgaan en vashou aan sy Woord, terwyl ons tot sy eer die goeie in woord en daad bly doen. - Ds. Hannes Lee (Gereformeerde Kerk Messina)


Acting Vhavenda king Toni fights back seen to prohibit Masindi from becoming queen. The houses were also of the opinion that Toni The acting king of the Vhavenda, Toni Mphep- could not be king because he had been appointhu-Ramabulana, is fighting back and intends ed as ndumi to his late brother, Dimbanyika. to ask the Constitutional Court to set aside “His appointment as ndumi automatically last year’s judgment of the Supreme Court disqualifies him from succeeding in a position of of Appeal (SCA). This court provisionally traditional leadership,” the report stated. stripped him of his title and sent the matter The legal team of Masindi and that of the back to the Limpopo High Court. South African President indicated that they In April last year, the SCA set aside the would now apply that a three-week period be set decision by former President Jacob Zuma to rec- aside for the hearing, starting on 26 October. ognise Toni Mphephu-Ramabulana as the king In the latest development, the legal team of of the Vhavenda. One of the reasons given was Toni have served papers on Masindi’s legal team, that the criteria used by the royal family when indicating that they will be asking the Constiselecting a suitable successor promoted gender tutional Court to rule on the matter. This court discrimination. The court also ruled that the will be asked to set aside the ruling of the SCA as meeting during which the royal family had cho- well as to declare that the decision to involve the sen the new incumbent had not been properly LHTL and the NHTL had been incorrect. constituted in terms of the relevant legislation. One of the first hurdles that Toni’s legal team The main contender for the throne, apart from will have to cross, is the late filing of the appeal. Toni, is his niece, Masindi Clementine Ramabu- In the latest affidavits, they argue that they first lana. She is the only child of the late Paramount had to wait for the LHTL and the NHTL to Chief Tshimangadzo Mphephu, who reigned submit their reports. They apparently assumed as King Dimbanyika of the Vhavenda from that the two houses would realise that they did 1994 to 1997. Masindi was the only child born not have the statutory power to do as the SCA out of Dimbanyika’s marriage with the dzekiso had indicated they should. “As soon as the said (heir-bearing) wife, Fulufhelo Mphephu. reports were to hand, the [two Houses’] incomThe SCA sent the case back to the Thohoyanpetence to deal with issues … was shown in their dou High Court, where a judge other than the reports after they appropriated to themselves the one who had made the original ruling, Judge powers of the Court,” the affidavit reads. Ephraim Makgoba, will have to adjudicate the The reports of the LHTL and NHTL were merits. This court was initially requested to rule made available on 11 November 2019 and these on various technical issues, such as jurisdiction were followed by a series of legal skirmishes. and male primogeniture. Among others, Toni’s legal team reacted to an After a delay of several months, a pre-trial attempt by Masindi to attend a traditional walk hearing was eventually held on 4 June this that is normally reserved only for the king. They year. This hearing was not attended by the legal felt that she was jumping the gun and “acting as representatives of Toni Ramabulana. One of the the queen of VhaVenda”. reasons initially forwarded by Toni’s legal team The delay in appealing to the Constitutional was that they first wanted to have the report Court is, for the most part, also attributed to the of the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown regula(LHTL) and the National House of Traditional tions. Leaders (NHTL) reviewed. These two houses From the court papers one can clearly deduce were tasked by the SCA to express an opinion on that Toni’s legal team have realised that they various matters. cannot take the LHTL and NHTL reports on In what was described as a setback for Toni, review. Their advocate advised them that “the the two houses cleared various of the obstacles reports of the [two houses] are not capable of By Anton van Zyl

being reviewed and that the Applicants were best served by launching the appeal process as we hereby do”. In the appeal, Toni’s legal team argue that the SCA erred in law on numerous aspects. They feel that Masindi should have sought relief as outlined in the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Act 23 of 2009. They also took exception to the SCA’s ordering that the LHTL and NHTL provide guidance to the High Court on matters related to Vhavenda royal traditions. “This finding is, with respect, wrong. The houses of traditional leaders under the Framework Act and the National House of Traditional Leaders Act, 22 of 2009, are populated by the senior traditional leaders from traditional houses. They are never meant to serve as experts to give opinion and guidance to courts of law,” the affidavit reads. In response to the latest court application, Mr Johann Hammann, attorney for Masindi Ramabulana, said that they would definitely oppose the application. He said that they had not been notified of the intention to appeal and had also not received a case number.

The acting king of the Vhavenda, Toni Mphephu-Ramabulana.

“Dit is ‘n ervaring wat ek nooit, ooit weer wil deurmaak” Suid-Afrika. Die skeepsagente kon daarin slaag om ‘n vlug te reël, en op Sondag, 24 Mei, het die “Jy kan na jou vrou toe gaan,” is oom Rolf egpaar op OR Tambo Lughawe geland. Die vlug meegedeel. Dit sou die eerste kontak wees wat vanaf Rome na Parys en vanaf Parys na Doha, hy met tannie Gerda gehad het sedert hy in die waar hulle oorgeslaap het, was uitputtend. hospitaal opgeneem is. “Die enigste ding wat my Terug in Suid-Afrika moes die egpaar nog aan die gang gehou het, was dat sy my nege-uur 14 dae in kwarantyn bly, net om seker te maak. die oggend, drie-uur die middag en nege-uur in Hulle was deel van ‘n groep van sowat 260 die aand gebel het. Ek kon nie uitbel nie, maar mense wat saam met hulle teruggevlieg het en sy kon inbel,” vertel oom Rolf. Nog iets wat oom by The Capital on the Park hotel in Sandton in Rolf “gered” het, was sy boek met 500 Sudokus. kwarantyn geplaas is. “Dit was die laaste hekkie Wonder bo wonder het tannie Gerda nooit die wat ek moes oorkom,” sê oom Rolf. virus opgetel nie. “Sy was baie gelukkig. Sy was ‘n Oom Rolf het finaal negatief vir die virus dag in die hospitaal en hulle het allerhande toet­ getoets. Tans is hy en tannie Gerda terug op hul se op haar gedoen. Sy was eers positief getoets plaas buite Louis Trichardt en geniet die “vrymet die neus toets, maar toe toets hulle haar heid”. Waarna oom Rolf die meeste uitgesien het, bloed en toe wys sy negatief. Volledig negatief. was om weer ‘n lekker stuk biltong en Jungle Sy is nog twee keer daarna weer met die mond Oats te eet. “Jy weet, ek het kanker oorleef. Ek is en neus metode getoets en sy was negatief,” sê nou vier jaar sonder kanker. Nou het ek die virus oom Rolf. oorleef. Nou raak ek te oud! Ek weet nie hoeveel In die stadium wat oom Rolf uit die herlewens het ek nog nie!” lag oom Rolf. steleenheid ontslaan is, het hy en tannie Gerda Oom Rolf is baie dankbaar vir almal wat alreeds ‘n week gewag vir ‘n vlug terug na hom en tannie Gerda die afgelope paar weke (Vervolg van p.1)

