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Εκδότης - Διευθυντής:

Αναγνωστοπούλου-Παλούμπη Πρόεδρος του Ναυτικού Μουσείου της Ελλάδος

Διεύθυνση Σύνταξης: Γιάννης Παλούμπης

Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης:

του Αρχηγού ΓΕΕΘΑ Στρατηγού Δημήτριου Χούπη και

το Υποβρύχιο (Υ/Β) ΚΑΤΣΩΝΗΣ, ενώ η Φ/Γ


ΦΛΩΡΑΚΗΣ» στο Μαρί της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας.


Πόλεμος 1912. Η ναυμαχία της 16 Δεκεμβρίου 1912.

Ζωγράφος: Β.

Βούλγαρης. Original Copyrighted only

1913 by "Atlantis", Inc., New York.

Επιστολικό δελτάριο.

Διαστ. 13,9x9 εκ.

13,7Χ8,7 εκ.


Retour de la flotte Turque dans les Dardanelles après le combat naval du 3 Décembre 1912.

Les dégâts de la flotte Turque se retirant en désordre après le combat naval du 3 Décembre 1912.

Naval à Dardanelles. Destruction et retraite de l’ Escadre Turque au Détroit des Dardanelles.

La guerre Balcanique de

Le combat naval du Janvier 1913.

m/v Magna Graecia

m/v Asia Graeca

m/v Sinica Graeca

m/v Europa Graeca

m/v Oceania Graeca

m/v America Graeca

hull no. ne 485

hull no. ne 486

hull no. ne 487

hull no. ne 517

hull no. ne 518

m/v Graecia Universalis

m/v Graecia Nautica

m/v Graecia Aeterna

m/v Aeschylus Graecia

m/v Sophocles Graecia

m/v Euripides Graecia

m/v Socrates Graecia

m/v Aristoteles Graecia

hull no. de 166

hull no. de 167

hull no. de 168

επιχειρήσεις στα

που πραγματοποιήθηκαν

κατάληψης των ιταλο-


θαυμασμοῦ καὶ σᾶς συγχαίρω διὰ τὸ

λαμπρὸν κατόρθωμα».


εὐχαριστημένος εἶμαι

ὅτι θὰ μὲ ἀξίωνεν ὁ


παρομοίας στιγμάς. Το λιμάνι εἶναι γεμᾶτο ἀπὸ πολεμικά

ὅλων τῶν ἐθνικοτήτων. Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Πολωνικά, Ολλανδικά,

Ελληνικά. Απὸ κάθε πλοῖον ποὺ

προσπερνοῦμε μᾶς χαιρετοῦν μὲ


Τὰ ναρκαλιευτικὰ καὶ τὰ ἐμπορικὰ

σφυρίζουν μὲ τὶς σειρῆνες τους τὸ γράμμα V τῆς Νίκης, τὸ ὁποῖον εἶναι ὅμοιον μὲ

τὴν μουσικὴν ὑπόκρουσιν τῆς Ενάτης

Ἡ συγκίνησις

Ἡ ἀπάντησις


πέρασαν στη λήθη.

Για τους περισσότερους ιστορικούς,

Ιβάνωφ (1911-1943),



στην Πάτρα. Ο Βαρνακιώτης με δική του πρωτοβουλία, ανάγκασε τον πλοίαρχο να κατευθυνθεί στο Μεγανήσι,

που έγινε μετά από πολλές

περιπέτειες. Ο Βαρνακιώτης πήγε

στο Σπαρτοχώρι και εκεί «μυήθηκε» στην Εθνική Ά ντίσταση από

τελικά κρύφτηκαν σ’ ένα σπίτι στο

έρημο σήμερα, χωριό Δραγαμέστο.

Εκεί ήρθαν και τους βρήκαν τρεις

ακόμα συμπατριώτες τους ναυτικοί, ενταγμένοι στην Άντίσταση: ο καπετάν

Δημήτρης Πάλμος και οι Νίκος Κοντής και Σταμάτης Καρεκλάς. Προδόθηκαν

όμως από έναν αγροφύλακα στους

Ιταλούς. Έτσι, 1.500

στη Σαλαμίνα. Στις στοές του

οι Γερμανοί είχαν αποθηκεύσει

την πυριτιδαποθήκη τους.

