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Makhado’s budget may be slightly optimistic - page 2
“Our experience, your peace of mind”
083 482 2707 / 083 269 1860
Jaargang 37 Vol.27
Wally’s legacy will live on through his actions - page 3
ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
9 772409 283001
Week van hartseer
moeilikste ding om nie meer te gaan werk nie,” het sy vrou Adri gesê. Namate die derde vlaag van die Mike en Adri het baie planne gehad Covid-19 pandemie in felheid vir hul “aftrede”. Dit het ingesluit om toeneem, moet mens ook die wrede hul huis op Louis Trichardt te verkoop realiteit in die oë kyk dat nie almal die en na Modimolle (Nylstroom) te verhuis virus oorleef nie. Die Soutpansberg waar Mike ‘n huis in ‘n sekuriteitsoord se mense word ook nie dié hartseer gekoop het. Met hul huis wat klaar hier gespaar nie, met talle inwoners wat verkoop is, hul boot en karavaan klaar die afgelope week geliefdes aan die daar, was Mike en Adri besig om hul dood moes afstaan weens die virus. laaste goedjies oor te skuif na hul nuwe Een van hulle was die 69-jarige Mike huis in Modimolle. Sondag, 27 Junie, Vermaak van Louis Trichardt. het dinge egter vir hulle begin skeefloop. Min mense het nie vir Mike geken Nadat hulle die oggend kerk geluister nie. Hy was immers vir 28 jaar die balju het, het Mike vir Adri gesê hy wil weer hier gewees, tot vier jaar gelede toe hy bietjie gaan lê want hy voel nie lekker op die ouderdom van 65 moes aftree. nie. Dit was voordat hulle die pad terug “As hy nie moes aftree nie, sou hy beslis na Louis Trichardt sou vat vir die laaste aanhou werk het. Dit was vir hom die vrag.
“Dit is iets wat hy nooit voorheen gedoen het nie, maar ek het self bietjie sleg gevoel en saam met hom gaan lê,” het Adri gesê. Later, op pad terug in hul bakkie, het Adri gesê sy dink hulle moet Maandag [28 Junie] dokter toe gaan. “Ons het gedink dit is maar die spanning en uitputting van die trekkery wat besig was om sy tol op ons te begin eis,” het Adri gesê Alvorens hulle egter dokter toe kon gaan, moes Mike en Adri eers ‘n Covidtoets gaan doen. Dinsdag, 29 Junie, het hulle die slegte nuus ontvang – al twee van hulle het positief getoets. Omdat Mike aan asbestose gely het, was die nuus ‘n groot terugslag vir die egpaar. “Mike en ek het geweet, as hy Covid-19 moes kry, sou hy dit nie maak nie,” het Adri gesê. Nodeloos om te sê, die virus was Mike nie genadig nie. ‘n Dag later is hy in die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal opgeneem nadat sy suurstofvlakke ernstig begin daal het. “Dit was die laaste keer dat ek Mike gesien het, want ek was by die huis in isolasie,” het Adri gesê. Teen Vrydag sou Adri se hele lewe en al die planne wat sy en Mike gehad het in duie stort. “Ek het Vrydagmiddag begin bekommerd raak toe Mike nie meer sy foon antwoord nie,” het Adri gesê. Wyle Mike Vermaak (69) soos baie hom sal onthou vir sy liefde vir visvang en ook vir jag. Foto (Vervolg op p.2) verskaf. Deur Andries van Zyl
Rus in vrede Chris Die 49-jarige Chris Viviers van Louis Trichardt, wat sowat drie weke gelede in die hoësorg eenheid van die MediKliniek in Tzaneen opgeneem is weens Covid-19 komplikasies, het Dinsdagoggend sy stryd teen die gevreesde virus verloor. Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat hulle harte en hande opgemaak het in ‘n poging om Chris se lewe te red. Sy uitstaande mediese reke ning beloop nog sowat R133 000. Die familie het gevra dat mense wat steeds hul weg oopsien om hulle finansieel by te staan, geld kan inbetaal in die rekeningnaam Kern & Dekker Inc, Standard Bank, rekeningnommer 030 429 854 en takkode 052549. Die verwy sing “A16410” kan gebruik word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Louise Dekker of Ina Ras by tel. 015 516 0136/8. Foto verskaf.
Makhado’s operating budget may be slightly optimistic By Anton van Zyl The Makhado Municipality approved a record budget last month, with predicted revenue of more than R1,2 billion. How realistic is this, and will any money be left for real service delivery after expenses such as salaries and contractors’ fees are paid? We took a close look at this year’s operating budget and compared it to previous years’ figures.
Operating income
Soutpansberg nie gespaar van Covid-sterftes (Vervolg van p.1) Haar ergste vrese is bewaarheid toe hul huisdokter haar skakel en sê dit gaan regtig nie goed met Mike nie. “Hy het vir my gesê Mike moet dadelik oorgeplaas word na ‘n hoësorg-eenheid. Ek het gesê dit is reg, reël dit,” het Adri gesê. ‘n Halfuur later het Adri weer ‘n oproep van die dokter gekry. “Hulle het vir my gesê daar is nêrens ‘n bed vir Mike beskikbaar nie. Hulle gaan vir eers net sy suurstof verhoog,” het Adri gesê. Nie eers ‘n uur-en-‘n-half later nie het Adri die oproep ontvang wat geen vrou wil kry nie. Mike is dood. Mike en Adri het ‘n lang pad saam gestap. Alhoewel hulle nie boorlinge van die Soutpansberg is nie, kon hulle net sowel gewees het, met beide wat oorspronklik van die destydse Pietersburg-omgewing afkomstig was. Mike het sy loopbaan as polisieman begin, waarna hy oorgegaan het na ‘n loopbaan as balju - eers as adjunk-balju in die destydse Pietersburg en later as balju op Louis Trichardt. Mike en Adri is in 2000 getroud. “Ek het nog so twee weke gelede vir hom gesê: Mike, as ek jou ouderdom was, sou ek nie kon byhou nie. Mike was ‘n haastige mens, en ek en hy het 17 jaar verskil,” het Adri gesê. Vir haar was hul lewe saam ‘n avontuur gewees. “Ons was man en vrou
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
gewees, maar ons was ook groot maats ... As ons gaan jag het, het ons altyd kompetisie gehad. So ook met visvang. As ons op die boot geklim het, het ons geweet, die een wat die eerste vis vang is die wenner,” onthou Adri met ‘n glimlag. Maar voordat Adri op die boot kon klim, moes sy eers leer swem. Omdat Adri baie lief is vir naaldwerk, het Mike vir haar ‘n duur borduurmasjien gekoop, op voorwaarde dat sy leer swem. “Ek het op 48 eers leer swem by Diane Bannatyne,” het Adri vertel. Mike was baie lief vir sy jag en visvang. So ook vir skyfskiet. Hy en Adri het ook kompeterend geskiet op klubvlak, met talle trofeë vir beste mans- en vroueskut wat in hul huis gepronk het. Soos genoem was Mike een van talle inwoners wat die afgelope week hul stryd teen die gevreesde Covid-19 virus verloor het. Oud-haarkapper André Botha (85) en die 49-jarige Chris Viviers is onderskeidelik Maandag en Dinsdag weens die virus oorlede (sien berigte elders). Dit blyk dat die Makhado Munisipaliteit ‘n brandpunt is, met die aantal aktiewe Covid-19 gevalle wat sedert 1 Julie tot 6 Julie feitlik verdubbel van 449 tot 828 gevalle. Die Covid-sterftesyfer het in die ooreenstemmende tyd met 12 toegeneem van 230 tot 242 in Makhado, bietjie meer as ‘n derde van die totale sterftes wat in Vhembe toegeneem het van 515 tot 544 (29 gevalle). “Hierdie ding het vir Mike verskriklik vinnig gevat,” het Adri gesê. Sy is hartseer dat sy haar lewensmaat verloor het, maar vind berusting daarin dat dit die Here se wil was. Mike was ‘n groot kerkman en Christen gewees. “Ek is nou in ‘n nuwe seisoen in my lewe, want ek het besef ek kan niks verander wat met Mike gebeur het nie. As span het ons alles saam gedoen, maar die lewe kan nie nou stop nie. Mike was vir my goed en ek was vir hom goed. Ongelukkig kon Mike se liggaam nie meer byhou nie. Hy het my vooruitgegaan. Die Here het ons gemaak en Hy besluit wanneer Hy ons kom haal. Ek gaan nie die Here vrae vra nie,” het Adri gesê. ‘n Roudiens vir wyle Mike is Donderdag, 8 Julie, vanuit die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt gemeente gehou. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Adri, dogter Anelle, skoonseun Henk Snyman en kleinkinders Zandi en Lindi. Adri het haar dank uitgespreek teenoor die hele Louis Trichardt-gemeenskap vir al hulle omgee en bystand in hierdie moeilike tyd. Sy het ‘n spesiale woord van dank gerig aan spesifiek ds. Jan Pretorius, dr. Anton Stroebel, die personeel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal en al haar nabye familie.
