Hello Zuidas - juli/augustus 2023

Page 27



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Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of coverage in the news and on social media about the phenomenon of women judging other women and deliberately trying to take each other down. Reading the articles about this issue reveals there’s no cut-and-dried explanation for what’s driving this behaviour. But, my goodness, is it ever difficult to root out. And if we women can’t even support each other, how can we ever get to a place where people of different genders, cultures and backgrounds can all get along?

In this issue we zoom in on Diversity & Inclusion: an important topic in the district and a new pillar in our own Hello Zuidas Foundation. We sat down with Sinan Çankaya – writer and cultural anthropologist with a PhD on diversity in the Dutch police force – to discuss it at Loetje in Zuidas. He generously took the time to set out all the sticking points and the stumbling blocks, both internal and external, that companies have to contend with. After all the interviews we conducted for this feature, we can confidently conclude that this is a complex issue. And not just a simple box to be ticked if you happen to have a black or brown employee working in your organization. Obviously, it goes way beyond that.

As always, this issue is packed with loads more stories! Also be sure to check out our calendar, filled with fun tips for you, your colleagues and friends to enjoy.

Have a wonderful summer!

Next issue [69]

4th of September 2023

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that?

Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Everything looks lovelier in summertime. The light is warm, plants are flowering, trees are in blossom. What colour or colours do you associate with Zuidas? Did you know we have a rainbow staircase in Zuidas? Or that the first edition of Pride Cinema Zuidas was held here in June?

And that Hello Zuidas is celebrating Black Achievement Month again this year? We’re happy to be working with local companies and residents to inject more colour and variety into our community. Is diversity and inclusion something you’re talking about in your organization or at home? Let us know your thoughts and what you would do to make the district more diverse. In this issue of Hello Zuidas, we offer some inspiration!

3 Preface



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Maakt Rijden Geweldig
06 32 24 48 36 5 Index 08 Coverstory with Sinan Çankaya Cultural Anthropologist 12 Building the future  A surprising waterside walk in Zuidas 14 Share #Zuidas Social Media 15 Column by John Leerdam 16 Got a Minute What do Zuidas based companies do to promote inclusion and diversity? 18 Socialclub WTC Amsterdam Energizes WTC Amsterdam community 20 Zuidas Home Tour ‘’Zuidas is a huge source of inspiration for me” 22 PYGG ‘’Curaçao’s highly developed financial sector makes it a wonderful base of operations’’ 24 Agenda Don’t miss it 28 Kontiki Beach Resort Terence van der Valk runs a tropical paradise on Curaçao 30 MobieleHuismeester.nl Liasion between property managers, owners and investors 32 Inclusion and Diversity Special Intro with Marianne van Lochem 34. Vebego 36. Hello You – VU Pride Cinema Zuidas 39. Talk & Trust 41 Roots Inspire 42 Finance ABN AMRO art and culture sponsorship policy intensifies focus on equal opportunities for women 44 Legal Searching… 47 Haven Lake Village A hidden gem near Zuidas 48 Architecture Adore Research & Diagnostics Centre 50 Mobility Major works at Amsterdam Zuid Station 54 Sustainability Calling all Zuidas: go plant-based and turn down the air con 56 Property VU Main building turns 50: five decades of change 58 Hello Zuidas New Members 60 Memo Board Zuidas Updates 62 Meet the… Kebabman With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. INDEX

Hyde Park



For an apartment of. 60 m2, your energy costs will be approx. €165,- per month.

8 Coverstory


“Put your energy also into the people you’ve got, not the outsiders but the ones who are part of the system,” argues Sinan Çankaya. A cultural anthropologist by training, he sidestepped early on to do a PhD on diversity in the Dutch national police force. Meanwhile he was also spreading his professional wings as a writer and university lecturer at VU Amsterdam. And now he is working to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion as a means to structural change.

You earned your PhD in 2011 doing research on diversity in the national police force. How did that come about?

“My involvement started as part of a specific research project, set up after a wrongful conviction in the now-famous case of a murder in a Schiedam park. The police force recruited twelve critical thinkers to take a look around the organization for a few months and assess the situation. Pretty quickly, I had misgivings about how situations were being approached and handled. At that point, the open research wound up turning into my study on ethnic profiling in street policing, in other words, about who cops apprehend on the street and why. Even though the officers knew I was doing this research, they still reverted to old patterns. There were even statements to the effect that it would make sense to take the same people into custody. It was obvious that there was absolutely no selfawareness about their own actions.”

If you were doing this research today, would your findings be different?

“I was doing my interviews and observations with white officers and noticed they’d stutter or stumble over their words

sometimes, so finally I decided to have white student trainees and young researchers do some of the interviews. That made some officers loosen up, whereas with me they’d been more tight-lipped. Of course, we’re talking 2011, when this issue wasn’t being taken all that seriously yet, and still being denied on many fronts. But all the protests like Black Lives Matter and the ‘Black Pete’ debate have created more awareness around this problem. And also the documentary The Blue Family, about discrimination within the police force, has come out since then. You can see there’s a growing awareness now.”

What’s your take on Zuidas?

“I don’t know the area all that well, to be honest, so a lot of it’s based on hearsay. Though some of it may be true, I’m sure. Nevertheless, I am seeing that organizations in Zuidas have become increasingly active on diversity and inclusion, partly from the consulting requests and issues my colleagues and I are getting. I always instinctively wonder: do they sincerely care?

Because you do see commercial businesses using diversity and inclusion as window dressing. It’s like a box to be ticked and then

you just carry on with business as usual. But this issue requires a longer commitment and setting aside money and resources. Only then can people working on this actually get anything done.”

So, what should companies that are serious about this be doing to get diversity and inclusion off the ground, in your view?

“If you have a structural problem, you need a structural intervention. Workshops or training alone won’t have lasting effects, because the underlying organization remains the same. So, what does help? Policy changes, allocating staff, implementing buddy or mentorship programmes, pre-agreeing concrete targets and deadlines. Also, you often see that diversity is about ‘those that still have to belong,’ or need to be recruited Typically, those are minorities: women, LGBTI people or people of colour. It is important to keep doing this, but a radical different view on diversity refocuses on the people that ‘already work for the organization’. These people need to change too. Otherwise recruitment efforts will fall flat. So organizations need to change at every level: the managers, the senior executives, the HR departments.”

Do you think companies in Zuidas are prepared to change?

“CEOs are clearly aware that they need to address the issue and want to do so,

9 Coverstory
Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Photography: Marjolijn Tenge

but then the question is how do you implement this down through every level of an organization? The challenge is creating a safe space so everyone enjoys coming to work. It’s an adjustment and you have to give people time for that. However, regardless of the time it takes, you need action to change. To take Scandinavia as an example: women’s emancipation really took off there because there were concrete policy efforts at every level.”

Who or what had a defining impact on your own academic or professional path?

“There have been several defining people and moments in my life. That’s what my new book is about. In secondary school, I had a history teacher who – as I discovered later, while writing my first book – was chair of the Centrumpartij, a far-right political party at the time. I wasn’t very politically aware as a teenager, but he was always making these vague asides about foreigners. It was

impossible for me not to think about what that meant, in a negative sense. In contrast to that, my French teacher had a very positive effect. She was upper middle class and occasionally invited kids to her home, which was an extraordinary experience for me. It gave me a love of the French language, to the extent that I went to France after leaving secondary school. I also got special treatment from the librarian. She let me borrow more than the maximum number of books and gave me early access to the adult section. It’s those kinds of interactions that define you at different levels, both good and bad.”

You mentioned that you’re working on a new book. What is it about?

“It’s about being a ‘class migrant’. I always say I’m an immigrant who never immigrated, because I was born here. But I am still a class migrant. I grew up in a low-income neighbourhood with people

from working class backgrounds. Equal opportunity is about more than a language gap. I focus on social class and skin colour as I think we don’t talk about that enough. Class exclusion is mainly racism based on skin colour. My career path has been a lonely place sometimes. My parents no longer understood what I was doing after university and that drove a wedge between us, even though they were always very proud. That’s where the librarian and the French teacher were really important.”

Is there anything else you would like to say to readers of Hello Zuidas?

“What I would ask or urge people to do, is listen to other people’s stories and experiences to correct your personal blind spots. This issue will always be fraught and uncomfortable because you’re confronted with your own thinking or things you didn’t know. But as you get to know more, you gain understanding and empathy.’’

10 Coverstory
“This issue requires a longer commitment and setting aside money and resources”

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Even in Zuidas, water management is a challenge. For example, the passenger tunnel at Amsterdam Zuid station has been flooded at times. But there are also some more pleasant surprises. They even include a mini polder, at the heart of Zuidas. Want to know more? Take a stroll and do the Water Walk (‘Ommetje Water’), an audio tour (in Dutch).

12 Building The Future

In 2015, videos appeared on social media of passengers wading through the passenger tunnel at Amsterdam Zuid station in wellies. Not everyone was prepared for the extreme rainfall and some removed their shoes in order to reach the platform without getting their feet wet. This was not the first time that Zuid station was flooded: it also happened in the passenger tunnel in 2014. Although it was an unusual sight, it was not really a surprise: Zuidas has a lot of paved surfaces, and in a heavy downpour, there are not many directions for the water to go. We come up with all kinds of solutions in our attempts to drain away excess water, but these solutions are not always visible. In the Ommetje

Water audio tour, we give you a surprising insight. For example, what do you make of the underwater storage areas the size of a swimming pool, or the so-called wadi’s (water drainage channels)? Find out for yourself in our carefully devised audio tour.

Walk with audio tour

In the Ommetje Water audio tour, we take you to eight locations, including the Nieuwe Meer lock and the Buitenveldert cemetery. You will not only learn all about water management, but also about the wonderful system of reservoirs, polders, pumping stations and culverts. When you’ve completed the audio tour, you’ll know

Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 50 65 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl

Follow on zuidas @zuidasamsterdam

exactly where you can find the mini-polder in Zuidas and be able to point out ‘the peeing woman’ – and much more. On a fine summer’s day, you might even take a dive from the ‘slimme steiger’ jetty at the Nieuwe Meer, the ninth (bonus) location on the audio tour.

The whole walk will take around 90 minutes to complete, or slightly longer if you include the Nieuwe Meer bonus location. You can also do it by bike, in which case it will take around 45 minutes. Make sure you take some photos en route and share them on social media, with the hashtag #ommetjezuidas.

What do you need for the audio tour?

You can listen to the audio tour on your phone. To do this, go to www.zuidas.nl/ommetje-water or scan the QR-code.

