108mag 147

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CAREER BUSINESS URBAN LIVING Issue 147 Monday 29 February 2016








ABOUT US ;k]tlkoIhvpcxfvk-u[(108JOB) 3fpG [=]ylaf Ihvpcxfraogdqhkdi5[ 9edaf .[vto5pkfg]dmuG W$$}l,-D4;m X@$}!@}!@? leoad'ko8ah'1j6G gInvog]dmu W)_}!F 4t|qolk,clowmF [hkovko5F g,nv'9aomt[6]uF ot7vos^;';P'9ao ry,mujG 3I'ry, Lao UNIPRINT Press Co.,Ltd mt[PoG W_W r9 @&W&@W!W 3mG X)&*{@!? @&$(W_F

Inside this week Spoon 08 DNA Cafe

@&$#$_ c2adG X)&*{@!? @&$(W_

Cover Story

Email: info@108job.la Website: www.108job.la

10 First Modeling Lao

7totIa[zyf-v[G zh zh66-uuhho oeG eG

cdh cdh; ;;u ;ul l55d d fk]klko fk]klko

mu mujjx xbbd dlkG lkG

s5 s5, ,gra gra' ' ly lyo oxtglu xtgluf f

sq sq; ;|h |hk k[a [ao ookmy okmyd dkoG koG

;a ;ao ootrvo otrvo ly lyf fmy my] ]kf kf

dv'xt9e[a dv'xt9e[ao ookmy okmyd dkoG koG

cdh cdh; ;;u ;ul l55d d fk]klko fk]klko

ly ly] ]yyx xtrk trk f;'9y f;'9yf f

xtlko'ko}dkog'y oG

gra flt\vo 96 gIu j

mu jxbdlkfhkovvdc[[G xtlko'ko}dkog'y oG

7eI6 h rao]ngff graflt\vo

9a k c]t vvdc[[G muf jx|h bdlkfh kovvdc[[G

vko5 ;'37f 7eI6hlravo o]ns^ gff

9af|hk c]t vvdc[[G

;y w];P' vko5 lvo ;qs^';xtglu '37ff

wvmu G

sa lts;ao;q' ik-trq ;yf w];P' xtglufo


[5 sk;yw]o sao fmt;u lts;alyo'ik-trq


f;'ok]u cdh ;dk.9 [5omt;u ly' sk;y w]


xkcvoou mv'v5 m5, f;'ok]u h cdh ;dk.9

PR/EVENT 15 ງານຕະຫຼາດນັດວັນແມ່ຍິງ

Finding Job 10

,t]u lk luh ,mv'v5 ,t]u m5, xkcvoou -j -jk k'4j '4jk kpI6 pI6[ [G G

;y ;y] ]tla tlad d cl'gra cl'graf f,tou ,tou

Ih Ihk ko o cmoIa cmoIad d g;a g;af ffy fyhh' ' lt86 lt86f fyy3 3v v






ຖ.ບູລິຈັນ, ບ.ໂພນສີນວນ

ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດ ດາລາຈະເລີນ ປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ ບ. ຂຸນຕາ

ວິທະຍາໄລ ຄຳສະຫວາດ


ວິທະຍາໄລ ລາວນາໆຊາດ ຄລີນິກປົວແຂ້ວ ດຣ. ພອນສຸກ

Animal doctor

ຄະນະ ວິສະວະກຳສາດ

ຄີນິກ ດຣ.ຄຳທະວີ

ໂຮງຮຽນ ການຊ່າງ ລາວ-ເຢຍລະມັນ

Coffee Shop

ຖ. ສາມແສນໄທ ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ


108 MAGAZINE Online


Issuu.com /1081009

ຮ້ານ ຕັດຜົມ

ຕໍ່ໜ້າທາງອອກ ETL ບ. ຫັດສະດີ

ຮ້ານ ຕັດຜົມ

ຕໍ່ໜ້າຄິຣນິກເວດສະພົງ ບ. ສີສະຫວາດ

Beauty Center ວຸດທິສັກ ຄຮີນິກ

ຖ.ລ້ານຊ້າງ, ບ. ຫັດສະດີ


ວິທະຍາໄລ ສຸດສະກະ


ວິທະຍາໄລ ເສດຖາທຸລະກິດ ວິທະຍາໄລ ໄຊພັດທະນາ

Use QR Code Scanner to read

ວິທະຍາໄລ ເຄວິນ

ຖ. ສຸພານຸວົງ , ບ.ວັດໄຕ

ຄຳທະວີປະດັບຍົນ 2

ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລ ແຫ່ງຊາດ


ໜ່ວຍງານໃຫ້ຄຳ ປຶກສາດ້ານອາຊີບ

ບ. ພະຂາວ

3 ແຍກບ້ານສີໃຄ-ເກົ້າລ້ຽວ ບ.ສີໃຄ

Swediss CarWash ປຳ້ນໍ້າມັນ ສີເມືອງ

ບ. ອານຸ


ບ. ສີຫອມ

ຮ້ານ ປະຕູໄຊ

ຫໍສະໝຸດ ຄະນະ ເສດຖະສາດ ຫໍສະໝຸດ ຄະນະສັງຄົມ ພາກວິຊາສັງຄົມສົງເຄາະ ແລະ ການ ພັດທະນາ ຫໍສະໝຸດ ຄະນະອັກສອນ ສາດ

ຄ້ອຍ Star clup

ຖ. ເສດຖາທິລາດ ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ

ຫໍສະໝຸດ ຂໍ້ມູນຂ່າວສານ ມວນຊົນ

ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດ

ຮ້ານ Coffee Today

ສະຖາບັນພັດທະນາ ຊັບພະຍາກອນມະນຸດ ລາວ-ຍີ່ປຸ່ນ

ປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ PTT

ປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ ໂພນໄຊ

ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດ


ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດ Born to B ປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ ໂພນທັນ

ຖ.ສຸພານຸວົງ, ບ. ສີຖານ



ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດຊ້າງນ້ອຍ

ຂ້າງປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ ຖ.ສຸພານຸວົງ, ບ. ສີຖານ

ວິທະຍາໄລ ລາວ-ອາເມລິກາ

ສູນຂາຍລົດ Nissan


ຮ້ານ ຕັດຜົມ CHIC HAIR ບາງກອກ

ໂຮງຮຽນ ຊັບພະວິຊາ ຄະນະ ນິຕິສາດລັດຖະສາດ

ຖ.ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ບ. ພະຂາວ


ວິທະຍາໄລ ລາວທ໊ອບ


ຖ.ທ່າເດື່ອ , ບ.ຈອມແຈ້ງ

ທະນາຄານ CIMB

ວິທະຍາໄລ ປາກປ່າສັກ ວິທະຍາໄລ ລັດຕະນະ

Cardealer showroom

ທະນາຄານ STB


ຮ້ານ ລ້າງລົດ

ປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ ບ. ຫນອງດ້ວງ

ຖ. ໂພນໄຊ ບ. ໂພນສີນວນ

Esspresso Coffee The tree house

ວິທະຍາໄລ ແສງສະຫວັນ Veintiane College

ຖ. ດົງປາຍນາ ບ.ໂພນທັນ

ວຽງຈັນ-ຮ່າໂນ້ຍ ວິຊາຊີບມິດຕະພາບ

ແອັດບອນ ກາເຟ

ວິທະຍາໄລ Comcenter

ຂ້າງໂຮງຮຽນ ແສງສະຫວັນ ບ. ສີສະຫວາດ

ຄະນະ ເຕັກນິກການ ແພດ ມວສ

ວິທະຍາໄລ ບຸດວິເສດ Lao-singapore Business College ສູນພາສາຝຣັ່ງ

Company ບໍລິສັດ ກິດຕະພົງ

ຖ.ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ບ. ໂພນສະອາດ

ບໍລິສັດ ສະຕາ 2011 ຖ.ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ບ. ໂພນສະອາດ

ບໍລິສັດ ໄຟຟ້າລາວ ຖ. ລາວ-ໄທ ບ. ໂສກປ່າຫຼວງ

ບໍລິສັດ ມວນຊົນນິຍົມ ຖ. ກຳແພງເມືອງ ບ. ໜອງໄຮ

Government Office

ພະແນກແຮງງານ ແລະ ສະຫວັດດີການສັງຄົມນະ ຄອນຫລວງວຽງຈັນ

ໂຮງແຮມ ເຈືອງວັນນະວົງ

ອົງການທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ແຫ່ງຊາດ

ໂຮງແຮມ ແສງແກ້ວ

ກະຊວງໂຍທາທິການ ແລະ ຂົນສົ່ງ ກະຊວງກະສິກຳ ແລະ ປ່າໄມ້ ຫ້ອງການປົກຄອງ ນະຄອນຫຼວງ

ກະຊວງແຮງງານ ແລະ ສະຫວັດດີການສັງຄົມ ກະຊວງແຜນການ ແລະ ການລົງທຶນ ສູນກາງສະຫະພັນ ແມ່ຍິງລາວ ສູນການຄ້າພັດທະນາ ສາກົນ ພະແນກຖະແຫລງຂ່າວ ວັດທະນະທຳ ແລະ ທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ຫໍສະຫມຸດແຫ່ງຊາດ ຫ້ອງການບ້ານອານຸ ກະຊວງສາທາລະນະສຸກ ອົງການໄອຍະການ ປະຊາຊົນສູງສຸດ ກະຊວງອຸດສະຫະກຳ ແລະ ການຄ້າ ກະຊວງການຕ່າງ ປະເທດ

ຖ. ເຈົ້າຟ້າງຸ່ມ ບ. ສີຖານ

ໂຮງແຮມ ສີສະຫວາດ

Save the children

ໂຮງແຮມ ແກ້ວມີໄຊ ພັດທະຄານ ດາວຄຳ ໂຮງແຮມ ຊີເຊີນຣິເວີໄຊ

ໂຮງແຮມ ແສງຕາເວັນ


Summer set hotel

ສະຫະພັນນັກຮົບເກົ່າ ແຫ່ງຊາດ

ໂຮງແຮມ ວັນຊະນະ ລີເວີຊາຍ



Insurance ບໍລິສັດຮ່ວມທຸລະກິດ ປະກັນໄພ ລາວ-ຫວຽດ



ໂຮງແຮມ ເສດຖາປາລາສ ໂຮງແຮມ Mercure ໂຮງແຮມ ແມ່ຂອງ

ໂຮງແຮມ ຈັນທະປັນຍາ

ໂຮງແຮມ ສະບາຍດີ@ລາວ

Alounmai tower

ໂຮງແຮມ ດາວສະຫວັນ ໂຮງແຮມ ລ້ານຊ້າງ ໂຮງແຮມ ວັນຊະນະ ໂຮງແຮມ ອານຸພາລະໄດ ໂຮງແຮມ ອາວາລອນ ໂຮງແຮມ ລ້ານຊ້າງ ໂຮງແຮມ ອ່າງຄຳ ໂຮງແຮມ ດອນຈັນພາເລດ

ໂຮງແຮມ ກຮີນປາກ ໂຮງແຮມ ລາວ-ປາຮີດ ໂຮງແຮມ ລະອອງດາວ ໂຮງແຮມ ລາວພຣາຊ່າ ໂຮງແຮມ ລືໄຊ


ໂຮງແຮມ ຈະເລີນໄຊ

ສູນກາງຊາວຫນຸ່ມ ປະຊາຊົນປະຕິວັດລາວ

ໂຮງແຮມ ວຽງຈັນ ພຣາຊ່າ


ຮ້ານເສີມສວຍ ເກສອນ ຖ. ສຸພານຸວົງ ບ. ສີຖານ

ຮ້ານເສີມສວຍ ປີ້ງເລດີ້ ຖ. ອາຊຽນ ບ. ສີສະຫວາດ

ລີລີ້ ສະກິນແຄ ແລະ ສະປາ ຖ. ດົງປາຍນາ ບ. ໂພນທັນ

ຮ້ານ ມະນີ ສະປາ

ຖ. ເນຣູ ບ. ນາໄຊ


ອົງການ ອານາໄມໂລກ

ຖ. ໂສກປ່າຫຼວງ ບ. ທົ່ງກາງ

ໂຮງແຮມ ແສງພະຈັນ ແລະ ສະປາ

ຖ. ລາວໄທ ບ. ສະພານທອງ

ຖ. ກຳແພງເມືອງ ບ. ໂພນເຄັງ


Telecom “Passion for Great Products”

The Legal Sector Master Plan (LSPM) ສະມາຄົມບົດບາດ ແມ່ຍິງລາວ

Mekong River Commission

ໂຮງແຮມ ນະຄອນສັກ

ຫ້ອງການ Smepdo

ອົງການກາແດງ ກະຊວງຖະແຫລງຂ່າວ ວັດທະນະທຳ ແລະ ທ່ອງທ່ຽວ

ໂຮງແຮມ ດອກຈຳປາ


ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ

ບ. ໜອງບອນ

ຮ້ານ ບູນລ້ຽງ ບ. ດົງປ່າລານ

City Inn

ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ

SKY TELECOM ບ. ສາຍລົມ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ໄຊໂຍ ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ

ໂຕະລາວ ບ. ມີໄຊ

ສູນແວ່ນຕາ ໃຕ້ຟ້າ ຖ. ໜອງບອນ ບ. ໜອງຈັນ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ພາເຂົ້າລາວ ບ. ວັດຈັນ

