Curator Statement 取⻡⼡ 06 Chien-Chiang Hua
ࢺҖ၊ 12 Min-Yu Hong
೩֘❒ 18 Chun-Wei Hsu
يპ 24 Yu-Chia Chang
࡛ᑘ 30 Chien-Ying Tseng
྇ऽ૫ 34 Lan-Yin Yang
༂ՎҔ 40 Chih-Cheng Huang
༂ࢨᆱ 46 Po-Wei Huang
ᗻ!! ׀52 Yu Han
!!ᐤ 58 C.V.
ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആ Н 0 取⻡⼡
༂ࢨᆱ (1982-) ޠձࠣϜȂᡞޠѳȂಣӬ࣐݁ᙬૢ٘ޠȂՅᓟᢔᇅߞߞޠםȂ௦៊Πٙᡞޠ੬ኊȄٳґُႇᇅߩᄃםޠᡞȂഎ уܛ഻ആяޠٿϛޤӫҢޑȄࢺҖ၊ (1989-) ޠձࠣٻңΠՋՉყ༶ȃКࡿᇅᚘᚙȂᡪӶщᅗដِޠ҂ѯαȄཱུұΠ੬ੇҢޠޑґڸޤ ۊȄуᇅ༂ࢨᆱϛङՅӤӵٻңΠᡞȂෛܗޑޠޑഌӌᡞȂಣӬԚ࣐ࡧདྷ༉ሏޠ๗ᄻȄ ЬᏏᇅጳீޠ഻ձܷ၍Π౫ԇҢޠޑᐍᡞആȂԇࣁӶঐτᕘძίᙽޠ෧Ȃຝ࣐ѠпһϤඳȂпІᓎЗಣӬޠ؆ਠȄٳ؆ਠ ٿՍܼȃ݁ᙬܗෛڏ๊๊ޑԥҢࣁޠਁڽᡞȄѻউೞ࿌ձၦਠ৳םޠԓᓾԇӶөՍޠτဟϲȂٯйഇႇΠСளစᡜᇅᄃር௦ដȃᅌ ጜޠႇโϜȂٿႁژᇕڸᓾԇޠҭޠȄп߰СࡤӶᇨആձࠣޠਣȂѠпᓎЗܛమӵȂဟϲ৳ԇޠၦਠୣȂᘞڦ٦ٳႇ܂ҭᔟޠᡞᄇȄ
ၦਠ৳ޠ഻ձዂԓ ၦਠ৳ޠዂԓȂࡿހႬဟၦଊߴޠԇقಜȄѻпऌޠКࢳȂτ໕ޠၦଊᐩᕼӶಡཌྷޠႬφᔭϲȂᙥՅሇᚭӵᆔ౪೩ӼᖆᚖՅϛܿ ౪ޠଊਁȄӱԫၦਠ৳ٽᔗΠණڦၦଊޠȂΚৡાዂޠᆔ౪ȂпІقಜၽңࡤޠറၦྜȄঐႬφϾޠᔭᘤȂ൸ޠτဟૢȂ ѠпӶϲഌໍ೩Ӽԥਞ౦ޠၽձȂ፞ԄᄈၦଊུޠቩȃུᔭޠඩΤȃᘞڦഌϸϰષпໍޠུձȂпІփଷᙠԥޠၦਠ๊๊Ȅ ӱՅ഻ձ֊ՍٙޠϲӶࡧՄȂϾԚΚഌՍҦၽᙾޠᐡᏣȂڐٻၽңСளစᡜϜޠસ؆ਠȂໍՅђпᐍ౪ϸݚȂௌၾӵᒶᐆӶᇨ ആձࠣޠӈٲαȄ ٻңၦਠ৳ޠዂԓȂ࣐ձࠣᇨആ࡛ҴΠӓུཏဏޠൠȄѻၱяΠႇ܂ᔤ࠽ᄙޠ༮ആȂ౫ᄃᕘძϜޠ؆ਠ๗Ԛ࣐ঐᒶޠڦၦ ྜȄӱՅϛӕଢܼؒםຬ࡛ҴޠᐍᡞܓՄ໕ȂՅӼΠϸՍҦᇅᓎཏޠᒶڦዂԓȄЏڐኻޠձࠣᇨആРԓᗵ֥ᄈ౫ԇᕘძϜࡧࣹޠȄ ѻཱུұΠཏᜌᇅᢏޠ܉ᚭ၍Ȃٯйϑดୣրܼႇޤ܂ᜌȃНϾܗཏဏ࡛ᄻޠஆᙄȄࢉҢޠڽစᡜηӶኻޠᡓᒯႇโϟூژΠఃұȄ ӶџଷΠτᐍᡞޠఋࡧདྷਣȂη࡛ҴΠՍٙࠎܼଢؒᑀҴࡧՄޠঐᡞȄ Ѡيპ )2:94.* ᇅ࡛ᑘ )2:98.* ޠձࠣϜȂࣽژ٦ٳᓎཏಣӬޠٙᡞᏣۣᇅٙᡞႮಣӈࡺޠෲȂ࿌ѻউџଷΠ๙ᄈޠӬ౪ܓȂп І҇ดՅดࣻޠᔗᡓᒯϟࡤȄܛڐᇨആяޑޠٿӈȂ߰ٸуউޠЗࡧȂᓎЗܛమӵᙾඳҁαޠՄ໕ȄᒶޠڦРݳӱՅՍҦޠȂ ձࠣηӱՅڏറܺޠܓȄᗻ) ׀2:98.* ᇅ྇ൺ૫ )2:97.* ձࠣϜॴޠෂӵᇽᇅᡑםޠᡞȂпដِȃϜҢࣁ๊ޑᡞȂ፮ϡΠϛޤӫ ޑӈӓུޠҢڽȂᙥԫЇࡧҢޠڽτΩȄຏᔤᇅࡺෲܛᄻԚޠӵᇽȂୣրΠ౫ᄃҢࣁϜȂณٸܛޠძݸȂηᡲ഻ձձࠣҢԚ ޠ࿌ίȂூژΠϲӶᅗ٘ޠగȄ
ߩᔤᄙᇨആޠКࢳ сಡᆓখձࠣϲഌޠᄻԚȂึ౫ؑঐᑀޑޠӈȂڐᄃٯϛ६ҢȄߓұуউߩٯᇨആяΚঐӓด፵ݎུޠ՚ȂՅࢌԥޠϰષႥ๙ ϸᚕȂٯйٳϰષ҉යᇅᡂ༅ϟࡤȂӕྲٸՍٙޠൊԂᖂӬକٿȄҦঐۊ੬םޠຬȂྲٸߩٯ౫ԇםޠᡞȂџዂᔤᇅᇨആяٿȄ ѻӶөՍϲϾޠၦਠ৳ϜȂႇ܂ଅᏺ၈ޠ੬ੇစᡜȂණڦяᎍӬޠϰષٿђпആᇅጢ௷ȄѠޤႇޠ܂ᔤᄙ )tjnvmbujpo* ᇨആȂӶ ࢌԥޑޠӈጓ൝ۼίȂዂᔤܗፓᇨяᇅٿձࠣࣻծޠРݳȄၑშኻφޠዂᔤႇโȂџᜍձࠣᇅձϟᇮّޠৰȄดՅུޠ
ၦਠ৳РԓȂܷ၍ΠޑӈޠഌȂٯйٳϰષᇅӉཏуޠഌȂ२ུ๗ӬяΚঐӓུޠᡞᄙȂٯйܼԫᆎ഻ആޠစᡜ࿌ϜȂ ኢяϛӤޠҢདȄ ӶСҐ :1 ԒхޠெԊఋҢقಜϜȂᇰ࣐зࣩ൸Κঐᒜτޠၦਠ৳Ȅуউܼւңၦਠ৳ᔭޠРݳȂᓎཏᘞࢌڦԥޠϰષٿ๗ӬȄ ӱԫ၈ءԥዂҾᇅᔤᄙܓ्҇ޠȄຏᄻޠዂԓȂԫ࡛ҴӶτ໕ຳڸᓎᐡᘞ܉྆ޠڦ၈ȄܼȂ୳ԥ౫ԇםޠຬϜџໍܷ၍Ȃ ܗ२ಣᇅጢ௷ႮޑޠӈȂϘಓӬঐೞτ໕ຳޠਣхȂпІᅗ٘ӼϰሰཽؒަޠȄ п༂ՎҔ (1988-) ޠձࠣٿᇴȂӶџଷΠٙԇԥޠτ๗ᄻϟࡤȂՅпϛࣻϔޑޠӈȂಣӬԚ࣐ڏԥঐཏᜌޠၰ৸ڦӪȄԫਣޠձࠣϛӕ ሰ्ᐋ॓ϨቅኻܓٲࢉޠຳȂηณႇ܂ᔤᄙ܉྆ޠ၈ٿᔯຝձࠣٗޠӪȄ഻ձӉཏӵᒶᐆуڻ᎐စᡜϜޠၦਠ৳Ȃӕཧପ౫ ᄃཏޠདޤȂ֊Ѡ२ಣԚ࣐ΚӈߩᔤᄙᐈձޠұཏშȄԫѵȂ೩֘❒ (1984-) ձࠣϜޠ፵ᄙȂпІณݳႲޠሡ௦Ȃޠٙᡞ၈ߞ яΠޑϾޠཇȄၱ៛ՅϛጃۢޠຝញစᡜȂӶᇨആяձࠣޠႇโ࿌ϜȂ൸ϑစϛ༉ಜޠРݳαٿᐈձȂՅѫ༻ޠ௦ȃЉ଼ޫ ޠདྷ၈Ȃ፮ϡΠձࠣณᐡٻޠңРԓȄঐณᐡܛхߓޠȂҔӶԥᐡᐍᡞޠښϟίȂٗяѫΚϛ឵ܼӓ८ܓȂпІІᐍᡞޠܓ ੬ੇཏోȄձࠣԫӶኻޠ๗ᄻίȂԥΠѻՍ࣐Սлޠ੬፵Ȅ
๗ᇮ ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ޠ഻ձዂᄙȂձདᔗਣхȂпІ८ᄈτᕘძޠᡑ᎑ȂܛяޠٿᒶᐆȄၦਠޠᇕȃᔯસᇅᐆ๊ڦձޠनࡤȂڐхߓޠ ཏဏҔ٦ٳҐԇӶࣁᡞٙαޑޠӈȂᙾϾԚְ࣐፵ӈޠཏోȄְ፵ࡧޠདྷٻூٳ؆ਠءԥѻՍٙޠٿঐܓȄпयܼџଷΠ ঐրཏᜌޠӪ࡚ϟࡤȂܛхߓޠϲৡȂҔᄈзٲޠޑΚयݳࣽܓȄঐࣽݳєৡΠ઼ȃቺԪ࡚ښпІႇ܂αᄈίޠϛ҂๊ޒ ݸȄ߰ᇴȂ࿌ᇨആяձࠣਣޠनࡤཏᜌȂՄኍژ҂๊ȃณᜱоାմޠяึᘉȂٿ഻࣐ձࡧޠՄȄܛпޑӈޠҐٙӶኻࡧޠདྷᡓ ᒯϲȂഎӤӶΚঐЬ҂ޠஆᙄαٿ҂ྥȂٯйᓎཏ༻௦Ȅ ࣻᄈܼႇ܂ᐤѭϜޠ༉ܜཏဏαࣽٿȄޑӈܗၦਠनࡤॹܛၸޠଊਁȂ፮ϡΠѻҐٙೞᇰޠޤഋ৸Ȅঐഋ৸൸ঐࣽϛُޠዂφૢȂ єᇦӶഷѵቺޠጴ፵ϟαȄѻӱԫ௬ᇑΠޑӈ፵໕ޠҐٙȂٻூѻߞೞޤᜌᇅН݃ޠេᒰίȂՅಥयᇍጷᇅೞ܈ȄดՅȂ഻ձڏޠ ᡞձ࣐൸ӶܼȂуউථұΠቺຏୄє၇ޠѵՙȂၑშޣձࠣϲӶޠҐ፵ȄԫҐ፵൸ඉޑӈܗၦਠҐቌঅְޠ፵ܓȄцಁӼޠ؆ ਠഎпഷહޠРԓȂޣ௦֖౫яٿȄඳѰၘᇴȂ؆ਠӶၦਠ৳ޠᡓᒯ྆܉ϟϜȂ֖ᡘޠΚᆎ๙ᄈޠ҂๊ȃ๙ᄈቌঅְޠᒌȄѻϛ ӕೞୣϸяାմܗזȂηџଷΠᐤѭНϾܛ፮ϡޠঐրཏဏȄ ၦਠ৳ޠၽңРݳȂӶٳւңᏏீձ࣐൭ϮޠձࠣαȂ֊௵ાΠзࣩᕘძϜȂ೩Ӽڏറ֝ڴȂпІԇࣁޠҢڽᡞȄٳᡞᄙޠഌ ೞϸրӵᘞڦяٿȂԚ࣐Πְ፵؆ਠޠΚসȄՅഷࡤࡺܛຯяޠٿձࠣԚݏȂѻܛᡘ౫яޠٿ੬ੇᇅ၎དȂҔѠѐᡘΠ҂δۊޠޑٲ ϾႇโȄӱԫȂঐ੬ੇޠၦਠ৳഻ձዂᄙȂ൸ۊϾᇅᡚۊདޠ࿌ίȂചяޑӈԇӶܛច֥ޠ҂๊፵໕ȄٯйӶԄԫޠ഻ആࠊණϟίȂ ၑშџፑኢ౫ίᡞޠښఈȂп߰ആ൸язְᒌޠณ४ᆎѠȄ
A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink By Chien-Chiang Hua
In the works by Huang Po-Wei(1982-), human limbs are combined into insect-like feet, while heads and long serpent forms continue the characteristics of bodies. These never before seen and unreal bodies are all unknown organisms of his creation. 7KH ZRUNV RI +XQJ 0LQ <X DSSO\ PXVFOH Ă&#x20AC;QJHUV DQG EDE\ FKLFNV RQWR D SODWIRUP IXOO RI WHQWDFOHV KLQWLQJ DW EL]DUUH and unknown characteristics of unique organisms. Coincidentally, both he and Huang Po-Wei assemble the limbs of human bodies, plants, and animals into diverse structures for conveying thoughts. These ink and gouache artists dismantle the overall shapes of living organisms. They view the shells that exist in this atmospheric environment as materials that can substitute each other as well as be assembled at any time. These materials can come from humans, insects, plants, or other living bodies with the breath of life. They were taken in the form of a database and stored into their respective brains. Furthermore, the process of everyday experiences, actual contacts, and exercises is used for the purposes of collection and storage. When creating works in the future, this facilitates the arbitrary capture of past observations from data stored in the brain.