The biggest part of the municipality’s income (37%) is derived from transfers and subsidies. This is money allocated from the equitable share of taxes and grants from the national and provincial government. The budgeted amount for this income is R440,4 million, which is realistic, seeing that the pre-audit outcome for the past financial year is more than that (R471,5 million). The next big earner of income for the municipality is the profit made on the reselling of electricity. Makhado municipality buys bulk electricity, which it then distributes via its own network to consumers. This form of revenue constitutes 35% of the council’s income and is estimated to bring in R417,3 million. Council announced an increase of 14,59% increase in electricity tariffs, which is in line with Eskom’s increases. This is also a factor that is controlled by the National Electricity Regulator. Whether this figure is realistic, needs to be seen. The amount is almost 15% more than last year’s budgeted total (R364,2 million), but very optimistic when 2020/21’s pre-audited figure of only R236,5 million is taken into consideration. Council’s income derived from the re-selling of electricity has dwindled in the past few years. In the 2019/20 financial year, this item brought in 41% of the income for the municipality (R351,5 million). Revenue collected from refuse-removal services is expected to be R12,1 million. Last year, R11,6 million was budgeted and the pre-audited income reflected was R9.7 million.
mistic is the budgeted income for fines and penalties. The council hopes to collect R5 million in the coming year, which is R2,2 million more than last year’s budgeted figure of R2,8 million. The pre-audited figure shows that they only managed to collect R1,43 million the past year. Perhaps the most puzzling part of the budget is the “other revenue” item. This has sky-rocketed to R203,4 million. Last year, R33,2 million was budgeted for this income, with a pre-audit outcome showing that only R7 million was collected. When the council’s spokesperson, Mr Louis Bobodi, was asked about this he said that this figure reflected the potential income derived from the selling of several erven in Tshikota and the area south of Pretorius Street. “An amount of R143 million was provided for in the 2021/22 budgeted as income to be received from the sale of stands,” he said. The budget figures also clearly indicate that the municipality’s reserves are on a downward trend. Council budgeted for R4,6 million in income from external investments. In the 2017/18 year, these investments brought in R9,3 million and in 2019/20 almost R7 million. The pre-audited figure shows that only R2,3 million was earned.
Employees take the biggest cut
In terms of operating expenses, the biggest slice (31%) of the cake goes to employee-related costs. If the R32,2 million that the councillors will cost gets added to this figure, the percentage goes to 34%. Based on last year’s budgeted figure for employee costs (R287,6 million), the municipality expects this item to escalate by 17,8% to R338,9 million. One of several “gremlins” that have crept into municipal budgets over the past couple of years is the use of contractors or the outsourcing of certain functions. In the 2017/18 financial year, this accounted for 24% of the operating expenses. The council seems to have been able to rein this in, and in the latest budget, it represents 10% of the expenditure, totalling R111,3 million. A property tax cow? Last year, the municipality budgeted R85,1 The highly contentious property rates are million for this expense, but this was adjusted expected to bring in R90,9 million in the coming upward. The pre-audit outcome, however, indiyear. Last year, the municipality budgeted for cates that R75,9 million was spent on contracted an income of R83,1 million, but the pre-audit services. outcome showed that only R66,3 million was The council seems to have a slightly pessimiscollected. tic view regarding the ability of its debtors to pay The council approved a further 3,9% increase what they owe to the municipality. The provision on property rates. Many regard this as “doufor debt impairment (the write-off of debts) is ble-dipping”, because this is a rate based on the R57,9 million. Last year, the council budgetvaluation of a property. Every four years, munici- ed for R41,1 million to be written off, but the pal valuers must prepare a general valuation roll pre-audited figure indicates that debt impairwith particulars of each property as at the date ment was R31,9 million. In 2017/18, the council of valuation. As property values increase, the had to write off R136,3 million in bad debt. tax would increase. By increasing the percentage annually, the burden on taxpayers becomes exponentially more severe. The Makhado Municipality is already one of the most expensive places to stay in Limpopo, based on the current property rates. Comparing “Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, as die apples with apples is not always easy, because koringkorrel nie in die grond val en sterf nie, each municipality has its own structure for calbly dit alleen; maar as dit sterf, dra dit veel culating rates. Some municipalities offer a rebate vrug.” Johannes 12:24. for owners of residential properties, whereas others do not. k het hierdie pragtige gedig, deur FrancA rate payer staying in Louis Trichardt would es Ridly Havergal, gelees en dit pas baie have paid R858,50 in property tax last year on mooi by Johannes 12:24. Mag dit vir jou ook a residential house valued at R1,2 million. This tot seën wees: will now presumably rise to R891,99 per month. Doen U werk in my o Meester, dat dit my The “cheapest” municipality in Vhembe is vir U begeester. possibly Musina. Properties with a market value Sterker wortels om te groei; lote vrugbaar, of less than R75 000 are exempted from such reg gesnoei. tax. Even without any rebate, a R1,2 million Reinig, buig my, self verag; vul en sterk house would incur a property tax of R479,10 per my dan met krag, month. U genade maak gesond, voer my steeds tot In Polokwane, the municipality allows a R15 hoër grond. 000 rebate as well as an additional R85 000 Arendsvlerke dra my hoog, steeds nog rebate on residential property. The owner of a hoër voor U oog. house valued at R1,2 million would have had to Helder skitter dan die lig, stralend van U pay R524,33 per month in property tax last year.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
Selling sites to boost other income Ironically, the interest earned from outstanding debtors comes in at number four of the top earners of revenue. Council hopes to collect R23,1 million in the coming year from individuals and organisations that are in arrears. This figure may be achievable, but the pre-audit outcome for the past year shows that only R20,7 million was collected. A figure that may be described as very opti-
aangesig. U genade maak my bly, dit is waarlik ook vir my! Laat ek voluit, aanhou groei; nooit deur bande hier geboei. Leer my liefhê, dan sal ek, God se wil met lus voltrek, Tot ek by U heiligdom, deur genade uit sal kom. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
Wally’s legacy will live on through his actions By Pétria de Vaal The news that well-known local environmental activist Wally Schultz had passed away at the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital on the evening of 2 July was a shock – not only for his family and friends but for the whole community. “It is quite astounding - the outpouring of grief,” says Tiffany, Wally’s daughter. “It was very sudden and out of the blue. His doctors believed he had a second major stroke and didn’t survive,” adds Tiffany. Readers will remember that Wally had a massive stroke on 30 October 2020. He was determined to get better and even said so himself when sending voice notes to friends by saying: “I’m getting better and stronger every day.” “Whilst my sisters and I, and everyone who
The late Wally Schultz (66). Photo supplied.