Lao Mobile Group

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ຂອບໃຈເດີ້ ບ. ຊຽງຍືນ

ຖ. ດົງປ່າລານ ບ. ດົງປ່າລານ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ຄົວລາວ

Nokia THL

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ແມ່ຄົວຕຸ້ກກີ້


ບ. ສີສະເກດ

ຖ. ດົງປ່າລານ ບ. ດົງປ່າລານ

ບ. ຮ່ອງໄກ່ແກ້ວ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ຮຸດໂຕະ ບ. ໂພນສະອາດ

ບ. ວັດໄຕ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ເສສວນ ບ. ນາຄຳ

ຄລີນິກ ປົວແຂ້ວ ນ. ແພງສີ

ຮ້ານ ເສີມສວຍ ນ. ຍາ

ບ. ພັນໝັ້ນ

ຖ. ເຈົ້າອານຸ ບ. ອານຸ

ມຊ ຄ.ນ ເສດຖະສາດ ພາກການຄ້າ

ຮ້ານເສີມສວຍ ຫລອຍ

ບ. ດົງໂດກ

I CENTER ບ. ອານຸ

ຖ. ຄູວຽງ

ຮ້ານເສີມສວຍ ພວງມາໄລ ຖ. 23ສີງຫາ ບ. ໜອງບອນ

Samsung ໂຊກໄຊ


ຮ້ານ ສີວິໄລ Susuki ຖ. ທ່າເດື່ອ ບ. ຈອມແຈ້ງ

ຮ້ານ ຖ່າຍຮູບ Wedding day


ບ. ໂພນສະຫວັນ


ບ. ສີດຳດວນ

ຮ້ານອາຫານ ຂອງວິວ


ຖ. ດົງປ່າລານ ບ. ດົງປ່າລານ

ຂ້າງປ້ຳນ້ຳມັນ PV Oil ບ. ໂພນພະເນົາ

ຮ້ານ ເຄືອໄໝ ຖ. ອາຊຽນ ບ. ສີສະຫວາດ

Lao zoo

Restaurant By Cuisine KHOP CHAI DEU


Rd. Setthatilath


Xieng Nyuen 021 251564 Hour: 10:00 - 21:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Vill. Tel:

Chao Anou Vill. Haysok Tel: 021 21228 Hour: 7:30 - 22:00 Payment: Cash



Sithan Tai Vill. Oubmoung Tel: 021 262436 Hour: 9:00-23:00 Payment: Cash



Sailom Vill. Hatsady Tel: 020 56300900 Hour: 7:30-13:00 Payment: Cash



Nongbouathong Nongbouathong Tel: 021 242186 Hour: 10:00-22:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards




MOUMSABAI Samsenthai Vill. Anou Tel: 021 254872 Hour: 09:00-23:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Rd.

SMILE DEE Mekong River Vill. Sithan Nuea Tel: 021 242269 Hour: 11:00-14:30 17:00-23:30 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards

KHOUNTA XINDARD Rd. Luangprabang

Khounta 021 265057 Hour: 15:00-24:00 Payment: Cash Vill. Tel:

FER INTER Thatluang. Tel: 020 58887791 Payment: Cash Vill.

Nokeokoummane Xieng Nyuen Tel: 021 217321 Hour: 12:00-2:00; 6:00-22:30 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Vill.

MEK KHA LA Thadluang. Tel: 020 76811111 Payment: Cash Vill.

BARN HENG Phonethun. Tel: 030 9414192 Payment: Cash Vill.


Naxay. 264899 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 021

PHANINTHONG Huakhua. 55598058 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 020

MY FRIEND Khamsawath. Tel: 020 22415833 Payment: Cash Vill.

FER BARMPHIM Nongbone. 020 55787822 Payment: Cash Vill. Tel:


The Pizza Company PHONETHIPLAZA HOTEL Rd. Nokeokoummane

Tel: 020

Tel: 1112;



Xieng Nyuen 021 254064 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards




Sisangvone. 23456001-216 Payment: Cash

Hongkae. 263958 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 021

PATU XAY CAFÉ Sibounheung Sibounheung Tel: 021 217675 Hour: 7:00-22:30 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Rd.


TOUMKHAM Huakhua. Tel: 020 77777590 Payment: Cash Vill.

BOSSA Rd. Luangprabang

Khounta Tel: 020 23456001-216 Hour: 6:00-24:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Vill.


Nongpanai. Tel: 030 9414834 Payment: Cash Vill.

SANTISOUK Samsenthai Vill. Anou Tel: 021 215303 Hour: 10:00-20:00 Payment: Cash Rd.

KHOUA THAI Sailom Vill. Sisavath Tel: 020 54499783 Hour: 8:00-22:00 Payment: Cash Rd.




Rd. Asean





T2 Vill. Nongsanokham Tel: 020 55502584 Hour: 8.00-22.00 Payment: Cash

ZOM DAO Samsenthai Vill. Oubmoung Tel: 021 550130 Payment: Cash Rd.

MANOLOM Luangprabang Wattay. Tel: 030 5749801 Payment: Cash Rd.



Nongbone. 020 59222229 Payment: Cash

KAI JEA DD Nongbone. 020 55666074 Payment: Cash Vill. Tel:

NONG SAN Nongbone. Tel: 020 77719764 Payment: Cash Vill.

THE NIGHT Phonethun. 419000 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 021

Bueangkhayorng. Tel: 021 261591 Payment: Cash Vill.

Sibounheung Sisavath Tel: 020 58856020 Hour: 10:00-20:00 Payment: Cash

INTOWN Rd. Asean

T2 Nongduang Tel: 021 242269 Hour: 11:00-23:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Vill.

DEN SALAPAO Sisavath Sisavath Tel: 020 77773565 Hour: 7:00-20:30 Payment: Cash Rd.


Rd. Nokeokoummane

Xieng Nyuen Tel: 021 254065 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards Vill.

DAIRY QUEEN Wattay International Airport Tel: 021 513206 Payment: Cash

BLACK CANYON Samsenthai Vill. Anou Tel: 021 263181 Payment: Cash Rd.

SERN SAEB Samsenthai Vill. Anou Tel: 021 218311 Hour: 10:00-21:00 Payment: Cash Rd.


Khaoyot. Tel: 020 55525268 Payment: Cash Vill.

NICE TO MEET YOU Xiengneun. 77504393 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 020



243428 Cash



263847 Cash

KHAOKHAOUPOU Thatluang. Tel: 020 55221561 Payment: Cash Vill.


Thaphalanxay. 9808666 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 030

FULL MOON CAFE Mixai. 243373 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 021

TOUKTICK Sphanethong. 454838 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 021

MORNINK CAFE Sphanethong. 5360505 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 030


Phonsinuan. 9884888 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 030

TAMMAU 2 Xiengneun. Tel: 021 255340 Payment: Cash Vill.


Sphanethong. Tel: 021 454815-16 Payment: Cash Vill.

NAEMNEAUNG PHETSAMONE 2 Rd. Kamphengmeaung Vill. Phonethun Tel: 020 58588890 Payment: Cash


T2 Vill. Khualouang Tel: 021 218387 020 55698041 Hour: 8.00-22.00 Payment: Cash




Rd. Nongbone Vill. Nongbone Tel: 020 55807097 Payment: Cash

Thatkhao Tel: 020 55100595 Payment: Cash

Semeaung Thatkhao Tel: 021 214017 Payment: Cash Rd.



Bueangkhayorng. 9811888 Payment: Cash Vill.

Tel: 030

NAEMNEAUNG SABAIDEE Rd. Kamphengmeaung Vill. Hongkae Tel: 020 77777750 Payment: Cash

PHO P.V.O Vill. Khaoyot. Tel: 021 242409 Payment: Cash


Rd. Beungkhayong. Tel: 020 7747 0666 020 5977 7704 Payment: Cash


Mixai. Tel: 020 56914901 Payment: Cash Vill.


Vill. Hatsady Tel: 021 219430 Hour: 6:00-15:00 Payment: Cash


Rd. Nongduang Vill. Khualouang Tel: 021 260469 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards


Vill. Saladaeng Tel: 020 55829090 Payment: Cash


Rd. Chao fa ngum Vill. Thadkhao Tel: 030 9008689 Hour: 5:00-24:00 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards

VENA CAFE Vill. Xiengneun. Tel: 020 55682620 Payment: Cash

SAYSOMBOUN HOTEL Vill. Sailom. Tel: 021 216233 Payment: Cash

CHALEUNXAY HOTEL Vill. Xiengneun. Tel: 021 240974 Payment: Cash

SALANA HOTEL Vill. Watchan. Tel: 021 254254 Payment: Cash

P.V.O VIETNAME FOOD Vill. Khaoyot. Tel: 021 214444 Payment: Cash

NAEMNEAUNG PHAXAIY Vill. Phaxay. Tel: 020 55516981 Payment: Cash

KOZEY HAPPY Vill. Anou. Tel: 021 415101 Payment: Cash

KOREA PEINGYARNG Rd. Nongduang Vill. Nongbone Tel: 021 263118 Payment: Cash

TONPHAI Vill. Nongbone. Tel: 021 453668 Payment: Cash

NEW WORLD SCEEN GOLF Vill. Phonsinuan. Tel: 020 55921852 Payment: Cash

TEULSARANG Vill. Phonsinuan. Tel: 020 58223002 Payment: Cash

CAFE CATARINA Vill. Sphanethong. Tel: 021 262511 Payment: Cash

KHUA LAO Vill. Saphanethong. Tel: 021215777 Payment: Cash

SABAIDEE KOREA Rd. Thadluang Vill. Thadluang Tel: 020 55110203 Payment: Cash

KOREA LAO-OLA Vill. Phonxay Tel: 020 58345777 Payment: Cash

Delivery Chomp-a delivery

Tel: 020 55249596 www.chompa-delivery.com

Vientianefood Delivery Tel: 030 5997775, 030 5997776


Tel: 030 7775500 Webl: www.mydelivery.la

ARN KIN Delivery

Tel: 020 2229 9300



ໄ� ກ ິ � ເ ັກ ສະເ� າດໍລີ ປ ພອມ



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. ເຫັດເຂັມ (ຊອຍ) 1 ຫ�່ 2. ເຕົາຫູ�ໄຂ� (ຊອຍເປັນຕ�ອນ) 1 ຫຼອດ 3. ຊີ້ນໝູບົດ 30 ກຼາມ 4. ຫົວຜັກທຽມຊອຍ 2 ບ�ວງແກງ 5. ຊອສຫອຍ 3 ບ�ວງແກງ 6. ຊະອິ່ວຂາວ 1 ບ�ວງແກງ 7. ນ�້າ 1/4 ຖ�ວຍນ�ອຍ 8. ນ�້າມັນພືດ 2 ບ�ວງແກງ (ສ�າລັບຂົ້ວ)

ຊີ້ນເອິກໄກ� ປາດ�ລີ ເກືອ ແລະ ພິກໄທ�� ເຜືອກຕົ້ມ ຜັກສະລັດ ໝາກເລັ່ນ


• ເອົາຊີນ ້ ເອິກໄກ່ ແລະ ປາດໍຣໄີ ປປິງ້ ໃນໝໍຂ ້ າງ ໃສ່ນຳ້ ມັນປະມານ 1 ບ່ ວ ງກາເຟ ພ້ ອ ມກັ ບ ໃສ່ ໝາກນາວລົ ງ ໄປປິ້ ງ ພ້ ອ ມ ເພື່ ອ

ູໄ� ຫ າ ົ � ຜ�ດເ �ະ ແ ບ � ໝູສ ັມ � ເ�ັດເ

ເພີ່ມຄວາມຫອມ ແລະ ລົດຊາດສົ້ມຈາກໝາກນາວ • ເມື່ອປາ ແລະ ໄກ່ສຸກແລ້ວ ຈັດໃສ່ຈານ ໂຮຍເກືອ ແລະ ພິກໄທດຳໜ້ອຍໝຶ່ງ • ຈັດເຜືອກຕົ້ມ ຜັກສະລັດ ແລະ ໝາກເລັ່ນໃສ່ຈານ ຈະໄດ້ ກິ່ນຫອມຈາກເຜືອກຕົ້ມ ພ້ອມກັບລົດຊາດຫວານອົມສົ້ມໜ້ອຍ


ໜຶ່ງ ຈາກໝາກເລັ່ນ

1. ຕັ້ງໝໍ້ໃສ່ນໍ້າມັນລົງໄປ ຖ້າຈົນນໍ້າມັນຮ້ອນແລ້ວໃສ່ຫົວຜັກ

ໝາຍເ�ດ :

ປຸງດ້ວຍຊອສຫອຍ ແລະ ຊະອິ່ວຂາວ ໃສ່ນໍ້າລົງໄປ.