The Creative Model of a Database The model of the database refers to the preservation system of computer information. It applies technology to concentrate ODUJH DPRXQWV RI LQIRUPDWLRQ LQWR WLQ\ HOHFWURQLF Ă&#x20AC;OHV ZKHUH LW FDQ HDVLO\ PDQDJH PDQ\ FRPSOH[ DQG GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW WR KDQGOH pieces of data. Thus, the database provides information to those who extract it, accommodating a scale of management DQG EDFN XS UHVRXUFHV IRU WKH V\VWHP 7KLV HOHFWURQLF Ă&#x20AC;OH FDELQHW LV MXVW OLNH D KXPDQ EUDLQ ,W LV DEOH WR FRQGXFW PDQ\ HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW RSHUDWLRQV VXFK DV DGGLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ LQVHUWLQJ QHZ Ă&#x20AC;OHV FDSWXULQJ HOHPHQWV WR SHUIRUP XSGDWHV DQG GHOHWLQJ ROG GDWD 7KXV WKH DUWLVW FRQYHUWV KLV LQKHUHQW WKRXJKWV LQWR D IUHH UXQQLQJ PDFKLQH DQDO\]LQJ DQG OHLVXUHO\ VHOHFWLQJ WKH H[SORUHG material of everyday experiences during the creative process. 7KH GDWDEDVH PRGHO LV XVHG WR HVWDEOLVK D EUDQG QHZ Ă&#x20AC;HOG RI PHDQLQJ IRU FUHDWLQJ ZRUNV ,W EUHDNV RXW RI WKH PROG RI SDVW simulated postures, assembling materials of reality into personally selected resources. Since it no longer pursues the integral considerations of image building, there are much more free and arbitrary selection modes. In particular, this kind of creative PHWKRG LPSOLHV D UHĂ HFWLRQ RQ WKH H[LVWLQJ HQYLURQPHQW ,W KLQWV DW WKH UHOHDVH RI DZDUHQHVV DQG LGHDV ZKLOH GLVWLQJXLVKLQJ WKH foundations for the past construction of knowledge, culture, and meaning. Therefore, life experiences also acquire a sense of
enlightenment through this logical process. In removing the whole nationalist ideology, we also establish individuals that have the courage to pursue independent forms of thought. From the works of Chang Yu-Chia(1983-) and Tseng Chien-Ying(1987-), we can see random combinations of body organs and parts, as well as an inevitable corresponding logic after an absolute rationality has been removed. The subsequently FUHDWHG REMHFWV DUH DEOH WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKHLU PLQGV DQG IUHHO\ FRQYHUW D OD\RXW RI FRQVLGHUDWLRQV 7KH VHOHFWHG PHWKRGV are free. Because of this, the works attain a sense of openness. The scenic landscapes and variable bodies in the works of Han Yu(1987-) and Yang Langin(1986-) employ tentacles, sea creatures, and other living organisms to provide unknown REMHFWV ZLWK ZKROH QHZ OLYHV 7KHUHE\ WKH\ UHĂ HFW WKH VWURQJ UHVLOLHQFH RI OLIH 7KH YLUWXDO DQG SLHFHG WRJHWKHU DSSHDUDQFHV GLIIHUHQWLDWH WKH VLWXDWLRQV RI QRQ FRPSOLDQFH LQ UHDOLW\ ,W DOVR OHWV WKH DUWLVW DFTXLUH D GHVLUH IRU LQQHU IXOĂ&#x20AC;OOPHQW WKH PRPHQW the work is completed.
Non-imitative Production Methods 8SRQ FORVH LQVSHFWLRQ RI WKH FRPSRVLWLRQV ZLWKLQ WKH ZRUNV LW FDQ EH VHHQ WKDW HDFK LQGLYLGXDO REMHFW LV DFWXDOO\ QRW unfamiliar. This means that they have not produced a completely new and heterogeneous thing. Instead, they separated and isolated existing elements. After breaking up and scrambling these elements, they stitched them together according to WKHLU RZQ SUHIHUHQFHV ,W FDQ EH VHHQ WKDW WKHVH LQGHSHQGHQW REMHFWV DUH IURP H[LVWLQJ DQG IDPLOLDU LQGLYLGXDOV %XW ZKHQ it gets broken down into many elements, it loses the predetermined meaning of its original reality. Therefore, the process of piecing together the scattered and incomplete clumps give new value to the artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; personal interpretations. 7KLV SHFXOLDU LPDJH ZDV QRW PRGHOHG RU SURGXFHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DQ H[LVWLQJ ERG\ ,Q LQWHUQDOL]HG GDWDEDVHV LW XVHV special experiences of past memories to extracts suitable elements for reconstruction and arrangement. It is known that SDVW VLPXODWLRQ SURGXFWLRQ ZDV UHWDLQHG XQGHU WKH VFRSH RI DQ H[LVWLQJ REMHFW DQG PLPLFNHG RU UHSOLFDWHG PHWKRGV VLPLODU to those of original works. From this kind of simulation process, one can attempt to investigate the differences between the ODQJXDJH RI WKH ZRUNV DQG WKH RULJLQDOV +RZHYHU WKH QHZ GDWDEDVH PHWKRG GLVPDQWOHV SDUWV RI WKH REMHFWV DQG XVHV WKH elements and parts of random others to reconstruct a new body. Furthermore, they are happy to spawn different inspirations for production from these created experiences.
,Q -DSDQ¡V 2WDNX SURGXFWLRQ V\VWHP RI WKH V WKHUH ZDV D EHOLHI WKDW WKH ZRUOG ZDV MXVW RQH ELJ GDWDEDVH 7KH\ ZHUH JRRG DW XVLQJ GDWDEDVH Ă&#x20AC;OHV WR UHWULHYH H[LVWLQJ HOHPHQWV DQG IRUP FRPELQDWLRQV 7KXV WKHUH ZDV QR QHFHVVLW\ IRU LPLWDWLRQ RU PLPLFU\ $ Ă&#x20AC;FWLRQDO PRGH ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG RQ WKH FRQFHSW RI PDVV FRQVXPSWLRQ DQG UDQGRP FDSWXUHV $QG VR RQO\ E\ GLVPDQWOLQJ H[LVWLQJ LPDJHV RU UHVWUXFWXULQJ DUUDQJLQJ VSRUDGLF REMHFWV FDQ ZH FRQIRUP WR WKLV HUD RI PDVV FRQVXPSWLRQ DQG satisfy the diverse needs of the community. )RU WKH ZRUNV RI +XDQJ &KL &KHQJ LUUHOHYDQW REMHFWV ZHUH DVVHPEOHG WR DOLJQ ZLWK DQ LQGLYLGXDO FRQVFLRXVQHVV DIWHU the removal of existing large structures. At this moment, the work no longer needs to bear any narrative consumption, nor does it need to view the alignment of the work from the concept of past simulations. When an artist arbitrarily chooses the database within his surrounding experiences, and pairs it up with a perception of realistic affection, then he can restructure it into a schematic of non-simulated operations. Furthermore, the heterogeneous patterns and unexpected convergence within the works of Hsu Chun-Wei(1984-) grow animalistic limbs from human bodies. In the process of creating works, sporadic and uncertain visual experiences have already stopped operating from traditional methods. Instead, it gives the works an inorganic usage from alternative grafting and fanciful imagination. This inorganic feature represents something that was under the control of an organic macrocosm, from which emerged a special meaning that takes into account integrity while QRW UHDOO\ EHLQJ FRPSUHKHQVLYH :RUNV ZLWK WKLV FRQĂ&#x20AC;JXUDWLRQ IHDWXUH WKHLU RZQ DXWRQRPRXV WUDLWV
Conclusion The creative model for the database of living bodies was the result of a choice made by the author as they faced changes in the environment. Behind the collection, search, selection, and other such actions involving data, its represented meaning LV WR WDNH WKRVH REMHFWV WKDW RULJLQDOO\ UHPDLQ LQ OLYLQJ ERGLHV DQG WUDQVIRUP WKHP LQWR KRPRJHQHRXVO\ FRQGLWLRQHG PHDQLQJV Homogeneous thinking makes these materials lose their innate and original personalities. After removing the dimension of individual consciousness, the represented content is precisely a consistent view for all things. This view includes classes, hierarchy systems, and the elimination of past conditions of unfairness. That is to say, the consciousness behind produced works takes into account a starting point that is fair and irrelevant to levels, and uses it for creative thinking. So, with this logic RI WKRXJKW WKH REMHFWV WKHPVHOYHV DUH DEOH WR UHVLGH RQ D KRUL]RQWDO EDVLV WR VOLGH LQ SDUDOOHO DQG EH IUHH WR JUDIW DW WKHLU ZLOO
5HODWLYH WR WKH KHULWDJH VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQFH RI KLVWRU\ WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ FDUULHG E\ REMHFWV RU GDWD KDYH JLYHQ LW D SHUFHLYHG SDWKZD\ This pathway is like an invisible mold that is wrapped around the outermost layer of skin. Thus, it obscures the quality of the REMHFW LWVHOI LQIXVLQJ NQRZOHGJH DQG FLYLOL]DWLRQ IRU D ORQJ SHULRG RI WLPH DQG XOWLPDWHO\ FDXVLQJ LW WR EHFRPH FORXGHG DQG ignored. However, the concrete actions of the artists lay in their reveal of this hypocritical outer layer, where they attempt WR DWWDFN WKH LQKHUHQW HVVHQFH RI WKH ZRUNV 7KLV HVVHQFH LV WKH UHFRYHU\ RI WKH RULJLQDO YDOXH RI WKH KHWHURJHQHLW\ RI REMHFWV or data. So many materials are able to be presented directly through the simplest methods. In other words, materials in the logical concepts of databases show a balance of absolute equality and value. It is no longer distinguished by levels or orders, and relinquishes the individual meanings bestowed by history and culture. The method for using this database consists of adopting many breathing and living organisms from the environment through colored ink as a creative media. Parts of these bodies are separately captured to become a homogeneous material. The Ă&#x20AC;QDO RXWFRPH RI WKH FROODJH H[KLELWV D VSHFLDO DQG VXUSULVLQJ VHQVDWLRQ WKDW KLJKOLJKWV WKH EL]DUUH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ SURFHVV RI RUGLQDU\ WKLQJV 7KXV WKLV VSHFLDO PRGHO RI GDWDEDVH FUHDWLRQ FRPHV IURP D EL]DUUH DQG DPD]LQJ PRPHQW ZKHUH DQ HTXDO TXDOLW\ WKDW H[LVWV LQ REMHFWV LV ODLG RXW 8QGHU VXFK D FUHDWLYH SUHPLVH LW DWWHPSWV WR FROOLGH ZLWK WKH VNHZHG TXDOLWLHV RI WKH FXUUHQW V\VWHP WR FUHDWH D EDODQFHG ZRUOG RI LQĂ&#x20AC;QLWH SRVVLELOLWLHV
ࢺҖ၊ Min-Yu Hong
Óśâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ ׊â&#x20AC;Źŕ´ťŐąá &#x2C6;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;ŕĽ?Î&#x161;â&#x20AC;ŤŢŁâ&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x203A;ŕ&#x2026;Ӿྡâ&#x20AC;Ť×łâ&#x20AC;ŹŐ?Ď?Č&#x201A;ŕ´&#x2021;á&#x201A;&#x2021;Ő?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ ׊â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘ŕŁ áĄ&#x17E;ŕ˝˝Č&#x201A;ᥲâ&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;ฏŃ?â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŇ?Ů&#x2122;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĎ˛Đ&#x2014;С࣊Đ&#x2020;Đ&#x2021;ŕ˘?Ń?â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŐ? Ď?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2039;&#x201A;á&#x160;ťČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×ą×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹĎ˛Óśâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŐ?Ď?Ń&#x2019;ĐżáĄ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;&#x2026;á &#x201D;஼ϾČ&#x201A;á&#x2014;&#x161;ÔĽâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤŕĄ&#x2DC;Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201C;ˇČ&#x192;á &#x2022;á&#x2019;&#x161;ŕ˝&#x2018;Đ&#x2020;ŕ§?á&#x2039;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x201C;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201A;ŕ˘&#x2018;Î&#x161;á&#x2020;&#x17D;ŕ˝&#x2019;á&#x192;&#x152;â&#x20AC;ŤŰžŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŐŤČ&#x201A;ΡĎ&#x203A; ࿲ᥲá˘?޲ཽĐ&#x2014;Î&#x161;હČ&#x201A;á&#x2014;&#x161;ÔĽĐťáĄ&#x17E;á&#x2021;&#x2026;Ő?ŕ¸&#x201D; ) ŕˇ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť * Ţ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x;໣â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĎ¤á&#x201D;&#x2014;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮťâ&#x20AC;Źŕ¸ŹŕĽŽÔ&#x201E;ÔĽÎ&#x161;â&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;ŹŕşŹá&#x160;&#x160;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ü&#x201C;â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝?á&#x20AC;?Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŻ&#x201E;ŰĄŕ° Č&#x192;΢Č&#x192;ŕˇ&#x203A; â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤÜŤâ&#x20AC;ŹŃ?ϰડŃ&#x2019;Đżá??ÓŹČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×ąâ&#x20AC;ŹŐ?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ ׊â&#x20AC;ŹŕŻ&#x2019;ŕ˝&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;Źá?ŽĎĄŕš&#x17E;ŕłźâ&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ?áĄ&#x17E;ϰડĎ&#x;Ď&#x153;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮŻâ&#x20AC;ŹĐšŕĄ&#x203A;á&#x201E;ťŃ?Ő?â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹĎ˛Đ&#x2014;С࣊â&#x20AC;Ťŕ ŻŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x2122;Č&#x201A;Ő&#x2026;ŕ´&#x192;á&#x2026;&#x203A; â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x161;Î&#x161;á&#x2020;&#x17D;ŕĄ&#x;á&#x2019;&#x2019;ŕŽ&#x17E;áĄ&#x2018;Ďžâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ?΢ŕ¤&#x153;á?ąá˘?Č&#x201E;! Through my art, I want to conduct an endless search for myself. Drawing from my own life H[SHULHQFHV , SDLQW P\ LQQHUPRVW ZRUOG WR UHĂ HFW P\ SHUVRQDO DSSHDUDQFH ZKLOH WUDQVIRUPLQJ DQG exaggerating my inner self. The humorous, comical, and entertaining characteristics within are an H[WHQVLRQ RI LPDJLQDWLRQ WKDW SXWV VPLOHV RQ YLHZHUV¡ IDFHV 7KH LQWHUDFWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH VXEMHFWV DQG QDWXUH SODQWV LPEXHV LPDJHV ZLWK V\PEROLF VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQFH , H[WUDFW DQG LQWHJUDWH HOHPHQWV IURP people, religion, and plants before bestowing them with my feelings. Through the construction of patterns from my innermost world, intimately changed personal aesthetics are gradually formed.
