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Next issue [58] 1st of November 2021
Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
Are you back in the swing of life in Zuidas? I sure hope so. Restrictive measures notwithstanding, there has been plenty to see and do. Last month, the Grachtenfestival 2021 came to town. As always, it was a joy to listen to music, albeit in smaller groups than we would have liked, at some stunning locations in Zuidas; to take a moment to slow down. That’s also what ARTZUID urges
us to do. The sculptures scattered around
Sure, I’ve walked and driven past it
Valley gets a big fat 10! Plus bonus points
have a chance to visit these artworks with
hundreds of times as it was going up,
for the fact that a portion of the building
an ARTZUID guide. Which brings me to the
but to actually ascend to one of the
will be open to the public.
magazine. Don’t forget to take a look at our
top floors of the new Valley building
Zuidas are both soothing and inspiring. On 14 September, Hello Zuidas members will
calendar pages. There are a ton of fun events
is something altogether different. ‘A
In this issue, we shine a light on homes
still coming up this year, including our End-
futuristic green gem for Zuidas and all
and living. With ever more people settling
of-Year meeting at PAN! See you there?
of the Netherlands’, Hester Alberdingk
in Zuidas, this district has become a true
Thijm, director of the AkzoNobel Art
urban community. Quite a bit of new
Foundation, commented underneath
construction is slated for the coming
Managing director of Hello Zuidas
a picture of the building I posted on
years, and I’m perpetually fascinated by
LinkedIn. I couldn’t have said it better.
the speed of developments here. I’ve been
Valley is nearly all unwrapped, gradually
working in Zuidas for almost ten years now,
revealing itself for to see. Architect Winy
and there hasn’t been a dull moment yet!
Maas kindly made time to take us on a tour and tell us how the design came
We’re excited to share this latest issue of
about and where he got his inspiration.
Hello Zuidas with you and, as always, wish
Coen van Oostrom, founder and CEO
you... happy reading!
of EDGE and developer of Valley, once told me that you can only get a real
impression of a building a year after its
Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas
official completion. Still, if you ask me,
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06 Coverstory Winy Maas 10 Building the Future
Co-Founder of MVRDV
• Workprogressing smoothly at Amsterdam Zuid Station • New Link for Zuidas loopsystem • An ambitious project
14 15 Column 16 Got A Minute 19 Hello Zuidas introduces 20 Property
Share #Zuidas Social Media
Paul van Lange
Perceptions about living in Zuidas
Trevor Holtkamp, community manager
Zuidas: mixed-use urban community in Amsterdam
24 Finance 26 Agenda 30 Living and Lifestyle Special
51 Sustainability 53 Business in the Spotlight 55 Hello You 56 Legal 58 Mobility 60 New Members HZ 62 Memo Board 64 Meet The..
Holland Metropole and the residential building challenge
Don’t miss it
Intro interview Sandra Risseeuw 32 Zuidas Home Tour, Xavier – Eva Lindfors 35 De Hypotheker 36 The Mayor 39 Von Poll Real Estate 41 Corporate Housing Factory 43 Kalter & Kalter
45 46 Architecture 49 Hello You
Business in the Spotlight De Match Maker
Atrium Zuidas
The Gift Summer
Sustainable urban development
Planning and Environmental Law
Win-Win With OV-Buddies
Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members
Zuidas Updates
Security Guard
With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.
The newest building to rise along Beethovenstraat has everybody talking. With its complex design, Valley marks MVRDV cofounder Winy Maas’ first development in Zuidas. His architecture firm is well known in The Netherlands thanks to major urban projects like the Markthal, the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot, Westerdok and The Modernist. But MVRDV has earned massive international acclaim as well. We caught up with Winy Maas in one of Valley’s fabulous future penthouses, where he told us more about the design, the partnerships, the mixed-use concept and the exciting Sapiens project. With his engagement and drive, it’s clear the world is going to be seeing a lot more of Winy Maas. What inspired you to submit
The building looks very complex.
before the whole thing is green. With 370
this design to the client?
Was it difficult to work out the
containers to be planted containing more
“In one sense, Valley was inspired by Zuidas
sketches and hand them over to the
than 13,000 shrubs, hardy plants, climbers
itself. Precisely a rational business setting
builder? Were they apprehensive?
and trees, that’s going to be an almost
like this can really use a multifunctional
“You’ll have to ask the contractor, but
military operation. I expect it won’t be until
apartment building like Valley. That was
I don’t think so. Everybody – clients,
spring 2022 that Valley actually looks how
also the brief we got from the City of
contractors and subcontractors – all love
we designers intended.”
Amsterdam and the property developer,
a chance be involved in complex projects.
EDGE Technologies: design something
Valley is a big vbuilding, at 75,000 m2, and
What’s your angle on the intermingling
for the future. Valley serves to enrich this
recognizable from a long way off because
of office workers and residents inside
location in multiple ways. It’s open, green
of its three irregularly shaped towers with
one building? How do you facilitate that?
and blends a range of functions, from
cantilevered apartments. There’s also the
“Enabling those kinds of interactions was
housing, offices, hospitality and shops to
‘grotto’: effectively Valley’s foyer, which
a particular incentive for me, because why
cultural amenities. Aside from that, it’s
is a beautiful stone-clad indoor space
would you want to segregate a building’s
‘overrun’ by nature. The planting designed
illuminated by two large glass domes
users? And many residents are people who
by landscape architect Piet Oudolf spills
twice the size of the water-filled ponds in
work in offices too. I believe this building
down a series of terraces all the way to
the valley above. Obviously, this unusual
can bring about an evolution of housing
street level. Also, you don’t have to live or
configuration is a challenge to build. The
and can prove that, yes, you can create
work in Valley to go up it; the way into the
technical phase of construction is nearing
homes and other amenities in the middle
valley is open to the public.”
completion, it will take a while longer
of an urban business district. I envisage
Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep
“Valley is a vertical village, where residents and the people who work there feel at home and where encounters spontaneously happen”
transportation, food, clean drinking water, clean oceans, financial instruments...” What might Valley’s contribution or significance be for future area
Valley as a vertical village; a place where
Femke Halsema has written a letter in
development in Zuidas?
residents and the people who work there
support of the initiative. The concept is to
“Valley will be like an oasis in Zuidas, and
feel at home and where encounters just
develop a space that’s a cross between a
could mark a first step towards the further
spontaneously happen, because of all
museum, a laboratory and a workplace,
greening of this part of Amsterdam. I can’t
the different routes running through and
where young academics will tackle
emphasize enough how important it is to
across the building.”
projects tied to the future of our planet; to
bring more nature into cities. For water
climate improvements and biodiversity. As
storage, to attract birds and insects back
Has Sapiens got the green light yet?
I see it, that’s one of the most important
into urban environments, to cool them –
And how are those plans shaping up,
questions one can ask: What can I do in
since plants are our main weapon against
insofar as you can talk about them?
my work to contribute to a better world,
heat stress – and to keep cities habitable.”
“We’re working hard to pull it off, in
a better living environment and a better
partnership with Naturalis, VU Amsterdam
future for our cities? Sapiens is about all
Is this the project you’re most
and TU Delft’s think tank The Why Factory.
the things society needs to address right
proud of? Or is there another?
We’re still looking for some more sponsors,
now: global warming, biodiversity, fighting
“My projects are like my children;
but the city has embraced it and Mayor
poverty, new cities, alternative buildings,
they are all so dear to me.”
Winy Maas - 62 Co-founder of MVRDV Favourite spot in Zuidas: Valley’s future sky bar, for the panoramic view. Dream or wish for the future (on any front): That we’ll harness technology to create a genuinely threedimensional flexible green city or borough, where we can take flying cars to picnic or play football in the air.
Building The Future
Amsterdam Zuidas
+31 (0)800 50 65
Information Centre
Follow on zuidas
Central Hall, WTC
WORKSPROGRESSING AT AMSTERDAM ZUID STATION During the weekend of 21-22 August 2021, we took a major step in the construction of the second pedestrian passageway underneath Amsterdam Zuid station. The work involved installing two enormous concrete roof sections for the new passageway. The whole thing went like clockwork. The most critical phase of the work got underway on Saturday around noon. A group of interested members of the public watched as two giant concrete slabs were moved into their final positions in unison. “Yes! It’s definitely moving!”, spectators shouted from the station platform. “You’re so lucky to get to see this!”, expert Marianne van Lochem told them, while explaining what was happening. Around one o’clock in the afternoon, the sound of applause filled the construction site. The giant concrete slabs were finally in place: Early Monday morning, 23 August: the platform was almost back to its original position.
mission accomplished.
Building The Future
Building The Future
The concrete colossus moving towards the platform.
The tracks being removed during the night.
NEW LINK FOR ZUIDAS LOOP SYSTEM The concrete structures on the left had to be moved to the platform on the right.
Spectators enjoyed the show!
Anyone looking east beyond Gustav Mahlerlaan will see
Cables and pipelines in the ground can be a significant
a trench, 10 metres wide and 5 metres deep, running
cause of disruptions and nuisance. Their construction
alongside the Valley building. This is a new link in the
and maintenance cause inconvenience (streets have to be
on-site. The concrete sections were
Seven sections
planned loop system around Zuidas. “We’ll be creating
dug up) and there are routine problems during excavation
Initial work started on the evening of
laid between the metro tracks, which
The Brittenpassage will be the
some kind of lasagna here.”
works (gas leaks, power outages). That’s why an alternative
Thursday 19 August. Platform 4 and
left hardly any space to give them the
second pedestrian passageway
the adjacent metro platform were
first push. ‘Mini-grippers’ were installed
underneath the new Amsterdam
This is quite an impressive trench. At the bottom are nine
network in which all the main conduits are positioned neatly
closed to all rail traffic and the tracks
to move the roof sections the first few
Zuid station, with trains and metros
neatly lined-up bundles, each containing four sections of
alongside each other, with a limited number of gigantic
were removed along with part of the
centimetres. Almost imperceptibly,
running overhead. It should be
sleeve pipe ducting bound together. “This is the lowest
connector blocks (‘coupling fields’) to connect residential
platform. After that, approximately
the long concrete sections inched
completed by 2027 at the latest. So,
layer”, says project manager Jeroen Plug. “We’ll be creating
neighbourhoods or office complexes. If work is being done in
2,000 cubic metres of sand, which the
their way forward.
there’s still a long way to go. The
some kind of lasagna here. On top of this first layer, there will
an area, the City Council comes in and adds another piece to
new passageway will do more than
be another five of ducting, with layers of sand in between.
the loop. A similar tunnel of pipes and cables was laid under
just provide access to the station
All in all, around 90 km of empty ducting will go into the
Gustav Mahlerlaan back in 2005, for example, and under
With slightly more space to work
platforms – it will also accommodate
trench, which is several hundred metres in length. At a later
Beatrixpark and Prinses Irenestraat since 2016.