You will also need:

• A mobile telephone with internet and charged battery

• Headphones or earbuds

• On your phone, switch on location under privacy and browser settings

Fancy another walk? Why not also do the Art, Green or Architecture walks (in Dutch)? All available via www.zuidas.nl/ommetje

13 Building The Future
Photography: Jan Vonk


@seenthroughwilly ...#zuidas # studentexperience


As its namesake suggests, traditional Spanish food INNSiDE Amsterdam’s @cielo.amsterdam can be enjoyed from 65m high and in view of a brilliant skyline.

@josvandalfsen ...#Zuidasdok...


@sammihxoxo Brunch time! ...

Dakterras ...


Ferilli’s Specialità Uptown




@doppiozuidas je ochtendkoffie, krantje en een heerlijk zonnig terras

For employees of companies who are member of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link as a contact.


The Valley is the international award winning highrise ...

@mxlxkxk Blue skies in Amsterdam ❌ ❌ ❌


Dit gebouw is ontworpen als een wapperende zomerjurk ...


Social Media
@haye_jc @johannahelenagy #ModernAcrvhitecture
the Hello Zuidas City App Hello Zuidas has an app that allows you to flip through all the Zuidas news!



Dear readers,

Over the past year I have taken you along into my world, to experience Amsterdam, the Netherlands and our Kingdom through a culturally diverse lens. I believe the issues I have raised are also relevant in Zuidas and more broadly.

As one of the three people laying the groundwork for the National Museum of Slavery, I can state that there is still much to be discussed. The museum is slated to open its doors in 2028. Until then, we will keep talking with people throughout the Kingdom. The consultations we are holding in some twenty cities around the country are meant to build support, inform and mobilize people and stimulate them to take initiatives of their own. The approach Peggy Brandon, David Brandwagt and I are taking to this project has been indescribably emotional and raw in its intensity. An approach never before taken to the creation of a museum. The post-Black Lives Matter era has given a whole different impetus to diversity and inclusion. And in the process has shown us why it is imperative to always keep an open mind to new angles. Diversity and inclusion is not just an interesting concept or experiment, it also has tangible, immediate results.

Lonnie Bunch, founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, said: “What does it take to do the impossible?” This museum in Washington D.C. wound up costing 540 million dollars. Now it welcomes 3.4 million visitors a year. The museum is a stunning and awesome achievement. Educational, unvarnished, healing and challenging. “A must-see for everyone!” I hope that we as a team will also be able to build something extraordinary and to turn talk about diversity and inclusion into reality. We do care and we will always care.

I hope you have enjoyed my musings and contributions. It is up to all of us to keep forging ahead. Diversity is here to stay! So, let’s dare to be different, let’s dare to reshape the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and the entire Kingdom.

Thank you for all of your messages.

Thank you for your hard work.

Thank you for your humour.

Thank you for all of your suggestions.

See you soon,

John Leerdam is a Dutch film and theater director and former politician. He was a member of the parlement for the Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) from 2003 to 2012.

Photography: Nestor Tsakirakis, Studio Klijn


Inclusion and diversity have been hot topics in Zuidas for some time and companies are increasingly taking note. And rightly so, because these issues matter deeply to many people. We all have qualities of our own and should have the chance to tap into them fully. Recently, we braved the lunchtime rush to ask local professionals what their employers are doing to promote inclusion and diversity.

Oguz Aslay (age 34) works at Rabobank

“I’ve been working for Rabobank for a year and a half now and recently moved to the Netherlands. I’ve noticed that this country is pretty user-friendly for people with disabilities. Roads are made to be accessible for wheelchair users, for example. It would be nice if people could maybe think twice before using office lifts at high-traffic times and give priority to those who actually need them. I also think it would be good if the community paid more attention to what people with disabilities are dealing with, so their colleagues are more aware.”

Hello People

Marina (age 32) & Siarhei (age 37)

both work at an IT firm in WTC Amsterdam Marina: “Comparing the Netherlands to the country where I’m from, the difference is huge. For one thing, facilities for people with disabilities are very good. Public areas are always accessible and there are lifts people can use.”

Siarhei: “Diversity and inclusion are things everyone should care about. People should be less afraid to share their experiences and feelings. You can’t see what someone has been through, so never judge a book by its cover.”

Sjoerd (age 25)

works at Royal Bank Of Canada

“I think our office is doing a good job on inclusion and diversity. Our team consists of ten people, three of whom are women. For a bank, it’s a decent score, I think. That said, we are always looking at how we can even things out more. I guess it’s a matter of time. I think we do need to do more about diversity in management, but that will take even longer. Twenty years from now, the corporate sector will probably be much more diverse and inclusive. It’s only natural that it is a gradual process.”

“Coming to work in Zuidas was an adjustment at first. But I’ve settled in now. As a woman, you really count here. I think companies still have some big strides to make on diversity and inclusion, though, but more in terms of how they organize things internally, not the people you see walking around here.”

Erena freelance developer in WTC Amsterdam
Hello People Text: Isabel Kok • Photography: Caily
Bobbie Jo


Just under a year ago, Annemarie Engels and Eva Diks launched WTC Amsterdam’s very first Socialclub. As community managers for CBRE Property Management, they keep tenants up to date and organize four yearly themed weeks packed with a range of fun, educational and recreational activities. With the stellar success of this year’s first two theme weeks, they’re seeing a real, burgeoning sense of community.

Having worked hard since last September to lay the foundations for the Socialclub, the two saw their efforts rewarded the beginning of this year at the official kick-off event with the attendance of 400 WTC residents. Offering a first taste of the vibrant future in store for WTC Amsterdam and NoMA House

in Zuidas. Combining a respective fifteen years’ industry experience doing events at the Johan Cruyff ArenA and elsewhere, and twenty years as owner and head of an events agency, Annemarie Engels and Eva Diks have now teamed up with tenants to make these two office buildings great places to socialize

as well. “Working from home led to a parallel new trend of the office-as-clubhouse”, Annemarie says, “as a place where people get together and where creative ideas take shape.” According to Eva, “Meeting in-person is better than getting stuck in your own bubble. We set out to reinterpret the classic office building in a way that is fun, social and serves the community.”

From organizers to facilitators

The community management duo are fulfilling their remit by putting together

18 Business In The Spotlight

a schedule for the year and social weeks around themes connected with art and culture, networks, health and well-being, fun and relaxation, and food and music. Currently, their main focus is on building a presence and getting the word out. “As you talk to more people you find out what’s on their minds and which ideas get traction. Going forward, we’re hoping to create subcommunities of tenants around specific themes and step back as organizers to become more like facilitators”, Annemarie continues. The Socialclub will also have its own app to connect tenants with shared interests, such as playing padel or doing yoga, so they can form their own communities and arrange get-togethers. As an example, Eva says, “During a yoga session in the WTC Amsterdam one of the participants stood up and said a colleague of theirs teaches yoga, too. We can then put our heads together to work out a fixed yoga time, say from eight

to nine, for which we then facilitate a space. In the end, the Socialclub is meant to be organized for, by and with tenants.”

Tight-knit community

Initial responses have been largely favourable. The main challenge, the two women say, is catering to the wishes of all 300-plus individual companies in the WTC Amsterdam. Eva: “We schedule things all week so there will be something fun to do for people who come in on different days. Next to that, in December we set up an ambassadors club of tenants who meet with us to brainstorm ideas for theme weeks. They know best what their colleagues want.” Annemarie adds that, “At the end of every social week we send out a survey to get immediate feedback for future reference. Aside from the ambassadors, we’re seeing that tenants are really doing their best to get colleagues

involved.” Tenants of WTC Amsterdam and NoMA House are also being brought together through cross-overs with business clubs in Zuidas and activities around shared interests. Despite enthusiasm from other companies, the duo stress that this programme is for tenants of these two buildings only.

The next Socialclub week is ‘Back to Work Week’, from 11 to 15 September. Eva: “We’ve done up the social room and the table tennis is a big hit, so we’re capitalizing on that with a tournament this September. There are also plenty of other activities scheduled. So, if you are a tenant of the WTC Amsterdam or NoMA House, sign up for our newsletter!”

19 Business In The Spotlight
all Socialclub
Sign up to stay informed of
activities in WTC Amsterdam (only accessible for tenants) Text: Celine Boute
Eva Diks & Annemarie Engels


“Zuidas is a huge source of inspiration for me”

Rawaz Salaye first came to the Netherlands with his family after fleeing war-torn Iraq, and he spent his childhood in Den Bosch. When he was 12 and the area was once more safe, Rawaz’s parents decided to return home to Kurdistan. But the lack of good schooling, jobs or prospects of any kind in his native country drove Rawaz back to the Netherlands, alone, at the age of 16. Fluent in Dutch, he was able to enrol in an MBOlevel secondary vocational course and held down various side jobs to pay for housing and expenses. In early 2017 he got a job in Amsterdam. That was when Rawaz first discovered Zuidas. One look, and he was sold...

Age 30

Building Gershwin Brothers


Tennis, running, fitness, reading books, art, museums, walking, cigars and drinking espresso.

Favorite spot at home

My balcony.

Favorite spots in Zuidas

Football fields opposite the VU, BLCK and the Gustav Mahler square.

20 Zuidas Home Tour
Rawaz Salaye lives in Gershwin Brothers

Do you remember when you first saw Zuidas?

“When I came to live in Amsterdam I was sharing a small place with five flatmates, so, as you can imagine, I went out whenever I could. That’s how I got into walking. Mainly I would walk along the canals and admire the architecture of Amsterdam, always daydreaming about living in one of those beautiful houses someday. On the way to work, I always had to change at Zuidas. Even though I was familiar with Amsterdam, Zuidas was new to me. I was bowled over. Every time I passed through Zuidas, I stared in amazement at all the buildings, and of course at the people, too.”

What was it about Zuidas that stood out to you?

“There’s so much happening here. It felt like such a cool place to me! At some point I started dreaming about getting a job or living in Zuidas. I could totally picture myself here. And then, completely by coincidence, not even three months after I started in Amsterdam, I was offered a job at a major international recruitment agency based in the ITO tower in Zuidas. I worked there for close to three years and felt at home there. At lunchtime I’d grab a ‘Zuidas sub’ at Dicky’s and in the evenings, we’d go out for drinks with colleagues.”

Eventually, you wound up living here! How did that come about?

“After working in the ITO tower for three years, I got on board with a start-up outside Zuidas. As a shareholder I set up the finance and IT divisions and helped the recruitment agency with its FTEs, business plans, organizational culture, customers and of course turnover. There came a point when I wanted to strike off on my own. As I was setting up my own business, I also gradually started looking for a new place to live. I wanted a practical location from which I could travel easily if needed. But also something more comfortable and nicer. In the end that led me back to Zuidas, so now I live in an apartment in the Gershwin Brothers, opposite Loyens & Loeff. I’ve lived there for going on two years, and my finance, IT and HR recruitment firm has been up and running since February 2022.”