ປາດໍຣີ ຫຼື ຊື່ພາສາອັງກິດແມ່ນ Pangasius dory ແຕ່ເຮົາເອີ້ນກັນສັ້ນໆວ່າ ປາດໍລີ ເປັນປາສາຍພັນດຽວ ກັບປາສວາຍ ແຕ່ດໍລີຊະນິດນີ້ມາຈາກຫວຽດນາມ ຖືກເພາະ ລ້ຽງໃນແຫຼ່ງນໍ້າທຳມະຊາດບໍລິເວນ Mekong Delta ທີ່ນຳມີຄຸນນະພາບດີຕິດອັນດັບໂລກ ຈຶ່ງມີສາຍພັນທີ່ດີ ມີຄຸນນະພາບ ແລະ ສະອາດ ຫຼາຍກວ່າປາສວາຍທົ່ວໄປ

ທຽມລົງໄປຂົ້ວໃຫ້ຫອມ ຈາກນັ້ນ ໃສ່ໝູບົດລົງໄປຂົ້ວໃຫ້ສຸກ 2. ຖ້າຈົນຊີ້ນໝູສຸກ ແລ້ວໃສ່ເຫັດເຂັມລົງໄປຂົ້ວ ຄົນໃຫ້ເຂົ້າກັນຈົນສຸກ. 3. ປິດໄຟ ໃສ່ເຕົາຫູ້ໄຂ່ລົງໄປ ຄົນໃຫ້ເຂົ້າກັນຕັກໃສ່ຈານ ພ້ອມເສີບ.

spoon ຖ້າທ່ານມີຮ້ານອາຫານທີ່ຢາກແນະນໍາໃຫ້ ທີມງານ Spoon ເຮົາໄປສໍາພາດສາມາດ ຕິດຕໍ່ ໄດ້ທີ່ເບີ: 020 58961107

ຢູເ�ືອນພ�ກ ຫາຍໂ�ກ


ພວກເຮົາຂໍແນະນໍາ Cafe DNA, ຮ້ານກາເຟບັນຍາກາດດີ ທີ່ເໝາະກັບການ ໄປນັ່ງເຮັດວຽກສະບາຍສະບາຍ ຫຼື ຈະໄປນັ່ງຈິບກາເຟ ຟັງເພງສະບາຍສະ ບາຍ ສິ່ງສໍາຄັນທີ່ຂາດບໍ່ໄດ້ຄື FREE WIFI ເຊິ່ງແມ່ນສິ່ງທີ່ທຸກຄົນກໍາລັງຕ້ອງ ການເລີ ຍ ແມ່ ນ ບໍ່ . ຖ້ າ ທ່ າ ນເຂົ້ າ ມາຮ້ າ ນ Café DNA ທ່ າ ນສາມາດເລື ອ ກ ດື່ມກາເຟຮ້ອນ, ກາເຟເ�ັນ, ຊາ ພິເສດຄື ກາເຟຂອງຮ້ານແມ່ນກາເຟ ຄຸນນະ ພາບດີ ແລະ ລາຄາບໍ່ແພງ ນອກຈາກນັ້ນທາງຮ້ານເພີ່ນຍັງມີ fruit shake ທີ່ ທ່ານສາມາດມາຊິມໄດ້ຮັບຮອງວ່າທ່ານຕ້ອງຕິດໃຈ.


snow coffe

ຮານ ໃ�ຄ�ແ�ງ

Ihkodkgfu muJmjkohv']v' ມື້ນີ້ຂໍເອົາໃຈຄົນມັກກາເຟ ຖ້າທ່ານແມ່ນຄົນໜຶ່ງທີ່ມັກ ແລະ ຫຼົງໄຫຼໃນກາເຟ

ທະນາຄານ ສ�ງເ�ີມກະສິກ�

ບ້ານ ຫາຍໂຊກ, ເມືອງຈັນທະບູລີ, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ (ຢູ່ເຮືອນພັກຫາຍໂສກ ຊັ້ນໜຶ່ງ). 021 219 711/22 Cafe DNA



irst MODELING Lao 95fg]uj,8Qo0v'dkoc9h'gduf ok'c[[ c]t okpc[[ ຖ້ າ ເວົ້ າ ເຖິ ງ ອາຊີ ບ ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບ

ເພີ່ ນ ມັ ກ ຈະຖາມວ່ າ ເປັ ນ ຊ່ າ ງພາບ ພໍ ຈ ະຮູ້ ຈັ ກ

ຫຼາຍທ່ານອາດຈະຍັງຄິດບໍ່ເຫັນພາບ, ບາງທ່ານ

ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບບໍ່ ຢາກໃຫ້ແນະນໍາແດ່

ອາດຈະຍັ ງ ບໍ່ ຮູ້ ວ່ າ ມີ ອ າຊີ ບ ນີ້ ຢູ່ ບ້ າ ນເຮົ າ ແລ້ ວ,

ເພື່ ອ ທີ່ ຈ ະມາຂຶ້ ນ ປົ ກ ວາລະສານ, ດ້ ວ ຍຄວາມ


ທີ່ ຂ້ າ ພະເຈົ້ າ ເຮັ ດ ວຽກເປັ ນ ຊ່ າ ງພາບ ແລະ ຍັ ງ

ໃຫ້ທາ່ ນຮູຈ ້ ກ ັ ກັບຜູສ ້ າ້ ງນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບ

ເປັນໜຶ່ງໃນທີມງານຈິດອາສາກໍ່ຄື ອາສາສະໝັກ

ໃຫ້ ທຸ ກ ທ່ າ ນໄດ້ ຮູ້ ຈັ ກ ຫຼ າ ຍຂຶ້ ນ ຖ້ າ ທ່ າ ນແມ່ ນ

“ໃຈຮ່ວມໃຈ” ເຊິ່ງເປັນຈິດອາສາ ເຮັດກິດຈະກໍາ

ຄົ ນ ໜຶ່ ງ ທີ່ ກໍ າ ລັ ງ ສົ ນ ໃຈກ່ ຽ ວກັ ບ ອາຊີ ບ ນີ້ ຍິ່ ງ ບໍ່

ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອເດັກນ້ອຍໃນສັງຄົມ ເຊິ່ງມີໂອກາດໄດ້

ຄວນພາດ ມາຕິດຕາມນໍາກັນເລີຍ.

ຮ່ ວ ມວຽກກັ ບ ຫຼ າ ຍຄົ ນ ຈຶ່ ງ ເປັ ນ ຈຸ ດ ເລີ່ ມ ຕົ້ ນ ໃນ ການສ້າງເປັນ modeling. ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນ ຈຶ່ງມາ

ທ່ານ ວຽງສະໝອນ ຈິດຕະລາດ ຫຼື​

ຕັ້ງຊື່ ໂດຍເຫັນວ່າຢູ່ບ້ານເຮົາແມ່ນຍັງບໍ່ມີ

(ຕ້າ ບ້ານນອກ)

modeling ໃດ ຈຶ່ງຕັ້ງຊື່ເປັນ First Modeling

ໄດ້ໃຫ້ໂອກາດແນະນໍາກ່ຽວກັບ First

ຫຼັ ງ ຈ າ ກ ນັ້ ນ ຈຶ່ ງ ມີ ກ າ ນ ຊັ ກ ຊ ວ ນ ນ້ ອ ງ ໆ

Modeling ຢ່າງເປັນກັນເອງກັບພວກເຮົາວ່າ:

ທີ່ ສົ ນ ໃຈ ເຂົ້ າ ມາເຮັ ດ ວຽກຮ່ ວ ມກັ ນ ກັ ບ First

ເບື້ ອ ງຕົ້ ນ ຂ້ າ ພະເຈົ້ າ ບໍ່ ໄ ດ້ ຄິ ດ ວ່ າ ຈະສ້ າ ງເປັ ນ

Modeling, ໂດຍທີ່ ທ າງ First Modeling

First Modeling ແຕ່ ດ້ ວ ຍຄວາມທີ່ ເ ປັ ນ ຄົ ນ

ຈະຫາວຽກໃຫ້ ແລະ ຈະມີ ກ ານໂຄສະນາໃຫ້ .

ມັ ກ ໃນການຖ່ າ ຍຮູ ບ ແລະ ມີ ໂ ອກາດໄດ້ ເ ຮັ ດ ວຽກກັບສິລະປິນໃນວົງການ, ເຮັດວຽກຮ່ວມກັບ ຫຼາຍໆກຸ່ມຄົນ. ມື້ໜຶ່ງມີໂອກາດໄດ້ໄປຖ່າຍແບບ ໃຫ້ ກັ ບ ວາລະສານສະບັ ບ ໜຶ່ ງ ເຊິ່ ງ ເຈົ້ າ ຂອງ


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dkolvook'c[[ c]t okpc[[muJ16j .ola'daf

ເລີ່ມຕົ້ນມາຈາກການທີ່ ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າເປັນອາສາສະ

ສໍາລັບນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບທີ່ຖືກຄັດເລືອກ

ໝັ ກ ໃຈຮ່ ວ ມໃຈ ທີ່ ມີ ໂ ອກາດໄດ້ ເ ຫັ ນ ອາສາສະ


ໝັກຫຼາຍໆທ່ານທີ່ເປັນດາຣາ ສິນລະປິນ, ແຕ່ຍັງ

ຕົ້ນແມ່ນການສອນບຸກຂະລິກກະພາບ, ທ່າທາງ

ບໍ່ມີສັງກັດຄື ສໍາລັບດາຣາ ສິລະປິນ ຕ້ອງໄດ້ຫາ

ລວມເຖິ ງ ສອນກ່ ຽ ວກັ ບ ທັ ກ ສະນະແນວຄວາມ

ວຽກເຮັດເອງ ແລະ ບໍ່ມຜ ີ ເູ້ ບິ່ງແຍງ ແລະ ອີກສິ່ງໜຶ່ງ

ຄິດ, ມາລະຍາດທຸກຢ່າງ ເພື່ອຈະສ້າງນາງແບບ

ທີ່ສໍາຄັນຄື ເຫັນວ່າປະເທດອ້ອມຂ້າງແມ່ນມີການ

ແລະ ນາຍແບບທີ່ມີຄຸນນະພາບ.

ພັ ດ ທະນາໄປຫຼ າ ຍແລ້ ວ ເຮົ າ ຄວນຈະເລີ່ ມ ຕົ້ ນ

ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບຂອງ First


Modeling ສ່ວນຫຼາຍແມ່ນເປັນນັກສຶກສາ ແລະ ມີວຽກປະຈໍາຂອງຕົນເອງ

dko7afg]nvdok'c[[ c]t okpc[[ ສໍ າ ລັ ບ ການຄັ ດ ເລື ອ ກນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍ

le]a[dkoIa['ko0v'ok'c[[ c]t okpc[[ First Modeling

ແບບ ແມ່ນທາງພວກເຮົາຈະມີການປະກາດຮັບ

ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບທີ່ ຢູ່ ໃ ນສັ ງ ກັ ດ ແມ່ ນ

ສະໝັກຜູ້ທີ່ສົນໃຈ ແລ້ວມາຄັດເລືອກເອົາ ໂດຍ

ຈະຮັ ບ ວຽກທີ່ ເ ປັ ນ ການສະແດງຮູ ບ ເງົ າ ,ເດີ ນ


ແບບ, ເປັ ນ ນາຍແບບ ແລະ ນາງແບບຖ່ າ ຍ

ວຽງຈັນເຊັນເຕີ້ ໄວໜຸ່ມສ່ວນຫຼາຍແມ່ນໃຫ້ຄວາມ

ຂຶ້ນປົກວາລະສານຕ່າງໆ, ຖ່າຍ MV

ສົ ນ ໃຈຫຼ າ ຍເກີ ນ ກວ່ າ ທີ່ ທ າງພວກເຮົ າ ຄາດໄວ້

(Music Video) ແລະ ອື່ນໆ.

ແລະ ພວກເຮົາແມ່ນໄດ້ຄັດເລືອກເອົານາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບລຸນ ່ ໃໝ່ເຂົ້າມາໃນສັງກັດ, ຕອນນີ້

luJ'mhkmkp.odkogIafvk-u[lhk' ok'c[[ c]t okpc[[

First Modeling ຂອງພວກເຮົາມີນາງແບບ ແລະ

ສໍາລັບວຽກກ່ຽວການສ້າງນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍ

ນາຍແບບລວມທັ ງ ໝົ ດ ປະມານ 50 ກວ່ າ ຄົ ນ .

