626 Capricorn Road (July 2018)

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JULY 2018

A 92ARTIST Productions Publication

pg 7 This Month’s Theme pg 9 POP TONE FLUORESCENT Bursting with Color pg 22 BEACH DAZE Nostalgia By the Water

pg 71 DAYDREAM UNTITLED Always Looking Up

pg 34 RETRO DREAMER Vintage Always Looks Good

pg 77 SUNSET CLASSIC Absorbing History

pg 47 MONOTONE VIBES One Note Emotions

pg 87 DAMN BLUE MOOD Brought into the Light

pg 61 PALM TREE HEAT Swaying with the Breeze

pg 98 SONGS THAT INSPIRED THIS ISSUE Our July Issue Playlist



pg 4 Message from the Editor/Credits

pg 14

Remix Me pg 19

Blank Canvas pg 24

It was Either the Beach or the Suburbs pg 40

Soaked in Ultraviolet

Beach Trip Memory pg 57

A Break-Up Full Circle pg 78

Discarded Dreams Stain the Streets of Hollywood pg 90

Happiness is a State of Mind, Not Just an Emotion


pg 32

pg 50

Bad Girl Good Heart pg 73

A Giver Like the Rest pg 64

The Shy Ones Got to Heaven, The Bold Ones Go to Hollywood pg 94

That Thing That Happened Called Life

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Hey everyone! My name is Ceirra Burton, and I am the creator and editor-in-chief of 626 Capricorn Road. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the July issue. 626 Capricorn Road is a magazine that is ever-changing and with this month’s issue, “Hot Damn Pop”, I wanted to showcase summer in LA, both indoor and outdoor. I hope you guys enjoy the journey you are about to go on as you explore the artsy world of 626 Capricorn Road. Happy reading! Website: www.626capricornroad.com Instagram: @626capricornroad Tumblr: 626capricornroad.tumblr.com Twitter: @626CapRoad Facebook: 626 Capricorn Road Pinterest: 626capricornroad Photography by: Ceirra Burton Written Work by: Ceirra Burton


This Month’s Theme “Hot Damn Pop” is made to be a statement about summer. Summers in LA can be brutal and you’re always looking for a place to cool down, but no matter where you go, the sunlight will always follow you. I wanted to showcase my idea of summer and some places that exuded the classic SoCal vibe. I wanted to travel to the beach and not only shoot along the water, but on PCH because when I think of classic California, I think of Highway 1. Adding to the classicism, I took photos along Sunset near the infamous Beverly Hills Hotel and has been the home to many infamous films and celebrity guests. I also wanted to do something with neon and give off a colorful vibe that popped on camera, bringing summer indoors. Now that you’ve gotten a sense of my interpretation of summer, let’s dive into this issue. So without further ado, let’s get soaked in “Hot Damn Pop”.

- Ceirra Burton


POP TONE FLUORESCENT Bursting with Color


REMIX ME REMIX ME They say the original is always better, I think they’re wrong. There’s no such thing as “original.” It’s just re-invention Taking something that once worked and making it shiny again. New ways to re-invent yourself. A remix of your life, showing you off in a brand-new way. A style you can re-create, re-explore and re-decorate There’s nothing worse than false originality. It’s in the air we breathe and the stories we hear We are taught to fit in, never made to stand out Never encouraged to pop like technicolor. Just sticking to the original plan. I’m bringing a new wave of identity. Recycling society’s idea of originality, and giving me a new way of living. A new remix to enjoy. Do you wanna join me?