How do you like living here?

“Zuidas really feels like home now. I walk to work, get my hair trimmed at Rob Peetoom, work out at Clubsportive and usually go to BLCK for coffee. And I still take walks, but now it’s mostly around here. Some of the neighbours and businesses know me by now, always with an espresso in one hand and a cigar in the other. I know,

I have to laugh at it myself too – but that’s just who I’ve always been! In the evenings, after a long day of work, I head out and think about my plans for the future and take inspiration from everything I see. The energy of this place and all the big names that are based here, its international dimension yet intimate feel, the diversity of people, and now even a residential neighbourhood, make Zuidas as a whole a huge inspiration for me.”

21 Zuidas Home Tour
Romy Lange
Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo
22 Business In The Spotlight
Nacha de Jesus & Frank Lammers

developed financial sector makes it A WONDERFUL BASE OF OPERATIONS”


Co-founder Frank Lammers first got acquainted with Curaçao during a business trip in 2001. “Straight off, I thought to myself: wow, this is a place I’d love to return to one day.” Frank was working as a manager at Fortis Bank at the time, but when an opportunity arose to become CEO of MeesPierson on Curaçao in 2006, he didn’t need to think twice. From there, he went on to several different technical, commercial and leadership roles, until finally deciding to start out on his own in 2019. “An old acquaintance rang proposing to set up a family office here in Willemstad. I’d been itching to start something for a while, so that grabbed my fancy straight away.”

Corporate and private clientèle

By putting words into action, PYGG was established in 2019 as ‘one-stop-shop’ helping private and corporate clients with reaching their financial goals. The name of ‘PYGG’ alludes to the orange clay used in medieval times to produce earthenware plates and pots in which valuables were kept. Pronounced identically to the English word ‘pig’, this led to demand for porcine-shaped vessels. Better known as piggy banks. “The piggy bank symbolizes financial literacy which ties in nicely with the services PYGG offers”, Frank continues.

“From setting up and listing funds on the Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange (DCSX) and raising capital, to managing investment portfolios for wealth management clients.”

Standing out from the crowd PYGG is headquartered in Willemstad, where Nacha de Jesus joined as the firm’s new Corporate & Fund Services director this January. Though born and raised on Curaçao, she moved to the Netherlands to do a degree in tax law and wound up staying for twenty years. She returned to Curaçao 13 years ago. “Curaçao is a good location to operate from, as there’s a highly developed financial sector”, Nacha says. “Geographically, it’s also a good base of operations for doing business with South America, Europe (through the link with the Netherlands) and the United States.” Frank likewise sees all kinds of advantages to being based on Curaçao: “We stand out from the crowd. And the clients we work with from around the globe, often already have a link with Curaçao or the wider Dutch Caribbean”.

Growing demand for investment opportunities on Curaçao

Rising interest rates and high real estate prices in other markets such as in the Netherlands help to fuel interest in island real estate. “We see growth in demand

for investments in or from Curaçao”, Nacha observes. “It may concern residential and commercial real estate, but also from companies for expansion into the Caribbean and South America. Fiscal incentives to attract start-ups in combination with a high quality of life, make Curaçao an attractive location for young professionals & entrepreneurs, as well as for investors looking for alternative investments.”

Diverse spectrum of services

With its diverse range of services, PYGG differentiates. Frank: “We help people with a whole spectrum of financial goals, including fund managers looking to setup and run an investment fund at affordable costs, entrepreneurs looking for a foothold in the region, company’s looking to list on a recognized alternative stock exchange, and affluent or wealthy families looking for help with management of their assets.”The firm specializes in administrative matters and local requirements for property and business owners “Not many firms combine so many areas of expertise under one roof”, Nacha says. “That allows us to rapidly shift gears and keep in touch with our clients personally.”

23 Business In The Spotlight
433G+69H, Julianaplein Willemstad, Curaçao +599 9 843 27
PYGG is a Curaçao-based boutique investment firm specializing in investment banking, wealth management and corporate services, catering to both private and corporate clients. Co-founder Frank Lammers and Corporate & Fund Services Director Nacha de Jesus told us what makes Curaçao the ideal location for operating their business, investing and enjoying life.
Text: Romy Lange &
Wilkens • Photography: Influence Through The Lens
“Curaçao’s highly


3-4 July


@ Hotel Zuiderduin

This summer, VU Amsterdam hosts the first-ever AIMMS festival, featuring an inspirational two-day programme introducing innovative workers to a variety of the university’s industrial partners. Devoted to matching prospective employees with potential new employers, the festival offers a range of activities on both days to connect you with them! www.vu.nl

5 July


@ Amsterdam-Zuidas

With a film TBD by audience poll, this evening comes complete with popcorn, drinks and blankets. This event is for residents only. Students from all Student Experience locations are welcome. Tickets scanned at the door. www.rooftopmovienights.com

6-7 July


@ Koningszaal ARTIS

How are human activities affecting the planet, and how will that affect the future? This conference takes a closer look at four aspects – soil, water, nutrition and humans – that play a pivotal role in our own and our planet’s health. www.vu.nl

7-8 July


@ Olympic Stadium

Featuring an impressive line-up, this annual city summerfest at Olympic Stadium is the place to hear great music, dance the night away and enjoy fabulous fare by star chef Joris Bijdendijk. www.olympischstadion.nl

8 July


@ Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen

Get down and dirty in Amsterdamse Bos during the 10th-anniversary edition of the capital’s one-and-only festival devoted to the filthiest tunes! Expect famous names like Bilal Wahib, Broederliefde, Cristian D, Frenna, Ronnie Flex and many more. Check out the website or Instagram for the full line-up and updates.


24 Agenda

9-10 July



The biggest fashion trade event in the Benelux, this is where the fashion industry comes together to get inspired.

10 July, 11am-1pm


@ Zuidas Community Garden

Children and teachers from the Amsterdam International Community School pay a last visit to the Zuidas Community Garden on 10 and 11 July, when they say goodbye to this spot after two years of working on the garden. Older residents of Buitenveldert and Green Business Club Zuidas members are also invited to this summer party.  www.rai.nl

22-27 August

1-6 August


@ Amsterdam

Get ready for a Pride week packed with all kinds of events and loads to experience, including the colourful boat parade throughout town and celebrations on the water, concerts, outdoor cinema, block parties and more. https://pride.amsterdam

12-13 August



Meet your favourite movie stars and enjoy a wide mix of activities from photo shoots to panel discussions to retro video game sessions. If you’re a TV and game-world superfan, you won’t want to miss this actionpacked event! www.comiccon-europe.com

July - August


@ Buurthuis Lydia

Would you like to see your little ones make arts and crafts like real artists? The Artzuid art camp takes place during the summer and is open all weekdays from 9am-4pm for kids aged 5-11. Book your spot now! www.artzuid.nl/artcamp


@ Rialto De Pijp, Rialto VU and other locations

See the world, feel the world, meet the world. Emotions take centre stage at the next edition of World Cinema Amsterdam. No matter how different living conditions around the world may be, and however much cultures, customs, norms and values diverge, people everywhere experience happiness and grief, excitement and boredom, good fortune and setbacks, and justice and inequality. This summer brings these emotions to the big screen in Amsterdam. The first titles have already been announced, so check the website for details. www.worldcinemaamsterdam.nl

25 Agenda

30 July - 5 August


@ RAI & Olympic Stadium

The World Team is an international team of gymnasts from every corner of the globe, and this week they’ll be showcasing their skills in a programme emphasizing dance and music. www.olympischstadion.nl

12 & 18 September


@ Taalcentrum-VU

English fluency is crucial in international business. Would you like to communicate more effectively with your English-speaking clients? Taalcentrum-VU’s language experts are here to help! Our Business English workshop will boost your fluency in no time. The workshop covers two full days, from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Register now at: www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/zakelijk-engels

25 September



@ RAI Amsterdam

Once a year, Green Business Club Zuidas members meet over breakfast to discuss ongoing projects, exchange experiences and think about shared ambitions for further greening enterprises in Zuidas and the district itself. This year’s gathering will be hosted by RAI Amsterdam on 25 September. www.greenbusinessclub.nl

Friday 25 August


@ Strandzuid

Come raise a glass and bust a move with ‘Frits Friday’ at one of the best terraces in Zuidas. On Friday 25 August Frits is celebrating summer at Strandzuid’s ultracool urban beach. Featuring four separate areas with music, great drinks and snacks and loads more entertainment, get ready for a stellar sun-drenched Friday happy hour. Get your tickets at: www.fritsfriday.nl

Hello Zuidas is also present and has a number of tickets available for Hello Zuidas members! More information will follow.

Every day till 9pm SUMMER TERRACE

@ Manhattan Lounge Bar

The Manhattan Lounge Bar terrace has reopened for summer! It’s the perfect spot to relax for an al fresco burger and chips or a refreshing drink. www.manhattanbar.nl


@ Happyhappyjoyjoy

New at happyhappyjoyjoy: takeaway sandwiches! Between noon and 2pm daily you’ll find a wide assortment of sandwiches to choose from, with fillings including chicken teriyaki, mackerel bánh mi, spicy tuna tofu and char siu pork, so you can grab your favourite on the go!


26 Agenda


15 August 2023


Tower Ten – corner of Beethovenstraat

/Strawinskylaan - 12.30pm

A young and energetic chamber music ensemble of students from the Amsterdam Conservatory, SEPTimental Ensemble takes a fresh and listener-friendly approach to the established classical music repertoire.

17 August 2023


George Gershwinplein - 12.30pm

The Dordrecht-based Dry Riverbed Trio plays a powerful mix of rockabilly, country and blues, transporting audiences straight back to the mid-20th century. With their stellar performances, the band never ceases to amaze fans, and what its members lack in age they more than make up for in experience.

16 August 2023


Zuidas Botanic Garden - 12.30pm

Olaiá Music is an independent platform promoting Brazilian pop music in Europe. Founded by Breno Virícimo, a Brazilian musician based in the Netherlands for over ten years, Olaiá mounts original productions and organizes recording sessions, artist residencies and concerts paying tribute to the Brazilian indie music scene.

27 Agenda
Especially for Hello Zuidas members, the SEPTimental Ensemble will give a concert at Loyens & Loeff on Tuesday 15 August at 5 pm. Save the date!