loved him, are still reeling from this devastating news, I can’t stop thinking about his incredible resilience in the face of his difficulties after his stroke. I had a second chance at getting to know my dad, having him a part of my daily life again, and he never ceased to astound me with his positive attitude and determination. I was convinced that he would recover. I believed he could do it. Nothing could stop my dad when he set his mind to it. But his body couldn’t keep up,” says a sad Tiffany. As environmental activist, Wally’s legacy will live on through SOLVE (Save Our Limpopo Valley Environment). “He will never let his memory die. He brought so many people together and rallied them to the cause that burned in his heart. Let his warrior spirit inspire you always never to give up,” pleads Tiffany. Together with co-finder Johan Fourie, SOLVE started in 2006/2007. “Never in our wildest dreams did we think SOLVE will grow as big and play such an important role in protecting the Limpopo valley from unsustainable development,” writes Johan on the SOLVE Facebook page. “Seeing my good friend Wally in action at a meeting was indeed a sight to behold - so passionate, making sure he gets his point across and breaking all meeting rules to do it, non-stop talking! He was indeed an eco-warrior or environmental warrior who refused to back off for anyone or anybody that supported coal mining or the MMSEZ! Despite his stroke last year, he still carried on with the fight and went to great lengths to improve his verbal and writing skills, so that he could make a meaningful contribution once again. The passionate way in how he fought to overcome his disabilities inspired us all to fight even harder to achieve our cause. He was improving such a lot that he started to attend meetings again, to stay active on Facebook and post comments and stories. We all were full of hope that Wally will be back in the saddle and leading the fight by the end of this year,” Johan continues. “Wally Schultz, I salute you … not only for being such a good friend but also for your selfless devotion to our cause, for all
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your hard work, passion and love that you put very proud of that paper,” recalls Tiffany. She into this group. One day the baobab trees, the mentions that he was a great lover of books and mopane trees, the wildlife and eco-system of the even owned a bookstore on the South Coast. Limpopo valley will stand up and applaud you, “Wally Schultz, you had too much vibrant life thanking you that they are still around!” says in you for old age and disability. I don’t think Johan. your brain could endure all that keen intelliWalter Martin Schultz was born on 26 April gence and eloquence locked away behind the 1955 – one of four children - to his pioneer wall of aphasia,” says Tiffany. parents, Sydney and Judy Schultz. Sydney was They want to thank so many people. Too many well known for starting S&S Retreaders in Louis to mention. “He was so grateful to his incredible Trichardt. Prior to that, he owned Mountain friends, Corné Smith, Johan Fourie, Makoma View, where Mount Fuji is today. Lekalakala, David Tshidzumba, Liz Pattison, to “Wally first attended Soutpansberg Primary name just a few, for being there for him after School, and then went to boarding school in his stroke. His sister Delene Schultz Wingrove, the then Pietersburg – first at PEMPS and then whom he adored. Moreen Ratsikuand, her mom, matriculated at Capricorn High. He studied law Silvia, who looked after him and got him strong at Wits, but did not complete his studies,” says again with her amazing cooking. Amazement his sister Debbie Jolly. his therapist and Ilanie Visser Lee, who is the Wally achieved many things in his life. He kindest person I know. Getting to know you all published sport magazines such as Golf News has also enriched my life and I am also grateful and Sports History while he lived in Johannesto you all,” says Tiffany. burg. “These were in the days of hand-printed Wally will be cremated, and a memorial magazines. Lots of love and passion went into service will be held on Saturday afternoon at making them,” daughter Tiffany remembers. Mountain Inn, which he loved. Due to the lockThis opened up more opportunities for Wally down restrictions, attendance will be limited to as he was asked by almost all the main sports 50 people – by invitation only. bodies to produce their tournament brochures. Wally even attempted boxing as a sport! His heart always longed for the Soutpansberg, the farm and his favourite baobabs. Back in Louis Trichardt, at around 2007, Wally started to focus on a local newspaper, Soutpansberg Life, of which a few editions saw the light. When Wally was on the South Coast some years ago, he assisted with starting a newspaper, The South Wally and his sisters Delene Schultz Wingrove (left) and Debbie Jolly Coast Fever. “He was (right). Photo supplied.
Paul Ferreira will be remembered as a hunting legend In Memoriam The Soutpansberg bade farewell to a true hunting legend with the death of 64-year-old Paul Ferreira on 22 June. His legendary life will be celebrated via an online memorial service for family and friends this coming Saturday. Paul Ferreira was born in Salisbury (Harare) in the then Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1956. He was the second child of Boet and Joey Ferreira
Paul Ferreira’s clients over the years included Sheiks and Hollywood movie stars. One of his most memorable hunts was with actor Chuck Norris (left) in the Kalahari. Photo supplied.
after their firstborn, a daughter Lettie. Soon the family grew, and Paul was blessed with a younger brother, Nico. The Ferreiras were tobacco farmers on Umvukwes Oog Farm, near Nyabira, north of present-day Harare. In 1962, the Ferreira family of five packed up and moved to Kasungu, Nyasaland, where Boet worked for a British company, teaching the indigenous people how to grow tobacco. At the end of 1963, the Ferreiras moved back to Rhodesia and settled at Aberfoyle Ranch, near the town of Gwelo in the Midlands Province. Mother Joey was pregnant, and the siblings were blessed with a baby sister, Marlene. The Ferreira family was complete and lived at Aberfoyle Ranch until they left for South Africa. Paul, together with his siblings, completed their education in Gwelo at Chaplin High School. He joined the Rhodesian Army upon leaving school to fight for his country. After serving his country, he started farming under his father’s mentorship until the family decided to relocate and settle in South Africa, where Paul later acquired a farm in the Alldays area of the Bushveld. Paul was then married and had one daughter, Erda. Sharing the same interests and occupations in the industry, the couple worked together, and Paul joined his father-in-law and mentor, Bertie Guillaume (one of the founder members of PHASA) with BG Hunting Safaris from 1986 to 1995. Paul established Askari Adventures (meaning “the protector”) in 1990. He has since hunted professionally for 32 years across the African continent. He was also a member the Safari Club International (SCI), International Professional Hunters’ Association (IPHA), a life member of the Dallas SCI and a lifetime member of the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA). Paul was experienced in bow hunting, rifle hunting, wing shooting and fishing expeditions all over Africa. He had big game experience in Southern Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and throughout Europe. He did marketing in Spain, the USA, Russia and many other coun-
tries, and has used his many years of experience to train and mentor young professional hunters. Starting in 1995, Paul was instrumental in developing one of the largest privately owned game reserves in South Africa (well over 100 000 ha) called Tswalu (meaning “a new beginning”) and Tarkuni Hunting Estate in the heart of the Kalahari. He then operated in Zambia from 2001 to 2012 with Nsonga Game management in Nkala Billili and Namwala adjacent to the Kafue National Park. Paul moved to Limpopo in 2002 and started developing Shakawa Safaris in Waterpoort, operating from there and still hunting in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. He then bought a farm near Mopane on the banks of the Sand River in Limpopo, where he lived with his wife Linda and continued with the breeding of roan antelope. Paul’s many ventures lead him to Coutada 10 in Mozambique, where he became the sole operator and outfitter of Marromeau Safaris. He would spend his time here during the hunting season and then return home to also schedule important and “crucial” fishing time at his beloved Nandoni Dam wood cabin. Paul obtained many awards throughout the years related to conservation and hunting, including the Endangered Wildlife Trust Wild Gene Recovery Award in 2000 and the PHASA award for long-standing membership (25 years) in 2014. In 1999, he received the wildlife conservation utilisation award. He received his award dressed in a suit but was famous for never wearing shoes – he was nicknamed and well known as “kaalvoet (barefoot) Ferreira”. At the end of 2017, Paul was diagnosed with Stage 3 throat cancer and had to undergo an immediate Laryngectomy, whereby his larynx (vocal cords) were surgically removed. Doctors also discovered a brain aneurysm. Unfortunately, the aneurysm was inoperable, and the doctors explained to Paul and his family that if the aneurysm should rupture, it would be fatal. “He decided to leave it and said that it was now
in God’s hands. We enjoyed four healthy and blessed borrowed years with him. He continued to farm, hunt and fish – living each day to the fullest. It was his wish not to die in a hospital. He was where he loved it the most when God came and took him – in the bush,” said Erda. The late Paul Ferreira is survived by his wife Linda, daughter Erda Ferreira Coxen, brother Nico Ferreira and sister Lettie Paul. Due to the current Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, those wishing to attend Paul’s online memorial service can WhatsApp the words “Paul Memorial” to 079 540 9354 and details will be provided.