First push
in, now the ‘big guns’ could be
shops and a bicycle parking facility.
stage, network operators such as KPN and Liander will run
By Saturday morning, everything was
deployed. Progress was slow for
Three of the roof sections are now in
electricity wires and glass fibre cables through the ducting.
In just a few weeks’ time, Liander plans to run all the
ready for the final push. The main
the first three metres, but suddenly
place, which leaves four more to go.
These are the main conduits that will become part of a large,
electricity cables from the A10 to Valley, filling the empty
challenge was the very limited space
the pace quickened.
new loop system around Zuidas.”
ducting for the very first time.
tracks normally rest on, was removed by lorries.
Photography: Marcel Steinbach
solution has been devised for Zuidas: a loop-shaped
Photography: Marcel Steinbach
Building The future
Social Media
February 2020
@corporatehousingfactory Behind the scenes, shooting for
an upcoming interview...
Peakz Padel Zuidas @you.art.great Architecture is one of my favorites
The renovation of Tripolis Park at the edge of Zuidas certainly qualifies as an ambitious project. The three existing skyscraper – will form a bridge between two of the three towers. This will ensure that architect Aldo van Eyck’s design
philosophy is preserved, while also creating more office space. Work on the third tower, currently leased to Nikon, giant Uber, which is basing its international headquarters on the business campus.
towers in the iconic complex must stay intact. A completely new building – the spectacular landscraper, a horizontal
will happen at a later stage. This tower will have apartments in it. Among the tenants of Tripolis Park will soon be tech
@oxxbucks ... the best Ceaser you’ve
ever tasted!
Back to business
Sunset over the Business-
For employees of
June 2021
companies who are member of Hello Zuidas,
it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link
as a contact.
quarter of Amsterdam
DOWNLOAD THE HELLO ZUIDAS CITY APP Hello Zuidas has an @hoomanchan @sangrecaliente2021
Cant believe I did this again.
Find out more by opening this folding page
Photography: Marcel Steinbach
@maniesha.b_ The week is yours. own it.
app that allows you to
... ook wel de betonnen wijk
flip through all the
genoemd... maar toch is de
Zuidas news!
architektuur opvallend...
EMPATHY When a child watches the classic film Bambi, the outcome is predictable. At the very moment sweet, young, vulnerable Bambi hears his mother is dead, most children cry. And should you ask them, in that moment, if they would be prepared to give away their favourite toy, my guess is that a surprisingly large number would say yes. Empathy is a very powerful emotion. Empathy is all around us. A film that does not activate our empathy would never come close to winning any awards. Our capacity to instantly feel what others feel, their suffering and their joy, is what draws us into theatres, fully prepared to empathize with the good protagonist. While intense, empathy is also a fleeting emotion. It is easily activated, but hardly ever for long. Even the daily news broadcasts, which we tend to accept as among the most objective and fact-focused programmes on TV, often activate empathy. But after empathizing with a giant panda or a hungry child in need, our thoughts quickly bounce back to the here and now. Such as: I feel like a cup of coffee. In the past six months, our empathy has probably been activated most often by vivid closeup shots of a needle being jabbed into somebody’s upper arm. That’s the defining visual for
Paul van Lange (1961) is Professor and Chair of Social Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on the psychology and evolution of human cooperation as well as the psychology of climate change, trust, and norm-violation in society. After serving as coach of male and female teams at AFC and SC Buitenveldert, he also publishes on the psychology of football. www.paulvanlange.com
vaccination. But what does it do to us, when we watch this? Clearly, it activates empathy. You can almost feel the pain yourself. Yet, in the absence of a face (or at least a face we know) it also activates other emotions. A needle also arouses anxiety. I realize that television needs visuals to accompany abstract words. But there are limits: Why do we need images of needles penetrating upper arms? And why over and over again? I have little problem giving blood, but I never watch the needle going into my arm. Needles aren’t shown on television because programme directors are out to cause anxiety. It is because it’s a golden rule, and a very strong convention, to present visuals. And, sure, I can understand the need to show needles every now and then, but why so often? Some people are hesitant about getting vaccinated, believing it can cause negative side-effects or long-term health risks. The visualization of needles, over and over again, may well strengthen such hesitations. There is nothing wrong with being cautious, especially not if it’s based on incomplete knowledge. But it is a shame if the vaccination rate is undermined by the power of visuals. I wish television directors would stop administering a daily dose of needles. A weekly dose will do. Even if it has no impact on willingness to get vaccinated, just watching all those jabs is off-putting enough. We don’t need to be exposed to it every day. We want our normal lives back – without a daily dose of needles.
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Hello People
Zuidas is a place where change is constant. From its beginnings as a financial district, it’s gradually diversifying into a mixedpurpose work, residential and leisure location. As this issue is shining a spotlight on Living & Lifestyle, for this section we headed out to ask: What are the perceptions about Zuidas nowadays as a place to live? Your answers couldn’t have been more diverse.
Linda Helsloot Greenberg Staffing “I’m from Amsterdam myself, so of course the region is fantastic. Still, I work in Zuidas, at the WTC, so it’s not all that appealing for me personally to come live here. I prefer to keep those two things separated. Given the housing shortage, though, it’s terrific how much interest there is in building new homes here. And for many people this is a good option. The apartments in the buildings on Gustav Mahlerlaan are amazing. It’s tough to say specifically what would add that spark. Once you get more small businesses and they draw in more people – that will make it a more fun place to live. That’s one thing in Zuidas that can still improve.”
Hello People
Tunahan Student “As a visitor here, it feels like a straight-up corporate environment to me. Which means I don’t immediately see myself living here. As for me personally, I need to live somewhere quiet. I’ve heard Zuidas is a different place during evenings and weekends compare to how it is during the daytime, so that would be a plus. Also, Amsterdam’s such a great city: it’s always fun and busy, but that’s also why it’s not my ideal place to live.”
Carlijn Bos Deloitte “I switch between working at our offices in Zuidas and Rotterdam, but I live in Den Bosch. As it happens, I drove to work today, instead of taking the train, and was struck by how beautiful all the homes are here. Because of that quality, I can definitely see the appeal of living in Zuidas. It’s also great to see how the urban element is being broken up with more green spaces, like the green lawns here on Gustav Mahlerplein and hanging baskets everywhere. All that makes it a much more attractive place to live.”
Marcel de Lyon Lyon Office Support “If it were up to me, I could happily move to Zuidas. All the building developments in recent years have really balanced the workingliving dynamic. I live in the south at the moment, and with our office being in the WTC, it would save loads of travel time. So, maybe one day... The other really important thing is having nice neighbours. In the end, when it comes to living somewhere, they make all the difference. And theoretically you can have that anywhere. Beyond that, thoughtful architecture, enough planting and sport facilities are very important to me. And, let’s not forget: nice bars and restaurants. Zuidas has all that.”
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Roxanne Wilm
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TREVOR HOLTKAMP Community Manager
fiction (ask me about history facts, I know many). I enjoy both reading and writing them. I would say storytelling is my greatest feat. And storytelling comes in many forms. Articles, essays, visuals, video, you name Trevor Holtkamp
it. Though the end crowns the work for me, when other people are involved. Connecting with others is something I live for. Because
Trevor, could you tell us
like Power Grid, Wingspan and D&D. Within
interactions bring joy to life and make life
something about yourself?
that last category, I write my own (fantasy)
interesting. I follow the vision of Homo
I am 28 years old and was born and raised in
stories as well.
Ludens, a.k.a. the ‘playing human’, after
Almere. Before joining Hello Zuidas, I was a
the book written by the philosopher Johan
marketer in IT. And before that, I worked in
What is your biggest challenge in this job?
Huizinga. Life is a game; it is up to you how
customer services in the finance sector. This
Being a Community Manager at Hello Zuidas
to play it.
also means my job at Hello Zuidas is not my
means working in a high-end environment
first in Zuidas. Since 2021, I have been the
with lots of different environmental,
Is there anything else you would like to
Community Manager at Hello Zuidas. I am
economic and political challenges. And next
share with readers of Hello Zuidas?
responsible for all of our communication
to the monthly routines, equally challenging
Starting a job like this, at a time like this,
channels, including our website, app, social
projects. It is those challenges and projects
is strange. Luckily, times are changing. I
media and magazine. I am also the project
that make my job interesting, intriguing, and
look forward to meeting all of you at our
manager for Sustainability and secretary for
exciting. As someone who likes a challenge,
wonderful Zuidas. I am always happy to
our Horeca & Retail platform.
is a persistent go-getter and has a busy
meet you and talk about how Hello Zuidas
social life, this job is the percent fit I have
can help you achieve your goals. You can
been looking for.
reach me at: news@hellozuidas.com.
What do you enjoy doing outside work? Next to my job at Hello Zuidas, I am also involved in local politics. Since 2018, I have
What do you look forward
been the secretary of D66 Almere. In terms
to in the time ahead?
of hobbies, I like to play (next level) board
From a very young age, I was always
games. Not the Monopoly type, but games
interested in stories, both fiction and non-
Photography: Caily Bobby Jo
Hello Zuidas Trevor Holtkamp Off on Wednesdays Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 333 74 41 +31 (0) 6 22 33 46 11 news@hellozuidas.com
ZUIDAS: MIXED-USE URBAN COMMUNITY IN AMSTERDAM The housing shortage in the Netherlands has long been a pressing issue. That’s especially true in Amsterdam, which is hard at work to build enough affordable and sustainable homes, also in Zuidas. This process is transforming Zuidas from a location known mostly as a business district to a mixed-use urban community in Amsterdam. Reina van Grondelle, the municipality’s principal urban planner for Zuidas, explains why residential development is so vital for this area, and how it boosts local quality of life.
Prinses Amaliaplein
Living in Zuidas
Interesting and dynamic
Part of the city
Between now and 2025, some 1,700
There is a persistent idea that Zuidas
Access to enough amenities nearby
new homes will be built in Zuidas,
wasn’t originally planned to be a mixed-
is a factor that can make or break
with another 6,000 to follow in the
use urban district. But that’s not true: “The
an urban residential location, Reina
years immediately after 2025. This
first Master Plan for Zuidas drafted in 1998
knows. Residents of Zuidas can find
will bring the total number of homes
already provided for a mixed programme
a growing range of essentials in their
in Zuidas to nearly 10,000. Most
of residential units, with a share for lower
own neighbourhood, but there is still
will be concentrated in Ravel, the
incomes, plus workplaces and amenities.
much to be gained. “We are working
Knowledge Quarter and Verdi, forming
This premise never changed. In addition to
hard on a full range of amenities, with
mixed neighbourhoods with offices
social rental housing, the 2016 Vision for
shops, restaurants, schools, care
and amenities. Overall, 40% of this
Zuidas also provided for mid-range units.”
facilities and cultural venues. To give
housing stock will be social rentals,
According to Reina, a mixed city has places
an example, in the second half of 2022,
40% mid-range and 20% private sector
that are used by a wide range of people
the conservatory is opening a satellite
housing. Offering a diverse range of
for a variety of reasons and at different
in the historic Kapel & Convict buildings
residential options is a must for every
times, creating an interesting and dynamic
in Beatrixpark.” Zuidas has undergone
neighbourhood in Amsterdam, stresses
urban space. “Balancing crowded and quiet
tremendous development since the
Reina van Grondelle. “We’re shaping
spaces are also always part of that. A good
first plans were laid for this district.
communities that fit with Amsterdam’s
illustration is Prinses Amaliaplein (Vijfhoek),
“Creating whole new urban districts
tradition of mixed neighbourhoods.
where you’ve got children playing,
is a long process, but ultimately
Everyone in Amsterdam should be
passengers waiting for buses and office
Zuidas should become a natural and
able to live in Zuidas, regardless of
workers on their lunch breaks all creating
integral part of the city of Amsterdam;
income, education, age or household
a pleasant buzz.” Residents play a key role
physically linked to the surrounding
composition. That’s why it is so
in the development of Zuidas, she adds.
area, connected to the residents and
important that the municipality
“They feel attached to their homes and
users of adjacent neighbourhoods, and
is making space for social and
add colour to the neighbourhood. We’re
with the hub around Amsterdam Zuid
mid-range rental as well as private
pleased with the pace at which housing
station forming one of the city’s main
sector housing.”
production is progressing in Zuidas now.”
new centres.”