ᡞϲޠएథ৭ᔐ!The Shuttle Islands in the Body ߝݬȃߝᆚȃᎠᆚȃጳீિҐ!Gold Mud, Gold Foil, Aluminum Foil, Gouache on Paper 142 x 86 cm 2014
ᔜ⼾߇ޠЉٻ Bantering Floral Angel ߝݬȃጳீિҐ Gold Mud, Gouache on Paper 45 x 70 cm 2014
Ҫಂ White Eyes ߝݬȃጳீિҐ!Gold Mud, Gouache on Paper 116.5 x 91 cm 2014
ϛՍӶޠӼՉჳ Uneasy succulent Dream ߝݬȃጳீȃߝિ ݗGold Mud, Gouache on Golden Paper 45.5 x 53 cm 2014
೩֘❒ Chun-Wei Hsu
ӜȎá&#x203A;&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎ˘ČŻâ&#x20AC;ŤŮ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x2014;ŕ´ťŐąĎ&#x153;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2122;ĽŇŚŕ˝?á˘?ŕ łŇ&#x20AC;ŕŚ?áĄ&#x17E;СளČ&#x201A;ŕŹ&#x2026;á&#x201C;&#x201E;΢á&#x20AC;&#x2018;Ң࣠â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕľˇŕŽłĐąŕ˘łČ&#x201E;á&#x203A;&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎ˘á&#x2014;ˇá&#x2021;˝Ô&#x201E;༾࿴Ů&#x2014;á&#x203A;&#x203A;Č&#x201A;ŐŻ ŕ &#x201D;п΢á&#x153;šâ&#x20AC;Ťá&#x2122;˝Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹáĄ&#x17E;࣠ŕ&#x17E;Č&#x201A;ŕ¤?ŕş&#x20AC;ਣίÝ&#x2030;á &#x2021;Č&#x201A;ŕ˝§ŕŻ§á ˝Č&#x192;ྥĐ&#x161;á?ĄČ&#x192;ŕ´&#x160;á&#x2020;Şá °Č&#x192;ࣽá&#x201A;Źŕş?Č&#x201A;á&#x2021;&#x2026;Ő˛â&#x20AC;ŤŮŻ×Šâ&#x20AC;Źŕ¸&#x201C;ΥयČ&#x201E; ĎĐĄČ&#x201A;ÓŠÔ&#x201C;ŕľáĄ&#x17E;á&#x2020;Şŕš?Ňťá&#x2122;&#x2019;á&#x201E;ťÔ&#x161;Î â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ&#x2030;Ң࣠â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x201C;ŕ´&#x152;Č&#x201A;Ď&#x201E;ŕť&#x2022;Ö&#x160;ਣ߰Ö&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕŹ&#x160;ਠᥲ΢Ď&#x203A;Đ&#x2020;१Ő&#x201E;Ρŕ¸&#x201C;ŕŻ&#x201E;Ö á&#x2DC;&#x;Č&#x201E;ŕ¸&#x201D;Č&#x201A;ŕşşÓźá&#x2021;&#x2026; Ő?Ů&#x2122;ŕ¸&#x201C;á&#x153;ąâ&#x20AC;Ťŕ˝´Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;šŕŹ&#x2021;á?¤Č&#x192;á&#x201D;&#x153;á&#x2030;&#x2019;á&#x2020;¤á&#x203A;ťČ&#x201A;ӜॿÔ?ྥŕ&#x17E;Ď&#x153;ฟá&#x160;¸â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕźłá &#x2026;Î ŕ¸&#x201C;ಯލŕş?Č&#x201A;á&#x153;ąÎąá&#x2019;&#x160;á&#x201E;&#x17D;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2022;˘ŕťŁŕ &#x201D;ŕ¸&#x201C;Њѡá&#x20AC;¤Č&#x201A;á?źŕ¨&#x2020;ŕş&#x20AC; ҪҪ࢝ŕ´&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ¨ŁŕťŁČ&#x201A;ŐŻÎ&#x161;Ň&#x17D;Îá&#x17E;&#x2030;ŕ¸&#x201C;ಯяÔ&#x201A;Ó&#x2022;Ň&#x2030;໡á&#x2019;&#x160;á&#x201E;&#x17D;á&#x2014;ľá&#x201A;&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x153;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ&#x2030;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘ŕŁ Đ&#x2021;ŕł&#x17E;ŕłźâ&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;Źŕś&#x160;á&#x2022;&#x2DC;Ď&#x203A;á&#x2DC;&#x;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕąľĎžĐĄŕŽłâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x161;Ü&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Źŕ¤&#x2122;Č&#x201E; á&#x203A;&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎ˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĐĄŕŽłČ&#x192;ĐĄŕś&#x2030;Î&#x161;ĐĄâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘ŕŁ ŕ ˝á&#x201E;&#x2122;Č&#x201A;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;Üźâ&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ&#x2030;â&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;´â&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x192;Ó&#x2022;á&#x2039;¤ŕŻ&#x2039;Ď&#x203A;á&#x201A;&#x2021;Č&#x201A;ŐŻŕ &#x201D;Ρá&#x2039;&#x201A;á&#x152;&#x161;Č&#x192;ŕ¸&#x201C;ŕ˝?á&#x153;&#x152;Č&#x201A;Üźŕ˘&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹĐżá&#x203A;&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎ˘ ŐąŕŁ?ŕľĎŽČ&#x201A;á&#x2026;&#x152;Ňąŕłźâ&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;Źŕł&#x17E;๾Ϟâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘ŕŁ ϚйČ&#x201E;Î&#x161;Р༎ŕ´&#x2021;á&#x201A;&#x2021;á&#x203A;&#x203A;༡΢Ů&#x2122;â&#x20AC;Ťŕą&#x2020;Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹáĄ&#x17E;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;Źá&#x192;&#x152;Č&#x201A;Ń&#x;á&#x2039;¤ŕŻ&#x2039;ĎžČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮťâ&#x20AC;Źá˘?޲๹Ң༏Ңŕ˝&#x2018;Č&#x201A;Đ&#x2013; ΢á&#x2026;šá?ŻČ&#x2021;ŃŤÎ&#x161;Р༎ŕ ?á&#x2122;ĽŇŚá&#x203A;&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎ˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x153;ĎŽŮ?Ő&#x201D;â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x201C;â&#x20AC;ŹŕŠ&#x20AC;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮťâ&#x20AC;Źá˘?޲๹ҢĐ&#x2014;๪Ô&#x2039;Ó&#x201C;ŕşžá&#x161;&#x2022;Č&#x201A;ŕŻ&#x201E;Ő&#x2026;ŕŤ&#x2014;Đ&#x2021;Ř&#x2019;á?&#x17E;Ď?Č&#x201A;१Ő&#x201E;Ң࣠Ď&#x153;ಠпŕŁ?ளâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕąľĎžĐĄŕŽłČ&#x201E; For the Human-Animal series, I record the daily life of people living in a microcosmic city. Even though WKH DSSHDUDQFHV RI WKHVH ]RRPRUSKLF SHRSOH DUH OLNH WKRVH RI YDULRXV ELUGV DQG EHDVWV WKH\ PRYH about with the bodies of humans. They also wear fashionable clothes, take the MRT, play with cell SKRQHV VXUI WKH ,QWHUQHW DQG ZDWFK 79 7KH\ DUH MXVW OLNH XV Today, all kinds of media have been interwoven to construct the whole of our lives. Convenient and large amounts of information provide people with neither time to think nor ablity to decide. There are increasing amounts of news discussions and dramas that have nothing to do with us. At the tip RI RXU Ă&#x20AC;QJHUWLSV WKH\ WHPSRUDULO\ Ă&#x20AC;OO WKH HPSW\ YRLG LQVLGH XV 6WLOO D IHHOLQJ RI KHOSOHVVQHVV HPHUJHV the moment we close the screen. We regret the time that was wasted in vain. Yet, whenever we feel bored, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help but start up the screen again to hide in it. Our lives are constrained by this constant cycle of alienation. 7KH GD\ WR GD\ OLYHV RI WKH ]RRPRUSKLF SHRSOH DUH DFWXDOO\ DOO WRR IDPLOLDU WR XV <HW WKH\ DUH DOVR EOXUU\ DQG ODFNLQJ FRQVFLRXVQHVV 7KXV , SUHVHQW WKHVH DOLHQDWHG IUDJPHQWV RI OLIH XVLQJ ]RRPRUSKLF SHRSOH as a medium. On one hand, a sense of familiarity is produced through images of these human-beast hybrids that generates a sense of strangeness and induces doubt among viewers. On the other hand, WKURXJK WKH SHUVRQDOLWLHV RI WKH ]RRPRUSKLF SHRSOH¡V LQWHUPHGLDU\ UROHV D VDIH SV\FKRORJLFDO GLVWDQFH is extended for viewers. From there, they can conduct a self-introspection and ruminate on their accustomed alienation in life.
ᐈᅌ!Performativity ЬᏏ⪧ຯ!Ink and Collage on Paper 273 x 73 cm 2009
ॖॖ଼ࣽݭႬຝ Hippo PaPa Watch TV ЬᏏ⪧ຯ!Ink and Collage on Paper 168 x 98 cm 2010 ᔤҾ!Mimicry ЬᏏ⪧ຯ!Ink and Collage on Paper 161 x 130 cm 2009 22
णणᅫᒦႬဟԊ!Panda Pang Pang Computer Geek ЬᏏ⪧ຯ!Ink and Collage on Paper 112 x 194 cm 2010 23
يპ Yu-Chia Chang
ᘉᘉقӗ . قӗޠձࠣשւңȶᘉȷঐКໍٿݳ഻ձȂҦܼϟࠊޠजཿଌጜΚޣഎᡲשܼᏱଲ ߴޠៗവίȂܛп࿌שҔՍϐ८ᄈ഻ձӈٲޠਣȂשҢΠΚᆎЇኣпІฑኍདȂηᙥҦᘉםޠԓࡈ ࣊яٿȂձࠣϲৡτഎྜՍϐՍϐޠҢࣁစᡜІርᜱ߾ޠདដᙾٿϾȂםԓΚۗޠ҂८ᛳฬໍՅژЬᏏ િҐޠᐡఢ၇ဋȂٯւңϛӤ൭؆ޠᡑٿϾقӗձࠣޠቺԪၮ࡚Ȅ 3RLQW 3HRSOH 6HULHV ² 7KLV VHULHV RI DUWZRUNV XWLOL]HV D FUHDWLYH PHWKRG FRQVLVWLQJ RI ´SRLQWVµ 0\ professional art training in the past had kept me under the protective umbrella of the academy. When I had to truly create art, however, I was faced with a sense of anxiety. I found inspiration by venting these feelings through points, and converting life experiences and emotions from interpersonal relationships into the content of my works. Originally taking on the form of planar paintings, the works eventually become mechanical installations of ink paper. Furthermore, changes in different media were used to deepen the level of depth for this series of works.
ղۼژནϛནש Whether You Love Me or Not ீݷȃЬᏏિҐȃݙФ Oil, Ink on Paper,Pine Board 60 x 60 cm 2014
ղӅདྷሇܿޠᐈשϟ 3 You Have No Chance to Control Me 2 ЬᏏિҐȃፓӬ൭؆ Ink on Paper,Mixed Media 60 x 60 cm 2010
ղӅདྷሇܿޠᐈשϟ 4 You Have No Chance to Control Me 3 ЬᏏિҐȃፓӬ൭؆ Ink on Paper,Mixed Media 60 x 60 cm 2010
࡛ᑘ Chien-Ying Tseng
á&#x2039;ŚŕŽ´â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x160;?᢯ . Ô˝Ď&#x2020;Óąâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹÔĽŕżžČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŹĐżŐ?ŃĄĐżâ&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;ŹÓśĐ?΢ฏâ&#x20AC;ŤŮ&#x201A;Ţ â&#x20AC;Źŕ˛&#x153;á &#x2C6;ŕł&#x17E;ŕş?ŕŁ?Đ?΢ŕŠ&#x160;ŕżžâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕşŹá&#x160;&#x160;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;°ŕŁ?ŕż&#x152;Ń&#x2026;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ¤Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x153;&#x152;ϸĎ&#x2020; â&#x20AC;ŤŘ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹŃ&#x2019;Ń&#x201C;Ö&#x201A;Č&#x201A;๪ŕ˝&#x2019;Č&#x192;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ¤â&#x20AC;Źá&#x153;&#x152;â&#x20AC;Ťŕ˘&#x2018;Ü&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŹŕŽ ཿŕ´&#x17D;Ń Đżŕł&#x17E;ŕł°á?łâ&#x20AC;Ťŕ˘&#x2018;Ü&#x2014;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x160;śŕŚ&#x2026;ĎžČ&#x201A;ÓąÔŤâ&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2019;śá?&#x2020;Ρŕ˘&#x2018;ÔĽŕżžâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇĄá&#x152;śŐąŕŁ?ŕż&#x152;Ń&#x2026;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ¤â&#x20AC;Źá&#x153;&#x152;ϸĎ&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2014;ľ ŕľ&#x2013;Č&#x201A;ŇĄá&#x152;śá&#x2014;ˇÔĽŕżžŐŻŕľłÖĽŕą°Ó&#x152;Č&#x201A;Đšŕˇ&#x2021;ŕŁ?ŃŻá˘&#x2039;Ô&#x;ŕˇ&#x2030;༨ŕĽ?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x20AC;&#x2026;á&#x201D;˝Őąâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201A;á&#x2122;Ľŕş&#x20AC;ŕłźŕŚ?ŕ˛&#x201C;á&#x20AC;ľâ&#x20AC;Ťá&#x2122;žŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕśłâ&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŽĽÓ&#x2019;á &#x153;á&#x17E;&#x2DC;ŕż&#x152;Ń&#x2026;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ¤â&#x20AC;Źá&#x153;&#x152;ϸĎ&#x2020; â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x201C;Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá?ľČ&#x201E;á &#x2018;á&#x192;¨ŕ´&#x2021;á&#x201A;&#x2021;áĄ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;&#x2026;ۥఠฏâ&#x20AC;Ť×?Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x201C;ŕ¨&#x2122;ŇŁČ&#x201A;ৼํÎ&#x161;á&#x2020;&#x17D;ŕż&#x152;Ń&#x2026;ŢŚŕ˝˝Ď&#x153;૥á&#x2122;łá&#x2021;&#x2026;á ?Ίŕš&#x2014;á&#x201E;ťâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕľ´Ů&#x2018;Č&#x201E; 7URSLFDO 'HSUHVVLRQ ² %HFDXVH EDPERRV KDYH MRLQWV WKH\ KDYH EHHQ UHJDUGHG DV V\PEROV RI OLWHUDWL integrity in the literati painting system since ancient times. I believe that contemporary intellectuals DUH HYHQ PRUH XWLOLWDULDQ LGHDOV NQRZOHGJH RU H[SHUWLVH FDQ DOO EH VROG RU GLJLWL]HG $V D UHVXOW , KDYH VHOHFWHG VXJDUFDQHV ZLWK MRLQWV DV D PHWDSKRU IRU FRQWHPSRUDU\ LQWHOOHFWXDOV (YHQ WKRXJK VXJDUFDQHV KDYH MRLQWV WKH\ DUH ULFK ZLWK VZHHWQHVV )XUWKHUPRUH WKH\ VHUYHG DV DQ LPSRUWDQW economic crop for Taiwan during its early periods. By converting this symbol, we can re-interpret the attributes of contemporary intellectuals. In the deformation and formal misappropriation of religious paintings, a fable regarding the absurdness and power structure of contemporary society is unfolded.