The late Paul Ferreira (64). Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was die destydse Louis Trichardt munisipaliteit se finansies hoofnuus op die voorblad van 5 Julie 1996. Die het gehandel oor die munisipaliteit se “rekordbegroting” van R97 miljoen rand vir die 1996/97 finansiële jaar, R33 miljoen meer as die vorige boekjaar. Dit het bestaan uit ‘n operasionele begroting van R56,5 miljoen en ‘n kapitale begroting van net meer as R40,6 miljoen. Die administratiewe komponent (onder meer salarisse) van die begroting het sowat 30% van die totale begroting beloop. Einde Mei vanjaar het die Makhado Munisipaliteit ‘n begroting van net meer as R1,2 miljard vir die munisipale area goedgekeur, terwyl sowat R425 miljoen goedgekeur is vir kapitaalprojekte. Weereens het die salaris komponent sowat 30% van die totale begroting opgemaak. In ander nuus op die voorblad pronk ‘n jong Tobias Fourie by sy Indian Gamehen wat aangewys is as raskampioen van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skou Pluimvee Organisasie. Die “hoenderskou” was daardie jare nog baie gewild tydens die jaarlikse Louis Trichardt Skou, en met die skou om die draai, was Tobias se hen een van vele wat besigtig kon word. Inwoners kon ook sommer hulle eie “werfhoender” vir die skou inskryf. In daardie week se koerant is ook aangekondig dat die dorp kort daarna ‘n Clicks sou kry. Hierdie bekende nasionale kettingwinkel sou na verwagting nog voor die einde van daardie jaar hul intrek neem in die gebou van
mnr. Leon Klaff op die hoek van Krogh- en Erasmusstraat. Op die sportfront het die streek se gholfspelers hulle begin gereedmaak vir die derde Hanglip 54-toernooi, wat vandag steeds by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub aangebied word. Wat rugby betref, het slegte sportmangees ‘n einde gebring aan ‘n wedstryd tussen die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se eerstes en hulle opponente van Phalaborwa. Met Louis Trichardt wat 20-0 voorgeloop het, het Phalaborwa se spelers 17 minute voor die einde van die wedstryd van die veld af gestap.
Paul Ferreira (second from left) when he received the wildlife conservation utilisation award in 1999 during the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa’s AGM. He received his award dressed in a suit but was famous for never wearing shoes – he was nicknamed and well known as “kaalvoet Ferreira”. Photo supplied.
Covid-19 eis oud-haarkapper André se suster se seun, Vincent, sy opleiding by hom voltooi het. Inwoners het Dinsdag met groot hartseer André het vir 34 jaar sy salon vanaf boge verneem van die dood van oud-inwoner André noemde perseel bedryf, totdat plaaslike sakeman Botha. Die 85-jarige André is Maandagaand Solly Noor die gebou gekoop het om ‘n nuwe in die Muelmed Medikliniek in Pretoria gebou (die Farzana Noor sentrum) daar te oorlede vanweë Covid-19 komplikasies. ontwikkel. Gelukkig het André-hulle pas ‘n huis Veral die ouer garde sal vir André en sy vrou, op die hoek van Breda- en Kroghstraat gebou en Eleanore, goed onthou. Hulle was vir bykans 60 ‘n stukkie grond oorgehad waarop hulle haastig jaar woonagtig op Louis Trichardt, waarna hulle ‘n salon kon bou. Hy het die salon vanaf die besluit het om na Pretoria te verhuis om af te perseel bedryf tot met sy aftrede. tree. Teen druktyd was geen finale begrafnisreëlings Volgens Eleanore het André vroeër vanjaar nog getref nie. Wyle André word oorleef deur chemobehandeling vir kanker ontvang wat hom sy vrou Eleanore, dogter Anelle en skoonseun geweldig siek gemaak het. Dit het tot gevolg Michael, dogter Renee en skoonseun Renier, en Die moontlikheid dat die skielike koue en nat weer Dinsdagoggend ‘n rol gespeel het daar gehad dat hy onlangs sowat drie weke in die kleinkinders Martin, Mark, Nadine en Michelle. in dat ‘n afleweringstrok net verby die groot verkeersirkel by Makhado Crossing op die hospitaal moes spandeer. Nadat hy beterskap “Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir die hele Louis R524 na Thohoyandou omgeslaan het, kan nie uitgesluit word nie. Die bestuurder van die begin toon het, is André ontslaan, maar hy het Trichardt-gemeenskap. Jy kan nie glo die vragmotor kon dalk ook bietjie te vinnig gery het en hom misgis het met die sirkel. Hoe dit net weer siek geword. Maandag, 28 Junie, is hy ondersteuning wat ons in hierdie tyd van hulle ookal sy, die verkeer na Levubu en Thohoyandou is ietwat ontwrig deur die ongeluk. Gelukweer in die hospitaal opgeneem waar hy positief ontvang het nie. Dit is net ongelooflik,” het kig het niemand ernstig seergekry nie. getoets het vir Covid-19. Hy is presies ‘n week Eleanore gesê. later oorlede. André sal as jarelange eienaar van Salon André beskou kan word as die doyen van haarkappers op die dorp. Hy het die salon vir meer as ‘n halfeeu bedryf. ‘n Jong André het in Julie 1945 saam met sy ouers, Willie en Makkie Botha, en broer Philip van Randfontein na Louis Trichardt verhuis. Hier het hy ook skoolgegaan en gematrikuleer. Sy broer het in 1945 sy vakleerlingskap as haarstilis by Maison Edith in Johannesburg begin en in 1950 het hy ‘n salon in Louis Trichardt by mev. Gertjie Hattingh gekoop. Gedurende daardie tyd het André smiddae, naweke en skoolvakansies in die salon gehelp vir sakgeld. In sy laerskooldae het André aan die plaaslike boksklub behoort en in Standerd 9 was hy spankaptein. Daardie jaar het hy aan die Transvaalse kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Micky Pretorius, pas terug van sy deelname aan die Olimpiese Spele, was sy teenstander. Pretorius het die geveg gewen en deurgegaan om die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen te word vir daardie jaar. Gedurende sy laaste vyf jaar op skool was By Nedbank Landboubesigheid wil ons elke aspek van jou besigheid André ook gelukkig om elke jaar op die kamverstaan. Dis danksy ons wyer benadering tot besigheidsbanksake dat pioenskap die wisseltrofee te wen as die mees wetenskaplike bokser in sy gewigsafdeling. ons jou met volledige oplossings vir jou besigheid kan help. Broer Philip het later Louis Trichardt verlaat En, omdat daar ‘n landbouspesialis in jou omgewing is, kan ons jou ook en ‘n salon in Pretoria begin met ‘n vennoot, help om daardie belangrike sakebesluite vinnig en doeltreffend John Brink. Ná matriek het André sy vakleerte neem en só help om jou besigheid uit te brei. lingskap in Pretoria by John & Philip begin. Met sy eerste verlof in Louis Trichardt besef hy die behoefte aan ‘n haarsalon hier en ná ernstige Laat ons jou help om jou besigheid te laat groei. Stuur ’n e-pos aan onderhandelinge met sy ouers, die samewer agriculture@nedbank.co.za king van prokureursfirma Coxwell & Steyn en ‘n tweede verband op hul huis, kon André 600 pond leen om ‘n besigheid te begin. André se salon het op 30 Maart 1957 sy deure oopgemaak. In 1960 is André met sy skoolkys, Eleanor Hermann, getroud nadat sy haar opleiding as verpleegster in Germiston voltooi het. Uit die huwelik is twee dogters, Anelle en Renee, gebore. Albei sou hulle later bekwaam as verpleegsters. Aanvanklik is André se salon onder die naam John & Philip bedryf, regoor die destydse landdroskantoor (later die polisiekantoor) in Kroghstraat. Na sewe jaar het hulle na tannie Marie Eyssell se blomwinkel geskuif op die hoek van Krogh- en Trichardtstraat (Songozwi) in ‘n nuwe kompleks wat Francis Thomas gebou het. Die naam het verander na Salon André, net om later weer André & Vincent te word, nadat In Memoriam
Gee jou groei rigting met besigheidsbanksake wat die groter prentjie in ag neem.