Ο Μιχαήλ Σκανδαλίδης, γράφει για

τη Λέρο του Σαρωνικού, που φυσικά

δεν έχει καμία σχέση με τη Λέρο

των Δωδεκανήσων, ότι πιθανότατα

κατά την αρχαιότητα ήταν ενωμένη με τη Σαλαμίνα, καθώς ο Στράβωνας

(X 395) αναφέρεται στις γειτονικές

Φαρμακούσες και όχι στη Λέρο, που είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερη. Κανένας άλλος συγγραφέας δεν αναφέρεται επίσης στη

Σε ευρωπαϊκούς

τρένο όπου βρισκόταν επί


Βαρνακιώτης, κάτω

καθυστέρησε πολύ, περίπου μιάμιση

ώρα, και ο Βαρνακιώτης, ο οποίος


τρένο για το Βραδεμβούργο. Φυλακές, στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης, καταναγκαστικές εργασίες, άθλιες

διαβίωσης και ελάχιστη

τροφή έφεραν τον Βαρνακιώτη και

τους άλλους κρατούμενους ένα βήμα από τον θάνατο. Στις 25 Ά πριλίου 1945 ένα ρωσικό άρμα μάχης

για το Königsberg, το

σημερινό Καλίνινγκραντ της Ρωσίας.

Στο εκεί σοβιετικό στρατόπεδο, δεν

τους έδωσαν ιδιαίτερη σημασία,

όταν ζήτησαν να γυρίσουν στην

Ελλάδα. Είχαν άλλωστε σαφώς

προτεραιότητα οι δικοί τους πολίτες!


Βαρνακιώτης και ένας γλωσσομαθής, ο

Κάρολος, εβραϊκής καταγωγής, ύστερα


διαδικασία με ιδιαίτερα

απαιτήσεις σε υποδομές, εγκαταστάσεις, κεφαλαιουχικό εξοπλισμό, εξειδικευμένη εργασία και τεχνολογία

Αμυντικός τομέας

Η συνεργασία των ναυπηγείων σε

Senior Vice President & General Manager of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry’s (LISCR) Piraeus office, managers of the Liberian Registry



Ζυρίχη, Κωνσταντινούπολη, Πεκίνο, Σανγκάη, και άλλα λιμάνια της Κίνας (Γκουαντζού, Νίνγκβο, Τιανζίν, Κινγκντάο),


Αξιότιμοι φίλες και


μεγαλύτερο πολιτιστικό φορέα του

είδους του στη χώρα μας, το οποίο λειτουργεί αδιάλειπτα από το 1949. Κεντρικοί σκοποί της ύπαρξης του είναι η διατήρηση και προβολή της

ελληνικής ναυτικής ιστορίας και παράδοσης και η καλλιέργεια




ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΙΣΤΙΟΦΟΡΩΝ», το οποίο χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα «Ανταγωνιστικότητα, Επιχειρηματικότητα, Καινοτομία» και το

Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής

στο πλαίσιο της Ειδικής

σύγχρονου και πολύ αξιόλογου προγράμματος, στο

του οποίου δημιουργήθηκε

η έκθεση που σήμερα εγκαινιάζουμε.

Μέσω αυτής με επιστημονικό, εκπαιδευτικό και σύγχρονο

τρόπο αναδεικνύονται η τέχνη της

κατασκευής ξύλινων ιστιοφόρων

και η τέχνη της πλοήγησής τους, σημαντικά κομμάτια της πολιτιστικής

μας κληρονομιάς με πανάρχαιες

ρίζες, τα οποία έχουν γλιστρήσει στη λήθη, λόγω

όλη την Ελλάδα, υλοποιεί εκδόσεις, υποστηρίζει δράσεις δημοσιότητας

και συλλόγους που έχουν τους

ίδιους στόχους, συμμετέχει από

το 2014 στην Ομάδα Εργασίας

του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού για


μικρού μεγέθους δεξαμενόπλοια και εξειδικευμένα tankers, έχει

σε διάφορους τομείς της επιχείρησης, όπως στις λειτουργίες (operations), τις ναυλώσεις (chartering)

Πριν αναλάβει την

της WISTA International, η

Η WISTA International (Women's International Shipping & Trading Association)




Κτίζοντας τον Μύθο».