Those who recognize the surname may think Terence was always destined for a career in hospitality. As the fifth generation of the Van der Valk family to work in the eponymous hotel chain, he is following in the footsteps of his parents, who moved to Curaçao to open a beach resort in 1989. Terence grew up on the island and from the age of 12 started helping out in the family business on a regular basis. “Any time things got busy, I was expected to lend a hand. Conversations at home tended to revolve around the hotel, so I just naturally learnt all about improving the guest experience, service and quality.”

But Terence never assumed he would take the Van der Valk road. “I wasn’t sure

if I wanted to follow the pattern or maybe do something radically different”, he explains. Wanting to keep his options open, Terence studied hospitality business and management at De Rooi Pannen school in Breda, while also working at Van der Valk in Nuland on the side to learn the ropes of the family business. After graduating, he did a six-month traineeship at Renaissance in Amsterdam and then went backpacking in Australia for three months.

Pivotal call

What changed everything was a telephone call Terence got from his father on his return. “He wanted to know ‘Are you ever coming back to Curaçao?’

My dad thought it was time I got a job. He was in the process of establishing a Van der Valk location on Bonaire and needed me to come over for two months to support the team.” Terence agreed. “I had the advantage of having grown up in the Caribbean, speaking the language and understanding the culture. But I was still young, and suddenly there I was, heading up 200 people. It was a massive challenge, but also an excellent education.” Two months wound up stretching into two years on Bonaire. Terence spent a few more months working at Van der Valk in Hoorn before returning to his own home island in 2013.

28 Business In The Spotlight
Terence van der Valk is the owner of Kontiki Beach Resort on Curaçao. Having succeeded his parents in 2013, he and his brother and sister are responsible for further developing this piece of tropical paradise.

Tropical paradise

Terence’s parents had long owned two places on Curaçao: the Plaza Hotel and Kontiki Beach Club. After selling the hotel in 2006 they shifted focus to the beach club, growing it into a full-fledged resort that embodied the tropical island vibe within a luxurious setting. “We wanted to create a tropical paradise. That shaped the whole interior layout and styling, from the limestone floors and salt water swimming pools to the tropical gardens and design of the timber cottages.”

Also part of Kontiki Beach Resort are Cabana Beach and Mood Beach, two lively beach clubs just a stone’s throw

from the guest lodges. The resort’s most recent addition is the Luxury Suites, just finished in December. “Unique features of our Luxury Suites are the spacious rooms, plunge pool and view of the Caribbean. Whether you’re in the shower, cleaning your teeth or lounging on the sofa, you can dream away with a view of the sea.”

Ongoing improvements

With the splashy new suites completed, it’s time to tackle the rest of the resort. The next step is upgrading the existing rooms and merging all the catering facilities.

“We expect more demand for all-inclusive holidays in future and are gearing the resort towards that goal. We also want to

extend the elegant feel of the Luxury Suites to the rest of the resort.”

These days, Terence runs Kontiki Beach Resort with his brother and sister. “We each have our own responsibilities and respect each other’s territory. Working with family is nice”, Terence confirms, “because you can lean on and trust each other, though I’m also less inclined to mince words with them than with the rest of the team. The hospitality world can be fierce, after all, but all in all we have a blast together.” Kontiki

29 Business In The Spotlight
Beach Resort
Kibra z/n 1000 Willemstad Curacao +599 9 465 16 00
reservations@kontikibeachresort.com www.kontikibeachresort.nl/en
Text: Romy Lange & Lysanne Wilkens Terence van der Valk
30 Business In The Spotlight
Duncan Nicolaas

Liaison between property managers, owners and investors

Although graduating with a degree in marketing management, initially Duncan Nicolaas spent a few years helping out in his stepfather’s plumbing business. This experience and the following years in various functions in the mechanical engineering honed not only his technical knowhow but also his commercial skills. Both came in handy in his further career and last professional job as an asset manager at a large real estate firm. And it was there that he discovered a gap in the market for what he describes as ‘mobile landlords’. His company MobieleHuismeester.nl was launched soon after. Starting out with small jobs for homeowners’ associations, his clientele has since expanded to include large real estate players.

Broad view

“We are the liaison between property managers, owners and investors”, is how Duncan explains what his company does. “Being on-site on a regular basis gives us a broad view on properties, so often we’ll see and can resolve issues before they’re even reported. MobieleHuismeester.nl jumped into a gap in the market that no one else had seen eight years ago. From starting out with a single van and landlord, now we employ sixteen people

and work for various large international real estate management companies, supporting them with their building management on site. And for large healthcare institutions as well.”

Skilled manpower

MobieleHuismeester.nl has been growing at a steady clip and a large share of its employees are highly skilled men over the age of 50. “These guys come to us from all over, also through the UWV Employee Insurance Agency. Why should they have to sit at home, unemployed, when they’d love nothing better than to work, and have so much knowledge to offer? We’re happy to have them and typically it pays off. They are routinely on-site for a half or full day per week, or in some cases full time. This is much more economical for our clients than having a technician or contractor come round for every little issue. After all, you’re not going to call in expensive repairmen just to screw in ten light bulbs. At the end our added value by being frequently on location and carrying out small repairs at the same time, results in lower service costs and more comfort for tenants.”

31 Business In The Spotlight
MobieleHuismeester.nl info@mobielehuismeester.nl +31 (0) 85 235 02 35 Rouwkooplaan 22 2251 AP Voorschoten
MOBIELEHUISMEESTER.NL Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Céline Boute



foster connection and recognition in Zuidas

32 Inclusion & Diversity Special

From the day Marianne van Lochem visited the Delta Works artificial island of Neeltje Jans as a child, she knew she was born to be an architect. After working in a monodisciplinary architecture firm for several years, fifteen years ago her career path led her to Arcadis, a multidisciplinary firm where she holds a job she loves. As technical manager for the Zuidasdok program organization, Marianne is always thinking about and shaping ways how architecture can contribute to our social landscape. One of her most recent contributions is the ‘Rainbow Steps’ at Zuidplein.

What was the idea behind the Rainbow Steps, and how did the concept take shape?

“It started with a sentiment. In 2020 Amsterdam was experiencing a turbulent time with several violent incidents towards queer people. People responded by flying pride flags on a large scale. This gave me a definite sense that as a community Amsterdam had grown. It signaled that so many people felt outraged over senseless violence and wanted to express their solidarity. In those days the city decided it wanted to accomplish a permanent pride flag, and of course Zuidas is a brilliant place to do that.

The massive building activities of Zuidasdok make the area potentially confusing for travelers to navigate. Since 2017 a glass canopy over a staircase has been signalling the new location of the taxi stand and tram and bus stops. When I started talking to the city about a permanent spot for a rainbow flag, the idea arose to use this staircase for that purpose. My conviction as a designer is you don’t have to do much. We applied colours to the glass and the sun does the rest.

What is the message you want to send?

“The rainbow colours form the spectrum of light. Without light in all its aspects we cannot live on earth. On a sunny day rainbow colours appear on the stairs under the canopy. This cheerful pattern changes with the path of the sun and it affects all people who walk on those stairs. Sometimes you need a little help to recognize the beauty in a stranger. To see you are surrounded by all sorts of colourful people creates a sense of connection and thus safety.”

What has the response been?

“We got loads of enthusiastic reactions, but the nicest compliment for me personally was one I got from a fellow architect. He said, ‘Marianne, that rainbow canopy is brilliant. Among the largely grey buildings it is like a poppy from the concrete.’ ”

What projects are you working on at the moment?

“As the technical manager I am leading the design team working on the creation of the new Amsterdam-Zuid station. One project we’re currently working on is The Transformer, exploring if existing materials can be reused to create new designs.”

Where did your passion for architecture start?

“Honestly, I’ve always felt like my passion for architecture is innate. For a while, though, I felt conflicted about the profession I was working in, because the architecture world is populated mostly by men. I felt a deep connection with this world and that even led to doubts about my identity as a woman. Nowadays there are many more women working as architects. It is important that the world we live in is not only shaped by men, but also by women. The Zuidasdok program offers me an opportunity to do so, and to inspire others along the way.”

Inclusion & Diversity Special
Isabel Kok • Photography: Marjolijn Tenge & Michel Kievits
Marianne van Lochem


Inclusion & Diversity Special
Roy Budjhawan

As head of Impact at Vebego, Roy Budjhawan is responsible for sustainability strategy and policy. On joining the facilities services provider two years ago, Roy was tasked with developing a new impact strategy centring around fair employment and economic growth with targets for horizontal and vertical diversity and inclusion. Roy’s efforts to shape a diverse and inclusive workplace at Vebego are driven in part by his own experiences. Though often a point of interest, his cultural background also confronted him with some challenges. “I’ve hugely invested in D&I, not least because of my role as chair of InclusieNL. Besides focusing on D&I within Vegebo, we’ve also supported other organizations in Zuidas to assess their D&I policies and evaluate their workforce perceptions. Based on that, we’ve drawn up a number of recommendations to help employers get started down this road.”

Work(able)places for all

With over eighty years in business, Vebego employs 40,000 people across the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. Specialized in cleaning, landscaping, facility management and health services, the company has been driven by inclusive values from the start. “We believe in the power of differences”, Roy explains. “Our family-owned business should be a place where everyone is enabled to deploy their talents, regardless of ethnicity, age, ability or sex. To quote some figures: 75% of our workforce are women and bi-cultural. 11% of our employees are disadvantaged workers, and we aim to increase this share to 30% by 2030.If we look to the vertical diversity; 40% of our supervisory board and 35% of our executive board are women. And, we have agreed Key-Performance Indicators to reach these targets for the sub-top management as well. These objectives are part of our purpose. At the same time, we

want to comply with EU regulations. In fact they are an explicit part of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive’s (CSRD) Social section (topics ‘Own workforce’, ‘Workers in value chain’ and ‘Affected communities’). Most companies in Zuidas will have to be compliant by 2025 at the latest.”

Managing differences effectively

According to Roy, increasing workplace diversity has led to a growing realization that the issue is not just about underrepresentation but also, and more especially, about over-representation, and how these two groups are related. “More diversity won’t automatically make everyone feel comfortable and safe and able to spread their wings. Differences can also be abrasive and give rise to new conflicts and forms of exclusion. In the end, it all comes down to managing differences effectively, which starts with the culture of the organization. Investing in D&I is also

Save the date! INCLUSIVITY 23

From 11 to 15 September 2023, Socialclub WTC Amsterdam is celebrating Back to Work Week with a varied programme of activities for everyone working in the WTC office complex. One you won’t want to miss is Vebego’s INCLUSIVITY 23, a compact session designed to inform, inspire and activate around the topic of inclusion, taking place in the WTC auditorium on 14 September. Want to attend? Send an email to Sven Bloem at: sven.bloem@vebego.nl or sign up at www.inclusivity23.nl.

vital from a business perspective as it can be the key to more innovation, increased flexibility and, ultimately, better financial performance.”

