5 Junie 2020
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Independent liquor stores hard hit by forced closure - page 2
Jaargang 36 Vol. 22
“You might not like cats, but don’t harm them” - page 3
ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
9 772409 283001
Stop die stories!
Familie sê hulle het niks met brand te doen gehad
Die huis van die Van Zyl-gesin van Louis Trichardt wat verlede Woensdag op geheimsinnige wyse aan die brand geslaan het. Die familie het die afgelope week gerugte hokgeslaan dat hulle enigsins verantwoordelik was vir die brand. Lees volledige berig op p. 2. Foto’s verskaf.
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R10.5 MIL PLUS BTW Plek vir meer lande. 6 boorgate. Toestemming vir dam in rivier met ideale posisie. Pakstoor, gifstoor en werkswinkel. 3 Woonhuise. 4 Kragpunte.
Independent liquor stores hit hard by forced closure wage bill by 60% just to keep the lights on. “We were closed the enThe “long drought” was finally tire period, with no income generbroken on 1 June when liquor ated. Yet there is still rent, staff and stores could re-open as part of the water and lights to be paid. I also relaxation of the lockdown regdraw from the business for personal ulations to Level 3. While many expenses. It has been tough going. celebrate, however, the question I have had to let two staff members might be one of too little too late go already. Fortunately, they have for many independent liquor found other positions and they are store owners who might be forced quite happy. So, I am left with one to close shop. staff member now and we try to One of those independent stores manage the store within the family is the well-known Pit Stop liquor group to try and salvage it,” said the store in Louis Trichardt. Being 67-year-old Frank on Tuesday. forced to close for just more than But the reality, said Frank, is that two months has had a very negative a very real possibility exists that he impact on the business’s cash-flow might have to close shop for good situation, to such an extent that if the situation does not improve. owner Frank Avian had to cut his Like many other businesses, the By Andries van Zyl
Frank Avian (right) and Gerda Szluha (left) of Pit Stop Liquor Store. Frank said a very real possibility existed that he might have to close shop for good if the situation did not improve.
Hennie and Rita van Rensburg did well on Monday, but said they struggled to get stock.
Covid-19 pandemic and the governgood in comparison to other stores. We till 19:00 like in the past,” said Nardus. ment’s lockdown regulations have not did not have queues, but there was a Nardus said several factors had been been kind to business sectors that had constant stream of clients. Today is fair- in his favour during the period they already been struggling economically ly quiet. But it is a mess – the economy had been forced to close, the biggest before the lockdown, such as the indeis completely down. It is the 1st of June of which was that he had not had to pendent liquor store industry. and people are not spending,” added pay rent as they owned the building. “I “If you take into account the number Hennie. also switched off all my fridges at the of independent retailers that have been The couple said that they were also beginning of the period, so as not to run in existence for the past 30 years, the keeping a close eye on their finances. up unnecessary electrical costs,” said numbers are massive. With the coming “We are in the process of selling our Nardus. of age of the chain-group liquor stores, farm. We will then rather rent first, Also contributing to Nardus’s “record” they have got huge trading ability just to see what direction the country’s sales on Monday was the fact that he because of the amount of money they economy is going. Luckily, we did not has a license for both selling and discarry. Some of them have got 400 or have to get rid of staff as we only have tributing liquor. “I got the distribution 500 outlets each, so they are not only one staff member. We were able to keep license just a month before the lockbig in numbers, they also have big paying salaries and we are breaking down and started a new business from combined buying power. They can go to even at present. What also counted in scratch. I had just started trading when the suppliers and negotiate terms that our favour was that we [Hennie and the lockdown came,” said Nardus. In suit them, not necessarily the supplier. Rita] both work here ourselves. We hindsight, he said, the timing for getting So, they can go to the supplier and say: were also able to negotiate our rent the distribution license had been perListen here, I spend so many millions a with our landlord,” said Hennie with fect. This was evident on Monday from month and I want a 90-day account for reference to the challenges they faced the queue of bakkies lining up in front stock at discounted prices. The brewer- while being forced to close. For the imof his business to buy liquor wholesale. ies, of course, will rather take the deal mediate future, Hennie said he hoped Nardus added that he had detected a than lose the business. So, the big guys business would only get better. “I am change in buying patterns from Mondictate to them,” said Frank. just scared we will go back to Level 4 or day. “Where a person would previously In contrast to big business’s buying 5 as the number of infections increase,” come and stand in a queue to by his power, Frank said that small, indepensaid Hennie, adding that he hoped this liquor, he would now rather phone dent liquor stores did not have that would not be the case. and put in an order, which I would go luxury. “We as independents don’t have Young Louis Trichardt businessman and deliver. It would seem people are that buying power because we are all Nardus Barnard (38) is also an indeavoiding social interaction and exercissingle outlets or units that try and make pendent liquor store owner. He said his ing the option: What is the easiest for it on our own. Because we do not have business, Palm Liquor Store, had done me? This trend is big in the cities, but buying power, we pay more than every- exceptionally well on Monday. “Our not as much in the rural areas. Here we body else for stock and it is squeezing sales were similar to our Easter Weekare ‘closer’ to each other and a bit more our profit margins. Now, because you end sales. The big difference was that sociable. But there is a change,” said cannot charge exorbitant prices, this we were only able to trade until 17:00, Nardus. has resulted in a loss of profit for all as per the Level 3 regulations, and not independent stores,” said Frank. Regarding the re-opening of liquor stores on Monday, Frank said that trading was good. “But in a nutshell, I could have done three times better in volume if I had the stock. That is where the problem lies. Not being a big consortium and knowing that this closure was pending, there was no way I could have bought stock in. So, now I opened the doors yesterday [Monday] with virtually no stock. People walked in asking, have you got this and that? Unfortunately, I had to tell them we are only getting stock on Thursday. People must remember, we are all cash customer. We can’t buy stock on credit like the big franchises,” said Frank. Hennie (72) and Rita (67) van Rensburg of LiquorZone in Louis Trichardt are in a similar position but still able to keep head above water. “We also struggled to get stock. Look how empty our shelves are,” said Rita on Tuesday. Nardus Barnard of Palm Liquor Store said his sales on Monday had averaged “Our sales on Monday were relatively those of a normal Easter Weekend.