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Jan Vonk & Marcel Steinbach
Starting school is a big step in your child’s life. Let’s take that step together. Spaces still available for 2021/22. britishschool.amsterdam +31 (0) 20 67 97 840
Hello Zuidas
Photography: Marcel Steinbach
HOLLAND METROPOLE AND THE RESIDENTIAL A big current trending topic in the Dutch property sector is how to tackle major forthcoming residential projects. That’s a question Holland Metropole – a coalition of the country’s five largest cities and metro regions with leading Dutch real estate developers and investors – is working to answer. Erik-Jan van Kempen (programme director of Spatial and Environmental Planning at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior) and Dick van Hal (CEO of Bouwinvest) stress the need for public-private cooperation as they reflect on the past and look at what’s ahead. What actions are needed? And who should take the next step? Ambitions to eliminate the Dutch housing
chance if public and private partners join
have successfully borne fruit in urban
shortage in ten years’ time present a major
forces. The Netherlands have a long-
renewal and suburban developments
challenge. And one that only stands a
standing tradition of such alliances, which
(notably ‘Vinex’ districts). The whole country
BUILDING CHALLENGE has benefited. Now, with a new generation
investors and other private partners at
augmentation, certainly not about putting
of urban centres on the horizon, it makes
the trade fairs in Munich (Expo Real) and
up fences. This will take some careful
sense to build on that existing foundation.
Cannes (Mipim). Van Hal: “We couldn’t act
balancing, both in the metropolitan region
on it last year, but we did consult online
but also and especially outside it. Finding
That’s where Holland Metropole comes in.
about our three core aims: liveability,
the right solution is something the whole
Several years ago the cities of Amsterdam,
affordability and accessibility. If we are
country has to do together. That’s also
The Hague, Eindhoven, Rotterdam
to achieve these ambitions as a whole,
why it makes sense to approach this as a
and Utrecht decided to present a joint
everyone needs to step up to the plate.”
network of cities.”
delegation with developers, institutional
Van Kempen agrees: “The bar is high. We need to build 900,000 homes as a basis for
Calls to build, build, build are
spatial planning in and around cities, while
sounding from all sides. What do you
fully integrating aims of climate adaptation
think? Is it that simple?
and nature-inclusive construction. I think it
Van Kempen: “Interest rates are low, prices
can be done. The Netherlands are a terrific
are soaring. So things are tense. At the
country; a country made by human hands.
moment it’s very hard to find a starter
That’s why we should be looking ahead to
home, for example. We’re seeing a housing
not only the next ten years, but beyond.”
crunch, and that’s worrying. We can’t control interest rates, but we can do more
The Netherlands are heading for a
to influence building production.”
massive spatial transition in the next
Van Hal: “Adding the right housing stock
ten years. Are we prepared?
can break the deadlock. Say, from public
Van Hal: “I think the National Strategy on
rental housing to mid-sector rental.
Spatial Planning and the Environment
Or moving seniors from too-large homes
(NOVI) is a good place to start. It brings all
to apartments that can be modified
the dimensions together. We have taken a
over time.”
next step already with the designation of
Van Kempen: “Yes, but that last can be very
14 regions we want to focus on together.
tricky and too few projects are actually
We have a direction. It’s also clear that we’ll
getting off the ground.”
be building both within and outside cities.
Van Hal: “It’s not only about quantity, but
Holland Metropole has already indicated
also the quality of housing, and a good
we want to preserve the ‘Green Heart’ of
match with future demand. If you want to
the country, not to build it up, because it’s
encourage seniors to move, you’ve got to
what makes this region unique.”
have attractive options for them. There’s a good reason many institutional investors
Van Kempen: “We have to do more than just protect the Green Heart; it’s about preservation through development. About
are honing in on this group.”
Read the full article on: www.bouwinvest.nl/hollandmetropole
SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2021 2-12 September
AMSTERDAM FRINGE FESTIVAL 2021 @Amsterdam – www.amsterdamfringefestival.nl This September, the Amsterdam Fringe Festival brings 11 days of live theatre, dance, music, performance and experimental productions to small stages and unexpected locations all across Amsterdam. The event will comply with the latest RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) guidelines, but is guaranteed 1 July – 17 October
to be as Fringeworthy as ever!
AMSTERDAM SCULPTURE BIENNIAL – ARTZUID @Zuidas – www.artzuid.nl The Art Zuid foundation will be hosting the 7th edition of ARTZUID, the Amsterdam Sculpture Biennial, in Zuidas and along Minervalaan, Apollolaan, Churchilllaan and Museumplein. Rolling out a green carpet from Zuidas to the city centre, the sculpture route connects different neighbourhoods and residents across more than 60 locations, where artists from all continents present work based on the curator’s artistic concept. Thursdays from 2 September
Monday 6 September & 11 October
SPEED DATING [33-45 & 25-38]
@Gershwinplein – www.zuidasmarkt.nl
@Restaurant à Deauville – www.aboutlove.nl
Starting from 2 September 2021, every
During these speed dates you’ll meet 15-
Thursday is market day in Zuidas! Up to
20 other singles. Every four minutes, the
30 stalls will set up on Gershwinplein to
bell sounds and half the singles move up
sell their fresh wares, with a focus on food.
a table, putting a different person across
Having a farmers’ market has been a long-
from you until you’ve met them all. After
held dream of Zuidas residents, and now,
each date, tick on the form whether you
thanks to the Zuid district executive board,
want to get better acquainted: Yes or No?
that dream is coming true.
Tuesday 14 September
MEMBERS ONLY: HELLO ZUIDAS MEETS ARTZUID & THOMASKERK Starts @Thomaskerk Hello Zuidas is pleased to invite members to enjoy a guided tour of the ARTZUID route on Tuesday 14 September, from 3.45pm to 6.45pm. We’ll set out from the Thomaskerk in small groups to see the sculptures, and re-join for drinks at CIRCL from 5.30pm to 6pm, weather permitting. Sign up by email to: news@hellozuidas.com. 8-12 September
KUNSTRAI @Amsterdam RAI – www.kunstrai.nl The longest-running contemporary art fair in the Netherlands, KunstRAI is where art connoisseurs and art lovers go to see – and buy – the best and newest pieces. Besides galleries, the fair also features solo stands showcasing individual artists and
17-19 September
acquainting visitors with their work.
MUZE VAN ZUID 2021 @Amsterdam Zuid – www.muzevanzuid.nl Great news: Muze van Zuid is back – in real life! This year’s event features 24 different concerts by over 100 top musicians, 15 musical walks with guides or podcasts, and 4 street safaris with amateur chamber music ensembles, all presenting works by more than 30 Dutch composers, including 5 world premières. The festival covers a wide spectrum of musical styles, from gamelan to string quartet and from fanfare band to piano, cello, lute and clarinet.
10 September
Tuesday 14 September, 4-5pm
@Zuidas – www.inactievoorwereldouders.nl
@CIRCL – www.circl.nl
What obstacles are blocking your business or organization on
Start your weekend with some action and join
the path toward a circular economy? In this programme we’ll be
the Zuidas Businessride with your colleagues on
joined by an expert to discuss obstacle #1: perverse incentives.
Friday 10 September, organized by WereldOuders,
For companies doing business today, there are no financial
Eurest, Kras Sport and Reessjurts. This road
incentives to transition to circularity. Rather, ecological and
bike tour (40, 60 and 80 km) starts and finishes
social incentives are meant to compensate the negative financial
in Zuidas. Food and drinks will be provided
incentive, giving business owners little motivation to trade in the
afterwards! Take the challenge and register now.
trusted old linear model for an unfamiliar circular one.
19 September
AMSTERDAMSE BOS: PURE MARKT @Boswinkel Amsterdamse Bos
Thursday 14 & 21 October
– www.amsterdamsebos.nl
Pure Markt is coming to Amsterdamse Bos again this year!
@Taalcentrum-VU – www.taalcentrum-vu.nl
This market features all pure products, sold by producers
English fluency is crucial in international
themselves. They can tell you everything about the
business. Would you like to communicate
ingredients, origins and production processes. There’s also
more effectively with your English-speaking
a great range of one-of-a-kind non-food items. The market
clients? Taalcentrum-VU’s language experts are here
is free to visit. Pure Markt is held at various fixed locations in
to help! Our Business English workshop will boost your
Amsterdam and other alternating locations in the Netherlands.
fluency in no time. The workshop covers two full days,
Schedule subject to change.
from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
3 October, 2-3.30pm
GUIDED TOURS OF BEATRIXPARK: TREE TRAIL Starts @Boerenweteringpad park entrance Every first Sunday of the month, Henk Wolters takes visitors on a tour of Beatrixpark. This time, two tour guides take you along the park’s tree trail. Beatrixpark is home to some 250 different tree species. Every season offers something special to discover.
Thursday 21 October, 1-2.30pm
In spring, buds, catkins, flowers, pollination and sprouting
leaves, in autumn the changing colours, leaffall, fruits and
Starts @Beethovenstraat & Gerrit van der
seeds, and in winter hibernation, silhouettes, shoots, conifers
Veenstraat intersection – www.hetschip.nl
and other evergreens.
The bustling Beethovenstraat
Photo: Jan Vonk
neighbourhood is also a mecca for the Amsterdam School. Renowned architects such as Rutgers, Kramer and Wijdeveld, as well as the ‘godfather’ of the Amsterdam
26-28 October
School, Eduard Cuypers, created public
housing, public works and private projects
@Amsterdam RAI – www.rai.nl
here that are notable for their beauty.