Bepalings en voorwaardes geld.
Wyle André Botha (85).
Nedbank Bpk Reg No 1951/000009/06. Gemagtigde finansiële diens- en geregistreerde kredietverskaffer (NCRCP16).
Thursday, 8 July
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.
Friday, 9 July
Saturday, 10 July
Pleasant with plenty of sun.
Pleasant with plenty of sun.
Partly sunny.
High: 22oC Low: 6oC
High: 24oC Low: 8oC
High: 21oC Low: 6oC
SPCA AGM All mem-
bers of the public are invited to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of the SPCA Louis Trichardt on Wednesday, 14 July. The meeting will start at 17:30 and take place at Smart Fitness, 123 President Street, Louis Trichardt. Persons who wish to make themselves available for election to the management committee must submit their names in writing to Lesley Gaigher at lesley@lttspca.co.za to arrive no later than seven (7) days before the set date for the AGM. Each submission must be accompanied by a one (1) page curriculum vitae (CV) or motivation. For more information, please phone Lesley Gaigher on 071 545 5194, Alicia Thomas on 084 900 5332 or Antjie Brennan on 083 563 1010. Should the Covid 19 restrictions not allow for a physical meeting, a Zoom meeting will be held. Persons can then WhatsApp Lesley for a link to the meeting. JULY
Ons kan help Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
• St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Turbi Hills Bomgat op Louis Trichardt bied tans ‘n groot jagkompetisie aan in samewerking met Stoke Safaris. Teen ‘n koste van slegs R200 per kaartjie kan ‘n jagpakket gewen word, wat insluit die skiet van een koedoebul óf elandbul, een blouwildebeesbul óf -koei, een rooibokram en drie rooibokooie. Die prys is vir twee jagters vir drie nagte en die prys moet vanaf 5 tot 8 Augustus opgeëis word. Die datum kan nie verander nie. Die prys kan ook nie vir kontant geruil word nie. Die trekkingsdatum is op 24 Julie om 14:00 te Burgerstraat 66, Louis Trichardt. Alle kaartjiehouers is welkom. Vir navrae en kaartjies, skakel Burt de Predinas (082 800 0938) of Leon Barnard (082 893 5965).
EMERGENCY NUMBERS LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity (after hours) • Water (after hours) • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 - 087 350 2764 - 087 350 2764 - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 5 July. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
05/07/2021 28/06/2021
Albasini Dam 99.7% 99.9% Ebenezer Dam 100.2% 100% Flag Boshielo Dam 88.8% 89.8% Glen Alpine Dam 89.8% 91% Luphephe Dam 100.9% 100% Middel Letaba Dam 9.2% 9.4% Nandoni Dam 100.9% 101% Nsami Dam 80.1% 81.3% Nwanedzi Dam 100.3% 100% Nzhelele Dam 100.6% 100% Tzaneen Dam 99.8% 100% Vondo Dam 99.8% 100% # Means latest available data
In line with the President’s announcement, all Ster-Kinekor cinemas will be temporarily closed.
But we’ll be back! Until then, stay safe. We look forward to inviting everyone to, once again, enjoy Great Moments at Ster-Kinekor.
Follow us
TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 11 July
Monday, 12 July
Tuesday, 13 July
Wednesday, 14 July
Sunny and pleasant.
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine.
A shower in the morning.
High: 22oC Low: 5oC
High: 23oC Low: 5oC
High: 20oC Low: 4oC
High: 17oC Low: 4oC
Ooh Look! A contest to make a picture novel, with Prize money!!!
I’ll be the actor for this picture novel.
I have an Idea, but let’s put it onto paper first.
we need action shots, let’s use that RAD motorcycle in our story.
Lights! Camera! Action!
Now that we’re done, let’s sort out all the pictures and arrange the story.
Vroom, PEW PEW PEW ‘’catch me if you can “
Now let’s add the text and dialogue for each picture.
Yeah!!! We’ve won the prize money.
Now that everything is ready we can send it in on WhatsApp or on an email.
WHATSAPP NUMBER : 072 822 3262 EMAIL: leigh@zoutnet.co.za PRIZES TO BE WON!!!
Win R500 with your own photo-novel Last week we launched a brand-new competition for our creative readers. It focuses on a type of story telling that was invented in Italy in 1947, called the photo-novel. The format was extremely popular during the post-war period and remained the best-seller in Mediterranean popular literature for more than two decades. Its readers – for the most part women – numbered in the millions. Photo-novels are often referred to as photo comics. Wikipedia describes it as “a form of sequential storytelling that uses photographs
I have a decent camera but we can also use my phone if we run into problems.
for the “overall winner” prize of R1 000. Every week, however, we will choose a photo-novel to be published and this weekly winner will receive rather than illustrations for the images, along a R500 prize. Entries not used simply stand over with the usual comics conventions of narrative to the next week, where it will again compete text and word balloons containing dialogue.” against the other unpublished photo-novels. Throughout the decades the photo-novel was This means that the sooner you enter your often ridiculed and considered to be of lesser photo-novel, the more of a chance it has to be value in the world of literature. Of late many used. After the final date (24 September 2021), critics have started to re-evaluate the importance we will choose an overall winner. of photo-novels, realising the expressionist value The competition is open to all residents of the and, in the right hands, the artistic skill. Vhembe district. For the next three months (July to September) All you need to enter is an interesting story we will be publishing photo-novels of our readthat must be told within the limitations of 12 ers. The entries received will all be considered photos. You would probably need some actors
and a few props, but family members are normally quite willing to help. (Promise them they will become superstars.) You can use a cellphone to take the photos or a camera that cost you hundreds of thousands of rands, it doesn’t matter. The photos will be used in black-and-white, so take that in consideration (get a decent contrast). Send your twelve photos, along with the twelve “bullets” (descriptions) to leigh@zoutnet. co.za. If you want to know how it is done, see above. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Zoutpansberger’s website: www.zoutpansberger. co.za.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Finn Male
Alexander Male
Ruby Female
William Male
Jewel Female
Athena Female
Gorgeous puppies
Lots of cats & kittens
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TO LET TE HUUR • Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad R3700 W&L ingesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar
PIETERSE ATTORNEYS, 24 Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt, Tel: 015 516 0900 Ref: Est 1011/2019
NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION APPLICATION BY: MATHUBA LOGISTICS & FARMING PROJECTS (PTY) LTD Notice is here by given in WhatsApp Chris terms of EIA Regulation 41(2)(c) of the Regulations, 078 378 5486 under the Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998). This is also a notice of acceptance for an application for CHARLES PIETERSE a mining permit in terms of Section 27 of the Minerals ATTORNEYS. and Petroleum Resources NOTICE IN TERMS OF Development Act 28 of Straatligte wat vir maande (en in sommige gevalle jare) af was, begin SECTION 35 (5) OF THE 2002 so een vir een weer aanflikker. Foto verskaf. ADMINISTRATION OF Mathuba Logistics and ESTATES ACT Farming Projects (Pty) Ltd In terms of section 35 (5) applied for mining permit of the Administration of for mineral sand general Estates Act no 66 of 1965, in terms of Section 27 of notice is hereby given the Minerals and Petrothat copies of the liquileum Resources Develdation and distribution opment Act 28 of 2002. accounts (first and final) The applications cover Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Deur Denise van Bergen in the estate specified the farm: Louis Bobodi het bevestig dat die below will be open for 1. Grutz 308 LS Die dooie straatligte in Louis kontrakteurs op 17 Junie met dié inspection of all persons LP30/5/1/3/2/11649 MP Trichardt blyk so een vir een weer projek begin het en na alle areas in with a interest therein for (DMR REF) aan die lewe te kom en inwoners die Ou Dorp en Nuwe Uitbreiding a period of 21 days from Located in the magisteis hoopvol dat die eens donker (oos van die N1), asook Eltivillas, the date of publication rial district of Makhado. hereof, and at the offices You can be involved in woonbuurte eersdaags almal geallokeer is. Werk in die Nuwe of the Masters of the High the Public