BLANK CANVAS Paint me in raw form, but stay outside the lines. Coloring inside is optional. Rebel fantastic vibes and strokes of wonder collide. Nothing is off limits, there’s nothing left to hide. Color me the way lovers do in the dead of night. Keep me bright and eccentric when you’re at your happiest. Give me your brooding temperament when you’re at your lowest. Don’t be afraid to share your secrets with me through your paintbrush. For I am nothing more than a blank canvas ready to be given a new meaning of life. Color me like a children’s story. A burst of energy and gregarious excitement with a dreamer’s gaze and a heart of purity. Fascinate me with the end result, and I can guarantee you, nothing will be the same. 19


Nostalgia by the Water

IT WAS EITHER THE BEACH OR THE SUBURBS Hi daughter, By the time you read this, you’ll hopefully be making your own big moving decision. Your mom and I are probably helping you pick out a place or helping you move. Either way, we’re very proud of you. Even if you are still at home by the time you read this letter. Your mom and I had to make a big decision of our own before you were born. It was our first time to California as permanent residents, and we didn’t know what to expect. We’ve heard all these stories about living in California and having great weather all the time and being so close to the beach. Your mom and I never grew up near the ocean, so this was something we definitely considered when we were looking at places. I wanted you to have the best experience living in California. So, we narrowed down our options to two areas, Santa Monica or Pasadena. Two completely opposite cities yet both in Southern California and near Los Angeles. Your mom was looking for a job in downtown LA, and we needed to be close to it. We were also trying to decide between a house and an apartment and which would be a better fit for us at this moment than when we would have you, we can decide again to move or stay put. We looked at dozens of places in Pasadena and Santa Monica, but nothing was good enough. We finally found a couple places that really caught our eye. One in Pasadena and one in Santa Monica. Both were in prime locations and we had a tough time deciding between the two residences. It was either the beach or the suburbs. Which one was most affordable, had the easier commute and which area would make us the happiest. Your mom and I went back and forth between the two places, but in the end, we had to go with our gut feeling. So, we chose Pasadena, because it felt like home. Our new home. I hope you understand how much this place meant to us and hopefully, it meant something to you as you grew up. Giving you your own feeling of home, even when you leave. Love, Dad 24

Beach Trip Memory


he beach is known to be a place of gathering for people of all ages and backgrounds. Families come to bond with one another while solo travelers bask in the beauty of the ocean in front of them. Surfers try to catch the best waves as the boogie boarders, and little swimmers I’m fortunate enough to live in southern California and be able to visit the beach whenever I want. Growing up, going to the beach with my mom and dad was a luxury staycation. We bonded as a family, and it became one of my favorite past times as a kid. My dad was a huge advocate of spending time near the ocean. He grew up in the Northern part of Louisiana, and even though he was near a lake, he didn’t have access to the beach like I have today. He loved going to Santa Monica and Malibu but made it a point to explore other beaches as well. He would take my mom and I down to Orange County every other weekend, and every few months we would travel down to San Diego (and not just to go to Seaworld) to explore the beaches down there. This was our version of family bonding, and because we were one of those Kodak families, my parents took dozens of pictures every time we went to the beach. As a kid, my dad always tried to get me into the water. He was a star athlete in high school and knew how to swim, so he would always try to teach me, 32

but my mom caught on and realize that I wasn’t doing anything but doggy-paddling. She put me in swim lessons, so I can properly learn how to swim. My mom doesn’t know how to swim so she would guard all of our stuff on the sand while my dad and I played in the water. We would run towards the waves as they crashed and swim out to wait for more. I loved going in the water. There was a sense of safety and comfort that I felt, even though the ocean is supposed to be a terrifying thing and can kill you if you’re not careful (morbid I know). I connected with the vastness of it and how there are so many seas creatures and unknowns underwater, but something that is exciting to explore. It’s like the other side of life on land. There’s so many things that happen on a daily basis, and there are so many things to learn and explore, but every so often, there’s a moment where you feel at peace, or at home. A tranquil feeling creeps into you, and suddenly you feel a sense of calm and rest. This is something that seeps into your subconscious at a young age, but as you get older, you learn more about why you’re attracted to the beach and to the ocean. It made me appreciate all of the memories I made as a kid. Going to the beach is a past time that I’ve carried into my adult life. It’s something that I still cherish today and something I hope to carry on with my family one day.