“Ek huil nog elke dag … ek kan dit nie glo nie … intussen is daar soveel stories!” was nie. Intussen het ‘n voertuig by Nicolette gestop Vir Nicolette van Zyl en haar familie van en sy het hulle gevra om asseblief die plaaslike Louis Trichardt was dit erg om te sien hoe ‘n brandweer, wat slegs ‘n paar honderd meter vabrand verlede Woensdag die familie se huis naf haar huis is, te ontbied. Die brandweer was op die hoek van Joubert- en Groblerstraat in binne minute op die toneel, maar die skade was puin lê. Nog erger was egter die stories wat ná in ‘n groot mate reeds gedoen. die brand begin versprei het wat geïnsinueer “Ons is heeltemal platgeslaan deur die brand,” het dat die familie die huis self aan die brand het Nicolette gesê. Volgens haar was die huis gesteek het, blykbaar vir die versekering. in die mark gewees en sou die koop op 1 Junie ‘n Hoogs ontstelde Nicolette het Dinsdag deurgaan. Gelukkig het hulle egter versekering vertel van die hel waardeur sy en haar familie gehad. die afgelope week gegaan het. “Ek was nie by die Die gerugte oor die verskering is juis wat huis nie. Niemand was by die huis nie. Ek het die Nicolette-hulle ernstig ontstel. “Die deskundiges oggend my klere by my ma gaan was. Donovan, was almal daar. Hulle het selfs die honde ingemy seun, was by die werk,” het Nicolette gesê ten bring. Nie ek, my seuns of my ma word verdink opsigte van wat verlede Woensdag ontvou het. van enige gemene spel nie,” het Nicolette gesê. “Ek het die middag [ongeveer 16:00] van my Dit beteken egter nie dat die brand toevallig ma af teruggekom en besluit om net die sakke ontstaan het nie. Nicolette het selfs gesê dat wasgoed agter die huis neer te sit, want ek wou hulle wel brandstigting vermoed. “Dit lyk so. gou Spar toe gaan. Ek het nie geweet hoe besig Alhoewel die polisie nog besig is met hul onderhulle is nie en partykeer sê hulle jy mag nie soek, lyk dit of die brand in een klein kamer ingaan nie, want dit is al laat en die ry is nog te begin het,” het Nicolette gesê. lank,” het Nicolette gesê. By verdere navraag het die Makhado SAPD Volgens Nicolette het sy nie eers die huis binbeaam dat hulle wel ‘n ondersoekdossier oopgenegegaan nie, want sy was te haastig. Skaars was maak het. Nicolette self het intussen ‘n klag van sy egter by die huis weg op pad Spar toe, toe sy brandstigting en diefstal by die polisie aange‘n harde slag hoor. “Toe ek omkyk, sien ek rook meld. Volgens haar het hulle ‘n sterk vermoede uitborrel by die grasdak,” het Nicolette gesê. wie dalk verantwoordelik kon wees vir die brand, Verward het sy dadelik begin terug hardloop maar hulle kan in hierdie stadium nie daaroor huis toe. Verbygangers, het sy gesê, het haar spekuleer totdat die polisie se ondersoek afgeegter by die huis voorgekeer en verhoed om die handel is nie. Volgens haar is verskeie items uit huis binne te gaan. Niemand het in daardie die huis vermis, alhoewel die huis nie heeltemal stadium geweet hoe erg die brand in die huis gemeubeleerd was nie. Volgens Nicolette was sy Deur Andries van Zyl
en haar seun in die proses om uit te trek, sodat die nuwe eienaar Maandag kon intrek. Nicolette was Dinsdag erg ontsteld oor die gerug wat die rondte doen. Sy het oor-en-oor beklemtoon dat die polisie se ondersoek wys dat nie sy, haar seuns of haar ma met die brand verbind word nie. “Ek huil nog elke dag … ek kan dit nie glo nie … intussen is daar soveel stories!” het Nicolette gesê. Wat die stories betref, het Nicolette gesê dat Louis Trichardt se mense haar die koue skouer gee sedert verlede Woensdag. “Nie een persoon in hierdie dorp wil my help nie. Ek sit in limbo ... ek meen, ek het 40 jaar se lewe daar verloor,” het Nicolette gesê. Sy bly tans tydelik by mense, omdat sy nie genoeg geld het om ‘n ander blyplek te bekostig nie. “Ek wag vir die versekering om te hoor of hulle my kan help of nie,” het Nicolette gesê. Die huis is in haar en haar oorlede broer, Dries, se naam. Haar ma het tekenregte namens haar broer totdat Dries se boedel afgehandel is, het Nicolette gesê. “Die mense moet asseblief ophou met hulle stories ... Dinge is alreeds vir my baie moeilik soos dit is. Die mense loop net voort met hulle stories asof hulle die deskundiges is!” het Nico lette gesê. Sy het gesê sy is veral bekommerd oor hoe mense se stories die versekeringseis sal benadeel. “Sou hierdie stories by hulle [die versekeraars] uitkom, waar los dit my?” het Nicolette gesê. Volgens Nicolette is die mense van Louis Trichardt haar glad nie goedgesind nie. “Hoekom, weet ek nie. Ja, ek is die ouer van twee stout seuns, maar ek wil ook net leef en
hulle [die mense] laat my glad nie toe nie. Waar hulle my kan afkraak, doen hulle dit. Ek het nie gevra dat dit [die brand] moet gebeur nie. Nog voor die brand was dit vir my moeilik om reg te kom in hierdie dorp, en nou nog hierdie ding!” het Nicolette gesê. Nicolette het die koerant versoek om pertinent te noem dat hulle nie finansieel in die moeilikheid is nie. “Dit gaan net moeilik, soos dit met baie ander mense gaan,” het sy gesê. Sy het haar ook uitgespreek oor gerugte dat die familie by dwelms betrokke is. “Dwelms is daar nie by ons nie. Ek laat my kinders elke nou en dan toets, omdat die dorp vol is van dwelms. Ek hou nie daarvan nie en alhoewel mense dink ons is met dwelms deurmekaar, ons is nie,” het Nicolette gesê. Volgens Nicolette moet inwoners hulle eerder probeer bystaan in die familie se tyd van nood. “Nie ek of Donovan het ‘n enkele stuk klere oor nie. Alles het verbrand in daardie vuur. Mense kan eerder vir my sê: ‘Hoor hier, ons is verskriklik jammer oor wat met julle gebeur het, hier is vir jou kind ‘n trui.’ Dit het ons nie eers nie, maar hulle is gou om stories te loop en versprei. Vir wat?” wou Nicolette weet. Nicolette het ter afsluiting mense uitge nooi om net vir ‘n wyle in haar skoene te staan. “Mense moet net twee weke in my skoene kom loop. Ek wil kyk hoeveel van hulle hang aan ‘n boom, want ek glo nie enige iemand kan deurgaan wat ek deesdae deurgaan nie,” het sy gesê. Sy het teen Dinsdag hierdie week nog gewag op terugvoer van die versekeraars.
“You might not like cats, but please don’t harm them” By Andries van Zyl The past week has been a difficult and traumatic one for members of Project TNR (TrapNeuterReturn) in Louis Trichardt. Project TNR consists of people who volunteer their time and money for the protection of feral cats. The past week, however, saw three of these cats being poisoned and another one shot. “People must realize that cats are internationally protected. They are sentient beings with feelings. It is not okay to harm or poison them,” said local TNR member Marinda van der Walt. She was still visibly upset, following the news that the longhaired tortoiseshell cat they found poisoned on Monday had died on Tuesday evening, despite all attempts to save it. Marinda told the Zoutpansberger that a member of the public had informed them that
Three of the cats cared for by Project TNR in Louis Trichardt were found poisoned on Monday. Two died at the scene, while this longhaired tortoiseshell cat was found barely clinging to life. Despite all efforts to save it, it died on Tuesday evening. Photo: Project TNR.
a number of cats had been found, possibly poisoned, on Monday. “When we went to the premises, we found one cat dead. We also found the tortoiseshell cat, which was barely clinging to life,” said Marinda. This cat was rushed to Blouberg Animal Clinic for help. Later, a third cat was found dead not far from where the first one had been found. Marinda said that an autopsy of the first cat had confirmed that it had been poisoned. “At this stage, we cannot say where the cats were found, as the matter is subject to an investigation,” said Marinda. Residents might also remember the story about the feral cat named Benjamin who was found shot with possibly a pellet gun on 25 April around Kock Street. Fortunately, local vets and members of Project TNR were able to remove the projectile and save Benjamin. “Benjamin is doing well,” said Marina. Unfortunately, added Marinda, they found that another of their feral cats had been shot the past week, this time on a factory’s premises in the industrial area. “The cat was shot in the chest, possibly with a pellet gun. It was also shot in one of its rear legs with what looks like a bigger calibre projectile,” said Marinda. This wounded cat was also taken in for medical treatment at Blouberg Animal Clinic. Marinda has once again urged members of the public to refrain from harming or killings cats. “I do not expect you to like cats. All I ask is that you respect a life. These cats are on the streets because people failed to take care of their household cats by either not sterilising or neutering their cats. So please, although you might not like them, do not harm them,” pleaded Marinda. She added that cats also played an important role in the ecosystem, especially regarding the control of vermin such as rats and mice, which spread disease. Marinda concluded that every cat deserved to be treated with compassion and care, whether it was owned or unowned. “Please read and sign the International Declaration of Responsibilities to Cats to show your support,” said Marinda. The declaration can be found via a link on their Facebook page: Project TNR Louis Trichardt.
This feral cat was shot by someone at a factory premises in Louis Trichardt’s industrial area the past week. Photo: Project TNR.
Another one of Project TNR’s feral cats was shot in Louis Trichardt the past week. In the X-ray, the projectile in both the cat’s chest and one of its rear legs can clearly be seen. Photo: Projet TNR.