ዦழޠነ!Tropical Depression ማᆚȃጳீિҐ! Silver Foil, Gouache on Paper 270 x 180 cm 2008
྇ൺ૫ Lan-Yin Yang
ŕ˝?â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹŕąľŕŽ&#x20AC; . Ň&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ ޤâ&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x2C6;â&#x20AC;ŤŰĽâ&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x192;Ӿ๊â&#x20AC;ŤŕźşŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕŞŹČ&#x192;áĄ&#x161;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ű&#x160;â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘á&#x201E;&#x2122;࣊Č&#x152;Č&#x152;ŕ¸&#x201C;á?¤ÓśĐˇŕŁŠŐĽŕł?Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;&#x17D;á&#x2021;&#x2026;ÓľŕŽ&#x20AC;Ď&#x;໣â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x153;ąßžŕ´&#x17D;ŕ˘&#x2018;ŕŽ&#x17E;Ď&#x203A;Ń Ď¸â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹÎ&#x161;á&#x2022;&#x2DC;Č&#x201A;ྸá&#x192;&#x152;΢á&#x153;šá&#x2C6;°ŕĽ?â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x2020;ŰŠŐ&#x;Č&#x201A;ŕˇ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2C6;°Óśá&#x17D;?ÓŹâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2022;&#x2DC;á&#x192;ŤŇ˘ß&#x17E;ञ֜Č&#x201A;ŕŠ&#x2013;ࢸҢâ&#x20AC;ŤŕĽ?Ţ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2030;şá&#x2030;şâ&#x20AC;ŤÝ˘â&#x20AC;Źá &#x2021;Č&#x201A;Ď&#x2DC;ŕŤ&#x2014;ӜઢŕŞ?ŕł&#x201E;ŕ¸&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Ź â&#x20AC;Ťŕ˘¸Ř&#x161;â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x2021;࣠Č&#x152;Č&#x152;Č&#x201E;Ň?â&#x20AC;ŤŮ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x2014;ŕ´ťŐąČ&#x201A;ŕŻ&#x201E;ŕ´ˇß&#x2019;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;Ő?ŕ¸&#x201D;Ңá&#x201E;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2018;şá?šČ&#x201A;ŕť?Ő&#x2026;໡Ű&#x2014;ŕ¤&#x192;â&#x20AC;Ťŕą?Ů â&#x20AC;ŹŕŠ&#x2013;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá &#x161; ÓźáĄ&#x2018;Č&#x192;ŕ&#x17E;ŕˇ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹÓŠá&#x2020;&#x17D;â&#x20AC;Ťß´Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x;&#x2014;á&#x201D;¤ á&#x201E;&#x2122;ŕš&#x160;ŕš&#x160;Č&#x201A;ഷࡤ஡೼â&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;ŹŐ&#x201E;á?&#x201E;á&#x2021;&#x2026;ĐŹá??ŕ´ťŐąŕš&#x2014;ÓŹČ&#x201A;ŕľ?á&#x2122;&#x201D;ŕş&#x20AC;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;&#x17D;ŕąľáĄ&#x2018;।â&#x20AC;Ť×?Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;˝Č&#x192;ŕ´&#x2020;â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹÎąâ&#x20AC;Ťŕ¸śŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŕĄ&#x203A;ŕ˘&#x2018;Ü&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŹŇ´Ň˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ţ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źŕˇ&#x2014;ਠӾČ&#x201A; Ô&#x161;ŕŁ?ÔŤâ&#x20AC;ŤŮ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x2014;á&#x153;ąâ&#x20AC;ŤÝ¨â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;&#x2026;ŕ˝&#x2019;á&#x192;&#x152;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕĽ¨á&#x2DC;&#x2030;Č&#x201E; Ȝ๾ȡŕ˘&#x2018;ŕłźâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;Ůłâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;&#x17D;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x201D;ŕłžá&#x2DC;&#x2030;Č&#x201A;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ţ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;Źŕ˛Ąŕ˝?á&#x201E;ťŕ´&#x2020;á&#x2021;&#x2026;ŕ&#x17E;á&#x201E;&#x2122;ŕŁ˛Ń á&#x2122;ĽŇŚŕ´&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ ×?â&#x20AC;ŹÓźáĄ&#x2018;Ń&#x;Ö&#x2013;ํČ&#x201A;ܟฏ༎Ď&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤÝ¨â&#x20AC;ŹÎ¤Đ&#x201C;ຏá&#x2021;&#x2026;â&#x20AC;ŤÜ?â&#x20AC;Źá?&#x153;Č&#x201A; ŕą&#x2020;á&#x161;&#x2013;Ń?ŕ˝&#x2019;á&#x192;&#x152;Ď&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;ŕ Żŕ˝´Ţ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;&#x17D;á&#x2021;&#x2026;á&#x2022;&#x2DC;á&#x192;ŤČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮŻâ&#x20AC;ŹŕŽĄâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;Źá ˝ŇŁÓśĐŹá??ŕ´ťŐąŕż&#x152;Ď&#x153;Č&#x201A;ŕť?Ő&#x2026;Đżŕ˝?á˘?â&#x20AC;ŤŕĄ&#x161;Ů?Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹŃ&#x;ࣽॠѝŕŚ&#x2030;Č&#x201E; ŕł?ÜźŕłźŕŚ?á&#x2022;&#x2DC;á&#x192;ŤĎ&#x203A;á&#x2DC;&#x;áĄ&#x2018;á&#x17D;&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x2019;Ń&#x2026;Č&#x201A;կС࣊Č&#x192;࣌Ő&#x17D;Ô&#x2C6;â&#x20AC;ŤŰĽâ&#x20AC;ŹÔĽŕş&#x20AC;â&#x20AC;ŤŘ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹÓźŃ&#x2020;΢ŕ˝?ŕ˝&#x2019;Ď&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;Ů˛Ţ Ú&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201A;ԍਣԍâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x201D;â&#x20AC;ŹÖ&#x201A;ŇŁá&#x203A;łŕ¸ŹŕŹ&#x2026;á&#x201C;&#x201E;ÎŻŕłź â&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;Źŕą¸á Č&#x201A;ŕť?Ő&#x2026;ŕš&#x2014;ÓŹá&#x2122;žĎžÔ&#x161;ŕ´ťŐąâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹÎŠŕť&#x2022;Č&#x201A;Ď&#x2DC;ŕŤ&#x2014;ඣá&#x203A;łŃ?Đ&#x201C;ŕ˝&#x2019;Ď&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹČśŕ˝?â&#x20AC;Ť×?â&#x20AC;ŹŕąľŕŽ&#x20AC;ȡČ&#x201A;ࣽՎâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ű&#x160;Ü?â&#x20AC;ŹĐˇŕŁŠá˘?Č&#x201A;ŐŻá&#x2021;´Ď&#x203A;ۢ೟á&#x2020;&#x17D; ŕąľĐ&#x201C;á&#x2021;&#x2026;á&#x2026;&#x152;Ϟ಼ԼÎ&#x161;ĐĄŕŞ&#x17D;ŕ˝˝â&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2013;&#x17E;Č&#x201E; Microscopic Foreign Lands - Regardless in any place of the world, the unknown universe, mysterious earth, overwhelming ecologyâ&#x20AC;Śetc, the relationship between specifies and lands are closely related. For example, the human needs houses for residence, the plants grow robustly in suitable environment, the marine organisms require layers of protection in order to survive in that mysterious world of ocean. This series of works starts from the initial interests in nature and ecology to the research on the variance of deep seas and the protective mimicry of animals and plants. Finally, the words are combined with ink-paintings to encircle the mutated appearance of the species and establish habitats for organisms, which then become the focus of attention and imagery of this series. ´3HFXOLDULW\Âľ LV D FRPPRQ SRLQW VKDUHG E\ WKH VSHFLHV ZKHUHDV WKH PHWLFXORXV VWUXFWXUH DQG PRYHPHQWV RI RUJDQLVPV FDQ EH SUHVHQWHG WKURXJK WKH YDULDQFH RI IRUPDWLRQ LQMHFWLQJ IDQWDV\ DQG absurdity into the images, thereby generating a new hybrid species and environment of imagination that are implemented in ink-painting and treated with microscopic perspectives. In this constantly changing era, there are many more surprising things in this world and even the universe. The traces are recorded through paintings with the expectation for the advent of these fantasies and resolutions.
Ӽீ࠳ޠҀҢࣁ!Color of City Life ЬᏏ೪Քȃᇪҫિ! Color Ink on Hemp Paper 720 x 50 cm 2013
Κঢ়φ . ݿ4 Are we family- Bubble Pop3 Κঢ়φ . ݿ2 Are we family- Bubble Pop1 Κঢ়φ . ݿ3 Are we family- Bubble Pop2
Κঢ়φ . ݿ7 Are we family- Bubble Pop6 ЬᏏ೪Քȃᇪҫિ! Color Ink on Hemp Paper 30 x 30 cm 2012
༂ՎҔ Chih-Cheng Huang
Đ&#x201C;Ďžâ&#x20AC;ŤŮ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x2014; . ŕ´ťŐąâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĐ ÓŞâ&#x20AC;Ťŕ¸śÚ¸â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;Č&#x201A;ĐťŕĽ?ŕ˘&#x2018;ŕľ?á&#x2122;&#x201D;ÓśÔŹÎşá&#x17E;&#x2039;á&#x161;Ąâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ¸â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2018;ŕŻ&#x2019;â&#x20AC;Ťŕ¸ś×śâ&#x20AC;ŹÎąČ&#x201A;ӜҢâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ú˝â&#x20AC;Źŕś&#x160;á&#x2022;&#x2DC;á &#x2C6;Լೊӟá?&#x;á&#x161;ĄČ&#x201A;ŕ´&#x2021;á&#x201A;&#x2021;ŕ´ťŐą ྡâ&#x20AC;Ť×łâ&#x20AC;ŹŃŤÎ&#x161;á&#x2020;&#x17D;Ń ŕŤ&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕš?ਹČ&#x201E;ŕš&#x160;ॠŕ˘&#x2018;ŕŤ&#x2014;ŕť&#x2022;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ˛¤á&#x2018;&#x2014;Č&#x201A;á&#x20AC;&#x2026;á&#x201A;&#x2021;Ű ŕżžâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇťŕˇ&#x2C6;Č&#x201A;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŮżÚ˝â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;´ŕľ¸ŕ˘&#x2018;ŃŤÎ&#x161;ŕŚ?໡á&#x2020;&#x201C;Č&#x201E;Đżá ?ঢá&#x192;¨á §Ď&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Ź á&#x201C;&#x;ଽâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ¸â&#x20AC;Źá?ŁŰŁŕŁ?ĐťáĄ&#x17E;Č&#x201A;༨ུá ?á&#x201E;ťŕĄşŕşŻČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;ŹŐ?ଽá&#x201C;Źâ&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŹŐ&#x2014;á&#x2020;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŕŻŚÓŹČ&#x201A;ÓśŕŞ&#x2013;࿌â&#x20AC;ŤŢľŢ â&#x20AC;ŹáĄ&#x17E;Ď&#x153;â&#x20AC;Ť×&#x2C6;â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x161;ŃŤÎ&#x161;á&#x2020;&#x17D;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ˝â&#x20AC;Źá?&#x153;ҢČ&#x201E;â&#x20AC;ŤŮťâ&#x20AC;ŹŇŁß?á&#x2020;&#x161;Č&#x201A; ຏá&#x160;&#x160;ŕş&#x20AC;Ň&#x2DC;॰á&#x2021;&#x2026;ઢá&#x20AC;&#x2019;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŰžâ&#x20AC;ŹŐŤÎ ΢ŕŚ&#x2030;Һѥпâ&#x20AC;ŤŮżâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x2C6;Ň&#x2DC;॰â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ˛&#x20AC;á żČ&#x201A;Đżŕ˘&#x2019;Ů&#x152;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ¸â&#x20AC;Źá&#x152;¤ŕ°Šá&#x2013;&#x201A;ÓŹá?ŁŰŁČ&#x201A;ழԥŕ¤&#x152;á?ąâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ˛&#x201C;á&#x20AC;ľŕŻŚÓŹČ&#x201A;Ô&#x201E;á&#x161;&#x192; á?ąâ&#x20AC;ŤÝžâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2022;&#x153;ૢČ&#x201A;૥á?&#x153;Óľâ&#x20AC;Ťá&#x;&#x160;Űžâ&#x20AC;ŹÎ â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x2C6;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ú˝â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;á&#x192;&#x152;Č&#x201E; Metamorphosis Series â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I view the textures of my works as a type of calligraphy. Using creative methods or other media, I transmit thoughts, such as blessings or prayers, into my works, while closely KROGLQJ RQWR Ă HHWLQJ PRPHQWV RI KDSSLQHVV RU JULHI The creative direction and inspiration are mainly centered on the topic of death and the expression RI IHHOLQJV 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ VXEMHFWV WR EH IRXQG LQ WKH F\FOH RI OLIH DQG , VHHN WR Ă&#x20AC;QG RWKHU SRVVLEOH DQVZHUV WKURXJK WKH FUHDWLYH SURFHVV :LWK DQDWRPLFDO LOOXVWUDWLRQV RI VNXOOV DQG RUJDQV DV VXEMHFWV I deconstruct and piece together the links of bones and blood vessels to create a form of life born IURP EURNHQ OLPEV *ROG IRLO LV XVHG WR V\PEROL]H D VHQVH RI HWHUQLW\ DQG KROLQHVV H[WHQGLQJ WKH obsession people have had with the notion of eternity since ancient times. Organs are stitched WRJHWKHU ZLWK DVWHULVPV DQG OLQHV DQG MRLQHG ZLWK VFLHQWLILF V\PEROV /LNH D IRUP RI PHGLFDO treatment, it incredulously extends my imagination towards life.