ແບບຢູ່ ບ້ າ ນເຮົ າ ສິ່ ງ ໜຶ່ ງ ທີ່ ທ້ າ ທາຍແມ່ ນ ວຽກ

ແລະ ສໍາລັບທ່ານໃດທີ່ສົນໃຈແມ່ນສາມາດຕິດ

ທີ່ຈະປ້ອນໃຫ້ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບແມ່ນຍັງ


ມີ ໜ້ ອ ຍ ແຕ່ ທ າງ First Modeling ເອງຕ້ ອ ງ


ມີ ກ ານພັ ດ ທະນາ ໂດຍທີ່ ທ າງພວກເຮົ າ ພະຍາ ຍາມສົ່ ງ ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບຂອງພວກ

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ເຮົ າ ອອກໄປຕ່ າ ງປະເທດໂດຍການຮັ ບ ງານຢູ່ ໃນລາວເລີ່ ມ ມີ designer (ນັ ກ ອອກແບບ ຕ່າງປະເທດ ແລະ ມີການສົ່ງໄປປະກວດໃນເວ ເຄື່ ອ ງນູ່ ງ ຫຸ່ ມ ) ຫຼ າ ຍຂຶ້ ນ ແລະ ມີ ກ ານຈັ ດ ງານ ທີ ຕ່ າ ງໆໃນລະດັ ບ ສາກົ ນ . ແລະ ສໍ າ ລັ ບ ການ ກ່ຽວກັບ fashion ຫຼາຍຂຶ້ນ ເຊິ່ງເປັນການເປິດ ເຮັ ດ ວຽກແມ່ ນ ຍັ ງ ມີ ຂໍ້ ຫ ຍຸ້ ງ ຍາກ ບາງຄັ້ ງ ຍັ ງ ຖື ກ ໂອກາດໃຫ້ ຕ່ າ ງປະເທດໄດ້ ຮູ້ ຈັ ກ ນີ້ ເ ປັ ນ ສິ່ ງ ເອົ າ ປຽບທາງດ້ າ ນຄ່ າ ໂຕ ເຊິ່ ງ ທາງພວກເຮົ າ ໜຶ່ ງ ທີ່ ເ ຮັ ດ ໃຫ້ ວົ ງ ການນີ້ ເ ປັ ນ ທີ່ ຮູ້ ຈັ ກ ຫຼ າ ຍຂຶ້ ນ ພະຍາຍາມປັ ບ ປຸ ງ ເຮັ ດ ໃຫ້ ເ ປັ ນ ລະບົ ບ ທີ່ ສຸ ດ ແລະ ໃນອານາຄົດແມ່ນຈະຕ້ອງມີການຂະຫຍາຍ ແ ລ ະ ຮັ ດ ກຸ ມ ເ ພື່ ອ ປົ ກ ປ້ ອ ງ ຜົ ນ ປ ະ ໂ ຫ ຍ ດ ໂຕທຽບກັບປະເທດອ້ອມຂ້າງຢ່າງແນ່ນອນ. ຂອງ ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບທີ່ຢູ່ໃນສັງກັດ.


ອາຊີ ບ ນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບແມ່ ນ ບໍ່ ແ ຕກ ຕ່າງຈາກອາຊີບອື່ນຫຼາຍ ທ່ານໃດທີ່ສົນໃຈກ່ຽວ ກັບອາຊີບນີ້ ຕ້ອງມີຄວາມໝັ້ນໃຈເປັນສິ່ງທໍາອິດ ແລະ ຮອງລົ ງ ມາແມ່ ນ ຕ້ ອ ງເປັ ນ ຄົ ນ ທີ່ ມີ ຄ ວາມ ຕັ້ງໃຈ ພ້ອມທີ່ຈະພັດທະນາຕົນເອງຢູ່ສະເໝີ. ຝາກຕິ ດ ຕາມກ່ ຽ ວກັ ບ ຜົ ນ ງານຂອງນາຍແບບ ແລະ ນາງແບບຂອງ First Modeling ຝາກໃຫ້ ທຸ ກ ຄົ ນ ຕິ ດ ຕາມຜົ ນ ງານຂອງນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບຂອງ First Modeling ຜ່ າ ນທັ ງ Facebook Fanpage ແລະ instagram ຂອງພວກເຮົ າ ແລະ ສໍ າ ລັ ບ ທ່ າ ນໃດທີ່ ສົ ນ ໃຈຢາກເຂົ້ າມາຮ່ວມເປັນນາງແບບ ແລະ ນາຍແບບຢູ່ ໃ ນສັ ງ ກັ ດ ຂອງ First Modeling ສາມາດຕິດຕາມການຄັດເລືອກໃນຄັ້ງຕໍ່ໄປຂອງ ພວກເຮົາໄດ້.

ຂມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມ Facebook: Firstmodelinglao instagram: Firstmodelinglao


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Further information

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8 March



'ko8ts]kfoaf;aoc,jpy' ເນື່​່ອງໃນວັນແມ່ຍິງທີ 8 ເດືອນມີນາ 2016 ທີ່ຈະມາຮອດນີ້. ທາງຮ້ານ The Pizza Company & Swensen’s ຂໍ ຖື ເ ປັ ນ ກຽດໃນການມອບຄວາມ ຮັກໃຫ້ແ�່ຄອບຄົວຂອງທ່ານທີ່ຮ້ານຂອງພວກເຮົາ ດ້ວຍບໍລິການທີ່ອົບອຸ່ນສະ ເໝີມາ ພ້ອມທັງພວກເຮົາຍັງມີຕະຫຼາດນັດສິນຄ້າຫຼາກຫຼາຍປະເພດເພື່ອເອົາໃຈ ແມ່ຍິງໂດຍສະເພາະ ເຊິ່ງລວມມີຮ້ານຫັດຖະກໍາ, ຮູບແຕ້ມ, ເສື້ອຜ້າທັນສະໄໝ, ເສື້ ອ ຜ້ າ ເດັ ກ ນ້ ອ ຍ, ເຄື່ ອ ງປະດັ ບ , ເຄື່ ອ ງສຳອາງ, ນ້ ຳ ມັ ນ ຫອມລະເຫີ ຍ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງໃຊ້ໃນເຮືອນຄົວ. ສະຖານທີ່: ຮ້ານ The pizza company & Swensen’s ສາຂາຫໍວັດທະນະທໍາ ຕິດຕາມຄວາມເຄື່ອນໄ� ຫຼື ຂມູນເພີ່ມຕື່ມໄດ້ທີ່ : Facebook The Pizza Company Laos & Swensens Laos ຢ່າລືມມາທີ່ The Pizza Company & Swensen’s ເພື່ອຮ່ວມສະເຫຼີມສະຫຼອງ ໃຫ້ແມ່ ຫຼື ຜູ້ຍິງທີ່ເຮົາຮັກໄປພ້ອມໆກັນ.

Women's Day ເລີ່ມຕັ້ງແຕ່ວັນທີ່ 4-8 ມີນາ 2016

11:00 ເຊົ້າ - 8:00 ແລງ 15









ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016

For more than 30 years, Precor has been inspiring people to live a life in motion. Founded in 1980, Seattle-based Precor is a subsidiary of Amer Sports Corporation (www.amersports.com), the world's largest sports equipment company, with internationally recognized brands that include Wilson, Atomic, Suunto , Salomon , Mavic and Arc’Teryx. Precor is the #1 supplier of fitness equipment to many of the world’s biggest fitness chains, including 24 Hour Fitness, Gold’s Gym, Anytime Fitness, and YMCA. Precor is also a preferred fitness equipment supplier to Hilton Hotels worldwide. With a mission to be the standard of excellence in the fitness industry, Precor manufactures and sells high-end fitness equipment for the home and commercial environment.

Join the Precor – Sengadara Fitness Pro Team - Sales and Marketing We are the only local premium fitness solutions provider in the Lao market. We are looking for enthusiastic Sales and Marketing representatives to become part of our expanding company.

Interested candidates must fulfill the following: Lao nationals with a good command of English Some sales experience is a must Self motivated, able to work independently with little supervision Well-spoken and confident Well presented Energetic, positive, professional Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Compensation: We offer a base salary of US$400 - $1,000 (based on experience) with high commission for meeting targets and exceeding them. Working hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am – 5 pm

For more information, please call 020 55515955 Interested candidates can send your resume with expected salary to: viroun.sengdara@sengdara.la

Insurance & Leasing

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


Job Vacancy S.T. Group Co., Ltd. is a multi-business company established in 1994. As part of our growth strategy, we are seeking to recruit highly motivated and pro-active people to join us in new business (insurance business) and achieving ambitious business goals. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career send us your application for the following immediate openings:

1. Accounting Manager and Officer

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR Employment Type: Full Time-Permanent Position Requirement y Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Accounting or related fields. y More than 5 years’ experience in Accounting & Finance. y Familiar with Lao accounting standard and system. y Experience in insurance business and IFRS accounting is a plus. y Fluent skills in English Communications and computer literacy. Job Description y Directs and controls company accounting processes and financial reporting in compliance with general accepted according principles, tax requirements and corporate guidelines, resulting in an accurate and timely report y Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure. Prepare a monthly analysis report by verify the financial data on its correctness and completeness at monthend closing, by comparing to previous month with budget y Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close y Provides timely and accurate statutory reports and tax reporting for the companies y Act as company contact person for and coordinates with tax and revenue department, internal and external auditor y Proactively analyzes and interprets financial data for Management Team y Prepare Yearly Budget for and coordinate with other Head of Department & Country Manager and submit to Oversea Business Accounting Department – Thailand y Other duties may be assigned as required

2. Sale and Marketing Manager and Officer

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR Employment Type: Full Time-Permanent Position Requirement y Bachelor or Master Degree Business, Finance, Insurance or related field. y Experience 3-5 year in insurance business or related filed y Analytical, communication, coordination, service minded, good interpersonal skills y Basic computer program skills y Fluent skills in English Communications and computer literacy. Job Description y Plan and execute marketing and sale strategy y Lead and supervise marketing and sale team from the task assign from CMO y Create marketing campaign for insurance products and the Company y Co-ordinate with the product development team y Conduct insurance industry analysis and report to management y Recruitment, retain and develop agency and bancassurance channel

3. Insurance Operation Officer

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR Employment Type: Full Time-Permanent Position Requirement y Bachelor degree or higher in Medical of Technology, Business, Law or Political Science. y Experience 1-2 year in insurance operation or related filed y Analytical, communication, coordination, service minded, good interpersonal skills y Basic computer program skills y Detail-oriented and thorough y Knowledgeable in medical diagnosis and able to analyze medical history is a plus Job Description y Conduct underwriting, policy owners service and claim for the company y Inform and help the marketing department understand the completion of document submission y Answer questions regarding policy condition to sales and marketing departments and policy holders y Underwriting: Verify documents, request additional documents and issuing policies y Policy Owners Service: Carry out policy renewal and reinstatement, change in policy content and exercising policy right. y Claim: Consider death claims and other claims, check debt owed to banks or cooperative before payment, and issue claim refusal letter.

4. Actuary Officer

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR Employment Type: Full Time-Permanent Position Requirement y Graduated bachelor or master degree from the top university in Laos or oversea graduation in numerate degree such as statistics, economics, mathematics or engineering Ranked as top 10% in class for bachelor’s or master’s degree and had a good record of academic achievement, including grade B (or above) in mathematics or statistics subjects y Fluency in written and spoken English and local language y Good computer skills especially in Microsoft Excel y Negotiating skills y Ability to work as part of a team Job Description y The Actuary Officer will be responsible for providing support including Life and General insurance products implementation, monitoring, profit–loss evaluation and insurance reserve calculation. y Core accountabilities include: ¬ Using mathematical modeling techniques and statistical concepts to determine probability to price Life and General insurance products; ¬ Calculating monthly insurance reserve to ensure payment of future benefits (excel spreadsheet); ¬ Monitoring the actual claim experience to ensure that the company’s pricing assumptions are correct ¬ Monitoring insurance market and product trend in Laos ¬ Preparing necessary Actuarial reports ¬ Preparing all product documents for filing to the Ministry of Finance e.g. technical note, pricing assumptions Interested applicants please send your latest CV, a cover letter, qualification and experience certificates, with a recent photo direct via email: stg.jobvacancy@gmail.com For more information contact phone number: 030 5092 777 Deadlines for submission: 18 March 2016 Local candidates being particularly encouraged to apply Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview Please note that CVs and other documents submitted to ST Group Co., Ltd. cannot be returned.


ບໍລິສັດ ທະນະຊັບລິດຊິງ ແອນ ຟາຍແນນ ຈໍາກັດ ເປັນສະຖາບັນການເ�ິນທີ່ໄດ້ມາດຕະຖານລະດັບ ສາກົນ ໃຫ້ບໍລິການ ດ້ານສິນເຊື່ອຫຼາຍປະເພດ, ພວກເຮົາເປີດຮັບເພື່ອນຮ່ວມງານຜູ້ທີ່ມີຄວາມຮູ້ ຄວາມສາມາດ ຫ້າວຫັນ ແລະ ຕ້ອງການສ້າງຄວາມແຕກຕ່າງໃໜ່ໆໃນຊີວິດ. ຊຶ່ງມີຕໍາແໜ່ງດັ່ງນີ້;

