Hello Zuidas

Page 37

Real Estate Special

Von Poll Real Estate:


Marie Christine Lodewijk

Teun van Esch

Joan Dik

Elisabeth van Zijverden

Willem-Jan Romeijn

Cecile Smits van Oyen

With locations all over Europe, having a base in Amsterdam’s international financial

of house-hunting in a foreign country. The

district was a must. So, in early 2018, Von Poll Real Estate opened the doors of its

real estate world is completely different in

second Amsterdam location, in Zuidas. Fast forward a few years, and now the firm

other countries. We know those differences

offers a varied mix of residential properties from Buitenveldert and Amstelveen

as well as the way the Dutch market

to Zuidas and the heart of Amsterdam Zuid. Six estate agents run the office. Hello

operates.’ That knowledge is one of Von Poll

Zuidas caught up with three of them, Marie-Christine Lodewijk, Elisabeth van

Amsterdam’s strengths and also makes the

Zijverden and Joan Dik, to talk about their work and perspective on this new

firm a reliable guide for expats.

location. According to Joan, ‘Zuidas has massive potential for us. In the future we’d definitely like to focus even more on residential rentals and sales in Zuidas’.

NVM real estate agent Von Poll is also a member of the NVM


websites online, in the end most people still

association of real estate agents and

The Von Poll office is hard to miss. Where

want something tangible, especially when

appraisers in the Netherlands and an

their city-centre location occupies a

buying or selling a house and given the

MVA Certified Expat Broker, adds Marie-

historic canal-side property, their Zuidas

emotions involved.’

Christine. ‘These are important and

office is sleek, modern and above all

meaningful endorsements for us, because

inviting for passers-by. Marie-Christine

International orientation

they highlight the expertise of specialized

explains, ‘One of the pros of having an

From its beginnings in Germany, today Von

real estate agents. That way, customers

office here was the chance to enlarge

Poll has many offices throughout Europe. So,

know we deliver a high standard of

our visibility. Plus, we’re the only estate

if you’re looking for a place abroad, look no

professional service.’

agency in Zuidas. It’s easy for people to

further than Von Poll. ‘Everyone on the team

pop in quickly during a work break, so that

has lived abroad and has an international

really lowers the threshold’. Joan agrees,

background’, Elisabeth explains. ‘Because of

‘Though you can browse all the housing

that, we’re familiar with all the ins and outs

Text: Nicole Pak & Eefje van den Akker • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Von Poll Real Estate Claude Debussylaan 134 1082 MD Amsterdam +31 (0)20 21 59 988 info@von-poll.nl www.von-poll.nl


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