Zoutpansberger 4 November 2011

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4 November 2011


PRYS: R3,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Boere veg verloorstryd teen onwettige jagters - bladsy 2

Great North Plaza sold to Investec for R145 million - page 3

Jaargang 27 Vol. 43




Conditions R apply


Water woes soon a thing of the past - page 5

Minister en Ramovha moet saam opdok Noord-Gautengse hooggeregshof gelas dat beide minister en plaaslike stasiebevelvoerder moet opdok

Hofnuus Die polisie se haas om ’n skuldige vas te trek wat in 2005 die standbeeld van Makhado geverf het, het ’n lastige nadraai vir die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit, asook die plaaslike stasiebevelvoerder. Hulle is Dinsdag beveel om skadever­ goeding van R70 000 te betaal aan mnr. Dieter Venter, wat kort na die voorval gearresteer is. Regter Jan Hiemstra het Dinsdag in die Noord-Gautengse hooggeregshof bevel gegee dat die Minister en kol. Francois Ramovha, bevelvoerder van Makhado polisiestasie, skadevergoeding aan Venter moet betaal asook al sy regskoste in die geding. Die bevel spruit voort uit die onregmatige arres en aanhouding van Venter op 17 November 2005 omrede hy na bewering die beeld van Makhado sou geverf het. Venter het getuig dat Tot op hede is nog niemand aangekeer in verband met die verf van die hy kort na die standbeeld standbeeld van Makhado in 2005 nie.

Escape 117 Boat with trailer & canopy. Mariner 115 engine.

geverf is saam met ’n groep vriende by die Hanglippiekniekterrein gekuier het. Hy het grappenderwys die opmerking gemaak dat hy by sy werksplek alle verfblikke sal moet weggooi, aangesien sy werksplek onlangs dieselfde kleure geverf is as die beeld en die polisie mag dink dat hy die beeld geverf het. Hy het ook getuig dat hy die aand toe die beeld geverf is by vriende oorgeslaap het. Iemand by die piekniek het hom egter as ’n verdagte by die polisie aangegee en op 17 November is hy in die teenwoordigheid van sy verloofde in die middedorp gearresteer. Hy is daarna na die Dzanani-polisiekantoor geneem en in die selle gestop. Hy is toegang tot ‘n regsverteenwoordiger geweier. Dr. Suwil Rudolph van Van Heerden en Rudolph Prokureurs het daarna getuig dat hy vanuit Johannesburg opdrag ontvang het om ‘n borgaansoek te bring. Hy het die ondersoekbeampte, kapt. Ramovha (tans bevelvoerder van die Makhado SAPD) geskakel, wat geweier het om Venter na die hof te bring. Hy is ook toegang tot sy kliënt geweier. Dr. Rudolph het getuig dat hy meegedeel is dat Venter na Dzanani gebring is omrede daar te veel Kol. Francois Ramovha, stasiebevelvoerder van ontsnappings in Louis Trichardt was. die Makhado SAPD, wat saam met die Minister (Vervolg op p. 3) van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit sal moet opdok.

LOUIS TRICHARDT SMALL HOLDINGS 21ha. Large farm house and 3 flats. 2 Sheds, stable & workers houses R1.4 Million 21ha. Five houses, 3 flats and shed. Rental income R20 000pm. .......... R2.5 Million 17ha. Upmarket house and old farm house. Situated on the N1 ............ R1.5 Million



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21ha. Large farmhouse, shed and workers quarters. Two flats and six overnight self catering facilities.. ..................................................................................... R2.7 Million 38ha. Well established and profitable guest house. Good potential for further development.......................................................................................................... R3.5 Million 8.5ha. Newly built house, 2 outside guest rooms with bathroom and study. Also with lapa and pool.. .................................................................................................. R1.3 Million 8.5ha. 1.5km from town, 5 bedroom house, 2 flats, 2 sheds, and store rooms. Partly built house ........................................................................................................ R1.8 Million Louis Trichardt 2855 sqm, Burgerstand. Just North of CBD. May sub-divide into 4 stands. 1 x 3 Bedroom house, 1 x 1 bedroom flat, and 1 x bachelors flat. Rental income R8500pm.. ................................................................................................ R1.3 Million 10 x 6 D


2 4 November 2011 Deur Andries van Zyl

Boere veg verloorstryd teen onwettige jagters Asof moeilike ekonomiese omstan­ dighede, die droogte en onsekerheid rondom eienaarskap van grond nie genoeg is nie, word daar van boere ook nog verwag om in baie opsigte ‘n verloorstryd teen onwettige jag­ ters te veg. Mnr. Willem van der Merwe van die plaas Hermanus in die Mopanieomgewing is kwaad. Hy het voorDie ver­dragtige elandkoei, verstrengel in ‘n draadstrik, wat Van der verlede week twee elande, ‘n groot Merwe moes uitsit. Foto verskaf. bul en ‘n ver-dragtige koei, as gevolg van draadstrikke verloor. Min mense besef watter wrede manier draadstrikke is vir ‘n dier om te vrek. In baie gevalle lê die dier vir dae in die veld voordat dit uiteindelik van honger en dors vrek. Soms doen die onwettige strikstellers ook nie eers die moeite om hul strikke na te gaan nie. Van der Merwe se elandbul se einde was eweneens wreed. Dié dier is ook nie dadelik deur die draadstrik gedood nie. Die strikstellers het toe eers die dier se hakskeensenings afgekap, waarna Die verstrengelde elandbul se hakskeensenings is eers afgekap, waarna hulle dit met klippe doodgegooi het. dit met klippe doodgegooi is. Foto verskaf. Deur Isabel Venter

Die karkas is daarna opgekap, maar alles is nie eers weggedra nie. Hompe vleis is sommer net daar in die veld gelos saam met een van die jagters se Okapi-knipmes – so honger was hulle sekerlik nie. In die geval van die elandkoei, moes Van Der Merwe noodgedwonge die dier uit haar lyding verlos. Ook sy is nie deur die strik gedood nie maar het erge beserings opgedoen. Koei en kalf is beide daarmee heen. “Ek voer my diere al die afgelope drie maande self vanweë die droogte. Dit kos my duisende rande om te voer – dan word my diere so weggedra,” sê ‘n opsigtelik-ontstoke Van der Merwe. Die waarde van die diere self beloop sowat R20 000. Van der Merwe sê sake word by die polisie aangemeld. Dan en wan word sake ondersoek en soms ontvang hulle selfs besoek van die polisie. Resultate in die vorm van arrestasies en skuldigbevindings is egter skraps. Van der Merwe sê hy het heeltemal begrip vir boere se frustrasies en

optrede teenoor onwettige jagters. Hy het veral verwys na die onlangse voorval by Masekwaspoort waar ‘n boer ‘n trop jaghonde vrek geskiet het en hul karkasse teen sy draadheining langs die N1 opgehang het – ‘n sterk boodskap aan ander onwettige jagters. Tog het talle diereliefhebbers die boer daaroor gekritiseer. “Hierdie mense verstaan nie waaroor dit gaan nie,” het Van der Merwe gesê.

‘n Paar van die draadstrikke wat Van der Merwe voorverlede week op sy plaas uitgehaal het. Hy moes ekstra arbeid huur vir dié oefening. Foto verskaf.

Poging tot moord klag teen 24-jarige teruggetrek

Oorblyfsels van die elandbul. Die onwettige jagters het dele van die bok in die veld gelos om te verrot. Foto verskaf.

Die poging tot moord klag teen die 24­jarige Tinus Oosthuyse van Louis Trichardt is verlede Donderdag te­ ruggetrek. Tinus het weer saam met sy pa, Martinus Jacobus Oosthuyse (47), en vier van sy pa se werkers, Rodger Chikadzi, Gift Machipisa, David Mapiye en Gilbert Sikhokho Muthelo, op aanklagte van poging tot moord, ontvoering en aanranding in die distrikshof hier verskyn.

Dit volg na Oosthuyse (snr.) se arrestasie in September. Die ses mans is in hegtenis geneem, nadat hulle glo die reg in eie hande geneem het en drie Zimbabwiese mans, wat hulle vermoed het by Oosthuyse se onderneming ingebreek het, agter ‘n bakkie gesleep het. Daar is ook sprake dat die drie beweerde slagoffers aan 'n boom vasgebind is en met pype aangerand is. Die klagte teen Tinus is laat vaar

weens die feit dat daar nie voldoende bewyse is om hom aan te kla nie. Hulle regsverteenwoordiger, me. Steffie van der Westhuizen, het dit aan die Zoutpansberger bevestig. Intussen sal die vier werknemers in aanhouding bly totdat hulle saak afgehandel is. Borg kan nie aan hulle toegestaan word nie, aangesien hul werkspermitte ten tye van hul aanhouding verval het. Al vier is glo Zimbabwiërs.

BUSINESS talk By Frans van der Merwe

Steyn Steel quickly expanding reach A brand new supplier for all steel requirements, Steyn Steel, opened its doors for business this week in Louis Trichardt. This development follows the successful establishment of Steyn Steel since March this year in Thohoyandou. Partners Jacques Steyn and Willem Joubert’s mutual linkage with the steel trade goes back as far as 1998 when they were both associated with the

Tshikondeni mine. “Our new supply outlets in Thohoyandou and Louis Trichardt have already created 50 new jobs for locals and put a high premium on customer service,” says Jacques. Steyn Steel’s main focus is on steel and steel-related hardware. It also markets quality paints under its own Steyn Steel label. This includes highquality steel primer and gloss enamel paints.

“As a result of our excellent supply chain, we can access large quantities of steel fast. This enables us to render an excellent service to our clients,” says Willem. Steyn Steel’s prominent building is situated at 1 Burger Street (next to Danedi). Travelling representative Wayne Page can be contacted on 072 194 5771 and Jacques’s contact number is 082 215 6089.

New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the col-

umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

By Frans van der Merwe

Prestigious award for Green Farms

The Department of Trade and Industry awarded Green Farms Nut Company (Pty) Ltd. the Productivity SA tro­ phy for outstanding achieve­ ment in productivity improve­ ment in the category Corpo­ rate Sector Limpopo. The award was presented recently during a prestigious ceremony. Productivity SA is an organization affiliated to the department and offers a training programme to assist industries to become world-class performers. Manuel Netili, manager of the programme in Limpopo, says the objective is to add value to South African raw materials at a price that will keep it competitive in the world market. The programme is particularly well received by industry in Limpopo. “Our partnership with our Pictured at the opening of Steyn Steel in Louis Trichardt are, from left, Marietjie and excellent suppliers is the backWillem Joubert and Jacques and Chantal Steyn

bone of our company and we the best possible price,” said Jill strive continuously to provide White, CEO of Green Farms a better service to farmers at Nut Company (Pty) Ltd.

All workers in the industry, from floor staff to top management, are involved in the productivity improvement programme offered by Productivity SA, which recently landed Green Farms Nut Company (Pty) Ltd. the prestigious trophy for “outstanding achievement in productivity improvement.” In the picture, staff members proudly display the award.


4 November 2011 3


Man kry R70 000 ná arrestasie (Vervolg van p.1) Die tussenkoms van die staatsaanklaer, mnr. Ryno Mostert, kon Ramo vha ook nie tot ander insigte bring nie. Rudolph het met die taakspan se bevelvoerder, supt. Ratelwana, ook ‘n bloutjie geloop, waarna hy hom tot die Nasionale Kommissaris van Polisie gewend het en uiteindelik by die provinsiale kommissaris toestemming gekry het om Venter te sien. In Dzanani het hy Venter in hand en voetboeie gekonsulteer. Op 18 November het Venter in die hof in Louis Trichardt verskyn, waar alle aanklagte teen hom laat vaar is. Mostert, toe beheeraanklaer, het dr. Rudolph se weergawe gestaaf en getuig dat hy en kapt. Ramovha ‘n uitval gehad het waartydens hy beskuldig is dat hy bevooroordeeld was. Hy het die dossier gelees en kon geen getuienis vind waarop Venter aangekla kon word nie. Mostert het geweier om te vervolg, waarna verteenwoordigers van die plaaslike munisipaliteit ‘n memorandum aan hom oorhandig het. Hierin het hulle geëis dat alle plaaslike aanklaers en landdroste hulle van die saak onttrek en dat borgtog aan Venter geweier word. Dit het hy aan die landdros oorhandig. Wyle landdros Sakkie Scheepers het hom sterk teen die memorandum uitgespreek en dit bestempel as inmenging met die regspleging. In die getuienis wat by die hof ingedien is, het verskeie ander interessanthede ook te voorskyn gekom. Uit die dossier blyk dit dat die hoofverdagte, op grond van vingerafdrukke wat op die

toneel gevind is, ’n swart persoon is. Die afdruk is reeds op 29 November 2005 geïdentifiseer as dié van ene S.G. Nthombeni. Eers bykans drie jaar later, op 12 September 2008, is ’n lasbrief vir sy inhegtenisneming uitgereik. Uit wat in die hof getuig is, kon nie vasgestel word of Nthombeni wel gearresteer en ondervra is nie. Die staat het hierna Zirk Erasmus geroep, wat getuig het dat Venter sou gesê het dat hy die beeld geverf het. Sy getuienis het afgewyk van sy aanvanklike verklaring en hy moesdie regter om verskoning vra omdat hy nie die waarheid gepraat het nie. Hy het verder getuig dat sy broer ook vir die oortreding gearresteer is en ‘n naweek in die selle moes deurbring. Hy het nie gedink dat grappe oor die beeld snaaks was nie. In kruisondervraging moes Erasmus toegee dat die opmerkings by Hanglip alles in ’n ligte luim was. Hy het ook beweer dat die polisie hom genader het en ongeveer 10 lede hom geïntimideer het en sy verklaring vir hom opgestel het. Dit is nooit aan hom teruggelees nie en hy is ook nie ’n eed opgelê nie. Na hierdie getuienis het die verweerders besluit om handdoek in te gooi en nie vir kol. Ramovha te roep om te getuig nie. Skikkingsvoorstelle is gemaak, wat gelei het tot die hofbevel. Die gevolg daarvan is dat indien die staat nie binne 14 dae betaal nie, rente vanaf dag een daarop betaal moet word en kol. Ramovha kan ook in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid gedwing word om die bevel na te kom.