This October, PROVADA returns to
From working class homes to exclusive
Amsterdam RAI for three whole days. Having
mansions, all were designed and built
waited so long, we are very excited for
with the same attention to detail. This
this new edition. PROVADA expects to go
guided walk takes a closer look at both the
ahead as normal, with no restrictions and
architecture and the many other art forms
approximately the same visitor volumes. We
connected with the Amsterdam School.
hope to see you there in October!
Photo: Het Schip
8 october 2021
MEMBERS MEETING @ NU BUILDING Discover all the facilities that VU Amsterdam’s New University (NU) Building in Zuidas has to offer! During this Members Meeting, Hello Zuidas members will be treated to an exclusive sneak peek of both the new Rialto cinema and the Griffioen theatre. The afternoon will
kick off with a short film to celebrate the cinema’s inauguration, followed by a spectacular theatrical production in Griffioen’s auditorium (also the building’s largest space). Before and after both shows there will be time to look around the impressive NU atrium, whose high ceilings and expansive windows create a dazzling play of light and spaciousness.
We cordially invite all members to VU’s New University Building on 8 October at 3pm. The short film and theatre show will run until approximately 5pm, after which we plan to gather for drinks. We hope you will join us to celebrate the opening of these exciting new venues!
Xxx And Lifestyle Special Living
LIVING lifestyle ISSUE
This issue’s special feature on living and lifestyle spotlights various organizations involved in the latest developments and a wide variety of services in Zuidas. Check out the following organizations and get yourself, your business partners and colleagues up to speed on new residential projects. And get a lifestyle boost with our top tips to update yourself and your surroundings: De Hypotheker Zuidas, The Mayor, De Connectie, Von Poll Real Estate, Corporate Housing Factory, Aan Het IJ, Kalter&Kalter and De Match Maker
Sandra Risseeuw is an architect with her own firm, SA DESIGN Architecture, established in 1998. She has a flair for giving existing homes, education and office spaces a new look and also designs detailed interior furnishings. In all her projects, she strives to create
If there is one theme that has been on many people’s minds this past year, it’s
sustainable, future-ready interiors and
homes, living and lifestyle. These things were always important, but garnered
furniture. This is her unique selling
more attention while we were all stuck at home and had to realign our time.
point and specialization. Since starting
The housing market and everything involved with it also continues to be a hot
out, Sandra has gained wide-ranging
topic. How much are houses going for? Where are new building projects going
experience doing healthy and circular
up? But also: How can you make your interior work for you? And how to create
renovations and interior designs. It is
a space that suits your lifestyle? We’ve all come up against these questions at
with her story that we open another fun
some point in our daily routines. In this issue, we feature some of the people and
and multifaceted feature, this time all
businesses active in different varieties of this theme.
about living and lifestyle.
Living And Lifestyle Special Xxx
Sandra, could you tell us more about yourself? ‘’I always wanted to make things better and more beautifiul. That’s the reason I became an architect and also why I work on circular construction: for a better world. Due to personal physical limitations, I’m also more focused on accessibility and the health side of things. I’ve lived in Amsterdam Zuid for over twenty years and have followed developments in Zuidas during that time, starting with a traineeship at an architectural firm, where I copied
On this photo Sandra reused two
ground plan blueprints for the WTC onto a
Bruynzeel kitchen cabinets. In the
background you can see loam plaster with an anthracite grey finish. Loam
What’s the focus of your firm,
is a versatile material, and good for
SA DESIGN Architectuur?
a healthy indoor climate. The carpet consists of unfixed Wae tiles made of
‘’I specialize in designing healthy and circular buildings. For schools, I work
Sandra Risseeuw
remainder carpet tiles. The table was made from an old inside door.
with Inside Options, where our aim is maximum engagement of pupils, teachers and parents. I also work with the WELL Building Standard and other guidelines for
and easily adaptable to everyone’s
public spaces in Zuidas that were not, or
healthy buildings.’’
preferences. For the right indoor climate, I
were yet to be realized. Such as Mud House
would opt for a smart ventilation system,
– a loam tower 12 metres tall. And there’s a
How do ‘living and lifestyle’
bio-based thermal insulation and lovely,
design meant to inject meaning in the grey
converge in your work?
non-toxic materials that enhance the air
Beethovenstraat viaduct, called ‘Under
‘’A healthy lifestyle tends to help
quality and character. As far as construction
the Rainbow’. During the recession, I was
people feel better. And a healthy living
goes, the pleasant home of the future is
also involved in the Flying Amsterdam plan,
environment is a part of that. People
also circular. The big advantage is that
which was about temporarily parking old
spend eighty per cent of their time indoors,
it makes future renovations easier and
aircrafts in vacant lots in Zuidas.’’
which means we’re breathing indoor air 19
wastes less material. With circular building,
hours a day. So, if you’re using unhealthy
everything is removable. Bio-based
Is there anything else you’d like to
materials and not ventilating properly,
materials are used wherever possible.
share with readers of Hello Zuidas?
you’re breathing in all kinds of nasty stuff
The circular economy also has loads of
‘’I was really surprised by how Covid
like moulds, viruses and particulates –
potential, in that materials and parts don’t
suddenly transformed our homes into
from cooking, or candles – or not getting
have to come from far away, but can be
offices, restaurants and nightclubs. That’s
enough oxygen, which can cause various
reused from other nearby buildings.’’
sure to have implications: How will we recreate the comforts of home back at
symptoms. As an architect, I can provide brand-independent advice to ensure
What are some of the projects
our offices in Zuidas? Will we need to take
buildings are not only attractive, but also
you’re currently working on
power naps there, too? And shouldn’t
healthy inside.’’
in and around Zuidas?
restaurants have acoustics that are as good
‘’Right now, I’m working on two schools
as we have at home? I hope that future
What do you need for a pleasant home?
for which we’re doing circular, healthy
transformations will be based on circularity
‘’My ideal home is as healthy inside as it is
interiors. Regrettably, though, neither is
and a healthy indoor climate. That way, we
out. Also, it’s oriented outside, comfortable
near Zuidas. I have done some projects for
can keep Zuidas a great place to live.’’
Text: Céline Boute
Living And Lifestyle Special
“Looking at Zuidas from my terrace is like watching a play”
Zuidas is a distinctive part of the city and in high demand among
we ask residents to tell us where they live and how they like life in
house hunters. Between now and 2040, some 8,000 to 9,000
Zuidas. This time, we talked to Eva Lindfors, who lives in Xavier.
new homes will be built here. Once known mostly as an office
After leaving her native Finland as a teenager, Eva fell in love with
location, more recently Zuidas has been shedding that image in a
our country of tulips and windmills. In 2015 she saw an ad in Hello
complete metamorphosis. When Zuidas is finished in around 2040,
Zuidas magazine for the Town House project in Zuidas. Two years
a projected 15,000 people will call it home. In this new section,
later, she and her family moved here, and she has no plans to leave.
Eva Lindfors lives in Xavier
Living And Lifestyle Special
Eva, had you ever imagined living in Zuidas, before this? “When we arrived here, it was a bit of a fluke. My ex worked here, but it had never actually occurred to us as a place to live. That’s because of the strong business image the district had in 2015. Without discussing it, I’d put our names down for the Town House project, thinking it was a long shot. But, miraculously, we got a house. In the end, I’m very happy we seized that opportunity to pack up from suburban Amstelveen and come to live in Amsterdam.” Have you put down permanent roots here? “When I was house-hunting again, I looked at everything on the buyer’s market. Secretly, though, I was hoping for something in Xavier, because I watched as it was going up. It has bag loads of character. It’s one of the most beautiful buildings in the whole district. I’ll certainly stay as long as the kids are still living at home, so at least another five or six years. I’ve not given any thought to what happens after that. This location is great. It has the perfect combination of shops, people, restaurants and other things to do, plus the peace and quiet at weekends.” What do you like best about living in Zuidas? “I love walking around the area. Of course, with our dog, Bobby,
I do a lot of that. It’s helped me get to know other residents out
Building Xavier
walking their dogs. The little squares and all the green spaces make
Hobbies Travel, reading (especially anything design-related)
it into a nice neighbourhood. Often, I sit on the balcony and just
Eva Lindfors, interior designer at Matter of Space
and walking with our dog Bobby
watch what’s going on in the centre of Zuidas. It’s so nice to see people socializing, now that bars and cafés are open again.”
Favourite spot at home My terrace and my sofa. From there I can see Zuidas and
Is there anything still missing here?
enjoy taking it all in. Thanks to my view of the A10 and George
“To start, there’s no place for locals to walk their dogs. Also, it
Gershwinplein, I always have the scoop whenever anything
would be so nice to connect with other residents. I haven’t seen
happens. The sun is shining, pavement cafés are back in business
that yet in Xavier. Everyone’s friendly and says hi, but I would like
and I have a front-row seat. It’s like being a spectator at a play.
to get to know people by organizing drinks or a barbecue in our courtyard. And George Gershwinplein would be a great spot to
Favourite spot in Zuidas
organize something for everyone living in Zuidas. An event to bring
Club Sportive, Doppio’s outdoor tables for work and coffee, and
us all together. Let’s get to know each other!”
Total4Living on Gelderlandplein for inspiration and collaboration.
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Roxanne Wilm
Living And Lifestyle Special
Thomas van Splunteren
“TO BUY A HOME HERE, YOU HAVE TO ACT FAST” Are you a homeowner looking to buy a new place in the Zuidas area? Then no doubt
new house in Zuidas. Once you’ve found it,
you’ve discovered this is not something you can just sort out on a spare Saturday.
you can make a solid offer straight away.
“Ninety per cent of homes around here are sold without a financing condition”,
In fact, you may just get it all sorted on a
Thomas van Splunteren of De Hypotheker says. “So, if you don’t act incredibly fast,
spare Saturday after all.
you’ll miss out.” Accelerate your house-hunt De Hypotheker is ready to strike fast
to buy, we draw up your whole file.” First,
Thomas sees this approach pay off daily.
“The bottleneck in the current market
De Hypotheker Zuidas sits down with
“We’re very successful in what we do. At De
is finding a new place, especially in a
clients to review their wish list and what
Hypotheker, we can do a lot and we can
desirable location like this”, Thomas says.
the possibilities are. The advisor will look at
do it fast, which is crucial just now. Plus,
By comparison, “Selling is usually a piece of
what kind of home you’re looking for, how
because we work with all lenders, we can
cake.” For clients looking to purchase a new
the sale of your current home is coming
offer bespoke service at speed.”
property, he and his team work to ensure
along and what your mortgage options
they are ready to strike fast.
are. This provides a much more concrete
Make an appointment with Thomas or his
and accurate picture than any online tool
colleagues any time for the best chance at
Apply first, then offer
ever could. Moreover, it gives you a head
buying your dream home in Zuidas!