bygestaan en vir hulle gebid het. “Jy moet sê dat ek vrees­lik dankbaar is vir die mense wat vir my gebid het. Vernaam my buurman, Prof Koos van Rooy. Ons het saam gebid oor die telefoon. Ek is ook dankbaar vir Braam Helberg en sy vrou. Hulle het elke Saterdagmiddag gebel,” sê oom Rolf. Hy skryf sy herstel toe aan die Here se genade. “Ons het tydens ons verblyf in Rome weereens besef dat ons lewens in Sy hande is. God het ons elke dag gedra en ons gehelp om sin te maak van die situasie waarin ons ons bevind het. Steeds beleef ons God se genade met groot dankbaarheid. Dit was vir ons goed om al die angs te ervaar, ‘want God is goed. Sy goedheid duur vir altyd’ (Psalm 118: 29),” het die egpaar gesê. Hulle het ook oom Rolf se matriekgroep van 1959 bedank vir hulle getroue gebedsgroep. “Hoe langer ons terug is, hoe langer raak die lys van name van mense wat ons wil bedank,” sê oom Rolf. Hy het bygevoeg dat hy dit nie genoeg kan beklemtoon hoe absoluut fantasties die dokters en personeel van die Sandro Pertini hospitaal in Rome se behandeling was nie.


Vir oom Rolf was die 29 dae in die hersteleenheid in Italië, wat eerder vir hom soos ‘n detensiesentrum gevoel het, absolute hel. Sy middagete het meestal só gelyk. Twee snye brood, ‘n paar snye tamatie, ‘n klein bakkie pasta, dalk ‘n stukkie vleis en water.

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Die toneel by BP Louis Trichardt Dinsdagoggend. Lang toue voertuie en vragmotors het by die dieselpompe gewag om vol te maak. Volgens plaaslike vulstasie-eienaars word hier en daar pro­ bleme ondervind met brandstofvoorsiening, maar niks om oor bekommerd te raak nie.

Tekort aan brandstof tans nie rede vir paniek nie Deur Andries van Zyl Al hoe meer gerugte gaan rond dat die land ‘n totale brandstoftekort in die gesig staar. Uit gesprekke met plaaslike vulstasie-eienaars word dit egter gou duidelik dat alhoewel probleme tans ervaar word met brandstofvoorsiening, dit nie iets is om oor bekommerd te raak nie. Dié gerugte het sedert begin Junie in intensi­ teit begin toeneem, nadat verskeie brandstofverskaffers hulle kliënte in kennis gestel het dat daar in daardie stadium brandstoftekorte in die land was. Dit kon toegeskryf word aan die feit dat van die land se raffinaderye nog gesluit was vir instandhouding, of nog in die proses was om “aanlyn” te kom. Die tekort is verder vererger weens die feit dat die brandstofpyplyn vanaf die kus na Gauteng ‘n lek opgedoen het. Die Zoutpansberger het Dinsdagoggend ‘n oproep ontvang van ‘n leser. “Julle moet bietjie gaan kyk hoe lyk dit daar by Bridge Auto. Die motors en vragmotors staan toue! Daai dieseltenke is leeg!” het die leser beweer. Toue mense het inderdaad gewag by BP Louis Trichardt. Die rede hiervoor was egter nie net vanweë bogenoemde situasie vroeër die maand in die land nie. “Ons het so bietjie van ‘n dieselprobleem, maar dit is nie so erg nie. Wat by BP gebeur het, is hulle het in hierdie selfde tyd van kontrakteur verander wat hulle diesel en petrol aflewer. Maandag en Dinsdag was hulle besig met die oorskakeling van kontrakteurs. Die nuwe kontrakteurs is egter laat met hulle heel eerste aflewering by my. Hulle moes al gister afgelewer

het, maar hulle gaan seker vandag aflewer,” het mnr. Rampie Gilfillan, eienaar van BP Louis Trichardt, Dinsdag gesê. Gilfillan het erken dat daar bietjie van ‘n dieseltekort bestaan, maar het bygevoeg dat die probleem bestuurbaar is. “Ek dink nie dit gaan teen die einde van die week nog ‘n probleem wees nie. My probleem is tans eerder my afle­ weringsdiens as die beskikbaarheid van brandstof,” het Gilfillan gesê. Volgens Gilfillan het die “tekorte” by brandstofpompe tans ook ‘n ander oorsaak. “Môre [Woensdag] gaan die brandstofpryse redelik op, so die verskaffers wil nie regtig voor die verhoging aflewer nie. Hulle sal dit nooit erken nie, maar dit is so … Altyd hierdie tyd as die pryse opgaan, dan sukkel ons om brandstof te kry. As die prys afgaan, dan kry jy maklik brandstof. Dan is daar ook nie ‘n vragmotor probleem nie. Dit is maar een van die uitdagings van ons besigheid,” het Gilfillan gesê. Inderdaad het brandstofpryse om middernag op 1 Julie redelik dramaties gestyg. Die prys van 95 petrol het met R1,72 per liter gestyg, terwyl 93 petrol met R1,63 per liter gestyg het. Diesel 0.05% het gestyg met R1.73 per liter, terwyl diesel 0.005% met R1.69 per liter gestyg het. Nog ‘n vulstasie-eienaar met wie die Zoutpansberger gaan gesels het oor die tekorte tans, is mnr. Nardus Barnard, bestuurder van Palm Vulstasie. “Daar is definitief ‘n tekort. Ons sukkel maar om diesel en petrol te kry. Petrol van 95 oktaan is uitgesorteer, maar petrol van 93 oktaan is wel ‘n probleem tans by my,” het Barnard Woensdag gesê.

Volgens hom is die tekorte weliswaar veroorsaak toe die raffinaderye toegemaak het vir instandhouding tydens Vlak 5 van die grendeltydperk. Toe daar na Vlak 4 beweeg is, het Barnard gesê, was die aanvraag veel groter as die beskikbare reserwes, wat gelei het tot ‘n tekort. Weens die tekort is begin met die invoer van brandstof per skip, maar die huidige Covid-19 regulasies vertraag die aflewering van hierdie brandstof geweldig in hawens. “Dit is maar die situasie wat aan ons verduidelik is,” het Barnard gesê. Hy meen egter ook dat die situasie bestuurbaar is. “Hulle [sy verskaffer] stuur nog elke dag ‘n trok na my toe wat aflaai,” het Barnard gesê. Hy het bygevoeg dat hy ook toestemming van sy



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verskaffer gekry het om brandstof by ander verskaffers uit te koop, sou sy tenks begin leegloop en hulle nie betyds kan aflewer nie. “Ek dink dit is moeilik vir hulle [sy verskaffer] maar hulle bestuur dit,” het Barnard gesê. Barnard voorsien ook nie dat die brandstoftekort tans ‘n langtermyn probleem gaan wees nie. “Ek verwag ons gaan in die volgende week, dalk twee weke, redelik gemaklik deur hierdie ding kom. Dit is die vooruitsigte wat ons het as ons die kommunikasie wat hulle [die verskaffers] met ons het reg luister. Ons vertrou dit is waar, want dit kan nie so aanhou nie. Daar is bietjie probleme hier en daar, maar ek dink ons sal oukei wees,” het Barnard gesê.