The second phase of the Great North Road Plaza was finished in October last year. Business news

Great North Plaza sold to Investec for R145 million The Great North Road Plaza in Musina is about to get new owners. This popular shopping centre, comprising 13 561 m² of lettable space, has been sold to In­ vestec Property Fund for R145 million. Construction of the Great North Road Plaza began in July 2008 and the first phase opened in October 2009. It is probably the biggest ever property development project the border town had ever seen. Phase Two was completed in 2010 and with it welcomed tenants such as Shoprite, OK Furniture, Clicks and Express Stores. The plaza consists of two retail centres on either side of the N1 highway. The developer was the well-known Solly Noor Properties group, which is

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responsible for a large number of developments not only in Limpopo, but also in other parts of the country. The centre boasts with parking bays for 400 vehicles and even has a food court where customers can relax while enjoying a meal. When it was constructed, a lot of effort went into the aesthetics and it was designed especially to blend in with the natural characteristics of the area. The indigenous trees, such as the beautiful baobabs, were retained and a sandstone effect compliments the semi-arid nature of Musina. The developers also upgraded the N1 where it passes the centre at a cost of over R5 million.


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For Investec Property Fund, the acquisition is very attractive, especially because the national tenants and national brand franchises occupy 88% of the space and contribute 83% of the contractual income. According to a report in Business Day, the centre provides an attractive income yield of 9,2%, which would enhance the earnings and growth prospects of the Investec fund. The paper quotes Investec’s CEO, Sam Leon, as saying that Musina is a vibrant commercial and trading centre in the far north of Limpopo, servicing both the surrounding agricultural sector as well as cross-border trade from Zimbabwe.




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4 4 November 2011 Deur Andries van Zyl

Moenie te lank wag om sertifikaat te kry

By die disfunksionele rioolpompstasie in die rioolmoeras op die rand van Eltivillas se nuwe uitbreiding langs die Vondelingpad, net buite Louis Trichardt, het rioolwater Maandag (31) by tye etlike meters hoog uitgespuit. Die vraag in inwoners se gemoed is hoe ver is die Makhado Munisipaliteit met die nuwe uitvalwerke wat tans in aanbou is langs die Sinthumule­pad. By Linda van der Westhuizen

New promises made in regard to dispute The dispute between ratepay­ ers and the Makhado Munici­ pality took an interesting turn, with a renewed promise by the municipality at a meeting last week. “The municipality promised to, within seven working days, deliver a complete document with action plans and target dates when certain services pertaining to the dispute will be implemented. They will compile the document with the help of CoGTA,” said Ms Inga Gilfillan, chairperson of the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Association (SPRA) this week. The meeting that was originally scheduled for October 3 did not take place, due to the absence of the municipal manager, but was postponed to October 27. The municipal manager, Mr Shadrack Tshikalange, representatives of the Makhado Local Municipality, as well as the Vhembe District Municipality, CoGTA (Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs), members

of the executive committee of the SRPA, their manager and their legal advisor, were present last week. “To our surprise, the municipal manager denied that there was a dispute and said that it had been solved already,” said Gilfillan. The SRPA reminded the meeting of the fact that the official dispute had been declared on 26 August 2008. “A meeting similar to this was held between the SRPA and the Makhado and Vhembe Municipalities on October 24, 2008, with promises of target dates and action plans to be announced to the association in January 2009. To date we have not received such, “ the SRPA told the meeting. The SRPA document that served at the meeting emphasises the five issues that the ratepayers concentrate on in the dispute. These include the contentious issue of property rates, continuous sewerage spilling was brought to the table, as well as the town’s chronic water shortages. The poor condition of roads in the

industrial area and in different parts of town and “huge potholes in Eltivillas – the worst of all problems” was mentioned, as well as the current inconvenience to parents, teachers and surrounding homes, due to the slow progress of the Anderson Street road works near the local high school. Electricity is a basic service and the supply is often faulty, especially to the Levubu area, resulting in loss of production. “Our letter on prepaid electricity selling points sent to you in February this year, regarding your rates charged for prepaid meters and the request to expand selling points remains unanswered,” the SRPA stated. “We now await the duly promised action plan and target dates to reach us on November 8 this year,” said Gilfillan. The Makhado Municipality has been silent on the meeting and has not as yet given any comment, minutes or resolutions of the meeting to the Zoutpansberger.


Police concerned over increase in rape The Makhado police expressed concern this week about a spate of rape cases reported in and around Louis Trichardt and Vleifontein. In four of the rape cases being investigated, three of the victims were minors - one three years, one six years and one 12

years old. Circumstances surrounding an incident in town, involving a 25-year-old victim, are still being investigated. The victim alleged that she was raped last Saturday at about 15:30 by her employer in the central business district. Local police spokesperson

Capt Maano Sadike appealed to the community to be more alert and to see to it that minors are never left alone. Teenagers should also walk in groups. Parent should always know where their children are and must never send them far away alone.

s e t a r g n i s i t r e v d a l a i c Spe ! n o s a e s e v i t s e f s i h t e availabl Contact George, Yolanda or Pieter at 015 516 4996 to book your space in the Zoutpansberger today!

Voertuigeienaars wat hul voer­ tuie se oorspronlike registras­ iepapier verloor het en dit moet vervang, moet daarop let dat daar ‘n spertyd ver­ bonde is aan die afhaal van die duplikaat sertifikaat by die munisipaliteit. Talle voertuigeienaars het al in die slaggat getrap om nie betyds die duplikaat sertifikaat op te eis nie en derhalwe die aansoekproses moes herhaal. Mnr. Tielman van der Berg van Louis Trichardt vertel dat sy vrou besluit het om haar ou Volkswagentjie te verkoop. Hulle kon egter nie die voertuig se oorspronklike registrasiepapier opspoor nie en moes noodgedwonge aansoek doen vir ‘n nuwe een. Sonder dié sertifikaat kan die voertuig nie verkoop of deur die toets gesit word nie. Hulle het die heraansoek pro-

ses begin September van stapel gestuur. Die wagperiode was sowat ses weke. Hierdie duplikaat sertifikaat word ook nie plaaslik uitgereik nie, maar deur die Department van Vervoer in Polokwane. Groot was hul blydskap toe hulle op Donderdag, 20 Oktober ‘n oproep ontvang van die munisipaliteit wat hulle meedeel dat hul nuwe sertifikaat beskikbaar is. Aangesien hulle op ‘n plaas bly, het Van den Berg eers die volgende week Dinsdag kans gekry om dorp toe te ry. Tot sy skok moes hy hoor dat die sertifikaat intussen reeds verval het en dat hulle weer van voor af moet aansoek doen. Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi het Dinsdag bevestig dat dié spesifieke sertifikaat slegs geldig is vir dertig (30) dae na uitreiking

as dit nie opgeëis word nie. Die bedrag betaalbaar by opeising, sê hy, is R618 in gevalle waar die sertifikaat verlore geraak het. Die bedrag betaalbaar om die pienk voertuig registrasiesertifikaat om te skakel na die rekenaarsertifikaat is R213. “Aansoekers word [deur die munisipaliteit] ingelig van die periode of dae wat hulle oor het om die sertifikaat af te haal, voordat dit verval,” het Bobodi gesê. Van der Berg verskil egter met dié stelling. “Niemand het vir ons gesê die sertifikaat het ‘n ‘vervaldatum’ op nie, anders sou ons dit vroeër afgehaal het,” het Van den Berg gesê. Gelukkig geskied betaling by ontvangs van die sertifikaat en het hulle niks verloor nie. Dit is egter die proses van weer heraansoek doen wat die ongerief veroorsaak.

Sommige huiseienaars ken al die “groen briefies” wat hulle inlig dat hulle munisipale rekening agterstallig is. Die briefies vorm deel van ´n stelsel wat akkurate meterlesings wil bevorder deur middel van die nuutste tegnologie. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Tegnologie gaan kragstelers uitvang Onwettige aansluitings en aanskakeling is taboe met die nuwe op en wakker meterlesers wat in Louis Trichardt en omgewing elektrisiteit­ en waterlesings neem. Die nuutste tegnologie word ingespan om meterlesings glad te laat verloop. “As ons weet ons het die krag afgesit en jy sit dit self onwettig aan, is jy in groot moeilikheid. Ons stelsel is redelik gesofistikeerd en sal dit optel. Ons maak ook ‘n saaklêer oop,” waarsku mnr. Corné Fourie, hoof uitvoerende beampte en een van die eienaars van die maatskappy wat vanaf 1 Julie die meterlesingskontrak vir die volgende drie jaar gekry het. Sommige huiseienaars het ook al die “groen briefies” gekry wat hulle inlig dat hulle munisipale rekening agterstallig is. In die verlede is die elektrisiteit dikwels sommer net afgeskakel. Die briefie sê dat die huiseienaar sewe dae het om reëlings te gaan tref by die kredietbeheer department van die munisipaliteit. ‘n Huiseienaar moet ‘n gesertifiseerde kopie van sy identiteitskokument en bewys van inkomste saambring. ‘n Huurder moet ook nog ‘n brief van die huiseienaar of verhuringsagent saambring wat toestemming gee om reëlings ten opsigte van afbetaling te maak. Alles is darem nie net duister vir die verbruiker nie. Daar is baie maatreëls in plek om vir die verbruiker tot voordeel te wees, soos die maatreëls wat kan seker maak dat die meters se lesings gereeld en op die regte plek geneem word. Die nuwe maatskappy, ETL Geographical Information Services wat as Bires handeldryf, is besig om ‘n strepieskode op elke meter te plaas. Hulle kry die geografiese koördinate van elke meter. Dit neem sowat ses maande om die hele proses vaartbelyn te kry. “Ons maak van tegnologie gebruik en digitaliseer die hele proses. Dit is ‘n veiligheidsmaatreël om seker te maak die persoon wat die meter lees was fisies op die regte perseel by die regte meter,” sê Fourie. Hoewel die maatskappy in Pretoria gebaseer is, is daar ‘n kantoor in Burgerstraat 115. Die bestuurder daar is mnr. Manny Netto. “Kom ons probeer die meterlesings effektief doen in die dorp. Ons is hier om die werk reg te doen. Ons het die publiek

se samewerking nodig en nooi hulle om met ons te kom gesels. Enige een wat meen dat sy lesings te hoog is, is welkom om die kantoor te besoek of 015 516 1305 te skakel. Ons het nie die kontrak om meters te toets nie, maar ons gaan en neem foto’s en bring dit onder die stadsraad se aandag en ons kry nogal reaksie. Ons stelsel wys lesings wat onnodig hoog is, uit. Ons gaan kyk waar daar afwykings is,” sê Fourie. Hy sê verder dat wanneer hulle uitgaan om klagtes te ondersoek en foto’s te neem, kom hulle baie keer op onwettige aansluitings af, waarvan die huisbewoners partykeer onbewus is. Fourie het hierdie week gesê dat hy 619 rekenings op die stelsel het wat by die trustfonds van die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging inbetaal word en dat daar ‘n verdere 30 tot 40 rekenings by daardie groep sal bykom. Hulle is nog in die proses om die laaste rekenings te verifieer. “Die mense van die vereniging hoef nie bang te wees dat hulle krag onnodig afgesny sal word nie, want hulle is op die stelsel aangedui,” sê Fourie.

Grant and Bernice Clifton, performing with professional musicians, presented Let There be Love, an evening of good music, good food and good fun. They performed popular songs from various genres on October 28 at the Agapé Christian Centre.