Την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία

ο εκπρόσωπος του Μητροπολίτη

Πειραιώς Πατήρ Θεόφιλος, ο

εκπρόσωπος του Αρχηγού ΓΕΝ

Πλωτάρχης Εμμανουήλ Κυπραίος, ο

Πρόεδρος του Πολεμικού Μουσείου

Αντιπτέραρχος ε.α. Κωνσταντίνος

Καραμεσίνης, η καθηγήτρια Ε.Μ.Π.

Αντωνία Μοροπούλου ειδική στην

προστασία μνημείων, ο Πρόεδρος του Πανελλήνιου Συλλόγου Ναυπηγείων –Ταρσανάδων κ. Βασίλης Βασιλειάδης, ο

«ΝΗΕΣ ΠΟΝΤΟΠΟΡΟΙ: Ομηρικά πλοία, δεινοί πλόες

From 21st October 2021 the Maritime Museum has hosted an exhibition of personal items belonging to Konstantinos Kanaris and findings attributed to the Turkish flagship of Kara Ali.

The administration of the museum expresses its gratitude to the Minister of Culture Mrs. Mendoni, the former Deputy Regional Governor of Chios Mr. Pandelis Bougdanos and professor of history Dr. Athina Zacharou - Loutrari, who contributed greatly to the realisation of the exhibition.

Also, to archaeologists Mrs. Stella Argyri and Mrs. Chrysa Fouseki who set up the exhibition with care and professionalism, as well as to their Supervisor Mr. Dimitris Kourkoumelis.

The legendary fighter KONSTANTINOS KANARIS

The revolution liberating Chios from the Turkish yoke, which began with so much hope on March 11, 1822 when ships from Samos arrived, was suppressed in the most terrible way. The Sultan’s orders, punishing the guilty and the innocent, together with the total destruction of the place, were executed with unprecedented ferocity. Massacres, enslavement, looting and burning, turned this once happy island into a vast ruin.

The Greek fleet, unable to face the colossal Turkish armada, which had set sail on March 30, 1822 under Kapoudan Pasha Kara Ali, acted with fireships. It was on the moonless night of June 6th to June 7th, 1822, while the admiral was carefree, celebrating the beginning of Bayram and his triumph with his officers on his stately vessel, that Konstantinos Kanaris arrived to punish these unjust atrocities.

With boldness and self-sacrifice, he exclaimed, “Konstantis, you will die!” as he slipped between the patrol ships of the powerful fleet. Encouraged in the name of Christ, his equally decisive crew tied the fireship and as their boat floated away, flames engulphed the Turkish flagship. The flames reached the guns causing them to burn and detonate, spreading fire to the powder keg. The terrible explosion blew up the ship spreading death, the enormous flames rising and illuminating the sky, visible from the coasts of Chios and Asia. Kara Ali was fatally wounded by a falling mast, as his men tried to take him away by boat.

The burning of the flagship was not only one of the greatest events in the struggle for Independence, but a momentous event in history. At a critical moment it inflicted an irreparable blow to the naval power of the Turkish fleet, thwarted the Sultan’s plan to suppress the Revolution, humiliated the arrogant conquerors, made the rights of Greeks known to the ends of the world, augmented the philhellenic movement and revived the hopes of the fighters.

Th iv o th Tu ki h f eet i Chios fo the supp essio of the Revo utio s des ibed b Ch ist K st nis

"We saw the colossal Armada advancing, with its bloody standard beckoning to us in the breeze. Seven ships of the line stood before us like monsters of the deep. Twenty-six frigates and corvettes accompanied by smaller craft and innumerable boats, rolled towards us like a gilded tide of devastation. The bombardment commenced; the earth shook with the thunder pealing from the open broadsides of the entire fleet. The Citadel discharged from its battlements its fiery rage, and swelled the mighty chorus of Ottoman strife. Fires raged from house to house; shrieks arose, and smoke desolated the sky".

, , 1, 1.

Konst ntinos K n is omp ishment bec me inte n tion ecognized nd the e t He o of the Revo ution w s g o ified ike no othe

i tor o,18 8,

The leadin ren h riter i tor o in o em er 18 8 rote an e tensi e poem dedi ated to Kanaris. t is in l ded in the ell- no n olle tion Les rientales , inspired the Gree e ol tion.