ࣻႅਣ!ڔThe moments ෞጤȃߝᆚȃЬᏏિҐ Cotton Wire, Gold Foil, Ink on Paper 21 x 29 cm 2014
τຬ Elephant ෞጤȃߝᆚȃЬᏏિҐ Cotton Wire, Gold Foil, Ink on Paper 21 x 13 cm 2014
߲!Tomb Figure 12 x 12 cm 2014 ϊϙ 2!Clown1 12 x 12 cm 2014
ϊϙ 3!Clown2 12 x 12 cm 2014 ၰโ Journey 12 x 12 cm 2014
Ꮨຝ!*D]H 12 x 12 cm 2014 ߀ॸ!Fragrance 21 x 21 cm 2013 ۩ 2!Home1 12 x 12 cm 2014
ߝᆚȃЬᏏિҐ Gold Foil, Ink on Paper
ᆼԦ߇༫!Decadent Garden ෞጤȃߝᆚȃЬᏏિҐ Cotton Wire, Gold Foil, Ink on Paper 21 x 29 cm 2014
༂ࢨᆱ Po-Wei Huang
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With an inexplicable fear that my body could not handle, I faced this moment where my body and mind were separated, making me unable to complete even a simple action. It was at this moment WKDW , DOVR UHDOL]HG WKDW WKH ERG\ ZDV DOVR DQ REMHFW RI IHDU For me, this experience triggered an interest in exploring the body. I conducted self-introspection E\ REVHUYLQJ WKH LQVHFWV , SOD\HG ZLWK LQ P\ \RXWK 7KH MRLQW HIIHFWV RI LQWHUQDO IRUFHV DQG H[WHUQDO pressures on the chitin within insect shells have led it to evolve the diverse styles seen today. These body structures affect everything in the world around them. I started to depict them in an attempt to understand and enter another state of life. However, I was never able to completely break away IURP P\ VXEMHFWLYH FRQVFLRXVQHVV WR EHFRPH FRPSOHWHO\ REMHFWLYH 6R , VWDUWHG WR DGG Ă&#x20AC;JXUHV RI ´SHRSOHÂľ LQWR P\ SDLQWLQJV , SODFHG HQODUJHG LQVHFWV DQG VKUXQNHQ KXPDQV LQ VLWXDWLRQV ZKHUH VXFK relations as collision and confrontation would be generated. Among this level of relationship, they would seek possibilities for extension. Living in the present, I have sensed another method for extension. The advancement of technology has generated many methods of extension for simulating possibilities. There is no need for a real ERG\ ZKHQ XVLQJ D YLUWXDO PHWKRG WR H[SHULHQFH UHDOLW\ -HDQ %DXGULOODUG FDOOHG WKLV ´D V\PEROL]HG ZRUOGÂľ %\ DGMXVWLQJ VLPXODWHG FRGHV LW EHFRPHV D K\SHU UHDO YLUWXDO ZRUOG ZKLFK FKDQJHV methods of human perception. This makes me think of the primitive worldview presented in Classic of Mountains and Seas, where there are no hierarchies or boundaries in life. They can cross each RWKHU DQG PDNH DGMXVWPHQWV DQG VR WKHUH HPHUJHG PDQ\ LQFUHGLEO\ ZHLUG LPDJHV ,Q D V\PEROL]HG ZRUOG WKH RUJDQV RI DQLPDOV VHHP WR EH V\PEROL]HG ZKHUH WKH\ FDQ IUHHO\ FRQQHFW DQG SLHFH with anything. My work uses insects as a media as an attempt to correspond to the environment of origin. The mutual simulation process between humans and insects is employed to depict the body structures of different lives. The concept of symbols mutually envelops and grows in the bodies. The ERGLHV HYHQ GHVWUR\ RWKHU RWKHUV ,W PLJKW EH VLPXODWHG GHIRUPHG RU PHWDSKRULF 3HUKDSV LW LV MXVW an overlapping perspective. If artistic creations take on the views of Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno: An artwork is an interaction between the artist and the media - a product for re-simulating experiences. By stacking, polishing, and meticulously shaping layers of paint during my creative process, morphological shapes once again manifest themselves in the process of a simulated experience. Perhaps, trapping yourself in a complex and chaotic simulation game is the only way to assemble connections and SRVVLELOLWLHV RXWVLGH RI WKH VXEMHFWLYH FRQVFLRXVQHVV
ᐍᝇ Restructured Blood Parrot Fish ᔇջΩȃጳீȃഭҁ Acrylic, Gouache on Linen 120 x 49 cm 2014
ڴ/֝/ Expiration and Lnspiratory ᔇջΩȃጳீȃഭҁ Acrylic, Gouache on Linen 49 x 70 cm/pc. 2014
ઢᓟ Fly's Head ᔇջΩȃጳீȃഭҁ Acrylic, Gouache on Linen 112 x 145 cma 2014
ޫܽٿ Tillandsia ᔇջΩȃጳீȃഭҁ Acrylic, Gouache on Linen 70 x 35 cm 2013
ᗻ!! ׀Yu Han
ഝչϲ৥пനâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ¸â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x192;ߊҢâ&#x20AC;ŤŕźťŢ Ţ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹŕŻŚČ&#x201A;ŕš&#x2014;ÓŹá&#x2122;žĎžá&#x201A;&#x2021;।â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕź&#x2030;ŕ˛&#x153;Ď?ĐŹá?&#x161;Ň°Ď&#x;༴ŕŠ&#x20AC;Č&#x201A;á&#x2019;&#x2039;Τŕť?Ő?â&#x20AC;Ť×ž×Šâ&#x20AC;Źŕ´&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕľ ŕŽ&#x20AC;Ď&#x153;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮŻâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2122;Ľ ŇŚŃĄŃ&#x2026;ઢá &#x2DC;Đ&#x2020;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ú˝â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;á&#x192;&#x152;Č&#x201A;á&#x2039;&#x201A;á&#x201D;¤ŕ´ťŕ´&#x2020;Πӟϰâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;ťÔ&#x161;ŕ Żá&#x201E;&#x2122;Č&#x201A;ĐżĐ&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ú˝â&#x20AC;Źá?¤ŕš&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x203A;Ú¸â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘Ô&#x2021;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x160;С࣊Č&#x201E;ŮŚŕŚ?Сŕ¤&#x2013;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Ź Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ˝â&#x20AC;ŹáĄ&#x17E;ŕž&#x201E;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹÓľŕŤ&#x201C;ড়Č&#x201A;Îŕž&#x201E;â&#x20AC;ŤŕŽ Ú?â&#x20AC;ŹŕŽ˝Č&#x201A;ÔĽá&#x201A;&#x2021;ÓźĐ&#x17D;ŕž&#x201C;ŕž&#x;Č&#x201A;൸ԥӼ஽Ď&#x201E;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘â&#x20AC;ŤÚ˝â&#x20AC;Źŕťśâ&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x201C;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201E;ŕĄŐŽÎ˘á&#x153;šâ&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x201C;Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹŕŠ&#x20AC;Č&#x201A;ÓśÖˇá&#x2013;&#x201A;ҢÔ&#x2021;຺ξČ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;ŤŕŚťÚ&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;Źá &#x2C6;ŕ´&#x17D;ŕŤ&#x2014;ŕŽ&#x2039;á&#x17D;?á&#x201D;&#x2014;ҢÔ&#x2021;Č&#x201E; ŕť?Ďžá&#x201A;&#x2021;ŕš&#x201A;ŕ˘&#x2018;Î&#x161;ŕŚ?Ď&#x203A;á&#x2DC;&#x;á&#x2022;&#x2013;ŕŻ&#x201A;á&#x17D;?á&#x201D;&#x2014;ŕ˝´á&#x2022;&#x2DC;á&#x192;Ťâ&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2C6;°ŕĽ?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá?ŁŰŁâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201A;&#x2021;ŕš&#x201A;Č&#x201A;ŕś&#x201A;á&#x20AC;&#x2026;á&#x2122;&#x203A;ŕŚ&#x201D;á&#x201A;&#x2021;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹĎ&#x160;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201A;ÓśŕŽ&#x203A;ŰŠá&#x2021;&#x2026;Ó&#x201D;ҢĎ&#x;໣á&#x201E;&#x203A;á&#x201E;&#x203A;á&#x2018;&#x20AC;Ň´ Ңß&#x17E;Č&#x201A;Ů&#x2122;á&#x2122;˝ŕˇĽŕŠ˝ŕş&#x20AC;௥༜।â&#x20AC;ŤÖˇÜ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŹŕŽ´â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2026;&#x152;Ϟ๸á Č&#x201A;ŮŚŕ˘&#x2018;ŕŤ&#x2014;ᥲ΢Î&#x161;ŕ˛&#x201A;ŕ°&#x2014;á&#x2026;żâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹŇ˘â&#x20AC;ŤÚ˝â&#x20AC;ŹŕŹ&#x2026;á?şČ&#x201E;ଷΠӶâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ?â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2019;śá?&#x2020;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕˇ&#x2014;ਠӾĎ&#x153;Č&#x201A;य़ á&#x;&#x160;á&#x2021;&#x2026;ŕ¤?ŕ¸&#x201D;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ ŮżÚ?â&#x20AC;ŹÓĄá?Ąâ&#x20AC;Ť×Ťâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2019;&#x152;Č&#x201A;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŹŕŚ&#x2030;ΡӜĎ?â&#x20AC;ŤÝ&#x201D;â&#x20AC;ŹŕťŁČ&#x192;૪á?ŞĎ&#x153;ŕť?Ő&#x2DC;É&#x2021;ŕą&#x2019;ĎžÉ&#x2021;Č&#x201E;Ô&#x201E;Ӥ΢á&#x153;šÓśŕ˘&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮłâ&#x20AC;Źŕ¨ŁŕŚ&#x2018;Č&#x201A;ŕ˝˝ŕ¤?ŕ¸&#x201D;໣ŕ˝&#x2019;ଡá&#x161;&#x2022; Ů&#x2122;ŕł?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕš&#x2026;â&#x20AC;ŤÝ¸â&#x20AC;ŹČ&#x201A;ŕ˝&#x2019;ଡá&#x161;&#x2022;С࣊ιâ&#x20AC;ŤÜ&#x203A;â&#x20AC;ŹÔĽŕŁťĎ¤ŕ´&#x20AC;ŕš&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŤŘ&#x2018;Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹÎ&#x161;ఊ᥎ŕ˛&#x161;Č&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;ŹÎ&#x161;ŕŚ?૥६Č&#x192;á&#x2019;šĐˇĐšâ&#x20AC;Ť×&#x2C6;â&#x20AC;ŹÓ&#x201C;â&#x20AC;ŤŘĄâ&#x20AC;ŹÔĽÓ&#x2030;ŐĽáĄ&#x17E;á&#x2021;°ŕ &#x201D;ŕ˝&#x2018;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;ŹÔ&#x2039;Ó&#x201C;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Ź ӾРČ&#x201E; ŕ´¨Č&#x201A;Ń ŕŤ&#x2014;Ď&#x203A;ŃŹŕ˘&#x2018;Î&#x161;ŕŚ?â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x2014;â&#x20AC;Źá?â&#x20AC;ŤŮ?Ţ â&#x20AC;ŹŐ&#x201D;Č&#x201A;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;â&#x20AC;ŤŮż×Šâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x2021;´â&#x20AC;Ťŕ˘&#x203A;ŕ˘&#x2018;Ř&#x201A;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2020;&#x17D;Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ˝â&#x20AC;Źá&#x20AC;&#x2026;áĄ&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ´&#x2DC;ŐŁČ&#x201E;â&#x20AC;Ť×Šâ&#x20AC;ŹĐżÔ&#x201E;á&#x2022;?ĐૢŕŤ&#x201C;ড়â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źŕ´¨â&#x20AC;Ťŕ¸śŕŁ?Ú&#x152;â&#x20AC;Źŕ˝&#x2019;Č&#x201A;१Ő&#x201E; á&#x153;ąÜźŇ˘â&#x20AC;ŤŢ Ú˝â&#x20AC;ŹŕŹ&#x2022;ŕž&#x153;á&#x2021;&#x2026;ŕŁ?Î á&#x17D;?á&#x201D;&#x2014;Ő&#x2026;๹Ңâ&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x2026;&#x152;ĎžČ&#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŮŻâ&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x2C6;á&#x201D;&#x2014;â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;Źá?¤á&#x2026;żŕź&#x201E;ཾŕˇ&#x2030;।Č&#x201A;Ő?â&#x20AC;Ťá&#x2122;žŢ ׊â&#x20AC;ŹĎžŕś&#x2030;঩Č&#x201A;ĐżĐ&#x2020;ํĎá?&#x20AC;á&#x201D;ĄŕŤ&#x20AC;á&#x2DC;&#x161;Č&#x192;ผ ৼŮ&#x;ŕ´ â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;ŹáĄ&#x2018;ŕ&#x17E;ŢŚŕ˝˝Ď&#x153;Č&#x201A;Ő?Ů&#x2122;á&#x2014;ľá&#x2014;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201D;&#x2014;á&#x201E;&#x2C6;Đ Ô&#x201C;Č&#x201E; 7KH FRQWHQW RI WKLV FUHDWLRQ XVHV WKH JUDIWLQJ RI Ă&#x20AC;VK DQG OLYLQJ DQG QRQOLYLQJ RUJDQLVPV WR FRPELQH and transform future traditional styles of landscape, while integrating them into a field of selftransformation. Through ancient myths and imaginations of life, simulations are used to create diverse patterns of composition, as well as small worlds that reside within life experiences. The organisms of that century are extremely fragile, yet considerably strong. The experiences of destruction only serve to strengthen the toughness of life. Like human characteristics, the longer it survives in the crevices, the more it will be able to adapt to survive. The evolutionary process is a course that continuously develops new organs needed for survival. $IWHU VHYHUDO DGMXVWPHQWV WKH VPDOO FUHDWXUHV VORZO\ DQG LQGHSHQGHQWO\ JURZ EHWZHHQ LQTXLOLQH and symbiosis. There are remnants of predatory evolutionary traces in their bodies, and that is a life memory that people can remember forever. In addition to their choice of habitat, the organisms FRQWLQXH WR FRQWHQG DJDLQVW VXGGHQ GDQJHU 7KH\ FRQWLQXH WR FRQGXFW D IRUP RI ´SXULĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQÂľ LQ IRUHVWV DQG PDUVKHV 7KLV LV MXVW OLNH KRZ KXPDQV DW VRPH SRLQW VXGGHQO\ ZDQWHG WR HVFDSH WKHLU predicament. They wanted to escape every interconnected constraints in the world, and arrive DW D GHVRODWH DQG XQGLVWXUEHG SODFH ZKHUH WKH\ FRXOG IHHO VDIH HYHQ ZLWKRXW DQ\ UHDOL]DWLRQ )LVK PLJKW QRW MXVW EH D UROH IRU DPXVHPHQW )RU PH WKH\ DUH FRPSDQLRQV IRU OLIH H[SHULHQFHV , DP LQVSLUHG E\ Ă&#x20AC;VK ZKLFK DUH DV IUDJLOH DV FDQGOHOLJKW 6R , VWDUWHG WR WKLQN DERXW WKH RULJLQV RI OLIH DV well as evolution that developed environmental adaptations. After going through a dark period corresponding to a self-transforming form of recovery, the congested troubles of today, and the rapid changes in the development of society, a style of hiding was implemented as a means for coping.