“Basically, we’ve turned the normal order
start in the mortgage application process,
of things around”, Thomas explains. “Even
by taking care of all possible steps in
before you’ve settled on a specific place
advance. All that’s left is honing in on your
Photography: Jaiwey Nuij
De Hypotheker amsterdam1135@hypotheker.nl + 31 (0)20 662 14 11
Living And Lifestyle Special
In Amstelveen, new-build project The Mayor is rapidly taking
Doing business runs in the blood
shape, transforming the former KPMG premises into luxury
The Mayor is one of the latest of the Warmenhuizen-based firm’s
apartments. Construction company and developer M.J. De Nijs en
many prestigious projects. M.J. De Nijs en Zonen were also
Zonen signed on for the challenge of converting the former office
behind the restoration of Amsterdam’s old tram depot, now De
into penthouses, apartments and garden apartments. So, who are
Hallen, and Hermitage museum, as well as the construction of
M.J. De Nijs en Zonen, and what makes this project special?
the Eye Filmuseum. Doing business runs in their blood. Owned
Living And Lifestyle Special
IN LUXURIOUS THE MAYOR and operated by the De Nijs family for 100
challenge and are currently converting the
morning and sends you off to sleep at night.
years, this is a real family firm with a board
office block into new residential buildings
The bedrooms and the spacious living room
of directors still made up of members of
with luxury penthouses, apartments and
with open-plan kitchen have sliding doors
the De Nijs family. All are closely involved
garden apartments.
giving onto an outdoor terrace. Welcome
in the company’s projects, and that makes
home to the ultimate freedom. Where you
it a great place to work, project developer
“This project is really a perfect match with
can get away from it all, entertain friends
Eltjo Hamster affirms.
De Nijs’ vision,” Eltjo Hamster explains.
and celebrate life – every day!
Known for their work on urban and often From office block to apartments
complex projects, “these kinds of logistical
The company also loves a challenge. You
puzzles are an adventure for us, so it came
M-Exclusive makes living in The Mayor even
won’t find them planting production-line
as no surprise that this was a project De
more comfortable and convenient, with
houses in pastures. Because M.J. De Nijs en
Nijs were keen to sink their teeth into.”
a range of facilities and services tailored
Zonen are all about sustainable building.
for and provided exclusively to residents.
They’re best known for construction
Luxury penthouses and apartments
Already planned are a gym and coffee
and renovation projects in and around
The penthouses and apartments offer up
corner, as well as arrangements for parcel
Amsterdam – projects that tend to unfold
to 212m² of unparalleled luxury. And a
delivery, dry cleaning and taxi services.
on construction sites where space is tight.
blank canvas for the first residents, as units
Uniquely, the building will have its own
can be configured and furnished to suit
concierge. They will greet your guests upon
your taste.
request and look after your apartment
The Mayor is such a site. Originally built as an office, the property was completed
while you’re away or on holiday. Need a
in 1991, but wound up vacant after just 18
Come for a viewing, and you’ll be amazed
child-minder at the last minute? Have the
years. It was never leased again and the
at the vast windows that seem to dissolve
concierge take care of for you.
building has been tenantless since 2009.
the division between inside and outside
M.J. De Nijs en Zonen signed on for the
space. A phenomenal view greets you every
Picturing yourself living luxuriously in Amstelveen? Visit the website: www.woneninthemayor.nl
Stijlvol wonen in Amstelveen
140 huurappartementen met parkeerplaats 55 m2 - 95m2 Start verhuur vanaf 15 oktober 2021 Verwachte oplevering april 2022
Living And Lifestyle Special
Fresh and fast-growing property player As a specialist in Amsterdam’s private residential market, VON POLL REAL ESTATE is a fresh and fast-growing property player, focusing on selling, buying and rentals. Thanks to that rapid expansion, in 2018 VON POLL REAL ESTATE opened a second branch in Zuidas, in addition to its main office in the heart of Amsterdam. Customer-focused
client is a unique individual with their own
The team
residential estate agents
wishes and interests.
The team behind VON POLL REAL ESTATE
The VON POLL REAL ESTATE team is a group
consists of highly trained estate agents with
of residential estate agents who combine
Within the residential market, VON POLL
international backgrounds and more than 60
talent and experience with a customer
REAL ESTATE offers comprehensive
years’ work experience concentrated mainly
focus. With both feet firmly on the ground,
knowledge and expertise. Everything from
in Amsterdam, Amstelveen and surroundings.
they make it their mission to find ‘perfect
17th-century properties to new-builds
The NVM association-certified agents possess
places to live’. They all go out to locate
blueprinted for future developments, and
a wealth of knowledge and experience
the best spots for clients to live or work,
from studio flats to detached houses and
to serve clients. Its large and expanding
start a family or retreat or for investment
houseboats. The team always does its
international network means VON POLL REAL
opportunities. VON POLL REAL ESTATE
utmost to fulfil the specific wishes and
ESTATE is perfectly placed to tap into the
understands better than anyone that each
needs of its clients.
growing global interest in Amsterdam.
Office Zuidas Claude Debussylaan 134 1082 MD Amsterdam
Office City Centre Keizersgracht 321 1016 EE Amsterdam +31 (0)20 215 99 88 www.von-poll.nl
Marie-Christine Lodewijk, Cecile Smits van Oyen, Elisabeth van Zijverden, Lisa Kooijman, Nisa San, Teun van Esch, Joan Dik, Esmee van Galen, Sianne de Stucklé & Willem Jan Romeijn
Luxurious living 5 minutes from CS Beautiful residential buildings are under construction and almost finished in Amsterdam’s new district Aan het IJ, nearby Amsterdam Central Station. What makes them special? High-end architecture,
spaciousness, comfort, bright spaces, attention to details and the use of the finest materials. There are still a number of unique penthouses for sale. For more information see our website:
Living And Lifestyle Special
Moving abroad and making a new home in an unfamiliar place can be tough. Getting off to the right start is essential, and that’s where Corporate Housing Factory comes in. For those still searching for a perfect permanent place to call home, Corporate Housing Factory can arrange temporary housing with all the comforts of a luxury hotel, right at the heart of bustling Zuidas and other big cities in the country. Service Desk Supervisor Alexandra Kinsella and Service Host Antonia Georgiou are amongst the company’s first points of contact and friendly faces for newly arriving guests.
Corporate Housing Factory
Antonia Georgiou & Alexandra Kinsella
With backgrounds in hotel management, these two women part of
young children, we had a teddy bear and colouring book waiting.
a service desk team of nine, give guests all the time and attention
They were so pleased.” During the lockdown, a Work-from-Home
they need. That’s also one of the things they like best about
package was implemented. Guests can request this package, so
Corporate Housing Factory. Alexandra has worked in short, medium
their apartment is well equipped with all essentials.
and long-stay solutions for four years and says, “One of the agency’s core values is a personal touch, and making people feel at home
Temporary solution
in the Netherlands is key. By taking a personal approach, being
Corporate Housing Factory offers short-stay accommodations
flexible and having face-to-face contact, we help to bring it about.
for periods running from one week to up to a year. The
It creates an immediate feeling of trust.”
serviced apartments are fully equipped with all utilities, Wi-Fi, equipment like pots, pans and serviced housecleaning, so
Personal touch
guests can easily arrive and feel right at home. All properties
Even before guests arrive, Alexandra and Antonia are on the job:
also allow pets. Alexandra: “Our guests come from all over the
collecting travel details and create itineraries to ensure a warm
world. Most stay for about three to six months. We can help out
welcome. Antonia: “After guests arrive, we take care of the check-
with all the formalities, from registration to obtaining a citizen
ins. We do whatever it takes to ensure a pleasant stay, whether it
service number. We’ll to great lengths to make our guests
concerns seeing to repairs, receiving parcels or ordering groceries.
happy and comfortable.”
We also provide a welcome package on arrival, so that they have all the necessities at their fingertips.” Alexandra and Antonia also add personal touches for each guest. “For one family with
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep
Corporate Housing Factory Gustav Mahlerlaan 50B 1082 ME Amsterdam www.corporatehousingfactory.com
Spain Supreme is a unique concept bringing tasty tapas, fine wine, music, fun and good times to you or your employees, clients or customers.
Included the Spain Supreme Board Game
Scan the QR code and watch the
Wendy van Voskuilen De MatchMaker
+316 29 510 036 wendy@dematchmaker.nl www.dematchmaker.nl
Energieke, knappe dame (begin 30) zoekt slimme en zelfbewuste man
Warme, intelligente vrouw (eind 40) zoekt krachtige, down to earth man
Ze is arts in opleiding. Haar vlotte verschijning, communicatieve vaardigheden, empathisch vermogen en gedrevenheid maken haar onderscheidend in haar werk.
Ze is business consultant. Na loopbaan bij enkele corporates alweer jarenlang als zelfstandige aan de slag. Ze is innovatief, daadkrachtig en verbindend in haar werk.
EIGENSCHAPPEN • Vrouwelijk en stoer • Lief en avontuurlijk • Balans hard werken en genieten • Sociaal • Close met familie en vriendinnen • Racefietsen, tennis, reizen en wintersport
EIGENSCHAPPEN • Gepassioneerd • Ondernemend • Positief • Harmonieus en oprecht • Buitenmens: racefietsen, zeilen, dansen en reizen • Gescheiden, liefdevolle moeder en loyale vriendin
ZOEKT Een man die zijn leven op orde heeft en wil gaan voor een serieuze relatie. Intelligent, mannelijk en een gezond zelfvertrouwen. Verzorgd en gezellig.
ZOEKT Een man die samen wil genieten van het leven. Mannelijk, iemand die staat en met zelfvertrouwen. Iemand die graag samen buiten (sportief) is en af en toe een beetje gek doet.
Lees de uitgebreide profielen, reageer vertrouwelijk en kosteloos op WWW.DEMATCHMAKER.NL of bel naar +316 29 510 036.
Living And Lifestyle Special
THESE SISTERS ARE PROS AT SCORING THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR YOUR HOME “Every house has its own features, and our job is to present each one to the very best effect”
Merel Olde Kalter & Marinthe Olde Kalter
Value boost up to 10 per cent Marinthe Olde Kalter and Merel Olde Kalter are sisters with a passion for interiors.
According to the sisters, a passion
As one-time operators of an Airbnb business, they were privileged to see inside
for their craft is the key to swift and
hundreds of homes. That experience inspired the pair to start designing interiors
stunning results. “Our company and
for the expat market, applying their keen eye for detail. These days, the Olde Kalter
the services we offer are an outlet for
sisters’ company Kalter & Kalter is wholly specialized in sales and rental styling, and
our creativity, and of course we want
they know exactly what it takes to create that ‘homey’ feeling that makes a place
to help our clients selling a home to
irresistible to prospective buyers or tenants. The sisters offer their furnishings and
get the best possible price”, Marinthe
home accessories for hire on a limited-time basis to present a home to its best effect
explains. Merel: “We always factor in the
during viewings. After the sale, they return to collect the items.
potential target group and character of the house. A beautifully styled home
Hip, modern interiors at home and abroad
To which Marinthe adds, “That variation is
sells faster and it can boost the value by
As sisters, Marinthe and Merel share a
also what makes our work fun. Every house
as much as ten per cent. This makes our
special synergy plus an enthusiasm for
has its own features, and our job is to
clients happy, which of course makes us
their work ensuring beautiful and fast
present each one to the very best effect”.
happy too.”
results. “We supply interiors throughout the
Merel: “Having all our own furnishings and
Netherlands and also furnish homes and
accessories gives us flexibility and means
holiday accommodations abroad. From
we can work fast. We can give a home a
big to small apartments and from single-
fresh and up-to-date look in just a day.”