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Ds. Etienne van Staden.
Ds. Innes Nagel. Foto verskaf.
Ds. Ronel Eckard. Foto verskaf.
Ds. Jan Pretorius. Foto verskaf.
Pastoor Sampie van Niekerk. Foto verskaf.
Ds. Johan Marais. Foto verskaf.
Pastoor Leonie Meyfarth. Foto verskaf.
Roger de Troch. Foto verskaf.
Hoe gereed is gemeentes om weer eredienste te hervat? diens te kan bywoon tans van krag is. “Al hierdie besluite is tydelik in ons soeke Na aanleiding van President Cyril Ramapho- na die beste manier om ons bediening aan ons sa se aankondiging op 26 Mei dat godsdiens lidmate te laat voortgaan, terwyl ons ook die tige samekomste wel mag plaasvind tydens gesondheid van almal in gedagte hou. Ons vra Vlak 3, heers gemengde gevoelens onder dus voortdurende voorbidding en hou kommukerkgangers oor die heropening van kerke. nikasiekanale dop vir verdere inligting in dié In die dorp en omgewing het sekere gemeen- verband,” het ds. Pretorius gesê. tes besluit om vir eers toe te bly en ander sal Daarteenoor gaan die NG Kerk Soutwel begin met eredienste. pansberg-gemeente wel sy deure op 7 Junie Ds. Jan Pretorius van NG Louis Trichardt heropen. Volgens Ds. Etienne van Staden sal meld dat die Kommissie vir Gemeentebedie die hoeveelheid mense wat dit wil bywoon ning (Dagbestuur) besluit het dat hulle eers net vooraf moet bel of SMS. Die kerkgebou is reeds voortgaan met virtuele eredienste en oorden ontsmet en hand-saniteerder sal by die deur kings. “Ons gaan dus nie dadelik met fisiese gebruik word. ‘n Lidmaatregister moet ingevul eredienste in ons kerkgebou op Sondae begin word wat elkeen se temperatuur sal aandui. nie, maar sal voortdurend hieroor besin om Die toegelate afstand tussen lidmate in die kerk in die geestelike behoeftes van ons lidmate te sal streng toegepas word. Geen kategese sal voorsien, asook om die mees weerloses in ons onderrig word nie en geen samesyn (bv. tee) gemeente en gemeenskap te beskerm. Hierdie ná die diens sal plaasvind nie. Mense bo 60 en reëling geld voorlopig tot 28 Junie, waarna daar met onderliggende siektetoestande moet liewer weer ‘n besluit geneem sal word. Ons sal metoorweeg om tuis te bly. tertyd versigtig met kleiner groepe kan begin en Volgens Ds. Petrus Kriel van die NG Kerk sal stelselmatig inligting hieroor deurgee,” het Levubu sal die gewone diens om 8:30 herds. Pretorius gesê. Daaglikse oordenkings sal vat. Lidmate laat weet per WhatsApp wie dit steeds op WhatsApp en Facebook geplaas word, bywoon. “Indien daar meer as 50 mense is, reël asook Sondae se eredienste op . Begrafnisdien- ons ‘n tweede diens om 10:00. Al die reëls vir so ste word ook opgeneem en op YouTube geplaas, ‘n byeenkoms word nagekom. Die preek word aangesien ‘n beperking van 50 persone om so ‘n ná die diens per WhatsApp uitgestuur soos geDeur Pétria de Vaal
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het die hoofberig op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 9 Junie 1995 gehandel oor ‘n jong man van Messina, mnr. Gary Olàh (24), wat vermis geraak het. Olàh, die bestuurder van die destydse KFC-agentskap op die grensdorp, is deur ‘n vriend as vermis aangemeld. Olàh is op 31 Mei van daardie jaar laas deur die vriend gesien, nadat hy ‘n kamera geleen het om natuurfoto’s in die koppie net buite Messina te neem. Soektogte in die bosse in en om Messina, asook die koppie, het niks opgelewer nie. Olàh was nie die enigste persoon wat vermis geraak het nie. Op die voorblad is ook berig van ‘n 16-jarige meisie, Lerato Moshapho van die plaas Ratho, wat vermis geraak het nadat sy Checkers op Louis Trichardt besoek het op 1 Junie. In ander voorbladnuus, op ‘n meer positiewe noot, is berig van plaaslike gholfspeler Rudi Burger. Hy het aan die Wêreld Eenarm Gholfkompetisie in Brittanje gaan deelneem as deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Presidentspan. Die span het ook weggestap met die gesogte Presidentsprys. Ook op sportgebied het Louis Trichardt die voorafgaande naweek weer opgetree as gasheer van die jaarlikse Kremetart Fietswedren, met Edwin Ruthven van Pretoria wat skoonskip gemaak het deur al vier die wedren se skofte te wen. Louis Trichardt sou eerskomende Saterdag, 6 Junie, gasheer gespeel het vir die 30ste Kremetart Fietswedren, maar die
wedren moes ween die Covid-19 pandemie afgestel word. Nog iets wat die afgelope paar jaar kortkort in die nuus is, is pogings om Louis Trichardt se Voëlpark te koop vir ontwikkeling. In die Zoutpansberger van 25 jaar gelede is berig oor ‘n aanbod om die park te koop vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n inkopiesentrum. Pick n Pay se naam is onder meer genoem as huurder. Die destydse Oorgangsraad het egter die ontwikkeling afgekeur, ná klagte uit omgewingsgeledere dat die ontwikkeling die dorp se “groen gordel” sou beskadig.
woonlik - ongeag of iemand die diens bygewoon het of nie.” Ds. Wynand van der Westhuizen van die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk sê dat die kerk raad nog in die proses is om alles in plek te kry. Hulle sal definitief Sondag met eredienste begin en bywoning word per wyksindeling gedoen. Hulle beveel aan dat siek en ouer gemeentelede liewer nie dienste bywoon nie. “Die Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg, lid van die Geloofsbond van Hervormde gemeentes, het besluit om te wag met die hou van ere dienste in die kerkgebou tot Vlak 2 van inper king. Ter wille van ons baie bejaarde lidmate en lidmate met onderliggende siektetoestande, gaan ons eers voort met die aanstuur van preke op WhatsApp. Ons dra mekaar op aan ons Hemelse Vader en bid dat ons weer spoedig as gemeenskap van gelowiges sal kan aanbid,” aldus ds. Ronel Eckard. Pastoor Sampie van Niekerk van die Agapé Gemeente sê dat hulle nog onseker is hoe hulle dit gaan doen. Hulle maak nou eers ‘n opname van wie bereid is om dienste by te woon. Dit sal bepaal hoeveel dienste plaasvind en wanneer. Uitsendings sal voortgaan vir diegene wat nie bywoon nie. Geen baba-, peuter- of kinderbe diening sal plaasvind nie. Aanpassings sal gemaak word soos wat sake duideliker word. Bejaardes en mense met sekondêre gesondheidsprobleme, asook dié met enige simptome, word sterk aangedraai om eerder tuis in te skakel vir die dienste. Higiëne-vereistes sal streng toegepas word! Ds Johan Marais van die Baptiste Kerk sê: “Ons gaan nie met dienste begin nie, aangesien ons ‘n tweetalige gemeente is en daar nie tyd tussen die twee dienste is om weer die gebou te ontsmet nie. Ons wag maar tot alles weer normaal is en ons kan sing en nagmaal kan gebruik. Intussen neem ons die boodskappe op video op en plaas dit op die gemeente se Facebook-blad.” Roger de Troch van die Sewendedag-Adventiste sê dat die kanse goed is dat hulle vir eers die kerk gaan toe hou. De Troch is van mening dat die vereistes verregaande, onredelik en byna onbekostigbaar is. “Verbeel jou, om die gebou wat al 10 weke toe staan te ontsmet ... teen wat?” Indien ontsmetting wel gedoen word, moet die diens professioneel gedoen word ten einde ‘n sertifikaat te bekom. Om ‘n termo meter aan te koop, kos R1 000 ekstra. Hulle gaan dus voort met aanlyn-dienste. Veritas Gemeente het weer eredienste Son-
dae om 09:00, met ingang 7 Junie. “Ons sal hou by die regeringsvoorskrifte van minder as 50 mense, met behoorlike afstand tussen almal. Lidmate moet maskers dra en ons sal siftings doen. Die diens sal nie langer as ‘n uur duur nie. Om 11:30 sal ons voortgaan met die Facebook-stroomdiens,” sê Dr. Philip Venter. Pastoor Leonie Meyfarth van die AGS Charisma noem dat hulle ‘n program het waarop mense registreer om die dienste by te woon om getalle te kontroleer. Hulle is nog besig om die moontlikheid te ondersoek dat die diens “uitgesaai” kan word. Mense kan dan in hulle motors voor die kerk parkeer en só daarna luister. Dit is egter nog in proses. Hulle sal steeds voorgaan om die diens op YouTube te plaas vir diegene wat nie wil uitgaan na die diens toe nie. Ds. Innes Nagel van die Gereformeerde Kerk deel mee dat hulle bede is dat “ons almal in hierdie tyd ons nuwe bewegingsmoontlikhede sal koester en is dankbaar dat ons gemeentes weer met beperkte byeenkomste in die geboue en beperkte pastorale werk mag begin.” Streng voorwaardes geld waaraan voldoen moet word ten opsigte van die handhawing van sosiale afstand en ontsmetting. Vanaf eerskomende Sondag word twee oggenddienste, om 08:30 en 10:00, gehou. Die 08:30 erediens word lewendig opgeneem en op die gemeente se Youtube-kanaal gelaai. ‘n Maksimum van 50 persone – wat ampsdraers insluit – word toegelaat. Lidmate wat eredienste wil bywoon moet voor Donderdae 12:00 hul plek by die Kerkkantoor bespreek, sodat die nodige registers en vraelyste opgestel kan word. Slegs persone met gesigsmaskers sal toegelaat word en elke persoon se temperatuur sal geneem word. As dit bo 37,5º C is, sal die persoon versoek word om huis toe te gaan.