Partners wanted!

To reach the goal of 30% disadvantaged workers by 2030, Vebego is looking for partners, also in Zuidas. “This is a significant step employers can take towards the CSRD’s Social component. Vebego can support by taking care of all the back-office aspects, provide the fundamental knowledge and expertise around participation law and ensure a steady influx of people. Working with a large number of clients also facilitates exchange and expanded tasks or replacements, which is all organized through our B Corp-certified subsidiary.”


WTC Tower 10 Strawinskylaan 375 1077 XX Amsterdam roy.budjhawan@vebego.com www.vebego.com

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Davide Gallery Inclusion & Diversity Special


June is International Pride Month. To celebrate this special month, Hello Zuidas and VU Pride organised the event Pride Cinema Zuidas on Thursday June 8th at Rialto VU. The movie Goodbye Stranger was shown – a debut of queer director Aaron Rookus.

36 Hello You

Til (VU student) on the left and Eve Fatale (performer and AMFI student):

“I didn’t like the movie because it was too cliché for my taste. But the event program was stunning. The performances in particular were great. I was impressed by the how the event was set up. It was well organized and fun to meet a lot of different people.”

Alessandro Solci (Gemeente Amsterdam) on the right and his partner Jody Sharkey on the left: “Interesting how you see the city through the eyes of others. I live in De Pijp myself and the images of the city are very recognizable. I can link them to my own experiences. The story took a different turn than expected, which was very surprising. The event is great! It’s fantastic to see that so many people come together at Zuidas in this way.”

Elisa Schouten in the center (Project manager Diversity & Inclusion Hello Zuidas) together with Bustie La Tish & Maggie Leroux: “Niek Rood from VU Pride and I can claim with confidence that this was a very successful event! When Niek and I met last November during the anniversary of Hello Zuidas, we immediately clicked. We wanted to set up a fun project together and Pride Cinema Zuidas exceeded all our expectations. It is the mix of students, our members, residents, and other interested parties that made this evening so unique. If you would like more information about this event or if you would like to organize something in the field of D&I in the future, please feel free to contact me: elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com ”

Kim Szabo on the right (Technical Producer Guerrilla Games) and Bruna Sponchiado (Developer Guerilla Games): “I really enjoyed the afternoon and this experience with Pride Cinema Zuidas. The event was also well organized and especially the moderator Bustie La Tish did an outstanding job with keeping the audience entertained. It was nice that the event was also aimed at expats; it felt very inclusive. I also like the Rialto VU location. I have never been there, but will definitely come back.”

37 Hello You

Connectivity is key. You and NDI.

Connectivity is key. It can help you bridge gaps and break down barriers between people and communities, enabling access to information, resources, and opportunities. As the local KPN EEN partner for the Zuidas, NDI ICT Solutions provides digital tools and services that stimulate understanding and cooperation across borders and cultures.

www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/inclusieve-teksten 020 - 244 3400 | info@taalcentrum-vu.nl In need of inclusive copy? Our text professionals are ready to help! een volgend huis? Klaar voor Wil jij weten hoe het zit met je hypotheek als je verhuist ? Kijk op hypotheker.nl of loop binnen voor een afspraak Amsterdam ZuidAs WTC Strawinskylaan 1427 / WTC (020) 662 14 11

Talk & Trust committed to creating socially safe workplaces

As a certified and registered counsellor and member of the Netherlands Association of Confidential Advisors (Landelijke Vereniging voor Vertrouwenspersonen, LVV), Carolien Reinking is dedicated to helping to create safe and inclusive work environments. TTo this purpose, she started Talk & Trust, a firm active at the interface between confidential advising and diversity and inclusion.

Carolien, you are an external confidential counsellor. Why do companies choose to hire someone like you instead of enlisting someone from within the organisation?

“Social safety is something every organization in the Netherlands has to provide for its employees. That’s legislated under the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet). Part of social safety is having someone who’s independent and impartial that people can talk to when they experience unacceptable behaviour. An internal confidential counsellor always

has some kind of working or hierarchical relationship with the reporting employee. An external confidential counsellor, by contrast, is independent and impartial, lowering the threshold for employees to reach out when necessary. Professionality is another reason companies choose to have an external confidential counsellor.”

When it comes to issues of diversity and inclusion, what role can an external confidential counsellor play?

“Many reports I get are made in the context of either discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment. Within the first month of working for a new company, I give an all-staff presentation that starts with questions such as: ‘what is bullying?’, ‘what is discrimination?’, ‘what is sexual harassment?’ Some people don’t recognize their own behaviour as excluding others or bullying, and think they are just kidding around. But especially now, with so many internationals working in the Netherlands, it’s important to realize that different cultures have different norms and values. By listening and talking to a reporting employee, I gain an understanding of their background and try to advise and guide them in finding a solution to the issue they reported by starting a dialogue. That happens in consultation with

the reporting employee. By engaging an external confidential counsellor, I think a company sends the message that it values social safety and prioritizes taking care of its employees.”

What kind of companies do you work for, and do you see the same issues coming up?

“ I work for a wide variety of clients, and I see more or less the same issues occur. On a contract base I conduct confidential exit interviews when people leave their jobs. Exit interviews are aalso provide important information on how a company can be more inclusive and diverse. They provide insight into the culture, management, degree of inclusiveness and how to make changes for a higher retention rate.”

What is your mission?

“Inclusive company cultures have happier working relationships. A social safe environment is extremely important. I love helping companies embed a safe environment in their DNA. That way, employees feel free to speak up. Some examples of the companies I work with are Page Group, Validata Group, HaynesPro bv, Impress bv, Libertas Pascal, Probook andthe Van Gogh Museum. My mission is to create a socially safe workplace with you or your company!”

Talk & Trust Carolien Reinking +31 (0)6 111 314 02 info@talkandtrust.nl www.talkandtrust.nl
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo Inclusion & Diversity Special


Sergio Panday worked at ABN AMRO – including here in Zuidas – for eighteen years and, as one of the bank’s few employees of colour, often found himself wondering if he was in the right place. And also: could he ever truly succeed in a setting that only magnified his differences? A deep-seated desire for more diversity and inspiring role models finally led Sergio to establish Roots Inspire in 2020.

Roots Inspire is a leadership development platform that works with ethnic role models to foster talent development in the business world. Their mission: to enlarge prospects for ethnic talent and increase ethnic diversity in corporate leadership positions. “For a long time I lacked confidence purely because of my ethnic background”, recalls Roots Inspire founder, Sergio. “It wasn’t that I experienced actual racism in Zuidas, but more than anything a feeling I had of being different.”

Inspiring role models

What Sergio lacked was role models he could identify with. It was this void that ultimately led him to the idea for Roots Inspire, which Sergio launched with

co-founder Melvin Spalburg in 2020. “Roots Inspire taps into the power of differences and looks at how to harness it professionally”, Sergio sums up. “We teach talented professionals that it’s okay to be different. That your ethnicity can be your superpower, if you embrace it. That’s how we shape authentic leaders who are confident and can utilize their full potential.”

Breaking through

According to Sergio, the corporate world is not a system in which talent prevails. “People of colour can definitely break through to positions of leadership. Our programme’s 75-plus ethnically diverse mentors are living proof of that. However,

you have to be exceptional to pull it off, whereas if you fit in the majority, you can be mediocre and still make it just as far.”

More workplace diversity

Roots Inspire helps organizations realize their diversity goals by attracting, retaining and advancing ethnically diverse talent. Among Roots Inspire’s clients are ABN AMRO, De Brauw, Freshfields, Unilever and Rabobank. “We like working with companies that are committed to enlarging their ethnic diversity.” Sergio stresses that “workplace diversity doesn’t happen on its own; you need a long-term strategy to achieve it. Companies also need to understand the payoffs of greater diversity. Having a mix of different perspectives can strengthen teams, keeping everybody sharper and ultimately leading to better decisions.”

More information www.rootsinspire.com
Inclusion & Diversity Special
Text: Romy Lange & Lysanne Wilkens Sergio Panday


ABN AMRO art and culture sponsorship policy intensifies focus on equal opportunities for women

In the coming years, ABN AMRO will be focusing its art and culture-sector sponsorship policy on equal opportunities for women in the arts. To this end, the bank has launched a long-term alliance with WOMEN Inc., which will be extending its knowledge and expertise to cultural partners. The bank is also developing educational programmes and activities for children and young people in association with both existing and new partners to accelerate equal opportunities.

42 Finance

Last year, WOMEN Inc. and ABN AMRO jointly published a report mapping the current state of gender equality in the visual arts sector. Titled ‘A story still untold’ (Een nog onverteld verhaal), the report reveals there is still a large equality gap between men and women in the art world, as manifested for example in unconscious biases and sizeable disparities in earnings and representation.

“As a long-time sponsor and partner within the sport, social and art and culture sectors, we know sponsorship contributes to positive change and can be an accelerating factor”, said Sander Bestevaar, head of Partnerships, Events and Foundations at ABN AMRO. “We and our partners are committed to accelerating equal opportunities, including between men and women.”

New approach

ABN AMRO’s art and culture sponsorship policy therefore focuses particularly on equal opportunities for women in the arts and education. “Art is uniquely able to connect people and to show where we stand as a society and how far we’ve come. With this new approach, we want to help equalize opportunities for women in the arts in the broadest sense, from artists to museums and from traditional institutions to the street”, explained Bestevaar. For the bank, its sponsorship policy offers a means of connection. In 2021, ABN AMRO joined with WOMEN Inc., an organization that advocates for equal opportunities across sex and gender. The bank and its cultural partners look specifically for openings to create equality.

Aided by WOMEN Inc.’s knowledge and expertise, they are putting together a tailored plan for achieving these goals, for example through educational programmes and special exhibitions.

ABN AMRO new main partner of STRAAT Museum

One reflection of the bank’s fresh approach in its art and culture sponsorship portfolio is the addition of the STRAAT museum for street art and graffiti, of which ABN AMRO is the new main sponsor. During a joint kick-off event on 21 February, the partners opened Women in Street Art, an exhibition showcasing female role models in street art. Other shared focus areas within this alliance are education and sustainability. As well as new partnerships, the bank is also applying its new policy in existing collaborations.