4 November 2011 5

Name change

Don’t change the names yet, asks CA The Chairpersons Associa­ tion (CA) has requested the local business fraternity not to change any stationery, busi­ ness cards or letterheads with regard to the name change of the town of Louis Trichardt until all legal processes have been followed. Their call comes after the publication of the changing of the name of Louis Trichardt to Makhado in the Government Gazette of Friday, 15 October. “The Minister will be requested to put a hold on all name changes until the finalisation of the review. The name change

will cost R18 million. No proper consultation process was followed and Makhado was a highly controversial figure not accepted by all,” says Mr André Naudé, chairperson of the CA, in a press release. Naudé says they want to make it clear that the CA does not want to be seen as “anti-Venda” as they strive to reconcile all different viewpoints on the basis of stressing good corporate governance, public consultation on public matters, strong leadership and erasing corruption, tribalism and nepotism. “We would like to see on

all levels of decisions made by the Local Authority and other Authorities, that the residents of the area be consulted properly and reasonably in order firstly to establish a need and secondly in order to establish as to what decisions should be made in respect of such a need,” Naudé says. He adds that consultation is regarded as a basic principle of a democratic society and whenever an authority acts otherwise - as in the instance of this name change – it is regarded as an undemocratic approach and totally unacceptable to the communities of South Africa.

Deur Andries van Zyl

Epilepsie moontlik oorsaak van dood Mnr. Johan van Heerden (54) van Louis Trichardt is Vrydag­ oggend skielik oorlede. Volgens Van Heerden se seun, Jon, het sy pa se voertuig in Groblerstraat sonder brandstof

gaan staan. Sy pa het besluit om sommer die laaste paar straatblokke na sy huis in Presidentstraat te stap. Kort daarna het Van Heerden blykbaar ‘n epileptiese aanval

gekry en langs die pad inmekaar gesak. Hy is op die toneel dood. Van Heerden, voorheen van Polokwane, het die afgelope tien jaar in Louis Trichardt gewoon. Hy was vir ‘n tydperk werksaam by LTT Bolt & Nut, maar was vanweë sy gesondheid die afgelope paar jaar hoofsaaklik tuis. ‘n Roudiens vir Van Heerden is Woensdag vanuit die Volle Evangelie Kerk gehou. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou, Lynette, seun, dogter Madeleine, skoon­seun Christo en kleinkinders. Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teen­ Wyle mnr. Johan van Heerden (54), afgeneem tydens sy seun, Jon, se oor almal wat hulle geonlangse besoek aan Suid-Afrika. Jon bly die afgelope 11 jaar in Skotland. help en ondersteun het Foto verskaf. in hul moeilike tyd.

South African Custodial Management contributed R20 000 towards the installation of a complete water supply and distribution system for Laat Lente and Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt. The project is a Rotary initiative, with the support of Round Table Zoutpansberg 66 and Ladies Circle 4. The donation was made by representatives of SACM’s Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre on Monday. Pictured from left are Messrs Johan Wagenaar (SACM deputy prison director), Lazarus Ncongwane (SACM prison director), Godfrey Went (Rotary) and Karin Odendaal (SACM unit manager). By Andries van Zyl

Water woes soon a thing of the past Residents of Laat Lente and Herfsakker in Louis Trich­ ardt’s woes with chronic wa­ ter shortages promise to be a thing of the past by the end of November. The people of Louis Trichardt are no strangers to the town’s continued interruptions in the water supply, and although many have by now invested in a borehole, storage tank and pressure pump, there are those who just cannot afford this alternative. Among those are the town’s elderly and this is where Rotary Louis Trichardt stepped in. Earlier this year, the local Rotary Club, with the support of fellow charity organisations Round Table Zoutpansberg 66

and Ladies Circle 4, initiated a project to install a complete water supply system for the elderly of the Laat Lente and Herfsakker complex at a cost of close to R70 000. “They sometimes go for days without water,” said Rotary’s Mr Godfrey Went. He said they had now reached the stage where they could begin with the installation of the system. He expressed his gratitude towards all who had contributed financially to the project. Among them was South African Custodial Management (SACM). In May this year, SACM’s Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre held their annual golf day. From the funds raised during this event, they

donated an impressive R20 000 towards the project. “SACM’s donation surely helps a lot,” Went said. According to him, installation of the system will commence this week. It is not, however, just a question of erecting a few water storage tanks. “This will be a completely hassle-free, fully automated water supply and distribution system,” Went said. It will also entail a separate system for both Laat Lente and Herfsakker. Upon completion, Laat Lente will have 20 000 litres of water in storage, while Herfsakker will have 15 000 litres in reserve. “The project is scheduled to be completed within the next two to three weeks,” Went said.


6 4 November 2011 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

“Blou bokse” jaag inwoners die harnas in

Guilty verdict for man who stones dog It was a small victory but a victory nonetheless for the Louis Trichardt SPCA when they helped secure a conviction against a man charged with cruelty against animals. The 50-year-old Adziliwi Mmbedegwani from Muraleni appeared in the Tshiwavhusiku Magistrate’s Court on October 26 after being arrested under the Animal Protection Act (Act 71 of 1962). His arrest followed an incident

on Sunday, 23 October when he, in full view of the public, stoned a dog to death. The SPCA was notified. The animal had suffered severe injuries, including a crushed skull. Mmbedegwani was found guilty and sentenced to a R1 500 fine or five months’ imprisonment. His sentenced was, however, suspended for a period of three years, on condition that, during this time, he does not commit a similar offence.

Animal inspector Lawrence Khodobo welcomed the sentence, although he had hoped for a more severe sentence. “At least action was taken by the police and the court,” Khodobo said, adding that Mmbedegwani now has a criminal record. Khodobo urged members of the public to contact him immediately, should they encounter incidents of cruelty to animals. He can be contacted at 082 965 5151.

Gouws Auctioneers 16 President Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0147 • Johnny: 072 576 1577 cjgouws.auction@gmail.com

AUCTION: Saturday 5 November 2011 10:00am Auction with no reserved prices! Fridges, Chest freezers, Bedroom suites, Stoves, TV’s, Surround sound systems, Kitchen units, Cupboards, Mattress and base sets and Many more!



You cannot afford to miss this auction!





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Invitation to Comment Notice is hereby given in terms of the regulations promulgated under Section 102 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act No. 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental Management Act No. 107 of 1998 (NEMA), Section 45 (1) of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act No. 59 of 2008 (NEMWA) and the National Water Act No. 36 of 1998 of the intent to carry out the following activities at Venetia Mine to be authorised by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LDEDET), the National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and the Limpopo Department of Water Affairs (DWA) respectively: Project Description Venetia Diamond Mine, a De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited (DBCM) operation, currently operates an open pit diamond mining operation in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, approximately 80 km west of Musina and 40 km north-east of Alldays. Venetia Mine anticipates that the current open pit mining operations will cease between 2020 and 2023 and as part of Venetia Mine’s long term strategy, the mine intends to exploit resources deeper than the current open pit horizons by changing the current mining method from an open pit mining process to an underground mining process. Mining could then be extended up until 2050. Public meetings were previously held with I&APs for the Scoping Phase of this Project. The Scoping Report has now been approved by the relevant authorities and a second round of public meetings will now be held for the EIA Phase. How can you make a comment? The Draft EIA and EMP Amendment Reports will be out for public comment from 24 November until 14 December. There are a number of ways in which interested and affected parties can find out more about the project and/ or make your comments: 1. Register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) by contacting Kate Stuart-Williams of ERM (include ERM Reference No. 0137363) on: Tel: 011 798 4300; Fax: 011 804 2289 Email: kate.stuart-williams@erm.com Postal Address: Postnet Suite 624, Private Bag X29, Gallo Manor, 2052 2. Comment on the Draft EIA and EMP Amendment Reports which will be available at: Musina Library Irwin Street, Civic Centre, Musina Municipality Community Hall - Nancefield Musina – Nancefield, Tel: 0800 11 8000 Alldays Municipal Offices Alldays Satellite of the Blouberg Municipality, No 28, Corner Waterhout and Serwituut Street, Alldays, Tel : 015 5751 144 Mapungubwe National Park Visitors centre Venetia Mine Venetia Mine Visitors Reception Pontdrift Police Station Border Post – Pontdrif 3. Attend one of the Public Open Days to be held at: • Alldays Community Hall, Alldays (opposite from Bosvelder Filling Station); 6 December 2011, 09h00 to 14h00 • Nancefield Boardroom, Nancefield; 7 December 2011, 09h00 to 12h00 • Messina Primary School, Musina; 7 December 2011, 13h00 to 18h00 Kindly quote the relevant Reference Number on all correspondence: DMR Reference No.: LP30/5/1/2/3/2/1/58EM LDEDET Reference No.: 12/1/9-7/2-V49 DEA Reference No.: 12/9/11/L461/5

By Andries van Zyl



Mnr. Ampie du Toit by die watermeter waar die munisipaliteit die sogenaamde “blou boks” geinstalleer het om die huishouding se watervoorsiening te beperk tot 200 liter per dag.




have passed on. Entry fees per team will be R500. Teams are also encouraged to raise funds and awareness before hand. “Cancer never sleeps, irrespective of race, gender or age and we call on our community to support this event in their hoards,” said Meissenheimer. Funds raised will stay in the province and go towards prevention and awareness campaigns, patient care and support. People who wish to come aboard and pledge their support, in any way or means, to the relay event are welcome to phone Meissenheimer at 082 789 3927.


volved. All the cancer survivors living in the Soutpansberg area will also be attending the relay as VIP guests. Teams (corporate or private) of up to 15 members can entre. The mission is to keep one team member on the track at all times. Teams can also dress up according to a theme. The highlight of the relay is the Luminaria Ceremony of Hope, held after dark, to honour cancer survivors and remembers loved ones lost to cancer. Candles are left burning throughout the night and filled with photos and messages to loved ones who


The CANSA Relay for Life is coming to Louis Trichardt! For those who are not in the know, the Relay for Life event is an overnight event to not only celebrates cancer survivors, but raise much needed funds for the continued battle against cancer. Louis Trichardt’s very first Relay is planned for 23 March next year on the sporting fields of the local rugby veldt. Chairperson of the Relay committee, Mr Dirk Meissenheimer, who also lost a beloved sister to cancer, not only pledged his full support but also urged the community to get in-


Soutpansberg to host first ever Relay for Life in support of cancer survivors


By Isabel Venter

gesprek met nog ‘n senior amptenaar gehad, maar geen samewerking gekry nie. Mnr. Jaap Kelder, voorsitter van die Nasionale Belastingbetalers­ unie, is toe genader, wat gesê het daar is nog nie soortgelyke gevalle op ander dorpe nie, net op Louis Trichardt. Die volgende stap was om regsadvies in te win. Dokumentasie is van al die lede waar die apparaat aangebring is verkry, sou daar besluit word om hof toe te gaan. “ Voor ons tot sulke drastiese stappe sou oorgaan, het mnre. Chrisjan van den Berg en Dennis Gillbert die munisipale bestuurder gaan sien. Hy het belowe dat die beperkings afgehaal sou word voor die einde van die dag,” sê Smith. Die volgende dag was die apparate steeds daar. Na nog ‘n oproep aan die munisipale bestuurder is die apparaat uiteindelik afgehaal. Die voorval het in September gebeur. “Ek het sedertdien nog nie weer klagtes oor die ‘blou bokse’ gekry nie,” het Smith hierdie week gesê. Navrae aan die munisipaliteit oor hulle “blou boks” beleid bly steeds onbeantwoord.


The local Relay for Life committee, pictured during the relay’s launch. In front, from left, are Letitia Jordaan (Polokwane Relay for Life), Berdine Pretorius, Theresa Vollgraaff, Sonelia Oelofse, Yolanda Kock, Dirk Meissenheimer and Steven Aucamp. At the back are Elize-Marie du Preez, Heila Oosthuizen, Nicky Olwage, Eduard Prinsloo, Jaco Mynhardt and Johnty Janse van Rensburg.

‘n Poging van die munisipaliteit om klaarblyklik die publiek te straf deur hul water te beperk, het inwoners die harnas ingejaag. Mnr. Ampie du Toit van Louis Trichardt vertel dat ‘n groep munisipale beamptes by sy huis opgedaag en vir hom gesê het dat hulle sy water gaan beperk tot 200 liter per dag, omdat hy agterstallig is met sy munisipale rekening. “Ek het vir hulle gewys dat my rekening op datum is. Ek betaal elke maand by die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging,” sê Du Toit. Ongeag hiervan, is die sogenaamde “blou boks” wat water na huishoudings reguleer vroeg die volgende oggend by Du Toit se huis geïnstalleer. “Geen water het deurgekom nie. Die persoon kon nie die toestel aan die gang kry nie en het gesê dat hy kort-kort in my erf sal moet inkom. Ek het toegang geweier,” sê Du Toit, wat voel dat die watermeter in daardie geval dan eerder buite die erf moet wees. Die middag het die amptenaar met die polisie opgedaag. “Die polisieman het verduidelik dat die amptenaar by hulle eiendom moet uitkom en dat ek toegang moet verleen. Ek het gesê dat hulle hul waterbeperkingstoestel ongevraagd hier ingebring het, maar het hulle toe laat inkom,” sê Du Toit. Buiten dat daar geen geldige rede vir die beper­ king was nie, vra Du Toit wat ‘n mens nou eintlik met 200 liter water per dag in ‘n huishouding kan doen. Dit is ongeveer die hoeveelheid water om een bad te tap. “Ek het darem ‘n boorgat, maar wat van die ander mense wat dit nie het nie?” vra Du Toit. Intussen het Du Toit die bestuurder van die SBBV, me. Aretha Smith, gesakel. Smith het gesê dat daar sowat sewe soortgelyke gevalle by haar aangemeld is. Dit het omtrent ‘n gestoei gekos. “Ek het met die Vhembe amptenaar wat by Makhado Munisipaliteit geplaas is, probeer werk. Ek het dokumentasie van 120 bladsye vir haar geneem en sy het aangedring daarop dat ek fotostate moet maak. Ek het geweier. Hoekom moet ek ons lede se geld gebruik vir afskrifte? Later het ek ‘n afskrif van die dispuut geneem en verduidelik dat hulle volgens wet nie hulle kredietbeheerbeleid teen ons lede mag gebruik nie. Die amptenaar wou ‘n dokument hê wat toon dat hulle die dispuut aanvaar het, hoewel die dispuut volgens wet is en hulle dit nie hoef te aanvaar nie,” sê Smith. Daarna het Smith saam met die voorsitter, toe mnr. Chrisjan van den Berg, ‘n twee-uurlange






New entries welcome!