Ds. Wynand van der Westhuizen. Foto verskaf.
Ds. Philip Venter.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 1 Junie. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
01/06/2020 25/05/2020
Albasini Dam 74.7% 75.2% Ebenezer Dam 16.9% 17.3% Flag Boshielo Dam 100.8% 100% Glen Alpine Dam 86% 87.6% Luphephe Dam 99.3% 100% Middel Letaba Dam 3.2% 3.3% Nandoni Dam 100.8% 100% Nsami Dam 57.9% 59% Nwanedzi Dam 98.6% 99.4% Nzhelele Dam 90.1% 90.8% Tzaneen Dam 19.9% 20.1% Vondo Dam #101.2% 101% # Means latest available data
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Koben wil ander inspireer met eie geestelike groei hoogtes bereik het … dat dit my ‘n beter mens gemaak het, alhoewel ek ‘n geliefde weergawe Daar is min keer aan die 17-jarige Koben verloor het,” het Koben die afgelope week aan die Hofmeyr van Louis Trichardt se begeerte om Zoutpansberger gesê. ‘n Knop-in-die-keel oom mense te inspireer en te bemoedig, so ook blik in die video is waar Springbokhaker Schalk nou te midde van die wêreldwye Covid-19 Brits in ‘n persoonlike boodskap aan Koben sê grendelperiode. dat hy vir hom as inspirasie en held dien. Plaaslik het hierdie jong leerling van HoërDie video is egter net ‘n klein kykie na Koben skool Louis Trichardt geen bekendstelling nodig se lewe die afgelope twee jaar en kan onmoontlik nie en terwyl ander by die huis sit en wag vir nie alles saamvat waardeur Koben die afgelope die grendelregulasies om te verslap, het hy ‘n twee jaar gegaan het nie. “Nee, dit behels nie sewe-minuut-lange video gemaak oor die pad alles nie, maar ek hoop dat daar eendag ‘n film wat hy sedert 19 Mei 2018 gestap het. gemaak kan word oor my verhaal en al die ander Vir diegene wat kan onthou, het dié jong probleme langs die pad. Daarvan was daar baie. man op daardie noodlottige dag sy nek gebreek Die video het meer op my karakterontwikkeling tydens ‘n skole rugbywedstryd wat hom van gefokus in dié tydperk,” het Koben gesê. sy skouers af ondertoe verlam gelaat het. Tog Koben het self die video saam met sy famhet Koben vasgehou aan sy droom om te kan ilie en vriende aanmekaargesit. “Ek het al die opstaan uit sy rolstoel en weer te kan loop. Die videogrepe aan my suster [Aninke] verduidelik, video handel juis oor die pad wat hy na sy droom geskiet en geredigeer volgens my visie. Ek het gestap het en is op 19 Mei vanjaar, op die tweedan ander video’s wat ek vroeër in my Vlogs gebjarige herdenking van sy ongeluk, op YouTube ruik het weer ingegooi wat mense kon herken. bekendgestel. Charles Schlesinger het die drone footage vir ons Die produksie is meesterlik aanmekaar gesit, geskiet,” het Koben gesê. met ‘n veel dieper boodskap as net Koben se Volgens Koben het sy video’s ten doel om pad na herstel. Die boodskap is een van hoop en mense aan te raak, al is dit net een persoon. inspirasie, maar meer spesifiek een van geloof te “Maar met hierdie een het ek baie meer moeite midde van die terugslae die afgelope twee jaar. ingesit omdat dit ‘n baie emosionele onderwerp “Dit is ‘n storie van ‘n seun wat herlewing gevind vir my is en my hoop is dat ‘n filmprodukshet in Christus se genesende krag … en hier, ie-maatskappy dit dalk raaksien, en hulle ook vandag, twee jaar na my ongeluk, kan ek niks an- daardeur aangeraak sal word, sodat baie meer ders sê as dankie nie. Want ek is dankbaar vir die mense aangeraak kan word,” het Koben gesê. persoon wat ek geword het, al het dit twee jaar, Vir die onmiddellike toekoms het hierdie jong ontelbare valle, baie lesse, menige onsekerheid, man die afgelope paar weke ‘n groot besluit gepynlike letsels en verliese gevat, kan ek terugkyk neem. Hy het besluit om sy LUK-balkie terug te en glimlag – wetende dit was alles die moeite gee en Graad 12 te los om weer na Graad 11 toe werd gewees,” sê Koben onder meer in die video. te gaan om sy punte vir universiteit beter te kry. Die video roer behoorlik die hartsnare en baie Dit was nie ‘n maklike besluit nie. “Ek voel dat sal vind dat dit onwillekeurig trane in die oë dit dalk nie die beste besluit was vir die plan wat bring. “Ek wou mense wys dat ek nie net fisies ek met my lewe het nie, maar ek het besef dat herstel het nie, maar psigies en geestelik nuwe my plan nie die perfekte plan is ten opsigte van Deur Andries van Zyl
God se wil nie. So, ek het vir myself gesê al is dit nie nou die ideale besluit op dié oomblik vir my nie, is dit die beste besluit vir my toekoms.” Koben se planne vir wanneer hy klaar is met skool sluit ook in om nog sulke produksies die lig te laat sien waardeur hy die Woord kan verkondig en mense kan help met hulle psigiese welstand deur hulle te motiveer. Tans probeer hy ten minste elke week ‘n video op te laai. “Soortgelyke
produksies gaan net op spesiale datums gebeur. Ek wil nou nie my kuikens tel voordat hulle uitgebroei het nie, maar julle kan julle gereed maak vir my volgende produksie aan die einde van die jaar met die titel: Why 2020 was the most iconic year of my life. Om dié video te kyk, besoek https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=BMAgUKGZnqM&feature=youtu.be.
‘n Kort skermgreep uit die video van Koben Hofmeyr op Loftus Versveld waar hy onder meer vir Springbokhaker Schalk Brits sou ontmoet. Brits sê in die video dat die ontmoeting vir hom baie emosioneel was en dat Koben vir hom as inspirasie en held dien.