About ABN AMRO sponsorship

ABN AMRO uses its sponsorships for the betterment of society, based on its purpose: ‘Banking for Better for Generations to come’. The bank takes its social responsibility seriously, and its commitment to the planet (sustainability) and people (equal opportunities for all) is demonstrated through various channels.

ABN AMRO aims to be an accelerator in its sponsorships by forging the right partnerships and setting concrete objectives for sustainability and equal opportunities, whether in sport, society or arts and culture.

43 Finance
Source: www.abnamro.com


Most of this country’s largest law firms are based in Zuidas. With the War for Talent fiercer than ever these days, everyone is determined to put their best face forward – including on social media. We paid a virtual visit to the walls of all our legal eagles here in Zuidas to bring you this fun compilation.

44 Legal
45 Legal
WE CREATE... Magazine Management & Editing Press Releases Branded Content & Advertorials Photography & Videos Online Marketing WE PUBLISH... > Hello Zuidas Magazine > RCD Magazine > General Counsel NL Magazine > CIC Impact Report > Gelderlandplein Magazine Partner up with Zuidas Publishers and create your top-quality company, client or city marketing magazine or glossy. OFFICE AMSTERDAM Strawinskylaan 151 (WTC Amsterdam) 1077 XX Amsterdam info@zuidaspublishers.nl +31 (0)20 - 362 09 93 WWW.ZUIDASPUBLISHERS.NL

HAVEN LAKE VILLAGE: a hidden gem near Zuidas

An exclusive, eco-friendly stay away from home in harmony with nature, only 15 minutes away from Zuidas: welcome to Haven Lake Village. Just a stone’s throw from Zuidas, this luxurious oasis is a perfect spot to relax and unwind with colleagues, friends or family. The village consists of four one-of-a-kind two bedroom luxurious water villas in a natural setting on the Loosdrechtse Plassen, with a beautiful marina next door. With high-quality food, relaxation, boating or a fun e-bike ride around the lakes all within easy reach, you’ll return home feeling recharged after your hard-earned holiday. Diving into the water from your own terrace is divine!

Haven Lake Village is part of Jachthaven Kortenhoef, a recreational marina and event venue. Nestled in the heart of Holland’s Gooi and Vecht region, the villas adjoin two large marinas where sloops, motorboats, canoes, SUPs, e-bikes and more are available for hire. Those wishing to stay longer can book a luxury ecological, energy-

neutral villa on the water with all amenities including a double rain shower, fully equipped kitchen, spacious outdoor terrace and room service. Guests are also welcome to dine at the nearby restaurant Docks Fish & Grill.

Haven Lake Village boasts the highest level of service, with friendly staff devoted to looking after our guests. Enjoy a sumptuous dinner in your own villa, with everything from table settings to service provided, and multiple courses prepared with premium-quality products. Afterwards, what better way to savour the evening than lounging in the hammock or hot tub on your terrace? Tempted?

Come treat yourself to a stay at this hidden gem! Jachthaven Kortenhoef also organizes the best company outings, festive events and business gatherings.

47 Buiness In The Spotlight
More information Moleneind 2A, 1241 NE Kortenhoef +31 (0) 35 303 27 10 info@havenlakevillage.nl www.havenlakevillage.nl

ADORE Research & Diagnostics Centre (ADORE RDC) is part of Amsterdam UMC. Housing offices and laboratories, the high-tech six-storey building also has a cleanroom, offering a controlled environment that meets the highest quality requirements for research on cancer and neurological disorders.


48 Architecture

Meeting place

With equipment and spaces shared by oncology and neurological researchers, the building is specifically designed to encourage exchange and knowledgesharing. The Atrium is its central space where the paths of patients, physicians and researchers intersect, fostering interactions that bridge the boundaries of medical disorders, disciplines and specializations.

The building is situated to the rear of the university medical centre in Zuidas. The Atrium will connect ADORE RDC with the adjacent Imaging Center, voted ‘healthcare building of the year’ in 2020.


ADORE RDC was designed to enable oncologists and neurologists to look beyond their disciplinary boundaries and work together to develop new treatments for cancer and brain disease. Moreover, to do this in partnership with SMEs, the pharmaceutical industry and knowledge

institutions including VU Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam. Championing a bold new approach to academic medical research, the centre will cluster work on cancer and brain disease and utilize similarities between them to accelerate scientific advances. Ultimately, this cross-fertilization between oncology and neurological research should help to advance new diagnostic methods and treatments for people with cancer or brain disease, and make ADORE RDC a home base for leading researchers and scientific collaboration.


Site preparation began in the spring of 2022 and building work kicked off in September. Construction is set to be completed in late 2024. ADORE RDC will be taken into use in 2025. On completion, Amsterdam Cancer Center researchers will relocate to this new building beside the A10, after which the distinctive old blue-and-red blocked building will be demolished.

Contractor MedicomZes-Kuijpers consortium

Completed end 2024

49 Architecture
Architect Atelier PRO (ADORE RDC) and Studio Hartzema (Atrium) Artist Impressions: Artelier Pro & Studio Hartzema



The south end of Amsterdam will experience major traffic disruptions from the night of Saturday 5 August through the morning of Monday 14 August 2023. During this period, the A4 and southbound A10 motorways will be closed from the Badhoevedorp junction to the S109 RAI slip road.

A4 and southbound A10: 8-day closure in August

50 Mobility

Works in Zuidas

For eight days in the 2023 summer holiday, the southbound A10 will become a massive construction site. A stretch of the motorway along Amsterdam Zuid Station and a section of the rail tracks will be temporary removed to allow two large slabs to be positioned for the roof of the second station passageway.

This new pedestrian tunnel runs through the embankment carrying the roadway and train and metro tracks, west of the existing station passageway.

Works postponed to summer 2023

The construction works were originally scheduled for the long Ascension weekend of May 2023, but were postponed until summer when traffic is lighter. This also affords more than one weekend to complete this large operation.

Closure in the direction of Utrecht

The A4 and southbound A10 in the direction of Utrecht will be closed from the Badhoevedorp junction to the S109 RAI slip road for the duration of the works. The closure will commence at 22.00 on Saturday

5 August and end before the morning rush hour on Monday 14 August.

Traffic will be diverted via the A9 and A5 motorways. The closure has been scheduled during the summer holiday period as traffic will be lighter. Motorists should plan for longer journey times, adding up to one hour.

Access to Amsterdam Zuid Station

Amsterdam Zuid Station will remain accessible by rail, but train services will be limited. Metro services will run as normal.

New station passageway

These works are part of the Zuidasdok project. This project involves widening and tunnelling the southbound A10 underground as well as full renovation of Amsterdam Zuid Station.

Construction of a second pedestrian passageway through the station is a key step in expanding capacity of this busy station. After the renovation, it will be equipped to handle traveller volumes equivalent to those at Amsterdam Central Station.

Paid parking on Saturdays in Buitenveldert and Zuidas

From 3 July, motorists have to pay for on-street parking in Buitenveldert and Zuidas on Saturdays. The parking rate is also going up to €3.90 per hour in parts of Buitenveldert, namely in: Zuiderhof, Buitenveldert Westmidden, Klenckebuurt and part of Gelderlandpleinbuurt.

Longer paid parking

Paid street parking hours are also being extended in parts of Amsterdam West, Oost and Zuid. In Kolenkitbuurt in West, paid parking will be extended to 21.00. In Transvaal, Dapperbuurt and Indische Buurt in Oost to 24.00. And in Schinkelbuurt, Willemsparkbuurt, Apollobuurt, Stadionbuurt, Prinses Irenebuurt and Rivierenbuurt in Zuid also to 24.00.

More space

Space is at a premium in Amsterdam. To maintain the quality of urban life, the city wants to reduce on-street parking for cars. This will create more space for inhabitants and less parking congestion. Income from paid parking will be invested in urban upkeep.

Scan the QR code for more information.

51 Mobility
Source text and photography: Rijkswaterstaat

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53 Hello Zuidas
Photography: Siebe Swart from Nieuwe Meer overlooking Beatrixpark, Station Rai and Kop of Zuidas.


With catering attributable for a sizeable share of the average Zuidas office’s CO2 emissions, 2023 has been declared the year of plant-based food. And summer is back in full force, which means puzzling over the ideal workplace climate. But do we really need to crank the air con up so high? From taking stock to rolling out, Green Business Club Zuidas is tackling both of these issues and urging companies in Zuidas to get on board!

54 Sustainability

Zuidas goes plant-based

In the average office in Zuidas, some 30% of CO2 emissions are attributable to catering. The protein transition – from eating animal to plant-based protein – could achieve a massive reduction. Hence, 2023 has been declared the year of plant-based food.

Young GBC Zuidas calls for accelerated action

After Young GBC Zuidas called on companies to step up the protein transition at last year’s CEO Breakfast, Green Business Club Zuidas went to work taking stock of the current situation with members and catering services. They found that many companies are taking steps already, such as serving vegetarian products as the standard option several times a week. But the range of ambitions is still very diverse and the share of animal products on the menu still large, even relative to the national lunch/banqueting average.

Formulating a shared ambition

In the run-up to the 2023 CEO Breakfast, companies in Zuidas are being asked to formulate a shared ambition to cut CO2 emissions as much and as fast as needed. As well as sharing knowledge, Green Business Club Zuidas has been working with Vermaat, Vitam, ISS and Compass Group to develop a step-by-step plan to support caterers and clients in this process. Though the plan won’t be rolled out until after the CEO Breakfast, members have been taking actions already. Such as VU Amsterdam and MAAS, which are serving solely plant-based products at three campus coffee machines. With this pilot, they aim to set an example for other organizations in Zuidas.

More information

Young GBC Zuidas is calling on companies to accelerate the protein transition and will be issuing a set of practical recommendations about steps CEOs can take before the summer. Interested to learn more about the protein transition in Zuidas? Send an email to Diederik Imfeld: diederik@greenbusinessclub.nl.

Ideal workplace climate

Figuring out what temperature makes for the ideal workplace climate can be quite a puzzle. Indoor climate is affected by a variety of factors including outdoor temperature, radiant heat from people and machines and heat removal.

When the mercury rises, there’s a tendency to cool offices way down to a chilly 19°C. To the extent that people even bring cardigans or jackets to work because it’s so much colder inside than it is outdoors. In summer, the ideal temperature for office work is in the range of 23-26°C(1). Meaning: the air con doesn’t need to be set so low. This summer, GBC Zuidas member VU Amsterdam will be testing out different options for keeping cool when outdoor temperatures go high. They will relate their indoor temperature to the outdoor temperature; they will cool until 25 degrees outside temperature. When it’s warmer than 25 degrees outside, the inside temperature will also rise. Other options for companies are taking longer ‘siestas’ or adjusting work schedules, installing sun blinds and advising people to dress according to temperature.