1) ຜູ້ຈັດການໃ�່ຍ (General Manager). ມີປະສົບການເປັນຜູ້ຈັດການໃ�່ ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ ຫຼື ເປັນຜູ້ຈັດການພະແນກຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 04ປີ. ມີທັກສະໃນການບໍລິຫານ ທຸລະກິດ: ທາງດ້ານການເ�ີນ ການຄ້າ ມີພາວະຜູ້ນໍາສູງ. 2) ຜູຈ ້ ດ ັ ການດ�ເ�ີນງານ (ໃ�ກິດຈະການ ຂາຍລົດຈັກ) (Operation Manager for Motorcycle Business). ມີປະສົບການ ເຮັດວຽກຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ ທາງການຂາຍ ການຕະຫຼາດ ຫຼື ເປັນຜູ້ຈັດການມາກ່ອນ. ມີຄວາມເຂົ້າໃຈ ຕົວເລກ ບັນຊີ/ການເ�ີນ ພໍສົມຄວນ ແລະ ມີພາວະຜູ້ນໍາສູງ. 3) ຜູ້ຈັດການ ຝ່າຍ ບຸກຄະລາກອນ (HR Manager). 4) ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍບຸກຄະລະກອນ (HR Assistant) 3. ມີປະສົບການ ເຮັດວຽກຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 03 ປີ. ມີທັກສະໃນການ ຈ້າງງານ ຈັດຝຶກອົບຮົມ ຈັດຄ່າຕອບແທນ. 4. ມີປະສົບການ ເຮັດວຽກຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 01 ປີ. 5) ຫົວໜ້າ ຝ່າຍຂາຍ ແ�ະ ການຕະາດ (Head of Sale & Marketing). ມີປະສົບການຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ. ມີທັກສະໃນການບໍລິຫານ ການຂາຍ ແລະ ການຕະຫຼາດ, ມີພາວະຜູ້ນໍາສູງ. ຖ້າມີປະສົບການທາງດ້ານ ສິນເຊື່ອ ຫຼື ການສ້າງເຄືອຂ່າຍຄູ່ຮ່ວມທຸລະກິດ ຈະພິຈາລະນາເປັນພິເສດ. 6) ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍ: 1. ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍຜູ້ຈັດການຝ່າຍການຕະາດ (Marketing Officer). 2. ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍຜູ້ຈັດການຝ່າຍຂາຍ (Sale Coordinator). 1. ມີປະສົບການ ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ. ມີທັກສະທາງດ້ານ ການຕະຫຼາດ: ສື່ໂຄສະນາ ສັງລວມຂມູນ ຂຶ້ນແ�ນ ແລະ ປະຕິບັດ. 2. ມີປະສົບການ ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ. ມີທັກສະທາງດ້ານ: ສັງລວມຂມູນ ຂຶ້ນແ�ນ ແລະ ປະຕິບັດ. ບໍລິຫານປະສານງານ. 7) ພະນັກງານບັນຊີ ແ�ະ ການເງິນ (Accounting & Finance Officer). ມີປະສົບການ ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 01 ປີ. 8) ພະນັກງານຂາຍສິນເ�ື່ອ (Sales). 9) ພະນັກງານອອກກວດກາ (Field Verify) 8. ຈົບຊັ້ນກາງຂຶ້ນໄປ (ບໍ່ຈໍາກັດສາຂາວິຊາ) ມີທັກສະໃນການນໍາໃຊ້ Computer ຂັ້ນຕົ້ນ. ຮັກມັກໃນການຂາຍ ມີມະນຸດສໍາພັນດີ. 9. ຮູ້ພື້ນທີ່ ນະຄອນຫຼວງ ວຽງຈັນ ພໍສົມຄວນ. ມີພາຫະນະຂອງໂຕເອງ. 10) ພະນັກງານວິເ�າະສິນເ�ື່ອ (Credit Analyst). ມີປະສົບການເຮັດວຽກຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02 ປີ. ຈົບຊັ້ນສູງຂຶ້ນໄປ (ສາຂາບັນຊີ ການເ�ີນ ຫຼື ທະນາຄານ) ມີທັດສະທາງດ້ານ ການປະເມີນລະອຽດໃສ່ໃຈຕໍ່ຂມູນ. 11) ພະນັກງານຝ່າຍອອກສັນຍາ (Contract Processing). 12) ຫົວໜ້າໜ່ວຍງານໂ�ທວງໜ (Phone Collection Supervisor). 11. ຈົບຊັ້ນສູງຂຶ້ນໄປ (ສາຂາ ນິຕິສາດ ຫຼື ບໍລີຫານ ທຸລະກິດ). 12. ມີປະສົບການເປັນຫົວໜ້າ ໜ່ວຍງານ. ມີພາວະຜູ້ນໍາ. 13) ພະນັກງານຂັບລົດ: 1.ຂັບລົດທ�ວໄ� (Driver) 2. ພະນັກງານຂັບລົດ/ຊ່ວຍວຽກຫ້ອງການ (Driver & Office Assistant). ມີປະສົບການ ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 02ປີ. ມັກການໃຫ້ບໍລິການ. (2. ສາມາດເຮັດວຽກ ຫ້ອງການທົ່ວໄປ).

ເ�ກະສານຕິດຂັດມີ ສ�ເ�ົາ 01ຊ�ດ: ໃບກວດສຸຂະພາບ ໃບແຈ້ງໂທດ


ຮູບ 3x4 = 2ໃບ


ໃບຄະແນນ. ໃບຜ່ານງານ



(ສອບຖາມໂ�: 020 555 66 436. 021 720 371-2. Email address: recruitment@thanasupleasing.com, ບ້ານຈອມມະນີ, ຖະໜົນໄ�ສອນ ເ�ືອງໄ�ເ�ດຖາ, ນະຄອນວງວຽງຈັນ.



Trading & Manufacturing

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016 MISUZU LAO Co.,Ltd. JOB OPENING

RMA Lao Co., ltd is the authorized dealer in the Lao PDR of various ranges of international brands. Due to our rapid expansion and successful growth we are continuously seeking qualified and experienced staff. RMA Laos values our staff commitment and offers the professional working environment, a competitive monthly salary and other benefits such as: SSO, health and accident insurance, bonus, annual leave, etc...

TITLE 1 : Document management - Excellent oral and written communication skills in Chinese. TITLE 2 : Logistics, Warehouse control and Production control - Excellent oral and written communication skills in English. LOCATION: SAVANNAKHET (SAVAN SENO SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE C)

SALES MANAGER- RMAL This position is available Lao National with a Permanent Contract, based in LuangPrabang province y y Monitor Sales Team visit and calls y y Teach sales techniques and how to close deal y y Increase sales y y Develop and deliver on sales plan/targets y y Develop an action plan to increase brand awareness y y Market, need to understand basic mechanic of a car y y Revenue of the Automotive Division(Sales) y y New Sales consultant recruitment y y Performances review of existing team


y y 3-5 years of Experience in Team management y y 1-2 years of Experience in Automotive Business y y English Language written, read computer skills(Office Pack: Word, Excel,Outlook‌) y y Driving License

CASH MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST- RMAL This position is available to Lao National with a Permanent Contract, based in Vientiane Office y y Reconciling and reporting of daily cash balances y y Review for normally roll payment and verify AP side in system y y Funding of controlled disbursement accounts and verify AR side in system y y Cooperate with bank to solving for payment problem y y Initiating wire transfer requests y y Planning and controlling cash flow report y y Planning and controlling cash flow reports for all entities by weekly y y Following up on accounts receivable matters y y Planning and controlling for loan facilities report y y Issuing document in part of bank facilities and submit to bank y y Improved payment and cash management service to support operations y y Ensure appropriate funding and cash management y y Bachelor degree of experience in Finance or Accounting or related field


y y Minimum 3 year or f experience in Treasury function or Banking y y Experience in cash management y y Experience managing trade finance facilities y y Experience managing multi-currency and foreign exchange y y Understanding of Accounting, Cooperate Finance, and Treasury functions y y Strong Microsoft Excel skills and financial modelling experience y y Knowledge of financial statement preparation and financial analysis y y Proficient English communication, both written and verbal

For more Information and Job details please contact the HR department. Interested candidates should send a CV a brief cover letter and expected salary to: RMA LAOS CO.,LTD P.O. Box 6030 Beungkhayong Tay, Unit 18 Thadeua Rd, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (+856 21) 315 376-8 Fax: (+856 21) 315 379 Email address: hrlao@rmagroup.net *Note: Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview, all applications will be treated as confidential Please visit our page Facebook: RMA Lao - Vacancy Update 2016

MISUZU Group has been manufacturing wire conductors for electric cables since established in 1955. Our wire conductors which are being used for high-tech devices such as cutting-edge medical devices, industrial robots, mobile telephones and etc. are backed up with our own high technology on a worldwide top level and receiving top-class acclaim in related business circles. On top of this, it is a MIGHTY's distinctive solution that the company is flexibly able to offer both manufacture and procurement of wide variety of electronic devices in response to the needs of customers, which are supported by dynamic Asian factories of MISUZU group companies and their partners. We will continue to formulate new businesses by taking advantage of our global networks and create new values for our customers both in Japan and overseas.

1. Document management DUTIES include : y y Quality-related document management. y y Translation between Lao and Chinese. y y Communication with supplier. y y Field check in the factory. y y Correction of the indication matter in the quality control. QUALIFICATIONS : y y Excellent oral and written communication skills in Chinese and Lao. (To speak English or Japanese y y and experience in quality control operation will be added advantage.) y y Management knowledge and skills. y y Ability to identify and plan work strategically and to work to deadlines. y y Must be a Lao national.

2. Logistics, Warehouse control and Production control DUTIES include : y y Logistics y y Warehouse control y y Production control y y General affairs QUALIFICATIONS : y y Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Lao. (To speak Chinese or Japanese will be added advantage.) y y Management knowledge and skills. y y Ability to identify and plan work strategically and to work to deadlines. y y Must be a Lao national. Interested applicants, please submit a full curriculum vitae and cover letter to MISUZU LAO at: pao@misuzu-wire.co.jp and onodera@misuzu-wire.co.jp Tel: +856-41-210550 Lot 318, Savan-SENO Special Economic C (Savan Park) KM 10, Route No 9, Nongdeun Village, Kaysone Phomvihane District, Savannakhet Province, LAOS


ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


Email:pf.bestfur @gmail.com

ຮັບສະໝັກພະນັກງງານ JOB VACANCY

Heavy Equipment & Truck Division

ບໍລິສັດ ລາວທານີ ຈໍາກັດ ເປັນຕົວແທນຈໍາໜ່າຍສິນຄ້າແລະບໍລິການດ້ານກົນຈັກໜັກແລະລົດບັນທຸກມາຫຼາຍກວ່າ 10ປີ, ແລະ ພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມຕ້ອງການຮັບສະໝັກພະໜັກງານຈໍານວນຫຼາຍຕໍາແໜ່ງ 1) PARTS SALES / ພະນ ັກງານຂາຍອາໄຫຼ່ x 4 ຕາແໜງ ຼ່ ຄຸນນະສົມບັດ: 1/ ຜູ້ຊາຍ ອາຍຸລະຫວ່າງ 20-40 ປີ 2/ ມີພື້ນຖານພາສາອັງກິດ ແລະ ສາມາດໃຊູ້ງານ Computer ໄດູ້ດີ 3/ ເປັນຄົນມາລະຍາດດີ ເວົາື້ ຈາດີ 4/ ສາມາດອອກຕ່າງແຂວງໄດູ້ 5/ ສາມາດຂັບລົດໄດູ້ ແລະ ມີໃບຂັບຂີ​ີ່

2) PARTS PLANNING SUPERVISOR / ພະນ ັກງານວາງແຜນຈ ັດຊື້ x 1 ຕາແໜງ ຼ່ ຄຸນນະສົມບັດ: 1/ ມີປະສົບການດ້ານການຈັດການສາງ ຫຼາຍກວ່າ 3 ປີ 2/ ມີພື້ນຖານພາສາອັງກິດ ແລະ ສາມາດໃຊູ້ງານ Computer ໄດູ້ດີ 3/ ເປັນຄົນມາລະຍາດດີ ເວົາື້ ຈາດີ

3) SERVICE CO-ORDINATOR / ພະນ ັກງານຫອ ື້ ງການຝາ ຼ່ ຍບລິການ x 2 ຕາແໜງ ຼ່ ຄຸນນະສົມບັດ: ີ່ ານພາສາອັງກິດ ແລະ ສາມາດໃຊູ້ງານ Computer ໄດູ້ດີ 1/ ມີຄວາມສາມາດດ້ານສສ 2/ ເປັນຄົນມາລະຍາດດີ ເວົາື້ ຈາດີ 3/ ສາມາດປັບຕົວແລະເຮັດວຽກເປັນກຸ່ມໄດູ້ດີ

3) SALES REPRESENTATIVE / ພະນ ັກງານຂາຍ x 2 ຕາແໜງ ຼ່ ຄຸນນະສົມບັດ: ີ່ າູ້ ນແດດ) 1/ ຜູ້ຊາຍ ອາຍຸລະຫວ່າງ 20-45 ປີ (ບໍຢ ີ່ ານພາສາອັງກິດ (ຫຼ ຈີນ) ແລະ ສາມາດໃຊູ້ງານ Computer ໄດູ້ດີ 2/ ມີຄວາມສາມາດດ້ານສສ 3/ ເປັນຄົນມາລະຍາດດີ ເວົາື້ ຈາດີ ຖ້າທ່ານສົນໃຈແລະມີຄວາມຕ້ອງການຈະເຮັດວຽກນໍາພວກເຮົາ ທ່ານສາມາດສົງີ່ ເອກະສານມາທີ​ີ່ອເີ ມວດ້ານລຸມ ່ ນີື້ ເອກະສານ: ໃບຊີວະປະວັດ(CV), ປະສົບການການເຮັດວຽກແລະໃບຍັງື້ ຍນ, ໃບປະກາດຕ່າງໆທີ​ີ່ທ່ານມີ

Email: ladsasiphon.ph@laothani.com

ຖ້າຕ້ອງການສອບຖາມ ຫຼ ສົງີ່ ເອກະສານສະໝັກງານທາງອີເມວ ໃຫູ້ທ່ານຊ່ວຍໃສ່ຫົວຂໍຕ ື້ າມນີື້ "Job Apply" ຕາມດ້ວຍຊຂ ີ່ ອງທ່ານ

ປິ ດຮ ັບສະໝກ ັ ງານໃນວ ັນທີ 12 ມີນາ ແລະ ສາພາດງານໃນວ ັນທີ 19 ມີນາ


(Heavy Equipment & Truck Division)

Kaysone-Phomvihane (13-South) Road, Sivilay Village, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital, LAO PDR

TEL/FAX: 021-720447 , SALES: 030-9806917 , PARTS: 9806912, SERVICE: 030-9806920



ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016

Mining & International Organization


DISCOVER YOUR POTENTIAL. DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE. GROW WITH PHU BIA MINING. This is an exciting time to join Phu Bia Mining. Our Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation and Ban Houayxai Gold-Silver Operation are both delivering strong production and cost performances and our exploration team has an exciting pipeline of projects both in Laos and SE Asia. In addition, the PanAust Group is progressing well in its Stage 1 Feasibility Study of the newly acquired Frieda River Copper Project in PNG. We are a growing company, committed to the future development of Lao PDR and its people. By joining the Phu Bia Mining team, you will have the opportunity to truly discover your potential and enjoy a long term, successful career. Working in a multi-cultural environment, you will be supported by experienced expatriates and Lao supervisors who will provide you with training and development and the opportunity to develop and improve your English language skills. You will be rewarded with a generous salary and benefits package, including family medical insurance and performance bonuses. As an equal opportunity employer, we offer both men and women many different career opportunities at our mine and exploration sites and in our Vientiane office. Our modern mine camps provide great Lao, Asian and Western food, sport and recreational facilities and housekeeping services. Site-based employees work a roster of 20 days on, 8 days off or 14 days on, 7 days off for shift work, while Vientiane-based employees work 5 days per week with 2 days off. Visit our website at www.panaust.com.au/careers to explore our current opportunities. We encourage you to apply online via our website, or to apply in person at our Vientiane office at 7th Floor Capital Tower (Indochina Bank Building), 23 Singha Road, Saysetha District, Vientiane. For general enquiries or assistance completing an online application, please contact our Recruitment team on 021 268 000.