Thom s o don n Eng ish Histo i n commends K n is nd his ccomp ishment

"We have now to narrate one of the most extraordinary military exploits recorded in history, and to introduce to the reader's notice, in the person of a young Psarriote sailor, the most brilliant pattern of heroism that Greece in any age has had to boast of; a heroism, too, springing from the purest motives, unalloyed by ambition or avarice".

Thomas Gordon, History of the Greek Revolution, London, 1844. , , , , , , , ,

Christ. Plat. Kastanis, The Greek exile, Philadelphia 1851.
Victo Hugo Le Orientales is 1829

Fireships and Hand Grenades

Above: Hand grenade and a knife belonging to K. Kanaris

Below: A model section of the fire-ship and a scetch showing the way the fighters set it on fire

Inmaritime warfare operations, the burning of ships was an important weapon as they could damage large enemy ships

The fireship (burlotto) was an old useless boat soaked in tar and naphtha and filled with dry branches, straw and other flammable materials. They would put barrels filled with explosives on each side along the deck under circular openings and opened pipelines so that the fire could spread from a specific point to the stern. On moonless nights with favorable winds, they would quietly approach bow-first and hook the fireship onto the enemy ship. They would then board a towed boat, the captain being last who would set fire to the fireship, and as the fire spread, they would move away rapidly. This risky venture required great boldness and determination, luck and skill. If they escaped the explosion the unwitting crew onboard the burning vessel would be panicking and fall into the sea

The hand grenade. A glass ball, this was an old weapon used in naval wars igniting the fireship from afar, safely away for the fire crew. The ball was filled with flammable and explosive substances. They would light the wick that was in the hole and from a boat would throw it into the fireship. The glass would break, the fire would spread to the fireship which was attached to the enemy vessel

Εxploring the shipwreck

ara Ali Kapoudan Pasha’s flagship, the “Mansuriye” was enormous for its time. A three-masted, two-crooked warship with 84 cannons, which they called “Burlota SaymaziContemptuous of Fire Ships”, a name that was tragically mocked by fate.

On the moonless night of Constantine Kanaris’ attack, 6th to 7th June 1822, the flagship was anchored in the larger port of Chios, near the castle. It shone brightly, as its Turkish officers and 2000 soldiers, were enjoying themselves, celebrating the end of the Ramadan fast. There were also about 700 prisoners onboard, mainly young women who had been captured by the barbarians during the terrible destruction of Chios, as well as many treasures extensively looted from the rich island

Whilst the shipwreck was well-known, various objects have been recovered from it over time. As the official state body, the Prefecture of Chios, decided to investigate the sunken ship with such great historical and emotional significance for the island. Since it represented a momentous event in the struggle for national liberation and as fair punishment to the culprits who caused rivers of unjustly spilt blood in the martyrdom of Chios

In the spring of 1988, a program was established in collaboration with the Institute of Underwater Archaeological Research to train divers in underwater research techniques, and the remains of the shipwreck were found at a distance of 1.5 n.m. outside the port of Chios, at a depth of about 50m. The image presented by the first findings was promising and a survey followed (25.8 -10.9 1998) by the Service of Underwater Antiquities with the help of the Central Port Authority of Chios and the Navy, who made their oceanographic equipment Pytheus available

About 50 objects were recovered, a pistol, bronze, porcelain, glass, clay utensils and some accessories from the ship, as well as an iron cannon about 2.5 meters long, weighing 3 tons, which is exhibited in the courtyard of the Byzantine Museum of Chios

Although further research is needed for accurate documentation, the shipwreck must be the flagship burned by Konstantinos Kanaris, since the site is in line with historical sources. The remains belong to a large sailing warship, they are scattered over a large area with traces of fire in the wood which testify to sinking under violent conditions, and no other such incident have been reported in the area. There are objects of Ottoman origin and the many bones indicate that it was carrying a large number of people

The completion of the investigation will shed more light on a shocking event in the Revolution, which thwarted the Sultan’s plans with the destruction of his fleet and turned the eyes of humanity to the just Greek struggle. Above all, it is a tribute to the thousands of victims of the Turkish atrocity from Chios and Psara, highlighting the courageous act of the great national hero of the 200 years’ anniversary celebrations



A TRIBUTE to A Gallant Ally by ALISON HALDANE-DUNCAN (World - Travelled Author of Articles on European Affairs) LONDON 1958