Participation weer verlig sal wees. Uitbreiding en Eltivillas is glo na Court Thohoyandou and Process by: Dit volg nadat die gemeenskap aan voltooiing en werk in die Ou - sending a fax, email or kommer uitgespreek het aangaande Dorp het ook reeds begin. Voltooide Magistrates Court Louis mail with your name, condie gevaarlike donker strate, veral strate in die Nuwe Uitbreiding sluit Trichardt. Should no objection tact details and concerns/ in die “Ou Dorp” wes van die N1 in Naboom, Akasia, Kiaat, Mimosa, thereto be lodged with questions relating to the waar dooie straatligte - in sommige Kwagga, Azalea, Koedoe, Park Sin- the Masters concerned project. gevalle vir jare - eenvoudig nie gel, Eland, Zinnia, Malva, Kameel, during the specified pe- Providing us with the reggemaak is nie en, gepaardgaanAlwyn, Aster, Flamboyant, Maroela, riod, the executors will names of additional peode met die gebrek aan nagpatrollies Wolf, Jasmyn, Rietbok, Petunia, proceed to make payment ple that can be contacted. deur die polisie, geen gemoedsrus Bauhinia, Leeu, Buffel, Waterbessie, in accordance with the All correspondence, gebied het nie. Hlanganani, Baobab en Protea. accounts. which is received 30 Nadat ‘n sekere inwoner MakhaIn Eltivillas is die volgende strate Estate reference number: days from the day of the 1011/2019 notice, will be submitted do Munisipaliteit se elektriese voltooi: Sibasaweg, 1st Avenue, to the Department of afdeling in Mei vanjaar geskakel Commercial, Orient, Taj, Kashmier, Surname: JEHLE Full name(s): WALTER Mineral Resources (DMR). het met betrekking tot die dooie Valmiki, Sivananda, 4th Street, 1st ID Number: 681130 5039 All issues raised during straatlig voor haar woning wat nie Street, 6th Street, 5th Street, 3rd 087 the public participation reggemaak word nie, is sy in kennis Street, 2nd Avenue, Bengal, Roshni, Death Date: 2016-08-06 process will responded to gestel dat die munisipaliteit in die Shiva, Delhi en Vaal. Executor: HART GERDA in writing to the Interestproses was om aandag te skenk aan Die Zoutpansberger het oor die ALET ed and Affected Parties die herstel van straatligte, en besig afgelope twee weke ook van verskeie Advertiser: CHARLES (I&APs). I&AP include all
Straatligte flikker een vir een weer aan
inwoners in die Ou Dorp verneem dat hul straatligte weer brand. Phoebe Joubert (left) and Elmay Koen (right) impressed all during their DASA Intermediate Foundation ballet exam, which took place at Southdowns College in Gauteng on 5 July. Both are students of Vibrant Feet dance studio in Louis Trichardt. Elmay and Phoebe both achieved the highest result possible. With their beautiful ballet dance performance, they both achieved distinctions. Photo supplied.
M&R MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL NOTIFICATION: MINING PERMIT APPLICATION Notice is given of an application for a mining permit in terms of Section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) to mine Gravel at Portion 67 of farm Vondeling 285 LS at Limpopo Province. Reference number LP 30/5/3/2/1/ 11636 EM Name of Applicant: Triple Glimmer Project Management and Consulting (Pty) Ltd DMR reference number: LP 30/5/3/2/1/ 11636 EM Registration and Comment Should you wish to register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) for this project, please submit your name, contact details and any comments, queries or concerns you may have regarding the project in writing to M&R Mining and Environmental Consultant (Pty) Ltd, Please note that all registered I&AP’s will be also afforded an opportunity to review the Basic Assessment Report (BAR) once this document has been completed and to provide any additional comment, queries or concerns regarding the project during this time. Please note that
only registered I&AP’s will be notified of the reports availability and informed of any project information post the registration phase. Name and contact details of Consultant: M&R Mining and Environmental (Pty) Ltd Lufuno Matsheketsheke & Rofhiwa Sharon Mathaba Fax : 0866678386 Email : Lufuno.matsheketsheke@mandrmining.
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Sluitingsdatum: 20 Julie 2021
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Vacant: Departmental Teacher’s Post no 4 (Temporary) Requirements: * History Gr 8-11 * Afrikaans FAL Gr 8-11 * Minimum relevant Degree completed * SACE Registered * Medium of Instruction: Afrikaans & English * Administrative duties * Extramural activities and responsibilities Closing Date: 20th of July 2021 Email your application with a cover letter, detailed CV and certified copies (not older than 3 months) of any Qualifications to principal.ericlouw@ gmail.com.
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was om kontrakteurs aan te stel om te help met die agterstand.
parties concerned, who will be affected by the project and interested in the mining project. Correspondance may be directed to: MAFANELE GEO-ENVIRO CONSULTING AND PROJECT (PTY) LTD ATT: MICHAEL MAFANELE EMAIL: mafanelevm@ gmail.com OR PO BOX 1431, MARLBORO, 2063 FAX: 0865 444 911 TEL: 010 634 0780 CEL: 072 395 9511 CEL: 081 575 1953 Date of Notice: 08 July 2021
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ECD centres receive water infrastructure
The water is costly to buy privately, which means that these schools often go without. Water infrastructure has been constructed at The project included assessing ground water early childhood development (ECD) centres in availability, drilling to access water, installing the rural villages in the Blouberg Municipal Disnecessary borehole equipment, and lastly ensurtrict of the Limpopo Province, to ensure that ing that water samples were laboratory tested young children and staff have access to clean to ascertain safety and suitability for drinking, and tested water as part of a socio-economic cooking, washing, and agriculture. (Article and development programme. photo by TM Communications). Borehole installation and water-sample testing were completed at Serakalala Crèche and Pre-School and Thusanang Crèche and Pre-School, with plans underway to provide the same infrastructure at a third childhood centre. This project, which is funded by Soutpan Solar Power at Vivo, was prioritised as access to water is essential, not only for drinking, but for hygiene and sanitation during the Covid-19 pandemic. “We used to have to buy water locally or wait for access to municipal water, which was then stored, as it was only available to us once a week. Now that we have a borehole, both children and staff can wash their hands frequently, especially now during Covid,” explained Johanna Lebepe of Thusanang Crèche and Pre-School. Access to water also means that the schools can plant vegetable gardens on site as a food source for both the schools and community families. “We have also managed to plant vegetables at the back of our classes that we will feed our children with and earn an income from in the near future,” added Johanna Lebepe. Speaking on behalf of Soutpan Solar Power, which supports a number of communities in the Blouberg municipal area, economic development specialist Harrisinah Theka explained that a Children at Thushanang Crèche & Pre-School general need for additional water infrastructure existed in the area to address the challenge expe- make use of their newly established access to rienced by schools and ECD centres in particular. water. Photo supplied. Upliftment
ALgEmENE BEsTuuRDER: NATuuRBEsTuuR ‘n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ’n Algemene Bestuurder van ons Afdeling Natuurbestuur in die Limpopo Provinsie. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal ’n senior persoon wees wat die vermoë het om met visie en leierskap die Natuurbestuur na uitnemendheid te lei binne die raamwerk van die ZZ2 strategiese plan.
● Die posbekleër sal verantwoordelik wees vir skakeling met en verslagdoening aan vennote wat deel vorm van die bewaringsgebiede wat bestuur word.
● Minimum van 10 jaar toepaslike bestuurservaring.
● Die bestuur van wildboerderye en natuurbewaringsgebiede wat geïntegreer is met gewasproduksie sisteme (Tamaties & Avokado’s) van die boerdery. ● Skakeling met alle binnelandse en buitelandse kliënte.
○ Klimaat monitering
● Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet n innoverende, bemagtigende en interpreterende leier wees binne ’n diverse sisteem.
○ Identifisering en bestuur van die fauna en flora
● Die identifisering en implementering van wetenskaplike gefundeerde Natuurbewaringsbeginsels wat sal bydra tot die beskerming en verantwoordelike/ volhoubare benutting van die betrokke ekosisteme.