Sales and Marketing Development Manager Start date: March 2016, asap Duration: 1 year, renewable Location: Vientiane based with at least 50% of time in the field AOI is a French NGO established in Laos since 2005, working in the sector of oral health. The current project, supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) aims at supporting salt factories to produce and sale iodized-fluoridated salt and supports the national faculty of dentistry in the field of hygiene and infection control. AOI is seeking for an S&M DEVELOPMENT MANAGER in order to help develop the sales of iodized-fluoridated salt in Laos, with factories, and for improved oral health status of the population. Skills and experience needed: 9 9Bachelor Degree in Business Administrations, marketing/commerce or related field, 9 9At least 3 years of experience in sales, marketing and distribution; good computer skills 9 9Interest to work for a health related project, willing to help Lao population to reach a better oral health status, 9 9Interested in developing new ideas and original marketing actions, 9 9Willing to learn, dynamic and independent individual, 9 9High interest and capacities in commercial development, 9 9Good communications skills, in Lao and English interested candidates must send their CV and a letter of interest (no scan of diplomas) before the 5th of March 2016, 6pm, by email only to: manithong_cat@hotmail.com

ສະມາຄົມການສຶກສາ ແລະ ການພັດທະນາເພື່ອປະຊາຊົນ (PEDA) ເປັນອົງການໜຶ່ງທີ່ຮ່ວມ ປະຕິບັດໂຄງການປ້ອງກັນພະຍາດເອດສ, ວັນນະໂລກ ແລະໄຂ້ຍຸງພາຍໃຕ້ທຶນຊ່ວຍເຫລືອຈາກກອງທຶນໂລກ ຕໍ່ກະຊວງສາທາລະນະສຸກຕ້ອງການຮັບສະໝັກພະນັກງານຫລາຍຕຳແໜ່ງດັ່ງນີ້: 1. ພະນັກງານບັນຊີ ແລະ ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍ ປະຈຳຢູ່ນະຄອນຫລວງວຽງຈັນ 2. ພະນັກງານຕິດຕາມປະເມີນຜົນ ແລະ ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍວຽກຢູ່ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ 3. ຜູ້ປະສານງານໂຄງການ ປະຈຳນະຄອນຫຼວງ 4. ພະນັກງານປະສານງານ ແລະ ເຮັດວຽກປະຈຳແຂວງໄຊຍະບູລີ,ແຂວງວຽຈັນ, ສະຫວັນນະເຂດ ແລະ ເຊກອງ ເງື່ອນໄຂຜູ້ສະໝັກ: ¾ ¾ ເປັນຄົນໜຸ່ມທີ່ມີຄວາມກະຕືລືລົ້ນ, ຫ້າວຫັນໃນການເຮັດວຽກເພື່ອພັດທະນາຕົນເອງ ແລະ ກ້າສະແດງອອກ ¾ ¾ ລະດັບການສຶກສາ ຈົບຊັ້ນສູງຂຶ້ນໄປ (ຜູ້ທີ່ກຳລັງສືກສາຢູ່ກໍ່ສາມາດສະໝັກໄດ້) ¾ ¾ ສາມາດນຳໃຊ້ຄອມພິວເຕີ MS Office ໄດ້ເປັນຢ່າງດີ ¾ ¾ ສາມາດເວົ້າ ແລະ ອ່ານ ພາສາອັງກິດໄດ້ເປັນຢ່າງດີ ¾ ¾ ຖ້າຮຽນຈົບແພດ/ໝໍແມ່ນຈະພິດຈາລະນາເປັນພິເສດ ສົນໃຈຕິດຕໍ່: ໂທ/ແຟ໋ກ: 856-21-353893, 020 99409408, 020 54764442 ສົ່ງເອກະສານສະໝັກທີ່: ບ້ານວັດສົບ (ຮ່ອມຫ້ອງການປົກຄອງບ້ານວັດສົບ), ເມືອງສີສັດຕະນາກ, ນະຄອນຫລວງວຽງຈັນ E-mail:thammachith@gmail.com; peda.laopdr@gmail.com (ໝາຍເຫດ: ຈະຕິດຕໍ່ສະເພາະຜູ້ທີ່ຖືກຄັດເລືອກເທົ່ານັ້ນແລະຈະບໍ່ສົ່ງເອກະສານໃດໆຄືນ).

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ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


Phonesack Group Co.,Ltd is one of the largest wholly owned Lao companies. The Company employs over 100 personnel at its headquarters and over 2500 employees and sub-contractors throughout sites in Lao PDR. Now is an exciting time to build a career with (New Hydro Power Project) in Pakkading, Bolikhamxay; which is under Phonesack Group Co., Ltd. (PSG). We have a huge range of projects which require driven and talented people to join our team, to lead and collaborates innovative ideas. We are currently seeking the following positions: 1. Position: Agriculture Officer (2) Positions in project site at Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off which including one travel day Duty Description: y y Take overall responsibility to train and provide sound practical demonstrations in applied appropriate agriculture techniques; y y Develop and implement training and capacity building activities focused on increasing household income and microenterprise productivity; y y Be able to assist resettlement and compensation team in data gathering and also do data analysis on the asset of affected people; y y To be experienced on compensation and resettlement are needed; y y To initiate how to develop livelihood of local people in order to improve and restore affected people’ lives to be better and sustainable condition; y y To develop individual commitment to targeted communities; Liaison with GOL’s local authorities regarding to cooperation and coordination for project- related resettlement and village households assigned by Head of Department (HOD); y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Graduate in agriculture/animal husbandry/fishery/horticulture from a recognized institute/university; y y At least 3-5 years of work experience in above mentioned areas required and working directly with farmers; y y Demonstrated capacity to work in villages and with local government staff members; y y Strong capacity to work with a team, with demonstrated initiative and leadership; y y Fluency in Lao language, with capacity to speak and written English desired; y y Proficiency in working with MS office; y y Have experience on GIS applicable is advantageous; y y Be able to travel to field survey whenever required and be assigned to the site when project operated; y y Able to communicate with a wide range of people from different ethnic and social culture; y y Ability to work and willing to assist disadvantage groups and independently and as part of the team; y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure; y y Female applicants are also encouraged to apply; y y Physically fit for work at the site in certain project duration;

2. Position: Environmental Officer (2) Positions in project site of Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off which including one travel day Duty Description: y y To monitor and report solid waste, waste water treatment, water quality, air and noise pollution, experienced in solid waste management will be advantage. y y To organize and being good aspect in terms of awareness on solid waste management and other waste from activities of the project. y y To work and associate with local authorities such as: village, district and provincial level are needed in order to assist social and community development team for data gathering. y y To ensure environment activities will be safe and worked smoothly. y y To prepare report on solid waste management to environmental manager y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering/Science. y y At least 3-5 years of work experience in an environment sector , mining industry y y Must be proficient in speaking, writing and understanding both Lao and English. y y Proficient in MS Office Suite, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Programs. y y Have experience on GIS applicable is advantageous; y y Physically fit to work at the site. y y Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. y y Ability to work independently and as part of a team. y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure. y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. 3. Position: Resettlement and Compensation Officer (3) Positions in project site of Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off which including one travel day

Duty Description: y y Coordinate and liaison with GOL’s local authorities regarding to cooperation for and support to project- related resettlement and village households assigned by Head of Department (HOD); y y Collect specific data from project- related villagers in line with social and environmental impact as required by Line Manager; y y Can provide a primary data analysis report to a Line Manager; y y Initiate to implement a project- related resettlement and compensation plan as approved in accordance with the project policy and its regulation concerned to those above project- related villagers; y y Can encourage those above project- related villagers and local authorities to have a clear comprehensive over the project importance and its resettlement necessity; y y Can basically negotiate with them in accordance with company guideline and direction as well as certain related laws, degrees and regulations of Lao PDR through consulting with Line Manager, Company Management and GOL’s counterparts; y y Can station and collaborate with provincial, district, village and community authorities as required due to project- related resettlement and compensation; y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Manager. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree in Social studies / Social and Community Development studies or subject- related trade disciplines; y y At least 3-5 years of work skill and experience in project- related resettlement and compensation, especially in hydropower or mining project. y y Good academic spoken, written and understood in both Lao and English, any local ethnic languages are plus for job selection; y y Good skills in MS Office program, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as report writing; y y Be able to work at project sites; y y Physically fit for work at the site in certain project duration; y y Inter- personal skill to communicate and handle with wide ranges of local authorities and villagers from different ethnic groups and their practical culture behaviors. y y Can be flexible and challenge to project difficult circumstance and work pressure. yy

4. Position: Senior Admin Officer (1) Positions in Project site of Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off which including one travel day Duty Description: y y To assist on general office as administrative officer. y y To work and cooperate with government when needed. y y To prepare budget for meeting and reconcile. y y To conclude and summarize time sheet of S&E Dept y y To provide letters and documents and also prepare the meeting y y To translate sometimes from Lao to English and also English to Lao y y To work at site, support meetings or workshops organized at the district or provincial levels y y To communicate with Pakkding and HQ office for administrative tasks. y y And other tasks assign by line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree administration/Environment. y y At least 3-5 years of work experience in administrative task. y y Must be spoken, written and understood both Lao and English. y y Proficient in MS Office Suite, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Programs. y y Be able to work at site. y y Able to communicate with a wide range of people from different ethnic and social culture. y y Ability to work independently and as part of a team. y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure.

5. Position: Senior Environmental Officer (1) Positions in project site of Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off including travel day Duty Description: y y To supervise, monitor and report solid waste, waste water treatment, water quality, air and noise pollution. y y To sound understand and apply well guideline of MONRE based on ESMMP report. y y To organize and being good aspect in terms of awareness on solid waste management and other waste from activities of the project. y y To work and associate with local authorities such as: village, district and provincial level are needed and also subcontract of Safety, health and Environment (SHE) at dam site activities.


ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016 y y To ensure environment activities will be safe and worked smoothly. y y To prepare report on monitoring of environmental management to environmental manager y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree in Environmental, Chemical, Biological Engineering/ Science or subject- related trade disciplines. y y At least 5-7 years of experience in an environment sector , mining industry y y Must be proficient in speaking, writing and understanding both Lao and English. y y Proficient in MS Office Suite, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Programs y y Physically fit to work at the site. y y Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. y y Ability to work independently and as part of a team. y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure.