Lone on the Mountains of Freedom they stand Forsaken, betrayed, yet conquerors still; God in their hearts, Immortal their land, Crusaders undaunted, bound to His will. Broken their bodies, yet see in their eyes Reflected a glory outshining the sun; Christ is arisen, and Greece shall arise Saga of valour, eternally sung. from the poems of ALISON HALDANE-DUNCAN


Anglo-American concessions to Stalin vainly betrayed millions Of Christian men and women, from the Baltic to the Balkans to slavery and death on the altar of " political expediency ". On occasion, modelled on Goebbels, a propaganda campaign of vilification, more lethal than atom bombs, was loosed by radio and press against the intended victim, to anaesthetize public opinion before the blood-sacrifice of former friends and allies. Yet none perhaps so finally dethroned justice, or made us so politically bankrupt of honour as our present vilification and betrayal of Greece, without whose sacrificial heroism we and all civilization would have perished in 1940. 1940. Our Dunkirk. Russia in pact with the foe. Turkey neutral in agreement with Hitler. U.S.A. still neutral, Europe prostrate. Earth's darkest hour, in which seven million Greeks took up the challenge of 150 million Italians, Bulgars and Germans combined, defeated the former, and fought and held the latter mechanized collossus during the months of respite required for the U.SA. to rearm our shattered army after Dunkirk. A deed of

Grecian valour unparalleled in history, and which saved us and civilization. Can it be that in 18 short years Britain has forgotten this Greek saga of valour of which generations yet unborn shall sing ? The Greek David, unprepared for battle, clad only in the shining armour of traditional courage, going forth alone to fight the Axis giant. The 28u1 of October, 1940. Eternally engraved on by memory and enshrined in my heart. " Oxi " Day. The day when with one voice, the Greece I love, hurled at the huge monster the defiant "No", to the offer of self-preservation by passive capitulation. The " No" which echoed across the world rekindling the dead fires of hope in the hearts of already defeated numerically greater nations. The Greek miracle at which a trembling world marvelled, when it saw that, in the words of Ambassador Sir Percy Loraine ... " it took 80 million Germans to rescue 45 million Italians from the clutches of 7 million Greeks ".

When long retarded and inadequate aid reached Greece she already had defeated the Italians. Yet, as American Director of N.E.F., Laird Archer, then in Athens, wrote ... "There was no bitterness among the Greeks over the fact that Britain was able to send less than 100,000 men to help their country ". And further, “The people of Greece do not need British inspiration to keep alive the spirit of resistance” wrote Archer after our early withdrawal. A dark hour, of which Florence Stone, a life-long resident in Athens, recorded when the German hordes were pouring into Greece to rescue the Italians . . . " the fighting was fierce, the heroic Greek resistance desperate, and as the foe came nearer and nearer it was tragic to watch the departing British ", officially ordered by London to leave Greece so hastily that many British and Commonwealth soldiers were left behind. Men who said of the Greeks who died to succour and save them, ... " truly they lived Christ's creed — Greater love hath no man than this than that he lay down his life for his friend ". Men who endorsed Laird Archer's statement of how, while Greeks risked their lives to save them, Turkey frustrated their rescue when Greeks provided Caiques for their escape across to Samos and thence to " neutral " Turkey, " until Turkey nervous of German objections closed her doors." Yes, closed her doors to British fugitives.

Undaunted by Turkish perfidy, or by the German death penalty it entailed, Greek men and women continued throughout the occupation, even when starving,to hide and Share their last crust with British soldiers. Faked identity cards for them. Found other escape routes. Priests and nuns concealed

them in monasteries and convents, and like the rest suffered torture and death but never betrayed them, our men, who today, immunized by grateful hearts against our government's vilification and betrayal of their Greek saviours, are filled with the burning shame and anger against injustice fills the hearts of all loyal and grateful friends of Greece, who remember the immortal courage of her

people. Those people of whom President of American Relief in Athens, Homer Davis, wrote, in recording their nobility during the occupation ... "They have no guns left, but they have a secret weapon — The Greek Spirit, which cannot be broken even by a mechanized Attila."

Surely a lesson to be learnt by our present political leaders, who to-day, to mour national shame, imitate that mechanized Atilla, even to kidnapping and sheathing the dagger of calumny in the heart of Church dignitaries and incarcerating thousands of Greeks in concentration camps; yet who, together with their Turkish protegé, will be defeated by this same Greek spirit which no alien power has broken, or ever will break, in men and women who would rather die fighting for freedom than live as slaves.