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R149 900



Restaurante gretig om weer hulle “familie” te sien

hulle binnekort hulle deure gaan heropen. Hulle is tans besig om alles in plek te kry. Die publiek Restaurante kon Maandag heropen. Die Zout- sal weldra ingelig word presies wanneer hulle pansberger het by ‘n klompie restaurante en weer die Spur kan begin besoek. koffiewinkels in Louis Trichardt gaan inloer Die gewilde deli en tuisnywerheid, Hennetjie en gevind dat ‘n hele aantal mense reeds na Nes, het Woensdag, 1 Julie heropen. Volgens lekkernye verlang het en gevolglik die kans Marna Breytenbach het hulle ‘n verkorte gebruik het om in te haal! Kinders het aan spyskaart, maar baie meer deli-tipe eetgoed as roomys en wafels gesmul, terwyl die volwasvantevore. ‘n Groot verskeidenheid daarvan kan senes ‘n lekker stomende koppie koffie geniet genuttig word of gekoop word om weg te neem. het! “Ons is elke dag oop en beplan om vir eers slegs Restaurante moet aan streng maatreëls die laaste Saterdag van ‘n maand oop te wees. voldoen. Gedetailleerde besonderhede is in die Ons gaan beslis ook oplet na die behoeftes van Staatskoerant nommer 43487 van 29 Junie ons kliënte,” sê Marna. 2020 gepubliseer. Simply Heaven (voorheen die Koffiepot in Wanneer besoekers opdaag, kan hulle verwag Joubertstraat) is al geruime tyd bedrywig met dat al hulle besonderhede (soos hulle volle name wegneemetes en –lekkernye. Cecilia Nel het ‘n en van, identiteits- of paspoortnommer, selfoon- WhatsApp-groepie en berei heerlike kos voor, venommer en woonadres) in ‘n register ingevul ral boerekos. Laasgenoemde word op bestelling moet word. Alle besoekers se koors word gemeet gedoen. Simply Heaven kan twee tafels binne en hande ontsmet. Streng reëls is ook van toeen twee buite akkommodeer, wat ver uitmekaar passing op alle werknemers. Elke werknemer en staan. persoon wat byvoorbeeld aflewerings doen, word Katvoet Kunskafee in Van Warmelostraat onderwerp aan al die protokolle. heropen eers op 15 Julie. Alet en Lizzy du Plooy Ocean Basket het Maandag sy deure oopgeis hard besig met verfwerk en om alle protokolle maak. Deeglike voorbereidings is reeds oor die in plek te kry. Alet noem dat hierdie grendeltyd naweek gedoen. Met behulp van Pest Control se diegene in die restaurantbedryf behoorlik “verspan is die hele restaurant en alle toerusting en kruppel” het. Hoewel hulle nou net sewe tot agt meubels deeglik ontsmet. Volgens eienaar Johan tafels gaan hê en nie die gebruiklike 13 nie, sien Kirsten vernietig die tipe spuitstof 99.9% van hulle uit daarna om besoekers te ontvang en op alle virusse en bakterieë en hy is baie dankbaar hulle spesiale “Covid-19” spyskaart te trakteer. vir hulle professionele diens. “Ons kan steeds ‘n Karen’s in Kroghstraat moes ongelukkig hulle groot aantal gaste met gemak hanteer, met die deure sluit. Karen Smit gaan egter voort met nodige afstand in plek. Kinders mag nie nou die haar spyseniering en opwindende nuus is dat sy speelarea gebruik nie en ons het dit omskep deur vanaf 15 Julie onder meer heerlike tuisgebak en ekstra tafels daar te plaas,” sê Johan. Met ‘n effe gevriesde etes by The Garden Shop (ingang via verkorte spyskaart sien hulle baie uit daarna om Stubbsstraat oorkant Mount Fuji) in vries- en hulle “familie” terug te verwelkom! yskaste beskikbaar gaan hê. Maude Guthrie Die Wimpy was reeds bedrywig op hulle van The Garden Shop beplan daarmee saam ‘n heropeningsdag, Maandag. Veral kinders was te wegneem-koffiestasie en almal word vriendelik sien wat ooglopend lekkernye gedurende hierdie uitgenooi om daarvan gebruik te maak. tyd gemis het! Volgens Emelda Maremba (be­ Die Boekwinkel (langs Die Ou Wawiel) is stuurder) word alle maatreëls streng nagekom reeds oop, maar Jeneane Roets verskaf vanaf 1 en sommige tafels is gemerk waar niemand mag Ju­lie weer heerlike koffie, ander drinkgoed en sit nie. Waar twee mense aan ‘n tafel sit, neem iets te peusel daarby. Sy nooi inwoners hartlik hulle skuins oorkant mekaar stelling in. uit na die unieke koffieproesessies op Saterdae Jan Kleynhans en Christinah Maseko van van 10:00 tot 11:30. Die fokus is op ‘n groot Mike’s Kitchen is gereed vir hulle kliënte en het verskeidenheid buitelandse koffies, maar ook dié ook Maandag vir aansit-etes heropen. ‘n Groot wat sy “poeding-koffies” noem. banier met al die moets en moenies begroet gaste by die ingang. Addisionele kennisgewings word gedruk en op strategiese plekke binne die restaurant geplaas. Jan noem dat baie vrae bestaan rondom die hantering van spyskaarte. Vir eers word die gewone spyskaarte nog gebruik, maar elke keer nadat iemand dit hanteer het, word dit ontsmet. Binnekort sal kliënte die spyskaart met behulp van die nodige tegnologie op hulle selfone kan bestudeer. Die opsie om ‘n weggooibare spyskaart te verskaf word ook ondersoek. Christinah sê dat alle items op Mike’s se spyskaart wel beskikbaar is. Kelners verduidelik ook alles aan besoekers en maak seker dat hulle ‘n afstand van ten minste een meter handhaaf. Tafels is geherorganiseer en gespasieer. Waar daar normaalweg ses tot agt persone aan ‘n tafel sou sit, word nou net vier geplaas. Barley & Jam gaan steeds voort met hulle wegneemetes, maar het ook vir aansitetes op 29 Junie oopgemaak. Volgens bestuurder Collin Clack is alles in plek en word almal vriendelik uitgenooi om ‘n aansitete te kom geniet. Peter Chinodya van die Oklahoma Spur sê dat Maude Guthrie by The Garden Shop. By Pétria de Vaal

Nadine Hillary (voor links) trakteer Gemma Fowlds (voor regs) en Ava (links) en Erin Hillary (tweede tafel) by Wimpy.

Jeneane Roets by haar koffieproe-toonbank in Die Boekwinkel.

Jan Kleynhans van Mike’s Kitchen.