6. Position: Senior GIS Officer (1) Positions in Pakkading, Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off including travel day Duty Description: y y Be able to initiate and prepare and supervise data base, mapping of a project- related resettlement and compensation issues. y y Can station and collaborate with provincial, district, village and community authorities as required due to project- related information of resettlement and compensation; y y Be able to provide mapping and attribute data analysis, report to a Line Manager; y y Responsible for the compiling and organizing GIS data from maps, databases and other sources; y y Responsible for the collection of data in the field using Global Positioning System (G.P.S.) units; y y Responsible for the collection and conversion of mapping resources and data; y y Responsible for the daily input and editing of the asset data for compensation; y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor or Master Degree in GIS,IT, Computer Engineering, Urban Planning or subject- related trade disciplines; y y At least 5-7 years skill and experience in project- related data base of resettlement and compensation, especially in hydropower or mining project. y y Good academic spoken, written and understood in both Lao and English, any local ethnic languages are plus for job selection; y y Good skills in MS Office program, to include MapInfo, ArcGIS, Access, SQL,Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as report writing; y y Be able to work at project sites; y y Physically fit for work at the site in certain project duration; y y Inter- personal skill to communicate and handle with wide ranges of local authorities and villagers from different ethnic groups and their practical culture behaviors. y y Can be flexible and challenge to project difficult circumstance and work pressure

7. P osition: Senior livelihood restoration officer (1) Positions in Pakkading, Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off including travel day Duty Description: y y Liaison with GOL’s local authorities regarding to cooperation and coordination for project- related resettlement and village households assigned by Head of Department (HOD); y y Collect specific data from project- related villagers in line with social and environmental impact as required by Line Manager; y y Can provide a primary data analysis report to a Line Manager; y y Initiate to implement a project- related resettlement and compensation plan as approved in accordance with the project policy and its regulation concerned to those above project- related villagers; y y Can encourage those above project- related villagers and local authorities to have a clear comprehensive over the project importance and its resettlement necessity; y y Can basically negotiate with them in accordance with company guideline and direction as well as certain related laws, degrees and regulations of Lao PDR through consulting with Line Manager, Company Management and GOL’s counterparts; y y Can station and collaborate with provincial, district, village and community authorities as required due to project- related resettlement and compensation; y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree in Social studies / Social and Community Development studies or subject- related trade disciplines; y y At least 5-7 years skill and experience in project- related resettlement and compensation, especially in hydropower or mining project, also having knowledge on Education,



Health care, microfinance and agriculture are advantage y y Good academic spoken, written and understood in both Lao and English, any local ethnic languages are plus for job selection; y y Good skills in MS Office program, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as report writing; y y Be able to work at project sites; y y Physically fit for work at the site in certain project duration; y y Inter- personal skill to communicate and handle with wide ranges of local authorities and villagers from different ethnic groups and their practical culture behaviors. y y Can be flexible and challenge to project difficult circumstance and work pressure.

8. Position: Senior Micro finance officer (1) Positions in Pakkading, Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off including travel day Duty Description: y y To assist data gathering and also do data analysis on the assets of affected people. y y Collect specific data from project- related villagers in line with social and environmental impact as required by Line Management; y y To know and understand compensation policy and strategy for affected people. y y To be experienced on budgeting and loading for local people are needed. y y To liaise with local people, authorities and planning to promote sustainably their occupation and lives. y y To initiate how to develop micro finance for local people in order to improve and restore affected people’ lives to be better and sustainable condition. y y To evaluate and assess the income of local people will be targeted of project y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor Degree in Social studies / Social and Community Development studies or subject- related trade disciplines. y y At least 5-7 years of experience in social and community development sector, hydropower or mining project. y y Must be spoken, written and understood both Lao and English. y y Proficient in MS Office Suite, include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Programs. y y Physically fit to work at the site. y y Able to communicate with a wide range of people from different ethnic and social culture. y y Ability to work and willing to assist disadvantaged groups. y y Ability to work independently and as part of a team. y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure.

9. Position: Senior Watershed Management Officer (1) Positions in project site of Bolikhamxay (New Hydro Power Project) Roster about 60days on / 9days off which including one travel day Duty Description: y y To understand well and implement on Biomass Clearance Plan, Biodiversity Offset Plan, Cumulative Impact Assessment reports and also Annex C. y y To plan, supervise and monitor in order to protect the watershed boundary of NT1 with local and central government. y y To work and associate with local authorities such as: village, district and provincial, central level are needed in order to assist social and community development team for data gathering. y y To ensure all environment activities will be safe and worked smoothly. y y To prepare report on Biomass Clearance Plan, Biodiversity Offset Plan, Cumulative Impact Assessment reports to environmental manager y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Manager. Qualification Required: y y Bachelor or Master degree(s) in natural resources management, watershed/river basin management, rural development, water resource management or related disciplines; y y At least 5-7 years experience in watershed management, biomass clearance, biodiversity off set and GIS application would be an advantage; y y In-depth knowledge of advantageous Governance issues in biodiversity, natural resources management and conservation in Lao PDR. y y Strong presentation, organizational and communication skills, y y Strong negotiations and financial management skills. y y Experience with high level report writing – technical, planning and management y y Must be proficient in speaking, writing and understanding both Lao and English. y y Proficient in MS Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Programs. y y Physically fit to work at the site. y y Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. y y Ability to work independently and as part of a team. y y Be able to work and meet tight deadline and also under pressure. y y Other tasks as assigned by Line Management.

We offer the successful candidate an excellent salary and benefits package, Including PSG self insurance National Social Security Fund Office, Field travel Allowance, Mobile Phone Policies, etc… We invite qualified candidate to submit your resume stating your present and expected salary and ref directly to the Human Resources Department at: Phonesack Group, Ltd. Unit 15, Sithong Road, Pakthang Village, Sikhottabong District, P.O. Box 1808, Vientiane Lao PDR. Fax: (856-21) 550498 Tel: 021 550497 or E-mail to: careers@phonesackgroup.com. Closing date 15 March 2016


Professional Service


ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


CIT Lao Ltd has been involved in several projects for Government Agencies for the last 13 years. In order to reinforce our team, to lead new challenging projects, our company opened a “IT SYSTEM ENGINEER” position. Domain ¾ Communication, Navigation and Surveillance systems Job description ¾ The position is based in Vientiane, Wattay International Airport; the IT System Engineer reports to the IT Team Leader. The IT SYSTEM ENGINEER: ¾ Is responsible for Linux and windows based systems environment ¾ Formalize both system preventive and corrective maintenance procedures ¾ Manage the Air Traffic Control system ¾ Transfer Specific IT system knowledge to CNS-Met technicians ¾ Key duties and responsibilities: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Designs, implements and administers Linux and Windows servers Manages virtualized environments, primary VMware ESX. Provides technical knowledge and assistance to other engineers Organizes, researches, develops and implementing solutions to complex technical problems. Helps resolve the user/technical issues related to systems Develops documentation on new or existing systems Receives, investigates, troubleshoots and resolves hardware and software problems Works remotely with on-site with IT staff, contractors, vendors and users to resolve problems Schedules and coordinates installations with users, IT technicians, contractors, and vendors. Determines system specifications and working parameters for hardware/software compatibility Performs system upgrades, expansions and installations and keeping servers up to date Ensures Backups are performed and validated by frequent restore/recover tests. Provides trainings to CIT staff according to maintenance level and training schedule Performs daily systems log checks Reports upon failure detection

General skills: ¾ Knowledge of web servers, firewalls/security, DNS and TCP/IP networking ¾ Possess strong Linux/Unix skills ¾ Possess strong Windows Server skills including Active Directory deployment, GPO's, WDS ¾ Ability to script in at least one of three popular scripting languages (Bash/sh, Perl, Python) ¾ Good Knowledge of virtualization environment VMware ESX and Oracle Virtualbox ¾ Analytical mind, good methodology, fast learner, strong team player ¾ Familiar with administering MySQL and SQL database, Apache and IIS web servers ¾ Experience in deployment and use of alerting/monitoring tools ¾ Good project leadership skills. ¾ Efficient English communication Conditions: ¾ Salary: Based on experience and qualification ¾ Three months’ probation period ¾ Expected starting date: March 2016 ¾ Deadline for submitting applications is: 25th March, 2016 ¾ Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview

Applications in English only, consisting on Curriculum vitae, copies of relevant educational qualifications and a cover letter must be forwarded by email to hr.citlao@gmail.com . Expected monthly salary must be mentioned

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT CIT Lao Ltd has been involved in several projects for Government Agencies for the last 13 years. We have been able to demonstrate our capability to achieve high technology projects. In order to reinforce our team, to lead new challenging projects, we opened one position in Attapeu:  Maintenance Technicians Domain: Aeronautical Equipment and systems (CNS-Met) Duties and Responsibilities: ¾ Understand and follow maintenance guidelines of the company ¾ Characterize, investigate, diagnose failure on Electronic and IT systems ¾ Write detailed reports ¾ Repair, test, manage parts and consumables ¾ Contact experts for deeper investigations ¾ Participate in Site facilities routine maintenance / shift work Skills: ¾ IT, telecommunication, electronics, or energy knowledge ¾ Good methodology ¾ Fast learner ¾ Willing to work ¾ Strong team player ¾ Efficient English communication ¾ Personal integrity Pre-requisites: ¾ Bachelor in electronic/telecom/IT or engineering ¾ Good command in English Conditions: ¾ Salary: based on experience and qualification ¾ Three month probation period ¾ Expected starting date: March 2016 ¾ Deadline for submitting applications is : 25th March , 2016 ¾ Pre-screening test in English before Interview Applications in English only, consisting on Curriculum vitae, copies of relevant educational qualifications and a cover letter must be forwarded by email to hr.citlao@gmail.com . Expected monthly salary must be mentioned

JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT IHI Infrastructure Systems Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “IIS”), a wholly owned subsidiary of IHI Corporation has signed the hydraulic metal works contract between Nam Ngiep 1 Power Company in Lao PDR. IIS will design, procure, manufacture and install Main Dam gate, penstock and Re-regulation Dam gate. Major facilities of IIS’s work scope include 4 Spillway gates, 2 Intake gates, 2 Draft gates and 2 sets of Penstocks. We are looking for the following staffs. Installation skilled engineer and worker Position - Field Engineer - Foreman - Welder and Fitter

Location - Nam Ngiep 1Project Site, Paksan District, Bolikhamxay Province, Laos. Estimated Duration - From January 2016 to March 2019

Quali�ications - Lao national. - Good communication in English. - Must have valid license of AWS 3G+4G for Foreman, Welder and Fitter. - Minimum 5 years’ experience in installation skilled works for gate, penstock and other hydraulic metal works. Interested candidates should submit detailed CV in English stating full quali�ications, health certi�icate before 29th February 2016 to tatsuya_kobayashi@iis.ihi.co.jp Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview. http://www.ihi.co.jp/iis/english/index.html

Tel: 021 254709 Email:S@108job.la

Professional Service

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


ປະກາດຮັບສະໝັກ ພະນັກງານ ບໍລິສັດ ລາວຄໍາ ທີ່ປຶກສາດ້ານການລົງທຶນ ຈໍາກັດ. ໄດ້ສ້າງຕັ້ງຂຶ້ນໃນປີ 2010 ແລະ ໄດ້ກາຍ

ເປັນບໍລິສັດໜຶ່ງທີ່ເຕີບໂຕໄວທີ່ສຸດໃນຂະແໜງການລົງທຶນກ່ຽວກັບທອງຄໍາ ແລະ ສະກຸນເ�ິນ

ຕາຕ່າງປະເທດ ແລະ ເທັກໂນໂລຢີ Network Sever ການພົວພັນເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ກັບຕະຫຼາດໂລກ. ດັ່ງນັ້ນ ປີ 2016 ນີ້ ບໍລິສັດລາວຄໍາຂອງພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມຕ້ອງການເພື່ອນຮ່ວມງານດັ່ງນີ້: 1. ຜູ້ຊ່ວຍຫົວໜ້າຝ່າຍການຕະາດ 4 ຄົນ

We are currently seeking an experienced employee for 4,200 sq ft mulit-tenanted commercial office building in the city, Vieng Vang Tower (VVTower). You will take on responsibility for full VVTower service delivery across the site.

2. ບັນຊີການເງິນເ�ື່ອການລົງທຶນ 16 ຄົນ

Position: - Facilities Manager - Administrator

3. ພະນັກງານ part-time

Job Type: Permanent

(ບໍ່ຈ�ກັດຈ�ນວນ, ບໍ່ຈ�ແ�ກການສຶກສາ. ບໍ່ຈ�ກັດອາຍຸ, ບໍ່ຈ�ກັດເ�ດ) ພະນັກງານທັງໝົດແມ່ນຈະປະຈໍາຢູ່ ສໍານັກງານໃ�່(Vientiane) ເຮັດວຽກ ວັນຈັນ-ວັນສຸກ

ເວລາ 8:30-4:30 ໂມງ.

Successful applicants must have: -

# ເງື່ອນໄຂຜູ້ສະໝັກ - ລະດັບການສຶກສາຊັ້ນສູງຂື້ນໄປ

- ເວົ້າພາສາຕ່າງປະເທດໄດ້ຈະພິຈາລະນາເປັນພິເສດ

Bachelor Degree in related fields Work experienced in related positions Good communication, interpersonal skills both in Lao and English A strong understanding of services delivery A strong organizational skills and attention to detail Computer literate (word, Excel)

In addition to the above you will demonstrate a flexible, “can do” attitude; you will be a self-motivated, self-starter with proven experience multi-tasking and consistently achieving timely delivery of projects and objectives.

- ຖ້າມີປະສົບການກ່ຽວກັບຕະຫຼາດຫຸ້ນຈະພິຈາລະນາເປັນພິເສດ - ທຸກຕໍາແໜ່ງຕ້ອງມີຄອມພິວເຕີເປັນຂອງຕົນເອງ


ຈໍາກັດ, ບ້ານ ສີບຸນເຮືອງ, ເມືອງ ຈັນທະບູລີ, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ຫຼື ສາມາດສົ່ງຊີວະປະຫວັດ (CV) ມາທີ່ Email: HR@laogold.net. ສອບຖາມຂມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມໂທ: 021 255254.

This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced Facilities Manager and Administrator who are looking to develop their careers and work at this prestigious property. Interested candidates should send a CV a brief cover letter and expected salary to: vvtower@gmail.com

Millions of people around the world use products translated by EQHO

With over 15 years of experience in the translation business, EQHO is the one-stop solution for all of your localization requirements. For all types of content, from simple document translations to complex voiceover projects and interpreting. EQHO provides a full service package of translation and editing by two separate linguists plus professional formatting, rigorous quality assurance, and a skilled project management team ensure that only the highest quality translations are delivered.