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Sluitingsdatum: 16 Julie 2021
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Duiwe werk hard om pad huis toe te kry Soutpansberg Gholfklub Lede van die Hangklip (HPK) en Soutpansberg (SPK) Posduifklubs se duiwe het die afgelope naweek hulle eerste middelafstand wedvlugte van die seisoen aangepak in ‘n jaaroud- en opewedvlug vanaf Ventersburg oor ‘n afstand van 640 km. In totaal is 143 duiwe ingeskryf vir die jaaroudwedvlug, maar slegs die eerste 20 posisies word vermeld. Die wedvlug is gewen deur Louis Jordaan ( HPK) nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 253 meter per minuut. Die duiwe moes hard werk teen ‘n matige westelike tot noordwestelike dwarswind. Louis was ook 11de en 18de. Mieke & Mike Coetzee (HPK) was 2de, 5de, 8ste, 10de en 20se, RWJ & Mike Coetzee (HPK) 3de, 4de en 9de, Sekelbos Hokke (HPK) 6de, Ben & Mariaan Pienaar (HPK) 7de en 13de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout (HPK) 12de, Louis Gossmann (SPB) 14de, Marx Hokke (SPB) 15de en 17de, Legardt & Dian Jnr (HPK) 16de en TE Smit (HPK) 19de. In die opewedvlug het 153 duiwe deelgeneem. Die wedvlug is gewen deur Riaan van den Berg
Briewe / Letters Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. Briewe kan per e-pos gestuur word aan news@zoutnet.co.za
Kan ons hiervoor stil sit en kyk?
van Hoedspruit, nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 250.82 meter per minuut. Vir die eerste keer dié jaar is ‘n duif van Hoedspruit onder die eerste 20 geklok. Legardt & Dian Jnr was 2de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 3de, Louis Jordaan 4de, 9de, 11de, 12de en 17de, Ben & Mariaan Pienaar 5de en 20ste, Mieke & Mike Coetzee 6de, 7de en 14de, TE Smit 8ste en 19de, Sekelbos Hokke 10de en 16de, Nico Bezuidenhout (HPK) 13de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout 15de en 777 Hokke 18de. Wat die streekkampioenskappe betref, lê Louis Jordaan tans eerste op die provinsiale punteleer met 1 135 punte. Legardt & Dian Jnr is tweede met 1 100 punte, met Gerhardt Bezuidenhout derde met 1 091 punte. Nico Bezuidenhout en RWJ & Mike Coetzee is 4de en 5de met onderskeidelik 1 081 en 1 075 punte. Eerskomende naweek sal die klubs se duiwe deelneem aan ‘n jaaroud- en opewedvlug vanaf Wolmaransstad oor ‘n afstand van 606 km.
19 th
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Woensdagspel Datum 30/06/21
Hoofborg Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Plek 1
C Jandrell
Punte 47
A. Jandrell
Formaat BB
D. Raao M. Wingrove
Maandelikse Houespel Datum 03/07/21
Hoofborg Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Formaat HS Punte
Anrich Leeb
uittel 70
Rampie Gilfillan
uittel 70
Andre Bothma
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier, 4 Man Cha Cha Cha, IB - Ind Bogey
Nedbank vat hande met sy landboukliënte vir volhoubare groei
Francis van der Merwe van Louis Trichardt, skryf:
at op die oomblik besig is om te gebeur met die munisipale swembad in Louis Trichardt, klink vir my steurend naby aan kri minele kranksinnigheid.
Nie lank gelede nie is ná “herstelwerk” met duisende rande berig oor die ontvangs van die duur “nuwe” swembad. Nou lê daar al reeds ‘n duur vrag aangeryde hoop grond by die swembad, reg om die duur “herstelde” swembad te vernietig! Vernietiging wat gepleeg staan te word met nog ‘n vrag van die belastingbetalers se geld! Kan belastingbetalers hiervoor stil sit en kyk? In Tshikota is daar tientalle jong skoolgaande kinders, wat in die verlede met moeite graag kom speel en oefen het in hierdie swembad. Met die regte afrigter is daar onder hulle ‘n hele paar wat ons in die toekoms kon trots maak het met selfs internasionale swemprestasie. Is u gewillig om stilswyend toe te sien hoe kinders se potensiële prestasie vernietig word deur ‘n onverantwoordelike munisipaliteit?
Taxpayer says tariff increases will be illegal Louis Trichardt taxpayer writes:
TIn your issue published on 2 July 2021, the
he tariff increases from 1 July 2021 will be illegal. Why?
Makhado Municipality advertises a notice of Determination of Charges from 1 July 2021. Tariffs will be increased as follows: various charges 3,9%; electricity 14,59 %; and assessment rates by 3,9% These tariffs can only be implemented from 1 August 2021, if approved by the Provincial Government, Local Government and NERSA for electricity. The Makhado Municipality approved the Budget for 2021/22 on 31 May 2021 . The Tariff increases must be published in a local newspaper, 30 days prior to such increases, in the languages English, Afrikaans, Venda and Tsonga. The municipality advertised tariffs to be increased from 1 July 2021 only on 2 July 2021. There was no opportunity for consumers to object. The Municipal Systems Act of 2000 is very clear on that. So, consumers check your July 2021 accounts for any increases. The municipality should also get approval from the auditor general if implementing this council resolution from 1 July.
Met sewe jaar se ondervinding in landbou en die bankwese is Ruan de Jager, Nedbank se besigheidsbestuurder vir Polokwane en die westelike omstreke nommerpas vir sy werk.
Gewapen met 'n BSc-graad in Landbou-ekonomie en Dierewetenskappe aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, is dit vir De Jager lekker dat hy sy dae kan deurbring met waarvoor hy 'n passie het: om landboukliënte in die Laeveld en Hoëveld van Mpumalanga, en die Loskop-besproeiingskemagebied in Limpopo, van pasgemaakte finansieringsoplossings te voorsien en hulle te help om hulle besighede uit te brei. Met 'n lys kliënte wat landboubesighede in die macadamia-, avokado-, aartappel-, ui-, en ander groentesektore insluit, sowel as kommersiële sake wat nie met die landbou verband hou nie, is De Jager en sy span gekonfyt om unieke, volhoubare finansieringsoplossings vir hulle kliënte te skep. Hy sê daar is baie belangstelling in die verskeie finansieringsoplossings wat Nedbank aan sy landboukliënte bied, veral in
sonkragfinansiering, waarmee Nedbank aan die voorpunt is. Sondkragenergie, sowel as ander hernubare bronne soos wind- en hidrokrag, stel boere en landboubesighede in staat om aan te hou sake doen as daar onderbrekings weens beurtkrag of kabeldiefstal is, sodat produktiwiteit nie geraak word nie. 'By Nedbank Besigheidsbanksake beskou ons landbou as 'n langtermynbelegging wat 'n lewensbelangrike rol in ons ekonomiese herstel speel. Nedbank se doel is om kliënte te help om geld anders te sien, en ons is trots daarop dat ons saam met ons kliënte kan bydra tot 'n groeiende, mededingende, getransformeerde en veerkragtige landbousektor wat uiteindelik ’n positiewe bydrae tot die hele land lewer,' sê De Jager. As jy meer wil uitvind oor hoe ons spesialisspanne jou kan help, bel asseblief vir Ruan de Jager by +27 (0)82 904 4742, stuur vir hom 'n e-pos by ruand@nedbank.co.za of besoek nedbank.co.za/business.
see money differently Nedbank Bpk Reg No 1951/000009/06. Gemagtigdefinansi le diensen geregistreerde kerdietverskaffer (NCRCP16).
outpansberger News with an independent soul
Khathu 071 188 5055 / George 082 419 2359
Ts & Cs apply. While stocks last. Images for illustrative purposes only.