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die


Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, is die grootste deel van die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 7 Julie 1995 afgestaan aan ‘n string noodlottige motorongelukke. Vyf mense is in die voorafgaande week in verskillende ongelukke oorlede. In een van die meer bisarre ongelukke is ‘n baba oorlede, nadat ‘n bakkie voor die ambulans waarin die baba en sy ma op reis was na Messina ingedraai het. Die bestuurder van die ambulans het uitgeswaai, waarna die ambulans omgeslaan het. In die proses is die baba by ‘n syvenster uitgeslinger en het onder die ambulans beland wat op sy sy tot stilstand gekom het. Die baba is op slag dood. In nog ‘n fratsongeluk is ‘n motoris op die N1 naby die Rondeboschplotte oorlede, nadat die naaf van ‘n aankomende vragmotor se wiel losgekom het, deur die slagoffer se voorruit gebars het en hom teen die kop getref het. Hy is ook op slag dood. Ook op die voorblad was die berig van Luitenant Aifheli Eckson Makhavhu, wat in daardie stadium die tweede in bevel was by die polisie se Misdaadon­ dersoekdiens in Louis Trichardt. Uit betroubare bronne is verneem dat hy binnekort as die dorp se eerste swart bevelvoerder van die speurtak aangestel sou word. Wat die res van die belangrikste nuusblaaie van hierdie week ‘n kwart­ eeu gelede betref, was dit ‘n kwessie van misdaad, misdaad en nog misdaad. ‘n Bekende plaaslike dokter, dr. Anton Stroebel, en sy gesin se huis is leeg­ gesteel en ‘n vrou in Mopaniestraat het 04:30 een oggend vermeende motor­ diewe by haar voertuig verjaag. Verder noord was die veelbesproke grensdraad tussen Suid­Afrika en Zimbabwe in die nuus. ‘n Internasio­ nale mediagroep het ‘n besoek aan die

Soutpansberg Militêre Gebied en die heining gebring om te kyk hoe effektief die heining is. In daardie stadium was die heining nog in ‘n werkende toestand en het oor ‘n alarm­ stelsel beskik. Dit kon ook geëlektrifiseer word om mense ‘n noodlottige skok toe te dien. In daardie stadium is beraam dat die heining nog 50% effektief was, aangesien die sisalheining in die weste uitgedien was. Deur die jare is hierdie grensdraad feitlik totaal deur onwettige immigrante weggedra. Meer onlangs sal lesers onthou van die kontrover­ sie rondom die sowat R40 miljoen wat vir ‘n ongeveer 40 km vervanging van die heining begroot is. Groot dele van die heining, wat blykbaar geensins of glad nie gepatrolleer word nie, is geknip of weggedra deur onwet­ tige immigrante en smokkelaars nog voordat die heining voltooi was. Verdere betaling aan die kontrakteur vir die klaarmaak van die heining is intussen gestaak.

Cecilia Nel van Simply Heaven.

Assistent bestuurder Thuli Mhlanga (links) en Nigel Nyamwela (kelner) van Barley & Jam. Foto verskaf.





ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt

Thursday, 2 July

Friday, 3 July

Saturday, 4 July

Sunny and nice.

Nice with plenty of sunshine.

Mostly sunny and not as warm.

High: 23oC Low: 7oC

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

High: 24oC Low: 10oC

“We understand parents’ fear, but we’ve already lost three months”

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor)

By Andries van Zyl

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.

Graad 6-leerling Reneé van Niekerk (links) van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het uiteindelik die wenprys ontvang wat sy in die landswye Twinsaver Design-a-Box kompetisie vroeër die jaar gewen het. Haar prys was ‘n skootrekenaar ter waarde van R6 000 vir eie gebruik. Sy het ook R30 000 vir haar skool gewen. As deel van die kompetisie moes sy ‘n skoon tem­ plaat van ‘n Twinsaver-sneesdoekieboks via die Internet aflaai, kleurvol versier en ‘n foto of skandering van haar finale kunswerk terugstuur na Twinsaver. Saam met haar staan die skool se adjunkhoof, me. Irene Adendorff. Foto verskaf.

• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. Louis Schoeman, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

High: 19oC Low: 7oC

Minki’s Chicks and Agri recently opened its doors for business on the corner of Joubert and Krogh Street in Louis Trichardt. As part of the opening specials, a lucky draw took place. The winner of the lucky draw was customer David (left) who won 100 day-old chicks and seven bags of feed. Pictured with him is Minki’s Chicks and Agri owner Kevin Albertus. Photo supplied.


EMERGENCY NUMBERS LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity (after hours) • Water (after hours) • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 - 087 350 2764 - 087 350 2764 - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183

LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 22 June. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

22/06/2020 15/06/2020

Albasini Dam 73.9% 74.1% Ebenezer Dam 15.8% 16.1% Flag Boshielo Dam 99.8% 100% Glen Alpine Dam 44.9% 45.6% Luphephe Dam 97.1% 97.9% Middel Letaba Dam 2.7% 2.9% Nandoni Dam 100.6% 100% Nsami Dam 54.3% 55.6% Nwanedzi Dam 96.1% 97% Nzhelele Dam 87.5% 88.5% Tzaneen Dam 18.5% 19.1% Vondo Dam #101.2% 101% # Means latest available data

Eric Louw High School in Musina was forced to suspend all classes last week, less than three weeks after allowing their Grade 12s back, after one of the school’s teachers tested positive for the dreaded Covid-19 virus. This was confirmed by the chairman of the school’s governing body, Mr Pieter Appelgryn-Siebert, in a letter to all parents and guardians of learners at the school last week. The letter states that the school was closed temporarily after the positive test results of the staff member were released on 25 June. Dr Sampie Phaswana, Soutpansberg North’s Circuit Manager for Education, also responded swiftly to the news last week. After consultation with the Department of Health, Phaswana said on Friday that a decision had been taken to close the school until 6 July. The teacher and those in close contact with her were also asked to self-isolate, which they were already doing. The school will also be deep cleaned, especially the areas that were used by the teacher and her close contacts. On Sunday, however, the school’s principal, Mr Johan Minnie, issued a second statement to all parents and guardians that the school would re-open on 29 June after the school was deep cleaned over the weekend. Of the 80 Grade 12 learners, however, only 16 initially reported back to school early on Monday morning. Phaswana reacted to the low turn-out. “In a small town like this, we understand parents’ fear, but we’ve already lost three months of the school year. We cannot wait any longer,” said Phaswana. He assured parents and guardians that the department was doing everything in its power to get systems in place to ensure their children’s safety. Phaswana said he believed the children could return to school safely. In his letter last week, Appelgryn-Siebert also assured parents that they had taken all necessary and humanly possible precautions to limit this most unfortunate incident. “There is no need to panic,” said Appelgryn-Siebert. “Just because you are a learner of Eric Louw High School does not mean you are positive. Only once symptoms arise are you recommended to have yourself tested,” he said. He explained that close contact was defined as being face to face within one metre or in a closed space for more than 15 minutes with a person with Covid-19. The symptoms to be monitored are a fever of higher than 37.5°C, diarrhoea, headaches, a skin rash, sore throat, dry cough, a loss of taste and smell and extreme fatigue. Regarding the above definition of close contact, all Grade 12 learners and their teachers were asked to return to school on Monday, except those who were in self-isolation because of close contact with the infected teacher. At the time of our going to press, these learners and other persons who had come into close contact with the teacher were due to be tested by officials from the Department of Health on Thursday, 2 July.


Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org



Monday, 6 July

Tuesday, 7 July

Wednesday, 8 July

Mostly sunny.



High: 22oC Low: 6oC

High: 22oC Low: 7oC

High: 24oC Low: 4oC

Sunday, 5 July Nice with plenty of sunshine.

High: 24 C Low: 7 C o


Strict control at Braambos to curb spread of virus School News The director of Braambos Primary School at Air Force Base Makhado, Ms Natanya Barends, hailed the management of the base under the leadership of Brigadier General André Barends for the assistance rendered in support of the Department of Education. Speaking during the welcoming of the Grade 7 learners back to the school on 8 June, Barends thanked both the parents and the teachers for their team effort in ensuring that everything was in place before the learners returned. “They have displayed a selfless character while striving to prepare the future of the learners,” Ms Barends said. This follows an instruction issued by the Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga, which allows the Grade 12 and 7 learners to go back to school. “As an interim measure, a meeting with parents of the learners was conducted for them to clear the air and prepare learners to go back to school. A WhatsApp group was created for all parents and learners, so they could receive first-hand information during this time,” said Ms Barends.

According to Ms Barends, the most complex and challenging issue discussed was the safety of learners at school. This led to an exchange of ideas by all stakeholders to address the fears of learners and their parents. The school principal, Ms Mashianoke Masehla, confirmed that preparations for learners to return to school were started as early as May. “The school is monitored frequently by the officer in charge of the health centre, Lt-Col Machete Makhaga,” said Masehla. Since the learners returned, strict controls regarding procedures for sanitising, screening, disinfecting the classrooms and checking the temperature of learners, teachers, staff members and anyone who visits the school daily have been in place. Visitors to the school are also required to sign a register at the locked gate to gain entry. The school learning programme is conducted with ease on a daily basis, while learners are encouraged to apply social distancing, wear masks and sanitise all the time. “Anyone found with an abnormal temperature is referred to the health centre for further observation,” stated Ms Masehla.

Warrant Officers Leon Le Roux (left) and Louis Kruger (right) of Air Force Base Makhado get ready to decontaminate Braambos Primary School prior to the return of the Grade 7 learners. Photo: AFB Makhado.

Soutpan Solar helping learners keep safe Social Responsibility Soutpan Solar Power at Vivo has responded to a call from

the district department of education for schools in the Blouberg Municipality to provide 4 000 learners with

Grade 7 learners at Maboi Primary wear their masks donated by Soutpan Solar Power. Photo supplied.

cloth masks that will last learners for a six-months-toone-year period, in addition to what the department will provide. “Schools across Limpopo have reopened, with educators and staff working determinedly to make sure that the necessary safety precautions are in place to keep learners and staff safe each day, which is why we’ve helped by providing face masks and sanitisers to schools across the two circuits closest to our solar farm,” says Harrisinah Theka, economic development officer for Soutpan Solar Power, in a press release. Soutpan Solar Power states in the release that they have directed a large portion of their socio-economic development funds to providing schools with adequate masks and sanitisers, catering for 2 000 Grade 7 learners and 2 000 Grade 12 learners. This includes 28 primary schools and 19 high schools from the Bahananwa North and South circuits. “Masks and sanitisers are being provided to schools, via the Department of Education, so that teachers, learners, and staff can follow the necessary regulations and safety measures put in place to help reduce the risk of infection,” said Theka. Learners, educators, and support staff are also expected to undergo orientation and training as each grade commences.

The director of Braambos Primary School, Ms Natanya Barends, observes the Grade 7 learners during the opening of the school on 8 June. Photo: AFB Makhado.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

Scout Male



(4 months)

Phoenix Male

Wyatt Male

Charlie Male

Gillian Male

Stevie Male

Lots of cats & kittens



Mining engineer takes to the streets to find a job

ized,” he said last week. Tshimangadzo is one of many young people A picture is worth a thousand words, the who battle to find employment in a country adage goes, but in this case one can probably where the official unemployment rate soared write books about it. to 30,1% last week. Stats SA announced that About a week ago, a photo started circulating 7,1 million of the country’s citizens are officialon social media about a young man standing ly without a job. If the job seekers who have at an intersection in Rosebank, Johannesburg. stopped actively looking for employment are “PLZ HIRE A GRAD. HONOURS IN MINING also taken into consideration, the rate jumps to GEOLOGY,” the placard reads that he is holding. 39,7%. Late last week, a journalist friend from Cape The sad news is that the picture is not likely Town sent through a message. “He is from you to improve in the next year. The figures supplied neck of the woods. Perhaps you should interview by Stats SA were of the situation before the Co­ him.” vid-19 pandemic struck. Since April, Covid-19 On Friday, I managed to track down Tshihas caused unfathomed misery in the economy, mangadzo Radzumo, the young, unemployed with millions of workers losing their jobs or mining engineer. He told me he came from about to be retrenched. The World Bank predictHa-Madodonga, some 30 kilometres west of ed that, mostly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Louis Trichardt. His story is not a strange one. the world economy will shrink by 5,2% in 2020. In fact, the commonalities are probably the most This is the worst recession in 80 years. disturbing part. In the Limpopo Province, the situation might Tshimangadzo grew up at Ha-Madodonga, a appear to be slightly better than in Gauteng, but rural area a few kilometres south of the western this is very artificial. Tshimangadzo is a good Soutpansberg mountain range. He finished his example of how the unemployment burden matric at Maneledzi Secondary School in Tshi­ reflects on Gauteng, but the reality is just as dire ozwi, a neighbouring village. for Limpopo. In 2006, his mother died, but his father and According to the latest Stats SA figures, the rest of his family filled in to give him whatev- unemployment jumped to 23,6% in March. This er support he needed. He finished his matric in is a 5,1% year-on-year increase. The industries 2011 and then enrolled at the University of Ven- that shed the most jobs the past year are the da for a Bachelor of Science degree. He finished agricultural sector (16 000 jobs lost) and the his degree in 2017, specialising in mining and community and social services sector (19 000 environmental geology. jobs lost). The transport sector shed 9 000 jobs, The next year, Tshimangadzo moved to the mining sector 7 000 and 13 000 workers in Johannesburg, where he completed his practical private households lost their jobs the past year. experience at the PPC cement factory in Heriot- Workers in the trade sector were the worst hit, dale. He was set to pursue a career in mining or with 37 000 job losses. a related industry. He knew that his family had None of this is good news for Tshimangadzo. worked hard, denying themselves many luxuries, He battles to find a job in Gauteng, and he also to give him a good start in life. The only problem knows that returning home will not increase his is that he, like so many other skilled young peochances. Economists have warned that the worst ple, cannot find a job. is yet to come, with the national unemployment But Tshimangadzo is not about to give up. He rate expected to go as high as 50%. stays in Diepkloof in the south of Johannesburg, If you do have a job that needs a candidate believing that he has a better chance of securwith a BSc in mining and environmental ing a job if he is in Gauteng. In desperation he geology, please remember Tshimangadzo. You turned to the streets, openly advertising his skills may find him on a corner of a busy intersecin the hope that he would get noticed. “I have tion in Rosebank. You could also call him on had a few enquiries, but nothing has material0796462658. By Anton van Zyl

Tshimangadzo Radzumo stands at an intersection in Rosebank, looking for a job. Photo: Morris Joseph.