Die video is egter net ‘n klein kykie na Koben se lewe die afgelope twee jaar en kan onmoontlik nie alles saamvat waardeur Koben die afgelope twee jaar gegaan het nie.
Limitless Die produksie is meesterlik aanmekaar gesit, met ‘n veel dieper boodskap as net Koben se pad na herstel. Dit is ‘n boodskap van hoop en inspirasie, maar meer spesifiek een van geloof te midde van die terugslae die afgelope twee jaar.
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Moenie jou plig as ouer in hierdie tyd versaak nie Kinderwelsyn
Me. Friede Meissenheimer, senior maatskaplike werker by die SAVF in Louis Trichardt. Foto verskaf.
Met Kinderbeskermingsweek wat hierdie week plaasvind, het me. Friede Meissenheimer, senior maatskaplike werker van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF) in Louis Trichardt, ouers bietjie raad gegee oor hoe om hulle kinders tydens die grendeltydperk te hanteer. Die Covid-19 pandemie veroorsaak tans wêreldwyd baie angs en onsekerheid in die samelewing. Meissenheimer het gesê dat om versigtig te wees, maar nie onnodig paniek te saai nie, belangrik is. “Dit is noodsaaklik om te onthou dat kinders na volwassenes kyk vir leiding oor hoe om op stresvolle situasies te reageer. As ouers buitensporig bekommerd is, lei dit tot verhoogde angsvlakke by kinders. Kinders het feitelike, dog ouderdomstoepaslike, inligting nodig oor die potensiële erns van die situasie, asook konkrete feite oor hoe om te voorkom dat die siekte versprei,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Sy het spesifieke riglyne gegee oor hoe ouers hul kinders kan bystaan in hierdie moeilike tydperk. Eerstens, het sy gesê, is dit belangrik om kalm en gerusstellend te bly. “Kinders sal op jou verbale en nie-verbale reaksies reageer. Jou reaksies oor CovidD-19 kan jou kinders se angs verminder of vermeerder. Probeer jou kind verseker dat hulle en hul familie gesond is (indien dit wel die geval is) en herinner hulle daaraan dat u as ouer of versorger daar is om hulle veilig te jou. Laat jou kinders toe om hulle gevoelens uit te druk, en help hulle om dit in perspektief te
sien,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Volgens Meissenheimer is dit belangrik dat ouers hulself “beskikbaar” maak vir hulle kinders. “In hierdie tye het kinders ekstra aandag en emosionele versorging nodig. Wees beskikbaar om te luister na dit wat hulle op die hart het. Dit is belangrik dat jou kind weet dat daar altyd iemand sal wees om na hulle te luister. Sê vir jou kind jy is lief vir hom/haar, en vertroetel hulle baie,” het Meissenheimer bygevoeg. Nou is ook nie ‘n goeie tyd om mense te begin blameer vir dinge nie. “Wanneer die spanning hoog loop, probeer ons graag iemand blameer. Moenie sekere groepe stereotipeer of blameer vir die ontstaan van die virus nie en vermy negatiewe opmerkings voor jou kinders,” het Meissenheimer aanbeveel. Met die Internet wat al meer toeganklik is vir feitlik almal, is die monitor van kinders se sosiale media en televisie blootstelling belangrik. “Monitor die inligting waartoe jou kind toegang het en probeer vermy om nuus wat moontlik ontstellend kan wees in hulle teenwoordigheid te kyk. Praat met jou kind oor fopnuus wat die rondte doen en probeer om gesprekke op feite te baseer. Dit sal ook help om angs te verminder,” het Meissenheimer gesê en bygevoeg dat ouers moet seker maak dat die inligting waaraan hul kind blootgestel word, ouderdomstoepaslik is. “Inligting wat bo die kind se kognitiewe ontwikkelingsvlak is, kan lei tot angstigheid. Probeer om jou kind se aandag af te lei met ander aktiwiteite en speletjies,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Volgens Meissenheimer is die handhaaf van ‘n
normale daaglikse roetine nou van groot belang. Ouers moet ook eerlik en akkuraat met hulle kinders wees. “Wanneer kinders nie feitelike inligting het nie, kan hulle verbeelding op hol gaan, en hulle kan die hele situasie ervaar as erger as wat dit is. Moenie hulle bekommernisse ignoreer nie, maar noem dat slegs ‘n klein persentasie persone in ons land sover die virus opgedoen het. Verduidelik hoe die virus versprei, en die stappe wat ons kan neem om besmetting te voorkom. Dit kan vir kinders ‘n gevoel van beheer oor die situasie gee,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Wat stappe betref om die verspreiding van die virus te voorkom, het Meissenheimer gesê is die hersien van basiese higiëne en leefstylstappe baie belangrik. “Was gereeld hande vir ten minste 20 sekondes – laat hulle Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star sing terwyl hulle was. Bedek jou neus en mond as jy hoes met ‘n elmboog of snesie wat dadelik weggegooi word. Vermy nabye kontak met persone wat nie deel is van jou huishouding nie. Help jou kind om gesond te eet, gereeld aktief te wees en om genoeg te slaap. Dit help om die immuunstelsel te versterk,” was Meissenheimer se raad. Laastens het Meissenheimer ouers aanbeveel om veranderinge met hulle kinders te bespreek. “Skole gaan geleidelik oopmaak en die dra van maskers sal verpligtend wees. Sosiale afstand sal gehandhaaf moet word en daar sal geen buitemuurse aktiwiteite wees nie,” het Meissenheimer gesê.
Public urged to report rogue cops following complaints of brutality information, such as full names and surname, identity number, residential or business address, The South African Police Service (SAPS) has telephone and cellphone numbers and an email capacitated their National Service Complaints address. Complainants will also be required Centre to enable the public to also report alle- to give a detailed description of what occurred gations of police brutality or cruel, inhumane, during the incident, including the province or and/or degrading treatment and/or punisharea in which the complaint originated as well ment committed by members of the SAPS. as the date and time of This was in response to a judgement handed the incident and details down on Friday, 15 May, by Judge H Fabricius in of the SAPS officials inthe North Gauteng High Court of South Africa volved,” the SAPS says. in the matter of Mr Collins Khosa. Khosa died in According to the April after allegedly being tortured and killed by SAPS, the national state members of the SAPS, SANDF and Johannesof disaster has created an burg Metro Police in Alexandra for contravening unprecedented situathe lockdown regulations. tion that requires the The SAPS states in a press release that the co-operation of everyone public may, for the duration of the state of to prevent, limit, contain, disaster, report complaints regarding the SAPS combat, and manage the at the nearest police station, the National Service spreading of COVID-19. Complaints Centre on the toll free number 0800 “Law-enforcement 333 177, or on the following email addresses: agencies are expected to complaintsnodalpoint@saps.gov.za or service@ ensure that the disassaps.gov.za. Complaints can vary from torture ter-management regulations are adhered to by or cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment all inhabitants of the country,” says the SAPS. or punishment committed by law-enforcement These regulations and directions are available at members, to poor service delivery regarding http://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/regulations/ police response, investigations, police negliregulations.php or at https://www.gov.za/corogence and police misconduct. “When members navirus/guidelines. of the public report a complaint, the respective The police’s press release then goes on to warn complaint will be required to contain detailed the public suspected to be in contravention
of the disaster-management regulations once again that they may be, among others, arrested or requested to accompany a law-enforcement officer to a police station. If the offence is of a serious nature, the person may be detained, subject thereto that he or she must be brought before a court as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than 48 hours after the arrest. If the offence is less serious, the community service centre commander or the senior member of the SAPS in charge must consider the release of a person (in consultation with the investigating officer). A person can also be given the option to pay an admission-of-guilt fine and be released. This means that the person will not have to appear in court, but by paying the admission-of-guilt fine, the person is regarded as having been convicted in court on the charge and the person will have a criminal record. The police statement also warns the public “to take note that the guidelines regarding enforcement of the State of Disaster Regulations allows that a law-enforcement officer may forcibly confine the body of the arrested person if the person does not Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 submit to custody (in accordance with SecAd designed by Zoutnet Publishers tion 39 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977). Furthermore, if the suspect resists the arrest or attempts to flee, section 49(2) of the Criminal Procedure Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Act, 1977, authorises Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the Virtual 152nd Special Council meeting will be an enforcement officer held as follows: to use force that is reasonably necessary and TIME : 14:00 proportional to overDATE : Monday, 8 June 2020 come such resistance or attempt. However, VENUE : Virtual Meeting under no circumstances may a person Enquiries must be directed to N Dagada or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. be tortured, assaulted or mistreated in any manner by a law-enCivic Centre Cllr L B Mogale forcement officer.” 83 Krogh Street, Speaker of Makhado The statement LOUIS TRICHARDT Local Municipality goes on to say that law-enforcement 4 & 5 June 2020 officers are expected File No.: 4/2/2 MR N F TSHIVHENGWA to support the aim of Notice No 60 of 2020 MUNICIPAL MANAGER the State of Disaster MDM/lh/SpecialCouncilMeetingNotice_8June2020 by providing a service, render assistance, give By Andries van Zyl