ONS KOOK... Maklike Sjokoladekoek Deur Denise van Bergen
Hierdie is nie jou gewone sjokoladekoek nie. Wanneer jy hom eers op die proef gestel het, gaan jy nooit weer ‘n ander koekresep wil gebruik nie. Sy oorspronklike naam is eintlik Sjokolade Plaatkoek, maar Annaline Smit en haar dogter het dit herdoop omdat dit regtig net só maklik is om te maak. Dit bevat geen eiers, botter of melk nie, maar moenie dink dat dit die tekstuur enigsins benadeel nie. Dié koek is klam en dig en uit ‘n ander wêreld uit lekker, en ook ideaal vir mense met ‘n suiwelallergie. Nat bestanddele: 500ml kookwater 250ml olie 10ml vanilla geursel 50ml asyn
Metode: Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C. Sif al die droë bestanddele in ‘n mengbak (die mengbak moenie te diep wees nie, anders kom die klitser nie by die onderste bestanddele by nie). Meng al die nat bestanddele in ‘n beker. Maak ‘n effense holte in die droë bestanddele en voeg die nat mengsel stadig daarby. Klits met ‘n handklitser (whisk), net tot alles mooi gemeng is. As daar nog ‘n olielagie op die deeg is, roer dit versigtig in die deeg in. Moenie té veel meng nie. Die koek se sukses lê in die kombinasie van rysmiddels wat ‘n baie borrelrige beslag (mengsel) tot gevolg het. Gooi die beslag in ‘n gesmeerde oondpan en skud liggies op ‘n gelyke oppervlakte om net so ‘n bietjie van die oortollige borreltjies uit te skud. Bak vir 15 - 20 minute. Laat die koek afkoel en versier terwyl dit in die pan is. Sny dit in blokkies en geniet! Die koek kan ook in lae of in kolwyntjies gebak word. Bestanddele vir botterversiersel: 125gr sagte botter 375ml versiersuiker, gesif 30ml kakaopoeier, gesif paar druppels vanieljegeursel, na smaak styfgeklopte room (opsioneel)
At the time of going to press on Wednesday, Dr Casper Venter (inset) was nearing the 1 000km mark of his epic attempt to complete the annual Freedom Challenge over a distance of 2 150km in less then 15 days. He set off from Pietermaritzburg on 1 July with the race finishing in Wellington. Residents can follow his journey by visiting https://www.freedomchallenge.org. za/ and clicking on the “live tracking” link. This is a screen capture of the map.
Casper nears halfway mark on epic Freedom Challenge trek Cradock and heading to Pearston in the Eastern Cape. The morning temperatures along the route Well-known Louis Trichardt adventurer, dropped to well below zero, making life even cyclist and also a medical doctor, Dr Casper more difficult for the riders. Venter, was well on his way to the halfway He previously told the Zoutpansberger that he mark of the gruelling Freedom Challenge on aimed to finish the race in less than 15 days. Wednesday afternoon. On the seventh day Casper’s wife, Sarah, said on Tuesday that he of this cycle race across the breadth of the was in good spirits, although the race is very country, he has already completed close to 1 tough. “He didn’t have the intention of winning 000 kilometres. the race, but with all the front guys falling out Casper started off in Pietermaritzburg like flies, who knows what could happen?” she last Thursday (1 July) on what can easily be said. The first part of the race is very difficult described as one of the toughest challenges in from a navigational perspective, Sarah said. South Africa, if not in the world. This is a race Casper’s plan was to start off at a reasonable that takes the cyclists across the icy cold mounpace and then increase the tempo as they hit the tain slopes near Lesotho, down to the Eastern Karoo, where navigation is slightly easier. Cape and eventually finishes in Wellington in the On Wednesday, the race leader was Fjord Western Cape. The route stretches across 2 150 Jordaan, who had already completed 1 050 gruelling kilometres, cyclists ride unassisted and kilometres. During the first few days, Axel Poser mostly on gravel roads and single-track sections. rode alongside Casper but then went ahead to They need to have exceptional navigation skills, chase Fjord. using only maps, and need to carry the essential The cyclists normally start in the early stuff such as food for the day and clothes with morning hours, and competitors such as Fjord them. and Axel often ride until late at night. The route A total of 56 riders embarked in batches from is laid out in such a way that a resting place is Pietermaritzburg, but thus far many of them available roughly every 50 kilometres. These have had to retire. The race favourite, Alex resting places are often farmhouses where the Harris, had a nasty fall on the second day but people cater for the adventurous cyclists. Before still carried on for 140 kilometres with a broken the race starts, the cyclists can also send food, rib before he retired. Alex is the current record clothing, and equipment to these resting places holder, having finished the race last year in along the route. If all goes well, Casper expects under 10 days. to arrive at Diemersfontein in Wellington next On Wednesday afternoon, Casper was among Thursday (15th). His progress can be followed the top four riders in the race, and he had alat: https://freedomchallenge2021.maprogress. ready completed 950 kilometres. He was leaving com/# By Anton van Zyl
Metode: Klits die botter tot lig en romerig. Voeg die gesifte versiersuiker en kakaopoeier bietjies-bietjies by terwyl dit aanhoudend geklits word. Voeg laastens die vanieljegeursel by. Smeer die versiersel eweredig oor die koek. Opsioneel: Skep die styfgeklopte room in ‘n spuitsak en maak rosies daarmee oor die hele koek. Annaline hou al vir 27 jaar skool. Eendag moes sy met ‘n vinnige teetyd-treffer vir haar Graad 9 Huishoudkundeklas vorendag kom, en ontdek toe per toeval dié resep in die Huisgenoot. Sy sê dat dit die eerste keer was wat sy ‘n resep in ‘n praktiese les gebruik het wat sy nie eers self voor die tyd uitgetoets het nie. Sy was egter so aangenaam verras met hoe maklik en flatervry die koek is, dat dit dadelik ‘n gunsteling in haar eie huis geword het. Hulle bak dit nou nog met elke verjaarsdag, wanneer hulle iemand wil bederf, wil troos of sommer net vir die lekkerte daarvan. Dit het sedertdien ook ‘n tradisie geword vir Annaline se matrieks om elke jaar op hul verjaardae met dié koek bederf te word. Annaline is in Balfour in Mpumalanga gebore, waar sy grootgeword en skoolgegaan het. Ná skool het sy haar onderwysgraad en honneurs in Afrikatale aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg (RAU) voltooi, waarna sy vir drie jaar in Gauteng skoolgehou het. Sy en haar man, Marius, is einde 1992 getroud en het hulle toe op Louis Trichardt kom vestig. Marius is in die lugmag en by Lugmagbasis Makhado gestasioneer. Dertig jaar later is hulle nog steeds hier. Hul dogter, Anneke, is nou 25 en werk in die beheertoring by Lanseria Internasionale Lughawe, waar sy opgeleiding ontvang as ‘n lugverkeerbeheerder. Annaline was vir drie jaar onderwyseres by Emmanuel Christian School en 14 jaar by Ridgeway College. Sy hou nou al vir die afgelope ses jaar skool by CVO Zoutpansberg. Danksy beide haar ouers se liefde vir kosmaak gedurende haar grootword-jare, is dit vir Annaline vreeslik lekker en ontspannend om te bak en brou. Marius en Anneke geniet dit ewe veel en sy sê dat hul kombuis behoorlik lewe kry wanneer al drie van hulle daarin begin werskaf. Sy is verskriklik lief vir naaldwerk en enige handewerk, en een van haar grootste passies in die lewe is om klere te ontwerp en te maak. Daarby is sy ook ‘n ongeneeslike boekwurm en lees sy enigiets waarop sy haar hande kan lê. Annaline praat dan oor die dinge wat haar werklik gelukkig maak, en sê dat, om met kinders te werk, hulle te sien groei en hul talente te help ontwikkel vir haar absoluut verrykend en bevredigend is. Ook elke kwaliteit-oomblik wat saam met haar man en hul pragtige dogter deurgebring word, laat haar hart heeltemal oorloop.
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• Something different about a Porsche Carrera in White • Availiable immediately! • Park assist, sports seats(4way) • Power steering plus, electric slide/tilt roof • Chrono Package, 19 inch Carrera wheels • Heated multifunction steering wheel! • And so much more...
60 000km
45 000km
R839 995
2015 Mclaren 650s MSO
5 000km
2018 PJaguar F Pace 30dawd R Sport
2018 BMW M4 competition
2017 Audi RS3
22 000km
R159 995 R1 199 995 2015 BVolkswagen Polo GTI
2019 Mercedes BenzX250 4 Matic
35 000km
R3 799 995 R 729 995
41 000km
R269 995
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