Lizet Joubert Properties in Louis Trichardt recently expanded their team of experts by welcoming Leonie Meyfarth as principal while Yvonne Gregerowski will head up the agency’s digital marketing. Pictured from left to right are Yvonne, Lialize Bezuidenhout (financial manager), Lizet Joubert (director and agent) and Leonie.

Residents live in fear of elephants By Kaizer Nengovhela Residents of Gumbu, Sigonde and Tshenzhelani near Musina say they are living in fear of wild animals, especially elephants, that are roaming in the area, damaging fences and uprooting trees and the vegetables of the community. The residents, who live near the Kruger National Park and Zimbabwe, say the elephants are roaming the streets at night. The community has called on the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)

to increase their efforts to search for the elephants. This is not the first time that a wild animal has escaped and been found in the villages. Last December, an elephant was killed by rangers at Sigonde when it troubled the community, and in April this year, lions were seen in the area. The chief of Sigonde, Vho-Elina Ndou, is calling on the DEA to ensure that the fence is reinforced. “I am very worried because that thing is very dangerous.” She added that rumours about four elephants

roaming the area were going around. Ndou said that the DEA was not doing anything to make sure that the community was safe from the animals. Mr Zaid Kalla from the DEA said that they were aware of the elephants in the area. He said that a team of rangers was tracing the elephants and that they had returned across the Zimbabwe border. He added that the rangers are staying to monitor the situation. “We call on residents to call the community leaders, should the elephants surface again,” he said.


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TLU SA krities oor Makhado se 2020/21 begroting Landbounuus

Die Makhado Munisipaliteit het onlangs hul 2020/21 begroting goedgekeur en sal dit amptelik op 7 Julie aankondig. Bietjie meer as ‘n maand gelede is die publiek uitgenooi om insette te lewer ten opsigte van die begro­ ting, veral ten opsigte van die geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan (IDP). Sommige mense en instansies meen egter hulle het nie genoeg tyd gehad om die dokumente te bestudeer en insette te lewer nie. Een van hierdie ongelukkige organisasies is die TLU SA. Me. Erika Helm, plaaslike rege­ring voorsitter van die TLU SA, het in ‘n verkla­ ring gesê dat die land se ekonomie tans op sy laagste is sedert 1994. Volgens haar het die inperkingsmaatreëls ook die landbouer geweldig nadelig getref en meen sy dat nou die tyd is vir die regering, en spesifiek ook plaaslike rege­ rings, om te help om die ekonomie weer op te bou. “Die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika plaas ‘n verantwoordelikheid op die regering om die welvaart van alle persone te verseker binne die Republiek … Die doelwit van plaaslike regering in die wetgewing bepaal duidelik dat sosiale en ekonomiese ontwikkeling bevorder moet word, asook die bevordering van ‘n veilige en gesonde omgewing,” het Helm gesê. Helm het gesê dat TLU SA op 1 Julie ‘n nasionale projek loods ten einde ‘n beroep te doen op alle munisipaliteite binne die land om hulle fundamentele

verpligtinge na te kom. “Die heroorweging van eiendomsbelastingtariewe vir die 2020/2021 belastingjaar behoort die grondslag te vorm vir enige ekonomiese verligting,” het Helm gesê. Sy het egter bygevoeg dat die drastiese verskil in tariewe deur aangrensende munisipaliteite vir hulle ‘n bron van kommer is. Hierdie aspek, het sy gesê, kan uitgelig word deur die groot verskil tussen Blouberg Munisipaliteit en Makhado Munisipaliteit te vergelyk. “Landbou het met groot tevredenheid kennis geneem van die wyse waarop Blouberg Munisipaliteit sy inwoners ondersteun het deur reeds aan te dui dat eien­ domsbelasting op landbougrond verminder is vir die volgende belastingjaar. Die enorme verskil in eiendomsbelasting tussen aangrensende munisipaliteite voldoen nie aan die Grondwet se bepaling waarin belasting uitgeoefen moet word op ‘n wyse wat nie wesenlik en onredelik die ekonomiese aktiwiteite tussen munisipale grense benadeel nie,” het Helm gesê. ‘n Verdere verantwoordelikheid, het Helm gesê, is om tariewe bekostigbaar te hou sodat die reeds sukkelende inwoners in die gebied beskerm word teen onregverdige uitbuiting wat die sosiale en ekonomiese groei belemmer. “Daar word ‘n beroep gedoen op die Makhado Munisipaliteit om die opsie van ‘n ekonomiese impakstudie deur onafhanklike partye binne sy grense te onderneem om hulself te vrywaar teen onbillike en onregverdige ekonomiese uitbuiting van die inwoners van die land,” het Helm gesê.

Helm het weereens beklemtoon dat eie­ naarskap een van die belangrikste faktore is wat ontwikkeling en uitbou van die ekonomie ondersteun. “Die huidige situasie van onteiening sonder vergoeding het ‘n wesenlike negatiewe invloed op die gesonde basis van eienaarskap. Die waardasie van ‘n eiendom word bepaal deur ‘n gesonde en vrye behoefte wat bestaan tussen ‘n gewillige koper en gewillige verkoper sonder ‘n verpligting om in ‘n kooptransaksie betrokke te raak. Die behoefte om eiendom teen markwaarde aan te koop met die oog op onteiening teen R0 vergoeding ontmoedig enige behoefte om eiendom aan te skaf,” het Helm gesê. Hierdie aspek, meen sy, het ‘n daadwerklike invloed op die waarde van enige eiendom. “Die moontlikheid bestaan dus dat munisipali­teite die grond­eienaar uitbuit om grondbelasting te hef op ‘n waarde wat opgeblaas is en nie die werklikheid weerspieël nie. Daar is dus ‘n verpligting op elke munisipaliteit om binne hulle beplanningsraamwerk ‘n algemene waardasierol te onderneem binne die volgende boekjaar wat aanvang neem 1 Julie, ten einde te waak teen die onbillike uitbuiting van die inwoners van die munisipaliteit,” het Helm gesê. Wat die Makhado Munisipaliteit se opkomende begroting betref, het Helm gesê daar is met kommer kennis geneem dat die Makhado Munisipaliteit se kennisgewing van hulle Ontwikkelingsplan en begroting eers op 29 Mei 2020 in die Zoutpansberger verskyn het, terwyl