advice, guide and lead the community, in order to ensure that lives are saved. Officers are further expected to encourage and sensitise members of the public to adhere to social distancing. “Even though social distancing is currently not an offence and it cannot therefore be enforced, law-enforcement agencies must ensure that high visibility is maintained around malls, shopping centres and other areas and that the public is informed about compliance…” the statement reads. Regarding the issue of arrest, the national commissioner of the SAPS, General KJ Sitole, issued a directive on 20 May to all police members clarifying under which circumstances an arrest may be affected. “As a general rule, the object of an arrest is to secure the attendance of a person at his or her trial. A member may under no circumstances arrest a person in order to punish, scare or harass such person or to teach him or her a lesson,” the directive states. It further states that a member of the police must ensure that a particular offence exists in law before arresting a person for the commission of an offence. “Where certain conduct has not been criminalized (such as the wearing of masks or social distancing) members must sensitise ‘transgressors’ that their conduct is endangering their health and that of others. Members must continuously monitor if certain conduct constitutes an offence as the Regulations often change,” stated the directive. The directive also points out that, although Section 39(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act allows for police to “forcibly confine” the body of a person in the process of arresting them, this is only permissible if the person does not submit to custody. “Later, in court, a member may be required to explain the circumstances that were present, which required him or her to ‘forcibly confine’ the body of the person that he or she was arresting,” the directive states and goes on to warn “a member who uses force for any other purpose (such as to punish or teach a person a lesson), may himself or herself be guilty of an offence, such as assault, assault GBH, attempted murder, etc.” Interestingly enough, the directive also warns members of the police not to use “private equipment or equipment not issued by the SAPS, such as a ‘sjambok’, etc.” That the SAPS view the “illegal” action by members as serious is evident. “A failure to comply with these instructions must be regarded as serious misconduct and members and commanders who refuse to comply with these instructions must be held personally liable for any compensation that the Service is ordered to pay as a result thereof. Losses suffered by the SAPS as a result of a failure to comply with these instructions by an employee will in terms of the National Instruction 25 of 2019 (Management of Civil Claims in the South African Police Service) be recovered from that employee,” the directive warns.
Steeds geen verligting vir haarkappers Anita Benadé en haar dogter Sunita Pretorius sê dat die onsekerheid veroorsaak dat niks “Weens Covid-19 is dit vir haarkappers emobeplan kan word nie. Wella, die bekende firma sioneel moeilik met geen kliënte en geen in wat haarprodukte verkoop, het gerapporteer dat komste. Ons vat dit maar dag vir dag en glo en ‘n paar salonne in Suid-Afrika se deure gesluit is vertrou dat ons vroeër sal kan oopmaak.” Só omdat hulle aanhou werk het. Só ‘n salon word som Marinda Esterhuyse van Salon Marinda beboet. Die persoon wie se hare gesny of gedoen die situasie op. word, kry self ‘n boete van R1 500. Haar- en ander salonne is sekerlik dié bedryf Benadé sê dat haarkappers en ander salonne wat die swaarste getref word deur die inperking. beskou word as frontlinie werkers - saam met Waar ander bedrywe nou al op Vlak 3 kon begin ander gesondheidswerkers. Alles moet 100% funksioneer, moet haarkappers nog wag. Die higiënies wees. Sy noem dat salonne in elk Zoutpansberger het gaan hoor hoe dit nou met geval so werk. Sy is ook by die Mediese Raad hulle gaan en wat alles voorlê. geregistreer, omdat sy permanente grimering, Louise Smit van Salon Lu-iz sê dat die asook verwydering van vlekke, tatoeëermerke coronavirus haar uitkyk op die toekoms redelik ensovoorts in haar salon doen. Haar werksplek is verander het. “Nie noodwendig sleg nie ... Uitin elk geval steriel. dagings maak mens net sterker,” sê sy. Sy moes ‘n Wanneer haarkappers opgelei word, doen besluit neem om haar perseel te ontruim. Huur hulle ‘n module in hulle studies wat spesifiek hoop op en moet een of ander tyd betaal word. handel oor higiëne en sterilisasie van handdoeke, “En dan moet jy weer betaal om te kan werk, borsels en alle ander benodigdhede in ‘n salon. om maar net weer te sukkel om bo uit te kom.” Feit bly staan, as hulle weer mag oopmaak, sal Sy het besluit om ná die grendeltyd (wanneer dit anders wees. Waar hulle voorheen byvoordit ook al is) van hulle lodge af te werk, wat net beeld tien kliënte op ‘n dag kon help, sal hulle buite die dorp is. Wanneer hulle weer mag begin miskien in die toekoms slegs vyf kan help. Slegs werk gaan daar sekerlik baie uitdagings wees as een persoon op ‘n keer sal in die salon mag wees. gevolg van veiligheidsprotokolle. Die probleem Veiligheidsprotokol sal ook byvoorbeeld gaan dan ook bestaan dat hulle nie 100% kan behels dat ‘n kliënt in die motor moet wag, hy/ funksioneer soos voorheen nie vanweë die sy by die hek gehaal word, temperatuur gemeet reëls wat geïmplementeer sal word. Dit sal dan word, hande en voete/voetsole ontsmet word, ook veroorsaak dat hulle nie dadelik dieselfde ensovoorts. Natuurlik moet ‘n masker gedra inkomste kan genereer as voorheen nie. Geen word. Dit impliseer dat ‘n ma nie ‘n kind mag afleggings is gedoen nie. Gelukkig is die salon bring nie. Die ontvangsarea moet leeg wees. Nie by die WVF geregistreer, wat ‘n bietjie help met tydskrifte nie, niks. Kliënte mag nie aan produkalle werknemers se inkomste. Sover skuif al die te vat nie. Die kliënt vrywaar die haarkapper/ personeel saam lodge toe na die grendeltyd. “Ons salon-eienaar van enige aanspreeklikheid deur ‘n sal weer bo uitkom. Stadig maar seker. Intussen vorm in te vul indien hy/sy Covid-19 sou opdoen. kan ons nie wag om in almal se ‘grendelhare’ in Wat vir Benadé hinder is die moontlikheid dat te vaar nie!” skerts Louise. haarkappers liefs nie die kliënt se hare moet was Deur Pétria de Vaal
nie. Die haarkapper moet ook dubbele hand skoene dra! ‘n Masker EN gesigskerm is verpligtend. Sy sê dat dit onmoontlik is om ‘n skêr met handskoene te hanteer. Benadé is van mening dat warm water en seep ‘n persoon se gewaste hare dié veiligste plek maak! Spesiale skoonmaakmiddels vir salonne moet gebruik word, asook weggooibare handdoeke en oorjassies. Die kostes hieraan verbonde is astronomies. As ‘n kliënt opstaan, moet alles weer skoongemaak word. Die stoel, die toonbank, die vloer, alles. ‘n Tydperk van 15 minute vóór en 15 minute ná afsprake word aanbeveel vir al hierdie prosesse. Haarkappers sal nie weer afsprake kan reël soos vantevore nie. Verlede week was haarkappers angstig om te hoor van die uitslag van ‘n dringende Hooggeregshof-aansoek. Een aspek staan egter uit: in salonne kan sosiale distansiëring nie gehandhaaf word nie. “‘n Haarkapper werk die hele tyd óm ‘n persoon se gesig,” sê Benadé. Benadé help haar werknemers waar sy kan, maar sulke hulp is nie onbepaald volhoubaar nie. Hierdie is ‘n baie stresvolle tyd. Haarkappers is in die kalklig en sy voorsien baie logistieke uitdagings wanneer hulle weer oopmaak.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe
“Hy wat in My glo, soos die Skrif sê: strome van lewende water sal uit sy binneste vloei”. Johannes 7:38.