Vintage Always 34


Looks Good

SOAKED IN ULTRAVIOLET Sunburned from the rays above I’ve seen too many bright days Too much of this light clouding my better judgment A stranger to the sand and the sea in front of me A ghost trapped in the memories Of happier days along the shore No breeze soothes this summer heat A burn I used to crave when I had you in my arms The only salt left on this patch of land Is the bitterness of my voice The dog days were never over We just managed to avoid its brutality Now I wish we didn’t Because I can’t keep being soaked in ultraviolet My heart won’t allow it Coming to our favorite spot I’ve never felt so disconnected to anything before It’s not the same without you But here we are 40

MONOTONE VIBES One Note Emotions




She was the girl who always got everything she wanted. Material possessions, nightly lovers, her dream house with sick Hollywood views, and daily headlines and weekly paychecks. What she really wanted was love in its purest form, but her reputation was kryptonite. It was the one thing prohibiting her from getting what she truly wanted, someone to call her own. She had many opportunities to settle, but settling was a weakness she never wanted to possess. She knew when her heart was set on something she truly desired. Her cravings would subside if she could just find her equal. Every party she went to had prime selections for the night, but none she’d want to see in daylight. Every role she was cast in gave her co-stars who were invested in her, but none she’d take a chance on off-screen. The feeling of being lonely was something she never wanted to have, it was something she evoked in her roles, but not one she wanted to follow her home from the set. Her attitude was unmatched, but it was her charm that got her into trouble. No one was safe if she needed a quick fix. Not even her heart.

A BREAKUP FULL CIRCLE Hey, This may come as a total shock to your system. I never meant to do this as a letter, but I couldn’t bear to see your face in person and tell you what has been troubling me for the past several weeks. We are no longer the same loving couple we were when we first became exclusive. We don’t carry the same weight nor express the same desire anymore. It pains me to say I don’t believe we feel the same love for each other anymore, at least I don’t. I stopped falling in love with you the day after Marcy’s birthday dinner. I woke up with a strange feeling that something wasn’t right. It wasn’t a hangover or health-related, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Over the next few weeks, I found myself looking in your direction and thinking “Who is this person?” That’s what scared me the most. Seeing your face and not recognizing the man behind it. It was in these moments I came to resent you and everything you represented. That’s why I’ve decided to end our relationship. I don’t want you to feel like this is solely your fault. I know you’ve felt the same way about me but didn’t have the heart to say it aloud. I know this is hard to read. I’m surprised you made it this far and have just figured out what I’ve been trying to say. Or maybe you have, but you wanted to see what I would say next. Well, this was it. This letter is my goodbye to you. Again, I didn’t want to do this in person because I was afraid you’d make me change my mind and I have no intention on doing so, but one look into your eyes and I would’ve been trapped. I think you would’ve felt the same as well. I hope you find someone who is going to love you in all the ways I couldn’t anymore. You deserve nothing but happiness, and I wish you all that you can gather. Thank you for the best five years of my life. They meant more to me then you’ll ever know. C.


PALM TREE HEAT Swaying with the Breeze




They say that no one can resist the powers of Hollywood’s magic. I say they never met the bold type. The people who don’t let seedy charm distract them from achieving their dreams, the ones who speak up for themselves and are not afraid to challenge the status quo, those are the people who make it. The others get buried faster than a network pilot. A pipe dream that leads to the grave, forced to dig your resting place every time you allow yourself to be taken advantage of by the shady people selling hope to the faithful. The faithless know better than to buy dreams from a midnight marauder in a designer suit. Make your own path and stray off the common one, you never know when you catch the eye of permanent admirers.





A GIVER LIKE THE REST Laying down in the fresh grass, staring up at the sky, thinking about all of my memories floating away like the clouds above me. How many pieces of my soul I have gave away for momentary admiration. I have thought about this moment many times hoping I would never reach a breaking point, where my trust drifts away like the summer breeze. I like to think it isn’t too late for me to retrace my steps, and find where I dropped my sanity. Where I traded my morals for bad habits and restless nights for aimless wandering. I like to think I’m a giver like the rest, but giving is a sin when you’re giving away your spirit. Trapped in a rabbit hole, climbing out only when you’ve been spent and thrown to the wayside.