Specialized Subjects • Mining • Manufacturing • Software & IT

• Hydropower • Legal & Business • Training, HR, HSE

• Construction • Agricultural • Microfinance

Recruiting part time freelance translators • Lao <=> Chinese • Lao <=> Japanese

• EN <=> Hmong • EN <=> Lao

• Lao <=> French • Lao <=> Korean

Recruiting part time freelance interpreters • Lao <=> English • Lao <=> Japanese

• Lao <=> Chinese • Lao <=> Korean

- Consecutive and or Simultaneous interpreters required.

- Must have previous experience interpreting for reputable organisations and companies. - Comprehensive interpreting CV with up to date references will be required prior to interview.

Room 404, Alounmai Tower, Nongbone Village www.eqho.com

Recruiting Full Time Project Manager Key Responsibilities: • • • •

To manage the aspects of Localization projects Ensure project compliance with EQHO‘s set processes, policies and standards Manage and lead a diversified team Actively support the sales team to develop the business potential within Laos and Japan • Daily Administrative and Accounting task

Requirements: • Very good Japanese communication and presentation skills

• • • •

Business orientation with a customer-focused approach High level of personal responsibility Bachelor Degree in any related field Good level of English comprehension

Note: EQHO Communication Lao Co., Ltd. is a member company of the EQHO Group, a provider of international-standard language services with headquarters in Singapore and production centers Bangkok and Vientiane. Because international-standard translation is a new and evolving industry in the Lao PDR, you will be guided and monitored by senior EQHO staff members on an on-going basis. EQHO understands and fully supports the need for training successful applicants until they reach the required level of performance.

EQHO’s mission – to ensure that your message is conveyed just the way you want it, in every language, every time. Contact EQHO Laos on +856 21 454 529, or email: info@eqho.la Lao | Thai | Vietnamese | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Burmese | Khmer | All European | All other Asian Languages


Hotel & Restaurant

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016

Hotel & Restaurant

ciaDp 29 d}xqk 2016


The Settha Palace Hotel, Vientiane 29 Rooms French Colonial Luxury Boutique Hotel We are catering to high end tourists, bankers, diplomats and businessmen. We are requiring warm and personalized service and now welcoming applicants for many positions.

Front Office Manager

Food & Beverage Assistant Manager

Front Office Supervisor




Room Attendant


Human Resources Manager

Sales Manager

Human Resources Supervisor

Sales Executive

Accounting Supervisor

Staff Engineer

Experienced Store Keeper/

Security Guard

Purchasing Assistant The Settha Palace is managed by Belmont International Hotels, which manages deluxe hotels in Malaysia, Indonesia and Laos. Interested candidates are invited to send email with CV and a recent photograph to gm@setthapalace.com,

hr@setthapalace.com Or call

HR Department, Tel. 021 217581-2 Settha Palace Hotel6 Pang Kham Street, Vientiane, Lao PDR www.setthapalace.com

The Settha Palace Hotel, Vientiane ຕອງການຮ�ບສະໜ�ກພະນ�ກງານ 1. ຫ�ວໜ�າພະແ�ກຕ�ອນຮ�ບ 2. ພະນ�ກງານຕ�ອນຮ�ບ 3. ຫ�ວໜ�າພະແ�ກບຸກຄະລາກອນ 4. ພະນ�ກງານສາງ 5. ຊ�າງທ�ວໃ� 6. ພະນ�ກງານທໍາຄວາມສະອາດຫ�ອງ

7. ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ 8. ພະນ�ກງານປຸງແ��ງ 9. ຫ�ວໜ�າພະແ�ກການເ�ີນ 10. ພະນ�ກງານຈ�ດຊ� 11. ພະນ�ກງານຮ�ກສາຄວາມປອດໄ� 12. ພະນ�ກງານທໍາຄວາມສະອາດຫ�ອງຄ�ວ

ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕ : Tel. 021 217581-2 Email: gm@setthapalace.com, hr@setthapalace.com

ຕອງການຮ�ບສະໜ�ກພະນ�ກງານດວນ 1. ພ\ງ ເ�ີບ 1 ຄ�ນ

3. ແ�ບານ 1ຄ�ນ

2. ພ\ງ ເ�ີບ1 ຄ�ນ

8:00amຫາ 3:00pm

ເ�ັດວຽກ ຕອນ 8:00am ຫາ 5:00pm

ເ�ອນໄ�: ເ�ັດວຽກ ຕອນ

ເ�ັດວຽກ ຕອນ 5:00Pm ຫາ 10:30pm ເ�ອນໄ�: ສາມາດເ�າອ�ງກິດໄ�ແ�ະມີຄວາມດຸໝ�ນໃ�ການເ�ັດວຽກ

ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕ: 02028177931,02028177932 ບໍລິສ�ດ ລຽງເ�ງ ການຄາ ບໍລິການຈ�ດສ�ນຕະາດ ຈ�ກ�ດ (ຕະາດໜອງຈ�ນ)

ຮ�ບສະໝ�ກພະນ�ກງານດວນ 1. ຫ�ວໜ�າຈ�ດສ�ນຕະ�າດ 2. ຫ�ວໜ�າປ�ອງກ�ນຄວາມສະ��ບ 3. ຫ�ວໜ�າຈ�ດສ�ນລະບຽບກາງເ�ັນ 4. ພະນ�ກງານຈ�ດລະບຽບກາງເ�ັນ 5. ພະນ�ກງານຍາມຕະ�າດກາງຄືນ ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

6. ພະນ�ກງານອະນາໄ� 8. ພະນ�ກງານຊ�າງໄ�ຟ�າ, ຊ�າງສ�ອມແ�ງທ�ວໄ� 9. ພະນ�ກງານຄ�ນສວນ 10. ພະນ�ກງານຂ�ບລ�ດ

0205554507, 021213441, 021214243

ບໍລິສ�ດ ລາວອິນເ�ີເ�ຣດ



 ຂ�ບລ�ດໃ�ຜູບໍລິຫານ

1. ພະນ�ກງານການຕະາດ (ຍິງ/ຊາຍ) 2. ພະນ�ກງານຂາຍ (ຍິງ/ຊາຍ) 3. ພະນ�ກງານຂ�ບລ�ດ (ຊາຍ)

ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕທີເ�ີ 021 265 615, 020 5510 7355

ມີໃ�ຂ�ບຂ, ສຸພາບ, ສສ�ດ ແ�ະ ສາມາດສສານພາສາໄ�ໄ� (ຖາມີປະສ�ບການຈະພິຈາລະນາເ�ັນພິເ�ດ) ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕທເ�ີ

020 222 17 638 ສ�ນໃ�ລ�ງໂ�ສະນາຕິດຕໄ�ທ

021 254 349, 020 2221 7638

ຮ�ບສະໝ�ກພະນ�ກງານດວນ ພຄ�ວ/ ແ�ຄ�ວ, ອາຫານຍປຸນ ເ��ອນໄ� :

ສາມາດເ�ັດອາຫານຍ�ປຸ�ນໄ��ທຸກປະເ�ດ ສາມາດເ�ັດວຽກຢູ�ພາກສະໜາມໄ�� ທ�ແ�ວງບໍລິຄໍາໄ�

ເ�ີນເ�ືອນເ��ມຕ�ນ 400$ ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�: 02022217638 ປິດຮ�ບສະໝ�ກວ�ນທີ 24/3/16

KS Apartment ຄອນສະ��ນ ອາພາດເ�ັນ

ຕອງການພະນ�ກງານອະນາໄ� 2 ຕ�ແ�ງ -ອາຍຸ 18-40 ປີ. ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

55694445, 0305334504 WWW.Facbook/Jobjibjib.la

ບໍລິສ�ດ ສອນໄ�ການຄ�າ ຂາອອກ-ຂາເ��າ ຈໍາກ�ດ.

SNK Lao Cooperation Sole Co., Ltd.





ພະນ�ກງານຂ�ບລ�ດ 1ຕ�ແ�ງ.

1.ພະນ�ກງານຂາຍ 5ຕ�ແ�ງ. 2.ພະນ�ກງານໂ�ເ�ີລ�ດ 5ຕ�ແ�ງ. 3.ພະນ�ກງານຈ�ດລຽງສີນຄາ 5ຕ�ແ�ງ. 4.ພະນ�ກງານສ�ງເ�ອງ 5ຕ�ແ�ງ.

ສະຖານທຕ�ງ: ບານສີບຸນເ�ືອງ ຈ�ນທະບູລີ ນະຄອນວງວຽງຈ�ນ.

ສະຖານທ: ບານຈອມມະນີໃ� ໄ�ເ�ດຖາ ນະຄອນວງວຽງຈ�ນ.


02055869765, 0305334504



02056944410, 02028777722.

2.ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ 20 ຕ�ແ�ງ

ຮານເ�ີມສວຍ CLEO 1.ພະນ�ກງານຕອນຮ�ບ ແ�ະ ບ�ນຊີ 2.ຊາງເ�ັດຜ�ມ

(ສະໄ�, ຈ�ດຊ�ງ ແ�ະ ເ�າຜ�ມຊ�ງຕາງໆ, ແ�ງໜາເ�ັນຈະເ�ັນການດີ)

3.ພະນ�ກງານອານາໄ� ທານໃ�ສ�ນໃ�ເ�ີນຕິດຕດວຍຕ�ນເ�ງ TEL:020 58898456.

ສວນອາຫານຈ�ປາມຸງຄຸນ ຮ�ບສະໝ�ກພະນ�ກງານ

ພຄ�ວ, ແ�ຄ�ວ, ຜູຊວຍຄ�ວ ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ ພະນ�ກງານອະນາໄ� ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

020 5560 6886


ຍິງໂ�ດ, ອາຍຸ 20 – 40ປີ, ສາມາດແ��ງກິນເ�ັນ

ຮ�ບສະໝ�ກພະນ�ກງານ 1.ພະນ�ກງານວາງແ�ນຈ�ດລຽງສີນຄາ 2ຕ�ແ�ງ 2.ພຄ�ວ/ແ�ຄ�ວ ແ�ະ ຜູຊວຍຄ�ວ າຍຕ�ແ�ງ 3.ພະນ�ກງານຂ�ບລ�ດ 2ຕ�ແ�ງ

ຮ�ບແ�ບຟອມສະໜ�ກພະນ�ກງານໄ�ທບໍລິສ�ດ ບານ ຕານມີໄ� ຮອມ18 ື ທຸກສາຂາທ�ວປະເ�ດ

ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕ: 02029966323

021-771725, 020 77433337 020 72277752.

ສະໜາມກິລາເ�ີນເ�າະບານ VKS.



1.ພະນ�ກງານຊວຍຄ�ວ 2.ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ 3.ພະນ�ກງານສ�ງພິດຊາ 4.ພະນ�ກງານຕອນຮ�ບ(ທາງໂ�ລະສ�ບ)

1.ພະນ�ກງານພຄ�ວ 2ຕ�ແ�ງ.

2.ພະນ�ກງານອານາໄ� 2ຕ�ແ�ງ.

ສະຖານທຕ�ງ:ບານ ພະຂາວ ໄ�ທານີ ນະຄອນວງວຽງຈ�ນ. ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

020 55555388.

ສະຖານທຕ�ງ: ຮານ The pizza ຂາງຫໍວ�ດທະນາທ� ບານ: ຊຽງຢືນ ຈ�ນທະບູລີ ນະຄອນວງວຽງຈ�ນ ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

021 254388 021 254063.


ຮານ ແ�ງສະຫ�ວນຜາໄ�ລາວ.



1. ຜູຈ�ດການ 2. ຮອງຜູຈ�ດການ 3. ພະນ�ກງານບ�ນ 4. ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ 5. ພະນ�ກງານຕອບ

6. ພະນ�ກງານຄ�ວ 7. ຮ�ບລ�ດ 8. ປອງກ�ນ 9. ບາເ�ນເ� 10.ຊາງໄ�


020 59446022; 020 96988088.

ສ�ນໃ�ລ�ງໂ�ສະນາຕິດຕໄ�ທ WWW.Facbook/Jobjibjib.la


ບໍລິສ�ດ ແ�ລ ດີ ຊີ ຂາອອກ-ຂາເ�າ ຈ�ກ�ດ

ສ�ງຂມູນໃ�ຊີວະປະ��ດ�ໄ�ທອີເ�ວ tickrattanatray@gmail.com 02055325355, 021990080 (ໃ�ໂ�ງລ�ດຖະການ)




1.ພະນ�ກງານບ�ນຊີ 2 ຕ�ແ�ງ

ພະນ�ກງານຕອນຮ�ບຍິງ ພະນ�ກງານເ�ີບ ຍິງແ�ະຊາຍ ຕອນເ��າ ແ�ະຕອນແ�ງ (ດ�ວນ)

021 254 349, 020 2221 7638

ພະນ�ກງານຂາຍສນ 1ຕ�ແ�ງ.  ເ�ີນເ�ືອນ: 1.000.000ກີບ.  ສະຖານທ: ຕະາດເ�າ ຕຶກເ�າ. ບອນຂາຍສນ. ສ�ນໃ�ຕິດຕໂ�:

020 55599976.

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