More information

In the coming months, Green Business Club Zuidas will be talking with office operators about turning down their air conditioning as well as hosting a knowledge session to share best practices. Interested? Send an email to Lara Jongejans: lara@greenbusinessclub.nl.

55 Sustainability
Source: (1) Praktijkgids Arbeidsveiligheid 2003-FNV Bondgenoten



VU Amsterdam is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its Main Building, an icon in Zuidas and Buitenveldert in Amsterdam-Zuid. On 12 April, the university hosted a symposium about the emblematic building, exactly fifty years after its official opening by then Queen Juliana. Additional events are planned throughout the year to mark this five-decade anniversary.

“VU Amsterdam goes back to 1880. The university was established in a canal house at Keizersgracht 162 in 1884, and up until 1966 that was its main building”, recounts university historian Ab Flipse.

As VU grew, it steadily acquired more properties, mainly in Amsterdam-Zuid. Ab: “After the Second World War the university wanted to create its own campus, which was quite a pioneering idea at the time. Plans for a campus took shape between 1945 and 1952, but the question was where to build it. This site came into the picture in 1952. Buitenveldert didn’t exist yet

and this spot was chosen in consultation with the city, the idea being that a campus university should be in a quiet environment.”

Green and growing

VU had also set up a medical faculty and work commenced on building an academic medical centre first. “Apart from that, the university needed an administrative centre, and that’s where the idea for the Main Building arose. The actual plan for the building was commissioned in 1960”, Ab continues. “Two designs were made, of which the architect Chris Nielsen’s was

ultimately chosen. His plan for a 16-storey building left more scope for green spaces and future growth. The building was to house the university administration, humanities departments and library, all of which are still there. It’s a striking building that projects a strong image.’’


On 12 April 1973, Queen Juliana officially opened the Main Building with Amsterdam mayor Ivo Samkalden. “The architectural design was inspired by the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum and is part of the Brutalism style”, the historian explains, and in 1973 it was one of the capital’s tallest structures. In that year the VU Main Building was finished, but the rest of the campus was not. “The concept of a campus being a space within the urban fabric and a community created for and by the

56 Property
Queen Juliana 1909 - † 2004


university has always been important at VU. Up until the year 2000, there were a lot of temporary buildings along De Boelelaan, but after that campus development really took off.”


“The Main Building has changed and been upgraded in many ways over the past 25 years”, affirms Franc van Nunen, head of VU Corporate Real Estate and Facilities. “It got a new entrance on De Boelelaan and another on the campus quad, which really updated the building’s image.”

Its surroundings have changed, too. “The city has expanded towards the campus. From starting out in a quiet area away from everything outside the city’s ring dyke, we now have the urban development of Zuidas here as well. From nothing but sports pitches and strips of planting the area has transformed into a dense urban environment. The university is working to weave itself into the surrounding area, and the Main Building needs to invite that. To evolve from an introverted, inward-focused fortress into an open building with public and semi-public functions, that’s accessible for the university and local community”, Franc sums up.

The future

VU still has plenty of plans. Franc: “We’re working with the medical centre to create more connections with the city and Zuidas. That’s also what has been driving plans for the Knowledge Quarter these past ten years. And development of the Zuidas Innovation District is a coproduction with the city as well, as part of its spatial planning strategy for 2050. Next year”, he continues, “the campus quad will be renovated with green landscaping, and in addition to the main roadways the Knowledge Quarter will get a network of squares and connecting streets with lots of planted accents. The paved car parks typical of the 1970s and 80s have made way for premises for the university and community. And for facilities for sport, culture, film, food, drinks and other activities on campus. The campus is being extended north of De Boelelaan, while to the south the old mathematics and physics building is being torn down to be replaced with SC Buitenveldert’s new sports pitches.” Laughing, Ab adds, “One of the architects said this building will never be finished. Those turned out to be prophetic words!”

57 Property
Text: Gordana Todorovic • Photography: Too van Velzen and VU Amsterdam

Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members


Sector: Sport (non-profit) - Employees: 24

Link with Zuidas: Topsport Amsterdam serves sport and the city. As home of Team NL, we enable Amsterdam’s elite athletes to train with the best coaches and the best facilities. We are often referred to as ‘Papendal at the Zuidas’. We also look for opportunities to make our facilities, knowledge and experience available to the city’s top sport clubs and urban and martial arts athletes. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: With offices in the Olympic Stadium, our big dream is to create ‘Olympic Amsterdam’ in Zuidas, and we’re keen to get other local players on board.


Sector: Healthcare and welfare - Employees: 1,500

Link with Zuidas: HVO-Querido operates two shelters in Zuidas, one for Ukrainian refugees and another for undocumented immigrants. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Helping people to build a new life takes a communal effort, and our neighbourhood is a great place to start.


Sector: Real estate - Employees: 3

Link with Zuidas: Resident of Buitenveldert and enthusiastic fan of Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As the author of the first ‘commercial plinth’ vision for Zuidas, WYNE-founder Tony Wijntuin closely follows area developments, both professionally and as a resident, and is eager to actively contribute to making Zuidas into a more diverse and attractive place.

Sector: Sport, fitness, sport rehab Employees: 9

Link with Zuidas: We are a high-end fitness club based in the Olympic Stadium near Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Your company is only as strong as your team, and your team is only as strong as each member’s health.

Olympic Gym Amsterdam understands this and offers company fitness programmes tailor-made to improve not only the physical health of your employees but their mental wellbeing.

58 New Members NEW


Sector: Bar & events

Link with Zuidas: Vuurzee Bar is a boutique hotspot in Zuidas, at Beethovenstraat 498. We serve our own award-winning brand of gastronomic champagne beer, brewed by De Goede & De Stoute. Called Vuurzee Beer, it’s available in several vintages and is the perfect accompaniment to artisanal delicacies from Kaasfort Amsterdam to charcuterie from Jámoneria. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Vuurzee Bar offers intimate spaces for tastings, private lunches, chef’s table events, workshops and presentations.


Sector: Professional services - Employees: 40,000 (incl. 6,500 disadvantaged workers)

Link with Zuidas: As a cleaning, landscaping, facility management and health services company and Tower 10 tenant, Vebego wants to stay connected with clients. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: To expand our network, get to know new organizations and people and advance our mission. Vebego is investing in an inclusive Zuidas and calling on companies to join our cause.


Sector: Tech - Employees: 150+ people

Link with Zuidas: Miele X is a global digital hub based in the Valley. We are here to support the Miele Group in creating and growing its digital heritage by gathering a diverse group of experts in eCommerce, Data & Analytics, Digital Marketing, IT, Strategy, and Customer Engagement & Performance. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We have recently moved into a brand-new Community Space that celebrates our strong international spirit and the legacy of the Miele brand. Since we want to stay close to our neighbours and local community, we decided to join Hello Zuidas.


Sector: Fintech software

Employees: 860 (9 in Zuidas)

Link with Zuidas: Based in the WeWork office, we help companies with all their business spending. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We’ve seen that too many companies are held back by oldfashioned processes. We automate those systems, giving employees the freedom they need and finance teams in control.

59 New Members



Want to enjoy the lovely weather, or simply feel like stretching your legs? Why not take a stroll around Zuidas? The district has loads to see. If you need some inspiration, check out the Amsterdam-Zuidas website (zuidas.nl), where you’ll find a number of routes mapped out. Like our art walk around Zuidas (available in Dutch only). This route takes you past an interesting mix of public artworks in the district, each with its own story to tell. To hear them, download the audio tour, created to go along with the route.


Have you entered the running yet for the Zuidas Sustainability Award? An initiative of the Amsterdam-Zuidas district, Green Business Club Zuidas and Hello Zuidas, this competition recognizes sustainable projects in the district. Nominate yourself or anyone else that has developed or collaborated on a sustainable project. A judging panel will present awards to the most inspiring projects in several categories. Entries will be judged on their ecological and social impact. So, if you’ve worked on a sustainable project or know someone you’d like to nominate, do it now: the deadline is coming up!

60 Memo Board


Here in Zuidas we’re always thinking ahead and founding ways to shape the future of our district. A number of locations are currently slated for expanded new residential development, including Kop Zuidas as well as the eastern section of Zuidas. Though nothing is set in stone as yet, we’re aiming for an integrated mix of homes and office spaces. Plans are also coming along for some 200 luxury apartments at Beethovenstraat/ Beatrixpark, and more family housing is in the works around Valley, Ravel and the AFC neighbourhood. All to make Zuidas an even more wonderful place to live!


Friday evening June 16th the annual Zuidas Run took place. And another great success it was. Multiple business teams took part in the run and crossed the finish line together. One of them being the Colliers team of thirteen employees. The distance of 10 kilometers, combined with the high temperatures, turned out to be a real challenge. The race started on the iconic Zuidas and followed us through the tall buildings to the greenery along the Amstel. After the finish, everyone became equal with a Zuidas Run medal. The atmosphere was good then, with a fun after party. Next year Colliers will start again. Organization, thank you for your efforts. It was a nice mix of sportsmanship and fun!

Want to get your weekend off to an athletic start and help children in Latin America at the same time? Then grab your bike and join the next edition of the Zuidas Businessride for WereldOuders on Friday 8 September. Choose from 40, 60 or 80-kilometre courses and support the cause! WereldOuders (‘World Parents’) is an organization dedicated to helping vulnerable children and families in Latin America. With efforts targeting four objectives – safe homes, health, education and autonomy – their work gives these families and children hopes for a better future. WereldOuders is active in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. Your participation in the Businessride will help fund food packages for these families. The event will close with informal drinks. For more information, visit the website: www.wereldouders.nl.

Zuidas Businessride for WereldOuders on Friday 8 September

61 Memo Board
Photography: Cynthia van Dijke Fotografie

Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. More recently, however, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities, including shops, schools, fitness centres and places to drink and dine. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.



Craving something fresh and tasty for lunch? Then the Zuidas kebab shop on Mahlerplein is sure to hit the spot. Here you’ll find owner Ufuk Kengec serving up fresh kebabs to the hard-working lunchtime crowd every weekday from eleven to two. We talked to this big-hearted family man who also loves doing business.

What led you to start your own kebab shop?

“I’ve always had my own businesses. Aside from this place I had another restaurant in Amsterdam, but sadly it didn’t survive the Covid restrictions. I’ve had this place in Zuidas from 2013, which makes it ten years now. bought it from an acquaintance. He was struggling to run a business and managed to keep this place afloat to a year and a half. Though it was hard going in that time, I saw a potential market and felt up for the challenge. Six months later, I’d pulled it off. Here I can prepare my meals every weekday and make people in Zuidas happy with delicious fresh kebabs.”