ie uitwerking van die Heilige Gees in jou lewe moet wees soos ‘n rivier wat in vloed is. Kom ons let op drie vername kenmerke van so ‘n rivier. Eerstens, riviere in vloed is altyd vars. Die vloed spoel alles skoon. Enige besoedeling en alle giftige en skadelike elemente word weggevoer, want sy voedingsbronne is vars, rein voorraad uit die wolke en die helder bergstrome. So ook die water wat Jesus aan die Samaritaanse vrou beloof het, lewende water en die waters van die heel laaste rivier waarvan die Bybel in Openbaring 22:1 praat, is helder soos kristal, daar is egter ‘n noodsaaklike voortdurende dors na geregtigheid nodig wat jou digby die “Bron” sal hou. Die Here Jesus waarborg dat jy dan versadig sal bly. Tweedens, riviere in vloed is altyd vol. Veral God s’n, want Psalm 65:10 verseker “die stroom van God is vol water”. Daar waar die Heilige Gees elke oomblik uit God se volheid en deur sy Woord jou siel met nuwe groeikrag en lewensvreugde in Christus verkwik. Derdens, riviere in vloed is altyd vry. Riviere in vloed word nie beperk nie. Hulle breek oor hulle walle en is die lewensaar vir almal - mense, diere, voëls en alles wat lewe. Hoe wonderlik goed is God. Hy openbaar en skenk aan ons wat ons geestelik paslik en prakties kan toepas. Die belofte van sy strome beteken vir ons so baie, want sy kruisdood het dit vir elke kind van Hom gewaarborg. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
DEPRESSIEF MOEDELOOS DESPERAAT Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org Anita Benadé. Foto verskaf.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 Levubu / Louis Trichardt and
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Thohoyandou Marinda Esterhuyse. Foto verskaf.
Dated at LOUIS TRICHARDT on this 13TH day of MAY 2020 Applicant: VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH INCORPORATED, 24 DEVENISH STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920. Email: barwil@mweb.co.za 015 516 0164 Ref: Dr Rudolph/cn/31208 TRICON AGRIC SERVICES PTY LTD TRICON AGRIC SERVICES (PTY) LTD SPECIALIST STUDIES WULA’S, REGISTRATION OF DAM i, ii AND iii, EIA, SHARA, NEMA AND CARA PERMITS Notice of application for the water use licence interms of section 40 of the national water act no 36 of 1998 Project Background Didapath (Pty) Ltd Klein Collie 123 Portion 3, a reputable, diverse farming eterprise operation within the Limpopo
Province, has appointed Tricon Agric Services (Pty) Ltd. as independent environmental consltants, to compile and submit a Water-use Licence Application in terms of Section 40 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) for agricultural activities. Abstraction of groundwater from boreholes will aslo be applied for in order to ensure water supply to the new development. The purpose of this document is to support Didapath (PTY) Ltd Klein Collie 123 Portion 3 with their Water-Use Licence Application, the Application triggers the following water uses in terms of the National Water Act 1998, (Act no 36 of 1998): • Section 21(a): Abstraction of groundwater from boreholes • Section 21(b): Storing water in reservoir for irrigation Location The proposed develop-
ment site is in Dendron town on the farm Klein Collie 123, within the Molemole Local Municipality. Coordinates: S: 23.2825200 E:29.4083960 For further details and in order to ensure that you are identified as an Interested & Affected Party (I&AP), please submit your details to the contact person within 28 days of the publication of the advert. Queries regarding this matter must be referred to: Name of Consultant: Tricon Agric Services Pty Ltd Contact Person: Vhonani Mashau Email: infor@triconagricservice.co.za Telephone No: 012 111 9060 Fax: 086 568 2310 Address: 1028 Saxby Avenue Eldoraign 0157
Petrol Station Manager We are looking for a Petrol Station Manager at Eden Oil in Louis Trichardt.
Responsibilities: • Ensure that station runs smoothly and efficiently. • Control employees and the facilities of the station. • Plan and promote the daily schedule of employees and the business, interview, hire, and coordinate employees, create and maintain budgets, and coordinate with and report to senior management. • Make sure that deliveries of fuel arrive on schedule. • Diligently control stock with each shift. • Keep standard procedures in place and exercise discipline. Key skills: Leadership Skills: • Time Management • Math and Budgeting • Analytical Skills • Decision-Making Skills • Customer Service Skills Requirements: • Matric • Minimum 5 years similar experience of working in a fuel station is essential. • Strong arithmetic skills/ capacity. • A customer focused approach to work is highly essential. • Polite, hardworking and evidence of excellent organisational skills. • Ability to work in shift patterns. • Strong leadership skills Salary is negotiable. Closing date: 15 June 2020 Email a short CV to amanda@edenoil.co.za If you are not contacted for an interview, please accept your application as unsuccessful.
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VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH INC LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of DEED OF TRANSFER T41540/1965 passed by JOHAN COENRAAD MARNEWECK BORN ON 20TH NOVEMBER 1896 in favour of LIZANDRE MYBURGH (EIENDOMS) BEPERK in respect of certain FARM DOORENWAARD 313, REGISTRATION DIVISION MS, PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo POLOKWANE, within TWO (2) weeks after the date of the publication of this notice.
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Louise Smit. Foto verskaf.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.
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Triegie-projek bring vir talle hoop
Bergcare in Louis Trichardt het hul opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor me. Elzabé Stewart en Laerskool Louis Trichardt se 2020 leiers vir die Jars of Hope wat hulle geskenk het. Die Jars of Hope projek behels koffiebottels waarin rys, sopmengsel, lensies, vleisaftrekselblokkie en soppoeier is. Mens kook dit met twee-en-‘n-half liter water en die mengsel is genoeg om vier mense kos te gee. “Dankie vir die leiers wat so hard gewerk het by die huis. Dit is regtig baie oorspronklik en ‘n pragtige inisiatief,” het me. Mariana Luus, bestuurder van Bergcare, gesê. Bergcare deel elke tweede Woensdag deernispakkies uit vir mense in nood. Vanaf die begin van die grendeltydperk deel hulle ook elke Dinsdag en Vrydag kospakkies uit vir mense wat nou sonder inkomste sit en tans bereik hierdie pakkies sowat 1 000 mense. Die Jars of Hope sal saam met die pakkies versprei word. “Bergcare wil ook graag die gemeenskap bedank vir al die donasies wat ons ontvang, asook al die vrywilligers wat kom help om die pakkies te pak. Ons bedank ook ons Hemelse Vader wat voorsien vir hierdie pakkies,” het Mariana gesê. Foto’s verskaf.