dit ook volgens haar die enigste kennisgewing was, ten spyte van die inperkingsmaatreëls van “bly by die huis, bly veilig” wat gedurende daardie tydperk op elke inwoner gerus het. “Die dokument is 274 bladsye en die inwoners het slegs 15 werksdae gehad om hierdie dokument te beskou, indien daar wel kennis geneem is daarvan. Die landbou-unie, wat reeds vir jare betrokke is by die munisipaliteit en jaarliks kommentaar lewer, moes gedweë kennis neem dat selfs hulle kantore nie deur ‘n boodskap van die Ontwikkelingsplan en begroting ingelig is nie. Die Makhado Munisipaliteit het dus binne die grendeltydperk geensins enige addisionele aksies geneem om buite die norm die publiek in kennis te stel van die voorgestelde ontwikkeling nie,” het Helm gesê. Volgens Helm is eiendomsbelasting deel van ‘n publieke deelnameproses waarin die tarief wat betaalbaar is vir die finansiële jaar bekend­ gemaak moet word, sodat insette gegee kan word aangesien dit ‘n impak het op die finansiële situa­sie van die inwoner. “Hierdie inligting ontbreek in die ontwikkelingsplan, en geen kennisgewing is in die plaaslike koerant waargeneem nie. Dit is ontstellend, die wyse waarop die Makhado Munisipaliteit eiendomsbelasting op die grondeienaar afdwing, maar hulle verpligting rakende die publiek se deelname in die vasstel­ ling daarvan heeltemal ignoreer,” het Helm gesê.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

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Bergcare in Louis Trichardt recently received a welcome donation of 100 blankets from Rotary Club Louis Trichardt to help the needy. The organisation expressed their gratitude towards the local Rotary Club and its president, Leon Barnard. Pictured from left to right are Mariana Luus (Bergcare manager), Leon and Rev Jan Pretorius (Bergcare chairman). Photo supplied.





Protea Flat no 5 Duiker Street 2 x Bedrooms, 1 x bathroom Small backyard. Municipality electricity Garage. Rent: R3 600 p.m. Deposit: R3 600 p.m. Available immediately Contact Natasha: 015 516 0116 062 051 7370

HOUSE TO RENT 10km out on Elim Road, Vygeboomspruit (EB8B) (Next to Abattoir Butchery on the right side) 2 x Bedrooms 2 X Bathrooms Pre-paid electricity Yard with fencing Borehole water Water included in price Rent: R2 000 p.m. Deposit: R2 000 p.m. Available immediately Contact Natasha: 015 516 0116 062 051 7370

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION in terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specifically stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make paymnents in

accordance with the accounts, Estate Number: 12777/2018, Surname: Mthombeni, First Names: Msukelwa Sannie, South African Id Number: 500208 0396 08 9, Last address: House no: 23, Ohrigstad, Limpopo, Masters Office: Johannesburg, Advertiser: Tuckers Inc, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460, Email: nazmeera@tuckers.co.za, Telephone: 011 897 1900 Ref: Est12777/2018 KERN & DEKKER INC NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 IN THE ESTATE LATE PIETER JOHANNES JACOBUS MATTHEUS DATE OF DEATH: 27 DECEMBER 2018 IDENTITY NUMBER: 330325 5022 084 MASTER REFERENCE: 2079/2019 MAGISTRATE OFFICE: LOUIS TRICHARDT MASTER OFFICE: THOHOYANDOU In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is

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The Musina Medical Centre recently donated a foot-operated sanitising unit, sanitising liquid and 500 masks to the Mopane Intermediate School. The staff, pupils and SGB members expressed their sincere gratitude towards the centre. In our photo, Ms TB Sihlangu is using the sanitiser, while Sr Michélle Geyer (practice manager) look on. Photo supplied. CHARLES PIETERSE ATTORNEYS NOTICE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T31778/2006 passed by STEFAN ANDRE PIETERSE, Identity number: 741009 5110 080 and ELMARIE PIETERSE Identity number: 800227 0019 08 4 married in community of property to each other and WALTER JOHANNES GROBLER Identity number: 850513 5003 085 Unmarried, in favour of MARIANNE DENISE MILTON Identity number: 371001 0015

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Venetia unveils R10 million Covid-19 testing lab Mining News De Beers Venetia Mine unveiled a R10 million coronavirus (Covid-19) testing laboratory on 30 June in Musina that will be utilised to test the mine’s employees and contractors. Discussions are also underway with the Department of Health on how to assist with the government’s screening efforts in its labour-sending areas of Musina and Blouberg. According to a press release issued by the mining company on Wednesday morning, the laboratory will play a vital role in the diagnostic testing process of Covid-19 for employees and

contractors and is expected to analyse at least 80 tests per day, with a 24-hour turnaround time for results. Operated by two technicians, the high-throughput laboratory is fully equipped with a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine and other vital equipment, including, among others, storage fridges, biosafety cabinets and centrifuges to increase testing capacity and analyse test samples to help speed up diagnoses and curb the spread of the virus. “If aligned to the Limpopo Department of Health’s testing strategy, the laboratory will also analyse test samples from the Musina Hospital, Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital and Helena

Limpopo Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba (left) and De Beers Group Managed Operations Managing Director Mpumi Zikalala (right) unveil the testing lab in Musina. Photo: Venetia Mine.



Franz Hospital, which are the local health facilities identified for screening positive Covid-19 patients from Venetia and the communities surrounding the mine,” the company said. Venetia Mine has also appointed three clinical associates and provided vehicles to allow them to conduct home-based responses as part of the company’s WeCare Programme. The programme is designed to encourage employees and contractors to protect themselves from exposure and transmission of Covid-19, as well as monitor and manage their health, should they test positive. The new laboratory is one of several efforts by De Beers Group and Venetia Mine to contribute to the local, national, and global fight against the pandemic. “As a business, our first and most important value is to Put Safety First. We value the health and safety of our people above all else and are equally committed to delivering support to our host communities throughout this difficult period. The PCR laboratory is one element of our range of proactive response measures to support the fight against this global pandemic and through which we hope to increase access to testing, not only for our employees, but also communities in partnership with the Department of Health,” said Mpumi Zikalala, managing director of De Beers Group Managed Operations. Among those attending the unveiling on Tuesday was Limpopo MEC for Health Dr Phophi Ramathuba. “We welcome this development as the Department of Health as it will go a long way in assisting us as government to deal with the current testing backlog. As a resource-constrained department, we do appreciate every single collaboration, especially the likes of this laboratory, which not only will focus on testing employees at Venetia Mine, but community

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members as well,” Ramathuba said. Through the company’s Covid-19 Community Response Plan, Venetia Mine has made a significant contribution towards food security, water provision and local government clinic support since the government announced the national lockdown in March. To date, Venetia Mine has provided food parcels to vulnerable households within the Musina and Blouberg Local Municipalities and has donated much-needed groceries to Helena Franz Hospital, Musina Hospital, and the Musina Showground Shelter for the homeless. “Through our water provision projects, the mine, as an emergency interim measure, installed a 10 000-litre water tank with four additional taps for the Simpson Village in Blouberg and also cleaned, repaired, and recommissioned the existing 100 000 litre reservoir, thereby restoring access to a sustainable water supply to the village,” says the press release. According to the company, the mine’s local-government clinic-support programme will assist 11 local health facilities, including two clinics and one public hospital in Musina and six clinics and two hospitals in Blouberg. “As Venetia Mine, we recognise the important role that we play in our host communities, not just from a socio-economic perspective, but also the provision of a number of vital services. We fully support the government’s efforts to reduce the impact of Covid-19, and we are proud of the work we have been able to do alongside the Limpopo government, community leaders and our various partners in providing necessary support to the vulnerable members of our society during these challenging times,” said Mr Gerrie Nortje, the general manager at Venetia Mine, during the unveiling ceremony.