Absorbing History 77



eing an artist is not for everyone. It’s a heart-breaking journey full of rejections and moments of self-doubt. You have to have thick skin and even if you hear a thousand “no’s” there’s always going to be one “yes” that’ll make you feel like it was all worth it. I knew ever since I was a kid that I want to create my own content. I fell in love with filmmaking from a very young age, and nothing else made sense to me as a career choice. I got serious about acting in high school and went to college for it because I knew performing and producing were things I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I was always interested in creative writing and I would let my imagination wander with stories about action heroes, villains, monsters in the dark, and forbidden romance. The stories I saw in movies and on TV were stories I wanted to tell too. It’s hard to have a dream and get the opportunity to pursue it but facing countless rejection along the way. It can be really discouraging and make you feel like you aren’t good enough to survive in an industry known to be cutthroat and ruthless if you don’t have “the right look”. The commercial look appeals to the masses, but in reality, everyone comes in all shapes and sizes. However, in Hollywood, everyone is told to look the same. People will try to sugar-coat the rejection to keep your mind off of it to try and not make you even more nervous. You will come to learn that you will struggle to find your place and showcasing your talents to prove your worth as a performer. Even though there are more platforms than ever to showcase your skills, you will still find it hard to stand out in a saturated market. Everyone is on YouTube and owns or has access to the latest equipment. It takes hard work and perseverance to succeed in this business no matter what level you are at in your career. Luck is a fantasy that only becomes real when you are in the right place at the right time and happen to have a “commercial market” face. You have to make your own luck and believe you have the talent to reach a bigger audience. 78

I have always struggled with the thought of what people thought of me. I’m more of an introvert than an extrovert unless you get to know me and I use my sense of humor to get through awkward situations. However, my love of performing and telling stories can bring me out of my shell because it’s not about me. It’s about the character and the words on the page. Not what’s going on in my head or in my own life. I mean you do bring parts of yourself into every role you play, but it ultimately comes down to what’s happening with the character and connecting to them versus projecting your life onstage or onscreen. There have been plenty of times where I’ve been nervous or discouraged about what I was doing and how I looked to an audience or a casting director. I have been turned away for many roles that I thought I was right for, then given character breakdowns based on how people initially saw me, not how I am once they get to know me. Those are times where I feel like I will only be seen as the strong black woman and not the witty twenty-something who is struggling to get a job but getting through life on her wit and ambition. So, I have to find a way to create those opportunities for myself. I have to make my own goals and write my own content and find a way to make my voice heard. So, I turned to writing online, weekly YouTube videos, and photography. Things that will keep me creatively stimulated while I work on building up my acting career. Setting goals for myself and making a plan to execute them makes me excited to create every day. It’s a lot of energy and effort to get up every morning to chase your dreams, but when you find something that makes it all worthwhile, you’ll appreciate everything you’ve done to get to that point.


Brought into the Light 87



he key to a healthy mind is to have a positive outlook on life despite all the hardships it throws at us. It’s something not many people are awarded, but something everyone strives for as a life-changing experience. To be able to live happily and as freely as you would like without any of your own reservations standing in your way. It’s a priority we often forget to set for ourselves. We don’t often think about what’s right for us, and we continuously fall victim to “people-pleasing.” Some people are entirely selfish (both for the right and wrong reasons) and do think about and put themselves first. However, life is painful. That’s just inevitable, and there’s always going to be curveballs thrown your way, but it is essential to put yourself first. We think we do as we try to provide opportunities for ourselves, but we forget the flip side, which is how many times we’ve sacrificed our happiness for the sake of other people’s opinions. In my experience, there’s been plenty of times where I would selflessly give away my time to help a friend or work on something for my business or help out a family member. If I care about the person, I don’t mind. However, I started noticing in recent years I don’t selflessly give time to myself. Meaning I don’t carve out days of the week or even the month to take care of myself and put myself first for the day. I don’t say “no” enough and that’s something I don’t think is okay. In society, women are often seen as “weak by nature” based on 90