What sets your kebab shop apart from all the rest?

“My buns, kebab and salads are delivered fresh daily. That makes a real difference. You can see it’s busy here every afternoon. I have to work flat out for the three hours we’re open, but after that wwe’ll be finished and can wash up and leave it all behind until the next day. That clear peak time also makes this place special.”

Have you ever been approached by other catering operators with an eye on your location?

“Sure, I’ve received offers for decent sums, but money isn’t everything. I love selling döner kebabs, especially here in Zuidas.

I’ve built up a great group of customers and I wouldn’t want to lose them. Around 90% of them are my regulars. This being a national and international hotspot, people are coming and going all the time. And it’s a dynamic location too, which means my customer base has the potential to grow.”

What does the future hold for your business?

“Most of all, I’d love a bigger kiosk. I’d also love to expand, but unfortunately the municipality says no. That’s a real shame. If expansion is genuinely not an option, I’d like to take over some nearby retail space if possible. I definitely see a long future for my business in Zuidas.”

62 Meet The...
Text: Isabel Kok • Photography: Davide Gallery
Ufuk Kengec

56. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

De Hypotheker


De Kredieter

De Pizzabakkers | Zuidas

De Uitsmijter


Doctor Feelgood

Donkey Republic

Doppio Espresso Amsterdam Zuidas

Eden McCallum

Edge Technologies

Eefje Voogd Makelaardij

Element Amsterdam


EMA (European Medicines

111. HOFF Amsterdam

166. Olympic Gym

167. Olympisch Stadion

168. ONE-Dyas B.V.

169. Onemeeting.com

170. Openbare Bibliotheek

171. ORAM

172. Oranje Energie

173. Ox & Bucks

174. PAN Amsterdam

175. Pancakes Amsterdam

176. Papa’s Loft House

177. Pathé

178. Personality

179. Pleo

180. Poké Perfect

181. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam

182. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok

222. Tax Consultants International

223. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA)

224. The Bank of New York Mellon

225. The Basket

226. The Breakfast Club

227. The Office Operators

228. The Upside Down Amsterdam

229. Thomaskerk Amsterdam

230. Tierra

231. Topsport Amsterdam

232. TPEX

233. Trainmore

234. TREC

235. Tribes

236. Urban Gym Group

237. Urban Salad

238. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas

128. Karhoo

129. KNAP Makelaardij

130. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G.

131. Kraft Heinz

132. KRNWTR+

183. Property NL B.V.

184. Protiviti

185. Provast

186. Q-Park Nederland

187. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid

188. RAI Amsterdam

189. Regus

190. Renessence

191. RGA International Reinsurance

192. Rialto

239. Van Dijk & Ten Cate

240. Van Gool Elburg

241. Van Lanschot Kempen

242. VanLoman


244. Vermaat Groep

245. Vesteda

246. Vet Digital

247. Victory Real Estate

248. Von Poll Real Estate

138. Lunshof Makelaardij

139. Lyon Office Support

140. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V.

141. Macquarie Capital (Europe)

142. Made in May

143. Magazine-Masters.nl 144.

193. Rivers

194. Rob Peetoom

195. Robert Clinics

196. Robert Walters

197. Roland Berger

198. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc

199. Rosarium 200. Russell Reynolds Associates

201. Savills Amsterdam 202. Salsa Shop 203. Salsa Zuidas 204. Season-Flowers 205. Securitas 206. Shinyu Body & Mind 207. Simmons & Simmons LLP 208. Sixt

249. VondelGym

250. VORM Ontwikkeling

251. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

252. VU | Griffioen

253. Vuurzee Bar

254. Wagamama

255. Watersportvereniging De Koenen

256. Welcome Home

257. WeWork

258. Wild & The Moon

259. Wineboutique & Spirits

260. WYNE Strategy & Innovation

261. Wintertaling

262. WTC Amsterdam

263. WTC A’dam Business Club

264. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel

265. WuSH

266. XO Optics

267. X2X Worldwide Express

268. Your Assistant

269. Zone2Source

270. Zuidas Apotheek

271. Zuidas Art Projects

272. Zuidas Bier

273. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam

162. Norton Rose Fulbright

163. Novotel Amsterdam City

164. NS

165. Oliver’s

Foundation Hello Zuidas

WTC Amsterdam

Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas

Our goal

With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Zuidas Publishers

WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl


Copyright © 2023 Zuidas Publishers

All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam

South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.

Editor-in-chief Romy Lange

Editor & Sales Céline Boute

Intern Isabel Kok

Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU

Translation Taalcentrum-VU

Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik

Printed by Magazine Masters

Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)


Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Lysanne Wilkens, John Leerdam, Isabel Kok & Gordana Todorovic

Photography Marjolijn Tenge, Caily Bobbie Jo, Roxanne Wilm, Davide Gallery, Cynthia van Dijke Fotografie, Céline Boute, Influence Through The Lens, Michel Kievits, Too van Velzen, Nestor Tsakirakis, Studio Klijn & Jan Vonk


274. Zuidas Markt

275. Zuidas Publishers

276. Zuidas Today

277. ZuidasTravel.nl

Editorial advisory board

Olivier Otten, Angela Ham, Elisa Schouten, Gordana Todorovic & Jos Moerkamp

Thanks to Sinan Çankaya, Olivier Otten, Porsche Centrum Amsterdam, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), John Leerdam, Rawaz Salaye, Marianne van Lochem, Roy Budjhawan, Vebego, Sergio Panday, Roots Inspire, Rijkswaterstaat, NDI-ICT, Taalcentrum VU, De Hypotheker, Terence van der Valk, Kontiki Beach Resort, ADORE Research & Diagnostics Centre, Trainmore, Carolien Reinking, Talk & Trust, Hyde Park, PYGG, Frank Lammers, Green Business Club Zuidas, Socialclub WTC Amsterdam, Eva Diks, Annemarie Engels, ABN AMRO, VU Pride, MobieleHuismeesters.nl, Duncan Nicolaas, Nacha de Jesus & Ufuk Kengec

01. ABN AMRO 02. Accendium 03. Accenture 04. À Deauville 05. Acre 06. AFC 07. AkzoNobel 08. Albert Heijn 09. Alpha Security 10. amsterdam inbusiness 11. Amsterdam UMC 12. Amsterdamse Bos 13. Arcadis 14. Arnold & Siedsma 15. Art Zuid 16. Asito 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Avenue Services 19. Avis Budget Autoverhuur 20. AXECO 21. Bagels & Beans 22. Baker McKenzie 23. Bar Boele 24. Bar Valdi 25. Being Development 26. Bolenius 27. Boontje Advocaten 28. Bouwens& 29. Boyden Global Executive Search 30. BPD 31. Breevast 32. BREIKERS 33. Broersma Nieuwbouw 34. Caffè Belmondo 35. Cboe Clear Europe N.V. 36. CBRE B.V. 37. Che Buono 38. Cielo 39. Circl 40. Clean Center 41. Clubsportive 42. CMS 43. Coffee & Coconuts 44. Cognito 45. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Europe) 46. Confius Executive Search 47. Cora Delicatessen 48. Corporate Housing Factory 49. Cosmo Hairstyling 50. Crossover (AM) 51. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 52. Customized Media 53. Cyrille van Hoof Presentatiecoach 54. De Betaalvereniging 55. D&B The Facility Group
Agency) 73. Expat Center 74. EY 75. Fam. Advocaten 76. Ferilli’s Specialità UpTown 77. Financial Offices 78. Flexform Amsterdam 79. FLOW Real Estate 80. Food & i 81. Fornet International B.V. 82. Frans Otten Stadion 83. Freelancers United 84. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 85. Fris Makelaars 86. Frits Friday 87. FSB Beveiliging 88. FYEO 89. Gelderlandplein 90. Gen25 91. G&S& 92. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 93. Goede Doelen Loterijen 94. Grand Café Mahler 95. Grand Prix Copyrette Printing & Design 96. Greenberg Nielsen 97. Greenberg Traurig 98. Green Business Club Zuidas 99. GREEN Gastrobar 100. GreenMobility 101. Greenwheels 102. Gustavino 103. GVB 104. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 105. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 106. Heeneman & Partners 107. Heidrick & Struggles
Hestia Kinderopvang
Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 110. Hielkema & co
70. Enterprise
112. Hogan Lovells International LLP 113. HOPPTER 114. Hotel & Wellness Zuiver 115. Houthoff 116. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 117. House of Sports 118. Htel Serviced Apartments 119. HVO Querido 120. IEF Real Estate 121. IMA 122. InAmsterdam 123. Infusion Clinics 124. INK Interiors 125. Innside by Melia 126. ISX Beveiliging 127. Jeroen 020 Training/Coaching
133. Lebkov & Sons 134. Lexence 135. Limon 136. Loyens & Loeff
137. Luke Recruitment
MaMa Kelly
Market 33
MBO College Zuid
Mech Make & Take
Miele X
Molteni&C|Dada Amsterdam Flagship Store
Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum
NatWest Markets 154. NDI ICT Solutions
Nederlandse Ver. van Banken
Nedstede Real Estate
NewGround Law
NH Amsterdam Zuid
nhow Amsterdam RAI
Nicolaas Lyceum
Nino’s Surinam Food
212. Stibbe 213. Stichting Open The Doors 214. Strand Zuid 215. Student Experience 216. Summertime 217. SV RAP 218. Symphony’s 219. Taalcentrum - VU
Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer
209. Smartphone Citywalk Zuidas
Specialists in Security
Hello Zuidas is issued by
Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All,
JULY 2023





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Articles inside


pages 62-63


pages 61-62


pages 60-61

Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members

pages 58-59


page 57


page 56


pages 54-55


pages 50-52


pages 49-50

HAVEN LAKE VILLAGE: a hidden gem near Zuidas

pages 47-48

FINANCE ABN AMRO art and culture sponsorship policy intensifies focus on equal opportunities for women

pages 42-43


page 41

Talk & Trust committed to creating socially safe workplaces

pages 39-40


pages 36-38


pages 34-35


pages 32-33

Liaison between property managers, owners and investors

pages 31-32


pages 28-30


page 27


pages 24-26

developed financial sector makes it A WONDERFUL BASE OF OPERATIONS”

page 23

“Zuidas is a huge source of inspiration for me”

pages 20-22


pages 18-19


pages 16-17


page 15


pages 12-13

Alone is a moment. Together is a story.

page 11


pages 9-10


pages 3-5
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