4 November 2011 7 PERIMETER FENCING. * Electric Gate Sales & Fitment * Electric Fencing Supply & Fitment * Equipment Maintenance

MOBILE SURVEILLANCE. * Constant monitoring of Stationed guards units * Crowd Control * Response unit to Call out (DCA) Distress Call Assist. * SAPS & Defence Force Assistance


ACCESSORIES. * Remote Control systems and immobilizer units * Anti-Hijack & Locking Systems * Gas & Smoke Spray Immobilizers * Electronic Prodders & Batons * Personal Protection Sprays * Personal Warning Devices * Electronic Brief Cases

ALARM EQUIPMENT & SERVICES. * Professional Installation * Discreet Monitoring Equipment * 24hr Camera Surveillance Facilities * AV Monitor Supply and Fitment * Intercom Systems Manual & Video * Entrapment & Discreet Surveillance * Radio Linked Alarm Systems * GSM Linked Systems CONTROL CENTRE FACILITY. * 24hr Monitoring with independent power back up facility * Pinpoint Alarm Monitoring * Interlinked SAPS Communication * Data Call Assist (DCA) * Continuous Mobile unit communication also with backed up Armed Tactical unit * Activation Print out Facility

DRS’s refurbished control centre.

The DRS Head Office at Kort and de Beer Street Louis Trichardt. 15 years establishing one of the first security companies in the area. The company has witnessed many security companies coming and going in the region and have realised that it not only requires a sizable investment but an ongoing commitment to both clients, community and the industry as a whole to be ultimately effective. Added to this DRS prides itself in being compliant to all the required Security Authority Standards and Regulations and maintains a close and legitimate relationship with these governing bodies. SCOPE OF SERVICES: DRS is dedicated to the safety and security of the community within its network encompassing all major sectors from the Domestic and Commercial to the Industrial markets. The services DRS provides covers a broad market segment such as:* Homes, Flats and Townhouses. * Schools, Day Centres and Crèches. * Offices Buildings & Development Sites. * Restaurants, Lodges & Hotels. * Factories and Workshops. * Take-Aways, Cafes & Spazas. * Farms and Smallholdings. * Banks & Financial Institutions. * Events, Markets & Show Grounds. * Garages, Warehouses & Depots. * Hospitals and Clinics. * Municipalities and Government Departments. * Community Facilities, Clubs and Societies. * Railways and Airports. * Personnel. From DRS’s diverse services, customers can be assured peace of mind at each stage of all our operations and that ongoing backup and after sales service is our commitment to ensuring continued satisfaction. SERVICE COMPILATION: GUARDING SERVICES. * General Day/Night Patrol * Armed Day/Night Patrol * Discreet Undercover Patrol * Specialized Functions * Personnel Protection * Armed Tactical Guard unit * Wage Allocation & Distribution * Bullion & Precious Cargo Transportation and Monitoring * CIT & Document Collections

The DRS Technical team, Ngobi, André, Wouter and Chris.

The new look DRS guarding staff. Upgraded Accounting Services managed by Katrien


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Tel: 015 516 2448 082 933 9025


ALARM SYSTEM R4850.00 * 1 x Super Tracer 8 Zone Panel


Previously known as RRS the company that has been at the forefront of security provision in Louis Trichardt has now re-established itself and given itself a revitalised brand makeover. New investors have been attracted to bring the company in line and ahead with advanced security technology and marketing strategies. The company boasts an up to date branding image with a visible and uniquely designed profile emphasising its mission of:‘Technology Driven Security.’ Major changes have been implemented to the existing structures of the company from management and staff to the upgrading of the technological facilities to ensure that DRS remains at the forefront in the security industry. Advanced monitoring systems have been installed in its revamped control centre allowing speedier response of existing client programs as well as being capable of adapting to future state of the art technology. CCTV surveillance can also be undertaken and supervised from this central control location ensuring faster response times to client needs. This facility has also been coupled to a tower structure that has been doubled in height providing not only a clearer reception but one of an extended range as well. Response teams have been provided with a fleet of vehicles maintaining maximum visibility in the prevention of crime in the area and to respond effectively to any situation without delay. In dealing with the serious nature crime has evolved the company has trained a tactical unit in response to these scenarios. This unit comprises of highly trained members and will be a force to be reckoned with in any given situation. The technical teams within the company are fully conversant in the installation projects and are kept abreast of the current technological advances in the security industry by receiving on going training. Installation standards are also constantly reviewed ensuring the high standards the company strives to attain at all times. Data Response Security is also the only security establishment in Louis Trichart to have a permanent internal showroom with constantly changing security equipment on display offering clients the choice to view products at any time. The future success of DRS can be attributed to a number of factors of which the primary one being the fact that the management team have a keen understanding of the area for the past

* 1 x Super Tracer 8 Zone Keypad * 1 x Microcat Receiver * 2 x Remote Controls On/Off/Panic * 4 x Infra Red Motion Detectors * 1 x Power Supply * 1 x 15 Watt Siren * 2 x Door Detectors * Additional Accesories on Request


R300.00 p/m


8 4 November 2011

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790

WHAT’S ON? WAT GEBEUR? ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)

Thursday, November 3 Warmer with decreasing clouds.

High: 24oC Low: 12oC

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Gail Blunden, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 10:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. PJ van der Merwe, Tel: 015 516 1220 / 082 678 3537 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kingdomkidz Kinderkerk 10:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

Friday, November 4 Sunny to partly cloudy.

High: 29oC Low: 17oC Saturday, November 5 Cloudy and not as warm with showers and thunderstorms.

High: 22oC Low: 16oC Sunday, November 6 Mostly sunny, pleasant and warmer.

High: 29oC Low: 17oC Monday, November 7 Sunny.

High: 32oC Low: 16oC Tuesday, November 8 Clouds giving way to a brightening sky.

High: 31oC Low: 18oC Wednesday, November 9 Mostly sunny and hot.

High: 33oC Low: 18oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)


We need your club, school, church or nonprofit organisation’s events for 2011. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.zoutnet.co.za.


Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2011. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutnet.co.za

DEURLOPEND • GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg op Louis Trichardt. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubvergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 geskakel word. • BABAHUIS HET HULP NODIG Die Shilioh Babahuis op Louis Trichardt

vra dat die gemeenskap betrokke raak met skenkings in die vorm van poeiermelk vir babas, weggooidoeke, babaklere ensovoorts. Finansiële bydraes is ook welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Annetjie Blom by tel. 015 516 6582.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 • WIMPY-UITSTAPPIE VIR AF- en serpe/strikdas kompetisie aan. Die basaar skop egter reeds op 4 November GETREDENES Marietjie Wentzel en die

om 13:00 af. Inskrywing vir die kompetisie is gratis en kan gedoen word vanaf Vrydag 14:00 tot Saterdag 12:30 by die fotoraai-stalletjie. “U kan deelneem in die kategorieë vir laerskoolkinders, hoërskoolkinders, volwassenes en bejaardes. Die Evas neem deel in die hoede en serpe afdeling en die Adams in die hoede en strikdas afdeling. Slegs eerste plekke sal toegeken word volgens die temas Verspot, Eksentriek • BEJAARDES EET BY MIKE’S en die Sixties,” sê die gemeente. Aantreklike Afgetredenes kan ‘n heerlike driegang ete teen ‘n pryse op die spel. afslagprys by Mike’s Kitchen geniet op die eerste • STAP VIR BYBELS Hoërskool Eric of tweede Maandag van die maand. Louw in Musina nooi inwoners uit om op 5 No­ Die datums vir die res van die jaar is 10 Oktober, 7 November en 12 Desember. Die ete kan vember saam met hulle te kom stap vir Bybels. Die stap vind plaas op die MAC Rugbyvelde vanaf 11:30 tot 14:00 genuttig word. en skoolvelde en duur vanaf 14:00 tot 20:00, Die prys is R40 per persoon en besprekings weens die hitte. Toegang behels ‘n donasie aan moet teen die voorafgaande Vrydag by Marietjie Bybelverspreiding, terwyl spanne teen R100 Wentzel by 078 480 8783 gedoen word. (ongeveer tien stappers per span) ingeskryf kan • REÜNIE Hoërskool Warmbad is opword. Daar sal hope aktiwiteite en vermaak vir soek na die kontakbesonderhede van die 1982 oud en jonk wees, met genoeg kosstalletjies om matrieks. van te kies en te keur. Die skool beplan ‘n 30-jaar reunie vir volgen“Skryf nou jou boerdery, besigheid of de jaar. Die besonderhede kan aangestuur word familiespan in en toon so julle verbintenis tot vir Lizette Rossouw Breytenbach by lizette.b@ Bybelverspreiding, of kry ‘n stalletjie om jou belantic.net of sy kan gekontak word by 082 399 sigheid en handewerk te bemark,” nooi die skool. 6981. • HUWELIKSKURSUS ‘n Huweliks• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD verrykingskursus met die tema “Fireproof your BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord op Louis Marriage” vind op 5 November vanaf 14:00 tot Trichardt kom elke Vrydagoggend van 05:45 17:00 in die AGS-kerksaal op Louis Trichardt tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat plaas. Piekniekmandjies moet saamgebring word. bymekaar. Vir meer inligting, skakel Leonie by tel. 084 Alle mans is welkom om dié opbouende 219 4406. byeenkoms, waar mans mekaar aanmoedig om • VLOOIMARK EN POTJIEKOS die Here te dien, by te woon. Die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub nooi inwoners uit Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 om op 5 November ‘n bord potjiekos by hulle te 451 4249 geskakel word. koop en sodoende liefdadigheid te ondersteun. ‘n Bord potjiekos kan om 13:00 teen R20 elk gekoop word by die inligtingsentrum op die hoek van Songozwistraat en die N1. • INLIGTINGSDAG BY TRIE(Vervolg op p. 9) GIES Laerskool Louis Trichardt hou op 4 November ‘n Afrikaanse inligtingsdag vir voorWEEKLY DAM LEVELS nemende Graad 0- en 1-leerlinge vanaf 08:00. According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department Vir meer inligting, skakel die skoolkantoor by of Water Affairs and Forestry as tel. 015 516 5151. DAMVLAKKE on Monday, October 31.

vroueselgroep van Baird Ministries koördineer ‘n maandelikse Woensdagoggend-uitstappie na die Wimpy by Makhado Crossing, waar ’n gratis muffin en tee of koffie geniet word. Dié uitstappie is gemik op bejaardes en alleenmense en begin om 10:00. Die datums vir die res van die jaar is 12 Oktober, 9 November en 14 Desember. Belangstellendes kan vir Marietjie skakel by 078 480 8783.



boerewors- en fotoraaikompetisie, asook hoede en serpe-strikdaskompetisie, skyfskietkompetisie en blaaspypkompetisie. “Ons onderneem om ons produkte teen onoortreflike pryse aan te bied, siende dat alle pryse gewoonlik teen die einde van die jaar die hoogte inskiet en ons almal dan die sak behoorlik moet skud ten einde te verseker dat ons `n behoorlike en vreugdevolle Kersvakansie kan geniet. So, ons nooi u uit om ons pryse en gehalte op die proef te kom stel,” is die boodskap van die gemeente. Hulle nooi ook al die dorp se bejaardes om gratis `n koppie koffie of tee te kom geniet.


Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente bied as deel van hul “Verjaar Basaar” op 5 November ‘n hoede


LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827



Albasini Dam Louis Trichardt-gemeente nooi ‘n ieder en ‘n elk Ebenezer Dam uit na hul Verjaar Basaar op 4 en 5 November. Flag Boshielo Dam Die basaar vorm deel van die gemeente se 95ste verjaarsdagviering wat afskop op Sondag, Glen Alpine Dam 16 Oktober. Luphephe Dam Stalletjies sluit in gebak, groente en vrugte, Middel Letaba Dam hamburgers en worsbroodjies, jaffels en vetkoeke, kerrie-en-rys, koeldrank, ‘n koffiekroeg Nandoni Dam en restaurant, nagereg, pannekoek, pap-en-kaiNsami Dam ings, stokworse, vleis, biltong en droëwors. Daar is ook stalletjies met boeke, CD’s, DVD’s, asook Nwanedzi Dam ‘n platestalletjie, witolifanttafel, uitsaaistalletjie Nzhelele Dam en plantestalletjie, met ‘n tombolatafel, springkastele, speletjies en vermaak vir die jongklomp. Tzaneen Dam Buiten hiervoor is daar ook ‘n armdruk-, Vondo Dam


• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water


- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183

• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


46.6% 98.3% 95.3% 74.9% 79.1% 9.5% 99.9% 42.4% 76.4% 86.1% 94.1% 86.5%

46.8% 98.3% 95.8% 68.1% 80.1% 9.7% 100% 44.7% 77.5% 86.8% 94.6% 87.4%

* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press



SAVANNAH MALL 30 MINUTES OR LESS ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:00, 14:40, 17:45, 20:30, 22:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:00, 14:40, 17:45, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:40, 17:45, 20:30 Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 14:40, 17:45, 20:30


SHARK NIGHT 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ ≤ Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30



Daily: 11:10, 14:10, 17:10, 20:20

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˛ Ç ß

Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30



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Fri, Sat: 10:10, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 10:10, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00


JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN ˛ ◊ ∂ Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:45, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:45


CRAZY STUPID LOVE ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10, 22:50 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10

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Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15



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Daily: 11:00, 14:10, 17:20, 20:30

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Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:45, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:45

Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 15:10, 17:40, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 15:10, 17:40, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:10, 17:40, 20:15



4 November 2011 9



Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

(Vervolg van p. 8) Die geleentheid sal saamval met die gereelde Local-is-Lekker vlooimark. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jaco Kok by 082 457 3765 of Riana Otto by 084 400 9941.

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Bekende aanbiddingsleier opgewonde oor sy besoek

• HOSPITAAL VIER TIEN JAAR Op Sondag, 6 November, word ‘n kort

dank- en toewydingsdiens beplan in die tuin van die Zoutpansberg Privaat Hospitaal op Louis Trichardt om die hospitaal se tiende bestaansjaar te vier. Persone wat die geleentheid wil bywoon omdat hulle byvoorbeeld daar gebore is toe dit nog ‘n SAVF kraaminrigting was van 1949 tot 1970, of enige spesiale verbintenis met die hospitaal het, is welkom. Belangstellendes moet vir Anneke of Riana skakel by 015 516 0720 skakel om bywoning te bevestig, aangesien spasie beperk is.

Wian Vos, ‘n aanbiddingsleier wat oor die hele land uitgenooi word, besoek Louis Trichardt van 24 tot 27 November as gas van Manne van die Woord. “Ek het ‘n baie groot verwagting vir wat die Here op julle dorp doen en ek is opgewonde om te kom,” het Wian Maandag telefonies aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Wian se nuutste CD en DVD, Geseënde van God, is in die Staatsteater • BOEREVERENIGINGS SLUIT opgeneem en is verlede jaar in Julie JAAR AF Die Louis Trichardt en Levubu vrygestel. Boereverenigings sal op beide op 8 November Wian, wat saam met sy gesin tussen hul jaar op gesellige wyse afsluit. George en Mosselbaai woon, arriveer Die Louis Trichardt Boerevereniging kom om al Donderdagaand in Louis Trichardt 19:00 by Jan Louw se huis bymekaar vir ‘n braai. om vroeg Vrydagoggend die Manne Wors, pap en sous sal voorsien word. Slegs eie van die Woord by Ocean Basket te drinkgoed moet saamgebring word. bedien. Hulle byeenkoms strek van Dieselfde aand hou die Levubu Boerevereni05:45 tot 06:45. ging ‘n bring-en-braai in die gemeenskapsaal op Wian Vos besoek Louis Trichardt van 24 tot 27 November as gas van Vrydag is die groot byeenkoms Levubu. Pap en sous sal voorsien word en daar is Manne van die Woord. Foto verskaf. vir die gemeenskap en vir hierdie ook ‘n kontantkroeg. Vir meer inligting, skakel die voorsitters Fritz Ahrens (LTT) by 082 897 0068 of Fanus Viviers (Levubu) by 082 408 1131.

• LEER MEER OOR GEOPENDE DEURE ‘n Bekendstelling van Geopende

Deure, wat diens aan vervolgde Christene wêreldwyd lewer, word op Vrydag, 11 Novem­ ber, om 18:00 by die Agapé Christensentrum in Louis Trichardt aangebied. Die geleentheid sal ‘n vertoning van ‘n DVD insluit en tee sal bedien word. Toegang beloop R35, wat as ‘n donasie vir Geopende Deure aangewend sal word. Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by 015 516 3735 of Geopende Deure by 011 888 9341 of 071 364 6318.

• INFORMATION DAY AT TRIEGIES Louis Trichardt Primary will

be holding an information day for prospective Grade R and 1 pupils on November 11 from 08:00. For more information, phone the school office at Tel 015 516 5151.

Die Gereformeerde gemeente op Louis Trichardt het verlede Vrydagaand ‘n gesellige pik­ en­proe aand aangebied. Ida Malan (regs), gasvrou by die Mosambiek­tafel, bedien van die geurige geregte. Die garnaal­ en rysballetjies het al die gaste se goedkeuring weggedra.


volgende bonsai-werkswinkel op Louis Trichardt sal aangebied word te Douthwaitstraat 34 op Saterdag, 12 November. Die werkswinkel duur van 09:00 tot 12:00. Vir meer inligting kan Dawid Kruger geskakel word by 084 363 0041.


The Chimera Belly Dance Academy in Louis Trichardt presents their Student Showcase 2011 on November 19 at the Soutpansberg Golf Club. The event will start at 18:30 for 19:00 and will also serve as the academy’s year-end function. For more information, phone Christine at Tel 072 372 2301.

• GESINSMIDDAG MET KERSLIEDERE ‘n Heerlike gesinsmiddag met

kersliedere, samesang en kinderoptredes word deur die Manne van die Woord van Louis Trichardt vir Saterdag, 26 November beplan. Wian Vos word vir die geleentheid uitgenooi. Meer inligting sal nader aan die geleentheid bekend gemaak word.

SPORT NOVEMBER • CYCLING CLUB AGM The annual general meeting of the P&L Hardware Cycling Club will take place on Wednesday, 2 Novem­ ber, at 18:00 at the club’s lapa. All members are urged to attend the meeting. • RUGBYKLUB SLUIT JAAR AF Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub nooi alle

lede uit na hul jaareind- en prysuitdelingsfunksie op Vrydag, 4 November. Hierdie jaar sal die funksie by die Ben Lavin

Tydens die pik­en­proe­aand van die Gereformeerde Kerk op die denkbeeldige skip die Dopperdaris, het ‘n groep seerowers die plaaslike leraar, ds. Hans Grobler, gyselaar geneem. Hy is eers vrygelaat nadat ´n stewige losprys deur die gemeente betaal is. Manavhela Natuurreservaat aangebied word. Verrigtinge begin om 19:00 en kos sal voorsien word. Eie koeldrank en drank word toegelaat. Klubvoorsistter mnr. Kevin Gilbert het versoek dat alle spelers die geleentheid moet bywoon. Vir meer inligting, skakel 082 892 8769.

• GRAB-A-GRANNY UITGESTEL Die Grab-a-Granny rolstoelwedren en

pretloop word uitgestel, en wel na Saterdag, 19 November. Dié instelling is nou al wyd en syd bekend vir die pret wat deelnemers het saam met die inwoners van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis. Almal word hartlik uitgenooi om deel te wees daarvan. Vir • INTERKERKLIKE KRIEKET dié wat kans sien daarvoor, is daar weer ‘n pretDie AGS Charisma op Louis Trichardt daag weer draf, terwyl die minder-gedrewenes sal kan loop. al die ander gemeentes op Louis Trichardt uit vir Die hoogtepunt sal die rolstoelwedren wees, ‘n interkerklike ses-aan-‘n-kant krieketwedstryd. waar van die tehuis se inwoners in rolstoele Die wedstryde vind plaas vanaf 08:00 op gestoot sal word deur lede van die Soutpansberg 12 November op Cloud’s End Hotel se veld. Atletiekklub. Heerlike eet en drinkgoed sal ook Spanne moet bestaan uit drie mans en drie vroue te koop aangebied word. Vir meer besonderhede en inskrywing kos R30 per speler. kan Lucas en Rina Vermeulen geskakel word Vir meer inligting, skakel Cornelia by tel. 084 by Funky Bush Clothing (0832976924) of LCV 674 0594. Verspreiders (0832976925).

spesifieke geleentheid bring Wian sy orkes saam. Die funksie neem die vorm aan van ‘n heerlike gesinsaand om 18:30 op die eerstevloer van die parkeerterrein agter Edgars. Die toegang vir die aand is ‘n nie-bederfbare produk. Elke man bring iets vir ‘n man, elke vrou bring iets vir ‘n vrou en elke kind bring iets vir ‘n kind saam. Al die produkte sal later deur die Manne van die Woord oorhandig word aan instansies wat produkte vir behoeftiges versprei. Sondagoggend om 09:00 sal Wian ‘n aanbiddingsdiens by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente lei en die aand ‘n Kerssangdiens. Wian het nog ‘n opening in sy program vir die oggend van 26 November. Persone wat hom graag wil bespreek kan Daan Enslin skakel by 083 655 5475.

10 4 November 2011




4 November 2011 11

Brief Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@ zoutnet.co.za


“Deur jou gulsigheid vernietig jy die natuurerfenis van jou nageslag”


k hoor onlangs op Radio Jakaranda van ‘n boek wat handel oor die vyf persone wat Suid-Afrika opgeduiwel het. Ek bly op die Vondeling-pad en moet gewetens-onthalwe intree vir die wilde diere wat nog die aan die resultate van die stryd – verdere skade aan die oorblywende Godgegewe vryheid geniet om tussen die plase en plotte rond te muur, sowel as hul onvermoë om beweeg. die gemors wat deur hulle self Vir my gesin was dit ‘n onververoorsaak is, na behore te herstel. diende voorreg om uit die kombuisDie ‘steekoog’ is nie eers gekoppel venster die bosbokke en duikers by nie en die pyp na die munisipale die waterbak onder in die vallei dop aansluiting lek nog. Met die bitter besef dat ek myself te hou. En natuurlik, die apies wat as uitkyk gedien het vir die bokkies. in ‘n hopelose situasie bevind, Die apietrop so 40 sterk. het my seun sy voet neergesit. As Om die verwondering in ons privaat kontrakteur sal hy nou self kinders se oë te sien as ons op die die gemors regmaak en die munisipaliteit het uiteindelik wat hulle van honde se blaf-roep twee- uur in die oggend die twee ystervarke, hul die begin af beoog het. ­ M. H. Senekal (Rietbokstraat, penne ritselend en gesprei soos ‘n Louis Trichardt) pou se stertvere, by die blombedding verras, is onvervangbaar. En toe Nicole uitvind hulle hou van soetpatats, plant sy die grootste patat in my groenterak onder die kraan buite die slaapkamervenster. Sy moes nie lank wag nie! Om koedoespore na die reën

Nou maak ons dit maar self reg


p 28 September het ek in ons plaaslike koerant ‘n skrywe gerig aan alle inwoners van Louis Trichardt. Insiggewende foto’s, wat aangedui het wat die omvang van die rioolprobleem in my woonerf is, asook die skade wat aangerig was deur die munisipale werkers, is gepubliseer. Daarna het ek ‘n maandlange hopelose stryd gevoer teen ‘n derdewêreldse optrede en dienslewering deur die tegniese afdeling. ‘n Skrywe in hierdie verband was ook aan die munisipale bestuurder gerig, waarop ek tot die publikasie hiervan nog geen terugvoering en/of ontvangserkenning ontvang het nie. Die meegaande foto dui duidelik

tussen die talle ander bokspoortjies, elkeen ‘n ander grootte, te herken, was alledaags. Uile, nagapies, hase, luislange en somtyds ‘n vlakvarkie was volop te sien. Ons het tot ‘n tierboskat eendag langs die rivier gekry! ‘n Paradys vir ‘n Karookind soos ek. Maar 15 jaar later is die paradys leeg geskiet en gewurg! Wie die strikke stel of weekliks in die aand gaan jag, weet ek nie, maar JY HET VONDELING OPGEMORS. Ongelukkig kan jy waarskynlik nie besef wat jy aanvang nie. Daar is sowat 12 apies oor en verlede week het een met ‘n gapende koeëlwond in haar rug in die koel stilte van ons stoor kom vrek. Net omdat sy ‘n mielie op ‘n eenhektaar-landjie gepluk en so vyftig sent se skade aangerig het! Onthou die aarde in al sy volheid behoort aan die Here. Hy sal ons gulsige dade nie ongestraf laat nie. Jou kinders sal ook niks hê om vir hulle kinders te wys nie. ­ Jean Rudolph (Louis Trich­ ardt)