ৈՎ Ȇ ߜᘞშ!6XPPHU 6ROVWLFH 3LFNLQJ િҐ೪Ք Color Ink on Paper 180 x 73 cm 2013
గώშ 1 Wang Chuan Tu 1
గώშ 2 Wang Chuan Tu 2
గώშ 3 Wang Chuan Tu 3
గώშ 4 Wang Chuan Tu 4
గώშ 5 Wang Chuan Tu 5
િҐ೪Ք!Color Ink on Paper 35 x 27 cm 2014
ࢺҖ၊ Min-Yu Hong 1989!!Ңܼᇄᢋା 2010- ౫൸Ҵᇄᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقःܛفЬᏏ഻ձಣ 2011!!ᇄࠓߞᄹτᏱजقཿ
ঐ 2014!!ᛛ߇ᇮ . ࢺҖ၊ঐȂུЗᓣȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2014!!ᛛ߇ᇮ . ࢺҖ၊ঐȂߝᕫजȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ࢺҖ၊ϊঐȂུЗᓣȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2012!!ࢺҖ၊ঐȂؔᛀ؇ȂུԽȂѯᢋ 2011!!ࢺҖ၊ঐȂJT ࿌хޫȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2011!!Зϟ߇ᇮ ȗ ࢺҖ၊ϊঐȂུЗᓣȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!Ԃᘡᝡ . ࿌хΚฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!ାീ៕ཽ . ᑲࠣۺȂାȂѯᢋ 2012!!ؗᏏାඵ . ထඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ಒѳ۪ 2012 ࿌хЬᏏᚗԒ . ѯϜН഻༫ୣȃϜҔख܉இȃੁ༫ᑫ࢈ۻНϾȂѯϜȃѯіȃੁ༫Ȃѯᢋ 2012!!ѯᢋ Ȇ २ኋਫฬӫঢ়һࢻ . ҴЯख܉ᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂൊีٿτۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ାजዪ 2012ȂାҀҴजᓣȂାȂѯᢋ 2012!!࿌хЬᏏུᇽ . ࡛ᑘ WT ࢺҖ၊ȂߝᕫजȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ࢺҖ၊ Y е❐഻ձᖓȂѯࠓҢࣁजᏱᓣȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2011!!ϨᏏ @" ٦ϳᖓȂѯϜНऽᓣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!Ӳᘫહ Back to InnocenceȂུᔼጇᓟȂାȂѯᢋ 2011!!ϨᏏ @" ٦ϳᖓȂѯࠓҢࣁजᏱᓣȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2011!!ӓΫѳਯܛقЬᏏᢏኟȂထȃߞᄹඃȂѯіѯࠓȂѯᢋ! 2010!!ϨᏏ @" ٦ϳᖓȂஆҀНϾϜЗȂஆȂѯᢋ! 2010!!ߞᄹτᏱजق৲Ңᖓ 2010ȂҴЯख܉ᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!MXVWa ུᗝኊᒶȂѯізຸΡᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!98 ԒାҀजঢ়ᖓȂାҀНϾϜЗȂାȂѯᢋ 2009!!ऺೈ߇഻ձᖓȂߞᄹඃȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2012!!ಒѳ۪ 2012 ࿌хЬᏏᚗԒུؿȃ഻ུዪኊӈȂߧවዪ 2012!!ାजዪЬᏏጳீȂΤᒶ 2011!!ஆҀ 100 Ԓ࡚㣸᠗जЬᏏȂٺձ 2011!!ಒ 12 ۪ᕧྪजЬᏏȂΤᒶ 2011!!ಒ 11 ۪ѯᢋርཽڟЬᏏȂΤᒶ 2011!!ߞᄹτᏱಒΡ۪जققЬᏏȂᓻᒶ 2011!!ࡏݎजЬᏏጳீȂᓻᒶ 2011!!ಒ 58 ۪ϜഌजᏏீȂΤᒶ 2010!!ᔗᗝ፝Ⱥ2010 ѯᢋЬᏏུᇽȻኊӈȂΤᒶ 2010!!ಒή۪!2010 ࿌хЬᏏᚗԒུؿȃ഻ུዪኊӈȂٺձ 2010!!ུӏርԥ४ϵѨ )MXVWa ུ * ᗝኊᒶȂΤᒶ! 2010!!ஆҀΟΫΟԒ࡚㣸᠗जजЬᏏȂΤᒶ 2010!!ࠓᛐዪᚗԒᄳಒ 31 ۪ࠓᛐजЬᏏȂٺձ 2010!!ҴЯख܉ᓣಒ 37 ۪ӓߨԒᏱҢਫฬЩᗊЬᏏަཽಣȂٺձ 2010!!ߞᄹτᏱಒΚ۪जقق ) ᔜज * ЬᏏȂಒ 2 ӫ 2009!!ΟΫΥԒାҀजঢ়ᖓ ) ЬᏏ * ኊӈȂΤᒶ 2009!!ஆҀΟΫΥԒ࡚㣸᠗जजЬᏏȂΤᒶ 2009!!ΟΫΥԒࠓᛐዪ ) ѯࠓᑫज * ЬᏏȂٺձ 2009!!ߞᄹτᏱຝញ ) قᚡᄃձᏱߝ * ЬᏏȂಒ 1 ӫ 2009!!ಒ 21 ۪ᕧྪजЬᏏ ȗ Τᒶ 2009!!ାҀਫݳᏱཽಒ 2 ۪ ) ାࣷ * ӓਫݳЩᗊȂಒ 3 ӫ! 2008!!ΟΫΝԒାҀजঢ়ᖓ ) ЬᏏ *Ȃಒ 3 ӫ 2008!!ಒ 12 ۪ᚗڸजτަཽಣȂٺձ 2008!!ߞᄹτᏱຝញᏱقϟق ) ص * ЬᏏȂٺձ 2008!!࠳ۻज៕ཽ ) ࠳ۻज * ݎР൭؆ȂΤᒶ 2008!!ҴЯख܉ᓣಒ 46 ۪ӓߨԒᏱҢਫฬЩᗊЬᏏτಣȂಒ 4 ӫ ڑᙡ 2013!ȮґޤϜޠᄈၘȯᕖାҀजᓣ!!ڑᙡ 2013!ȮᑪϜ൷ޠ׳ძȯᕖାҀजᓣ!!ڑᙡ 2012!Ȯߓ८ϟίޠᑀҴȯᕖߞࢻजᓣ!!ڑᙡ 2012!ȮᎉଠϜޠۗȯᕖҴѯᢋजᓣ!!ڑᙡȞߨԒঢ়ձࠣڑᙡȟ 2008!ȮᒃဩᚗᘆȯᕖҴЯख܉ᓣ!!ڑᙡ
1989!!Born in Kaohsiung , Taiwan 2011!!M.F.A. National Taiwan Normal University 2010!!B.F.A. Chang Jung Christian University Solo Exhibitions 2014!!0XWDWLRQ EHDVWV RI ODQJXDJH Ă RZHUV +XQJ 0LQ <X 6ROR ([KLELWLRQ 6LQJ $UW *DOOHU\ 7DLQDQ 7DLZDQ 2014!!0XWDWLRQ EHDVWV RI ODQJXDJH Ă RZHUV +XQJ 0LQ <X 6ROR ([KLELWLRQ $UWKLV )LQH $UW 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2013!!Hung Min-Yu Small Solo Exhibition, Sing Art Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan 2012!!Hung Min-Yu Solo Exhibition, Safulak Art Village, HsinChu, Taiwan 2011!!Hung Min-Yu Solo Exhibition, IS Contemporary Art Space, Tainan, Taiwan 2011!!+HDUW RI ODQJXDJH Ă RZHUV +XQJ 0LQ <X 6PDOO 6ROR ([KLELWLRQ 6LQJ $UW *DOOHU\ 7DLQDQ 7DLZDQ Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2013!!9HU\ +D]\ $ *DOOHU\ 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2013!!2013 Art Kaohsiung, Chateau de Chine Hotel, Kaohsiung ,Taiwan 2012!!The 4nd Taipei International Modern Ink Painting Biennial, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall ,Cultural & Creative Industries Park ,Taoyuan County Government Department of Cultural Affair ,Taipei ,Taichung ,Taoyuan ,Taiwan 2012!!TaiwanČ&#x2020;Chongqing painting and calligraphy Exhibition, National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Young Art Taipei 2012, Sheraton Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Kaohsiung Awards 2012, Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2012!!Two Face Contemporary Ink Wark Exhibition-Tsong Chien-Ying V.S Hung Min-Yu, Arthis Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Hung Min-Yu Ă&#x2014; Wang Yun-Hsuan Creation Of Group Exhibition, National Tainan Living Art Center, Tainan, Taiwan 2011!!Shih Mo Č&#x2030; !Six-People Group Exhibition, Taichung Wenying Hall, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Back to Innocence, Sin Pink Pier, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2011!!Shih Mo Č&#x2030; !Six-People Group Exhibition, National Tainan Living Art Center, Tainan, Taiwan 2011!!14 School Art Department of the National University Ink Painting Exhibition, De Chiun Gallery, C.J.C.U. Gallery, Taipei, Tainan, Taiwan 2010!!Shih Mo Č&#x2030; !Six-People Group Exhibition, Keelung Cultural Center, Keelung, Taiwan 2010!!C.J.C.U Teachers and Students Group Exhibition, National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!-XVWa 1HZ $UW ,QYLWHG ([KLELWLRQ 6HOHFWLRQ 7DLSHL :RUOG 7UDGH &HQWHU +DOO 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2010!!Group Exhibition Of Kaohsiung Artists, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2009!!Jasmine Creation Of Group Exhibition, C.J.C.U. Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan Awards 2012!!)LUVW 3UL]H 7KH QG 7DLSHL ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0RGHUQ ,QN 3DLQWLQJ %LHQQLDO 2012!!Short-Listed, Kaohsiung Awards 2012, Ink and Glue Color Painting Category. 2011!!Award of Merit, Keelung Arts Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2011!!Short-Listed, The 12th Huang-Shi Art Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2011!!Short-Listed, The 11th Taiwan International Association Of Art, Ink Wash Painting Category. 2011!!Award of Merit, The 2th C.J.C.U. Department of Fine Arts Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2011!!Award of Merit, Pingtung County Art Exhibition, Ink and Glue Color Painting Category. 2011!!Short-Listed, The 58th Central Taiwan Art Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2010!!,QYLWHG WR´ 5HYLYDO RI &KLQHVH ,QN 3DLQWLQJ LQ 7DLZDQÂľOHY\ DZDUG 2010!!Award of Merit, The 3nd Taipei International Modern Ink Painting Biennial. 2010!!6KLQ .RQJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $UW &R /LG -XVWa1HZ $UW ,QYLWHG ([KLELWLRQ RI 6HOHFWHG 2SWLRQV 2010!!Short-Listed, Keelung Arts Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2010!!Award of Merit, Nanying Biennale, Ink Wash Painting Category. 2010!!Award of Merit, National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall the 37th National Youth Paintin É? calligraphy competition, Social Group. 2010!!6HFRQG 3UL]H 7KH WK & - & 8 'HSDUWPHQW RI )LQH $UWV ([KLELWLRQ 3OD\ %HDXW\ ,QN DQG :DVK 3DLQWLQJ &DWHJRU\ 2009!!Group Exhibition of Kaohsiung Artists (Ink Category) levy award. 2009!!Short-Listed, Keelung Arts Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2009!!Award of Merit, Nanying Art Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2009!!)LUVW 3UL]H & - & 8 'HSDUWPHQW RI 9LVXDO $UWV 7RSLFV ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQV 6FKRODUVKLS ,QN DQG :DVK 3DLQWLQJ &DWHJRU\ 2009!!Short-Listed, The 10th Huang-Shi Art Exhibition, Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2009!!7KLUG 3UL]H .DRKVLXQJ &LW\ &KLQHVH &DOOLJUDSK\ 6RFLHW\ RI WK .DRKVLXQJ &XS 1DWLRQDO &DOOLJUDSK\ &RPSHWLWLRQ 2008!!7KLUG 3UL]H *URXS ([KLELWLRQ RI .DRKVLXQJ $UWLVWV ([KLELWLRQ RI .DRKVLXQJ $UWLVWV ,QN DQG :DVK 3DLQWLQJ &DWHJRU\ 2008!!Award of Merit, The 12th Shuang Ho Art Exhibition, College Social Group. 2008!!Award of Merit, C.J.C.U. Department of Visual Arts Exhibition (Mad Art) - Ink and Wash Painting Category. 2008!!Short-Listed, Tainan Fu Cheng Art Exhibition-Oriental Media Category. 2008!!7KLUG 3UL]H 1DWLRQDO 6XQ <DW 6HQ 0HPRULDO +DOO WKH WK 1DWLRQDO <RXWK 3DLQWLQJ É? calligraphy competition, College Group. Collections 2013 ČŽUnknown in the dialogueČŻ collected by Collection of the Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2012 ČŽBeneath the surface of the independentČŻcollected by Collection of the Chan Liu Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 ČŽBeginning of reincarnationČŻcollected by Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts !!!!!!Č&#x17E;Collection of Works from Young ArtistsČ&#x;, Taichung, Taiwan 2008 ČŽBanana leaf double doveČŻcollected by Collection of the National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 61
೩֘❒ Chun-Wei Hsu
1984 !Ңܼᇄᢋპဏ 2010 -!౫൸Ҵᇄᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقज഻ձ౪፤ಣീςੳ 2010!!Ҵᇄᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقःܛفЬᏏ഻ձಣཿ 2006!!Ҵᇄᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقЬᏏಣཿ ঐ 2010!!ᛛם . ೩֘❒഻ձȂ৲τထඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2005!!৲τᇨആ . ೩֘❒ȃጿيըᚗঐȂპဏ២ၿ؇ȂპဏȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!ॵڋౢໍɯᇄ৲τീᆉུࢍϊࠣȂҴЯख܉ᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!࡛ΚԼԒఁيഌϵӔޫࢍजȂఁيഌȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!2009 ݎۭᅕࢻФር഻ձȂᇄݎۭϵ༫ȂᇄݎȂѯᢋ 2009!!ᐃ . ᇄᢋீᏏུޠҢхᢏᘉȂऌτϜЗȂݔȂѯᢋ 2009!!༰Ꮚȅ༰ . ၇ဋኈϤȂᇄϜҀНϾΩޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!Ꮟτ . ೩֘❒ȃጿيըȃ৹ડቷήȂ৲τထฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!ུࣻӤЗ༬ . ࿌хᖓȂპဏҀҴീޑᓣȂპဏȂѯᢋ 2002!!ཇಡबޠᖆ෦ . ചল 3113 ৲ҢᖓȂპဏҀНϾϜЗȂპဏȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2011!! 2011 ାዪȂΤᒶ 2010!!ಒή۪ᇄіᑫज഻ձུዪȂΤᒶ 2010!!ಒή۪ᇄі࿌хЬᏏᚗԒུؿዪȂᓻᒶ 2009!!ಒΝ۪ੁྜ഻ձዪȂΤᒶ 2008!!ಒΫή۪τቭजீᏏȂΤᒶ 2004!!ಒή۪ீᏏུ፭Ȃུዪ 2001!!ಒϥΫϥ۪ӓࣹजЬீฬȂᓻᒶ
1984!!Born in Chi-Yi, Taiwan 2010-!3K ' VWXGHQW PDMRULQJ LQ $UWV &UHDWLRQ 7KHRU\ 1718 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2010!!0 ) $ 0DMRULQJ LQ &KLQHVH ,QN 3DLQWLQJ 'HSDUWPHQW RI )LQH $UW 1718 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2006!!B.F.A. National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan Solo Exhibitions 2010!!Human-Animal, Chun-Wei Hsu Sole Exhibition, Tehchun Art Gallery, NTNU, Taipei, Taiwan 2005!!NTNU Production Chun-wei Hsu and Yu-you Tsai Joint Exhibition, Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!5DEELW Ă \ 0HQJMLQ 7DLZDQ 1RUPDO 8QLYHUVLW\ %RVKXR 1HZ <HDU FRPHG\ VKRZ 1DWLRQDO 'U 6XQ <DW VHQ 0HPRULDO +DOO 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2011!!Founding of a century of public space Spring Art Exhibition, Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!New Impressions and Perspectives: The Young Generation of Taiwan Colored Ink Painting, Visual Art Center, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan 2009!!&UHDWLYH *UDIĂ&#x20AC;WL $UW ,QVWDOODWLRQ ([KLELWLRQ 7DLFKXQJ &LW\ &XOWXUDO $IIDLUV %XUHDX 3RZHU 6SDFH 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2009!!Heavy Ink Chun-Wei Hsu, Yu-You Tsai & Tsi-Kuan Shiu, Joint Exhibition, Teh Chun Art Gallery NTNU, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!The Cross Generation of Taiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Studio, Chiayi Municipal Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan 2005!!NTNU Production Chun-wei Hsu, and Yu-you Tsai, Joint Exhibition, Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi, Taiwan 2002!!The Reproduction of Art Stem Cells: 2002 Jhe Chen Joint Exhibition with Students, Chiayi City Cultural Center, Chiayi, Taiwan Awards 2011!!2011 Kaohsiung Awards 2010!!7KH UG ´$ULVLQJ $UWLVW $ZDUG RI 7DLSHL &RXQW\Âľ 2010!!([FHOOHQFH 3UL]H 7KH UG 7DLSHL ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0RGHUQ ,QN 3DLQWLQJ %LHQQLDO 1HZ %ORRG 2009!!Selected Award, The 7th Taoyuan Creation Awards 2008!!Selected Award, The 13th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City (Color Ink Painting) 2004!!New Artist Award, The 3rd Tsai Mo New Artist Awards 2001!!Merit Award, The 55th Taiwan Provincial Fine Art Exhibition (Watercolor)
يპ Yu-Chia Chang
1983!!Ңܼᇄᢋᇄі 2010!!ᄕϾ৲ጓτᏱजقःܛفཿ 2005!!ѯϜఁيτᏱजᏱقཿ Ꮊ؇ 2012!!НϾഌຝញᇅߓᅌϘяᎺ؇ІһࢻॏฬजݱςႴ Contemporary Arts International ,Inc.! a !20 ဵঙ৳២ၿ؇Ꮊયঢ় ঐ 2013!!ਫܙઢၘ - يპ 2013 ঐȂMad LȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!WOODY WOODY- يპ 2012 ঐȂCAIȂݱςႴȂज 2011!!ҢϾзх - يპ 2011 ঐȂߩฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!ആ 27- يპ 2010 ঐȂҷҸНޫȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!ጱ . يპ 2009 ঐȂѯϜҀНϾϜЗΩޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!ѯࠓീ៕ཽȂτቈᝌጞۺȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2013!!α࠳Ҁീ៕ཽȂαᒤ༫ᝌۺȂαȂϜ 2013!!ѯϜീ៕ཽȂߝڑۺȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ѯࠓീ៕ཽȂτቈᝌጞ!ۺѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2013!!ASIA TOP GALLERY HOTEL ART FAIR AHAF2013ȂݎРНۺȂॸ෬ 2011!!ѯіርീ៕ཽȂѯізຸΚᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!ӓजȂҴजᓣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!൲બ⁆!ུзхԒ࡚ . ࿌хЬᏏȂ൲ฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!ȮϮȅ຺ȯ. ࢻޠਣໆ 20 ဵঙ৳Ꮊયঢ়Кᛳ௦ΩȂ20 ဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!Ϝяઢᆡ!ᚗঐ 20 ဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!GEISAI TAIWANȂύН੬ୣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2008!!Boys Gone Wild" ѳᖓȂ൸ӶȂѯіȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2013!!ѯࠓུዪȂΤ൝ 2012!!ѯᢋजུᇽҴᡞ഻ձȂॷዪ 2011!!ӓज!ུ൭ᡞȂΤᒶ 2011!!जᓣߨԒᗋᙡॏฬȂΤᒶ ڑᙡ 2013!ȮᕖղӅདྷሇܿޠᐈשϟ 1.2.3ȯᕖѯϜҴजᓣ!ڑᙡ 2012!ȮղӅདྷሇܿޠᐈשϟ 10ȯᕖѯϜ෬ୣϜЗ!ڑᙡ 2010!ȮղӅདྷሇܿޠᐈשϟ 9.10ȯᕖНϾഌማᗋᙡॏฬ