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Expired food destroyed after raid on spaza shops News from Musina Several food items that were past their expiry date were seized at various spaza shops in Musina Nancefield a fortnight ago. This came during a raid led by environmental health practitioners (health inspectors) and local traffic officers. The seized food items were disposed of, while the shop owners were issued with a R500 fine each and warned of the possible closure of their shops if they repeated the same offence. Environmental health practitioner Mr Peter Mugwena, who led the raid, said the campaign was part of their routine, unannounced visits to local shops to monitor their compliance with the required food-handling and health standards. “We were disappointed that some of the shop owners were compromising the health of our innocent community members by selling food that has either expired or lost quality. The danger is that some of our community members cannot read and they just buy and consume the expired food. This means that if the food has expired or lost quality, there will be a serious health threat to our people. Of course, there are those shop owners who are completely complying, and we

are happy about their commitment.” Mugwena said his team was concerned about what they had uncovered during the raid. “Some canned food items were damaged, and they were still on the shelves. Others did not have labels, but they were sold as is. Some of the food items were best before 2017, but the shop owners continued to sell them. Other food items had expired in 2018, but they were still sold to our unsuspecting community members. This is a serious infringement of human rights that will never be tolerated by the government. We had no option but to fine the shop owners and destroy the food items in terms of the law.” He urged community members to be cautious at all times when buying food from shops. “Make sure you check the expiry and best-before dates before you pay for the goods. Also, inform us accordingly if you find expired food in any of the shops. We will visit the shop and make sure that the owners are punished as per the applicable legislation. This is a war that cannot be won by us health inspectors only. We really need the support of our community members to make sure that all the shop owners are complying. We will continue to visit these shops unannounced to monitor compliance at all times.”

Public Protector can still assist with complaints despite Covid-19 Notice The Public Protector has the power to investigate any conduct in state affairs or in the public administration in any sphere of government. Investigations may include maladministration, undue delays, abuse of power, and improper conduct in state institutions and can lead to appropriate remedial action. One of the mandate areas is that the Public Protector must be accessible to all persons and communities. Most of the people might have noticed that physical access to government buildings to get services they need is not easy these days because of the coronavirus pandemic. This forces community members and government entities to adapt to a new style of living but still be able to observe and maintain all human rights. Despite the current Covid-19 pandemic, the Office of the Public Protector in Limpopo is championing the service-delivery charter. “This is to alert the public that although the office is open and welcoming every member of society to use it, we encourage the public not to visit our offices at the moment as a way to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Communities have to


note that we now use different means, such as the Public Protector’s Facebook page and radio stations, to spread our mandate and how to get in touch with the Public Protector’s office during these trying times. “Everyone will have noticed that all government sectors have customised their way of communicating with stakeholders through virtual meetings and other means. At the Office of the Public Protector, we are available to assist the public with complaints that are within our scope of work as outlined in our mandate. However, we don’t allow walk-in complainants at the moment because of the reasons alluded to above, but rather through digital media,” the office announced. The Office of the Public Protector is making a call on all districts and communities in Limpopo to follow all the Covid-19 rules and regulations, so that they may be safe from the coronavirus pandemic. For the public to lodge complaints at the office of the Public Protector, they can use our mobile contact number, which is 064 973 9970, fax it to 015 295 2870 or email complaints to Polokwaneregistry@pprotect.org or get more information on the office website www.publicprotector.co.za or call the toll-free line at 0800 11 20 40.

Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 / 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org

Environmental Health Practitioner Mr Peter Mugwena inspected some of the food items past their sell-by date, before they were destroyed. Photo supplied.

Two cops and community member granted bail in armed robbery case Limpopo Regional Public Prosecution Authority, Ms Two policemen and a Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi, community member, facing said that the neutral magischarges of armed robbery trate who had been called to with aggravating circumpreside over the matter, Ms stances, were granted bail Grace Mashao, had stipulated by the Mutale Magistrate’s as a condition of bail to the Court on Friday. all accused that they must not W/O Michael Raedani (56), interfere with witnesses and who is stationed at the Mutale they must attend the court Police Station, and Sgt Reuben proceedings until the finalisaMadida, from Waterval Police tion of the case. Station, were granted bail of Limpopo police spokesperR5 000 each, and their co-ac- son Brig Motlafela Mojapelo cused, a community member said the accused had been from Khubvi village, Mr arrested for allegedly robbing Rodgers Ramagoma (29), got a police officer attached to the bail of R2000. Their case was local criminal records centre postponed to 1 September for of the SAPS in Kempton Park further police investigations. and his wife of an amount The spokesperson for the of cash and State tablets at By Silas Nduvheni

gunpoint. According to Mojapelo, the robbed police officer, who was in the company of his wife, was driving along the Tshandama-Khubvi public road when he was allegedly ordered to stop by the occupants of a Ford Focus. In the process, they pointed a firearm at the couple. “The victim kept on driving until he was allegedly blocked by another vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee. He and his wife were then robbed at gunpoint of an amount of R2 400, vouchers of R8 000 and State tablets. The couple alerted the local police, who immediately commenced with investigations, which led to the arrest.”



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Thulamela to become virus epicentre (all active) were recorded. On 1 July, the number stood on 16 cases, of which 11 were active. The Limpopo Province started July with 1147 Covid-19 cases, of which 538 were active. Ten deaths had been recorded, but none in Vhembe

Source: Limpopo Department of Health.

Louis Trichardt High School recently held a prize giving for sport for their Grade 12 learners. Among the recipients was Tebogo Masekela, who received her fourth scroll for athletics. Photo supplied. 2014 220i M/Sport A/T

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Whereas the rate of increase in infections was still moderate in some areas, the situation Thulamela is set to become the epicentre of is worrying in Thulamela. On Tuesday, 23 June, the Covid-19 pandemic in Vhembe District, Thulamela reported 32 cases, of which 21 were with the number of cases reported doubling in active. Eight days later, 69 people had encounless than a week. On Wednesday, the Limpopo tered the virus, with 39 active cases. Department of Health reported that 69 peoIn the Makhado area, the number of infected ple had already tested positive for the virus in people jumped from nine on 23 June to 24 on this municipal area. Wednesday, 1 July. The number of active cases The exponential growth of the infections was went from seven to 15. clearly evident the past week, with the Limpopo In Musina, nine people tested positive for the Province’s infections soaring past the 1100 mark. coronavirus on 23 June, with eight active cases. In Vhembe, the total as of Wednesday stood A week later, it rose to 20, with 16 active cases. at 129, of which 81 cases were considered “still The Collins Chabane Municipality has thus active”. far been the least affected. On 23 June, five cases By Anton van Zyl

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