Hou op skinder en laat hom in vrede


raag wil ek net ‘n paar punte ‘n seuntjie Dyllann. Die dogtertjie uitlig. is ook nie Eric se kind nie, maar Eric Oosthuizen was nie getroud Daleen se dogtertjie. nie. Hy is ‘n paar jaar gelede van sy Asseblief, mense! Hou op skinder vrou geskei, by wie hy ‘n seuntjie en wonder en laat die man in vrede gehad het. Die verwysing na “my rus. man” is dus nie waar nie, maar ­ Opregte Vriend (Louis Trich­ hulle het wel saam gewoon en het ardt) ‘n Foto van hoe dit nou in Senekal se agterplaas lyk, ná die munisipaliteit se herstelwerk. Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

Moedeloosheid -

Psalm 73.


oms na ‘n geseënde stiltetyd of boodskap voel dit vir ‘n mens asof dit nie in jou lewe uitwerk nie, en jy word moedeloos. Wat veroorsaak moedeloosheid? (v. 2-3) ‘n Mens raak moedeloos wanneer jy ophou om dankbaar te wees vir wat die Here in jou lewe beteken, en na die sukses van ander kyk. Toe Elia hoor Isebel wil hom doodmaak, lees ons in 1 Kon. 19:3 en 4 “Elia het bang geword en ter wille van sy lewe gevlug ... Hy self het egter ‘n dagreis ver die woestyn in gegaan. Daar het hy onder ‘n besembos gaan sit en gewens hy gaan dood.” Elia is moedeloos pas nadat daar vir hom twee geestelike oorwinnings was. God het sy gebed vir reën beantwoord, en die oorwinning oor die profete van Baäl. Nadat die Here Elia laat rus en eet het, sê die Here vir hom om terug te keer na sy roeping as profeet. Elia se stryd was nie verby nie, daar was nog werk om te doen. Wanneer jy mismoedig voel na ‘n geestelike oorwinning, doen wat nodig is om jou geestelik te versterk. Rus by Jesus (Matt. 11:28-30) want moedeloosheid lei dikwels tot depressie. Hoe kan ‘n mens moedeloosheid hanteer? (v. 16 en 17). 1 Petrus 5:8-9: “Wees nugter, wees wakker! Julle vyand, die duiwel, loop rond soos ‘n brullende leeu, op soek na iemand om te verslind. Bly standvastig in die geloof en staan hom tee.” Wanneer ‘n mens moedeloos is, is jy baie kwesbaar vir die duiwel se aanslae. Verdiep jou in die Woord van God en bid saam met ander kinders van God, in sulke tye. 1 Kon. 19:10: “Elia antwoord toe: Ek het my met hart en siel gewy aan U saak, Here, Almagtige God.” Moedeloosheid moet nooit die sekerheid van God se liefde vir ons uitdoof nie. Vertrou op God, maak Sy belofte joune. (v. 23-28). ­ 079 5168303

behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letters concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over and whispered to the mechanic: “You ever try doing it with the engine running?”



torie: In die naamstryd tussen die Minister van Kuns en Kultuur en die Voorsittersvereniging (VV), hou die VV voet by stuk dat hulle totaal geïgnoreer is ...

And that’s why I earn the big bucks ...


A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley bike when he spotted a well-known cardiac surgeon enter his shop. The surgeon came to have his bike serviced. The mechanic shouted across the garage: “Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?” The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working. He straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked: “So doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix ‘em, put ‘em back and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za big bucks, when you and I are basiHet jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za cally doing the same job?”

ommentaar: Miskien moet hulle maar die naam verander, net soos die res van die dorpe! As ek dink 25jaar terug toe ek na Louis Trichardt getrek het van Namibie af was dit vir my die mooiste dorp, maar so met die jare het die dorp maar Makhado geraak, soos liewe Heksie die maan beskryf het: Dis vaal en “net gaate en goeters”.... - Elizma Pohl


tory: One of the best-known faces at Solly’s Discount World in Louis Trichardt and a beloved member of the local community for the past 24 years, Jagadishandra Joshi (68), died on Wednesday (19/10).


omment: He was such a great friend to me and my family.Will miss you Jagad.God Bless. - Maryna Botha

Now this is fast! Three boys are bragging of how great their fathers are. The first one says: “Well, my father runs the fastest. He can fire an arrow, and start to run, I tell you, he gets there before the arrow”. The second one says: “Ha! You think that’s fast! My father is a hunter. He can shoot his gun and be there before the bullet”. The third one listens to the other two and shakes his head. He then says: “You two know nothing about fast. My father is a civil servant. He stops working at 4:30 and he is home by 3:45”!!


adele@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za anton@zoutnet.co.za http://www.zoutnet.co.za

NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter 073 349 1587 Correspondents / Korrespondente: Frans van der Merwe 084 078 8606 Linda van der Westhuizen 084 516 0223 Nic Hoffmann 083 257 3144 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Kock 082 972 2060 Pieter Jooste 083 562 1234 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234) The Zoutnet Group is a member of Print Media SA and subscribes to the various Codes of Conduct within the newspaper industry. Any complaints about any article published in this newspaper, can be directed to either the editor or The Press Ombudsman of South Africa, PO Box 47221, Parklands 2121. Tel: (011) 788 4829, Fax: (011) 788 4990, E-mail: pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za The Press Ombudsman does not accept complaints about advertising, and deals only with written complaints made ten working days after publication. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.


12 4 November 2011

Mualusi Ravele (third from right) with some of his friends who attended the Shakespeare project in England. Photo supplied. School news

A magical experience for young Mualusi drama practitioners from the Royal Shakespeare Company, learning drama techniques and how to teach Shakespeare without getting bogged down in language. The workshop culminated in a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the students and a workshop which the students ran for their teachers. After producing their own interpretation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the students were treated to a performance at the newly renovated Royal Shakespeare Theatre. “It was unbelievable. The stage, the lights and the costumes … it was brilliant,” Mualusi said after watching the production. Now that the conference is behind him, the hard work still lies ahead. Mualusi has the

task of passing on everything he has learnt through workshops, which he will design and facilitate for students within Limpopo. He is also taking part in the classroom-connect project, where schools from around the globe form partnerships and send over cultural boxes containing information about their country, their school and their dreams. This aspect of the project aims to bridge the gap of distance between learners. “This trip gave me so many things. It was my first time on a plane, my first time overseas, my first time on a train and the first time I saw a play in a theatre. It was magical. I have always known that I love drama, but now I know I want to be involved in theatre performance,” Mualusi said.

School news

Musina students on their way to the USA Four students from Ankura Academy in Musina received international nominations at the recently held AASC (All Africa Student Convention), where approximately 1 850 students from all over Africa and Scandinavia competed in academics, sport and various art categories. During the September school holidays, nine of Ankura’s senior students set off to the University of Bloemfontein. The students prepared themselves thoroughly for the prestigious AASC months before the time and hoped for the best. Great was their surprise when they eventually returned with no fewer than 10 USA nominations. These exceptionally talented

students now have the opportunity to attend the international student convention in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA, where they will be competing against students from around the world. The students who received international nominations were Ashleigh Lamb (1st place Golden Lamb Award for memorization of the Book of John), Savannah Plaskitt (2nd place social studies project on abortion; 3rd place poetry writing; and 4th place oratory), Cara Gerner (2nd place poetry writing) and Karlien de Coning (1st place Israeli dance; 1st place oratory; 1st place poetry recitation; 1st place Golden Lamb Award for memorization of the Book of John; 3rd place expressive reading; and 3rd place

creative writing). Other students who excelled were Deon Lamb (top 10 science project with scorpion collection 6th place), Chane Enslin (top 10 science project with her theoretical project on the Baobab - 10th place), Raphael Mudzamba (top ten science project with a gem stone collection from Musina 10th place), Heinrich Heitbrink (chess round 3) and Freddie de Wet, who participated in sport and photography. These students will perform and display their projects, art and photography on 2 November at the Diamond Club. All people interested in attending, please contact Ankura Academy at 0715195576 during office hours.

16 November 2011

Hendrie van der Walt en Maryke (nooi Van Zyl) van Louis Trichardt is op 23 Julie deur ds. Philip Venter by die Rondebosch Lapa in die huwelik bevestig. Maryke kom oorspronklik van Aliwal­Noord, maar vestig haar saam met Hendrie op Louis Trichardt. Foto verskaf.


Mualusi Ravele, a 17­year­ old student from Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt, was selected as one of two candidates from South Af­ rica to travel to England for the British Council Royal Shakespeare Company’s joint initiative, Shakespeare: A Worldwide Classroom. The project aims to rejuvenate Shakespeare by teaching young students how to reimagine and reinterpret Shakespeare from within the contexts of their own lives. Mualusi arrived in StratfordUpon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birth town, on 21 September and stayed at the YHA Youth Hostel with students from five other countries, namely America, Hong Kong, India and the hosting country, England. Mualusi spent five days with

Four students from Ankura Academy in Musina received international nominations at the recently held AASC (All Africa Student Convention). Pictured from left are Karlien de Coning, Cara Gerner and Savannah Plaskitt. Inset: Ashleigh Lamb. Photos supplied.

rk a v os




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4 November 2011 13

By Frans van der Merwe

Street children receive high level attention An alarming increase in the number of unaccompanied minors in Louis Trichardt is to receive high-level national and international attention. More than 600 children from neighbouring countries moved through the town during the past year, according to statistics revealed during a special meeting held on 20 October in the Makhado Municipal Council Hall. An estimated 50 of these destitute children remained in Louis Trichardt. Some of them are sheltered by local NGOs. Others are living and working on the streets in order to survive. It was decided at the meeting that a special local forum for role players providing services to unaccompanied children in Louis Trichardt should be established as a matter of extreme urgency to improve and co-ordinate appropriate local caregiving. National, provincial and local representatives of the Department of Social Development, the local SAPS Child Protection Unit, together with representatives of the existing Musina

forum, met with role players in Louis Trichardt to discuss the need for providing care for the increasing number of unaccompanied minors moving across the Limpopo border, through Musina to Louis Trichardt. Representatives of the two forums will co-operate closely to monitor and manage the situation. Appropriate shelter and developmental assistance (schooling and skills training) will receive further attention, along with general basic caregiving. Amongst the NGOs represented in the Musina forum are Lawyers for Human Rights, The United Nations Human Rights Commission, the Jesuit Refugee Services, Save The Children (UK), The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Red Cross. In discussing possible assistance strategies, it was noted that children filtering through to the streets of Louis Trichardt represent various categories. Some cross the border to get groceries for their families and school money for themselves.

Some come in search of a parent or a family member. Some come because they perceive that they have nobody and nothing left in Zimbabwe. All of these are seriously at risk and, for mere survival purposes, may seek shelter on exactly the potentially most dangerous fringes of society (taxi ranks, public toilets, commercial rubbish bins and backalley hide-outs). It was pointed out that some come straight through to Louis Trichardt to get away as far as possible from whatever drove them from their country. Some who initially came just to get croceries and money, come here after having been contaminated by the street subculture in Musina with which they initially linked up for survival purposes. In the meeting, it was agreed that coordinated professional intervention is necessary to avoid this contamination. An eight-year-old boy, claiming to come from Harare in Zimbabwe, is among the latest arrivals of unaccompanied children in Louis Trichardt.

James Twine, spreker by die vrouedag, saam met ‘n aantal van die vroue op 29 Oktober in die Loeriesaal by die Schoemansdal Omgewing Opvoedingsentrum buite Louis Trichardt. Die sessies van Twine met die vroue, getiteld “Die unieke ek”, die sessie vir ouers en die gesellige braai daarna het gesorg vir aangename dag, aangebied deur die dorp se Manne van die Woord.

By Mashudu Netsianda

More than a thousand troop back to SA More than 1 200 out of 1 841 Zimbabweans deported from South Africa through Beit Bridge Border Post for failing to regularise their stay in the country during the documen­ tation exercise, had reportedly trooped back illegally. Investigations by Limpopo Mirror reveal that since the deportations started on October 12, about two thirds of the deportees turned down any form of assistance from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). An official, who declined to be named, said most deportees were released from IOM reception and support centre after convincing administrators that they had enough money to travel to their rural homes. “However, they find their way back to South Africa through illegal crossing points, while others do so under the nose of security personnel manning both sides of the South African and Zimbabwean borders,” said the official. Since the deportations started, the Zimbabwean department of immigration at Beit Bridge Border Post has been receiving an average of 80 people a day on

less busy days. The deportations marked the end of an amnesty for illegal Zimbabwean immigrants staying in South Africa that ran from May 5, 2009 to July 31, 2011. Over 275 000 applications from Zimbabweans wishing to regularise their stay in the country have been processed, while some others were turned down and some are pending. The first batch of 261 deportees was brought in from Johannesburg in four buses under the escort of Home Affairs officials. The largest number of deportations so far was recorded on Tuesday last week, when 367 Zimbabweans were rounded up from Limpopo and Gauteng. The record high figure of Zimbabweans deported from South Africa was on February 13 in 2007, when 1 600 people were brought in a convoy of 16 luxury buses. Zimbabwe’s assistant regional immigration manager in charge of compliance and enforcement, Mr Francis Mabika, said most people repatriated were from Gauteng province’s Lindelani Holding Centre. Gauteng deports people twice per week.