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VDM reshuffled mayoral committee members
The newly appointed members of the mayoral committee are: Cllr Josephine Mukwevho, who The executive mayor of the Vhembe District will head the department of finance and has Municipality, Cllr Dowelani Nenguda, urged replaced Cllr Ndivhuwo Radamba; Cllr Faith the newly appointed members of the mayoral Chauke will head the department of Corporate committee to work hard towards the delivServices and has replaced Cllr Joe Chavani; ery of services to the people as soon as they Cllr David Malada will head the department of assume their duties. Development and Planning and has replaced Nenguda was speaking on Monday in the Cllr Robert Magada; Cllr Thina Mbedzi is still mayor’s boardroom when welcoming the new on Technical Services, Cllr Rose Mathukha is on members, who he said would play an important Community Services, while other new members role in strengthening the existing committee are Cllrs Cecelia Kwinda, Sylvia Machete, Phinmembers in enhancing the delivery of services to eas Themba and Ndwakhulu Kutama. the people. Cllr Faith Chauke told the Zoutpansberger The new members were appointed during the that the district is the water services authority special council meeting that was held online on and they would prioritise the delivery of water Sunday, 31 May. “Working as a team collectively to the communities seriously. Chauke said they and focusing on service delivery will be among would forge ahead towards the speedy appointthe top priorities that we want them to do. We ment of borehole operators and some critical are not purging those former members who were posts as soon as they assumed their duties. recalled, but we are collectively strengthening Meanwhile, in a congratulating statement, the leadership skills,” said Nenguda. the ANC Women’s League in the Vhembe According to him, they have also appointed region welcomed the decision of the council to the new members in a balanced way, preserving introduce both young and experienced, capable gender equity, as many new members are womwomen in the mayoral committee. en. He also said that the new members should They said this was a sign that the executive gain confidence from the communities as they mayor also had high regard for women, especialwould be working towards service delivery with ly at a time when women are facing discriminathem. tion every day.
By Silas Nduvheni
Bench of judges “not transformed”
the office of Judge President Ephraim Makgoba last week, questioning the transparency of the Judges and acting judges in the Limpopo processes by which judges and acting judges are division of the High Court are not represenbeing appointed. LLS is especially worried that tative of the province, and especially Xitsonno Tsonga/Shangaan candidates serve as judges ga-speaking candidates are overlooked when or acting judges. it comes to appointments, says Limpopo Legal In the letter, LLS argues that an onus rests Solutions (LLS). on the judiciary to tackle transformation and to The voluntary association wrote a letter to ensure that it reflects the demographics of the area it serves. “It is apparent that the appointment of both acting and permanent judges in the Limpopo Division of the High Court, Polokwane and Thohoyandou does not at all and/or broadly represent the demographics of Limpopo,” reads the letter. The Madombidzha Rugby Club have partThe LLS even goes so far as to say that the nered with Kone Village Boutique Lodge to composition reflects “elements of ethnic supecollect blankets and clothes for less fortunate riority in that the appointments of judges (on people in Madombidzha. permanent or acting basis) appears to favour two Tony Marageni, spokesperson for the rugby ethnic groups of the province over others”. club, said that with the winter cold coming, In the letter, the LLS argues that the Limpopo many of the residents of the area were in desProvince has predominantly three ethnic groups, perate need of warm clothing and blankets. He namely Tshivenda-, Sepedi- and Xitsonga-speakappealed to the community to donate blankets, ing people. The association accuses the Judge clothing, and shoes to the drive. President of not inviting Tsonga/Shangaan legal “We are also working with Grace IT who will practitioners to serve as acting judges and thus make sure our collections will follow all the gain the necessary experience which would make hygiene precautions to protect everyone from them eligible to serve as judges later. spreading the Covid-19 virus. All the donations Questions were sent to the office of Judge will also be sanitized before being distributed to President Makgoba earlier this week, requesting the community,” he said. more information about the processes followed The collection date to collect the blankets when appointing judges and acting judges. The and clothing is on Wednesday, 10 June. The judge was also asked what steps the Limpopo collection will be done in Louis Trichardt, TshiDivision of the High Court had taken to ensure kota, Sinthumule and Kutama. People willing to that a transformed and representative judiciary donate can contact Tony Marageni on 065 829 existed in the province. 5655 or Rotea Sebata on 078 156 5467 to make At the time of our going to press, no response arrangements for collection on the set dates. had been received. By Anton van Zyl
Help rugby club collect blankets
From left to right: Cllr Cecelia Kwinda, the exeutive mayor of Vhembe District, Cllr Dowelani Nenguda, Cllr Nndwakhulu Kutama and Cllr Faith Chauke.
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SA’s new “broken” border fence
e worker. The works. from R 187 995
worker. The works. from R 187 995
eration Mahindra Pik-up has been built in India to withstand the harsh the subcontinent. It delivers power, tenacity, along with reliability that you can th a maximum payload of up to 1200 kg* towing capacity of 2500 kg.
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come under tremendous scrutiny as even before it was completed, sections of the fence were routinely cut and vandalised by illegal immigrants slipping over the border. The Democratic Alliance severely criticized the project, saying that the fence was an example of theThe Department of Public Work’s incompetence and thetotolacklustre of Generation Mahindra Pik-up has been been loadup upthe themonitoring familyon onthe theweekend weekendand andhead headfor forthe the Next Generation Mahindra Pik-up has load family forthe thesingle singlecab cab- double-cab - double-cabfrom fromRR 324 995 for 324 995 the fencedesigned by the SANDF. Lerule-Ramakhanya on her oversight visit built Accompanying in India India to to withstand withstand the harsh harsh hills, orsimply simply run yourwere errandsaround aroundtown. town. and built in the hills, or totorun your errands 1-E.indd 1 2017/10/10 11:09 AM the subcontinent. It delivers power, conditions of the subcontinent. It delivers power, the executive mayors of Vhembe and Musina, senior officials of the SANDF and SAPS, NAME AND STREET ADDRESS Includinga afullfull4-Year/120 4-Year/120 000 warranty including Roadside Assistance. Mahindra’slegendary legendary2.2l 2.2lmHawk mHawkturbo-diesel turbo-dieselengine engine Including 000 kmkm warranty including Roadside Assistance. Mahindra’s andof tenacity, along with with reliability that you you canthe provincial traffic department. tenacity, along reliability that can includingstrength members the police’s Makhado cluster and Serviceplan plan5-Year/90 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service 000 providesan animpressive impressive103 103kW kWofofpower powerand and320 320Nm Nm Service 000 km** (1st service at at 1010 000 kmkm provides with maximum payload of up uporto to 1200 kg* depend on with maximum payload of 1200 kg* wn may differ slightly from available. ForGeneration full specifi cations please toPik-up our website visit your dealer. The Mahindra has been load uptoto the family and head forAnd the thereafter 20000 km intervals with Maximile Oils) of torque ensure iton willthe getweekend yourjob jobeasily easily done. And thereafter 20000 km intervals Maximile Oils) Byactual theproduct time ofNext going to aapress the refer newspaper was still awaiting an official press ofto torque ensure itstatement will get your done. for the single cab -with double-cab from R 324 995 towing capacity of of 2500 2500 kg. kg. and a braked towing capacity 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. designed and built instate Indiaof tothe withstand the harsh hills, or new simply to run of your errands around town. withthe the new six-speed manual gearbox it’smore morefuel fuel with six-speed manual gearbox it’s regarding her visit on the fence. The visit showed that large sections the -cab conditions of the utilitarian subcontinent. It delivers power, www.mahindra.co.za more single-cab will itself www.mahindra.co.za effi more utilitarian single-cab will prove prove itself efficient cientand andkinder kinderon onthe theenvironment environmenttoo. too. Including a full 4-Year/120 000 km warranty including Roadside Assistance. Mahindra’s legendary mHawk turbo-diesel engine fence hadWhilst been the damaged. Thealong delegation also visited several shacks, inhabited by2.2l people strength and tenacity, with always reliability that you can as the dependable worker you’ve wanted, you’ll dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll Service plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km provides an impressive 103 kW of power and 320 Nm Available in 4X4 or 4X2 to provide great performance Available in 4X4 or 4X2 to provide great performance assisting probably the border crossers. depend on with maximum payload dual-cab of up to 1200 kg* want to the to want toakeep keep the high-spec high-spec dual-cab to yourself yourself
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The worker. The works. from R 187 995
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thereafter 20000 km intervals with Maximile Oils)
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Terms and condi�ons apply. Offers only valid while dealer stock last. Please note pictures are for illustratvie purposes only but the model deriva�ve and offer are consistent. The colour shown on adver�sed models will not necessarily be available as stock are limited and cannot be guaranteed to customers. All transac�on fees excluded. Vehicle on the road costs excluded. Price subject to change without prior no�ce. E&OE. 2017/10/10 11:09 AM