biological facts, but when they stand up for themselves, they are considered to be “strong in the application.” Why is that? Is it because we see mothers juggling a family and a career? Is it because women are innately givers? There are plenty of women who are entirely selfish of their time and energy and only consider themselves in specific decisions, but for the ones who will step up to help others, those are the woman that rarely say no to tasks handed to them. However, it’s ok to say no. It’s okay to say you don’t want to do something, which is a

truth that I’m still working on myself. Not every task, activity, or social engagement is for you. You don’t have to be interested in something if you know you’re not into it. Learning to say no or letting things go is something that seems so simple on paper, but in reality, if there’s an emotional connection, you feel this innate responsibility to stick with it. I’ve worked with many people on many projects that either left me feeling frustrated or excited about being a part of it. Although, it’s the ones I’ve felt frustrated about that left me discouraged to see the project through. I’ve had to decide for myself if moving forward with the project was something that was going to bring me joy or make me

feel disconnected and indifferent. So, I’ve had to learn to walk away, because my mental health comes first. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. Saying no or letting something go that is giving you so much anger is a sign of courage, not cowardice because you are putting yourself first. It’s hard to remember when something doesn’t make us feel excited to keep doing what we love to do, it’s okay to say no or walk away. Our emotions are valid, and it’s important to remember that daily. Everyone is entitled to their opinions of you and what you do, but you are in control of your reactions. What we see in the media and society, in general, has no bearing on what’s going on in our lives. Everyone is different and has their own thing they’re dealing with so to judge

Focusing on the negative kills your happiness. There’s so much uncertainty in life that the least we could do is be happy we’re alive and can change our minds if something doesn’t work for us. You are your own person, and everything you do should have a purpose and bring you joy every single day.

someone for letting go of an emotion that is mentally hurting them is entirely wrong. I’ve fallen victim to my own shaming of not completing something or procrastinating on a project or task because of my mood that day. You’re supposed to be your own champion regardless if you have people in your corner or not. I’ve put so much pressure on myself to get things right and trying to seek validation from others, but there’s no such thing as perfection. Being happy with what I’m doing and what I’ve done is something that’s hard for me to grasp from time to time. Not everyone is doing what I’m doing, and I’ve been so focused on what I haven’t done versus on how I’m feeling in the present. 91

That Thing That Happened Called Life When I grew up, I endured the worst pain of my entire life. Heartbreak was the name of the witch who cursed me. A dark evil sprouted from love. When I grew up, I gave my soul away to work as a faรงade, in an industry unwavering, and a job relentless and god-fearing. When I grew up, I sold my trust for a friendship binding. Taxed my time and energy for currency I would never get back When I grew up, I traded my freedom for homebound chains and familiarity amongst faces of relation. When I grew up, I learned that morals have no place on this earth in a climate murderous and egotistic, boasting acts of shame and humiliation. When I grew up, you made everything better and I cherish our waking hours in my house of memories.


Songs That Inspired This Issue Taper Jean Girl – Kings of Leon California – Phantom Planet The Overpass – Panic! at the Disco Malibu Man – Dan Auerbach Good Intent – Kimbra Los Ageless – St. Vincent Call Me – Kimbra California Paradise – The Runaways Dying in LA – Panic! at the Disco King of the Clouds – Panic! at the Disco High Hopes – Panic! at the Disco History Eraser – Courtney Barnett I Kinda Like It – Julie Bergen I Think I Like It – All Talk Hurricane Jane – Black Kids Super Rich Kids – Frank Ocean Tongue Tied – Grouplove Lovely Cup – Grouplove Seven – Chew Lips Dani California – Red Hot Chili Peppers Don’t Worry Baby – The Beach Boys California Dreamin’ – The Mamas and The Papas Hotel California – The Eagles Hollywood – The Runaways Razz – Kings of Leon King of the Rodeo – Kings of Leon 10 A.M. Automatic – The Black Keys Palm Dreams - Hayley Kiyoko California Waiting (Holy Roller Novacaine EP) - Kings of Leon Reading Signs - Generationals This Must Be My Dream - The 1975 Heart in Two - Generationals Aviation - The Last Shadows Puppets Love It If We Made It - The 1975


Next Issue Release Date: Aug 27th, 2018 Theme: “Acid Heat”


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