“We have received a total of 1 841 deportations from South Africa between October 12 and 28. The highest number we pro­ cessed was on Tuesday last week, when we had 367 people. A total of 285 came from Lindelani Holding Centre, while another 90 were from Limpopo Province. “These people were rounded up (and) thoroughly vetted before being repatriated back to Zimbabwe. They are being handed over to us at the I OM reception centre in Beit Bridge, where we also vet them to verify their nationalities,” he said. At the IOM centre, the deportees are offered accommodation, food, medication and transport to proceed to their respective homes, while those who opt to go home using their own means are released and most of them resort to crossing back to South Africa illegally through undesignated entry points along the Limpopo River. The IOM reception centre has the capacity to accommodate 600 people at any given time. Mabika warned people against irregular migration as they risked their lives and prosecution.

Die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal het ‘n noodhulptassie aan elk van die vier Graad R-klasse van Laerskool Louis Trichardt geskenk. Saam met ‘n aantal van die kinders is, van links, me. Riana Smith (Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal), mnr. Louis Linde (skoolhoof) en me. Annelize Muller (Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal). Foto verskaf. Tydens Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se prestige prysuit­ delingsfunksie op 13 Oktober ontvang Rozanne Barnard (links) die trofee vir die beste akademiese prestasie in die seniorfase, asook die graadtrofee vir Graad 11. Regs is Daphné Eybers, Graad 8 leer­d er, wat die ju­ niorfase wenner is. Rozanne en Daphné is aangewys vanuit die graadwenners Julian Venter (Graad 12), Gideon Scheepers (Graad 10) en Payal Upadhyay (Graad 9).

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920

NOTICE OF IDP CONSULTATIVE MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be an IDP consultative meeting scheduled to take place at the Makhado Municipal Lapa, Corner Rissik and the N1 (Next to the Cricket Club), Louis Trichardt, on Friday, 18th of November 2011 at 10H00 in order to engage the stakeholders who were unable to participate in the previous Regional IDP analysis consultative meetings for the coming 2012/13 -2016/17 IDP. The following ward councilors and stakeholders are hereby invited to attend the aforementioned engagement session: Councillors for wards 4, 10, 11, 15, 21 & 38, Traditional leaders within the affected wards, organised businesses, mining sector, parastatals, agricultural sector, tourism sector, Sanco Chairperson, Community Development workers, NGOs, Ratepayers Associations, Chairpersons Association, Soutpansberg Agricultural Union, Community Property Associations and interested groups are invited to participate in this IDP consultative meeting. All enquiries can be directed to Director Development Planning or IDP Manager at telephone number 015 519 3000. Laerskool Levubu se Graad 7´s het op Vrydag, 28 Oktober hul afskeid gehou. Die tema was Hawaii en die saal was onherkenbaar. Dit was soos in ´n ware paradys en almal het dit gate uit geniet. “Dankie aan die organiseerders en Graad 6 ouers vir hul harde werk met die reël van die funksie. Julle is sterre! Dankie ook aan die Graad 6´e vir jul harde werk as kelners,” is die boodskap van die skool. Foto verskaf.

Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt Notice No: 142/2011 File No: 15/7/1



14 4 November 2011

Bianca Spies ontvang die trofee vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se staatmaker van die jaar tydens die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober.

A Daimler Brand

Tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober ontvang Khodi Ramabulana (links) die trofee vir die beste 0/11­speler en Dewald Stroebel die trofee vir die beste O/13­speler.

Laerskool Levubu se interhuis swemgala het op 27 Oktober plaasgevind. Die Dolfyne en Snoeke het sake uitgespook, met die Dolfyne wat wen en die Snoeke wat die geesbeker met trots inpalm. Die toppresteerders die dag was (voor, van links) Jan­Carel Pretorius (senior Victor Ludorum), Carina Marais (junior Victrix Ludorum) en Alexander Gird (junior Victor Ludorum). Agter is Riane Prinsloo (senior Victrix Ludorum). Foto verskaf.

‘n Nuwe hoë toubaan word tans opgerig by die Schoemansdal Omgewing Opvoedingsentrum (OOS). Die doel van die baan is om te help met spanbou van groepe, wat wissel van skoolgroepe tot korporatiewe groepe. “Die installasie van die toue en die muurklimeenheid moet nog gedoen word. Ons hoop om die baan binne die volgende ses weke klaar te hê,” sê mnr. Johan van Dijkhorst, onderwyser van Schoemansdal OOS.

Don’t worry about trading-in, only trading up. Get a Mercedes-Benz Private Rental offer on the A, B, C, E and M-Class.

Mr Eugene Martin (right), a member of Agapé Christian Centre, prays for two young boys on October 30 during the evening service at Fountain of Life Christian Centre in Chavani. Martin was part of a cell­group outreach to Chavani. The Agapé cell groups are currently reaching out to the community, the aged and the sick.

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4 November 2011 15


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GESOEK Beesplaas in Louis Trichardt omgewing. Privaat koper.

Kontak: 082 547 2934 LEGALS NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) case no: 30864/2008 in the matter between : NEDBANK LIMITED plaintiff and MAKHADO; MPHO defendant (identity number: 731106 5846 08 5) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION (IMMOVABLE PROPERTY) In execution of a judgment of the high court of south africa (transvaal provincial division) in the above action, a sale as a unit without a reserve price will be held by the Sheriff

Louis Trichardt at the 291 ram street, Eltivillas Louis Trichardt on 23 NOVEMBER 2011 at 12h00 of the under mentioned property of the defendant on the conditions to be read by the auctioneer at the time of the sale, which conditions will lie for inspection prior to the sale at the offices of the sheriff, louis trichardt at 111 kruger street louis trichardt. Being: Erf 291 Elti Villas Extension 1 Township, Registration Division L.S. Limpopo Province, measuring 840 square metres, held by deed of transfer no. T136923/2005 Situated at: 291 Ram Street, Elti Villas Louis Trichardt the following information is furnished regarding the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: a dwelling consisting of a lounge, dining room, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, passage (not guaranteed). Terms: 10% (ten per cent) of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale; the balance payable against registration of transfer - a guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of sale. Auctioneer's charges, payable on the day of the sale, to be calculated as follows: 6% (six per cent) on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of R30 000,00 (thirty thousand rand) and thereafter 3,5% (three comma five per cent) up to a maximum fee of R8 750,00 - minimum charge R440,00. DATED at JOHANNESBURG this 14 th day of october 2011. BEZUIDENHOUT VAN ZYL INC Unit 5 Surrey Square on Republic , cnr Surrey Avenue & Republic Road, Randburg Tel 789 3050 Ref: MR G VAN DER MERWE/MAT20655/ MONICA c/o Macintosh, Cross FarquHarson Attorneys 2nd floor, Nedbank Building, 200 Pretorius Street Pretoria MAKHADO LANDUSE SCHEME, 2009 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that in terms of Clause 21 of the above-mentioned Scheme, we, Torbiouse Solutions CC., the undersigned, intend applying to the Makhado Local Municipality for its consent to construct and operate a telecommunication mast and base station on Erf 3318, Louis Trichardt located in a ‘Special’ zone. Any objection, with the grounds therefore, shall be lodged with or made to in writing to the applicant as well as the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X 2596, Makhado, 0920 within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the local newspaper, viz 27 October 2011. Full particulars

and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Town planning offices of the Makhado local municipality, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the local newspaper. Closing date of objections: 24 November 2011. APPLICANT Torbiouse Solutions CC 414 Rustic Road Silvertondale, 0184 Reference: 102524 PO Box 32017 Totiusdal 0134 Tel: (012) 804 1504 Fax: (012) 804 7072 admin@torbiousesolutions.co.za MAKHADO GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2009 Ingevolge klousule 21 van die bogenoemde skema, word hiermee aan alle belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat ons, Torbiouse Solutions CC van voornemens is om by die Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek te doen om toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basis stasie op Erf 3318, Louis Trichardt geleë in ‘n ‘Spesiale’ sone. Enige beswaar, met redes daarvoor, moet binne 28 dae na die publikasie van die advertensie in die Plaaslike Koerant nl 27 Oktober 2011, skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder, Privaat Sak X 2596, Makhado, 0920 asook die applikant ingedien of gerig word. Volledige besonderhede en planne (as daar is) kan gedurende gewone kantoorure by die Stadsbeplanning kantore van die bogenoemde munisipaliteit besigtig word vir ‘n periode van 28 dae na publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Plaaslike Koerant. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 24 November 2011. APPLIKANT Torbiouse Solutions CC 414 Rustic Weg Silvertondale 0184 Verwysing: 102524 Posbus 32017 Totiusdal 0134 Tel: (012) 804 1504 Faks: (012) 804 7072 admin@torbiousesolutions.co.za


Need to advertise your vacancy on this page? Phone: 015 516 4996

N1 Glass & Aluminium Messina

Bestuurderspos beskikbaar. Maandae - Vrydae Faks CV na: 086 619 5814 of e-pos na: carin@ raymondsglass.co.za


PFB­Agent 516 5024

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00


16 4 November 2011

Hierdie groepie Graad 7­leerders van Laerskool Louis Trichardt is beloon vir hul akademiese prestasies tydens die skool se seniorfase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober. Van links is Subrina Schlesinger (Afrikaans moedertaal), Bianca Spies (Engels eerste addisionele taal), Neo Nefale (Afrikaans eerste addisionele taal), Fulu Mariba (Engels moedertaal) en John Kuhne (toppresteerder in Wiskunde asook beste prestasie in Wiskunde olimpiade).

Laerskool Louis Trichardt het op 27 Oktober bekers uitgeloof vir die beste redenaars. Van links is Bianca Spies (beste senior redenaar: Engels eerste addisionele taal), Subrina Schlesinger en Pieter Guillaume, wat die beker vir die beste senior redenaar in Afrikaans moedertaal deel en Alida du Preez (beste junior redenaar: Afrikaans moedertaal). Saam met die redenaars is Amy van Wyk, wat die Zoutpansberger­wisseltrofee as redaksielid van die jaar ontvang. Cassia van de Vyver (beste junior redenaar: Engels eeste addisionele taal) was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.


Hierdie rugbyspelers van Laerskool Louis Trichardt ontvang trofeë tydens die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober. Voor, van links, is Allie Sefole (speler van die jaar), Ruan Otto (beste O/11­speler) en Johannes Joubert (beste O/10­speler). Agter is Jareth Otto (beste vordering: O/11), Robin van Wyk (beste tweedespanspeler), André du Preez (beste eerstespanspeler), Ruann Human (beste vordering: eerstespan) en Ivan Laubser (beste vordering: tweedespan).

Subrina Schlesinger ontvang die gesogte trofee as 2011 se Triegie­van­die­Jaar. Die geleentheid was Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober.

Tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober ontvang hierdie netbalspelers trofeë. Voor, van links, is Madzanga Mutshinya (uitstaande prestasie in netbal, sowel as die beste O/13­speler), Lorraine Mandobe (beste O/12­speler) en Lilani Pretorius (beste O/11­speler). Agter is Alida du Preez (beste O/10­speler), Stephanie Scheepers (beste vordering in netbal) en Bianca Spies (trofee vir die beste spanprestasie, namens die O/13­span).

TECHNICIANS - LOUIS TRICHARDT R15000 neg. Matric & bilingual (English & Afrikaans) essential. Tecnicians urgently required with 5 years min experience doing maintenance and repairs on parts. Experienced working in mining / construction or drilling environment beneficial.

TECHNICIANS - MUSINA R1500 neg. Matric & bilingual (English & Afrikaans) essential. Tecnicians urgently required with 5 years min experience doing maintenance and repairs on parts. Experienced working in mining / construction or drilling environment beneficial.

E-mail: leonie@opcc.co.za of fax: 086 511 8186

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se junior kultuurleerders van die jaar is aangewys tydens die prysuitdelings van 26 en 27 Oktober. Van links is Bernice Meiring (junior kultuurmeisie van die jaar: intermediêre fase), Gerhard Maré (junior kultuurseun van die jaar) en Sarisa van der Goot (junior kultuurmeisie van die jaar). Beide Gerhard en Sarisa is van die grondslagfase.


TECHNICIANS - LOUIS TRICHARDT R15000 neg. Matric & bilingual (English & Afrikaans) essential. Tecnicians urgently required with 5 years min experience doing maintenance and repairs on parts. Experienced working in mining / construction or drilling environment beneficial.

VACANCY CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY POSITION : SLOTS TECHNICIAN MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. To perform maintenance and reparations on slot machines and their components. i.e. bill validators, condors, hoppers and reels. 2. To perform continued maintenance and repairs to on-line system. 3. To carry out electronic and mechanical faultfinding & repairs to component level. 4. To carry out repairs and maintenance to cashiering equipment i.e. time date stamps & UV lights. 5. To carry out slot machine upgrading and game changes. 6. To provide service to internal and external customers. 7. To dissemble and assemble technical equipment. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Matric/ Grade 12. 2. Must have minimum N6 (electronic) or equivalent, or two years Slots Technical experience. 3. Must be computer literate. 4. Must have good interpersonal skills. 5. Shift work is an operational requirement.