Interested to learn what Kalter & Kalter can do for you? Get in touch: info@kalterkalter.com +31 (0) 615 19 56 01 www.kalterkalter.com kalterkalter_amsterdam
family homes to mansions”, Merel says.
Text: Romy Lange
Business In The Spotlight
MatchMaker Wendy van Voskuilen
ENRICHES YOUR LOVE LIF Wendy van Voskuilen
A busy job, not wanting a public profile on dating apps, wanting to date selectively:
to present in a newspaper, magazine or
all are good reasons to call in the expertise of a personal and discreet matchmaker.
online. When people respond, I have just as
With her background in psychology and business administration and her years-long
deep a conversation with them as with my
HR and recruitment experience at a few multinationals, Wendy van Voskuilen knows
client. Then I assess their compatibilities, if
how to read, connect and coach people. Whether you’re a man or a woman looking
they level in terms of EQ, IQ, values, drivers,
for love, Wendy helps you to speed up and increase your chance on finding that
mindset, and way of life. During the dating
special someone to enrich your life.
phase, I can act as a sounding board and as a mirror, depending on my client’s needs.’’
While dating her husband, who works
personal MatchMaker, my mission is to
As well as fielding reactions, Wendy also
as a lawyer at the Zuidas, Wendy lived a
save their valuable time and take the
looks for matches in her database and her
busy life working for a pharmaceutical
preliminary work out of their hands and
own network. Crucial to the whole process,
company and starting a parttime study.
introduce candidates with a high chance
Wendy says, is having a comfortable and
She knows what it’s like getting to know
on a perfect match.’’
transparent relationship with clients. ‘’I
a potential love while having jam-packed
keep a fine balance between light-hearted
schedules. Her insight in personalities,
Personal approach
and in-depth conversations with them, it
coaching skills and her pleasant way of
Wendy’s personal approach is integral
is fun and challenging at the same time.
connecting are what make Wendy such
to the whole process. From the initial list
Please feel welcome to register for free in
a trusted and professional matchmaker.
of questions through to making the right
my database, to have a look at the profiles
‘’My clients are all self-conscious and
match. Wendy explains: ‘’Following the
on my website and drop me a line if one
highly driven people who have their
questionnaire, I do a two-hour visit with the
catches your eye, or phone me if you could
lives on track. People with busy lives
client to get to know them. I want to truly
use some help finding love!’’
and looking for personal guidance and
understand who you are, what makes you
quality in all kinds of services, like hiring
tick, and what you are looking for in your
a personal trainer or a life coach. As a
significant other. After that, I create a profile
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Edward van Hees
Wendy van Voskuilen +31 (0)6 29 51 00 36 www.dematchmaker.nl wendy@dematchmaker.nl
Strawinskylaan 3001, 1077 ZX Amsterdam
MVSA Architects
Icon Real Estate, G&S Vastgoed
Main user
(multi-tenant office building) CMS, ACT, WeWork
Completed in 2018 Floors 15
68 m
Floor area
70,000 m2
The Atrium has dominated the corner of Strawinskylaan and Parnassusweg from the earliest days of Zuidas’ development. More recently, the launch of the City’s Zuidasdok project kicked off the area’s transformation into a dynamic mixed-use urban district with a higher building density. New access roads and connections put the Atrium at the heart of this redevelopment plan. To fit in with its fast-changing urban setting, the Atrium needed a makeover. MVSA Architects’ expansion with two
new towers created 21,000 m² of additional office space. Vast and transparent, the
• Built in 1976, the Atrium is one of the
refurbished Atrium is a building that offers optimal spaces to work, meet and relax. A place where visitors effortlessly feel at home.
oldest buildings in Zuidas. • The new towers boast gorgeous courtyard gardens planted across
Unique transparency
give the whole building a uniform and
several corner sections over two
The Atrium has always been an unusual
elegant look and feel, inside and out.
or three storeys, which are also visible from outside. All of the
building, characterized by its unique
rooftops are green.
transparency, most noticeable in the large
One key aspect of the renovation was
open spaces – the atria – that bathe the
adapting public spaces along the base
interior in daylight. Also unique are the
to entice visitors to engage with the
of the parking garage, have twin
vast expanses of floor space, up to 4,500
building. The ground floor has restaurants,
atria and meandering aluminium
m2 in places. The new towers and canopies
cafés and shops, catering to visitors as well
canopies that reach out to embrace
‘embrace’ the original building. Having
as tenants. The Atrium also has a variety of
started out with three atria, the renovated
extra facilities and amenities for tenants,
complex now has five, with the two added
including extensive conference and
was awarded a rating of BREEAM
atria acting to bridge the old structure and
meeting spaces, dry cleaning and car
Excellent. The building contributes
new sections. Use of robust, sustainable
wash services, a large gym and a good
to a healthier environment and
materials and a coordinated colour palette
employee restaurant.
reduces energy costs for its tenants.
Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode, Laurens Kuipers & Michael van Oosten
• The new towers, erected on top
the original building. • The design of the new section
Renting Benefits at Vesteda
Superlative flexibility:
• several high-end properties available immediately
• apartment sharing possible
• floors and curtains optional
• temporary leases
• pets allowed !
(minimum 6 months)
Vesteda offers quality homes that suit your housing needs.
Hello You
THE GIFT SUMMER The Self Love Movement @ INNSiDE by Meliá Amsterdam, 29 June 2021 During this event, Friends of the Brands presented the latest trends in fashion, beauty, lifestyle, tech and hotspots. This edition featured a special focus on ‘Self Love’, around which Friends of the Brands seeks to raise social awareness. The Cielo skybar at INNSiDE by Meliá Amsterdam was transformed into a total shopping experience, showcasing all the latest products by the hottest brands of the moment.
Members Meeting
GUIDED TOUR OF ARTZUID Tuesday 14 September 2021
You are cordially invited to join us for a guided tour of the ARTZUID Sculpture Route on Tuesday 14 September. We will set out from De Thomas in small groups to see the sculptures and re-join afterwards for drinks at CIRCL. Please note that places are limited. The 2021 edition of this acclaimed sculpture biennial is titled ‘Imagine’, after the song of the same name by John Lennon. It was curated by Ralph Keuning, director of Museum De Fundatie, who selected 50 Dutch and international artists whose work focuses on engagement for a better society.
Meeting Point
De Thomas, Prinses Irenestraat 36, Amsterdam
Tuesday 14 September
Sign up
send an email to servicepoint@hellozuidas.com
Eline Kik and Tom van Es
ZUIDAS SETS THE STANDARD FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT When it comes to urban development, Zuidas is already a pioneer in sustainability.
working methods and implementing them
But there are still plenty of projects in the works to make and keep the district as
in the best possible way”, Eline says. “This
sustainable as possible. Tom van Es, Program Manager Zuidas Sustainability, Water
includes initiatives like the zero-waste
and Green, and Eline Kik, director of Green Business Club Zuidas, outline where Zuidas
ambition, switching from natural gas and
stands now and point out key factors in greening the district.
heat-cold storage.”
With most of its building stock qualifying
Future plans
as ‘young’ – less than twenty years old –
That certain features of the district
When it first started, Green Business Club
Zuidas can potentially provide a model
can serve as a model certainly doesn’t
Zuidas focused mainly on organizing
for other districts across the Netherlands.
mean developments here have stopped.
and implementing projects. Now, ten
Zuidas boasts energy-neutral buildings,
According to Tom, one of the main
years on, monitoring those projects’
buildings with green and blue roofs
ambitions right now is to take Zuidas off
progress is just as crucial, Eline says.
and buildings with vertical planting. An
natural gas. “Big strides are being made at
“This September we’re launching the
‘Ambition Plan’ (Green Business Club
various levels and we’re hoping to get the
fully optimized version of our dashboard,
Zuidas Ambitieverklaring 2021-2025) drawn
district completely off natural gas by 2025.
showing how all participants together are
up and signed by 55 organizations in
Ultimately, the goal is for Zuidas to be
coming along on the sustainability front
Zuidas this past spring, sets sustainability
energy neutral by 2030. For the buildings
in the Zuidas area. For more information,
goals for the district. Tom explains: “The
that are here already, this will entail major
please visit our website: gbczuidas.
City has made additional funds available
overhauls to make them sustainable.
nl.” Organizations that are interested
for green landscaping and expanding
Given the complexity, that will take a
in sustainability can always consult the
water storage capacity in this vulnerable
while to accomplish.” Green Business Club
district platforms or join any one of GBC’s
area with lots of paving. In public spaces,
Zuidas actively stimulates and assists
projects. Tom: “I encourage everyone to
you can see this in the development of the
organizations to prioritize sustainability in
pop out on their lunch breaks and take
Boelegracht, the Knowledge Quarter and
their operations. “We support companies
a little walk around to see all that’s
Prinses Irenestraat.”
in Zuidas towards developing sustainable
been accomplished!”
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobby Jo
Business In The Spotlight
Rosarium is ready to roll! Rosarium is ready to set out on a new phase with its meeting and event venue. “This past year, with the lockdown, it was rough”, acknowledges Manager Jordi van den Berg. “Service, facilitating events and taking care of guests is in our DNA. We couldn’t do that, but our optimism and enthusiasm are back. We’re ready to welcome back all of our regular guests as well as new ones. And we’re proud to show that Rosarium looks as new again, has invested in a state-of-the-art ventilation system and has implemented sustainability in different ways.”
Jordi van den Berg, Michiel Post & Marelie Bosch van Drakestein
Indoors is outdoors
New chef
participants and speakers as guests on
Situated in beautiful green surroundings,
As a fervent foodie, Marelie is very
location. And for small team sessions
near Zuidas and the A10 ringway,
excited about the gastronomy: “The food
to larger conferences. Live streaming
Rosarium is a seamless blend of indoors
experience of our clients is continuously
is an ideal complement to traditional
and outdoors. All the spaces have
changing, from the sandwich lunch
presentations. Nevertheless, there’s
French door openings which lead to a
buffet to sit-down dinners to receptions.
a universal preference to meet in real
private terrace that overlooks the flower
Vegetarian, biological products and
life. Not only there is there a stronger
garden. And beyond that Amstelpark is
super healthy are the big trends at the
engagement, the dynamics are different
possibly Amsterdam’s most picturesque
moment.” The new chef, Michiel Post,
when things are completely online in
parc. “You’re not attending a meeting
agrees. “It’s wonderful to let guests taste
comparison to meeting each other in
in a large convention complex or in
a healthy lunch or dinner without making
person. “We want to connect people
a hotel with guests checking in and
any concessions to quality. Cooking
in every way. Next year, Rosarium will
out”, Sales & Event Manager Marelie
with locally sourced ingredients and
celebrate its 50th anniversary”, Jordi
Bosch van Drakestein explains. “The
sustainable products – that’s my motto.”
notes. “That’s a big milestone, so we want to celebrate it with everyone in a big
relaxed ambiance, the peace and quiet of the green surroundings and excellent
Live & hybrid
accessibility are precisely what sets us
Rosarium is hosting many hybrid (virtual
apart. You can take a stroll through the
+ in-person) meetings already. It can
park during a break of your meeting.
supply all the technical resources needed
That’s a great way to recharge.”
to facilitate meetings for both online
Tekst: Romy Lange • Fotografie: Dieuwertje van der Stoep
way. We’re ready for it!”