In his memorable book " No Other Road to Freedom ", American war correspondent Leyland Stowe, with the Greek Army in its epic fight, wrote this great tribute, inspired by soldiers singing as they constructed an emergency pontoon in thick mud and icy sleet on the Albanian front : " I saw their mud-caked hands and spattered weary faces. They were the hands of men who held freedom at its eternal value. The hands which were keeping the Greek advance rolling on into Albania. The hands with which Mussolini did not reckon. Strong hands and, if you saw them as I did, they were beautifully and wonderfully clean. All the mud in those wild valleys would never change that. It makes a difference when men fight with clean hands."

To-day, despite all the mud of foul lies churned up and spattered against the Greeks by our official propaganda machine, these words of Leyland Stowe still ring true. Yes, Greek hands still " hold freedom at its eternal value still beautifully wonderfully clean." The hands of a people who further inspired Stowe to write of this nation as a whole

" I have had the inestimable privilege of working and living with people for whom freedom is the breath of life, and death but an episode. I have seen what makes man more than man, and woman more than woman. I have seen the sublime grandeur of a people who make no compromise with murder, slavery, dishonour . I have seen men and women die, and dying live forever. Men and women whose lives offer hope and fulfilment and nobility to all mankind while yet we live or while our children live."

Words applicable to Greeks of the Motherland, and all her daughter Isles, including the crucified Island of Cyprus, Hellenic since antiquity. Had we, as just reward for her heroic war-time sacrifice, restored Cyprus to Greece at the end of the war, with its 83 per cent. Greek population, we would have had a safe military base with 450,000 loyal friends; and the 17 per cent. Turkish minority the same happy security as those in Western Thrace under Greek rule. Instead our insane policy of trying to

establish peace on the quick- sands of injustice, has resulted in tragedy to this fair Isle of which Gladstone wrote to the Duke of Westminster on 18th March, 1897 . . .

" I subjoin the satisfaction I should feel were it granted me before the close of my life, to see the Hellenic Island of Cyprus placed by friendly arrangement in organic union with their brethren of the Kingdom of Greece and Crete." Gladstone, who is revered to this day by all to Whom the honour of Britain is dear, not merely as a great statesman but pre-eminently as a servant of Christ who championed Turkish enslaved Christian peoples in Eastern Europe in opposition to Disraeli, who, like his political heirs, regardless of Christian principles, supported the Turks. Turning a blind political eye to the savage Turkish massacre of a million Armenians and thousands of Greek and other Christians. Massacres, which periodically continued to as recently as that of unarmed Greek men, women and children, slaughtered and burnt alive three years ago in Istanbul. To those of us with Gladstonian principles it is inexplicable that in Cyprus today Christian Greeks are at the mercy of a large force of British employed Turkish police, whose official powers enable Turks to kill with impunity, secure in the knowledge that every crime is attributed without trial or evidence to Greeks. Surely this has added to the natural fear and consequent resistance of the Christian population of this Hellenic Isle to a Turkish approved plan which ultimately may again place them under Moslem domination. A logical fear increased by President Bayar's recent acclamation of Britain as " a precious friend and ally," added to frequent B.B.C. reports of Dr. Kutchuk's declarations of " nothing but partition " and " Cyprus is Turkish," coupled with our Ministerial level reference to Cyprus as strategically " an off-shore Island of Turkey." If such illogical " strategic " claims become prevalent, perhaps de Gaulle on the same pretext might claim England and the Channel Isles as " off-shore islands " of France.

Survivors of a war which was fought that freedom might live, fail to see the logic of our granting independence to backward African States while denying it to European Greek Cyprus. Equally the whole Christian world feels shocked into a sense of unreality at the horror-inspiring name of Concentration Camps in association with Britain.

The echo of European opinion was voiced in 1956, by the son of the distinguished Dutch historian Mr. J. Huizinga, London correspondent of "Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant," when stating there is no hope for peace without a fixed-date plebiscite, he concluded . . . " to be sure the British authorities dispose of enough power to impose eventually the peace of the prison house on Cyprus. One does not need much political imagination however to see the political consequences of a policy of persistent and consistent repression." Prophetic words in the light of subsequent events. Cyprus is no longer " an internal affair," but on the conscience of the whole Christian world. To allay that conscience it might be expedient, if there is nothing to hide; to allow a neutral delegation of the International Red Cross to investigate and report on our Cyprus " detention " and the condition of several thousand Greek men and women held without trial. Thus we may, we hope, convince Christendom that in our colony we exercise the same traditional justice as at home, where a person is held innocent until proved guilty in trial by jury, and hundreds of innocent citizens in the area of


the crime are not arrested by armed troops and " Cromwellian gangs " in an un-Christian and undemocratic manner.