CLOSING DATE: 8th November 2011

E-mail: anneline@opcc.co.za VAKATURE

Khoroni Hotel Casino Convention Resort is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Applicants who are not contacted within two weeks after the closing date should accept that their applications were unsuccessful.

Vakatures / Vacancies To advertise here contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: 015 516 2303



1. Rekeningkunde Graad 7 - 12 2. Wiskunde Geletterheid Graad 10 - 12 3. Wiskunde Graad 4 - 5 4. Natuurwetenskap Graad 4 - 7 Aanvangsdatum: Januarie 2012 Pos vereistes: • Bewese ondervinding vir die aanbieding van bogenoemde vakke. • ‘n Beginselvaste, belydende lidmaat van een van die APK & Drie Susterskerke. Sperdatum vir aansoeke is 7 November 2011. Onderhoude op 11 November 2011

You must meet the minimum requirements in order to apply. Your completed application form, together with your CV must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department at Khoroni fax: 015 962 2451 Or Email: pkhorombi@khoroni.co.za

Tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober ontvang hierdie krieketspelers trofeë. Voor, van links, is André du Preez (krieketspeler van die jaar), AJ Fourie (bouler van die jaar), Pieter Guillaume (kolwer van die jaar) en Richard Lambert (beste O/11­speler). Agter is Devan le Roux (beste O/10­speler), David Stoltz (beste tweedespanspeler), Dewald Stroebel (beste vordering), Rickus Nel (beste vordering: O/10), Ivan Laubser (beste vordering in tweedespan) en Ndivho Khorommbi (beste vordering O/11). Inlas: Subrina Schlesinger (beste veldwerker).


REGISTERED NURSE / CLINICAL TECHNOLOGIST - NRC VENDA RENAL UNIT Requirements and Experience: • Registered with the SANC as a Registered Nurse or with HPCSA as a Clinical Technologist (independent practitioner). • Experience in nursing patients with chronic diseases. • Experience in liasing with doctors and clients. We are prepared to provide training for non renal nurses.

Stuur CV’s na vivofinansies@xnets.co.za Faks: 0866 524 509. Kontak Mnr Nic Haarhoff by: 015 593 0740

Closing date: Please send CV’s to: Fax: E-mail:

31 October 2011 Susan Human 086 274 9471 susan.human@nrc.co.za

National Renal Care is an Equal Opportunity and affirmative action employer.

Experienced Store managers and sales staff with good track record and interest in fashion required for dynamic fashion retailer, branch in Makhado Requirements: • At least 2 years fashion retail store management exp. • Target driven, motivated & admin skills a must have. Salary negotiable incl. attractive incentives & benefits (med aid, prov fund, staff disc.) E-mail: verushka@ ragesa.co.za or fax: 011 608 6857/0410


4 November 2011 17

Hierdie drie leerlinge van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina ontvang ook toekennings vir akademie en kultuur tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 19 Oktober. Van links is Kerry Davies (beste presteerder Engels eerste taal en meganiese tegnologie), Marike van der Walt (beste senior redenaar) en Tanya de Villiers (beste presteerder in gasvryheidstudies). Foto’s verskaf.

Hierdie leerlinge van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina het tydens die skool se prysuitdeling op 19 Oktober toekennings ontvang vir hul prestasies op akademiese en kulturele gebied gedurende 2011. Van links is Christiaan de Swardt (beste prestasie in besigheidstudies en twee ekonomiese vakke), Gwen Ramavhuya (beste presteerder in Tshivenda, lewensoriëntering, rekenkunde en wiskunde), Jan-Albert Haasbroek (beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 12, asook beste presteerder in Afrikaans eerste taal, Engels eerste addisionele taal, fisiese wetenskap en lewenswetenskap) en Jannemari Fourie (beste kultuurpersoonlikheid van die jaar). Foto’s verskaf.

Hierdie groep rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina het tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 19 Oktober toekennings vir rugby ontvang. Van links staan Barend van den Berg (beste voorryspeler en voorste driedrukker), Biotumelo Mokaditoa (beste agterlynspeler), Bobby Park (beste voorryspeler saam met Barend) en Charlie du Plessis (beste junior rugbyspeler, asook mees toegewyde speler). Foto’s verskaf.

Hoërskool Eric Louw se beste presteerders in krieket, rugby, gholf en hokkie die afgelope jaar is tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 19 Oktober met trofeë beloon. Van links is André Roets (beste senior krieketspeler), Jonathan Stander (rugbyspeler van die jaar), Reinhardt Fourie (beste senior gholfspeler) en Ruan Beukes (beste senior seunshokkiespeler). Foto’s verskaf.

Hierdie sportmeisies van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina het tydens die skool se prysuitdeling op 19 Oktober erkenning gekry vir hul prestasies in sport die afgelope jaar. Van links is Lebogang Maleka (beste netbalspeler), Michelle Beukes (beste junior netbalspeler), Ntshakiso Ngwenya (beste vordering in netbal) en Veronica Phiri (beste senior meisies hokkiespeler). Foto’s verskaf.

Tydens die interhoër swemgala in Polokwane op 12 Oktober, het swemmers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt altesaam 26 medaljes huis toe gebring. Voor, van links, is Elouise Spies (goud vir borsslag en rugslag DO/15), Minette Louw (silwer vir aflos DO/14), Daniél Coetzee (silwer vir aflos SO/15, brons vir borsslag en rugslag), Amari Kotzé (silwer vir aflos DO/14) en Arno Venter (brons vir rugslag seuns bo 17, brons vir aflos). Agter is Talita Kloppers (brons vir aflos DO/16), Carin Barkhuizen (brons vir aflos DO/16), Gerrit Janse van Rensburg (brons vir borsslag seuns bo 17), Elmé Louw (brons vir aflos DO/16) en Edwanae van Dyk (brons vir aflos DO/16).

Soutpansberg Gholfklub


The 19th hole

Makadamia Dag


Datum Borg 29/10/11 Maclands & Royal Macadamia 1

Drie wiskunde-slimkoppe van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt eindig onder die top 100 in die land met die Global Maths Olympiad wat op 14 September plaasgevind het. Hulle het meegeding teen skole van regoor die land en die leerders se wiskunde vermoëns en kennis op Graad 9-vlak is getoets. Die drie wat goud ontvang, is Davy Kotzé, wat ook onder die top 15 in die land eindig, Ika Smith en Daniél Coetzee.

CVO SKOOL ZOUTPANSBERG Vakante onderwysposte



Maandelikse Houespel

Formaat HS


Werda Toyota






Bridge Auto / GWM


Gholfklub Jaareindfunksie Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens






V Jacobs


K Barkhuizen C Mocke


BS Punte uittel 45

H Jacobs

M Labuschagne R Milton

Opkomende Kompetisie Datum




uittel 45 uittel 45

Woensdagspel Datum



Eie reëlings



Formaat IS Punte


A Bothma


R Milton

uittel 39


R Pretorius

uittel 39


BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­f ord, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

Die volgende poste is beskikbaar by CVO Skool Zoutpansberg: Pos 1: Voltyds

Pos 2: Voltyds

Pos 3: Deeltyds

Pos 4: Deeltyds Gasvryheidstudies Gr.10 - 12 of Toerisme Gr. 10 - 12

RTT Gr.10 - 12

Engels Gr. 5

Algemene Wetenskap / Tegnologie Gr 5 - 6

Engels Gr.6 - 7

Geskiedenis Gr. 6 - 7

Fisiese Wetenskappe Gr. 7 - 9

Bybel Gr. 8 - 11

Geografie Gr. 5 - 6

Bybel Gr. 7

Lewensoriëntering Gr.5 - 6

Tegnologie Gr. 7 - 9

Gasvryheidstudie Gr.10 - 12 Bybel Gr. 7

Stuur u CV na cvozoutpansberg@telkomsa.net of kontak die hoof, mnr Boet Groenewald by n/u :079 033 4235 of 079 203 1209 in skooltyd. Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke : 16 NOVEMBER OM 12:00.

Vic en Kotie Jacobs het Saterdag met ‘n telling van 45 beterbal Stablefordpunte as wenners van Maclands Estates en Royal Macadamia se jaarlikse Makadamia Gholfdag uit die stryd getree. Van links is Rob Milton (Royal Macadamia), Vic, Kotie, Marius Mostert (klupkaptein) en Percy Anderson (Maclands). GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm


18 4 November 2011

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Renier Scheepers en Marianca Mattheus is aangewys as die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub se seuns­ en meisiesgimnas van die jaar. Hulle ontvang dié gesogte toekennings tydens die klub se prysuitdeling op 28 Oktober. Renier ontvang ook die trofeë vir die beste hoërskool seunsgimnas, die beste bywoning (seun) en is ook aangewys as die seunsgimnas van die dag, na afloop van die klubkampioenskappe. Buiten gimnas van die jaar, ontvang Marianca ook die trofee vir die beste Vlak 5 gimnas.

Riëtte Fisser van die Louis Trichardt Gim­ nastiekklub is tydens die klubkampioenskappe en prysuitdeling op 28 Oktober aangewys as die meisiesgimnas van die dag, die beste laerskoolgimnas en die beste Vlak 4 meisie.

Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het op 28 Oktober hulle jaarlikse klubkampioenskappe en prysuitdeling aangebied. Voor, van links, is Samantha Scheepers (beste bywoning: meisie), Cara Joubert (beste vordering: grade), Karlien Baker (beste vlak 3), Wynand Mouton (beste vordering: grade), Robyn Whitcomb (mees entoesiastiese gimnas) en Douwe Steyn (beste Novise seunsgimnas). In die middel is Innes Steyn (beste laerskool seunsgimnas), Isabella Marais (beste vlak 1), Riancke Slump (beste beginner meisiesgimnas), Christian du Preez (beste vlak 1), Chrisja Pretorius (beste vordering: novise) en Jan­Harm du Plessis (mees entoesiastiese gimnas). Agter is Maurits Laubser (beste vlak 3), Rachael du Plessis (beste novise meisiesgimnas), Lilani Pretorius (beste vlak 2) en Wilma van der Merwe (mees entoesiastiese gimnas).


Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za

2005 BMW 320i A/T M/Pack

2011 Mercedes Benz E250 CDi AMG

R149 995 R539 995 2008 Toyota Corolla 1.4 Professional

Gholfdag hul grootste poging Die plaaslike CMR op Louis Trichardt bied sy gholfgdag op 19 November aan, as dié welsyns­ organisasie se grootste fondsins­ amelingsprojek van die jaar. Belangstellende individue of ondernemings wat hulleself by die geleentheid wil adverteer, kan ‘n putjie borg vir R500 of deel wees van die dag deur twee van dieselfde items te skenk wat as pryse sal dien vir deelnemers. Kontantbedrae is ook welkom, of enigiets wat as pryse kan dien, soos gereedskap, kombuisware, elektriese toerusting of koopbewyse. Verversings sal

tydens die gholfdag by “Brink se Gat” bedien word en daar is ‘n ete na afloop van die prysuitdeling. Die CMR sê deur die gholfdag te ondesteun kan die publiek ‘n verskil maak in die lewens van talle kinders en gesinne op die dorp. Ons gee Hoop is die CMR se slagspreuk. Skenkers wat Internet inbetalings verkies, kan dit doen in die CMR se ABSA tjekrekening nr. 1000 23 0029, takkode 632005 en moet asseblief hul naam asook “gholf” as verwysing gee. Vir navrae, skakel D.Thompson by 015 516 5115 of 082 378 0174.

Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het op 28 Oktober hulle jaarlikse klubkampioenskappe en prysuitdeling aangebied. Ruben Potgieter ontvang die trofeë vir beste novice beginner: seun en beste Vlak 2 seun. Hy verower ook algeheel goud in Vlak 2 tydens die klubkampioenskappe. Foto verskaf.

Werda Toyota

H/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6

2008 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D

R129 995 R269 995



2007 VW Jetta 1.9 TDi DSG

R167 440

2006 Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi D/C

R149 995 R174 995

Kleinhandelsprys BTW ingesluit

Rentekoers (veranderlik)*


Totale paaiemente

Maandelikse paaiement *

Totale Bedrag (Ballon Betaling)

Totale Betaling

Corolla 1.3 Impact

R184 000


R18 400


R2 387

R69 000

R140 833

Corolla 1.3 Professional

R192 200


R19 220


R2 488

R72 075

R146 792

Corolla 1.3 Advanced

R208 700


R20 870


R2 689

R78 262

R158 651

Corolla 1.6 Professional

R214 500


R21 450


R2 760

R80 438

R162 840

Corolla 1.6 Advanced

R230 200


R23 020


R2 952

R86 438

R174 168


2005 Nissan Almera 1.6 Elegance

2009 Nissan NP200 1.6


AFTER HOURS: • Hussain 083 378 6000 • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 • Charles 076 820 8256 • Johan 072 959 5642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

Willie Venter Hilbert Sevhugwane Anthonie Krügell Joop Coetzer Gert Coetzee Johan Rootman Michael Maynier

079 344 2737 073 864 4231 072 225 3599 082 424 9978 083 327 5128 073 718 6816 082 702 6701


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