Rosarium Amstelpark 1 Europaboulevard 1083 HZ Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 644 40 85 www.rosarium.net
Apartment ...
or cottage
In the city ...
or in the country
A financial advisor who arranges everything
or get a mortgage online on your own
Whatever you decide, We will provide you with the best advice De Hypotheker Zuidas Strawinskylaan 1427 WTC Amsterdam 1077 XX Amsterdam + 31 (0)20 662 1411 www.hypotheker.nl
Lost in transla�on? We’re not. www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/en/transla�ons 020 - 598 64 20 | info@taalcentrum-vu.nl
Located in the heart of the Zuidas at the George Gershwinlaan, the Manhattan Lounge-Bar is finally re-opening again!
Like our Facebook or Instagram page and enjoy great benefits during the first of many Sport & Music events that will be held in the Manhattan Lounge-Bar. Stay tuned and welcome back!
Hello You
Grachtenfestival Mabassa @ Loyens & Loeff, 17 August 2021 Loyens & Loeff opened its doors to treat a group of Hello Zuidas members to a summer evening of sultry Brazilian-Caribbean music by the duo Mabassa, rounded out with delicious drinks and finger food. The warm vibes had everyone smiling and feeling they’d been briefly transported to a tropical island in the middle of Zuidas.
Photography: Ruben Stam
PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Victor van Ahee Buildings are going up all over Zuidas, and that’s not set to
Attorney at law (Competition & Regulatory) at Loyens & Loeff
change any time soon. Residents of area apartments are sure to be keeping a particularly close eye on all these building
What are some common problems in the
works. Because while construction companies normally
sphere of environmental and planning law?
adhere to the rules and can’t do anything without the proper
Environmental and planning law covers a massive field of legal
permits, sometimes developments take you by surprise or have
topics. The most common cases relate to building permits,
components you object to. We asked three legal experts in
regulatory enforcement, industrial and other environmental
Zuidas about planning and environmental law (Omgevingsrecht
impacts and the effects of human action on nature. More specific
in Dutch) and when it is advisable to take action.
topics include soil (e.g. contamination), heat, water management, transport and energy infrastructure. Loyens & Loeff’s clients are mainly large industrial companies and real estate owners and developers, that face strategic or legal complications relating to their operations and developments. Most notably, transition to more sustainable energy supplies and use is now throwing up a lot of legal challenges in the environmental law field. Can I find out which rules apply where I live? In theory, the access to environmental law sources is very easy, because all the laws, decrees, zoning plans, case law and governmental policies can be found online. However, because it is so complicated, you may still need a specialized lawyer to make sense of it all. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of national and European laws and regulations, so you need legal experience, analytical skills and a fair amount of general knowledge to truly understand and achieve the best outcome.
Alexander IJkelenstam Lawyer (Administrative Law & Environmental and Planning Law) at CMS Let’s say a new tower is built and it blocks your view. What are the chances you can do something about it, as a resident acting alone? Often, people don’t realize how important zoning plans are. If your local zoning allows for the construction of a new tower, there is little you can do. If there is some deviation from those plans, you can do more. Visit the municipal council with your neighbours. Also, talk to the developer. But be aware that, in the Netherlands, there is no such thing as the right to something like an unobstructed view. If you disagree with the definitive plans, you have to lodge concrete objections. A shortage of parking spaces, for instance, or a clear conflict with environmental protection laws. Administrative law was designed to enable litigation without a lawyer, but it has become such a maze of red tape that, in practice, most people get lost without a lawyer. What should you pay attention to with changes in your residential environment? Basically, once building works start in your neighbourhood, it is too late. By then, the deadline for lodging an objection has usually expired. You can subscribe to municipal publications for your neighbourhood at www.overheid.nl. If a zoning plan change is imminent or an environmental permit has been requested to renovate that vacant building down the street, you’ll be notified in good time so you can contact the developer, and file an objection if you need to. Once the new Dutch Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) takes effect, developers themselves will be obligated to organize consultations with local residents. How that will work, though, is still unclear.
Tycho Mol Junior Associate Public Law at Dentons Should you take action if you hear about
Are neighbours who band together
construction plans, but know nothing
in a stronger position to act?
beyond that? And, if so, how?
There are practical benefits to cooperating
It can often be helpful to reach out to the
with neighbours, for example in relation
developers of construction plans during
to media exposure and sharing of costs.
an early stage of that development. In
The legal benefits are limited, since a
order to prevent lengthy legal procedures,
judge assesses each person’s appeal
developers may be willing to change their
on its individual admissibility and legal
plans to your advantage. Yet, from a spatial
arguments. In some cases, however, a
planning law perspective, legal remedies
group of people may invoke a wider variety
only become available after publication of
of arguments, as opposed to one person,
the environmental permit or draft permit.
since each individual is limited to invoking
After publication, it is important to submit
rules that serve to protect their individual
either an objection or an opinion against
interests. A bigger group could mean more
the environmental permit or draft permit
interests and therefore more possible
within the six-week deadline.
grounds of appeal.
Text: Romy Lange
MOBILITY Public transport use has taken a hit during the coronavirus pandemic. OV-Buddies wants to change that, by getting all of Zuidas to encourage colleagues to skip the car and take public transport (‘OV’) to work. To sweeten the deal, participants are rewarded for every public transport journey to or from Zuidas. OV-Buddies is that simple: take public transport to work and earn prizes. Using public transport reduces parking headaches and boosts business sustainability. In other words, it’s a win-win!
‘OV-BUDDIES’! With OV-Buddies, committed public transport users seek out
Each team participates for one calendar month (September,
car-commuting colleagues whitin their organization. Then, they
October or November). Team-mates do not have to travel together.
sign up as a team. One buddy can register with up to four motorists.
Sign up your company now, so your employees can
Each time a team-mate/ex-motorist takes public transport to work,
earn great prizes in Zuidas!
they collect points. The buddy/public transport pro also gets points for every public transport journey their team-mates make.
Note: offer valid for up to 100 employees including buddies and
* This project is an initiative of Van A tot Zuidas: a platform in which
participants. If you have any questions about this offer, get in touch
Green Business Club Zuidas, ORAM, Taskforce Bereikbaarheid Zuidas,
with Rinske Berg, Mobility & Accessibility project manager at Hello
Gemeente Amsterdam Zuidas, Bycs, Breikers and Hello Zuidas are
Zuidas: rinske.berg@hellozuidas.com. Disclaimer: the ‘OV-Buddies’
working together to promote sustainable mobility to and from Zuidas.
campaign is subject to change due to coronavirus restrictions.
For more information, see www.vanatotzuidas.nl
New Members
Hello Zuidas welcomes
WELCOME HOME STREETS OF THE WORLD PHOTO CLASS Sector: Lifestyle & concierge services Number of employees: 3 Link with Zuidas Welcome Home offers a Resident Concierge Service for both private individuals and project developers in Zuidas.
Reason for becoming
Sector: Theatre
Sector: Events & education
a Hello Zuidas member
Employees: 10
Employees: 5
Welcome Home is a high-end concierge
(+ approx. 20 service desk flex workers + approx. 50 course teachers)
service dedicated to a comfortable Link with Zuidas
lifestyle. We are a partner for project
Smartphone city walk in Zuidas.
developers and homeowners’ associations
Link with Zuidas
of luxury residential complexes. Our virtual Reason for becoming
Resident Concierge enhances the five-star
a Hello Zuidas member
living experience, available starting from
Reason for becoming
Renowned photographer Jeroen
four apartments! We also offer a wide
a Hello Zuidas member
Swolfs combines his Streets of the
range of services for private homeowners.
Griffioen theatre and course centre is
World exhibition in Zuidas with
coming to Zuidas to shake up the business
smartphone city walks through
district and enrich the lives of everyone
the district, teaching participants,
who works, studies or lives here, with a
corporate teams and tourists
packed programme of cultural activities.
about photography and helping
Extend your 9 to 5 with fun!
them on the way to becoming
Photo: Too van Velzen
smartphone photography pros.
Located on the VU Campus.
TPEX INTERNATIONAL Sector: Real estate (focused on data-driven real estate, smart buildings & sustainability) Employees: 20+ Link with Zuidas Established in Zuidas since 2011. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member TPEX provides building monitoring and management services. We have been based in Zuidas for years, have various clients here, and would like to strengthen our ties with Zuidas.
New Members
the following new members AM Sector: Area and property development Number of employees: 180 Link with Zuidas Involved in different development projects in Zuidas.
FYEO Sector: Eye clinic Number of employees: 130
Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member As an area and property developer,
Sector: Hospitality
we’re shaping tomorrow’s living,
Link with Zuidas
(hotel and restaurant)
working and leisure environments and
FYEO Amsterdam Boelelaan has opened
Number of employees: 15
have been active in Zuidas for many
in the former Worldeye clinic, and its
years. With the recent multifunctional
ambition fits in perfectly with Zuidas as a
Link with Zuidas
concept Crossover, AM and its
high-end district.
Brand-new restaurant in the lobby of
partners are setting the
INNSiDE by Meliá Amsterdam.
tone for the future
Reason for becoming
development of
a Hello Zuidas member
Reason for becoming
It is important to FYEO to connect with the
a Hello Zuidas member
community, which in Zuidas means the
We’re looking forward to welcoming our
leading companies and diversity of residents
neighbours and Zuidas professionals to
here. With our advanced lens implant and
our new lifestyle hotel. Tierra serves classic
laser eye treatments, we aim to enable
Spanish cuisine with a modern twist,
as many people as possible to enjoy life
packed with authentic flavour and open
unfettered by glasses or contact lenses.
around the clock.
Kop Zuidas.
CIELO SKYBAR & RESTAURANT Sector: Hospitality (hotel and restaurant) Number of employees: 15 Link with Zuidas The first skybar in Zuidas, with stunning views of the city. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member Cielo is a place where the sky is literally the limit. One moment you’re working, the next you’re dancing under the stars and revelling in spectacular panoramic views of stunning Amsterdam. And why not start your day with breakfast in the clouds? Pure heaven!