1983 Born in Taipei, Taiwan. 2010!!M.F.A. National Changhua University of Education, Department of Fine Art 2005!!B.F.A. National Taichung University of Education, Department of Fine Art Residescy 2012!!Ccontemporary Arts International, Inc., Boston, U.S.A. 2008-2010 The Stock 20 in Taichung Railway Station,Taichung,Taiwan Solo Exhibitions 2013!!Mythology in the Study Room, Chang,Yu-chia solo Exhibition, Mad L, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Woody Woody, Yu-chia Chang solo Exhibition, Contemporary Arts International, Inc., Boston, U.S.A. 2011!!Biochemistry Generation, Yu-chia Chang solo Exhibition, Non-gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!Biochemical People 27, Yu-chia Chang solo Exhibition, PINGPONG ART, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!Yu-chia Chang solo Exhibition , Taichung Municipal Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!ART TAINAN, Tayih Landis Hotel Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan 2013!!CITIZEN ART SHANGHAI, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai, Chia 2013 ART TAICHUNG, The Splendor Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!ART TAINAN, Tayih Landis Hotel Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan 2013!!ASIA TOP GALLERY HOTEL ART FAIR AHAF 2013, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong, Chia 2011!!ART TATPEI, Taipei Word Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!ROC National Art Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!YOUNG ART Taipei, Taipei Contemporary Hotel Art Fair, Der-Horng Art Gallery, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!My Humble House â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Exhibition of a New Generation: Contemporary ink and wash, My Humble House Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!([KLELWLRQ ´672&. Âľ 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2010!!YOUNG ART Taipei-Taipei Contemporary Hotel Art Fair, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!([KLELWLRQ ´672&. Âľ 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2009!!GEISAI TAIWAN, Huashan1914Č&#x2020;Cerative Park ,Taipei, Taiwan 2008!!Boys Gone Wild", PROJECT FULFILL ART SPACE, Taipei, Taiwan Awards 2013!!Top Six of Next Art in Tainan 2012!!7RS 3UL]H RI 1HZO\ (PHUJLQJ $UWLVWV LQ 7DLZDQ 2011!!Selected Work in the New Media Art category at the 2011!!ROC National Art Exhibition Collections 2013 ČŽYou Have No Chance to Control Me1.2.3. ČŻ collected by Art Bank Collection Program, Ministry of Culture 2012 ČŽYou Have No Chance to Control Me 10. ČŻ collected by Taichung City Seaport Art Center 2010 ČŽYou Have No Chance to Control Me 9.10.!ČŻ collected by Selected Work in the Young Artist Collection
࡛ᑘ Chien-Ying Tseng
1987!!Ңܼѯᢋࠓ 2013!!ҴѯіτᏱजق഻ձᆉςੳ 2005!!Ҵѯᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقЬᏏಣ ঐ 2013!!Չᡞષඣ . ࡛ᑘঐȂࠓඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!Эఽఴ . ࡛ᑘঐ഻ձȂNf;mjv ᔕᄃᡜඃȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!Thw Glory Hole. ঐȂҴѯіτᏱΥέΡϸϟΚඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!២υ!ঐȂឨ߇Ңګ୬ᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!ξКॏฬșಒΚঐΚԼ!ঐȂߝᕫजȂѯϜȂѯᢋ!! ᖓ! 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!ᡑᇅӕҢȂτຬޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ԂᘡᝡȂ࿌хΑฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!࡛ᑘ 0 еᑺၿᚗঐȂᑹࠣϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ЬᏏ online; ̘зхᖓȂٖಗȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ᔤᄙȂᑹࠣϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂൊีٿ!ۺѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!࡛ᑘ v.s. ࢺҖ၊ . ࿌хЬᏏུᇽᖓ!ߝᕫज!ѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!҂Ԉ ۥ. ࡛ᑘȃݔဏᚗঐȂࠓඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!ЬᏏ๕ . ᖓȂࠓіฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ! 2011!!ਐீᙕᙔ . ѯᢋጳீུཏຬᖓȂݎτᏱϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!2011 ାजዪᖓȂାҀҴजᓣȂାȂѯᢋ 2011!!ሊРߞޠᎇ . ϭۈԚ࣐ղ߭ޠ৷ȂіτӵίजᓣȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2010!!Ңࣁ . ѳீᏏུᇮཋȂᑹࠣϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!2009 ାዪȂାҀҴजᓣȂାȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2013!!зԋजᏱዪș഻ձ᜔ֆșആ 2012!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽུዙ፭Ȃഷٺຠቸዪ 2011!!ାዪЬᏏጳீȂᓻᒶ 2010!!ЬᏏᚗԒȂٺձ 2009!!ାዪЬᏏጳீȂΤᒶ ! ڑᙡ 2013!ȮณܛϛӶߓޠᅌȯᕖҴѯᢋजᓣ!!ڑᙡ 2008!Ȯძϟࠓ .. ঢ়ޠГញȯᕖҴѯᢋ৲ጓτᏱ!!ڑᙡ
1987!!Born in Nantou, Taiwan 2013!!0 ) $ 3URJUDP GHSDUWPHQW RI Ă&#x20AC;QH DUW 1DWLRQDO 7DLSHL 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $UW 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2009!!B.F.A. Department of Fine Art, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan Solo Exhibitions 2013!!The Sketch of Flesh Tseng Chienying Solo Exhibition, Nanhai gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2013!!Colgate Tseng Chienying Solo Exhibition, ME:LIU gallery, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!The Glory Hole--Tseng Chienying Solo Exhibition, 8and1/2 gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!Iron Virgin Solo Exhibition Tseng Chienying, Salt Peanut Factory gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!7KH 2QH 7KRXVDQG +DQG 3URMHFW 7KH )LUVW 2QH +XQGUHG 6ROR ([KLELWLRQ $UWKLV JDOOHU\ 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!Metamorphosis and Regeneration, Da xiang art space, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!9HU\ +D]\ $ *DOOHU\ 7DLSHL 7DLZDQ 2013!!Ink Painting Online--Next Generation Joint Exhibition, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan 2013!!Tseng Chienying/Wang Hsindao Exhibition, Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Mimicry, Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!Tseng Chienying/ Hung Mingyu â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Ink Painting Today, Arthis Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Parallel Universe, Nanhai gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!Ink Painting Gruel, TNUA South and North Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!The Haunting Colorâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;The New Face of Taiwan Gouache Painting, TONGHAI Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Kaohsiung Awards, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2011!!The Elder From Far Awayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Tonight We Become Your Believer, TNUA Uderground Museum of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!YOUNG ART TAIPEI, SUNWORLD DYNASTY HOTEL, Taipei, Taiwan 2010!!The Corner of Life: Color Ink Painting of New Four Young Artists, Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan 2009!!Kaohsiung Awards, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Awards 2013!!S-An Cultural Foundation, Visual Arts Sponsor 2012!!YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Young Art Award 2011!!Kaohsiung Award Ink Painting Classes Excellent Work Awards 2010!!Ink Painting Biennial, Excellent Work Awards 2009!!Kaohsiung Award Ink Painting Selected Awards Collections 2013 ČŽThe Omnipresent PerformancesČŻ collected by Nation Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2008 ČŽThe south of nationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the illusion of an artistČŻ collected by National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
༂ՎҔ Chih-Cheng Huang
1988 !Ңܼᇄᢋ़ਹ 2013!!ݎτᏱजःܛف഻ձಣ 2010!!ࡏݎఁيτᏱຝញق ঐ 2014!!หᒻ۠ޠȂำඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!ԇӶᇅདྷ࡚ޠȂ྇ൺ૫ 0 ༂ՎҔཿᚗঐȂݎϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ГϾޠҘࡰȂ[ ਫܙȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ॶ༫ȂੀᅮȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2012!!2369 ࡔ 33 ϟ 2 ဵȂB, ޫȂݎτᏱѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ົ౫ᄃॴෂȂϊॸᒃኂܙȂାȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!2014 ାዪȂାҀҴजᓣȂାȂѯᢋ 2014!!ᡑӕҢȂτຬඃȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ѯࠓུዪȂRoom AȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2013!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂൊีٿۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2013!!ѯࠓീ៕ཽȂτቈᝌጞۺȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2013!!өՍޠਢโȂZ ਫܙȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ԟࢍშȂзࣩฬඃȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ѯіርീ៕ȂѯізຸࣩܿϜЗȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!൹ӬᡞȂݎτᏱ 43 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ାजɯ YoungȂτݎϜЗȂାȂѯᢋ 2012!!ᢏ࠳ҀȂݎτᏱ 43 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ԄݏԥΚӈٲ२्ޠȂ݃ීᓢᢉȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ੁ༫഻ձዪȂੁ༫ᑫНϾȂੁ༫Ȃѯᢋ 2012!!ࡏݎजȂࡏݎजᓣȂࡏݎȂѯᢋ 2012!!2012 ାዪȂାҀҴजᓣȂାȂѯᢋ 2011!!ུіҀ഻ձུዪȂུіҀНϾȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!29 ۪ੁྜजȂੁ༫ᑫНϾȂੁ༫Ȃѯᢋ 2011!!ݎτᏱजقΡΫΥ۪৲ҢजȂτቭඃȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ၒЗᅼȂजقःུܛفҢᖓȂݎτᏱ 54 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2014!!ାዪޏฬȂΤᒶ 2013!!ݎτᏱ৲Ңजःܛف՚ฬಣȂಒΚӫ 2013!!ѯࠓུዪȂΤ൝! 2012!!ུіҀུዪȂΤᒶ! 2012!!ੁ༫഻ձዪȂΤᒶ! 2012!!ାዪឹኈȂΤᒶ! 2011!!ུіҀ഻ձུዪȂΤᒶ! 2011!!ੁྜजጳீಣȂಒήӫ 2011!!ུзхਫࡍ೪ॏЩᗊȂ഻ཏዪ! 2011!!ݎτᏱ৲ҢजःܛفጳீಣȂಒΡӫ! 2009!!ࡏݎఁيτᏱਯኋज҂८ȂಒΡӫ 2008!!ࡏݎఁيτᏱຝញققज՞҂८ಣȂಒΚӫ
1988!!Born in MiaoLi, Taiwan 2013!!M.F.A. Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University 2010!!B.F.A. Department of Visual Arts, National Pingtung University of Education Solo Exhibitions 2014 Awakening of the season, Yup Arts, Taipei, Taiwan 2013!!The World Between Reality And Imagination,Lanin Yang / Huang Chih Cheng Graduation Solo Exhibition, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Memento mori , Z space, Taichung 2012 Food Paradise, Nightingale Art, Tainan, Taiwan 2012!!Food Paradise, Nightingale Art, Tainan 2012!!Lane No. 22 of 1258-1, A+ Art Space, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Surreal Landscape, LittleBanana Art &Kitchen , Kaohsiung, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!Kaohsiung Awards 2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2014!!Metamorphosis and Regeneration, Da xiang art space, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Next Art Tainan 2013, Room A, Tainan, Taiwan 2013!!Taipei International Hotel Art Fair YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Taipei, Taiwan 2013!!ART TAINAN 2013, Tayih Landis Hotel, Tainan, Taiwan 2013!!Urge for Going, Zspace, Taichung, Taiwan, Taiwan 2013!!5RRNLH ([KLELWLRQ 6KLMLH *DOOHU\ 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2012!!ART TAIPEI, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Chimera, Tunghai University 43, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!Kaohsiung Fine Arts, Sprout Young, Dadong Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2012!!Concept city, Tunghai University 43, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!If One Thing Is Important, MSTEA, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!The 10th Taoyuan Creation Award, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan County Government, Taoyuan, Taiwan 2012!!Pingtung Fine Arts Exhibition, Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung, Taiwan 2012!!Kaohsiung Awards 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2011!!The Arising Arist Award of New Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!The 29 th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Taoyuan, Taiwan 2011!!Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University Art students 28, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Poetic madness Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan Awards 2014!!.DRKVLXQJ $ZDUGV :RRGEORFN 3ULQW 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2013!!Tunghai University Institute of Fine Arts Exhibition, graduate West Painting, First Place Award 2013!!1H[W $UW 7DLQDQ 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2012!!7KH $ULVLQJ $ULVW $ZDUG RI 1HZ 7DLSHL &LW\ 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2012!!7KH WK 7DR\XDQ &RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW $ZDUG 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2012!!.DRKVLXQJ $ZDUGV 'LJLWDO 3ODQH 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2011!!7KH $ULVLQJ $ULVW $ZDUG RI 1HZ 7DLSHL &LW\ 6HOHFWHG 3UL]H 2011!!The 29 th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Gouache Group, Third Place Award 2011!!New Generation Book Cover Desing Competition, Creative Award 2011!!Tunghai University Institute of Fine Arts Exhibition, Gouache Group, Second Place Award 2009!!Pingtung University of Education , Anniversary Art Exhibition , Second Place Award 2008!!National Pingtung University of Education Department, Digital Plane Group, First Place Award