It would also be reassuring to know that there are no Turkish jailers in these camps. Knowing that wherever the Turkish flag was planted, it brought death to Christians and the eclipse of civilization, Byron gave his life to the liberation of Greece from the Moslem shroud, so that once again the light of the glory that is Greece might shine across the world. Is it this light that our Tory rulers now seek to aid their perfidious Turkish " ally " to extinguish ? Do those who exclude Christ from their consequently abortive " Peace " conferences, really believe that there are no Englishmen and women left to keep faith with their friends on Calvary, rather than see Christ's creeds like their Master sacrificed in these political spiritual blackouts? Faith undaunted, in a world dying of artificially engendered hate, as expressed in the moving words of Jacqueline Barrington, who writes . ..

" I believe in the ultimate freedom of the Greeks in Cyprus. When I cease to believe in Greece it will mean my faith in God has died, and that will never happen."

Are they unaware that to-day, as yesterday, if there was no Greece there would be no civilization, for without Greece civilization must perish, for Greece is civilization — its soul, its spirit, its very life-blood, as well as its ancient fount, light and inspiration.

He who enslaves Greece, enslaves civilization, he who destroys Greece destroys the soul of beauty, he who breaks the heart of this people breaks the heart of humanity; and he who overshadows the light of Greece, overshadows the intellectual light of the world and is an enemy of spiritual freedom. Can we who remember this glorious anniversary of the 28th October 1940, when in the Halls of Valour Grecian glory crowned the darkened world with light, now betray them Christ's path have trod, or fear to fight for justice for a friend? And even as I ask it, my heart in unison with the hearts of loyal friends of Greece throughout the world, —answers " Oxi " —NO. Zeto Hellas !



Παιδιών (ΚΕΦΠ) του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού. Μια γιορτή αφιερωμένη

στα παιδιά και στις οικογένειές τους, γεμάτη όμορφες στιγμές, εκπλήξεις και

πολύ κέφι.

Τα παιδιά, με τη ζωντάνια και τον

ενθουσιασμό τους, παρουσίασαν

χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια και ποιήματα, δημιουργώντας μια μαγική εορταστική ατμόσφαιρα. Η εκδήλωση

περιλάμβανε ψυχαγωγικό πρόγραμμα

με παράσταση ταχυδακτυλουργού, θέατρο σκιών με τον αγαπημένο Καραγκιόζη, καθώς και face painting, που ενθουσίασε τους μικρούς φίλους.

Όλοι οι παρευρισκόμενοι απόλαυσαν κεράσματα και παραδοσιακά

γλυκίσματα, προσφέροντας μια γλυκιά

νότα στη ζεστή αυτή συνάντηση.

Στην εκδήλωση παρέστησαν ο

Διευθυντής του ΚΕΦΠ, Υποναύαρχος (ΥΙ) Δημοσθένης Δαμιανός ΠΝ,

ο Διευθυντής της Διεύθυνσης

Υγειονομικού του Λιμενικού

Σώματος, Υποναύαρχος ΛΣ Γεώργιος

Κωνσταντέλλος, καθώς και ο

Διευθυντής του Ναυτικού Νοσοκομείου Αθηνών (ΝΝΑ), Αρχιπλοίαρχος (ΥΙ)

Εμμανουήλ Κασσωτάκης ΠΝ. Οι

παρευρισκόμενοι αντάλλαξαν θερμές

ευχές με το προσωπικό του ΚΕΦΠ

και με τους γονείς των παιδιών, εκφράζοντας τη στήριξή τους στη

σπουδαία αποστολή του Κέντρου.

Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες οφείλονται



(Centre for the Study of Propaganda and War)

Institute of Historical Research

εκπρόσωπος του Α/ΓΕΝ

Αντιναύαρχος Ιωάννης Καλογερόπουλος, ο

εκπρόσωπος του Αρχηγού Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ.