Memo Board
MEMO BOARD VISIT PAN AMSTERDAM! PAN Amsterdam is where art lovers come together. Now in its 35th edition, this fair is one of the premier events in the annual art calendar, showcasing a wide variety of antiques, design and art. Drawing over 40,000 visitors each year, it hosts some 110 antique dealers, traders and galleries presenting their finest pieces. Diverse and widely-priced, the selection ranges from archaeological artefacts, Asian objects and silver to contemporary art, photography, design and jewellery of all kinds. Paired with PAN Podium’s interactive programme of talks and activities, this multifaceted fair offers plenty to inspire and admire. Come discover PAN Amsterdam at the RAI on 14-21 November. For further information and opening hours, visit www.pan.nl.
PRIDE IN ZUIDAS The 25th edition of the Pride Festival came to Zuidas in recent weeks, displaying a wealth of rainbow colours! Businesses in Zuidas joined to raise awareness for acceptance of the LGBT+ community in the workplace. The Kraft Heinz head office in Zuidas was among those showing its colourful support!
Memo Board
Coming soon...
On Instagram we read the exciting news that De Pizzabakkers are coming to Valley. We can’t wait!!
NOTICED THESE SIGNS ON ZUIDPLEIN? the work of artist Joanneke Meester, whose pieces
home in on how people communicate consciously
Zuidas as a backdrop for their Instagram
and unconsciously. ARTZUID 2021 is on through 17
posts. Noticed Zuidas popping up more in
October and is free and open to the public.
your feed? We can’t get enough of these
‘What is the shortest path to wisdom?’, reads one. Another: ‘Scent also says a lot.’ These signs are
A growing number of influencers are using
gorgeous pics, so keep ‘em coming!
Meet The...
Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. More recently, however, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities, including shops, schools, fitness centres and places to drink and dine. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories wich we’re eager to share with you.
Kenneth Smit
This month, we introduce you
including First Aid, CPR, assistant bomb
building at once in different configurations:
to a security guard at the new
reconnaissance and ERO group leader.”
in the courtrooms, offices and meeting
Amsterdam Courthouse in the heart of
rooms. It’s almost like working two layers
Zuidas. Kenneth Smit (50) lives a quiet
What’s the best part of your job?
– the judicial apparatus itself and then the
life with his wife, daughter and the
“The variety is what I like best; you never
offices in addition to that. Daily forecasts
family dog, but working as a security
know what will happen on any given day.
are an important part of our job, because
guard in the new courthouse puts him
I like keeping busy, and if I’m involved
the more people there are working, the
at the centre of the action in Zuidas
in something, I want to know all the ins
more security we need. I’m the point of
every day. Unflagging vigilance makes
and outs. After doing the job for a few
contact and the nature of my job changes,
Kenneth a star at his job.
years, I was temporarily deployed in the
too. We’re still discovering new aspects
judicial sector and in 1998 I decided to do
every day.”
Kenneth, did you want to
courthouse work full-time. In the control
be a security guard as a kid?
room we deal with incoming and outgoing
How do you like working in Zuidas?
“When I started this job, I thought it would
transports, courtroom alarm calls, first aid
“The area is developing constantly, and
be for five years, max. Originally, I studied to
and CPR follow-up – there’s a lot involved.”
our building is one example. I’ve worked
teach commerce at secondary vocational
here since 1995 and have seen everything
level, but I did not really enjoy that, so when
What is different about
change, which has been a blast. What’s
I saw a job posted by the NVD security
working in the new courthouse?
more, you can really see partners are
firm, I made the switch to security. In the
“The main factor is the size and complexity
working together more effectively.
end, I stuck with it, and even now, 23 years
of the new courthouse. We went from three
Everyone’s learning from each other, so it’s
later, no two days are alike. Professionally,
separate buildings to one big complex.
self-reinforcing. Together, we’re making this
I’ve advanced with various certifications,
There can be close to 3,000 people in the
a safe and liveable community.”
Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Roxanne Wilm
01. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 02. ABN AMRO 03. Accendium 04. Accenture 05. À Deauville 06. AFC 07. AkzoNobel 08. Albert Heijn 09. Alpha Security 10. AMAZE 11. amsterdam inbusiness 12. Amsterdamse Bos 13. Amsterdam UMC 14. APG 15. Arcadis 16. Arnold & Siedsma 17. Art Zuid 18. Asunaro Holland Interplan 19. Avenue Services 20. Bagels & Beans 21. Baker McKenzie 22. Bar Valdi 23. Being Development 24. Bolenius 25. Bouwens& 26. Boyden Global Executive Search 27. Breevast 28. BREIKERS 29. Broersma Nieuwbouw 30. BYCS 31. Caffè Belmondo 32. CBRE B.V. 33. citizenM 34. Che Buono 35. Cielo 36. Circl 37. Club Sportive 38. CMS 39. CoffeeDC 40. Cognito Financial Communications 41. Confius Executive Search 42. Corporate Housing Factory 43. Cosmo Hairstyling 44. Courtesie 45. Crossover (AM) 46. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 47. Customized Media 48. D&B The Facility Group 49. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 50. De Hypotheker
51. Deloitte 52. De Kredieter 53. De Nieuwe Poort 54. De Zuidas Apotheek 55. Dentons Boekel 56. dess Kirstins 57. Doctor Feelgood 58. Eden McCallum 59. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 60. Engel & Völkers 61. ENGIE 62. Etage 0 63. Euro CCP 64. Europcar 65. European Language Centre 66. Expat Center 67. EY 68. Fam. Advocaten 69. Fetch Car Sharing 70. Financial Offices 71. Five Clinics 72. Flexform Amsterdam 73. FLOW Real Estate 74. Food & i 75. Fortron B.V. 76. Freelancers United 77. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 78. Fris Makelaars 79. FSB Beveiliging 80. FYEO 81. Gelderlandplein 82. G&S Vastgoed 83. Goede Doelen Loterijen 84. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 85. Grand Café Mahler 86. Greenberg Nielsen 87. Green Business Club 88. Greenwheels 89. Gustavino 90. GVB 91. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 92. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 93. Hestia Kinderopvang 94. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 95. Hogan Lovells International LLP 96. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 97. Houthoff 98. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 99. House of Sports 100. Htel Serviced Apartments
COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.
101. IEF Real Estate 102. IMA 103. in2motivation 104. InAmsterdam 105. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 106. Innside by Melia 107. ISX Beveiliging 108. JLL 109. JuiceBrothers 110. KNAP Makelaardij 111. Koetjes en Kalfjes 112. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 113. Kraft Heinz 114. La Lotteria 115. Lebkov & Sons 116. Lexence 117. Leonidas 118. LibRT 119. Limon 120. Loyens & Loeff 121. Lunshof Makelaardij 122. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 123. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 124. Made in May 125. Magazine-Masters.nl 126. MaMa Kelly 127. Market 33 128. Mastercard 129. Mastro Sarto 130. MBO College Zuid 131. Mech Make & Take 132. Misura Sartoria 133. Mobeazy Flexible Carsharing 134. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum 135. Mylk 136. NACH 137. Nannies Nursery 138. NDI ICT Solutions 139. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 140. Nedstede Real Estate 141. NH Amsterdam Zuid 142. nhow Amsterdam RAI 143. Nicolaas Lyceum 144. Novotel Amsterdam City 145. NS 146. Olympisch Stadion 147. Oliver’s 148. ONE-Dyas B.V. 149. Openbare Bibliotheek 150. ORAM
151. Oranje Energie 152. OVG Real Estate 153. Ox & Bucks 154. PAN Amsterdam 155. Pancakes Amsterdam 156. Partou Kinderopvang 157. Pathé 158. Personality 159. PizzaLab 160. PLTS Reformer Pilates 161. Poké Perfect 162. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 163. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 164. Property NL B.V. 165. Protiviti 166. Provast 167. Qbic Hotels 168. Q-Park Nederland 169. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 170. RAI Amsterdam 171. Regus 172. Reset Yourself 173. Restaurant het Bosch 174. RGA International Reinsurance 175. Rialto 176. Rivers 177. Rob Peetoom 178. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 179. Rosarium 180. Russell Reynolds Associates 181. Savills Amsterdam 182. Salsa Shop 183. Season-Flowers 184. Securitas 185. Shinyu Body & Mind 186. Simmons & Simmons LLP 187. Sixt 188. Smartphone Citywalk Zuidas 189. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 190. Specialists in Security 191. Spine Health Incompany 192. Spirit Hospitality Services 193. Square 194. Stibbe 195. Student Experience 196. Summertime 197. Sushi Time 198. Symphony’s 199. Taalcentrum - VU 200. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer
Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl
Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Editor & Sales Céline Boute & Nicole Pak Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Printed by Magazine Masters Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)
Copyright © 2021 Zuidas Publishers All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.
Editors Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Nicole Pak, Paul van Lange, Jos Moerkamp, Renske van Bers & Trevor Holtkamp
Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.
Photography Dieuwertje van der Stoep (cover), Caily Bobbie Jo, Roxanne Willem, Ruben Stam & Marcel Steinbach Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Kirsten van Keimpema, T revor Holtkamp, Jos Moerkamp & Renske van Bers
201. Taylor Wessing 202. Tax Consultants International 203. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 204. The Bank of New York Mellon 205. The Basket 206. The Bikevertising Company 207. The Breakfast Club 208. The Office Operators 209. The Upside Down Amsterdam 210. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 211. Tierra 212. TPEX 213. TREC 214. Tribes 215. Urban Salad 216. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 217. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 218. Van Gool Elburg 219. Van Lanschot Kempen 220. Vermaat Groep 221. Vesteda 222. Von Poll Real Estate 223. VondelGym 224. VORM Ontwikkeling 225. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 226. VU | Griffioen 227. Wagamama 228. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 229. We Canteen 230. Welcome Home 231. WeWork 232. Wineboutique & Spirits 233. Wintertaling 234. WTC Amsterdam 235. WTC A’dam Business Club 236. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 237. WuSH 238. XO Optics 239. X2X Worldwide Express 240. YoungCapital 241. Your Assistant 242. Zuidas Apotheek 243. Zuidas Bier 244. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 245. Zuidas Publishers 246. Zuidas Today 247. ZuidasTravel.nl
Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by
Thanks to Winy Maas (MVRDV Architects), Valley Living, Van Poelgeest, The Mayor Amstelveen, Clubsportive, Kroonenberg Groep, Von Poll Real Estate, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), FYEO, Eat First, Maarsen Groep, The British School of Amsterdam, Gelderlandplein, Taalcentrum-VU, De Hypotheker, Art Zuid, Paul van Lange, Nyenrode, Reina van Grondelle, Bouwinvest, Sandra Risseeuw, Eva Lindfors, Real Estate Building Futureproof Festival, Aan het IJ, Corporate Housing Factory, Spain Supreme, De MatchMaker, MVSA Architects, Vesteda, Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South, Eline Kik, Tom van Es, Rosarium, FYEO, Victor van Ahee, Tycho Mol, Alexander IJkelenstam & Kenneth Smit