༂ࢨᆱ Po-Wei Huang 1982!!Ңܼᇄᢋᇄݎ 2014.!!!!!!౫൸Ҵᇄᢋ৲ጓτᏱजᏱقज഻ձ౪፤ಣീςੳ 2010!!!!!!!ݎजقःܛفጳீಣཿ! 2012-2014!!ѯϜΡΫဵঙ৳!Ꮊ؇ঢ় ঐ 2014!!ಁҢ . ༂ࢨᆱঐȂᔑݎऌτᏱ!ϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2013!!༂ࢨᆱᑀҴঐȂҪՔϊࡑȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2012!!༂ࢨᆱ . ՖঐȂΡΫဵঙ৳!ᛱޫѯᢋȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!༂ࢨᆱ .3122 ঐȂߝᕫजȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2010!!ᔤᄙ . ༂ࢨᆱঐȂߝᕫजȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!༂ࢨᆱ . ཿঐȂݎτᏱ!ϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!ᙬ . ༂ࢨᆱ഻ձঐȂݎ 43 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!ฬᚡѯᢋȂѯϜНϾ഻ཏ༫ୣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2014 ΥέΡϸϟΚУѯȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!༄ໍϾ . ΡΫဵঙ৳Ꮊયঢ়ᖓȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ܜᇅ഻șݎጳீఁي੬ȂݎτᏱϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2013!!տདԥདȂोޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ґԚɯϥᖓȂٴԾȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2013!!ߨࢍѷ༫ȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!3P ᢏಁȃฬঢ়ȃ๋ȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!α࠳Ҁീ៕ཽȂϥξԒȂαȂϜ 2012!!ѯᢋൣژɯѯᢋजᚗԒȂҴѯᢋजᓣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ࠓ৭ርजዪȂѯݎजᓣȂѯݎȂѯᢋ 2012!!Τძ . ΡΫဵঙ৳Ꮊયঢ়ߒᖓȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!Mancy's Art Night Mancy's Tokyo ȂٶݎȂСҐ 2012!!Y.E.S Taiwan IV - Young Emerging Stars Taiwan IVȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ! 2012!!ᔤᄙɯீᏏѳᖓȂᑹࠣϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2012!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂൊีٿτۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ົུȂٴԾȃՍҦϵ൴ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ! 2011!!ߩᜱሇ२ȂԼฬඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ! 2011!!BORN! BOOM!!ུᎡᖓȂCMP BLOCK ༖जЉӵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!2011 ᙠቶൡ٪ᅕࢻФϵ༫഻ձȂᙠቶᅕࢻФϵ༫ȂࡏݎȂѯᢋ 2010!!+PLUS Tokyo Contemporary Art FairȂजഌȂٶݎȂСҐ 2010!!ኈзхޠᛳฬፑ .. Ᏹଲ౫ຬᑑُȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!དྷ ten -2010 ຝ࿘ঢ়ീ៕ཽȂΡΫဵঙ৳ȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!τ٭ീ៕ཽ ART OSAKAȂСҐ!τ٭Ȃη፹ඃ! 2009!!ѯіር࿌хീ៕ཽ Young Art TaipeiȂе්τۺȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!Y.E.S., Taiwan--Young Emerging Stars!TaiwaoȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2009!!২ீۮۭڎጳீฬ١ଠȂཉߟजᓣȂཉߟȂϜ 2008!!ҢȅᡑᆎȂུҢхጳீঢ়ᖓȂդӏጣजᓣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2008!!ݎҰϟजҢᄙฬ . ᖓȂݎҰ໑ᅤጇᓟȂპဏȂѯᢋ! 2008!!һཽ . ݎτᏱጳீ৲ҢᖓȂݎτᏱϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2008!!༂ࢨᆱ & ඈណው . ᚗঐȂݎ 54 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2008!!٦ٱٳгഎϛٗ . Խ৲ / ݎ / ᄕ৲ήਯᖓȂݎ 43 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2013!!ѯࠓུዪȂΤ൝ 2012!!ࠓ৭ርजዪȂማዪ 2009!!ѯᢋजུᇽ҂८Ȃॷዪ! 2009!!ᕖٶᝌᐪጳீዪᏱߝՎСҐ! 2009!!ࡏݎዪЬᏏጳீȂᓻᒶ! 2007!!ݎτᏱज!ق36 ۪قጳீȂಒΚӫ! 2006!!ݎτᏱज!ق35 ۪قጳீȂಒΚӫ! ڑᙡ 2013!ȮҘࡰጜಭȯᕖҴѯᢋजᓣ!ڑᙡ 2012!ȮঐઢၘȯᕖҴѯᢋजᓣ!ڑᙡ 2012!Ȯ༺ܝջѼດȯᕖҴѯᢋजᓣ!ڑᙡ 2012!Ȯᘟშȯᕖѯݎजᓣ!ڑᙡ 2009!ȮᅟਣȯᕖѯϜ෬ୣϜЗ!ڑᙡ 70
1982 born in Taitung 2014Ph.D. Department of Fine Art, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 M.F.A Tunghai University, Department of Fine Arts 2012-2014 Residency in Art Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan. Solo Exhibitions 2014!!Beings Solo Exhibition by Po-Wei Huang, Ling Tung University, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Po-Wei Huang Solo Exhibition, Maison Blanche, Tainan, Taiwan 2012!!Insect, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Solo Exhibition by Po-Wei Huang in 2011, ARTHIS FINE ART, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Mimicking, Solo Exhibition By Po-Wei Huang , ARTHIS FINE ART, Taichung. Taiwan 2010!!Po-Wei Huang Solo Exhibition, Tung-Hai University Art Gallery Taichung, Taiwan 2009!!Bugs Solo Exhibition, Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!Taiwan as from the painterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eye, Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park, Taichung, Taiwan. 2014!!The Eight and One Half Platform, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Evolution in the dark, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Tradition and Innovation A Special Exhibition of Tunghai University (Fine Art Department) Asian 2013!!Cold Feeling Hot, Derive Art + CafĂŠ Amarcord, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!To Be Continued, YAMI ART, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!Paradise Lost Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!3P- Audience, Painter and Curator, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!CITZEN SHANGHA, 5000 Years Fine Art Gallery, Shanghai, China 2012!!YES TAIWAN-2012 Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum Of Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!Austronesian International Arts Award 2012 , Taitung Art Museum, Taitung, Taiwan 2012!!Y.E.S., Taiwan-- Young Emerging Stars, Taiwan IV, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Mancy's Tokyo Art Nights, Tokyo, Japan 2012!!On Air, Stock 20, Taichung Taiwan 2012!!Mimicking, GALERIE PIERRE, Taichung Taiwan 2012!!Young Art Taipei, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, ARTHIS FINE ART, Taipei, Taiwan 2012!!Super Novart, Art Anew gallery & cafĂŠ, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!The Uncertain Gravity Of Being, Gallery 100, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!BORN! BOOM! Contemporary Art Exhibition, CMP Block, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Young Art Taipei, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, ARTHIS FINE ART, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!2011 Old Laio dike Driftwood Art Creation Exhibition Park, the old Liao Driftwood Park, Pingtung, Taiwan 2010!!+PLUS Tokyo Contemporary Art Fair, Tokyo Art Club, Tokyo, Japan 2010!!Image Generationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Impulse To Draw/ Paint â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A Glimpse Of The Academic Phenomenon, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!See U Next Ten, Exhibition of Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan, TADA CENTER, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Young Art Taipei, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!Y.E.S., Taiwan-Young Emerging Stars, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!ART OSAKA 2009, Osaka, Japan 2009!!Young Art Taipei, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan 2009!!Cross-Strait Goache e Painting Exhibition Tour, Xiamen, China 2008!!Native. Variants, the new generation of gouache Artists, Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan 2008!!Dongshih Beauty Ecology exhibition, Dongshih Seaport, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 2008!!5HQGH]YRXV 7XQJ +DL 8QLYHUVLW\ *RXDFKH *URXS ([KLELWLRQ 7XQJ +DL 8QLYHUVLW\ $UW *DOOHU\ 7DLFKXQJ 7DLZDQ 2008!!Po-Wei Huang & Yi-Y i Peng Solo Exhibition, Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan 2008!!Those Cows are not Willing to Go -NHUE. Tunghai.NCUE. Group Exhibition, Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan Awards 2013!!Next Art Tainan, Finalist 2012!!Austronesian International Arts Award 2012, silver award 2009!!Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan 2D Creation Series, First Place 2009!!*HW -LQJ KXD OL ]H 6FKRODUVKLS YLVLWHG -DSDQ 2008!!Pingtung Fine Art Exhibition, Ink and gouache painting, honorable mention 2007!!25th Tunhai University Department of Fine Art Exhibition, Ink and gouache painting, First Place 2006!!24th Tunhai University Department of Fine Art Exhibition, Ink and gouache painting, First Place Collections 2013!ČŽExercises Become EternalČŻcollected by Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2012 ČŽPersonal FableČŻcollected by Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2012 ČŽArachneČŻcollected by Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2012 ČŽCut Off TaiČŻcollected by Taitung Art Museum, Taitung, Taiwan 2009 ČŽRomantic TimeČŻcollected by Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan 71
྇ൺ૫ Lan-Yin Yang
1986!!Ңܼᇄᢋᇄі 2011!!ݎτᏱजقःܛف഻ձಣᆉςཿ 2009!!ݎτᏱजق೪ॏಣཿ ঐ 2014!!ཌྷם . ѯࠓུዪ൭ӬȂڎȂѯࠓȂѯᢋ 2012!!-26, 173Ȃ MOT KitchenlightȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2012!!ЬϜၾȂݎτᏱ A+ ޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ۊႅ Ȇ ۊȂݎᙣȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!ུᖑɯѯᢋ 9 ਯजقཿҢ௱ᙩȂѯϜНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2013!!ԇӶᇅདྷ࡚ޠȂݎτᏱϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!ߩСளяक़ɯཌྷᢏᘉȂࠓඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2011!!ۊႅ Ȇ ᗚԥ፣ȉȂݎτᏱ 43 ဵޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ݎτᏱಒΡΫΝ۪৲ҢजȂѯϜНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!ݎτᏱཿȂѯϜНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2007!!ݎτᏱಒΡΫѳ۪৲ҢजȂѯϜНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᕖዪ 2014!!ѯࠓུዪ 20 ՞ུᑺঢ়Τᒶ 2010!!ݎτᏱಒΡΫΝ۪৲ҢजЬᏏಣȂᓻᒶ 2010!!ݎτᏱಒΡΫΝ۪৲Ңज՚ฬಣȂಒήӫ 2007!!ݎτᏱಒΡΫѳ۪৲ҢजЬᏏಣȂಒήӫ
ᗻ!! ׀Yu Han
1987!!ҢܼᇄᢋུԽ 2010.!౫൸ݎτᏱजःܛف഻ձಣ 2010!!ݎτᏱजقཿ ঐ 2012!!ReplayȂϛ೪४ॶޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ ᖓ 2014!!ࣁᡞၦਠ৳ȈᡑםຬޠᏏீᇨആȂη፹ඃȂѯіȂѯᢋ 2014!!Loop- ӶՍញᇅՍׯϜȂᓘۤτᏱϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2014!!ᡑᇅӕҢȂτຬޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2012!!݃СීݔȂ݃ීԈݾȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!֚ҪȂݎ 43 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2011!!ݎτᏱजقΡΫΥ۪৲ҢजȂНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ၒЗᅼɯजقःུܛفҢᖓȂݎ 54 ဵȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!८Ӫ Ȇ ८ࣻȂݎτᏱޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2010!!ݎτᏱजقΡΫΝ۪৲ҢजȂτቭНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!שԕȂݎτᏱޫȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2009!!ݎτᏱजقΡΫϳ۪৲ҢजȂτቭНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ 2008!!ݎτᏱजقΡΫϥ۪৲ҢजȂτቭНϾϜЗȂѯϜȂѯᢋ
1986!!Born in Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!M.F.A. Tunghai University Graduate of Fine Arts Department, Art Group. 2009!!B.F.A. Tunghai University Undergraduate of Fine Arts Department, Design Group. Solo Exhibitions 2014!!Microscopic Foreign Lands. Two of Them, Tainan, Taiwan 2012!!(-26, 173 ). MOT/Kitchenlight, Taipei. 2012!!Underwater. Tunghai University A+ Art SP, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Adventure/Wonderland. Tunghai Blue, Taichung, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!Art of New Voice. Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government, Taichung, Taiwan 2013!!The Wondeland of Existence and Imagination, Tung-Hai University Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!Non-recurring Derailed - Micro Viewpoint. Nanhai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2011!!Adventure. Who Else? Tunghai NO.43 Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Tunghai University Students Art Exhibition 27h. Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government, Taichung, Taiwan 2009!!Tunghai University Graduation Exhibition. Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government, Taichung, Taiwan 2007!!Tunghai University Students Art Exhibition 24th. Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government, Taichung, Taiwan Awards 2014!!Next Art Tainan 20 Fresh Artist, Selected. Tainan, Taiwan 2010!!Tunghai University Students Art Exhibition 27th, Western Painting Group, Third. Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Tunghai University Students Art Exhibition 27th, Oriental Painting Group, Optimal. Taichung, Taiwan 2007!!Tunghai University Students Art Exhibition 24th, Oriental Painting Group, Third. Taichung, Taiwan
1987!!Born in Hsinchu, Taiwan 2010- M.F.A. Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!B.F.A. Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan Solo Exhibitions 2012!!Replay, no restricting cafe , Taichung, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2014!!A Database of Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014!!Loop-consciousness and perception, Providence University Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan 2014!!Metamorphosis and Regeneration, Da xiang art space, Taichung, Taiwan 2012!!The Forest of Tomorrow, Mstea, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!Confession, Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan 2011!!The 28th Tunghai University of Arts Department Faculty/Student Exhibition, Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!Poetic madness, Tunghai 43, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!facetČ&#x2020;face,Tunghai University Art center, Taichung, Taiwan 2010!!The 27th Tunghai University of Arts Department Faculty/Student Exhibition, Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan 2009!!Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Busy,Tunghai University Art center, Taichung, Taiwan 2009!!The 26th Tunghai University of Arts Department Faculty/Student Exhibition, Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung 2008!!The 25th Tunghai University of Arts Department Faculty/Student Exhibition, Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung
Chien-Ying Tseng, Chien-Chiang Hua, Lan-Yin Yang,
Chih-Cheng Huang, Po-Wei Huang,Yu Han
Rick Wang
Chief Editor
Chien-Chiang Hua
Dsigned by
Pei-Chun Chen
Execution Team Yue-Zhi Li, Nina Lin, Anna Hou & Valerie Lo
Published by
AKI Gallery
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141, Min Tsu W. Rd., Taipei 103, Taiwan
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η፹ඃ AKI Galler y લॳ
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2014 Ԓ 7 У
Published in July 2014
Min-Yu Hong, Chun-Wei Hsu, Yu-Chia Chang,
Copyright©2014 by AKI Gallery. All rights reserved.