Πλοίαρχος Σταθούρος, η εκπρόσωπος

του Διοικητή Σ.Ν.Δ., Σημαιοφόρος Ιουλία

Στεφάνου, ο Πρόεδρος του Ινστιτούτου

Προστασίας Ναυτικής Παράδοσης, η

εκπρόσωπος του ΝΑΤ, κα.


ο πρωινό του Σαββάτου 14 Δεκεμβρίου, στη φιλόξενη αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων του Ναυτικού Μουσείου της

Ελλάδος, η Πρόεδρος, κα Αναστασία Αναγνωστοπούλου-Παλούμπη, μαζί με

Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, υποδέχθηκαν θερμά τα μέλη και τους φίλους του Μουσείου

185 37


Ζέας-Πειραιάς, Τηλ: 210 4516264, 210 4516822, Fax: 210 4512277E-mail: info@hmmuseum.gr • Website: www hmmuseum gr


731 33

Τηλ: 28210 91875, Fax: 28210 74484, E-mail: mar-mus@otenet.gr • www.mar-mus- crete.gr

180 40 ΥΔΡΑ, Τηλ: 22980 52355, 54142, Fax: 22980 52355, E-mail: mail@gak-ydras.att.sch.gr • www iamy gr

210 9888211, E-mail:averof@navy.mil.gr, Website: www.averof.mil.gr/

(Δημοτικό) Βιθυνίας 2, 632 00 Ν. Μουδανιά Χαλκιδικής, Τηλ/Fax: 23730 26166, E-mail: mfbem@hotmail.com


Αναπαύσεως, (Πύλη ΠΑΛΑΣΚΑ), 188 63 ΠΕΡΑΜΑ, Τηλ: 210 4284270, Fax: 210 4284276, E-mail: info@maritime-museum.gr • Website: www.maritime-museum.gr

ΚΟΥΤΑΛΗΣ (Δημοτικό)

Λήμνος 81 400, Τηλ. 22540 92383, 51790, 51362, Fax: 22540 51763, E-mail: dimkout@otenet.gr

(Ν.Π.Ι.Δ.) Μπόχαλη, Σταυρός, 29100 Ζάκυνθος, Τηλ.: 26950 83223/28249, Fax: 26950 83748

ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ Τσιλιβή, Ζακύνθου ΤΤ 22100. Τηλ. 26950 42436/ Κιν. 6974 065 776


Τηλ. 2674033398

(Ν.Π.Ι.Δ) Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων 10, 846 00 Μύκονος, Τηλ : 22890 22700/210 81 25 547, Fax: 22890 22700, E-mail: museum@emproslines com


(Ν.Π.Ι.Δ) Οία


845 00

847 00, Τηλ.: 22860 71156

2282 0 22275, 2282 360223, Fax: 2282024166, E-mail: npdd@andros.gr


Κεφαλληνίας, Τηλ: 26710 87260, Fax: 26710 25656


Avra-Ship Management SA, Κολοκοτρώνη 116, 18535 Πειραιάς, Τηλ: 210 4181601-6, Οινούσσες, 821 01

nmlitohorou@yahoo.gr • Website: www.nmlitohorou.gr

Τηλ: 22720 55182, E-mail: elachl@gmail.com

ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΧΙΟΥ (Ν.Π.Ι.Δ) Στέφανου Τσουρή 20, 821 00 Χίος, Τηλ: 22710 44139, Fax: 22710 44141, E-mail: naftmusi@otenet.gr • Website: www chiosnauticalmuseum gr ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ

37 002,

και Fax: 24270 23504, E-mail: skiathosmaritime.m@gmail.com


2, 105 61

36 &

00357 23816366, Fax: 003523816369, E-mail: thalassa.museum@agianapa.org.cy • Website: www.thalassamuseum.org.cy/el/

2103368517, Fax: 2103253680, E-mail:info@alsosnautikisparadosis gr • Website: www alsosnautikisparadosis gr

185 35

210 4297 540-1-2, Fax: 210 4296024, E-mail: info@laskaridou.gr • Website: www.laskaridou.gr/naftiki-sillogi

22710 82777, Fax: 22710 81979, E-mail: contact@mariatsakosfoundation.gr • Website: mariatsakosfoundation.gr

2104297616, Fax: 2104281665, E-mail: museum@yen.gr

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